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Paper Type : Aptitude - Numerical

Test Date : 19 November 2010

Test Location: RVRJC College of Engineering,
Posted By : Anu"#a
$i %riend",
& am Anu"#a, from RVR'JC untur! (C) came to our college on 19-10-
2010! (#e* conduct "election proce"" per eac# round! (#ere i" + round"
1, Aptitude te"t!
2, (ec#nical round
-, .R
+, $R
/efore going to t#e (C) Aptitude te"t plea"e 0rite t#e moc1 te"t" 0#ic# are
provided b* t#e (C) it give" boo"t to *ou!
%or t#e Aptitude prepare t#e R!)! Aggar0al ' %re"#er"0orld!com (C)
model paper"!
%or (ec#nical round be a0are of ba"ic fund" of *our core "ub2ect" and C, C3
&f *ou crac1 t#e bot# aptitude ' (ec#nical round *ou are 456 "elected!
&n .R t#e* give an* conte7t "ituation #o0 can *ou re"olve it and al"o little
muc# 1no0ledge about current affair" t#at" enoug#!
&n $R prepare t#e intervie0 8ue"tion"!
/e confident in all t#e round"! 9on:t be ten; t#e $R" are ver* cool '
Aptitude te"t<=-5 8ue"tion", >0 min", online te"t,
81! iven a collection of point" ? in t#e plane, a 1-"et i" a point in ? t#at can
be "eparated from t#e re"t b* a line, !i!e t#e point lie" on one "ide of t#e line
0#ile t#e ot#er" lie on t#e ot#er "ide!
(#e number of 1-"et" of ? i" denoted b* n1=?,! (#e minimum value of n1=?,
over all configuration" ? of 5 point" in t#e plane in general po"ition=!i!e no
t#ree point" in ? lie on a line, i"
a,- b,5 c, 2 d,1
An"< 5
82! (#e citi;en" of planet negate are > fingered and #ave t#u" developed
t#eir decimal "*"tem in ba"e >!
A certain "treet in negate contain" 1000 =in ba"e >, building" numbered 1 to
$o0 man* -" are u"ed in numbering t#e"e building"@
a, 5+ b, A+ c, 2A5 d, 192
An"< 192
)ome time" ba"e value i" c#ange li1e< 9finger, 1 to 100=ba"e 9,
8-! iven - line" in t#e plane "uc# t#at t#e point" of inter"ection form a
triangle 0it# "ide" of lengt# 20, 20 and -0, t#e number of point" eBuidi"tant
from all t#e - line" i"
a,1 b,- c,+ d,0
8+! $are in t#e ot#er! (#e #are "tart" after t#e tortoi"e #a" covered 1C5 of it"
di"tance and t#at too lei"urel*-! A #are and a tortoi"e #ave a race along a
circle of 100 *ard" diameter! (#e tortoi"e goe" in one direction and t#e! (#e
#are and tortoi"e meet 0#en t#e #are #a" covered onl* 1C> of t#e di"tance!
/* 0#at factor "#ould t#e #are increa"e it" "peed "o a" to tie t#e race@
a, -4!>0 b,> c, +0 d, 5
An"< -4!>0
85! $ere 10 programer", t*pe 10 line" 0it# in 10 minute" t#en A0line" can
t*pe 0it#in A0 minute"! $o0 man* programmer" are needed@
a, 1A b, A c, 10 d, A0
An"< 10
(#i" t*pe of 8:" repeated +time" for me but value" are different!
8A! Alo1 and /#anu pla* t#e follo0ing min-ma7 game! iven t#e
N D 9 3 E 3 F - G
H#ere E, F and G are variable" repre"enting "ingle digit" =0 to 9,, Alo1
0ould li1e to ma7imi;e N 0#ile /#anu
0ould li1e to minimi;e it! (o0ard" t#i" end, Alo1 c#oo"e" a "ingle digit
number and /#anu "ub"titute" t#i" for a variable of #er c#oice =E, F or G,!
Alo1 t#en c#oo"e" t#e ne7t value and /#anu, t#e variable to "ub"titute t#e
value! %inall* Alo1 propo"e" t#e value for t#e remaining variable! A""uming
bot# pla* to t#eir optimal "trategie", t#e value of N at t#e end of t#e game
0ould be
a, 0 b, 24 c, 1> d, 20
(#e 8:" concept i" "ame but t#e eBuation of N:" i" c#anging!
84! Alice and /ob pla* t#e follo0ing coin"-on-a-"tac1 game! 20 coin" are
"tac1ed one above t#e ot#er! Ine of t#em i" a "pecial =gold, coin and t#e re"t
are ordinar* coin"! (#e goal i" to bring t#e gold coin to t#e top b* repeatedl*
moving t#e topmo"t coin to anot#er po"ition in t#e "tac1!

Alice "tart" and t#e pla*er" ta1e turn"! A turn con"i"t" of moving t#e coin on
t#e top to a po"ition i belo0 t#e top coin =0 D i D 20,! He 0ill call t#i" an i-
move =t#u" a 0-move implie" doing not#ing,! (#e provi"o i" t#at an i-move
cannot be repeatedJ for e7ample once a pla*er ma1e" a 2-move, on
"ub"eBuent turn" neit#er pla*er can ma1e a 2-move! &f t#e gold coin #appen"
to be on top 0#en it:" a pla*er:" turn t#en t#e pla*er 0in" t#e game! &nitiall*,
t#e gold coini" t#e t#ird coin from t#e top! (#en
a, &n order to 0in, Alice:" fir"t move "#ould be a 1-move!
b, &n order to 0in, Alice:" fir"t move "#ould be a 0-move!
c, &n order to 0in, Alice:" fir"t move can be a 0-move or a 1-move!
d, Alice #a" no 0inning "trateg*!
An"< d
8>! %or t#e %&%A 0orld cup, ?aul t#e octopu" #a" been predicting t#e 0inner
of eac# matc# 0it# ama;ing "ucce""! &t i" rumored t#at in a matc# bet0een 2
team" A and /, ?aul pic1" A 0it# t#e "ame probabilit* a" A:" c#ance" of
0inning! Ket:" a""ume "uc# rumor" to be true and t#at in a matc# bet0een
#ana and /olivia, #ana t#e "tronger team #a" a probabilit* of 2C- of
0inning t#e game! H#at i" t#e probabilit* t#at ?aul 0ill correctl* pic1 t#e
0inner of t#e #ana-/olivia game@
a,1C9 b,+C9 c,5C9 d,2C-
An"< 5C9
89! -A people La1, a2, !!!, a-AM meet and "#a1e #and" in a circular fa"#ion!
&n ot#er 0ord", t#ere are totall* -A #and"#a1e" involving t#e pair", La1, a2M,
La2, a-M, !!!, La-5, a-AM, La-A, a1M! (#en "i;e of t#e "malle"t "et of people
"uc# t#at t#e re"t #ave "#a1en #and" 0it# at lea"t one per"on in t#e "et i"
a,12 b,11 c,1- d,1>
An"< 1>
810! After t#e t*pi"t 0rite" 12 letter" and addre""e" 12 envelope", "#e in"ert"
t#e letter" randoml* into t#e envelope" =1 letter per envelope,! H#at i" t#e
probabilit* t#at e7actl* 1 letter i" in"erted in an improper envelope@
a,1C12 b,0 c,12C212 d,11C12
An"< b
811! A "#eet of paper #a" "tatement" numbered from 1 to +0! %or eac# value
of n from 1 to +0,
"tatement n "a*" NAt lea"t and of t#e "tatement" on t#i" "#eet are true!N
H#ic# "tatement" are true and 0#ic# are fal"e@
a,(#e even numbered "tatement" are true and t#e odd numbered are fal"e!
b,(#e fir"t 2A "tatement" are fal"e and t#e re"t are true!
c,(#e fir"t 1- "tatement" are true and t#e re"t are fal"e!
d,(#e odd numbered "tatement" are true and t#e even numbered are fal"e!
812! (#ere are t0o bo7e", one containing 10 red ball" and t#e ot#er
containing 10 green ball"! Fou are allo0ed to move t#e ball" bet0een t#e
bo7e" "o t#at 0#en *ou c#oo"e a bo7 at random and a ball at random from
t#e c#o"en bo7, t#e probabilit* of getting a red ball i" ma7imi;ed! (#i"
ma7imum probabilit* i"
a,1C2 b,1+C19 c,-4C-> d,-C+
An"< 1+C19
81-! A circular dartboard of radiu" 1 foot i" at a di"tance of 20 feet from
*ou! Fou t#ro0 a dart at it and it
#it" t#e dartboard at "ome point 8 in t#e circle! H#at i" t#e probabilit* t#at
8 i" clo"er to t#e center of t#e circle t#an t#e perip#er*@
a, 0!45 b, 1 c, 0!5 d, 0!25
An"< d
81+! 9! A and / pla* a game of dice bet0een t#em! (#e dice con"i"t of
color" on t#eir face" =in"tead of number",! H#en t#e dice are t#ro0n, A 0in"
if bot# "#o0 t#e "ame colorJ ot#er0i"e / 0in"! Ine die #a" + red face and 2
blue face"! $o0 man* red and blue face" "#ould t#e ot#er die #ave if t#e
bot# pla*er" #ave t#e "ame c#ance" of 0inning@
a, - red and - blue face" b, 2 red and remaining blue
c, A red and 0 blue d, + red and remaining blue
An"< a
815! In planet ;orba, a "olar bla"t #a" melted t#e ice cap" on it" eBuator! >
*ear" after t#e ice melt", tin* plantoid" called ec#ina "tart gro0ing on t#e
roc1"! ec#ina gro0" in t#e form of a circle and t#e relation"#ip bet0een t#e
diameter of t#i" circle and t#e age of ec#ina i" given b* t#e formula
d D + O "Brt =t P >,for t D >
H#ere t#e repre"ent" t#e diameter in mm and t t#e number of *ear" "ince t#e
"olar bla"t!
Jagan recorded t#e time of "ome ec#ina at a particular "pot i" 2+ *ear" t#en
0#at i" diameter@
a, > b, 1A c, 25 d, 21
An"< 1A
81A! A "#eet of paper #a" "tatement" numbered from 1 to +0! %or all value"
of n from 1 to +0, "tatement n "a*"< :E7actl* n of t#e "tatement" on t#i" "#eet
are fal"e!: H#ic# "tatement" are true and 0#ic# are fal"e@
a, (#e even numbered "tatement" are true and t#e odd numbered "tatement"
are fal"e!
b, (#e odd numbered "tatement" are true and t#e even numbered "tatement"
are fal"e!
c, All t#e "tatement" are fal"e!
d, (#e -9t# "tatement i" true and t#e re"t are fal"e!
An"< d
814! Alo1 and /#anu pla* t#e follo0ing coin" in a circle game! 99 coin" are
arranged in a circle 0it# eac# coin touc#ing t0o ot#er coin! (0o of t#e coin"
are "pecial and t#e re"t are ordinar*! Alo1 "tart" and t#e pla*er" ta1e turn"
removing an ordinar* coin of t#eir c#oice from t#e circle and bringing t#e
ot#er coin" clo"er until t#e* again form a ="maller, circle! (#e goal i" to
bring t#e "pecial coin" ad2acent to eac# ot#er and t#e fir"t pla*er to do "o
0in" t#e game! &nitiall* t#e "pecial coin" are "eparated b* t0o ordinar* coin"
I1 and I2! H#ic# of t#e follo0ing i" true@
a, &n order to 0in, Alo1 "#ould remove I1 on #i" fir"t turn!
b, &n order to 0in, Alo1 "#ould remove one of t#e coin" different from I1
and I2 on #i" fir"t turn!
c, &n order to 0in, Alo1 "#ould remove I2 on #i" fir"t turn!
d, Alo1 #a" no 0inning "trateg*!
An"< d
81>! (0o pipe" A and / fill at A certain rate / i" filled at 10,20,+0,>0,! &f
1C+ of / if filled in 21 #our" 0#at time it 0ill ta1e to get completel* filled
An"< 2-
819! %ind average "peed if a man travel" at "peed of 2+1mp# up and
-A1mp# do0n at an altitude of 200m!
%ormula i" 27*C=73*,!
820! Ine grandfat#er #a" t#ree grandc#ildren, t0o of t#eir age difference i"
-, elde"t c#ild age i" - time" *ounge"t c#ildQ" age and elde"t c#ildQ" age i"
t0o time" of "um of ot#er t0o c#ildren! H#at i" t#e age of elde"t c#ild@
An"< 1>
821! %errari i" leading car manufacturer!O%errari )!p!A!O i" an &talian "port"
car! &t #a" en2o*ed great "ucce""! &f .o#an:" %errari i" - time" fa"ter t#an #i"
old .ercede" 0ic# gave #im -51mp# if .o#an travelled +90 1m in #i"
ferrari t#e #o0 muc# time=#our", #e too1@
Ea"* one tr* it!
822! /* u"ing 1,2,-,+,5, #o0 man* 12 digit no! can be formed 0#ic# i"
divi"ible b* +, repetation of no! i" allo0ed@
An"< =5,R11
82-! (#e co"t 1 plum i" 1 cent, 2 apple" i" 1 cent, - ca"#e0 i" 1 cent! &f
fat#er bu*" "ame amount of fruit" for #i" - "on" "pending 4 cent t#en 0#at
amount of fruit eac# c#ild 0ill get@
An"< 1plum, 2apple", 1ca"#e0
82+! (#ere are "ome 2 0#eeler" and + 0#eeler" par1ed total number of
0#eel" pre"ent i" 2+0 t#en #o0 man* + 0#eeler" 0ere t#ere
An"< %or t#i" Bue"tion an"0er i" deduced from t#e option"!
825! Ine da* Alice meet" pal and b*te in fair*land! )#e 1no0" t#at pal lie"
on .onda*", (ue"da*" and Hedne"da*" and tell" t#e trut# on t#e ot#er da*"
of t#e 0ee1 b*te, on t#e ot#er #and, lie" on (#ur"da*", %rida*" and
)aturda*", but tell" t#e trut# on t#e ot#er da*" of t#e 0ee1! No0 t#e* ma1e
t#e follo0ing "tatement" to Alice P pal! Fe"terda* 0a" one of t#o"e da*"
0#en & lie b*te! Fe"terda* 0a" one of t#o"e da*" 0#en & lie too! H#at da* i"
a, (#ur"da* b, (ue"da* c, .onda* d, )unda*
An"< a
& attempted 2>8 but i don:t recollect it no0!
.* $artful (#an1" to %re"#er"0orld!com! &t #elp" me alot during t#e
preparation of (C) placement"!
& crac1 m* intervie0 in our college 2+5 member" are "elected i am one of
t#em! /e"t of luc1 to ever* one!
(#an1 *ouS

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