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Hacking Panorama

-Computer hacking
-Basics of Hacking
-Hacking Tutorial
-History of Hacking
-Hackers and Crackers
-Catching a Hacker
-Hacking culture
-Employee internet policy
Hacking Type
-Hacker Software
-Website Hacking
-Mobile hone Hacking
-Email Hacking
-Credit Card Hacking
-assword Hacking
-Hacking !oogle
-"inu# Hacking
-!oogle Hacking and re$ention
-!ame Hacking
-Black Hat Hackers
-%nline Hacking !ames
Tools and Ethical Hacking
-Hacking Tools
-&etwork Hacking Tools
-Ethical Hacker
-Hacking "aws
-'ntrusion (etection System
-White Hat Hacking
-)ahoo Hacking rograms
-Computer Hacking re$ention

A Brief History
%ne might not suspect that the art* or scourge* of computer hacking was created at one of the ha$ens for
technological e#cellence+
Top Tips to Become a Hacker
Certainly there are many sources of information available that can give you computer hacking basics. There is actually some
misconception about who a real hacker is. Hacking computers is performed by one who knows computers very well -
even the extra tricks of a computer and electronics.
He can easily tweak these according to his needs and become hacker. This is the way the term was used when Bill Gates
was inventing indows.
Those who are often referred to as hackers today! should actually be called "crackers" - people who do not have
unauthori#ed access! like a safe-cracker. $f you doubt me! and want to know how to be a hacker then do a search on the term
"professional hacker!" and you will find many professional and legitimate computer training courses being offered. They are
the ones learning the real hacker secrets.
What Are The Basics Needed To Become A Hacker
%veryone has heard of one individual or another that was caught while hacking computers that belonged to this or that
organi#ation. Because hacking into computers is highly illegal! it should be mentioned that this article will not
mention any real specifics about the sub&ect! and this author would rather gladly encourage you to become a real
hacker - professionally.
This article! will however! give a brief overview of criminal hackers! some of their methods! and a few things you
can do to make your own computer safer from hack attacks. Here are those things you need to learn on how to
become a hacker.
Learn Computers
$t should go without saying that the first thing that is needed is to learn about computers. This means study. ' lot of reading
is involved along with &ust plain old-fashioned learning how to use a computer. Then! of course! there are the special aspects
of computer study. The places where the tips are learned is often two-fold( a friend who has access to a computer! and a
variety of places on the eb. But this is also an interesting thing - if a young person has the ability to learn! and wants to
learn can use hacking tutorials- then why not take the time to learn the right things - things that can earn him a lot of money
in the legit world) $s it possibly that it could be the friend he has that turns him away from the good)
Search for tools on Hackers Websites and forums
Learn The Websites
*pecial hacker eb sites! where hackers congregate! exist on the eb - as does every other known group of people -
whether legal or illegal. *ome of these are known to be hacker chat rooms! hacker forum! and regular hacker sites.
Learn The Secrets
$t is in these eb sites! and possibly some of the people that he may meet! maybe only online! where he will learn
the hacking basics! and learn how to hack.
Tools Hackers Need To Get Into Websites
*ome of the tools that a hacker may use are often varied and constantly changing. +ne such tool that was used last year
allowed a hacker to gain control of the computers of those who simply mistyped the word Google - when trying to get the
popular search engine. This automatically directed them to a special website that would give them such malware items as
Trojan downloaders! backdoors and spyware.
'nother tool would be the robot spider. These can be sent out and put on automatic and will look for ports of access into
your computer. These spiders are running around all the time and some say that they may hit most computers that are online
- up to ,- times a day.
+ther tools use email attachments. $t is claimed that as much as .,/ of all email is spam. 'nd as much as 0 in about 1-
emails contains a virus! or some form of malware. This is why having your own virus and spam protection is a must! as well
as a good spyware remover. *omeone is busy. +nce someone has been hacking information on a computer they will often
leave a Tro&an file that will give them further access - often more than one file. Then they could use your computer to send
out spam attacks - without you even knowing that it is taking place. +r! they could simply be hacking your personal
information off of your computer. These are &ust a few of their tools.
How Hackers Aoid Gettin! Cau!ht
+ne of the first things that someone would learn about hacking tutorials when studying to be a hacker is how to cover their
tracks. +f course! some are better than others. ' young hacker is less likely to know all the little things that an expert hacker
might know. Besides! the young hacker may be trying to impress others - and get a little careless about covering his tracks.
This is why younger hackers are often caught.
'n older hacker! on the other hand! will rarely leave any tracks. They know how to use their victim2s computers as a tool for
a launching place to get into another computer - leaving a phony $3 address.
The truth is! and it is a good thing! that computer programmers are getting better software! and hardware 4firewalls5 that are
constantly doing a better &ob - both in keeping hackers out! and in recording $3 addresses better for tracking purposes.
There will always be hackers! and there will always be hackers in prison. The legislation is definitely turning against the
hacker - with some hacking crimes becoming e6ual to terrorism! these days. 7evin 8itnick! a well-known hacker! had the
9ederal prosecutors accuse him of having caused :;<0 million in damages to corporate computers. ' serious crime! and he
remains in &ail because of it - unable to touch anymore computers.
%ven by learning some of the wrong type of hacking basics through hacking tutorials! a young person could start down a
wrong path. Hacking computers! though often glorified on T=! is still criminal.
Hackin! Simplified " #or Those Who Want to Learn Thin!s #rom the Scratch
$t2s 6uite probable that you have received spam offering a hotmail hacking guide that will give you the basics on how to
become a hacker. 'lthough it sounds tempting to have the power to know the private life of other persons! most of these
guides and courses are nothing but scams that are looking for new victims.
$f you really want to become a hacker! you need to go to the places were they gather( a hacking facebook! a hacker2s forum!
free hacking tutorials or even a mailing list. The information is out there. >ou only need to go and find it.
Where Can $ou Get %aterial on Hackin! and Information on Hackin!
There are two main sources. The first one is the $nternet. >ou will have to make a basic 6uery in your favorite search engine
with the word hacker and start looking each one of the suggested sites. 8ost of them will only offer you limited tutorials on
how to hack 4like the Hacker2s Black book or the Happy Hacker book! which are outdated5. +ther2s will give you an useful
insight on this world. 'fter some time! you will find forums were people from around the world share their experiences.
?o not expect to enter an easy world. The &argon used by a group of hackers can be 6uite confusing for any beginner. *o
don2t feel that you will never be part of it. *tart with the basics and read "How to become a hacker" from %ric *. @ymond.
'lthough the document is five years old! it will give you an introductory crash course on were do you need to start.
The second source is face to face reunions. Get into the internet and search for any hacker's meeting in your vicinity.
>ou will be surprised to find that they meet 6uite regularly. +f course! do not expect to find a 8atrix kind of reunion. This is
serious! professional people that pay their rent by hacking. ?rop by and make some 6uestions on hacking tutorials.
What Is The Hackers Bible&
The hacker2s bible has two possible sources! depending on whom do you ask. 9or some people! it is none other but the
maga#ine ;.--( The Hacker Auarterly. This maga#ine was created by %mmanuel Goldstein! and it focuses on aspects of
different technologies. 9or example! it covers telecommunication devices as well as computers.
The maga#ine gives to its readers grey hacker2s material. That means that it gives them information on how to augment the
capacities of any electronic apparatus! such as a cell phone. This neutral posture is different to white hacking 4were a hacker
uses his abilities for a good cause! like detecting the vulnerabilities of a network5 and black hacking 4were a hacker uses his
knowledge for selfish purposes! like creating a hotmail hacking guide5.
The other Hacker2s Bible is the Bargon 9ile. This document is a glossary of hacker slang that has been collected since 0<C,!
from the old days of the 'rpanet 4the precursor of the $nternet5.
Are There An' Hackin! #acebook (r #orums That Can Help $ou Identif' The Latest Threats In Hackin!&
9ortunately! yes. >ou only need to input the words hack and forum in your favorite search engine and you will find lots of
sites were the latest threats are discussed. But be careful. 's it was stated in a previous paragraph! the hacker slang can be
6uite a hieroglyphic for a newbie.
$f you find a forum or an $@C chat were hackers discuss their experiences and give recommendations! make sure that you
understand them. $f you don2t! then you should take a step backward and return to the web pages where they give
introductory advice to beginners.
Can $ou )eall' Become A Hacker With The %aterial (r Will $ou Land In *ail&
>ou can become a hacker with the material found inside the internet without spending your life in &ail. 's it was mentioned
before! a hacker has three choices( white! grey and black hacking. 's a white hacker you may be able to offer your services
to different businesses as a freelancerD you will be able to show them any vulnerability in their systems.
's a grey hacker you stand in the thin line between good and evil. 'lthough you will not end in &ail for this type of activity!
you could end in the "dark side" before you even notice it. $n case you cross this boundary! then you will be considered a
nuisance to society! and could finish with a restriction to use computers 4besides a huge fine and a term in prison! of course5.
Hacking is not for everyone. >ou need the skills! the patience and the knowledge for mastering this art. $f you feel that you
have what it takes to become a hacker! then start with a hacking facebook. @ead it completely. 's a matter of fact! devour it.
Hacking re6uires a lot of reading so better to get accustomed to it. *o! forget about that hotmail hacking guide and start
doing real hacker2s stuff.
Is Hackin! Alwa's Bad&
'lthough the history of hacking is relatively unknown to most of the public! it2s 6uite interesting to read about it. $t doesn2t
matter if you aren2t a computer expert or a system administrator of a big corporation.
Computers are as much part of our history as airplanes and cars! and it should be common knowledge to know how they
came to be. $t2s the only way you can understand the effects of computer hacking in our life.
Histor' of Hackin!
Hacking is not limited to computers. The real meaning of hacking is to expand the capabilities of any electronic deviceD to
use them beyond the original intentions of the manufacturer. 's a matter of fact! the first hackers appeared in the 0<.-2s at
the 8assachusetts $nstitute of Technology 48$T5! and their first victims were electric trains. They wanted them to perform
faster and more efficiently. *o! is hacking always bad) Eot really. $t only depends on how to use it. But it wasn2t until a
group of these hackers decided to exert their knowledge in the computer mainframes of the 8$T.
?uring the 0<C-2s! a different kind of hacker appeared( the phreaks or phone hackers. They learned ways to hack the
telephonic system and make phone calls for free. ithin these group of people! a phreaker became famous because a simple
discovery. Bohn ?raper! also known as Captain Crunch! found that he could make long distance calls with a whistle. He built
a blue box that could do this and the %s6uire maga#ine published an article on how to build them. 9ascinated by this
discovery! two kids! *teve o#niak and *teve Bobs! decided to sell these blue boxes! starting a business friendship which
resulted in the founding of 'pple.
By the 0<F-2s! phreaks started to migrate to computers! and the first Bulletin Board *ystems 4BB*5 appeared. BB* are like
the yahoo groups of today! were people posted messages of any kind of topics. The BB* used by hackers speciali#ed in tips
on how to break into computers! how to use stolen credit card numbers and share stolen computer passwords.
$t wasn2t until 0<F. that the G* government reali#ed the danger that hackers represented to the national security. 's a way to
counteract this menace! the Congress passed the Computer 9raud and 'buse 'ct! making computer breaking a crime across
the nation.
?uring the 0<<-2s! when the use of the internet widespread around the world! hackers multiplied! but it wasn2t until the end
of the decade that system2s security became mainstream among the public.
Today! we are accustomed to hackers! crackers! viruses! Tro&ans! worms and all of the techni6ues we need to follow to
combat them.
+rofiles of #amous Computer Hackers
's it was mentioned before! the history of hacking is intermixed with the history of computers. 8any of the famous
computer hackers of the past are the billionaires of today.
The most known hacker is Bill Gates! co-founder of 8icrosoft. Considered the richest person in the world for more than a
decade! he became the most successful entrepreneur of the computer industry. His beginnings go back to the 0<C-2s when he
designed computer programs for the computer platforms of that era! and ended with the introduction of indows in the
world of personal computers.
'fter some time away from the media attention! *teve Bobs came back with the introduction of several new products in
'pple. The most known of them is the i3od! which has revolutioni#ed the music industry around the world. Bobs started
nearly at the same time that Gates! founding 'pple and introducing to the market the first home computer! the 'pple $$.
'lthough Hinus Torvalds was known among the hacker community as the hero who created Hinux! the open source
operating system! it hasn2t been until recent years that people started to wonder if there was another option apart from using
8icrosoft2s operating system.
+rofiles of Bad Hackers
Gnfortunately! there are as many bad hackers as productive hackers. +ne of the most famous black hackers is 7evin
8itnick! who broke into the computers of several organi#ations! including 9u&itsu! 8otorola! *un 8icrosystems and Eokia.
He was imprisoned and even today can2t use a computer due to a &udicial restriction.
'nother famous hacker is =ladimir Hevin! a mathematician who led a group of @ussian hackers and stole ten million dollars
from Citibank. Gntil this day! no one knows how they did it.
Bonathan Bames case is a bit more complicated. He was the first &uvenile from the teen hackers of the G*' to be prosecuted
for computer hacking. But that didn2t stop him. Hater! he was able to access the computer systems of E'*' and the G*
?epartment of ?efense. 9inally! he was imprisoned.
#raud for Sale
>ears ago! before the coming of the internet! hackers around the world caused a lot of mayhem in organi#ations. But now
that they have a potential market of hundreds of millions of persons! their options are almost limitless. That2s why online
fraud is considered one of the cancers of the internet. The only way to protect from it! is becoming an anti hacker ourselves!
maintaining up to date with the most basic knowledge( firewall! antivirus! antispam! constant operating system updates and
taking care of suspicious websites.The effects of computer hacking in our history can2t be denied. $t is here and it won2t
disappear. But the most interesting thing about the history of hacking is that it was expected to happen. >ou only need to
check old science fiction books to find it.
(utlaws of Technolo!', Hacker or Cracker
$n order to study the comparison the between the hackers and crackers! it is important to understand the respective
definitions. hile apparently the words hacking and cracking seems synonymous! yet there exist certain points of
distinctions between the two and the meaning of the words will always be heated topics of debate.
*ince the very dawn of the civili#ation! man2s hunger to attain the unattainable have went on opening new
hori#ons in almost every aspects of life! and the technology is of no exception to this nature of human.
Aims of Hackers and Crackers
The computer hackers actually trespass or circumvent artistically! yet scientifically into the other computer system with a
hunger to know the programmable systems! how they perform and their internal structures! while cracking is slight different
in sense. Cracking means to break off the computer2s security system. This is a sub&ect matter of hard-core science with an
aesthetic undertone of artistic skill that has attracted a few millions of teenagers and young adults all over the world.
Who Is A Hacker And What Is His Aim&
?elving deep into the concepts! we can compare the hackers and crackers. ' hacker is a person who commits the fraudulent
act or the penal offense of exploring into the other computers in order to know the details of the programmable system and
how they work. +n the other level! a cracker is a person &ust more secretive as compared to the hacker. The cracker breaks
through the system2s security and proves to be far more dangerous than the hackers who &ust 6uench his or her thirst by
simply discovering the workings of a system. Hence the crackers can potentially be much more perilous as compared to the
hackers. hile it is often believed that the hacking is simply exploring into the other computer system with an intention to
know how the programmable system works! which is not a fraudulent task unless any sort of vandalism and theft is done by
this! another huge section stands strictly against the view and look at the act from the view point of a crime.
Who is A Cracker and What Is His Aim&
' cracker is a technical person who has mastered the art of breaking systems! often not for ac6uiring knowledge! by the dint
of few programs and softwares used as tools. They are more interested in the system2s security without the need of great deal
of knowledge! thereby not benefiting much. +n the other hand! a hacker who cracks and hacks systems is not only interested
in breaking the security of the system but also in knowing about the system2s details! by which he gains much more than by
simply cracking systems. Gnlike a cracker! a hacker generally does not have intention destroy data maliciously or to steel
things. ' cracker who is often termed to be a cyber burglar brings out significant harm to the network or steels the
information like passwords or credit card numbers. ' Tro&an is capable enough to recogni#e and record even every single
keystroke that you make. Hence even if you do not store any personal or financial records in your system! the hackers can
still be able to obtain the information by recogni#ing the keystrokes.
+rere-uisites of Hackers and Crackers
Hacking and cracking are not as easy as they apparently appear to be. These need serious endeavor to the exhaustive studies
and thorough understanding of the computer languages.
Both the hackers and crackers must be highly dedicated programming experts who must have sound grips of the language C!
as this language has the utmost flexibility and is the widely used ported language all over world2s hackers2 communities.
+ther helpful languages are CII! &ava and pearl. By the dint of such technical know-how the hackers becomes smart
enough to compel another computer system or a program or any other piece of hardware to perform such things that they
actually were not wanted to do. The crackers tries to gain a hassle free access to a system or a server with the help of certain
methodical tools that bypasses the security! giving the crackers immense privileges with the server or the system they have
The Le!al Aspect
hatever the terminology may be - an act of hacking or cracking! both the ideas have been brought to the severe penal
action irrespective of the reasons. 'lthough it seems to be an en&oyable task of exploring out to visit into the other computer
systems by breaking off the system2s security! yet computer hacking is treated to be a fraudulent and a criminal offense that
has been covered under the serious legal section of Title 0F(
Crimes and Criminal 3rocedure( 3art 0( Crimes( Chapter JC( 9raud and 9alse *tatements( *ection 0-1-( 9raud and related
activity in connection with computers. However needless to say that! hacking and cracking are such acts that is illegal in
some ways but to view from the certain other platform the act has been found to serve some agencies and departments with
certain awfully useful functions - beyond mere pleasure. Though illegal! the hackers and the crackers are sometimes used by
the nations2 top ranking departments for hacking and cracking networks to get the information that may be re6uired to save
the nation from any anticipated danger.
Hacker.s beware/ A Crook is Cau!ht (ne 0a' or the other
Hackers had broken into the ?epartment of ?efense2s computers - again. ith news like this! combined with the fact that
other hackers are constantly seeking to steal people2s identity! send out spam from innocent computers! and other computer
crimes hacking into unauthori#ed places!
makes it necessary for illegal hackers to be caught. $f you are one of those who have suffered from a hack attack! then you
may be one of those who say( "$ need an $3 specialist! to catch a hacker." This article will show you some things that you
can do.
How Hackers Are Cau!ht
ith the fact that 8icrosoft and some other software companies have been notified - yes! by hackers! that there are many
"holes" in indows that a hacker can take advantage of. 8icrosoft has responded by attempting to fix the "holes" each time
one is pointed out. Then! it sends out a patch to block hackers from attacking through that "hole." 7eeping up with the
update2s from 8icrosoft is one way to close down the problems that exist in the indows software - though it is unknown if
all such "holes" will ever be known.
Eormally! it is rather hard to notice that a hacker has hacked into your computer. $f all he is doing is having a look around!
or taking minimum amounts of data - you really cannot be sure that you are being hacked. The are some effects of computer
hacking! though! that might tip you off. Here are a couple of ways to detect hackers.
0etectin! Hackers
Hackers! by nature are very stealthy. Their ability to gain access to your computer through the $nternet can easily be done
without your knowledge - and most of them seem to prefer that approach. Before time is spent on being able to detect a
hacker! it should be noted that a determined hacker will not be stoppedK They will get in - even to the ?epartment of
?efenses systemsK
*ome common things that might tip you off to an intrusion are(
Hights showing hard drive activity being busier than what your own activities call for
*uspicious files left on your computer - often in the indows Temp directory with a tmp. suffix
+bvious tampering - destroyed files! missing files! etc.
+r! the worst case - someone2s taking money out of your bank account or using your credit cards 43lease note!
though! that this could also be the result of phishing! too - not necessarily hacking5
>our firewall keeps receives multiple packets from a single web address and notifies you.
How to catch a hacker
+nce a hacker does gain access to your computer! he will purposefully leave a little file or two! that will give him easy
access in the future. These files are usually referred to as "tro&ans." This is one of the facts about hackers that %ven after you
take precautions to prevent further attacks! unless you thoroughly clean off the hacker2s little access files - he can still easily
access your system. 'nother not so nice fact is that! unless you really learn 4or already know5 about computer systems! you
probably will not either be able to detect! or stop the hacker. >ou can! however! get help. This is when you need to say! "$
need an $3 specialist! to catch a hacker".
Tracin! The Hacker.s I+ Address
' number of software programs are available now - through the $nternet! that will enable you to trace a hacker2s $3 address
to a geographical address. @emember! though! that hackers often borrow other computers 4usually unknown to the owner5!
and do their computer crimes hacking from there. *o! before you take any action against someone you think it might be! it is
better to let the proper authorities handle it.
+ne free program that you might use in order to learn of the hacker2s $3 address is Eetstat.
@ate this 'rticle
This indows program will enable you to see exactly what the hacker does - tracing everything. $t also shows you the status
of all of your ports! and other statistics.
Catchin! Them )ed"Handed
Basically once there is a hacker attack! you have two options. The first is to shut your system down! and give your computer
to a lab to be able to collect the necessary evidence. 'part from the aforementioned programs! if you do much to the
computer yourself - you could be destroying the very evidence you need to track a hacker. +f course! if you have not
already backed up your data elsewhere! this option may not be available to you. @emember that a hacker can only be
prosecuted using the evidence on other people2s computers. ' second course of action would be to act as if nothing had
taken place! and move your sensitive data to another computer. By leaving it alone! and letting the hacker continue! more
evidence can be collected against him until there is a solid case. 7nowing this fact about how to catch a hacker is very
Besides needing an $3 address! you must also learn the $*3 from which the attack comes. 3ort J1 will give you data about
the $3 and the $*3. *oftware is available that can tell you these things! and you can also learn about it by going to a whois
directory. Then! with this information! you can contact the ebmaster of the $*3! and hopefully! get it stopped.
%ach of us needs to take some serious precautions about preventing our own computers from being broken into 4as much as
possible5. ith the software and firewalls that are currently available! perhaps you will never need to be one who cries out!
"$ need a specialist! to catch a hacker". 'fter you get the necessary programs to make your computer safer! be sure to keep it
updated! and prevent computer crimes hacking.
Hackers and Culture& True Indeed,
Hacker culture has existed for many decades! although the ma&ority of us may have become recently aware thanks to movies
like The 8atrix. Eevertheless! hacking culture has been out there! and has been constantly influencing our society and the
way we view the world. 9rom anime to computer knowledge! hacker culture has! steadily! made its way to our lives.
What Is Hacker Culture&
Hacker culture is composed by all those experiences and human manifestations that are related to the exploit of hardware
and software. @ight now there are three kinds of hackers. The first and most known kind of hacker is the black hat hacker! or
the individual who uses his knowledge for obtaining a personal benefit. Gsually! it means stealing information that can be
sold in the black market.
The most daring black hat hackers are able to crack bank accounts! leaving no trace behind. 9ortunately! bank security and
worldwide cooperation has been able to place some restrictions and control over these individuals.
+n the other side of the balance is the white hack hacker! a computer security expert who works with organi#ations and
helps them with their computer network security problems.
9inally! there are the grey hat hackers. This kind of hackers is composed by people who walk the thin line between white hat
hackers and black hat hackers. Gsually! their tendency will be influenced by their need of money or their lust for recognition
among the hacker community.
Which Are The (ri!ins (f Hacker Culture&
$t could be said that hackers have existed since immemorial times. 'lthough the 8erriam-ebster dictionary portrays a
hacker as a computer expert! in reality! a hacker is any person who looks for weaknesses in the system and tries to exploit
them in their own benefit.
Gnder this definition! 3hilip $$ of 8acedon! father of 'lexander the Great! was a hacker. How so) He noticed that there were
a series of weaknesses in the armies of ancient Greece. $n order to exploit them in his favor! he decided to implement a
series of improvements to his own army. 's history has showed us! these improvements worked in his favor and in favor of
his famous son.
The same could be said from Eapoleon! who noticed that mobility and artillery could be used in such a way that no army in
%urope would be able to withstand him. Gnfortunately for him! he forgot to consider that logistics were an important thing
to consider when he mobili#ed hundreds of thousands of men into the @ussian %mpire.
1now where 'ou belon! in the Hacker Culture
However! it wasn2t until the advent of the industrial revolution! and the appearance of the phone network! that the first
hackers of the modern era appeared. $n those days! the operators of this network were men. Gnfortunately!
many of them had a knack and a desire to exploit this system in their own benefit. ?ue to this fact! all men operators were
fired and new! women operators were contracted 4a practice that continued for many decades5.
The next revolution in hacker culture came with the appearance of the first computers in the universities around the country.
Groups of students at the 8$T were paid for developing the operating software of the giant computer mainframes. $n order
to make their work easier! these young men created hacks! or shortcuts! to determined sensitive areas of their programming.
Are There An' Subcultures&
$n computer hacker culture there are two divisions. The first one is known as the 'cademic hacker subculture! composed by
the students! engineers and professionals who had the ability to use the machines provided by universities. These people
worked in computer science and had the latest in technology. 8any of them were able to use their knowledge and expertise
in the second division.
The other hacker subculture is the one which has its origins in hobbyistsD people who built computers in their garages 4ala
*teve Bobs and *teve o#niak! the founders of 'pple5 or were 6uite good with electronics 4many of the were subscribed to
speciali#ed maga#ines5. This subculture had its first golden age with the advent of personal computers and the first computer
Thousands of people across 'merica looked for ways to hack computer game passwords and copy-protection schemes 4in
those days there was no internet! so the computer game companies weren2t able to check online if your copy was an
original5. However! the true revolution came with the internet.
Eow! hackers from around the world could hack! literally! millions of computers thanks to the weaknesses found at
8icrosoft indows products and the lack of knowledge of computer users 4only a small percentage makes constant
software upgrades! and has a firewall! an antivirus and a spyware installed5.
9inally! if you wish to learn hacking culture! or embrace it! start with some movies and literatureK The 8atrix is an excellent
place to begin! but there are also excellent science fiction and non-fiction books that can transport you to a world you never
imagined. +ne of the most popular ones is Eeuromancer! written by illiam Gibson.
9or many! hacking culture has become their way of life. Bored with the standardi#ed lifestyle of the western civili#ation!
hackers and it millions of new followers have created their own niche among our technological society. Hacker culture! once
considered part of the underground! is now part of us.
Hackin! Software +ro!rams/ %akin! Noices +rofessionals
The Computer %mergency @esponse Team 4C%@T5 has warned of the increasing menace of the cyber attack due to the
emergence far sharper automated hacking tools! which have been designed to cast maximum impact within the minimum
time. ith a huge number of hacker software the malicious hackers can command distributed systems to scan automatically
the systems and attack the systems by taking the immediate advantage of the systems2 vulnerable points and exploiting
them.Hundreds of free hacking softwares are easily available and they are so easy to operate! that even a novice can turn to
be a highly paid professional. ith a wide range of easy-to-use hacking software *outh 'frica has turned to be the hackers2
heaven! in&ecting illegitimate programs into the remote systems by the fraudulent act of breaking into the websites.
Initiate Attacks with Hackin! +ro!ram
The hackers! by any means! initiate attacks on a Gamco server! which houses innumerable number of websites. By this they
can easily gain hassle free access to these sites! with a motive to suck out information and secret records and in cases even
money. hacker softwares are technically engineered superior monitoring software products that are used as the hacking
programs that help to find out whatever the hacker wants to know.
' hacker may be a spouse who can use a free hacking program with an intention to know all about his or her wife or
husband. Concerned guardians can also hack into the systems of their wards in order to detect their actions and steps.
ith a great variety of the easily available password hacking programs a hacker breaks into the sites of small and large
business houses! thereby smuggling off all the secret records as regard to the concerns2 financial aspects and other
movements. ' wonderful example of such a software program is *py@econ! which allows a hacker to monitor a remote
system from any places - however far it may be. *py@econ is hacking program - so smart and so strong! that it allows the
user to track any targeted system and secretly record everything automatically that is happening to the system targeted. This
is perhaps the only hacker software that sends every single recorded activity! login details! keystrokes! screen shots to the
re6uired email address and even personal chat conversations. To the utter surprise! the *py@econ have proved to be cent
percent compatible with almost all kinds of ma&or online services or applications like Eeopets! >ahoo! '+H! Hotmail! 8*E!
Hive&ournals and '$8. There exist a huge volume of free hacking softwares &ust as smart as the *py@econ! providing the
hackers immense pleasure of breaking into the other systems without any affliction. 'nother such latest hacking program!
which one can get for absolutely free! is the CameraL*hy software! released out very recently by a dedicated group of
hackers know as Hactivismo.The activists can exchange banned contents across the orld ide eb with the help of the
CameraL*hy software. *ince the software is dedicated to the memory of the famous former Chinese leader ang @uowang!
it has been found that China is the one nation that have shown tremendous interest in the CameraL*hy software. The
*teganography software is again another free hacking program that has been designed to be used by more sophisticated
users who have got a sound grip over the technical know-how.
Hacker Software and %otie of C'ber Bur!lars
Cyber burgling is an act of stealing the secret information from the other systems. 3hishing is a typical message that actually
pretends to be sent by the business concerns and Lor banks but a simple attempt to steal off the passwords and the other
necessary information. ith such a wanton increment in the cyber crimes the criminals2 main focus is to infect the inner
workings of a system &ust like the way a malicious virus writer does.
The present day2s hacking softwares are 6uite strong and have been designed sophisticatedly to break into the systems
through a security hole or any other vulnerable point in the 8icrosoft2s $nternet eb Browser. The cyber burglars utili#e the
$% flaw for installing the "keyloggers" program on their computers to visit the specially coded web pages. This program is
then used efficiently to copy the victims2 passwords and each and every keystroke and upload the record to the database.
Crack the +asswords
's far as the password hacking programs are concerned the Bohn the @ipper is a worth mentioning hacking program that
makes an algorithmic approach to hack and crack the passwords and password files. This software works tremendously well
with a mind blowing ability to crack 8?, passwords within almost no time. Bohn the @ipper re6uires a great amount of
space in the C3G. @ainbowcrack is another traditional password cracker that try every possible plaintexts one after the other
during the time of cracking! thereby consuming a great amount of time to accomplish cracking successfully. This
disadvantage gave birth to a new concept of time-memory trade-off. By the dint of time-memory trade-off concept all the
cracking time computation is successfully done in advance and stores the result in files known "rainbow tablets".
By running the hacking software the central database can then feed the stolen records back to the ebsites! facilitating the
hacker by allowing him or her to sort it by any variables according his or her will like financial sections or professional
designations etc. By the dint of such powerful illegitimate hacker software the hackers try to suck out as much amount of
money as possible. The free hacking software may not be as powerful as the others but still they are strong enough to bring
immense harm to the business concerns or secret department of a nation.
Hackin! Websites/ #un or Terror&
ith a proper understanding of the relevant programming languages such as C! CII! 3earl! &ava etc. one can be fully
e6uipped with the techni6ue of hacking into website. There backdoors for the web hackers for website hacking. 9or hacking
web sites one of the best ways for the hacker is to install linux on his or her personal computer he or she wants to hack from.
Then he can open up a shell to type( dd ifMLdevL#ero ofMLdevLhda0 and press %ET%@. 's the next step he will type( dd hfM
4url5. There are a few other alternatives for hacking sites as well. The web hackers using indows pc can also master the art
of hacking websites with the flicking of his finger.
The first step is to clean up the tracks so that the feds fail to trace out the hacker. This happens automatically in case of
linux. Cleaning up of tracks in case of indows <, or indows <F or indows 8% involves a step-by step procedure.
Click *tart then @un and then Command. $n case of indows ET or indows ;--- the Tracks can be cleaned by pressing
*tart! then @un and then cmd. The next step is to clean up tracks with deltree c(Lwindows or c(Nwinnt! or whatever the main
windows directory is. 't the command prompt! press y! which will then go through and clean up the system2s logs. The
hackers should perform the same steps again after the hacking sitesLhacking wireless internet sites. Then after this cleaning
up the hackers should type( ping -lJ--- 4url5.
C'ber Terrorism And Hacker.s Group
The whole planet is today terrori#ed by the web hackers to whom hacking seems a mode of getting pleasure by the way of
gaining knowledge or mere entertainment. ' group of serious hackers named as 3%ET'GG'@? had cracked into the
government sites of 'ustralia! 'merica and %ngland all at a time. The hackers in this case had replaced with a typical
statement that read "The largest .gov O .mil mass defacement in the history of mankind".
This was a simple statement with an aesthetic undertone of threat. The act affected almost ;J sites with a transitory
disruption.*imilarly an educational site on the mad cow disease was defaced along with some cities and the nation2s
government sites in %ngland. The 'laskan office of the department of interior was once attacked since the secretary of the
$nterior ?esignate! Gale Eorton! encouraged drilling in the 'rctic ild Hife @efugee for sucking out oil.
The common wealth of 'ustralia is of no exception. The search page of the common wealth of 'ustralia was once hacked
along with the act of hacking into websites of small municipal sites in 'ustralia. These are a scanty number of instances that
proved to have &eopardi#ed the respective concerns severely. The hackers had to use simple techni6ues and methods to do
these. website hacking for these hackers is all as simple as a child2s play. Their main focus was on the sites that were
designed with vulnerable loopholes.
S2L In3ection and Hackin! Web Sites
=andals! who know how to hack! most often use hacking methods for the purpose of defacing a website or ruin the entire
data and files while the other section cracks through the websites simply to steal substance. hile the former brings severe
harm to the victim! the cyber burglars do not do much harmThere is a load of devastating tools that the web hackers use to
vandali#e &ust anything and everything they want to. +ne of the most popular weapons or method that can bring immense
harm is *AH $n&ection. *AH - the short form of *tructured Auery Hanguage is a special type of language that is used when a
web application uses a database communicating with the other database for some re6uired function.
ith the help of the *AH command issued to a database server! the web application can cast a deep impact to all the aspects
of the database allowing the hackers to edit! add! and delete information there from. *AH has been designed for the
legitimate purpose while it has now become a deadly weapon in the hand of the web hackers intended for hacking sites. The
web hackers can in&ect *AH command and may perform any operation as per his or her own sweet will.
Cross Site Scriptin!
'nother more dangerous techni6ue is Cross *ite *cripting! which is also defined by P**. This is a stronger weapon that
brings out much more devastation. Cross *ite *cripting or P** is a devastating techni6ue that facilitates the hackers to
in&ect the malicious scripting code in the form of QBava*cript in the user input form or sometimes incorporated in the G@H
6uery string. Cross *ite *cripting can virtually do any task such as recording the keystrokes and stealing cookies once it is
in&ected into the targeted browser of the end user.
0istributed 0enial of Serice
?enial of *ervice attack or ?istributed ?enial of *ervice i.e. ?+* or ??+* is the attacking techni6ue that is used by the
hackers who wants to overload any remote system with a repeated and enormously large volume of re6uests for any
specified service. The most interesting fact about the ??+* is that it can attack a several thousands of distinctive users in
such a fashion that the script fails to detect whether the re6uests are legitimate or illegitimate. Though it is 6uite tough to
prevent ?os attack! yet successful efforts have been made in this regard by checking out the $3 address hacking of the
source of the re6uests.
There are innumerable of such tactical techni6ues in the hands of the web hackers for hacking into websites. These tools
have made the website hacking so easy that it has become fun for the cyber terrorists. The first step of hacking web sites is
simply to detect the feeble and less secured portion of the system.
Cell phones " Hackers Ne4t Tar!et,
$t was bound to happen - they have hacked &ust about everything else. Eow it2s the cell phones. Cellphone hacking has &ust
recently surfaced and been made public ever since some one did some cellular phone hacking on 3aris This article will give
you some information about what is going on out there and what you can do to better protect your cell phone information.
What 0oes It Inole
The fact of someone hacking cell phone became public knowledge when 3aris Hilton2s cell phone! along with her
information was recently hacked. Gnfortunately for her! all her celebrity friends and their phone numbers were also placed
on the $nternet - resulting in a barrage of calls to each of them.
Cell phone hackers have apparently found a glitch in the way the chips are manufactured. The good news! though! is that it
only applies to the first generation models of cell phones that use the Global *ystem for 8obile communications 4G*85.
'nother re6uirement is that the hacker must have physical access to the cell phone for at least three minutes - which is a real
good reason not to let it out of your sight. Currently! although the problem has been remedied 4at least for now5 in the
second and third generation phones! it seems that about C-/ of existing cell phones fall within the first generation category.
'nother way that mobile phone hacking can take place is for a hacker to walk around an area with people that have cell
phones and a laptop that has cellphone hacker programs on it. Through an antenna! and a little patience! his computer can
literally pick up your cell phone data - if it is turned on. This is more applicable to cell phones that use Bluetooth
What Can A Hacker 0o&
*urprisingly! there are 6uite a number of things that can be accomplished by the hacker. ?epending on their intent here are a
few of them.
Steal $our Number
>our phone number can be accessed and obtained by cellphone hacking. This allows them to make calls and have it
charged to your account.
Take $our Information
8obile hacking allows a hacker to contact your cell phone! without your knowledge! and to download your
addresses and other information you might have on your phone. 8any hackers are not content to only get your
information. *ome will even change all your phone numbersK Be sure to keep a backup of your information
somewhere. This particular techni6ue is called Bluesnarfing.
Be +repared for Cell +hone Hacks
)ob $our %one'
+ther options might use a particular buying feature called *8*. This refers to the fact that money can be taken from
your account and transferred into another
and a good hacker can sit in one place and access a lot of phones and transfer a lot of money rather 6uickly -
probably in less time than you thinkK
Gie The S'stem A 5irus
By using another cell phone hack code! a hacker could kidnap your phone! send it a camouflaged program or send it
a virus. But it does not end there! since! from that point! he can use your phone to retransmit the virus to many other
phones almost instantly - potentially disabling the system.
Sp' (n $ou
' hacker can also gain access and take over for cell phone spying and remote mobile phone hacking. Hiterally! once
secured! the hacker can have the phone call him! and then be able to listen to all conversations going on around the
owner of the phone.
Access $our 5oice %ails
=oice mails can also be retrieved by a hacker through a hacking cell phone. 'fter stealing your number! this can
easily be done - if your password is disabled. The main thing that needs to be understood here! is that the electronics
that give you the modern convenience of interacting with the $nternet 4getting your voice mails! emails! eb
surfing! etc.5 ! is also the same technology that allows you to receive the same ills as can befall someone on the
What Can $ou 0o&
$t seems that the ma&or cell phone companies! at least at this point! really are not interested in bringing the system up to be
able to cope with this threat. 8eetings are starting to take place! but for now it is not perceived to be real serious. This could
be because it is primarily the older phones that are most susceptible to some types of this mobile hacking.
Gntil the cell phone manufacturers are able to cope with! or eliminate! the glitches in the system that allows them to
overcome these problems! you will largely have to help yourself to cope with these things. Here are a couple of tips that will
help you protect your cell phone! its information! and other things.
6se $our +asswords
The cell phone companies tell us that many people have turned off their passwords when they access their voice
mail messages! or other things. This little feature! though it may seem to be an annoyance to some! could protect
your phone from unauthori#ed purposes.
Leae The +hone (ff
This one is obviously the harder choice! here! simply because most of us who have cell phones like to be reached
anytime and anywhere. +thers do need to be reachable at all times.
6p!rade $our +hone
hile this cannot guarantee that your phone is not hackable! it certainly will help. $t should be remembered that the
phone companies work hard to deliver the best technology and conveniences - but the cell phone hacks work &ust as
hard to be the first to break the systems designed to defeat them. $t is an ongoing battle.
Cellular phone hacking! for now! is a fact of life that affects a few of us. Gladly! the numbers are still small! but
many feel this problem is &ust getting started. By being aware of the problems! you can wisely take steps to prevent
them from happening to you. Cellphone hacking does not need to catch you unprepared.
Is $our %ail Account Compromised b' Hackers&
'lmost every one of us has heard a friend complaining that his email account has been hacked. +r it may have happened to
you. The truth is that hacking yahoo messenger accounts or any other kind of email provider account has become 6uite a
problem for users. 8*E password hacking or hacking yahoo accounts is no longer the realm of experts.
Thanks to the widespread use of the internet! any hacker can learn the re6uired tricks to master the art of hacking yahoo ids
or hotmail email password hacking. He only needs to make a basic search with keywords like hacking yahoo passwords!
msn messenger hacking tools! msn hacking programs! hacking yahoo mail! hotmail hacking programs! hacking yahoo email
or even something as simple as hotmail hacking guide. 'll of that is out there! ready to be learnt.
Can 7mails Be Hacked&
>es. 's a matter of fact! almost anything can be hacked in the Internet. The problem is that email accounts are the
repositories were people store their private information or even their business data. $t is a 6uite serious condition and most
of the mail providers have taken some measures for stopping it. Gnfortunately! users don2t take them seriously and they don2t
follow the precautions.
There are several methods for hacking yahoo! msn or '+H email accounts. +ne of these methods is social engineering.
Considered a revolutionary art among the hacker community! it has proven to be an interesting tool that can be exploited by
*ocial engineering consists in the ability to trick someone in believing that he is giving information to someone who has the
authority to ask for it. The most common way to do it is through the telephone or via the internet. Het2s say that a user
receives a call from someone who identifies himself as a system administrator of his company and that he re6uires some
information that could be considered harmless.
$t2s 6uite probable that that bit of information is the final piece that the hacker re6uired for finishing his work. *omething as
innocent as when was the last time that the system asked the user to change his password could be used by him in his
' 6uite ingenious method within social engineering was a webpage were users re6uired to enter their mail and password for
finding if someone had deleted or blocked them from their $nstant 8essenger 4$85. Gnfortunately! many fell under this
scheme. Hacking yahoo messenger or any other messenger is 6uite easy if you find how to exploit the user2s needs.
$ahoo +assword Hackin! with 1e'lo!!ers
Besides social engineering! hackers can obtain your password through other means! like worms! viruses or Tro&ans. +nce a
hacker is inside your computer! he will look for those files were your login names and passwords are stored.
That2s they reason why it isn2t considered safe to store them inside your computer. %ven when the provider tells you that it is
safe. @emember than there isn2t a more secure place for keeping your password than your mind.
What %ethods Were 6sed In The +ast&
$n the past! one of the common practices used by hacker was using programs that tried different password combinations
until it found the correct one. This method was contra rested by email providers by giving a limited number of options or by
placing some security measures inside their webpage.
+ther method was placing false web pages instead of the original ones. ' hacker could make a user think that he is
accessing his email at the webpage of his email provider. $n reality! he was entering all his information to a webpage created
by the hacker. This scheme isn2t used any more since users have become a bit more careful and have ac6uired some concepts
on internet security. They have started using secure pages for login which starts with "https(NN....." in the address bar.
What Are 1e'lo!!ers&
7eyloggers are specially devised programs that are installed inside a computer via a Tro&an! a virus or a worm. +nce inside!
the keylogger will auto execute and start recording all the key strokes made by the computer user. +nce a determined period
of time has gone by! the keylogger will send the keystroke information to the hacker who sent this infectious software.
Then the hacker will start searching key combinations that can lead him to determine the password for determined web
pages. This simple and effective method is a favorite among hackers since it can provide them with lots of private
information from their victims.
8any computer users have more than one email account! especially if they use the messenger services from multiple
providers! like 8icrosoft2s Hotmail! >ahoo2s %mail or '+H email. $t doesn2t matter if you have one or many email accounts!
every one of them may be a victim of a hacker. %ven with the security measures imposed by the companies! >ahoo
password hacking or hotmail hacking still exist. 'nd it2s very improbable that will disappear.
*o! if you want to protect yourself from people who are hacking yahoo accounts or whose whole purpose in life is to do
some 8*E hacking! then increase the number of special characters in your password and try not to access your email
account from a computer that is not yours. 'nd that goes to $82s too. The ability for hacking yahoo messenger or any other
$8 provider it2s a latent danger for all of us.
Credit Card Hackers Are Here " Hae $ou Checked $our Credit )eport Latel'&
Credit card hacking has become one of the new security headaches of consumers. 'lthough in face to face transactions the
percentage of credit card fraud is almost a tenth of a percent! in online transactions it2s as high as two or three percent.
That means that for every one hundred transactions you may do in the internet! you may suffer two or three breaches in your
private information. *topping credit card number hacking is! nowadays! one of the priorities of credit card brands around the
+ne funny thing about many of these hackersD free credit card numbers are posted at the internet. *ome of them don2t want
the potential money that can be ac6uired from this information! only the fame.
How Are Credit Cards Gained B' Hackers&
' hacker has many ways to gain a credit card number from an innocent user. The most common one is known as phishing.
$n this techni6ue! the hacker poses as an officer within an organi#ation! let2s say =$*'. The hacker sends to a group of email
accounts an alert! instructing the receiver to follow determined set of instructions before his credit card is cancelled.
$f the user is not aware of this kind of fraud! he will insert his credit card number! his name and expiration date without
knowing he is going to be a victim of an online crime.
'nother way for hacking credit card numbers is through a website. The hacker only needs to hack the systems of an online
retailer! let2s say! Costco! and search for the database where the retailer stores the information of all of the users who have
made recent transactions.
The third way is through the online process of buying. Het2s say an adult finds a website with adult content that he or she
finds attractive. $t2s 6uite probable that the website is only a mas6uerade for ac6uiring credit card information from you.
What Is A Carder&
' carder is a criminal who speciali#es in stealing information from credit cards. 'lthough the ma&ority of them buy the
information from online vendors! some of them are 6uite savvy on how to access that information by themselves.
$n the physical world! a carder will steal the information from a user while doing a face to face transaction. The criminal
only needs to pass the card through a special scanner. This device will read from the magnetic strip all of the credit card
information. 'fterwards! the carder will trespass that information to a blank card available in many identity card stores.
$n the virtual world! credit card hacking is a bit more sophisticated and automati#ed. ' hacker could install inside your
system a credit card hacking software known as Bugbear. This program is a keystroke loggerD it captures the keys that you
have pressed in your keyboard and after some time! it transmits this information to the hacker. The criminal will navigate
through this data! searching for any private information that can give him access to your credit card.
Besides Bugbear! there is also the $@C bot. This automated software is used for determined functions! like a moderator for a
chat room. But if it is used by a hacker! he may use it for stealing your credit card information. The $@C bot will pose as an
official from a company! asking you to insert your credit card information.
'nother mean that hackers use for stealing money from your credit card is through unused ebay accounts. +nce they find a
possible victim! the hacker uses a program that starts bombarding the account until it breaks it. +nce inside! the hacker will
use it for posing as the real user! selling e6uipment that will never reach the buyer once he buys it.
What if $our Address is chan!ed b' Credit Card Hackers&
*ome credit card hackers pose as you and change the address of delivery of your credit card report. That way you will not
find out any possible charges until is too late. $f your credit card report doesn2t arrive in time!
then call the bank and the postal office and ask them what the address that is registered in their database is. 'dditionally!
hacking credit reports is a simple but useful way to learn more about a determined user.
What Are the Si!ns That Let $ou 1now That $our #inances Are Compromised
The first sign is if a bank official calls you and asks about charges to your credit card that you don2t remember! specially if
they are from vendors in another country or websites that you don2t access.
'nother sign is if you find strange consumptions in your credit card report! specially those with strange names that you don2t
The last sign is if you want to use your credit card and the store reports you that don2t have credit line to do the transaction.
$f you are up to date in your consumptions and know that you had enough credit to make the buy! then something is wrong.
How to )eport a Credit Card Hacker and How to Stop Them
$f you find someone who is using his website looking to hack a credit card number! report him to the host provider that it is
giving him the service. The host provider will immediately contact the authorities and cancel the hosting service to the
Through this procedure! credit card number hacking is starting to suffer the weight of &ustice. $n different countries!
authorities have started to find and arrest these hackers. +ne of the most known cases occurred only a couple of months ago!
when a criminal organi#ation in Eew Bersey that was dedicated to credit card hacking was dissolved. 'lthough it2s taking
some time! the law is starting to impose its force.
Are $ou Sure $our +assword is Safe&
*ince the appearance of computers and the necessity of storing confidential information! passwords became part of our
lives. But password hacking programs also appearedD as a ready to offer a solution for those hackers who were stopped
by this barrier. 't first! these programs were distributed between certain underground hacker groups.
But when the internet appeared! anyone could find programs for password hackingD passwords hackers populari#ed few
softwares and soon it became mainstream among the computer community. 'ny user can insert the keywords 2how to hack a
password2 in any search engines and he will find tons of information that can help him.
+asswords and How to (btain Them
' password is a combination of characters that a user uses for protecting information. +nce a file or a determined section of
a hard disk is protected by a password! only those that know it can access it. 'lthough passwords have existed for thousands
of years! they have adapted perfectly to the computer era.
$f you consider how much money you can make for knowing the correct combination of characters of a determined portal!
then it is no wonder that password hackers proliferated.
How Hackin! (f +asswords Is Achieed
3assword hacks can be performed in several ways. The most common used tool is social engineering. *ocial engineering
consists in making a user believe that he is giving confidential information to a trusted party. 9or example! a cracker could
pose as a system administrator from another country and ask for some personal information that could be considered
irrelevant by the user. $t2s 6uite probable that that information was the last piece of the pu##le re6uired by the cracker for
ac6uiring the password of the user.
'nother way of hacking passwords is through a hash function. ' hash function is a program that transforms a determined
password into a fixed length string. 9or example! if you have the password foxtrot0;,.! the hash function will transform it
into a key! something like ?G.,H7*?H7J1,J,**?9%%;1;'AAA0-. *ome programs use determined artifices for finding
the password hidden inside the key.
*ince computing power increased! the brute force attack became another choice for cracking passwords. How does it work)
ell! it basically tests different kinds of character combinations until it finds the correct one. The problem with this method
is that if the password is too long! then the brute force attack won2t prosper! at least during a reasonable spam of time. $n this
kind of situations! it is better to use social engineering to find out the password.
+assword Hackin!/ +ro!rams and Tools %ake it 7as'
?ictionary attacks are another techni6ue among password hacking programs. $t is more sophisticated than a brute force
attack but not as complex as a hash function password program. 'lthough it could be considered similar to a brute force
attack! the main difference between these two is that a dictionary attack uses determined words!
hoping that the creator of the password used words that can be found in any dictionary. $t may sound a bit foolish but reality
has shown that people are not very careful with their passwords.
What Are the Tools Aailable #or +assword Hackin!
There are many password hack tools available in the internet. *ome of them are free! others are available for a small fee. 9or
example! there is @ainbowcrack. This tool was created for cracking hash passwords through brute forceD it may not be very
sophisticated! but it does the &ob.
'nother example is HC, 4formerly known as H-phtCrack5. $t recovers 8icrosoft indows passwords using dictionaries!
brute force or a combination of both. Gnfortunately! it won2t be available after ;--. since *ymantec ac6uired it.
Bohn the @ipper is another password cracking tool! and can run in a series of platforms. Considered one of the most popular
password hacking programs! it combines different cracker programs into one package. $t uses the dictionary attack for
searching hash passwords and also has a brute force mode.
'nother indows recovery tool is Cain and 'bel. This software package uses a series of tools for password recovery! like
dictionary! brute force and cryptanalysis attacks 4that means that it looks for a key for accessing the password! something
like the password2s password5.
@ixler *oftware is a company who offers a service of password cracking for different kind of programs! like ord! %xcel!
'ccess! =B'! +utlook %xpress and $nternet %xplorer. They offer personal and business licenses! depending on your needs.
Brutus is considered by its creator one of the fastest and more flexible password crackers in the market. The good thing
about this tool is that it is a free password hacker. The bad thing is that it is only available for indows <x! ET and ;---.
3assword hacking! passwords hackers! password protection! it doesn2t matter which of those concepts are wandering through
your head. $f you want to be able to hack passwords! let2s say! for some client who forgot his recently changed password!
then you will have to practice a bit and maintain yourself updated on the latest trend of password hacking programs.
Hackin! with Goo!le8 Is it +ossible
%very hacker needs to develop his abilities if he wants to maintain up to date. That2s why he will use every tool he can find.
9rom all of these possible options! Google hacks have become a new instrument for hackers. 'lthough Google hacking isn2t
widespread knowledge! it should be understood by any hacker and even for the everyday computer user.
But! if you want to become a hacker! Google is the way to go. Hearn how to hack Google and you will ac6uire a powerful
tool for your everyday work.
What Is Goo!le Hackin!&
Basically! it2s the ability to use Google for finding hidden bits of data or information that the hacker can use for his
advantage. +r in other words! hacking Google search appliance. How so) Het2s say that you are a black hacker 4someone
who uses his hacking abilities for selfish purposes5 and want to access the email account of a chosen victim. The first thing
that hacker2s do is to find out what is the secret 6uestion in the email account of their prey. Het2s say that the secret 6uestion
asks the name of the pet of the account owner. How can the hacker learn it)
Besides asking the pet2s name to his victim 4which is very suspicious5! it2s probable that that bit of information is lost
somewhere in the internet. 8aybe the owner went into a forum regarding pet insurance and left inside the name of his dog.
These are the kind of things that Google permits to find.
'nother common use is to hack Google adsense click. That way your webpage will have a higher position when a related
6uery is made through Google. 'fter all! more clicks means more money for you.
How Is It 0one&
$f you want to make a typical search in Google! let2s say! house insurance! you only need to put those words in the 6uery bar
and press the search button. $n the case of a Google hacker! he will use special characters that the common user doesn2t use
or doesn2t even considered using. 9or example( I! L! and -.
%ach one of these characters are used for special purposes. 9or example! if you use the minus sign &ust before a determined
word! like dog! Google will only show those searches were the word dog doesn2t appear.
+ne of best places for finding a how to hack with Google tutorial is the Google Hacking database! posted online by the
hacker Bohnny Hong. $n this webpage! you will notice hundreds of ways of using Google for exploiting the weak points of
servers and webpages.
Hackin! Linu4 / +ro!rammers test themseles
*ince 8icrosoft has a huge chunk of the operating system2s market in the world! it is the first victim of hackers. But that
doesn2t mean that Hinux hacking doesn2t exist. 'lthough is less common than it2s close sourced companion! there are several
reasons why hackers try to hack machines with Hinux.
8any corporations use Hinux as their server on the web as it is cheaper and easier to deploy. $ts security is also better when
compared to 8icrosoft operating systems. Eo wonder that network hacking tools for this open source operating system have
proliferated in the last years.
What Are The Issues With (pen Source Linu4&
The main difference between Hinux and indows is that Hinux is open source and windows are closed source. *o) ell!
that means that only 8icrosoft is authori#ed to change any part of the code of the indows operating system. hile in
Hinux! anyone can change it.
The other problem is that the Hinux +perating *ystem doesn2t receive the same level of support as indows does. That
means that updates and security packages are released with each new version of the +perating *ystem 4+*5! but not as
periodic updates as in the case of indows P32s indows Gpdate.
That means that the user will have to be the one responsible for checking for the updates instead of trusting this matter to an
organi#ation. *o! a user could pass long periods of time without knowing that his +* has an important security failure that
could compromise his work or even the security of his network.
The only way to contra rest this inconvenient! is buying support from a determined Hinux +* provider! like @ed Hat. 9or an
annual fee! they will provide you with important information on the different bugs that have been found in the +* and that
need to be fixed.
$f you choose otherwise! you will spend a long time inside forums talking to Hinux experts around the world. $f that isn2t the
core competence of your business! why should you spend that time doing it) That2s one of the main arguments that
8icrosoft uses when comparing it2s +* with open source +*2s.
Hackin! Tools/ (pens up $our Computer to Hackers
Eeedless to say! website hacking has become the most common problem today. By the act of hacking websites! the hackers
try to trespass unauthori#ed into the website.
3erhaps one of the most overlooked aspects at the moment in this regard is security of an organi#ation and the advantage of
this neglected part is taken by the present day2s hackers.
'lmost nearly F-/ of the cyber attacks are hurled on the login pages! shopping carts! dynamic content etc. %ven during this
cyber era that have brought an awful radical change in the present day2s business fashion! one can find a series of
organi#ations that cannot really imagine how vulnerable they are to the dangerous act hacking sites.
The hackers do nothing but focus on finding out the feeble loopholes in the designed sites and format programs to launch
repeated attacks in&ecting the devastating programs to through these vulnerable points. Through the scanned out vulnerable
points the hackers break into the site using certain strong technical tools.
Hackers. Weapons or Tools
However! how to hack a website is a very common 6uestion that has allured the general mass worldwide. Hacking into the
websites involves a wide range of tools that are easily available and so easy to use that in some cases even kids prove to be
smart enough to operate them.
+ne can get loads of free hacking tools in the $nternet. There are hundreds of easy-to-use tools that may be used for the
purpose of hacking wireless internet and ip addresses of a remote system. >ears back the viruses! 'dware! worms! Tro&an
horses! *pyware and remote controls have crashed off the computer systems! further worsening the situation in the present
The hackers generally use great variety of software security holes! Tro&ans and worms not only to invade the business
concerns but also befool the general internet users by tricking them into disclosing their financial information and other
Hacking wireless internet can be done by the dint of a number of free hacking tools which are actually programs created for
accessing a system using known software vulnerability. *ome of these programs were written for genuinely legal purpose
but have now been 6ualified to be the hacker2s tools used for invading the other systems. Given below! an enlistment of
some great tools.
0eCSS 9:;b
is used as a cracking tool! is highly engineered software that has been designed in order to modify the other software with an
intention to remove the usage restriction. ' worth mentioning instance is a "patch generator"! which replaces bytes at
specific location of a file! giving it a licensed version. The ?eC** 0.;b was originated in the year 0<<<! +ctober and
re6uires storage of minimum ;,1 7B.
Coldlife <:=
is another tool for website hacking that falls in the category of flooder. This is a program that has been designed to overload
the connection by certain mechanisms like a fast pinging that causes a sudden ?o* attack.
Best Hackin! Tools Aailable
There are many hacking tools that are useful for different purposes(
+CHelps Network Tracer
is the other name that uses standard network 6uery utilities in order to work up a handy report on a specified $nternet
address. This is done in a logical se6uence automatically and with a fairly fast speed thereby gives some screen feedback
during the time of processing.
Hackin! websites
have become easy with the other strong and download hacking tools called $ntelliTamper ;.-C. This is a probe tool that
scans websites for all types of information that the hacker programs is searching for by exploring into another system
looking for the vulnerable points where to launch an attack from.
is a program that acts as one of the salient causes of breaking into the systems with a hidden intent. The word Tro&an adds
subversive functionality to an existing program. ' tro&aned login program is created to accept a certain password for any
user2s account that the hackers can use to log into the system at any time and from wherever he wants.
is an undocumented tool of getting into a computer system! or software that uses such a tool to break into a system. $n some
cases the programmer places a backdoor in some software which allows them to get access to troubleshoot or change the
program format. *oftware that is classified as a "backdoor" is created by the programmer to en&oy the greatest possible
advantage of the vulnerability of a system! exposing it to the future attacks.
*ohn The )ipper 9:=
is a password cracking tool! which is a program used to make an algorithmic approach to decrypt the passwords and
password files. The program was actually designed for the legitimate use of finding and cracking the feeble password with a
view to improve the security of the system by entering a stronger password. But the program has found its place within the
hacker2s colony.
N%ap Win 9:;:9;
is also one of the most important tools! which is used in planning an attack on a remote system. This also helps the
programmer to develop other tools for such attacks.
Hackers Want to 6nderstand the ip address of (ther S'stem
+n the other hand! the ip address hacking is another significant part of the story. %very computer possesses its own ip
address! which is uni6ue for a particular network. The hackers may want to learn more about the ip address of another
remote computer system. ip address hacking may be done by the dint of different techni6ues like hacking by using $CA!
hacking by using yahoo messengers and 8*E. $CA and 8*E is a couple of well renowned tools that satisfy the hackers2
hunger. ith a thorough understanding of this uni6ue address the hackers becomes highly e6uipped to bring severe
devastation to the targeted systems.
There are many techni6ues like the 'uthentication hacking! *AH in&ections! C@H9 in&ections! ?irectory traversal! Google
hacking and last but not the least Cross site scripting used by the famous hackers for hacking websites. *AH in&ection is a
strong and the most popular techni6ue for hacking into the website! which hardly re6uires much knowledge and dexterity.
ith these tools and techni6ues the act of website hacking have now become very easy and artistic - an art that any one can
master with a flicking of finger.
Hackin! Serers/ (r!ani?ed Crime
$n the old days! twenty years ago! hackers didn2t have the same variety of tools for network hacking. ith the appearance of
the $nternet! network hacking tools are now widespread phenomena.
'nd anyone who wishes to become a hacker! heLshe may do so. They only need a computer! an internet account! some
knowledge on using search engines and they can start to hackD password windows! for example! will become an easy
exercise for him.
What Are The 0ifferent T'pes (f Serers That Hackers +refer&
The most preferred kind of server is those related to government agencies and big companies. Have you ever wondered how
many attacks does a company like 8icrosoft receive each day) 'lthough there are millions of computer users around the
world who don2t maintain ade6uate security of their computers! most hackers ignore them because they are too easy to
access. $f they want to increase their reputation and their skills! they know that the bigger fish offer a bigger challenge.
How 0oes The Hacker Gain 7ntr' To The Serer&
$t doesn2t matter if it is computer security or the security of a building. $f someone wants to trespass it! he will look for the
weakest points in the system. $f you want to penetrate a building! you need to make some surveillance first. Hearn the
movements of the guards! find out what kind of e6uipment are they using and maybe make some small test to check how
good the security is.
The same thing happens with a hacker that wants to get into a determined network. He will need to make some surveillance
first! looking for the weak spots. 9or doing this! there are a series of tools that a hacker can use! like network password
hacking programs that have been developed by password hackers. But the most common tool is the port scanner.
$magine your network as a bus terminal! where you have buses that come and go in determined periods of time. The same
thing passes inside a network! where information comes and goes depending on the re6uirements of the users. ith a port
scanner! a hacker can look for those entrances in the terminal that don2t have ade6uate security. +nce he has assured that it is
vulnerable enough! he will use it for getting inside. This is also known as remote hacking.
Hack Serers 7asil'/ Network Hackin! Tools
'nother way that hackers use to get inside networks! like hacking teamspeak servers or hacking windows terminal services!
is thanks to the unknown help of the network users. How) *imple! they send emails with attachments that will execute a
worm! virus or Tro&an that will spread into the network.
$f it is a Tro&an horse! this little program will convert the computer into a #ombie! under the control of it2s creator. Thanks to
it! the hacker will gain a way to enter the network without being detected.
' virus used for network hacking is a bit different. 'lthough it spreads in similar ways to Tro&an horses 4through email
attachments or downloaded files from peer to peer networks5! they cause havoc and destruction inside the network. ' hacker
will make use of this panic situation and try to enter the system while it2s defenses are down. $t may be considered a parallel
to the siege strategies of ancient history! when cities were intentionally infected with diseases by their enemies.
orms are similar to viruses! but have a slight difference. They are self contained and do not re6uire of other file! as a virus
does! to infect a computer. Their main application for network hackers are installing backdoors inside computers. +nce the
new "door" is secure! the hacker will use that entrance to establish a position inside the network.
Hackers can even install a key logger for remote password hacking and the user will never know how they did itK +f course!
someone could think that all of the fault is with the operating system indows! but in reality! the amount of people who are
hacking indows P3 is not because the program is bad. $t is because most of the planet uses it as it2s operating system.
What Tools 0oes He 6se&
$f you are a hacker who &ust began his activities! it2s most probable that you will download one of the do#ens of free tools
that are available in the internet. These programs have been previously made and tested by more experienced hackers. hen
you trespass the barrier of experience and become a seasoned hacker! then you may start making improvements over these
old programs. +r even you may start creating your own network hacking software.
*ince internet is always evolving 4getting bigger and implementing new tools and software5 it is an almost infinite source of
fun for a hacker who wants to test his skills.
$f you want to make scan the ports of a network! there are several freewares available. The most common ones are 3ortscan
;---! *canmetender *tandard! 'ngry $3 *canner! Eetmon ! 9astTC33ort*canner! nmap and Gnicornscan.
$n the case of worms! viruses and Tro&an horses! the list is almost infinite. 'nd with each month that passes! hackers
improve or make slight modifications to these programs so they are not detected by the security systems.
'nd! if you are using a wireless network! do not think that you are more secure than a traditional network. 's a matter of
fact! hacking wireless networks is easier for a hacker since many users don2t know how to configure it.
What Is The 0ama!e When Automated Tools Are 6sed&
$t doesn2t matter if you are a network hacker who is trying a windows ;--- password hack or a system administrator that
wants to defend from a password hacker. $n either case! you need to learn the tricks of this &ob and maintain yourself
updated on the latest trends and network hacking tools. Consider how the world was fifteen years ago! with virtually no
$nternet and with most computers using ?+* 4the precursor to indows5. 'lthough those good old days are gone! network
hacking hasn2t! and will never disappear.
1eep (ut the Bad Gu's / 7thical hackin!
$f you remember the *tar ars movies! there were two sides of the 9orce. The light side and the dark side. $n the world of
hacking! ethical hacking is considered the light side of hacking. hy)
Because ethical hackers use their skills and abilities for a constructive matter. Their intention is to offer ade6uate protection
to their clients and assure them that they will be safe from hacker attacks. But it isn2t easy to become a certified ethical
hacker. >ou need to gain some reputation along with work experience in security field.
What Is 7thical Hackin!&
They dedicate their skills to serve their clients. $nstead of spending long nights inside obscure rooms filled with computers
looking for some victim! they work inside corporations! finding ways to protect the networks and computer systems.
Who 0oes This&
' hacker is a person who finds en&oyment in increasing the capacity of any device. hen the personal computers appeared!
hackers turned their attention to them and a new underground was created. Gnfortunately! bad elements within the
community and criminal organi#ations have given a bad reputation to this group. 'mong the public opinion the media is
widely responsible for reporting crackers as hackers. Their lack of knowledge on means adopted by hackers and crackers
has brought a bad name to hackers as well.
Eowadays three type of hackers can be found( white! grey and black. hite hackers are those who use their knowledge for
selling their services to clients who want to protect their networks. Black hackers 4also known as crackers5 are the ones who
attack those networks and try to make some money out of it.
Grey hackers are more ambiguous. They don2t do it for the moneyD they do it for the rush. They want to show the world and
their hacker friends how good they are.
*o! were does ethical hackers fall) ell! they are inside the white hackers group. But being a white hacker doesn2t transform
you into an ethical hacker. There are some things that you need to do first.
What Are The )e-uirements #or 7thical Hackin!&
The first re6uirement is to be trustworthy. 'nd for that! you will need to make a name. How) >ou need to start from the
beginning( down. The first step is academic. 8ost of ethical hackers have written papers on this matter and published
through an academic institution. This is an excellent method to show the world how preoccupied you are for computer
security and that you have a desire to protect people from the dangers of the internet.
7thical Hackers certification and +a'
+nce you have accomplished this! you can follow two paths( freelancing or working at a company. $n either case! you will
have to show your potential clients that you are someone that can be trustworthy! a business man that knows the importance
of not compromising the intellectual property of an organi#ation.
'nother re6uirement is patience. %thical hackers have to work harder than crackers since they have to eliminate all the
possible weaknesses of a system. The only way to do this is with a lot of self-control and planning a strategy. 's you can
see! the methods of an ethical hacker aren2t very different from the ones used by a member of the military.
hile mastering his own self! the ethical hacker needs to have strong programming and networking skills. They need to
know how to use practically most operating systems 4specially GE$P5.
9inally! you need to ac6uire a certificate for ethical hacking. Check about their certification program and
how can you apply.
What Are The Adanta!es (ffered To Crackers To Become Le!itimate Hackers And What Are The Needs To Be
The main advantage for a cracker that wants to turn to the light side is that he has huge amounts of knowledge of how the
dark side works. hat a better way to combat the enemy if you have been among it2s ranks) 'lthough many employers look
for this kind of ex-crackers turned to ethical hackers! most of the corporations of the information technology 4$T5 industry
don2t want to have anything to do with them because businesses are based on a relation of trust with their clients. 'nd many
of them want a full profile on the people who are going to work very close to their systems and the information stored
ould you open your doors to someone who has been known in the past as a criminal) Eot likely! since you don2t want to
compromise your organi#ation. How do you really know that the ex-cracker has left behind his old practices)
9or that reason! the $T companies that offer services for network protection or computer security prefer to contract people
with a clean record! why the media prefer to contract freelancers who have turned to the light side. hy) $t gives them an
additional edge to their news. 'fter all! they "live of the rating". hat a better thing than a declaration by someone who was
a cracker)
What Are The *obs Aailable And The +a' (ffered&
The main &ob for which a ethical hacker is contracted is to offer security. He needs to be able to get inside the systems of its
client and detect any possible holes that could be exploited by a cracker.
'nd the offered pay) 't first! the average is G*:J-! --- per year. But as you gain experience and reputation inside the
community! your income will increase as well as your number of clients. There is plenty of work to do outside.
*o! if you are interested in applying your skills for something productive and make some money out of it! then ethical
hacking may be what you are looking for. But remember! the path to become a certified ethical hacker isn2t easy. >ou2ve got
to do a lot of work first. *o learn to be patient. That is a skill your clients will surely appreciate.
Computer Hackin! Laws/ Are These Laws )eall' 7ffectie&
The news said that another person had their identity stolen. $t happened again. >ou might even know of someone that had it
happen to them. e often hear of percentages - and they are surprisingly high.
%nforcement is taking place! but we have to wonder if computer hacking laws are really having any effect against cyber
hacking. This article will show what is being done against cyber crime.
0efinin! C'ber Crime
Hacking has a rather simple definition to it. Basically it is defined as the unauthori#ed use of a computer - especially when it
involves attempting to circumvent the security measures of that computer! or of a network.
Hacking is not difficult to learn. Gnfortunately! it may be too easy for someone that has a little time on his hands. This
becomes especially obvious when it is found that a number of the hackers! at least those that are caught! are often only in
their teens.
Beyond this! there are two basic types of hacking. *ome only hack because they want to see if they can do it - it is a
challenge to them. 9or others! however! it becomes an attack! and they use their unauthori#ed access for destructive
purposes. Hacking occurs at all levels and at all times - by someone! for some reason. $t may be a teen doing it to gain peer
recognition! or! a thief! a corporate spy! or one nation against another.
7ffectieness of Computer Hackin! Laws
Hike any other law! the effectiveness must be determined by its deterrence. hile there will always be those that want to see
if they can do it! and get away with it 4any crime5! there are always the many more who may not do something if they are
aware of its unlawfulness - and possible imprisonment.
$n the early 0<<-2s! when hacker efforts stopped 'TOT communications altogether! the G.*. Government launched its
program to go after the hackers. This was further stepped up when government reports 4by the G'+5 indicate that there
have been more than ;,-!--- attempts to hack into the ?efense ?epartment computers. 9irst there were the laws - now
came the bite behind it. +ne of the effects of computer hacking brought about focused efforts to catch them and punish them
by law.
Then! more recently! the G.*. Bustice ?epartment reveals that the Eational $nfrastructure 3rotection Center has been created
in order to protect our ma&or communications! transportation and technology from the attack of hackers. Controlling teens
and hackers has become the focus of many governmental groups to stop this maliciousness against individuals!
organi#ations! and nations.
Computer Crimes/ Hackin! Neer +a's
+ne of the most famous for his computer crimes hacking was 7evin 8itnick! who was tracked by computer! and caught in
0<<,. He served a prison sentence of about five years. +thers have likewise been caught. 'nother case is that of =asily
Gorshkov from @ussia! who was ;. years old when convicted in ;--0.
He was found guilty of conspiracy and computer crime. +ther individuals have also been found guilty and sentenced -and
many others remain on trial. $f you are one who pays much attention to the news! then you know that every now and then!
you will hear of another hacker that has been caught! or a group of hackers that have been arrested because of their criminal
activities. The interesting thing is that it is often others who had learned hacking techni6ues! and are now using them to
catch other criminal hackers.
'nother criminal hacker! who called himself Tasmania! made big news when he fled *pain on various charges of stealing
into bank accounts online! and banks! and went to 'rgentina. There he went into operation again. He was 6uickly tracked to
'rgentina! and the governments of *pain and 'rgentina went after him with surveillance! first. Before long! he was arrested!
along with 0, other men! and was then extradited back to *pain 4in ;--.5 where he could face up to J- years in prison.
0etectin! Hackers
8ost of the time! a hacker can enter your computer! look around and you will never know it. Eeither indows! nor most
other general programs can detect hackers - until they start messing around with your files. indows! however! has now
provided a number of updates for computer users! and it would be prudent to get them all downloaded and installed on your
computer as 6uickly as possible.
'nother thing that will give you hacker protection is to make sure that you have an up to date antivirus and anti-spyware
program! along with a good firewall in place. 8ake sure that it is capable of stopping general hacker attacks. 8ost likely
there will be many daily attempts by hacker programs 4running on automatic5 to access your computer! but remember that it
also becomes necessary to have an actual $3 address of the attempted hack before you can actually be reporting hackers.
7nowing how to catch a hacker with the right software is also available on the $nternet 4much of it is free5! and it will allow
you to track and get the necessary information.
hile the tools and programs that hackers use to get access to your computer and your information constantly get better!
you need to know also that so is the software and protection that has recently become available to protect you from them.
@emember that no program is foolproof! and that you will need to be continually getting some of the newest and latest
protection! as well as keeping up with hacking protection news.
Cyber hacking will continue as long as there are computers and money to be gained from them. Eew computer hacking laws
are also continually being added to the books! along with the agencies needed to enforce those laws. But! it is your own
diligence in keeping your computer protected that will help you most from becoming a victim of those cyber crimes.
74pert Adice on 1eepin! $our Network Safe b' Blockin! 0an!erous Hacker Attacks
The stories go on and on about another individual having their personal information stolen from their computer by some
hacker. hile it is true that hackers do get people2s information! and they will keep on getting that information!
it is also true that having intrusion detection software can help. 'nd even better! to be hacker safe intrusion prevention
system is by the same software.
Wh' $ou Need Intrusion 0etection
?oors can be opened to hackers in varied ways. Two of the most common ways by which they can gain access to your
computer is simply through emails! or eb pages that you visit that have spyware! or tro&ans 4a file which looks innocent!
but actually will later open doors to a hacker5 attached to them. +ther ways are robot spiders sent out over the $nternet to
find unprotected computers! and open doors. *ome say that every computer attached to the $nternet may be attacked by such
a spider as many as ,- times each day. *o! if you do not have an intrusion prevention system in place! up-to-date! then you
may have regular unexpected visitors - and you may not even know it. +thers say that < out of 0- computers have some sort
of spyware! or malware on them. Could you be one of them) This article will show you what is available on the market for
your protection - and much of it can be obtained for free.
The spider robots work automatically - looking for and identifying computers on the $nternet that have doors! or ports! open
to them. This information is then reported back to the hacker - knowing which computers to target - and which port to use.
9or this reason! every now and then! 8icrosoft will come out with a new patch for indows! in order to close some faulty
door that hackers have discovered and been using.
What Is Intrusion 0etection&
Eetwork $ntrusion detection software is a must-have these days. %ach company2s software will vary somewhat 4for
copyright and originality purposes5! but you do need one for your own network! or home computer. $t differs from a firewall
in that the purpose of a firewall is to stop unauthori#ed external contacts with your system. These offer hacker prevention
largely for contacts from outside the network. 8ost of these will now notify the owner or network controller of intrusion
attempts. Eetwork intrusion detection systems! on the other hand! will give you warnings about events that take place within
the network itself.
Be Hacker Safe 6se Intrusion 0etection S'stems
'lthough they are excellent in their design! having a basic firewall by itself is not sufficient to provide hacker prevention.
?etection firewall intrusion often takes place after the fact. 'n important note here would be that a firewall cannot remove
things that are already on your computer or network.
$f there was a virus before! or tro&ans! they will still be there afterwards. hich brings up another point - the first thing that
needs to be done! before installing any firewall or intrusion detection software! is to remove all malware from the system by
using a good scanner and removal software program. 't the present time! there are a number of them that are free. $t might
be a good idea to run more than one - but be sure to disable the one you are not using. %xperience shows that different
software will detect different malware.
hen selecting your intrusion detection software! you need to know that there are basically two kinds. +ne is passive!
meaning that an alarm will be sounded. ' second kind is active! meaning that it will terminate the communication with the
computer trying to obtain access! and it will notify the ebmaster. $ntrusion detection software can also stop phishing
emails! spam! and those pop-up ads. They can also prevent dial up hacker from invading your system.
What Is The Best Intrusion 0etection S'stem&
7eeping your system hacker safe! and knowing how to prevent hackers from doing their dirty work is an ongoing task. $t
was mentioned in the beginning of the article that a determined hacker will get information. They are constantly upgrading
their own methods! and the sad thing! is that much of the intrusion prevention development going on! only seeks to keep up
with the methods the hackers use. The result - a hacker comes up with a new method! and - he2ll get in.
+ne thing that is being reported as working 6uite well! especially for a Gnix system 4although there is also a indows
version! too5! is an intrusion detection using *nort with wincap. This program has good reviews! and may be the software
you need. Because of competition! new and better programs of detection and prevention are being developed all the time.
*ome systems have firewalls &ust for spam filters 4great for email servers5! and ones for general systems. There is even a
new firewall system out there that is &ust for in-house $8 communications. +f course! these new systems try to combine
some of the features of a firewall and an intrusion detection system into one great package - and some of them can even
remove existing malware on your systemK
The best advice that could be given is to take this information and begin to do your own research into the latest products on
intrusion prevention. 't the same time you will want to find good malware removal software! and don2t forget to consider
downloading a trial version first. *ome of these offer complete systems that can even be upgraded daily for the length of the
trial period. Having your system protected by intrusion detection software is a great move! and will help to bring greater
security to the information you want guarded the most.
$ahoo Hackin! +ro!rams " Are The' Needed&
There are many reasons that yahoo hacking programs might be useful in a family. 8any times! those we love spend time
online doing things we wish they would not be doing. Gnfortunately! this is the state of the $nternet. +ften the only way to
check up on them is to use yahoo password hacking programs
to find their password and see what they have been doing online. There are free download yahoo hacking programs out
there. 9ind out more about how to use free yahoo password hacking programs.
Wh' $ou %i!ht Need To 6se Hackin! Software
Hacking software should not be used for &ust any purpose. $t is a serious invasion of privacy to read someone else2s e-mail
without their permission. 3arents! on the other hand! need to know what their children are doing online. This is one situation
when using yahoo hacking programs! or similar tools to get the passwords for '+H! Hotmail! or other free e-mail programs!
might be needed. Protecting our children should be our number one priority! particularly with the rise of online
predators preying on unsuspecting and innocent teenagers.
Gnfortunately! there are situations where a spouse might need to see what their husband or wife is doing on the $nternet.
'gain! this should be a last resort after all attempts at discussion have been used. $f! however! you suspect your spouse of
using the $nternet inappropriately! you can use free yahoo password hacking programs to gain access to $nternet accounts.
' final reason that some use these programs is to get into their own e-mail program when they forget their password. This
really is not necessary! because most of the time when you contact the e-mail client! you can have your password resent with
relatively little problems.
Be Careful (f Scams
There are many companies out there claiming to offer e-mail hacking services that are only trying to get access to your own
private information. This is particularly true when trying to hack into your own e-mail account. 8ake sure the company you
are using will not have access to the passwords you retrieve.
T'pes (f Hackin! +ro!rams
+ne type of hacking program is a key logger hacking program. This tracks the keystrokes on a computer! and often the
password can be determined based on the pattern of keystrokes used.
'nother type of hacking program is a password recovery program. This will either reset your passwords! or reveal them to
you! on your own personal computer. This is used not for e-mail programs! but for P3 programs and other password
protected devices on your computers.
Specific 7"mail +assword Hackin! +ro!rams
@ainbowcrack is one of the popular yahoo hacking programs. This program uses brute force! which means it continually
tries different password combinations until it finds the successful one. $t might take a while!
but it is usually able to find simple passwords on the ma&or e-mail clients! provided the user knows the e-mail username.
+ne of the more popular tools is Bohn the @ipper. This program uses several different ways to find the password! including
brute force. $t also uses the dictionary to try to find the password. The @ixler *oftware Company makes several password
hacking programs. These are not free! but they work on many different types of programs. This program is more
sophisticated than you would need on >ahoo and other free e-mail clients.

These are &ust some of the options out there to hack into e-mail programs. 7eep in mind that when you see and
advertisement for free yahoo password hacking programs! there may be a catch. >ou may be exposing your computer to
spyware or viruses! so use the appropriate countermeasures. This is &ust one of the scams that are out there mas6uerading as
hacking programs. ?o not put your computer at riskK
Considerations About Hackin! +ro!rams
Before you head out and search for free download yahoo hacking programs! stop and think why you need it. hat are you
trying to find) ?o you really need to find it) Think for an instant if the think you think your loved one is doing online is
true. ?o you really want to know) ill it help you in any way) $f you positively need to get into someone else2s e-mail! then
consider yahoo hacking programs to enable you to do this.
Hacker Tricks And +reention Techni-ues
$n movies or T= series where hackers are involved! we may have seen them apply their computer knowledge in order to
perform certain hacker tricks that saved the day.
9rom "The 8atrix" to "*wordfish"! hackers have been able to elevate themselves to the level of heroes with only a keyboard
and a mouse. However! hackers attacks and hacker prevention is more difficulty! and complex! in real life.
Hollywood has a tendency to oversimplify things so the general public can understand them. 'fter all! only a small
percentage of the population has enough skills to perform this kind of demonstrations. *o! if you want to prevent hacking
there are some basics that need to be learned first.
Tricks And Techni-ues 7mplo'ed B' Hackers To Break Into $our S'stem
The first most common techni6ue used techni6ue used by hackers is scanning. Hackers have created tools that scan
computers for weak spots. $t can be an operating system that hasn2t been upgraded or a port in the computer that it is open
without the knowledge of the user.
Hackers use this "open window" to get inside your computer in order to do whatever they want to do. The interesting thing
about this is that these hacker tools are available for free in the $nternet. *o! with a couple of hours of instructions! almost
every computer user can become a hacker.
'nother way that hackers can access your machine is through malware( programs designed to capture vital information
from your computer! like login users and passwords. 8alware could be hidden in a 3ower3oint presentation sent by email or
even in an innocent $nstant 8essenger message window.
How To +reent Hacker Attacks
Hackers are always looking for a way to get into computers of other persons. $t can be something as simple as phising
confidential information 4like credit card or bank account numbers5 to complex hacking routines that use your computer as a
repository for illegal content 4like music or movies with copyright5.
Gnfortunately there is no magical software to prevent hackersD and it will never exist. $t doesn2t matter how much money or
resources you invest in designing the perfect system! someone will find the way to crack it. %ven the biggest government
agencies like E'*'! C$' and E*' have been victims of hackers. 'nd the same thing happens in the private sector with
companies like Citigroup or al-8art.
7ffectie Wa's To Stop Hackers
*o! what can you do to protect your tiny machine from hacker tricks) 9ortunately! there are some measures that we can take!
and it doesn2t re6uire us to be a Eeo or Hugh Backman2s character from the movie "*wordfish".
These hacker protection tips are simple and effective and will defend you from most of the attacks.
(S 6pdates
The first thing to do in computer hacking prevention is to assure yourself that all your software is up to dateD especially your
operating system and your web browser. hy) Because they are the two things that hackers will try to attack first if they
want to get into your computer.
@ate this 'rticle
The second thing that you need to do is to install a firewall. 's a matter of fact internet firewall hacker protection has
become so necessary that 8icrosoft now ships it for free as part of their indows P3 operating system. $t took them some
years to admit it! but the truth is that their software was an easy target for the hackers and crackers that lurked through the
orld ide eb.
$n case you don2t want to use indows P3 firewall! there are many alternatives in the market. Companies like *ymantec
and Rone Habs have produced software firewalls for some time and have become a necessity for all the computers of
corporate 'merica. $f you don2t know which one you want to buy! use the trial periods. Gsually you can use the firewall for
0, to 1- daysD that amount of time is more than enough to make your decision. The next step in security is to have an
antivirus installed. There are free versions like '=G antivirus! or pay per year licenses! like Eorton 'ntivirus 4also from
*ymantec5. 's in the case of firewalls! there are many varieties available in the marketD use the trial periods for choosing
Anti Sp'ware@Adware
9inally! there is the anti-spyware program. 's if viruses were not enough! companies from around the world decided to
create programs that could pick up data from your computer in order to ac6uire information for their databases. $t may not
be as dangerous as a virus! but it is an intrusion to your privacy. ipe them out with this piece of software.
Eowadays hacker prevention has become a task for all of us. Eo longer is it the responsibility of the system administrator of
our company. 'fter all! he can install all the security of the world in the company2s network! but if you let a virus in because
of your carelessness! he won2t be able to stop it. The same goes for your computer at home. >ou are the only one responsible
for it. @emember that new hacker tricks appear as each day goes by! so you need to be prepared.

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