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The 10 Most Critical

Mistakes to Avoid in Your

Initial Job Interview
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Table of Contents
Critical Mistake 0/ + ,ade.uate Preparatio (or the ,ter#ie%
Critical Mistake 02 + "rri#ig &oo 0arly or &oo !ate
Critical Mistake 01 + 2a#ig the $rog "ttitude
Critical Mistake 03 + 'eig 4prepared (or ,ter#ie% 5uestios
Critical Mistake 06 + Not "skig the Right 5uestios
Critical Mistake 07 + 8ressig ,appropriately
Critical Mistake 09 + "skig about :alary or 'ee(its
Critical Mistake 08 + Not "rri#ig %ith the Right 8ocumets
Critical Mistake 0; + 'eig 8ishoest or ,mpolite
Critical Mistake /0 + Marketig <oursel( ,correctly
$he you sit do% to iter#ie% %ith a prospecti#e employer that you are
sicerely iterested i %orkig (or) there are probably more tha a hudred
di((eret thigs ruig through your mid at oe time) %hich ca make you
a=ious ad cause you to %alk ito the iter#ie% uprepared. 2o%e#er) i( you
ca (ocus yoursel( o the most importat (acets o( the employmet iter#ie%)
the you %ill be able to rela= yoursel( better ad to be more i cotrol o( the
message that you are sedig to the prospecti#e employer.
May people (id it help(ul to ko% e=actly %hat they should ot do i the
iter#ie%) as this helps people de#elop a good idea o( %hat they should do i the
iter#ie%. >ob iter#ie% mistakes ca easily be a#oided) ad may o( the same
mistakes cause a large umber o( the ?ob (orce to (ail i their ?ob iter#ie%s o a
cosistet basis. 'y a#oidig these truly lethal ?ob iter#ie% mistakes) you %ill
be able to sho% prospecti#e employers that you are the right cadidate (or the
?ob that you are applyig (or.
&here are te critical mistakes that people make durig their ?ob iter#ie%s. 'y
a#oidig these te critical mistakes) you ca lauch yoursel( (or%ard) pro#ig
that you are the right cadidate (or the ?ob rather tha makig a (atal mistake
that %ill cost you the ?ob o( your dreams.
The ten most critical mistakes to avoid
in your initial job interview are as
follows -
@ Critical Mistake 0/ + ,ade.uate Preparatio (or the ,ter#ie%
@ Critical Mistake 02 + "rri#ig &oo 0arly or &oo !ate
@ Critical Mistake 01 + 2a#ig the $rog "ttitude
@ Critical Mistake 03 + 'eig 4prepared (or ,ter#ie% 5uestios
@ Critical Mistake 06 + Not "skig the Right 5uestios
@ Critical Mistake 07 + 8ressig ,appropriately
@ Critical Mistake 09 + "skig about :alary or 'ee(its
@ Critical Mistake 08 + Not "rri#ig %ith the Right 8ocumets
@ Critical Mistake 0; + 'eig 8ishoest or ,mpolite
@ Critical Mistake /0 + Marketig <oursel( ,correctly
# Critical Job Interview Mistake 01 -
Inadeuate !re"aration for the
Ae o( the most critical mistakes that you ca make i a ?ob iter#ie% is to
arri#e uprepared (or the iter#ie%. &here are too may ?ob seekers out there
%ho do ot do ay research ito the compay that they are iter#ie%ig (or.
2o% ca you pro#e that you are the right cadidate (or a ?ob or a speci(ic
positio i( you do ot ko% aythig about the ?ob (or %hich you are applyigB
'e?ami Frakli is ko% (or a (amous .uote) C'y (ailig to prepare you are
preparig to (ail.C) ad this .uote is e#er more applicable tha %he it comes to
preparig (or a ?ob iter#ie%. ,t is imperati#e that you do all o( the ecessary
home%ork log be(orehad. ,( you come o(( as a ethusiastic ad committed
cadidate (or the ?ob) you %ill ha#e a much better chace o( impressig %hoe#er
is iter#ie%ig you.
"s soo as you (id out that you %ill be iter#ie%ig (or a compay) research
them ad the positio that you %ill be iter#ie%ig (or. &his %ay) you ca
demostrate that you are absolutely the right cadidate (or the ?ob by as%erig
the .uestios that your iter#ie%er poses e((ecti#ely ad itelligetly. <ou %ill
also be able to prepare the most appropriate .uestios to ask o( your iter#ie%er
as %ell.
&he most ob#ious %ay to prepare yoursel( (or a ?ob iter#ie% is to #isit the
%ebsite (or the compay that you are iter#ie%ig %ith. <ou %ill (id a lot o(
use(ul i(ormatio o most compay %ebsites. Ather %ebsite resources that are
%orth e=plorig iclude %ebsites relatig to the idustry) %ebsites o((erig
busiess i(ormatio) ad %ebsites belogig to competig compaies. <ou may
also %at to #isit your local library to (id out about rele#at periodicals ad
"other use(ul idea is to #isit the compay be(orehad) pickig up ay rele#at
i(ormatio ad brochures that are a#ailable there. <ou may also (eel iclied to
obser#e (or a little %hile. &he better prepared that you are (or your iter#ie%
ahead o( time) the greater your chaces %ill be (or success.
<ou %ill (id that may o( the pricipals i this report tie i together. For
e=ample) preparig yoursel( (or your ?ob iter#ie% %ill ha#e a great impact o
a#oidig a umber o( the critical mistakes that (ollo% a(ter this oe. For
e=ample) by researchig the employer ad compay be(orehad) you ca better
prepare yoursel( both to as%er .uestios posed by the iter#ie%er) ad to ask
the right .uestios %he prompted. Preparig yoursel( %ith the right i(ormatio
about the compay be(orehad ca ha#e a sigi(icat impact o ho%
com(ortable ad prepared you come across to the employer. &his is oe o( the
most ideal %ays to pro#e that you are the right cadidate (or the ?ob.
# Critical Job Interview Mistake 0# -
$rrivin% Too &arly or Too 'ate
Ae o( the most commo mistakes that ?ob seekers make goig i to a
iter#ie%) oe that ca easily compromise a etire iter#ie% is arri#ig at the
%rog time. ,t is di((icult to o#ercome this iitial bad impressio created either
by arri#ig too late (or the appoitmet) or by arri#ig (ar too early ad (orcig
the iter#ie%er to chage their schedule i order to accommodate you. !uckily)
there are a couple o( di((eret techi.ues that you ca employ i order to a#oid
makig this seriously costly mistake.
,t is imperati#e that you arri#e o time to your ?ob iter#ie% appoitmet. <ou
do ot ecessarily ha#e to arri#e at the appoitmet time o the dot) but a (e%
miutes early is actually pre(erable. Make sure that you ha#e %orkig directios)
%hich may mea dri#ig them to test the tra#el time be(ore the actual day o( the
iter#ie%. <ou may %at to make a complete practice ru to make sure that you
ha#e the timig right. Make sure that your dry ru is completed at the same
time as your iter#ie%) so you ca gauge the tra((ic at that time durig the day.
Make sure that you ha#e all o( the i(ormatio that you eed log be(orehad so
that you are ot scramblig at the last miute i preparatio. For e=ample) you
should %rite do% the ame o( the perso that you are supposed to ask (or) so
that you ca go directly to the right place oce you arri#e. <ou should also make
sure to brig all o( the ecessary documetatio) %hich %e %ill touch o later o
i this report + 'ut the importat cosideratio to make is that you should
gather all o( your ecessary documetatio log be(orehad so that you are ot
scramblig at the last miute to prit out resumes) or to gather re(ereces ad
%ork samples to brig %ith you.
"rri#ig i a (lustered rush is ot a good %ay to sho% up to your iter#ie%. &he
%hole itetio o( a ?ob iter#ie% is to pro#e that you are the right cadidate (or
a ?ob) ad i( you pro#e your ureliability the (irst day that you meet the
iter#ie%er) you %ill ha#e di((iculty pro#ig other%ise.
'eig too early (or your iitial ?ob iter#ie% ca be ?ust as critical a mistake as
arri#ig late. ,( you arri#e a hour early or more) you may be (orcig the
iter#ie%er to chage their schedule i order to accommodate you) ad that is
ot a good %ay to get the iter#ie% started. ,( you %at to impress the
iter#ie%er by beig prompt) aim (or /0 to /6 miutes early rather tha a %hole
hour or more. 'y arri#ig (i(tee miutes early) you ha#e ample time to let the
iter#ie%er be oti(ied o( your arri#al %ithout (orcig them to accommodate you
log be(ore the iter#ie% is set to begi.
$he it comes to arri#ig at your ?ob iter#ie%) the best thig that you ca do is
arri#e either right o time) or %ith te or (i(tee miutes to spare. "rri#ig late is
essetially askig to be dismissed. People %ho ha#e tured up late (or ?ob
iter#ie%s ha#e literally bee tured a%ay) because employers are ot lookig
(or people %ho caot pro#e their o% sel#es to be depedable ad trust%orthy
(rom day oe.
<our iter#ie% is your (irst impressio to your prospecti#e employer) ad your
mai itetio should be to impress (uture employers i as may %ays as you
# Critical Job Interview Mistake 0( -
)avin% the *ron% $ttitude
&here are a umber o( di((eret beha#iors durig a iter#ie% that ca cause
you to come across as a egati#e perso) or simply a perso %ho does ot ha#e
the right positi#e attitude (or the ?ob i .uestio.
Comig across as a egati#e perso ca be the result o( a %ide #ariety o(
di((eret beha#iors that occur durig the iter#ie%ig process. For e=ample) i(
you should happe to make complait regardig pre#ious ?obs) positios)
bosses) co %orkers) colleagues or compaies ca sed a rather egati#e
message to your prospecti#e employer) ad should be a#oided at all costs.
:omethig else that ca create a egati#e impressio is iappropriate body
laguage. &he (ollo%ig body laguage actios ca all o((er a egati#e message
to the perso %ho is iter#ie%ig you +
+ 2uchig do%
+ :lumpig i the chair
+ "#oidig eye cotact %ith the iter#ie%er
+ !ookig do% costatly
+ Foldig your arms o#er your chest
+ Fiddlig %ith your hair
+ Fiddlig %ith items o the desk
&here are also a umber o( #erbal ad o+#erbal sigals that gi#e o(( a egati#e
attitude to the perso %ho is iter#ie%ig you) icludig but ot limited to +
+ speakig iaudibly
+ speakig .uietly
+ mumblig
the use o( %ords like DlikeD or DumD repeatedly

,t is importat that you practice your as%ers to test iter#ie% .uestios) ad

your .uestios about the compay i (rot o( a mirror i order to impro#e the
toe o( your #oice ad your positi#e body laguage. 'y practicig be(orehad)
you ca elimiate (la%s i your iter#ie% demeaor %hich ca gi#e you a better
chace o( beig success(ul i your iter#ie%.
# Critical Job Interview Mistake 0+ -
,ein% -n"re"ared for Interview
&here are t%o importat elemets to a ?ob iter#ie% + &he (irst is the .uestios
that the iter#ie%er asks o( you) ad the secod is the .uestios that you ask o(
the iter#ie%er i retur. ,( you are uable to properly articulate the right
as%ers to the iter#ie% .uestios that are asked o( you) you %ill most certaily
ha#e di((iculty co#eyig the (act that you are the ideal cadidate (or the
positio to the perso %ho is iter#ie%ig you.
&he best %ay (or you to a#oid this practice is to thik about your as%ers ad to
prepare them be(orehad. &here are may resources (or commo ?ob iter#ie%
.uestios) ad most employers %ithi di((eret idustries ask the same
.uestios or at least similar sets o( rele#at .uestios %hich meas that you ca
be prepared to a certai degree o matter %hat ?ob you are applyig (or.
Prepare your as%ers to the most commo ?ob iter#ie% .uestios %ithi your
idustry log be(ore your iter#ie%. $hat .uestios are most likely goig to be
asked durig the iter#ie%B $hat is ormally re.uired o( a success(ul cadidate
(or the positio that you are applyig (orB &here are a umber o( basic or
geeral .uestios that ted to crop up i almost all ?ob iter#ie%s) icludig but
ot limited to the (ollo%ig .uestios +
+ $hat are your stregths) or %hat is your greatest stregthB
+ $hat are your %eakesses) or %hat is your greatest %eakessB
$hy do you %at this ?ob positioB

+ $hat are some o( your achie#emets to dateB $hat has bee your greatest
achie#emet i your %orkig historyB
+ $hy are you the ideal cadidate (or this positioB $hy should %e employ you
rather tha aother cadidateB
+ ,( %e %ere to call up your (ormer employer or employers) %hat %ould they say
about youB
Prepare ad practice the as%ers to .uestios like these) ad you %ill be able to
a#oid this critical iitial ?ob iter#ie% mistake. <ou do ot %at to suddely go
blak durig the iter#ie% process) ad this ca easily be a#oided simply by
preparig be(orehad ad (igurig out the most e((ecti#e as%ers i order to
appear both co(idat ad poised to the employer %ho is iter#ie%ig you.
# Critical Job Interview Mistake 0/ -
0ot $skin% the 1i%ht .uestions
&here are t%o importat elemets to a ?ob iter#ie% + &he (irst is the .uestios
that the iter#ie%er asks o( you) ad the secod is the .uestios that you ask o(
the iter#ie%er i retur. "t some poit durig the ?ob iter#ie%) the perso
iter#ie%ig you is goig to ask C8o you ha#e ay .uestios (or meBC "d this is
a .uestio that makes a lot o( people tremble. Failig to ask the right) most
appropriate .uestios simply sho%s a lack o( iterest ad (orethought. "s a
result) this is oe o( the most critical mistakes that a ?ob iter#ie% cadidate ca
4se the compay research that you coducted earlier based o Critical >ob
,ter#ie% Mistake umber 0/) ad prepare .uestios about the compay that
are isight(ul as the best ad most e((iciet %ay to impress the iter#ie%er you
are %orkig %ith. &his %ill also help you gai the i(ormatio that you eed i
order to make the most %ell i(ormed ?ob decisio possible.
8urig your ?ob iter#ie%) you should ot sit like a bump o a log. ,stead) you
should make a real e((ort to sho% iterest i the compay) %hich ca easily be
doe by askig the employer e=cellet iter#ie% .uestios i retur. &his sho%s
the iter#ie%er that you are iterested i the compay ad that you ha#e doe
your research ad arri#ed prepared. 2ere are some o( the .uestios that you
may %at to ask your iter#ie%er. Eeep i mid that %he asked C8o you ha#e
ay .uestios (or meBC) C2mm) opeC is NA& a good as%er.
+ $hat are your biggest challegesB
+ $hat is the a#erage day like (or this particular positioB
+ $hat speci(ic tasks %ill be e=pected o( me i this positioB
+ $hat is the e=t step (ollo%ig the iter#ie%B
+ ,s this a e%ly created ?ob positio or am , replacig aother employeeB
+ 2o% %ill my ?ob per(ormace be measuredB
+ $hat are the immediate goals o( the departmet that , %ill be %orkig iB
+ $hat is the biggest challege that the compay is curretly (acigB
+ $hat competiti#e ad#atages does the compay ha#e o#er other similar
+ $hat does the iter#ie%er like best about the compayB
+ $hat could , do %ithi this role that %ould make your ?ob F&he employerDs ?obG
+ ,s there aythig else that , ca (urther clari(y (or youB
+ 2o% do , compare %ith other cadidates that ha#e already bee iter#ie%edB
# Critical Job Interview Mistake 02 -
3ressin% Ina""ro"riately
"other critical mistake that may people make %he it comes to iitial ?ob
iter#ie%s should ot come as a surpriseH 8ressig iappropriately. $hile most
people seekig ?obs ko% that dressig appropriately is a big part o( arri#ig
prepared to a ?ob iter#ie%) most people do ot actually ha#e a good
uderstadig o( %hat Cdressig appropriatelyC actually meas. "s a result)
may people arri#e at their iter#ie% dressed iappropriately) either i geeral
or based o the dress code i .uestio.
"s it %as metioed be(ore) it is importat to research the compay that you are
iter#ie%ig %ith be(ore had. &his comes i hady (or a umber o( di((eret
reasos) oe o( %hich is so that you ca dress accordig to the dress code that
the rest o( the employees are abidig by. 'y #isitig the compay be(ore had
ad doig a little bit o( obser#ig) you ca (igure out %hat style o( dress %ould
be ideal.
Iet to ko% the culture o( the compay. ,( the compayDs employees are all
%earig coser#ati#e clothig) the busiess casual is ot goig to cut it %he
you arri#e at your iter#ie%. ,( you %at to look like you already belog %ith the
compay) %hich should be your aim to begi %ith) the it is importat that you
dress ot oly to impress) but also to (it i at the same time.
<ou also eed to a#oid appearaces that are e=cessi#e) e=treme) bright or loud.
Resist the temptatio to %ear colors that are bright) per(umes or body mists that
are strog i smell) loud ail polish) or e=tra#agat ?e%elry. ,( you ha#e tattoos)
co#er them up. ,( you ha#e piercigs that are iappropriate) such as earrigs (or
me) or aythig other tha earrigs (or %ome) take the ?e%elry out or co#er
the piercigs %ith a bad aid.
,t is importat that your iter#ie%er (ocuses o your skills) your
accomplishmets ad the real reasos (or %hy you are the best cadidate (or the
?ob) rather tha your appearace. ,( your appearace (its i %ith the dress ad
appearace o( the other employees i the compay) your iter#ie%er %ill be able
to (ocus o your stregths rather tha your loud appearace or the (act that
your dress does ot (it i %ith the compay.
# Critical Job Interview Mistake 04 -
$skin% about 5alary or ,enefits
$hile %e ha#e already touched o askig the right .uestios) %e did ot really
(ocus o re(raiig (rom askig the $RANI oes. Ae o( the biggest iitial ?ob
iter#ie% mistakes that you ca make is to ask about salary or bee(its durig
your iter#ie%. &he appropriate time (or you to discuss compesatio ad
bee(it i(ormatio is oce a real) (irm o((er has bee placed o the table. <ou
should re(rai (rom brigig this topic up prematurely.
&ake the time to lear more about the compay ad the positio that the
compay is lookig to (ill. , the ed) moey is ot e#erythig) ad is de(iitely
ot %hat you should be obsessig about be(ore you ha#e e#e (ully pro#e
yoursel( to the compay that you are iter#ie%ig %ith. Career satis(actio
comes i a #ariety o( di((eret (orms) so (ocus o ?oiig a collaborati#e team
e#iromet %ith plety o( opportuity (or gro%th rather tha %orryig about
the bee(its package. 8urig the iter#ie% process) you should (ocus ad
cocetrate o the thigs that really matter + Not compesatio.
&here are a umber o( other .uestios that should be a#oided durig the iitial
?ob iter#ie%ig process. &he (ollo%ig is a list o( .uestios i additio to C$hat
is my salaryBC that you should a#oid at all costs %he iter#ie%ig %ith a
potetial employer.
2o% log does it take to be promotedB + $hile it may be (ruit(ul to ask about
ad#acemet %ithi the compay) it is more importat that you (ocus o the
?ob that you are actually iter#ie%ig (or.

+ $he %ill , be able to take a #acatioB + ,( you are already askig this .uestio
at the iter#ie%) the you are already thikig about takig time o(() ad this
does ot look good to the employer.
+ $ill , be re.uired to %ork o#ertimeB + "skig about the hours that you %ill
%ork says that you are the type o( perso %ho likes to %atch the clock) ad this
is ot somethig that a hirig maager is goig to %at to look (or.
+ $hat kids o( employee acti#ities are heldB + &his .uestio ca be a real
iter#ie% killer. ,t tells the iter#ie%er that you are more iterested i the
compay acti#ities tha i %orkig hard ad mo#ig up %ithi the compay.
$ait util you are hired be(ore you begi to ask .uestios like this.
+ $hat ca , use my compay computer (orB 0#e though may employees use
their computers (or purposes other tha (or compay %ork) you should e#er
brig this up durig a iter#ie%. &his sho%s both a lack o( maturity) ad a lack
o( busiess sese as %ell.
$ill , be able to %ork (rom homeB + $hile this may appear to be a good
.uestio) e% employees eed to come to uderstad the dyamics ad the
politics o( the o((ice be(ore they should e#e begi to thik about %orkig at
home. Ne% employees caot lear aythig about the tempo) the (aces) the
politics ad the dyamics o( the compay i( they are %orkig at home. &he
hirig maager is goig to be lookig (or someoe %ho %ill be right there all
the time) both %orkig ad soakig up the dyamics o( the o((ice i order to
become more success(ul ad to make the compay more success(ul as %ell.

$hile may o( these .uestios may seem aJ#e) ad %he you see them i
prit you may %oder %hy ayoe %ould e#er thik to ask them) all o( these
.uestios ha#e bee asked through umerous ?ob iter#ie%s i the past. :o
there are people out there %ho are aJ#e eough to ask these .uestios i
?ob iter#ie%s + "d may o( them do ot uderstad %hy they did ot lad
the ?ob a(ter the (act.
Not oly is it importat to ko% %hat .uestios ot to ask) it is also importat to
ha#e a small list o( .uestios that you :2A4!8 ask) so that you ca be prepared
%he the perso iter#ie%ig you asks C,s there aythig that you %at to ask
meBC &he oly thig %orse tha askig a iter#ie% killer o( a .uestio) is simply
sayig CNoC.
# Critical Job Interview Mistake 06 -
0ot $rrivin% with the 1i%ht 3ocuments
>ust because you %ere called i (or a iter#ie%) it simply does ot mea that
your prospecti#e employer has a copy o( your resume or curriculum #itae o
had. May employers coduct group iter#ie%s) so they may ot ecessarily be
prepared to %ork %ith you by keepig your documets hady. ,t %ould be a
large ad critical mistake (or you to arri#e to your ?ob iter#ie% %ithout the
documets that you eed.
Make sure that you brig se#eral copies o( your resume so that e#eryoe %ho
atteds the iter#ie% ca ha#e a copy ad so that copies ca be passed aroud
as eeded. Not oly %ill this help you prepare yoursel( ad your iter#ie%ers (or
the iter#ie%) but it %ill also sho% the perso or people iter#ie%ig you that
you had the cosideratio ad (oresight to come ito the iter#ie% room
Make sure that you ha#e a port(olio put together i( your ?ob iter#ie% re.uires it.
Make sure that you ha#e copies o( ay ad all ecessary documetatio)
icludig your resume) your curriculum #itae) recommedatios) re(ereces)
%ork samples) ad aythig else that is re.uired i order to pro#e your %ork as
a cadidate (or the ?ob that you are applyig (or.
'e(ore your iter#ie%) it is importat that you ha#e the right documets
prepared. &his should iclude directios to the iter#ie% site) ad you should
make sure you ha#e eough time ot oly to get there) but also to (id a parkig
space depedig o the dri#ig directios. Make sure that you are lea#ig early
so that you ca arri#e bet%ee te ad (i(tee miutes. Make sure that you ha#e
e=tra copies o( your resume) alog %ith a list o( re(ereces both persoal ad
pro(essioal) a otepad so that you ca take otes) a daily plaer) ad a pe
ad a pecil so that you ca take otes ad make other importat otatios
durig your iter#ie%.
<ou may be able to ehace your pro(essioal look by carryig a port(olio) a
(older or a brie(case. <ou should also make sure to ko% the details) such as the
ame ad the title o( the perso you are supposed to meet %ith. <ou should also
ha#e coducted research o the compay that you are applyig (or.
,( you ha#e take otes o the research o( the compay) you may %at to brig
them ad cotiue addig to them as you iter#ie%) but oly as log as you are
%illig to let the iter#ie%er see %hat otes you ha#e already take. &his is a
testamet to %hat i(ormatio you (id most importat i your ?ob search.
Prepare (or the toughest .uestios so that you %ill ot ha#e to pause %he
asked importat thigs) such as C$here do you see yoursel( i 6 to /0 yearsBC
2a#ig the right paper%ork ad documets prepared is the best %ay to arri#e at
a iter#ie%. "rri#ig o time) %ith your resume or curriculum #itae i had)
ad %ork samples or other i(ormatio as eeded is a great %ay to sho% your
prospecti#e employer ot oly that you are takig this ?ob iter#ie% seriously)
but also that you are hard%orkig ad depedable) ad that you ko% ho% to
make a good impressio o the people %ho really matter %ithi the compay.
&he more prepared you are) the more success(ul you %ill be.
# Critical Job Interview Mistake 07 -
,ein% 3ishonest or Im"olite
<our o#erall attitude has a lot to do %ith ho% your prospecti#e employers
percei#e you ad your cadidacy (or the positio they are hirig (or. &here are a
couple o( thigs that you ca do to make sure that your prospecti#e employer or
iter#ie% you sees you i the right light ad does ot get the %rog idea. 2ere
are t%o thigs that you absolutely eed to keep i mid +
8ishoesty + <ou should e#er) e#er lie to a employer uder ay circumstaces
to get the positio that you %at. 'y lyig or beig dishoest i geeral) you are
greatly udermiig your o% abilities ad stregths) ad you are destroyig
ay trust or rapport that has bee de#eloped by the iter#ie%er.
,( you are uable to get the positio that you %at based o your curret skills
or potetial skills ad accomplishmets) the you probably should ot be
applyig (or that particular positio ay%ay. "pplyig (or a positio that is
beyod your capabilities is simply askig (or trouble. 'eig dishoest about your
capabilities to get a ?ob that is beyod your meas is a e#e greater ad more
dagerous risk.
'eig ,mpolite + you eed to keep i mid that the perso %ho is iter#ie%ig
you may #ery %ell be your (uture boss or employer. <ou should ot sit do%
util you are asked to. ,( you %at to take o(( your ?acket) you should ask (or
permissio (irst. ,( re(reshmets are o((ered) thak your host.
<ou should make a poit to e=press your iterest to%ard the ?ob or positio that
you are iterested i applyig (or) ad you should also make a poit to thak the
perso iter#ie%ig you (or the time that they took to sit ad speak %ith you.
0#e i( you are o loger iterested i the ?ob that you are applyig (or by the
ed o( your iter#ie%) the perso %ho you sat do% ad spoke %ith may still be
a e=cellet cotact perso %ith you.
<ou should absolutely e#er e#er bur ay bridges %ith potetial employers or
other people %orkig %ithi your idustry o( choice because there is o tellig
%hether or ot they %ill be help(ul (or you i the (uture. ,( you maaged to
obtai a ?ob iter#ie% through a agecy) you should also gi#e them a phoe
call promptly (ollo%ig your iter#ie% so that you ca ad#ise them o( %hether or
ot you are iterested i the role that you are iter#ie%ig (or.
" large part o( your iter#ie% success %ill hige o your attitude) your
%illigess to liste) your %illigess to ask ad as%er .uestios) ad your
ability to be hoest ad to ha#e a positi#e outlook o the iter#ie% situatio. ,(
you are ot pro?ectig the right attitude ad appearace to your prospecti#e
employer) you %ill ha#e great di((iculty %he it comes to pro#ig that you are
the right cadidate (or the ?ob) especially %he there is a lot o( competitio (or
the ?ob i .uestio.
# Critical Job Interview Mistake 10 -
Marketin% 8ourself Incorrectly
&his is aother #ital ad critical mistake that eeds to be a#oided i your iitial
?ob iter#ie%. ,t is imperati#e that you market yoursel( correctly i your ?ob
iter#ie% i order to be success(ul %he pro#ig yoursel( as the ideal cadidate
(or a speci(ic compay or positio.
<ou eed to be able to de(ie yoursel( properly) ad to map out your skills to the
skills that the ?ob you are applyig (or re.uires. <ou eed to ko% %hat your
ma?or stregths are) ad your ma?or accomplishes) especially as they relate to
the ?ob that you are hopig to apply ad iter#ie% (or. <ou eed to use the
.uestios you ask ad the as%ers to the .uestios the iter#ie%er asks to
make you really stad out.
<our goal should be to become memorable i the eyes o( your (uture employer
%ithout stadig out i a egati#e %ay. ,( you ha#e uusual ?ob e=perieces)
iterestig skills) uusual hobbies or other characteristics that %ill help you
stad out (rom the other cadidates applyig (or the ?ob) the you should brig
this up i a %ay that is atural. No% should ot be the time to ame drop) ad
you should ot be aimig to make the iter#ie%er (eel ucom(ortable or
iade.uate i ay %ay.
# Conclusion
$he you (ially do sit do% to iter#ie% %ith a prospecti#e employer ad you
are really) sicerely iterested i %orkig (or them) the it is importat (or you
to be prepared to hadle e#ery (acet o( the ?ob iter#ie%. ,( you ca (ocus
yoursel( o the most importat (acets o( the iitial employmet iter#ie% %ith a
compay that you are serious about %orkig (or) the you should be able to
rela= yoursel() as %ell as to be more i cotrol o( the message that you are
tryig to sed to the prospecti#e employer.
'y o% you should ha#e a pretty basic idea o( the biggest ad most critical
mistakes that eed to be a#oided i your iitial ?ob iter#ie% i( you %at to be
success(ul i pro#ig to the iter#ie%er that you are the best cadidate (or the
?ob. &here is a art to ?ob iter#ie%s) ad by takig the tips ad i(ormatio i
this report seriously) you ha#e already take positi#e steps to masterig this
e=cellet art. Ace you lear ho% to master ?ob iter#ie%s) you %ill ot ha#e
trouble securig ay ?ob or positio that you %at.
'y a#oidig these te critical mistakes) you ca lauch yoursel( (or%ard) pro#ig
that you are the right cadidate (or the ?ob rather tha makig a (atal mistake
that %ill cost you the ?ob o( your dreams.
,t may be surprisig ho% easily a had(ul o( small mistakes could a((ect your ?ob
iter#ie% success i some pretty serious %ays. ,( you are serious about the ?ob
that you are applyig (or) ad you really %at to stad out as a positi#e ad
memorable cadidate) the it is absolutely #ital that you a#oid these te critical
0ow that you know how to avoid makin% these critical mistakes in your
initial job interview - !et us go o#er a recap o( %hat %e ha#e talked about i
this report. &here are te critical mistakes that eed to be a#oided i( you %at to
be success(ul i the ?ob iter#ie% process.
@ Critical Mistake 0/ + ,ade.uate Preparatio (or the ,ter#ie% + :ho% up to
your iter#ie% %ith the right preparatio. Research the compay ad the ?ob
that you are applyig (or log be(ore you lea#e (or your iter#ie%.
@ Critical Mistake 02 + "rri#ig &oo 0arly or &oo !ate + &he best %ay to arri#e to
your iter#ie% is to sho% up te to (i(tee miutes early. "rri#ig too early or
too late ca seriously hurt your chaces o( ?ob iter#ie% success.
@ Critical Mistake 01 + 2a#ig the $rog "ttitude + <our attitude says a lot
about ho% serious you are about the ?ob ad the ?ob iter#ie%. 2a#e the right
attitude ad a#oid #erbal ad o+#erbal cues that you are distracted or that
your heart is ot truly i the iter#ie%.
@ Critical Mistake 03 + 'eig 4prepared (or ,ter#ie% 5uestios + Most
iter#ie%ers ask #ery similar .uestios %hich meas that you ca prepare
yoursel( a great deal be(ore you %alk i to your iter#ie%. Practice your as%ers
to the tougher iter#ie% .uestios ad you %ill ha#e better luck as%erig them
i the iter#ie%.
@ Critical Mistake 06 + Not "skig the Right 5uestios + "t the ed o( most
iter#ie%s) the perso %ho is iter#ie%ig you %ill ask C8o you ha#e ay
.uestios (or meBC <ou eed to be prepared to ask .uestios that are rele#at to
the ?ob i .uestio.
@ Critical Mistake 07 + 8ressig ,appropriately + $hile most people thik they
ha#e a good idea o( %hat iter#ie% dress is like) may are %rog. ,t %ould be
ad#isable (or you to scope out the %ork place be(orehad so that you ca dress
appropriately be(ore you arri#e.
@ Critical Mistake 09 + "skig about :alary or 'ee(its + &here are a umber o(
.uestios that you should absolutely re(use to brig up durig the iter#ie%
process) oe o( %hich relates to salary ad bee(its %hich should ot be brought
up util a ?ob o((er is o the table.
@ Critical Mistake 08 + Not "rri#ig %ith the Right 8ocumets + Preparig
yoursel( %ith the right documets) icludig %ork samples) re(ereces) re(errals)
recommedatios ad copies o( your curriculum #itae or resume is #ital to beig
ready (or a iter#ie% ad sho%ig your iter#ie%er that you are serious about
the ?ob.
@ Critical Mistake 0; + 'eig 8ishoest or ,mpolite + "ttitude is e#erythig. 'e
hoest) be polite) ad gi#e your prospecti#e employer a good impressio o( %ho
you are. "(ter all) your iter#ie%er may #ery %ell be your (uture bossK
@ Critical Mistake /0 + Marketig <oursel( ,correctly + >ob iter#ie%s are all
about marketig yoursel( right. :ell your skills) talets ad hobbies ad make
yoursel( memorable ad you %ill go (ar. &he more memorable you are) the more
you %ill stad out (rom other cadidates %ho are tryig to get the same ?ob that
you are iterested i. :tad out (rom the cro%d i your iter#ie%) ad you truly
%ill go (ar.
+ <ou truly are o your %ay to masterig the art o( the success(ul ?ob iter#ie%K
&he more you practice i (rot o( a mirror) the more you %ill be able to (ie tue
your ability to as%er .uestios properly) to ask .uestios %ell) to elimiate
egati#e habits or egati#e attitudes) ad to create a appearace that is
#isually appealig to your prospecti#e employer %hile gi#ig them the
impressio that you are a e=cellet cadidate (or %hate#er ?ob you are applyig
'y a#oidig these te critical mistakes i your iitial ?ob iter#ie%) you %ill ha#e
much greater success i your iter#ie%s) itDs that simple. Iood luckK

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