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DAIS - Fourth Grade

Trimester 1 Overview
Language Arts
Choosing just-right books.
Tracking books read in reading logs.
Determine themes in books read.
Describe characters, setting and events in
stories with specic details.
Make connections between text, self, and world.
Write responses to literature.
Summarizing text.
By the end of trimester 1 students should be
able to read at or above DRA level 40.
Personal Narratives-small moment stories.
Generating ideas (6 + 1)
Hooking the audience with a good lead.
Using transitional words to mark time.
Writing an ending that connects the
Personal Essays-
Organization (6+1) of an essay using boxes and
Collecting ideas (6+1) for essays.
Make a claim about a topic and support it with
reasons and evidence.
Drafting essays.
Writing introductions and conclusions.
Conventions (6+1) capitalization and punctuation.
Word Study
Individualized spelling and vocabulary instruction.
Assessment through weekly tests.
Transitioning from print to cursive.
Lowercase letters.
Participate in one-on-one, small and whole group
Read, write, compare, and order numbers numbers in
the millions.
Write numbers in different ways (standard form,
expanded form, word form).
Round multi-digit numbers to any place.
Estimate sums and differences.
Add and subtract multi-digit numbers.
Multiply and divide single and double digit numbers.
Solve multi-step word problems using the four
Explain how to problem solve orally, through diagrams,
or written expression.
Record observations and organize results of
investigations in journal.
Conduct experiments and write explanations about
the processes.
Observe magnetic interactions and understand that
two magnets can repel or attract objects.
Build and design various circuits and test objects for
Observe the functions of different circuits.
Build a simple electromagnet.
Observe the interaction between an electromagnet
and objects.
Social Studies
Identify where Kazakhstan is in the world.
Understand how economic activities like trade,
transportation and communication have changed
Compare peoples needs and wants through the
production of goods and services.
Explore and identify what resources Kazakhstan has.


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