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NPM: 08460326
NPM: 08460326
A Thesis
This thesis is submitted to the Study Program of English Language
Education as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English
Fauan! Bahri" #$%&. Increasing Students Speaking Ability through board
Gae !or the Se"enth Grader o! SMPN 1Montong Gading in the
School #ear $%1&'$%1() An Undergraduate Thesis. Study Program of
English Language Education. Department of Language and Art
Education. STKP !am"an#adi Selong. Ad$isors% &' Lalu. (ani
)ardan* +.Pd. and ,' !elmi* +.Pd'
'ey (ords% -oard game* speaking a-ility.
The success of teaching and learning )rocess is al*ays e+)ected by teacher
and students, ho*e-er they still find out many difficulties and )roblems es)ecially
in the class of s)" The )roblems tend to occur due to the teacher seldom
a))lies the effecti-e game of teaching" Thus! it is suggested to see. -arious
a))roaches and game to stimulate students/ s)irit in learning" 0ne of the game is
board game" 1t is -ery effecti-e to create the students/ enthusiasm in learning
)rocess or in )racticing their English s) ability! es)ecially" Therefore!
teachers should use the )ro)er game to create interesting class"
This research *as Classroom Action Research 2CAR3" 1t *as addressed for
describing ho* the board game increase the students/ s) ability for the
Se-enth 4raderof +Ts .) +ajidi in the school year #$%&5#$%6" A research
question *as formulated7 ho* can board game increase students/ s) ability
at the eighth graders of +Ts .) +ajidi in the school year #$%&5#$%68 The sam)le
used *as the eighth graders students of +Ts .) +ajidi" The total number of the
students *as #9 students" To collect the data! the researcher used oral test and
obser-ation chec. list as his instrument" Furthermore! to analye the data! the
researcher used descri)ti-e statistic and obser-ation chec.list"
The result of the data analysis sa* that the learning com)leteness of both of
the cycles *as :#";: < and =%"6=<" 1n addition the mean scores of both of the
cycles *ere >:":9 and :6">:" 1t indicated the students/ s) ability of the
eighth graders of +Ts .) +ajidi increased" After analying *ith the FS1
Procedure! the students/ s) ability *as in a-erage le-el category! *hile
teaching and learning )rocess *as -ery acti-e" Therefore! board game could
increase the students/ s) ability"
Fauan! Bahri #$%&" Meningkatkan keapuan berbicara sis*a elalui board
gae pada sis*a kelas tu+uh di SMPN 1Montong Gading tahun
pela+aran $%1&'$%1( Skripsi) Progra Studi Pendidikan ,ahasa
Inggris) -urusan ,ahasa dan Seni) ST.IP /a0an*adi Selong)
Pebibing1 12 Lalu. (ani )ardan* +.Pd. dan ,' !elmi* +.Pd.
'ata 'unci7 -oard game* kemampuan -er-icara.
'esu.sesan .egiatan )embele?aran senantiasa dihara).an guru dan sis*a!
.endati)un mere.a masih banya. .esulitan dan masalah" @asalahA
masalah itu cenderung ter?adi .arna .urangnya )enera)an game
menga?ar guru yang bersang.utan" 0leh .arenanya )erlu ?enis game
dan )ende.atan untu. merangsang semangat bela?ar sis*a" Salah satunya adalah
game )a)an" 4ame ini sangat efe.tif dalam semangat
si*a dalam .egiatan )embela?aran atau dalam mem) .emam)uan
berbicara mere.a" Dengan demi.ian! guru seharusnya strategi yang
coco. untu. sis*a dalam bela?ar"
Penelitian ini Penelitian 'elas 2PT'3" Penelitian
ini untu. bagaimana game )a)an
.emam)uan berbicara sis*a )ada .elas dela)an di @Ts B( @a?idi Tahun
Pela?aran #$%&5#$%6" Rumusan masalah )enelitian ini adalah bagaimana .emam)uan berbicara sis*a melalui game )a)an )ada sis*a .elas
dela)an di @Ts B( @a?idi Tahun Pela?aran #$%&5#$%68" Peneliti
sam)le tertentu yaitu sis*a )ada .elas dela)an" Cumlah sis*a sebagai sam)le
adalah #9 orang" Dalam mengum) data! )eneliti tes dan
obser-asi" 'emudian analisis datanya analisis des.ri)tif
statisti. dan dengan mengisi daftar ce. obser-asi"
Dasil analisis )enelitian ini menun? bah*a .etuntasan )embela?aran
)ada .edua si.lus adalah :#";: < dan =%"6=<" 'emudian nilai rataErata .edua
si.lus adalah >:":9 dan :6">:" Dal ini berarti .emam)uan berbicara sis*a )ada
.elas dela)an di @Ts B( @a?idi telah" )rosedur FS1!
.emam)uan berbicara sis*a berada )ada ting.atan .ategori sedang dan
)embela?arannya sangat a.tif" analisis data di atas menun?
bah*a game )a)an telah da)at .emam)uan berbicara sis*a"
Dere by! 1 am7
BP@ 7 $=6:$$#&:
1 declare that this thesis does not contain material *hich has been acce)ted
for a*ard of any other degree or di)loma in any uni-ersity! nor does it contain
material de-iously )ublished or *ritten by any other )erson! e+ce)t *here due
reference is made the te+t of the thesis"
Pancor! Pebruari #$%&

NPM: 084600326
This is certify that this thesis has been a))ro-ed by the ad-isors for the thesis
A))ro-ed by7
Ad-isor 1!
B1S" $=#;$>9$$#
Ad-isor 11!
DEL@1! @" Pd"
B1S" &&$&%#%>6;
A#$%&'()*+)* ,-:
S./*- P0&+012 &3 E%+(456 L1%+/1+) E*/#1.4&%
NIP9 1:6:0;061::3031004
NPM: 08460236
Acce)ted by the Board of E+aminer as the Requirement for the Degree of Sar?ana in English Language Education on @arch 9
! #$%&
Board of E+aminers
NIS9 33031210:4
LALF" HAB1 (ARDAB! @" Pd" ""IIIIIII """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
NIS9 3303121182
DEL@1! @" Pd" I""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
NIS9 3303011>2:
A#$%&'()*+)* ,-:
HAMAN!ADI SELONG C&(()+) &3 T)1#6)0 T014%4%+ 1%* E*/#1.4&%
A5545.1%. 17
Dr" 'D1RCAB BADD1! @" Dum"
NIP9 1:681231200212100;
This thesis is dedicated to:
My beloved parents (Hakul yaqin and
Saopri) my brothers, my sisters
(Khairunisa), Riia !ulandari, my all "riend
and "amily #ho has $ive me support "or
everythin$ in order to % can &nish this
thesis, 'nd also "or my bad dreams(
Motto :
)on*t you ever shy to do somethin$
That you think #ron$
The #orse you have done that is better "or
(ith great )leasure! 1 *ould li.e to e+)ress my dee)est than. to Allah the
Almighty! for Dis mercy and blessing so this thesis entitled J1m)ro-ing students/
s) ability through coo)erati-e scri)t for rhe tenth grade of +A +u/alimat
.) Pancor in the school year #$%#5#$%&K could be com)leted *ell! e-en if it is
still far from )erfection" Through this o))ortunity! 1 *ould li.e to say than.s and
indebted to 7
%" 1r" D?" Siti Rohmi D?alila! @" Pd" as the Dead of ST'1P DA@LAB(AD1
#" @oed?ito! @"Ed" Ph"D"! the head of Study Program of English Language
&" Lalu" Hani (ardan! @"Pd"! the first consultant *ho has gi-en s)are time!
correction! guidance! suggestion! and assistance to hel) me during the )rocess
of *riting this thesis"
6" Delmi! @"Pd"! the second consultant *ho has also gi-en much contribution!
hel)! guidance! and su))ort to me in com)leting this thesis"
>" All of my lecturer! and e-eryone *ho has encouraged and su))orted me in
finishing this thesis"
:" @y family! relati-es! and siblings *ho ha-e su))orted my )hysically and
s)iritually during the )rocess of accom)lishment of this thesis"
Finally! this thesis is still far from )erfection" Therefore! the constructi-e
critics and suggestion are needed for a better )erfection"
Selong! Desember #$%#
Abdul Danan
Tittle Page
A))ro-al Page """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""i-
Table of C ontents"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-iii
A" Bac.ground of the Study """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""%
B" Focus of the Study"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""IIIIIIII"III"III"""6
C" Statement of the Problem"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""6
D" Pur)ose of the Study"""""""""""""""""""""""""""IIIIIII"II"I""III"""I>
E" Significances of the Study""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""III""III>
A" S) Ability"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""9
%" The Bature of S) AbilityIIIIIII"II"IIIIII"I9
#" The @eaning of S) AbilityIIIIIII"IIII"IIII""=
&" The Function of S) AbilityIIIIIII"IIII"IIII""=
6" The As)ect of S) AbilityIIIIIIII"IIII"IIII";
>" @acro and @icro S.ill of S) AbilityIIII"III"III"""""%$
B" Board 4ame IIIIIIIII"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""IIII"""""%#
%" The Conce)t of Board 4ameIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIII%#
#" The Ad-antages of Board 4ameIIIIII"IIIII"IIII""%&
&" The Disad-antages of Board 4ameIIIIIIIII"IIIII""%6
6" Teaching S) by Fsing Board 4ameI"IIIIII"IIII""%>
C" Rele-ant Study IIII"""""""""""IIIIIIIIIIIIIII"""""%:
D" Theoretical Frame*or. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""I"""""%;
E" Action Dy)othesis I""III""""""""""IIIIIIIIIIIIIII""""#$
A"Research Design"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""#%
B"Setting of the Study"""""""""""""""""""""""""II"""IIIIIIII"IIIII""#>
C" Sub?ect of the Study """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""#:
D"Data Collection IIIII""IIII"IIIIIII#:
%" Performance 1ndicatorII""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""I"III"#:
#" Technique of Data CollectionIII"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""III"#:
&" 1nstrument"II"IIIII"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""I""""I"III""#9
E" Data Analysis""""I""""IIIII""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""II"""I"III"&%
A"Action and Results""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""&6
REFEREBCES """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""6:
APPEBD1CES """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""6;
Table % Time Schedule of the ResearchIIIIIIIIIIIIII"""" #>
Table # the com)rehensi-e descri)tion of the FS1 )rocedure""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #=
Table & *eighting table of com)rehensi-e descri)tion of the FS1 )rocedure"" &$
Table 6 the con-ersion table of *eighting table of the com)rehension
descri)tion of the FS1 )rocedureIIIIIIIIIIIIII&$
Table > the score of s) test based on )roficiency descri)tionIIII6$
Table : the score of s) test on cycle 1 and 11IIIIIIIIII""6%
Figure % Action Research Cycle""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##
A))endi+ $% Lesson Plan Cycle 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"">$
A))endi+ $# Lesson Plan Cycle 11IIIIIIIIIIIIIII"III>>
A))endi+ $& 0bser-ation Sheet on Cycle 1IIIIIIIIIII""III":$
A))endi+ $6 0bser-ation Sheet on Cycle 11IIIIIIIIIIII""II:#
A))endi+ $> The Blue Print of Research 1nstrumentIIIIIII""III"":6
A))endi+ $: Research 1nstrument of Cycle 1IIIIIIIIIIII""I"":>
A))endi+ $9 Research 1nstrument of Cycle 11IIIIIIIIIII""II::
A))endi+ $= The Result of Students/ S) Test of Cycle 1IIIII"""I:9
A))endi+ $; The Result of Students/ S) Test of Cycle 11IIIII""I:=
A))endi+%$ The Calculations of @eans Score 2@3 and Standard De-iation 2SD5s3
of the Students/ S) Test on the Cycle 1 IIIIII"""I"":;
A))endi+ %% The Calculations of @eans Score 2@3! Standard De-iation 2SD5s3
and the Le-el of Category of the Students/ Fsing Board 4ame Based
A))endi+ %# 0bser-ation Format of 4rou) (or. Learning Ty)e Board 4ame" 9%
A))endi+ %& 0bser-ation Format of 4rou) (or. Learning Ty)e Board 4ame""99
A))endi+ %6 The Result of 4rou) (or. 0bser-ation of Cycle 1 and 11III"""=&
A9 B1#$+0&/%* &3 .6) S./*-9
Loo. at the de-elo)ing science and technology! language has an im)ortant
role for human life! by using language the )eo)le *ill e+)ress their ideas!
emotion! and desires! and it is used as a medium to interact *ith one another! to
fulfil their daily need" English has been the most im)ortant language in
international communication" The )eo)le all o-er the *orld s)ea. the language
*hen they meet one another in e-ery international meeting! *or.sho)! or
conference" All countries in the *orld ha-e set the language as one of the
com)ulsory sub?ect studied at school"
English has many functions! one of them as stated in the #$$6 curriculum
that English is means for the students to de-elo) science! technology! culture and
art! and the final ob?ecti-e of teaching and learning )rocess is the students are
e+)ected to master the four s.ills of language7 listening! s)! reading! and
*riting" Teaching and learning *ill be success if they are su))orted by some
factors such as the method that is used in teaching English! com)leteness of
teaching facilitation! interesting media! and condition of school en-ironment"
1ndonesia as one of the de-elo)ing countries has also set its educational
curriculum to include English as a foreign language *hich is studied from ?unior
high school u) to the uni-ersity le-el" Being successful students are not easy! this
fact can be seen mostly at eight grader of +Ts .) +ajidi! although they ha-e
been studying English for more than a year! but they are still unable to use English
in interacting *ith their teacher in the classroom"
S) is im)ortant for them to )ractice their ca)ability and their
understanding! ho* to send idea! and ho* to s)ell *ord *ell, in this case the
students/ moti-ation and interest are -ery needed to ma.e the )rocess of their
understanding more easily" English language teaching in the le-el of Elementary
school 2SD3! Cunior Digh School 2S@P3! and Senior Digh School 2S@A3 is
concerned on four language s.ills *hich are called listening! s)! reading!
and *riting s.ills" All of them cannot be taught se)arately! but they must be
integrated in teaching and learning )rocess at once" @ean*hile! a teacher should
decide *hich one of the s.ills that must be stressed in a meeting" A)art from the
four s.ills! s) is considered intuiti-ely the most im)ortant and crucial one
2Fr! %;;:! )" %#$3" 1n addition! he em)hasies that it is because one! a s)!
*ho could s)ea. English is regarded of .no*ing all other .inds of language s.ills"
Furthermore! @cDonough and Sha* 2#$$&! )" %&&3 also state that )eo)le might
frequently e+)ress their ?udgment u)on our language s.ills from our ability in
s) rather than other s.ills" Therefore! *e surely con-ince that foreign
language learners tend to be interested on ho* to s)ea. the language! es)ecially
English" 1n other *ord! by )racticing the language orally *ould stimulate the
students to create an effecti-e s) class"
Because of the material of English sub?ect is -ery -ariety! so the teachers
are obligated to choose the suitable a))roach! strategy! and method in order to
achie-e the teaching )ur)oses easily! and the media *ill ma.e the students to be
more moti-ated to study" The teacher *ho is able to )resent the material easily
*ill be students/ idol" The teacher can use some methods in teaching learning
)rocess to hel) the students/ understanding about the material that is e+)lained" 1n
a))lying method! the teachers ha-e to )re)are many things li.e, teaching material!
classroom management! and many other as)ects because using ina))ro)riate
technique can ma.e the students get difficulties in understanding the teacher/s
e+)lanation and it means that the teacher may be failed in teaching them"
The )roblem found in the field of English teaching is the teacher is not
creati-e in finding media to reach the ob?ecti-e of teaching and learning" 1t is
stated that media are used to stimulate students in learning" 4erlach and Ely
2%;=$7 #6%3 )oint out that media is any )erson! material or e-ent that e+)loit
conditions that enable learners to acquire .no*ledge and s.ills" 0n the other hand!
using media could hel) the students to com)rehend some .inds of te+t" @oreo-er!
in teaching s) ability! the teacher should not teach the students to memorie
the *ord then )roduce only after memoriing it to be able to s)ea.! but he needs
to hel) them by using a media to res)ond it in s)o.en" Considering the fact! the
teacher should use the media to hel) the students to com)rehend the *ord in
The use of monotonous media also students feel bored in learning
)rocess" 0ne of media *hich is rarely use by the teacher es)ecially in teaching
s) is board game" Board game can be defined as something or an
instrument that is used to attract students/ moti-ation to follo* the teaching and
learning )rocess" By using board game! the students are guided to e+)ress their
o*n descri)tion of a certain to)ic by the board"
The use of board game is ho)ed can sol-e the )roblem of the students in
classroom! es)ecially *hen they learn about s)" Their )roblems are, they do
not ha-e high moti-ation and do not get some ideas *hen they are as.ed to s)ea."
Based on the abo-e )henomenon the )resent researcher intends to
in-estigate about increasing students/ s) ability through board game for the
eighth graders of +Ts .) +ajidi in the school year #$%#5#$%&"
B9 F&#/5 &3 .6) S./*-
Based on the bac.ground of the study abo-e! this study *as limited to find
out the increasing of students/ s) ability through board game" The sub?ect
of the study *as the eighth graders of +Ts .) +ajidi in the school year
C9 S.1.)2)%. &3 .6) P0&,()2
Based on the bac.ground abo-e! the )roblem can be formulated as
follo*s7 JDo* can board game increase the students/ s) ability at the
eighth graders of +Ts .) +ajidi in the school year #$%#5#$%&8//
D9 P/0?&5) &3 .6) S./*-
This study *as aimed at finding out the role of board game in increasing
students/ s) ability for the eighth graders of +Ts .) +ajidi in the school
year #$%#5#$%&"
E9 S4+%434#1%#)5 &3 .6) S./*-
The results of this study *ere e+)ected to gi-en both theoretical and
)ractical benefits as follo*s7
%" Theoretically
The result of this study *as e+)ected to be able to add some
conce)ts of teaching and learning s) s.ill"
#" Practically
a" For the teacher
%3 Teacher can use the media easier and she5he *ill ha-e a ne*
strategy to teach s) by using board game"
#3 The teacher can ma.e this media to be interesting media in order
that the students are easy to understand in learning English!
es)ecially s) s.ill"
b" For the students
%3 The students *ill be easy to understand about ho* to say
#3 1t *ill im)ro-e the student/s ability in s)"
c" For further researcher
%3 As a reference for the other researcher *ho *ants to study about
this )roblem more sfecificly"
#3 As a basic foundation to o)en u) a *ider )er)ecti-e for the ne+t
researcher concerning *ith the e+istence of using Jboard gameK to
increse s) ability"

A9 S?)1$4%+ A,4(4.-
1n this cha)ter *ill discuss about the nature of s)! the meaning of
s)! the function of s)! the as)ect of s) ability! and macro and
micro s.ill of s) ability"
19 T6) N1./0) &3 S?)1$4%+ A,4(4.-
Bro*n 2in 1slamiyah! #$$9! )" %63 states that s) is a )roducti-e s.ill
that can be directly and em)irically obser-ed! those obser-ations are in-ariably
collared by the accuracy and fluency" (hile! he also states that s) is the
)roduct of creati-e construction of linguistic strings! the s)ea.ers ma.e choices of
le+icon! structure! and discourse"
Poer*adarminta 2in 1slamiyah! #$$9! )" %63 states that the classical
meaning of s) is the ability to tal.! and to s)ea." The main )ur)ose of
s) is to send the message for the other one or to be able to communicate
about something in language and understood by someone *ho becomes a listener"
Tarigan 2in 1slamiyah! #$$9! )" %63 states that s) is one of the
language s.ills in oral form to e+)ress the s)ea.ers/ ideas to e-erybody else"
(hile! s) is the informal interchange of thought and information by s)o.en
29 T6) M)1%4%+ &3 S?)1$4%+ A,4(4.-9
S) ability consists of t*o *ords are s) and ability" To a-oid
misunderstanding about the meaning of s) ability! it *ill clarify one by one"
According to Poer*adarminta 2%;=>! )" %$;3" 1t is also stated by Dornby 2%;;$! )"
>%3 that ability/s )otential ca)acity of )o*er to do something )hysically or
mentally" Those descri)tion may concluded that ability is ca)ability of human
*hich identical *ith ability" According to D?i*andono 2in @unir! #$$>! )" %:3
s) is the acti-ity to e+)ress thought and feeling orally"
S) is an articulation of sound to e+)ress thought" Tarigan 2%;;$!
)"%>3! says that s) is the ca)ability in )ronouncing sound or *ord to
e+)ress or con-ey though! idea or feelingK o)inion and *ish" Another e+)ert says
that s) is tal. or s)ea.s 2Daryanto in Sunardi! #$$6! )" %&3" 1f both s)
and ability are combined! so it means a ca)ability to utter the articulation of sound
to e+)ress or to deli-er thought! o)inion and *ish to the other )erson"
39 T6) F/%#.4&% &3 S?)1$4%+ A,4(4.-
Bro*n and Hule in Faui 2#$%#! )" 63 also describe a useful distinction
bet*een t*o basic language function" These are the transactional function! *hich
is )rimarily concerned *ith the transfer of information! and the interactional
function! in *hich the )rimary )ur)ose of s)eech is the maintenance of social
Another basic distinction *hen considering the de-elo)ment of s)
ability is bet*een monologue and dialogue" They ability to gi-e an uninterru)ted
oral )resentation is -ery clear from interacting one )eo)le and another s)ea.ers
for transactional and intersectional )ur)ose! *hile! all nati-e s)ea.ers can and do
use language interaction! not all nati-e s) ha-e the ability to be e+tem)ore
on a gi-en sub?ect to grou) of listeners" Furthermore! Bro*n and Hule in Faui
2#$%#! )" 63 suggest that most language teaching is concerned *ith de-elo)ing
s.ills in short intersectional e+changes in *hich the learner is only required to
ma.e one or t*o utterance at a time"
Based on the abo-e statement! Bygate in Faui 2#$%#! )" >3 distinguishes
that Jbet*een motorE)erce)ti-e s.ill! *hich are concerned *ith correctly using
the sound and structures of language! and interactional s.ill! *hich in-ol-es motor
)erce)ti-e s.ill for the )ur)ose of communicationK motor )erce)ti-e s.ill are
de-elo)ed in the language classroom through acti-ities such as model dialogues!
)atterns )ractice! oral drills and so on! until relati-ely recently! it *as assumed
that the mastery of motor )erce)ti-e s.ill *as that needed all one! in order to
communicated successfully"
49 T6) A5?)#. &3 S?)1$4%+ A,4(4.-
Darmodihard?o in Faui 2#$%#! )" 93 states about the as)ects of s)
that is Jthe requirements of effecti-e s) such as7 intonation! )honetic
transcri)tion and en-ironment e+)ressionK
The o)inion abo-e describes that! to able communicate effecti-ely! it must
be considered that situation of sound utterance! )ronunciation and )hysical" 0n
the other hand! Galetto in Faui 2#$%#! )" 93 says that JThe elements *hich are in
s) co-er )honetic transcri)tion! grammar! -ocabulary! the effecti-e and
@ean*hile! Daris in Faui 2#$%#! )" 93 clarifies as follo*s7
JLi.e *riting s) is com)le+ s.ill requiring the simultaneous use of
number of the different abilities *hich often de-elo)ed of different rates either
four of fi-e com)onents are generally recognied in analye of the s)ea. )rocess7
2a3 )ronunciation concluding the segmental features -o*el! and consonants!
-ocabulary! stress and intonation )attern the flo* s)eech! 2b3 grammar! 2c3
-ocabulary! 2d3 fluency 2the case and s)eed of the flo* s)eech3" The sol-e
)robably be added! 2e3 com)rehension for oral communication certainly requires a
sub?ect the res)onse to s)ea. as *ell as imitation"
Based on the statement abo-e! it can be concluded that the as)ects of the
s) ability in this research are7 2a3 )ronunciation com)etence! 2b3
grammatical ability! 2c3 -ocabulary mastery! 2d3 the fluently of s)! and 2e3
the understanding of the to)ic of s)"
;9 M1#0& 1%* M4#0& S$4(( &3 S?)1$4%+ A,4(4.-
1= @acro S.ills of S)
Sharma! 2#$%$! P" >3 states that there are the s.ills that should be
im)lemented in s) acti-ities7
%" A))ro)riately accom)lish communicati-e functions according to
situations! )artici)ants! and goals"
#" Fse a))ro)riate styles! registers! im)licati-e! redundancies! )ragmatic
con-entions! con-ersion rules! floor .ee)ing and yielding! interru)ting!
and other sociolinguistic features in faceEtoEface con-ersations"
&" Con-ey lin.s and connections bet*een e-ents and communicate such
relations as focal and )eri)heral ideas! e-ents and feeling! ne* information
and gi-en information! generalisation and e+em)lification"
6" Con-ey facial features! .inesics! body language! and other non-erbal cues
along *ith -erbal language"
>" De-elo) and use a battery of s) strategies! such as em)hasiing .ey
*ords! re)hrasing! )ro-iding a conte+t for inter)reting the meaning of
*ords! a))ealing for hel)! and accurately assessing ho* *ell your
interlocutor is understanding you"
,= M4#0& S$4(( &3 S?)1$4%+
Dere are some of the micro s.ills in-ol-ed in s)" The s) has to7
Pronounce the distincti-e sounds of a language clearly enough so that
)eo)le can distinguish them" This includes tonal distinctions"
Fse stress and rhythmic )atterns! and intonation )atterns of the language
clearly enough so that )eo)le can understand *hat is said"
Fse the correct forms of *ords" This may mean! for e+am)le! changes in
the tense! case! or gender"
Put *ords together in correct *ord order"
Fse -ocabulary a))ro)riately"
Fse the register or language -ariety that is a))ro)riate to the situation and
the relationshi) to the con-ersation )artner"
@a.e clear to the listener the main sentence constituents! such as sub?ect!
-erb! ob?ect! by *hate-er means the language uses"
@a.e the main ideas stand out from su))orting ideas or information"
@a.e the discourse hang together so that )eo)le can follo* *hat you are
saying 2Carol C" 0r*ig %;;;! P" #&3"
B9 B&10* G12)
This cha)ter discuses about the conce)t of board game! the ad-antages of
board game! the disad-antages of board game! and teaching s) by using
board game"
19 T6) C&%#)?. &3 B&10* G12)
Board game is media in learning *hich is focused on small grou) to ma.e
coo)eration in order to gain the )ur)ose of learning" According to Dammond
2#$%%! )" %$3 states that the conce)t of board game is a learning strategy for mi+ed
grou)ings in-ol-ing the recognition of team and res)onsibility for indi-idual
learning grou) members" The teachers use board game as a media to teach the
ne* academic information to students e-ery *ee.! either through oral or s)o.en
)resentation" They also stated that )artici)ants in the class are di-ided into se-eral
grou)s or teams! and each consists of four or fi-e members of the grou)" Each
team has heterogeneous members, either gender! ethnicity or ability 2high!
medium! lo*3"
@ean*hile board game is a media in learning that stresses on the acti-ity
and interaction bet*een students in order to gi-e moti-ation and hel)ing each
other in mastering the lesson material to get the ma+imal com)etenceK" 1n this
learning strategy! students are assigned to *or. in one collection consisting from
6E> )eo)le! after teachers e+)lain the to)ic discussion, teachers gi-es e+am)le
ho* to )lay board game! the teacher as.s one of the grou)s to )ractice )laying the
board game! the member of the grou) that )racticing must gi-e the signal to the
leader *hat the teacher *rite or ta.e in the board! and the leader of the grou) must
guessing *hat the teacher *rite or ta.e in the board" So that! each student in the
grou) must hel) the grou)"
29 T6) A*@1%.1+)5 &3 B&10* G12)
Carly 2#$%$! )" #%3 states that there are many ad-antages of using board
game in the classroom they are:
%" Board game are moti-ating and challenging"
#" Learning a language requires a great deal of effort"
&" Board game hel)s students to ma.e and sustain the effort of learning"
6" Board game )ro-ides language )ractice in the -arious s.illsE
s)! *riting! listening and reading"
>" Board game encourages students to interact and communicate"
:" Board game creates a meaningful conte+t for language use"
9" S) s.ill board game bring real *orld conte+t into the
classroom! and increase students/ use of English in a fle+ible!
meaningful and communicati-e *ay"
=" Board games usually in-ol-e friendly com)etition and they .ee)
students interested in learning the language"
;" Board game can hel) them 2children3 learn and hang on to ne*
*ords more easily"
&" T6) D451*@1%.1+)5 &3 B&10* G12)
De*ar 2#$$;! )" %>3 states that there are many disad-antages of using
board game in the classroom:
%" @ost )eo)le )lay *ith house rules 2e+" money under free )!
not using the auctions! etc3 that cause the game to last much longer
than it should"
29 Player elimination" Players can get .noc.ed out of the game early"
(ho *ants to *atch other )eo)le )lay a game8
39 Too de)endent on luc." 0nce all the )ro)erties are bought M
traded! the game is ?ust rolling the dice until e-erybody goes"
49 DoesnNt scale *ell to the number of )layers" 6 )layers seem to be
6" Players too long and # )layers is com)letely )ointless
2*ithout trades! itNs all luc.3"
>" The game is almost %$$ years old" @uch better designed games
ha-e been released since then 2Acquire! Po*er 4rid! Settlers of
Catan! Railroad Tycoon3"
;9 T)1#64%+ S?)1$4%+ ,- U54%+ B&10* G12)
0ne of game in teaching s) English is Board 4ame" The effort of
the linguist has strong basic because the learner entertained *ith their e-eryday
life! gi-e chances to the student to more creati-ely because Board 4ame as media
in teaching s) English is -ery effecti-e and more interested because the
students *ill be memoried the -ocabulary and! the en?oying the )icture in the
board" So that using Board 4ame in teaching s) *ill gi-e achie-ement
acquiring English"
Board 4ame can increase moti-ation to learn the English for the students"
They also ha-e to add ad-antage of being memorable the *ords much less li.ely
that the students *ill forget the *ords! and therefore the language )ractice in it!
*hereas language )ractice in e-en *ell constructed drill is usually -ery
forgotten and finally! Board 4ame *hich hel)s to bring the students memorie
more *ords"
The teachers begin to e+)lain the materials! the teachers use Board 4ame
in order to ma.e the students ha-e more interests! attention and understand about
the material" There are fi-e ste)s that can be a))lied *hen the teacher use Board
4ame7 2%3 teachers e+)lain the to)ic discussion 2#3 teachers gi-es e+am)le ho* to
)lay board game 2&3 the teacher as.s one of the grou)s to )ractice )laying the
board game 263 the member of the grou) that )racticing must gi-e the signal to the
leader *hat the teacher *rite or ta.e in the board! 2>3 and the leader of the grou)
must guessing *hat the teacher *rite or ta.e in the board 2Didayati! #$$9! )"%&3"
C9 R)()@1%. S./*-
The studies that ha-e rele-ant *ith this study are7 first the study that *as
conducted by Sri*ati 2#$$:5#$$93! entitled, The Effect of the Customs to S)ea.
English To*ard English S) Ability for the Third Hear Students of SLTPB %
Su.amulia in the School Hear #$$:5#$$9" The )roblems of her study are7 2%3 To
*hat e+tent the *ill of students to ad?ust oneself to s)ea. English in English
s) ability for the third year students of SLTPB % Su.amulia in the school
year #$$:5#$$98, 2#3 To *hat e+tent is English s) ability for the third year
students of SLTPB % Su.amulia in the school year #$$:E#$$98, and 2&3 To *hat
e+tent is the achie-ement le-el of English s) ability for the third year
students of SLTPB % Su.amulia in the school year #$$:E#$$98" The )ur)oses of
her study are to find out, 2%3 The *ill of students to ad?ust oneself to s)ea.
English in s) ability for the third year #$$:E#$$9", 2#3 The English
s) ability for the third year students of SLTPB % Su.amulia in the school
year #$$:E#$$9", and 2&3 The achie-ement le-els of English s) ability for
the third year students of SLPTB % Su.amulia in the school year #$$:E#$$9"
The sub?ect of the study is restricted to the third year student of SLTPB %
Su.amulia in the school year #$$:5#$$9" The )o)ulation consisted of three
classes! *hich consist of ;> students" The researcher used of descri)ti-e
quantitati-e research" 1n this matter! the researcher in-estigated about ho* to
de-elo)ing s) s.ill *ith the customs or the habit to s)ea. English" To get
the accurate data and result! so the researcher used a ty)e of test that is s)
test" 1n this case! the researcer ga-e the students some questions5tests! *hen the
students *ere ans*ering the test! their ans*er *as recorded" The data *as
described by using descri)ti-e statistics *hich co-ered ma+imum score
determination to the minimum ideal" 1n this case! ideal mean 2@i3 and ideal
standard de-iation 2SDi3 *ere deri-ed from the formula, @ean 2@3 O P 2ideal
ma+imum score Q ideal minimum score3" The result of his research sho*ed that
the mean scores of critical -alue test equals to #"=>%! *ith the degrees of freedom
6$$E:$ at confidence le-el $"$> 2;> <3 *ith %":9 and at confidence le-el $"$% 2;;
<3 equal to #"&;"
The second study *as conducted by St" Didayati" D" 2#$$95#$$=3! entitled,
The Effect of Chart To*ard Students S) Achie-ement for the
Second Hear of @Ts" @F/ALL1@1B B( Pancor in the School Hear #$$95#$$="
The )roblems of her study are7 2%3 1s there any effect of ) chart on students
s) achie-ement for the first year of @Ts" @u/alimin B( Pancor in the
school year #$$95#$$=8, and 2#3 To *hat e+tent is the effect of ) chart on
students s) achie-ement effecti-e for the first year of @Ts" @u/alimin B(
Pancor in the school year #$$95#$$=8 The )ur)oses of her study are7 2%3 (hether
) chart has effect on students/ s) achie-ement for the first year of
@Ts" @u/alimin B( Pancor in the school year #$$95#$$=", and 2#3 The effect of
) chart on students/ s) achie-ement for the first year of @Ts"
@u/alimin B( Pancor in the school year #$$95#$$=" The sub?ect of the study is
restricted to the Second Hear of @Ts" @F/ALL1@1B B( Pancor in the School
Hear #$$95#$$=" The )o)ulation consisted of si+ classes! *hich consist of #$;
This researcher di-ided the sam)le into e+)erimental grou) and control
grou)" The e+)erimental grou) *as tought by using ) chart! *hile control
grou) did not use the ) chart" Both of the grou)s *ere gi-en the same test"
The test consisted of )reEtest and )ostEtest" A )reEtest *as gi-en at the first time
and )ostEtest *as gi-en at the last of teaching and learning )rocess" After the
students did the test! the researcher got the information about their ability" The
researcher used a set of question 2oral test3 or other tools to measure the students/
s) achie-ement" 1n the s) test! the sub?ects *ere as.ed s) for
fi-e minutes" After the students did the instruction! the researcher mar.ed the
scheme of students/ score! *hich consisted of accuracy of )ronunciation! fluently!
grammar! -ocabulary! and com)rehension" To obtain the data! the researcher used
a .ind of test! *hich *as s) test" 1n doing the test! the researcher a))lied
some *ays7 before gi-ing the tests! the researcher )re)ared a large room for the
sub?ects! after entering the classroom, the researcher too. the ) chart in front
of the class and described the material"
The data *as analyed by using descri)ti-e statistic" 1t includes the
ma+imum determination score and the minimum ideal score" 1n this case! 1deal
@ean 2@i3 and 1deal Standard De-iation 2SDi3 *ere deri-ed from the formula
@ean 2@3 O P 2ideal ma+imum score Q ideal minimum score3" 1deal Standard
De-iation 2SDi3 O %5: 2ideal ma+imum score A ideal minimum score3"
1n testing the hy)othesis of this research! the researcher used the tEtest" 1f tE
test R tEtable in the significance le-el of $! $> 2PO$! $>3! Do is re?ected" 1t means
that the e+)erimental grou)s ha-e higher achie-ement in s) than control
grou)s" 1f tEtest S tEtable in the significance le-el of $! $> 2P O $! $>3! Do is
acce)ted" 1t means that the control grou)s ha-e lo*er achie-ement in s)
than e+)erimental grou)"
After com)aring the rele-ant studies abo-e *ith the )resent researcher
study! it can be found their sameness and differences" The sameness can be seen
on the defendant -ariable! *hile the differences can be seen on the design used
and the sub?ect in-estigated"
D9 T6)&0).4#1( F012)'&0$
1n a classroom! *hen the teaching and learning )rocess occurs! the
teachers are e+)ected to -ary the model of )resenting the materials" 1t might be in
form of the strategies or the techniques used in order the learning )rocess *ill be
more attracti-e and challenging for the students" 1n the case! in s) class! the
teachers can create a condition that might in-ol-e students/ )artici)ation in any
.ind of class acti-ity! therefore they *ill be acti-e and ha-e desire to tal. or
communicate and interact *ith the others" This is based on Richard and Rogher/s
statement that the language )rimary function is for interaction and communication
2in @cDonough and Sha*! #$$&! )"%&>3" 1n teaching s)! the teacher should
not teach them through lecturing the theory only *ithout liberating them to
)ractice in a class session because the teacher oriented should be minimied" 1n
this case! 4ebhard 2#$$$! )" >#3 and Fr 2%;;:! )" #%3 offers! subsequently! one of
the factors contributing to ma.e interacti-e classroom that are reduction in the
centrality of the teacher and learners tal. a lot"
According to Dornby 2%;;>! )" 6=:3! the definition of game is an acti-ity
that *e do to ha-e some fun" 1n other *ord! there are many ty)es or models of
4ame" 0ne of them is Board 4ame" Board game is a learning strategy for mi+ed
grou)ings in-ol-ing the recognition of team and res)onsibility for indi-idual
learning grou) members Based on the statement abo-e! board game is as method
that may hel) the students in learning English es)ecially in s) ability"
Li.e*ise! the researcher *ants to in-estigate about increasing students/ s)
ability through board game"
E9 A#.4&% H-?&.6)545
The hy)othesis result of the study *as formulated as follo*s7K the
im)lementation of board game can increase students/ ability in s) for the
eighth graders of +Ts .) +ajidi in the school year ,0&, 1 ,0&2.
A9 R)5)10#6 D)54+%
The research *as categoried into a classroom action research" Classroom
action research is defined as the )rocess of cycle controlled in-estigation and selfE
reflecti-e enquiry done *ith )artnershi) of the teacher or candidate of the teacher
in order to re-ise the im)ro-ement to*ards system! method! )rocess! content!
com)etence or learning situation" The a))roach used in the classroom action
research can be qualitati-e or quantitati-e! descri)ti-e or e+)erimental" According
to 'urt Le*in 2in Suharsimi! #$$#3! there are four com)onents of action research!
they are! )lanning! acting! obser-ing! and reflecting" Action research is
categoried! as qualitati-e research although the data collected can be in a form of
quantitati-e" @ean*hile! 'emmis 2in Suharsimi! #$$#! )" =63 states that action
research is a form of selfEreflecti-e inquiry under ta.en by )artici)ants in a social
2including education3 situation in order to im)ro-e the rationality and of 2a3! their
o*n social or educational )ractices ?ustice! 2b3 their understanding of their
)ractice! and 2c3 situations on *hich )ractice are carried out" Because this study is
an action research! this study focuses on )ractical! not statistical significance and
)resent ra* data" Then! the com)onents sho* the cycles or the onEgoing acti-ities
can be seen in the figure bello*7
Suharsimi*3,0&0 * p. &24'
Figur &"%
Action Research Cycle
C-#() I
C-#() II
%" Planning
Before beginning the first cycle! ho*e-er at the -ery beginning ste) as
the )reliminary! a diagnostic e-aluation *as done to in-estigate the degree
of the board game in increasing students s) ability" 1t *as done by
a))lying a )reEtest to the students" The result of )reEtest is telling the
researcher on ho* far the students/ ability are"
The details of the research )lanning can be described as follo*s, before
im)lementing the determined action! the teacher *as )re)are all needs and
su))orti-e materials as *ell as the ste)s a))lied" They are7
a" the lesson )lan i! e! the ste) of )resenting the material based on
the thereE)hase technique and the acti-ity *as done by the students"
b" Pre)aring all facilities and su))orti-e material in )resenting the teaching
materials! such as, Board game in increase students s) ability"
c" Designing a test to find out the increasing of students/ s) ability"
#" Acting
1n im)lementing of the action! the reseacher *as assited by his
collaborator" The researcher acts as the teacher *ho *as teach ho* to s)ea. by
using board game"
The main ste)s in the teaching and learning acti-ity *as designed as
a" P0)A1#.4@4.-
The teacher greets the students and che.s the
students attendance
The teacher tells the students about the ob?ecti-es of
the lesson"
The teacher e+)lains the roll of the lesson"
The teacher gi-es moti-ation to the students"
b" !64()A1#.4@4.-
The teacher e+)lains the students! ho* to s)ea.
based on the to)ic 2method5 board game3"
The teacher e+)lains to the students the *ay to
s)ea. easily"
The teacher gi-es an e+am)le of s) to the
The teacher sho*s one of game to the students"
The students try to s)ea. based on their *ords in the
The teacher gi-es the chance to the students" Then
the students try to )ractice the game"
The teacher as.s the students rolling their o*n *or.
to their friends and the student/s chec. it based on their understanding"
The teacher discusses it together *ith the students!
and let them to as. question if they do not understand"
c" P&5.AA#.4@4.-
1. Teacher reflection on the students/ acti-ities"
2. The teacher conclusion about ho* to say something by
using board game! and
3. 4i-ing home*or."
&" 0bser-ing
0bser-ing is the )rocess of recording and gathering all rele-ant data
about any as)ects that *as ha))en during the teaching and learning
)rocess" 1n classroom action research! the obser-ation is focused on
collecting *hether or not the data related *ith the treatment acti-ity" This
obser-ation an im)ortant role in this research! since *hat ha))ens
*ithin the )rocess of treatment may influence the result of this research"
6" Reflection
Reflection is an aciti-ity to analye *hat has been done! ho* the
result! and *hat *as com)letely done" The result of this reflection *ould
become the standard of determining the research achie-ement" The result
of reflection may sho* *hether the action is success or not! then follo* u)
)laning can be )lanned" 1f the reflection result indicates that the action is
success! the cycle is o-er! but if it is not! the ne+t cycle must be )lanned
*ith any im)o-ement"
B9 S)..4%+ &3 .6) S./*-
The setting of the study refers to the )lace and time to conducting the
study" This study *as conducted at the second semester of the eighth graders of
+Ts .) +ajidi in the school year #$%# 5 #$%&" " The researcher started on
December #$%# until Canuary #$%&" The follo*ing time table of the research is
listed in detail"
Ta-le 2.& Time Schedule of 5esearch
Bo acti-ities
Des Can Feb
% # & 6 % # & 6 > % # & 6 >
% Research )re)aration lesson )lan
Pre)aring @aterial
(riting instrument
# Research action
Teaching and learning
E-aluation and reflecting
Data analysis
& re)orting
6 *riting
C9 S/,C)#. &3 .6) S./*-
The sub?ect of the study *as the eighth graders of +Ts .) +ajidi in the
school year of #$%#5#$%&" The number of the students consists of & classes! that
are G111
*hich consists of #9 students! G111
*hich consists of #= students! and
*hich consists of #> students! So! the number of sub?ects are =$ students"
The )resent researcher *as too. G111
as a sub?ect of the study"
D9 D1.1 C&(()#.4&%
The to)ics *ere )resented and discussed in this subEheading are about the
Performance 1ndicator! Technique of Data Collection! and 1nstrument"
19 P)03&021%#) I%*4#1.&0
The action as *ell as the research carried out can be said to be successful
*hen the learning achie-ement of class G111
of +Ts .) +ajidi in the school
year of #$%#5#$%& is at least :$ indi-idually and =$< classically" The )ercentage
*as decided based on the criteria of mastery learning set in the school" 1t can be
said that if a student gets :$ of teaching achie-ement! he or she reaches the
mastery learning" Then! if =$< of the students in the class get :$! means that! the
class reaches the mastery learning and the researcher did not go to the ne+t cycle!
it is based on the action )lanned abo-e"
29 T)#6%4D/) &3 D1.1 C&(()#.4&%
A researcher used t*o .inds of data collection such as obser-ation and
test" The result of the data in form of quantitati-e since it is )resented to describe
results into numerical data and in form of qualitati-e data by obser-ing the
)rocess of teaching and learning )rocess" The follo*ing are the techniques used to
collect the data7
%" 0bser-ation
To get the data through obser-ation it *as conducted by using
chec.list instrument and grou) *or. learning e-aluation form" 1t *as
used to monitor students/ acti-ities during teaching and learning )rocess
in the cycle 1 and cycle 11"
#" Test
To .no* the students/ ability in s) s.ill! the students *ere
gi-en the test in form of oral test" 1n this case the students are as.ed to
retell their )ast e+)erience 2Recount te+t3" Each student *as gi-en fi-e
minutes to tell his5her e+)erience in front of the class in turn! *hile the
)resent researcher gi-en him5her score based of FS1 criteria"
39 I%5.0/2)%.
1n this research! the researcher used t*o techniques that *ere the data of
students/ achie-ement *ere gotten through s) test and the data of learning
)rocess *ere gotten from obser-ation chec.list"
a" 0bser-ation
Chec.list is an obser-ation de-ice com)rising some names of sub?ect
and factors that *ere researched" The instrument *as filled by )utting Hes
or Bo to*ards the elements of the research" 1t is also defined as the list of
data -ariables that *ere collected 2Suharsimi! #$$:! )" %>;3" Field notes or
chec.list *as used to .no* the students/ beha-iour and teachers
)erformance in the teaching learning )rocess" The use of field notes
ho)efully can hel) the researcher to obser-e the class situation"
b" Test
Test is a series of questions to measure s.ill! .no*ledge! intelligent
and attitude of someone or )eo)le" The test used in research de)ended on
the ty)e and ob?ecti-e of the research its self" 1n the test of s)! there
*ere some elements that *ere e-aluated! such as grammar! fluency and
)ronunciation" The scores *ere gotten from s) test" The com)onents
of scoring are accent! grammar! -ocabulary! fluency and com)rehension"
Those com)onents *ere e-aluated by the criteria of the *eighting table
Table" &"#
The comprehensi$e description of the 6S procedure
N& C&2?&%)%.5 L)@)( P0&34#4)%#- D)5#04?.4&%
% A##)%. % S)eech )roblems are se-ere
Frequently occurred many )roblems
and a -ery hea-y accent affects hard
to understand! require frequent
Foreign accent require necessitate
concentrated listening and
)ronunciations lead to occasional
misunderstanding! a))arent errors in
grammar or -ocabulary
Effect of foreign accent and
occasional mis)ronunciations *hich
does not lead to misunderstanding
Das not occurred )ronunciation
)roblems! it is rather foreign accent
Bati-e )ronunciation! it reaches
standard )ronunciation
# G012210
4rammar is almost e+actly
inaccurate2error in grammar is
# frequent errors of fe* ma?or
)atterns in *hich al*ays interru)t
& frequent errors of certain
)attern uncontrolled in *hich irritate
0ccasionally ma.e grammatical
errors of certain )atterns! but do not
interru)t in communication
> a fe* error! *ith no failure of
: the errors not more than t*o
during the s)eech
& "&#1,/(10-
Fsing the sim)lest im)ro)er
-ocabulary in a con-ersation
@astering limited -ocabulary in
basic )ersonal )ur)oses 2times!
meal! trans)ortation or family3
Choice of technical *ords is often
inaccurately and limited
com)rehension might hinder fluent
communication in social and
)rofessional to)ics
Fsing )ro)er technical -ocabulary in
)roducing s)ecial interests! but
e+cessi-ely using general *ords
Fsing technical or general
-ocabulary more broadly and
)recisely! general -ocabulary
adequate to co)e *ith com)le+
)ractical )roblems and -aried social
Fsing technical and general
-ocabulary a))arently as accurate
and e+tensi-e as that of an educated
nati-e s)
6 F(/)%#-
S)eech is so halting and fragmentary
as to ma.e the con-ersation
S)eech is -ery slo* and not stable
e+ce)t for short sent and routine
S) seems hesitant and
S) is occasionally hesitant!
*ordsEgrou)ed used is sometimes
not a))ro)riated
S)eech is fluent and effortless but
)erce)tibly non nati-e in s)eech
S)eech is fluent and effortless in all
)rofessional and general to)ics as a
nati-e s)
> C&2?0)6)%54&%
Com)rehend too little of the
sim)lest ty)e of s)eech
Com)rehend sim)le s)eech lately!
require e+)lanation and re)etiti-e
Com)rehend sim)le s)eech
correctly! require e+)lanation and
considerably re)etiti-e re)hrasing
Com)rehend quite normal s)eech
rather correctly! occasionally require
e+)lanation and re)etiti-e re)hrasing
Com)rehend e-erything in normal
educated s)eech! e+ce)t if it is
Com)rehend *holly in both of
normal and colloquial s)eech to be
e+)ected of an educated nati-e
Table" &"&
)eighting ta-le of comprehensi$e description of the 6S procedure
1 2 3 4 ; 6 D)5#04?.4&%
Accent $ % # # & 6
4rammar : %# %= #6 &$ &:
Gocabulary 6 = %# %: #$ #6
Fluency # 6 : = %$ %#
Com)rehension 6 = %# %> %; #&
2Burgiyantoro! %;;>! )" #=:3
The abo-e *eighting table of the com)rehensi-e descri)tion of the FS1
2Foreign Ser-ice 1nstitute3 )rocedure is con-ersed as follo*s7
Table" &"6
The con$ersion ta-le of #eighting ta-le of the comprehension description of the
6S procedure
Total score FSL Descri)tion
2From *eighting table3 Le-el
Able to satisfy immediate needs using rehearsed utterances
Able to satisfy minimum courtesy requirements and maintain
-ery sim)le face to face con-ersations on familiar to)ics
Can initiate and maintain )redictable face to face
con-ersation and satisfy limited social demands
Able to satisfy routine social demands and limited *or.
Able to satisfy most *or. requirements *ith
language usage that is often! but not al*ays!
acce)table and effecti-e
Able to s)ea. the language *ith sufficient
structural accuracy and -ocabulary to )artici)ate effecti-ely
in most formal and informal con-ersation on )ractical! social
and )rofessional to)ics
0ften able to use the language to satisfy
)rofessional needs in a *ide range of so)histicated and
demanding tas.
Able to use the language fluently and accurately on all le-el
normally )ertinent to )rofessional needs
S) )roficiency is regularly su)erior in all res)ect!
usually equi-alent to that of a *ellE educated! highly
articulate nati-e s)
2 Burgiyantoro! %;;>! )"#=:3
E9 D1.1 A%1(-545
19 E/1(4.1.4@) D1.1
The qualitati-e data *as gotten from non test data! namely obser-ation"
0bser-ation data *as analyed to .no* the students/ difficulty during the
teaching and learning )rocess" Analying *as done by com)aring all data!
analying and describing non test data in order to .no* the students/ attitude
during teaching and learning )rocess at cycle 1 to cycle 11"
29 E/1%.4.1.4@) D1.1
Tuantitati-e data *as collected from the result of students/ s)
ability through board game in each cycle" This data *as analyed by using
descri)ti-e statistic some ste)s as follo*s7
a" Researcher calculated the students/ score"
b" Researcher calculated the students/ mean score"
To calculate the students/ mean score! the researcher used the follo*ing
@ O

@ O @ean score

O Total of students score
B O Total number of students
2Sugiyono! #$$;! )" 6;3
@ean*hile! the formula used to determine the data into high! a-erage! and
lo* category the follo*ing formula *as used7
@ean 2@13 O
U 2@a+imum score Q @inimum score3
Standard De-iation 2SD13 O
U 2@a+imum score A @inimum score3
@i Q % SDi to @i Q & SDi O high
@i A % SDi to S @i Q % SDi O a-erage
@i A & SDi to S @i A % SDi O lo* 2Bur.encana! %;;:! )" =;3
c" The rresearcher calculates the successful of classical
To calculate the successful of classical com)leteness! the researcher used the
formula belo*7
+ %$$<
P O The successful of learning
S O The Bumber of students *ho obtain mar. V :$
n O The *hole number of students 2De)di.bud! %;;9! )" #&3
The result of calculation of students/ score from each test *as com)ared in
each cycle" 1t gi-es the descri)tion about the )resentation of increasing the
students s) ability through board game"
A" A#.4&% 1%* R)5/(.
1n this )art! the researcher )resents the result of the im)lementation of t*o
cycles and data analysis of the achie-ement of the eighth graders of +Ts7 .)
+ajidi in increasing students/ s) ability through Board 4ame"
19 C-#() I
19 S./*)%.5 S?)1$4%+ A#64)@)2)%. D1.1
1n this )art! the students *ho follo*ed the test *ere #9 students"
1n this cycle! the -alue of the students/ mean score and standard
de-iation *ere >:":9 and =":9 2A))endi+7 %$3" From the sub?ect! there
*ere %9 students *ho fulfilled the @CC 2@inimum Com)leteness
Criteria3 that *as V :$" 1n other *ord! the )ercentage of students/
successful learning *as :#";: <2 see a))endi+ $=3! so it had not
reached yet the classical successful criterion determined! because the
classical successful learning of the students must be V 9><" This result
denoted that the successful of learning )rocess needed to be enriched to
the second cycle" The follo*ing formula *as used to analye the data of
classical successful learning7
'B O
+ %$$<
'B O
< %$$
'B O :#";:<
29 T6) R)5/(. &3 O,5)0@1.4&%
1n the obser-ation of learning )rocess! the researcher used chec.
list" The acti-ities of Board 4ame *as rather coo)erati-e but it needed
to increase because the score indicated that the a-erage students *ere
lac. of constructi-e )artici)ation! quality and e+act time to finish their
tas. and arguing their contrary o)inion to the member" Also! the score
of obser-ation described that there *ere >:! 6#< of the students learned
coo)erati-ely 2A))endi+7 %63" Therefore! the acti-ities should be
enriched in the ne+t cycle to attain a good coo)erati-e learning"
39 R)3()#.4&%
Concerning *ith the result of the first cycle! it )ointed out that the
result *as still lo* because there *ere some students *ho did not fulfill
yet the @CC 2@inimum Com)leteness Criteria3 of English sub?ect of
+Ts .) +ajidi and did not reached the classical com)leteness" 1t
means that there *ould be an im)ro-ement of the second cycle to
com)lete the curriculum standard"
,9 C-#() II
19 S./*)%.5 S?)1$4%+ A#64)@)2)%. D1.1
1n this cycle! the means score and standard de-iation *as :6">:
and :"9: 2A))endi+7 %$3" The students *ho fulfilled the @CC
2@inimum Com)leteness Criteria3 *ere ## students" From those
students! the curriculum standard of @CC reached =%"6= <! so it can be
said success because =%"6= < 2see a))endi+ $;3 of the students got V
:$" The follo*ing formula *as used to analye the data of classical
successful learning7
'B O
+ %$$<
'B O
< %$$
'B O =%"6= <
29 T6) R)5/(. &3 O,5)0@1.4&%
Based on the result of obser-ation on the second cycle! the
)rocess of Board 4ame increased" 1n this cycle! the students )artici)ate
more acti-e and )artici)ati-e" 1t can be seen from the result of
obser-ation that the score of their coo)eration increased from &&=! > to
be 6=6! >" 1t means =$! 9> < of the students *ere learning
coo)erati-ely 2A))endi+7 %63" Therefore! Board 4ame might be a good
strategy to increase the learners/ acti-eness in teaching and learning
39 R)3()#.4&%
1n this )art! the data had been gotten in the second cycle
increased so significant" 1t can be seen from the difference bet*een
cycle 1 and cycle 11 *as %="># < that there *as an im)ro-ement of the
classical com)leteness *as! successi-ely! :#";: < to be =%"6= <" And
then the mean score and increased from >:":9 to be :6">: 2A))endi+7
%$3" Furthermore! the result of obser-ation also sho*ed an
im)ro-ement from >:! 6#< to be =$! 9>< or the difference *as #6!
&&< 2A))endi+7 %63" So the result of the second cycle )ointed out that
learning )rocess using Board 4ame can be im)lemented as an
alternati-e *ay to increase students/ s) ability"
B9 D45#/554&%
The result of the study should be able to ans*er the )roblems! *hich
had been stated in the statement of the )roblem of this study" The )roblem is
ho* can board game increase students/ s) ability for the eighth graders
of +Ts .) +ajidi in the school year #$%#5#$%&8 J
19 B&10* G12) C1% I%#0)15) S./*)%.5 S?)1$4%+ A,4(4.-
1n this research! the researcher used classroom action research"
Based on the )rocedure of classroom action research! this research *as done
for t*o cycles and e-ery cycle *as gi-en the test and monitored through
obser-ation" From those cycles can be seen ho* far teaching and learning
)rocess and the students/ achie-ements" 1n those cycles! the researcher
a))lied Board 4ame to de-elo) students/ s) s.ill" @oreo-er! then to
.no* the )rocess of the learning! the researcher obser-ed during those
)rocesses by using chec.list"
Table 6"%
The Score of Speaking Test :ased on Proficiency Description

E()2)%.5 &3
S./*)%.5 5#&0) &% 5?)1$4%+ 1,4(4.-
C-#() I C-#() II
% Accent >% >9
# 4rammar 6=: >:6
& Gocabulary &;% >%#
6 Fluency %96 %;$
> Com)rehension &:9 6#9
Total %6:; %9>$
From the )resented data! the students/ total score of the first cycle
*as %6:;! *hile on the second cycle *as %9>$" From the elements of
s)! the students/ score of s) test on the first cycle! the
researcher got the accent element increased from >% u) to >9! the grammar
element increased 6=: u) to >:6! the -ocabulary element increased &;% u)
to >%# and the fluency and com)rehension *ere! successi-ely! %96 and &:9
u) to %;$ and 6#9"
Based on the data analysis in each cycle! it can be seen that from
cycle 1 u) to cycle 11 increased" Referring to the data in cycle 1! the result of
the students s) test by referring to the com)rehensi-e descri)tion of
FS1 )rocedure as follo*s7 the lo*est and the highest scores of students
accent *ere % and &! the students/ score of grammar! %# *as the lo*est and
&$ *as the highest" Gocabulary score found by the researcher *as = for the
lo*est category and #$ *as the highest! the fluency and com)rehension *as
6 and = for the lo*est category and then = and %; *as the highest category
2A))endi+7 =3"
0n the other hand! in the cycle 11! the students/ scores based on the
data *ere gained as follo*s7 the lo*est and the highest scores for the
students accent *ere # and &! the students/ scores of grammar *ere %# for
the lo*est and &$! for the highest! the lo*est and the highest scores of
-ocabulary *ere %: for the lo*est and #$ for the highest! for fluency and
com)rehension the lo*est scores *ere 6 and %#! and for the highest scores
for both as)ects *ere %$ and %; 2A))endi+7 ;3"
Furthermore! the scores of the students/ s) )erformance of t*o
cycles *ere calculated and then the scores *ere con-ersed into *eighting
table of the com)rehensi-e descri)tion of the FS1 )rocedure" 1n cycle 1! the
score *as &; for the lo*est! it means the students le-el of their s)
)erformance *ere %Q and the highest total score *as 9#! it means & *as the
le-el of their s) )erformance" And then in cycle 11! it *as >$ and =$
*ere the lo*est and the highest! it means! successi-ely! # and &Q *ere the
le-el of their s) )erformance" 1t can be deduced that there *ere the
de-elo)ment of students/ )roficiency in s) ability" To ma.e clearer!
the follo*ing is a detail descri)tion"
Table7 6"#"
The Score of Speaking Test on ;ycle and ;ycle
C-#() S/,C)#. M)1% FSI L)@)( &3 C1.)+&0-
First Cycle #9 >:!:9 #Q A-erage
Second Cycle #9 :6!>: & A-erage
After the score *as classified the researcher calculated the mean
score and standard de-iation of the entire students" 1n cycle 1! the -alue of
the students/ mean score *ere >:":9 and the )ercentage of the learning
)rocess *as :#";: < *hereas in cycle 11! the mean score *as :6">: and then
the )ercentage of the learning )rocess *as =%"6= <" After com)aring those
cycles! it )ointed out that there *ere significant differences of the students/
achie-ement" The students/ achie-ement of English s) s.ill can be
seen from the students/ classical com)leteness of both of the cycles
increased %="># <"
Based on the descri)tion of the mean abo-e! the mean score of the %
and #
cycle *ere >:" :9 and :6" >: 2A))endi+es7 = and ;3" 1t
indicated the students/ s) ability increased 9" =;" And then the mean
score of students/ s) s.ill *as bet*een 6&! :9 S 9%! && 2A))endi+7
%%3" 1t means that the le-el of all students/ s) ability *as &" 1t
indicated most of students are Jable to s)ea. the language *ith sufficient
structural accuracy and -ocabulary to )artici)ate effecti-ely in most formal
and informal con-ersation on )ractical! social and )rofessional to)icsK" 1t
denotes that students/ s) s.ill is a-erage le-el category" This
descri)tion based on the con-ersion of *eighting table of FS1 )rocedure"
0n the other hand! based on the )resented data in each cycle! Board
4ame could u)grade teacher/s strategy in teaching and learning )rocess"
The table 2a))endi+es7 %$ and %%3 )ortrayed bet*een the teacher and
students could coo)erate ma+imally in im)lementing the ste) of Board
4ame model" The result of obser-ation also increased the students s)
ability *hen they *ere in grou)s" 1t can be obser-ed that most of the
students could u)grade their )artici)ation and acti-eness in board game"
0n the ether hand! there *as an im)ro-ement of s) ability! it
can be analyed from the total score of both cycles from &&=! > became 6=6!
> or the differences *ere %6:" Also! the )ercentage of both cycles *as #6!
&& < 2A))endi+7 %63" 1t means there *as a significant difference" So! the
strategy of Board 4ame could increase students/ enthusiastic and acti-e
)artici)ation in teaching and learning"
1t can be said that Board 4ame is able to be im)lemented as one
of the *ays to increase students/ acti-eness in teaching and learning )rocess!
es)ecially in s) s.ill"
A9 C&%#(/54&%
Based on the obtained data in the )re-ious cha)ter! the researcher
comes to a set of conclusion belo*7
%" Board game is able to increase the students/ English s) ability" 1t is
)ro-ed that students/ s) ability through board game of the second
cycle *as higher than the first cycle after the score *as con-ersed *ith the
criteria of the *eighting table of the com)rehensi-e descri)tion of FS1
)rocedure" Also! the students are greater change in their s) ability
de-elo)ment and the score got"
#" 1m)lementing board game can moti-ate the students to be more acti-e and
contribute )ositi-e de-elo)ment in teaching and learning )rocess"
B9 S/++)5.4&%5
Concerning to the conclusion! the researcher *ould li.e to offer some
suggestions! as follo*s7
%" The head master should moti-ate the teacher to a))ly se-eral of strategy!
techniques! or method in teaching and learning )rocess es)ecially in
teaching s)"
#" The English teachers should gi-e the students/ o))ortunity to s)ea. in the
classroom acti-ity! so the students can )ractice their ca)ability in s)"
&" The teacher and students of +Ts .) +ajidi should often a))ly the 4ame
to increase the enthusiasm of students/ learning )rocess"
6" Finally! the researcher e+)ects to the further researchers to be more acti-e
in conducting further research to find out more a))roaches and strategies
in de-elo)ing students/ English s) ability"
Carly! Schuna" 2#$%$3" The Ad-antages of Learning 4ames for 'ids. nternet
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