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Optimized Design of Salient Pole Synchronous Generators

O.W. Andersen
Steinhaugen 43, N-7049 Trondheim, Norway
owand@! htt"#$$home.!$owand$
A program for optimized design of salient pole synchronous
generators, Synop, as made !y the author for mainframe
computers as early as in "#$%& 't has !een impro(ed con)
tinuously since that time and no runs on personal com)
puters& 't co(ers all sizes of air cooled machines from small
to pole generators of a fe *iloatts up to the largest
hydroelectric generators&
+eyords, O"timi%ed design, synhronous generators, sa&ient
" '-TROD.CT'O-
The o'(eti)e is to design to the &owest ost, in&uding the ost
o* &osses, at the same time meeting a&& "er*ormane re+uire-
ments automatia&&y.
A *ew thousand a&ternati)e designs are usua&&y e)a&uated in &ess
than , seonds on a modern om"uter. A&& the designs are
rea&isti, in the sense that turns "er oi& are rounded to the
nearest integers and num'ers o* s&ots and "ara&&e& iruits meet
the re+uirements o* winding 'a&ane.
Sine in this way the ost as a *untion o* the design )aria'&es
is disontinuous, the method o* o"timi%ation must 'e a'&e to
hand&e suh *untions. -t is desri'ed in the re*erenes and in
more detai& at the author.s we' site /T0A! user.s manua&1. The
desri"tion here wi&& 'e )ery 'rie*.
/ OPT'0'1'-G 02T3OD
The o"timi%ing method is a 2onte 3ar&o method, 'ased on
random num'ers. -t was *irst used in a trans*ormer "rogram
made *or Nationa& -ndustri in Norway /now A441 in 596,.
The ost o* the generator "&us the ost o* &osses is minimi%ed.
Some o* the "er*ormane re+uirements are ta7en are o* during
the design synthesis, *or others a "ena&ty term is added to the
ost *or designs that do not meet the re+uirements. A ty"ia&
"ena&ty *untion is shown 'e&ow.
8 "ena&ty
9ermissi'&e range Transient reatane
with "ena&ty : 0
;ig. 5. 9ena&ty *untion *or transient reatane.
-* the "ena&ty *untion has the "ro"er *orm and the in"ut data
ma7e it "ossi'&e, the "ena&ty is redued to %ero as the riterion
*untion ost<"ena&ty is minimi%ed. -n this way the tehnia&
re+uirements are met, without any need *or the "rogram to 'e
to&d s"ei*ia&&y how this is to 'e aom"&ished.
;ig. !. =ydroe&etri generator.
The design )aria'&es are#
Stator# 0otor#
5. -nside diameter >. ;&u? density in "o&e 'ase
!. S&ot width 9. Thi7ness o* *ie&d oi&
3. 0atio s&ot$tooth width 50. W$m
sur*ae &oading
4. A$m stator &oading
,. W$m
sur*ae &oading
6-7. ;&u? densities in teeth and yo7e
-* the ustomer is wi&&ing to "ay e?tra *or eah "erent the
synhronous reatane is 'e&ow a ertain &imit, ?d is a&so a
design )aria'&e.
;or eah design )aria'&e, min and ma? &imits are s"ei*ied in
the in"ut, and *i)e starting "oints *or the o"timi%ation are 'ased
on these &imits. The o"timi%ation "roeeds *rom eah starting
"oint with sma&& hanges in the )aria'&es 'etween suessi)e
a&ternati)e designs. The hanges are "art&y random, 'ut the
method is suh that the o"timi%ation "roeeds systematia&&y in
the diretion o* 'etter designs as &ong as "ossi'&e. The 'est end
"oint *rom the *i)e starting "oints 'eomes the starting "oint
*or a *ina& stage o* the o"timi%ation, where the hanges are
sma&&er 'etween suessi)e designs, and it usua&&y 'eomes
"ossi'&e to get e)en &oser to the true o"timum.
-n addition to the transient reatane, other tehnia&
re+uirements that are met 'y means o* "ena&ty *untions are *or
tem"erature rise in stator and rotor, tota& and o"en iruit &osses
and &earane 'etween *ie&d oi&s.
4 D2S'G- S5-T32S'S
The om"&ete o"timi%ing "rogram onsists 'asia&&y o* three
"arts, design synthesis, ana&ysis and the o"timi%ing &ogi.
@esign synthesis is the "roess 'y whih a design is "rodued,
on the 'asis o*#
A set o* )a&ues *or the design )aria'&es.
The mahine rating and other tehnia& s"ei*iations.
@esign hoies made 'y the "rogram user /winding ty"es, et.1.
The manu*aturer.s norma& design "ratie.
Sine min and ma? &imits are s"ei*ied *or the design )aria'&es,
they shou&d 'e as meaning*u& as "ossi'&e as design "arameters.
-t must 'e "ossi'&e *or the synthesis to "roeed in a straight-
*orward manner *rom a set o* )a&ues, whih is hosen 'y the
o"timi%ing &ogi *or eah a&ternati)e design. Some o* the )ari -
a'&es &isted ear&ier wi&& now 'e e?"&ained in more detai&.
A$m stator &oading is tota& urrent in a stator s&ot di)ided 'y
the s&ot "ith /distane 'etween s&ot enter&ines1. A higher )a&ue
gi)es a shorter mahine, 'ut with a tendeny o* higher o""er
&osses, higher e?itation re+uirement and higher reatanes. -t
is a )ery im"ortant design )aria'&e.
Stator *&u? densities are at o"en iruit, sine they are o*
im"ortane *or the o"en iruit ore &oss and don.t hange
muh with the &oad. On the other hand, the *&u? density in the
"o&e 'ase is at rated &oad, sine it is on&y o* im"ortane *or the
e?itation re+uirement and )aries onsidera'&y with the &oad.
sur*ae &oading is &oss "er unit &ength di)ided 'y the
sur*ae area through whih the &oss is dissi"ated. -t is diret&y
re&ated to the tem"erature rise. ;or the stator winding, &oss is
ta7en as d &oss, 'ut ou&d ha)e in&uded the sma&& addition *or
eddy urrent &oss. Sur*ae area is s&ot irum*erene 'e&ow the
wedge times unit &ength. ;or the *ie&d winding, the sur*ae area
is on&y *or the outer sur*ae, sine )ery &itt&e heat is dissi"ated
inward through the "o&e insu&ation and radia&&y through the
Some rounding o* dimensions is norma& design "ratie. The
synthesis starts with the rounding o* inside stator diameter to
the nearest 50 mm and s&ot width to the nearest 0., mm. Suh
rounding ontri'utes to ma7ing the riterion *untion dison-
tinuous and the o"timi%ation more di**iu&t, 'ut is on&y o*
margina& im"ortane in this res"et om"ared with the ad(ust-
ments o* num'ers o* turns, s&ots and "ara&&e& iruits.
The "rogram now esta'&ishes the num'er o* "ara&&e& iruits in
the stator winding. An a""ro?imate s&ot "ith is gi)en 'y the
s&ot width /)aria'&e !1 and the ratio s&ot$tooth width /)aria'&e
31. Assuming that a norma& two &ayer one turn 'ar winding is
used, the a""ro?imate urrent "er iruit is a&u&ated as the
A$m stator &oading /)aria'&e 41 times ha&* the s&ot "ith.
Anowing this, the "rogram an esta'&ish an a""ro?imate
num'er o* iruits *rom the 7BA and s"ei*ied min and ma?
&imits *or the stator )o&tage /the )o&tage an a&so 'e *i?ed1. The
num'er o* iruits is ad(usted to the nearest num'er that gi)es a
'a&aned winding, de"ending on the num'er o* "o&es.
The ne?t ste" is to esta'&ish the num'er o* s&ots. The "rogram
shou&d try to ome as &ose as "ossi'&e to the desired )a&ue *or
the stator &oading, 'eause it is suh an im"ortant )aria'&e. ;or
this reason, the desired s&ot "ith may ha)e to 'e ad(usted.
4ased on the s&ot "ith and the inside stator diameter /)aria'&e
51, an a""ro?imate num'er o* s&ots an 'e *ound. -t a&so has to
'e ad(usted, due to the re+uirements o* winding 'a&ane.
Now the ross setion o* the s&ot an 'e designed, in&uding the
de"th, arrangement and dimensions o* the strands, and insu-
&ation a&&owanes. The insu&ation is gi)en 'y the )o&tage. The
di)ision o* the 'ar into "ara&&e& strands is determined &arge&y 'y
the "ermissi'&e eddy urrent &oss. The s&ot de"th is *ound 'y
tria& and error unti& it gi)es the desired )a&ue o* W$m
&oading /)aria'&e ,1.
The stator sta7 &ength is *ound on the 'asis o* the desired tooth
density /)aria'&e 61. At the same time, the num'er o* )enti&a-
ting duts is determined, assuming a standard dut "ith and
dut width. The outside stator diameter is *ound on the 'asis o*
the desired yo7e density /)aria'&e 71. This now om"&etes the
synthesis o* the stator.
The air ga" is determined *rom the s"ei*ied synhronous
reatane, and the "rogram then "roeeds inward with the "o&e
ti", "o&e 'ody, *ie&d winding and rotor rim.
The width o* the "o&e ti" /"o&e hord1 is determined *rom a
*i?ed "er unit "o&e ar, o)ering "erha"s 708 o* the "o&e "ith.
The outer edge must 'e dee" enough *or the mehania&
strength at o)ers"eed. The "o&e ti" an 'e sha"ed as a iru&ar
ar with a sma&&er radius than the stator, so that the air ga" is
"erha"s ,08 &arger at the outer edge than at the enter. This
7ee"s the harmoni ontent in the air ga" *&u? wa)e within
reasona'&e &imits, 'ut manu*aturers ha)e di**erent ideas a'out
The width o* the "o&e 'ody is "rimari&y determined 'y the
desired *&u? density in the "o&e 'ase /)aria'&e >1, and the de"th
"rimari&y 'y the thi7ness /)aria'&e 91 and the W$m
&oading /)aria'&e 501 o* the *ie&d oi&. The synthesis is om"&i-
ated 'y the *at that the "o&e de"th a**ets the &ea7age *&u?,
and there'y the width re+uired to arry the *&u?. Bie )ersa the
width a**ets the a)ai&a'&e s"ae *or the oi&, and there'y the
de"th re+uired to get the desired sur*ae &oading. ;ina& dimen-
sions an there*ore on&y 'e *ound a*ter a num'er o* &oo"s and
-t is on)enient to ha)e the thi7ness o* the *ie&d oi& e?"ressed
in a "er unit system, so that the )a&ue one orres"onds to the
sur*ae o* the oi& 'eing *&ush with the "o&e ti".
;or a hydroe&etri generator, the rotor synthesis is om"&eted
'y *inding the de"th o* the rim *rom the re+uired inertia and the
"ermissi'&e stress at o)ers"eed.
-n &ow s"eed generators, the o"timum diameter is o*ten suh
that the rotor inertia and the rim stress are 'oth at their &imits
simu&taneous&y. -t is interesting to o'ser)e how this is ahie)ed
aurate&y and automatia&&y, e)en though there is nothing
s"ei*ia&&y a'out this in the "rogram.
-t is im"ortant to note that the )a&ues *or the inde"endent
)aria'&es had to 'e ad(usted during the design synthesis in
order to ahie)e a "ratia& design. There*ore a distintion must
'e made 'etween the atua& )a&ues that were o'tained, and the
desired )a&ues that were aimed *or.
6 D2S'G- A-A75S'S
4eause ty"ia&&y more than a thousand a&ternati)e designs are
e)a&uated, it is not "ratia& to em"&oy the most so"histiated
and time onsuming methods o* ana&ysis, suh as *inite e&ement
magneti *ie&d a&u&ations, *or e)ery one o* them. =owe)er,
suh ana&ysis has 'een used to im"ro)e on)entiona& *ormu&as,
*or e?am"&e *or "o&e &ea7age *&u? and stator &ea7age reatane.
C)ery time a new design is made, tests )ersus a&u&ations
shou&d 'e he7ed *or simi&ar mahines, where this is a)ai&a'&e.
;or suh om"&e? mahines, a&u&ations are a""ro?imate,
'ased on sim"&i*iations, assum"tions and e?"eriene. Some
orretion *ators must 'e s"ei*ied in the "rogram in"ut.
-n the a&u&ation o* e?itation, the hard "art is the addition o*
saturation am"ereturns. This is "art&y 'eause they are )ery
sensiti)e to sma&& di**erenes in *&u? density, the sha"e o* the
*&u? in the air ga" hanges with saturation and &oad, and
am"ereturns at the (untion "o&e-rim is a**eted 'y the
roughness o* the sur*aes that are (oined together at this "oint.
Doints 'etween segments and &oa& *&u? density )ariations near
wedges, do)etai&s and )enti&ating duts a&so om"&iate
C)en more di**iu&t is the a&u&ation o* o"en iruit ore &oss.
Sim"&y adding u" &oss in the stator teeth and yo7e 'ased on
a&u&ated *&u? densities and C"stein tests "rodues a &oss
whih must 'e mu&ti"&ied 'y a *ator o* at &east ! to get the &oss
in the atua& mahine.
The disre"any is e?"&ained "art&y 'y &oss in the "o&e *ae,
due to )ariations in *&u? density here aused 'y the mo)ement
o* the "o&e aross stator teeth and s&ots. 2ost o* the &oss usua&&y
ours in the "o&e "unhings, whih are +uite thi7 and on&y
"art&y insu&ated *rom eah other with natura&&y ourring
sur*ae &ayers o* o?ide. They are "art&y short-iruited 'y 'urrs
and through the uninsu&ated amortisseur /dam"er1 'ars. 9art o*
the &oss is a&so due to s&ot *re+ueny urrents indued in the
amortisseur 'ars themse&)es and is hea)i&y a**eted 'y the ratio
o* s&ot "ithes in stator and rotor.
Eoa& *&u? densities in the stator ore ontain harmonis, whih
add onsidera'&y to the eddy urrent &osses in the "unhings.
=armonis in air ga" *&u? density due to the sha"e o* the sa&ient
"o&es are re*&eted in the teeth. -n the yo7e, harmonis a&so
our 'eause saturation hanges the *&u? density distri'ution
'etween inner and outer radius *rom 'eing non-uni*orm near
the %ero "oints in the y&e to 'eing near&y uni*orm near the
"ea7s. Through the y&e, ma?imum *&u? density in the yo7e is
*&attened near the teeth and "ea7ed near the outer edge.
Stray &oad &oss is a&u&ated and measured at short iruit. On&y
the "art o* it whih is due to s&ot &ea7age *&u? induing eddy
urrents in the stator winding an 'e a&u&ated with some
The 22; *rom the stator winding at short iruit is o* the
same order o* magnitude as the 22; *rom the *ie&d winding at
o"en iruit. @ue to the onentration o* 22; in stator s&ots,
s&ot harmonis are )ery "ronouned. The resu&ting "o&e *ae
&oss is o* a simi&ar nature as desri'ed ear&ier *or the o"en
iruit ondition.
Another signi*iant "art o* the stray &oad &oss is the &oss
ourring in the &am"ing struture at the stator ends, due to
*&u? most&y set u" 'y the stator urrent in the end windings.
What ha""ens here is a&so o* a )ery om"&e? nature, 'ut it is
"ossi'&e to ome to some on&usions a'out the de"endeny
u"on diameter, "o&e "ith and stator &oading.
Windage and *rition &oss is a *untion o* air ga" diameter,
sta7 &ength and re)o&utions "er minute /0921. The nature o*
the *untion an 'e determined *rom statistia& ana&ysis o* tests
on simi&ar mahines. -nsight an 'e gained *rom the study o*
air*&ow and *rition in the 'earings, es"eia&&y a'out
"ossi'i&ities *or &oss redution, 'ut a "ure&y theoretia&
a&u&ation o* the tota& &oss is "ro'a'&y ho"e&ess.
Tem"erature rises in stator and rotor are a&u&ated 'ased on
e+ui)a&ent therma& iruits, a&u&ated &osses and estimated
air*&ow and s"eeds. Again, due to the unertainties in)o&)ed,
om"arisons with tests on simi&ar mahines are essentia&.
8 9'-'T2 27202-T A-A75S'S
A*ter a run is om"&eted, an in"ut *i&e *or a om"anion s"eia&
"ur"ose *inite e&ement "rogram is "rodued automatia&&y, and
the magneti *ie&d in the air ga" and 'etween the "o&es an 'e
a&u&ated *or the *ina& design with a sim"&e ommand.
-n this way, so-a&&ed "o&e sha"e *ators an 'e aurate&y
determined. Two o* them are the ratios tota&$*undamenta& air
ga" *&u? and ma? atua&$*undamenta& air ga" *&u? density.
Another *ator re&ates the sinusoida&&y distri'uted stator 22;
to the onentrated 22; *rom the *ie&d "o&es. Eess *ie&d 22;
than stator 22; is re+uired to "rodue the same *undamenta&
The harmoni ontent o* the air ga" *&u? is ana&y%ed with
e?itation *rom the *ie&d winding and *rom the stator winding
in the diret and +uadrature a?es.
The ana&ysis an a&so 'e used to set u" e+ui)a&ent iruits in the
two a?es with 'ranhes *or indi)idua& amortisseur 'ars. Among
other things, this ena'&es the designer to a&u&ate more
aurate&y su'transient reatanes and ana&y%e suh "henomena
as un'a&aned &oads and short iruits.
[5] O.W. AN@C0SCN, FO"timum @esign o* C&etria&
2ahinesF, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and
Systems, Bo&. >6, Dune 5967, "". 707-755.
[!] O.W. AN@C0SCN, FO"timi%ed @esign o* C&etri 9ower
C+ui"mentF, IEEE Computer Applications in Power, "". 55-5,,
Dan. 5995.
[3] O.W. AN@C0SCN, FTeahing and @emonstration o*
O"timi%ed @esignF, ICEM 96, Vigo, Bo&. ---, "". 4>>-490.

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