Anda di halaman 1dari 4


Week One: Introduction Read Chapter 1. Watch Films 1 and 2 in the li!rar"#
the" are 1$1# 1$2%. &ssi'nment d(e midni'ht )n S(nda" ni'ht# &pril *.
First Assignment: Usin' a map# +ind the appr),imate a!s)l(te l)cati)n )+ the
capit)ls and-)r main cities )+ ")(r assi'ned c)(ntr"-ies. F)r e,ample# Seattle is
at appr),imatel" .2 de'rees N)rth# 122 de'rees West. Find a t)tal )+ three !e
s(re t) identi+" them%. L))k at satellite ima'er" /))'le Earth maps are easiest%
t) e,plain the sit(ati)n )+ these c)(ntries and cities and their nat(ral landscapes.
E,plain 0h" ")( think the capit)ls and-)r cities are l)cated 0here the" are.
Week T0): Culture. Read Chapter 2. Watch Films 2$ and 21 12$ and 121%.
&ssi'nment is d(e midni'ht &pril 11# etc.
Assignment 2: Find )(t the +)ll)0in' a!)(t ")(r assi'ned c)(ntr". I+ ")( ha2e
m)re than )ne c)(ntr"# ")( can ch))se )ne# !(t state 0hich )ne%. E,plain 0hat
the traditi)nal 2ie0s )n these are:
F))d and drink
C(lt(ral iss(es
There is a link t) 7Li!rar" Res)(rces8 )n We!CT9s main pa'e that 0ill pr)!a!l"
help ")( +ind ans0ers. &+ter +indin' the ans0ers# explain why they are the way
they are. In )ther 0)rds# 0h" d)es this c)(ntr"9s traditi)nal dress l))k like it
d)es: What d)es their traditi)nal art tell ")( a!)(t their 0)rld2ie0: &re their
2ie0s )+ 0hat is !ea(ti+(l (ni;(e t) place: &re s)me animals m)re 2al(ed than
)thers: I+ s)# 0h": Finall"# e,plain 0hat impact place has had )n c(lt(re in this
N)0# read s)me ne0spapers +r)m ")(r assi'ned c)(ntr". These can !e +)(nd at
0)rld<ne0spapers.c)m# ne0slink. Or'# and ne0sdirect)r".c)m. 6))kmark ")(r
+a2)rite# ")( 0ill (se it a'ain%. What d) the ne0spapers tell ")( a!)(t the
di++erences !et0een traditi)nal and m)dern c(lt(re in these places: 5) the
di++erences pr)d(ce c)n+lict: E,plain.
Week Three: Spatial Interaction and Behavior. Read Chapter =. Watch
Films > and ?. 5(e &pril 22.
Asmt. 3 5escri!e a!)(t ")(r assi'ned c)(ntr" )r re'i)n its pe)ple9s Indi2id(al
&cti2it" Space and 5istance and Time C)nstraints# and In+)rmati)n Fl)0.
5escri!e then the p(sh-p(ll +act)rs# the t"pe )+ mi'rati)n it has internall"# and
the t"pe )+ in<mi'rati)n and )(t<mi'rati)n it has. Which pe)ple mi'rate and 0h":
What e++ect d)es mi'rati)n ha2e: &re there iss(es 0ith re+('ees: 4)stilit"
t)0ard immi'rants: 6rain drain: E,plain these in the c)nte,ts 'i2en in the te,t.
Week F)(r: opulation and !emographics. Read Chapter .. Watch Film
1. and 1*. 5(e &pril 2?.
Asmt. " &ns0er these ;(esti)ns a!)(t ")(r assi'ned c)(ntr":
What is its p)p(lati)n:
What t"pe )+ p)p(lati)n p"ramid d)es it ha2e:
What is its p)p(lati)n densit":
What is its se, rati):
What are its !irth and death rates:
What are its leadin' ca(ses )+ death:
What are its attit(des t)0ard !irth c)ntr)l:
What are its three main pr)!lems related t) p)p(lati)n: Wh" and
0hat can !e d)ne a!)(t them:
Week Fi2e: #anguage and $eligion. Read Chapter 1. Watch Films 1$ and
1@. 5(e 3a" >.
Asmt. % 5escri!e ")(r assi'ned c)(ntr"9s lan'(a'e and lan'(a'e iss(es. What
is its )++icial lan'(a'e-s: 5escri!e its alpha!et and s)me )+ the 0)rds and
phrases and sa"in's. 4)0 d) pe)ple 'reet each )ther: Wh) are s)me )+ this
c)(ntr"9s 'reat 0riters# past and present: 4)0 man" lan'(a'es are sp)ken and
d)es the di2ersit" )+ lan'(a'es ca(se c)n+lict: Find a 0e!site that all)0s ")( t)
hear )ne )+ ")(r c)(ntr"9s lan'(a'es. /i2e me the address +)r that 0e!site. Tell
me 0hat that lan'(a'e is and 0hat it s)(nds like.
5escri!e ")(r assi'ned c)(ntr"9s reli'i)n-s and reli'i)(s iss(es. What is its
)++icial reli'i)n: &re an" reli'i)ns !anned: Wh) is c)nsidered the reli'i)(s
leader and 0hat mart"rs )r sacred her)es d) the" ha2e: 5escri!e the c)(ntr"9s
h)l" places# sacred architect(re# reli'i)(s calendar# and treatment )+ the dead.
Is there a 'e)'raphic reas)n 0h" the" treat the dead the 0a" the" d): What is
the relati)nship !et0een reli'i)n and ')2ernment:
EA&3 I 3a" ?.
Week Si,: &thnicity. Read Chapter >. Watch Films =# @# 2>. 5(e 3a" 1=.
5escri!e the ethnic make(p )+ ")(r assi'ned c)(ntr"# incl(din' a pie chart.
What ethnic iss(es d)es ")(r c)(ntr" ha2e: 5) pe)ple )+ di++erent ethnic
'r)(ps mi,# )r are the" separated: 4as ")(r c)(ntr" d)ne an e,cellent# '))d# )r
p))r B)! )+ dealin' 0ith ethnic iss(es: What s(ccesses )r +ail(res has ")(r
c)(ntr" had in dealin' 0ith ethnic tensi)n: &re the ethnic c)n+licts s)lel" internal
)r are there e,ternal iss(es in2)l2ed: E,plain# e,plain# e,plain.
Week Se2en: Agriculture and Industry. Read Chapters * and ?. Watch
Films 1# 2=# 12# 21. 5(e 3a" 2$.
5escri!e the a'ric(lt(re in ")(r assi'ned c)(ntr". What t"pes and le2el )+
a'ric(lt(ral pr)d(cti)n d)es it ha2e: 4)0 mechaniCed is its a'ric(lt(re: What
are the c)(ntr"9s main a'ric(lt(ral iss(es: What kinds )+ a'ric(lt(re d)es it
imp)rt: What kinds )+ a'ric(lt(re d)es it e,p)rt: What are its a'ric(lt(ral
pr)spects +)r the +(t(re:
5escri!e the ind(str" in ")(r assi'ned c)(ntr". What t"pes and le2el )+ ind(strial
pr)d(cti)n d)es it ha2e: Is its ind(str" hi'h<tech )r l)0<tech: What are the
c)(ntr"9s main ind(strial iss(es: What kinds )+ ra0 materials and p)0er s)(rces
and la!)r and transp)rtati)n d)es it ha2e: What are its ind(strial pr)spects +)r
the +(t(re: Is it in a '))d l)cati)n +)r ind(str" and participati)n in the 'l)!al
ec)n)m": Wh" )r 0h" n)t:
Week Ei'ht: !evelopment. Read Chapter 1$. Watch Films *# 1=# 2.# 1?.
5(e 3a" 2@.
5escri!e ")(r assi'ned c)(ntr"9s le2el )+ de2el)pment. Where is it )n the
4(man 5e2el)pment Inde,: What is its /5D: What are its ed(cati)n le2el and
literac" rates: What is its health and 0el+are# li+e e,pectanc"# in+ant m)rtalit"
rate: 4)0 d)es ")(r c)(ntr" c)mpare 0ith )thers in the re'i)n: What are its
attit(des t)0ard 'ender: What are its pr)spects +)r the +(t(re: What are its
pr)spects +)r +(t(re de2el)pment: What is its t)(rism ind(str" like: Create a
simple tra2el !r)ch(re that mi'ht entice s)me)ne t) 2isit# sh)0in' 0hat pict(res
and +acts ")( 0)(ld hi'hli'ht.
Week Nine: 'r(ani)ation. Read Chapter 11. Watch Films 1># 22. 5(e E(n =.
5escri!e ")(r c)(ntr"9s cities. What is ")(r c)(ntr"9s (r!an-r(ral rati): What
s)cial# ec)n)mic# and ph"sical pr)!lems d) its cities ha2e: 4)0 is its s"stem )+
transp)rtati)n: 5)es it +it 0ith the te,t9s m)del +)r cities in the re'i)n: &re the
cities sl(ms: 5) the" ha2e ade;(ate in+rastr(ct(re: Wh" are pe)ple m)2in' t)
these cities:
Week Ten: olitics and $esource Issues. Read Chapters 12 and 1=. Watch
Films .# 11# 11. 5(e E(n 1$.
5escri!e the p)litics )+ ")(r assi'ned c)(ntr". What are the !)(ndaries and
shape )+ ")(r c)(ntr": 4)0 easil" are its !)rders de+ended and 0hat kinds )+
relati)ns d)es ")(r c)(ntr" ha2e 0ith its nei'h!)rs: I+ ")(r c)(ntr" 0as e2er a
c)l)n" )r c)l)nial p)0er# h)0 has that a++ected it: What )ther kinds )+ internal
and e,ternal !)(ndar" iss(es ph"sical# c(lt(ral# ec)n)mic# etc.% d)es ")(r
c)(ntr" ha2e: What t"pe )+ ')2ernment d)es ")(r c)(ntr" ha2e and is it
s(ccess+(l: What kinds )+ alliances is it in2)l2ed in: What attit(de d)es ")(r
c)(ntr" ha2e t)0ards terr)rism:
5escri!e ")(r c)(ntr"9s res)(rces. &re its res)(rces !ein' depleted: What is its
p)ll(ti)n like: 4)0 m(ch d)es it rel" )n +)ssil +(els and is that reliance ')in' t)
'r)0 )r diminish in the +(t(re: 5)es ")(r c)(ntr" ha2e its )0n res)(rces )r
m(st it imp)rt: I+ s)# 0hat and +r)m 0here# and h)0 d)es that a++ect its
dependence )n )ther c)(ntries:
EA&3 II E(n 12.

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