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Applied Statistics

and Probability
for Engineers
Third Edition
Douglas C. Montgomery
Arizona State University
George C. Runger
Arizona State University
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This book was set in Times Roman b Te!h"ooks an# $%inte# an# bo&n# b Donne''e()i''a%#*
The !o+e% was $%inte# b Phoeni, Co'o% Co%$*
This book is $%inte# on a!i#-.%ee $a$e%*
Co$%i/ht 0112 3 4ohn )i'e 5 Sons6 In!* A'' %i/hts %ese%+e#*
No $a%t o. this $&b'i!ation ma be %e$%o#&!e#6 sto%e# in a %et%ie+a' sstem o% t%ansmitte#
in an .o%m o% b an means6 e'e!t%oni!6 me!hani!a'6 $hoto!o$in/6 %e!o%#in/6 s!annin/
o% othe%wise6 e,!e$t as $e%mitte# &n#e% Se!tions 718 o% 719 o. the 7:8; Unite# States
Co$%i/ht A!t6 witho&t eithe% the $%io% w%itten $e%mission o. the P&b'ishe%6 o%
a&tho%i<ation th%o&/h $ament o. the a$$%o$%iate $e%-!o$ .ee to the Co$%i/ht
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Mont/ome%6 Do&/'as C*
A$$'ie# statisti!s an# $%obabi'it .o% en/inee%s ( Do&/'as C* Mont/ome%6 Geo%/e C*
R&n/e%*E2%# e#*
$* !m*
In!'&#es bib'io/%a$hi!a' %e.e%en!es an# in#e,*
IS"N 1-@87-01@?@-@ =a!i#-.%ee $a$e%>
7* Statisti!s* 0* P%obabi'ities* I* R&n/e%6 Geo%/e C* II* Tit'e*
QA08;*70*M;@? 0110
P%inte# in the Unite# States o. Ame%i!a*
71 : 9 8 ; ? @ 2 0 7
Meredith! Neil! "olin! and "heryl
#ebecca! $lisa! George! and Taylor
This is an int%o#&!to% te,tbook .o% a .i%st !o&%se in a$$'ie# statisti!s an# $%obabi'it .o% &n-
#e%/%a#&ate st&#ents in en/inee%in/ an# the $hsi!a' o% !hemi!a' s!ien!es* These in#i+i#&a's
$'a a si/ni.i!ant %o'e in #esi/nin/ an# #e+e'o$in/ new $%o#&!ts an# man&.a!t&%in/ sstems
an# $%o!esses6 an# the a'so im$%o+e e,istin/ sstems* Statisti!a' metho#s a%e an im$o%tant
too' in these a!ti+ities be!a&se the $%o+i#e the en/inee% with both #es!%i$ti+e an# ana'ti!a'
metho#s .o% #ea'in/ with the +a%iabi'it in obse%+e# #ata* A'tho&/h man o. the metho#s we
$%esent a%e .&n#amenta' to statisti!a' ana'sis in othe% #is!i$'ines6 s&!h as b&siness
an# mana/ement6 the 'i.e s!ien!es6 an# the so!ia' s!ien!es6 we ha+e e'e!te# to .o!&s
on an en/inee%in/-o%iente# a&#ien!e* )e be'ie+e that this a$$%oa!h wi'' best se%+e
st&#ents in en/inee%in/ an# the !hemi!a'($hsi!a' s!ien!es an# wi'' a''ow them to
!on!ent%ate on the man a$$'i!ations o. statisti!s in these #is!i$'ines* )e ha+e wo%ke# ha%#
to ens&%e that o&% e,- am$'es an# e,e%!ises a%e en/inee%in/- an# s!ien!e-base#6 an# in a'most
a'' !ases we ha+e &se# e,am$'es o. %ea' #ataEeithe% taken .%om a $&b'ishe# so&%!e o% base#
on o&% !ons&'tin/ e,$e- %ien!es*
)e be'ie+e that en/inee%s in a'' #is!i$'ines sho&'# take at 'east one !o&%se in statisti!s*
Un.o%t&nate'6 be!a&se o. othe% %eA&i%ements6 most en/inee%s wi'' on' take one
statisti!s !o&%se* This book !an be &se# .o% a sin/'e !o&%se6 a'tho&/h we ha+e $%o+i#e#
eno&/h mate- %ia' .o% two !o&%ses in the ho$e that mo%e st&#ents wi'' see the im$o%tant
a$$'i!ations o. sta- tisti!s in thei% e+e%#a wo%k an# e'e!t a se!on# !o&%se* )e be'ie+e
that this book wi'' a'so se%+e as a &se.&' %e.e%en!e*
)e ha+e %etaine# the %e'ati+e' mo#est mathemati!a' 'e+e' o. the .i%st two e#itions* )e ha+e
.o&n# that en/inee%in/ st&#ents who ha+e !om$'ete# one o% two semeste%s o. !a'!&'&s sho&'#
ha+e no #i..i!&'t %ea#in/ a'most a'' o. the te,t* It is o&% intent to /i+e the %ea#e% an &n#e%stan#-
in/ o. the metho#o'o/ an# how to a$$' it6 not the mathemati!a' theo%* )e ha+e ma#e man
enhan!ements in this e#ition6 in!'&#in/ %eo%/ani<in/ an# %ew%itin/ maFo% $o%tions o. the book*
Pe%ha$s the most !ommon !%iti!ism o. en/inee%in/ statisti!s te,ts is that the a%e too
'on/* "oth inst%&!to%s an# st&#ents !om$'ain that it is im$ossib'e to !o+e% a'' o. the to$i!s in
the book in one o% e+en two te%ms* Go% a&tho%s6 this is a se%io&s iss&e be!a&se the%e is /%eat
+a- %iet in both the !ontent an# 'e+e' o. these !o&%ses6 an# the #e!isions abo&t what
mate%ia' to #e'ete witho&t 'imitin/ the +a'&e o. the te,t a%e not eas* A.te% st%&//'in/ with
these iss&es6 we #e!i#e# to #i+i#e the te,t into two !om$onentsH a set o. !o%e to$i!s6 man
o. whi!h a%e most
'ike' to be !o+e%e# in an en/inee%in/ statisti!s !o&%se6 an# a set o. s&$$'ementa% to$i!s6 o%
to$i!s that wi'' be &se.&' .o% some b&t not a'' !o&%ses* The !o%e to$i!s a%e in the $%inte#
book6 an# the !om$'ete te,t =both !o%e an# s&$$'ementa% to$i!s> is a+ai'ab'e on the CD
that is in!'&#e# with the $%inte# book* De!isions abo&t to$i!s to in!'&#e in $%int an# whi!h
to in!'&#e on' on the CD we%e ma#e base# on the %es&'ts o. a %e!ent s&%+e o. inst%&!to%s*
The %nteracti&e e'Te(t !onsists o. the !om$'ete te,t an# a wea'th o. a##itiona'
mate%ia' an# .eat&%es* The te,t an# 'inks on the CD a%e na+i/ate# &sin/ A#obe A!%obatI*
The 'inks within the %nteracti&e e'Te(t in!'&#e the .o''owin/C =7> .%om the Tab'e o.
Contents to the se- 'e!te# eTe(t se!tions6 =0> .%om the In#e, to the se'e!te# to$i! within the
e'Te(t6 =2> .%om %e.e%- en!e to a .i/&%e6 tab'e6 o% eA&ation in one se!tion to the a!t&a' .i/&%e6
tab'e6 o% eA&ation in an- othe% se!tion =a'' .i/&%es !an be en'a%/e# an# $%inte#>6 =@>
.%om en#-o.-!ha$te% Im$o%tant Te%ms an# Con!e$ts to thei% #e.initions within the !ha$te%6
=?> .%om in-te,t boldfaced terms
to thei% !o%%es$on#in/ G'ossa% #e.initions an# e,$'anations6 =;> .%om in-te,t %e.e%en!es to the
!o%%es$on#in/ A$$en#i, tab'es an# !ha%ts6 =8> .%om bo,e#-n&mbe% en#-o.-!ha$te% e,e%!ises
=essentia'' most o##-n&mbe%e# e,e%!ises> to thei% answe%s6 =9> .%om some answe%s to the
!om$'ete $%ob'em so'&tion6 an# =:> .%om the o$enin/ s$'ash s!%een to the te,tbook )eb site*
Cha$te% 7 is an int%o#&!tion to the .ie'# o. statisti!s an# how en/inee%s &se statisti!a'
metho#o'o/ as $a%t o. the en/inee%in/ $%ob'em-so'+in/ $%o!ess* This !ha$te% a'so int%o#&!es
the %ea#e% to some en/inee%in/ a$$'i!ations o. statisti!s6 in!'&#in/ b&i'#in/ em$i%i!a' mo#e's6
#esi/nin/ en/inee%in/ e,$e%iments6 an# monito%in/ man&.a!t&%in/ $%o!esses* These to$i!s
a%e #is!&sse# in mo%e #e$th in s&bseA&ent !ha$te%s*
Cha$te%s 06 26 @6 an# ? !o+e% the basi! !on!e$ts o. $%obabi'it6 #is!%ete an# !ontin&o&s
%an#om +a%iab'es6 $%obabi'it #ist%ib&tions6 e,$e!te# +a'&es6 Foint $%obabi'it #ist%ib&tions6
an# in#e$en#en!e* )e ha+e /i+en a %easonab' !om$'ete t%eatment o. these to$i!s b&t ha+e
a+oi#e# man o. the mathemati!a' o% mo%e theo%eti!a' #etai's*
Cha$te% ; be/ins the t%eatment o. statisti!a' metho#s with %an#om sam$'in/H #ata s&m-
ma% an# #es!%i$tion te!hniA&es6 in!'&#in/ stem-an#-'ea. $'ots6 histo/%ams6 bo, $'ots6
an# $%obabi'it $'ottin/H an# se+e%a' t$es o. time se%ies $'ots* Cha$te% 8 #is!&sses $oint
o. $a%amete%s* This !ha$te% a'so int%o#&!es some o. the im$o%tant $%o$e%ties o. estimato%s6
the metho# o. ma,im&m 'ike'ihoo#6 the metho# o. moments6 sam$'in/ #ist%ib&tions6 an# the
!en- t%a' 'imit theo%em*
Cha$te% 9 #is!&sses inte%+a' estimation .o% a sin/'e sam$'e* To$i!s in!'&#e# a%e !on.i-
#en!e inte%+a's .o% means6 +a%ian!es o% stan#a%# #e+iations6 an# $%o$o%tions an# $%e#i!tion
an# to'e%an!e inte%+a's* Cha$te% : #is!&sses h$othesis tests .o% a sin/'e sam$'e* Cha$te% 71
$%e- sents tests an# !on.i#en!e inte%+a's .o% two sam$'es* This mate%ia' has been e,tensi+e'
%ew%it- ten an# %eo%/ani<e#* The%e is #etai'e# in.o%mation an# e,am$'es o. metho#s .o%
#ete%minin/ a$$%o$%iate sam$'e si<es* )e want the st&#ent to be!ome .ami'ia% with how
these te!hniA&es a%e &se# to so'+e %ea'-wo%'# en/inee%in/ $%ob'ems an# to /et some
&n#e%stan#in/ o. the !on- !e$ts behin# them* )e /i+e a 'o/i!a'6 he&%isti! #e+e'o$ment o.
the $%o!e#&%es6 %athe% than a .o%ma' mathemati!a' one*
Cha$te%s 77 an# 70 $%esent sim$'e an# m&'ti$'e 'inea% %e/%ession* )e &se mat%i,
a'/eb%a th%o&/ho&t the m&'ti$'e %e/%ession mate%ia' =Cha$te% 70> be!a&se it is the on' eas
wa to &n#e%stan# the !on!e$ts $%esente#* S!a'a% a%ithmeti! $%esentations o. m&'ti$'e
%e/%ession a%e awkwa%# at best6 an# we ha+e .o&n# that &n#e%/%a#&ate en/inee%s a%e
e,$ose# to eno&/h mat%i, a'/eb%a to &n#e%stan# the $%esentation o. this mate%ia'*
Cha$te%s 72 an# 7@ #ea' with sin/'e- an# m&'ti.a!to% e,$e%iments6 %es$e!ti+e'* The no-
tions o. %an#omi<ation6 b'o!kin/6 .a!to%ia' #esi/ns6 inte%a!tions6 /%a$hi!a' #ata ana'sis6 an#
.%a!tiona' .a!to%ia's a%e em$hasi<e#* Cha$te% 7? /i+es a b%ie. int%o#&!tion to the metho#s an#
a$$'i!ations o. non$a%amet%i! statisti!s6 an# Cha$te% 7; int%o#&!es statisti!a' A&a'it !ont%o'6
em$hasi<in/ the !ont%o' !ha%t an# the .&n#amenta's o. statisti!a' $%o!ess !ont%o'*
Ea!h !ha$te% has an e,tensi+e !o''e!tion o. e,e%!ises6 in!'&#in/ en#-o.-se!tion e,e%!ises
that em$hasi<e the mate%ia' in that se!tion6 s&$$'ementa' e,e%!ises at the en# o. the !ha$te%
that !o+e% the s!o$e o. !ha$te% to$i!s6 an# min#-e,$an#in/ e,e%!ises that o.ten %eA&i%e the
st&#ent to e,ten# the te,t mate%ia' somewhat o% to a$$' it in a no+e' sit&ation* As
note# abo+e6 answe%s a%e $%o+i#e# to most o##-n&mbe%e# e,e%!ises an# the e'Te(t
!ontains !om- $'ete so'&tions to se'e!te# e,e%!ises*
This is a +e% .'e,ib'e te,tbook be!a&se inst%&!to%sJ i#eas abo&t what sho&'# be in a
.i%st !o&%se on statisti!s .o% en/inee%s +a% wi#e'6 as #o the abi'ities o. #i..e%ent /%o&$s o.
st&- #ents* The%e.o%e6 we hesitate to /i+e too m&!h a#+i!e b&t wi'' e,$'ain how we &se the
book* )e be'ie+e that a .i%st !o&%se in statisti!s .o% en/inee%s sho&'# be $%ima%i' an a$$'ie#
tisti!s !o&%se6 not a $%obabi'it !o&%se* In o&% one-semeste% !o&%se we !o+e% a'' o. Cha$te% 7
=in one o% two 'e!t&%es>H o+e%+iew the mate%ia' on $%obabi'it6 $&ttin/ most o. the em$hasis
on the no%ma' #ist%ib&tion =si, to ei/ht 'e!t&%es>H #is!&ss most o. Cha$te%s ; tho&/h 71 on
!on.i- #en!e inte%+a's an# tests =twe'+e to .o&%teen 'e!t&%es>H int%o#&!e %e/%ession
mo#e's in Cha$te% 77 =.o&% 'e!t&%es>H /i+e an int%o#&!tion to the #esi/n o. e,$e%iments .%om
Cha$te%s 72 an# 7@ =si, 'e!t&%es>H an# $%esent the basi! !on!e$ts o. statisti!a' $%o!ess
!ont%o'6 in!'&#in/ the Shewha%t !ont%o' !ha%t .%om Cha$te% 7; =.o&% 'e!t&%es>* This 'ea+es
abo&t th%ee to .o&% $e- %io#s .o% e,ams an# %e+iew* Let &s em$hasi<e that the $&%$ose o.
this !o&%se is to int%o#&!e en/inee%s to how statisti!s !an be &se# to so'+e %ea'-wo%'#
en/inee%in/ $%ob'ems6 not to wee# o&t the 'ess mathemati!a'' /i.te# st&#ents* This !o&%se is
not the Kbab math-statL !o&%se that
is a'' too o.ten /i+en to en/inee%s*
I. a se!on# semeste% is a+ai'ab'e6 it is $ossib'e to !o+e% the enti%e book6 in!'&#in/ m&!h
o. the e'Te(t mate%ia'6 i. a$$%o$%iate .o% the a&#ien!e* It wo&'# a'so be $ossib'e to assi/n an#
wo%k man o. the homewo%k $%ob'ems in !'ass to %ein.o%!e the &n#e%stan#in/ o. the
!on!e$ts* Ob+io&s'6 m&'ti$'e %e/%ession an# mo%e #esi/n o. e,$e%iments wo&'# be maFo%
to$i!s in a se!on# !o&%se*
In $%a!ti!e6 en/inee%s &se !om$&te%s to a$$' statisti!a' metho#s to so'+e $%ob'ems* The%e.o%e6
we st%on/' %e!ommen# that the !om$&te% be inte/%ate# into the !'ass* Th%o&/ho&t the book
we ha+e $%esente# o&t$&t .%om Minitab as t$i!a' e,am$'es o. what !an be #one with mo#e%n
sta- tisti!a' so.twa%e* In tea!hin/6 we ha+e &se# othe% so.twa%e $a!ka/es6 in!'&#in/
Stat/%a$hi!s6 4MP6 an# Statisti!ia* )e #i# not !'&tte% &$ the book with e,am$'es .%om man
#i..e%ent $a!ka/es be!a&se how the inst%&!to% inte/%ates the so.twa%e into the !'ass is
&'timate' mo%e im$o%tant than whi!h $a!ka/e is &se#* A'' te,t #ata is a+ai'ab'e in e'e!t%oni!
.o%m on the e'Te(t CD* In some !ha$te%s6 the%e a%e $%ob'ems that we .ee' sho&'# be wo%ke#
&sin/ !om$&te% so.twa%e* )e ha+e ma%ke# these $%ob'ems with a s$e!ia' i!on in the ma%/in*
In o&% own !'ass%ooms6 we &se the !om$&te% in a'most e+e% 'e!t&%e an# #emonst%ate
how the te!hniA&e is im$'emente# in so.twa%e as soon as it is #is!&sse# in the
'e!t&%e* St&#ent +e%sions o. man statisti!a' so.twa%e $a!ka/es a%e a+ai'ab'e at 'ow !ost6 an#
st&#ents !an eithe% $&%!hase thei% own !o$ o% &se the $%o#&!ts a+ai'ab'e on the PC 'o!a'
a%ea net- wo%ks* )e ha+e .o&n# that this /%eat' im$%o+es the $a!e o. the !o&%se an#
st&#ent &n#e%- stan#in/ o. the mate%ia'*
A##itiona' %eso&%!es .o% st&#ents an# inst%&!to%s !an be .o&n# at
)e wo&'# 'ike to e,$%ess o&% /%ate.&' a$$%e!iation to the man o%/ani<ations an#
in#i+i#&a's who ha+e !ont%ib&te# to this book* Man inst%&!to%s who &se# the .i%st two
e#itions $%o+i#e# e,!e''ent s&//estions that we ha+e t%ie# to in!o%$o%ate in this
%e+ision* )e a'so thank P%o.esso%s Man&e' D* Rossetti =Uni+e%sit o. A%kansas>6 "%&!e
S!hmeise% =P&%#&e Uni+e%sit>6 Mi!hae' G* Ak%itas =Penn State Uni+e%sit>6 an# A%&nk&ma%
Pennath&% =Uni+e%sit o. Te,as at
E' Paso> .o% thei% insi/ht.&' %e+iews o. the man&s!%i$t o. the thi%# e#ition* )e a%e a'so in#ebte#
to D%* Smi'e Chen/ .o% $e%mission to a#a$t man o. the statisti!a' tab'es .%om his e,!e''ent
book =with D%* 4ames G&>6 )tatistical Tables *or "lassroo+ and $(a+ #oo+. 4ohn )i'e
an# Sons6 P%enti!e Ma''6 the Instit&te o. Mathemati!a' Statisti!s6 an# the e#ito%s o.
"iomet%i!s a''owe# &s to &se !o$%i/hte# mate%ia'6 .o% whi!h we a%e /%ate.&'* Thanks a%e
a'so #&e to D%* Lo%a Nimme%6 D%* Connie "o%%o%6 an# D%* A'eFan#%o Me%e#ia-Lan/ne% .o%
thei% o&tstan#in/ wo%k on the so'&tions to e,e%!ises*
Douglas C. Montgomery
George C. Runger
1-2.6 Observing ro!esses Over Time "
1-# Me!hanisti! and Em$iri!al Models 11
CHAPTER 1 The Role o%
&tatisti!s in Engineering 1
#-# Cumulative Distribution
'un!tions 6#
#-( Mean and )arian!e o% a Dis!rete
1-1 The Engineering Method and
&tatisti!al Thin*ing 2
1-2 Colle!ting Engineering Data +
1-2.1 ,asi! rin!i$les +
1-2.2 Retros$e!tive &tudy +
1-2.# Observational &tudy 6
1-2.( Designed E-$eriments 6
1-2.5 A Fac!"ia# E$%&"i'&( )!"
*& C!((&c!" P+##-O, F!"c&
P"!-#&' .CD O(#/0 1
1-( robability and robability Models 1(
CHAPTER 2 robability 16
2-1 &am$le &$a!es and Events 1.
2-1.1 Random E-$eriments 1.
2-1.2 &am$le &$a!es 1"
2-1.# Events 22
2-1.2 C!+(i(3 T&c*(i4+&5
.CD O(#/0 25
2-2 /nter$retations o% robability 2.
2-2.1 /ntrodu!tion 2.
2-2.2 0-ioms o% robability #1
2-# 0ddition Rules ##
2-( Conditional robability #.
2-+ Multi$li!ation and Total robability
Rules (2
2-+.1 Multi$li!ation Rule (2
2-+.2 Total robability Rule (#
2-6 /nde$enden!e (6
2-. ,ayes2 Theorem +1
2-" Random )ariables +#
CHAPTER 6 Dis!rete Random
)ariables and robability
Distributions +3
#-1 Dis!rete Random )ariables 61
#-2 robability Distributions and
robability Mass 'un!tions 61
Random )ariable 66
#-+ Dis!rete 4ni%orm Distribution .1
#-6 ,inomial Distribution .2
#-. Geometri! and 5egative ,inomial
Distributions ."
#-..1 Geometri! Distribution ."
#-..2 5egative ,inomial
Distribution "1
#-" 6y$ergeometri! Distribution "(
#-3 oisson Distribution "3
CHAPTER 2 Continuous Random
)ariables and robability
Distributions 3.
(-1 Continuous Random
)ariables 3"
(-2 robability Distributions
and robability Density
'un!tions 3"
(-# Cumulative Distribution
'un!tions 112
(-( Mean and )arian!e o% a
Continuous Random )ariable 11+
(-+ Continuous 4ni%orm
Distribution 11.
(-6 5ormal Distribution 113
(-. 5ormal 0$$ro-imation to the
,inomial and oisson
Distributions 11"
2-1 C!(i(+i/ C!""&ci!(5 !
I'%"!v& *& A%%"!$i'ai!(
.CD O(#/0 122
(-3 E-$onential Distribution 122
(-11 Erlang and Gamma
Distribution 12"
(-11.1 Erlang Distribution 12"
(-11.2 Gamma Distribution 1#1
(-11 7eibull Distribution 1##
(-12 8ognormal Distribution 1#+
CHAPTER 5 9oint robability
Distributions 1(1
+-1 T:o Dis!rete Random )ariables 1(2
+-1.1 9oint robability
Distributions 1(2
+-1.2 Marginal robability
Distributions 1((
+-1.# Conditional robability
Distributions 1(6
+-1.( /nde$enden!e 1("
+-2 Multi$le Dis!rete Random
)ariables 1+1
+-2.1 9oint robability
Distributions 1+1
+-2.2 Multinomial robability
Distribution 1+(
+-# T:o Continuous Random
)ariables 1+.
+-#.1 9oint robability
Distributions 1+.
+-#.2 Marginal robability
Distributions 1+3
+-#.# Conditional robability
Distributions 162
+-#.( /nde$enden!e 16(
+-( Multi$le Continuous Random
)ariables 16.
+-+ Covarian!e and Correlation 1.1
+-6 ,ivariate 5ormal Distribution 1..
+-. 8inear Combinations o% Random
)ariables 1"1
5-1 F+(ci!(5 !) Ra(7!' 8a"ia-#&5
.CD O(#/0 115
5-9 M!'&( G&(&"ai(3 F+(ci!(5
.CD O(#/0 115
5-1: C*&-/5*&v;5 I(&4+a#i/
.CD O(#/0 115
CHAPTER < Random &am$ling
and Data Des!ri$tion 1"3
6-1 Data &ummary and Dis$lay 131
6-2 Random &am$ling 13+
6-# &tem-and-8ea% Diagrams 13.
6-( 're;uen!y Distributions and
6istograms 21#
6-+ ,o- lots 21.
6-6 Time &e;uen!e lots 213
6-. robability lots 212
<-1 M!"& A-!+ P"!-a-i#i/ P#!i(3
.CD O(#/0 21<
CHAPTER = oint Estimation o%
arameters 221
.-1 /ntrodu!tion 221
.-2 General Con!e$ts o% oint
Estimation 222
.-2.1 4nbiased Estimators 222
=-2.2 P"!!) *a S i5 a Bia5&7 E5i'a!"
!) .CD O(#/0 222
.-2.# )arian!e o% a oint Estimator 22(
.-2.( &tandard Error< Re$orting a oint
Estimator 22+
=-2.5 B!!5"a% E5i'a& !) *& Sa(7a"7
E""!" .CD O(#/0 22<
.-2.6 Mean &;uare Error o% an
Estimator 226
.-# Methods o% oint Estimation 223
.-#.1 Method o% Moments 223
.-#.2 Method o% Ma-imum
8i*elihood 2#1
=-6.6 Ba/&5ia( E5i'ai!( !) Pa"a'&&"5
.CD O(#/0 26=
.-( &am$ling Distributions 2#"
.-+ &am$ling Distribution o%
Means 2#3
CHAPTER 1 &tatisti!al /ntervals
%or a &ingle &am$le 2(.
"-1 /ntrodu!tion 2("
"-2 Con=den!e /nterval on the Mean o%
a 5ormal Distribution> )arian!e
?no:n 2(3
"-2.1 Develo$ment o% the Con=den!e
/nterval and /ts ,asi!
ro$erties 2(3
"-2.2 Choi!e o% &am$le &i@e 2+2
"-2.# One-sided Con=den!e
,ounds 2+#
"-2.( General method to Derive a
Con=den!e /nterval 2+#
"-2.+ 0 8arge-&am$le Con=den!e
/nterval %or 2+(
1-2.< B!!5"a% C!(>7&(c& I(&"va#5
.CD O(#/0 25<
"-# Con=den!e /nterval on the Mean o% a
5ormal Distribution> )arian!e
4n*no:n 2+.
"-#.1 The t Distribution 2+"
1-6.2 D&v&#!%'&( !) *& t Di5"i-+i!(
.CD O(#/0 259
"-#.# The t Con=den!e /nterval
on 2+3
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