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Mosey's Developmen!l G"o#ps
Anne Cronin Mosey applied the concepts of ro!p dyna"ics to the de#elop"ent of ro!p s$ills
%ithin therapy settins& The foc!s of treat"ent !sin the de#elop"ental ro!p "odel %as to
"o#e patients alon the contin!!" of i""at!re ro!p s$ills to "at!re ro!p s$ills& Interactin at
a "at!re le#el %o!ld allo% patients to f!nction %ithin "any social ro!ps %hereas f!nctionin at
an i""at!re le#el %o!ld se#erely li"it a person's a(ility to enae in the #ariety of social
acti#ities that are part of o!r daily ro!tines )fa"ily ro!ps* %or$ ro!ps* ci#ic ro!ps* and
#ol!nteer ro!ps+& Mosey states that %e de#elop ro!p interaction s$ills in fi#e staes:
P!"!llel $!%e &' mon(s o ) ye!"s*
P"o+e, $!%e ) o - ye!"s*
E%o,en".,/,oope"!.ve $0 o 1 ye!"s*
Coope"!.ve $2 o &) ye!"s*
M!#"e $&0 o &' ye!"s*
An OTA %o!ld plan a Parallel Group for indi#id!als %ho ha#e s(o" !en.on sp!ns !n3 ,!n
4o"5 on !n .n3.v.3#!l !s5&
These indi#id!als "ay notice or inore others aro!nd the"&
They do not initiate interaction e,cept possi(ly %ith the therapist&
They tend to isolate the"sel#es&
The s$ills the ro!p "e"(ers need to de#elop incl!de
contin!ed enae"ent in acti#ity %ith a%areness of other ro!p "e"(ers*
(rief #er(al and non#er(al interaction %ith other ro!p "e"(ers* and
increasin co"fort %hen %or$in in the presence of others&
The OTA's responsibilities as leader would include
1& e,plainin p!rpose and acti#ities of ro!p
-& "eetin social.e"otional needs of ro!p "e"(ers for acceptance* safety* and #al!e
/& s!pportin and enco!rain "ini"al interaction %ith a"on ro!p "e"(ers )eye
contact and cas!al con#ersation+
0& settin li"its on disr!pti#e (eha#ior
5& helpin patients select si"ple* short.ter" acti#ities that are not self.isolatin
1& assistin %ith tas$ co"pletion %hen
Mosey's De#elop"ental 2ro!ps 3MC: OT 1115
An OTA %o!ld plan a Project Group for indi#id!als that can 6#n,.on ,om6o"!7ly .n ! p!"!llel
%"o#p8 Ho4eve"9 p!.ens !"e !n:.o#s !7o# 4o"5.n% 4.( o(e"s&
The patients "ay tal$ a(o!t (ein !na(le to finish a tas$ or a(o!t not (ein a(le to hold
their o%n %hen %or$in %ith another person&
They still are a(le to only foc!s on short.ter" acti#ities&
The s$ills the ro!p "e"(ers need to de#elop incl!de the a(ility to contri(!te to a
ro!p tas$* to see$ assistance fro" others* and to i#e assistance to others %hen
directly as$ed to do so&
The OTA's responsibilities as leader would include
1& e,plainin p!rpose and acti#ities of ro!p
-& "eetin social.e"otional needs of ro!p "e"(ers for acceptance* safety* and #al!e
/& s!pportin and enco!rain sharin of tas$s* cooperation* i#in and see$in
0& helpin patients select si"ple* short.ter" tas$s that can (e shared (y t%o or "ore
5& enco!rain e,peri"entation %ith different %ays of sharin and "e"(ers ta$in different
An OTA %o!ld plan an Egocentric-Cooperative Group for indi#id!als %ho are !7le o
,oope"!e 4.( o(e"s .n ,omple.n% ! s(o"/e"m !s5 (! .s no spe,.6.,!lly 3."e,e3
o4!"3 (emselves&
They are a(le to share e4!ip"ent and s!pplies* as$ for help* and i#e help&
They at least passi#ely follo% the r!les of polite interaction )please* than$ yo!* as$
so"eone to share s!pplies rather than 5!st ta$e the"+&
The s$ills the ro!p "e"(ers need to de#elop incl!de
o selectin* enain in * and co"pletin lon.ter" tas$s %ith others6
o handlin co"petition )neither o#erly passi#e nor aressi#e+* reconi7in the
rihts of others as e4!al to their o%n6
o as$in for and recei#in reconition )co"pli"ents+6
o co"pro"isin and neotiatin6
o a(le to relate oal of the ro!p to the tas$ at hand6
o can identify ro!p nor"s6
o actin as if s8he (elons to the ro!p )%ants to participate or is %illin to* !s!ally
follo%s ro!p nor"s+6
o is a(le to "eet others estee" needs and can et others to reconi7e their
estee" needs
The OTA's responsibilities as a leader would include
Mosey's De#elop"ental 2ro!ps 3MC: OT 1115
1& ta$in on ro!p "e"(ership roles only as re4!ired (y the needs of the ro!p
-& enco!rain the ro!p to f!nction as independently as it can* steppin in only %hen
ro!p cannot proceed %itho!t help
/& "odelin appropriate e,pression of needs
0& assistin de#elop"ent and disc!ssion of nor"s
5& helpin "e"(ers feel accepted* safe* and #al!ed&
An OTA %o!ld plan a Cooperative Group for indi#id!als %ho can ,omplee lon%/e"m %"o#p
!s5s $ove" seve"!l pe".o3s*6
reconi7e ro!p oals and nor"s6
sho% interest in participatin and (elonin to a ro!p6
reconi7e o%n and others' rihts and estee" needs6
(alance cooperation and co"petition&
The s$ills the ro!p "e"(ers need to de#elop incl!de
"a$in o%n desires and needs $no%n*
participatin in ro!p acti#ity %ith a pri"ary concern of "eetin o%n and others needs
social.e"otional and estee" needs*
and respondin to others %ho are si"ilar&
The OTA's responsibilities as a leader would include
1& pro#idin ad#ice fro" the sidelines
-& initially helpin the ro!p de#elop interaction8ro!p "aintenance s$ills
/& inter#enin to pro"ote ro!p cohesi#eness
An OTA %o!ld plan a Mature Group for indi#id!als %ho !"e !7le o e:p"ess o4n so,.!l9
emo.on!l nee3s !n3 mee (e so,.!l/emo.on!l nee3s o6 o(e"s 4(o !"e l.5e (emselves&
The s$ills the ro!p "e"(ers need to de#elop incl!de
e,pressin o%n social.e"otional needs and "eetin the social.e"otional needs of
others %ho "ay or "ay not (e si"ilar to the"sel#es6
achie#in ro!p tas$ %hile "eetin social.e"otional needs of all ro!p "e"(ers6
steppin into a #ariety of ro!p "e"(ership roles that s!pport ro!p f!nction
The OTA's responsibilities as a leader would include
1& participatin as a "e"(er
-& de"onstratin ro!p "e"(ership roles %hen needed
/& selectin "e"(ers to achie#e #ariety and (alance in (ac$ro!nds* interests*
s$ills* and so on needed for tas$ co"pletion
Mosey's De#elop"ental 2ro!ps 3MC: OT 1115

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