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Letter Writing Lesson Plans

This packet contains:

Page 1-2: Stand-alone lesson plan to help learners write a thank you letter based on a
business letter model.
Page 3-17:Unit on letter writing to help learners prepare for the !" and be informed and
a#ti$e members of the #ommunity. %n#ludes sample letters.
Lessons were developed by Lisa Mullins, Hawkins County Adult ducation!
Additional sa"ple letters were provided by #ale Warren, Weakley County Adult
Letter$Writing Lesson
1. %dentify parts of a business letter
2. Understand positi$e tone in writing
3. Use a #he#klist and rubri# to #he#k for a##ura#y
&. 'rite a business letter

(rainstorm a list of reasons you might need to write in #lear) #orre#t form
*omplain or #ompliment a produ#t) ser$i#e) or organi+ation
%nfluen#e someone to do something- build a skate park) repair roads in neighborhood)
#ontinue edu#ation programs su#h as ,dult !du#ation) -ead Start) and !$en Start
%mpress someone- offi#ials) employer) #ommunity members) $oters
So that the person you are #ommuni#ating with will take you seriously
.he #lass dis#ussion will lead to the agreement that letters would ser$e the purposes.
.he tea#her should ha$e an e/ample of a business letter. Use the e/ample to identify the parts
of a letter. .he letter should in#lude a return address) an inside address) date) salutation) well
written body) #losing) and signature. , dis#ussion of ea#h part will in#lude naming) labeling) and
defining the parts of a letter. Use workbook e/er#ises to show e/amples of #orre#t pun#tuation
and pro$ide a short pra#ti#e a#ti$ity.
.he #lass should e/amine the body of the e/ample letter. 0n the board) list some
#hara#teristi#s of the body. %dentify the message the letter is #ommuni#ating) the tone of the
letter) and the 1uality of the writing. 2ook at the senten#e stru#ture) $ariety of senten#es) and
stru#ture of the paragraphs. 'ith all this in mind) #reate a #he#klist of #riteria for the final
produ#t. ,lso) introdu#e the !" essay rubri#.
*arry out the a#ti$ity of writing a business letter. %n pairs) read and use the #he#klist and the
rubri# to determine the 1uality of the final produ#t. .he tea#her reads the letter and pro$ides
final feedba#k. .he students should make #orre#tions and re$ision. 3ewrite the letter if
needed. 3efle#t on the learning a#ti$ity and how it #ould be useful skill to all the students.
Checklist 'or Letter
(es )o
.one: is the letter positi$e
Style: is the letter in #orre#t
*an anyone understand the
%s the pun#tuation #orre#t4
,re there any other errors4
Checklist 'or Writing a *usiness Letter
+core rubric ,
-id not
)ot all the parts
"any "istakes
in place"ent,
All the parts
so"e "istakes
in place"ent,
2nside address
3nit on Letter Writing
Purpose: To help learners prepare for the GED test and become informed and active
members of the community.
Content: Reading, Social Studies, Writing, Research, using technology, critical thinking
and analysis, creating and understanding data, charts, and graphs.
Community Member Role: http!!!fundamentals!role"map"ccm.htm
Broad Areas of Responsibility:
#. $ecome and stay informed
%. &orm and e'press opinions and ideas
(. Take action
Key Activities:
&ind, interpret, analy)e, use, communicate, influence decision makers.
Standards: http!!!fundamentals!#*"standards.htm
+earn through Research
,se Technology
Reflect and Evaluate
-onvey ideas in .riting
/dvocate and influence
Pretest: 0rovide a set of #1 2uestions as a pretest to determine the kno.ledge on
lesson topics before teaching the unit.
Learning Obectives:
The learners .ill be able to
Describe the branches of government
-onstruct a chart to classify the responsibilities of each branch of government
,se technology and research to identify 3embers of -ongress from their district
4rgani)e the information and evaluate the -ongressional 3embers5 positions on
relevant issues
&orm opinions based on facts
-ompose a thank you letter to their 3ember of -ongress
The lessons .ill help learners to achieve these ob6ectives.
Lesson %ne
Describe the branches of government, including the names, purpose, and leaders.
-onstruct a chart to classify the responsibilities of each branch of government.
Read: American Government Freedom, Rights, and Responsibilities (Steck-Vaughn, 199!
page %(7%8.
!iscuss: Why did the founding fathers believe the ne. nation needed three branches
of government9
Discuss checks and balances of the government and its purpose
Read pages ((7(:. ;igsa. activity
Divide the class into small groups or pairs.
/ssign a section of the reading to each group or pair.
<ave them make a report describing a branch of the government and its
The class members .ill create a chart that classifies each branch, its
responsibilities, and its leaders.
Assessment: +earners should complete the
#. =ame the three branches of government.
%. =ame the leaders of each branch.
(. =ame one or more important duties of each branch.
>. Describe in your o.n .ords .hy the checks and balance system is important.
Lesson Two
,se technology and research to identify 3embers of -ongress from their district
4rgani)e the information and evaluate the -ongressional 3embers5 positions on
relevant issues
!iscuss: Who are our 3embers of -ongress9 What are their 6obs9 What are their
vie.points on issues9 <o. can the 3ember of -ongress help me9
,se multiple lines of in2uiry to collect this information.
,se ?nternet searches, .ebsites, ne.spapers, etc.
Organi"e# evaluate# analy"e:
E'amine the 3embers of -ongress, their policies, statements, committee membership,
pro6ects and their involvement in the community.
What are some of the issues that concern me?
<ave the students make a list of issues they are interested in or that concern them.
@Remind learners that many of the public and community programs in .hich they are
involved are funded through the government and that -ongress makes decisions about
funding these programs .ith or .ithout their information. Don5t .e prefer that -ongress has
their information so that they can make the best decisions possible9A
Make a list of the issues students shareinclude funding for adult education.
The list may include adult education, W?/ Bouth 0rogram, unemployment benefits, food
stamps and medical programs, community housing, etc.
$ocus on Adult %ducation $unding
,se the ?nternet to research adult education programs and funding in several states.
&ind fact sheets and statistics about adult education programs around the nation. @Bou
might assign states to pairs of students or allo. the students to make their o.n choices.A
,se the fact sheets to make comparison of the programs C funding, number of GEDs,
number of students enrolled, number entering employment or postsecondary education, etc.
<ere is a resource they might find helpful
4ther similar resources can be found on the state directors5 .ebsite .
&ave t'e students create a c'art comparing t'e states(
<ave each pair or group make a report e'plaining the charts. @The chart should visually
compare funding for each state, enrollment, results, ho. Tennessee ranks in areas
of funding versus areas of success.A
Write a paragraph e'plaining .hat can be learned from the chart you created.
Lesson Three
/naly)e the differences bet.een funding, need, and success of adult education.
<ave the students return to the .ebsites and collect information on the number of
people .ithout a GED!high school diploma, need to learn English, illiterate, etc
3ake a graph comparing funding to need. @This graph could be as simple as funding
to need7line or bar, or as comple' as funding, need, resultsA
Assessment: E'amine and 2uestions about graphs.
&or a connection to the GED use7 -ontemporary5s =umber $ook 8 page #E*
3ore comple' graphs7 ?nterpreting Gisual ?nformation GED skill book @Steck7Gaughn,
%11%A page #* and %(.
Lesson 4our
-reate informed opinions based on facts.
?n pairs then as a class, discuss findings, feelings, and opinions about the facts and
information learned in this unit.
Discuss the importance of the 3embers of -ongress5 6obs and .hy communication
.ith constituents is important.
Discuss the importance of communicating their opinions to their 3embers of
$rainstorm .ays to communicate those opinions, such as email, meetings, letters,
phone calls, at community events, and so forth
Lesson 4ive
-ompose a thank you letter to their 3ember of -ongress.
E'amine appropriate and inappropriate .ays to communicate .ith 3embers of
-ompare lobbying .ith advocacy. 0ut the definitions on the board, make a list of
e'amples of both.
<ere are definitions and also t.o diagrams developed by ;ackie Taylor and 3arsha Tait that
you may find useful.
/dvocacy includes
identifying, embracing, and
promoting a cause.
?t is any attempt to shape
public opinion, and promote
the interests of your
H"he #obb$ing and
Advocac$ %andbook &or 'onpro&it
/ specific, legally defined activity that involves stating your position on specific
legislation to legislators and!or asking them to support your position.
*+enter &or #obb$ing in the ,ublic -nterest (+#,-A
3ake a diagram or chart detailing the differences and the effective!ineffective .ays to
Determine that .riting a letter is a good .ay to communicate .ith public officials.
)rite a t'an* you letter:
0rovide a business letter as a model.
E'amine this model as a .ell7.ritten letter.
E'amine the parts of the letter. ?dentify correct punctuation, capitali)ation, form and
tone for a letter of this type.
-reate a checklist for creating a letter.
<ave students .rite a letter.
,se the checklist to determine if the letter is appropriate to communicate .ith a
3ember of -ongress.
<ave the students compose a thank you letter .ith attention given to adult education
programs. @This letter can be personal, describing the students5 e'periences .ith
education and the positive impact of adult education.A
? provided three sample letters for the students to read, evaluate, and generate ideas about
their letters. ? 6ust had each student read the three letters, .e discussed ho. each .as
different, its purpose, and effectiveness. @? did not say this is ho. it should be .ritten.A The
learners should compose their o.n letters based on .hat they learned and their opinions.
Assessment: /fter the students .rite their letter, they should use the checklist to
determine if it is correct. They may make changes and draft a final version. Then the
teacher and student use the checklist. Teacher points out any problems and has the student
revise!or if no problems, have the student prepare it for presentation to person.
Assessment: T/$E FD or #1D has a letter .ith punctuation and capitali)ation.
$oth assessments ask the student to find the correct capitali)ation and punctuation of inside
address, date, salutation, and closing. Each one has a grammar or sentence structure
2uestion as .ell. The salutation uses a colon. Teachers .ill need to discuss the use of a
colon in a business letter.
/s a final activity, have the students revisit the pretest 2uestions and again. They
should make comment on .hat they learned in this lesson.
+sing t'e %,uipped for t'e $uture Standard
Advocate and -nfluence
,se this .orksheet .ith students to determine that the class has follo.ed
the steps of the E&& Standard, /dvocate and ?nfluence.
List 'o. you accomplis'ed eac' step(
#A Define .hat one is trying to achieve.
%A /ssess interests, resources, and the potential for success
(A Gather facts and supporting information to build a case
>A 0resent clear case
8A Revise in response to feed back
Sample C'ec*list for Letter
/'is is a sample c'ec*list t'at my class created( - believe it is more
po.erful for t'e students to create t'eir o.n c'ec*list or rubric for
evaluating t'eir letters(
-tem 0eeds improvement Appropriate and
?nside address
$ody of letter
Tone of letter
Appropriate &or
Dakota Leake
8156 Main Road
Bulls Gap, Tennessee
on!"ess#an $%il Roe
$&'& Bo( 1728
)in!spo"t, Tennessee 37662
*e+"ua", 23, 2011
Dea" on!"ess#an Roe-
. a# 19 ,ea"s old and . li/e in 0a1kins ount,& . a# a pa"ti2ipant o3 t%e 4.5 6out% $"o!"a# in
Ro!e"s/ille& . 7ust "e2ei/ed #, G8D last 1eek and . a# !oin! to Tennessee Te2%nolo!, 92%ool
at $%ipps Bend in Ma,& . 2an:t +elie/e . a# doin! all t%is sin2e . %a/e %ad so #an, p"o+le#s in
#, li3e& . lost +ot% #, pa"ents 1%en . 1as little and #, !"and#a "aised #e& 9%e died a 3e1
,ea"s +a2k so . %a/e +een on #, o1n& .t see#ed like . 1as ne/e" !oin! to !et to s2%ool and !et a
!ood 7o+& But no1 . 2an do +ot% t%ose t%in!s& T%e 4.5 p"o!"a# !i/es #e t%e e(t"a suppo"t
and 2ounselin! . need to do t%ese t%in!s& T%e 0a1kins ount, 5dult 8du2ation $"o!"a# %elped
#e !et #, G8D& 4it%out t%ese p"o!"a#s, . #i!%t +e on t%e st"eets o" 1o"se&
. 1ant to t%ank ,ou 3o" ,ou" suppo"t o3 +ot% o3 t%ese p"o!"a#s& . also 1ant to tell %o1 #u2% .
app"e2iate t%e 1o"k ,ou do 3o" ou" dist"i2t& 6ou #ake i#po"tant de2isions and 1o"k to #ake
t%in!s +ette" 3o" t%e people o3 8ast Tennessee& T%ank ,ou so #u2%& . kno1 t%at ,ou listen to
people:s 2on2e"ns and 1o"k to1a"d #akin! t%is a +ette" pla2e to li/e and 1o"k& . look 3o"1a"d
to %ea"in! 3"o# ,ou a+out t%is #atte"&
Dakota Leake
;o%n Ma,%an
120 B"o1n Road
Ro!e"s/ille, Tennessee 37857
on!"ess#an $%il Roe
$&'& Bo( 1728
)in!spo"t, Tennessee 37662
*e+"ua", 23, 2011
Dea" on!"ess#an Roe-
. a# ;o%n Ma,%an& . li/e in t%e uppe" 8ast Tennessee a"ea& . a# %ono"ed t%at ,ou "ep"esent #,
dist"i2t in on!"ess& *i"st, . 1ant to t%ank ,ou 3o" t%e 1o"k and dedi2ation ,ou put into t%e 1

dist"i2t o3 Tennessee& 6ou" "e2o"d p"o/es ,ou listen and 2a"e a+out t%e people in ,ou" dist"i2t&
. a# a student in t%e 0a1kins ount, 5dult 8du2ation $"o!"a#& 4e "e2entl, 2o#pleted a
p"o7e2t in ou" 2lass t%at %elped #e unde"stand ,ou" "ole in t%e 2o##unit,& 4e lea"ned t%e "ole
o3 t%e le!islatu"e and t%e #an, de2isions t%at a"e #ade t%e"e& <o1 . unde"stand %o1 i#po"tant
it is to /ote and to e(p"ess #, 2on2e"ns a+out ou" 2o##unit,&
9oon . 1ill %a/e #, G8D and . %ope to !o into a !ood 7o+ and so#e t,pe o3 %i!%e" edu2ation& .
%ope t%at t%e ne(t ti#e ,ou a"e asked to /ote 3o" 3undin! t%e 5dult 8du2ation $"o!"a#s ,ou 1ill
"e#e#+e" #e& T%e G8D 1ill open #an, doo"s t%at %a/e al1a,s +een 2losed to #e +e3o"e& .
2ould not %a/e a2%ie/ed t%is !oal and i#po"tant step in #, li3e 1it%out 5dult 8du2ation& . t%ink
t%at . 1ill +e2o#e a +ette" 1o"ke", pa"ent, and 2o##unit, #e#+e" t%anks to t%e 5dult 8du2ation
2lasses and #, G8D& T%is p"o!"a# is a +i! i#po"tant pa"t o3 ou" dist"i2t&
5!ain t%ank ,ou 3o" t%e i#po"tant 1o"k ,ou do& . look 3o"1a"d to %ea"in! 3"o# ,ou in t%e 3utu"e&
;o%n Ma,%an
Lu2, Manis
329 9%el+, 9t"eet
%u"2% 0ill, Tennessee37642
on!"ess#an $%il Roe
$&'& Bo( 1728
)in!spo"t, Tennessee 37662
*e+"ua", 23, 2011
Dea" on!"ess#an Roe-
M, na#e is Lu2, Manis& . li/e in %u"2% 0ill, Tennessee& . a# a sin!le #ot%e" o3 3ou" 2%ild"en&
. a# en"olled in t%e 0a1kins ount, 5dult 8du2ation $"o!"a# t",in! to ea"n a G8D& . %a/e
passed all t%e tests and . +elie/e . 1ill %a/e a G8D in a 3e1 1eeks& T%is is !oin! to %elp #e so
#u2%& . 1ill +e a+le to !o to t%e 2o##unit, 2olle!e and 1o"k to1a"d a de!"ee in nu"sin!& .
al1a,s 1anted to +e a nu"se, +ut . t%ou!%t . ne/e" 2ould +e2ause o3 #, edu2ation +a2k!"ound&
T%e sta33 and t%e 2lasses at t%e 0a1kins ount, 5dult 8du2ation $"o!"a# %a/e %elped #e to
unde"stand t%at . 2an do t%is 1it% t%e "i!%t attitude and %elp& T%e tea2%e" is !"eat& . unde"stand
so #u2% #o"e and . kno1 . 2an do 1ell in 2olle!e&
.n #, 2lasses . %ad to lea"n a+out %o1 t%e !o/e"n#ent 1o"ks in o"de" to do 1ell on t%e so2ial
studies pa"t o3 t%e G8D e(a#& 4e %ad a 3e1 lessons a+out t%e "ole o3 la1#ake"s& <o1 .
unde"stand %o1 i#po"tant ,ou and ,ou" 1o"k a"e to #e& . 1ant to let ,ou kno1 %o1 #u2% .
app"e2iate people like ,ou& . also 1ant to ask ,ou to "e#e#+e" t%e 2o##unit, o3 %u"2% 0ill
and 0a1kins ount, and %o1 #u2% 1e need p"o!"a#s like 5dult 8du2ation& .t is a +i! %elp to
people like #e and it 1ill #ake #, li3e and t%e 2o##unit, +ette"&
T%ank ,ou so #u2% 3o" all ,ou do& T%ank ,ou 3o" listenin! to t%e needs o3 t%e people and
%elpin! ou" a"ea +e a +ette" pla2e to li/e& . look 3o"1a"d to %ea"in! %o1 ,ou 3eel a+out 5dult
Lu2, Manis

Additional Sample Letters
+a"ple Learner Letter
<ote- $lease do not use t%is lette" as a te#plate& 5ll lette"s s%ould +e uni=ue& 9ta33s "ead ou"
lette"s 3o" uni=ue sto"ies& *o"# lette"s #a, alienate le!islati/e sta33s 1%o t", to "ead and "espond
to ea2% lette"&
6ou" st"eet na#e
it, and state, >ip 2ode

0ono"a+le 9tep%en *in2%e"
1226 Lon!1o"t% 0'B
4as%in!ton, D 20515

Dea" on!"ess#an *in2%e"-
5s a ta( pa,e" and 2iti>en, . 1ant to t%ank ,ou 3o" suppo"tin! 3undin! 3o" adult edu2ation
p"o!"a#s& Ta( pa,e" dolla"s %elp p"o/ide needed 2lasses, 7o+ t"ainin!, and i#p"o/ed skills&
5s a sin!le pa"ent 1it% 2%ild"en and little edu2ation, . a# %a/in! a /e", %a"d ti#e 2a"in! 3o" #,
3a#il, and p"o/idin! t%in!s t%e, need& .t is %a"d to +u, 3ood and 2lot%in! and !et ade=uate
%ealt% 2a"e& .t is %a"d to %elp t%e# 1it% s2%ool assi!n#ents, sin2e #, skills a"e so li#ited&
Gettin! a G8D is t%e onl, %ope . %a/e 3o" a +"i!%te" 3utu"e& 0ope3ull,, !ettin! t%is edu2ation
1ill %elp #e to !et a 7o+ and take 2a"e o3 #, 3a#il,& .t is also i#po"tant 3o" #, 2%ild"en to see
#e 2ontinue #, o1n edu2ation +e3o"e t%e, 2an "eali>e t%e i#po"tan2e o3 sta,in! in s2%ool& .t
1ould also #ake #e 3eel +ette" a+out #,sel3 to +e s#a"t enou!% to %elp t%e# 1it% t%ei"
T%ank ,ou 3o" suppo"tin! 3undin! 3o" adult edu2ation so 1e 2an +e2o#e !i/e"s to ou"
2o##unities& . look 3o"1a"d to %ea"in! 3"o# ,ou&

6ou" <a#e
Correct Name / Address
?5"e ,ou sendin! t%e sa#e lette" to all
t%"ee o3 ,ou" @9 le!islato"sA Make
su"e ,ou 2%an!e t%e na#e, add"ess, and
salutation on ea2% lette" a22o"din!l,&B
Why is adult
important to
Why are
you are
enrolled in
Let the reader
know you
would like a
+a"ple #raduate Letter
Note! $lease do not use t%is lette" as a te#plate& 5ll lette"s s%ould +e uni=ue& 9ta33s "ead ou"
lette"s 3o" uni=ue sto"ies& *o"# lette"s #a, alienate le!islati/e sta33s 1%o t", to "ead and "espond
to ea2% lette"&

9t"eet na#e
it,, 9tate, Cip
0ono"a+le 9tep%en *in2%e"
1226 Lon!1o"t% 0'B
4as%in!ton , D 20515

Dea" on!"ess#an Tanne"-
5ttendin! G8D 2lasses and !ainin! skills %as %elped #, li3e in #an, 1a,s& $lease suppo"t
3undin! and inno/ation 3o" adult edu2ation&
4%ile . 1as t",in! to !ain e#plo,#ent and take 2a"e o3 #, 3a#il, 1it%out an edu2ation, t%e task
1as /e",, /e", di33i2ult& . attended G8D 2lasses in 4eakle, ount, and passed #, G8D& <o1
t%in!s a"e +ette" 3o" #e&
M, 2%ild"en lea"ned %o1 i#po"tant an edu2ation is in o"de" to !et 7o+s and p"o/ide t%in!s t%e,
need& T%e, sa1 t%at it is easie" to !et an edu2ation 1%en t%e, a"e ,oun!& T%e, sa1 #e stud,
alon! 1it% t%e# and "eali>e it is i#po"tant to ne/e" !i/e up&
Be2ause o3 G8D 2lasses, so#e o3 #, 3"iends %a/e +een a+le to !o to 2olle!e, attend t"u2k
d"i/in! s2%ools, ente" nu"sin! p"o!"a#s, and !et 7o+s t%at a"e a/aila+le no1 +e2ause o3 i#p"o/ed
Gettin! an edu2ation %as %elped #, 3a#il, and 1ill %elp us to take 2a"e o3 ou"sel/es&
T%ank ,ou 3o" /aluin! edu2ation and its +ene3its& $lease let #e kno1 1%et%e" ,ou 1ill suppo"t
3undin! 3o" adult edu2ation and inno/ation 3o" t%ese p"o!"a#s& . look 3o"1a"d to ,ou" "esponse&
*o"#e" student:s na#e
"ow has
Let the reader
know you
would like a
+a"ple "ployer Letter
Note! $lease do not use t%is lette" as a te#plate& 5ll lette"s s%ould +e uni=ue& 9ta33s "ead ou"
lette"s 3o" uni=ue sto"ies& *o"# lette"s #a, alienate le!islati/e sta33s 1%o t", to "ead and "espond
to ea2% lette"&

Business Lette"%ead
*e+"ua", 9, 2009
0ono"a+le La#a" 5le(ande"
455 Di"ksen 9enate '33i2e Buildin!
4as%in!ton , D 20510

Dea" 9i"-
$lease suppo"t 3undin! and inno/ation 3o" adult edu2ation du"in! t%e app"op"iations p"o2ess&
. see a !"eat need 3o" adult edu2ation 2lasses in ou" 2o##unit, and state& 5s an e#plo,e" in
4eakle, ount,, . see t%e need to in2"ease 3undin! 3o" t"ainin! and edu2ation& 4e %a/e #an,
une#plo,ed people 1%o si#pl, do not %a/e t%e skills needed to pe"3o"# in toda,:s 1o"kpla2e&
9o#e people d"opped out o3 s2%ool ,ea"s a!o to +e!in 1o"kin! in 3a2to"ies t%at %a/e no1 +een
2losed& 9o#e #ade +ad 2%oi2es and 3ailed to see t%e /alue o3 edu2ation& 't%e"s si#pl, 3ailed in
t%e t"aditional 2lass"oo#s and a"e despe"atel, in need o3 3u"t%e" t"ainin!&
4%ate/e" t%e "easons #a, +e, it is #, opinion t%at 1e %a/e a /e", "eal need to edu2ate and t"ain
people to %elp t%e#sel/es +e2o#e p"odu2ti/e 2iti>ens o3 ou" 2o##unities and nation& T%e"e a"e
7o+ oppo"tunities a/aila+le to t%ose 1%o 1ill 2ontinue t"ainin! t%at is ne2essa", to pe"3o"# #u2%
needed tasks& 4e as e#plo,e"s need t%ei" skills&
Mo"e and #o"e 3undin! is needed to a22o#plis% t%e !oal o3 edu2atin! t%e adults in ou"
2o##unities& 4e need ,ou" %elp in in2"easin! t%e 3undin! 3o" adult edu2ation p"o!"a#s in o"de"
to p"epa"e lea"ne"s to pu"sue post se2onda", t"ainin! and skills& 'u" state and nation 1ill "eap
t%e +ene3it o3 su2% p"o!"a#s&
$lease let #e kno1 1%et%e" ,ou 1ill suppo"t 3undin! 3o" adult edu2ation and 3und inno/ation 3o"
t%ese p"o!"a#s& T%ank ,ou 3o" ,ou" e33o"ts to #ake t%is t%e !"eatest 2ount", in t%e 1o"ld&


8#plo,e":s na#e
+a"ple )ursing +tudent Letter
Note! $lease do not use t%is lette" as a te#plate& 5ll lette"s s%ould +e uni=ue& 9ta33s "ead ou"
lette"s 3o" uni=ue sto"ies& *o"# lette"s #a, alienate le!islati/e sta33s 1%o t", to "ead and "espond
to ea2% lette"&
9t"eet na#e
it,, 9tate Cip
0ono"a+le La#a" 5le(ande"
455 Di"ksen 9enate '33i2e Buildin!
4as%in!ton , D 20510
Dea" 9enato" 5le(ande"-
. a# a nu"sin! student and . 1ant to ask ,ou to please 2ontinue 3undin! 3o" adult edu2ation and
3und inno/ation 3o" t%ese p"o!"a#s&
5ttendin! nu"sin! 2lasses %as tau!%t #e #an, t%in!s +esides t%e su+7e2t #atte"& 5s a nu"sin!
student, . see %o1 di33i2ult it %as +een 3o" #an, o3 t%e people in #, 2lass to !et to t%is point in
ou" li/es& 9o#e %a/e 2o#e di"e2tl, 3"o# %i!% s2%ool, so#e %a/e +een out o3 s2%ool 3o" a 1%ile,
and so#e 1%o 2o#e %e"e %a/e 2o#pleted G8D 2lasses&
5dult edu2ation 2lasses a"e /e", i#po"tant to ou" 2o##unit,& Man, people a"e une#plo,ed as a
"esult o3 3a2to", 2losin!s and la2k o3 ne2essa", skills to !ain ot%e" e#plo,#ent& 4e in t%e
nu"sin! p"o3ession a"e a1a"e o3 t%e s%o"ta!e o3 nu"ses& 5dult 8du2ation 2lasses 2an #ake it
possi+le 3o" so#e people to !et G8D:s and take "e3"es%e" 2lasses 3o" <8T e(a#s& T%e,, too,
#i!%t +e a+le to +e!in a nu"sin! 2a"ee"&
Mo"e #one, spent in adult edu2ation 2an +"in! !"eat +ene3its to ou" 2o##unities& Man,
p"o3essions 2an +e2o#e st"on!e" +e2ause o3 t%ese edu2ational oppo"tunities&
T%ank ,ou 3o" all ,ou do to #ake ou" !"eat 2ount", 1%at it is toda,& . look 3o"1a"d to ,ou"
+a"ple Teacher Letter
Note! $lease do not use t%is lette" as a te#plate& 5ll lette"s s%ould +e uni=ue& 9ta33s "ead ou"
lette"s 3o" uni=ue sto"ies& *o"# lette"s #a, alienate le!islati/e sta33s 1%o t", to "ead and "espond
to ea2% lette"&
6125 G"een3ield 01,& 54
5pt& D 2
D"esden , T< 38225
Ma"2% 20, 2011
0ono"a+le 9tep%en *in2%e"
1226 -Lon!1o"t% 0'B
4as%in!ton , D 20515

Dea" on!"ess#an *in2%e"-
$lease suppo"t 3undin! and inno/ation 3o" adult edu2ation& 5dult edu2ation is p"o/ided +, t%e
5dult 8du2ation and *a#il, Lite"a2, 52t&
0a/in! +een a tea2%e" in T< s2%ools 3o" t%i"t, ,ea"s, . %a/e seen t%e /alue o3 edu2ation in t%e
li/es o3 ou" 2iti>ens& .n #, p"esent position o3 adult edu2ation inst"u2to", . see t%e "eal i#pa2t o3
la2k o3 edu2ation in t%e li/es o3 adults 1%o ente" ou" doo"s& $eople "an!in! in a!es 3"o#
ei!%teen to se/ent,Et%"ee %a/e 2o#e %e"e seekin! skills to %elp 2%ild"en 1it% %o#e1o"k, to !ain
e#plo,#ent in o"de" to 3eed t%ei" 3a#ilies, to +e a+le to es2ape a+usi/e "elations%ips, to p"epa"e
3o" postEse2onda", t"ainin!, to attend /o2ational s2%ools, to +e!in nu"sin! p"o!"a#s, and to
#odel t%e need 3o" edu2ation to t%ei" 3a#ilies& 8a2% pe"son 1%o %as attended t%e 2lasses %as
+ene3ited in one 1a, o" anot%e"&
.t is #, +elie3 t%at e/e", @9 dolla" spent 3o" adult edu2ation 1ill +"in! di/idends to ou" nation&
4%en pa"ents a"e +ette" edu2ated, 2%ild"en 1ill +e +ette" edu2ated& *a#ilies 1ill +e %ealt%ie",
#o"e p"odu2ti/e, and %appie" 1%en 7o+s a"e in t%ei" "ea2%& 'u" 2o##unities and nation 2an
+ene3it e2ono#i2all, +, %a/in! 2iti>ens 1%o a"e p"epa"ed 3o" t%e 7o+ #a"ket& 5dult edu2ation is
t%e ke, to #akin! i#p"o/e#ents in ou" %o#es, s2%ools, 1o"k pla2es, and 2o##unities&
Mu2% o3 ou" su22ess depends on 3undin! 3o" adult edu2ation& . a# "e=uestin! t%at ,ou please
/ote 3o" +ills to 2ontinue 3undin! and suppo"t inno/ation 3o" t%is #ost i#po"tant endea/o"& 4e
a"e 2ountin! on ,ou to %elp t%is !"eat 2ause&
. look 3o"1a"d to lea"nin! 1%et%e" ,ou 1ill suppo"t t%is "e=uest&

Tea2%e" <a#e
$ersonal stationery
e%perience in
role as a
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