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The Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your

First Website* (now with free follow-along !ideos"

This book is created and written by Chris Farrell.
Chris Farrell began Internet Marketing in Feb 2008. After 5 months Chris
began haing his first !250"days online. After # months Chris had his first
!$000"days %all fig&res erifiable'. Chris is now a f&ll time Internet
Marketer and (rod&ct )eelo*er working from his home in +eerly ,ills-
Table of Contents
PART 1 Introduction p3
PART 2 Do I need my Own Website? p8
PART 3 How To Start Creating p!"
PART 4 Downloading and Installing p!#
PART 5 Domain $ame Ser%ers p&8
PART 6 Creating 'our (irst Webpage p3)

PART 7 Sa%ing (iles Correctly p""
PART 8 *ublis+ing 'our (irst Web *age p,&
PART 9 (onts- Images and Color p#!
PART 10 Creating a lin. p8/
PART 11 Creating anot+er page p8)

PART !& 0esi1ing 'our *age p22
PART 13 *utting te3t into a Table p!/)
PART 14 So now w+at? p!!"
PART 15 4 (inal Word p!!)
#$%T &
Three little letters.
.ne massie o**ort&nity.
The /orld /ide /eb. 0&rely the most
incredible inention we will witness in o&r
/hat is 1&st as incredible howeer- are the
1aw2dro**ing incomes that many are claiming to make- *er day- *er week- *er
month 3 sim*ly by &sing the world wide web. And they claim to be making this
money while working from home.
4at&rally- we are all intrig&ed. /e want more information. Can these fig&res
really be achieed5 And if so- by somebody s&ch as6well6me?
In the last few years in *artic&lar- there has been a web e7*losion of eye2*o**ing
headlines of earning *otential- sim*ly by working from home with yo&r own
website. And what8s een more incredible is that3 9:0; 3 it wo&ld a**ear that
anyone can do this.
Come on5 Anyone5 <eally5
<eady for the tr&th5
$ personal note
4eer in my wildest dreams did I e7*ect to be writing an ebook abo&t creating a
website. 9et witho&t hesitation I can tell yo& why I hae written this 3
4ot2knowing2where2to2start- hair2*&lling2o&t- going2to2bed2at22am- kicking2the2
For a long time I
wanted to set &* my
own home based
b&siness- selling
*rod&cts on line. I
had researched the
s&b1ect matter
tremendo&sly- and
&nderstood the
conce*t and that a
great income co&ld
indeed be made.
I also &nderstood
that ital to my s&ccess- was a website. I was more than ha**y to *ay for a
*rofessional to hel* me with this- b&t before I did- I wanted to &nderstand the
basics myself.
0ho&ld be easy eno&gh- I tho&ght. That was my first mistake. Trying to locate a
0IM(>: beginner8s g&ide to creating a website was like trying to s?&ee@e wine
from a rock.
I was ama@ed. 0&ch a *rod&ct did not seem to e7ist. 0&re- there were lots of so
called Abeginners8 g&ides o&t there- many in fact- b&t een these 3 witho&t
e7ce*tion 3 became too com*licated too ?&ickly. +efore I knew it I was reading
abo&t html coding- )40 serer settings- FT( *rograms6
This was a foreign lang&age to me.
/hat I wanted was a real beginners beginners g&ide. +&t I co&ldn8t find anything
close. :en the ACom*&ters for )&mmies8 series went into far too m&ch detail and
My initial enth&siasm began to slowly see* away- and
was re*laced instead- by fr&stration.
Maybe yo& hae e7*erienced this for yo&rself. I
know a lot of *eo*le hae.
+&t I ref&sed to be beaten.
0o I set abo&t on a mission to ed&cate myself. I inested in haing a few one2to2
one lessons- immersed myself with many different t&torials- downloaded ario&s
co&rses- and oer time 3 at last 3 I ta&ght myself the +A0IC0 of how to get a
website created and online.
0ince then- I hae had many *eo*le ask me the same ?&estion 3 Ahow do yo& do
it58 And it is for that reason- that I hae written this e+ook.
This is my (<.MI0: to yo&B
+y the end of this e+ook- yo& will hae a working website with m&lti*le
*ages- incl&ding a main *age- and links to other *ages and other sites.
More im*ortantly- yo& will know how to create- design and *&blish yo&r
site so that yo& can design new sites any time yo& want.
)efore we begin - a few fa(ts*
FACT; The ma1ority of *eo*le setting &* a web based b&siness do not make any
FACT; Fantastic incomes on the web CA4 be made. +&t 2 and it is a +IC Ab&t8 3
1&st like any b&siness- to reach these di@@ying heights yo& will hae to be *re*ared
to *&t in the hard work.
0im*ly *&t- yo& are 4.T going to make %let8s say' !$5-000 a month by clicking
yo&r mo&se a few times6.
6yo& C.=>) make !$5-000 a month by clicking yo&r mo&se a few times6IF
9.= 0(:4) 0.M: TIM: 0:TTI4C =( 9.=< +=0I4:00 C.<<:CT>9.

Most *eo*le don8t. The reason5 Most *eo*le get blinded by other *eo*le8s
income. /e all see these fantastic headlines- and want a *iece of it. /e sign &*
for information- maybe *&rchasing a *rod&ct or two %or three or fo&r' along the
And then- slowly b&t s&rely- we get ca&ght &* in information overload. 0&ddenly
we are receiing $D emails a day- all from different com*anies- all so&nding too
good to be tr&e- all offering similar so&nding *rod&cts that we m&st +=9 4./.
It8s easy to find yo&rself in this sit&ation.
Ty*e in Ahome based b&siness8 in Coogle. I fo&nd E5 million sites when I did; E5
million;; 4o wonder *eo*le get lost.
Information oerload. /hat do yo&
literally do ne7t when faced with so
m&ch information5
/here do yo& t&rn5
/e all know what ha**ens when we find
o&rseles in this sit&ation. .&r original
enth&siasm disa**ears and is re*laced
by6 F<=0T<ATI.4.
,ae yo& been there5 I certainly hae.
FACT; :stablishing an Internet +&siness is a slow *rocess.
FACT; 4ot eeryone can make money online.
FACT; A lot of *eo*le s&ffer from the misg&ided belief that the web is a magic
wand. It isn8t. ,oweer 3
FACT; >et me re2iterate my earlier *oint and say that is that !$5-000 a month
%een a week' can be made- b&t only when yo& hae s*ent time %and money'
&nderstanding how this b&siness works.
The best adice I had abo&t setting &* my online b&siness was as followsB
treat ettin! "# an online $"ine a erio"ly a ettin! "# an
offline $"ine%%&
>ike any b&siness- the amo&nt of hard work yo& *&t in now- will be *ro*ortionate
to the diidends it will *ay later. 9o& rea* what yo& sow.
There are f&ndamentally fo&r elements all ital to the s&ccess of yo&r online
Poein! t'e ri!'t attit"de
(avin! a )e$ite
(avin! a #rod"*t+#rod"*t to mar,et
-ein! ,no)led!ea$le of 'o) to mar,et yo"r
This e+ooks is designed to address the second elementB 3 yo&r website.
<eady5 >et8s begin.
#$%T +
,o ' -eed .y /wn Website0
Cant ' 1se $ Free /ne0
A ?&estion I get asked often is 3 do I need a website of my own5
This is a C<:AT ?&estion. /hen I started in this b&siness I asked e7actly the
same. I had *recisely F:<. knowledge of how to create a website. The tho&ght
terrified me. I had the attit&de AI can8t do that8 %an attit&de incidentally that I had
to change and so will yo&'.
It wo&ld be so m&ch easier 3 so I tho&ght 3 to &se a website that I co&ld get for
free- and that was already set &* for me. (artic&larly as there are so many free
websites aailable.
>et me be bl&nt here.
9o&r website is integral to the s&ccess of yo&r b&siness. 012R website- not
somebody else8s. If yo& don8t s*end at least a little time getting to learn the basics
%which is the *oint of this e+ook' yo& will be constantly nero&s when working
from home- as there will be a h&ge *art of yo&r b&siness that yo& Adon8t really
&nderstand.8 Clearly yo& cannot o*erate like this.
/hat ha**ens when something goes wrong- or yo& want to make a ery sim*le
change to yo&r site5 /ill yo& call &* yo&r technical *erson or yo&r web b&ddy
eery time5 /ill yo& o&t2so&rce all yo&r web ?&estions to someone else5 0o"r
)e$ite i t'e life $lood of yo"r $"ine. Cet &sed to it. If yo& really are serio&s
abo&t making money from home- yo& need to get oer yo&r web fear. 9o& will
accom*lish that with this e+ook.
+y the end of this e+ook- yo& will hae created a basic- f&lly f&nctioning-
&*loaded- *&blished .4 >I4: website.
>et me re*eat that. 5y t+e end of t+is e5oo. you WI66 +a%e created a basic-
fully functioning- uploaded- publis+ed O$6I$7 website. It will not hae the
bells and whistles of adanced sitesG to do that yo& will need e7*ert hel*. +&t by
following my te#3$y3te# instr&ctions in this e+ook- yo& will create and &*load
yo&r own H *aged website. It8s ?&ite an ama@ing feeling the first time yo& *&blish
something on the web for the world to see;
0o- back to the ?&estion 3 do 4 really need my o)n )e$ite? 5an6t 4 "e a free
It8s tr&e- yo& can get free websites. Many f&lly o*erational with *rod&cts ready to
sell already incl&ded. 0o why on earth wo&ld yo& bother going thro&gh all the
work to create yo&r own website- when yo& can get a *rofessional looking one 3
for free5
7'at 4 am a$o"t to tell yo"8 no$ody in t'e $"ine e9#lained to me % I hae
one thing I want yo& to be clear on. The only Afree8 website yo& will eer be
offered is a Afree8 AFFI>IT: website.
>et8s look at e7actly what this isB
:ree A::4;4AT< )e$ite%
(lease do not be *&t off by the word affiliate. I was when I began.
An affiliate 3 ?&ite sim*ly 3 is somebody %yo&' who *romotes an e7isting *rod&ct.
An affiliate will sign &* to a certain *rogramme- and will sell the *rod&cts%s' from
that *rogramme %be it books"clothes"seminars etc'.
As an affiliate yo& will be *aid a commission on eery sale yo& generate.
An e7am*le. A h&gely s&ccessf&l b&siness. +&t did yo& know yo&
can get inoled and sell their *rod&cts if yo& want- by signing &* to be an
Ama@on Affiliate %they call it an Associate 3 b&t it is the same thing'. Then-
thro&gh 9.=< own website- yo& will sell whateer *rod&cts yo& like of
9o& may well hae seen the Ama@on logo on other *eo*le8s website. If yo& click
on this logo yo& will be sent to and if yo& *&rchase the *rod&ct that
the website yo& were iewing was adertising- Ama@on will *ay yo& a
This works well for both *artiesG Ama@on benefit beca&se they hae tho&sands of
other sellers %affiliates' marketing their *rod&cts. And the affiliates benefit
beca&se they hae ?&ality *rod&cts to sell.
.f co&rse howeer 2 ri!'t no) 3 as yo& read this e+ook- this is of little hel*-
beca&se yo& do not act&ally hae yo&r own website. I can hear yo& saying Aall
ery interesting b&t how does this hel* me58
>et me tell yo&.
A lot of affiliate *rograms hae reali@ed that *eo*le do not want to go to the
tro&ble of creating their own site- and so a lot of affiliate *rograms now gie away
a free website when yo& sign &* to become an affiliate.
This so&nds great; 9o&r own site already set &*- f&lly o*erational and stocked f&ll
of *rod&cts- and 3 what8s more 2 the facilities to take credit card *ayments. 4o
need to design a site yo&rself- so&rce yo&r own *rod&cts etc. It so&nds ideal;
/ell- 1&st hang on a moment.
There are *ros and cons.
>et8s go thro&gh both ?&ickly 3 as it is im*ortant yo& &nderstand this.
.nline Affiliate Marketing is ,=C:. In 2008- the affiliate ind&stry worldwide
earned !#.5 billion.
Tens of tho&sands of affiliates make money eery day- and tho&sands of *eo*le
hae ?&it their day 1obs to become f&ll time affiliate marketers.
It is a good b&siness to get into- beca&se yo& do not need any e7*erience to start-
and yo& can make good money by selling other *eo*les *rod&cts.
Another good side abo&t &sing an affiliate website for the com*lete beginner 2 is
that it will gie yo& a Aweb *resence8 immediately. This is ital to b&ild &* yo&r
C.4FI):4C: %tr&st me on this 3 in this b&siness yo& will need as m&ch
C.4FI):4C: as *ossible- as there will be *lenty of fr&stration coming yo&r way
It is ery easy to get a free affiliate website &* and r&nning. Ty*e in Aaffiliate8 in
Coogle and 1&st see how many offers there are.
4o affiliate site will tell yo& what the +ICC:0T *roblem of affiliate marketing is.
To be fair 3 it is not their res*onsibility to tell yo&3 b&t I want to flag this &* for
yo& immediately. The cl&e of what the biggest *roblem is 2 can be fo&nd in the
title. It8s called affiliate =AR><T4?@%
AMA<I:TI4C8. A lot of *eo*le forget this. 0o yo& sign &* for an affiliate
*rogram- and now yo& hae a fantastic looking site stacked f&ll of hot *rod&cts w+at? W+at ne3t? The affiliate *rogram does 4.T hel* yo& market their
*rod&cts 3 yo&8re on yo&r own for that.
This is why the ma1ority of *eo*le do not make A49 money as an affiliate. 4ote I
say the Ama1ority8. 0&re 3 some *eo*le do make fantastic incomes *&rely as an
affiliate- b&t these *eo*le work hard- marketing their site r&thlessly and taking their
b&siness ery serio&sly.
The *roblem is 3 most *eo*le beliee that sim*ly +a%ing a site f&ll of
great *rod&cts 3 is eno&gh. It isn8t. And it8s for this reason that most *eo*le
fail as affiliates. 4obody tells yo& this. It took me two years to learn.
Cetting a site stocked with *rod&cts is only the half of it. And it8s the easy half.
It8s the MA<I:TI4C of yo&r site that takes the hard work. It8s all ery well
haing a nice site that looks great- b&t yo& need to master the skills to market yo&r
site %remember the fo&r elements needed for s&ccess in this b&siness'.
Another thing 3 that a lot of s&ccessf&l affiliate marketers do not tell yo& 3 is that
they hae s*ent years building a database of customers. They will market their
new *rod&cts direct to this list.
As a newcomer- yo& will not hae this list. 9o& will hae to b&ild yo&r own list.
And b&ilding a list is a ,=C: %b&t fascinating' to*ic in itself %not coered in this
e+ook- b&t f&rther information on marketing yo&r site and list b&ilding is coered
in great detail in my weekly free newsletter 3 A255<AA @R<?AB<' %which
incidentally if yo& sign &* for this e+ook 3 yo& will also become a member of
0=CC:00 C<:4A):' %)on8t worry 3 *&t yo&r credit card away 3 both are $00J
A"mmary of "in! an affiliate )e$iteC
For the com*lete beginner- affiliate marketing is a good way to get yo&r feet
wet 3 a good way to learn the ro*es. If yo& are offered an affiliate *rogram
for a *rod&ct yo& like- and yo& are offered a free website- I wo&ld s&ggest
signing &* if only to get a feel for how the b&siness works. ,oweer 2 be
warned. I know a lot of *eo*le who hae made ne7t to no money thro&gh
affiliates. 0&re- it *an $e done- b&t be *re*ared to *&t in the ho&rs. Altho&gh
this is an online b&siness- yo& hae to treat it as an offline b&siness.
The real way to make money thro&gh affiliates is to be the *erson who
*reate t'e #rod"*t ori!inally. +y so&rcing affiliates to work for yo& and
sell 'O80 *rod&ct 3 yo& can make a ery handsome income. Most affiliates
do it the other way aro&nd- and sell .T,:< (:.(>:80 *rod&cts. +eing an
affiliate selling someone else8s *rod&ct- can be to&gh. There co&ld be
tho&sands of other *eo*le selling the same *rod&ct. And for the com*lete
newcomer to make some serio&s money doing this- it can be ery da&nting.
+=T- to learn how an affiliate *rogram works- it is inal&able :K(:<I:4C:.
%The money will follow if yo& get the n&ts and bolts right'.
/hereas there L:<9 M=C, 4A a *lace for free affiliate websites- ho*ef&lly by
now yo& will reali@e that those who are s&ccessf&l in this b&siness hae created a
site of t'eir o)n. And if yo& want to be taken serio&sly in this b&siness- so m&st
9o& owe it to yo&rself. This is yo&r b&siness we are talking abo&t. 9o& hae to
know how yo&r website works- after all- it will eent&ally become yo&r own
*ersonal ATM.
#$%T 2
3/W T/ ST$%T C%E$T'-G Y/1%
If yo& are an absol&te beginner- this is where yo& sho&ld start. ,aing an
encyclo*edia in yo&r hands is not m&ch &se if yo& don8t know which articles yo&
sho&ld read first.
If yo& already hae yo&r own domain name and web hosting- yo& can ski* this
section and go straight to (art D. If not- *lease read below.
T'e <ential Ate# $y Ate# @"ide
1% @et 0o"r Bomain ?ame%
The first thing yo& need to do is get yo&rself a domain name. This is the name
yo& want to gie to yo&r website. For e7am*leB is a domain
name. To get a domain name- yo& will hae to *ay an ann&al fee %aerage cost
!$0' to a domain registration com*any for the right to &se that name. This does
not get yo& a website- 1&st the name.
The com*anies that register domain names are called re!itrar.
Ceogra*hically it doesn8t matter where yo&r registrar is- altho&gh I always feel
better if they are based in the co&ntry I lie in. I hae lied in the =0 and the
=I- and therefore hae &sed registrars in both. I tend to &se or www.namechea*.com +&t hae a search on Coogle-
and ask friends and colleag&es who they &se.
2% 5'ooe a 7e$ (ot%
.nce yo& hae yo&r own domain name- yo& will need to choose a hosting
com*any %also called a web host'.
/hat is a hosting com*any5 +asically a hosting com*any is a com*any that
connects yo&r website to the /orld /ide /eb. :ery website has a hosting
9o&r Com*&ter ,osting
/orld /ide /eb
There are tho&sands of hosting com*anies. 0o how do yo& choose a good one5
/ell- when yo& *&rchase yo&r domain name- yo& will also be offered the
o*tion of *&rchasing hosting. 9o& do 4.T hae to b&y hosting from same
com*any yo& bo&ght yo&r domain from- altho&gh for sim*licities sake- it is
often easier.
,osting *ackages ary in cost 3 b&t e7*ect to *ay not m&ch more than !$0"$5
month for a good host. If yo& want to sho* aro&nd for better rates- do a Coogle
search for Ahosting com*anies8.
.r better still- ask aro&nd. 0*eak to *eo*le who hae a website and ask them
which hosting com*any they &se.
Creating a hosting acco&nt is ery easy- 1&st *roide a few details on line and
yo& will hae yo&r own hosting *ackage with min&tes.
.nce all set &*- yo& will receie an email with all yo&r web hosting details.
Bo not loe t'i email It contains im*ortant information that yo& will need
later to *&blish yo&r website.
.nce yo& hae a domain name and web hosting set &*- yo& are ready to create
yo&r own website.
<emember.... the end of this e+ook yo& will hae a working website with m&lti*le
*ages- incl&ding a main *age.
#$%T 4
,/W-5/$,'-G $-,
Are yo& ready for this5 This is e7citing;
5R<AT4?@ a Aim#le :irt 7e$ Pa!e
+y now- yo& hae yo&r domain name and web host. 9o&r ne7t ste* is to design
yo&r web*age itself.
As disc&ssed in detail earlier- we are 4.T going to &se an affiliate website.
Instead- I want to show yo& how easy it is to create yo&r own website. As a
beginner- the im*ortant thing now- is to act&ally get something onto the web.
To create a web *age- yo& will design it on yo&r com*&ter at home. 9o& will
then &*load it to yo&r hosting com*any. And then they will transfer it to the
/orld /ide /eb.
0o how do we do all this5
/hen yo& design yo&r web *age at home- yo& will need to &se what is known
as a )e$ editor.
A web editor is a *iece of software that all hosting com*anies recogni@e.
0im*ly *&t- a web editor is the software *rogram &sed to create web *ages. It
conerts the te7t and content that yo& will write on yo&r com*&ter 3 into
Acom*&ter lang&age8 for yo&r web hosting com*any to &nderstand.
0o therefore- the first thing yo& will need 3 obio&sly 2 is a web editor.
There are tho&sands of different web editors. They f&ndamentally all do the same
thing 3 allow yo& to create web *ages. )o a ?&ick Coogle search for Aweb editors8
%$H million when I 1&st looked'.
9o& may well hae heard of some of the more famo&s web editors 3 Front*age or
)reamweaer for e7am*le.
9o& can *ay a lot of money for a web editor- b&t there are also a lot of *erfectly
good web editors aailable for free.
For the *&r*ose of this e+ook- we are going to &se a free web editor.
It doesn8t really matter which editor yo& &se %at this stage'- so I hae chosen for
yo& a great web editor called >om#oDer mainly beca&se it does the 1ob well and it
ery easy to learn on.
The first thing therefore we need to do is download Iom*o@er onto yo&r com*&ter.
,ownloading a Free Web Editor (6o7po8er" onto your
If yo& are comfortable with downloading- yo& can ski* this section.
If not- I am going to take yo& thro&gh :L:<9 ste*.
9o& are abo&t to download Iom*o@er direct from its website.
EPleae note3 :R<< F4B<1G
The first time yo& download something I know it can be slightly oerwhelming.
Therefore 3 I hae made yo& a LI):. to 0,./ yo& :KACT>9 how to download
and install Iom*o@er.
This /I>> hel* yo& a lot; And sae yo& time; (lease click here to watch this short
ideo right nowB
The contents of the ideo are also e7*lained oer the ne7t few *ages...
<eady5 Cood; >et8s really get started now...
Ty*e in www.kom* into yo&r web browser.

The Iom*o@er home *age will load. At the time of writing this e+ook %0e*tember
2008' it looks like thisB
Click on the )ownload b&tton.
The following *age will a**ear.
Click on the s&itable link 3 de*ending on whether yo& are a /indows &ser 3 or
a Mac &ser.
For the sake of this e+ook 3 I am &sing /indows as my e7am*le.
9o& will now see this dialog&e bo7 o*en &*.
Click on 0ae File
And then Click .I.
/e are now abo&t to download all the files we need from Iom*o@er8s web site
3 and sae these files on yo&r com*&ter.
A download bo7 will a&tomatically a**ear when yo& click .I. .nce
downloaded %it will take 1&st a few seconds' yo& will see a screen similar to
4ow 3 I hae something IM(.<TA4T to e7*lain here 3 that conf&ses a >.T
of *eo*le.
/hether yo& reali@e it or not 2 yo& hae 1&st downloaded a H4PP<B folder.
0omething that is @i**ed 3 means that it has had its contents Acom*ressed8.
This is sim*ly to make the si@e of the download smaller and more manageable.
Many downloads are in the form of @i**ed folders.
Therefore 2 once yo& download a @i**ed folder 3 yo& hae to =4@i* it to access
the contents. The correct com*&ter term for &n@i**ing a folder 3 is
0o we now need to e9tra*t the contents of this @i**ed folder. This is how to do
)o&ble click on the folder itself.
The following window will o*en.
Click on :7tract all files.
An A:7traction /i@ard8 window will o*en that looks like this.
Click 4e7t.
9o&8ll see the following window.
Click 4e7t and the contents will begin e7tracting a&tomatically.

.nce the e7traction *rocess has ended 3 this window will a**ear.
Click on Finish.
9o& will now be shown this window
4ow 3 this window may look ery similar to one yo& hae 1&st seen 2 b&t it is
different; /hat yo& are looking at now %the image aboe' is the :KT<ACT:)
folder from the original FI((:) folder
0o 3 now yo& hae e7tracted this folder 3 do&ble click on it 3 as shown in the
image below.
**** To continue reading this FREE eBook (and it
really is 100% free)...please donload the F!""
#ersion fro$ the e%site you are #isiting.
There is &' catch ( it really is 100% FREE))
+hris Farrell
(creator and author of eBook)

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