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REG NUMBER : C14123247M
LEVEL : 1.1
(Stonner and Freeman in 1992) well-defined management as the process of planning, organising,
leading and controlling the work of the organisational members and using all the available
resources to reach stated organisational goals.
(Smit and Cronje 1997) also defined management as the process whereby human, financial, physical and
informational resources are employed for the attainment of organisational objectives.
(Susan Quinn 2010) stated that management can also e defined as 'the effective use and co-
ordination of resources such as capital, plant, materials and labour to achieve defined objectives
with maximum efficiency'.
Poor managmn! from the definitions ao!e can e understood as the failure " a manager to
run the #rocess of #lanning$ organising$ staffing$ directing and controlling$ leading to disco-
ordination of resources such as ca#ital and laour% &t is the failure to coordinate and integrate
wor' acti!ities so that the" are com#leted inefficientl" and ineffecti!e%
E"!a#$%"&' (om)an%" are legal entities allowed " a legislation which #ermits a grou# of
#eo#le as shareholders to a##l" to the go!ernment for an a##ro!al run their organisations% (hese
are e)#erienced com#anies%
La#o*r !*rno+r
*erald Cole (200+) !iewed laour turno!er as the rate at which em#lo"ees mo!e in and out for
the em#lo"ment on the same jo%
Fa,o$ argued that management ma" e s#lit into fi!e road areas, #lanning (forecasting)$
organising$ staffing (command)$ directing (co-ordinating) and controlling. &t is howe!er in these
areas that management failure will cause firms to lose em#lo"ees% &n -imawe the . areas ha!e
een a mountain to clim for most com#anies since the econom" was at one #oint almost dead
with high inflation% (he reco!er" rate of the econom" has not made it an" eas" to the managers
howe!er organisations are losing em#lo"ees as a result%
La(- o. P$ann%ng
/lanning is a continual #rocess that in!ol!es determining courses of action to answer the
0uestions of what to e done$ " whom$ where$ when$ and how% *%S%12 (3&( #ointed that
planning gives direction to the organisation, forces managers to be future-oriented and enables
the organisation to deal with changes in the business environment. 4oreo!er$ e!idence is clear
that organisations which use formal #lanning a##roaches are more #rofitale than those who do
not% (here is sa"ing that if "ou do not 'now where "ou want to go$ an" road will ta'e "ou there%
4anagers need to 'now which wa" to go% /lanning #ro!ides that direction%
A#"n( o. '%r(!%on
/lanning creates a lue#rint of where the organisation is heading$ formulating goals which
#ro!ides guidance and agreement on the direction of the organisation% (his ensures that the
organisation is effecti!e that is #ro!iding #roducts or ser!ices that the mar'et wants%
5senteeism of or formulation of wea' goals will cause the firm o#erate with no direction% Some
of the estalished firms in -imawe are in this condition$ howe!er wor'ers 0uit of fear the
un'nown% (hese wor'ers will loo' for other em#lo"ees with direction lac'ing on their former
em#lo"ers$ Ca#s united footall clu has een losing #la"ers to 1"namos recentl"%
Im)a(! o. (&ang
5lthough no one can #redict the future$ continual scan of the en!ironment " the management
antici#ate change that ma" affect the organisation in future will hel# cur changes% (he terrile
e#idemic colla#se of the -imawe6s econom" has seen most firms #arting with some
em#lo"ees% (his is ecause of #oor #lanning " some managers which has led e!en to the closure
of some organisations in the countr"% 7owe!er some wor'ers are eing lost ecause of this
change with no managers to lame since the econom" has forced managers to shrin' si8e
ecause of una!ailailit" of funds% Some of the wor'ers retrenched " these firms ha!e found it
difficult to get em#lo"ed hence ecame !endors in the streets whilst some switched to etter
em#lo"ers who ha!e een #utting forth stiff com#etition to their former em#lo"ees%
R"%"!an( !o (&ang
4anagers$ who do not in!ol!e and allow em#lo"ees to #artici#ate in decision ma'ing$ often face
a resistant " suordinates to an" change introduced% Some change ma" ha!e not een taught and
communicated well to 'ee# wor'ers well informed aout the transition% (he resistant to change
" wor'ers will dela" and9or sto# #roduction #rom#ting managers to dismiss some wor'ers off
the organisation% 5lso managers ma" resist or dela" to act on changes in the mar'et li'e
technological change$ this ma" trigger em#lo"ees to lea!e the organisation since the wor'ers are
interested with how the firm is co#ing on the mar'et% (hese same wor'ers are em#lo"ed " other
firms or de!elo# their own firms which #ut forth com#etition on these former em#lo"ers% For
e)am#le Stri!e 4asi"iwa of :C3;:( wireless com#an" estalished the com#an" late 19906s
after e)iting the /(C com#an" which had too' a lot of time to introduce the use of wireless
La(- o. (o/or'%na!%on an' (o&"%on
(o attain organisational goals effecti!el" and efficientl" all organisations6 acti!ities should e in
one direction and the goals of different #arts reconcilale with the #rimar" goals of the
organisation as a whole% <ithout #ro#er #lanning there is a disorder of acti!ities #rocedures and
wor'ers wor' in confusion leading to resigning of some em#lo"ees from the firm% (he firm will
conclude that some of its wor'ers are useless in the organisation while those wor'ers do not
'now what the" e)#ected to do ecause of asence or unclear #lans " the management and
dismiss them% (hese same wor'ers loo' for jos to the firm6s com#etitors and im#ro!e their
#roduction to e)ert com#etition on their former em#lo"ers%
P$an" %n!rr*)!' #, !& n+%ronmn!
=oins and Coulter (1999> #g220) noted that #lans do not wor' effecti!el" in a d"namic
en!ironment% (his is the en!ironment firms are wor'ing in$ in -imawe% &n as much as the
management is #lanning$ e it strategicall"$ tacticall" or o#erationall"$ the en!ironment or
econom" the" are wor'ing in is forcing retrenchment of wor'ers% (he -imawe inde#endent of
3ctoer 1? 201@ showed that tens of thousands of wor'ers thrown onto the streets citing non-
#a"ment of wages% (he #ress clarified that this was not due to #oor management ut rather the
economic crisis the countr" is facing% <or'ers retrenched found no other em#lo"er$ howe!er
the" decided on estalishing their own usinesses which with enough ca#ital is instilling stiff
com#etition on the organi8ation%
Pro#$m" o. m*$!%)$ o#0(!%+"
(/eter 1ruc'er 19.+) has oser!ed that Athe real difficulty lies indeed not in determining what
objectives we need, but in deciding how to set them%B 4an" di!erse grou#s ha!e interests in the
firm6s o#eration which are #otentiall" in conflict% (hus at an" #oint in time em#lo"ees are
concerned with the o#eration of the firm% (he" will choose to lea!e the firm loo' for other jos
where ojecti!es are clearl" stated and achie!ale% Since the newl" joined firm is achie!ing
ojecti!e " ojecti!es$ the former em#lo"ers of the wor'er will find it difficult to co#e u# with
that firm hence the com#etition is stern to them%
La(- o. organ%1%ng
<arren /lun'et and =a"mond 5ttner in the oo' Aintroduction to managementB$ define
organi8ing function as the means " which management lends human and material resources
through the design of formal structure of tas' and authorit"% (he end result of organi8ing #rocess
is an organi8ation consisting of unified #arts acting in harmon" to e)ecute tas's and achie!e
goals oth effecti!el" and efficientl"% /lun'et went on to sa" that " a##l"ing the organi8ing
#rocess$ management will im#ro!e the #ossiilities of achie!ing a functioning wor' condition%
Poor a$$o(a!%on o. r"o*r(" an' 2or-r"
2na!ailailit" of organi8ing function in the organi8ation will cause a #oor allocation of resources
and wor'ers% For e)am#le a wor' load e)#ected to e done " a grou# of 1. #eo#le ma" e
allocated to e done " @0 while another wor'load which re0uires more laour is left to e done
" a fewest numer of em#lo"ees% Suordinates left doing a igger tas' in few numer will e
dis#leased " the management and ma" decide to lea!e the firm% Shortage of resources in other
de#artments will cause the wor'ers in those de#artments to e demoti!ated since the" cannot
attain their goals ecause of this shortage% Coels read manufacturers struggled in 2012 ecause
of lac' of resources and wor'ing ca#ital which led to the e)it of its management and a rise of
other a'eries which are now instilling stern com#etition on Coels com#an"%
Long '(%"%on ma-%ng
5 long decision ma'ing hierarch" can e formed due to #oor management on organi8ing
function% (his will affect the continuit" of the organi8ation when 0uic' critical decisions are to
e made% 7owe!er management can end u# eha!ing as the 4cgregor"6s theor" D stated$ thus
assuming wor'ers are la8" and disli'e wor'% 4anagement as a result will demote and retrench
release some of it wor'ers% Some of these em#lo"ees might e inno!ati!e and intelligent and
ma" uild their own entities #owerful enough to im#ress #ressure on the former em#lo"ees% For
e)am#le 4ut"eere of chic'en slice e)ited &;;SC3=$ started his chic'en slice at 4!uma which
is called a stro'e of genius since chic'en slice ha!e e)#anded to man" #arts of the countr" and
ca#ital 7arare #utting stiff com#etition on &;;SC3=%
Poor 2or-%ng (on'%!%on"
Failure on the organi8ing function " the management will cause wor'ing conditions on the
wor'#lace #rolematic for suordinates to wor' on% Eecause there is no clear hierarch" of
management the wor'ers ma" not e sure who to re#ort to$ howe!er the" ma" e gi!en two tas's
con-currentl" " two different managers% (his condition demoti!ates and rus off wor'er6s
interests with the firm which will lead to losing some wor'ers due to this form of #oor
managerial s'ill% Cosing the em#lo"ee will cost the organi8ation if this wor'er ma" cro# u# in
the future em#lo"ing com#etition on his former em#lo"ers% For e)am#le a former Ca#s united
coach went on to start a clu 7ull mine which then im#art com#etition on Ca#s 2nited%
Fa%$*r o. S!a..%ng
&n staffing$ the organi8ation attem#ts to identif"$ attract and retain 0ualified #ersonnel to fill its
a!ailale #ositions% &t egins with human resource #lanning and affects em#lo"ees throughout
their tenure with the organi8ation% Staffing also hel# management manage the s#an of control%
<ithout #ro#er 7uman =esource$ managers are ound to fail controlling its em#lo"ees% (he
relationshi# etween the management and suordinates is strained$ the em#lo"ees are
demoti!ated and will lea!e the firm% *i!en an o##ortunit" the wor'er will rise once more this
time as the enem" of his former em#lo"ers since he is instilling com#etition%
Poor (on!ro$ an' '%r(!%ng
3rgani8ations use control #rocedures to ensure that the" are #rogressing towards their goals and
that their resources are eing used #ro#erl" and #roducti!el"% <ithout control$ the im#act of
en!ironmental change on the organi8ation is difficult to detect% &t will cause the #lans #lanned
#ointless and an accumulation of errors " em#lo"ees% Cac' of control in organi8ations ha!e
een one of the reason wh" most com#anies are losing em#lo"ees$ such em#lo"ees ma"
resurface in the same mar'et as their former em#lo"ers e)erting stiff com#etition%
La'r"&%) "!,$
(his in!ol!es the leader moti!ating #eo#le to #erform well regardless of the tas's assigned to
them% 5 manager ma" e using the autocratic leadershi# st"le where" he ma'es decision
without consulting others% 4anagers elie!e the" 'now what em#lo"ees want and suordinates
ha!e to carr" on tas's as said with no com#romise% (his t"#e of leadershi# 'ills the s#irit of
inno!ation and demoti!ates the em#lo"ees% <or'ers ma" e)it the firm for this reason$ loo' for
o##ortunities and instill com#etition on their former em#lo"ers% For instance (awanda
4ut"eere left the &;;SC3= grou# of com#anies and estalished the Chic'en slice com#an"
currentl" fighting for the same em#lo"ees with &;;SC3= his former em#lo"ers%
Poor management has caused much labor turnover. In spite of this, some of the workers are
being lost on no account of poor management.
O))or!*n%!%" ar%"%ng %n !& "(!or
Some wor'ers ma" e enjo"ing their jo and tas's in the organi8ation$ #leased with the
management and reall" a##reciating the wa" the firm is o#erating% &f etter o##ortunities arise in
the sector$ the wor'ers will lea!e for greener #astures% For e)am#le the current go!ernor /hili#
4unganja left his jo #ost at CE- an' gi!en the o##ortunit" to e the nation6s go!ernor% (his
form of switch " em#lo"ees can wield com#etition on the former em#lo"ers if the #erson joins
another firm in the same usiness%
N' o. %n')n'n( or "$./a(!*a$%1a!%on
Some #eo#le ha!e a #assion and dream to ecome entre#reneurs at some #oint in life% &f an
organi8ation consists of such wor'ers$ there is a #ossiilit" that some time in future the wor'ers
will e)it the firm start their own organi8ation% Stri!e 4asi"iwa and (awanda 4ut"eere oth
e)ited their former em#lo"ers and estalished their own new firms% (hese firms howe!er
im#acted stiff com#etition on the former em#lo"ers res#ecti!el"%

Go+rnmn! )o$%(%"
*o!ernment #olicies might influence em#lo"ees to lea!e their firms and also management to
retrench some of its wor'ers% (he go!ernment #olicies such as the indigeni8ation$ em#owerment
#olic" ha!e caused organi8ation to lose suordinates since the" are starting their own small
usinesses% Cess com#etition is eing e)erted " these since the" ha!e not enough ca#ital%
4anagement has the tas' to ensure that wor'ers are moti!ated and cra!e to sta" with the
organi8ation% (his tas' re0uires managers to ta'e all the managerial s'ills$ such as effecti!e
communication and moti!ational s'ills$ into #ractice in order to achie!e the tas'% ;e!ertheless
some instances e"ond management control rise which causes the organi8ations to lose the
em#lo"ees% (he -imawean econom" at large has left most management with none other o#tion
than to retrench some wor'ers due to high costs of wages%

Cole *% (200+)$ Managmn! !&or, an' )ra(!%(3 (om#son learning Condon
Coulter 4 F =oins S / (201@)$ Managmn!$ 11
edition$ /earson :ducation limited$
:ngland$ 7arlow%
1ruc'er /% (197+) T& Pra(!%( o. managmn!$ 7ar#er and rothers
Freeman and Stoner 5%F (2002)% # Managmn!$ G
edition$ /rentice hall college 2H
*allagher 4% (200@4 B*"%n"" (on!%n*%!, managmn!$ /earson education limited
4oone" I%1% (19+7) T& Pr%n(%)$" o. organ%1a!%on"$ ;ew Jor' 7ar#er and =ow
Smit and Cronje (2007) Managmn! )r%n(%)$"$ Iuta and com#an" ltd S5
Quinn S% (2010) Managmn! #a"%("$ Susan Quinn and Kentus #ulishing

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