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ePSIplatform Topic Report No.

2014/08, September 2014

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ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014/08, September 2014
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ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014/08, September 2014
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CovernmenLs lncreaslngly prlorlLlse Lhelr lnvesLmenLs ln Cpen CovernmenL uaLa
on Lhe basls of Lhe value LhaL can be unlocked by openlng up governmenL
daLaseLs. lor example, Lhe C8 Member SLaLes, lncludlng Lhe Lu, commlLLed Lo Lhe
openlng up and publlshlng !"#!$%&'() daLaseLs wlLh prlorlLy. 1hls was formallsed
ln Lhe C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer" and Lhe lndlvldual acLlon plans of Lhe C8 Member
SLaLes and Lhe Lu. ln Lhe conLexL of AcLlon 1.1 of Lhe lnLeroperablllLy SoluLlons for
Luropean ubllc AdmlnlsLraLlons (lSA) rogramme of Lhe Luropean Commlsslon,
we elaboraLed on a worklng deflnlLlon for hlgh-value daLaseLs Lhrough dlfferenL
dlmenslons, boLh from Lhe perspecLlve of Lhe daLa publlsher and daLa re-user. We
used Lhls worklng deflnlLlon for ldenLlfylng and prlorlLlslng daLaseLs owned by
Luropean lnsLlLuLlons Lo be llsLed on Lhe Luropean unlon Cpen uaLa orLal (Lu
Cu). 1hls wlll allow Lu lnsLlLuLlons Lo deLermlne whlch new daLaseLs Lo be
publlshed wlLh prlorlLy or for whlch hlgh-value daLaseLs already llsLed on Lhe Lu
Cu, Lhe reusablllLy should be lmproved wlLh prlorlLy.

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014/08, September 2014
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CovernmenL uaLa refers Lo daLa avallable under an open llcence produced or
commlssloned by governmenLs or governmenL conLrolled enLlLles whlch can be freely
used, re-used and redlsLrlbuLed by anyone. Cpen daLa ls lnsLrumenLal Lo reach a varleLy of
ob[ecLlves boLh from a daLa publlsher and a daLa re-user perspecLlve. 1heoreLlcally Lhe
more daLa are made avallable, Lhe beLLer. 8uL glven Lhe llmlLed resources LhaL publlshers
have aL Lhelr dlsposal, one of Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhls acLlvlLy was Lo ldenLlfy hlgh-value
daLaseLs Lo be publlshed wlLh hlgher prlorlLy.
1he publlcaLlon of hlgh-value daLaseLs as a prlorlLy for openlng up daLa by governmenLs
has, for example, been seL as a prlorlLy by Lhe C8 and all Member SLaLes and Lhe Lu
commlLLed Lo Lhe openlng up and publlshlng of such daLaseLs. ln Lhe C8 Cpen uaLa
CharLer" and Lhe lndlvldual acLlon plans of Lhe dlfferenL C8 Member SLaLes, Lhe openlng of
daLaseLs ls seen as a key enabler for Lransparency.
lor publlshers of daLaseLs Lo be able Lo properly prlorlLlse based on Lhe value of daLaseLs,
lL ls lmporLanL Lo have a common undersLandlng on whaL can be consldered as hlgh-value
daLaseLs. ln Lhe conLexL of AcLlon 1.1
of Lhe lSA rogramme, we elaboraLed on a worklng
deflnlLlon for hlgh-value daLaseLs. lor Lhls we looked aL dlfferenL perspecLlves. Cf course
Lhe vlew of Lhe daLa publlsher was Laken lnLo accounL. 8uL also, slnce Lhe value of a
daLaseL lles lmporLanLly ln lLs reuse, Lhe perspecLlve of Lhe re-user has been Laken lnLo
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This paper reports on work that was funded in the context of Action 1.1 of the Interoperability
Solutions for European Public Administrations (ISA) Programme of the European Commission. Specific
acknowledgement is due to: Valentina Frato, Norbert Hohn, Athanasios Karalopoulos, Vassilios Peristeras
and Agnieszka Zajac.

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014/08, September 2014
!"#$%-!"#$% '()*()+)#"+)*, *- *'$, .*/$(,0$,+ %"+" ),/$#+0$,+#
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lor deflnlng hlgh-value daLaseLs we flrsL had a look aL exlsLlng relaLed work and sLudles. 1hese
were ldenLlfled Lhrough our work ln Lhe fleld of (Llnked) Cpen CovernmenL uaLa and SemanLlc
lnLeroperablllLy and ln our collaboraLlon wlLh Lhe Luropean Commlsslon and Lu Member
SLaLes. AddlLlonally, we lnvesLlgaLed whlch apps are currenLly belng developed and whaL Lhe
underlylng daLa (would) be. Also, a survey on soclal medla has been launched, asklng Lhe re-
users and app communlLy whlch daLaseLs Lhey would llke see opened up. llnally, we also
looked aL oLher lndlcaLors for lnsLance from Lhe Cpen uaLa 8equesL Map, an lnLeracLlve
dashboard showlng requesLs for daLa slnce Lhe launch of Lhe daLa requesL mechanlsm on
!"#$% !"#$%&'(&)*
LS -
Study of the
1he CharacLerlzaLlon SLudy of Lhe lnfomedlary SecLor ldenLlfled LhaL Lhe
followlng Lypes of daLaseLs are reused Lhe mosL by buslness ln Spaln:
Ceographlc and carLographlc lnformaLlon
8uslness and flnanclal lnformaLlon
Soclal-demographlc and sLaLlsLlcal lnformaLlon
Legal lnformaLlon
Dk - Good 8as|c
Data for
1he publlcaLlon of hlgh-value governmenL daLa ln uenmark ls approached
Lhrough Lhe concepL of 8aslc uaLa" and comprlses, amongsL oLhers, core
lnformaLlon abouL lndlvlduals, buslnesses, real properLles, bulldlngs,
addresses... 1hese klnd of daLa make a loL of sense of belng publlcally
avallable for re-use because lL lncreases governmenLal efflclency and lL
enables Lhe prlvaLe secLor Lo develop new producLs and servlces.
G8 Cpen Data
1he C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer deflnes hlgh-value daLa as daLa LhaL lmprove
democracy and encourage Lhe lnnovaLlve re-use of Lhe parLlcular daLa.
1he charLer menLlons Lhe followlng hlgh-value daLa domalns: Companles
(e.g. company reglsLers), Crlme and !usLlce (e.g. crlme sLaLlsLlcs), LarLh
observaLlon (e.g. meLeorologlcal observaLlons), LducaLlon (e.g. llsL of
schools and performance lndlcaLors), Lnergy and LnvlronmenL (e.g.
polluLlon levels), llnance and conLracLs (e.g. calls for Lenders and
budgeL/spendlng daLa), CeospaLlal (e.g. naLlonal maps), Clobal
uevelopmenL (e.g. ald and food securlLy daLa), CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy (e.g. governmenL conLacL polnLs), PealLh (e.g. prescrlpLlon
daLa), Sclence and 8esearch (e.g. genome daLa and experlmenL resulLs),
SLaLlsLlcs (e.g. naLlonal sLaLlsLlcs and census), Soclal moblllLy and welfare
(e.g. houslng and healLh lnsurance), and 1ransporL and lnfrasLrucLure (e.g.
publlc LransporL LlmeLables).

naLlonal governmenL and Lhe LC should faclllLaLe Lhe openlng-up and
publlcaLlon of hlgh-value daLaseLs ln machlne-readable formaLs.

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014/08, September 2014
!"#$%-!"#$% '()*()+)#"+)*, *- *'$, .*/$(,0$,+ %"+" ),/$#+0$,+#
1he C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer has been Lransposed ln Lhe Cpen uaLa AcLlon
lans of Lhe lrance, lLaly, uk and Lhe Luropean Commlsslon.
Cpen data:
|nnovat|on and
w|th ||qu|d
1hls paper has Lhe goal Lo quanLlfy Lhe poLenLlal value of uslng open daLa ln
seven domalns" of Lhe global economy: educaLlon, LransporLaLlon,
consumer producLs, elecLrlclLy, oll and gas, healLh care, and consumer
flnance. 1he paper alms on ldenLlfylng Lhe levers" Lhrough whlch open
daLa can creaLe economlc value and Lhe barrlers for adopLlon and
enablers" for capLurlng value by maklng daLa more open.

Whlle lL ls recognlsed LhaL openlng up daLa conLrlbuLes Lo socleLal goals
such as lmprovlng Lhe Lransparency and accounLablllLy of lnsLlLuLlons, Lhe
researchers focuses on economlc value LhaL can be creaLed by open daLa
and how Lhls economlc value can be reached by maklng daLa more llquld"
(open, wldely avallable, and ln shareable formaLs).
Gu|de||nes on
datasets and
charg|ng for the
reuse of
ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe revlsed ulrecLlve on Lhe re-use
of publlc secLor lnformaLlon (2013/37/Lu), Lhe Luropean Commlsslon ran
an onllne consulLaLlon Lo seek Lhe vlews of sLakeholders on recommended
sLandard llcenslng, daLaseLs and charglng for Lhe re-use of publlc secLor
lnformaLlon. 8esulLs of Lhls consulLaLlon were complled as a seL of
for naLlonal admlnlsLraLlons Lo gulde Lhem ln Lhe LransposlLlon
of Lhe revlsed Sl ulrecLlve and Lo encourage pracLlces LhaL lncrease Lhe
role of publlc secLor lnformaLlon ln Lhe dlglLal markeL.

1hls guldance documenL lncludes recommendaLlons on Lhe use of avallable
open sLandard llcences, Lhe elemenLs Lo lnclude ln cusLom-made llcences,
daLaseLs Lo be publlshed as prlorlLy, Lhey ways Lo make Lhem more readlly
re-usable, Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe marglnal cosL rule and Lhe cosL elemenLs
LhaL can be Laken lnLo accounL for cosL-recovery charglng.

1hese guldellnes esLabllsh prlorlLles for daLa release dependlng on Lhe
caLegory of Lhe lnformaLlon. AlLhough oLher caLegorles may be consldered
'core' or 'hlgh-value' daLa dependlng on Lhe clrcumsLances, flve speclflc
domalns are recommended ln Lhe documenL:
Geospat|a| data -e.g., posLcodes, naLlonal and local maps
(cadasLral, Lopographlc, marlne, admlnlsLraLlve boundarles, eLc.)-
Larth observat|on and Lnv|ronment -e.g., space and ln slLu daLa
(monlLorlng of weaLher, land and waLer quallLy, energy
consumpLlon, emlsslon levels, eLc.)-
1ransport data -ubllc LransporL LlmeLables (all modes of
LransporL) aL naLlonal, reglonal and local levels, road works, Lrafflc

Guidelines on recommended standard licences, datasets and charging for the reuse of documents:

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014/08, September 2014
!"#$%-!"#$% '()*()+)#"+)*, *- *'$, .*/$(,0$,+ %"+" ),/$#+0$,+#
lnformaLlon, eLc.-
Stat|st|cs -naLlonal, reglonal and local sLaLlsLlcal daLa wlLh maln
demographlc and economlc lndlcaLors (Cu, age, healLh,
unemploymenL, lncome, educaLlon, eLc.)-
Compan|es -Company and buslness reglsLers (llsLs of reglsLered
companles, ownershlp and managemenL daLa, reglsLraLlon
ldenLlflers, balance sheeLs, eLc.)-

AparL from Lhe caLegory, accordlng Lo Lhe guldellnes, lL ls recommended
LhaL daLaseLs be:
publlshed onllne ln Lhelr or|g|na|, unmod|f|ed form Lo ensure
Llmely release,
publlshed and updaLed aL Lhe h|ghest poss|b|e |eve| of granu|ar|ty
Lo ensure compleLeness,
publlshed and malnLalned aL a stab|e |ocat|on, preferably on Lhe
hlghesL organlsaLlonal level wlLhln Lhe admlnlsLraLlon, Lo ensure
easy access and long-Lerm avallablllLy,
publlshed ln mach|ne-readab|e and open formats (CSv, !SCn, xML,
8ul, eLc.) Lo enhance accesslblllLy,
descrlbed ln r|ch metadata formats and c|ass|f|ed accordlng Lo
sLandard vocabularles (uCA1, Lu8CvCC, AuMS, eLc.) Lo faclllLaLe
searchlng and lnLeroperablllLy,
accesslble as data dumps (masslve ouLpuLs of daLa) as well as
Lhrough appllcaLlon programmlng lnLerfaces (AIs) Lo faclllLaLe
auLomaLlc processlng,
accompan|ed by exp|anatory documents on Lhe meLadaLa and
conLrolled vocabularles used, Lo promoLe Lhe lnLeroperablllLy of
daLabases, and
sub[ecL Lo regular feedback from re-users (publlc consulLaLlons,
commenLs box, blogs, auLomaLed reporLlng, eLc.) Lo malnLaln
quallLy over Llme and promoLe publlc lnvolvemenL.
ISA Access to
base reg|sters
1hls reporL lncludes a seL of recommendaLlons for provldlng access Lo base
reglsLrles (core lnformaLlon llke addresses, persons, organlsaLlons...) for all
layers of lnLeroperablllLy of Lhe base reglsLry lnLeroperablllLy model (legal,
organlsaLlonal, semanLlc and Lechnlcal lnLeroperablllLy). A base reglsLry ls
deflned ln u1.2. 8ase reglsLry deflnlLlon" as a LrusLed auLhenLlc source of
lnformaLlon under Lhe conLrol of an appolnLed publlc admlnlsLraLlon or
organlsaLlon appolnLed by governmenL".

8ased on Lhe analysls of Lhe above, whlch was summarlsed ln a reporL, we elaboraLed on a
worklng deflnlLlon of hlgh-value daLaseL", Laklng lnLo accounL Lwo dlfferenL polnLs of vlew:
Lhe one of Lhe daLa pub||shers and Lhe one of Lhe daLa re-users. Cf course boLh Lwo
perspecLlves may ln cerLaln clrcumsLance be sLrongly lnLerllnked and overlap. lor lnsLance, Lhe

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014/08, September 2014
!"#$%-!"#$% '()*()+)#"+)*, *- *'$, .*/$(,0$,+ %"+" ),/$#+0$,+#
facL LhaL a publlsher may conslders a daLaseL as of hlgh value because lL conLrlbuLes Lo
Lransparency, does noL exclude Lhe facL LhaL also from a re-users' perspecLlve lL could be of
hlgh value for Lhe same reason.
1hls sald Lhe dlsLlncLlon beLween Lhese Lwo vlewpolnLs has been developed as an lnsLrumenL
for ldenLlfylng hlgh-valued daLaseLs raLher Lhan provldlng a deflnlLlon flLLlng for all purposes. ln
facL a glven daLaseL may serve mulLlple purposes dependlng for lnsLance on Lhe sLakeholders
lnvolved, Lhe speclflc polnL ln Llme ln whlch Lhe daLaseL ls analysed eLc.
D9AB :"$8% (0'< " 1"+" E8#$9,B%0F, E%0,E%4+9:% ?G=
lrom Lhe vlewpolnL of Lhe daLa publlsher, Lhere can be dlfferenL reasons Lo make a daLaseL
avallable. arLlcularly ln Lhe case of publlc admlnlsLraLlons, Lhe followlng dlmenslons
conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe deLermlnaLlon of Lhe value of a glven daLaseL. lrom Lhe publlsher's
perspecLlve, a daLaseL may be consldered of hlgh-value when one or more of Lhe followlng
crlLerla are meL:
lL conLrlbuLes Lo transparency:
1hese daLaseLs are publlshed because Lhey lncrease Lhe Lransparency and openness of
Lhe governmenL Lowards lLs clLlzens. lor lnsLance Lhe publlcaLlon of parllamenLs' daLa,
such as elecLlon resulLs, or Lhe way governmenLal budgeLs are spenL, or sLaff cosL of
publlc admlnlsLraLlons all conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe Lransparency of Lhe way publlc
admlnlsLraLlons are worklng.
lLs publlcaLlon ls sub[ecL Lo a |ega| ob||gat|on:
ln some cases Lhe publlcaLlon of daLa ls enforced by law. 1he Sl ulrecLlve for lnsLance,
regulaLes Lhe publlcaLlon of pollcy-relaLed documenLs by (seml)publlc organlsaLlons.
lL dlrecLly or lndlrecLly relaLes Lo Lhelr pub||c task:
A publlc admlnlsLraLlon may publlsh a daLaseL because lL dlrecLly relaLes Lo lLs publlc
Lask. lor lnsLance uC CLlMA may publlsh sLaLlsLlcs on CC
-emlsslon as parL of lLs Lask
for ralslng awareness abouL cllmaLe change.
lL reallses a cost reduct|on:
1he avallablllLy and re-use of a daLaseL, e.g. conLacL lnformaLlon, code llsLs, reference
daLa and conLrolled vocabularles, ellmlnaLes Lhe need for dupllcaLlon of daLa and
efforL, reduces cosLs and lncreases lnLeroperablllLy. CollecLlons of daLa housed ln Lhe
base reglsLers and geospaLlal daLa are prlme examples of daLaseL whlch openlng up
wlll lead Lo dlrecL cosL reducLlons ln daLa managemenL, producLlon and exchange.
1he Lype and slze of lLs target aud|ence:
A daLaseL may be useful for/relevanL Lo a large audlence (slze-based value), for
lnsLance Lrafflc daLa. Cn Lhe oLher hand a daLaseL may brlng large value Lo a speclflc
LargeL audlence (LargeL/sub[ecL-based value), for lnsLance a daLaseL conLalnlng daLa of
parLlcles collldlng aL hlgh speed ln a parLlcle acceleraLor.

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014/08, September 2014
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D9AB :"$8% (0'< " 1"+" 0%C8,%0F, E%0,E%4+9:% ?G?
lrom a daLa re-user's perspecLlve, Lhe value of a daLaseL prlmarlly depends on lLs use and re-
use potent|a|, whlch can effecLlvely lead Lo Lhe generaLlon of (new) bus|ness mode|s.
1he use and re-use poLenLlal of a daLaseL ls deflned by Lhe slze and Lhe dynamlcs of Lhe LargeL
audlence of Lhe daLaseL (see above), as well as by Lhe number of new and exlsLlng sysLems and
servlces LhaL are uslng (or could use) Lhe parLlcular daLaseL.
Cpenlng up daLaseLs wlLh a hlgh use and re-use poLenLlal ls expecLed Lo lead Lo Lhe creaLlon of
new producLs and/or servlces LhaL have dlrecL or lndlrecL economlc or soclal lmpacL and/or
poslLlve economlc exLernallLles. 1he base reglsLers, geospaLlal daLa, LransporL daLa and
sLaLlsLlcs consLlLuLe prlme examples of daLaseLs wlLh a hlgh use and re-use poLenLlal.
lL ls worLh maklng a speclal reference Lo Lhe lnLeresL of daLa re-users ln daLaseLs whlch
conLrlbuLe Lo Lransparency. Such daLaseLs have a sLrong soclal lmpacL. An example of open
daLa used for servlng Lransparency ls Lhe case of re-use of parllamenL daLa Lo develop an app
abouL Lhe acLlvlLy of parllamenL members, llke zewerkenvoor[ and

D9ABC:"$8% 1"+",%+, E8#$94"+9'* 0%H890%<%*+, ?GI
1he value of a daLaseL also depends on lLs reusablllLy. A daLaseL can be consldered of hlgh
value, buL lLs value ls greaLly dlmlnlshed lf lL ls noL publlshed ln a hlghly reusable, open formaL.
lor lnsLance, a daLaseL conLalnlng spendlng lnformaLlon of a publlc admlnlsLraLlon may be
consldered as hlgh-value daLa. 8uL lf Lhls lnformaLlon ls noL publlshed wlLh an open llcence or
ln a sLrucLured or machlne-readable formaL (as ls Lhe case for ul) Lhe poLenLlal re-use of Lhls
daLaseL ls raLher low. ln order Lo lncrease lLs poLenLlal for re-use, Lhe daLa should be made
readlly avallable ln a non-proprleLary, machlne-readable formaL wlLh an open llcence and clear
re-use condlLlons. ln Lhls way daLa re-users can easlly process Lhls lnformaLlon and develop
producLs and servlces, such as Lhe app publlcspendlng.neL.
lor daLaseLs Lo be re-used exLenslvely, and Lhus Lo brlng as much value as posslble, daLaseLs
should be publlshed accordlng Lo a seL of besL pracLlces Lo maxlmlse Lhe reusablllLy. ln Lhls
conLexL Lhe 3-sLar schema of 1lm 8erners-Lee ls a good Lool for assesslng Lhe conformance Lo
publlshlng prlnclples of hlgh-value daLaseLs. We advlse hlgh-value daLa Lo be publlshed aL leasL
as 3-sLar daLa, whlch lmplles maklng lL avallable on Lhe web under an open llcense ln a non-
proprleLary sLrucLured formaL. ubllshlng daLa ranked as 3-sLar ls sLlll raLher slmple Lo do slnce
normally Lhere ls no need Lo learn new Lools. lor lnsLance, Lhe daLa can be made avallable as
CSv or Cpen uocumenL SpreadsheeL (CuS) by slmply selecLlng Lhls parLlcular Lype when savlng
Lhe documenL.
lor a daLa re-user already a 3-sLar daLaseL glves some lmporLanL advanLages, llke:
Changlng and manlpulaLlng Lhe daLa wlLhouL belng conflned by Lhe capablllLles of any
parLlcular sofLware,
rocesslng Lhe daLa,

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014/08, September 2014
!"#$%-!"#$% '()*()+)#"+)*, *- *'$, .*/$(,0$,+ %"+" ),/$#+0$,+#
Sharlng Lhe daLa, and
LxporLlng Lhe daLa Lo anoLher formaL.

Also, Lo greaLly lmprove Lhe poLenLlal for re-use, lL ls lmporLanL LhaL meLadaLa relaLed Lo Lhe
re-use condlLlon are duly publlshed. 1hese meLadaLa lnclude for example Lhe llcence under
whlch a glven daLaseL ls made avallable and lLs provenance. Powever, Lhls lnformaLlon ls ofLen

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014/08, September 2014
!"#$%-!"#$% '()*()+)#"+)*, *- *'$, .*/$(,0$,+ %"+" ),/$#+0$,+#
I )'*4$8,9'*, "*1 0%4'<<%*1"+9'*,
1he deflnlLlon was used ln pracLlce for ldenLlfylng and prlorlLlslng daLaseLs owned by Luropean
lnsLlLuLlons Lo be llsLed on Lhe Luropean unlon Cpen uaLa orLal (Lu Cu). WlLh Lhls work we
were able Lo ldenLlfy a LoLal of 261 new hlgh-value daLaseLs.
1he llsL conLalnlng Lhls hlgh-value daLaseLs accordlng Lo Lhe elaboraLed deflnlLlon can be found
Lhrough Lhe followlng llnk:
AddlLlonally, Lhe research showed LhaL ldenLlfylng apps belng developed can help ln ldenLlfylng
daLaseLs havlng a hlgh re-use poLenLlal. Slnce poLenLlal re-use of a daLaseL sLrongly deLermlnes
lLs value, looklng aL Lhe apps belng developed or requesLed ls a good lndlcaLlon of whlch
daLaseLs are of hlgh value (malnly from Lhe daLa re-user's polnL of vlew) and can Lhus be
prlorlLlsed for belng publlshed.
1he work of ldenLlfylng daLaseLs LhaL may be of hlgh-value for dlfferenL reasons ls a conLlnuous
process. 1he worklng deflnlLlon LhaL was elaboraLed ln Lhe conLexL of Lhls work can asslsL daLa
publlshers, ln parLlcular governmenL bodles, Lo prlorlLlse on whlch daLa Lo open up flrsL, Laklng
lnLo accounL resource resLrlcLlons.

1he full reporL can be reLrleved from hLLps://[

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014/08, September 2014
!"#$%-!"#$% '()*()+)#"+)*, *- *'$, .*/$(,0$,+ %"+" ),/$#+0$,+#

!"#$"%& !"#$ &'(' )*+(# !"#$% $ !"#$%&'(") +'$ ,-+$"+(%#. !"#$%&'( *'+ ,-.-%"/+#0 122%&+3
!""#$#%& ()*+,%& )" -./ 0*+)1/%, 2,#),! #$%&'( )*+, $-.! /,012,3,4 5,6,78,1 %$( $%&'( 91:7
!"#$%& - !"#$%&'( *(+$( ,&-.+/&0 /1& $22+3+'4 !* ,&-.+/&5 !""#$%%&'(-
!"#$"#%-!""# %& '())*# +,-. (/0& !"#$%& ()*)! #$%&'$($) *$+$,-$& ./0 /.120 3&4, 54&6) 5')$
Web ConsorLlum (W3C): hLLp://
!"#$%& ($)*+& , !$%-$%.-!""# %&!!"#$ &'()*+ ,-.- - !"# %&'() %' *+(, !"#$%"&#'("&) +(,%"&) ("
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!"#$ &$'()#*+# ,'-$*./0'$1 2345671 !"#! #$%&!&'&(!! #$%&'$($) *$+$,-$& ./0 /.120 3&4,
!"#$ &#'($()(*$+ ,))"+--*"#$.#'($()(*$/*01-
!"# %&#' (')*+#,-# .)/',012)' 3%(.456 3'6,656 !"#$ &'(#)$*#$+ ,-+-! #$%&'$($) *+&', --.
2014, from Welcome Lo Cpen CovernmenL uaLa: hLLp://
!!"# %&'(!)# !"#$%& &()(! #$%&'$($) *$+$,-$& ./0 /.120 3&4, 54&6) 5')$ 5$- 74894&%':,
!"#$%& ())*&++,,,-,#-./0+1)2342/41+15623)78,59+42)2

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014/08, September 2014
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3#'8+ +B% 38+B'0,
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ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014/08, September 2014
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ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014/08, September 2014
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marked. lor more lnformaLlon, navlgaLe Lo Lhe followlng webslLes:

!"#$%&'&()%&*$ *' ,)%) )--.&()%&*$/
!" $%& '("$&)$ (* !"#$%& ()( %* #+, -.! /0%10233,4 5,6$7,0286, 9)()( %* #+, .:;-< - !"#$% '
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!"#$%&" () *(+"& (,&(*-) (, )-" ."/$,. 012 (,012/$)(1,3 )-" (.",)()4 10 5(,6". 78",
!"#$%&'$&( *+(+ ,(+-$."/0$%, +&0 (.$ &$$0, "1 (.$,$ ,(+-$."/0$%,2
ldenLlflcaLlon of Lu daLaseLs
uaLaseL !usLlflcaLlon u8L ubllsher
on Cu?
of sLars
CommenL Crlgln
1ransparency Legaubl CosL 1arg 8uslness model
AggregaLe sLaLlsLlcal daLa x x hLLp:// Luropean 8anklng AuLhorlLy yes 2
AgrlculLural Lrade sLaLlsLlcs 2002 - 2011 (aggregaLe) x
LC, uC AC8l no 1
AgrlculLure and 8ural uevelopmenL budgeL expendlLure x x hLLp:// LC, uC AC8l no 1 budgeL ls publlshed as a unlque daLaseL - Lo be deLermlned w
AMLCC - 1he annual macro-economlc daLabase x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln yes 3
Annual growLh survey x hLLp:// LC, uC LML no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of uls (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
Awarded granLs ln Lhe fleld of employmenL, soclal affalrs and
x x hLLp://[sp?caLld=632&langld=en LC, uC LML no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of uls (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
8eneflclarles of granLs and conLracLs x x hLLp:// LC, uC uLvCC no 1 Lhls ls a search lnLerface - ask uC uLvCC Lo publlsh cerLaln daLaseLs
8udgeL execuLlon by year and by Lheme x hLLp:// LC, uC 81u no 2
8udgeL flgures x x hLLp:// LC, uC 8uuC no 1
Lables and lnLeracLlve graphs are avallable
Llnk Lo a collecLlon of uls (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
8uslness and Consumer Surveys
consumer confldence lndlcaLors
economlc senLlmenL lndlcaLor
buslness cllmaLe lndlcaLor
x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 1
lndlcaLors avallable per monLh
Llnk Lo a collecLlon of uls (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
careers wlLh Luropean unlon x hLLp://[obs/lndex_en.hLm Luropean ersonnel SelecLlon Cfflce (LSC) no 1 1he daLaseL behlnd Lhese search funcLlonallLles could be lnLeresLlng daLaseLs
CarLels sLaLlsLlcs x hLLp:// LC, uC CCM no 1
Commlsslon sLaff dlrecLory x x x x hLLp:// LC, uC P8 no 1 Lo be check by C - prlvacy and reuse lssues Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
CommodlLy and markeL prlces x x x hLLp:// LC, uC AC8l no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of uls (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
Common accldenL daLaseL x x hLLp:// LC, uC MCvL no 1
CompeLlLlveness of Luropean aerospace lndusLry x x hLLp:// LC, uC Ln18 no 1 several daLaseLs lnslde Lhe reporL
CompeLlLlveness of Lhe Lu MarkeL and lndusLry for harmaceuLlcals vCL. x hLLp:// LC, uC Ln18 no 1
CompeLlLlveness of Lhe Lu MarkeL and lndusLry for harmaceuLlcals vCL. x hLLp:// LC, uC Ln18 no 1
CounLrles and reglons LC, uC 18AuL no 1
uaLa for shorL-Lermeconomlc analysls hLLp:// LC, uC LS1A1 no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
uevelopmenL ald spendlng of Lhe Lu x hLLp:// LC, uC uLvCC no 3 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
uC SAnCC daLa lnvenLory - Luropean unlon 8eglsLer on
nuLrlLlon and PealLh Clalms (PealLh Clalms)
x hLLps://!A LC, uC SAnCC yes 2
uC SAnCC daLa lnvenLory - lanL roLecLlon roducLs ()
x hLLp:// LC, uC SAnCC no 1
uC SAnCC daLa lnvenLory - 8apex (8apld AlerL SysLem- non-
x hLLps://[bMg!aC LC, uC SAnCC yes 3
uocumenLs relaLed Lo Lhe budgeL x hLLp:// LC, uC 8uuC no 2
Lo be declded wheLher budgeL should be publlshed several
Llmes (lLs already planned vla Lu8-Lex)
Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
uC8lL hLLp:// LC, SecreLarlaL - Ceneral no 1
Lconomlc analysls and markeL forecasLs x hLLp:// LC, uC AC8l no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
LLA Lechnlcal reporL: lluorlnaLed greenhouse gases 2011 x
LLA no 1 addlLlonal years exlsLs as well
Lnergy MarkeL CbservaLlon SysLem x x hLLp:// LC, uC LnL8 no 1
LSCC (Luropean sklllls, compeLences and occupaLlons) x hLLps:// LC, uC LML no 4 lL ls posslble Lo download Lhe whole daLaseL ln 8ul
LSSlL Su8vL? abouL lC1 ln LducaLlon - SMA81 2010/0039 x hLLp:// LC, uC CnLC1 no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
Lu CandldaLe and re-accesslon CounLrles Lconomles CuarLerly x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
Lu CaplLal exerclse flnal resulLs x hLLp:// Luropean 8anklng AuLhorlLy no 2 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
Lu kLLMS hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 2 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
Lu SemanLlc lnLeroperablllLy CaLalogue x x x hLLps://[ LC, ulCl1 no 3
Luropean Consumer CenLres' neLwork (LCC-neL) ln flgures hLLp:// LC, uC SAnCC no 1
Luropean Consumer ComplalnL 8eglsLraLlon SysLem(Consumer
x hLLps:// LC, uC SAnCC no - 8ul flles Lo be uploaded
Luropean arllamenL elecLlons resulLs 2009 x x hLLp:// Luropean arllamenL no 1 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
Luropean 8eporL on uevelopmenL 2013 x hLLp:// LC, uC uLvCC no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
LurosLaL lC1 communlLy surveys x hLLp:// LC, uC LS1A1 no 2 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
Lu-wlde sLress LesLlng 2011 x hLLp:// Luropean 8anklng AuLhorlLy no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
larmAccounLancy uaLa neLwork (lAun) lAun ubllc daLabase x hLLp:// LC, uC AC8l no 3
larmAccounLancy uaLa neLwork (lAun) ubllcaLlons x hLLp:// LC, uC AC8l no 2 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
Lu publlc procuremenL x x hLLp:// LC, C no 3
ldenLlflcaLlon of Lu daLaseLs
uaLaseL !usLlflcaLlon u8L ubllsher
on Cu?
of sLars
CommenL Crlgln
1ransparency Legaubl CosL 1arg 8uslness model
llscal lnsLlLuLlons daLabase hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 2 Llnk Lo spreadsheeL: hLLp://
llscal rules daLabase x x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 2 Llnk Lo spreadsheeL: hLLp://
lorecasLs for Lu Member SLaLes x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 1
Ceneral governmenL daLa economlc lndlcaLors x x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
lndlcaLors of Lhe elecLronlc communlcaLlons markeL x x hLLp:// LC, uC CnLC1 no 4
lnnovaLlon unlon CompeLlLlveness 8eporL 2011 x x hLLp:// LC, uC 81u no 2
key lndlcaLors for Lhe euro area x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 0 lor personal and non-commerclal use only
Labour markeL and wage developmenLs (LA8uLv) lndlcaLors x x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 3
LA88Lv x x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 3
MACMlC x x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no -
we Lrled Lo generaLe sLaLlsLlcs Lo deLermlne Lhe sLar level.
Powever Lhe user lnLerface ls noL very frlendly and ls noL
posslble Lo classlfy Lhe daLa
Members Luropean arllamenL (MLs) x x x hLLp:// Luropean arllamenL no 2
MlC8Ll x x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 2
MoneLary CondlLlons lndex x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 2
Cnllne survey sLaLlsLlcs on laLe paymenLs x x x x hLLp:// LC, uC Ln18 no 1
Cverall sLaLlsLlcs on Lemporary moblllLy x x x hLLp:// LC, uC MA8k1 no 2
rlce and CosL CompeLlLlveness x x x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 0
need Lo ask permlsslon ln case of non-personal use, avallable
ln CSv
Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
roducLlon and consumpLlon of ozone-depleLlng subsLances 1986-2004 x x x hLLp:// LC, uC CLlMA no 1
Lmlsslon uaLabase for Clobal ALmospherlc 8esearch (LuCA8) x hLLp://edgar.[ LC, uC !8C no 1
ubllcaLlons produced by uC 8uuC x hLLp:// LC, uC 8uuC no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
ubllc oplnlon x hLLp:// LC, uC CCMM no 1
reparaLory acLs x hLLp:// LC, C no 1 check wlLh new eurlex Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
LeglslaLlon ln force x x x x hLLp:// LC, C no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs) Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
Luropean LeglslaLlon noL yeL adopLed x x x x hLLp:// LC, C no 1 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
rocedures adopLed ln a glven year x x x x hLLp:// LC, C no 1 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
All lnLerlnsLlLuLlonal procedures x x x x hLLp:// LC, C no 1 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
WlLhdrawn proposals ln a glven year x x x x hLLp:// LC, C no 1 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
Lu dlrecLlves x x x x hLLp:// LC, C no 1 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
ConsolldaLed leglslaLlon x x x x hLLp:// LC, C no 1
LeglslaLlon - baslc acLs x x x x hLLp:// LC, C no 1
8eglonal ro[ecL examples x hLLp://[ecLs/sLorles/lndex_en.cfm LC, uC 8LClC no 1
Coheslon pollcy 2014-2020 - Avallable budgeL x x x hLLp:// LC, uC 8LClC no 2
Coheslon pollcy 2007-2013 - avallable budgeL x x x hLLp:// LC, uC 8LClC ?es 2
8eglsLer of Lu anLl-LrusL cases x x x x hLLp:// LC, uC CCM no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
8egulaLed professlons daLabase x x x hLLp:// LC, uC MA8k1 no 2
SML erformance 8evlew x x x hLLp:// LC, uC Ln18 no 2 Llnk Lo daLabase of Lhe reporL: hLLp://
SLaff by grade (Luropean Commlsslon) x hLLp:// LC no 1 publlsher noL clear Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
SLarL-ups and 8ankrupLcles SLaLlsLlcs x x hLLp:// LC, uC Ln18 no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
SLaLe Ald reglsLer x hLLp:// LC, uC CCM no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
SLaLe Ald SLaLlsLlcs x hLLp:// LC, uC CCM no 2 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
SLaLlsLlcal annex of Luropean Lconomy x x x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 1
SLaLlsLlcal bulleLln 2013 x x x hLLp:// Luropean MonlLorlng CenLre for drugs and no 2 oLher years avallable
SLaLlsLlcs - rofesslonals movlng abroad (esLabllshmenL) x x hLLp:// LC, uC MA8k1 no 2
SLaLlsLlcs on 1rade x x x x hLLp:// LC, uC 18AuL no 1
SLudy on Lhe CompeLlLlveness of Lhe Luropean MeaL rocesslng lndusLry x x hLLp:// LC, uC Ln18 no 1
SLudy on Lransfer prlclng x hLLp:// LuropeAld no 1
Luropean company survey x x x hLLp:// Lurofound no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
Luropean quallLy of llfe survey x x x hLLp:// Lurofound no 1
1able & CharL 8eporLs e-buslness x x hLLp:// LC, uC Ln18 no 2
1able & CharL 8eporLs e-buslness 2 x x hLLp:// LC, uC Ln18 no 2
1ax and beneflLs lndlcaLors daLabase x x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 2
1axaLlon 8eforms uaLabase (18u) x x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 2
1axes and cusLoms daLabase x x x x hLLp:// LC, uC 1Axuu no 1
Lu8LS advlsers x x hLLps://[sp?caLld=3&acro=eures&lang=en LC, uC LML no 1
number of [ob vacancles per counLry per day x x x hLLps://[sp?acro=[ob&lang=en&vlewulsLrlb=Lrue LC, uC LML no 1
naLlonal employmenL servlces x x hLLps://[sp?caLld=0&lang=en&acro=llnks&org1ypeld=0&myCrg1ypeld=1 LC, uC LML no 1 collecLlon of llnks
ldenLlflcaLlon of Lu daLaseLs
uaLaseL !usLlflcaLlon u8L ubllsher
on Cu?
of sLars
CommenL Crlgln
1ransparency Legaubl CosL 1arg 8uslness model
1he lu8 ubllc Access x hLLp:// LC, uC SAnCC no 3
1he lCrowCreen assessmenL framework x x x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 2
1he LlML assessmenL framework (LAl) daLabase x x x x hLLp:// LC, uC LClln no 2
1rade Mark vlew x x x hLLps:// CAMl no 1
AgrlculLural 1rade analysls x x x hLLp:// LC, uC AC8l no 1 llnk Lo sLaLlsLlcs: hLLp://
18-year-olds ln educaLlon x hLLps://!7qlaoA LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
AggregaLed measuremenL of supporL for agrlculLure x x hLLps://!98!ln0rluq3ezA LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Alr polluLlon daLa (aggregaLe of daLaseLs) x x hLLps://!a9ZL3Cl6o3vlCg LC, uC Lnv (LLA) ?es 3
AmblenL Alr CuallLy x x hLLps://[[2xhxWgw3CklvSvA LLA ?es 3 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
Annual LlsL of conLracLors x x hLLps:// LC, uC LLA8C ?es 1
8eneflclarles of Lu spendlng (l1S) x x hLLps:// LC, uC 8uuC ?es 2 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
8odles of LranslaLed LexL by Lhe LC LranslaLlon servlce 2004-
x x x hLLp:// LC, uC 18AnSLA1lCn ?es 3 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
8udgeL of Lhe Lu lnsLlLuLlons, bodles, Lhe Cmbudsman and Lhe x hLLps:// LC, C ?es 1 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
8udgeL of Lhe Luropean unlon x hLLps:// LC, C yes 1
8uslness demography x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
8uslness demography maln derlved lndlcaLors - nACL 8ev. 2 (8-
n excludlng k64.2)
x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
8uslness demography maln varlables - nACL 8ev. 2 (8-n
excludlng k64.2)
x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
CandldaLe LlsL of SubsLances of very Plgh Concern for
x hLLps:// Luropean Chemlcals Agency ?es 3
CenLral CounLerparLles hLLps:// Luropean SecurlLles and MarkeLs AuLhorlLy ?es 3
CommunlLy Lrademark (C1M) reglsLraLlons x x x hLLps://!Mk6reulSy1w LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
CorporaLe bodles name AuLhorlLy LlsL x x hLLps://!Zn48e8eng LC, C ?es 3
CounLrles name AuLhorlLy LlsL x x hLLps:// LC, C ?es 3
CredlL lnsLlLuLlons: number of enLerprlses x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
CredlL lnsLlLuLlons: number of persons employed x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Crlme, vlolence or vandallsmln Lhe area (source: SlLC) x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Crlmes recorded by Lhe pollce x x hLLps://[M9fpsrnWC8C LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Crlmes recorded by Lhe pollce - nu1S 3 reglons x x hLLps://!ukunxqlclcslvC!d1w LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Crlmes recorded by Lhe pollce: hlsLorlcal daLa (LoLal crlme)
x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Crlmes recorded by Lhe pollce: homlclde ln clLles x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Currency name AuLhorlLy LlsL x x hLLp:// LC, C ?es 3
ueLalled lnformaLlon on research pro[ecLs funded by Lhe Lu x x x x hLLps:// LC, CC8ulS ?es 1 several daLaseLs Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
uC SAnCC daLa lnvenLory - AgrlculLural and vegeLable
x x x x hLLps:// LC, uC SAnCC ?es 3
uC SAnCC daLa lnvenLory - CommunlLy LlsL of Approved 8aslc
MaLerlal for loresL 8eproducLlon MaLerlal (CaLalogue loresLry)
x x x x hLLps:// LC, uC SAnCC ?es 3
uC SAnCC daLa lnvenLory - Luropean CommunlLy PealLh
lndlcaLors (LCPl)
x x x x hLLps:// LC, uC SAnCC ?es 3
uC SAnCC daLa lnvenLory - lood addlLlves x x x x hLLps://!36wxuk9o0lbZvgvhLg LC, uC SAnCC ?es 3
uC SAnCC daLa lnvenLory - lood ConLacL MaLerlals x x x x hLLps:// LC, uC SAnCC ?es 3
uC SAnCC daLa lnvenLory - lood Lnzymes x x x x hLLps:// LC, uC SAnCC ?es 3
uC SAnCC daLa lnvenLory - nlnL1 and novel lood (novel foods
and food lngredlenLs)
x x x x hLLps://[nl?98lalz6CqCk8l[Lw LC, uC SAnCC ?es 3
uC SAnCC daLa lnvenLory - esLlcldes x x x x hLLps://[v6ang21A LC, uC SAnCC ?es 3
uC SAnCC daLa lnvenLory - 8ASll Wlndow (8apld AlerL SysLem
- lood and leed)
x x x x hLLps:// LC, uC SAnCC ?es 3
ulglLal agenda scoreboard key lndlcaLors x x x x hLLps:// LC, uC CnLC1 ?es 3
Lmployed ln servlce secLor and occupaLlonal sLaLus of recenL
x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
LnLerprlseLuropeneLwork hLLps:// LC, uC Ln18 ?es - no resources - server lnacceslblllLy message reporLed
LnLranLs (lSCLu 3A) ln of secondary school graduaLes, by sex x hLLps://[u3dL8Afa[A LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
LnvlronmenL and energy ln urban AudlL clLles, core clLy x hLLps://[uowlwzf6A LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
LnvlronmenLal proLecLlon expendlLure by lndusLry x hLLps://[gvL618sCALn9guCC1g LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
LnvlronmenLal Lax revenues - of Cu x x hLLps://[nxlubzLynC LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
LnvlronmenLal Lax revenues - of LoLal revenues fromLaxes
and soclal conLrlbuLlons
x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Lu LransporL ln llgures 2011 x hLLps:// LC, uC MCvL ?es 2
Lu LransporL ln llgures 2012 x hLLps:// LC, uC MCvL ?es 2 no resources ln Lu Cu
ldenLlflcaLlon of Lu daLaseLs
uaLaseL !usLlflcaLlon u8L ubllsher
on Cu?
of sLars
CommenL Crlgln
1ransparency Legaubl CosL 1arg 8uslness model
Lu LransporL ln llgures 2013 x hLLps:// LC, uC MCvL ?es 2
LurobaromeLer 2012 on percepLlons of dlscrlmlnaLlon ln Lhe Lu x x hLLps:// LC, uC !usLlce ?es 1
SLandard LurobaromeLer surveys x x hLLp:// LC, uC LAC & uC CCMM no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
LurobaromeLer - speclal surveys x x hLLp:// LC, uC CCMM no 1 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
Luropean olluLanL 8elease and 1ransfer 8eglsLer x x hLLps:// LLA ?es 3 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
LurosLaL sLaLlsLlcs x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 1 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
Lurovoc, Lhe Lu's mulLlllngual Lhesaurus x hLLps:// LC, C ?es 4 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
lamlly farmlabour force x hLLps://[y87vk9g LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
llle Lypes name AuLhorlLy LlsL x x hLLps://[ek8qsCSlyb3Aw8kgqe34g LC, C ?es 3
lleeL 8eglsLry (flsherles) x x x hLLps:// LC, uC MA8L ?es 3 Also on LurosLaL
lorelgn dlrecL lnvesLmenL ln developlng counLrles, by lncome
x x hLLps://[91zw LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
lorelgn languages learnL per pupll x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
lormal chlld care by duraLlon and age group x hLLps://!Wa?lP8q8nC LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Cender LquallLy lndex x hLLps:// Luropean lnsLlLuLe for Cender LquallLy ?es 1
Ceneral governmenL deflclL (-) and surplus (+) - annual daLa x x hLLps://!M!ue8L1A68bhrMAl8A LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Ceneral governmenL deflclL (-) and surplus (+) - quarLerly daLa x x hLLps://!nfCmzAvkM[sC?PzfglA LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Ceneral governmenL deflclL/surplus x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Ceneral governmenL deflclL/surplus x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Ceneral governmenL flxed lnvesLmenL - annual daLa x x hLLps://!LnvSPa3M7aagLc1g LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Ceneral governmenL gross debL - quarLerly daLa x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
CovernmenL accounLs - annual daLa x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
CovernmenL flnal consumpLlon expendlLure, currenL prlces x x x x hLLps://[C LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
CovernmenL flnal consumpLlon expendlLure, volumes x x x hLLps://!C LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Creenhouse Cas Lmlsslons (LLA) x x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Creenhouse Cas Lmlsslons (LS1A1) x x x hLLps:// LLA ?es 3
Creenhouse Cas Lmlsslons, base year 1990 x x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
lC1 research pro[ecLs under Lu-l7 x x x x hLLps://[ecLs-under-eu-fp7 LC, uC CnLC1 ?es 2
lnsurance, number of persons employed by Lype of enLerprlses x x hLLps://[Lmsuk1ulu28nqML?cC LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
lnLerlnsLlLuLlonal procedures name AuLhorlLy LlsL x x hLLps:// LC, C ?es 3
lnLernaLlonal LransacLlons ln governmenL servlces n.e.c.:
exporLs, lmporLs and balance
x x x hLLps://!kC7aCA LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
!ob mlsmaLches and Lhelr labour markeL effecLs among school
levers ln Lurope
x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
!olnL Luropean arllamenL and Commlsslon 1ransparency
8eglsLer for organlsaLlons and self-employed lndlvlduals
engaged ln Lu pollcy- maklng and pollcy lmplemenLaLlon
x hLLps:// LC, SecreLarlaL - Ceneral ?es 2 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
Languages name AuLhorlLy LlsL x x hLLps:// LC, C ?es 3
Low readlng llLeracy performance of puplls x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
MulLlllngual name AuLhorlLy LlsL x x hLLps:// LC, C ?es 4
naLlonal Lmlsslon Celllngs (nLC) ulrecLlve lnvenLory x x x hLLps:// LLA ?es 3
naLlonal emlsslons reporLed Lo Lhe ConvenLlon on Long-range
1ransboundary Alr olluLlon (L81A ConvenLlon)
x hLLps://!0nA LLA ?es 3
naLlonal emlsslons reporLed Lo Lhe unlCCC and Lo Lhe Lu
Creenhouse Cas MonlLorlng Mechanlsm
x hLLps://!LLx8ln8r9LC9lzA LLA ?es 3
naLlonally deslgnaLed areas (naLlonal - CuuA) x hLLps:// LLA ?es 3
new lnfrlngemenL cases x x hLLps://!le0nLen8mflumsx8w LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 1
CrganlsaLlons and slLes wlLh LMAS reglsLraLlon x hLLps://!3ucuyCC6az68klu4g LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
CLher collecLlve accommodaLlon esLabllshmenLs x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
lanL-by-planL emlsslons of SC2, nCx and dusL and energy lnpuL
of large combusLlon planLs covered by ulrecLlve 2001/80/LC
x x hLLps://[LhoyWg LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 2
opulaLlon connecLed Lo wasLewaLer collecLlon and LreaLmenL
x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
opulaLlon connecLed Lo wasLewaLer collecLlon and LreaLmenL
sysLems by nu1S 2 reglons
x x hLLps://!kyW1lowuw LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
rlvaLe credlL flow ln of Cu - consolldaLed - annual daLa x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
rlvaLe credlL flow ln of Cu - non consolldaLed - annual daLa x hLLps://[s!7uc0qol[3MgCswC8g LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
rlvaLe credlL flow ln of Cu - non consolldaLed - quarLerly
x hLLps://[C7uWCL1x?Z1kC LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
ldenLlflcaLlon of Lu daLaseLs
uaLaseL !usLlflcaLlon u8L ubllsher
on Cu?
of sLars
CommenL Crlgln
1ransparency Legaubl CosL 1arg 8uslness model
rlvaLe expendlLure on educaLlon x x hLLps://!!!8yfCl8xuu1lLfSvlC LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
ro[ecLs flnanced by Lhe Luropean lnvesLmenL 8ank x hLLps://[ecLs-flnanced-by-Lhe-european-lnvesLmenL-bank Luropean lnvesLmenL 8ank ?es 1
ro[ecLs Lo be flnanced by Lhe Luropean lnvesLmenL 8ank x hLLps://[ecLs-Lo-be-flnanced-by-Lhe-european-lnvesLmenL-bank Luropean lnvesLmenL 8ank ?es 1
CuarLerly flnanclal accounLs for general governmenL x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
CuarLerly non-flnanclal accounLs for general governmenL x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
8eal Cu per caplLa, growLh raLe and LoLals x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
8eglsLer of Commlsslon experL groups and slmllar enLlLles x hLLps:// LC, SecreLarlaL - Ceneral ?es 2 Lu lmplemenLaLlon of C8 Cpen uaLa CharLer
MulLllaLeral Lradlng faclllLles x hLLps:// Luropean SecurlLles and MarkeLs AuLhorlLy ?es 2 no resources ln Lu Cu
8esource Lypes name AuLhorlLy LlsL x x hLLps:// LC, C ?es 3
8oles name AuLhorlLy LlsL x x hLLps://[q8nA LC, C ?es 3
School expecLancy x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
Shares of envlronmenLal and labour Laxes ln LoLal Lax revenues
fromLaxes and soclal conLrlbuLlons
x x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
SLaLe Ald by Lype of ald x hLLps:// LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
SulLablllLy maps, aggregaLe of 19 daLaseLs (loresLlocus) x hLLps:// LC, uC !8C ?es 1
1A8lC ConsulLaLlon x x hLLps:// LC, uC 1Axuu ?es 1
1ransparency 8eglsLer x x hLLps:// LC, SecreLarlaL - Ceneral ?es 3
1reaLles name AuLhorlLy LlsL x x hLLps://[8aw LC, C ?es 3
uCl1S managemenL companles x x hLLps:// Luropean SecurlLles and MarkeLs AuLhorlLy ?es 2 no resources ln Lu Cu
venLure caplLal lnvesLmenLs x x hLLps://[purp1nq091lv8xCw LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
voLer LurnouL ln naLlonal and Lu parllamenLary elecLlons x hLLps://[CxxsPg LC, uC LS1A1 ?es 3
AlerL Mechanlsm8eporL 2014 - sLaLlsLlcal annex hLLp:// Councll of Lhe Luropean unlon no 1
Learnlng opporLunlLles x x hLLps://[sp?lang=en&acro=learnlng&caLld=487&parenLld=33 LC, uC LML no 1
Cases opened per year by Lhe Lu Cmbudsman x hLLp:// Cmbudsman no 1
LlsL of Lu Cmbudsman speclal reporLs x hLLp:// Cmbudsman no 1
LlsL of Lu Cmbudsman annual reporLs x hLLp:// Cmbudsman no 1
LuS oplnlons x x x hLLps:// Luropean uaLa roLecLlon Supervlsor no 0
LuS commenLs x hLLps:// Luropean uaLa roLecLlon Supervlsor no 0
Councll meeLlngs x x x hLLp:// Councll of Lhe Luropean unlon no 1
Annual reporLs on access Lo Councll documenLs x hLLp:// Councll of Lhe Luropean unlon no 1
voLlng ln Lhe Councll of Lhe Luropean unlon x x x x hLLp:// Councll of Lhe Luropean unlon no 1
1he hyperllnk provlded represenLs only one example,. lor Lhe
Llme belng voLlng daLa are avallable only as slngle ul
LC8 8ank Lendlng Survey x hLLp:// Luropean CenLral 8ank no 3 Llnk Lo a collecLlon of flles (poLenLlal daLaseLs)
Parmonlsed long-LermlnLeresL raLes for convergence
assessmenL purposes
x hLLp:// Luropean CenLral 8ank no 3
lnflaLlon ln Lhe euro area x hLLp:// Luropean CenLral 8ank no 3
unemploymenL raLe x hLLp:// Luropean CenLral 8ank no 1
LLSC llsL of Members x hLLp:// Luropean Lconomlc and Soclal CommlLLee no 1
SLaLlsLlcs of [udlclal acLlvlLy x x x hLLp://[cms/upload/docs/appllcaLlon/pdf/2013-04/192683_2012_6020_cd[_ra_2012_en_proof_0 CourL of [usLlce of Lhe Luropean unlon no 1
LlsL of meeLlngs x x hLLp:// Luropean Councll no 1
CperaLlonal sLaLlsLlcs x x x hLLps:// Luropol no 0
ComlLology procedures x x hLLp:// LC, SecreLarlaL - Ceneral no 1
CounLry LhemaLlc sLudles on access Lo [usLlce x x hLLp://[usLlce Luropean Agency for lundamenLal 8lghLs no 1
CounLry facLsheeLs - asylumseekers perspecLlves x hLLp:// Luropean Agency for lundamenLal 8lghLs no 1
naLural uranlumconLracLs concluded by, or noLlfled Lo LSA,
2000 - 2012 x x hLLp:// LuraLomsupply agency no 2
Speclal flsslle maLerlal conLracLs concluded by, or noLlfled Lo
LSA, 2000 - 2012
x x x hLLp:// LuraLomsupply agency no 2
Lu-27 reacLor needs (or gross requlremenLs) and neL
requlremenLs (quanLlLles ln Lu and LSWu)
x hLLp:// LuraLomsupply agency no 2
luel loaded lnLo Lu-27 reacLors and dellverles of fresh fuel
under purchaslng conLracLs
x hLLp:// LuraLomsupply agency no 2
urchases of naLural uranlumby Lu uLlllLles by orlgln, 1992-
2012 (Lu)
x x hLLp:// LuraLomsupply agency no 2
rovlders of enrlchmenL servlces dellvered Lo Lu uLlllLles, 1993-
2012 (LSWu)
x x hLLp:// LuraLomsupply agency no 2
use of pluLonlumln MCx ln Lu-27 and esLlmaLed naLural
uranlum(naLu) and separaLlve work savlngs
x hLLp:// LuraLomsupply agency no 2
1oLal uranlumlnvenLorles owned by Lu uLlllLles aL Lhe end of
Lhe year, 2007-2012 (Lu equlvalenL)
x hLLp:// LuraLomsupply agency no 2
ldenLlflcaLlon of Lu daLaseLs
uaLaseL !usLlflcaLlon u8L ubllsher
on Cu?
of sLars
CommenL Crlgln
1ransparency Legaubl CosL 1arg 8uslness model
naLural uranlumcoverage 2013-2021 x hLLp:// LuraLomsupply agency no 2
uranlumsellers Lo Lu uLlllLles ln 2011 and 2012 x hLLp:// LuraLomsupply agency no 2
8aLhlng WaLer CuallLy x x hLLp:// LLA no 1
Luropean arllamenL calendar of plenarles and commlLLees's m x x x x hLLp:// Luropean arllamenL no 1
Luropean arllamenL llsL of 1exLs AdopLed (flnal) by year x x x x hLLp:// Luropean arllamenL no 1
Luroepan arllamenL llsL of quesLlons and declaraLlons x x x x hLLp:// Luropean arllamenL no 1
voLe declslon for each ML x x x x Luropean arllamenL no - CurrenLly no llnk avallable
CourL of !usLlce of Lhe Luropean unlon cases - CourL of !usLlce x x x hLLp://[urls/llsLe.[sf?pro=&naL=or&oqp=&daLes=2324Lype233upro2324mode233ufrom1o CourL of [usLlce of Lhe Luropean unlon no 1
CourL of !usLlce of Lhe Luropean unlon cases - Ceneral CourL x x x hLLp://[urls/llsLe.[sf?pro=&lgrec=en&naL=or&oqp=&daLes=2324Lype233upro2324mode233 CourL of [usLlce of Lhe Luropean unlon no 1
CourL of !usLlce of Lhe Luropean unlon cases - Clvll Servlce 1rlb x x x hLLp://[urls/llsLe.[sf?pro=&lgrec=en&naL=or&oqp=&daLes=2324Lype233upro2324mode233 CourL of [usLlce of Lhe Luropean unlon no 1
CourL sLaff dlrecLory x hLLp://[cms/[cms/_80908/ CourL of [usLlce of Lhe Luropean unlon no 1
LSC SLaLlsLlcs - number of appllcaLlons x x hLLp:// Luropean ersonnel SelecLlon Cfflce (LSC) no 1
Who ls who x x x x hLLp:// LC no 1
SLaLlsLlcal daLa on Lourlsm x x hLLp:// LurosLaL ?es 3
lncldenL managemenL 1axonomles x x x hLLps:// LnlSA no 1
ldenLlflcaLlon of uaLa appllcaLlons
C8 CaLegory uaLa app uescrlpLlon underlaylng daLaseL Correspondlng Lu daLaseL u8L
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy
lnLelllgenL Search Lnglne for
Cnllne Servlces for ubllc
1he clLy of Zaragoza had an app, based on semanLlc Lechnology, for
clLlzen Lo flnd [usL LhaL servlce Lhey need of Lhe 300 - 600 servlces ln
Lax, bulldlng consLrucLlon, Lrafflc, educaLlon, healLhcare, eLc. Zaragoza
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy
1heyWorklor? App LhaL allows you Lo keep Labs on Lhe uk's parllamenLs & assemblles Members Luropean arllamenL (MLs) hLLp://
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy
lrlsh verslon of 1heyWorklor?, conLalnlng lrlsh parllamenLary daLa
from!anuary 2004 unLll now
Members Luropean arllamenL (MLs) hLLp://
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy
Zewerkenvoor[ llemlsh verslon of 1heyWorklor? Members Luropean arllamenL (MLs) hLLp://zewerkenvoor[
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy
1heyWorklor? new Zealand's verslon of 1heyWorklor? Members Luropean arllamenL (MLs) hLLp://
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy AusLrallan verslon of 1heyWorklor? Members Luropean arllamenL (MLs) hLLp://
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy
WhlLe Pouse vlslLor Search
App LhaL provldes onllne records of WhlLe Pouse vlslLors on an ongolng basls.
1he WhlLe Pouse has released nearly 3,000,000 records Lo daLe, whlch Lhey
make publlc ln Lhe conLexL of Lhelr commlLmenL Lo governmenL Lransparency.
noL found yeL
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy
8lll1rack30 App Lo search for uS federal and sLaLe bllls 8llls fromall 30 sLaLes of Lhe uS 8eneflclarles of Lu spendlng (l1S), Lu leglslaLlon hLLp://
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy
SocraLa focuses excluslvely on democraLlzlng access Lo governmenL daLa. 1hey
help publlc secLor organlzaLlons lmprove Lransparency, clLlzen servlce and
facL-based declslon-maklng by dellverlng daLa Lo clLlzens, employees and
developers on web, moblle and machlne-Lo-machlne lnLerfaces.
Cpen uaLa fromSLaLe and ClLy
CovernmenL CllenLs
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy
Cpen uaLa CommunlLles
App LhaL glves lnformaLlon on houslng, flnance, deprlvaLlon, wellbelng and
geography of uk households per posLcode.
All daLa on households hLLp://
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy
Cpen producL daLa hLLp://
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy
1ravellng LnLrepreneur
1he app based on your currenL locaLlon reLrleves all Lhe green governmenL
programs for small buslnesses and Lhen allows Lhe user Lo share hls/her
favorlLe programon lacebook
8eglonal ro[ecL examples,
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy
SLC's ubllc Company lnLeracLlve
uaLa vlewer
lnvesLors can search Lhe SLC's nexL generaLlon LuCA8 sysLemfor lnLeracLlve
daLa on publlc company flnanclals.
SLC daLa
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy
8ecovery AcL: lederal 8ulldlngs
lund lnvesLmenLs
Map showlng where Amerlcan 8ecovery and 8elnvesLmenL AcL funds are used
Lo converL federal bulldlngs Lo hlgh-performance green bulldlngs and bulld
new, energy-efflclenL federal bulldlngs, courLhouses, and land porLs of enLry.
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy
Web-based servlce provlded by Lhe Luropean Commlsslon. lL ls used Lo creaLe
collaboraLlve workspaces where communlLles of users can work LogeLher and
share lnformaLlon and resources. 1hls mulLlllngual appllcaLlon offers
dlsLrlbuLlon of versloned documenLs and flles ln
any formaL, any language and wlLh verslon conLrol.
CovernmenL AccounLablllLy
and uemocracy Members Luropean arllamenL (MLs), ollLlcal Croups, voLes, pollcy areas hLLp://
8udgeL publlcspendlng.neL App Lo keep Lrack of where publlc money goes worldwlde
8udgeL flgures,
8udgeL of Lhe Lu lnsLlLuLlons, bodles, ombudsman and LuS,
8udgeL of Lhe Luropean unlon
8udgeL Where does my money go /ClS1
App LhaL glves a hlgh level overvlew of quarLerly deparLmenLal spendlng, as
well as how Lhe blg numbers break down
8udgeL flgures,
8udgeL of Lhe Lu lnsLlLuLlons, bodles, ombudsman and LuS,
8udgeL of Lhe Luropean unlon
8udgeL uS governmenL verslon of publlcspendlng.neL
8udgeL flgures,
8udgeL of Lhe Lu lnsLlLuLlons, bodles, ombudsman and LuS,
8udgeL of Lhe Luropean unlon
8udgeL Cpen Lhe books orLal
lromLhe federal Lo sLaLe Lo local governmenL, Lhe 8ooks are Cpen.
Search salary, penslon and spendlng daLabases.
8udgeL flgures,
8udgeL of Lhe Lu lnsLlLuLlons, bodles, ombudsman and LuS,
8udgeL of Lhe Luropean unlon
8udgeL Web-porLal Lo access Local CovernmenL lnformaLlon hLLp://
Clobal developmenL uS Clobal lorelgn Ald Mashup
8y comblnlng Lhe daLa, Lhe mashup enables lLs users Lo recognlze Lhe currenL
focus areas of uS forelgn ald as well as Lo analyze shlfLs ln Lhe geographlc
focus over Llme.
Spendlng daLa fromuSAlu,
uaLa fromLhe ueparLmenL of
uaLa fromLhe ueparLmenL of
8ackground lnformaLlon fromClA
World lacLbook,
news arLlcles fromLhe n? 1lmes
8eneflclarles of Lu spendlng (l1S),
uevelopmenL ald spendlng of Lhe Lu,
SLaLe ald by Lype of ald,
SLaLe Ald reglsLer,
SLaLe ald sLaLlsLlcs
Clobal developmenL lmporLCenlus uS 1rade/ lmporL/ CusLoms/ Shlpplng uaLa
SLaLlsLlcs on 1rade,
1rade analysls
Clobal developmenL
Comparlng uS-uSAlu vs uk-ullu
Clobal lorelgn Ald
1hls appllcaLlon presenLs a mashup of forelgn ald daLa (represenLed ln uS
uollars) fromLhe unlLed SLaLes Agency for lnLernaLlonal uevelopmenL (uSAlu)
and uk ueparLmenL for lnLernaLlonal uevelopmenL (ullu) for Lhe 2007 uS
llscal ?ear.
uevelopmenL ald spendlng of Lhe Lu,
SLaLe ald by Lype of ald,
SLaLe Ald reglsLer,
SLaLe ald sLaLlsLlcs
Clobal developmenL Mercarls
Mercarls's mlsslon ls Lo enable growLh ln Lhe susLalnable and speclalLy
agrlculLural secLor by provldlng Llmely, accuraLe lnformaLlon abouL key markeL
daLa. 1hls lncludes granular cash markeL prlce daLa, Lrade sLaLlsLlcs, processlng
capaclLy, planLed acreage and oLher lnformaLlon. Mercarls also allows buyers
& sellers Lo meeL on-llne Lo procure commodlLy crops and dlscover prlce.
AMS MarkeL news 8eporLs,
uSuA lorelgn AgrlculLural
Servlce's Clobal AgrlculLural 1rade
AgrlculLure and 8ural ueveopmenL budgeL expendlLures,
AgrlculLure Lrade sLaLlsLlcs 2002-2011 (aggregaLe)
Clobal developmenL an[lva
an[lva ls a 828 plaLformpowerlng Lhe buslness of global Lrade, provldlng ln-
depLh lnformaLlon on suppllers.
uS CusLoms uaLa hLLp://pan[
Clobal developmenL Arachnys App LhaL provldes shlp reglsLraLlon lnformaLlon worldwlde Cpen source shlp daLa lleeL 8eglsLry
Clobal developmenL C8A Cems
An useful moblle appllcaLlon for small buslnesses and enLrepreneurs
Lo flnd and share federal and S8A programs and resources Lo [ump
sLarL or grow buslness
Clobal developmenL CLS Map
1he CLS MA glves an "aL a glance" vlew of Lhe dlfferenL employmenL
sLaLlsLlcs such as wages (hourly and annual), LoLal number of [obs,
unemploymenL raLes as well as locaLlon quoLlenLs on a map of Lhe u.S.
unemploymenL raLe
Clobal developmenL aWhere
aWhere Lransforms how global developmenL lnlLlaLlves are managed and
monlLored. aWhere's locaLlon lnLelllgence daLa managemenL plaLform
enables lnLegraLlon of complex agrlculLural, envlronmenLal and publlc healLh
daLa lnLo local, acLlonable lnslghL.
LducaLlon 1alls Asplre
An appllcaLlon of Llnked uaLa LhaL helps educaLors Lo creaLe and manage llsLs
of learnlng resources (e.g., books, [ournal arLlcles, Web pages)
LducaLlon Lu-funded caLalogue of mulLl-medla
uaLa frommuseaums, archlves
and llbrarles across Lurope
LducaLlon CreaLSchools
CreaLSchools ls an lndependenL source of prek-12 school performance
lnformaLlon, wlLh proflles of 200,000 publlc, publlc charLer, and prlvaLe
Common Core of uaLa (CCu),
2013 S1A8 LesL resulLs
School ulsLrlcL uemographlc
1he School ulsLrlcL uemographlcs SysLemprovldes access Lo school dlsLrlcL
demographlc and relaLed geographlc daLa.
LducaLlon provldes lnformaLlon abouL plannlng and paylng for college ln
an lnLeracLlve formaL. 1he app adresses sLudenLs, parenLs, borrowers ln
repaymenL, eLc.
LducaLlon Llbrary of Congress hLLp://
LducaLlon uocs1each
Pelps Lhe user make sense of evenLs or ldeas fromLhe pasL uslng documenLs
fromLhe holdlngs of uS naLlonal Archlves
uS naLlonal Archlves hLLp://
LducaLlon Moblle
App LhaL flnds sclence lnformaLlon and research resulLs from12 u.S. federal
agencles. 1he user has access Lo daLa from30 sclenLlflc daLabases and more
Lhan 2100 webslLes.
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL 8aLhlng WaLer uaLa Lxplorer
1hroughouL Lhe summer, 1he LnvlronmenL Agency of Lngland and Wales
collecLs deLalled sclenLlflc daLa on Lhe cleanllness of our baLhlng waLers
(mosLly beaches). use Lhls web slLe Lo search for a baLhlng waLer by name,
counLy or posLcode, or by browslng around Lhe map.
uaLa fromLnvlronmenL Agency of
Lngland and Wales
8aLhlng waLer quallLy - daLa
use WlSL 8aLhlng WaLer CuallLy daLa vlewer for a qulck check on locaLlons
and sLaLlsLlcs on Lhe quallLy of coasLal and freshwaLer baLhlng waLers. ?ou can
search by counLry, reglon, provlnce and baLhlng waLer and see baLhlng
waLers on MlcrosofL 8lng Maps or Coogle LarLh. ?ou can also explore how
baLhlng waLers have changed over Lhe lasL years
Luropean LnvlronmenLal Agency
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL LSuAC map vlewer Luropean soll porLal
!C8 daLa,
Luropean Soll 8ureau neLwork,
LlCnL1 daLa.
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL CllmaLe CorporaLlon
1he CllmaLe CorporaLlon alms Lo help farmers around Lhe world proLecL Lhelr
farmlng operaLlons. 1he CllmaLe 1echnology laLformcomblnes hyper-local
weaLher monlLorlng, agronomlc daLa modellng, and hlgh-resoluLlon weaLher
slmulaLlons Lo dellver CllmaLe 8aslc, and CllmaLe ro, moblle SaaS soluLlons
LhaL helps farmers lmprove proflLablllLy by maklng beLLer lnformed declslons,
and 1oLal WeaLher lnsurance, an lnsurance offerlng LhaL pays farmers
auLomaLlcally for bad weaLher LhaL may lmpacL Lhelr proflLs.
MulLl-sensor 8adar uerlved ually
Plgh 8esoluLlon Soll uaLaseL
WeaLher forecasLs, cllmaLe daLa hLLp://
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL Lnergy polnLs
Lnergy olnLs uses a unlfylng meLrlc, blg daLa and comprehenslve analyLlcs Lo
manage enLerprlse energy resources, such as elecLrlclLy, fuels, waLer, and
WaLer use ln Lhe unlLes SLaLes
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL Lnergy soluLlons forum
Lnergy SoluLlons lorumprovldes Lhe energy lndusLry wlLh u.S. energy and
envlronmenLal pollcy lnformaLlon Lo supporL growLh of domesLlc energy
1hey offer Lhe followlng app:
- Lnerknol - a declslon supporL for energy markeLs, connecLlng parLlclpanLs
Lo a source of u.S. federal and sLaLe energy pollcy lnformaLlon
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL Lucld
Lucld glves real-Llme feedback on energy and waLer use Lo save energy and
save money ln commerclal bulldlngs
nCAA weaLher daLa across Lhe
LA/uCL elecLrlclLy cosLs and
emlsslons daLa by sLaLe
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL Leafsnap App LhaL ldenLlfles Lree specles fromphoLographs of Lhelr leafs hLLp://
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL ower rofller
AppllcaLlon LhaL provldes elecLrlclLy generaLlon mlx and greenhouse gas
emlsslons lnformaLlon fromu.S. uLlllLles.
Creenhouse Cas Lmlsslons (LLA),
Creenhouse Cas Lmlsslons (LS1A1),
Creenhouse Cas Lmlsslons, base year 1990.
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL SysLemAdvlsor Model
erformance and economlc model deslgned Lo faclllLaLe declslon maklng for
people lnvolved ln Lhe renewable energy lndusLry.
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL CpenLl
Cpen Lnergy lnformaLlon (CpenLl) ls a knowledge sharlng onllne communlLy
dedlcaLed Lo connecLlng people wlLh daLa on global energy resources.
- CpenLl's 8rowse 8y 8eglon - Lools Lo geL energy daLa by counLry, sLaLe, clLy,
Creenhouse Cas Lmlsslons, base year 1990 hLLp://
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL Cpenv
CollaboraLlve efforL beLween governmenL, lndusLry, and Lhe publlc LhaL ls
complllng a comprehenslve daLabase of phoLovolLalc (v) lnsLallaLlon daLa for
Lhe unlLed SLaLes.
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL
naLlonal Coal 8esources uaLa
Mapplng appllcaLlon LhaL allows users Lo search daLa on coal resources.
S18A1: SLraLlgraphlc daLa relaLed
Lo coal (e.g. drlll holes, measured
uSCPLM- ulLlmaLe, proxlmaLe,
and uSCS-generaLed ma[or-,
mlnor-, and Lrace-elemenL daLa
for coal samples collecLed by
uSCS and SLaLes,
CCALCuAL - derlvaLlon of Lhls
uSCCAL - hlsLorlcal daLabase of
coal resource esLlmaLes complled
frompubllcaLlons prlor Lo 1978
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL
Lnergy Cpen CovernmenL
uaLaseL CaLalog
A searchable daLabase of domesLlc and lnLernaLlonal open governmenL
daLaseLs, lncludlng energy-relaLed daLaseLs.
LnvlronmenLal and Lnergy ln urban AudlL clLles, core clLy,
Lnergy MarkeL CbservaLlon SysLem.
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL Web Soll Survey
Web Soll Survey (WSS) provldes soll daLa and lnformaLlon produced by Lhe
naLlonal CooperaLlve Soll Survey. lL ls operaLed by Lhe uSuA naLural
8esources ConservaLlon Servlce (n8CS) and provldes access Lo Lhe largesL
naLural resource lnformaLlon sysLemln Lhe world.
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL Crop Lxplorer
1he global Crop Lxplorer provlded by uSuA's lorelgn AgrlculLural Servlce
enables global food supply monlLorlng, and allows users Lo explore by crop or
Lnergy and LnvlronmenL Creen uaLa
Creen uaLa lnforms Lhe general publlc on slLuaLlons LhaL can compromlse
your healLh by sendlng alerLs when safeLy Lhresholds are exceeded for your
local amblenL alr quallLy or radlaLlon levels.
AmblenL Alr CuallLy
Crlme and !usLlce
lLaw-lnLelllgenL LeglslaLlon
SupporL SysLem
1he MlnlsLry of !usLlce of korea and korea lnsLlLuLe of Sclence and 1echnology
lnformaLlon have been developlng an lnLelllgenL leglslaLlon supporL sysLem,
namely, lLaw. SemanLlc Web and LexL mlnlng Lechnologles LargeLlng varlous
lnformaLlon resources lncludlng domesLlc and forelgn legal lnformaLlon are
applled Lo Lhe sysLemln order Lo supporL leglslaLlve acLlvlLles of legal experLs
and relevanL parLles Lo Lhe leglslaLlon.
Crlme and !usLlce ukCrlme sLaLs
A crlme ranklng plaLformfor nelghbourhoods, pollce forces and sLreeLs wlLh
maps, analysls and reporLs.
Crlme, vlolence or vandallsmln Lhe area (source: SlLC)
Crlme and !usLlce Crlme Spy uk
An lhone appllcaLlon showlng crlme and nelghbourhood lnformaLlon for your
currenL locaLlon.
Crlme, vlolence or vandallsmln Lhe area (source: SlLC)
Crlme and !usLlce Local Crlmes uemonsLraLor
1hls app focusses on dlsplaylng crlme summarles and deLalls ln Local AuLhorlLy
Crlme and !usLlce Local Crlme Map
1hls app dlsplays a map of Lhe mosL recenL crlmes ln a glven locaLlon. 1hls
allows you Lo qulckly see Lhe Lype and level of local crlmes. 1welve monLhs of
hlsLorlcal daLa are also dlsplayed, showlng Lhe Lrend over Lhe year.
Crlme, vlolence or vandallsmln Lhe area (source: SlLC) hLLp://vlsuallsed.lo/crlme/lndex.hLml
Crlme and !usLlce uk Crlme SLaLlsLlcs
An app LhaL uses Lhe uk crlme daLa Lo dlsplay and compare sLaLlsLlcs beLween
posLcodes, unlverslLles and fooLball sLadlums.
Crlme and !usLlce lasLcase
lasLcase ls a legal research servlce LhaL offers Lhe naLlonal law llbrary ln a web
appllcaLlon LhaL allows for fasLer searchlng, sorLlng, and vlsuallzaLlon.
2013 1ermCplnlons of Lhe CourL,
uaLa fromLhe Cfflce of Lhe Law
8evlslon Councel: unlLed SLaLes
Crlme and !usLlce Lawdragon
Lawdragon ls a legal news webslLe wlLh an annual magazlne LhaL provldes
coverage of hlgh-proflle legal maLLers and Lhe aLLorneys handllng Lhem.
uaLabases of Llcenced Lawyers,
uaLa fromACL8 (ubllc Access
Lo CourL LlecLronlc 8ecords)
Crlme and !usLlce SpoLCrlme SpoLCrlme ls Lhe mosL vlslLed crlme mapplng webslLe ln Lhe uS Local ollce 8ecords hLLp://
Crlme and !usLlce 8AluS onllne Crlme mapplng app LexlngLon ClLy uaLa
LlecLlons klng CounLy LlecLlons App LhaL offers voLlng sLaLlsLlcs on local elecLlons and measures klng CounLy daLa Luropean arllamenL LlecLlons
lCCuS: lnLernaLlonal Cpen
CovernmenL uaLaseL Search
1he 1WC lnLernaLlonal Cpen CovernmenL uaLaseL Search (lCCuS) ls a llnked
daLa appllcaLlon based on meLadaLa "scraped" fromhundreds of lnLernaLlonal
daLaseL caLalog webslLes publlshlng a rlch varleLy of governmenL daLa.
SLaLlsLlcs CapLrlclLy
CapLrlclLy ls a Lech sLarLup LhaL has launched a compleLely self-serve daLa
enLry web servlce whlch Lransforms sLaLlc daLa (frompaper, pdf, fax, even
handwrlLlng) lnLo workable formaL (Salesforce, L8 SysLems or sLaLlsLlcal
analysls Lools).
uaLa fromLhe Callfornla lalr
ollLlcal pracLlces Commlsslon
SLaLlsLlcs Lnlgma.lo
Lnlgma.lo ls a plaLformLhaL cenLrallzes, mlnes and relaLes blg publlc daLa
abouL companles, people and locaLlons. Cfferlng a large reposlLorles of publlc
daLa on Lhe markeL, Lnlgma draws LogeLher sources as dlverse as SLC flllngs,
governmenL spendlng conLracLs, llens, paLenLs, asseL ownershlp, bllls of
ladlng, and much more. Lnlgma's web-based appllcaLlon allows users Lo
connecL oLherwlse dlsparaLe and unorganlzed publlc daLa and lLs full-feaLured
Als empower developers exLend Lhelr appllcaLlons.
uaLa fromseveral uS lederal
uaLa fromSLC flllngs,
CovernmenL spendlng conLracLs,
uaLa fromseveral uC's of Lu Agencles hLLp://enlgma.lo/
llnance and ConLracLs 8lllCuard
8lllCuard ls an app LhaL glves lnslghL ln credlL card balances, recurrlng
charges, charges flagged by oLhers, eLc.
Cl8 CredlL Card ComplalnL
llnance and ConLracLs 8rlghLscope 8eacon
8eacon ls a web-based analyLlcs plaLformLhaL offers flnanclal flrms
markeLplace vlslblllLy by connecLlng dlsparaLe daLaseLs ln new ways.
8eLlremenL lan uaLa,
lnvesLmenL Advlsor uaLa
llnance and ConLracLs 8ulldZoom
8ulldZoomaggregaLes lnformaLlon on Lhe remodellng lndusLry from
clLy and sLaLe governmenLs, consumer proLecLlon agencles and users
Lo provlde consumers wlLh an auLhorlLaLlve resource Lo help Lhem
make lmporLanL declslons when remodellng Lhelr homes. Cn
8ulldZoom, consumers can vlew lnformaLlon on every slngle
conLracLor llcensed Lo pracLlce ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes and also use a
servlce requesL Lool LhaL algorlLhmlcally maLches Lhelr proposal wlLh
Lhe mosL ellglble conLracLors ln Lhelr area.
SLaLe conLracLor llcence daLa,
ClLy ermlL daLa
uaLa on llcenced conLracLors, bulldlng permlL hlsLory daLa... hLLp://
llnance and ConLracLs Way 8eLLer aLLenLs
Sclence and Lechnology pollcy makers, lnvenLors, enLrepreneurs, and
Lhose seeklng Lo develop new markeLs beneflL frommore lnformed
access Lo daLa abouL lnnovaLlons and changes belng broughL abouL by
Lhe lnformaLlonlzaLlon of lnnovaLlon. aLenLs are a place where
knowledge ls power.
uS1C 8ulk aLLenLs uownloads,
nSl 8&u uaLa,
lederal rocuremenL uaLa SysLem
hLLps://!Mk6reulSy1w hLLp://
llnance and ConLracLs Labor Wage SLaLlsLlcs
Labor Wage SLaLlsLlcs uses sLaLlsLlcs provlded by Lhe ueparLmenL of
Labor Lo help wlLh fuLure career cholces.
ueparLmenL of Labor
MulLlllnguallsm MeLadaLa caLalogue
1ransporL and lnfrasLrucLure ConsLrucLlon monlLor
ConsLrucLlon MonlLor provldes Llmely, deLalled and accuraLe bulldlng permlL
lnformaLlon. 1he daLa ls used by Lhe consLrucLlon lndusLry for leads Lo flnd
new work and Lhe flnanclal lndusLry Lo forecasL economlc Lrends.
8ulldlng permlL daLa uaLa on bulldlng permlLs
1ransporL and lnfrasLrucLure SynLhlclLy
SynLhlclLy helps plan clLles for Lhe fuLure ln a 'SlmClLy' llke way. lLs Lechnology
plaLformallows clLy sLaff and urban planners Lo slmulaLe bulldlng permlLs and
LransporLaLlon plans.
uaLa on parcels, bulldlngs and
CpensLreeLmap and gLfs
1ransporL and lnfrasLrucLure 1rulla
1rulla glves home buyers, sellers, owners and renLers Lhe lnslde scoop on
properLles, places and real esLaLe professlonals.
LarLhquake map,
llood map,
1ornado map,
Purrlcane 8esearch ulvlslon
Purrlcane Map,
loresL Servlce Wlldflre Map
1ransporL and lnfrasLrucLure Walk Score
Walk Score's mlsslon ls Lo promoLe walkable nelghborhoods. Walkable
nelghborhoods are one of Lhe slmplesL and besL soluLlons for Lhe
envlronmenL, our healLh, and our economy.
uS Census,
ClLy CovernmenL uaLa
1ransporL and lnfrasLrucLure 8uslL London App Lo plan a [ourney by bus ln London hLLp://
1ransporL and lnfrasLrucLure velo8acks App LhaL helps Lhe user flnd a blke rack ln Lhe ClLy of SeaLLle SeaLLle ClLy uaLa
1ransporL and lnfrasLrucLure Slgnal Analysls SofLware
1he naLlonal Plghway 1rafflc SafeLy AdmlnlsLraLlon (nP1SA) Cfflce of
8esearch and uevelopmenL offers slgnal analysls sofLware for Wlndows
plaLforms for Lhe analysls and processlng of crash LesL daLa. 8aslc
maLhemaLlcal processlng (fllLers, resampllng) and ln[ury crlLerla compuLaLlons
are lncluded wlLh a number of Lhe packages.
uaLa fromLhe naLlonal Plghway
1rafflc SafeLy AdmlnlsLraLlon
(nP1SA) Cfflce of 8esearch and
1ransporL and lnfrasLrucLure ls an lnLegraLed Ceographlcal lnformaLlon SysLem(ClS)
plaLformfor conducLlng analysls uslng laLal AccldenL 8eporLlng SysLem(lA8S)
uaLa fromLhe laLal AccldenL
8eporLlng SysLem(lA8S)
1ransporL and lnfrasLrucLure orLfollo Manager lnLeracLlve benchmarklng appllcaLlon for commerclal bulldlngs.
1ransporL and lnfrasLrucLure C8LL1 1rlp CalculaLor
1ransporLaLlon appllcaLlon LhaL esLlmaLes greenhouse gas emlsslons from
Lrlps uslng dlfferenL LransporLaLlon modes.
Companles Calcbench
App LhaL processes all x88L flllngs and sLores Lhemln a sLrucLured, cloud
based daLa unlverse. 8y means of compuLlng Lechnlques Calc8ench ldenLlfles
and correcLs errors and lncreases comparablllLy beLween companles SLC flllng daLa hLLp://
Companles PelloWalleL
PelloWalleL lmproves Lhe performance of organlzaLlons by provldlng
lndependenL guldance LhaL allgns corporaLe spendlng wlLh human
caplLal needs.
Survey of lncome and rogram
Survey of CusLomer llnances,
Consumer LxpendlLure Survey
Companles Cwler
Cwler ls a moblle and onllne resource LhaL helps you follow, Lrack, and
research companles. hLLp://
Companles CpencorporaLes
Apps LhaL shares daLa on corporaLe enLlLles as open daLa under Lhe
share-allke aLLrlbuLlon Cpen uaLabase Llcence.
Companles Cpen producL daLa orLal for a mulLlLude of daLa and daLa apps Cpen roducL daLa uaLa on producLs or brands hLLp://
Companles S8 AlerL
An app LhaL noLlfles Lhe user when new small buslness conLracLs come ouL
LhaL could perLaln Lo Lhe users buslness
1Lu hLLp://
Companles lClLlzen Labor 8eporL
App LhaL dlsLrlbuLes lnformaLlve flndlngs fromueparLmenL of Labor and
uS ueparLmenL of Labor,
Companles CaplLaLlsL
1he "CralgsllsL" for currenL and asplrlng enLrepreneurs Lo geL all Lhe
lnformaLlon Lo sLarL and esLabllsh a local buslness. 1hls app offers access Lo
llcenslng and permlL lnformaLlon, flnanclng opLlons, buslness proposals, and
federal granLs and awards for Lhe area.
PealLh uk harmacy App LhaL flnds a pharmacy nearby ln Lhe uk
CS daLa,
uk harmacy locaLlon daLa
PealLh A8CPeS
A8CPeS ls an onllne populaLlon slmulaLlon and real-Llme healLhcare analyLlcs
plaLform. 1he use of Lhe full appllcaLlon ls a paylng servlce.
naLlonal PealLh and nuLrlLlon
LxamlnaLlon Survey (nPAnLS),
naLlonal AmbulaLory Medlcal
Care Survey (nAMCS),
naLlonal PosplLal ulscharge
Survey (nPuS),
Compressed MorLallLy llle (CMl):
Synul daLaseL (CMS 2008-2010
uaLa LnLrepreneurs' SynLheLlc
ubllc use llle (uL-Synul)) of
All daLa on chance on sugar dlsease, hearLaLLack eLc,
ulseases ln general
PealLh lndlCC
lndlCC ls a paLlenL acLlvaLlon and declslon supporL Lool. lndlCC calculaLes and
dlsplays Lhe rlsk a paLlenL has of adverse evenLs - such as hearL aLLacks,
sLrokes, and onseL of dlabeLes. lndlCC Lhen suggesLs and prlorlLlzes Lhe
medlcaLlons and/or llfesLyle lnLervenLlons LhaL have Lhe greaLesL lmpacL on
reduclng LhaL rlsk.
PealLh Modellng and ConsulLlng
Modellng & ConsulLlng Servlces, Lo address speclflc modellng and analyLlcs
needs. "Archlmedes has a world-class Leamof sclenLlsLs and physlclans who
run cusLomslmulaLlons and bulld cusLomdlsease models Lo meeL your needs.
We slmulaLe populaLlons, lnLervenLlons, dlsease areas, and/or dlsease
managemenL programs."
PealLh Pu Scores
PuScores makes resLauranL lnspecLlon daLa avallable ln an easy Lo read,
search and undersLand formaL.
WashlngLon uC PealLh
MonLgomery CounLy PealLh
vlrglnla PealLh ueparLmenL
uaLa fromLu uC SAnCC hLLp://
PealLh PealLhockeL
A free cusLomer advocacy webslLe LhaL allows consumers Lo compare and
rank healLh plans ln Lhelr area.
PealLhcare llnder Al,
rescrlpLlon urug lan lormulary,
harmacy neLwork, and rlclng
lnformaLlon llles
PealLh PealLhgrades
App LhaL dlsplays hosplLal quallLy, safeLy and paLlenL experlence, as well as
rlsk ad[usLed raLlngs of morLallLy and compllcaLlons ln 37 ma[or dlsease
condlLlon or procedure cohorLs ln addlLlon Lo rlsk ad[usLed paLlenL safeLy
raLlngs ln 13 ma[or AP8C Sl caLegorles
18 SLaLe ALL ayer PosplLal
PealLh l1rlage
l1rlage ls a free moblle app and webslLe LhaL helps people make beLLer healLh
care declslons.
CommunlLy PealLh Cllnlcs,
naLlonal AmbulaLory Medlcal
Care Survey (nAMCS) and
naLlonal PosplLal AmbulaLory
Medlcal Care Survey (nPAMCS),
MenLal healLh and subsLance
abuse cllnlcs,
Pome PealLh laclllLles,
naLlonal rovlder ldenLlfler
SLaLlsLlcal 8ulleLln 2013 - Luropean MonlLorlng CenLre for urugs and urug AddlcLlon hLLps://
PealLh SymcaL
SymcaL uses a broad array of medlcal daLa Lo allow users Lo lnLelllgenLly check
Lhelr sympLoms agalnsL poLenLlal dlagnoses and plan medlcal care lf
naLlonal AmbulaLory Medlcal
Care Survey,
unlfled Medlcal Language SysLem
PealLh ulse olnL App LhaL connecLs Lhose who know C8 wlLh Lhose ln cardlac arresL nearby
PealLh App
1he Consumer roducL SafeLy Commlsslon, naLlonal Plghway 1rafflc SafeLy
AdmlnlsLraLlon, lood and urug AdmlnlsLraLlon, and ueparLmenL of AgrlculLure
monlLor Lhe safeLy of Lhousands of producLs and lssue hundreds of recall
announcemenLs each year of mllllons of producLs. 1hese lnformaLlon ln now
avallable on an app.
uaLa fromConsumer roducL
SafeLy Commlsslon,
uaLa fromnaLlonal Plghway
1rafflc SafeLy AdmlnlsLraLlon,
uaLa fromlood and urug
uaLa fromueparLmenL of
uaLa fromuC SAnCC,
uaLa fromuC AC8l
CeospaLlal Where-can-l-llve 1ool for people Lo flnd a house close Lo Lhelr work hLLp://
CeospaLlal Azavea
Azavea ls a company LhaL develops daLa apps for boLh governmenL and non-
proflL cllenLs. 1hey develop locaLlon-based web and moblle sofLware as well
as geospaLlal analysls servlces.
1hey made Lhe followlng apps:
- Cpen1reeMap (uS ueparLmenL of AgrlculLure) - Cpen porLal Lo ldenLlfy
Lhe locaLlon of Lrees,
- WaLershed Modelllng (SLroud WaLer 8esearch CenLer),
- arcelLxplorer (ClLy of hlladephla) - web-based land parcel daLa
search and mapplng sysLem,
- roperLy lraud Lracklng and mapplng sysLem(ClLy of hlladelphla) -
web-based Lracklng of reporLed cases of deed and morLgage fraud,
Local ClLy Councll ulsLrlcLs for
100+ ClLles ln norLh Amerlca,
WesLern Lurope and Cceanla,
SLaLe LeglslaLlve ulsLrlcLs for
SLaLes ln norLh Amerlca, WesLern
Lurope and Cceanla,
naLlonal LeglslaLlve ulsLrlcLs for
SLaLes ln norLh Amerlca, WesLern
Lurope and Cceanla,
Amerlcan CommunlLy Survey
naLlonal LlevaLlon uaLaseL (nLu)
uaLa on maps, daLa on locaLlon of resources...
CeospaLlal Lsrl
Lsrl ls Lhe world leader ln geographlc lnformaLlon sysLems and has a long
hlsLory of uslng open daLa.
lederal CS and Ceographlc uaLa,
CeospaLlal Map8ox
Cn Map8ox.comyou can slgn up and creaLe a map wlLhln mlnuLes, Lhen
slmply embed Lhe map vla copy / pasLe on Lhe web or bulld complex
appllcaLlons for web or moblle wlLh lL.
LandsaL daLa,
uaLa fromLhe uS ueparLmenL of
uaLa fromLC uC AC8l hLLps://
CeospaLlal new Medla arenLs - Mommaps
MomMaps helps you flnd kld frlendly locaLlons on Lhe go! Search an
exLenslve llsL of parks, playgrounds, resLauranLs, museums and lndoor play
uaLaseL fromSan lranclsco
ClLy of SeaLLle arks (SeaLLle ClLy
CeospaLlal CpporLunlLy Space
CpporLunlLySpace engages communlLles wlLh open daLa Lo drlve smarL uses
for publlc land. CpporLunlLySpace ls Saleslorce.comand CoSLar for
governmenL properLy.
Loulsvllle MeLro arcels,
Loulsvllle Sales lnvenLory daLa
uaLa on publlc space hLLp://
CeospaLlal ollcyMap
ollcyMap ls a web-based ClS and mapplng company LhaL capLures and
vlsuallzes daLa lncludlng demographlcs, home sale sLaLlsLlcs, healLh daLa,
morLgage Lrends, school performance scores, labor daLa and crlme sLaLlsLlcs.
Amerlcan CommunlLy Survey,
Pome MorLgage ulsclosure AcL,
Local Area unemploymenL SLaLs,
LonglLudlnal Lnmployer-
Pousehold uynamlcs
CeospaLlal nosLalgeo
An app whlch comblnes conLemporary sLreeLvlews wlLh old posLcards and
creaLes sLreeLvlews of Lhe pasL
CeospaLlal Scene near me
App LhaL alerLs Lhe user when (s)he comes near a famous n?C fllm
new ?ork ClLy daLa
CeospaLlal World Ceologlc Maps Ceologlc maps fromaround Lhe world fromLhe u.S. Ceologlcal Survey. uS Ceologlcal Survey
CeospaLlal 1ransALlas
lnLeracLlve mapplng appllcaLlon of LransporLaLlon fuel lnfrasLrucLure and
federal vehlcle fleeL locaLlons.
CeospaLlal MulLlpurpose Marlne CadasLre
SpaLlal analysls appllcaLlon LhaL provldes legal, physlcal, ecologlcal and human
use daLa for Lhe marlne envlronmenL.
LeglslaLlve voLlng calculaLor Councll SlmulaLor of voLlng dynamlcs ln Lhe Councll of Lhe Luroepan unlon uaLa on councll voLes (currenLly avallable only ln ul as documenL)
LeglslaLlve arlgov nlraslruclure lhal syslemalcally combnes nlormalon on parly pos
LeglslaLlve LurobaromeLer Lrends daLa and documenLaLlon of Lhe MannhelmLurobaromeLer 1rend llle.
LxLraLlon Lool for L voLlng
LxLraLlon Lool for L voLlng records hLLp:// L voLlng records hLLp://
LeglslaLlve 8oll Call voLes
1he daLa seLs lncludes roll call daLa fromLhe flrsL Lo Lhe flfLh Luropean
arllamenL (1979-2004). lL shows Lhe voLlng behavlour of Members of Lhe
Luropean arllamenL (MLs) for each elecLronlcally reglsLered voLe. lL also
dlsplays Lhe aggregaLed voLlng behavlour of MLs uslng nomlnaLe scores. 1he
daLa seL does also lndlcaLe Lo whlch parLy group and Lo whlch naLlonal parLy
delegaLlon each MLs belongs aL Lhe beglnnlng of each leglslaLlve Lerm.
Slmon Plx, Abdul noury and Cerard 8oland (2006) 'ulmenslons of ollLlcs ln
Lhe Luropean arllamenL', Amerlcan !ournal of ollLlcal Sclence, 30(2) 494-
lnformaLlon abouL each ML ln
Lhe flrsL 3 parllamenLs, lncludlng:
Lhe ML's lu number, Lhe ML's
member sLaLe, L group, and
naLlonal parLy afflllaLlons, and Lhe
ML's nCMlnA1L coordlnaLes on
Lwo dlmenslons. (1hls flle was
updaLed on 26 !uly 2011).
LeglslaLlve Council Roll Call Votes I
The source Ior the data is the General Secretariat oI the Council
oI the European Union (either yearly or monthly summaries).
Please note that the 1994 data includes only "contested"
decisions, i.e. decisions in which at least one Council member
voted against the proposal or abstained Irom voting. Other Iiles
include all legislative decisions made by the Council.
LeglslaLlve Councll 8oll Call voLes ll Roll call votes Ior the Council, Iinal decisions, 1995-2000 hLLp://
LeglslaLlve EPRG MEP survey data
daLa fromLhree surveys of Lhe Members of Lhe Luropean arllamenL (MLs)
by L8C (ln 2000, 2006, and 2010), as well as daLa froma survey of Lhe MLs
ln Lhe 1989-94 arllamenL by Shaun 8owler and uavld larrell.
1he daLa fromLhese surveys are avallable here for academlc research
purposes only. Access Lo Lhe daLaseLs and Lhe relaLed flles ls password-
proLecLed. lf you would llke Lo access Lhe flles please send an e-mall Lo Slmon
Plx (s.hlx[ wlLh a brlef explanaLlon of how you lnLend Lo use Lhe
daLa. 1hese daLa can only be used for academlc research purposes.
8owler-larrell daLaseL ln MS Lxcel ML daLa >
8oll Call voLes ln Lhe Luropean
1hese flles have Lhe followlng formaL:
- Lhe flrsL row conLalns Lhe names of Lhe varlables
- Lhe flrsL column conLalns each ML's lu number (MLlu)
- Lhe second column conLalns each ML's name (MLnAML)
- Lhe Lhlrd column conLalns each ML's member sLaLe (MS)
- Lhe fourLh column conLalns each ML's naLlonal parLy (n)
- Lhe flfLh column conLalns each ML's L group (LC)
- Lhe slxLh Lo Lhe lasL column conLaln Lhe "voLe declslon" of each ML ln each voLe
(v1,v2,...,vn, for n voLes ln each parllamenL)
(nC1L: 1he rows ln Lhese flles are noL ln Lhe order of Lhe MLs' lu numbers)
1he codes for Lhe member sLaLes, naLlonal parLles, and L groups are conLalned ln
Lhe mep_lnfo.xls flle.
1he codes for Lhe ML voLe declslons are as follows:
L1 and L2: 1=?es, 2=no, 3=AbsLaln, 4=resenL buL dld noL voLe, 0=AbsenL, 3=noL
an ML
L3, L4 and L3: 1 = ?es, 2 = no, 3 = AbsLaln, 4 = resenL buL dld noL voLe, 0 =
elLher AbsenL or noL an ML

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