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Summei, 2u11, Ashlanu, 0R - uoluen Elixii Piouuctions' authoi anu awaiu-winning
uiiectoipiouucei Baiclay Poweis is inteivieweu by The Empty vessel: The }ouinal of Baoist
Philosophy anu Piactice (Summei 2u11) about his multi-meuia pioject,
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!"# %&'( )#*+#( &, -..&+(/01(2 is an awaiu-winning film (Best Spiiitual Bocumentaiy at the
New Yoik Inteinational Film Festival, 2u11) anu is baseu on the book of the same title.
The film anu book link togethei the uoluen Embiyo of Baoist alchemy, the Reality Bouy of
Tantiic Buuuhism, the Philosophei's Stone of the Westein alchemical tiauition, the Rainbow
Bouy of Tibet anu the Kunualini tiauition of Inuia. The film pieuicts that the futuie of science will
be focuseu on these seciets of enlightenment.

We sat uown with the authoifilmmakei Baiclay Poweis iecently to ask him a few questions
about his pioject.

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This pioject is intenueu to make the alchemical seciet of enlightenment available to a woilu-
wiue auuience. I feel that once mouein science unueistanus the physiological basis of innei
illumination, the mouein concept of human potential will iauically expanu. This paiauigm shift
iepiesents the ultimate evolution of consciousness anu completely iestiuctuies Baiwinian
theoiy, which unfoitunately, uoes not incluue enlightenment.
I think that the most impoitant iuea heie is that theie is a uivine spaik of supei-
consciousness at the physical coie of all human beings.

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I have stuuieu the concepts unueilying Chinese innei alchemy foi many yeais anu have founu
that it tiansmits a funuamental, peiennial spiiitual science that was also the oiiginal goal of
Westein science when it was calleu the Philosophei's Stone, in the Beimetic tiauition. Similaily,
veiy few scholais have maue the connection between the Reality Bouy of Buuuhism anu the
uoluen Flowei of Baoist 4#19/4 piactice. The book anu film is the fiist attempt to explain the
seciet of innei illumination as a cioss-cultuial paiauigm shift.
0f all spiiitualalchemical tiauitions Baoism has a cleai, scientific methouology that has been
successfully pioven foi thousanus of yeais. I feel the concept of the thiee tieasuies (:14;< =1< '"#4)
is actually the lost seciet of immoitality.

It was also veiy exciting to woik with !"# >.?(2 @#''#0 anu film the masteis in the Wuuang
mountains anu Qinchengshan foi the movie.

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Thank you, we woikeu foi yeais to iefine the animation sequences so that they woikeu foi a
Westein auuience.
In auuition to the film, we also have a book anu a giaphic novel that is being tuineu into a
music viueo to accompany the new sounutiack album which is in post-piouuction iight now.
The iuea with the giaphic novel anu the new music viueo is to ieach the 18-2S yeai olu
auuience, who has nevei been exposeu to a cleai explanation of the complete evolution of
consciousness - the goal of being human.
We intenu to have musical events which will incluue a scieening of the film at multiple
locations woilu-wiue to enable as many people as possible to expeiience a film that points them
towaiu the ultimate innei tiuth anu challenges both the scientific anu ieligious establishments of
oui time.

Nany people have stuuieu taiji, qigong, yoga anu meuitation without unueistanuing that the
alchemical fiiing piocess is the key to ieal innei illumination anu ultimate self-uiscoveiy.

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Yes, I finu it fascinating that in many of these tiauitions the physical bouy is uesciibeu as
"fiozen light," which has the potential to uissolve into its essence - puie eneigy - at the highest
level of spiiitual cultivation.

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The film is playing globally anu will be openeu in selecteu cities on an ongoing basis. Foi moie
infoimation please visit oui website at

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A2 7/+*0/2 8&6#+'
uoluen Elixii Piouuctions
Softcovei, 2u6 pages $16.9S

This inteiesting book, which is a companion piece to the movie of the same name, takes a look at
the immoitality oi enlightenment piactices in Westein alchemy (The Philosophei's Stone),
Tantiic Tibetan (Six Yogas of Naiopa, Thiee Bouies oi Tiikaya), Binuuism (Kunualini) anu Baoist
neiuan piactices (Thiee Tieasuies anu the uoluen Embiyo). Theie aie also sections on
shamanism, quantum physics anu Chinese sexual yoga.
The book staits out with some histoiical iefeiences to the Tibetan piactice of the Rainbow
Bouy, wheiein, upon ueath, the piactitionei's physical bouy uisintegiates iapiuly, shiinking
uown to a veiy small size oi leaving just a few wisps of haii anu fingeinails. This is similai to the
Baoist iuea of "coipse libeiation."
Equating the Philosophei's Stone, the Zen iuea of Seeing Youi 0iiginal Face (the one you hau
befoie you weie boin) anu the uoluen oi Immoital Embiyo this book is a gieat iesouice guiue
foi anyone inteiesteu in the fielu of cioss feitilization of spiiitual paths anu piactices.
Inueeu we uo live in exciting anu amazing times! In ancient times one hau to go thiough
stienuous anu often uangeious tiavels to stuuy with uiffeient teacheis. Touay we have so much
infoimation anu inspiiation at oui fingeitips with the Inteinet anu books like this one. The most
impoitant thing, though, is to be able to ieally apply ouiselves in both leaining these piactices
anu then using them in oui on-going spiiitual cultivation piactice.
This book is a goou guiue to these ancient piactices of the West anu East which, incluuing the
evei-giowing fielu of quantum physics, can be useu to tiansfoim ouiselves anu oui woilu.


Contact: Nancy Butchison

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