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Contents of the document

The product............................................................................................................ 3
Prerequisites & compatibility............................................................................... 3
Archive content................................................................................................... 3
Product installation procedure................................................................................ 4
Requirements...................................................................................................... 4
File ystem permissions...................................................................................... 4
!ettin" the product and installin" it....................................................................4
Product basic con#"uration procedure...................................................................$
Product full documentation.................................................................................... %
&loc'html Cache................................................................................................. %
(hat is this).................................................................................................... %
Access.............................................................................................................. %
!rid Con#" *nterface........................................................................................ +
Component details........................................................................................... +
Cache ,ntry Con#" *nterface-.......................................................................... +
Component details........................................................................................... .
Additional con#"uration of the bloc'html cache-..............................................
Con#"uration details........................................................................................ .
/earnin" !rid *nterface.................................................................................... .
Component details........................................................................................... 0
Fullpa"e Cache.................................................................................................. 12
(hat is this).................................................................................................. 12
Access............................................................................................................ 12
!rid Con#" *nterface...................................................................................... 11
Component details......................................................................................... 11
Cache ,ntry Con#" *nterface......................................................................... 11
Component details......................................................................................... 13
4taccess............................................................................................................ 13
(hat is this).................................................................................................. 13
Access............................................................................................................ 13
Con#" *nterface.............................................................................................. 13
Component details......................................................................................... 13
Reinde5ation 6R/ &ooster................................................................................. 13
(hat is this).................................................................................................. 13
Con#"uration of Reinde5ation........................................................................13
C78................................................................................................................... 14
(hat is this).................................................................................................. 14
Con#"uration of C78..................................................................................... 14
Component details......................................................................................... 14
AdditionalC78 con#"uration.......................................................................... 1$
Advanced con#"uration of the module.................................................................1%
Custom bloc' cachin" & hoo's......................................................................... 1%
Tip for bloc's.................................................................................................. 1%
!eneral information on the 9a"ento Cache...................................................1%
&loc'html4elper Cache.................................................................................. 1%
Fullpa"e4elper Cache.................................................................................... 1+
,5ample of a concrete case of adaptation.....................................................1+
8itro"ento 1.1 ne: features.............................................................................. 1.
8itro"ento 1.3 ne: features.............................................................................. 1.
6se of 9obile Themes or Pac'a"es *n 9a"ento.................................................10
;ptimi<e File Cache &ac'end............................................................................ 10
7isablin" Cache on a "iven pa"e from the frontend.........................................10
Chec'in" your settin"s & scores :ith !tmetri5= >slo:= and?or Pa"espeed..........32
Results.................................................................................................................. 32
Contacts ? upport................................................................................................ 32
;ther sources of optimi<ations............................................................................. 31
Credits & copyri"hts............................................................................................. 31
The product
8itro"ento boost 9a"ento pa"e load time throu"h many optimi<ation systems. All
of them are con#"urable from the bac' o@ce= e5cept the Custom &loc' Cache
feature that require some fe: additional code in your :ebsite sources.
The Features removed in 1.2
(e decided to remove some features in version 1.3 -
9ini#cation of 4T9/= A & C
C78 support
Those features necessited to have a very clean template and :e 0+B customer
havin" issues :ith poor quality template= that "enerated troubles. The other
features of 8itro"ento are Ctemplate resilientD and :onEt be aFected by
4T9/?C?A issues= so :e decided to lo:er the price of the product and remove
those three features.
GAust F>*= you can chec' if yours is clean re"ardin" 4T9/ there -
http-??validator.:3.or" and C there - http-??Hi"sa:.:3.or"?cssIvalidator?J
Prerequisites & compatibility
9a"ento :ith an unmodi#ed core
8itro"ento operates on versions
o C, - 1.4=1.$= 1.% and 1.+
o ,, - 1.0= 1.12= 1.11= 1.13
G;n ,, version= FPC should be desactivated if you :ant 8itro"ento FPCEs to :or'J

(e donEt recommend installin" 8itro"ento alon" :ith another cache
mana"ement module unless you 'no: :hat youKre doin" since the eFect can be
contradictory= the site can bu" and youEll perhaps loose performances instead of
increasin" them.
Archive content
This e5tension contains #les located in the follo:in" folders -
app?code?local?8&ystem?8itro"ento Gmodule sourcesJ
app?desi"n?adminhtml?default?default?template?nitro"ento Gmodule admin
app?desi"n?adminhtml?default?default?layout?nitro"ento.5ml Gmodule admin
app?etc?modules?8&ystemL8itro"ento.5ml G9a"ento module con#"uration
app?desi"n?frontend?default?default?layout?nitro"ento.5ml Gmodule frontend
Product installation procedure
The product :ill chec' if all pre requisite are met. *f you have some errors=
8itro"ento should report them li'e this -
File System permissions
The follo:in" folders and?or #les must be readable & :ritable on the #le system -
.htaccess Gthe one at the root of the siteJ
inde5.php Gthe one at the root of the siteJ
(Dont forget to put back .htaccess in a restrictive right settings after)
Gettin the product and installin it
R!A" #AR!F$%%& A'" F(%%() ST!P *& ST!P )+T,($T S-+PP+'G A'&
This install process should ta'e you less than 12 mins.
1. &uy the product online on our :ebsite - :::.nitro"
GFill the #(RR!#T 6R/ Gproduction and if any= preproductionJ so :e can
compile your licence 'eyJ
3. !et the e5tension archive= upload it to your :ebsite root= unpac' its content
GCopy the content of the CCopyLcontentLtoL:ebsiteLrootD directory= to your
:ebsite rootJ
3. Fi5 the permissions & o:nership :ith chmod and cho:n accordin" to your
:ebserver settin"s
4. Chec' that your admin theme is default Gonly one directory in
app?desi"n?adminhtml?defaultJ or custom Ganother one is there= letEs call it
G*f your theme is customi<ed= follo: this procedure - 9ove in the
app?desi"n?adminhtml?default?default directory and move the content of the
folders ClayoutD and CtemplateD in the directory theme of your custom
template Gthe CmythemeDJJ
$. Connect to your admin panel. !o to ystemIMcache mana"ement and select
all cache and then select desactivate action= validate. Gthis is temporary= but
%. *f you "et some messa"es Gerror in permissionsJ= correct them by #5in" the
permission ? o:nership of the uploaded #les Gcho:n ? chmodJ
Product basic con.uration procedure
1. /o"in to your admin= move to ystem= desactivate your cache if this has not
already been done.
3. 9ove to ystemIM8itro"ento. Chec' if you :ant to desactivate any bloc' or
FPC cache.
3. 8e5t= parameter the htaccess settin"s= activate the three chec' bo5= default
settin"s are 1 year= this ma'e sense but you can have= for speci#c reasons= to
chan"e this. G7onEt :orry= if the #le si<e is chan"ed= it :ill be reloaded by the
bro:ser any:ayJ
4. 9ove to ystemIM con#"urationIMAdvancedIM8itro"entoIMC78 settin"s. GFill
the 3 #elds= donEt put http beforeJ= add your C78 6R/ if you
:ant only one cdn or if you :ant many of themJ.
$. 9ove to ystemIMcache mana"ement= activate 8itro"ento Full Pa"e Cache
Gyou can "et bac' to systemIM8itro"entoIMcacheIMFull pa"e cache to set
some e5ception if neededJ and "et bac' in systemIMcache mana"ement and
activate C8itro"ento Full Pa"e CacheD.
%. !o to ystem IM Advanced IM 8itro"ento IM Cache fullpa"e= clic on Cactivate
+. The only remainin" thin" to do is insert your custom bloc. 8o Cstrai"ht to the
"oal methodD here= you have to move to the documentation and modify a bit
your code. 8othin" real hard to do but no CAuto 9a"icD method there. G9ove
to custom bloc cachin" & hoo's in the documentationJ
Product /ull documentation
*loc0html #ache
)hat is this1
To render each of its pa"es= 9a"ento divides it into Pbloc'sP= the sum of these
bloc's :ill form the renderin" of the pa"e.
*t is possible to cache the html renderin" of these bloc's to avoid havin" to
recalculate content on the server side.
E.g. If we cache the html rendering of the block containing a product, we won't
have to uer! the database to search for product info an!more.
From your 9a"ento &ac';@ce= "o to ystemM 8itro"entoMCacheM&loc'html
Grid #on. +nter/ace
#omponent details
#omponent "escription
Chan"e Qie: button 6sed to chan"e the user vie: Gthe top one is in
advanced mode= there is ho:ever one in simpli#ed
Add Con#" button 6sed to add a bloc'html cache entry con#"uration
Flush &loc'html Cache ;bHects
6sed to clean fullpa"e cache
,nable?disable?refresh action 6sed to respectively enable= disable= or refresh a
cache entry.
8ote- disable cleans the cache beforehand.
Cache entry line Ge.". Catalo"
This line is a cache entryR more information is
available in the Cache ,ntry *nterface section. Clic' a
line to edit this con#"uration.
#ache !ntry #on. +nter/ace2
&y clic'in" a line= you :ill access this con#"uration-
#omponent details
#omponents "escription Require
&loc' Class Class of the bloc' to be cached >
&loc' Template Template associated :ith the bloc' to be
Friendly ,ntry This label is used as an indication for a
nonItechnical user on the current bloc'.
4elper Class This is the class used to create the
adapted elements for the cache. For
technical users= refer to the section PCache
*f you donKt 'no: :hat to put here= put-
(the diference is explained in the
section // TODO)
Cache /ifetime Cache lifetime e5pressed in seconds >
tore tores on :hich the cache entry is active
Gall= for all storesJ
Activated Fla" indicatin" :hether the cache entry is
active or not
Additional con.uration o/ the bloc0html cache2
From your 9a"ento &ac';@ce= "o to ystemMCon#"uration= then-
>ou should arrive at-
#on.uration details
#on.uration Action
Activate learnin" mode 6sed to activate the learnin" mode for
bloc'html cache con#"
%earnin Grid +nter/ace
8ote- this interface is available if you have activated Plearnin" modeP
con#"uration and if you are in PadvancedP vie:.
;nce you have activated this con#"uration= you :ill have the time to display the
renderin" of each bloc'. G&e careful= some bloc's can contain other bloc'sJ. From
here= you can decide to add more to the cache. *tEs a "ood idea to have "ood
technical 'no:led"e of 9a"ento or to "et advice from someone that does before
addin" entries to the cache.
#omponent details
#omponent "escription
Put in tatic Cache Con#"? Put in
7ynamic Cache Con#" action
6sed to respectively add a
static?dynamic cache entry Gdetails
Cache entry line Ge.". Catalo" Qie:J This line is a cache entryR more
information is available in the Cache
,ntry *nterface section. Clic' a line to
edit this con#"uration.
tatic cache entry- is a cache entry that considers certain parameters Hust not the
pa"e 6R/ Gquite appropriate for constant bloc's on all sites Ge.". FooterJJ
7ynamic cache entry- is a cache entry that considers the same parameters as the
static cache entry and= not only that= the 6R/ of the requested pa"e :ith its
parameters in !,T.
*f there is any hesitation= al:ays ta'e the dynamic cache entry.
Fullpae #ache
)hat is this1
The fullpa"e cache is a process aimed at cachin" a complete site pa"e to avoid
havin" to consistently redo e5pensive processin" server side.
;nce the pa"e has been cached= pa"es can be very rapidly served to customer
This type of cache is :ell suited for e5ample :hen pa"es donEt chan"e from one
visit to the ne5t Ghomepa"e= lo"in pa"e= product pa"e= etc.J
Seep in mind that the Full Pa"e Cache is disabled :hen-
Customer is lo""ed in
There is one or more items in the cart
There are products in the 9a"ento comparator
There are messa"es in sessions
From your 9a"ento &ac';@ce= "o to ystemM 8itro"entoMCacheMFullpa"e
Grid #on. +nter/ace
#omponent details
#omponent "escription
Add Con#" button 6sed to add a fullpa"e cache entry
Flush Cache Fullpa"e ;bHects 6sed to clean the fullpa"e cache
,nable?7isable?Refresh actions 6sed to respectively enable= disable= or
refresh a cache entry.
8ote- disable cleans the cache
Cache entry line Ge.". 4omepa"eJ This line is a cache entryR more
information is available in the Cache
,ntry *nterface section. Clic' a line to
edit this con#"uration
#ache !ntry #on. +nter/ace
&y clic'in" a line= you :ill access this con#"uration-
#omponent details
#omponents "escription Requir
Friendly ,ntry This label is used as an indication for a nonItechnical
user on the current pa"e.
Full Action 8ame This is the identi#er that allo:s 9a"ento to reco"ni<e a
pa"e. G8ote- for a nonItechnical= do not touch this #eldJ
4elper Class This is the class used to create the adapted elements for
the cache. For technical users= refer to the section
PCache Fullpa"e4elperP.
*f you donKt 'no: :hat to put here= put-
Cache /ifetime Cache lifetime e5pressed in seconds ;
tore tores on :hich this cache entry is active Gall= for all the
Activated Fla" indicatin" :hether the cache entry is active or not 8
)hat is this1
The cache of your siteKs customer bro:sers can be activated via the parameters
that reside in .htaccess.
*n order to simplify this con#"uration= 8itro"ento directly inte"rates a menu in
9a"ento. These optimi<ations reduce do:nload times for certain elements Gby
compressin" themJ and 'eep them in the cache :hen the bro:ser passes over a
'no:n element Ge5pire ? eta"sJ.
From your 9a"ento &ac';@ce= "o to ystemM 8itro"entoM4taccess
#on. +nter/ace
#omponent details
#omponent "escription
ave Con#" button 6sed to save the deTate con#" in the .htaccess #le of the
9a"ento store root folder Gma'e sure it is accessible in
read and :riteJ.
Activate htaccess
Activates the compression of te5t elements
Activate htaccess
*nstructs the customer bro:ser to cache received
elements= time can be de#ned by resources. 7efault
values are usually practicable by most sites.
The ,ntity ta" is used by the 'no:led"e server :hen the
resource has been modi#ed.
nbsIsystemIblo" Additional information is available from- http-??:::.nbsI"?technique?faq?optimisationsI"raceIauI
Reinde3ation $R% *ooster
)hat is this1
This functionality helps your 9a"ento store to achieve a 53 to 512 boost of speed
on the url reinde5ation process. The con#"uration is easy= itEs safe to use= it Hust
optimi<es the :ay 9a"ento mana"e the inde5ation by not "eneratin" useless
#on.uration o/ Reinde3ation
>ou can enable ? disable this feature from the system4con.uration &; menu
and "oin" into advanced56'itroento56+nde3 $rl (ptimi7ation and choose
to include or not disabled and not visible products. (e hi"hly recommend you put
all these settin"s to yes to "et the most bene#t out of this feature.
)hat is this1
This functionality transfers your media Gim"= Hs= cssJ to a C78 GselfJ and re:rites
your media 6R/s :ith the C78 6R/. Consequently= the server that e5ecutes the
php and the one that delivers static content can be diFerent.
#on.uration o/ #"'
6sin" a C78 has t:o main "oals-
peedin" up loadin" by allo:in" your bro:ser to simultaneously pull
resources from multiple hosts. The value is bro:serIdependent but= on
avera"e= bro:sers are set to pull resources :ith no more than .
simultaneous connections per server Gper C8A9,J.
Providin" resources that are Cclose to your userD means that your content
is delivered from a place that optimi<es transfer speed and latency
because itEs "eo"raphically located Cclose to your userD.
&oth are important= even if the #rst point is more so than the second. For
e5ample= on a demostore= there are $3 elements to "et. *f you spread them
around 4 C78= you :ill "et . resources per hostname and therefore "et 33
elements at once and the 31 other ones in a second pass= instead of doin" +
#omponent details
#omponent "escription
6se self C78 ,nables self C78 or not
&ase 6R/ peci#es the absolute path of your
9a"ento site
C78 url peci#es the absolute path of your
C78 site
8umber of C78 8umber of C78= it :ill replace the NUO
G:ith brac'etsJ value of your C78 url
Additional#"' con.uration
There are many :ays to setup your C78 system. 8itro"ento actually only
automates a Cclassic C78D but A'amaV and 9a5C78 should soon be supported.
4ere is a simple :ay to set up your o:n C78.
First= choose :hichever 4ttpd service you li'e. Apache is "ood= but
/i"httpd= 8"in5= Weus= and others can also do a very decent Hob. /etEs
assume you choose Apache.
7eclare the C8A9, pointers in your 78. This could loo' li'e this-
www I" #"$%E
cdn &'(( I" $ )*+.+.,&'.*&
cdn) &'(( I" #"$%E cdn
cdn, &'(( I" #"$%E cdn
cdn& &'(( I" #"$%E cdn
cdn- &'(( I" #"$%E cdn
*f you are usin" named GbindJ= you should remember to chan"e the <one
serial number and then issue an rndc reload NyourI<oneInameO
8e5t= you need to con#"ure Apache to handle your C78 Qhost. Files are
usually in ?etc?apache3. ,dit your con#" #le and con#"ure it. 4ere is an
e5ample. Remember to chan"e values to suit your needs= settin"s=
hostname= and directory path-
*n your vhost= ma'e all your cdn url tar"et your base ma"ento app dir.
9aybe youEll need to restart your apache server after that.
Advanced con.uration o/ the module
#ustom bloc0 cachin & hoo0s
Tip /or bloc0s
&efore cachin" a bloc'= verify in the code that its method Lprepare/ayoutGJ does
not load any collections= in fact= this method :ill be systematically called :hether
the bloc' is cached or not. The result :ill be that cachin" this bloc' :ill not
improve performance by very much. *f you :ant to load a collection= prefer
over:ritin" the method LbeforeTo4tmlGJ
General in/ormation on the 8aento #ache
9a"ento uses the AP* WendLCache to cache components. To cache a component
you must provide it :ith a cache 'ey G:hich :ill be used to identify a component
in the cacheJ and a lifetime Gbeyond :hich the obHect :ill no lon"er be ta'en from
the cache then reloadedJ.
*loc0html,elper #ache
To build a cache 'ey= each 8itro"ento bloc'html cache entry con#" must de#ne a
helperR this helper must over:rite the abstract class-
8ethods to over9rite "escription !3amples
stract Xbloc'J
This method is used to
build the cache 'ey
.roduct page/ to cache the
block, a generic cache ke!
must be built to which the
product identi0er is added.
bstract Xbloc'J
This method is used to
provide a "roup identi#er
to be able to easily delete
cache entries.
.roduct page/ here,
common cache tags are
added, then the cache tag
speci0c to the product is
added1 conseuentl!, if the
product is modi0ed2deleted
34 side, this entr! will be
removed from the cache.
Abstract Xbloc'J
Qeri#cation made
8itro"ento side to
indicate :hether the
bloc' is cacheable or not.
.roduct page/ we can cache
or retrieve this block from
the cache if, for e5ample, no
message is displa!ed on
this page. 6his method is
used for 0ltering.
Fullpae,elper #ache
To build your cache 'ey= each 8itro"ento fullpa"e cache entry con#" must de#ne
a helperR this helper must over:rite the abstract class-
/ittle peculiarity= here the helper does not mana"e the cache 'ey= the cache 'ey
of a pa"e is actually its complete url.
8ethods to over9rite "escription !3amples
buildCacheTa"sGJ This method is used to
provide a "roup identi#er
to be able to easily
delete cache entries.
.roduct page/ here,
common cache tags are
added, then the cache
tag speci0c to the
product is added1
conseuentl!, if the
product is
modi0ed2deleted 34
side, this entr! will be
removed from the cache.
isPa"eCachableGJ Qeri#cation made
8itro"ento side to
indicate :hether the
bloc' is cacheable or not.
#%7 page/ #%7 pages
are all cached, if !ou
want to make an
e5ception for a page in
particular, this is the
method that can manage
!3ample o/ a concrete case o/ adaptation
9y store named Pboutique1P runs :ith 9a"ento and :ants to install the
8itro"ento module.
*t has the follo:in" speci#cities-
I A stic'er= indicatin" :hether the product displayed is already in the
customerKs shoppin" cart= is placed on the product pa"es.
I (e donKt :ant the C9 pa"e of the url http-??"ecms1
to be cached.
Nai'e resolution of the problem
(e could simply disable the con#" entries for the bloc'html portion of the
product pa"es and those for the fullpa"e portion of the C9 pa"es= but :e :ould
lose out in terms of performance.
Technical resolution of the problem
*Km creatin" a &outique1L8itro"ento,5t module that :ill over:rite helpers
chosen from 8itro"ento.
The &outique1L8itro"ento,5t.5ml #le must include a dependence on the
8&ystemL8itro"ento moduleR you should see somethin" li'e this-
>ou create an helper to mana"e the product stic'er problem-
class&outique1L8itro"ento,5tL4elperLCacheL&loc'htmlLCatalo"LProductLQie:L*mpl e5tends
public function buildCacheSeyGXbloc'J
return parent--buildCacheSeyGXbloc'J . KLK . XthisIMisCurrentProduct*nCartGJR
private function isCurrentProduct*nCartGJ
returninLarrayG9a"e--re"istryGKcurrentLproductKJIM"et*d= 9a"e--"et9odelGKchec'out?cartKJI
M"et]uoteProducts*dsGJJ ) 1 - 2R
'itroento 1.1 ne9 /eatures
('ents/)e*rites mechanism
As 8itro"ento is loaded before ma"ento con#"uration=:e ^va added the same
mechanism o re:rites?events natively provided by 9a"ento but that
con#"uration must be :ritten in your local.5ml #le.
8itro"ento 1.1= provides a local.5ml.sample in the folder etc of 8itro"ento to help
you :ith the synta5.
(xcludes some urls from being handled by the cache+
>ou can e5cludes some url from bein" handled by the cache. >ou have to
con#"ure the node in the local .5ml Ghere is a sample from the local.5ml.sampleJ-
'itroento 1.2 ne9 /eatures
#lean old cache entries cron
8itro"ento v1.3 provides a cron that clean every t:o hours old cache entriesGthis
mechanism use the native ma"ento cron feature so ma'e sure that the cron.php
is runnin" on your systemJ.
,gnoring useless -(T parameters
8itro"ento cache FPC mechanism use current url as 'ey of pa"e contents. &ut
some search en"ines li' "oo"le adds some "et parameters in your commercial
urls G"clidJ for instance. *f you :ant to i"nore them youEll need to add this in your
local 5ml Ghere is a sample from the local.5ml.sampleJ-
YqueryLstrin"L#ltersMY_NC7ATAN"clidOOMY? queryLstrin"L#lters M
8ote this feature is usefull= if you donEt use it= your cache may #ll in quic'ly :ith
useless cache entries.
$se o/ 8obile Themes or Pac0aes +n 8aento
*f you have con#"ured e5ceptions in pac'a"es or themes for have a special
theme dependin" on the user a"ent Gfor mobile devices for instanceJ= youEll have
to add in your local 5ml this node Ghere is a sample from the local.5ml.sampleJ-
8ote - This 7etector class ma'e diFerences bet:een Gnormal computers= mobiles
and tabletsJ= if yours needs are to ma'ediFerents themes or pac'a"es for Android
or iPhone or :hatever= youEll have to create your o:n 7eviceL7etector= this one
has to implement 8&ystemL8itro"entoL4elperL7eviceL*7etector.
(ptimi7e File #ache *ac0end
This lines are usefull if you are usin" the standard cache bac'end #le. >ou can
optimi<e this bac'end by usin" this one instead -
To con#"ure it ouEll have to edit app?etc?local.5ml chan"in" "lobal?cache?bac'end
to 8&ystemL8itro"entoL4elperLCacheL&ac'endLFile= youEll #nd more infos at -
And the reason :hy itEs usefull and if you :ant to "o frther in cache bac'ends -
8;T, - 8&ystemL8itro"entoL4elperLCacheL&ac'endLFile is the
CmLCacheL&ac'endLFile renamed
"isablin #ache on a iven pae /rom the /rontend
This can be done addin" the !,T param nitroento:re/resh:cache:on:pae
and settin" his value to 1
For instance - the url http/22),9.(.(.)2nitrogento2inde5.php2furniture.html:
nitrogento;refresh;cache;on;page<) :ill refresh the cache on furniture pa"e
cate"ory of the demostore. Gif you have one installedJ
#hec0in your settins & scores 9ith Gtmetri3; &slo9;
and4or Paespeed
First= you have to 'no: that Pa"espeed auto detects the use of a C78 but >slo:
doesnEt. *f you :ant your C78 to be understood from >slo:= you either have to
use one that is very :ell 'no:n or declare it in your settin"s.
*n Firefo5= this is done by openin" a ne: tab= type- about/con0g
Then move to e5tensions.!slow.cdn=ostnames and type your C78 C8A9,=
separate usin" a comma.
*n !Tmetri5= you :ill have to create an account and then "o to-
Activatin" every optimi<ation of 8itro"ento should allo: you to load 322 Sb in 1.3
seconds :ith 3% requests on a 9a"ento demostore= instead of 3.+ seconds= 3$0
Sb= and $3 requests.
6sually= FPC and &loc' cachin" allo: servin" % to . times more pa"es per day on
the same server.
Returnin" visitors should "et their pa"e faster since their bro:sersK cache :ill be
loadedR :e usually obtain a 4 Sb do:nload :ith only 3 4TTP requests instead of $
Sb and $3 4TTP requests.
(e usually recommend usin" Fun'load to bench your :ebsites performances=
more e@cient than sie"e= ta'es Apde5indice into consideration and is far more
realistic than Apache &ench.
>ou can #nd more precise benchmar's on :::.nitro"
#ontacts 4 Support
*f you have a problem :ith this e5tension= you can open a tic'et in our incident
support system by sendin" an eImail to supportanitro" Please provide
as many speci#cs re"ardin" your issue as you can and attach a screen shot
:henever possible.
This eImail is only provided for support purposes and is not meant to provide help
:ith product con#"urationR consequently= any requests on ho: to con#"ure
8itro"ento :ill not be ans:ered via this path.
>ou can direct other questions or provide your feedbac' here-
(ther sources o/ optimi7ations
8& ystem also published a full 4o:to re"ardin" 9a"ento (ebserver
performances optimi<ation here - http-??'?blo"I3?ma"entoI
#redits & copyrihts
8itro"ento is a 9a"ento e5tension created based on an ori"inal concept of 8&
ystem in 3212I3213. 8& ystem is in char"e of any questions related to this
e5tension and o:ns all code= concepts= names= brands= lo"os= :ebsites= domain
name and ri"hts for this product.
9atthieu &ouchot GThe ,commerce AcademyJ and A"ence 7n7 developed the
e5tension for 8& ystem.

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