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cbse class 10 bilogy solved question chapter Life

1.Name the product and by product of photosynthesis.
2.In which biochemical form the photosynthate moes in phloem tissue!
".#hat are the raw materials of photosynthesis!
$.#hat is the similarity between chlorophyll and hemo%lobin!
&.Name the products of photolysis of water.
'.#hat are the end products of li%ht dependant reaction!
(.#hich cell or%anelle is the site of photosynthesis!
).#hat is the difference between di%estion of heterotrophs and saprotrophs!
*.+ie e,ample of two plants and two animal parasites.
1-.Name the en.yme present in salia/ what is its role in di%estion!
11.#hich chemical is used to test for starch! #hich colour shows the presence of starch!
12.+ie the term0 rhythmic contraction of alimentary canal muscle to propel food.
1".Name the three secretions of %astric %lands.
1$.#hat is the function of mucus in %astric %land!
1&.Name the sphincter which re%ulates the e,it of food from the stomach.
1'.+ie the functions of hydrochloric acid for the body.
1(.#hat is the role of pepsin in stomach!
1).#hy pancreas is called mi,ed %land!
1*.+ie two functions of bile 1uice/ from which or%an it is released!
2-.Name the lar%est %land of our body.
21.Name any three important en.ymes of pancreas and the food component on which they
22.#here from intestinal 1uice come to the small intestine!
2".#hat is the function of intestinal 1uice!
2$.#hat are the simplest di%estie product of carbohydrate/ fats and protein!
2&.Name the fin%er li2e pro1ections of small intestine and what is the necessity of such type
of pro1ections in di%estie system!
2'.#hy are intestinal illis hi%hly ascular!
2(.#hat is the function of anal sphincter!
2).Name the site of anaerobic and aerobic respiration in a cell.
2*.3 three carbon compound is the common product of both aerobic and anaerobic pathway.
#hat is that!
"-.#hy do we %et muscle cramp after i%orous e,ercise!
"1.4istin%uish between lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation!
"2.Name the ener%y currency molecule of cell!
"".The breathin% rate of a5uatic animals is hi%h/ why!
"$.#hat is the function of mucus and fine hair in nostrils!
"&.+ie the function of networ2 of capillaries on aleoli.
"'.Name the main carrier of o,y%en and carbon dio,ide in man.
"(.#hy does haemo%lobin molecule act as efficient carrier of o,y%en than diffusion process!
").+ie e,ample of any three substances transported by plasma.
"*.Name the or%an that0 6a7 pushes blood around body 6b7 ma2e blood to reach to tissues.
$-.Name the blood essel that carries blood from heart to lun%s and from lun%s to heart.
$1.8ow many heart chambers are there in 6a7 fish 6b7 fro% 6c7 li.ard 6d7 crocodile 6e7 birds 6f7
$2.Name the deice that measures blood pressure.
$".#hat is the normal blood pressure of man!
$$.#hy capillaries are thin walled!
$&.#hich cell of blood help in wound healin%!
$'.#hat is the other name of lymph!
$(.+ie two function of lymph.
$).#hat is the direction of flow of water in ,ylem and food in phloem!
$*.#hy do plants need less ener%y than animals!
&-.#hich process acts as suction to pull water from ,ylem cells of roots.
&1.9ention two functions of transpiration.
&2.#hat are the two substances transported throu%h phloem tissue!
&".Name the food component whose di%estion produce nitro%enous waste!
&$.#hich is the functional unit of 2idney!
&&.#hat is the cup shaped structure of nephron called!
&'.#hich materials are selectiely reabsorbed by nephron tubule!
&(.#hat are the two important functions of 2idney.
&).#hat is the other name of artificial 2idney!
1.;roduct0starch by product0o,y%en
".carbon dio,ide/ water
$.both are pi%ments
&.o,y%en/ electron and protons
'.3T;/ N34;82
).8eterotrophs0 di%estion occurs inside the body/ saprotrophs0 di%estion occurs outside of
*.plant0cuscuta/ orchid animal0lice/ tics
1-.Saliary amylase0It di%ests starch to maltose.
11.Iodine solution/ blue
1".8<l/ pepsin/ mucus
1$.;rotects the inner linin% of stomach from the action of acid 8<l.
1&.;yloric sphincter
1'.3ctiates pepsin/ ma2e the medium acidic for en.yme action/ 9icrocidal.
1(.;epsin di%ests protein into peptones.
1).It behaes as e,ocrine as well as endocrine %land.
1*.6i7Emulsifies fat 6ii7 <han%e the food medium into al2aline on which pancreatic en.yme
can act.
21.6i73mylase0 carbohydrate/ 6ii7 =ipase0 fat/ 6iii7 Trypsin0 protein.
22.Secreted from internal wall of small intestine.
2".;erform final di%estion of all food components.
2$.6i7 carbohydrate0 %lucose/ 6ii7fat0 fatty acid/ %lycerol 6iii7 protein0 amino acid.
2&.>illi/ Increase the surface area of absorption of di%ested food.
2'.9ore the blood supply/ the more will be the absorption of di%ested food.
2(.:e%ulate the e,it of waste material.
2).3naerobic0cytoplasm/ aerobic0 mitochondria.
2*.;yruic acid.
"-.?ecause of the accumulation of lactic acid which is formed due to anaerobic brea2 down
of %lucose.
"1.=actic acid is a " carbon compound produced on o,idation of %lucose anaerobically
where as ethanol a 2 carbon compound is formed on anaerobic o,idation of %lucose alon%
with co2.
"".?ecause they ta2e dissoled o,y%en whose percenta%e in water is lower than
atmospheric percenta%e.
"$.@ilter impurities.
"&.E,chan%e of %ases by diffusion process. O,y%en from lun%s moes to blood and carbon
dio,ide from blood moes to lun%s.
"'.O260e7haemo%lobin/ O260e7plasma.
"(.8aemo%lobin has hi%h affinity for o,y%en/ so it carries the %as faster in blood where as
diffusion is a slow process.
").4i%ested food/ carbon dio,ide/ nitro%enous waste.
"*.6a7 8eart/ 6b7 blood essel.
$-.6a7 ;ulmonary artery/ 6b7 pulmonary ein.
$1.6a7 2/ 6b7 "/ 6c7 "/ 6d7 $ 6e7 $ 6f7 $.
$$.@or e,chan%e of materials by diffusion process.
$&.;latelet cells.
$'.Tissue fluid.
$(.<arries di%ested and absorbed fats/ drains e,cess fluid from e,tra cellular space to blood.
$).@low of water is unidirectional i.e. from root to leaes/ but flow of food bidirectional i.e. leaf
to sin2 and ice ersa.
$*.;lants are nonmotileB most of the cells are dead.
&1.6i73bsorption and upward moement of water and minerals/ 6ii7 temperature re%ulation.
&2.Sucrose/ amino acid.
&".;rotein/ nucleic acid.
&&.?owmanCs capsule.
&'.+lucose/ amino acids/ salts/ water.
&(.@iltration of nitro%enous waste from blood and osmore%ulation.

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