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First of all I need to say that I did not write this eBook for me, but
for each and every one of you. I hope that it will be beneficial for
everybody that reads it and that you will share it with all the
people you know.
Second, it is 100% free, unlike all that B.S. on the Internet which
would cost you 0! 100! or even more for a stack of useless
crap. "his system worked well for me, so I#m writin$ this to share
the secret with everyone.
"hird, I#m not a F%&'( )uru, professional trader, or e*pert
internet marketer. +es, I make money out of it, but it won#t cost
you anythin$. If you make money, I will automatically earn my
share, and that#s all part of the plan. -+ou#ll thank me later.
Fourth, you need to start with the basics, if you don#t know what
F%&'( means, you will not understand anythin$ in this eBook
and therefore you will very likely loose. So /0'1S' don#t skip
any steps, this eBook is 2%" F%& 2'3BI'S. I will teach you
what you need to know, once you have the basic knowled$e. So
here#s your first task. )o to and click on
4School5 then read 1" 0'1S" the 1
four chapters. From 4/re6
School 7 F%&'( Basics5 to 48
)rade 7 Supports and
&esistances5 . "hen you#ll have a better understandin$ of the
F%&'( 9arket and you#ll know what you#re doin$. Feel free to
e*pand you knowled$e all the way to 4:olle$e5, whenever you
$ot time to do so. But my system is easy enou$h to follow that all
you need to know is the basics.
2. Now what?
%k, I will assume that you have done your homework and you
now know that you need money in order to make money. But I
don#t want you to start ri$ht away with &eal money and start
$amblin$ on the F%&'( 9arket with very little knowled$e. It
would be the best way to loose it all and it#s definitely not what
we want.
So, in order for you to $et familiar with F%&'(, you will start with
a ;'9% account. 1 demo account is like 4play money5 then, you
will $et to see e*actly how it works, and you#ll reali<e how easy it
:lick here to download the 9eta "rader = tradin$ terminal.
2%"'> If you are already familiar with F%&'( and have a demo account somewhere else with
another broker, I don#t care, but you will have to download the tradin$ terminal from this link and
open an account with F(%pen usin$ my referral link if you want to use my system. "his is where I
$et my piece of the pie. "he heart of my system is based on indicators that I will only provide to
those who have opened a real account usin$ the provided link down below.
So if you are an e*perienced trader, you mi$ht want to skip a few chapters and $et down to
business by openin$ an account ri$ht away. %therwise, keep readin$.
:lick here to open a Standard account with F(%pen?
3hy Standard, and not 9I:&% or ':2@
3ell F(%pen Standard accounts will allow you to start with a minimal deposit of 8! -but I
stron$ly recommend at least 100! to start off with. ? 1nd my system is desi$ned to introduce
F%&'( to people by allowin$ them to make steady $ains usin$ safe and conservative settin$s
then increase $radually by respectin$ 9oney 9ana$ement rules.
"he minimal deposit for an ':2 account is 1000! which perhaps mi$ht discoura$e a lot of
people. I want to keep my system available to everyone.
1 9I:&% account would be a waste of time, mi$ht as well $o trade in empty cans and bottles for
nickels and dimes.
%nce you have installed the pro$ram, the first thin$ you will see
when you run it is this screen.
+ou don#t have to fill in your real info, you can write anythin$ you
want. "he only important thin$s are 1ccount "ype, and clickin$
that :heckbo* at the bottom.
3. This is where it gets Technical
If this is the first time you see the 9eta "rader = /ro$ram, it may
seem overwhelmin$ and complicated, but once you know how it
works, you will see the unlimited potential that it has. "his same
tradin$ platform is used around the world in the bi$$est financial
institutions and investors. It has been available to the avera$e
individual for a little over a decade and it#s becomin$ more
popular every day as people discovers F%&'(.
"he key to success is the same in many concepts> BA+ low,
S'00 hi$h. "hat#s all there is to it.
First we need to setup our charts the ri$ht way. It will help make
it easier for us to follow and understand what is happenin$ in the
3hen you first start 9"=, your screen will look a little bit like this.
:lose B of those charts and leave Cust one open, then ma*imi<e
it so it looks like this>
"hen, make sure you chart is showin$ :andlesticks, not bars
and also the proper timeframe. "he one we will use for this
system is the = Dour "imeframe -D=.. 1lso click twice on the
Eoom to $et a $ood view.
%n the top of the chart, there is a toolbars with a few buttons,
click the followin$ buttons to set your chart properly>
1fter this is done, the proper chart setup will look like this picture>
:ompared to bars, candlesticks are clearly showin$ important
information such as %pen and :lose, Di$h and 0ow price. 'ach
candlestick corresponds to = Dours in the D= "imeframe. +ou
can also set them to 1 9inute -19., 9inutes -9. etc. up to 1
month -92.. But we will stick with the D= for now.
3hen you move your mouse over the :lose of a candlestick, you
will $et the followin$ information>
. !ets Pla" with so#e Pla" Mone".
2ow that you know how to setup your charts properly, let#s open
an order. Dopefully it will be a profitable one, if not, it doesn#t
matter, because it#s only play money and you have plenty of it.
If you click on the 2ew %rder button a window like this will
First, set the volume to 0.1
"his is the si<e of the order we want to make. 1nd with a
Standard account, it#s the smallest available si<e. %n the
currencies we will work with, 0.1 F 1! per pip.
"hen click Buy or Sell ? whichever you feel like.
2ote> if you are doin$ this durin$ the weekend, the market will be
closed and your order will not open. "he F%&'( market is only
open durin$ weekdays 8= hoursGday.

%nce opened, your order will appear in the 4"erminal5 window at
the bottom. +ou will see the price fluctuate with the market.
3hen it#s in profit, ri$ht6click on your order and a menu will
appear, and then click on :lose order.
"he same window will popup and you will now be able to close
your order -hopefully in profit..
"his is it, you have Cust completed your first F%&'( trade.
B"3, when we will start dealin$ with real money, we will
concentrate on the F%&'( 9aCors 6 the currencies with the
lowest spread. 'A&AS;, )B/AS;, AS;H/+ I AS;:DF. But
you can also $o with other currency pairs, as lon$ as they don#t
have more than B pips spread.
Note: Spread is the difference between the Bid and Ask price, you can see it in the Market Watch window
on the upper left corner where all the currencies are listed.
$. E%cellence co#es with &ractice' (nowledge and indicators.
I certainly hope that your first trade did close with a profit. If not,
don#t worry, this is what this eBook will help you achieve.
In order to predict the market, e*perts have developed what we
call 4Indicators5. "he ones used in this system are %s91J and
Support I &esistanceJJ.
* OsMA is the abbreiation used to e!press a function of Oscillator within technical
analysis, OsMA standin" for Oscillator # Moin" Aera"e
JJ Support> A leel at which a currency has trouble fallin" below.
$esistance: An esti%ated price leel at which people will sell.
3ith these indicators, you will be able to make profitable trades
practically every time. Dere#s a snapshot of what your charts will
look like with those indicators implemented.
0et#s take a closer look>
So basically, the buy si$nal -white dots. will appear at the bottom
of a candlestick when it#s time to buy. "hen you close your order
when the price reaches a resistance -red line.. 1nd, the sell
si$nals -red dots. will appear on top of the candlestick when it#s
time to sell and a$ain, you close your order when the price
reaches a support.
It doesn#t $et any easier, it#s so easy, even a child could do it.
). *to& !oss +*!, - Ta(e +TP,
3hen you open an order, you will be able to set the price you
want it to close at. "o reduce the risk of a trade $oin$ in the
wron$ way and closin$ in a bi$ loss, you want to set your Stop
0oss Cust below the last Support or Cust over the last &esistance.
I recommend that if you are not sittin$ in front of your computer
monitorin$ the market and waitin$ for a resistance or support to
appear, set your "/ at 80 pip above entry level.
'*ample in this picture,
&et's say you open a buy order where
the buy si"nal appears, you would
place your Stop &oss ( pips below
the Support line, if you hae ti%e to
%onitor the %arket and wait for the
ne!t resistance, leae the )* bo!
e%pty. Otherwise, set it at +, pips
oer the entry leel.
). !et/s get down to 0usiness.
2ow, you#re probably wonderin$, how do I $et those miraculous
indicators@ 3ell, as I mentioned at the end of chapter 8, this is
how I $et my piece of the pie. But don#t worry, you will not have
to pay for them ? I will $ive you those indicators for free only
when you show that you are ready to trade.
3hat I mean is that you will have to open a real account and
make a deposit before I $ive you the indicators.
3ell, on each and every trade that you will do, I will make a
profit. F(%pen will $ive me 1 pip worth of every trade accordin$
to the volume. '*ample you make a trade on the 'A&AS; with
a 0.1 lot si<e, I will make 1! ? 1nd what will it cost you@?
So, in order to open an account, please click here
9ake sure you select Standard 1ccount.
%nce this is done, you will have to fund your account. "he
easiest way is usin$ 1lert/ay. If you don#t have an 1lert/ay
account, :lick here to open one.
I stron$ly recommend that you make a deposit of at least 100! in
order to $et the 8! Bonus from F(%pen.
%nce you have funded your account, you will receive a
confirmation email, then forward that email to
'arnBi$BillsK$ and I will reply with the indicators
attached in the email.
1. Mone" Manage#ent
In order to make money, you will have to mana$e your money
the ri$ht way. 3hich means you will not trade hi$her than 0.1
lots for each 100! in your account. 100 to 800 F 0.1 lots ?
;on#t worry, it won#t be lon$ before you $et to 800! ? 00! ?
1000! LLL
+our first deposit should be 10! -why 10! ? you Cust said
Dere#s why, 1lert/ay char$es a small commission to F*%pen to
process their transaction ? and who ends up payin$@ "he
:lient. So if you make a deposit of 100! flat, you#ll end up with
only MN! somethin$ in your tradin$ account. So to make sure you
$et that 8! Bonus, deposit 10, and you#ll have a little more
money to play with.
2ow, your first trades should be with a 0.1 volume ? then you
can double to 0.8 and so on.
3ith a minimum of 80 pips per trade,
trades K 0.1 lot F 100!
ne*t B K 0.8 lot F 180!
ne*t 8 K 0.B lot F 180!
ne*t 8 K 0.= lot F 1O0!
ne*t 1 K 0. lot F 100!
"otal after 1B trades F over P00!
2ot bad for Cust a few hours. 1nd keep in mind, the more you
have, the more you can make. But don#t be $reedyQ Slow and
steady wins the race.

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