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Topic 4:
Repetition Control Structure (Part 1)
o Understand the requirement of a loop
o Understand the Loop Control Variable (LVC)
o Use increment (++) and decrement () operators
o Understand Countercontrolled,
Sentinelcontrolled and Flagcontrolled structures
o Program loop with for, while statements
Repetition Structure
Many applications require certain operations to be
carried out more than once. Such situations require
repetition in control flow

Repetition structure is the control structure that
allow a sequence of statement to be executed
repeatedly until certain condition is reached.

Repetition Structure
Requirement of a repetition structure :-
Loop control variable (LCV) a variable that
determines whether the loop body will be executed.
Loop condition if the condition is true, the loop body is
executed, otherwise the loop exits
Loop body statement block (statement to be repeated)

Execution of the loop is controlled by 3 operations
on LCV:-
1) Initialization of LCV
2) Evaluation of the LCV in loop condition
3) Update LCV by incrementing or decrementing

Shortcut Assignment
C++ has a set of operators for applying an operation to a
variable and then storing the result back into the variable

Shortcut assignments: *=, /=, +=, -=, %=


int i = 3;
i += 4; // i = i + 4
cout << i << endl; // i is now 7

double a = 3.2;
a *= 2.0; // a = a * 2.0
cout << a << endl; // a is now 6.4

int change = 1265;
change %= 100; // change = change % 100
cout << change << endl; // change is now 65
Increment and Decrement Operator
Increment and decrement operator unary
operator (operator that requires one operand)

Special operators that increment or decrement a
variable by one

Two types of increment and decrement operator
Preincrement or predecrement operator operator is
placed before a variable
example : ++a increment a by 1, then use
the new value of a.
--b decrement b by 1, then use
the new value of b

Increment and Decrement Operator
Postincrement or postdecrement operator operator is
placed after a variable
example : a++ use the current value of a,
then increment by 1
b-- use the current value of b,
then decrement by 1

Increment and Decrement Operator

int a, b, c, d, k;
k = 3;
a = ++k; // k=4, a=4
b = --a; // a=3, b=3
c = b++; // c=3, b=4
d = c--; // d=3, c=2
Increment and Decrement Operator

int k = 4;
++k; // k=k+1 : k is 5
k++; // k=k+1 : k is 6
cout << k << endl;
int i = k++; // i is 6, k is 7
cout << i << " " << k << endl;
int j = ++k; // j is 8, k is 8
cout << j << " " << k << endl
Types of Repetition Structure
Three types of repetition structure:

Counter controlled repetition structure is used when
the number of repetition is fixed. repeat a process
for N times.
example : enter mark for 10 students.

This type of repetition structure requires :-
The name of a control variable (loop counter)
The initial value of the control variable
The condition that tests for the final value of the control variable.
The increment (or decrement) by which the control variable
modified each time through the loop.

Types of Repetition Structure
Sentinel controlled repetition structure is used
when the number of repetition is depends on certain
condition. repeat a process until user input a value
to terminate the process

sentinel value = a value used to terminate the loop
example : enter all the positive number

This repetition structure depends on given condition.
example : the loop will be terminated when user key
in the value of zero or 999 (to indicate the

Types of Repetition Structure
Flag controlled repetition structure uses a bool
variable to control the loop.

General form of flagcontrolled structure:
found = false; //initialize the loop control variable

while (!found) //test the loop control variable

if (expression)
found = true; //update LCV

Flag Control Example

int num;
bool found = false; //initialize the loop control variable

while (!found) //test the loop control variable
cout << "Enter num: ";
cin >> num;

if (num == -1)
found = true; //update the LCV

Types of Repetition Structure

The variable found above, which is used to control
the execution of the whileloop is called flag variable.

Can use bool, int or char variable.

bool variable:
bool testValue = true;

cout << The value is true: << testValue << endl;

testValue = false;

cout << The value is false: << testValue << endl;
Types of Repetition Structure
Repetition structure in C+ comes in three
form :-
For loop
While loop
Do while loop

For loop
A counter controlled loop in which a loop
variable manages the repetition through counting

Purpose : execute the initialization statement.
While the condition remains true, execute the
statement and the update expression.

For loop
o Syntax :-

for (initialization_statement; condition; update_expression)

where :-
initialiazation_statement = initialization of loop control variable
condition = evaluation of loop condition
update_expression = updating of loop control variable
statementBlock = either or single statement or a group of statement
enclosed between braces

For loop
How it works:
Execute initialization_statement
While condition is true
Execute statementBlock
Execute update_expression
Initalize LCV
Statement block Update LCV
For loop Flowchart
For loop
Example 1 :-
int sum =0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
cout << the sum is <<sum<<endl;

Example 2 :- to find summation of 5 numbers entered by user
int num, sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
cout < Enter a number : ;
cin >> num;
sum+= num;
cout << The sum is << sum << endl;

While loop
o While loop employs a loop pretest, testing the condition before each
loop iteration/repetition
o Can apply counter, sentinel and flag control loop
o Purpose : Execute the statement while the condition remains true.

Syntax :-

while (condition)

where :-
condition = evaluation of loop condition
statementBlock = either or single statement or a group of
statement enclosed between braces

While loop
How it works:
If condition is true then execute
Repeat this process until condition evaluates to
Initalize LCV
Statement block Update LCV
While loop Flowchart
While loop Example

o Example 1 :-
while (x >= 10)
x = sqrt(x);

o Example 2 :- to find summation of 5 numbers entered by user
int num, sum = 0;
int count = 0; initialization of LCV
while (count <= 4) evaluate loop condition
cout < Enter a number : ;
cin >> num;
sum+= num;
count++; update loop LCV
cout << The sum is << sum << endl;

o Example 3 :- to find maximum number among 6 numbers
entered by user
int x, max = 0;
int count = 0; initialization of LCV
while (count <= 5) evaluate loop condition
cout < Enter a number : ;
cin >> x;
if ( x > max)
max = x;
count++; update loop LCV
cout << The maximum number is << max << endl;

While Loop - counter-controlled repetition
While Loop sentinel-controlled repetition
o A repetition statement in which the loop control condition changes
within the body of the loop. It uses end-of-data value called
sentinel value that serves as a signal for termination.
o Example 1 :-
while (mark != 999)
{ statementblock; }

o Example 2 :-
char choice;
cout << Do you want to quit? ;
cin >> choice;
while (choice !=Y)
cout <<HELLO!!! \n;
cout <<Do you want to quit? ;
cin >> choice;

Test Yourself
Write a program to find summation of 5 integer
numbers using:

For loop
While counter loop
While sentinel loop
While flag control loop
Thank You

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