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Giovanny Sumeinar/60/Reguler 1

By: Arthur Schoenstadst, MD

Blood pressure is a measure of the pressure inside your blood vessels both while the heart
is beating and while it is relaxed. Naturally, high blood pressure is when the pressure within
your blood vessels is too high. This is also known as hypertension.
How is Hypertension Measured?
To measure your blood pressure, a fabric cuff is wrapped around your arm and then slightly
inflated. The blood pressure shows up on a gauge attached to the cuff. The healthcare
provider reads the numbers from the gauge as air is released from the cuff. This device that
reads blood pressure is called sphygmomanometer. Blood pressure can also be measured
with a blood pressure machine.
Diagnosing Hypertension
Hypertension can only be diagnosed after taking several reading to find your average blood
pressure. Your blood pressure needs to be taken at least two times, and each reading must be
from a different day. If the average of these blood pressure readings is more than 140/90, you
have hypertension
Risks Associated With Hypertension
Hypertension does not cause problems over days, weeks, or even months; rather, it causes
problems over many years, and it can affect your entire body. By adding strain to the blood
vessel wails, hypertension makes them more likely to develop a buildup of fat and
cholesterol also known as hardening of the arteries. This, in turn, puts extra strain on
your hearts as it pumps blood through the narrowed arteries. Over time, the strain this
condition places on the heart and blood vessels can increase the risk of certain health
problems, such as heart disease, stroke, heart attack, and kidney damage

1. Blood pressure : Tekanan Darah
2. Measure : Ukuran
3. Pressure : Tekanan
4. Blood vessels : Pembuluh Darah
5. Heart : Jantung
6. Beating : Berdetak cepat
7. Relaxed : Relaksasi
8. High blood pressure : Tekanan Darah Tinggi
9. Hypertension : Hipertensi
10. Fabric cuff : kain lipatan lengan
11. Arm : Lengan Tangan
12. Inflated : Dipompa
13. Gauge : meteran
14. Healthcare provider : Penyedia Perawatan
15. Device : Alat
16. Sphygmomanometer : Sphygmomanometer
17. Blood pressure machine : Mesin pengukur
tekanan darah
18. Diagnosed : Didiagnosa
19. Average blood pressure : Tekanan Darah
20. Cause : Penyebab
21. Problems : Masalah
22. Affect : Mempengaruhi
23. Body : Tubuh
24. Strain : Tegangan
25. Fat : Lemak
26. Cholesterol : Kolesterol
27. Hardening : Pembekuan
28. Arteries : Arteri
29. Pumps : Memompa
30. Blood :Darah
31. Narrowed arteries : Batas Arteri
32. Condition : Kondisi
33. Increase : Meningkatkan
34. Risk : Risiko
35. Health problems : Masalah Kesehatan
36. Heart disease : Penyakit Jantung
37. Stroke : Stroke
38. Heart attack : Serangan Jantung
39. Kidney damage : Gagal Ginjal

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