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Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

GEAR UP Kenai Peninsula

The applicant for this GEAR UP grant is the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
(KPBSD) and Project GRAD Kenai Peninsula (PG) The Kenai Peninsula is a !ast area
south of Anchorage" Alas#a $ith !er% re&ote !illages The KPBSD co!ers &ore than
'("))) s*uare &iles This grant see#s to refor& three schools+ the ,an$ale# School" the
Te-ughna School and the .o/nesen#a School Students in these schools face a &%riad of
pro-le&s fro& an unsta-le ho&e life to e0tre&el% high turno!er a&ong teachers
Graduation rates are e0ceptionall% lo$ 1ast %ear" one school graduated three seniors of
the 234 students in the K52' school Due to high une&plo%&ent rates" alcoholis&" and
a-use students are often not cared for -% their -iological parents and those students6
careta#ers are not a$are of the opportunities that a$ait graduates
7!er the ter& of the grant" GEAR UP Kenai Peninsula see#s to strengthen the #no$ledge
-ase of the facult% and pro!ide support to reduce teacher turno!er Partnerships $ith
local nati!e corporations $ill facilitate student tra!el to area colleges and uni!ersities
The local uni!ersit% $ill pro!ide facult% for Adult Basic Education classes so careta#ers
$ill continue their education concurrentl% $ith students
To acco&plish this" KPBSD and PG propose to &eet the follo$ing Goals and
Goal 2+ 8ncrease the acade&ic perfor&ance and preparation for college
7-jecti!es+ 8ncrease enroll&ent in pre5Alge-ra" Alge-ra" and AP classes -% ()
percent and increase to 4)percent the nu&-er of students in college preparator% courses
Goal '+ 8ncrease graduation rates as $ell as the nu&-er of graduates attending
7-jecti!es+ 8ncrease the nu&-er of students participating in college e0ploration
acti!ities -% 4) percent and increase the nu&-er of students participating in su&&er
college progra&s -% () percent
Goal 3+ 8ncrease the #no$ledge -ase of students and careta#ers a-out higher
education $hile increasing e0pectations of students and careta#ers a-out attending higher
7-jecti!es+ 8ncrease the nu&-er of students ta#ing college entrance e0a&s and
increase the nu&-er of students and careta#ers $ho are fa&iliar $ith the college
application process and financing options
Project Director+ 9eather Pancrat/
Telephone ,u&-er+ :);5'3(5(<2'
E&ail Address+ 9PA,=RAT>?KPBSDK2'AK
@allace =o&&unit% =ollege Sel&a
Gaining Earl% A$areness and Readiness for Undergraduates
@allace =o&&unit% =ollege Sel&a (@==S)" a pu-lic t$o %ear co&&unit% college
located in Sel&a" Ala-a&a (A1 is the t$o5letter postal a--re!iation and ,7T accepta-le
for te0t) (population '("))))" proposes to continue the GEAR UP partnership progra&
The project $ill ser!e ')) eligi-le se!enth grade cohort participants $ith the focus on
under represented students $ho ha!e the potential to graduate fro& high school" -ut need
supporti!e ser!ices and tutorial assistance to co&plete their education @==S re*uests
funds for si0 %ears for the follo$ing three goals+
Goal 2+ To de!elop an acade&ic %ear Earl% A$areness Progra&
Goal '+ To operate a su&&er college and career e0ploration ca&p
Goal 3+ To esta-lish the leadership and &entoring progra&
Through its proposed ser!ices" the project $ill increase the acade&ic perfor&ance and
preparation for postsecondar% education for GEAR UP students" increase the rate of high
school graduation and participation in postsecondar% education" and increase GEAR UP
students6 and their fa&ilies6 #no$ledge of postsecondar% education options" preparation
and financing The project has de!eloped fourteen o-jecti!es as $ell as acti!ities and
ser!ices designed to achie!e each o-jecti!e The &ain focus of the project $ill include
college and financial counseling" &entoring" su&&er progra&s" tutoring" after school
progra&s" ca&pus !isits" and professional de!elop&ent and curriculu& i&pro!e&ent for
the Perr% =ount% School S%ste&
@==S has had a successful GEAR UP Progra& since 2:::" and has a $ell5trained staff
The ad&inistrati!e structure allo$s the project to ha!e input on decisions and policies
affecting the GEAR UP participants
Project Director Bett% Bentle%
Telephone ,u&-er 33A54;<5:'AA
E&ail Address --entle%?$csedu
9ot Springs School District
9ot Springs GEAR UP Project
The 9ot Springs School District (9SSD)" 9ot Springs Ar#ansas in colla-oration $ith
,ational Par# =o&&unit% =ollege" 9ot Springs Bu!enile Ser!ices" 9ousing Authorit%"
Police Depart&ent" Par#s and Recreation" and the @e-- =o&&unit% =enter" proposes to
pro!ide a GEAR UP progra& of support to an initial cohort of si0th and se!enth grade
students that $ill act to increase their educational perfor&ance" attain&ent" and
postsecondar% entr% The 9SSD has a ;4 percent free lunch rate (;< percent in grades
si0" se!en)C 9ot Springs Bunior 9igh and 9igh Schools are in School 8&pro!e&entC ha!e
a <2 percent graduation rateC and a <: percent postsecondar% re&ediation rate 9SSD has
fi!e &ajor o-jecti!es to$ard acco&plish&ent of increased acade&ic perfor&ance and
postsecondar% entr% su&&ari/ed -elo$+ 8ncrease state5&andated criterion referenced
&athe&atics and literac% test scores -% 2) percent each %ear of the si05%ear grant period
2 Pro!ide '2st =entur% Scholar =ertificates" financial aid a!aila-ilit%" and
postsecondar% ad&issions infor&ation to 2)) percent of cohorts
' A 2) percent annual increase in nu&-er of students co&pleting Pre5Alge-ra -%
the end of grade eight and co&pleting Alge-ra 8 -% the end of grade nine
3 Pro!ide appropriate support ser!ices including postsecondar% counseling"
&entoring" tutoring" after5school and su&&er school progra&s to 2)) percent of
cohorts (and their parents $hen applica-le) to$ard acade&ic progression as
de&onstrated -% a ') percent increase in student attendance" a ') percent
decrease in disciplinar% actions" and a ') percent increase in parent in!ol!e&ent
$ith educational planning annuall%
A Pro!ide opportunities for professional de!elop&ent
Project Director+ Bar-ara S&ither&an
Telephone ,u&-er+ ()25<'A533;'
E&ail Address+ SD8T9ERDA,B?9SSD,ET
Phillips =o&&unit% =ollege of the Uni!ersit% of Ar#ansas
Phillips =o&&unit% =ollege of the Uni!ersit% of Ar#ansas GEAR UP
Phillips =o&&unit% =ollege EUni!ersit% of Ar#ansas (P==5UA) proposes to colla-orate
$ith Barton" Brin#le%" Du&as" Elaine" 9elena5@est 9elena" 1a#e .illage" 1ee =ount%"
and Stuttgart School Districts and co&&unit% partners in pro!iding a GEAR UP progra&
of support to an initial cohort of si0th and se!enth grade students that $ill act to increase
their educational perfor&ance" attain&ent" and postsecondar% entr%
These schools ha!e an a!erage :) percent free lunch rate" are in School 8&pro!e&ent"
and ha!e a ;( percent graduation rate 7nl% AA percent of seniors enter postsecondar%"
$ith ;; percent of those re*uiring re&ediation P==5UA has fi!e &ajor o-jecti!es
to$ard acco&plish&ent of increased acade&ic perfor&ance and postsecondar% entr%
su&&ari/ed -elo$+
2 8ncrease state5&andated criterion referenced &athe&atics and literac% test scores
-% 2) percent each %ear of the si05%ear grant period
' Pro!ide '2st =entur% Scholar =ertificates" financial aid a!aila-ilit%" and
postsecondar% ad&issions infor&ation to 2)) percent of cohorts
3 A 2) percent annual increase in nu&-er of students co&pleting Pre5Alge-ra -%
the end of grade eight and co&pleting Alge-ra 8 -% the end of grade nine
A Pro!ide appropriate support ser!ices including postsecondar% counseling"
&entoring" tutoring" after5school and su&&er school progra&s to 2)) percent of
cohorts (and their parents $hen applica-le) to$ard acade&ic progression as
de&onstrated -% a ') percent increase in student attendance" a ') percent
decrease in disciplinar% actions" and a ') percent increase in parent in!ol!e&ent
$ith educational planning annuall%
( Pro!ide opportunities for professional de!elop&ent
Point of =ontact+ Ste!en F Durra%
Telephone ,u&-er+ 4;)53345<A;A
E&ail Address+ DURRAG?P==UAEDU
Santa =ru/ =ount% District
Aprendiendo Por .ida
Santa =ru/ =ount% is located on the Ari/ona5De0ico -order The =ount% co!ers 2"'3<
s*uare &iles" has a population of 3<"3() and consists of one to$n" ,ogales" and se!eral
s&all co&&unities 7!er 2'"))) students attend the K52' schools and :A percent are
9ispanic 7!er ;( percent *ualif% for free and reduced price lunch =ulture" fa&il%" jo-s"
and peer pressures encourage girls to &arr% earl% and -o%s to enter the $or#force 1ess
then (' percent of adults hold a high school degreeC less then 2) percent of graduating
seniors attend college and of those" less then 2) percent graduate
Aprendiendo Por .ida esta-lishes a co&prehensi!e plan that focuses direct ser!ices on
4': se!enth graders" the =lass of ')22 8t also trains staff and co&&unit% &e&-ersC
reengineers our schools and in!ol!es the %outh so the% -eco&e sta#eholders Based on
the $or# of a count% tas#force" Aprendiendo Por .ida proposes three le!els of
Academic Interventions to the %outh through after school and su&&er classes"
tutoring" enrich&ent courses and progra&s" assistance -% Student 8nter!ention Tea&s"
and acade&ic planning Acade&ic inter!entions also address educational refor&s -%
i&pro!ing the *ualit% of instruction" &apping curriculu&" and increasing the nu&-er of
college preparation courses
Character, Personal Responsibility, & Citizenship Development through
increased counseling and counselor training" i&ple&enting =haracter =ounts" de!eloping
%outh leadership and &entoring progra&s" pro!iding college a$areness and !isits" and
financial planning and scholarships
Family, Community, and Business Interventions through neigh-orhood coffees
and parent &eetings" co&&unit% ne$sletters" adult literac% and ES1" parent and
!olunteer training" career a$areness (including jo- shado$ing and internships)" college
a$areness" and financial assistance
Aprendiendo Por .ida $ill adhere to a continuous i&pro!e&ent approach to e!aluation
that is aligned $ith the intent of the ,ational GEAR UP progra& and its goals and
Point of =ontact+ Ro-ert =anchola
Telephone ,u&-er+ (')53;(5;:A)
E&ail Address+ STA=RU>B7B?A71=7D
Ari/ona Board of Regents E The Uni!ersit% of Ari/ona
The Tucson GEAR UP Project
,eed+ The Uni!ersit% of Ari/ona and its partners see# to esta-lish a GEAR UP project
ser!ing the appro0i&atel% 3"3'( students $ho $ill -egin si0th grade in August '))( at 23
&iddle schools in Sunn%side and Tucson Unified School Districts" &o!ing $ith this
cohort through entr% to 2'th grade in fall ')22 These &iddle schools" $ith an a!erage
;4 percent of students eligi-le for free or reduced price lunch" feed into fi!e high schools
$hose a!erage rate for sopho&ores passing A8DS5test &ath in '))A $as ') percent
Proposed Acti!ities+ The Tucson GEAR UP project $ill pro!ide the students and their
parents and teachers $ith #e% college readiness co&ponents" na&el%" acade&ic
preparation" college coaching" and fa&il% engage&ent These co&ponents $ill include
&an% acti!ities such as acade&ic $or#shopsC tutoringC su&&er acade&iesC field tripsC
and curriculu& support and professional de!elop&ent for school personnel
The partners for the project are the Uni!ersit% of Ari/ona (the applicant)C Sunn%side and
Tucson Unified School DistrictsC Pi&a =o&&unit% =ollegeC KB 9o&eC Principal
TutoringC the Societ% of 9ispanic Professional EngineersC and TD= 9ealthcare The UA
8nstitute for =hildren" Gouth and Fa&ilies $ill e!aluate the project
8ntended 7utco&e+ The &ission of the Tucson GEAR UP project is to prepare the class of
')2' at the fi!e &ajor high schools ser!ing southern Tucson for enroll&ent and success
in postsecondar% education
Point of =ontact+ 1ori A Tochihara
Telephone ,u&-er+ (')5<'<5'3))
E&ail Address+ 17R8T?AR8>7,AEDU
Dar%&ount =ollege
1os Angeles Unified School District" Project GRAD GEAR UP Partnership
Dar%&ount =ollege" and its GEAR UP partnership" su-&its a proposal -eginning $ith
3"4;' si0th and se!enth grade students in four &iddle schools located in a Federal
E&po$er&ent >one and State Enterprise >one in the northeastern San Fernando .alle%
7!er 4) percent of the students are eligi-le for free and reduced price lunch The cohorts
$ill attend =o&&unit% =harter Diddle School" Dacla% Diddle School" Pacoi&a Diddle
School and San Fernando Diddle School and then transfer to San Fernando 9igh School
The goal of this proposal is to ensure that at least () percent of the cohort students are
prepared for" a$are of" and pursue postsecondar% education The o-jecti!es to &eet this
goal are+
To increase the acade&ic perfor&ance and preparation for postsecondar%
education of GEAR UP studentsC
To increase the rate of high school graduation and participation in postsecondar%
education of GEAR UP studentsC
To raise educational e0pectations for GEAR UP students as $ell as student and
fa&il% #no$ledge of postsecondar% education options and financingC and
To pro!ide earl% co&prehensi!e inter!ention ser!ices and financial incenti!es in
the for& of college scholarships to lo$5inco&e and historicall% disad!antaged
=o&ponents include curricular restructuring through pro!en" research5-ased reading and
&ath progra&sC ongoing professional de!elop&ent for all teachersC structured -ridging
opportunities for studentsC e0panded parental in!ol!e&ent and leadership capacit%5
-uildingC heightened pu-lic a$areness a-out college options and financial aidC &entoring
and jo-5shado$ingC and a four5%ear college scholarship open to all ninth graders at San
Fernando 9igh School $ho co&plete eligi-ilit% re*uire&ents
Project =ontact+ Ford Roose!elt
Telephone ,u&-er+ 4245;<)5A<:(
E&ail Address+ FR77SE.E1T?PR7BE=TGRAD1A7RG
Foundation For =alifornia State Uni!ersit%" San Bernardino
GEAR UP 8nland E&pire
=alifornia State Uni!ersit%" San Bernardino (=SUSB) is the sole 9ispanic Ser!ing
8nstitution (9S8) in the 8nland E&pire enco&passing all of Ri!erside and San Bernardino
counties The Uni!ersit%6s &ission is to enhance the intellectual" cultural" and personal
de!elop&ent of its students The Uni!ersit% offers &ore than () traditional -accalaureate
and &asters degree progra&s and a $ide !ariet% of education credential and certificate
progra&s to a di!erse student -od% e0ceeding 2<"))) =SUSB has de!eloped a strategic
plan $ith a &ajor focus on outreach to increase college readiness and the college5going
rate for all students in the region" especiall% lo$5inco&e first generation college students
through a !ariet% of colla-orati!e progra&s GEAR UP 8nland E&pire 5 9ispanic
Ser!ing 8nstitute (GU8E59S8) do!etails perfectl% $ith the Uni!ersit%6s o!erall goal to
Hprepare students to assu&e leadership roles in the '2st centur%I The proposed progra&
$ill ser!e the entire cohort of 3":(; se!enth grade students in =oachella .alle% Unified"
,u!ie$ Union" and Rialto Unified School Districts and $ill follo$ those students
through graduation fro& high school through enroll&ent in college
The &ain goal of GU8E59S8 is to de!elop a four5strand project consistent $ith GEAR
UP6s e0pectations+ a parental strand strong enough to &oti!ate parents to -e in!ol!ed in
their child6s acade&ic career fro& &iddle school throughout collegeC an acade&ic strand
strong enough to prepare lo$5inco&e students to pass college entrance e0a&s and -e
read% for collegeC a socio5e&otional strand strong enough to #eep students in schoolC and
a professional de!elop&ent strand that $ill pro!ide educators $ith the s#ills" attitudes
and -eliefs necessar% to increase the acade&ic and college preparedness of A11 students"
especiall% those $ho are under5represented in college
Project Director+ Donna Schnorr
Telephone ,u&-er+ :):544)5;323
E&ail Address+ DS=9,7RR?=SUSBEDU
=alifornia State Uni!ersit% E East Ba% Foundation
Project S7AR
Successful 7ptions for Acade&ic Readiness (S7AR) is a partnership -et$een =alifornia
State Uni!ersit%" East Ba%C 7a#land Unified School District (7USD)C Peralta =o&&unit%
=ollege DistrictC the GD=A" the 7a#land Technolog% E0changeC the =ollege BoardC the
=it% of 7a#land" and &an% local -usinesses and co&&unit% organi/ations The
partnership $as for&ed in 2::: $ith GEAR5UP funding
,eed+ 7USD ser!es one of our nation6s &ost i&po!erished ur-an areas The eligi-le
schools are designated lo$5perfor&ing Title 8 schools Fro& 2::45'))(" S7AR has
&ade inroads in addressing the readiness of lo$5inco&e %outh for college" %et &uch
$or# re&ains to -e done This proposal -uilds on our current efforts and lessons learned"
coordinating $ith go!ern&ent and pri!ate initiati!es to support underpri!ileged %outh in
continuing their education to the post5secondar% le!el
Acti!ities+ @or#ing $ith 2( eligi-le &iddle schools in the 7USD" S7AR $ill address
the needs of 3"(2) &iddle school students -% integrating four progra& strands into a
co&prehensi!e initiati!e The acade&ic strand offers tutor5dri!en acade&ic support for
students" as $ell as Po$er Se&inars on enhancing &ath" language arts and science s#ills
The parent strand de!elops effecti!e parenting co&petence and parental support s#ills
that guide students to$ard college attendance The partnership strand is an a!enue for
co&&unit% support" and ser!es as a catal%st for change" fostering a culture that
encourages college attendance Finall%" the s%ste&ic change strand -uilds capacit% and
institutionali/ation through site and parent leaders" &entor5teachers" counselors and
7utco&es+ 8ncreased nu&-ers of students $ho graduate fro& high school prepared to
attend 8nstitutions of 9igher Education (89E) the #e% indicator of the project6s success
Rigorous e!aluation &ethods $ill -e used to assess the outco&es and the results $ill -e
$idel% disse&inated" $ith the &ost i&portant outco&e a -etter *ualit% of life through
educational opportunities
Project =ontact+ Arthurlene To$ner
Telephone ,u&-er+ (2)544(53:A'
E&ail Address+ AT7@,ER?=SU9AG@ARDEDU
1os Angeles Unified School District E Bohn Darshall 9igh School
Project 9igher 1earning
Since 2:::" Project 9igher 1earning has pro!ided full GEAR UP progra&s to three
&iddle schools and t$o high schools in ,ortheast 1os Angeles Successful &odel
progra&s ha!e -een de!elopedC an e0perienced" colla-orati!e" and intensel% co&&itted
staff has -een engenderedC and !ital partnerships created This proposal see#s to carr% on
the $or# -egun in 2:::" adding t$o &ore &iddle schools and t$o &ore high schools to
the project" thus creating a cohort totaling 3"()) students in se!enth grade and s$elling to
A"A)) in ninth grade 8t ai&s to create a college culture in a high &inorit%" high po!ert%"
and ur-an area in ,ortheast 1os Angeles $here gangs and drugs co&pete $ith acade&ic
aspirations and #eep student achie!e&ent traditionall% lo$ 7nl% () percent of students
in the cohort schools e!er co&plete high school
=o&ponents include a strong counseling progra& for student and parents" intensi!e
e0tended5learning progra&s for all cohort students" professional de!elop&ent that targets
literac% and &ath strategies and stud% s#ills to ensure that students learn at or a-o!e
grade le!el" t$o project coaches to pro!ide ongoing professional de!elop&ent and
coaching support so that ne$ teaching &ethodologies are *uic#l% adopted" college and
career education for students and parents" cross5age and peer &entoring" earl% college
testing" and a ro-ust parent in!ol!e&ent progra& E0perienced staff and partners $ill
train ne$ staff and i&ple&ent project ser!ices e0peditiousl%
Students $ho successfull% co&plete the progra& $ill ha!e co&pleted &iddle school at or
a-o!e grade le!el" entered high school prepared for the rigors of an acade&ic college5
-ound curriculu&" and graduated prepared to enter and graduate fro& a college or
Dilestones+ Students $ho pass the =alifornia 9igh School E0it E0a& (=A9SEE) $ill
increase -% 2) percent in the fourth %ear of the grant The nu&-er of de&oted students
$ill decrease -% 2) percent annuall% during the high school %ears Students ad&itted to
college increase -% 2' percent
Project Director+ Anna Eleftheriou
Telephone ,u&-er+ 3'35<<35;:(2
E&ail Address+ ADE);'2?1AUSDK2'=AUS
The Regents of the Uni!ersit% of =alifornia E Derced
GEARing UP for =ollege
The HGEARing UP for =ollegeI progra& is -ased on de!eloping and i&ple&enting a
solution to address the lo$ rates of students" particularl% English 1anguage 1earners"
entering postsecondar% institutions GEARing UP for =ollege6s pri&ar% purpose is to
assist students in the =utler57rosi Boint Unified School District $ith the necessar%
preparation re*uired to -e co&petiti!e in postsecondar% educational institutions The
=utler57rosi School District is one of the &ost disad!antaged in the =entral .alle% of
=alifornia $ith high po!ert% rates" a high nu&-er of English 1anguage 1earners" and lo$
high school graduation and transfer to college rates
8t is the intent of the Uni!ersit% of =alifornia" Derced =enter for Educational
Partnerships (U=D =EP) to underta#e this urgent tas# in colla-oration $ith the =utler5
7rosi Boint Unified School District" to shape a &ore prepared student population that can
ta#e charge of its future The GEARing UP for =ollege progra& is a co&prehensi!e
inter!ention support ser!ices &odel" designed to e&po$er junior high school and high
school students to &a#e choices and changes that $ill ena-le the& to pursue a
postsecondar% education The progra& has esta-lished 2' outco&e o-jecti!es that $ill
identif% participants" e!aluate acade&ic a-ilit%" enhance acade&ic s#ills" de!elop career
a$areness" encourage acti!e parental participation" increase retention" offer sufficient
technical assistance for co&pleting financial aid and college ad&issions applications and
ensure enroll&ent in a postsecondar% institution
Ele!en &ajor acti!ities support the perfor&ance o-jecti!es 8ncluded is a co&prehensi!e
plan of ser!ices and e!aluation Partnership co&&it&ent offers su-stantial ti&e and
resources to the progra& A staff of highl% *ualified professionals $ill diligentl% $or# to
assist eligi-le students in &eeting their educational and personal goals
Project =ontact+ Borge A Aguilar
Telephone ,u&-er+ ((:5'A25;A;<
E&ail Address+ BAGU81AR?U=DER=EDEDU
Palo&ar =ollege
Palo&ar =ollege GEAR UP Partnership Progra&
The Palo&ar =ollege (P=) GEAR UP partnership progra& $ill ser!e al&ost 3")))
students in t$o school districts" and three &iddle schools" $ith four cohorts 1ocated in
the contiguous cities of San Darcos and .ista" =alifornia" an area a-out () &iles north of
San Diego" and inland" this rural %et gro$ing region is rapidl% transfor&ing @ith an
influ0 of industr% and housing" the econo&ic differences -et$een fa&ilies are -eco&ing
*uite profound The P= GEAR UP progra& $ill focus on &iddle schools that are in local
Hpoc#ets of po!ert%I
The need in the three &iddle schools is -ased on su-stantial e!idence of poor acade&ic
perfor&ance (-ased on grades and standardi/ed test scores)" lac# of parent education and
in!ol!e&ent" increasing di!ersit% of students $ith !ar%ing degrees of English language
proficienc%" high drop out and a-sentee rates" and a lac# of coordinated instructional and
student support ser!ices The proposed partnership acti!ities for the P= GEAR UP
progra& $ill -e custo&i/ed for each school and its site personnel" each cohort (grade
le!el)" and each student and fa&il% The P= GEAR UP progra& intends for the
in!est&ent to &atch the outco&es" so that the ti&e" &one% and efforts $ill lead to
increased acade&ic perfor&ance" high school retention and graduation rates $ith
i&pro!ed postsecondar% preparation for all students
This grant $ill continue to ser!e the San Darcos Diddle School" in the San Darcos
Unified School District" $ith t$o ne$ cohorts Additionall%" the P= GEAR UP progra&
and personnel $ill ser!e as a &odel for t$o additional schools" @ashington Diddle
School and 1incoln Diddle School" in the .ista Unified School District" $ith all students
-eginning in the si0th and se!enth grades (classes of ')22 and ')2')
Project Director+ =al!in 7ne Deer Ga!in
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;<)5;AA5)'(<
E&ail Address+ 7,EDEER?PA17DAREDU
The Regents of the Uni!ersit% of =alifornia E Santa =ru/
Building Bridges to =ollegeJ,D=
Building Bridges to =ollege $ill ser!e 2":;A students in Seaside and ,orth Dontere%
=ount% School Districts located in a largel% agricultural area of high po!ert% and lo$
acade&ic perfor&ance @ith inco&e le!els at less than half the state a!erage a&ong the
<( percent 1atino population" the schools &eet GEAR UP guidelines" ()542 percent of
students *ualif% for federal free and reduced price lunch progra& at each school site
Acade&ic Perfor&ance 8ndicators (<2(5;)A) are e!idence that the schools are
significantl% -elo$ the state$ide goal (4))) and less than 2; percent of adults ha!e
co&pleted a -achelor6s degree
This project $ill pro!ide ser!ices in the follo$ing four #e% areas+
2) Students $ill recei!e acade&ic ad!ising" acade&ic support in college preparation
courses through tutoring and coaching" acceleration through online coursesC and help
$ith college and financial aid a$areness and applications
') Fa&ilies $ill recei!e ongoing parent infor&ation a-out college planning" counseling
and support" a parent peer net$or# and annual parent conference
3) Teacher professional de!elop&ent $ill -e pro!ided in &athe&atics and language arts
across the curriculu& $ith a focus on English learners" a curriculu& for college
a$areness and online teaching support
A) =o&&unit% &o-ili/ation through a co&&unit% action net$or# $ill address school
and co&&unit% structural issues to increase rates of persistence to high school
graduation and pro!ide ongoing sustaina-ilit% of the progra&
The annual i&pact $ill -e to increase the passage of #e% &athe&atics and English course
each %ear in &iddle and high schools -% ') percent $hile increasing college a$areness
and preparation The long5ter& i&pact of the project $ill -e that :) percent of high
school graduates $ill enroll in postsecondar% education
Project Director+ =arrol Doran
Telephone ,u&-er+ 4325A<)53)3)
E&ail Address+ =ARR71?U=S=EDU
The Regents of the Uni!ersit% of =alifornia E Santa =ru/
=reating Access to =ollege J P.
The proposed =reating Access to =ollege GEAR UP progra& in Pajaro .alle%"
=alifornia" $ill ser!e 2"A'3 at5ris# si0th and se!enth grade students in fi!e &iddle
schools in the Pajaro .alle% Unified School District 8n the target area" per capita inco&e
for 9ispanics" $ho &a#e up <( percent of students attending target schools" is less than
half the state a!erage" and onl% 2; percent of adults ha!e co&pleted a -achelor6s degree
The target schools ser!e &an% English learners" ranging fro& 2< percent to A3 percent of
students" and &an% poor children" $ith free and reduced price &eal eligi-ilit% ranging
fro& () percent to 42 percent Predicta-l%" acade&ic perfor&ance in the target schools is
lo$" and a college5going culture does not e0ist $ithin the schools or larger co&&unit%
This project $ill enlist students" fa&ilies" and teachers in a net$or# of acti!ities to create
college5-ound co&&unities These acti!ities $ill include+ 2) acade&ic and college
ad!ising to ensure that students $ill &eet college ad&ission re*uire&entsC ') acade&ic
coaching in &ath -% undergraduates $ho $ill support students in rigorous college
&athe&atics preparation" those undergraduates $ill also ser!e as role &odelsC 3) help
$ith college and financial aid applications to ensure that all students are prepared for
college ad&issions tests and appl% to collegeC A) %outh leadership conferences to prepare
student peer leaders $ho $ill heighten college a$areness a&ong all studentsC () a &iddle
school college a$areness curriculu& to engage students" parents" and teachers in
de!eloping earl% college a$areness and e0pectationC <) parent counseling and support" a
parent peer net$or#" and an annual parent conference to pro!ide &ultiple path$a%s to
help parents support their children in preparing for collegeC ;) teacher professional
de!elop&ent to help teachers support all students in college preparation coursesC and 4)
professional de!elop&ent for school personnel to create school5$ide e0pectation for
student college attendance The =o&&unit% Action =ouncil $ill ensure that all efforts
support the goal of student retention through high school and increased college
enroll&ent" and $ill plan for long5ter& sustaina-ilit% of this effort
Project Director+ =arrol Doran
Telephone ,u&-er+ 4325A<)53)3)
E&ail Address+ =ARR71?U=S=EDU
Shasta =ollege
Shasta =ollege GEAR UP Partnership
Shasta =ollege is see#ing funding for a ne$ GEAR UP Partnership Project to ser!e a
t$o5grade cohort of 2"A;( students -eginning in the si0th and se!enth grades at fi!e
eligi-le &iddle schools The GEAR UP partner schools are located in the &ore isolated
and i&po!erished s&all to$ns and unincorporated sections of southern Shasta and
Teha&a =ounties in =alifornia Shasta =ollege is the onl% pu-lic postsecondar%
institution in the area @ith fe$ local choices in postsecondar% education" it is crucial for
Shasta =ollege to pla% a #e% role in pro!iding earl% college a$areness infor&ation to
%outh and their fa&ilies" and $or# $ith the schools and co&&unities to increase college
a$areness and to -uild a college5going cli&ate The proposed Shasta =ollege GEAR UP
Partnership Project is intended to pro!ide criticall% needed earl% college preparation and
a$areness acti!ities Project ser!ices $ill include acade&ic guidance" career goal setting"
&onitoring of progress" acade&ic support through tutoring" and speciali/ed training for
parents to enhance acade&ic s#ills and use of co&puter technolog% Parenting s#ills
$or#shops and college a$areness acti!ities $ill also -e pro!ided to help parents
understand the i&portance of earl% and sustained con!ersations $ith their children a-out
college going Professional de!elop&ent for teachers $ill increase acade&ic rigor and
high e0pectations for students The Project has -een de!eloped to create a significant
increase in the nu&-er of students $ho are &oti!ated to do $ell in school" and to
graduate fro& high school ade*uatel% prepared for postsecondar% education
The Shasta =ollege GEAR UP Project is co&&itted to e*ual opportunit% and access in
student participation and e&plo%&ent of staff regardless of race" gender" national origin"
ethnicit%" age or disa-ilit% 8n co&pliance $ith the Depart&ent of Education6s General
Education Pro!isions Act (GEPA)" the GEAR UP Project $ill encourage and ensure
e*ual access for all groups
Project Director+ Dr Banis @al#er Darsh
Telephone ,u&-er+ (3)5''(53:':
E&ail Address+ BDARS9?S9ASTA=711EGEEDU
1os Angeles Unified School District
Project 1ASS7 (1in#ing Acade&ic Success $ith Student 7utreach)
Project 1ASS7 is a partnership a&ong the 1os Angeles Unified School District" the
Gouth Polic% 8nstitute" the =alifornia State Uni!ersit%" ,orthridge" 1os Angeles .alle%
=ollege" KAP1A, 8nstructional Ser!ices and others to ser!e cohort students at
Sepul!eda Diddle School and Donroe 9igh School At Sepul!eda" ;4< percent of
students $ere enrolled in the free and reduced price lunch progra& in '))35)A" as $ere
;(4 percent of students at Donroe Sepul!eda has a student -od% that is 4:: percent
9ispanic" $hile that at Donroe is 4) percent 9ispanic Both schools ha!e failed to &eet
their Ade*uate Gearl% Progress &easures and are Progra& 8&pro!e&ent schools
(Sepul!eda5 Gear A and Donroe5 Gear 3) Students test -elo$ grade le!el at high rates in
E1A and &athe&atics5 indicators of a lac# of preparation for college The% further
reflect this lac# of preparation through scores on =SU Earl% Assess&ent tests" graduation
and transience rates and the need of fa&ilies for college preparation ser!ices
Project acti!ities $ill include tutoring (-oth in and out of school)" case &anage&ent"
professional de!elop&ent through A.8D and KAP1A," curriculu& i&pro!e&ent
acti!ities" su&&er progra&s sponsored -% =SU, and .alle% =ollege" &entoring" PSAT
and SAT instruction" college preparation and counseling ser!ices" and financial
counseling for fa&ilies
8ntended outco&es of Project 1ASS7 include+ i&pro!e&ent in =alifornia Standards Test
and =A9SEE percentile ran# -% a!erage of fi!e points each student each %earC increase
cohort percent achie!ing K=6 or -etter in Alge-ra 8 -% the end of the ninth grade -% 2)
percent each %earC increase scores on PSAT and SAT a!erage of 2) points each %earC and
increase percent of students ta#ing tests 2) percent each %ear Each %ear" 44 percent of
cohort $ill -e pro&oted to the ne0t grade on ti&e Four5%ear dropout rate $ill decrease
-% 2) percent ADA rates at Sepul!eda and Donroe $ill i&pro!e -% 2 percent each %ear
Assess&ent $ill sho$ that ;( percent of cohort &e&-ers are assessed as read% for
fresh&an English classes There $ill -e a decline in those re*uiring re&edial ser!ices -%
;( percent
Project Director+ ,i##i Sierc#s
Telephone ,u&-er+ 42454:'5A322
E&ail Address+ ,8KSTER()?A71=7D
RS==D E Santa Ana =ollege
GEAR UP '))(
Santa Ana Unified School District ser!es o!er <'"))) students in an ur-an co&&unit% in
7range =ount%" =alifornia appro0i&atel% 3) &iles south of 1os Angeles Santa Ana is
the first port of entr% for 9ispanic i&&igrants entering the United StatesC children fro&
De0ico and South A&erica no$ co&prise the &ajorit% of Santa Ana Unified School
District enroll&ent+ :' percent are 1atino and <2 percent ha!e li&ited English
proficienc% GEAR UP '))( $ill ser!e students attending t$o inter&ediate schools and
t$o co&prehensi!e high schools in Santa Ana Unified School District
GEAR UP $ill -e integrated into the #e% leadership &odel of the Santa Ana Partnership"
$hich includes three &ajor partner organi/ations+ Santa Ana =ollege (SA=)" Uni!ersit%
of =alifornia" 8r!ine" and Santa Ana Unified School District @ith SA= ser!ing as the
fiscal agent" this partnership $ill ta#e responsi-ilit% for GEAR UP '))( ad&inistration
and co&&it to the reali/ation of long5ter& s%ste&ic change -e%ond the life of the project
The core co&ponents of GEAR UP '))( are+
8nstitutionali/ing coordinated professional de!elop&ent in &athe&atics and
language arts
Pro!iding supple&ental instruction in the classroo& and after school in
&athe&atics and language arts
8ntegrating college a$areness" financial aid infor&ation and guidance into the
regular school da%
Supporting access to college infor&ation for all secondar% students
Pro!iding a su&&er residential progra& that offers rigorous &ath and English
Pro!iding &entors to encourage college preparation and enroll&ent
Pro!iding parents of GEAR UP students $ith opportunities to support their
children6s acade&ic future
The goal of GEAR UP '))( is to e&po$er '"))) students (2"))) per cohort) to i&pro!e
their acade&ic s#ills" &oti!ation" and college preparation necessar% to succeed in
postsecondar% education
Project Director+ 1ilia Tana#e%o$&a
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;2A5(<A5<:;2
E&ail Address+ TA,AKEG7@DAL1818A?SA=EDU
=alifornia State Uni!ersit%" 1os AngelesAu0iliar% Ser!ices" 8nc
=alifornia State Uni!ersit%" 1os Angeles is -oth a Title 888 and Title . pu-lic institution
and is a leading ur-an co&prehensi!e Uni!ersit% $ith a long5standing tradition of ser!ing
lo$5inco&e ethnic &inorit% groups The Uni!ersit%6s population is far richer in its
di!ersit% than the &i0 at other uni!ersities 7f the entering fresh&en class" <: percent
are non5nati!e spea#ers of English 7f the '2"))) students" (3 percent are 9ispanic" ''
percent are Asian" 2< percent are $hite and : percent are African5A&erican
=alifornia State Uni!ersit%" 1os Angeles is uni*uel% suited to &eet the ne$ challenges
created -% the de&ographic" sociological and econo&ic shifts occurring in our pu-lic
schools The Uni!ersit% is a leader in pro!iding high *ualit% teacher education progra&s
to address the critical shortage of professionall% prepared teachers for =alifornia schools
in the '2st centur%
The Uni!ersit% is proposing to ser!ice four &iddle schools and t$o high schools as part
of its ne$ GEAR UP grant All four &iddle schools and -oth high schools e0ceed the ()
percent criteria for funding -ased on the free or reduced price lunch Bel!edere"
9ollen-ec#" Ste!enson and Griffith &iddle schools a!erage o!er :) percent free or
reduced price lunch and -oth Garfield and Roose!elt 9igh Schools a!erage 4( percent
Both high schools ha!e an a!erage graduation rate of A4 percent and SAT scores that are
al&ost ')) points -elo$ the state a!erage
The GEAR UP Project $ill pro!ide 3"<)) students $ith co&prehensi!e ser!ices centered
on acade&ic and parental support ser!ices" $hich pro!ide an enhanced and integrated
approach to their present acade&ic and personal de!elop&ent curriculu&
Acade&ic and educational enrich&ent and support acti!ities and ser!ices $ill include+ a)
acade&ic assess&entC -) de!elop&ent of indi!idual educational and career plansC c)
preparator% instruction in rigorous acade&ic coursesC d) acade&ic grade &onitoringC e)
acade&ic" personal" and career ad!isingC f) preparation for college entrance e0a&inations
(SAT and A=T)C g) college enroll&ent assistanceC h) infor&ation and assistance in
securing financial aid and scholarshipsC and i) referral to educational" co&&unit%" and
social agencies to address acade&ic %ear needs
Additional GEAR UP ser!ices $ill include+ a) training and educating parents to -etter
assist their children in recei!ing an education that prepares the& for collegeC -) pro!iding
professional de!elop&ent ser!ices for teachers that facilitate curriculu& i&pro!e&ent" as
$ell as" the teachers6 a-ilit% to $or# effecti!el% $ith the GEAR UP studentsC c) acti!e
partnering $ith the proposed &iddle schools" high schools" other educational institutions"
co&&unit% organi/ations" and parents to -est deli!er the GEAR UP ser!ices
Project =ontact+ Da!id Godo%
Telephone ,u&-er+ 3'353A3532)3
E&ail Address+ DA.8DG?=S1A,ET=A1STATE1AEDU
Rio 9ondo =o&&unit% =ollege District
GEAR UP+ 86& Going to =ollegeM
Rio 9ondo =o&&unit% =ollege" -oth a Dinorit% and 9ispanic5Ser!ing 8nstitution
located in Southeast 1os Angeles =ount%" and its partners propose their strong
co&&it&ent to this Gaining Earl% A$areness and Readiness for Undergraduate Progra&
(GEAR UP) Ke% partners for the project entitled GEAR UP+ 86& Going to =ollegeM
include+ Dadrid Diddle School" Dountain .ie$ 9igh School" El Donte Par#s and
Recreation" Rio 9ondo Area 1atino Education =ouncil" and the =alifornia Association of
Bilingual Education The need is !ast at Dadrid Diddle School and Dountain .ie$ 9igh
School The schools enroll a high percentage of students $ho are underrepresented in
higher education toda% 5 9ispanics alone &a#e up al&ost :) percent of the enroll&ent at
Dadrid The school has o!er :( percent potential first5generation college students and 4(
percent of its students are socioecono&ic all% disad!antaged
The GEAR UP+ 86& Going to =ollegeM Progra& $ill use a cohort approach to ser!e o!er
22"A'( students during the si05%ear grant period and $ill ensure efficienc% and success
Descri-ed in the proposal are a $ide5range of co&prehensi!e ser!ices and acti!ities to -e
pro!ided during this period and -e%ond The% include" -ut are not li&ited to+ counseling"
tutoring" personal success planning" acade&ic instruction" technolog% enhance&ent"
professional de!elop&ent" postsecondar% and financial $or#shops" scholarships" parent
education" and &uch &ore Both parent and co&&unit% in!ol!e&ent $ill pla% a !ital
role in the progra& to pro!ide a total pac#age of support for students The target students
desperatel% need the opportunit% to participate in this GEAR UP progra& led -% a
partnership $ith a pro!en record of success in pro!iding necessar% s#ills" as $ell as
&oti!ation" to enter and succeed in postsecondar% education Rio 9ondo =o&&unit%
=ollege has had &an% successful %ears o!erseeing federal grant progra&s and $ill -ring
this success and e0perience to the GEAR UP+ 86& Going to =ollegeM Students and parents
at Dadrid Diddle School and Dountain .ie$ 9igh School
Project =ontact+ 9enr% Gee
Telephone ,u&-er+ (<'5<:'5):'2
E&ail Address+ 9GEE?R8797,D7EDU
1os Angeles Unified School District
Project STEPS
Project STEPS (S%ste&5@ide Training for Educational Postsecondar% Success) $ill ser!e
a cohort of 2"<)) students" predo&inantl% of 9ispanic descent" $hose !ast &ajorit%
co&es fro& lo$5inco&e households The project $ill -egin $ith the entire se!enth grade
classes at @alter Reed and Sun .alle% Diddle Schools" -oth on the eastern edge of the
San Fernando .alle% in 1os Angeles Unified School District STEPS $ill progress
annuall% $ith the cohort and follo$ the students as the% transition and &o!e through
,orth 9oll%$ood and Francis Pol%technic 9igh Schools All four of these schools are
large" o!ercro$ded ca&puses operating on three trac#s" %ear5round schedules Acti!ities
include" -ut not li&ited toC tutoring" &entoring" parent education" parent and child
progra&s" intersession learning acade&ies" test preparation" teacher training" college
classes" and counselor training These acti!ities are all designed to+ 2) increase acade&ic
perfor&ance and preparation for students6 postsecondar% educationC ') increase the rate
of high school graduation and college ad&issionsC and 3) increase the students6 and their
fa&ilies6 #no$ledge of postsecondar% options and financial aid
Project STEPS is a co&&itted partnership of educational and co&&unit%5-ased
organi/ations" all dedicated to fulfilling the drea&s and potentials of students usuall%
underrepresented in colleges 1os Angeles Unified School District $ill partner $ith
=alifornia State Uni!ersit% ,orthridge" 1os Angeles .alle% =ollege" U=1A 7utreach"
Parent 8nstitute for Nualit% Education and Fa&ilies in Schools Each $ill share
resources" e0pertise and e0perience to ensure that students ha!e the opportunit% to -e the
first in their fa&ilies to attend college
The project officials $ill carefull% collect and anal%/e data to &onitor gro$th in students6
acade&ic achie!e&ent This anal%sis $ill include &onitoring of grades" attendance" test
scores and participation in Project STEPS acti!ities Students and parents $ill also
e0a&ine affecti!e changes through anal%sis of attitudinal sur!e%s that $ill -e co&pleted
Project =ontact+ Sue Shannon
Telephone ,u&-er+ 4245;((5(322
E&ail Address+ SUES9A,,7,?1AUSD,ET
El Donte Union 9igh School District
Rio 9ondo Education =onsortiu& GEAR UP Project
The Rio 9ondo Education =onsortiu& GEAR UP Project $ill ser!e a cohort of :A3
&iddle school students that $ill -e follo$ed for si0 %ears through the ele!enth grade
,eed for this project is dictated -% a consistent lac# of resources and persistentl% lo$
perfor&ance on standardi/ed test scores for a predo&inantl% lo$5inco&e" 1atino
population in eastern 1os Angeles =ount% The GEAR UP project $ill pro!ide students
$ith co&prehensi!e ser!ices that ste& fro& a cohesi!e school5$ide facult% approach to
i&pro!ing acade&ic rigor for all students This approach $ill -e facult%5dri!en and
de!eloped through a facult% drafted Professional De!elop&ent Action Plan 8n this $a%
progra& i&ple&entations $ill ha!e a greater opportunit% to -eco&e s%ste&ic changes
$ithin the school culture as opposed to an outside5de!eloped progra& i&posed on a
school Ser!ices $ill focus on+ a) facult% professional de!elop&entC -) student tutoring
in -oth language arts and &athe&aticsC c) student ad!ise&ent on college re*uire&ents"
application and financingC d) parent education that supports progra&&ing to studentsC
and e) -uilding co&&unit% support around de!eloping further resources to sustain and
continue the efforts started under this GEAR UP proposal
The success of the project $ill rest upon a s%ste&ic approach to progra&&ing" pri&aril%
focusing on facult% de!elop&ent at all target school sites in an effort to de!elop a college
going culture for all students The *ualit% of the deli!er% of ser!ices -% an e0perienced
project staff $ith2A %ears of GEAR UP progra& deli!er% and the dedicated co&&it&ent
of @hittier =ollege" partnering schools and co&&unit% support $ill help to achie!e a
s%ste&ic culture of college going" increased acade&ic proficienc% and greater college
Project Director+ Ro-ert Arellanes
Telephone ,u&-er+ (<'54425<A(;
E&ail Address+ R8797,D7E=?A71=7D
1os Angeles Unified School District
District 4 GEAR UP
The District 4 E GEAR UP project $ill address three &ain pro-le&s in =arson"
=alifornia" $hich is part of the 1os Angeles Unified School District+ 2) acade&ic
underachie!e&ent" ') high drop5out rates" and 3) lo$ rates of enroll&ent in and
co&pletion of postsecondar% education 7ur project $ill ser!e students -eginning in
si0th grade at =arnegie" =urtiss" =aroldale" and @hite Diddle Schools and at =arson
9igh School A!erage si0th grade enroll&ent for the past four %ears has -een 2"4<:
The underl%ing philosoph% of the District 4 E GEAR UP project is the #no$ledge that all
students in our target schools are capa-le of high le!els of acade&ic achie!e&ent" high
school co&pletion" and enroll&ent in and co&pletion of post5secondar% education A
&ajor -arrier to student achie!e&ent in our target schools is po!ert%" and $ith po!ert%
co&es lac# of access to the educational and cultural resources that are a!aila-le to &ore
pri!ileged students As such" this project $ill i&ple&ent a range of research5-ased
inter!entions that ha!e -een sho$n to i&pro!e student achie!e&ent and increase rates of
postsecondar% enroll&ent and co&pletion Those inter!entions include the follo$ing+
teacher and staff professional de!elop&ent" lesson stud% strategies" in*uir%5-ased
learning" pro-le&5-ased learning" acade&ic reading techni*ues" enhanced &athe&atics
instruction" stud% s#ills training" tutoring" &entoring" field trips to educational and
cultural sites" and fa&il% in!ol!e&ent co&ponents
7-jecti!es and perfor&ance &easures are aligned $ith GPRA indicators and GEAR UP
progra& &easures The e!aluation plan includes an on5line data-ase" $hich $ill pro!ide
i&&ediate" useful feed-ac# to project sta#eholders on student achie!e&ent
Partners include Uni!ersit% of =alifornia" 1os Angeles" Uni!ersit% of Southern
=alifornia" 9ar-or =o&&unit% =ollege" =alifornia State Uni!ersit% E Do&ingue/ 9ills"
and others
Project Director+ =arol Ta#e&oto
Telephone nu&-er+ 32)53(A53A;2
E&ail Address+ =AR71TAKED7T7?1AUSDEDU
Bellflo$er Unified School District
The GEAR UP project for Bellflo$er Diddle and 9igh School in Bellflo$er" =alifornia
$ill -uild on the successful i&ple&entation of a GEAR UP grant a$arded in 2:::
Project acti!ities o!er the last si0 %ears resulted in significant gains in student
achie!e&ent" -ut too &an% students are still achie!ing significantl% -elo$ proficient
le!els in acade&ic su-jects Too &an% students accept D grades as passing and do not
recogni/e their potential to achie!e to high le!els" nor the life5long -enefits of stri!ing to
do their -est The nu&-er of students &eeting college entrance re*uire&ents upon
graduation is -elo$ 2( percent" far lo$er than the e0pectations students and parents
e0press in sur!e%s in the &iddle school and earl% high school %ears Fa&il% tradition and
cultural -arriers pre!ent &an% fro& #no$ing the re*uire&ents and steps of a college
The first goal of the ne$ GEAR UP project is to address the gaps in student achie!e&ent
using a continuous refor& &odel focused on aligning instructional practices and curricula
$ithin the K52' s%ste& and $ith institutions of higher education As a result &ore
students $ill arri!e at &iddle school prepared to ta#e rigorous course$or# preparing
the& for a college5preparator% path in high school and there $ill -e an increase in the
nu&-er of students eligi-le for ad&ission to four5%ear colleges or uni!ersities upon
graduation Strategies in!ol!e professional de!elop&ent" curricular i&pro!e&ent" and a
-road range of student support ser!ices to &aster standards" resulting in increases in
achie!e&ent &easures on state and local assess&ents The project has a second &ajor
goal of e0panding and enhancing a college5going culture $ith ne$ strategies to connect
$ith the parents of all cohort students to increase a$areness of the i&portance of a
college education and of the financial resources a!aila-le to &a#e that drea& a realit%
Project Director+ Beanette Bohnson
Telephone ,u&-er+ (<'54<<5:)22
E&ail+ BB79,S7,?BUSDK2'=AUS
S$eet$ater Union 9igh School District
GEAR UP for S$eet$ater
The S$eet$ater Union 9igh School District is =alifornia6s largest secondar% school
s%ste& and is located in southern San Diego =ount% near the international -order $ith
De0ico Appro0i&atel% 4< percent of S$eet$ater students are of &inorit% -ac#grounds
and '; percent are English 1anguage 1earners After a decade of refor& and
colla-oration $ith highl% respected uni!ersities to i&pro!e instructional practice" this
projectOGEAR UP for S$eet$aterOpro!ides ne$ opportunities to strengthen cohort
students6 acade&ic progress
This GEAR UP partnership proposal tea&s S$eet$ater $ith eight higher educational
institutions and co&&unit%5-ased organi/ations to strengthen instructional practices and
i&pro!e the college preparation of nearl% A"))) students The project utili/es a cohort
approach that -egins $ith se!enth graders at se!en &iddle schools that each &eets or
e0ceeds GEAR UP &ini&u& re*uire&ents of () percent of students recei!ing free or
reduced price &eals The goal is to -uild capacit% for the i&pro!e&ent of teaching and
learning at cohort schools" therefore -ridging the achie!e&ent gap for students $ho
reside in &ostl% disad!antaged co&&unities on the district6s $est side
GEAR UP for S$eet$ater 7-jecti!es At5A5Glance
7-jecti!e 2+ 8ncreased U= and =SU eligi-ilit%
7-jecti!e '+ 8ncreased &iddle school pro&otion
7-jecti!e 3+ 8nstructional dialogues in core areas
7-jecti!e A+ Acade&ic enrich&ent acti!ities
7-jecti!e (+ E11 and Special Ed populations
i&pro!e in $riting and &ath" respecti!el%
7-jecti!e <+ 9igher four5%ear
uni!ersit% enroll&ent $ithout
needing re&ediation
7-jecti!e ;+ 9igher co&&unit%
college enroll&ent
7-jecti!e 4+ Ad&issions and
financial aid counseling assistance
for students and parents
The project director $ill coordinate partners6 ser!ices" $hich fall into three areas+
acade&ic student supportC outreach to fa&ilies a-out students6 educational and financial
optionsC and professional de!elop&ent of the teaching and counseling force B% the ti&e
this GEAR UP cohort graduates in ')22" the% $ill increase their collecti!e a!erage to A'
percent in U= and =SU eligi-ilit% and $ill enroll at higher rates as first5ti&e fresh&en at
four5%ear uni!ersities $ithout needing re&ediation
Project =ontact+ Ed$ard D Brand
Telephone ,u&-er+ <2:5<:25((((
E&ail Address+ ED@ARDBRA,D?SU9SDK2'=AUS
@eld =ount% School District <
Using research5-ased strategies" the proposed Greele% GEAR UP (GGU) progra& in
=olorado offers earl% inter!entions targeting lo$5inco&e students least li#el% to attend
and co&plete postsecondar% education GGU is a co&&unit% partnership" including
@eld =ount% School District < (1EA)" the Greele% Drea& Tea&" Ai&s =o&&unit%
=ollege (89E)" Greele%J@eld =ha&-er of =o&&erce" and Greele% Tri-une During its
si0 %ears" GGU plans to $or# $ith (') students in t$o cohorts (one si0th and one
se!enth grade)
GGU has four outco&e o-jecti!es+ (2) 4) percent of GGU students ser!ed each %ear $ill
continue to the ne0t acade&ic ter&C (') 4) percent of GGU students ser!ed each %ear $ill
achie!e grade le!el or -etter proficienc% in reading" $riting and &athe&atics (using
Achie!e&ent 1e!el Test and =olorado Schools Achie!e&ent Progra& scores)C (3) ()
percent of GGU se!enth5grade cohort students $ill enroll in postsecondar% education
after high school graduationC and (A) :) percent of GGU students and fa&ilies $ill
recei!e infor&ation a-out postsecondar% re*uire&ents" practices" and financial support
To reach its four outco&e o-jecti!es" GGU $ill (a) initiate a student trac#ing s%ste& to
&onitor acade&ic progressC (-) i&ple&ent &ultiple acade&ic support progra&s and
speciali/ed coursesC (c) offer staff de!elop&ent $or#shops to targeted school facult% and
staffC (d) pro!ide counseling" ad!ising" tutoring and &entoring to GGU studentsC (e)
de!elop a college ca&pus Su&&er Progra& to support further acade&ic achie!e&ent" as
$ell as encourage postsecondar% accessC (f) pro!ide fa&il% postsecondar% infor&ation
$or#shops and ca&pus !isitsC (g) i&ple&ent fa&il% in!ol!e&ent acti!itiesC and (h)
pro!ide career education progra&s and acti!ities
Project Director+ Anthon% Pariso
Telephone ,u&-er+ :;)53A45<)2'
E&ail Address+ APAR8S7?GRE11EGS=9771S7RG
Uni!ersit% of =onnecticut
=enter for Acade&ic Progra&s E GEAR UP Progra&
GEAR UP (GU) is part of the =enter for Acade&ic Progra&s (=AP) at the
Uni!ersit% of =onnecticut (U=7,,) =AP increases access to higher education for high5
potential students $ho co&e fro& underrepresented ethnic or econo&ic -ac#grounds
andJor are first5generation college students =AP prepares students for successful entr%
into" retention in" and graduation fro& a postsecondar% institution through its four
constituent progra&s+ Educational Talent Search" GU" Up$ard Bound and the on5ca&pus
Student Support Ser!ices
GU is a partnership -et$een U=7,," ,e$ 9a!en Pu-lic Schools" Gate$a%
=o&&unit% =ollege" and Nuinnipiac Uni!ersit%" $hich pro!ide a holistic and se*uential
picture of student de!elop&ent 8t pro!ides students6 $ith a heightened a$areness of
college as a !ia-le option for their econo&ic self5sufficienc% GEAR UP6s curriculu&
focuses on three do&ains+ acade&ic ad!ising" college and financial aid a$areness" and
career a$areness During the first %ear of the grant c%cle the progra& $ill $or# $ith all
students in se!enth and eighth grade at East Roc#" Edge$ood" and Tru&an Diddle
Schools and ninth graders at the target high schools This first cohort represents a total of
<4) students The follo$ing %ears $e $ill continue $ith the cohort approach recruiting a
ne$ class of se!enth graders and ser!ing students pro&oted to grades eighth" ninth" and
tenth The partnership $ill $or# $ith the schools and the district to pro&ote increased
student acade&ic achie!e&ent through $or#shops in the areas of &ath" science" reading"
and technolog% and e0posure to career and jo- fields
1astl%" in order to assist students $ith their transition fro& &iddle school to high
school it is i&portant for parents and guardians to understand the educational process and
the i&portance of higher education The progra& $ill conduct parent $or#shops in
colla-oration $ith the schools that focus on acade&ic ad!ising" college a$areness"
financial aid" and career a$areness
Point of =ontact+ Ada Ri!era
Telephone ,u&-er+ ')35'4(5'A':
E&ail Address+ AR8.ERA?G@===7DD,ETEDU
School District of 9ills-orough =ount%
9ills-orough GEAR UP
PThis progra& $ill occur in the School District of 9ills-orough =ount% (SD9=)" Ta&pa"
Florida Econo&icall%" the t$o target schools" Pierce Diddle School and Ba&es K54"
ser!e students $ho co&e fro& households $ith li&ited inco&e Ba&es K54 is located in
east Ta&pa $here :22 percent (,Q;'4) of the total student population *ualifies for free
and reduced price lunch" and :(( percent (,Q<:() *ualif%ing for free &eal status At
Pierce Diddle School ;4 percent of the students *ualif% for free or reduced price lunch
Education data highlights special issues facing these t$o schools Se!ent% percent of
Pierce students scored at the lo$est le!els of H2I or H'"I $ith A< percent percent at le!el
2 Si0 out of ten students fail to &eet &ini&al standards in &ath and se!en out of ten fail
to &eet &ini&al standards in reading These scores place student perfor&ance $ell
-elo$ 9ills-orough =ount% a!erages
9ills-orough GEAR UP progra& $ill utili/e the follo$ing proposed acti!ities and
strategies+ (2) .ertical Tea& Progra&&ing" (') Alge-ra 8 8nitiati!e" (3) Foreign 1anguage
Acade&%" (A) Parent @or#shops" (() Guest 1ectures" (<) =ollege Fair" (;) =areer Fair"
(4)GEAR UP Su&&er 8nstitute" (:) Afternoon and Saturda% Sessions" and (2)) =ollege
=a&pus Tours Four deli!er% &odels $ill -e used+ (2) Fa&il% Financial 1iterac%
=urriculu&" (') Parent $or#shops" (3) Student @or#shops" and (A) Fa&il% Financial
Forecast Sessions Acade&ic scholarships $ill -e offered to GEAR UP students through
a partnership -et$een SD9= and the 9ills-orough Education Foundation
So&e of the intended outco&es are+ (2) students $ill &eet pupil progression plan in
&athe&atics that $ill lead to a college preparation diplo&aC (') progra& students $ill -e
-i5literateC (3) progra& $ill pro!ide opportunities for parental in!ol!e&entC (A)
co&&unit% partners $ill facilitate progra& o-jecti!esC (() students $ill ha!e opportunit%
to o-tain scholarships $hen co&pleting the progra&" and (<) Students $ill graduate in a
ti&el% &anner" prepared for higher education
Project Director+ Bar-ara Anderson
Telephone ,u&-er+ 4235';'5A44)
E&ail Address+ -ar-araanderson?sdhc#2'flus
Florida 8nternational Uni!ersit%
GEAR UP South Dade E&po$er&ent >one
The GEAR UP South Dade E&po$er&ent >one progra& is a partnership a&ong 2:
organi/ations that are co&&itted to de!eloping the hu&an potential of students in the
South Dade Federal E&po$er&ent >one This e&po$er&ent /one contains one of the
highest concentrations of econo&icall% disad!antaged" traditionall% underrepresented
students and fa&ilies in the count% or state @ith the pri&ar% purpose of raising
proficienc% le!els" GEAR UP intends to raise graduation rates and the nu&-er of
&inorit% students entering postsecondar% educational institutions -% offering a &ultitude
of ser!ices such as tutoring" after school and su&&er acade&ies" &entoring" parental
in!ol!e&ent acti!ities" technolog% integration efforts" and teacher professional
The long5range goal of the partnership is to pro!ide refor& and de!elop&ent to this area
to enhance the li!ing and $or#ing conditions of the area6s residents The o-jecti!e of this
application is to -egin this process of re!itali/ation through acade&ic preparation and
enrich&ent of the students li!ing in this /one The !ision is to create &oti!ation"
enthusias& and a sense of acco&plish&ent in all the students of this /one This strong
partnership offers a golden opportunit% to in!ol!e all the sta#eholders in the educational
process of these students so that the% are a-le to graduate high school and enroll in
college in large nu&-ers" and pursue professional careers that $ill fulfill their drea&s for
a full and satisf%ing life The teachers and schools addressed -% this progra& $ill
de!elop a rigorous approach to professional de!elop&ent to gain &aster% o!er the su-ject
&aterial of their respecti!e fields and a profound understanding of the &ost effecti!e
teaching practices 8t is en!isioned that the successful co&pletion of this project $ill
ser!e as the catal%st to create refor& in the educational s%ste& of the area so as to afford
future groups of cohorts $ith the sa&e opportunities presented -% this progra&
Project Director+ Gusta!o Roig
Telephone ,u&-er+ 3)(53A453;))
E&ail Address+ gusta!eroig?fiuedu
.aldosta =it% Schools
The .aldosta =it% Schools GEAR UP progra& is designed to increase the nu&-er of lo$5
inco&e students $ho are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondar% education
Students in the target schools are i&po!erished ,e$-ern Diddle School is a Title 8
school and 2)) percent of students at the &iddle school are eligi-le for free and reduced
price lunches The% are not perfor&ing $ell on standardi/ed testingC A; percent of eighth
grade students at the &iddle school failed the &athe&atics portion of the =riterion
Reference =o&petenc% TestC and 3: percent of 22th grade students at .aldosta 9igh
School failed the science portion of the Georgia 9igh School Graduation Test
The ser!ices that this progra& $ill pro!ide to &eet these needs are+
After school tutorials in reading and &athe&aticsC
During the school da% reading clinicsC
Standardi/ed test preparationC
=ollege and financial aid counselingC
Passport to Danhood Bo%s to DenC
Technolog% E accelerated &athe&atics and readerC
=areer preparation" assess&ent and readinessC
Su&&er Progra& Enrich&entC
=ultural enrich&ent and college toursC
Parental 8n!ol!e&ent @or#shops and Fa&il% Reading ,ightC and
Professional De!elop&ent
The pro!ision of these ser!ices $ill ena-le increased nu&-ers of students
pro&oted for grade to gradeC graduate fro& high school and enter into progra&s of
postsecondar% stud% The o-jecti!e of the GEAR UP progra& $ill -e fulfilled
Project Director+ Sa& Allen
Telephone ,u&-er+ '':533354())
E&ail Address+ SDA11E,?G7=ATS7RG
Kennesa$ State Uni!ersit%
Through funds pro!ided -% the GEAR UP Grant" the Darietta Partnership $ill
Hsignificantl% increase the nu&-er of lo$5inco&e students $ho are prepared to enter and
succeed in postsecondar% educationI To &eet this goal" the Partnership $ill use three
o-jecti!es as -ench&ar#s throughout the si0 %ears the proposed progra&s are in place+
(2) 8ncrease the acade&ic perfor&ance and preparation for postsecondar%
education for GEAR UP students
(') 8ncrease the rate of high school graduation and participation in postsecondar%
education for GEAR UP students
(3) 8ncrease GEAR UP students6 and their fa&ilies6 #no$ledge of postsecondar%
education options" preparation" and financing
To &eet these o-jecti!es" Darietta =it% Schools (K52' partner)" Kennesa$ State
Uni!ersit%" =hattahoochee Technical =ollege" and -usiness representati!es fro& the =o--
=ount% =ha&-er of =o&&erce (the count% in $hich all partners reside)" and Darietta
Diddle and 9igh School -usiness partners $ill colla-orati!el% plan" i&ple&ent" and
e!aluate educational e0periences Progra&s li#e Saturda% Acade&ic E0periences and
7ne5on57ne Tutorials $ill pro!ide a!enues for students to increase s#ills" understanding"
and application of s#ills to su-ject5area processes =ounselor training progra&s in
postsecondar% options" a!enues to postsecondar% education" and understanding of career
path$a%s $ill allo$ counselors to increase their #no$ledge of $a%s to guide parents and
students to$ard post secondar% education Teacher training in ad!ise&ent procedures (to
assist counselors $hen students plan %earl% courses) and in -est practices (to de!elop
#no$ledge and strategies of instruction) $ill also occur" and to assist parents and students
through the process of preparation for" ad&ission to" and infor&ation on ho$ to pa% for
college" $or#shops and training $ill -e pro!ided" and $or#shops and college ca&pus
field trips are planned for parents and students
Project Director+ =arol 9arrell
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;;)5A'35<A:'
E&ail Address+ =9ARRE11?KE,,ESA@EDU
Tho&as Uni!ersit%
GEARUP5Grant for lo$5inco&e students
The Tho&as Uni!ersit% GEAR UP progra& is designed to increase the nu&-er of
lo$5inco&e students $ho are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondar% education
Students in the target schools are i&po!erished Se!ent%5one percent of students at the
&iddle school are eligi-le for free and reduced price lunches The students are not
perfor&ing $ell on standardi/ed testing T$ent%5se!en+ '; percent of students at the
&iddle school failed the &athe&atics portion of the =riterion Reference =o&petenc%
TestC and the a!erage high school students6 score on the SAT $as :') 1astl%" onl% 3;
percent of students participating in a sur!e% responded that their parents $ere in!ol!ed in
their education
So&e of the ser!ices that this progra& $ill pro!ide to students" parents and
teachers are as follo$s+
After school tutorials in reading and &athe&aticsC
During the school da% reading clinicsC
Standardi/ed Test PrepC
=ollege and Financial Aid =ounselingC
Passport to Danhood Bo%s to DenC
Technolog% E Accelerated &ath and readingC
=areer Preparation" assess&ent and readinessC
Su&&er Progra& Enrich&entC
=ultural Enrich&ent and college toursC
Parental 8n!ol!e&ent @or#shops and Fa&il% Reading ,ightC and
Professional De!elop&ent
The pro!ision of these ser!ices $ill ena-le increased nu&-ers of students
pro&oted for grade to gradeC graduate fro& high school and enter into progra&s of
postsecondar% stud% The o-jecti!e of the GEAR UP progra& $ill -e fulfilled
Project Director+ Delanie Dartin
Telephone ,u&-er+ '':5''<52<'2
E&ail Address+ &&artin?tho&asuedu
Uni!ersit% of 9a$ai6i
Uni!ersit% of 9a$ai6i at Danoa GEAR UP Partnerships
This project -uilds upon the successes achie!ed -% the current Uni!ersit% of
9a$aiKi at Danoa GEAR UP partnership grant (')))5'))<) The project $ill pro!ide
<;( si0th and se!enth graders at Kala#aua Diddle School access to rigorous acade&ic
preparation" financial infor&ation" and financial assistance to enter and succeed in
postsecondar% education 8n addition to tutoring" &entoring" professional de!elop&ent"
and parental in!ol!e&ent acti!ities" the project features a uni*ue and inno!ati!e language
education progra& specificall% adapted to &eet the needs of the large language &inorit%
and i&&igrant student population The proposed project enhances the language
education progra& -% full% integrating co&puter5-ased technolog% into the curriculu&
Another special feature of the project is the use of 8ndi!idual De!elop&ent Accounts (or
8DAs)" special sa!ings accounts designed to pro!ide lo$5inco&e students and fa&ilies an
opportunit% to accu&ulate assets" facilitate and &o-ili/e sa!ings" and pro&ote college
There are fi!e project goals+ 2) students $ill -e prepared to access postsecondar%
education opportunitiesC ') parents $ill !alue higher education" access resources" and
support their children in pursuit of postsecondar% educationC 3) teachers and staff $ill -e
prepared and co&&itted to &itigate the negati!e effects of po!ert% on students and their
access to higher educationC A) a s%ste& $ill -e esta-lished to ac#no$ledge acade&ic
achie!e&ent and to a$ard financial assistance to GEAR UP studentsC and () co&&unit%
partners $ill contri-ute to an enrich&ent of educational opportunities and support
funding for postsecondar% education The relationships esta-lished and outco&es
achie!ed to date -% the Uni!ersit% of 9a$aiKi at Danoa GEAR UP project pro!ide strong
e!idence than an enhanced and e0panded progra& $ill -e successfull% i&ple&ented
Project Director+ Roderic# 1a-rador
Telephone ,u&-er+ 4)45:(<5:22'
E&ail Address+ 1ABRAD7R?9A@A88?EDU
,ortheastern 8llinois Uni!ersit%
=hicago GEAR UP Alliance
The =hicago GEAR UP Alliance $ill e0tend a co&prehensi!e set of ser!ices to
2)"':( disad!antaged &iddle and high school students that $ill transfor&" o!er si0 %ears"
the $a% in $hich schools prepare students for high school" for ulti&ate success in
college" and for -eco&ing life5long learners To acco&plish this" the project addresses
critical needs that research suggests place students at ris# of educational failure" including
lo$ student achie!e&ent
This project engages all sta#eholders in a high perfor&ance learning co&&unit%
that pro!ides educators $ith focused" colla-orati!e professional de!elop&ent to i&pro!e
the school curriculu&C creates a coordinated s%ste& for earl% inter!ention through
tutoring" &entoring and enrich&ent acti!itiesC i&ple&ents an inclusi!e and
co&prehensi!e approach for infor&ing students and parents a-out college" career options"
financial aid and re*uired rigorous coursesC pro!ides e0periences a-out $hat college is
li#eC and e&phasi/es that all children are capa-le of success
The =hicago GEAR UP Alliance is grounded upon the successes of the =hicago
Education Alliance in -ringing together influential decision &a#ers fro& state and local
education" co&&unit%" and -usiness le!els" including+ ,ortheastern 8llinois Uni!ersit%"
Roose!elt Uni!ersit%" DePaul Uni!ersit%" Uni!ersit% of =hicago" 1o%ola Uni!ersit%"
,ational51ouis Uni!ersit%" Tru&an =ollege" the =hicago Board of Education" =hildren6s
De&orial 9ospital" the =onsortiu& for =hicago School Research" ,e$ =oncepts
TutorJDentor =onnection" ,orth 1a$ndale 1earning =o&&unit%" and Gouth Guidance
The partnership outco&es $ill -e sustainedC resulting in s%ste&5$ide change $ith
increasing nu&-ers of students reali/ing that learning is a fascinating ad!enture Students
$ill identif% their talents" e0plore careers and set goals to achie!e their drea&s" and e!er%
student $ill -eco&e acade&icall% and financiall% read% for college
Project Director+ @end% D Stac#
Telephone ,u&-er+ 32'5;335;33)
E&ail Address+ @5STA=K?,E8UEDU
=alu&et =ollege of St Boseph
=alu&et =ollege of St Boseph GEAR UP
=lar# Diddle School and 9igh School students in 9a&&ond" 8ndiana" co&e to
school fro& a -ac#ground of socioecono&ic pro-le&s that pre!ents the& fro& -rea#ing
patterns of lo$ educational achie!e&ent An anal%sis of the co&&unit% sho$s three
interrelated needs+ (2) students lac# acade&ic preparation for college and ha!e poor
acade&ic perfor&anceC (') students co&e fro& -ac#grounds that are unfa&iliar $ithO
and so&eti&es unsupporti!e ofOhigher educationC and (3) students lac# financial
resources for postsecondar% education
To address these three issues" =alu&et =ollege of St Boseph proposes a
partnership $ith the School =it% of 9a&&ond" the =it% of 9a&&ond Da%or6s 7ffice"
and a grass5roots co&&unit% organi/ation" the 9a&&ond 9ispanic =o&&unit%
=o&&ittee (99==) to present a coordinated progra& of acti!ities and support -ased
upon sound research and -est practices Progra& acti!ities $ill pro!ide tutoring and
&entoring at ==SB dail% during the school %ear" an acade&ic acti!it% at the college
$ee#l%" a field trip and a !isit to colleges &onthl%" and &onthl% parent $or#shops on
issues related to postsecondar% education" including finances GEAR UP $ill also offer
occasional fa&il% acti!ities The GEAR UP su&&er co&ponent $ill offer si0 $ee#s of
one5 to t$o5$ee# Hca&psI in $hich students $ill thoroughl% in!estigate an acade&ic
topic Finall%" GEAR UP $ill sponsor t$o in5ser!ice da%s for =lar# facult% and staff
annuall% (one each se&ester) to address issues of concern in ur-an" &inorit% schools
The result of the progra& $ill -e to+
8ncrease the acade&ic perfor&ance and preparation for postsecondar% education
for GEAR UP participants (in response to ,eed 2 a-o!e)C
8ncrease GEAR UP students6 and their fa&ilies6 #no$ledge of postsecondar%
education options" preparation" and financing (,eeds ' and 3 a-o!e)C and"
8ncrease the rate of high school graduation and participation in postsecondar%
education for GEAR UP students (the o!erall GEAR UP goal)
Point of =ontact+ Ale0andra .ictor
Telephone ,u&-er+ '2:5A;35A32)
E&ail Address+ A.8=T7R?==SBEDU
Uni!ersit% of Kansas =enter for Research" 8nc
Path$a%s to success
The Path$a%s to Success GEAR UP Project has produced a renaissance in the
Tope#a School District (USD ()2)" the fa&ous ho&e of Bro$n ! Board of Education
As reported in the Tope#a =apital Bournal (April A" '))()" USD ()2 has e0perienced
record i&pro!e&ents in student achie!e&ent scores
A ne$ Path$a% to Success progra& is proposed to capitali/e on this &o&entu&
The proposed progra& $ill include+ (a) a district5$ide professional de!elop&ent
progra&" led -% school5-ased 8nstructional =oaches" to increase the *ualit% of instruction
recei!ed -% e!er% studentC (-) an integrated" co&prehensi!e reading progra& that
pro!ides (i) indi!idual instruction fro& a reading specialist in e!er% school" (ii) enhanced
reading strateg% instruction in reading and language arts classes" and (iii) General
Education reading strategies instruction to ensure that e!er% teacher is a reading teacherC
(c) leadership tea&s to ensure that GEARUP reading and &athe&atics courses are
rigorous and accessi-le" (d) learning strategies and $riting strategies to help students
-eco&e &ore effecti!e and efficient learners" (e) a co&prehensi!e" district5$ide positi!e
-eha!ior support progra&" (f) a research5-ased &odel for strategic tutoring a!aila-le to
all students" (g) a pro!en &odel for tele&entoring" $ith the capacit% to efficientl% pro!ide
highl% effecti!e" safe" &entoring to thousands of students" and (h) a Fa&il% School
=oordinator to co&&unicate $ith fa&ilies a-out their students6 successes and challenges"
a-sences" and &an% a!aila-le post5secondar% options
A particular strength of this project is a &anage&ent plan that creates a true
partnership" $here Path$a%s share data-ase decision5&a#ing to Success staff and leaders
at the district and school le!els All partners $ill colla-orate to ensure that all
co&ponents of the progra& are i&ple&ented efficientl%" on ti&e" and $ithin -udget
Project Director+ Ba&es Knight
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;4(54<A5A;4)
E&ail Address+ j#night?#uedu
,eosho =ount% =o&&unit% =ollege
=ollege5Bound =lass Project (=B= Project)
The =ollege5Bound =lass (=B=) GEAR UP project see#s to address the critical
educational needs of three rural school districts in Southeast Kansas The =B= project
$ill ser!e a cohort of '22 students -eginning in se!enth grade and continuing through
their high school graduation and entr% into postsecondar% education The children to -e
ser!ed co&e fro& the region of the stated ran#ed $orst for econo&ic distress 8n the
counties to -e ser!ed 2;' percent of the fa&ilies are -elo$ po!ert%" co&pared to 22(
percent in the state and :' percent in the United States The area to -e ser!ed has the
highest concentration of $elfare participation in the state The une&plo%&ent rates are
higher than state a!erages As the population of the region continues to decline" the
nu&-er of indi!iduals ser!ed -% $elfare gro$s each %ear For the past fi!e %ears a
stead% increase in the nu&-er of children eligi-le for free and reduced price &eals has
cli&-ed to a rate that no$ e0ceeds (' percent" co&pared to the state a!erage of 3:
The educational attain&ent of the region is lo$ 7!er 4; percent of adults li!ing
in the ser!ice area ha!e not co&pleted a -accalaureate degree and 24 percent ha!e not
graduated fro& high school" (the state a!erage is 2A percent) The dropout rate in all
three school districts is higher than the state a!erage and the student5to5counselor ratio is
34A to 2 8n addition" students are scoring $ell -elo$ the state a!erage in core su-jects
and counselors cite lac# of one5on5one support and tutoring as a &ajor reason for lo$
acade&ic achie!e&ent
The =B= Project proposes nu&erous acade&ic support strategies to i&pro!e the
educational attain&ent of the cohort and to ensure successful co&pletion of high school
and continuation into postsecondar% education The project staff $ill include three full5
ti&e e&plo%ees $ho co&e fro& -ac#grounds si&ilar to the cohort and ha!e the a-ilit% to
achie!e the anticipated outco&e of 2)) percent enroll&ent in postsecondar% education
The host organi/ation co&&its RA3")() annuall% to the success of the project
District and co&&unit% partners add an additional RA'";4' annuall% in &atching
resources The a&ount of &atching resources co&&itted to the project -% the partners
reflects the se!erit% of the need for the ser!ices pro!ided -% the =ollege5Bound =lass
GEAR UP project
Project Director+ Brenda Kru&&
Telephone ,u&-er+ <')5A325'';'
E&ail Address+ BKRUDD?,E7S97EDU
Uni!ersit% of Kansas =enter for Research
Uni!ersit% of Kansas @ashington =luster Gear Up Project
8t is not e0cessi!e to sa% that the !ast &ajorit% of the students attending school in
the Kansas =it%" Kansas School District ()) can onl% -e descri-ed as Hat5ris# for
educational failureI These students &ust cope dail% $ith all of the failings and
trappings" such as un*ualified teachers" so co&&on in &an% ur-an school districts
8ndeed" students in this district achie!e at &uch lo$er le!els than their peers across the
state An aggressi!e co&prehensi!e approach" using $ell de!eloped and researched
strategies" is necessar% to increase achie!e&ent le!els of these students" so that the% $ill
-e prepared to ta#e ad!antage of postsecondar% education opportunities
The Uni!ersit% of Kansas @ashington =luster GEAR UP Progra& is designed to
&eet these challenges and $ill -uild upon e0isting co&&unit% partnerships to pro!ide
educational ser!ices" career e0ploration" and other enrich&ent opportunities to the
se!enth graders at Arro$head and Eisenho$er Diddle Schools in District ()) This
progra& $ill tier guidance for these students and their parents through the college
ad&issions process fro& start to finish Progra&&ing $ill progress fro& ans$ering the
*uestion of H@hat is collegeI to teaching these students ho$ to de!elop goals" to $hat
high school courses to ta#e" and to de!eloping personal state&ents for their college
applications 8n addition" the GEAR UP progra& $ill offer teachers research5-ased
strategies and teaching routines that $ill allo$ students to learn in a strategic learning
Finall%" the GEAR UP progra& $ill offer students and their teachers su&&er
progra&&ing that $ill prepare the& and gi!e the& a head start on the upco&ing school
%ear The cohort of se!enth graders $ho participate in the GEAR UP progra& $ill
recei!e ser!ices until the% graduate fro& @ashington 9igh School in ')22 The &ajorit%
of these ser!ices $ill -e i&ple&ented during the acade&ic da% to ensure there are no
-arriers for students to participate in GEAR UP Thus" this progra& creates a solid
foundation for students to not onl% prepare for postsecondar% education" -ut to e0cel and
Project Director+ ,gondi Ka&atu#a
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;4(54<A53A)2
E&ail Address+ #a&atu#a?#uedu
Berea =ollege
Berea =ollege GEAR UP Partnership
The proposed GEAR UP Partnership -rings together t$o institutions of higher
education" Berea =ollege and Eastern Kentuc#% Uni!ersit%C si0 high5po!ert% school
districtsC t$o regional co&&unit% organi/ations For$ard in the Fifth and Kentuc#%
9igher Education Assistance AssociationC and se!eral local co&&unit% partners Each
partner -rings s#ills" resources and e0periences to the partnership that are rele!ant to the
scope of the project and each partner is financiall% co&&itted to the project
The Partnership $ill ser!e 2< high5po!ert% schools in the contiguous Appalachian
counties of Estill" Bac#son" 1ee" Dadison" and Roc#castle The cohort consists of all
si0th and se!enth grade students in the fi!e count% ser!ice region and all students" K5;"
$ho attend the Berea =o&&unit% School" a s&all school $here all students" Entr% E 2'th
grade" are located in one school -uilding
@or#ing closel% $ith the partners" the -aseline data for our region has -een
anal%/ed" and gaps or $ea#nesses in ser!ices" infrastructure" or opportunities in three
pro-le& areas ha!e -een identified + 1o$5inco&e children are at ris# of educational
failureC parents do not ha!e high e0pectations for children" nor ha!e the s#ills to help
the& prepare for collegeC and teachers in the schools do not ha!e a functional
understanding of effecti!e pedagog% and a deep understanding of concepts the% are
e0pected to teach
Using up5to5date research and #no$ledge of effecti!e practices a co&prehensi!e
arra% of ser!ices to address these gaps has -een de!eloped The ser!ices include+ direct
ser!ices to students" parent engage&ent acti!ities" and $hole school i&pro!e&ent The
i&pact of these ser!ices is &easura-le and $ill result in s%ste&ic change in the culture of
our school s%ste&s
As a result of the GEAR UP Partnership" significantl% &ore lo$5inco&e students
fro& our Appalachian ser!ice region $ill -e prepared for success in post5secondar%
Project Director+ Drea&a Gentr%
Telephone ,u&-er+ 4(:5:4(534(3
Fulton =ount% School S%ste&
The Fulton =ount% Board of Education in 9ic#&an" Kentuc#% is re*uesting grant
funds on -ehalf of the @est Kentuc#% Educational =ooperati!e (@KE=) to i&ple&ent
GEAR UP A,D S7AR $ithin nine school districts" all of $hich &eet the eligi-ilit%
criteria of () percent free and reduced price lunch eligi-ilit% at the participating school
$ith a se!enth grade 8n all of the districts" acade&ic e0pectations a&ong students"
parents and teachers are lo$" resulting in lo$ college going rates and acade&ic
achie!e&ent The GEAR UP A,D S7AR progra& $ill focus on identif%ing and
eli&inating -arriers to student success through co&prehensi!e acade&ic enhance&ent"
capacit% -uilding in school leadership to sustain success" and -road parent and
co&&unit% engage&ent Project ser!ices $ill -e pro!ided in t$o trac#s+ Building
Path$a%s to =ollege for Students and Parents and Building School and =o&&unit%
=apacit% for a =ollege Going =ulture
8n partnership $ith these school districts" four higher education partners and 2;
co&&unit% organi/ations" -usiness partners" state and go!ern&ental agencies" and non5
profits $ill -e co&&itting o!er R;")))"))) in &atching resources to pro!ide ser!ices to
students and fa&ilies The @est Kentuc#% Educational =ooperati!e" an educational
ser!ice agenc% $hose &ission it is to help its &e&-er districts &a0i&i/e resources to
facilitate student achie!e&ent" $ill &anage the project The @KE= has operated a
successful GEAR UP project since 2::: and has de!eloped this proposal to include ne$
partners and focus on -roader issues of capacit% -uilding and sustaina-ilit% Students $ill
feel success and use this positi!e fra&e of reference to !isuali/e their future" plan their
goals and -e nurtured to ha!e high hopes of co&pleting college Students $ill GEAR UP
Project Director+ Bennifer .an @aes
Telephone ,u&-er+ ';)5;<'5')4<
E&ail Address+ B.A,@AES?@KE==77PK2'KGUS
=linton =ount% Board 7f Education
Southcentral Kentuc#% GEAR UP
The South5central Kentuc#% GEAR UP Partnership $ill ser!e students $ho reside
in =linton" Dc=rear%" and @a%ne =ounties in Appalachian Kentuc#% The need for a
GEAR UP project in these counties is se!ere Po!ert% rates in the three counties range
fro& A2 percent to 3' percent Each of the four &iddle schools to -e ser!ed has a free
and reduced price lunch rate of ;( percent or higher 7nl% slightl% o!er (( percent of
adults ha!e a high school diplo&a =urrentl%" less than ;( percent of the students are
graduating" $ith roughl% one third of those atte&pting postsecondar% education School
district achie!e&ent test scores" A=T scores" and other indicators of acade&ic proficienc%
lag far -ehind state and national a!erages 7!erall a$areness of postsecondar%
opportunities is li&ited
The South5central Kentuc#% GEAR UP project $ill ser!e appro0i&atel% (;(
se!enth grade students in Gear 2 B% Gear <" the project $ill -e ser!ing o!er 3"2))
students in grades ;52' The project $ill pro!ide ser!ices and acti!ities in fi!e &ajor
areas+ (2) Acade&ic Rigor and 8nstructional 8&pro!e&entC (') Dentoring and
=ounselingC (3) Postsecondar% A$areness for Students and ParentsC (A) After5School and
Su&&er Progra&sC and (() Financial Assistance 8nno!ati!e project ser!ices include a
Support =hain Peer Dentoring progra&C =a&pus toursC =ollege Sa!ings AccountsC
8ndi!idual Graduation PlansC Acade&ic Enrich&entC Enhanced =ollege Preparation
=oursesC Su&&er =ollege E0periencesC and E!ening Deetings for Parents" just to na&e a
The project has fi!e &ain goals+ (2) To increase the acade&ic perfor&ance and
preparation for postsecondar% educationC (') To increase the rate of high school
graduation and participation in postsecondar% educationC (3) To increase students6 and
fa&ilies6 a$areness and #no$ledge of postsecondar% education options" preparation" and
financingC (A) To increase student support for postsecondar% preparation through after5
school and su&&er progra&sC and (() To increase lo$5inco&e students6 access to
postsecondar% education through a progra& of financial assistance
Point of =ontact+ Paula 1ittle
Telephone ,u&-er+ <)<534;5(A3;
E5&ail Address+ P18TT1E?=18,T7,K2'KGUS
Donroe =it% Schools
Donroe =it% Schools GEAR UP Project
Donroe =it% Schools (D=S)" in colla-oration $ith The Uni!ersit% of 1ouisiana5
Donroe" The =it% of Donroe Police Depart&ent and Par#s and Recreation" Big Brothers
and Big Sisters" GD=A" Teen =risis =enter" and Tri5District Bo%s and Girls =lu-"
proposes to pro!ide e0panded opportunities to an initial cohort of si0th and se!enth
graders at Dartin 1uther King" Br" and se!enth graders at =arroll and Ro-ert E 1ee
Bunior 9igh Schools to$ard increased attendance and progression to$ard graduation and
postsecondar% entr% Successi!e cohorts $ill -e included each %ear These schools ha!e
2)'' students enrolled" a :2'< percent &inorit% enroll&ent" a ;4 percent free and
reduced price lunch rate" are in either School 8&pro!e&ent or Acade&ic @arning Status"
and ha!e 4 percent of students not regularl% attending 7nl% 3; percent of seniors enter
postsecondar%O$ith A( percent of those re*uiring re&ediation D=S has fi!e &ajor
o-jecti!es to$ard acco&plish&ent of increased acade&ic perfor&ance and postsecondar%
entr% su&&ari/ed -elo$+
2 To increase state5&andated criterion referenced &athe&atics and literac% test
scores -% 2) percent each %ear of the si05%ear grant period
' Pro!ide '2st =entur% Scholar =ertificates" financial aid a!aila-ilit%" and
postsecondar% ad&issions infor&ation to 2)) percent of cohorts
3 A 2) percent annual increase in nu&-er of students co&pleting Pre5Alge-ra -%
the end of grade eight and co&pleting Alge-ra 8 -% the end of grade nine
A Pro!ide postsecondar% counseling" &entoring" tutoring" after5school and su&&er
school progra&s to 2)) percent of cohorts to$ard a 2) percent annual decrease in
dropout rates and a ') percent decrease in disciplinar% actions annuall%
( Pro!ide opportunities for professional de!elop&ent
Point of =ontact+ Ba&es A Dupree
Telephone ,u&-er+ 32453'(5)<)2
E&ail Address+ DRDUPREE?D=S=9771S,ET
Dount @achusett =o&&unit% =ollege
Fitch-urg GEAR UP
Dount @achusett =o&&unit% =ollege $ill ad&inister the Fitch-urg GEAR UPM
Project in partnership $ith the Fitch-urg (Dassachusetts) Pu-lic School District" the
Uni!ersit% of Dassachusetts" the Bo%s and Girls =lu- of Fitch-urg" the =leghorn
,eigh-orhood Action =enter" the T$in =ities 1atino =oalition" the @orcester =ount%
Bu!enile Pro-ation 7ffice" the Spanish A&erican =enter" and the Dassachusetts
Educational Financing Agenc% The project $ill ser!e :;4 students in grades si0 and
se!en in four target schools+ Acade&% Diddle (grades si05eight)" BF Bro$n Arts .ision
(grades si05eight)" De&orial 8nter&ediate (grades si05eight) and Fitch-urg 9igh School
The cit% has one of the highest cri&e rates in Dassachusetts" and the District is
o!er$hel&ingl% lo$ inco&e and first generation" $ith a large percentage of students
fro& pri&aril% 1atino -ac#grounds $ho are second language learners Standardi/ed test
scores at each school are $ell -elo$ the state and national a!erages and this is &agnified
a&ong the 1atino student population The goals of the project are+
Goal 2+ To increase the acade&ic perfor&ance of GEAR UP students
Goal '+ To increase the rate of high school graduation and participation in
postsecondar% education for GEAR UP students
Goal 3+ To increase students and their fa&ilies6 #no$ledge of postsecondar%
education and financial aid options
Goal A+ To i&ple&ent sustaina-le teaching and learning i&pro!e&ents through
annual professional de!elop&ent and curriculu& refor& acti!ities for
The project $ill pro!ide all cohort students $ith intensi!e" -ilingual acade&ic
support ser!ices including+ targeted initiati!es in &ath and for second language learnersC
college ad&issions and financing infor&ation and application assistanceC after5school and
!acation progra&s" including a special initiati!e focusing on &ath" science" and
engineeringC and fa&il% -ased inter!entions designed to increase student acade&ic
success The Fitch-urg Pu-lic School District $ill e&-ar# upon instructional and
curricular refor&s that $ill &a#e i&pro!e&ents in teaching di!erse learners" and
refor&ing the &iddle school and high school &ath curricula Anticipated project
outco&es are+ increased postsecondar% &atriculation of students" a &ath curriculu&
aligned to national standards" and de!eloping all teachers to -eco&e certified -% ')22
The Partnership $ill &aintain the capacit% to continue pro!iding ser!ices to all students
-e%ond the period of federal support
Project Director+ Pati Gregson
Telephone ,u&-er+ :;45<3)5:33:
E&ail Address+ PLGREGS7,?D@==DASSEDU
Uni!ersit% of Dassachusetts 1o$ell
GEAR UP 7pportunit% 1o$ellM
The Bartlett" Butler" Rogers" Ro-inson and Sulli!an schools ha!e elected to $or#
$ith a se!enth grade cohort This cohort of ;'A students $ill -e follo$ed through to high
school graduation The GEAR UP (GU) Partnership $ill offer an arra% of ser!ices to
students and their fa&ilies" ensuring e*uita-le access to resources E&phasis $ill -e on
partnership progra&s that foster parent education and in!ol!e&entC prepare students for
postsecondar% education $ith the assistance of tutoring" &entoring" enrich&ent" and
college and career a$areness progra&sC enhance pedagog% to address the needs of
di!erse studentsC pro!ide professional de!elop&entC conduct capacit%5-uilding
e!aluationsC and -uild sustaina-ilit% in GEAR UP progra&s and acti!ities
The progra& $ill strengthen lin#s a&ong the schools" -usinesses" co&&unit%
organi/ations" and uni!ersit% depart&ents to ensure that initiati!es can -e sustained $hen
funding ends" using !olunteer support and the assu&ption of so&e progra& costs -%
partnering institutions
7ne of the Partnership6s #e% strategies for increasing students6 e0pectations is to
re&o!e the ele&ent of self5selection fro& acti!ities that guide students to$ard preparing
for college @or#shops introduce students to the idea of college as -oth !alua-le and
accessi-le" and guide the& through infor&ation a-out SATs" financial aid" course
selection" and the application process
GEAR UP proposes a set of progra&s to i&pro!e &ath perfor&ance Students
$ill ha!e opportunities to learn fro& -oth peers and partners to strengthen their &ath
literac% GU $ill+ 2) sti&ulate students6 interest in &athe&atics" e0panding their
understanding of their o$n pro-le&5sol!ing process and increasing their a-ilit% to reason
a-out &athC ') i&ple&ent progra&s responsi!e to the students6 i&&igrant e0periencesC
and 3) assist in align&ent of &athe&atics courses across &iddle school" high school and
college to strengthen perfor&ance in &athe&atics
Project Director+ 1inda Sil#a
Telephone ,u&-er+ :;45:3A5A<;(
E&ail Address+ 18,DALS81KA?UD1EDU
Uni!ersit% of Daine at Far&ington
The Uni!ersit% of Daine at Far&ington (UDF) GEAR UP Project" -uilding on the
success of our partnership $ith School Ad&inistrati!e District (SAD) '2 -et$een 2:::
and '))(" $ill e0pand its partnership to include SAD '2" SAD A3 and Ba% School
District These districts share &an% si&ilar traits Situated in an econo&icall%
challenged part of rural Daine" the% include schools $ith !er% li&ited resources
Students lac# aspirations" &oti!ation and role &odels Parental participation in the
education process is !er% li&ited and fe$ financial and college counseling opportunities
are offered Postsecondar% education is percei!ed -% &an% to -e unattaina-le 8solation
and -udget reductions also depri!e the schools of opportunities for sufficient professional
To alle!iate these pro-le&s" the UDF GEAR UP Project proposes to deli!er
ser!ices to students" parents and teachers through colla-orati!e efforts $ith partners fro&
-usinesses and co&&unit%5-ased organi/ations The progra& $ill e&plo% &ethods that
ha!e alread% pro!en to -e effecti!e and successful+ students $ill -e offered tutoring and
&entoringC a $ee#5long series of lectures" classes and acti!ities on UDF6s ca&pusC after5
school and su&&er progra&s" field trips and college !isits" career planning and jo-5
shado$ing" along $ith '2st =entur% Scholar =ertificate cere&onies Parents $ill -e
pro!ided $ith college and financial aid counseling" field trips and college !isits For
teachers" the progra& $ill deli!er college5school -ridging courses" professor5teacher
$or#shops" as $ell as courses" se&inars and training progra&s to help the& i&pro!e
student acade&ic perfor&ance through &ore !igorous and challenging courses 8t is
hoped that the success of the first GEAR UP project $ill -e replicated and -enefit &ore
people in Daine
B% the ti&e the% graduate" 4( percent of the students $ill -e acade&icall%
prepared for college All fa&ilies $ill ha!e recei!ed financial counseling and $ill -e
cogni/ant of the steps needed to plan for college and ha!e started sa!ing for
postsecondar% education Schools $ill also gain through colla-oration $ith the
uni!ersit% in capacit% -uilding and curriculu& de!elop&ent
Project Director+ @ei%a 1iang
Telephone ,u&-er+ ');5(<'5;(('
E&ail Address+ @E8GA18A,G?DA8,EEDU
@estern Dichigan Uni!ersit%
DER= GEAR UP 1earning =enters 88
The Did$est Educational Refor& =onsortiu& (DER=) is a colla-orati!e
partnership in!ol!ing uni!ersities" school districts" co&&unit%5-ased organi/ations"
-usiness" foundations" and state and local agencies fro& three &id5$estern states The
&ission of DER= is to i&pro!e acade&ic achie!e&ent for all students" $ith the ulti&ate
goal of increasing the nu&-er of students $ho &atriculate and co&plete post5secondar%
education To acco&plish this goal" DER= pro!ides a co&prehensi!e and s%ste&atic
progra& of restructuring pu-lic schools" pro!iding e0tensi!e professional de!elop&ent"
esta-lishing support structures for students and fa&ilies" and engaging co&&unities
DER= is housed in the Der/e Tate =enter for Research on School Refor& at @estern
Dichigan Uni!ersit% and in!ol!es the =enter for 8nno!ati!e and Transfor&ati!e (=8TE)
and Partnerships for =o&&unit% Action (P=A) at Bo$ling Green State Uni!ersit%
(7hio)" and the S&all Schools @or#shop (SS@) at the =enter for 8nno!ati!e Schools in
=hicago" in partnership $ith school districts and co&&unit% agencies in Bangor" Battle
=ree#" and Kala&a/oo" Dichigan and Toledo" 7hio
Dra$ing fro& e0perience in se!eral highl% successful and nationall% recogni/ed
school refor& projects (Bo%#in" ')))C Br%#" Easton" et al" 2::3C 2::(C Kreto!ics" Far-er
S Ar&aline" 2::2aC 2::2-C '))AC Shen" 1u" and Kreto!ics" '))AC Kirschner" '))AC
Fischer" 9a&er" >i&&er&an" Sidor#in" Sa&el" 1ong" and DcArhtur" '))A)" DER=
proposes a GEAR UP 1earning =enter initiati!e" -ased upon accelerated learning and
culturall% responsi!e teaching" that integrates ele&ents of these successful projects $ith
the needs of schools" students" fa&ilies" and co&&unit% and social ser!ice agencies in the
selected co&&unities This proposal offers a co&prehensi!e and &ulti5di&ensional
approach to transfor&ing lo$5achie!ing" high5po!ert% schools into high5achie!ing and
self5sustaining centers of learning The GEAR UP 1earning =enters are not prescripti!e"
coo#ie5cutter approaches to school refor& 8nstead" DER= has de!eloped a
perfor&ance5-ased process that is -roadl% adapti!e to the uni*ue needs of indi!idual
schools and their co&&unities Through accelerating student learning" esta-lishing
culturall% responsi!e teaching practices" pro!iding direct support to students and their
fa&ilies" and engaging the co&&unit% the GEAR UP 1earning =enters prepare students
sociall% and acade&icall% for postsecondar% education
Project Director+ Boseph R Kreto!ics
Telephone ,u&-er+ '<:534;5<4<;
E&ail Address+ KRET7.8=S?@D8=9EDU
St 7laf =ollege
St 7laf =ollege GEAR UP
Since 2:::" St 7laf =ollege GEAR UP has ser!ed a cohort of 3)) inner cit%"
lo$5inco&e students fro& St Paul 9u&-oldt Bunior and Senior 9igh Schools ,inet%5
eight percent of GEAR UP6s senior cohort has applied and -een accepted to at least one
college this %ear" a tre&endous acco&plish&ent for a school that historicall% sends less
than A) percent of its graduates to postsecondar% education As a result" the St Paul
School6s Superintendent6s 7ffice has encouraged St 7laf to e0pand the GEAR UP &odel
to a second" high5need senior high" and t$o additional inner5cit% feeder schools St 7laf
GEAR UP proposes to ser!e 4() se!enth grade students and follo$ the& through high
school graduation and into college These students e0perience all of the difficulties
associated $ith ur-an po!ert%+ the $orst drop out and college participation rates" the
lo$est fa&il% inco&es" the highest cri&e rates" and the poorest social ser!ices
The St 7laf =ollege GEAR UP Partners $ill use the e0pertise de!eloped o!er the
past si0 %ears to e0pand the GEAR UP &odel to ne$ students" school personnel" fa&il%
and co&&unit% &e&-ers Students in this cohort e0perience the effects of po!ert%"
racis&" ur-an isolation" lo$ acade&ic e0pectations and achie!e&ent" $ith li&ited
chances for high school graduation and college &atriculation The progra& offers
speciali/ed tutoring" acade&ic ad!ising" career and educational guidance" &entoring" and
parent and guardian progra&&ing to achie!e its goals
St 7laf =ollege" a regional leader in college preparator% outreach" and its
Partners co&&it a &atch of R3"32("))) in cash and in5#ind resources St 7laf co&&its a
cash contri-ution of R'A("()) for the operation of the progra& 8ts Partners co&&it
hundreds of hours of after5school progra&&ing" &entoring" tutoring" su&&er acade&ic
enrich&ent ca&ps" first5rate facilities" and thousands of dollars of cash and in5#ind
ser!ice B% participating in the St 7laf GEAR UP progra&" participants $ill dra&aticall%
increase the li#elihood that the% $ill succeed in school" e0cel scholasticall%" and
successfull% &atriculate to college
Project Director+ Bulia Seper
Telephone ,u&-er+ ();5<A<54AA2
E&ail Address+ SEPER?ST71AFEDU
Gasconade =ount% Reorgani/ed School District R'
Preparation" Readiness" E&po$er&ent and Parents Progra& (PREP)
The Gasconade =ount% School District (G=SD) is located in the south central
region of Dissouri" a region of unusual econo&ic di!ersit% $ith poc#ets of tre&endous
po!ert% A cursor% listing of al&ost an% #e% indicator e!idences the region6s need for this
project+ graduation rates test scores" educational attain&ent" enroll&ent in college
preparator% courses" etc The potential to i&pact the *ualit% of life is also e!ident in
statistics such as the poc#ets of po!ert% surrounding the co&&unit%" literac% rate" and
PREP (Preparation" Readiness" E&po$er&ent and Parents) is a cooperati!e
partnership effort -et$een the G=SD" @ashington Uni!ersit% in St 1ouis" @e-ster
Uni!ersit%" =entral Dethodist Uni!ersit%" Uni!ersit% of Dissouri in St 1ouis" Dineral
Area =ollege" Peterson6s Pu-lishing" Fran#lin5Gasconade =ount% 9ousing Agenc%" to
e&po$er lo$5inco&e students to aspire" plan" and prepare for college This project
addresses these needs -% orchestrating t$o &ajor t%pes of inter!entions+ school refor&
and indi!idual support ser!ices PREP $ill help -ridge the gap -et$een the pro-le&s
and -arriers to learning that students e0perience and the support ser!ices pro!ided to lo$5
inco&e students
8t is -elie!ed that Gasconade students in the identified schools" 7$ens!ille
Diddle and 9igh School" $ill help -uild their capacit% for future success and $ill -rea#
the c%cle of po!ert% that e0ist in the district The progra& $ill ser!e 33A students in
grades ;52'
PREP uses school refor& efforts to pro&ote challenging English" &athe&atics
and science courses to la% the ground$or# for college preparedness 8t also pro!ides
acade&ic assistance and student support in the for& of re&ediation and college
preparation courses" tutoring" &entoring" as $ell as student and fa&il% infor&ational
$or#shops" as $ell as pro!ides college e0periences and a$areness for students and direct
support for fa&ilies on appl%ing financial aid to &a#e college a realit% for the
underser!ed %outh lo$5inco&e students Parent outreach efforts" as $ell as case
&anage&ent and referrals $ill -e offered to reach at5ris# students in the co&&unit%
Project outco&es include increasing student &oti!ation and parental in!ol!e&ent"
i&pro!ing student achie!e&ent" and increasing student a-ilit% to &eet college entrance
Point of =ontact+ Bo- 1e!%
Telephone ,u&-er+ (;35A3;5'2;A
E&ail Address+ B1E.G?7@E,S.811EK2'D7US
Southeast Dissouri State Uni!ersit%
Bootheel Partnership GEAR UP
Southeast Dissouri State Uni!ersit% is re*uesting R2"4))"))) o!er si0 %ears to
support our Bootheel Partnership Gaining Earl% A$areness and Readiness for
Undergraduate Progra&s (B9P GEAR UP) $ith the+ 9a%ti R588 and =aruthers!ille 24
school districtsC Pe&iscot 8nitiati!e ,et$or# (P8,)C and" the Bo%s S Girls =lu- of the
Boot 9eel in an effort to ser!e 3;( students The purpose of this progra& $ill -e to
increase the nu&-er of lo$5inco&e students $ho are prepared to enter and succeed in
postsecondar% education All partners $ill ha!e a significant role in the i&ple&entation
of ser!ices and identification of alternate funding sources in the e!ent federal funding
should end The partners ha!e contri-uted in5#ind andJor cash contri-utions of o!er ()
percent of the total project cost
B9P GEAR UP $ill include a !ariet% of de!elop&ental acti!ities for students"
parents and teachers to increase students6 li#elihood to pursue and -e successful in
postsecondar% education Ser!ices $ill -egin $ith a cohort of si0th and se!enth grade
students attending 9a%ti and =aruthers!ille &iddle schools and $ill continue until
students graduate fro& high school Specific acti!ities include su&&er acade&ies" career
de!elop&ent progra&s" parent progra&s" indi!idual tutoring" acade&ic s#ills
de!elop&ent" &entoring" co&pleting postsecondar% education and financial aid
applications" earl% postsecondar% education credit progra&s and jo- shado$ing acti!ities
Acti!ities $ill -e designed to increase students and parents6 2) a$areness of
postsecondar% education and financial aid options and ') confidence that postsecondar%
education is a realistic" attaina-le goal All progra&s $ill -e e!aluated regularl%
7n5going professional de!elop&ent designed to close the achie!e&ent gap !ia
enhanced teacher e0pectations and strategies" content #no$ledge" and learning across the
curriculu& $ill -e i&ple&ented through our colla-oration $ith the Southeast Dissouri
State Uni!ersit% Regional Professional De!elop&ent =enter Professional de!elop&ent
progra&s $ill -e e!aluated regularl%
Project Director+ .ida A Da%s
Telephone ,u&-er+ (;35':)5(222
E5&ail Address+ .DAGS?SED7EDU
=urators of the Uni!ersit% of Dissouri on -ehalf of the Uni!ersit% of Dissouri E St 1ouis
St 1ouis 8n Gear for Success
St 1ouis 8n Gear for Success (S18,GS) is a regional GEAR UP progra& led -%
the Uni!ersit% of Dissouri 5St 1ouis and St 1ouis =o&&unit% =ollege that $ill i&pact
eight high need school districts 7!er the ne0t si0 %ears" S18,GS $ill follo$ &ore than
<"))) eligi-le se!enth grade students fro& '2 &iddle schools in St 1ouis Pu-lic School
District (S1PS)" plus nine &iddle schools in se!en ur-an5li#e HringI districts that -order
this inner cit% district Appro0i&atel% one *uarter of the St 1ouis region6s '< &illion
citi/ens (24th largest &etro5area in the nation) li!e in the districts that the S18,GS
progra& $ill ser!e All of the districts lag -ehind the state and the nation in acade&ic
achie!e&ent" graduation" and college attendance rates 7ne district lost state accreditation
a %ear ago" and t$o districts" including S1PS (the largest) are onl% pro!isionall%
accredited All ha!e significant &inorit% populations ranging fro& ;4 to2)) percent
The co&&unit%5$ide S18,GS partnership represents the region6s largest
colla-orati!e effort e!er (o!er A) entities in all) to &arshal resources fro& higher
education" school districts" state agencies" -usinesses" and co&&unit% and faith5 -ased
organi/ations $ith a singular focus on college readiness for lo$Einco&e students
S18,GS partners ha!e co&-ined their resources to offer a H&enuI of GEAR UP
acti!ities to support students in reaching the goal of postsecondar% education Acti!ities
are organi/ed as HStudents 8n Gear"I HFa&ilies 8n Gear"I and HEducators 8n Gear"I and
include school leader and teacher professional de!elop&ent for data5dri!en instruction
and strategies for i&pro!ed student learningC educational and cultural field trips to
e0pand students and fa&ilies6 hori/onsC career e0plorationC fa&il% education on
supporting acade&ic achie!e&ent and goals for postsecondar% educationC and rigorous
acade&ic preparation for students $ith e&phasis on literac% s#ills across content areas
7utco&es include a strengthened peer and fa&il% support s%ste& for high acade&ic
achie!e&entC enhanced teaching and school leadership for i&pro!ing student learningC
i&pro!ed attendanceC higher state test scores" graduation rates" and nu&-ers of students
$ho attend postsecondar% education E all on a scale that can -e sustained
Point of =ontact+ Patricia Si&&ons
Telephone ,u&-er+ 32A5(2<5(;:A
E&ail Address+ PS8DD7,S?UDS1EDU
=oaho&a =o&&unit% =ollege
Dississippi Delta GEARUP Partnership Project
B% focusing on &eeting the needs of a group of fa&ilies" the Dississippi Delta
GEAR UP Partnership de!elops a core co&&unit% This grant $ill support the use of
technolog% in the education of &ore than <)) fa&ilies -% pro!iding the use of the
schools6 co&puter la-s to the parents $hen their children are in!ol!ed in after school
tutoring and &entoring The learning ser!ices pro!ided through the co&puter la-s $ill
ensure the target group6s participation After5school sessions" su&&er sessions and
access to co&puters at their children6s schools foster the de!elop&ent of fa&il%
interaction and in!ol!e&ent in their children6s school li!es @hile the students are
in!ol!ed in tutoring and &entoring" the parents $ill -e in!ol!ed in Adult Education and
=o&puter 1iterac% acti!ities pro!ided -% the =oaho&a =o&&unit% =ollege Adult
Education Depart&ent Fa&il% night acti!ities" including 8nternet usage" $ill -e used as
the &eans to positi!el% affect fa&il%" co&&unit% and student interaction The eight
school districts that $ill -e ser!ed -% this project are located in the poorest region of the
poorest state in the nation and &an% fa&ilies lac# co&puter s#ills and access to
co&puters This region of the state of Dississippi is often and fondl% referred to as the
HDississippi DeltaI Kno$n for its flat lands" the Dississippi Delta is also ho&e to a
legac% of generational po!ert%" illiterac%" high une&plo%&ent" school dropouts and teen
pregnanc% Too often this area of the state6s po!ert% le!el is so per!asi!e and
o!er$hel&ing" &an% %outh lea!e after high school and ne!er return" or resort to an
endless c%cle of cri&e These school districts" co&-ined" ser!e 4"(2< students fro& the
rural to$nships of =lar#sdale" Dre$" 8ndianola" Dound Ba%ou" Sha$" Shel-%" and @e--"
The Dississippi Delta GEAR UP Partnership proposes to ser!e <'( students
representati!e of each of the a-o!e co&&unities" $ho are e0tre&el% disad!antaged" lo$
inco&e and $ill possi-l% -e the first generation in their fa&il% to attend college The
partnership6s &ission is to increase the nu&-er of lo$5inco&e students $ho are prepared
to enter and succeed in college =oaho&a =o&&unit% =ollege" an accredited" pu-lic
t$o5%ear college" $ill ser!e as the 8nstitution of 9igher Education (89E) and the fiscal
agent Based upon the results of a needs assess&ent conducted in the in!ol!ed school
districts" it $as deter&ined that ser!ices that $ill -e pro!ided to the <'( (se!enth grade
cohort) students in these Dississippi Delta school districts $ill include+ 2) tutoring and
&entoring in after5school progra&s" ') su&&er enrich&ent and transitional progra&s" 3)
outreach and fa&il% in!ol!e&ent" A) professional de!elop&ent and curriculu&
i&pro!e&ent" and () '2st =entur% Scholar =ertificates and scholarship identification
Point of =ontact+ Bac*ueline R Par#er
Telephone ,u&-er+ <<'5<'25A2(A
E&ail Address+ BPARKER?=7A97DA==EDU
Salish Kootenai =ollege
Salish Kootenai =ollege GEAR UP" in partnership $ith T$o Eagle Ri!er School
and the Ronan5Pa-lo School District T3)" ser!es students on the Flathead 8ndian
Reser!ation" a -eautiful location though also one of great po!ert% 7!er () percent of the
students in the cohort are ,ati!e A&erican Fe$ students in the area ha!e adult &odels
$ith an% higher education
The GEAR UP progra& o-jecti!es are+ to increase the acade&ic perfor&ance and
preparation for postsecondar% education of studentsC to increase the rate of high school
graduation and participation in postsecondar% educationC and to increase GEAR UP
students6 and their fa&ilies6 #no$ledge of postsecondar% education options" preparation"
and financing Dan% perfor&ance data points are follo$ed to ensure the progra& is on
trac# to significantl% increase the nu&-er of lo$5inco&e students $ho are prepared to
enter and succeed in postsecondar% education Strategies used to acco&plish these
o-jecti!es include acade&ic support pro!ided -% tutoring" su&&er progra&s" and college
counselingC college infor&ation disse&ination pro!ided -% '2st =entur% Scholar
=ertificates" &entoring" and college and financial counselingC and college preparation
course $or# pro!ided -% professional de!elop&ent and curriculu& i&pro!e&ents as $ell
as college counseling for students and parents
The personnel $ho $ill i&ple&ent the progra& ha!e e0tensi!e -ac#grounds
$or#ing $ith students and their fa&ilies as $ell as $or#ing $ith those $ho co&e fro&
-ac#grounds of po!ert% and first5generation college attendance Each of the staff
&e&-ers has $or#ed e0tensi!el% $ith the pu-lic and particularl% $ith %outh
Additionall%" &an% co&&unit% organi/ations are also partners in this progra&
The lead agenc% of Salish Kootenai =ollege (SK=) pro!ides all of the resources of the
local college" $hile the t$o school partners pro!ide classroo& space and progra&
integration into the schools Kellogg 1eadership for =o&&unit% =hange Dentoring
Progra& pro!ides &entoring ser!ices for the &ost at5ris# students in the Ronan cohort
Big Brothers Big Sisters allo$s the cohort &e&-ers to -eco&e &entors for ele&entar%
students $hen the% are in high school The Bo%s and Girls =lu-" $hich is located ne0t to
the Ronan Schools" pro!ides after school tutoring and access to e*uip&ent and acti!ities
Adult Basic Education is pro!iding free testing ser!ices for students intending to go to
SK=" so all of the students $ill test out of re&edial college courses $hile still in high
school in order to -e read% for college le!el $or# Talent Search is guaranteeing that the
students $ho are seniors in ')2' $ill continue to recei!e college infor&ation and
progra&&ing e!en after the end of this progra& grant The SK= ,ursing progra& is also
including an 98. pre!ention co&ponent in the su&&er ca&ps" $hich $or# in
conjunction $ith the area Up$ard Bound progra&
Each of these acti!ities co&-ines to &a#e a po$erful i&pact on students" their
fa&ilies" and the entire co&&unit% 8t is the hope that one da% soon" the #no$ledge that
H8 a& going to collegeI is so&ething that e!er% child in the area #no$s at an earl% age
Project Director+ 9eather 1icht
Telephone ,u&-er+ A)<5';(5A:44
E&ail Address+ 9EAT9ERL18=9T?SK=EDU
South$estern =o&&unit% =ollege
Gearing Up for So&ething E0citing
The proposed South$estern =o&&unit% =ollege GEAR UP Partnership $ill ser!e
lo$5inco&e students in grades si0 through t$el!e o!er a si05%ear period E using the Hadd5
a5cohortI approach The total nu&-er of students this project is proposing to ser!e o!er
the course of the project period is A"<2' The ulti&ate goal of the project is to
significantl% increase the nu&-er of lo$5inco&e students in the target area $ho are
prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondar% education
Through a carefull% designed net$or# of ser!ices $hich include the GEAR UP
progra&" Applicant" Partner 7rgani/ations" and other co&&unit%5-ased resources"
South$estern =o&&unit% =ollege $ill pro!ide an integrated and co&prehensi!e
continuu& of ser!ices $ithin the follo$ing fra&e$or# and including these o-jecti!es and
perfor&ance &easures+
7-jecti!es+ Perfor&ance Deasures+
8ncrease acade&ic perfor&ance and
preparation for postsecondar%
education for GEAR UP students
A high percentage of GEAR UP students $ill
co&plete an acade&icall% challenging
curricula including passing per5alge-ra -% the
end of se!enth grade" and alge-ra 8 -% the
end of ninth grade
8ncrease the rate of high school
graduation and participation in
postsecondar% education for GEAR
UP students
GEAR UP students $ill ha!e high rates of
attendance in school" attain satisfactor%
achie!e&ent on standardi/ed tests" and -e
pro&oted to the ne0t grade le!el on ti&e
8ncrease GEAR UP students6 and their
Fa&ilies6 #no$ledge of postsecondar%
education options" preparation and
GEAR UP students and their fa&ilies report
ha!ing #no$ledge of a!aila-le financial aid
and necessar% preparation for college
The needs of these southern Appalachian counties are great" caused -% e0tre&e
po!ert%" lac# of -asic s#ills" and cultural and geographic isolation @ith a successful
pre!ious GEAR UP project Hunder its -elt"I South$estern =o&&unit% =ollege is
co&&itted to pro!iding su-stantial support to pro&ote the success of the progra&
(personnel" facilities" technolog%" e*uip&ent" and supplies) E0cellent project personnel"
a solid &anage&ent plan" and e!aluation procedures are all in place to &a#e sure the
proposed project is a s&ashing success
Project Director+ 1aura Pennington
Telephone ,u&-er+ 4'45(4<5A):2
E&ail Address+ lpennington?south$estccncus
Appalachian State Uni!ersit%
Appalachian State Uni!ersit% GEAR UP Partnership
Appalachian State Uni!ersit% $ill address -arriers to higher education for
students $ho li!e in the &ountain co&&unities of $estern ,orth =arolina -% forging
educational partnerships $ith the school s%ste&s in Alleghan%" A!er% and Bur#e =ount%
Schools and 9ic#or% Pu-lic Schools
The need for this Project is great The region is econo&icall% distressed and the startling
lac# of educational attain&ent $ill onl% e0acer-ate this condition The gaps in acade&ic
achie!e&ent" crisis in high school retention" lo$ percentage of students ta#ing the SAT
and failure to enroll in college despite stated intentions $ill onl% increase in light of
rapidl% changing de&ographics unless significant resources are &o-ili/ed and focused to
address teacher preparation and school refor&
The Appalachian GEAR UP Project (GU) $ill pro!ide regional leadership for
sustained educational refor& -% &a0i&i/ing institutional" local" and indi!idual resources
to aug&ent s#ills and -uild capacit% for change Specific ser!ices to -e pro!ided -% GU
include+ professional de!elop&ent for pu-lic schools $ith a co&&it&ent to fund
positions -e%ond the ter& of the grantC direct student ser!ices in order to i&pro!e
&athe&atics and reading le!elsC assistance for parents and students in -eco&ing fa&iliar
$ith college options" financial aid" and transition concernsC and acti!e disse&ination of
successful educational practices
7!er 3")<) students" nearl% <)) teachers and ad&inistrators" and 2' schools $ill
-e directl% ser!ed -% this grant The outco&es of GU are to increase college readiness
and enroll&ent in postsecondar% education of students enrolled in &iddle and high school
cohorts 8n o-taining these outco&es" GU $ill adhere to the $atch$ords of acade&ic
rigor" scrupulous accounta-ilit%" financial ste$ardship and educational inno!ation
Project Director+ =harles Bo$ling
Telephone ,u&-er+ 4'45'<'5'4A<
E&ail Address+ B7@18,G=D?APPSTATEEDU
Bohnston =ount% Schools
Sail 88+ Students Achie!ing through 8ndependent 1earning
Bohnston =ount%" ,orth =arolina" is a count% in transition To-acco is no longer
#ing and te0tiles ha!e -een outsourced o!erseas There is a need to help students
attending the Bohnston =ount% Pu-lic Schools appreciate these changes and -etter
prepare for postsecondar% careers At the t$o &iddle schools participating in this
proposal" Benson and ,orth Bohnston" the percentages of lo$5inco&e students are (<3
percent and (2' percent" respecti!el% For &an% reasons" these students are often ill
prepared to pursue postsecondar% education" $hich is so criticall% i&portant to -eing
successful in the '2st centur% 7ur proposal for GEAR UP funding" SA81 88 (Students
Achie!ing through 8ndependent 1earning) $ill help reach these students and their parents
earl% $ith accurate infor&ation a-out acade&ic and financial de&ands and e0pectations
of college SA81 88 is &odeled in part upon a successful SA81 8 progra&" currentl% -eing
conducted in the school district $ith funding through the '2st =entur% 1earning =enters
Acti!ities descri-ed in SA81 88 $ill include tutoring and &entoring for students"
professional de!elop&ent and curriculu& i&pro!e&ent for staff" college and financial
counseling for parentJguardians" along $ith college !isitations" su&&er progra&s" and
opportunities for dual enroll&ent For tutoring acti!ities" SA81 88 $ill e&plo% the
97STS 1earning progra&" recogni/ed in the ,o =hild 1eft Behind legislation as an
e0a&ple of a pro!en and scientificall% research5-ased approach that Hdra&aticall%
increase student achie!e&entI For &entoring" SA81 88 $ill &odel the Big Brothers Big
Sisters progra&" and for professional de!elop&ent" SA81 88 $ill &odel Rud% Pa%ne6s HA
Fra&e$or# for Understanding Po!ert%I
The intended outco&es are consistent $ith the GEAR UP progra& solicitation"
chiefl%+ to increase the rate of high school graduation and participation in postsecondar%
education for &ore than 3)) students in the GEAR UP cohort
Project Director+ =hris God$in
Telephone ,u&-er+ :2:5:3A5A3<2
E&ail Address+ chrisgod$in?johnston#2'ncus
Passaic Pu-lic Schools
=ollege Kno$ledge Passaic
Through an a&-itious and s%ste&atic school and colla-orati!e partnership effort"
=ollege Kno$ledge Passaic see#s to achie!e three &ajor o-jecti!es+ (2) increase the
acade&ic perfor&ance and preparation for postsecondar% education for GEAR UP
students through the pro!ision of acade&icall% challenging curricula and related support
ser!icesC (') increase GEAR UP students and their fa&ilies6 #no$ledge of postsecondar%
education options" preparation and financingC and (3) increase the rate of high school
graduation and participation in postsecondar% education for GEAR UP students Thirt%
#e% perfor&ance &easures ha!e -een de!eloped around these three &ajor o-jecti!es
Perfor&ance &easures and o-jecti!es $ill -e anal%/ed so that continuous i&pro!e&ent
can -e &ade =ollege Kno$ledge Passaic e&-races current research around ho$ to
significantl% -oost the nu&-ers of students $ho go on to higher education
=ollege Kno$ledge Passaic is a high priorit% project for the Passaic Pu-lic
Schools and thus the district has ta#en strong &easures to pro!ide support for the project
@ith the professional de!elop&ent centerpiece of this project" the district ai&s to ha!e a
cadre of teachers trained to e&plo% engaging teaching strategiesC data integration and
assess&entC and &athe&atics" science and language arts content that $ill a-ide =ollege
Kno$ledge Passaic has for&ed a high5po$ered partnership $ith institutions of higher
education and co&&unit% -ased organi/ations to pro!ide our students and fa&ilies $ith
e0posure to the enor&ous pro&ise of higher education
The e!aluation" to -e conducted -% The Acade&% for Educational De!elop&ent (AED)"
an acco&plished @ashington" D= -ased non5profit organi/ation" $ill trul% facilitate data
dri!en decision &a#ing and allo$ teachers" guidance counselors" parents and school
leaders to loo# at ho$ students are doing using real ti&e data and to tailor inter!entions
to &eet specific needs 8f the project can de&onstrate an i&pact" $e are opti&istic that
other sources of funds can -e put into place to continue inter!entions
Project Director+ 1a$rence E!erett
Telephone ,u&-er+ :;35A;)5((')
E&ail Address+ 1E.ERETT?PASSA8=5=8TGK2',BUS
=lo!is =o&&unit% =ollege" ,e$ De0ico
=lo!is GEAR UP
=lo!is =o&&unit% =ollege" a 9ispanic5Ser!ing 8nstitution" proposes a GEAR UP
project to ser!e a cohort of <A( se!enth graders -eginning in fall '))( and continuing
until high school graduation in spring ')22 These students attend Gattis" Darshall" and
Gucca Bunior 9igh Schools in =lo!is" ,e$ De0ico" &atriculating to =lo!is 9igh School
The =lo!is Dunicipal School District is A3 percent 9ispanic and (< percent &inorit%
Econo&ic and educational hardships are $idespread+ <AA percent of students recei!e free
or reduced price lunchC per capita inco&e is R2("(<2C '2 percent of the population falls
-elo$ the po!ert% lineC o!er 2) percent of 2<52: %ear olds are not in school" and onl%
2(3 percent of adults (A' percent of 9ispanics) ha!e co&pleted a college degree The
cit% is one5third 9ispanic" and nearl% a *uarter of children fi!e %ears or older are gro$ing
up in ho&es $here a language other than English is spo#en
,either the junior high schools nor the high school &et the ,o =hild 1eft Behind
standard for Uade*uate %earl% progressI in the '))35'))A testing c%cle Student
achie!e&ent is lo$" as reflected in proportions of students testing HproficientI in
&athe&atics and reading 1ocal data and -roader research identif% lac# of funding for
acade&ic assistance" lac# of fa&il% support" and inade*uate infor&ation a-out college
and financial aid as i&pedi&ents to high school graduation and college attendance
To i&pro!e acade&ic achie!e&ent" high school graduation" and college
enroll&ent" students $ill participate in ser!ices designed to &eet identified needs"
including tutoring" after5school acade&ic success progra&s" intensi!e su&&er progra&s"
college and financial aid $or#shops and indi!idual counseling" &entoring" '2st =entur%
Scholar e!ents" and GEAR UP scholarships Facult% de!elop&ent $ill address teachersV
needs for training in curriculu& align&ent and effecti!e instructional techni*ues
Professional de!elop&ent opportunities $ill target the current and ne0t %earVs GEAR UP
participantsV teachers -ut $ill -e a!aila-le to all" so that after si0 %ears of progra&&ing"
dura-le s%ste&ic i&pro!e&ents in junior high and high school instruction $ill -enefit
students far into the future 7utco&es $ill include increases in standardi/ed test scores"
success in de&anding courses" pro&otion and graduation rates" and enroll&ent in college
=osts are calculated at R4)) per student as per&itted -% progra& regulations
Project Director+ Da!id =affe%
Telephone ,u&-er+ ()(5;<:5A)2)
E&ail Address+ DA.8D=AFFEG?=17.8SEDU
Eastern ,e$ De0ico Uni!ersit%5Ros$ell
Gear Up for Success
The Eastern ,e$ De0ico Uni!ersit%5Ros$ell (E,DU5R) GEAR UP Project $ill
pro!ide supporti!e ser!ices to a cohort of 2";') si0th and se!enth grade students in
=ha!es =ount% (De0ter" 9ager&an" 1a#e Arthur" and Ros$ell School Districts) to
encourage %oung people to prepare for and enter higher education Parent in!ol!e&ent
and teacher professional de!elop&ent are #e% co&ponents" as is in!ol!e&ent of '' non5
school partners $ho $ish to see these students succeed R2"3;<"))) is re*uested for %ear
one of the grant" &ore than &atched -% partners co&&itted to long ter& in!est&ent to
sustain the GEAR UP project E,DU5R is a 9ispanic Ser!ing 8nstitution Pu-lic schools
are &ajorit%5&inorit%
The need is high =ha!es =ount% has lo$ le!els of educational attain&ent"
-elo$5a!erage household inco&e" and high po!ert% rates Dore than ;) percent of all
students *ualif% for free or reduced price lunch" $ith indi!idual district rates ranging
up$ard fro& <;( percent to 4(2 percent" co&pared to a national a!erage of A)2
percent 8n a poor state" =ha!es =ount% is !er% poor @hile the '))A national a!erage
A=T score $as '):" none of the count%6s high schools reached this &ar# Sur!e%s sho$
student &oti!ation and engage&ent is lo$" fueled -% li&ited resources for acade&ic
support ser!ices and a gro$ing pro-le& $ith drugs Fe$ parents are in!ol!ed in school
acti!ities" and &ost #no$ little a-out college options
Project design dra$s on current research in the field and effecti!e practices of
other GEAR UP partnerships and postsecondar% transition progra&s The projectVs
o-jecti!es and ser!ices $ill ha!e a significant i&pact on targeted students" parents" and
teachers -% increasing+ 2) preparedness for high school graduation and college
enroll&entC ') &oti!ation" retention" and engage&entC 3) student acade&ic achie!e&entC
A) parent and fa&il% in!ol!e&ent in school acti!itiesC () professional de!elop&ent
opportunities for teachersC and <) long5ter& partnership in!est&ent in progra&s that
support disad!antaged students Ser!ices to -e pro!ided $ill include GEAR UP
ScholarshipsC after school and su&&er acade&ic progra&sC tutoring" &entoring" ad!ising"
and career e0plorationC educational and cultural field tripsC professional de!elop&ent for
teachersC and parent in!ol!e&ent acti!ities
Project Director+ Bud% Ar&strong
Telephone ,u&-er+ ()(5'A;5;222
E&ail Address+ jud%ar&strong?ros$ellen&uedu
,e$ De0ico 9ighlands Uni!ersit%
The ,orthern ,e$ De0ico Engaging 1atino =o&&unities for Education
(E,1A=E) =olla-orati!e is co&prised of one 9ispanic Ser!ing 8nstitution (9S8)
Uni!ersit%" t$o 9S8 co&&unit% colleges" three pu-lic school districts" the Dath and
Science Acade&%" a local co&&unit% foundation" a co&&unit%5-ased organi/ation" and a
nationall% recogni/ed education technical assistance center The =olla-orati!e $ill -uild
on the successes of the ,orthern ,e$ De0ico E,1A=E Project to e0tend a
co&prehensi!e set of ser!ices to cohorts of underser!ed" rural" &inorit% students that $ill
ulti&atel% transfor& the $a%s in $hich schools prepare students for high school
graduation" success in college" and fulfilling careers The project addresses critical needs
that research suggests place lo$ inco&e" rural students at ris# of educational failure
including lo$ student achie!e&ent" lac# of college a$areness and planning" lac# of
crucial support net$or#s" and a shortage of highl% *ualified teachers The =olla-orati!e
$ill ensure that no GEAR UP student" teacher" or parent gets left -ehind -% pro!iding
ser!ices that include rigorous" college preparation classes (A.8D)C college a$areness and
planningC tutoring and &entoringC &athe&atics" science" and literac% enrich&ent for
studentsC high *ualit% professional de!elop&ent for teachersC technolog% trainingC and
parent education and leadership $or#shops
The =olla-orati!e proposes a coordinated &anage&ent and e!aluation
accounta-ilit% s%ste& ensuring that o-jecti!es and perfor&ance &easures are clearl%
lin#ed to data collection and intended outco&es so that the progra& o-jecti!es $ill -e
achie!ed in a ti&el% &anner and $ithin -udget The project outco&es $ill include
increased student acade&ic achie!e&ent" college readiness and a$areness" on5ti&e
pro&otion and graduation" i&pro!ed parent in!ol!e&ent" and higher *ualit% teaching
Project Director+ Paul Dartine/
Telephone ,u&-er+ ()(5;A;5;'34
E&ail Address+ p&artine/?cesdpn&huedu
Uni!ersit% of ,e!ada" 1as .egas
GEAR UP Partnership of @estern =lar# =ount%" ,e!ada
The state of ,e!ada ran#s near the -otto& on &an% #e% indicators of higher
education access and co&pletion 8t ran#s A:th in ter&s of chance of enrolling in college
-% age 2: and A;th in ter&s of percentage of persons aged '(5<( $ith a -achelor6s degree
or higher These figures lea!e no dou-t that ,e!ada students are a&ong the &ost
disad!antaged in the United States At ,e!ada6s southern tip is =lar# =ount% 8t is ho&e
to ;2 percent of the state6s population" to three of the state6s largest cities" and to !ast
poc#ets of po!ert% =lar# =ount% is also ho&e to &ore than '()"))) pu-lic5school
students $ho %ear5after5%ear are acade&icall% outperfor&ed -% their peers state$ide and
To address and i&pro!e this situation" the GEAR UP Partnership of @estern =lar#
=ount%" ,e!ada" $ill utili/e an add5a5cohort &odel to pro!ide long5ter&" co&prehensi!e"
educational5outreach ser!ices to the students" teachers" and parents at three of =lar#
=ount%6s &ost at5ris# &iddle schools (9arold B Brinle%" Fran# F Garside" and Ro-ert 7
Gi-son) The Partnership $ill change the lo$5e0pectation and achie!e&ent culture that
pre!ails in these schools -% pro!iding a -road and strategic arra% of ser!ices" including
college5ad&issions and financial5aid infor&ationC tutoring" counseling" and &entoringC
after5school and su&&erti&e acade&ic5enrich&ent acti!itiesC college !isitsC and
professional5de!elop&ent for target5school teachers The pri&ar% pro!ider of these
ser!ices $ill -e the Partnership6s hosting partner and fiscal agent+ U,1.6s =enter for
Acade&ic Enrich&ent and 7utreach (=AE7) Since 2:;4" the federall% funded projects
at =AE7 ha!e helped thousands of students achie!e acade&ic success -% ser!icing their
educational needs fro& <th grade through college graduation =AE76s e0perienced
personnel" !ast ph%sical resources" and strong lin#s $ith the co&&unit% $ill ena-le the
Partnership Hto significantl% increase the nu&-er of lo$5inco&e students $ho are
prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondar% educationI
Point of =ontact+ @illia& @ Sulli!an
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;)'54:(5A;;;
E&ail Address+ D7=B811?==DA81,E.ADAEDU
Uni!ersit% of ,e!ada" 1as .egas
GEAR UP Partnership of ,ortheastern =lar# =ount%" ,e!ada
The state of ,e!ada ran#s near the -otto& on &an% #e% indicators of higher5
education access and co&pletion 8t ran#s A:th in ter&s of chance of enrolling in college
-% age 2: and A;th in ter&s of percentage of persons aged '(5<( $ith a -achelor6s degree
or higher These figures lea!e no dou-t that ,e!ada students are a&ong the &ost
disad!antaged in the United States At ,e!ada6s southern tip is =lar# =ount% 8t is ho&e
to ;2 percent of the state6s population" three of the state6s largest cities" and to !ast
poc#ets of po!ert% =lar# =ount% is also ho&e to &ore than '()"))) pu-lic5school
students $ho %ear5after5%ear are acade&icall% outperfor&ed -% their peers state$ide and
To address and i&pro!e this situation" the GEAR UP Partnership of ,ortheastern
=lar# =ount%" ,e!ada" $ill utili/e an add5a5cohort &odel to pro!ide long5ter&"
co&prehensi!e" educational5outreach ser!ices to the students" teachers" and parents at
three of =lar# =ount%6s &ost at5ris# &iddle schools (Dario and Boanne Donaco" Dar!in
Sed$a%" and Ed .on To-el) The Partnership $ill change the lo$5e0pectation and
achie!e&ent culture that pre!ails in these schools -% pro!iding a -road and strategic
arra% of ser!ices" including college5ad&issions and financial5aid infor&ationC tutoring"
counseling" and &entoringC after5school and su&&erti&e acade&ic5enrich&ent acti!itiesC
college !isitsC and professional5de!elop&ent for target5school teachers The pri&ar%
pro!ider of these ser!ices $ill -e the Partnership6s hosting partner and fiscal agent+
U,1.6s =enter for Acade&ic Enrich&ent and 7utreach (=AE7) Since 2:;4" the
federall% funded projects at =AE7 ha!e helped thousands of students achie!e acade&ic
success -% ser!icing their educational needs fro& <th grade through college graduation
=AE76s e0perienced personnel" !ast ph%sical resources" and strong lin#s $ith the
co&&unit% $ill ena-le the Partnership Hto significantl% increase the nu&-er of lo$5
inco&e students $ho are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondar% educationI
Point of =ontact+ @illia& @ Sulli!an
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;)'54:(5A;;;
E&ail Address+ D7=B811?==DA81,E.ADAEDU
Research Foundation =U,G on -ehalf of 1eh&an =ollege
Bron0 8nstitute GEAR UP ,et$or#
The Bron0 8nstitute and 1eh&an =ollege =U,G is the lead organi/ation and the
Research Foundation =it% Uni!ersit% of ,e$ Gor# on -ehalf of 1eh&an =ollege is the
fiscal agent for the Bron0 8nstitute Gaining Earl% A$areness and Readiness for
Undergraduate Progra&s ,et$or# (B8 GEAR UP ,et$or#) The B8 GEAR UP ,et$or#
$ill &atch the re*uested US Depart&ent of Education funds dollar for dollar The B8
GEAR UP ,et$or# $ill -e joined -% the follo$ing partners+ a local educational agenc%
(the ,e$ Gor# =it% Depart&ent of Education)" a co&&unit% -ased organi/ation
(ASP8RA of ,e$ Gor#)" three colleges (Fordha& Uni!ersit%" 9ar!ard Uni!ersit%" Gale
Uni!ersit%5EWP17)" three not5for5profit organi/ations (The After School =orporation"
E0peri&ent for 8nternational 1i!ing" The Ur-an Asse&-l%)" and t$o corporations (The
=ollege Board" Tho&son5Peterson 1earning) B8 GEAR UP (2:::5'))() $as one of
onl% si0 progra&s distinguished -% the @ashington =enter for Best Practices 7ur ne$
si05%ear initiati!e ser!es 3"3:: lo$5inco&e 9ispanic and African5A&erican students
fro& thirteen Bron0 &iddle schools starting $ith grade se!en -% addressing the follo$ing
issues+ 2 1o$ acade&ic perfor&ance (eg" ' percent of students passing English and A
percent passing &ath) ' 1o$ graduation rates and college attendance rates (4) percent
9ispanic dropout rate and ;' percent African5A&erican) are a pro-le& for &inorit%
students 3 Professional de!elop&ent and technolog% needs 8n response" the B8 GEAR
UP ,et$or# has set the follo$ing o-jecti!es+ 2 increase achie!e&ent and preparation for
collegeC ' increase students6 and fa&ilies6 postsecondar% education #no$ledgeC 3
enhance teachers6 s#illsC and A engage co&&unit% sta#eholders in supporting long5ter&
sustaina-ilit% $hen funding ends Progra& acti!ities include tutoring" technolog%"
project5-ased learning" college a$areness $or#shops" and college residential su&&er
progra&s to prepare students to attend and graduate fro& college Detis Associates $ill
ser!e as the outside e!aluator and docu&ent the acco&plish&ent of project strategies and
Project Director+ 9er&inio Dartine/
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;245:<)5(;<(
E&ail Address+ 9ERD8,87DART8,E>?1E9DA,=U,GEDU
St Bohn6s Uni!ersit% of ,e$ Gor#
St Bohn6s Uni!ersit% GEAR UP
St Bohn6s Uni!ersit%" in partnership $ith Region A" 7li!er @endell 9ol&es
8nter&ediate School" 1ong 8sland =it% 9igh School in Nueens =ount%" ,e$ Gor#"
9A,A=" 8nc" .ariet% Bo%s and Girls =lu-" and the =enter for Science Teaching and
1earning" $ill pro!ide ser!ices o!er si0 %ears for a cohort of 3() students $ho $ill -e
entering grade se!en at 9ol&es 8nter&ediate School in Septe&-er '))( Project ser!ices
$ill encourage participants Hto ha!e high e0pectations" sta% in school and stud% hard" and
go to collegeI Students $ill -e pro!ided $ith after school and Saturda% tutoring"
ho&e$or# help" &entoring" counseling" co&puter literac% instruction" and test
preparation assistanceC $ith $or#shops on college a$areness" career5college lin#ages"
self5estee& -uilding" stud% s#ills and ti&e &anage&ent" critical thin#ing s#ills" and
financing a college educationC and $ith college and career fairs" college !isitations"
su&&er progra&s" and a !ariet% of cultural and recreational acti!ities
Ser!ices for parents $ill help the& understand that college is i&portant" that it is a
!ia-le option for their children" and that there is financial aid a!aila-le The project also
$ill pro!ide staff de!elop&ent for the partnership &iddle and high school teachers and
counselors to enhance their #no$ledge and s#ills in reaching and teaching &iddle school
children" special needs children" and children $ith li&ited English proficienc%" and to
learn to i&ple&ent standards5-ased teaching and learning and assess&ents in all content
areasC using technolog% in the classroo&C and aligning teaching $ith students6 learning
Proposed outco&es include+ at least :) percent of scholars de&onstrating
i&pro!ed acade&ic achie!e&ent -% the end of eighth gradeC <) percent satisfactoril%
co&pleting progra&s of stud% ena-ling the& to enroll in college5prep trac#s in high
schoolC at least ;) percent of participants enrolled in college5trac# progra&s during :th"
2)th and 22th grades" and at least ;) percent of project scholars enrolling in a t$o5%ear or
four5%ear undergraduate progra& of stud% follo$ing high school graduation
Project Director+ G!ette Dorgan
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;245::)5'(3'
E&ail Address+ D7RGA,G?STB79,SEDU
Research Foundation of SU,G on Behalf of SU,G =o-les#ill
SU,G =o-les#ill GEAR UP
The SU,G =o-les#ill GEAR UP project $ill ser!e A4) students at 22 contiguous
school districts in fi!e i&po!erished rural ,e$ Gor# State counties All districts report
that the rate of eligi-ilit% for the federal free or reduced price lunch progra& is at least ()
This project $ill pro!ide si0 core ser!ices to the cohort" $hich include+ one5on5
one and s&all group tutoring" &entoring" acade&ic counseling for students and parents"
and career" college" and cultural e0ploration acti!ities
This project $ill pro!ide acade&ic enrich&ent -% purchasing 1EG7 Ro-ola- #its and
laptop co&puters" and $ill pro!ide -i5&onthl% professional de!elop&ent $or#shops for
the &athe&atics" science" and technolog% teachers incorporating Ro-ola- into their
curricula Su&&er ro-otics ca&ps $ill -e held for each of the first fi!e %ears" as $ell as
su&&er school tutoring progra&s
Further acade&ic enrich&ent $ill co&e fro& The =ollege Board" $hich $ill
introduce its =ollegeED curriculu&" as $ell as Pre5AP professional de!elop&ent" PSSS"
PSATJ,DSNT" and the SAT for all students
Partners ha!e -een $ell chosen and include+ The =ollege Board" the =o&&ission
for 8ndependent =olleges and Uni!ersities" the State Uni!ersit% of ,e$ Gor#" the
Association of Proprietar% =olleges" three hospitals" one phar&aceutical &anufacturer"
and the Schoharie =ount% Gouth Bureau
This project is re*uesting R34A"))) per %ear for si0 %ears and is &atching it 2))
percent $ith in5#ind resources This project $ill -egin pro!iding ser!ices to students on
@ednesda%" Septe&-er ;" '))(
Project Director+ Paul D Turner
Telephone ,u&-er+ (245'((5(3<2
E&ail Address+ 18BERTG?=7B1ESK811EDU
The Research Foundation of SU,G at Bingha&ton
GEAR UP Project for Bingha&ton
This proposal see#s continued funding for a GEAR UP Partnership Project $hich
$ill pair Bingha&ton Uni!ersit% (the fiscal agent)" the =it% of Bingha&ton (,e$ Gor#)
School District" and additional partners to pro!ide ser!ices to the o!er :)) students in
t$o cohorts of &iddle school students" the si0th and se!enth grades (fall '))() at the
District6s t$o &iddle schools The Partnership $ill follo$ these t$o cohorts to the
District6s single high school and pro!ide a range of ser!ices designed to increase
acade&ic achie!e&ent and college a$areness a&ong lo$5inco&e" at5ris# students and
their fa&ilies
The need is greatC the Bingha&ton =it% School District (B=SD)" classified as one
of the &ost need% school districts in ,e$ Gor#" ser!es <"'() students fro& K52' Al&ost
t$o5thirds (<3; percent) are eligi-le for the free and reduced price lunch progra&C 3'A
percent are underrepresented &inorit% studentsC (A percent are li&ited English proficient
(o!er '( different languages spo#en in the district)C and 23: percent are classified for
special education
Acti!ities $ill include &entoring and tutoring -% college studentsC an intensi!e
counseling progra& to get students and their fa&ilies to focus on college earl%C !isits to
collegesC outreach to get parents or guardians acti!el% in!ol!ed in their child6s educationC
su&&er and after school progra&sC ser!ices specificall% designed for students $ith
li&ited English proficienc%C and a continuous re!ie$ of all acti!ities to help &a#e the&
&ore efficient and effecti!e
The purpose of the partnership is to significantl% increase the nu&-er of lo$5
inco&e students $ho are prepared to enter and succeed in college through increased
acade&ic achie!e&ent" and a$areness and #no$ledge a-out postsecondar% education"
preparation and financing
Project Director+ Paul Par#er
Telephone ,u&-er+ <);5;;;5<23<
E&ail Address+ PPARKER?B8,G9ADT7,EDU
Do$ling =ollege
The GEAR UP partnership -et$een Do$ling =ollege" @%andanch School
District" Ur-an 1eague of 1ong 8sland" 8nc" and the Dentoring Partnership of 1ong
8sland $as created to help resol!e the educational gap that e0ists for students residing in
@%andanch" ,e$ Gor# Acti!ities of this project $ill include school da%" after5school"
and Saturda% acade&ic enhance&ent progra&sC su&&er acade&ic engage&entC
postsecondar% education infor&ation for parents and studentsC &entoring for studentsC
and" professional de!elop&ent for teachers The project $ill stri!e to achie!e the
follo$ing o-jecti!es+
7-jecti!e T 2 E To increase -% 2) percent the nu&-er of students" in all su-groups"
&a#ing AGP in &athe&atics and English" as &easured in ,e$ Gor# State assess&ents
7-jecti!e T ' E To increase -% 2) percent the nu&-er of students" in all su-groups" $ho
successfull% co&plete the ,GS Dath A Regents -% the end of :th grade
7-jecti!e T 3 E To increase -% ( percent" each project %ear" the on5ti&e pro&otion rate of
the cohort
7-jecti!e T A E To increase -% 2) percent the percentage of students accepted into
postsecondar% education institutions
7-jecti!e T ( E To increase -% 2) percent" each project %ear" student postsecondar%
education e0pectations
7-jecti!e T < E To increase -% 2) percent" each project %ear" the percentage of parents
and guardians $ho attend postsecondar% infor&ation sessions
The long5ter& s%ste&ic effect &ost sought after -% the @%andanch School
District is that its students &eet the &ini&u& perfor&ance outco&es and perfor&ance
inde0 as esta-lished -% the ,e$ Gor# State Depart&ent of Education
Project Director+ Rhoda Diller
Telephone ,u&-er+ <325'AA5333<
E&ail Address+ D811ERR?D7@18,GEDU
1orain =it% Schools
1orain GEAR UP =oalition
The 1orain GEAR UP =oalition $ill &arshal co&&unit%5$ide ser!ices and
resources to raise the o!erall acade&ic perfor&ance of an entire cohort of <<) inco&ing
se!enth graders and increase their li#elihood of enrolling in college Dore than <(
percent of these students *ualif% for free and reduced price lunch" and &an% co&-at
social pro-le&s t%pical of an inner cit% As a result" students in the 1orain =it% School
District struggle to &eet 7hio acade&ic standards and high school graduation
re*uire&ents Students $ho do graduate face the daunting challenge of na!igating
through college application and financial aid processes that are foreign to -oth the& and
their fa&ilies The District and its partners $ill address this situation -%+
Pro!iding sufficient tutors and su&&er progra&s to ena-le the entire
cohort to practice acade&ic s#illsC
7ffering a &ore rigorous curriculu& -% introducing pre5alge-ra and
alge-ra in all three of the District6s &iddle schools" -% introducing
Ad!anced Place&ent (AP) classes in all high schools" and -% de!eloping a
standards5-ased reading curriculu& for &iddle school studentsC
Reducing social -arriers to acade&ic success -% adapting state5of5the5art
classroo& &anage&ent techni*ues in high schools" introducing school5
-ased social $or#ers and social ser!ices in all target schools" and
recruiting 2)) adult &entors to $or# $ith cohort &e&-ersC
7ffering do/ens of opportunities for students and parents to increase their
a$areness of college -enefits -% conducting co&&unit%5$ide outreach"
coordinating ca&pus !isits" and engaging guest spea#ersC
Assisting students and their parents to prepare for college entrance
e0a&inations" to co&plete college applications and to access financial aid
opportunities through $or#shops and consultationsC and
Reaching all &iddle school &ath teachers $ith intensi!e" ongoing
professional de!elop&ent related to effecti!e &athe&atics instruction"
classroo& &anage&ent and AP class instruction
After si0 %ears" 1orain6s GEAR UP students $ill de&onstrate+ increased
perfor&ance o!er -aseline standardi/ed test scoresC a graduation rate of at least :)
percent and a college enroll&ent rate of at least () percent
Point of =ontact+ Traci Dc=aud%
Telephone ,u&-er+ AA)5'335''A;
E&ail Address+ TD==AU?17RA8,S=9771S7RG
Tahle*uah Pu-lic Schools
Tahle*uah GEAR UP Project
1EA and Fiscal Agent+ This GEAR UP application is for funds to ser!e students
in the Tahle*uah (7#laho&a) Diddle and 9igh Schools Tahle*uah School District $ill
ser!e as lead and fiscal agent Tahle*uah is in =hero#ee =ount%" northeastern 7#laho&a"
<) &iles southeast of Tulsa
Student Population+ A &ajorit% of the students ser!ed $ill -e ,ati!e A&erican
(=hero#ee) 7f the students $ho $ill -e ser!ed" A4 percent $ill -e =hero#ee" A< percent
$ill -e rural =aucasian and ' percent $ill -e African A&erican and A percent $ill -e
9ispanic The free and reduced price lunch participation is <3 percent
=ohort Plan+ The project $ill ser!e t$o cohort groups -eginning in grades si0 and
se!en continuing ser!ices through graduation Based on this %earVs enroll&ent" the
project $ill ser!e AA' students
Partners+ 9igher education partners for the project $ill -e ,ortheastern State
Uni!ersit%" 8ndian =apital Technolog% =enter" =onnors State =ollege" and Nualit%
Education Ser!ices for Toda% and To&orro$ (NUESTT)" 7ther colla-orating agencies
$ill include the Bo%s and Girls =lu-" the 7#laho&a State Regents for 9igher Education"
and the =hero#ee ,ation
7-jecti!es+ The projectVs goals are+
Goal 2+ 8ncreased acade&ic perfor&ance and preparation for college
Goal '+ 8ncreased rate of high school graduation and college enroll&ent
Goal 3+ 8ncreased #no$ledge of college ad&ission and financial aid
Goal A+ 8&pro!ed -eha!iors related to school success
Project Design+ The project design has ten co&ponents+ scholarships" counseling"
&entoring" tutoring" parental in!ol!e&ent" after5school su&&er acade&ics" professional
de!elop&ent" student leadership" and curriculu& i&pro!e&ent
Project Director+ De-orah =ole%
Telephone ,u&-er+ :245A(45A2))
E&ail Address+ cole%?tahle*uah#2'o#us
Ba% 8ndependent School District
Ba% GEAR UP Project
1EA and Fiscal Agent+ This GEAR UP application is for funds to ser!e students
in the Ba% (7#laho&a) Diddle and 9igh Schools Ba% $ill ser!e as lead and fiscal agent
Ba% is in Dela$are =ount%" northeastern 7#laho&a" 4) &iles east of Tulsa
Student Population+ A &ajorit% of the students ser!ed $ill -e ,ati!e A&erican
(=hero#ee) 7f the students $ho $ill -e ser!ed" (4 percent $ill -e =hero#ee" A2 percent
$ill -e rural =aucasian and ' percent $ill -e African A&erican and 2' percent $ill -e
9ispanic The free and reduced price lunch participation is <4 percent
=ohort Plan+ The project $ill ser!e t$o cohort groups -eginning in grades si0 and
se!en and continuing ser!ices through graduation Based on this %earVs enroll&ent" the
project $ill ser!e ';3 students each %ear for si0 %ears and2(' the se!enth %ear Se!enth
%ear ser!ices $ill -e pro!ided $ithout federal funds
Partners+ Partners for the project $ill -e ,ortheastern State Uni!ersit%" Tahle*uahC
Nualit% Educational Ser!ices for Toda% and To&orro$" 8nc (non5profit)C the Bo%s and
Girls =lu-" and the 7#laho&a State Regents for 9igher Education
7-jecti!es+ The projectVs goals are+ Goal 2+ 8ncreased acade&ic perfor&ance and
preparation for college
Goal '+ 8ncreased rate of high school graduation and college enroll&ent Goal 3+
8ncreased #no$ledge of college ad&ission and financial aide Goal A+ 8&pro!ed
-eha!iors related to school success

Project Design+ The project design has ten co&ponents+ scholarships" counseling"
&entoring" tutoring" parental in!ol!e&ent" after5school su&&er acade&ics" professional
de!elop&ent" student leadership" and curriculu& i&pro!e&ent
Project Director+ =ind% @ea!er
Telephone ,u&-er+ :245'(35A(('
E&ail Address+ =8@EA.ER?BAGK2'7KUS
East =entral Uni!ersit%
East =entral Uni!ersit%" located in the cit% of Ada" 7#laho&a and in a PresidentVs
E&po$er&ent 8nitiati!e Round 88 Enterprise =o&&unit%" creates a partnership -et$een
nine rural school districts located in Pontotoc" =oal" and Bohnston counties to for&
TEAD GEAR UP 8n addition" the 7#laho&a State Regents for 9igher Education
(7SR9E)" the Pontotoc Technolog% =enter" the =hic#asa$ ,ation" and local -usinesses
and co&&unit% organi/ations" $ill partner $ith the project The proposed project is a
single cohort design -eginning $ith a se!enth grade cohort group Ser!ices $ill -e
pro!ided to the cohort group through the entiret% of their &iddle and high school %ears"
as $ell as a -ridge progra& entering into post5secondar% education Steps $ill -e ta#en
to ensure e*uita-le access to and participation in this federall% assisted progra& for all
indi!iduals $ith special needs and those fro& traditionall% under5 represented groups as
re*uired in Section A'; of the General Education Pro!ision Act (GEPA)
The &ission of TEAD GEAR UP is to prepare students to achie!e their
aspirations of higher education This &ission state&ent also defines the purpose of the
project Uto e*uip students $ith the acade&ic s#ills" encourage&ent" infor&ation and
resources necessar% to enter and succeed in postsecondar% educationU
TEAD GEAR UP $ill pro!ide a -road arra% of acade&ic ser!ices" tutoring"
&entoring" counseling" and enrich&ent progra&s to students" as $ell as parental
in!ol!e&ent and professional de!elop&ent acti!ities for school district personnel The
project $ill net$or# $ith e0isting resources in the co&&unit% and coordinate efforts to
pre!ent duplication of ser!ices to the cohort group E0pected outco&es include+
increased parental in!ol!e&entC lo$er cohort student a-sentee rateC i&pro!ed grade point
a!eragesC and an increased nu&-er of students ta#ing the A=T" appl%ing for financial aid"
and attending postsecondar% education
Project Director+ .incent Bohnson
Telephone ,u&-er+ (4)532)5(;;3
E&ail Address+ !johnson?&ailcler#eco#edu
Se&inole State =ollege
Drea& =atcher GEAR UP
7ur proposed Drea& =atcher GEAR UP Project is designed to &eet the specific
needs of lo$5inco&e" underser!ed" and underrepresented students in nine school districts
in a rural and isolated area of central 7#laho&a officiall% designated as the Se&inole
,ation (Se&inole and 7#fus#ee counties) At least ;( percent of students are eligi-le for
free and reduced price lunches and 7#fus#ee =ount% is the count% $ith the highest and
$orst rate of idle teens (2<: percent) The project is &eant to address se!ere gaps in
ser!ices and resources at these schools+ inade*uate school staffing" lo$ funding per
student" and insufficient facult% de!elop&ent" poor acade&ic perfor&ance on the
7#laho&a =ore =urriculu& Test (all schools failed in four out of se!en areas)" and lo$
college participation 5 onl% AA( percent of high school graduates go to college ((2
percent state" <3 percent nationall%)
@e are proposing a suite of ser!ices to i&pro!e acade&ic perfor&ance and
preparation for college and increase students and their fa&iliesV #no$ledge of college
options" preparation" and financing -eginning $ith a cohort of fifth graders ('4() and a
cohort of si0th graders ('(() totaling (A) students to -e trac#ed through graduation
-e%ond the grant period =o&ponents of Drea& =atcher $ill include+ (2) PA1S (Pla%
and Acti!e 1earning Sessions) Progra& to pro!ide tutoring" &entoring" cultural field
trips" '2st =entur% Scholar =ertificate a$ard e!ent" su&&er ca&p" and college and career
ad!ise&ent for students and parentsC (') FishM For Schools" an acti!e learning progra&
that is designed to create &ore effecti!e learning en!iron&ents in the classroo& and
engage students and their parentsC and (3) co&&unities of learning" infusion of learning
technologies" and curriculu& redesign across the grades in science and &athe&atics as
part of facult% professional de!elop&ent
Total federal funds re*uested for Drea& =atcher GEAR UP is R'"(:'"))) or R4))
per student for each of the si0 %ears of the grant
Project Director+ Kath% 9oo!er
Telephone ,u&-er+ A)(534'5:;)<
E&ail Address+ 977.ERLK?SS===7KUS
Tulsa =ount% 8ndependent School District ,o 2
Tulsa Gear Up Project
Fi!e Title 8 &iddle schools (and e!entuall% four high schools) ser!ing students
fro& highl% i&po!erished parts of the cit% ha!e -een chosen for a Tulsa GEAR UP
project 9ar&ful socio5econo&ic pressures and negati!e peer pressures are causing a
serious decline in acade&ic perfor&ance and attendance at the schools 8t is the goal of
Tulsa Pu-lic Schools (TPS) to -rea# this c%cle of poor choices and failure" re#indle the
student6s desire to learn" #eep the& in school" gi!e the& the support and guidance the%
need to stud% hard and ta#e the right courses" and raise their aspirations to enter and
succeed in postsecondar% education
To effecti!el% deal $ith this pro-le&" TPS and its partners &ust reach -e%ond the
classroo& en!iron&ent" address the total student personall%" acade&icall%" and ph%sicall%
as an indi!idual" address his or her fa&il% as a !ital e0tension of the student" and address
teaching &ethods and curriculu& as $ell The GEAR UP project tea& has carefull%
selected a group of partners that can pro!ide a po$erful set of tools in &entoring"
tutoring" college and career a$areness" career -uilding" and professional and curriculu&
de!elop&ent These tools $ill -e part of a tightl% focused" highl% intensi!e project that
reaches deep into the students" teachers and curriculu&
The projectVs i&pact o-jecti!es include+ (2) i&pro!ing s#ills and scores in reading
and &athe&aticsC (') i&pro!ing student stud% s#ills and ha-itsC (3) raising student
aspirations to attend collegeC (A) increasing assistance to students in &a#ing plans for
postsecondar% educationC (() increasing assistance to students in e0ploring postsecondar%
financial aidC (<) increasing students $ho report that the% li#e school and ha!e positi!e
self5conceptsC (;) increasing school reported parent in!ol!e&ent in parent5teacher
conferencesC (4) i&pro!ing &entors" tutors" and school staff s#ills through professional
Project Director+ Ro-erta Ellis
Telephone ,u&-er+ :245;A<5<('3
E&ail Address+ ellisro?tulsaschoolsorg
School District ,o 2" Dultno&ah =ount%
Roose!elt =luster GEAR UP Partnership
1ead &e&-ers of the proposed Roose!elt =luster GEAR UP Partnership are
Portland Pu-lic Schools (7regon6s onl% large ur-an school district)" Portland State
Uni!ersit% (7regon6s largest and onl% ur-an institution of higher education)" and three
nonprofit co&&unit%5-ased organi/ations+ the 7regon =ouncil for 9ispanic
Ad!ance&ent" Portland Schools Alliance" and the Step Up Progra& of 7pen Deado$
Alternati!e Schools
The target population is 33' se!enth graders enrolled at George and Ports&outh
&iddle schools in ,orth Portland These schools feed students into the Roose!elt 9igh
School =a&pus" $hich has restructured into three s&all autono&ous schools -uilt around
challenging" standards5-ased" and high5interest the&es Students at these schools are
a&ong the districts &ost econo&icall% disad!antaged" $ith the percentage eligi-le for the
federal free and reduced price &eals progra& ;4< percent at George Diddle School" <3(
percent at Ports&outh Diddle School" and <A< percent at the Roose!elt 9igh School
7!er si0 %ears" the project en!isions the follo$ing earl% inter!ention strategies as
pro!iding the Hgolden threadI that $ill guide the se!enth grade cohort along a trajector%
of successful transitions across grade le!els" into Roose!elt" through high school
graduation" and on to postsecondar% education+ (2) rigorous" rele!ant acade&ics and
acti!ities" to e0pose students to postsecondar% opportunities and e0pand their educational
goals and aspirationsC (') parent and fa&il% engage&ent in supporting their children6s
acade&ic progress and preparation for postsecondar% educationC (3) partnerships $ith the
local co&&unit%" -usinesses and e&plo%ers" and e0isting college outreach and
preparation progra&sC (A) professional de!elop&ent for teachers" counselors" and other
school staffC and (() align&ent of &iddle school and high school local i&pro!e&ent plans
and progra&s 7utco&es $ill include i&pro!ed #no$ledge of ho$ to prepare and pa% for
college a&ong students and fa&ilies" and i&pro!ed rates of achie!e&ent" attendance"
graduation" and postsecondar% enroll&ent
Project Director+ Kathr%n Fong Stephens
Telephone ,u&-er+ ()35:2<5('<)
E&ail Address+ KSTEP9E2?PPSK2'7RUS
School District of 1ancaster
1ancaster GEAR UP
The 1ancaster GEAR UP Project is a colla-orati!e effort -et$een the School
District of 1ancaster" Dillers!ille Uni!ersit%" Penns%l!ania 9igher Education Assistance
Agenc% and the Penns%l!ania Digrant Education Progra& The collecti!e goal is to
increase student preparation for" and success in" college -% i&ple&enting a
co&prehensi!e college a$areness and preparedness progra& The project $ill target a
cohort of 4)) si0th and se!enth grade students fro& 9and and Re%nolds Diddle Schools"
and follo$ the& as the% progress through high school
The School District of 1ancaster is a di!erse" ur-an district ser!ing o!er 22"'))
students" of $ho&+ (2 percent are 1atino" 'A percent African A&erican" '' percent
=aucasian and 3 percent AsianC ;2 percent of students recei!e free and reduced price
lunch 7nl% 3: percent of students achie!ed reading and &ath standards on the '))A
state assess&entC at ;2 percent" the drop5out rate is one of the highest in the stateC less
than 3) percent of '))A graduates $ent on to attend four5%ear colleges and uni!ersities
9and and Re%nolds are the highest5need &iddle schools" $ith 4) percent of students on
free and reduced price lunch and less than <) percent of students achie!ing standards on
the '))A state assess&ent Fe$ of our lo$5inco&e students -elie!e the% can or $ill
attend collegeC the% ha!e not had access to the infor&ation and e0periences necessar% to
see college as a !ia-le option and -egin planning for it
To address the gaps and $ea#nesses in our current s%ste& and increase college
readiness and participation a&ong our high5need population" our GEAR UP Project $ill
focus on the follo$ing core strategies+ 2) increasing the *ualit% and rigor of instruction
through &iddle and high school curriculu& align&ent and ongoing professional
de!elop&ent for teachersC ') i&ple&ent a strong s%ste& of acade&ic and non5acade&ic
supports for students" including tutoring and &entoringC 3) e0pand college a$areness and
preparedness opportunities" particularl% at the &iddle le!elC and A) engage parents in
college preparation and planning
Project Director+ Denise Bell Felten-erger
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;2;5':25<'(;
E&ail Address+ DBE11?1A,=ASTERK2'PAUS
Uni!ersidad del Tura-o
Uni!ersidad del Tura-o of the Ana G Dende/ Uni!ersit% S%ste& su-&its the+
Tura-o Alliance for Better Schools in Science" Technolog%" Engineering and Dathe&atics
Ad!ance&ent" E0ploring D% Uni!erseM (TABS5STEDA) to increase the nu&-er of
se!enth grade social and econo&icall% disad!antaged 9ispanic students (<'3)" $ho
successfull% co&plete high school and enter into post secondar% education
At the target schools" ;( percent of students *ualif% for the free and reduced price
lunch progra& The si0 participating schools (four junior high and t$o high schools) are
lo$ acade&ic standard perfor&ing" and are in need for the de!elop&ent of an
i&pro!e&ent plan The proposed project $ill replicate effecti!e teaching and learning
practices de!eloped in the Tura-o Alliance for Better Schools GEAR5UP Progra& (2:::5
'))() Assistance to the participants $ill -e pro!ided through+ in school ser!ices"
Saturda% acade&ic enrich&ent progra&" su&&er institute progra&" fa&il% life
enrich&ent ser!ices and a teachers6 professional de!elop&ent co&ponent Rigorous
acade&ic course$or# in science" &ath" la-orator% e0periences" stud% s#ills" reading and
language in English and Spanish" and art $ill -e offered This progra& $ill also pro!ide
indi!idual and group counseling" tutoring" &entoring" co&puter literac% s#ills" cultural
and social enrich&ent acti!ities and disse&ination of educational and financial aid to
students and parents Uni!ersidad del Tura-o $ill contri-ute R ')"))) in a scholarship
fund for talented seniors GEAR5UP in the si0th %ear
Partners in this Alliance are Uni!ersidad del Tura-o (leading institution)"
Technological 8nitiati!es of the Eastern =entral Region of Puerto Rico (8,TE=7)" the
,ational Aeronautics and Space Ad&inistration and Kenned% Space =enter" the
Dunicipalit% of =aguas" and Pfi/er Phar&aceutical
Pro!iding a &ultidi&ensional progra& to all <'3 participants" TABS5STEDA
e0pects the follo$ing &ajor outco&es+ :) percent $ill graduate fro& &iddle school -%
'))4C :) percent $ill graduate fro& high school -% ')22C 4( percent $ill ha!e increased
-% '( percent their Puerto Rico =o&petenc% Test scores and $ill &eet or e0ceed state
acade&ic standardsC ;) percent $ill enter college and the 3) percent $ill enter STED
Project Director+ Elsie =olon
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;4;5;A35;:;:
E&ail Address+ UTLE=717,?SUAGDEDU
=atholic Pontifical Uni!ersit% of Puerto Rico
Gear Up+ Steps of 9ope" 7pening Paths to Kno$ledge
Pontifical =atholic Uni!ersit%6s GEAR UP Progra& is designed to pro!ide
ser!ices to a cohort of appro0i&atel% (:) eligi-le se!enth grade junior high school
students for a period of si0 %ears 8t $ill pro!ide an earl% inter!ention progra& -ased on
cooperati!e learning and disco!er% learning practices Students $ill gain acade&ic s#ills
and the &oti!ation necessar% to co&plete a secondar% education and enter and succeed in
a postsecondar% progra& 8t $ill pro!ide staff de!elop&ent and training for teachers to
ena-le the& to foster i&pro!ed acade&ic gro$th The progra& $ill offer parent
orientations and $or#shops to de!elop parental leadership and fa&il% in!ol!e&ent in the
acade&ic progress of their children and to e&po$er the& $ith infor&ation regarding the
opportunities for attending college
The participants $ill co&e fro& four target schools in the inner cit% of Ponce"
Puerto Rico 7f the total population in these schools" 4: percent is eligi-le for project
ser!ices The GEAR UP Progra& at Pontifical =atholic Uni!ersit% of Puerto Rico is a
partnership progra& and $ill -e an integral part of the Uni!ersit% and the Ponce
co&&unit% The partnership includes the+ Puerto Rico Depart&ent of Education"
Business Partners (@PU= Radio" Banco Popular" 7utside Group" 8nc) and Pontifical
=atholic Uni!ersit% of Puerto Rico
P=UPR6s GEAR UP Progra& $ill ha!e t$o co&ponents+ a) in the acade&ic %ear
students $ill recei!e tutorial classes" &entoring" supple&ental instruction" -asic s#ills
instruction" college preparator% classes" (co&puter literac%" languages" science" and
&athe&atics" pre5calculus" statistics" college $riting")" participation in social and cultural
acti!ities" acade&ic" career" !ocational" and interpersonal counseling" and a Saturda%
acade&ic %ear progra&C -) a residential su&&er progra& on ca&pus" $ill ena-le
participants to e0perience college5 life 7f the participating students" 4( percent $ill
graduate" appl% and register in a postsecondar% institution
Project Director+ Bose Soto
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;4;54A25')))
E&ail Address+ BS7T7?EDA81PU=PREDU
=laflin Uni!ersit%
=laflin Uni!ersit% Gear Up
The goal of the =laflin Uni!ersit% GEAR UP Progra& is to ensure that
disad!antaged" at5ris# &iddle school and secondar% students $ho are enrolled at target
schools in 7range-urg" South =arolina" are prepared for" pursue" and succeed in
secondar% education The progra& places e&phasis on the acade&ic achie!e&ent" earl%
co&prehensi!e inter!ention" parental in!ol!e&ent" high e0pectations and professional
The proposed project $ill utili/e a partnership approach $ith a $hole grade
cohort design -eginning in the si0th grade at the t$o &iddle schools in 7range-urg
=onsolidated School District Fi!e The proposed acti!ities are co&prehensi!e ser!ices
including &entoring" tutoring" counseling" financial aid infor&ation" parental
in!ol!e&ent and e&po$er&ent training and other acti!ities such as after5school and
e0tended sa% acti!ities" Saturda% acade&%" a fi!e $ee# su&&er enrich&ent institute" and
college !isits
The intended o-jecti!es of this project are to+
8ncrease participant acade&ic perfor&ance for participation in postsecondar%
8ncrease the secondar% co&pletion and postsecondar% enroll&ent and successful
co&pletion rate of target school students
8ncrease educational e0pectations and #no$ledge of postsecondar% education
options" preparation and financing for participants and their fa&ilies
Project Director+ G$endol%n Phillips
Telephone ,u&-er+ 4)35'<45223;
E&ail Address+ gphillips?claflinedu
The =itadel
The =itadel GEAR UP Progra&
Since Bune 2:::" The =itadel GEAR UP Progra& has addressed the &ission of
the South =arolina GEAR UP progra& -% preparing lo$5inco&e %ouths to enter" persist
in" and successfull% co&plete college -% colla-orating $ith its partners and pro!iding
acade&ic opportunities that $ould enhance and i&pro!e acade&ic s#ills in the school
and increasing parental in!ol!e&ent in the educational process of their children
The =itadel is re*uesting funding through a partnership grant that $ould offer a
three co&ponent (student" teachers" and parents) set of ser!ices" acti!ities" and training
$hich $ill prepare lo$5inco&e %ouths in a poor" rural setting to enter" persist in" and
successfull% co&plete college -%+ pro!iding teacher training for rigorous and rele!ant
acade&ics" especiall% in reading and &athC esta-lishing a Parent Uni!ersit% to help
parents understand the acade&ic and financial co&&it&ent of college attendanceC and
pro!iding GEAR UP students $ith college acade&ic preparation in reading and
The student goals of The =itadel GEAR UP partnership grant include+ i&pro!ing
attendance" standardi/ed test scores" pro&otion rates" an increased nu&-er of students
co&pleting acade&icall% challenging college preparator% classes" and a decrease in
discipline referrals and suspensions GEAR UP parent goals include increased parent
in!ol!e&ent in their children6s educational process and the co&pletion of their child6s
high school graduation and college attendance plan Teacher goals are to increase the
!ariet% of inno!ati!e instructional strategies" increase in the nu&-er of highl% *ualified
&iddle le!el teachers" and an increase in the acade&ic rigor of college preparation classes
and i&pro!e the *ualit% of teachers and students interested in learning through tea&ing
Project Director+ @endell Rodgers
Telephone ,u&-er+ 4A35:(35():4
E&ail Address+ rodgers$?citadeledu
1ancaster =ount% School District
1ancaster =ount% GEAR5UP
The project is -ased on si0 %ears of rigorous assess&ent and &eticulous planning
conducted -% a =o&&unit% =oalition co&prised of o!er 3) pu-lic" pri!ate" and ci!ic and
faith -ased organi/ations Se!eral science5-ased strategies ha!e -een selected to increase
the rigor of secondar% instruction and participation in postsecondar% education especiall%
a&ong lo$5inco&e students
8nter!entions include+
Spring-oard" an integrated s%ste& of professional staff de!elop&ent" !ertical
tea&ing" rigorous instructional &odules" and assess&ent dri!en classroo&s lin#ing
grades se!en through 2'
Rigorous professional de!elop&ent co&ponent that increases e0isting staff training
-% o!er ')) percent each %ear
A local pri!ate foundation donated R<))"))) to pro!ide scholarships to GEAR UP
E0tensi!e ca&pus5-ased college a$areness acti!ities including a science E &ath
ca&p" =ollege Fairs" parent $or#shops" accelerated enroll&ent for juniors and
seniors" and field trips to regional ca&puses
A co&prehensi!e co&&unit% a$areness ca&paign that includes ho&e !isitation"
infor&ation sessions" and &edia co&ponent co&prised of 2< pu-lic ser!ice
announce&ent and eight half5hour -roadcasts $ritten and produced in partnership
$ith %outh at the target schools
Project Director+ Paul DcKen/ie
Telephone ,u&-er+ 4)35A2<544<'
E&ail Address+ p&c#en/i?lcsd#2'scus
East Tennessee State Uni!ersit%
Gearing Up the @ashington =ount%" Tennessee School S%ste&
This project focuses on a si0th and se!enth grade cohort fro& four target schools
in a rural count% located in the &ountains of central Appalachia E @ashington =ount%"
Tennessee The four schools are feeder schools for Da!id =roc#et 9igh School The
pro-le& dri!ing the project is Da!id =roc#ett6s !er% lo$ graduation rate of ()< percent
This is the 2:th $orst rate of 3)' schools in Tennessee" e0ceeded onl% -% ur-an schools
in De&phis and ,ash!ille The partners for this project are the @ashington =ount%
School S%ste&" East Tennessee State Uni!ersit%" ,ortheast State Technical =o&&unit%
=ollege" the Bohnson =it%5@ashington =ount% =ha&-er of =o&&erce" @ashington
=ount% Econo&ic De!elop&ent Board" Bo%s to Den" Girlfriends" and fi!e churches
Based on in5depth inter!ie$s and focus group &eetings $ith students" parents"
school counselors and ad&inistrators representing the target &iddle schools and the high
school" $e conclude that a Hculture of no achie!e&entI per&eates Da!id =roc#ett and
leads directl% to !er% lo$ graduation and college attendances rates
@e propose to HinoculateI the si0th and se!enth grade cohort at the target schools
-% pro!iding e!er% student $ith personal case &anage&ent and acade&ic support The
Hparental cohortI $ill -e addressed through progra&s designed to &a0i&i/e parental
in!ol!e&ent All students $ill ha!e opportunities for after school acti!ities" &entoring"
tutoring" college tours" and jo- fairs A school -ased" H=ollege =enterI ser!ing students"
parents" school personnel" and co&&unit% partners $ill ser!e as a point of contact for
ad&issions officers" tutors" and ser!ice learning students" interns" and GEAR UP Staff
Project Director+ Budith 9a&&ond
Telephone ,u&-er+ A'35A3:5<)<'
E&ail Address+ 9ADD7,D?DA81ETSUEDU
San Antonio 8ndependent School District
Dan% high school students in the San Antonio 8ndependent School District
(SA8SD) -eco&e disengaged fro& school due to lac# of acade&ic success and" or lo$
educational aspirations As a &ultitude of studies ha!e de&onstrated" the teachers and
e!en the fa&ilies of lo$5inco&e" &inorit% students ha!e lo$ e0pectations of students6
acade&ic potential and professional success
The SA8SD GEAR UP Partnership Project is co&&itted to increase college
enroll&ent rates for o!er 3":34 lo$5inco&e students -% i&ple&enting a si0th grade
cohort &odel and launching a co&prehensi!e college and career prep &odel for
participating students" parents" and fa&ilies Through e0isting colla-orations $ith
national" state and local entities" SA8SD can facilitate a higher le!el of acade&ic
perfor&ance a&ong secondar% students -% preparing the& for a &ore rigorous high
school course of stud% SA8SD6s GEAR UP Project $ill pro!ide :( percent of the
econo&icall% disad!antaged students $ith the encourage&ent" desire" preparation"
#no$ledge and s#ills needed for college success T$ent%5nine targeted ca&puses $ill -e
ser!ed $here <2 percent of the targeted student population is identified as at5ris#
The pri&ar% goal of the project" as identified -% the SA8SD GEAR UP Project
Partnership" is to increase the nu&-er of econo&icall% disad!antaged students $ho appl%"
attend college and succeed in college This goal $ill -e acco&plished through
i&ple&entation of focused and intentional strategies that include rigorous acade&ic
instruction" &entoring" tutoring" career de!elop&ent" counseling" rele!ant learning" and
other sustained support ser!ices The SA8SD GEAR UP Project proposes to do!etail on
SA8SD e0isting progra&s" si&ultaneousl% and se*uentiall%" to ensure that students and
fa&ilies participating in the project $ill -e successful through high school graduation and
Project Director+ De--ie Dorgan
Telephone ,u&-er+ '2)5''<5))44
E&ail Address+ d&organ?saisdnet
Stephen F Austin State Uni!ersit%
East Te0as Gear up
The East Te0as Gaining Earl% A$areness and Readiness for Undergraduate
Progra&s (GEAR UP) project is an effort to assist ten rural school districts in achie!ing
the structural" cultural" and instructional changes that lead to increased student
participation in acade&icall% challenging secondar% courses that open the doors to
postsecondar% education 7!er () percent of the students in each of the &iddle and high
schools in these districts are fro& lo$ socioecono&ic groups
=oncei!ed as a s%ste&ic change effort" this project pro!ides o!er a si05%ear period
direct ser!ice to a cohort of 2"(A' students as the% &o!e fro& grades ;52'C targeted
professional de!elop&ent to facult% and staffC co&&unit% and -usiness in!ol!e&entC and
parental engage&ent This project esta-lishes a s%ste&5$ide &indset of high acade&ic
e0pectations for all students $herein increased nu&-ers of secondar% students $ill
participate and succeed in ad!anced le!el courses in order to prepare the& for success in
postsecondar% education The project is designed to address the urgent need to increase
the college5going and success rates of students in the project schools pri&aril% -%
increasing secondar% students6 participation and success in rigorous acade&ic courses
A !ital co&ponent in i&pro!ing the educational attain&ent of secondar% students
$ill -e to enlist the support of parents as ad!ocates for increasing each student6s
readiness for postsecondar% education Using the foundation of success fro& the current
GEAR UP Project" this project $ill address e!ol!ing needs of schools in the region
Specificall%" the project $ill address an e0pected dra&atic increase in the nu&-er of
9ispanics -% focusing on the uni*ue needs of &inorit% students and the project $ill help
districts to address higher e0pectations of student achie!e&ent on state standardi/ed
achie!e&ent and college readiness tests Guided -% a project ad!isor% co&&ittee and
school districts" the 1uf#inJAngelina =ount% =ha&-er of =o&&erce" and the Top 1adies
of Distinction" $ill use the e0perience gained and coordination esta-lished through the
current project to ena-le the project tea& to effecti!el% pro!ide resources and ser!ices to
-est &eet the specific situation of each school district in the changing cultural
Project Director+ Bett% Alford
Telephone ,u&-er+ :3<5A<45':)4
E&ail Address+ Balford?Sfasuedu
Sul Ross State Uni!ersit%
Project ReA=9 Sul Ross State Uni!ersit% (SRSU) proposes Project ReA=9
(HReali/ing and Achie!ing =ollegiate 9eightsI)" a GEAR UP project to ser!e <<(
se!enth graders fro& fall '))( through a su&&er college -ridge progra& follo$ing high
school graduation in ')22 These students co&e fro& 2A partner school districts in nine
Te0as counties -ordering De0ico $here per capita inco&es a!erage (4 percent of the
national a!erage" 3: percent of adults do not ha!e high school diplo&as" and onl% 2A
percent of adults hold -achelor6s degrees or &ore
A&ong the districts to -e ser!ed" 4' percent of students are 9ispanic" ;' percent
are eligi-le for free and reduced priced lunches" and 24 percent ha!e li&ited English
proficienc% 7nl% (4 percent of all students &et Te0as Assess&ent of Kno$ledge and
S#ills standardi/ed test criteria in '))A" dropout rates -et$een se!enth and 2'th grades
a!erage '( percent" and high school graduation and postsecondar% enroll&ent rates are as
lo$ as ;) percent and 33 percent respecti!el% @ea#nesses and gaps in e0isting ser!ices
that contri-ute to lo$ le!els of achie!e&ent include insufficient use of instructional
techni*ues to address di!erse learning st%les" inade*uate infor&ation a-out college and
financial aid" an isolated" rural culture" lac# of fa&il% support" and inade*uate partner
school funding to de!elop progra&s and ser!ices that support student success
To close these gaps" Project ReA=9 $ill -egin $ith 8ndi!idual Education Plans to
identif% students6 uni*ue needs and specif% ser!ices to &eet those needs Tutoring" after5
school progra&s of acade&ic success s#ills and field trips to historical and cultural sites"
annual $ee#long su&&er progra&s of intensi!e instruction" college and financial aid
$or#shops and indi!idual counseling sessions" Dentoring" and '2st =entur% Scholar
e!ents are designed to &eet their needs SRSU $ill offer scholarships to top graduates
$ith un&et need enrolling in ')22 A -road5-ased facult% de!elop&ent progra& of
$or#shops and supporting self5stud% $ill address effecti!e instructional techni*ues such
as interacti!e learning and reinforcing -asic s#ills across the curriculu& 7utco&es $ill
include ' percent annual increases in standardi/ed test scores" GPAs of '( or &ore
a&ong 4) percent of participants" :) percent pro&otion and high school graduation rates"
and" in ')22" college enroll&ent rates e*ualing national a!erages
Project Director+ Gregor% Sch$a-
Telephone ,u&-er+ A3'543;54)3:
E&ail Address+ gsch$a-?sulrossedu
The Uni!ersit% of Te0as At El Paso
UTEP GEAR5UP Partnership
Priorities for this project ha!e -een identified as+ 2) lo$ acade&ic readiness and
achie!e&entC ') poor perfor&ance in the core su-ject areas of &athe&atics" science and
language artsC 3) high incidence of ris# factors" discipline and lo$ attendance that
e!entuall% contri-ute to lo$ graduation ratesC and A) a lo$ college going rate" plus high
rate of re&ediation once graduates enter postsecondar% institutions
The acti!ities $ill address the $ea#nesses and gaps in ser!ices pro!ided to the
targeted students" parents and teachers The progra& $ill pro!ide a strong tutoring and
&entoring co&ponent -% UTEP students" acade&ic readiness testing" positi!e coping and
life s#ills" *ualit% transition e!ents" and e0posure to postsecondar% degree en!iron&ents
8n addition" the progra& $ill concentrate on pro!iding parents and teachers $ith the
a$areness of success factors for the GEAR UP cohort" utili/e different &ediu&s to
i&press upon parents the significance of their support for the future of their children and
pro!ide the& $ith the #no$ledge of the -enefits and accessi-ilit% postsecondar%
education and financial aid a!aila-ilit% Staff de!elop&ent $ill address technolog%5-ased
curriculu&s for &athe&atics and science" preparing students for acade&ic readiness in
high school and -e%ond and strategies that fortif% teacher s#ills in increasing student6s
a-ilit% to relate acade&ics to e!er% da% e0periences
The e0pected outco&es are acade&ic readiness for high school graduation" high
achie!e&ent on entrance e0a&s" and entr% into college Parents $ill gain a$areness of
support for pursuing postsecondar% education and teachers $ill recei!e support for up to
date research pro!en effecti!e strategies
Project Director+ Buliette =aire
Telephone ,u&-er+ :2(5;A;5(3<;
E&ail Address+ B=A8RE?UTEPEDU
Spring Branch 8ndependent School District
Project UP (Uni!ersit% Preparation)
Spring Branch 8ndependent School District" (SB8SD) located $est of do$nto$n
9ouston" Te0as" ser!es a di!erse student population residing $ithin one of the highest
and the lo$est per5capita inco&e areas in the cit% Bust as 8nterstate 2) tra!erses the
district creating a concrete -arrier -et$een the t$o" lo$5inco&e and &inorit% status has
created an in!isi-le -arrier and star# i&-alance in the le!els of SB8SD student
participation and success in postsecondar% education The three schools targeted for
grant participation" all of $hich are eligi-le for school $ide Title 8 assistance" for& a
feeder pattern in the &ost econo&icall% depressed *uadrant of SB8SD" *ualif%ing the
district to &eet the criteria for a reduced &atch contri-ution $ai!er
The proposed progra&" Project UP (Uni!ersit% Preparation)" ser!es a cohort of
(<) se!enth grade students at t$o of the district6s &ost need% &iddle schools" Spring
7a#s Diddle School (S7DS)" and Spring @oods Diddle School (S@DS)" and follo$s
the students as the% &atriculate through Spring @oods 9igh School (S@9S) Project
planners ha!e identified three o!erarching progra& priorities to raise the acade&ic
e0pectations and educational success of the student cohort $hile &a0i&i/ing their
opportunities to attain college entrance+ 2) student support and scaffoldingC ') college and
career support progra&&ing" andC 3) professional de!elop&ent support and structure
B% i&ple&enting a &%riad of supple&ental" life changing educational and
enrich&ent opportunities" Project UP addresses the road-loc#s i&peding these students
fro& enrolling and succeeding in undergraduate progra&s This si05%ear GEAR UP
progra& supports the defined cohort through high school graduation Further e0tending
the options a!aila-le to these students are eight strong partners including a degree
granting" open enroll&ent" four5%ear uni!ersit% and a co&&unit% college that is the
second largest in the United States
SB8SD #no$s that the future of our co&&unit%" our stated and our nation rests in
the success of our students6 learning at the !er% highest le!els Project UP pro!ides earl%
assistance to underrepresented students to de!elop the s#ills" #no$ledge and confidence
to prepare the& for college and &a0i&i/e their potentials
Project Director+ Bar-er Bar-er
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;235A<A52(22
E&ail Address+ BABER=?SPR8,GBRA,=98SD=7D
9ouston 8ndependent School District
=ollege For All
Through the colla-orati!e efforts of the 9ouston 8ndependent School District
(98SD)" Project GRAD 9ouston (PG9)" the Uni!ersit% of 9ouston Do$nto$n (U9D)"
and =o&&unities 8n Schools (=8S) &ore than '"))) students ha!e attended college5using
scholarships pro!ided through partnerships $ith local -usinesses" foundations" and the
US Depart&ent of Education o!er the past decade This partnership has learned ho$ to
prepare high po!ert% PreK52' children for college Funding $ill ena-le the partnership
to i&ple&ent a strong research -ased &odel in 22 98SD &iddle schools and fi!e 98SD
high schools
Se!erit% of ,eed+ :3 percent of =ollege For All (=FA) students recei!e free and
reduced price &eals at school -ecause their fa&ilies6 inco&es are at or -elo$ the federal
po!ert% le!elC 34 percent li!e in single parent ho&es 8n the fi!e =FA co&&unities" A:
percent of the adults lac# a high school education These socioecono&ic factors ha!e
-een sho$n to -e strong predictors of acade&ic failureC the acade&ic perfor&ance of
students in the =FA schools -ears this out 9igh proportions of the '))35'))A si0th
grade students in the =FA schools perfor&ed -elo$ grade le!el in reading (<< percent)"
&ath (<) percent)" and science (;) percent) as &easured on the Stanford 2) Achie!e&ent
Test Dore alar&ingl%" ') percent of these students had scores that $ere three or &ore
%ears -elo$ grade le!el Such failure rates de&onstrate the need to i&ple&ent and
sustain pro!en strategies that lead to acade&ic success starting no later than si0th grade
and follo$ing students through high school
=FA6s GEAR UP Solution+ =FA proposes the follo$ing si0 acti!ities+ 2)
professional de!elop&ent for teachersC ') curriculu& enhance&entsC 3) tutoringC A)
&entoringC () parental in!ol!e&entC and <) preparing students and fa&ilies for the high
school5to5college transition The acti!ities $ill follo$ t$o consecuti!e si0th grade
cohorts as the% &o!e fro& si0th to 2'th grade Funding fro& PG9 $ill allo$ the
acti!ities to -e sustained at each grade le!el The i&ple&entation of these strategies $ill
ena-le =FA students to e0cel acade&icall% and to graduate fro& high school prepared to
attend college
Project Director+ Ba&es 1a.ois
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;2354:'5<4))
E&ail Address+ B1A.78S?97UST7,8SD7RG
Te0as ASD 8nternational Uni!ersit%
=reating a .ision 88
Te0as A S D 8nternational Uni!ersit% (TAD8U)" 1aredo 8ndependent School
District (18SD)" and United 8ndependent School District (U8SD)" located in 1aredo"
Te0as are partnering $ith the 1aredo =ha&-er of =o&&erce and !arious financial
institutions for this H=reating a .ision 88I grant application
The target area has urgent and co&pelling needs 1aredo schools deal $ith a
co&ple0 set of challengesC chief a&ong the& is educating students $ho co&e fro& lo$5
inco&e" Spanish language do&inant ho&es and $hose parents ha!e li&ited education
This proposal targets a cohort of se!enth graders enrolled in three t%pical 1aredo &iddle
schools+ Antonio Gon/ale/ Diddle School" George @ashington Diddle School" and Dr
Boa*uin Gon/ale/ =igarroa Diddle School
The progra& has t$o &ajor goals+ 2) to strengthen e0isting acade&ic strategies
and i&ple&ent ne$ progra&s to raise acade&ic standards" pro!ide acade&ic support for
students" i&pro!e teacher training" and increase student #no$ledge of higher education
opportunities and ad&issionsC and ') de!elop a parental education progra& that teaches
parents English language and parenting s#ills so that the% can pro!ide a nurturing
acade&ic en!iron&ent for their children and &a#e the& a$are of the higher education
opportunities for their children The project incorporates se!eral acade&ic and parental
education strategies+ !ertical tea&ing for staff de!elop&ent" tutoring and &entoring
progra&s" curriculu& refor&" su&&er enrich&ent progra&s" preparation for SAT" A=T
and T9EA (spell out $hat this &eans) e0a&s" parenting conferences that include a
di!erse range of topics on college infor&ation" financial aid opportunities" parental
counseling" and understanding state and national e0a& results and their i&plications The
ripple effects of i&ple&enting this progra& $ill -enefit all students" not just the cohort
As a result of this initiati!e" an increasing nu&-er of 9ispanic students fro& the 1aredo
area $ill graduate fro& high school" enroll and succeed college
Project Director+ Bulio Dadrigal
Telephone ,u&-er+ :(<53'<5';')
E&ail Address+ jf&adrigal?ta&iuedu
The Uni!ersit% of Te0as Pan A&erican
Uni!ersit% of Te0as Pan A&erican GEAR UP Project
The Uni!ersit% of Te0as5Pan A&erican (UTPA) GEAR UP Project $ill target
4":() students" their parents and teachers in '4 &iddle schools and 2: high schools in an
area of South Te0as #no$n as the Rio Grande .alle% that includes four of the poorest
counties in the entire United States 7f the one &illion residents" o!er :) percent are
9ispanic" 4) percent spea# a language other than English in the ho&e and &ore than '(
percent are foreign -orn" pri&aril% fro& De0ico Thirt%5eight percent li!e in e0tre&e
po!ert%" less than (3 percent of adults ha!e high school diplo&as" and onl% 2) percent are
college graduates
8n this partnership grant" UTPA GEAR UP" local 1EAs" and partners $ill pro&ote
rigorous course$or# -ased on college5entrance re*uire&entsC $or# $ith $hole grade
le!els of students to raise e0pectations for all studentsC and continuousl% infor& students
and parents a-out college options and financial aid" including pro!iding students $ith
'2st =entur% Scholar =ertificates UTPA GEAR UP $ill -uild on its past successes to+
(2) increase the acade&ic perfor&ance and preparation for postsecondar% education for
GEAR UP studentsC (') increase the rate of high school graduation and participation in
postsecondar% education for GEAR UP studentsC and (3) increase GEAR UP student and
fa&il% #no$ledge of postsecondar% education options" preparation" and financing
The UTPA GEAR UP Project has de!eloped o-jecti!es and ser!ices to address the
identified gaps and needs" $hich $ill -e deli!ered through fi!e &ajor co&ponents+ (2)
Acade&ic PreparationC (') Acade&ic Preparation Support Ser!icesC (3) Fa&il% and
=o&&unit% 7utreachC (A) Professional De!elop&entC and (() 9igher Education
Ser!ices $ill -e pro!ided through o!er 3) partnerships that ha!e -een de!eloped so&e of
$hich include '4 &iddle schools in 23 1EA6s and =orporate Partners such as+ Te0as
8nstru&ents" Ford" SureScore" 9e$lett5Pac#ard" Kaplan" Princeton Re!ie$" and A.8D"
totaling o!er R24 &illion in in5#ind contri-utions
Project Director+ =%nthia .alde/
Telephone ,u&-er+ :(<5':'5;()2
E&ail Address+ =.A1DE>8?PA,ADEDU
Region 7ne Education Ser!ice =enter
Region 7ne ES= GEAR UP+ Bridges to the Future Partnership
Region 7ne Education Ser!ice =enter" a local education agenc% chartered -% the
state of Te0as" in partnership $ith '2 school districts located on the South Te0as5De0ico
-order" the Uni!ersit% of Te0as5Pan A&erican" Te0as A S D Uni!ersit%5=ollege Station"
and the =harles A Dana =enter at the Uni!ersit% of Te0as at Austin" proposes to
restructure school ser!ices to pro!ide a #no$ledge pipeline to postsecondar% success for
4"'() traditionall% underrepresented %outh 8n the targeted schools" :< percent of the
students are 9ispanic" 4A percent are econo&icall% disad!antaged" '( percent are English
language learners" and A4 percent are identified as at ris# The pri&ar% goal of the
partnership is to increase the nu&-er of these targeted students $ho enter and succeed in
8dentified cohort student needs addressed -% the Partnership include lo$ scores in
&athe&atics and science" and English language arts courses" lo$ high school graduation
rates" and lo$ college enroll&ent rates a&ong cohort school populations The
Partnership proposes to address these needs through a $hole grade" single cohort
approach -eginning in grade se!en and follo$ing the cohort through grade 2'
Partnership ser!ices pro!ided are su-stantiated -% !alidated research" and are intended to
result in a s%ste&ic e0a&ination" align&ent" and i&ple&entation of policies" progra&s"
and practices that ena-le students to succeed in college Ser!ices pro!ided are classified
into four &ajor co&ponents E acade&ic support" &entoring and tutoring" counseling and
outreach" and support ser!ices E designed to pro!ide a sustaina-le" cohesi!e net$or# of
support to students" parents" and educators The a!erage annual cost per student is R;;'
to ser!e 4"'() students in '4 &iddle schools articulating to '2 high schools
Project Director+ Tina At#ins
Telephone ,u&-er+ :(<5:4A5<'')
E&ail Address+ tat#ins?esconettorg
Uni!ersit% of Te0as At T%ler
The T%ler GEAR UP project is a co&prehensi!e" s%ste&ic progra& of ser!ices
that $ill ser!e appro0i&atel% :)) students and their parents in the first project %ear $ith
ser!ices continuing o!er the ne0t fi!e %ears Beginning $ith the '))(5)< school %ear" all
students enrolled in si0th or se!enth grade in Boulter" Ste$art" and Dogan" &iddle school
in the T%ler 8ndependent School District $ill participate in acti!ities that lead to
enroll&ent in postsecondar% education These students $ill continue to -e ser!ed if the%
attend Bohn T%ler 9igh School
All faculties in these schools $ill -e engaged in intensi!e staff de!elop&ent
acti!ities to de!elop a culture of high e0pectations of success acco&panied -% a rigorous
curriculu& The project $ill consist of fi!e co&ponents+ 2) professional de!elop&ent" ')
acade&ic support 3) parent and fa&il% in!ol!e&ent" A) educational partnerships" and ()
data dri!en decision5&a#ing The fi!e co&ponents $ill $or# s%nergisticall% to create a
culture of success in $hich students fro& de&ographic groups (lo$ socioecono&ic"
&inorit%) that are traditionall% underrepresented in postsecondar% education ha!e the
s#ills and e0pectations to graduate fro& college
The project is -ased on a &odel of distri-uted leadership that encourages and
facilitates ca&pus5le!el o$nership of all acti!ities and processes Ad&inistration"
facult%" staff" parents" and students all pla% #e% roles in the de!elop&ent" re!ision" and
i&ple&entation of the project
Project Director+ Pegg% Gill
Telephone ,u&-er+ :)35(<(5(<;(
E&ail Address+ pgill?utt%leredu
,e$port ,e$s Pu-lic School
,e$port ,e$s GEAR UP
The ,e$port ,e$s GEAR UP project $ill address specific structural gaps" needs"
and ine*uities in opportunit% that operates to di!ert lo$5inco&e students fro& the
pipeline to higher education
8n!ol!ing t$o &iddle schools $ill &a#e it possi-le to &o-ili/e teachers as #e%
pla%ers in transfor&ing schools into places $here students succeed" and prepare for
success Both schools ser!e si&ilar students+ 4(54< percent eligi-le for the federal lunch
progra& and the !ast &ajorit%" :35:A percent" African5A&erican The GEAR UP project
$ill facilitate co&prehensi!e" facult%5dri!en" $hole5school refor& -% pairing the &iddle
schools that has de&onstrated e!idence5-ased -est practices at closing the racial and
econo&ic achie!e&ent gap $ith the other &iddle school still struggling $ith this
challenge 8ncluding t$o age cohorts (the '))(5)< si0th and se!enth grade classes) $ill
dou-le GEAR UP6s influence" increasing the critical &ass of its college5focused culture
and goals 7ther #e% co&ponents include a &andator% acade&ic support classC an
e0tended school da%C tutoringC intensi!e &athe&atics and language e&phasisC special
standard English progra&sC fa&il% uni!ersit% and fa&il% night schoolC nourishing a
supporti!e peer group that shares GEAR UP students6 college aspirationsC and enlisting
parents6 support of students6 goals and plans
1earning fro& pre!ious GEAR UP and college preparator% initiati!es" this project
$ill continue intensi!e inter!ention through high school $ith a four5%ear GEAR UP
electi!e cul&inating in a senior se&inar that $ill &aintain dail% i&&ersion in acade&ic
support and a college5focused peer group =o&ple&enting it $ill -e personali/ed
assistance $ith the college planning" search" and application process Finall%" to
accelerate attain&ent of higher education goals" through a 'X'X' articulation agree&ent
$ith Tho&as ,elson =o&&unit% =ollege and 7ld Do&inion Uni!ersit%" a Uni!ersit%
9igh School $ill -e opened at a GEAR UP high school Students &a% earn fro& three to
<) college credits $hile still in high school" $ith guaranteed credit to$ard a
-accalaureate degree
Project Director+ .anessa 1 @hita#er
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;(;5(:25A<AA
E&ail Address+ .A,ESSA@98TAKER?,,K2'.AUS
Ga#i&a School District ,o ;
GEAR UP for Ga#i&a
GEAR UP for Ga#i&a is a partnership that includes the Ga#i&a School District
(GSD)" Ga#i&a .alle% =o&&unit% =ollege (G.==)" and co&&unit% partners $or#ing
together to increase the nu&-ers of local students $ho are prepared to succeed in
postsecondar% education The targeted schools in the GSD ha!e high po!ert% le!els"
parents $ith li&ited education" a high nu&-er of li&ited English spea#ing students" and a
high nu&-er of 9ispanic students 7!erall" the district has a lo$ graduation rate and the
highest dropout rate in the state The &ajorit% of students do not &eet state standardi/ed
testing re*uire&ents needed for graduation
The Ga#i&a co&&unit% has e0perienced pheno&enal de&ographic changes o!er
the past 3) %ears At G.==" 9ispanic students ha!e increased fro& less than ( percent
of the total student population to o!er A) percent toda% This increase has -een
recogni/ed -% the US Depart&ent of Education through designation of G.== as a
H9ispanic Ser!ing 8nstitutionI
GEAR UP for Ga#i&a $ill pro!ide tutoring" &entoring" su&&er institutes"
college !isits" career and college fairs" ad!anced place&ent" fa&il% college planning
e!ents" and inter!entions for high a-sences to a cohort of '")(' si0th and se!enth grade
students and follo$ these students through high school graduation
The o-jecti!es for the project are to+ 2) i&pro!e -asic core acade&ic s#ills $ith
e&phasis on graduation" PSAT" SAT and A=T test scoresC ') esta-lish student acti!ities
$ith the goal to support progress to$ards graduation and postsecondar% opportunitiesC 3)
esta-lish acti!ities for the purpose of educating parents and fa&ilies a-out postsecondar%
options" preparation and financingC and A) enhance school effecti!eness -% i&pro!ing
staff de!elop&ent and curriculu& de!elop&ent
The partnership -et$een the GSD and G.== continues to -uild on a successful
histor% of o!er ;) %ears colla-oration through grants" curriculu& de!elop&ent" personnel
e0change and high school students ta#ing college courses
Point of =ontact+ Benja&in A Soria
Telephone ,u&-er+ ():5(;35;))2
E&ail Address+ S7R8ABE,?GSD@ED,ETEDU
=entral @ashington Uni!ersit%
7#anogan .alle% =entral @ashington Uni!ersit% GEAR UP Progra&
The 7#anogan .alle% =entral @ashington Uni!ersit% GEAR UP Project $ill
ser!e 2"A;4 si0th through 2'th grade students o!er si0 %ears in 7ro!ille" Bridgeport"
Bre$ster" 1a#e =helan" 7&a#" Tonas#et" and Danson school districts" an e0isting
consortiu& of districts in isolated agricultural co&&unities on the east slope of the
=ascade Dountains in north central @ashington State The Project -egins $ith a %ear
one cohort of ::( si0th and se!enth graders" adds another si0th grade class in %ear t$o"
and then follo$s the high school graduation classes of ')2)" ')22 and ')2' (2"A;4
students) to graduation The progra& sta%s in each &iddle and high school -uilding for
four %ears (&iddle school E %ears one through fourC high school E %ears three through
si0)" sufficient ti&e to -uild a sustaina-le culture of college5a$areness and preparation in
each -uilding -% project end =ohorts include high nu&-ers of 9ispanic" &igrant and
=ol!ille 8ndian students District po!ert% rates range fro& (' percent to 4( percent"
reflecting resident fa&ilies6 dependenc% on seasonal agricultural e&plo%&ent
Proposed ser!ices include+ tutors trained to $or# in class and in e0tended da%
hoursC %earl% age5appropriate college planning acti!ities and learning portfoliosC
co&panion &aterials for parents in English and Spanish designed to engage parents in
their children6s high school progra& and college planningC GED" ES1" ABE and
co&puter classes for parentsC college outreach acti!ities and ca&pus !isits for students
and parentsC &entoring for students and high school tutors fro& =entral @ashington
Uni!ersit% Bridges college students $ho pro!ide help $ith &athe&atics" $riting and
language arts" technolog% and enrich&ent acti!itiesC access to ne$ Kcollege in the high
school6 progra&s for capa-le students through training su-sidies for teachers to =@U6s
=ornerstone Project to -eco&e certified to pro!ide college5credit -earing classes in
districtsC support" including -ilingual tutors" for &igrant students coordinated $ith
Secondar% Education for Digrant Gouth (SEDG)C student teacher place&ents in partner
school districts to help recruit $ell5trained ne$ teachers to these districtsC annual
s%&posia for district teachers" counselors and ad&inistrators" =@U facult% and partners
on -est practices to ser!e students of color and high po!ert% to close the achie!e&ent gap
and to prepare the& to enter and co&plete postsecondar% education
Project Director+ Bulie Guggino
Telephone ,u&-er+ ():5:<35'<A)
E&ail Address+ GUGG8,7B?=@UEDU
Uni!ersit% of @ashington
T$o .alle%s 7ne .ision GEAR UP Progra&
The T$o .alle%s 7ne .ision GEAR UP Progra& has -rought together four higher
education institutions" 2' pu-lic school districts" one tri-al school" and eight co&&unit%
partners to pro!ide a range of co&prehensi!e earl% inter!ention ser!ices This project
$ill ser!e s&all rural schools located in the Ga#i&a and S#agit .alle%s of @ashington
State The Ga#a&a ,ation 8ndian Reser!ation is also $ithin the Ga#i&a .alle% These
schools ha!e a large nu&-er of i&&igrant" 9ispanic &igrant far& $or#er and ,ati!e
A&erican students The characteristics of these students include &an% -eing li&ited
English spea#ing students" all ha!e high po!ert% rates (a!erage ;; percent)" o!erall lo$
graduation rates" high &o-ilit% rates" o!erall lo$ acade&ic achie!e&ent on state testing
standards and li&ited opportunities for entering postsecondar% education
The T$o .alle%s 7ne .ision GEAR UP $ill offer a range of co&prehensi!e
ser!ices starting $ith a si0th and se!enth grade cohort of '";'3 students and ser!e the&
through high school graduation The ser!ices $ill include+ 2) professional de!elop&ent"
') -efore and after school tutoring" 3) Saturda% and su&&er progra&s" A) &entoring" ()
planning" <) fa&il% financial planning" and ;) '2st =entur% Scholar =ertificates All
ser!ices $ill -e culturall% appropriate" researched5-ased and pro!en effecti!e practices
The T$o .alle%s 7ne .ision GEAR UP ser!ices $ill help '";'3 students each
%ear of the grant to achie!e the follo$ing &easura-le outco&es+ 2) increase -% 2) percent
the nu&-er of se!enth and 2)th grade students passing the state standard @AS1 Test in
&ath and readingC ') increase -% 2) percent each %ear the nu&-er of students passing
ad!anced &ath coursesC 3) increase -% ') percent the nu&-er of students $ho ta#e the
SAT and A=T testsC A) increase -% ') percent the nu&-er of students enrolling in
postsecondar% educationC () increase the nu&-er of students that graduate high school -%
') percentC and <) increase -% () percent the nu&-er of parents a$are of college
re*uire&ents for their children
Project Director+ 1oueta Bohnson
Telephone ,u&-er+ ():54<(54<;;
E&ail Address+ johnsonl?u$ashingtonedu
Eastern @ashington Uni!ersit%
9elping Rural Students Succeed
7n$ard+ Preparing Rural Students for Success is a partnership -et$een Eastern
@ashington Uni!ersit% and eight rural school districts in northeastern @ashington+
=olu&-ia" =urle$" =usic#" Dar% @al#er" ,orthport" Repu-lic" Sel#ir#" and @ellpinit A
cohort of fifth through se!enth grade students $ill -e supported throughout this project
Partner schools are in co&&unities that face high rates of po!ert% and une&plo%&ent"
poor student achie!e&ent on state standardi/ed tests" and lo$ graduation rates Fe$
attend or graduate fro& college
7n$ard is designed to o!erco&e the -arriers that #eep too &an% of our lo$5inco&e
students fro& college+
8nade*uate acade&ic preparationC
1ac# of ti&el% infor&ation to fa&il% and studentsC
1ac# of e0perience and fa&iliarit% $ith the college process and cultureC and
Prohi-iti!e college costs
7n$ard -rings together a po$erful alliance that includes partner schools and tri-al
entities" &odel school progra&s" and nonprofits dedicated to o!erco&ing o-stacles
through sustained" focused" and concerted action
This project see#s to increase acade&ic achie!e&ent through intensi!e teaching and
tutoring" curriculu& re!ision" and teacher professional de!elop&ent to help teachers -est
reach students This project also see#s to change school and co&&unit% culture regarding
acade&ic achie!e&ent and college attendance so that all students feel supported and
read% to graduate fro& high school and choose postsecondar% education Finall%" this
project see#s to $or# $ith fa&ilies to understand the process of preparing for" getting
into" and affording college
Project Director+ .alerie Appleton
Telephone ,u&-er+ ():53(:5'3'4
E&ail Address+ .APP1ET7,?DA81E@UEDU
Uni!ersit% of @isconsin E Eau =laire
Uni!ersit% of @isconsin E Eau =laire and U@5Stout GEAR UP Grant
The Uni!ersit% of @isconsin Eau =laire and the Uni!ersit% of @isconsin5Stout
propose a GEAR UP Partnership Grant designed to ser!e (23 students (;( percent of
$ho& are ,ati!e A&erican)C at four northern @isconsin schools ser!ing lo$5inco&e
disad!antaged students Eight partners ha!e colla-orated to de!elop this proposal
focusing on strengthening schools and pro!iding opportunities for lo$5inco&e students
Partners include+ the Uni!ersit% of @isconsin5Eau =laire (U@5Eau =laire)" the
Uni!ersit% of @isconsin5Stout" the @inter Pu-lic School District" the 1ac =ourte 7reilles
Tri-al School" the Deno&inee 8ndian Pu-lic School District and the Deno&inee Tri-al
School" (the Deno&inee Schools reside in an Enterprise =o&&unit%) the U@5Eau =laire
9u&an De!elop&ent =enter" and the @isconsin Depart&ent of Pu-lic 8nstruction
To gi!e &ore lo$5inco&e students the s#ills" encourage&ent" and preparation
needed to persist" graduate and pursue postsecondar% educationC a total of RA2)"A))
federal dollars (R4)))) per student) is re*uested for the first %ear of the grant $ith
RA2)"A)) &atching partnership dollars and in5#ind support (si0 %ear projected total Q
R'"A<'"A))) These resources fund student ser!ices that include assess&ent" tutoring and
&entoring" increased acade&ic achie!e&ent" pre5college ca&ps" college preparator%
course enroll&ent in &iddle and high school" increased graduation rates" teacher
professional de!elop&ent" college" career and financial aid infor&ation and increased
fa&il% in!ol!e&ent in education
,ine o-jecti!es for& an a&-itious -ut attaina-le progra& design Because
students can -egin to disengage fro& their education at the third grade le!el" this proposal
-egins $ith students fro& third through se!enth grade This GEAR UP Partnership Grant
$ill -e o!erseen -% a Partnership =ouncil $ith &e&-ers fro& the t$o colleges" the four
schools" a Parent Group" and -usiness and co&&unit% organi/ations The fiscal agent
$ill -e U@5Eau =laire
Project Director+ Dargaret 9e--ring
Telephone ,u&-er+ ;2(543<5(4'<
E&ail Address+ 9EBBR8DA?U@E=EDU
Uni!ersit% of @isconsin5Dil$au#ee
U@5Dil$au#ee GEAR UP
The purpose of the Uni!ersit% of @isconsin Dil$au#ee (U@D) GEAR UP
Progra& is to increase the nu&-er of lo$5inco&e students attending targeted Dil$au#ee
Pu-lic Schools (DPS) $ho co&plete high school and graduate fro& college The
proposed progra& $ill follo$ a cohort of 2"<;2 si0th and se!enth grade students enrolled
in se!en high po!ert% &iddle schools 8t is anticipated that significant nu&-ers of these
students $ill attend one of se!en target high schools There is a pressing need for U@D
GEAR UP Students enrolled in the target schools reside in the central cit% of
Dil$au#ee" $hich is a high po!ert% area of the cit% $ith lo$ educational attain&ent
rates 7!er 4) percent of the target school students are eligi-le for free and reduced price
lunch The proposed target high schools graduate (4 percent of their students in
co&parison to the :2 percent state graduation rate The target high schools6 dropout rate
at 22;( percent is significantl% higher than the < percent state dropout rate Target
school students perfor& significantl% lo$er on the A=T college entrance e0a&ination
than other DPS and @isconsin students GEAR UP $ill address these pro-le&s through
a co&prehensi!e pre5college acade&ic support progra& GEAR UP ser!ices include+
&entoring and tutoring" ca&pus !isits" Saturda% and su&&er ca&ps" and parent acti!ities
U@D GEAR UP students $ill i&pro!e their reading and &athe&atics scores" and enroll
in pre5alge-ra and alge-ra GEAR UP students and their parents $ill -e #no$ledgea-le
a-out postsecondar% options The professional de!elop&ent progra& $ill ensure that
teachers ha!e increased #no$ledge in the acade&ic content areas" enhanced technolog%
and classroo& &anage&ent s#ills U@D GEAR UP is a colla-orati!e partnership $ith
the Dil$au#ee Area Technical =ollege" the Dil$au#ee Pri!ate 8ndustr% =ouncil" DPS"
U@S Dulticultural =enter for Educational E0cellence" Stri!e Dedia 8nstitute" the Student
Accessi-ilit% =enter" U@D School of Education Facult%" Ur-an Underground" and the
U@5=redit Union
Project Director+ Pa&ela E =lar#
Telephone ,u&-er+ A2A5'':5'A)2
E&ail Address+ P=1ARK?U@DEDU
Fair&ont State
Fair&ont State GEAR UP
@est .irginia is at5ris# and
faces great o-stacles in pro&oting its
%outh to aspire to higher education+
high po!ert% and lo$ college5going
rates Research sho$s the direct
correlation that e0ists -et$een po!ert%
and lac# of college attain&ent 8t also
sho$s that children are less li#el% to
attend college if their parents ha!e not
attended college @est .irginia has
all of the co&ponents to -e eligi-le
for a GEAR UP grant+ po!ert%" an uneducated adult population" at5ris# %outh" lo$
educational goals" lo$ e0pectations" lo$ participation in college preparator% courses" and
ulti&atel%" lo$ college5going rates This is a c%cle that is not -ro#en easil%
7!er <"<)) students" in 2A counties (nearl% one third of the state)" in (< &iddle
and high schools $ill recei!e GEAR UP ser!ices An enthusiastic group of partners are
su-&itting this d%na&ic plan to address the needs of our at5ris# student population A
thoughtful and e0perienced project plan has -een designed to ta#e into consideration the
depth" -readth" and scope of this energetic project Acti!ities ha!e -een designed to &eet
the goals and o-jecti!es of GEAR UP These include -ut are not li&ited to+ after5school
and $ee#end progra&s" tutoring" &entoring" counseling" college fairs and tours" financial
aid $or#shops" co&puter projects" &oti!ational acti!ities including a GEAR8,G UP
F7R =711EGE poster contest" a !ariet% of su&&er ca&ps and enrich&ent progra&s"
educational field trips" leadership and learning st%le training" co&prehensi!e teacher
training acti!ities" parent in!ol!e&ent and literac% and acade&ic readiness progra&s"
'2st =entur% Scholar presentations" technolog% literac%" curriculu& re!ie$ and acade&ic
rigor incenti!es" co&prehensi!e coordination $ith state and local agencies to ensure the
efficient use of resources" and an inno!ati!e scholarship progra&
Through a strong &anage&ent plan" s#illed leaders" and rigorous internal and
e0ternal e!aluation processes" the intended outco&es are to institutionali/e the !alues of
GEAR UP so that at the end of the funding c%cle" college5going rates are increased"
student self5estee& and &oti!ation are i&pro!ed" acade&ic s#ill5le!els are higher and
school en!iron&ents ha!e e&-raced the concept of student success $here-% all students
are encouraged to reach for higher education goals" &a#ing college attain&ent an
institutionali/ed realit% that is the nor&" not the e0ception as it has -een for generations
Project Director+ A&ie Fa/alare
Telephone ,u&-er+ 3)A53<;5)A3<
E&ail Address+ afa/alare?&ailfsc$!edu
What Makes our Needs Unique?
We are a State with immense poverty, ranking
last (50
) for per capita income.
Only 14.! of o"r a#"lts have a college #egree.
51! of o"r $S gra#s in %00% went on to college
compare# to 54! statewi#e an# 5&.&!
=entral @%o&ing =ollege
=entral @%o&ing =ollege GEAR UP
=entral @%o&ing =ollege (=@=) is a s&all" t$o5%ear co&&unit% college located
$ithin the -oundaries of the @ind Ri!er 8ndian (@R8) Reser!ation" one of the largest
,ati!e A&erican reser!ations in the United States =@= is the onl% accredited
postsecondar% institution $ithin a 2')5&ile radius The U S Depart&ent of 9ealth and
9u&an Ser!ices '))3 Data Profile for the @R8 Reser!ation reports that 4; percent of
fa&il% inco&es are -elo$ po!ert% le!elC ;) percent ha!e a histor% of su-stance a-useC <<
percent ha!e a histor% of fa&il% !iolenceC and nearl% ') percent of children ha!e
atte&pted suicide 7!er () percent of students enrolled in eighth grade drop out -efore
their class graduatesC onl% one out of ten indi!iduals o!er '( ha!e recei!ed a college
1ocal school counselors ha!e identified the si0th grade as a crucial ti&e period
$here a &ajorit% of students decide to sta% in school or to drop out -efore their class
graduates This de&onstrates a high need for acade&ic and support ser!ices -efore such
a decision is &ade The =@= GEAR UP plans to partner $ith four &iddle schools on
the @R8 Reser!ation and target students enrolled in grades fi!e through se!en ,inet%5
se!en percent of the students ser!ed $ill -e ,ati!e A&erican
The project has identified its o!erall purpose to help students i&pro!e their
acade&ic perfor&ance and preparation for postsecondar% educationC increase parental
in!ol!e&ent to enhance acade&ic" e&otional and social gro$th of studentsC and to
pro!ide professional de!elop&ent acti!ities to teachers Students $ill -e pro!ided
tutoring" financial aid assistance" &entoring" and &onthl% student success $or#shops
Business and co&&unit% agenc% partnerships ha!e -een esta-lished in support of this
project to pro!ide educational opportunities to the high5ris# %outh in the target area
The% include the 1u&ina Foundation" USA Funds" ,ational @eather Ser!ice" Ri!erton
De&orial 9ospital" and the ,orthern Arapaho and Shoshone Bo%s and Girls =lu-
The total nu&-er of students ser!ed $ill -e 32( o!er the fi!e5%ear grant period
Federal funds for the fi!e5%ear period $ill -e R2"(2'")))" &atched -% non5federal local
sources =@= has co&&itted a scholarship co&ponent pro!iding direct financial aid to
students totaling R3))"))) o!er the si05%ear period
Project Director+ Krist% K Salis-ur%
Telephone ,u&-er+ 3);54((5''A<
E&ail ,u&-er+ KSA18SBU?=@=ED

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