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(200!0"# (200!0"#
`In the Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of
MBA (Master of Business Administration)
(SESSION 2008-10)-MBA-3

Tilak Raj Chadha Institute of Management & Technology (TIMT)
(Affiliated to Kurukshetra Uniersity! Kurukshetra & A""roed #y AICT$)
M%&%'% College $ducational Com"le(! )amuna 'agar*+,-..+ (/aryana)
0h% .+1,2 3 22.+.,! 2,4++.% 5a(6 78+*+1,2 3 22.+.,
$*mail6! 9e# :ite6 """

S#$mitted $%&
;yoti :aini <=> :h%?al@an :ingh :aini
Uni% Registration 'o%.,*:</*,,A
Roll 'o%++-.=.B
:ession6 2..B*+.
'nder S#(er)ision of&
I 1%oti Saini! Roll 'o%++-.=.B! M?A (,
:em) of the 0i+a2 /a3 -4ad4a Instit#te of
Mana5ement and 0e4no+o5%! 6am#nana5ar here#y declare that the summer
Training Re"ort entitled7TO STUDY IMPAT OF FI!A!IA" "#$#%A&# OF TO STUDY IMPAT OF FI!A!IA" "#$#%A&# OF
'S" O! T(# BASIS OF D#BT #)UITY ST%UTU%# O! S(A%#(O"D#% 'S" O! T(# BASIS OF D#BT #)UITY ST%UTU%# O! S(A%#(O"D#%* *S S
+O%T( , P%OFFITABI"ITY +O%T( , P%OFFITABI"ITY- is an original @ork and the same has not #een
su#mitted to any other Institute for the a@ard of any other degree%
A seminar "resentation of the Training Re"ort @as made on CCCCCCCCCCCCCC and the
suggestions as a""roed #y the faculty @ere duly incor"orated%

(1%oti Saini)
A.!O+"#D&#M#!T A.!O+"#D&#M#!T
7All /rogress is 0orn of in1uir23 Dou0t is often 0etter then 4onfiden4e for it leads to
in1uir2 , in1uir2 leads to in5ention3-
Fulfillment of an2 /ro6e4t 7or8 is the 4onse1uen4e of a num0er of /eo/le3 (en4e
the o//ortunit2 4omes to than8full2 a48no7ledge the sin4ere 4oordination , the
re1uired assistan4e of res/e4ted 9&uides- 7ho s/ared their /re4ious time for
resear4h 7or83
This /ro6e4t re/ort has 0een made /ossi0le through the dire4t , indire4t 4o:
o/eration of 5arious /eo/le 7hom I 7ish to e;/ress m2 than8s and gratitude*s3
I am sin4erel2 than8ful to Dr3 $i8as Dar2al< Dire4tor< Tila8 %a6 hadha Institute of
Management and Te4hnolog2< Yamunanagar for gi5ing me an o//ortunit2 to 7or8
7ith 'indal Stainless Steel "td3 and /ro5ided me the guidan4e and su//ort in the
4om/letion of the /ro6e4t3
I 7ould also li8e to e;/ress m2 than8s to Ms3 Dim/le Yada5< "e4turer (MBA) <
TIMT< Yamunanagar for his 8ind 4o:o/eration , 5alua0le guidan4e throughout the
I 7ould also li8e to than8 the other Fa4ult2 mem0ers of the institute and m2 friends
for their ad5i4e and guidan4e along 8indled ins/iration in the fa4e of diffi4ulties
en4ountered in the 4ourse of this 7or8 and to 4reate this /ro6e4t re/ort3
M2 e;/erien4e 7ith 'S" is 1uite unforgetta0le3
I am es/e4iall2 grateful to Mr3&o/al Baser(A&M)< the 4ommer4ial staff mem0ers ,
all de/t3 of 'S" 7ho /ro5ided me 7ith /re4ious ideas 7hi4h assisted me in the
/re/aration of this Pro6e4t %e/ort3
I 7ould li8e to than8 m2 fa4ult2 mem0ers < m2 famil2 , m2 friends 7hose
moti5ation < affe4tion , hel/ 7hi4h 4an*t 0e e;/ressed in 7ords3+ith 0lessings of
m2 /arents and 7ho are a sour4e of strength and ins/iration for me in this
('2oti Saini)
P%#FA# P%#FA# 6
M?A is a ste""ing*stone to the management carrier and to deelo" good managers! it
is necessary that the theoretical kno@ledge must #e su""lemented @ith the e("osure
to the real enironment%
Theoretical kno@ledge just "roides the #ase and itDs not sufficient to "roduce a good
manager thatDs @hy the "ractical kno@ledge is needed%
Therefore the research "roduct is an essential reEuirement for the student of M?A%
This research "roject not only hel"s the students to utiliFe their skill "ro"erly and
learn field realities #ut also "roide a chance to the organiFation to find out talent
among the #idding managers in the ery #eginning%
In accordance @ith the reEuirement of M?A course IDe done my final "roject on the
to"ic GCa"ital :tructure of ;:& &imited in s"ecial reference of 0rofita#ility & Return
on Ca"ital $m"loyed%H
The "rime o#jectie of my "roject @as to study a#out the Ca"ital :tructure in
the #usiness unit%
>n the a/ital Stru4ture front! my ultimate aim @as to study @hich are the main
sources of ca"ital the unit @as utiliFing% 9hat is the ratio #et@een different sources &
the o"timality% 9hich kind of changes has #een #rought in last fie years & their
im"act "rofita#ility & other as"ects%
I got the "riilege to learn ho@ effectiely a unit can manage their Ca"ital
reEuirements @ith the funding "roided to them on different #asis% 5or this
"ur"ose! a fund "osition statement had to #e "re"ared on a Euarterly #asis in
order to do the estimation%
9ith the hel" of the findings a roadma" for the success of the Unit @as
constructed @hich included certain re4ommendations from my side @hich @ere
readily acce"ted and a""reciated #y the Manager of the 5inance <e"artment in
the Unit%
O!T#!TS> O!T#!TS>
Sr. No 0o(i 8a5e No.
1. ,e+aration
2. -ertifiate from t4e or5ani9ation
3. -ertifiate from Instit#te S#(er)isor
:. E;e#ti)e S#mmar%
<. Introd#tion
a. 8rofi+e of t4e -om(an%
$. 8rofi+e of t4e St#d%
=. O$3eti)es of st#d%
>. 04eortia+ frame"or2
8. .iterat#re /e)ie"
?. /esear4 Met4odo+o5%
(a)/esear4 ,esi5n
($)Sam(+in5 and Sam(+in5 ,esi5n
()@%(ot4esis 0estin5
(d),ata o++etion
(e)Ana+%tia+ and Statisa+ 0oo+s
(f)/atio Ana+%sis
10. Aor2in5 -a(ita+ Mana5ement
11. .imitations of t4e St#d%
12. St#dies of ot4er ,e(artments
13. Findin5s B /eommendations
1:. -on+#sion
1<. Bi$+io5ra(4%
1=. Anne;#re
'S" 'S" "imited "imited
8.O. Bo; No. =! 8.O. Bo; No. =!
O.8.1inda+ Mar5! O.8.1inda+ Mar5!
@isar @isar* *12<00<. (@ar%ana) 12<00<. (@ar%ana)
AA de4ade of li0eraliBation has redefined 0usiness /arameters3 'indal
Stainless< the flagshi/ 4om/an2 of the 'indal organiBation has harnessed
these 7inds of 4hange 02 offering 7orld 4lass /rodu4ts and ser5i4es
not onl2 in India 0ut around the 7orld3A
In +8+2! an $nglish metallurgist! /arry ?rearly! accidentally discoered :tainless
:teel% In the "rocess of discoering an alloy to "rotect cannon #ores in $ngland! @hat
came into e(istence @as stainless steel% $er since! the magic of this material has
#ecome an integral "art of our lies%
5rom underground "i"es to s"ace! dairy eEui"ment to "harma eEui"ment! coins to
automo#iles% :tainless :teel is eery@here% &ike @e like to say!
ATomorro7 definitel2 0elongs to stainless steel-

In the @orld of #usiness! the >%0%;indal Irou" is a cele#rity% Ranked si(th amongst
the to" Indian #usiness houses in terms of assets%The >%0% ;indal Irou" @as set u" in
+8-2 #y the steel isionary Mr% >%0% ;indal% It has gro@n from an indigenous single*
unit steel "lant in /isar! /aryana to the "resent multi*#illion! multi*locational and
multi*"roduct steel conglomerate% The organiFation is e("anding! integrating!
amalgamating and gro@ing% 'e@ directions! ne@ o#jecties #ut the ;indal motto
remains the same*
9+e are the future of steel3-
The grou" has #een technology*drien and has a #road "roduct "ortfolio% )et! the
focus at ;indal has al@ays #een steel% 5rom mining of iron*ore to the manufacturing of
alue added steel "roducts! ;indal has a "re*eminent "osition in the flat steel segment
in India and is on its @ay to #e a major glo#al "layer! @ith its oerseas manufacturing
facilities and strategic manufacturing and marketing alliances @ith other @orld
leaders% >%0%;indal Irou" aims to #e a glo#al "layer% In "ursuance of its o#jecties! it
is committed to maintain @orld class Euality standards! efficient deliery schedules
com"etitie "rice and e(cellent after sales serice% The Irou"Ds strength lies in its
constituent com"anies% $ach one is committed to consolidating its core strengths and
e(celling in their res"ectie chosen area of o"eration% ?esides iron and steel! the
>%0%;indal Irou" has a significant "resence in areas such as industrial gases! "o@er
generation! mining and maritime infrastructure% The Irou" has arious constituent
com"anies @ith the su#*grou"s #eing headed #y four sons of &ate :hri >%0%;indal%
O P 'I!DA" &%OUP>
O 'indal Sa7 "imited
- Sa7 Pi/es
- Pi/e oating
- Stainless Tu0es
- S/iral Pi/es
- DI Pi/es
O 'S+ Steel "imited
O 'S+ Infrastru4ture and logisti4s ltd3
O $i6a2nagar minerals /5t3 "td3
O 'indal Pra;air o;2gen 4o3 ltd3
O 'Soft solutions /5t3 "td3
O 'S+ energ2 ltd3
O 'S+ holdings ltd3
O 'S"
O PT3 'indal Stainless< Indonesia
O 'indal Stainless Steel7a2 "td3
O Art*dino;
O A%
O &reen Delhi B)S "td3
O PA%I$A%TA! it2 Infrastru4ture "td3
O 'SS Steelitalia
O 'S" #s/ana
O 'indal steel and /o7er ltd3
O 'indal /o7er ltd3
O !al7a steel and /o7er ltd3
'S" 'OU%!#Y
After Inde"endence! a young man @ith a fiery am#ition to start life afresh! left his
illage for Kolkata in +8-. only to return to his natie soil to start an industrial grou"%
/is only asset then @as a dee" understanding of "i"e manufacturing and an innoatie
mind% The man @as Mr% >%0%;indal%
Mr% >%0%;indal! in 1?<2! started his first unit to manufacture steel "i"es! #ends and
sockets in Kolkata% ;indal Industries sets u" "i"e mill at /isar in 1?=0% After four
decades it continues to #e a ?rand &eader%
1?>0& ?irth of ;indal >rganiFation% A mini steel "lant esta#lished as ;indal stri"s &td%
At /issar%
1?>>& /issar "lant started manufacturing stainless steel #ased on in 3house R&<%
/ence! the #eginning of a 28 year "eriod I @hich ;indal :tri"s forged ahead as one of
the largest steel "roducer in India%
1?>?& ;indalsDs efforts heralded first indigenously manufactured stainless steel at
/issar "lant% This year marked the installation of IndiaDs first ARI>' >J)I$'
decar#uriFation (A><) conerter at the factory*a major #reakthrough in stainless steel
1?8>& :u""lies of 5erro chrome! the im"ortant ingredient for stainless
steel! @ere still de"endent on agaries of e(ternal factors% This cou"led @ith erratic
"rice escalation of 5erro chrome affected "roduction at /issar "lant% Thus! leading of
setting u" of the 5$RR> A&&>): <IKI:I>' at Kothaalasa! Kishakha"atnam%
1??1& Manufacturing of #lade stainless steel started at /issar% The com"any ste""ed
on the road to #ecome an e(clusie "roducer of stainless steel stri"s for making raFor
and surgical #lades in India%
2002& Restructuring of ;indal stri"s and the manufacturing o"erations s"un off to #e
called ;I'<A& :TAI'&$::% Art <Dino( launches! a designer! stainless steel lifestyle
"roducts in the market%
2003& arc!the architecture diision launches "ioneering "roducts @ith innoatie use
of steel in architecture! #uilding and construction segment%
200<& RATA' ;I'<A& at the helm of affairs% The com"any acEuires Mas"ion
stainless steel "lant in I'<>'$:IA%:T$$&9A)! Italy to "roide customiFed
"roducts to its customers through its ne@ serice centre%
2008 and $e%ond& 0he /issar "lant is under e("ansion! steel melting and rolling
ca"acity #eing augmented to 8..!... t"a Cold Rolling ca"acity to 21-!... t"a% ;:&Ds
joint enture in :outh Korea
-,ai 6an5 o. +td.! markets stainless steel from India and the Indonesian "lant% ;oint
enture in :"ain! ;:& $s"ana! offers custom tailored stainless steel formats for the
:"anish market and serices customers in other $uro"ean countries%
+ To be amongst the top 10 stainless steel producers in the world
+ To gain international recognition for cost leadership, Product innovation &
Customer Satisfaction.
+ To be admired as a socially responsible Corporate and a sustained value
creator for all its staeholders
O%# $A"U#S >
1 !ntegrity
1 "ynamic Thining
1 #espect for !ndividual
1 Creativity & !nnovation
1 $eritocracy
1 Social #esponsibility
T(# &%OUP>
;indal >rganiFation! set u" in +81. #y the steel isionary Mr% >%0% ;indal! has gro@n
from an indigenous single*unit steel "lant in /isar! /aryana to the "resent multi*
#illion! multi*national and multi*"roduct steel conglomerate% The organiFation is still
e("anding! integrating! amalgamating & gro@ing% The grou" "laces its commitment
to sustaina#le deelo"ment! of its "eo"le and the communities in @hich it o"erates! at
the heart of its strategy and as"ires to #e a #enchmark for "layers in the industry the
@orld oer%
The ;indal >rganiFation today is a glo#al "layer% ItLs relentless Euest for e(cellence
has rea"ed rich #enefits and it is today one of the @orlds most admired and res"ected
grou"s @ithin the steel fraternity%
'indal Stainless< (isar
;indal :tainless is in many @ays ery much like the material it "roduces% &ike
stainless steel the com"any is ersatile in its thought "rocess! strong and unrelenting
in its o"erations! enironment friendly in its manufacturing "rocess! #right! shining
and #eautiful in its community su""ort actiities% The list of the "ro"erties of stainless
steel is endless! just as our alues are all encom"assing%
;indal :tainless has al@ays #een committed to innoation and "rogression! research
and deelo"ment% >ur innoations are admired #eyond the geogra"hical #oundaries of
our country% 'o @onder @e are the strategic "artners of glo#al leaders #y choice% >ur
achieements narrate a story of our determination to succeed and our "assion to @in%
9e @ill continue to leerage our o""ortunities in creating e(cellence that the @orld
cannot een think a#out% Today @e are the largest integrated stainless steel "roducer in
India! tomorro@ @e @ill rule the @orld%
;indal :tainless is a I:>6 8..+ & I:>6 +4..+ com"any is the flagshi" com"any of the
;indal >rganiFation% The com"any today! has come a long @ay from a single factory
esta#lishment! started in +81.% As the numero uno it has taken on the task of making
stainless steel a "art of eery#odyLs life #y taking a ,A. degrees a""roach from
"roduction of ra@ materials to su""ly of architecture and lifestyle related "roducts%
-or(orate Offie
:trategy &
+%A MT0A ::
Chrome! >re!
Creations (0) &td%
Architecture &td%
:ales And
&egal! Cor"orate
:ourcing &
5e * Alloys
Iron & :teel
/ot Rolling
Cold Rolling
;indal :tainless
:teel@ay &td%
0T ;indal
;:: :teelitalia
Ireen <elhi ?M:
:teel Melting &
Cold Rolling
/ot Rolling
/R 0rojects
CR 0rojects
Research &
Muality &
/R Actiities & Co*
Cor"orate :ocial
5 i n a n c e ! ? a n k i n g
A n d A c c o u n t s
Mines & Minerals
Cor"orate /uman
Coke >en
/r Admin &
Co *
0ariartan City
Infrastructure &td%
:ales And
&egal! Cor"orate
:ourcing &
5e * Alloys
Iron & :teel
/ot Rolling
Cold Rolling
;indal :tainless
:teel@ay &td%
0T ;indal
;:: :teelitalia
Ireen <elhi ?M:
(isar Plant< India
At /isar! ;indal :tainless has IndiaLs only com"osite stainless steel "lant for the
manufacture of :tainless :teel :la#s! ?looms! /ot rolled and Cold Rolled Coils!A.N
of @hich are e("orted @orld@ide%
Pre4ision Stri/s
The com"any "roduces stainless steel "recision stri"s in arious grades% These stri"s
are "roduced in narro@ 2.*/i mills in the "recision cold rolling unit%
Blade Steel
The com"any is the e(clusie "roducer of stainless steel stri"s for making raFor and
surgical #lades in India%
oin Blan8s
?esides su""lying CR :tri"s to the Ioernment of India! the "lant at /isar houses a
coin #lanking line for su""ly of coin #lanks to the Indian Mint and Mints in the glo#al
@isar 8+ant (@ar%ana)
%D at (isar
(%D at
At /isar lies IndiaLs only fully integrated :tainless :teel "lant% The "resent "roduction
ca"acity of "lant is A!..!... T0A @hich is e("anded to 1!2.!... T0A% :uccess of
;indal :tainless &td% is the fact that eerything from the conersion of ra@ material
into #looms and sla#s to hot rolling of stri"s and "lates and cold rolling is done in*
house% An e(clusie com"le( for manufacturing stainless steel for raFor and surgical
#lades has #een created% A coin #lanking line has also #een installed% The "roduction
ca"acity of the "recision stri" unit is also #eing increased from +-!... tonnes to
,.!... tonnes%
Ci9a5 8+ant (And4ra 8rades4)
The 5erro Alloys "lant is situated at ;indal 'agar! Kothaasala! <istt% KiFianagaram!
Andhra 0radesh% The installed ca"acity is 4.!... metric tonnes "er annum of high
Car#on 5erro Chrome% ?esides su""lying to the domestic market! the com"any also
e("orts 5erro Chrome to arious deelo"ed countries% The "lant is also eEui""ed @ith
an ultra modern testing la#oratory to ensure @orld*class Euality standards%
Dreenfie+d 8ro3et at Orissa

IndiaHs largest full2 integrated &reen field Stainless Steel /lant< .alinganagar<
;indal :tainless is setting u" a Ireenfield integrated :tainless :teel "roject in the state
of >rissa @hich @ould inole mining of Iron! Manganese & chrome ore for
"roduction of ferroalloys and :tainless :teel in the melt sho" and rolling mills% To
meet the full reEuirement of "o@er! ;indal :tainless @ill also #e setting u" a -.. M9
ca"tie "o@er "lant% This stainless steel "lant @ill ultimately hae a ca"acity of +%A
million tones "er annum% The o"eration of JJ A. MKA 5erro*chrome furnace hae
already started and the "roduction has sta#iliFed% ;:& e("ects to start the ((+2- M9
"o@er "lants soon follo@ed u" #y setting u" of other 5erro alloys units of 5erro*
manganese and silico* manganese%
;indal :tainless has #een striing to make stainless steel a "art of eery#odyLs life #y
taking a ,A. degrees a""roach from "roduction of ra@ materials to su""ly of
architecture and lifestyle related "roducts% Meeting this ery o#jectie! are arc and art
dL ino( * "romoted #y ;indal :tainless! uniEuely su""orting & "romoting a""lications
of :tainless :teel in eery conceia#le creatie "ossi#ilities% arc (;indal Architecture
&td%) focuses on a""lication of :tainless :teel "roducts and technology solutions
across architecture! #uilding and construction segments and is inoled in ur#an
deelo"ment making ersatile use of :tainless :teel% art dL ino( (Austenitic Creations
0t% &td%) has "roed to #e a "ioneer in the manufacture of "remium lifestyle "roducts
in stainless steel! #reaking ne@ grounds @ith its innoations% ;indal :tainless has also
instituted the > 0 ;indal :tainless Chair for research and "roduct innoation in
stainless steel at the "restigious 'ational Institute of <esign! Ahmeda#ad! to
encourage innoation and creatie a""lications of stainless steel! in design led
"roducts% :tainless :teel is an esta#lished material in international design% ItLs
contem"orary! stylish yet its neutral look is gaining immense "o"ularity among all
kinds of users and to"s as a material of choice for its e(cellent #lending a#ility @ith
any other material! iF% glass! ceramics! @ood or leather% The material has #een
"roiding great o""ortunities and ins"iration to generations of designers% Today its use
is #eing taken to ne@ leels of e("ression and technical so"histication%
:tainless Innoation A@ards is a testament of our continued su""ort to the design
0o 2ee( eno#ra5in5 reati)it% in t4e #sa5e of t4e materia+! 1inda+ Stain+ess
or5ani9ed t4e fo#rt4 edition of E04e Stain+ess Inno)ation A"ardsE to re"ard
e;e++ene in #se of stain+ess stee+. 04e A"ards "ere 4e+d on 10t4 Mar4! 200> in
Ne" ,e+4i.
The t4ree ate5ories for the a@ards @ere 6
-ate5or% 1 & Innoation in a""lication of :tainless :teel in ?uilding and Architecture
-ate5or% 2 & Creatie ideas of a""lication of :tainless :teel in Interior <esign
-ate5or% 3 & $(cellence in usage of :tainless :teel in 0roduct <esign

.eo Ana+%sis in 8ro5ress

Understanding Customers reEuirement and ensuring to su""ly as "er these
reEuirements is realiFed @ith the hel" of Muality Assurance and Muality Control grou"
at ;indal :tainless &imited% Across the entire #usiness chain of su""lies! o"erations
and marketing a""ro"riate Euality assurance systems are in "lace to ensure correctness
at each ste" of the cycle% I:>*8..+*2... Certification of the 0lant is a testimony to
this% Alongside I:>+4..+ and >/:A: +B..+ :ystems certification of the "lan assure
concern and "rotection to@ards enironment and for "roiding a safe @orking for the
5or ensuring the Euality at eery ste" @ell eEui""ed &a#oratories are in "lace @ith a
#attery of modern eEui"ments such as J*Ray Analysers! :"ectrometers! &eco
Analysers! Metallurgical Microsco"es! Image Analyser! Uniersal Testing Machines
etc to name a fe@% 9ell*documented "rocedures ensure correctness in testing and
certification of the "roducts% The "roduction "rocess are constantly monitored and
controlled to ensure the finished "roducts as "er customerLs reEuirements%
N#m$er of FA .a$oratories& :G
0"o -4emia+ Ana+%sis .a$oratories and 02 Meta++#r5ia+ 0estin5 .a$oratories.
-4emia+ Ana+%sis .a$orator% No.1&
:%'o% $Eui"ments <etails
>"tical $mission
Model6 Thermo AR& 44A.!
:@itFerland Model6 :"ectro &a# M1
modified to MB! Iermany
J*Ray 5luorescence
Model 8B..J0 22A! AR&! :@itFerland%
Model J*met*BB. >utokumm"u
Instrument% 5inland
Car#on :ul"hur
Model C: 4.. &$C>! U:A
4 /ydrogen analyser! Model R/ 4.2! &$C>! U:A
'itrogen & >(ygen
Model TC 4,A! A%R% &$C> Analysis
-4emia+ Ana+%sis .a$orator% No.2
:%'o% $Eui"ments <etails
>"tical $mission
Model 3 0olyac 2...! 21
Channels! /ilger Analytical &td%!
2 Car#on :ul"hur Analyser Model C: 244! &$C>! U:A
'itrogen & >(ygen
Model TC 2,A! &$C>! U:A
Meta++#r5ia+ 0estin5 .a$orator% (@ot /o++in5 ,i)ision)
:%'o% $Eui"ments <etails
Uniersal Testing
+.. T! 5I$ make! Model 3 UTM
2 :tereo Microsco"e CIT>KA& 2! Iermany
, Metallurgical Microsco"e%
'eo"hot 2+!ModelM/03+..4! Carl
Qeiss ;ena! @ith Cleme( Image
Analysis :ystem
4 Ultrasonic Testing unit
Modsonic make! Model Ialileo +..
KrautKramer! U:' -2 (Iermany)
- Im"act Testing Machine Model6 IT ,.! 5I$
?rinnel cum Kickers
/ardness Tester
Model6 /M> ++11 &ei"Fig Alfred
1 Rock@ell /ardness Tester Model6 RA:! 5I$
B :urface Roughness Tester Model6 :;2.+0! Mitutoya! ;a"an
Meta++#r5ia+ 0estin5 .a$orator% (-o+d /o++in5 ,i)ision)
:%'o% $Eui"ments <etails
+ Uniersal Testing Machine
+. T! :himadFu make! model
autogra"h +. T 5I$ make! model 3
2 Metallurgical Microsco"e%
Model6 >lym"us I<R 0'$, @ith
Cleme( Image Analysis :ystem
$*Cu""ing Testing
:uita#le for Cold Rolled :tainless
4 Kickers /ardness Tester Model6 KM*-. 5I$ make
- :urface Roughness Tester Model6 :;2.+0! Mitutoya! ;a"an
%#S#A%( , D#$#"OPM#!T>
'+trasoni 0estin5

'+trasoni test dis(+a% (ane+
%esear4h , De5elo/ment a4ti5ities At 'S"< (isar
The R&< diision at ;:&! /isar "lays a "iotal role in retaining and consolidating
com"anyLs leadershi" role in stainless steel #usiness #y continuous u" gradation of
Euality! "rocess and serices! and innoating deelo"ment strategies to come u" @ith
ne@ "roducts @ith cost com"etitieness% Cross*fertiliFation of kno@ledge #et@een
"roduction! Euality control and commercial units in order to maintain @orld class
standard has #een the guiding "rinci"le of R&< functions%
Ma6or tas8s>
+% <eelo"ments of high alue "roducts to sere niche market%
2% Muality u" gradation of e(isting "roducts ena#ling glo#al acce"tance%
,% Cost reduction #y "rocess deelo"ment! o"timiFation and refinement to im"roe
com"etitie edge
4% Technology enhancement to increase "roduction @ith Euality%
-% Market segment im"roement #y interacting and sharing kno@ledge @ith
customers and assisting them in trou#le shooting o"eration%
In addition to the a#oe! R&< diision closely interacts @ith re"uted national and
international la#oratories=scientific institution=uniersities to aail e("ert serices for
critical inestigation%
:hri >0 ;indal! had a ision of a "rogressie state * a state @here men and @omen
@orked shoulder to shoulder to@ards a ha""ier tomorro@% ;indal :tainless constantly
echoes those thoughts and takes its role a res"onsi#le cor"orate citiFen ery seriously%
Iiing #ack to the community at large has #een an o#jectie from the ery #eginning%
:chools at arious leels hae #een set u" to educate the s"ecifiers of the future% The
Kidya <ei ;indal and The ;indal Modern :chool! at /isar! is fully child oriented and
ensures Rholistic deelo"mentD of a studentDs mental and "hysical "otential%
Ado"ting illages and thus contri#uting to the deelo"ment of a region has also #een
"art of the oerall ;indal "lan% Im"roing of medical facilities is yet another field of
endeaor% 'C ;IM Care! at /isar offers the entire range of diagnostic! treatment and
surgical facilities% ImmuniFation dries and free healthcare cam"s on different
medical as"ects are also conducted from time to time%
#O F%I#!"I!#SS>
At our :tainless :teel "lants! the challenge faced is to make and "rocess stainless steel
@ithout adersely im"acting the enironment% ;indal :tainless has a formal
enironmental "rotection "rogram in "lace since ince"tion% 9e recogniFe the
im"ortance of "rotecting our enironment! and that of our children and our
commitment is un@aering in this res"ect% ;indal :tainless &td% com"lies @ith the
reEuirements of the :tate 0ollution Control ?oard% /aing receied the I:> +4..+
80 1inda+ Stain+ess Indonesia
;indal :tainless has acEuired :tainless :teel Cold Rolling "lant in
Indonesia from Mas"ion :tainless :teel%
1inda+ Stain+ess Stee+"a% .imited
Another first! another feather * ;indal :tainless &imited has taken a leading ste"
for@ard to #ring conenient! customiFed! @orld class! just * in * time serice in
stainless steel to doorste"s of its alued customers%
The com"any has "artnered @ith a leading Italian com"any in #usiness of distri#ution
and "rocessing of steel! :teel@ay s%r%l% to serice its customers @ith e(act slit! cut*to*
siFe! "olished stainless steel sheets! coils and #lanks in different grades @ith highest
standards of "rocessing tolerance%
The facilities in Iurgaon (/aryana) include state of the art! high end "recision
:litting! cutting to length! #lanking and "olishing lines @hich are su""lied #y the
leading steel finishing eEui"ment manufacturers! 5IMI & IM$A:! Italy%
:ome of the serices offered are customiFed "roducts! inentory management
serices! technical alue engineering serices! @arehousing and material testing%
A#steniti -reations 8ri)ate .imited
Art dLino( is the e(citing ne@ form of ultimate style% The name translates into Lthe art
of stainless steelL% And thatLs "recisely @hat it is% 9orks of art in stainless steel% :et u"
@ith the o#jectie of creating e(clusie stainless steel lifestyle "roducts! these are
synonymous @ith Euality! #eauty and functionality% The "rofessionally Eualified in*
house design team is dedicated to e("loring the frontiers of design% The "roduct range
is a cele#ration of #oth form and function% The range encom"asses ta#le@are! sering
@are! gifts! home accessories and office accessories%
1inda+ Ar4itet#re .imited
:tainless steel is a material "ar e(cellence! @hich no@ seeks to "ermeate through
Indian Architecture% The Architectural <iision launched #y ;indal :tainless &td has
taken the initiatie to "romote :tainless steel "roducts and technology solutions to
cater to the emerging market of :tainless :teel for Architecture! ?uilding and
Construction (A?C) in India% The Architectural <iision of ;indal :tainless is ca"a#le
of "roiding a full range of technical su""ort serices including design! engineering
@ork! fa#rication of Euality material and finishes! and jo# site su"erision #y trained
"ersonnel% The diision has com"leted many "rojects s"ecially that of street furniture!
cafeteria furniture! lighting and signages a"art from other architectural reEuirements%
?esides these other com"anies are as follo@s 6
'indal Stainless U. "imited< "ondon
'indal Stainless FI#< Du0ai
'indal Stainless Ital2 S3r3l3
04e E+etri Ar F#rnae

Ta//ing from ASM on5erter in /rogress

"adle %efining
ST##" MA.I!&
Ma3or EH#i(ment
The t@o :teel Melt :ho"! :M: I & :M: II! com"rises of Ultra /igh 0o@er* $lectric
Arc 5urnace! Argon :econdary Metallurgy Conerter! &R5 (&adle Refining 5urnace)%
:M: I is eEui""ed @ith a continuous sla# caster @hile :M: II is eEui""ed @ith t@in
strand #loom caster% In addition to a#oe :M: I is also eEui""ed @ith K>< (Kacuum
>(ygen <ecar#urisation) unit to "roduce steel @ith lo@ inclusion and gas content%
The "resent installed ca"acity of #oth :M: "ut together is --.!... MT "er year% The
:la#s are su#jected to surface conditioning in a sla# grinding section% The :la#s are
then /ot Rolled into /R Coils in :teckel Mill! @hich are then used to "roduce /RA0
'o+ Coils and 0lates% /R coils are transferred to Cold Rolling Unit! to "roduce CR
Coils and :heets% The ?looms are hot rolled in Tandem :tri" Mill to narro@ coils and
flat #ars% % In addition! s"ecial steels like raFor #lade steel is cast into ingots @hich are
su#seEuently forged to sla#s & rolled in tandem stri" mill%
P%O#SS >
The "roduction of stainless steel #egins @ith melting of ferrous scra" and ferroalloys
in U/0 $lectric Arc 5urnace! follo@ed #y secondary refining in A><=K>< units% The
liEuid steel thus o#tained! is cast into sla#s in a continuous sla# caster @ith Auto
Mould &eel Control (AM&C) :ystem% ;:& "roduces stainless steel in 2..! ,.. &
4.. series% 5urther the on*going efforts of a dedicated R&< Team along @ith
>"erations and Muality Assurance de"artment are constantly innoating in fields of
cost reduction! "roduct deelo"ment and addition of niche "roducts such as <u"le(
:tainless :teel! Controlled e("ansion alloys as like I'KAR*,A and :"ecial 5inish
Cold Rolled :tainless :teel and :tainless :teels for critical a""lications%
@ot /o++in5
04e @ot Ste2e+ Mi++
/ot rolling com"rises of /ot :teckel Mill and Tandem :tri" mill% The hot steckel mill
com"rises of sla# reheating @alking #eam furnace! 4 /i reersing roughing mill! 4 /i
reersing :teckel Mill eEui""ed @ith /ot Coilers on #oth sides and a do@n coiler%
:la#s are rolled to hot rolled coils and "lates% The mill is eEui""ed @ith leel*2
automaton system consisting of automatic hydraulic ga" setting! roll #ending system!
automatic "ass scheduling and mill setu"! automatic seEuencing! mill su"erisory
system and automatic gauge control% The mill is ca"a#le of rolling "lates and coils
u"to +2-. mm @idth @eighing u"to +BMT%The Tandem :tri" mill com"rises of
reheating furnace! 2*/i roughing stand! fie finishing stands and do@n coiler to hot
roll stainless steel #looms into flat #ars and narro@ coils%
The "resent rolling ca"acity of #oth the mills "ut together is 1..!...
Finis4in5 (@/ 8rod#t)
/R coils are cut to length! annealed and "ickled to "roduce "lates in /RA0 'o% +
finish% 5or thickness and a#oe "lates are directly "roduced from steckel
mill! @hich are annealed and "ickled to "roduce /RA0 'o% + finish "lates%
-o+d /o++in5
04e -oi+ 8re(aration .ine
The cold rolling mill com"le( com"rises of the four units CR< I! CR< II & CR< III
& CR< IK % CR< I ! CR< III & CR< IK com"rises a com#ination of 2. /i
:endFimer mills! annealing and "ickling lines and arious so"histicated associated
eEui"ments and "rocessing lines to "roduce Cold Rolled Coils and :heets @ith Euality
surface finishes! "recise dimensional control and good flatness control in @ider coils
( @idth)% The facilities at /isar is eEui""ed to "roduce and su"*"ly material
in 2<! 2?! 'o%,! 'o%4 and ?A surface finishes% CR< II is engaged in "roduction of
"recision stri"s in thinner siFes (.%.-mm to thick) e%g% RaFor ?lade! other
ferritic and Martens tic stainless steel%
The "resent installed ca"acity of cold rolled "roducts is +!-.!... T0A%
oil Buildu/ line
Coil #uildu" line is used to attach leader ends in hot rolled coils for increasing the
oerall yield of coils% It is also eEui""ed @ith edge trimming to im"roe "roduction
for further o"erations%
S2in (ass Mi++
The skin "ass mill is designed and installed in dust "roof housing% It is used to gie
cold rolled "ass #y "olished ground @ork roll on 2< finish dull material to conert to
2? #right surface finish% The mill is designed to meet reEuirements in A.. to
@idth coils in .%4. to , thickness%
S+ittin5 .ine
:litting lines are used to side trim the coils and cater the market reEuirements in
smaller @idth coils @ith a thickness from .%4-mm to AMM%
Stri( Drindin5 .ine
The stri" Irinding line is used to "roduce 'o%,! 'o%4 and some s"ecial finishes
reEuiring grinding @hich is used for decoratie "ur"oses in architectural a""lications!
restaurant eEui"ments! dairy eEui"ments! lifts! eleators etc%
S4earin5 .ine
The flying shearing line @ith Koss &eeller is used to "roduce sheets @ith good
flatness @hich is the first and foremost reEuirement of customers%
Annea+in5 and 8i2+in5 +ine
The annealing and "ickling line is used to anneal and "ickle /ot Rolled stainless and
Cold rolled stainless steel coils% The continuous annealing and "ickling line is
eEui""ed @ith a neutral electrolyte tank for "ickling #y Ruthner "rocess using sodium
sul"hate for the neutral electrolyte! scanacon system for acid recoery and remoal of
metal content%
Bri54t Annea+in5 +ine
The #right annealing (?A) line at ;indal /isar @orks is one of its kind in India% The
annealing in ?A line is done in controlled atmos"here of cracked ammonia to aoid
any o(idation of metal @hich ensures a #right finish called as ?A finish%
/AIO/ AN, S'/DI-A. B.A,E S0EE.
;indal :tainless is an e(clusie "roducer of stainless raFor #lade steel in India% % The
microstructure of our stri"s is designed to o"timiFe = facilitate hardening! shar"ening
and honing o"erations at customers end and to deelo" ideal characteristic for
intended end a""lication% These are achieed @ith stringent Euality checks utiliFing
modern and so"histicated testing eEui"ments such as Metallurgical microsco"e @ith
adanced image analyFer! digital micro*hardness tester! micro"rocessor controlled
Tensile testing machine and scanning electron microsco"e% 0ersistent R & < actiity
had led to the im"roement in Euality of "roduct ena#ling us! not only to cater to the
Indian raFor #lade steel reEuirement #ut also to e("ort a su#stantial Euantity on a
regular #asis%
The current ca"acity for "recision stri" "roduction is +2!... T0A
;indal :tainless has #een su""lying AI:I 4,. grade ferritic stainless steel coils &
#lanks to India Iot% Mint & 5oreign mint for making coins on regular #asis% To
diersify its "roduct range! coin #lanking and associated "rocessing facilities of
@orld*class Euality has #een installed and commissioned% %
At "resent ;indal :tainless is su""lying 5erritic :tainless :teel coin #lanks of
denomination of 2- 0aise! -. 0aise and + Ru"ee to Iot% of India! Mint% In addition to
these @e hae deelo"ed Cu"ro*'ickel coin #lanks of 2 and - ru"ees denomination%
The "resent installed ca"acity for coin #lanking is +.!... MT0)%
The cold rolled and #right annealed coils are "rocessed at coin #lanking lines% This
com"rises of a #lanking "ress! de#urring machine! edge rimming machine! annealing
furnace and "olishing machines% :u#seEuently the coin #lanks are ins"ected on
Ins"ection Coneyors! then counted #y counting machine and "acked in drums for
-#(ro-Ni2e+ -om(+e;
In order to e("and the #usiness for coin #lanks! an inde"endent "roduction line has
#een installed to "roduce high alue co""er*#ase non*ferrous alloys im"ortantly
cu"ro*nickels% The "roduction facility includes induction melting! continuous
horiFontal stri" casting! cold rolling! annealing! "ickling and slitting% The installed
melting and casting ca"acity is A...T "er annum% A"art from Cu""ro*'ickels! the
unit can "roduce Aluminum*?ronFe! 0hos"horus ?ronFe! 'ickel*:iler and Tin
#earing co""er for arious engineering and je@ellry a""lications% Aluminum*?ronFe
along @ith Cu"ro*'ickel is used to manufacture du"le( coins%
SAO0 stands for
S K Stren5t4
A K Aea2ness
O K O((ort#nit%
0 K 04reats
;:& is a com"osite firm in /aryana%
It is a financially sound firm%
5acilities gien to em"loyees & em"loyers on time and u" to date
0roduct Euality is great and uniEue for all (9holesalers! Retailers)
9orking enironment is "eacefully%
They do hae a good relation @ith the Iot% of India as they su""ly Coins to Indian
Iot% Mint for "rinting%
They do hae good re"utation in the market as they get loans ery easily in less time %
They take good resere in the firm for the future "ur"ose & use it for
inestment "ur"oses%
$(cellent gro@th "ros"ects @ith significant additions! modifications and
They do hae good relation @ith internal #usiness "arties%
?asic salary structure is not u" to date%
Kery much de"endence u"on de#t has increased financial risk%
They do hae 4 mills right no@! F+! F2! F,! :0<% ?ut they "roduce ery limited
"roduct as "er need of their limited customer% :o they do hae good @ays to go if
they increase their no% of customers then they can hae more sta#ility in their sale%
There is al@ays direct & indirect effect on the firm of got% "olicies @hich kee"s on
,#rin5 t4e S#mmer 0rainin5! in 1IN,A. S0AIN.ESS .IMI0E,! @isar
I ana+%9ed t4e a(ita+ str#t#re ! s(eifia++% t4e ro+e of ,e$t in -a(ita+ Str#t#re
B itLs re+ation "it4 t"o im(ortant indiators of t4e firm I.e.Earnin5 (er s4are B
,i)idend (er s4are.
And to ana+%9e t4eir Finania+ 8osition I 4oose t4is (ro3et to $e st#died in
detai+ B t4ere$% ana+%9in5 t4eir finania+ (osition "it4 t4e 4e+( of )ario#s ratios
as "4ere t4e% at#a++% stand in t4eir 8rofita$i+it%! So+)en%! and Mar2et S4are.
T 0roject @ill #e hel"ful to organiFation to kno@ their actual financial
T :tudy @ill #e useful for the management students%
T Researchers and scholars can carry on the further study%
T It analysis the financial frame@ork for its key #usiness areas
T It studies the im"act of de#t on its $0: & <0:%
T It also gies an insight of the regulatory frame@ork of the ;:&%
T It studies the "rofita#ility%
T To find out the "osition of the com"any in terms of the :9>T
OB'#TI$# B#(I!D T(# STUDY >
Ca"ital :tructure is ery im"ortant in modern #usiness% The analysis of Ca"ital
:tructure is also ery useful for long term decisions of funds% Ca"ital #asically refers
to the inestment done in the #usiness% The follo@ing are o#jectie of study of Ca"ital
:tructure 6
- To :tudy the im"act of 5inancial &eerage on Return on Ca"ital $m"loyed!
0rofita#ility! $0: & <0:
- To :tudy the Ca"ital :tructure As Relation #et@een <e#t & $Euity%
- To :tudy the Recent Changes In Ca"ital :tructure in terms of Nage

"IT#%ATU%# %#$I#+
>nce the "ro#lem is formulated a #rief summary of it should #e @ritten do@n% The
researcher should undertake e(tensie literature surey connected @ith the
"ro#lem%5or this "ro#lem! the a#stracting and inde(ing journals and "u#lished or
un"u#lished #i#liogra"hic are the first "lace to go to% Academic journals! conference
"roceedings! goernment re"orts! #ooks etc must #e ta""ed de"ending u"on nature of
-one(t#a+ +iterat#re&-
Conce"tual literature is that @hich relates @ith conce"ts and theories% /el" from
different #ooks should #e taken for different conce"ts and theories%
Em(iria+ +iterat#re&-
$m"irical literature consists of study made #y other in the same field% The "u#lished
data in ne@s"a"ers #ooks & magaFines aaila#le for discussion @ith "eo"le of
M8ande%! I.M%
G5inancial ManagementH! ,
edition! 'e@ <elhi! Kikas 0u#lication
/ouse 0t% &td% 0*1,to81(long term financial "osition or solency in this I studied
a#out de#t ratio! fund de#t to total ca"italiFation ratio! eEuity ratio etc%)
MMa4es4"ari! 7S.N
! Adanced AccountingH!4
edition :ultan Chand & :ons
0u#lication! 'e@ <elhi! 2..4! 0%'o% (#4.*#4B)(tools of financial analysis)
MD#(ta S4as4i.2
!HManagemenet AccountingH! -
edition! Kalyani 0u#lishers! 'e@
<elhi! 0%'o 2,%+*2,%8(@orking ca"ital management and finance)
MDoe+ ,.J
! GAnalysis of financial statementH! +.
edition! Aichal 0u#lishing
Com"any 0%'o 2%+*2%,B(ratio analysis)
M,ona+d /. -oo(er and 8ame+a S. S4ind+er
! G?usiness Research MethodologyH
$ighth $ditionD Tata McIra@ /ill 0u#lishing Com"any &imited! 'e@ <elhi% Cha"ter
,! 0age B2! BA! B1% Cha"ter 4! 0age +.+!+.2 (hel"ed in research design& sources of
data colection)
MJot4ari -./%
! GResearch Methodology Methods and TechniEuesH (:econd
$dition) 'e@ Age International 0u#lishers! Ansari Road! <aryaganj! 'e@ <elhi*
++...2% Cha"ter 4! 0age --*-B% Cha"ter A! 0age 8-!+..!+++% (Methods of data
collection! collection of data! and collection of secondary dataH are referred #efore the
data collectionH%)
M1ain! !0./.! and A55ar"a+! ,r. S.-.
! G:tatistics 5or M%?%AH!KK "u#lication!
00+, 0art #!2
$dition !00 +,+*+,4 0art (GCorrelationH is studied to use these test in
MD#(ta S.8. and D#(ta M.8%
! G?usiness :tatisticsH! T@elth $dition! :ultan Chand
and :ons 0u#lications% 00 2,1*24+!A2B*A28 (test hy"otheses testing)
MM#rra% /. S(ie5e+
! GTheory and 0ro#lem of :tatisticsH! Third edition! Tata
McIra@ /ill 0u#lication! Cha"ter +2! 0g 'o%4-*4B (correlation and regression)
M.e). Bar#4
& In this ho@ analysis of financial statements of organiFation is done
and on the #asis of that comment u"on the financial "osition of the organiFation%
MJ4an M.6. B 1ain 8.J.
7Finania+ Mana5ementN 3
edition! the information
regarding the ratio analysis etc%
MJot4ari -./.
! 2
edition 7/esear4 met4odo+o5% met4ods B te4niH#esN
Ne" A5e Internationa+ 8#$+is4ers! Ansari /oad! ,ar%a5an3! Ne" ,e+4i-110002&
Kno@ledge a#out research "rocess! sam"le design! research design etc% The
information regarding the #asics of research and research methodology! @hat are the
different ty"es of research designs! "ro#lem statement! sources of data collection and
methods of data collection are gien in this section%A
MJot4ari -./. %
! 2
edition 7/esear4 met4odo+o5% met4ods B te4niH#esN
Ne" A5e Internationa+ 8#$+is4ers! Ansari /oad! ,ar%a5an3! Ne" ,e+4i-110002& I
hae taken the information a#out the A'>KA and 0rinci"al Com"onent
Analysis(0CA)! a""lication of these tools and inter"retation of these tools
M.#2 1. ,a)id
! 7Mar2etin5 /esear4N& from this #ook I got light on the
meaning of the marketing research & data collection%
!7Mana5ement Ao#ntin5 B Finania+ Mana5ementN&- The
kno@ledge I hae taken is e("lanation a#out the "re"aring of ca"ital structure and
@ay of inter"reting it%
MBeri D.-%
! 7Mar2etin5 /esear4N& Marketing Research ,
edition6 This #ook
hel"ed in understanding the different research designs and analytical tools used here%
M-iaran Aa+s4
! 7Je% Mana5ement /atiosN &- I hae taken the kno@ledge a#out
the analysis of liEuidity of any firm #y calculating current & liEuid ratio%
M1ain 0./
! 7Statistis for MBAN

C.J (#$+iation6* ?y going through this #ook I
got information a#out ho@ to calculate Regression Analysis and its a""lication in the
#usiness studies%
MJ4an M.6! 1ain 8.J
! 7Mana5ement Ao#ntin5N&- It descri#es and e("lains the
formulation of arious ratios @hich gie kno@ledge a#out the financial soundness of
the #usiness organiFation and their inter"retation%
MD#(ta -.B.
EMana5ement t4eor% and (ratieN&- ?y studying this te(t #ook! I
come to kno@ a#out the "ersonnel at arious leels in the organiFation &
res"onsi#ilities of the key "ersonnel to@ards these em"loyees and #asic kno@ledge
a#out the arious de"artments of the manufacturing unit%
MI-FAI 'ni)ersit% 8ress

1#ne 2008
!"ractical issues in a""roaches of ca"ital
MFinania+ (+annin5 3o#rna+

Mar 200>
! "ractical issues on financial ratios%
MI-FAI /eader

Ma% 0=
! Critical analysis of #alancesheet 2..A*.1!"g 2+*21%
MFinane India

,e 08
! I hae study a#out the "reailing ta( structure! ol JJI*
no I "g +42-* +4,.
MMar2etin5 /esear4! s#mmer 200>
! use of statistical tools! " no% ,.*,,%
MIndian 1o#rna+ of Finane

A(ri+ 200?
! study the case on "rofita#ility and
financial "osition of com"anies! " no% +8*21
6It gae me information a#out tools%
this @e#site "roided me @ith the information a#out the
6 This @e# site is the official site of the organiFation
gies the information related to #ackground! com"anyDs "rofile history! mission of the
com"any etc%
?alance :heet for the year 2..,*2..4 to 2..1*2..B%
0rofit and loss Account for the year 2..,*2..4 to 2..1*2..B%
M4tt(&OO(i$.ni.inOfeat#reOfe%r?8Ofe11?8Of2>11?81.4tm+ %
6 5rom this site I hae
taken the "rofile of steel industry of India
6 5rom this site I hae taken :9>T analysis of the industry
6 5rom this site I hae taken the
information regarding grou" com"anies and there locations%
6 5rom this site data a#out grou"
"erformance has #een taken%
6 5rom here I hae taken fluctuation in $0: of the
5rom here I get the ratio analysis of the com"any%
MBr#ner F. /o$ert! 0ata M Dra" @i++
! -
edition ratio analysis! financial
MI-FAI -entre for mana5ement resear4
! case studies in 5inance ol II!
ealuation of "roject
ANN'A. /E8O/0&-
U?alance :heet & 0=& account of the year 2..4 & 2..B%
%#S#A%( M#T(ODO"O&Y
Research is a "rocedure of logical and systematic a""lication of the fundamentals of
science to the general and oerall Euestions of a study and scientific techniEue #y
@hich "roide "recise tools! s"ecific "rocedures and technical! rather than
"hiloso"hical means for getting and ordering the data "rior to their logical analysis
and mani"ulation%
9All /rogress is 0orn of in1uir23 Dou0t is often 0etter than o5er4onfiden4e< for it
leads to in1uir2 and in1uir2 leads to in5ention3-
<ifferent ty"e of research designs is aaila#le de"ending u"on the nature of research
"roject! aaila#ility of a#le man"o@er and circumstances
Iss#es re5ardin5 resear4 are&
- To gain familiarity @ith the "henomenon or to achiee ne@ insight into it%
- To "ortray accurately the characteristics of a "articular indiidual! situation or
- To determine the freEuency @ith @hich something occur%
%#S#A%( D#SI&!
This "art contains releant information "ertaining to research design and methodology
used in the research "roject% The research design has #een distinctie descri#ed to the
o#jectie of the study% There are three ty"es of research design that are used
freEuently used #y the arious researchers% These are6
$("loratory research
<escri"tie research
Causal research
SAMP"I!& , SAMP"I!& D#SI&!
:am"ling method is that method in @hich data is collected from the sam"le of items
selected from the "o"ulation and conclusions are dra@n from them% The method of
selecting a sam"le out of a gien "o"ulation is called sam"ling% In other @ords!
sam"ling denotes the selection of a "art of the aggregate statistical material @ith a
ie@ to o#taining information a#out the @hole% 'o@adays! there are arious methods
of selecting a sam"le from a "o"ulation in accordance @ith arious needs%
The data of ;:& &td% 5or the fie years has #een used in this study hae #een taken
from com"any% $diting! classification and ta#ulation of the financial data! @hich are
collected from the different sources such as
annual re"orts% <ata hae #een taken as "er the reEuirement of the study%
:econdary data means that data that are already aaila#le i%e% refers to data @hich has
already #een collected and analyFed #y someone else% The sources used in this case
- Ma5a9ines
- 1o#rna+s
- Ae$sites
- -om(an% (rofi+e
- Ann#a+ re(orts
In order to run & manage a com"any ! funds are needed% Right from the "romotional
stage u" to the end! finances "lay a ery im"ortant in any com"anyDs life% If the funds
are inadeEuate! the #usiness suffers & if the funds are "ro"erly managed! the entire
organiFation @orks "ro"erly % It is therefore! necessary that correct estimate of the
need the com"any has to #e made%
$stimating the ca"ital needs of the firm is necessary! #ut Ca"ital :tructure decision is
ery im"ortant% According to Ieresten#eg! GCa"ital :tructure of a com"any refers to
the com"osition or the make u" of its Ca"italiFation & it includes all long term
sources as 6 loans! shares & de#entures %H
The ca"ital :tructure is made u" of <e#t & $Euity :ecurities & refers to the
"ermanent financing of the firm! it is com"osed of the long term funds%
- #1uit2 onl2
- #1uit2 , /referen4e shares
- #1uit2 < /referen4e shares , de0entures
- #1uit2 shares , de0entures
APITA"> -a(ita+ the dictionary meaning of the term ca"ital is @ealth ca"ital is the
total account inested in #usiness the ca"ital of a #usiness is the claim of the o@ner to
the #usiness is the claim of the o@ner to the #usiness% It #asically refers to total funds
inested in any #usiness%
APITA" ST%UTU%#> It is the MUA&IT) >5 5U'<: in the #usiness% In this @e
determine the "ro"ortion in @hich funds should #e raised from different sources as
securities% In this @ay CA0ITA& :TRUCTUR$ decisions are related to the mutual
ratio of long term sources of CA0ITA&%
"O!& T#%M SOU%#S> These are the sources from @hich ca"ital can #e made
aaila#le for more than three years @hich can #e OANE, B BO//OAE, funds%
TYP# OF "O!& T#%M SOU%#S>
OANE, F'N,S6 These are o@ned #y the !firm 9hich includes :/AR$
CA0ITA& & R$:$RK$ & :UR0&U:%
BO//OAE, F'N,S& These are the de#ts taken #y the firm on @hich the firm has
to "ay Interest at a fi(ed rate 9hich includes <$?$'TUR$: & &>'I T$RM
&>A': from 5inancial Institutions%
S(A%# APITA"> The @hole CA0ITA& is diided in to :/AR$ of small alues%
:uch as the @hole ca"ital of Re%+...... is diided in to +.... shares of Re%+..
S(A%#(O"D#%S> These are the "arties @ho inest in the shares%
DI$ID#!D> This is that "art of '$T 0R>5IT @hich is to #e distri#uted to the
V TYP#S OF S(A%#S> There are t@o ty"e of :hare $MUIT) &0R$5$R$'C$
EF'I06 S@A/ES6 These shares are the shares on @hich <iidend is "aid after
meeting all o#ligations to other "arties are re"aid only at the time of 9inding U" of
the com"any after meeting the &ia#ility to@ards all other "arties %$Euity :hareholders
are the Real >@ners of the com"any % They hae Koting Rights & Right to "artici"ate
directly in the decision making "rocess of com"any% <iidend "aid is not fi(ed &
com"any is not #ound to "ay <iidend%
8/EFE/EN-E S@A/ES6 These shares are like the <e#enture #ecause <iidend is
"aid at a fi(ed rate & these shareholders are gien 0riority oer $Euity :hareholders%
?ut they donDt hae Koting Right #ut in some s"ecial cases right can #e gien% They
are also gien "riority oer the assets at the time of 9inding U"%
%#S#%$# ,SU%P"US> This is the U'<I:TRI?UT$< 0R>5IT: remained for
some s"ecific "ur"ose or for meeting uncertainties% These are the I'T$R'A&
:>URC$: of "roiding 5U'<: %
D#B#!TU%#S> These are the like the Certificate @hich are #asically the
ACK'>9&$<I$M$'T >5 <$?T issued in the faour of <e#enture holder %These
can #e :$CUR$< >R U':$CUR$<% They are "aid I'T$R$:T at a fi(ed rate %It is
a kind of agreement in @hich all terms & conditions are decided in adance such as
lifetime of <e#entures! Rate of Interest etc%
"OA!S F%OM FI!A!IA" I!STITUT#S> These are the loans in @hich 5inancial
Institutes get interest on decided rate % In this an agreement is set u" in adance%
OST OF APITA"> This is the minimum GRate of ReturnH the com"any has to "ay
to arious su""liers of funds%As <iidend to :hareholders & Interest to <e#t
OPTIMA" APITA" ST%UTU%#>A ca"ital :tructure is said to #e o"timal @here
the KA&U$ >5 5IRM can #e MAJIMI:$< & C>:T >5 CA0ITA& can #e
T+O BASI PU%POS#> 5urther t@o are the #asic aims considered @hile deciding
the ratio 6
F'A.I0IES OF A SO'N, B O80IM'M -A8I0A. S0/'-0'/E
5ollo@ing are the 5$ATUR$: of an >0TIMA& Ca"ital :tructure6
+% SIM8.I-I06& :o far as "ossi#le! the Ca"ital :tructure of the firm should #e
sim"le% It means that! there must #e minimum num#er of securities to #e issued% If it
#ecomes com"licated in #eginning! it can #e difficult to maintain in future%
2% F.ERIBI.I06& The Ca"ital :tructure of the firm should #e fle(i#le so that it can
#e changed as & @hen needed% As 'e@ sources can #e added to Ca"ital :tructure at
the time of e("ansion & can #e re"aid easily at the time of reduction%
,% MINIM'M -OS0 OF -A8I0A. & As descri#ed earlier that this is one of the
ultimate aim of the 5inancial Manager%The Cost of Ca"ital Is in the form of Interest
& <iidend % Thus the com#ination should #e the chea"est as "ossi#le and Aerage
cost of ca"ital is to #e considered %
4%A,EF'A0E .IF'I,I06 & The term &iEuidity refers to the firmDs A#ility to
meet itDs :/>RT term >?&IIATI>': & <A) T> <A) @orking% There is an
inerse relation #et@een &IMUI<IT) & 0R>5ITA?I&IT)% :o a manager should #e
a#le to set u" that Ratio @hich #alances the #oth%
-%MINIM'M /ISJ & Risk is one of the most im"ortant factor to #e considered% As
The more use of ?orro@ed 5unds @ill increase the Risk as they hae to #e "aid
?efore the claims of shareholders% :o Risk & Return must #e #alanced%
A%.EDA. /EF'I/EMEN0S & Ca"ital :tructure should #e maintained in
Conformity @ith the &egal ReEuirements of the country% As under the Ca"ital Issue
Control Act! the ratio of <e#t to $Euity must #e 26+ in any firm% :imilarly! related to
Interest Rate on <e#entures% Thus all such kinds of Rules to #e studied @ell%
1%MARIM'M /E0'/N & Ca"ital :tructure must facilitate ma(imum return to the
Inestors% And al@ays Return on Ca"ital must #e greater than Cost of ca"ital% >nly
than any firm can surie%
B%-ON0/O. & The Control of the firm lies in the hands of the :hareholders #ecause
they are haing the oting rights in the meetings of the Com"anies% ?ut in some
s"ecial cases! 0reference :hareholders & <e#enture holder may also get these rights
:o it should #e considered that control must lie in fe@ hands for ?etter control%
Initially! at the time of "romotion of the com"any !ca"ital structure "lan is to #e
"re"ared ery carefully% 5irst of all! the o#jectie of the ca"ital structure should #e
determined & then the financing decisions should #e taken accordingly% Com"any has
to arrange for funds for its actiities continuously% Therefore! ca"ital structure
decisions hae to #e taken on continuous #asis% 5ollo@ing factors must #e taken in to
consideration @hile taken decisions regarding the ca"ital structure6
+% SII# OF BUSI!#SS> :mall #usiness hae to face great difficulty in raising
long Term finance% If! it is all a#le to get &ong Term &oan ! it has to acce"t
unreasona#le conditions & has to "ay high interest% Therefore! 9hile "re"aring ca"ital
structure "lan! com"any should make "ro"er use of its siFe%
2%FO%M OF BUSI!#SS O%&A!ISATIO!> RC>'TR>&D is much significant in the
case of "riate com"anies! sole traders & "artnershi" firms #ecause in such #usinesses
! o@nershi" is @idely s"read% Therefore! control canDt #e restricted%
,%STABI"ITY OF #A%!I!&S> The sale & sta#ility of income affects the Euantum
of leerage% The com"anies @hich hae sta#ility in income sales! can use more of de#t
in their ca"ital structure% The industries "roducing consumer goods face more
fluctuations #ut in the case of "u#lic utility institutions are more safe% Thus sta#ility is
a good factor for deciding the ratio of funds%
4%D#&%## OF OMP#TITIO!> If in an industry! the degree for com"etition is
high! such com"anies in the industry should use greater degree of share ca"ital as
com"ared to de#t ca"ital%
-%STA&# OF "IF# Y"#> :tage of life cycle of a firm is also an im"ortant factor%
As if a firm is in the initial stage then there are more chances of failure so share
ca"ital is a good o"tion%
A%O%PO%ATIO! TA=> <ue to the current "roision of ta( ! the use of de#t is
chea"er as com"ared to share ca"ital% >n the other hand! if the shareholder fall in lo@
income ta( #racket! they @ill like to get high diidend & in such case the com"any
@ill meet its financial reEuirement from e(ternal source%
1%STAT# %#&U"ATIO! $ Ca"ital :tructure should #e maintained in Conformity
@ith the &egal ReEuirements of the country% As under the Ca"ital Issue Control Act!
the ratio of <e#t to $Euity must #e 26+ in any firm% :imilarly! related to Interest Rate
on <e#entures% Thus all such kinds of Rules to #e studied @ell%
B%STAT# OF APITA" MA%.#T> Ca"ital :tructure decisions of the com"any are
also affected #y the state of ca"ital Market% :ometimes Com"any @ants to issue
ordinary shares #ut inestors are not ready to inest due to high risk %In such a
situation ! com"any should issue other securities for raising the funds ! #ut not the
ordinary share%
8%ATTITUD# OF MA!A&#M#!T> The Attitude of management to@ards the factors
affecting the ca"ital structure also affects the Ca"ital :tructure% :ome managers do not
@ant to #ear risk% In such case ordinary share ca"ital should #e used in "lace of de#t
& if managers are not in a situation to #ear risk then #orro@ed funds should #e more%
+.%T%ADI!& O! #)UITY> To arrange funds for acEuiring com"anyDs assets! the use
of 5i(ed Cost sources like 0reference share ca"ital & de#t funds is called as Trading
>n $Euity or 5inancial &eerage% If the return on assets acEuired from the de#t funds
is greater than the cost of de#t ! $arning "er :hare @ill increase% Therefore! a
com"any should use such sources of funds @hich @ill lead to increase in $0:%
++%"#$#%A&# %ATIO OF OT(#% FI%MS I! T(# I!DUST%Y> 9hile taking
ca"ital structure decisions ! de#t*eEuity ratio of other firms in the industry should #e
com"ared % <e#t*eEuity ratio of the industry acts as a standard% If de#t*eEuity ratio of
the firm is not similar to the de#t*eEuity ratio of the Industry! its reasons should #e
+2% F"#=IBI"ITY : The Ca"ital :tructure of the firm should #e fle(i#le so that it can
#e changed as & @hen needed% As 'e@ sources can #e added to Ca"ital :tructure at
the time of e("ansion & can #e re"aid easily at the time of reduction%
+,%O!T%O" : The Control of the firm lies in the hands of the :hareholders #ecause
they are haing the oting rights in the meetings of the Com"anies% ?ut in some
s"ecial cases! 0reference :hareholders & <e#enture holder may also get these rights
:o it should #e considered that control must lie in fe@ hands for ?etter control%
+4%F"#=IBI"ITY : The Ca"ital :tructure of the firm should #e fle(i#le so that it can
#e changed as & @hen needed% As 'e@ sources can #e added to Ca"ital :tructure at
the time of e("ansion & can #e re"aid easily at the time of reduction%5le(i#ility in the
ca"ital structure de"ends u"on the follo@ing6
(+) 5le(i#ility in the 5i(ed Assets (2) Restrictie conditions in the de#t agreement
(,) Terms of redem"tion (4) <e#t Ca"acity
+-%F"OATATIO! OST> These are the costs incurred at the time of issue of the
securities % These costs include commission! stationary & other e("enses % 'ormally
the cost of de#t is less than the cost of shares% Therefore! the com"anies are attracted
to@ards the #orro@ed funds% If the amount of issue is increased ! the "ercentage of
floatation costs can decrease%
6Introduction6 The t@o "rinci"al sources of finance for a com"any are eEuity and de#t%
9hat should #e the "ro"ortion of eEuity and de#t in the ca"ital structure of the firmW
>ne of the key issues in the ca"ital structure decision is the relationshi" #et@een the
ca"ital structure and the alue of the firm% There are seeral ie@s on ho@ this
decision affects the alue of the firm%
-a(ita+ str#t#re t4eories&
Basi ass#m(tions&
There are only t@o kinds of funds used #y a firm i%e% de#t and eEuity%
Ta(es are not considered%
The "ayout ratio is +..N
The firmDs total financing remains constant
?usiness risk is constant oer time
The firm has "er"etual life%
Net Inome A((roa4 (NI)
According to this a""roach! the cost of de#t and the cost of eEuity do not change @ith
a change in the leerage ratio% As a result the aerage cost of ca"ital declines as the
leerage ratio increases% This is #ecause @hen the leerage ratio increases! the cost of
de#t! @hich is lo@er than the cost of eEuity! gets a higher @eightage in the calculation
of the cost of ca"ital%
The formula to calculate the aerage cost of ca"ital is as follo@s6
Ko X Kd (?= (?7:)) 7 Ke (:=(?7:))
Ko is the aerage cost of ca"ital
Kd is the cost of de#t
? is the market alue of de#t
: is the market alue of eEuity
Ke is the cost of eEuity
NI a((roa4 in (ratia+.
Je Jd Jo
+A%4+ 22%,1 28%4 +, +2%A1
--%11 12%+, ,+%.+ +, +,%24
+2%2, 11%, +-%B +, +,%.,
2-%82 +.+%42 2-%-A +, +,%+,
+-%A ++-%A1 +,%4 +, +,
6EA/ C#
Net O(eratin5 inome A((roa4 (NOI)
According to this a""roach6
The oerall ca"italisation rate remains constant for all leels of financial
The cost of de#t also remains constant for all leels of financial leerage
The cost of eEuity increases linearly @ith financial leerage
The formula to calculate the cost of ca"ital is KoXKd(?=(?7:))7Ke(:=(?7:))
Ko and Kd are constant for all leels of leerage% Iien this! the cost of eEuity can #e
e("ressed as follo@s6
Ke XKo7(Ko*Kd)(?=:)
0raditiona+ or Intermediate A((roa4
This a""roach is mid@ay #et@een the 'I and the '>I a""roach% The main
"ro"ositions of this a""roach are6
The cost of de#t remains almost constant u" to a certain degree of leerage #ut rises
thereafter at an increasing rate%
The cost of eEuity remains more or less constant or rises gradually u" to a
certain degree of leerage and rises shar"ly thereafter%
The cost of ca"ital due to the #ehaiour of the cost of de#t and cost of eEuity
o <ecreases u" to a certain "oint
o Remains more or less constant for moderate increases in leerage
o Rises #eyond that leel at an increasing rate%
MM A((roa4
According to this a""roach! the ca"ital structure decision of a firm is irreleant% This
a""roach su""orts the '>I a""roach and "roides a #ehaioural justification for it
Additional assum"tions of this a""roach include6
Ca"ital markets are "erfect% All information is freely aaila#le and there are no
transaction costs
All inestors are rational
5irms can #e grou"ed into R$Euialent risk classesD on the #asis of their
#usiness risk
There are no ta(es
This a""roach indicates that the ca"ital structure is irreleant #ecause of the ar#itrage
"rocess @hich @ill correct any im#alance i%e% e("ectations @ill change and a stage
@ill #e reached @here further ar#itrage is not "ossi#le%
According to this a""roach ca"ital structure decision hae a significant effect on the
"rofita#ility of shareholder due to the ta( deducti#le nature of the interest% According
to this alue of leered firm is al@ays more than the unleered firm%
According to this
A4ere Ku is alue of unleered firm
$AT is earning after ta(
Ko is oerall cost of ca"ital
And C+ K C#( 1-t ) S tTd
A4ere Kl is alue of unleered firm
t is ta( in N
d is total de#t
This a""roach is more realistic in nature as in reality ta(es e(ist%
MM A((roa4 in (ratia+
Je Jd Jo
+A%4+ 22%,1 28%4 +, +2%A1
--%11 12%+, ,+%.+ +, +,%24
+2%2, 11%, +-%B +, +,%.,
2-%82 +.+%42 2-%-A +, +,%+,
+-%A ++-%A1 +,%4 +, +,

6EA/ C# Cl
2+,.%11 2,A.%,2
2+84%8- 2-8B%8A
+14+%84 24..%.B
,1B4%42 4-B.%B8
4A++%B4 -B8B%BA
/ere alue is sho@ing that alue of leaered firm is al@ays greater than the
unleaered firm% :o com"any should use de#t to increase the alue of firm and so the
"rofita#ility of shareholders% This sho@s that the MM a""roach "roe to #e true for
the ;:&%
SOU%#S OF FU!DS(I! %O%#)>
MA/0: MA/0< MA/0= MA/0> MA/08
1?.?8 21.?8 2=.11 2>.=: 30.?2
EF'I06 S@A/E
1?.?8 21.?8 2=.11 2>.=: 30.?2
00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00
/ESE/CES <3>.2< >>0.>? ?83.10 13>:.13 1><>.1:
SE-'/E, .OAN =<=.<? 102<.?0 1?0<.01 2228.?< 3820.3:
108.<< 320.82 288.81 :2>.3> :=?.>1
0O0A. ,EB0 >=<.1: 13:=.>0 21?3.82 2=<=.32 :2?0.0<
TOTA" FU!DS US#D (I! %3)
)$AR: >9$'$< 5U'<: ?>RR>9$< 5U'<:
MarD.4 --1%2, 1A-%+4
MarD.- 182%11 +,4A%1.
MarD.A +..8%2+ 2+8,%B2
MarD.1 +4.+%11 2A-A%,2
MarD.B +1BB%.A 428.%.-
STAT#M#!T OF (A!&# I! FU!DS (I! L)>
)$AR: C/A'I$ I' C/A'I$ I'
>9$'$< 5U'<: ?>RR>9$< 5U'<:
MarD.4 ******** ********
MarD.- 742%21 71A%..
MarD.A 721%,. 748%8A
MarD.1 7,B%8. 72+%.B
MarD.B 721%-A 7A+%-.
If @e make a com"arison then @e can see that eery year the "ro"ortion of de#t is
greater than the o@ned funds% $ery year the amount of #oth funds is increased% ?ut
increase in #orro@ed funds is more than the increase in o@ned funds%
T(#O%#TIA" F%AM#+O%. >
O!ST%UT >9To Stud2 the im/a4t of FI!A!IA" "#$#%A&# on #PS< DPS<
Shareholder*s +ealth , Profita0ilit2 of 'S"-
I!D#P#!D#!T> D#BT< #)UITY
D#P#!D#!T>DPS , #PS< %#TU%! O! APITA" #MP"OY#D
An educated citiFen needs an understanding of #asic statistical tool to function in a
@orld that is #ecoming increasingly de"endant on Euantitatie information% :tatistics
means numerical descri"tion to most "eo"le% In fact the term statistics is generally
used to mean numerical facts and figures such as agriculture "roduction during a year!
rate of inflation and so on% /o@eer as a su#ject of study! statistics refers to the #ody
of "rinci"les and "rocedures deelo"ed for the collection! classification!
summariFation and inter"retation of numerical data and for the use of such data%
?roadly s"eaking! the term statistics has #een generally used in t@o senses6*
+ 8+#ra+ Sense
+ Sin5#+ar Sense
8+#ra+ sense refers to the n#meria+ data% Sin5#+ar Sense refers to a Siene in
@hich @e deals @ith the techniEues of collecting! classifying! "resenting! analyFing
and inter"reting the data! the conce"t in its singular sense! refers to Statistia+
PU%POS#> 9ithout the assistance of :tatistical Method! an organiFation @ould find
it im"ossi#le to make sense of the huge data% The "ur"ose of statistics is to6*
:tatistical tools are the #asic measures! @hich hel"s in defining the relation #et@een
different items! "resent! "ast and future trend of the future trend of the "articular
#usiness etc% A @ide ariety of statistical tools are aaila#le and any of them can #e
used #y any #usinessman de"ending u"on the nature of his trade% Karious statistical
tools are6*
V Correlation
V /y"othesis Testing
Multi"le Regression
According to -ro;ton and -o"den! G@hen the relationshi" is of a Euantitatie
nature! the a""ro"riate statistical tool for discoering and measuring the relationshi"
and e("ressing it in a #rief formula is kno@n as correlation
068ES OF -O//E.A0ION
Correlation is classified in seeral different @ays% Three of the most im"ortant @ays
8ositi)e and Ne5ati)e -orre+ation6 9hen t@o aria#le J and ) moe in same
direction is 0ositie Correlation and @hen #oth aria#les moe in o""osite direction
that is 'egatie Correlation%
Sim(+e! 8artia+ and M#+ti(+e -orre+ations6 9hen @e study the relationshi"
#et@een t@o aria#les only that is :im"le Correlation% 9hen three or more aria#les
are taken #ut relationshi" #et@een any t@o of the aria#le is studied! assuming other
aria#les as constant that is 0artial Correlation and @hen @e study the relationshi"
among three or more aria#les that is Multi"le Correlation%
.inear and -#r)i-.inear -orre+ation6 @hen the ratio of change of t@o aria#les
J and ) remains constant throughout! then they are said to #e &inear Correlated and
@hen the ratio of change #et@een the t@o aria#les is not constant #ut changing! then
it is said to #e Curi*&inear%
Sr. No. ,e5ree of
8ositi)e Ne5ati)e
+ 0erfect correlation 7+ *+
2 /igh <egree of
?et@een 7%1-
?et@een *%1- to*+
, Moderate <egree
of Correlation
?et@een 7%2-
?et@een *%2-
4 &o@ <egree of
?et@een .
?et@een . to*%2-
- A#sence of
. .
Bet"een ,e$t B ,8S Bet"een ,e$t B ,8S&
6EA/ ,EB0(IN -/.) ,8S(IN /S.)
200: >=<.1: 2.00
200< 13:=.> 2.:0
200= 21?3.82 1.=0
200> 2=<=.32 1.=0
2008 :2?0.0< 2.00
If @e look at the alue of correlation @e hae found !then it can #e clearly seen that
there is a *e moderate degree correlation #et@een the diidend "er share & de#t
#een used in the firm% As if de#t increases then the diidend "er share decreases%
Bet"een ,e$t B E8S Bet"een ,e$t B E8S&
6EA/ ,EB0(IN -/.) E8S(IN /S.)
200: >=<.1: 1=.:1
200< 13:=.> 22.3>
200= 21?3.82 12.23
200> 2=<=.32 2<.?2
2008 :2?0.0< 1<.=0
If @e look at the alue of correlation @e hae found !then it can #e clearly seen that
there is a *e lo@ degree correlation #et@een the earning "er share & de#t #een used
in the firm% As if de#t increases then the earning "er share decreases%
Bet"een EH#it% B E8S Bet"een EH#it% B E8S&
6EA/ EF'I06(IN -/.) E8S(IN /S.)
200: 1?.?8 1=.:1
200< 21.?8 22.3>
200= 2=.11 12.23
200> 2>.=: 2<.?2
2008 30.?2 1<.=0
If @e look at the alue of correlation @e hae found !then it can #e clearly seen that
there is a *e lo@ degree correlation #et@een the earning "er share & de#t #een used
in the firm% As if eEuity increases then the earning "er share decreases%
Bet"een EH#it% B ,8S Bet"een EH#it% B ,8S&
6EA/ EF'I06(IN -/.) ,8S(IN /S.)
200: 1?.?8 2.00
200< 21.?8 2.:0
200= 2=.11 1.=0
200> 2>.=: 1.=0
2008 30.?2 2.00
If @e look at the alue of correlation @e hae found !then it can #e clearly seen that
there is a *e lo@ degree correlation #et@een the earning "er share & de#t #een used
in the firm% As if eEuity increases then the diidend "er share decreases%
Bet"een EH#it% B ,e$t Bet"een EH#it% B ,e$t&
6EA/ EF'I06(IN -/.) ,EB0(IN -/.)
200: 1?.?8 >=<.1:
200< 21.?8 13:=.>
200= 2=.11 21?3.82
200> 2>.=: 2=<=.32
2008 30.?2 :2?0.0<
If @e look at the alue of correlation @e hae found !then it can #e clearly seen that
there is a 7e high degree correlation #et@een the eEuity & de#t #een used in the
firm% As if eEuity increases then the eEuity also increases%
T:T#ST >
t*test is a small sam"le test% It @as deelo"ed #y 9illiam Iosset in +8.B% /e
"u#lished this test under the "en name of G:tudentH% Therefore! it is kno@n as
:tudentDs t*test%
A((+iations of t-test&
0est of 4%(ot4esis a$o#t t4e (o(#+ation mean.
0est of 4%(ot4esis a$o#t t4e differene $et"een t4e t"o means in ase of
inde(endent sam(+es.
0est of 4%(ot4esis a$o#t t4e differene $et"een t4e t"o means in ase of
de(endent sam(+es.
0est of 4%(ot4esis a$o#t an o$ser)ed oeffiient of orre+ation.
0ES0 OF @68O0@ESIS ABO'0 0@E 8O8'.A0ION MEAN
Ae #se t-test and t4e a((ro(riate test statisti t to #sed is &

/.6There is no significant difference #et@een 0?T & 0AT
/+6 There is a significant difference #et@een 0?T & 0AT%
If @e look at the alue of significance & com"are it to the mean that is the calculated
alue then @e find that mean is greater than sig% leel then it can #e inter"reted that
the null hy"othesis is to #e rejected @hich "roes that there is a significant difference
#et@een 0?T & 0AT%
MU"TIP"# %#&%#SSIO!
/.6There is no significant im"act of <e#t & $Euity on $0:%
/+6There is a significant im"act of <e#t & $Euity on $0:%
In the a#oe com"uter generated ta#le of model summary !@e consider the alue of R
:Euare to kno@ the leel to @hich $Euity & <e#t effect the alue of $arning 0er
:hare in last four year & the com"uter generated alue is %.4. @hich sho@s that u"to
4N of fluctuations take "lace due to the alues of de#t & $Euity%
Caria$+es& Inde(endent Caria$+e ,EB0!EF'I06
,e(endent Caria$+e ,8S
/.6There is no significant im"act of <e#t & $Euity on <0:%
/+6 There is a significant im"act of <e#t & $Euity on <0:%
If @e look at the alue of significance leel then it is more than %.- so @hich "roes
that there is a no significant im"act of <e#t & $Euity on <0: as /. ('ull /y"othesis)
is acce"ted% As on the other hand the calculated alue is lo@er than ta#le alue% :o!
the alternate hy"othesis is rejected%
Inde(endent Caria$+e ,EB0!EF'I06
,e(endent Caria$+e E8S
/.6There is no significant im"act of <e#t & $Euity on $0:
/+6 There is a significant im"act of <e#t & $Euity on $0:%
If @e look at the alue of significance leel then it is more than %.- so @hich "roes
that there is a no significant im"act of <e#t on $0: as /. ('ull /y"othesis) is
acce"ted% As on the other hand the calculated alue is lo@er than ta#le alue% :o! the
alternate hy"othesis is rejected%

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach'sAlpha N of Items
.008 5
If @e look at the alue of Cronbach'sAlpha then it is lesser than %.- so @hich "roes that
the study of the factors & alues is relia#le%
A#solute figures e("ressed in monetary terms in financial statements #y themseles
are meaningless% These figures often do not coney much meaning unless e("ressed
in relation to other figures%
Relationshi" #et@een t@o figures e("ressed in arithmetical terms is called a ratio%
Standard %atio F>F
This ratio esta#lishes relationshi" #et@een the shareholderDs fund & de#t funds%
,E/K+on5 0erm ,e$tOS4are4o+derLs f#nd
6EA/ ,E/
MarD.4 +%,1
MarD.- +%1.
MarD.A 2%+1
MarD.1 +%B8
MarD.B 2%4.
If @e make a com"arison of these ratios inde"endently @ith the standard ratio it can
#e concluded that from MarD.4 to MarD.A ratio has gone u" #ut then again decline in
MarD.1 #ut again goes u" in MarD.B% If @e make a com"arison among all these ratios
then Mar!.4 is the #est #ut still these are not e(actly eEual to +6+%:o itDld #e
maintained to this leel%
This ratio indicates the "ro"ortion of total funds "roided #y o@ners
or shareholders%
Pro/rietar2 ratioO #1uit2P #1uit2QDe0t

6EA/ 8/ (IN V)
MarD.4 2%-4
MarD.- +%A+
MarD.A +%+B
MarD.1 +%.,
MarD.B .%12
ID#A" P%OP%I#TA%Y %ATIOO CCL or more than that3
A higher "ro"rietary ratio is an indicator of sound financial "osition% It means firm is
less de"endent on e(ternal sources of finance% &o@er "ro"rietary ratio is a danger
signal for long term lenders as it indicates a lo@er margin of safety aaila#le to them%
As @e can see that there is a huge difference #et@een the ideal & actual so there is
higher RI:K%
In this ratio! de#t is e("ressed in relation to total funds! i%e% #oth eEuity and de#t%
De0t to total fund ratioO De0tPDe0tQ #1uit2
6EA/ ,0F/ (IN V)
MarD.4 81%4-
MarD.- 8B%.,
MarD.A 8B%B-
MarD.1 8B%81
MarD.B 88%2B
The "ro"ortion of long term loans should not #e more than A1N of total funds% A
higher ratio than this is generally treated as indicator of risky financial "osition from
the long term "oint of ie@! #ecause it means that the firm de"ends too much u"on
outside loans from its e(istence%
The lo@er the ratio! the #etter it is from the long term solency "oint of ie@% /ere @e
can see that the ratio sho@s higher risk%
4 U%%#!T %ATIO>
It is the most common and "o"ular measure of*studying the liEuidity
of a firm% It is calculated as follo@s6 *
O urrent Assets P urrent "ia0ilities
The total current assets include those assets @hich are in form of cash! near cash or
conerti#le into cash @ithin a "eriod of one year% The term current assets also include
"re"aid e("enses and short*term inestments! if any% The total current lia#ilities
include all ty"es of lia#ilities @hich @ill mature for "ayment @ith in a "eriod of one
year like! #ank oerdraft! #ills "aya#le! trade creditors! outstanding e("enses! etc%
)$AR: CR
MarD.4 .%1,
MarD.- +%.4
MarD.A +%.,
MarD.1 .%84
MarD.B +%.1
I,EA. -'//EN0 /A0IO& 2&1
The higher the ratio! the #etter it is! #ecause the firm @ill #e a#le to "ay its current
lia#ilities more easily% /ere! current ratio is less than the ideal ratio & It indicates lack
of liEuidity% It Ds not a good sign #ut if @e com"are then situation in 2..B is the #est

4 )UI. %ATIO>
9hile calculating Euick ratio @e need to calculate liEuid assets @hich includes6
&iEuid assetsXCurrent Assets*stock*"re"aid e("enses
F#i2 /atio K.iH#id AssetsO-#rrent .ia$i+ities
6EA/ F'I-J /A0IO
MarD.4 .%4B
MarD.- .%1,
MarD.A .%BA
MarD.1 .%A.
MarD.B .%1+
Muick ratio is a more rigorous test of liEuidity than the current ratio%
ID#A" )UI. %ATIO> F> F
If it is more! it is considered to #e #etter% /ere! @e conclude that the liEuid ratio has
declined from 2..A to 2..B% ?ut It is less than the ideal liEuid ratio% It means liEuidity
"osition of the firm is not good%
4 D#BTO% TU%!O$#% %ATIO>
A4i+e a+#+atin5 ,e$tors 0#rno)er /atio "e need to a+#+ate&
Sa+es and A)era5e de$tor
A)era5e ,e$torKO(enin5 S -+osin5 de$torsO2
,0/ KNet -redit Sa+esOA)era5e de$tors
6EA/ ,0/
MarD.4 +A%BB
MarD.- +,%-,
MarD.A 8%,,
MarD.1 +.%41
MarD.B 1%A-
/igher the ratio! the #etter it is! since it indicates that amount from de#tors is #eing
collected more Euickly%
A lo@er de#tors turnoer ratio @ill indicate the inefficient credit sales "olicy of the
management% It means that credit sales hae #een made to customers @ho do not
desere much credit% /ere! de#tors turnoer ratio of the firm has decreased no@ from
last year% It indicates that credit sales "olicy of the firm is #ecoming less efficient &
collected @ith lo@ s"eed%
4 I!$#!TO%Y TU%!O$#% %ATIO>
This is the ratio of cost of goods sold to aerage inentory%
A)era5e In)entor%K-+osin5 Sto2 S O(enin5 storeO2
I0/K -ost of Doods So+dOA)era5e In)entor%
6EA/ I0/
MarD.4 -%AB
MarD.- A%+B
MarD.A 4%AA
MarD.1 4%A-
MarD.B 2%11
I!T#%P%#TATIO! >
/igher the ratio! #etter it is! since it indicates that stock is selling Euickly% In a
#usiness! @here stock turnoer ratio is high! goods can #e sold at lo@ margin of "rofit
& een then "rofita#ility may #e Euite high%
A lo@ stock turnoer ratio indicates that stock does not sell Euickly & remains lying
in the godo@n for Euite a long time%
/ere! fall in stock turnoer ratio as com"ared to the "reious year indicates that there
is fall in the efficiency of stock #eing conerted into cash% $en then! the ratio is
satisfactory! #ut it needs to #e im"roed%
This ratio is a ariation of de#t eEuity ratio & gies the same indication as de#t eEuity
Total assets to de0t ratioO De0tPTotal assets
6EA/ 0A,/
MarD.4 +%1,
MarD.- +%A.
MarD.A +%4A
MarD.1 +%-,
MarD.B +%4,
I!T#%P%#TATIO! >
ID#A" %ATIO> less than KEL is satisfa4tor23
The lo@er the ratio! the #etter it is from long term solency "oint of ie@% /igher ratio
indicates risky financial "osition #ecause it means firm de"ends too much u"on
outside loans & a #urden of "ayment of large amount of interest charged "eriodically%
As @e can see it is al@ays greater than +.. N so it indicates the #ad "osition of the
It s"ecifies the relation #et@een Cost >f Iood :old & Total asset o@ned #y the firm %
0A0/K-ost Of Dood So+d O0ota+ asset
6EA/ 0A0/
MarD.4 +%B,
MarD.- +%48
MarD.A .%88
MarD.1 +%2.
MarD.B .%B,
This ratio is of "articular im"ortance in manufacturing concerns @here the inestment
in fi(ed assets is Euite high% This ratio reeals ho@ efficiently the total assets are #eing
utiliFed% Com"ared @ith "reious year! if there is increase in this ratio! it @ill indicate
that there is #etter utiliFation of fi(ed assets%
/ere! decrease in total assets turnoer ratio as com"ared to the "ast indicates the "oor
utiliFation of total assets%
4 FI=#D ASS#T TU%!O$#% %ATIO>
It s"ecifies the relation #et@een Cost >f Iood :old & 5i(ed asset o@ned #y the firm %
FA0/K-ost Of Dood So+d OFi;ed asset
6EA/ FA0/
MarD.4 +%8-
MarD.- 2%+.
MarD.A +%-,
MarD.1 +%-B
MarD.B +%22
This ratio is of "articular im"ortance in manufacturing concerns @here the inestment
in fi(ed assets is Euite high% This ratio reeals ho@ efficiently the fi(ed assets are
#eing utiliFed% Com"ared @ith "reious year! if there is increase in this ratio! it @ill
indicate that there is #etter utiliFation of fi(ed assets%
/ere! decrease in fi(ed assets turnoer ratio as com"ared to the "ast indicates the
"oor utiliFation of fi(ed assets%
4 I!$#STM#!T TU%!O$#% %ATIO>
It s"ecifies the role of total inestment in #usiness in cost of goods sold%
I0/K-ost of 5ood So+dOA)era5e In)estment
A)era5e In)estmentK O(enin5 S -+osin5 In)estmentO2
6EA/ I0/
MarD.4 A%1
MarD.- 1%.1
MarD.A -%A2
MarD.1 -%2A
MarD.B 2%11
This ratio is of "articular im"ortance in manufacturing concerns @here the inestment
is Euite high% This ratio reeals ho@ efficiently the inestments are #eing utiliFed%
Com"ared @ith "reious year! if there is decrease in this ratio! it @ill indicate that
there is "oor utiliFation of inestment%
/ere! decrease in inestment turnoer ratio as com"ared to the "ast
indicates the "oor utiliFation of fi(ed inestment%
4 FA# $A"U# OF #)UITY >
It is the face alue of eEuity share of ;:&%
MarD.4 2%..
MarD.- 2%..
MarD.A 2%..
MarD.1 2%..
MarD.B 2%..
4 DI$ID#!D P#% S(A%#>
It is the relation #et@een diidend distri#uted & total no% of shares issued #y the firm%
,8SK ,i)idend ,istri$#tedONo. of S4ares
6EA/ ,8S
MarD.4 2%..
MarD.- 2%4.
MarD.A +%A.
MarD.1 +%A.
MarD.B 2%..
This ratio is of "articular im"ortance in manufacturing concerns @here o@ners fund
has #een used% It hel" to maintain an image in the mind of inestors & also contri#ute
to alue of the firm% As it can #e seen that it has come do@n from 2..- #ut im"roed
in last year if it is com"ared to .1% ?ut still it needs to #e im"roed for the long term
#enefits of the firm%
4 OP#%ATI!& P%OFIT P#% S(A%#>
O88SKO(eratin5 (rofitONo. of S4ares
6EA/ O88S
MarD.4 4.%.,
MarD.- 4A%,B
MarD.A ,2%2.
MarD.1 A+%+.
MarD.B -.%B1
This ratio is of "articular im"ortance in manufacturing concerns @here o@ners fund
has #een used% It hel" to maintain an image in the mind of inestors & also contri#ute
to alue of the firm% As it can #e seen that it has come do@n from 2..1 #ut im"roed
in last year if it is com"ared to .4!.-%.A% ?ut still it needs to #e im"roed for the long
term #enefits of the firm%
4 !#T OP#%ATI!& P%OFIT P#% S(A%#>
NO88SKNet O(eratin5 8rofitONo. of S4ares
6EA/ NO88S
MarD.4 24+%8.
MarD.- 2B8%B-
MarD.A 24+%8,
MarD.1 ,-2%48
MarD.B ,,.%2A
This ratio is of "articular im"ortance in manufacturing concerns @here o@ners fund
has #een used% It hel" to maintain an image in the mind of inestors & also contri#ute
to alue of the firm% As it can #e seen that it has come do@n from 2..- #ut im"roed
in last year if it is com"ared to .1% ?ut still it needs to #e im"roed for the long term
#enefits of the firm%
4 F%## %#S#%$#S P#% S(A%#>
F/8SKFree /eser)esONo. of S4ares
6EA/ F/8S
MarD.4 -.%AB
MarD.- A1%++
MarD.A A8%,A
MarD.1 8+%-4
MarD.B +.-%+B
This ratio is of "articular im"ortance in manufacturing concerns @here reseres has
#een used% It hel"s to "roide funds in the time of need & also hel"s to make ne@
"rojects% In the of contingencies the firm need not to get funds from the e(ternal
sources% The amount of free reseres are going u" & u" ! @hich is good for the firmDs
long term #enefits%
6EA/ BE-
MarD.4 ******
MarD.- ******
MarD.A +8%1,
MarD.1 +B%A4
MarD.B +A%AA
This ratio is of "articular im"ortance in manufacturing concerns @here $Euity has
#een used% ?onus refers to amount "aid to the shareholders other than <iidend% It
hel"s to make the shareholders ha""y% As it can #e seen that it has #een decreased #ut
it de"ends u"on the "olicies of the firm%
4 OP#%ATI!& P%OFIT MA%&I! (L) >
O8MK O(eratin5 8rofitONet Sa+esT100
6EA/ O8M
MarD.4 +A%24
MarD.- +A%..
MarD.A +,%,.
MarD.1 +1%,,
MarD.B +-%4.
This ratio is of "articular im"ortance in manufacturing concerns of all ty"es% As it can
#e seen that situation has #een im"roed .4 to .1
#ut decreased in .B % There has #een higher fluctuations in all the years%
4 P%OFIT B#FO%# TA= , I!T#%#ST MA%&I! (L)>
8B0I/K8rofit Before Int. B 0a;O Net Sa+esT100
6EA/ 8B0I
MarD.4 ++%BA
MarD.- ++%1-
MarD.A B%B1
MarD.1 +2%A4
MarD.B +.%2-
This ratio is of "articular im"ortance in manufacturing concerns of all ty"es% As it can
#e seen that situation has #een im"roed .4 to .1
#ut decreased in .B % There has #een higher fluctuations in all the years%
4 &%OSS P%OFIT MA%&I! (L)>
D8MKDross (rofitONet Sa+esT100
6EA/ D8M
MarD.4 +-%A4
MarD.- +-%4.
MarD.A +2%.4
MarD.1 +A%.+
MarD.B +.%4-
This ratio is of "articular im"ortance in manufacturing concerns of all ty"es% As it can
#e seen that situation has #een im"roed .4 to .1
#ut decreased in .B % There has #een higher fluctuations in all the years%
4 AS( P%OFIT MA%&I! (L)>
6EA/ -8M
MarD.4 +.%81
MarD.- ++%A8
MarD.A 8%24
MarD.1 ++%--
MarD.B +.%+-
This ratio is of "articular im"ortance in manufacturing concerns of all ty"es% As it can
#e seen that situation has #een im"roed .4 to .1
#ut decreased in .B % There has #een higher fluctuations in all the years%
4 !#T P%OFIT MA%&I! (L)>
N8MKNet 8rofitO Net Sa+esT100
6EA/ N8M
MarD.4 A%A4
MarD.- 1%A,
MarD.A 4%8B
MarD.1 1%2.
MarD.B 4%A,
This ratio is of "articular im"ortance in manufacturing concerns of all ty"es% As it can
#e seen that situation has #een im"roed .4 to .-
#ut decreased in .B % There has #een higher fluctuations in all the years%
4 %#TU%! O! APITA" #MP"OY#D (L)>
/O-KNet 8rofit $efore Int. B 0a;OA)era5e -a(ita+ Em(+o%edT100
A)era5e -a(ita+ em(+o%edKO(enin5 S-+osin5 a(ita+O2
6EA/ /O-
MarD.4 2A%++
MarD.- +8%,1
MarD.A +.%2
MarD.1 +1%B,
MarD.B +.%,-
It measures ho@ efficiently the ca"ital em"loyed in the #usiness is #eing used% The
higher the ratio! the more efficient is the use of ca"ital em"loyed%
/ere! fall in the return on inestment as com"ared to the "reious year indicates that
the ca"ital em"loyed in the firm is not used "ro"erly%
4 %#TU%! O! ASS#TS (L)>
6EA/ /OA
MarD.4 --%-1
MarD.- 1+%8B
MarD.A 11%+-
MarD.1 +.+%2-
MarD.B ++4%A4
It measures ho@ efficiently the assets em"loyed in the #usiness is #eing used% The
higher the ratio! the more efficient is the use of assets em"loyed%
/ere! increase in the return on inestment as com"ared to the last years indicates that
the assets em"loyed in the firm is used "ro"erly%
,8SK0ota+ ,i)idend (aid to EH#it% @o+derONet (rofit After 0a; B InterestT100
6EA/ ,8/
MarD.4 +,%,-
MarD.- +2%+B
MarD.A +4%8+
MarD.1 B%BB
MarD.B +-%14
0rofits remaining after "ayment of ta( and "reference diidend are aaila#le to eEuity
shareholders% ?ut all of these are not distri#uted among them as diidend% >ut of these
"rofits! a "ortion is retained in the #usiness and the remaining is distri#uted among
eEuity shareholders as diidend% <0: is the diidend distri#uted to eEuity
shareholders diided #y the num#er of eEuity shares% /ere! there is fall in the diidend
"er share from .A to .1 #ut it im"roed in .B% It indicates good "osition%
4 #A%!I!& %#T#!TIO! %ATIO>
#%%OF:DP%(Di5idend Pa2out %atio)
6EA/ E//
MarD.4 B8%.-
MarD.- B1%18
MarD.A B-%,,
MarD.1 8+%,8
MarD.B BA%2-
0rofits remaining after "ayment of ta( and "reference diidend are aaila#le to eEuity
shareholders% ?ut all of these are not distri#uted among them as diidend% >ut of these
"rofits! a "ortion is retained in the #usiness and the remaining is distri#uted among
eEuity shareholders as diidend% There has #een an increase from .4 to .1 #ut there is
fall in .B from .1%
4 #A%!I!& P#% S(A%#>
E8SK Net 8rofit After 0a; B (referene ,i)idendONo. of EH#it% S4ares
6EA/ E8S
MarD.4 +A%4+
MarD.- 22%,1
MarD.A +2%2,
MarD.1 2-%82
MarD.B +-%A.
It refers to the net earning "er share% 'et 0rofits remaining after "ayment of ta( and
"reference diidend are aaila#le to eEuity shareholders% ?ut all of these are not
distri#uted among them as diidend% >ut of these "rofits! a "ortion is retained in the
#usiness and the remaining is distri#uted among eEuity shareholders as diidend%
There has #een an increase from .4 to .1 #ut there is fall in .B from .B% ?ut situation
needs to #e im"roed %
+O%.I!& APITA" MA!A&#M#!T
T2/es of 7or8ing 4a/ital
The ty"e! kinds of a thing are de"ending u"on the different utiliFation of @orking
ca"ital% It "rominently @orks in the direction of "erforming different functions in
different situation and in the conte(t of diergent aria#les% :o follo@ing are some
im"ortant ty"es of @orking ca"ital%
1) Net Aor2in5 -a(ita+& Term 'et @orking ca"ital can #e define in t@o @ay It is the
difference #et@een current assets and current lia#ilities%
Amount left for o"erational reEuirement%
2) Dross Aor2in5 -a(ita+& Iross @orking ca"ital means the total current assets%
3) 8ermanent Aor2in5 -a(ita+& It is the minimum amount of the current assets!
@hich are needs to conduct the #usiness een during the dullest season of the year%
This amount aries from year to year de"ending u"on the gro@th of a com"any and
stage of the #usiness cycle in @hich it o"erates% It is the amount of funds reEuired to
"roduce the goods and serices! @hich are necessary to satisfy demand at a "articular
"oint% It re"resents the current assets! @hich are reEuired on a continuing #asis oer
the year% It is maintain as the medium to carry on o"eration at any time% 0ermanent
@orking ca"ital has follo@ing features6
It is +assified on t4e $asis of t4e time fator.
Its si9e inrease "it4 t4e 5ro"t4 of t4e $#siness.
It constantly shifted from one assets o another and continues to remain in
0em(orar% Aor2in5 -a(ita+&
It re"resents the additional assets! @hich are reEuired at different times during the
o"erating year% :easonal @orking ca"ital is the additional amount of current assets
"articularly cash! receia#les! and inentory @hich is reEuired during the more actie
#usiness seasons of the year% It is the tem"orary inestment in the current assets and
"ossesses he follo@ing features6 It is not al@ays gainfully em"loyed! though is May
also shift from one asset to another as "ermanent @orking ca"ital does% It is
"articularly suited to #usiness of seasonal on cyclical nature%
Ba+ane S4eet Aor2in5 -a(ita+6
The #alance sheet @orking ca"ital is one! @hich is calculated from the items
a""earing in the #alance sheet% Iross @orking ca"ital! @hich is re"resented #y the
e(cess of current assets oer current lia#ilities! is e(am"le of the #alance sheet
@orking ca"ital%
-as4 Aor2in5 -a(ita+&
It is one! @hich is calculated from the items a""earing in he 0rofit and &oss Account%
It sho@s the real flo@ of money or alue at a "articular time and considered to #e
most realistic a""roach in @orking ca"ital management% It is the #asic of he o"eration
cycle conce"t! @hich has assumed a great im"ortance in financial management in
recent year% The reason is that the cash @orking ca"ital indicates he adeEuacy of he
cash flo@ @hich is an essential "re reEuisite of a #usiness%
Ne5ati)e Aor2in5 -a(ita+&
It emerges @hen current lia#ilities e(ceeds current assets! such a situation is
a#solutely theoretical and occurs @hen a firm is nearing a crisis of some magnitude%
-#rrent Assets&
Sto2 of /a" Materia+ (for*mont4 ons#m(tion)
Aor2 In 8roess (for*Mont4)
/a" Materia+s
,iret .a$o#r
Sto2 of Finis4ed Doods (for*mont4 sa+es)
S#ndr% ,e$tors or /eei)a$+es (for*mont4 sa+es)
8a%ments in Ad)ane (if an%)
Ba+ane of -as4 (reH#ired to meet da%-to-da% E;(enses)
An% Ot4er (if an%)
&ess6 -#rrent .ia$i+ities&
-reditors (for*mont4 (#r4ase of ra" materia+s)
O#tstandin5 E;(enses (for mont4)
Ot4ers (if an%)
Aor2in5 -a(ita+ (-A W -.)
Add& 8ro)isionO Mar5in for ontin5enies
Net Aor2in5 -a(ita+ /eH#ired
0a$+e I - Statement of Aor2in5 -a(ita+ /eH#irement
8arti#+ars MarD.A
Rs%(in lacs%)
Rs%(in lacs%)
Rs%(in lacs%)
A) -#rrent Assets& -
S#ndr% ,e$tors
-as4 B Ban2
.oans and Ad)anes
0ota+ -#rrent Assets&
B) -#rrent .ia$i+ities&
0ota+ -#rrent
Net Aor2in5 -a(ita+



Ta0le II : Statement of hanges in +or8ing a/ital
Increase <ecrease
A) Current Assets6
:undry <e#tors
Cash & ?ank
&oans & Adances

?) Current &ia#ilities6
Aor2in5 -a(ita+(A-B)

These are fe@ limitations @hich I face in organiFation during data collectionG-
0ime -onstraints&
Time @as only 42 days @hich @as ery short for the study% ?ut still all efforts to the
#est "ossi#le e(tent hae #een made to collect the data%
-o)era5e -onstraints&
It @as not "ossi#le to coer all the em"loyees in the organiFation so I hae selected -.
as sam"le for my study%
,ata o++etion -onstraints&
The data used is #oth "rimary and secondary in natureY this "oses the constraints on
the alidity and relia#ility of the data%
.imited #se&-
The conclusions and inferences dra@n are a""lica#le for this "articular organiFation
(UMA! %#SOU%# D#PA%TM#!T
(@ead of t4e de(t& - Mr. S#ni+ Ja(oor)

;:& #eliees in ):S(# i3e )ualit2< Safet2 and (ealth2 #n5ironment% /uman needed
desire! e("ectation etc% are changing constantly #ecause of the change in enironment
condition% This ha""ens mainly #ecause of the "resence of these factors of influence
heart! #rain & mind% /uman #eings needed to #e maintained at eery cost% They are
considered as through indiiduals @hich aried characteristics! attitude etc
Management is to GMA'AI$ * M$' 3 TACT5U&&)H% Though there are
other major organiFational function such as financial management! "roduction
management! material & marketing management etc% it is undou#tedly the
management of the human resources that "roides all other organiFational function%
In short human resources de"artment is that "art of the total management of an
organiFation @hich s"ecifically deals @ith human resources in res"ect of6
Their /ro4urement
Their De5elo/ment in terms of s8ills< 8no7ledge , attitude
Their Moti5ation to7ards the attainment of organiBational o06e4ti5e
02 4reating and maintaining an organiBational limit 4ondu4i5e to
su4h de5elo/ment3
- To 4ulti5ate , maintain ade1uate sour4e of la0or su//l2
- To get information regarding 6o0 re1uirements , /re5ailing 7age rates3
- To hire through the effe4ti5e use of a//li4ation 0lan8s< tests< /h2si4al
e;aminations< inter5ie7s , 4he48ing referen4es< re4ords< su/er5isor*s
a//ro5als and 4am/us /la4ements3
- To maintain 7ords of /ros/e4ti5e em/lo2ers< /resent em/lo2ers , former
- To introdu4e the ne7 em/lo2ee to 4om/an2 /oli4ies so that he P she 4an ad6ust
in the ne7 en5ironment 5er2 soon3

This is the attractie "rogram conducted #y the /R <e"tt% ;:& "roides a t@o year
induction "rogramme to the ne@ recruited em"loyees! haing no @ork e("erience%
And! a si( months induction "rogramme is for those one @ho has @ork e("erience%
- To aid the esta0lishment of lines of /romotion , to follo7 u/ as for as /ossi0le
in order to see that 4om/an2 /oli4ies are follo7ed3
- To aid in the esta0lishment of 4om/an2 /oli4ies regarding transfer for the
4on5enien4e of the 4om/an2 , em/lo2ee3
- To aid the formation of the 4om/an2 /oli4ies regarding termination as 7ell as
res/iration initiated 02 the em/lo2ee3
- To remo5e as mu4h as /ossi0le the 4ause for dis4harges3
- To aid in the formulation of /oli42 go5erning training of ne7 em/lo2ees3
- To /ro5ide for training in safet2 , 4om/an2 /oli4ies3
- To 4o:o/erate in the /re/aration of a s/e4ial annual re/ort for em/lo2ee3
+A&#S , OT(#% I!#!TI$#S
- To 4olla0orate 7ith others or 0e res/onsi0le for 7age /lan3
- To 7rite 6o0 s/e4ifi4ation , e5aluate all 6o0s3
- To /arti4i/ation in the formation of /oli4ies go5erning /a2ment for suggestions<
/ension /lans /rofit:sharing /rograms< mutual sa5ing /rogram< insuran4e< loan
to em/lo2ees3
- To su/er5ise restaurant , re4reation fa4ilities3
- To /ro5ide 4ounseling 4on4erning /ersonal affairs3
- To /u0lish the /lant magaBine3
O""#TI$# BA%&AI!I!& , #MP"OY##S %#P%#S#!TATIO!
- To 4ondu4t union negotiation , to 4o:o/erate 7ith union re/resentati5es3
- To 4o:o/erate neither 7ith an em/lo2ers 6o0 7hi4h is nor on union le5el3
- To /arti4i/ate a4ti5el2 in handling grie5an4es3
MA%.#TI!& D#PA%TM#!T
((ead of the De/tt >: Mr3 Pan8a6 Aggar7al)
The de"artment "erforms many of the tasks "ro"erly% ;:& &td% has eight domestic
#ranches in India% These are Chennai! ?anglore! Mum#ai! ?aroda! 0une! /ydera#ad!
<elhi and Kolkata% And has the seen international #ranches% These are Kietnam!
China! Russia! Turkey! Italy! :"ain and U%:%A%
The de"artment takes care of the "erformance as @ell as conformance Euality of the
material% The stainless steel has many of the major a""lications%
- Po7er Se4tor
- Indian %ail7a2s
- Indian &o5ernment Mints
- Blades
Also! it is useful in industrial a""lications 6*
- Food Pro4essing
- lean %ooms
- Pharma4euti4als
- Ar4hite4ture
'o@*a*days! stainless steel is ery much useful in daily a""lications i%e utensils and
There has #een a "ositie im"act of <e#t & $Euity oer $0: & <0: if other factors
are taken Constant%
The Com"any should reduce the "ro"ortion of <e#t to reduce the 5inancial Risk%
?ut on the >ther hand it sho@s that they hae a good re"utation in the Market as they
get &oan ery easily%
5irm is largely using outsiderDs funds @hich is undou#tedly a good "olicy for ta(
saing #ut it leaes lesser sco"e for the firm to raise its funds through shares as it
increases the risk "erce"tion in the minds of shareholders%
>n the other hand the ratio analysis does not dra@ a satisfactory 0ictures of ;:& &td% %
The leel of Risk is Euite higher #ecause of more use of de#t%
It has used only long term sources in the #usiness #ut it can also use some short term
sources for "roiding funds%
It has also made inestment outside the #usiness @hich is good for the $arning of
#usiness% ?ut there should #e lesser risk% The main suggestions are as follo@s6
<iersify the "roduct range6 ;:& should diersify the "roduct range% As ;:& is
"roducing the ariety of "roducts #ut it is still less as com"are to its com"etitor TATA
steel% :o its share in market is less% :o to increase the market share ;:& should
diersify its "roduct range%
Reduce the de"endency on de#t6 ;:& should reduce the de"endency on de#t% As @e
hae seen that ;:& is using 88%2BN de#t in its ca"ital structure @hich leads to increase
the "rofita#ility of shareholder at a time #ut at time of contingencies it can #e
Im"roe the salary structure6 ;:& #asic salary structure needs an im"roement%
After coming in contact @ith the staff of ;:& I come to kno@ that there salary
structure is less% :o they are not satisfied @ith there salary and that reason they are not
;:& &td% is gro@ing at a fast "ace as its 0roduction Ca"acity has #een increased to
12.... t"a%
The Com"any is effectiely using its resources of men! material and machinery! @hich
has led to increase in "roduction%
The statement of change in ca"ital structure sho@s higher rate of increase of increase
in the olume of de#t used % The firm has made more use of de#t @hich sho@s more
de"ends u"on the #orro@ed funds%
>n the other hand it also re"resents the good re"utation of ;:& that it it is getting
more & more &oans easily eery year for inestment%
?ut as "er the result of Ratio Analysis the situation is not satisfactory%All the ratios
are not meeting the ideal ratios! @hich is not a good sign%
?ut from the "oint of ie@ of a n shareholder it is a satisfied #ecause there is increase
in <iidend "er share @hich is a good sign%
$ery year there is increase in 5ree Reseres @hich is a ery im"ortant source for
funds "rocurement & meeting the contingencies in future @hich re"resents that they
are haing strong financial "osition for future "rojects%
;:& &td% Is using #orro@ed funds for financing its actiities rather than o@ned funds
@hich hel" in ta( saings%
;:& "roduce different kinds of "roduct in different sector%
The 0roduction "rocess in ;:& &td% is systematic #ecause of lots of testing of
All de"artments haing their o@n res"onsi#ilities% These de"artments are ery @ell
coordinated & each de"artment "erform its jo# in an efficient manner%
Transaction system is #ecome ery easy to all em"loyees in ;:& &td% #y using :A0
+% 8ande%! I.M% G5inancial ManagementH! ,
edition! 'e@ <elhi! Kikas 0u#lication
/ouse 0t% &td%
2% Ma4es4"ari! 7S.N! Adanced AccountingH!4
edition :ultan Chand & :ons
,% D#(ta S4as4i.2!!HManagemenet AccountingH! -
edition! Kalyani 0u#lishers
4% Doe+ ,.J! GAnalysis of financial statementH! +.
edition! Aichal 0u#lishing
-% ,ona+d /. -oo(er and 8ame+a S. S4ind+er! G?usiness Research MethodologyH
$ighth $ditionD Tata McIra@ /ill 0u#lishing Com"any &imited
A%Jot4ari -./%! GResearch Methodology Methods and TechniEuesH (:econd $dition)
'e@ Age International 0u#lishers
1% 1ain! !0./.! and A55ar"a+! ,r. S.-.! G:tatistics 5or M%?%AH!KK "u#lication
B% D#(ta S.8. and D#(ta M.8%! G?usiness :tatisticsH! T@elth $dition! :ultan Chand
and :ons 0u#lications
8% M#rra% /. S(ie5e+! GTheory and 0ro#lem of :tatisticsH! Third edition! Tata Mc
Ira@ /ill 0u#lication
+.%.e). Bar#4! Tata McIra@ /ill 0u#lication
++%J4an M.6. B 1ain 8.J. G5inancial ManagementH ,
+2%Jot4ari -./.! 2
edition GResearch methodology methods & techniEuesH

Age International 0u#lishers
+,%Jot4ari -./.! 2
edition GResearch methodology methods & techniEuesH 'e@
Age International 0u#lishers
+4%.#2 1. ,a)id! 7Marketing ResearchH ! Tata McIra@ /ill 0u#lication
+-%Mitta+./.J! 7Management Accounting & 5inancial ManagementH!K%K
+A%Beri D.-% ! 7Marketing ResearchHTata McIra@ /ill 0u#lications
+1%-iaran Aa+s4! GKey Management RatiosH
+B%1ain 0./! G:tatistics for M?AH

K%K "u#lication
+8%J4an M.6! 1ain 8.J! GManagement AccountingH
2.%D#(ta -.B.
EManagement theory and "racticeH
2+%I-FAI 'ni)ersit% 8ress

1#ne 2008
22%Finania+ (+annin5 3o#rna+

Mar 200>
2,%Mar2etin5 /esear4! s#mmer 200>
24%Indian 1o#rna+ of Finane

A(ri+ 200?
2-%I-FAI /eader

Ma% 0=
2A%Finane India

,e 08
,B% Br#ner F. /o$ert! 0ata M Dra" @i++! <
,8.I-FAI -entre for mana5ement resear4
4.%?alance :heet & 0=& account of the year 2..4 & 2..B%

Balance Sheet of
- in Rs. Cr.
Mar '04 Mar '05 Mar '06 Mar '07 Mar '08
Sources Of Funds
Total Share Capital !.!8 ".!8 "6. "7.64 #0.!"
$%&it' Share Capital !.!8 ".!8 "6. "7.64 #0.!"
Share Application Mone' 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.4 5".6
(reference Share Capital 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
)eser*es 5#7."5 770.7! !8#.0 +#74.# +757.4
)e*al&ation )eser*es 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net,orth 557."# 7!".77 +00!." +46.! +840.67
Sec&re- .oans 656.5! +0"5.88 +!05.0 "+""8.!5 #+8"0.#4
/nsec&re- .oans 08.55 #"0.8" "88.8 4"7.#7 46!.7
Total 0ebt 765.4 +#46.70 "+!#.8" "+656.#" 4+"!0.05
Total .iabilities +#"".#7 "+#!.47 #+"0#.0# 4+07#."# 6+#0.7"
Mar '04 Mar '05 Mar '06 Mar '07 Mar '08
Application Of Funds
1ross 2loc3 +46.#4 +70#.84 "+!6.70 #+#"5.!7 4+"0!.0!
.ess4 Acc&m. 0epreciation !0.07 #"0.5! 4!.67 60"."8 7!7."
Net 2loc3 +""6."7 +#8#."5 +777.0# "+7"#.6! #+4.!7
Capital 5or3 in (ro6ress 85.! #4!.#4 6"8.50 +057.0! +#7#.77
In*estments #." !#.00 #0."" 88.56 !#."!
In*entories 4##.88 5"0.!8 687.#6 +06!.7# "+!4.65
S&n-r' 0ebtors 44.46 #"6.5! #50.4# 580.4 75#.66
Cash an- 2an3 2alance "".07 !.44 5.57 !0."! 7.06
Total C&rrent Assets 600.4 857.0 +05#.#6 +740.4# #+0!.#7
.oans an- A-*ances "4".48 450.67 687.## 655.85 8!#.#
7i8e- 0eposits !.70 47.## 8.50 05.!5 66!."6
Total CA+ .oans 9 A-*ances 85".5! +#55.0 +!"".! "+50"."# 4+58.!4
0effere- Cre-it 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
C&rrent .iabilities 8#!.77 +08.50 +"6.#! "+8!.#0 #+058.56
(ro*isions #5.84 "4."# 75.54 ".## "87.55
Total C. 9 (ro*isions 875.6 +4".7# +4#6.!# "+400.6# #+#46.
Net C&rrent Assets :"#.0" ""."8 485."6 0.60 +"#5.8#
Miscellaneo&s $8penses ".00 .6 ".04 ".# 5.88
Total Assets +#"".#7 "+#!.48 #+"0#.05 4+07#."5 6+#0.74
Contin6ent .iabilities #40.6 !6".8# +4#!.70 !68.8# "+75.05
2oo3 ;al&e <)s= 55.77 7".# 77.#0 0.4" 5.67
Capital Structure
(erio- Instr&ment ::: CA(ITA. <)s. cr=
: ( A I 0 / ( :
7rom To A&thorise- Iss&e- Shares
"007 "008
Share !5 #0.!" 54584!#" " #0.!"
"006 "007
Share 54.! "7.64 #8"""06 " "7.64
"005 "006
Share 54.! "6. #055856 " "6.
"004 "005
Share 54.! ".!8 0!!0!844 " ".!8
"00# "004
Share 54.! !.!8 !!!"#"0 " !.!8
"00" "00#
Share 54.! 0.05 50700 0 0.05
"00 "00"
Share 0.! 0 700 0 0

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