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Lesson 1: Fashion

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English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1

Vocabulary Fashion

Listen to the following expressions and repeat them:

o Elegance is a question of personality, more than one's clothing, Jean-Paul
o Fashion is something barbarous, for it produces innovation without reason and
imitation without benefit, George Santayana.
o Common sense is genius dressed in its working clothes, Ralph Waldo Emerson.
o Only men who are not interested in women are interested in women's clothes.
Men who like women never notice what they wear, Anatole France.
o Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society,
Mark Twain.

The listening is available in the virtual classroom

Choose the correct definition of the previous expressions:

o Elegance is a question of personality, more than one's clothing, Jean-Paul
a) A personality can be elegant, clothes cannot.
b) A person can be more elegant without clothes.
c) If you have an elegant personality, dont worry about your clothes.
d) None.

o Fashion is something barbarous, for it produces innovation without reason and
imitation without benefit, George Santayana:
a) Fashion doesnt belong to civilisation.
b) Fashion is anything but profitable.
c) Barbarians were always very innovative, thats why the Roman Empire
d) None.
English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1
o Common sense is genius dressed in its working clothes, Ralph Waldo Emerson:
a) And genius is common sense dressed in a three piece suit.
b) Thats why common sense is not that common.
c) A nice way to say that common sense is somewhat brilliant.

o Only men who are not interested in women are interested in women's clothes.
Men who like women never notice what they wear, Anatole France:
a) Of course! Women wear dresses!
b) Well, it depends on if the clothes are very suggestive...
c) But women do.

o Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society,
Mark Twain:
a) People can judge you by your appearance.
b) If you want to get anywhere in life you have to look the part.
c) Both.

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Listening and Speaking

Listen and repeat the following quote included in the Bible, 1 Corithians
vi i . 31: The fashion of this world passeth away.

The listening is available in the virtual classroom

o Explain your point of view and record yourself. The recording must be at least
one minute.

Hint: This is from Shakespeare:
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts.
English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1
The topic

Use of English

Match the following words with their correct definition:

A. Chore 1. Suffering from malnutrition.
B. Frail 2. To confine from illness.
C. Malnourished
3. To take part in an activity in an
experimental uncommitted way.
D. To starve 4. To suffer or die of hunger.
E. To shut away 5. To retreat or to move away.
F. To shut in 6. A routine or daily task.
G. To bring on 7. To die.
H. To dabble in 8. To lock someone or something.
I. To pull back 9. To make the start of a pain, illness, etc.
J. To pass away 10. Weak, delicate, fragile.

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English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1
Listening National Geographic Taboo - Beauty, Isabelle Caro

Listen to the video about Isabelle Caro, a former model who suffered
from anorexia, and write down all the vocabulary you can understand
related to anorexia.

The video is available at:

Listen to each of the following four expressions and then repeat them
again at the same time as the presenter pronounces them.

o Its all too common in the modeling industry (minute 2:29).
o against all odds she survives (minute 3:07).
o but the problem goes way beyond the catwalk (minute 4:43).
o What counts is beauty on the inside (minute 9:40).

English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1
Have a look at the following words, expressions and phrasal verbs that
appear in the video and use the dictionary to look up the meanings.

Vocabulary Expressions Phrasal Verbs
Grocery She knew all too well To end up
Chore To fall ill To grow up
Challenge Tunnel of death To put on
Item Against all odds To shut away
Trash Up to 40% To shut in
Corner store To pull back from the brink To waste away
Weekly shop To snap your fingers To bring on
Chronically To mark the occasion To look at
Frail To give your all To dabble in
Malnourished A stand against To pull back
Tumultuous Home schooling To go around
Eating disorder To get a bug To come out

To pass away

To be over





To ban


To starve

Tooth decay







To go beyond

English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1

Answer the following questions using full sentences. Write your answers
and compare them with the suggested ones.

o Why cant Isabelle buy a lot when she goes shopping?
o Why dont models talk about the fact that they are pushed into being anorexic?
o What do pro-Anas do?
o Is Isabelle getting used to eating every day?
o Did Isabelle use to go to school? How did she get her education?

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English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1

The Dukan Diet

7 Problems with the Dukan Diet
Adapted from:

Problem #1: Health

From a health point of view following a high protein diet like the Dukan Diet can produce a
number of different side effects

High Cholesterol although losing weight usually helps lower your cholesterol levels in the
long-term if you chose your protein sources predominately from high cholesterol foods such as
red meat and eggs your cholesterol levels may increase.

Gout a high protein diet is just one of many factors that can lead to you suffering from gout.
Other things such as your family history, age, gender and level of alcohol consumption also
influence whether you are likely to suffer.

Constipation On the days you eat only protein the likelihood of being constipated is increased.
Dr Dukan recognised this problem and to combat it you are required to drink a lot of water and
to eat oat bran. If you do suffer with constipation you may find it helpful to miss out the initial
Attack Phase where you eat only protein and go straight to the steady weight loss Cruise Phase
where you also eat some vegetables.

Problem #2: Induction Flu

Induction Flu isnt a type of flu at all it is a colloquialism used to describe the withdrawal
symptoms your body experiences as you switch from carbohydrates to protein and your own
body fat to fuel your body. Apart from not having a chill or fever the symptoms are very similar
to flu. In addition to having a bad headache you can also feel nauseous, lethargic and irritable
and be unable to concentrate. The good news (?) is that it should last only 2 to 3 days and if you
plan for it to happen it should not divert you from your objective.

Problem #3: Ketosis

Burning body fat instead of carbohydrate for fuel is known as ketosis and whilst it produces the
obvious benefits of weight loss it puts additional burden on your kidneys and liver and in
English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1
extreme cases causes serious damage. Milder side effects of ketosis are bad breath, a metallic
taste in your mouth and strong urine odour.

This is true. Precisely speaking, first there is ketogenesis (the process by which the ketone
bodies are produced; completely normal) and then, if certain circumstances occur, ketosis (a
state of an elevated level of ketone bodies; still safe if not prolonged). It is worth mentioning that
ketosis is nothing to be afraid of unless you are having some serious problems with your kidneys
or liver.

Problem #4: Nutritional Deficiency

The Attack and Cruise phases of the Diet are very restrictive and if you have a lot of weight to
lose you would be on this restrictive diet for some time. You can of course counteract
deficiencies by the use of nutritional supplements ()

If you are overweight or obese it is very likely that you are experiencing nutritional deficiencies
right now (not even being aware of that fact). Truth be told, all the foods on a 100 Dukan Diet
safe list are very nourishing and healthy. Theres an example of a few foods that are diet
compliant and rich in minerals here.

Problem #5: Not suitable for everyone

There are a number of groups of people who would find it difficult or who would not be able to
follow this plan. For example it is not suitable for Vegans or Vegetarians and the use of oat bran
means than Celiacs (Coelaics) cant follow this plan. It would also not be suitable for anyone who
is pregnant or who has liver or kidney problems.

Abstracting from vegans and vegetarians who, in my opinion, shouldnt have any problems with
their weight (as their way of living is supposed to be nature-friendly) Sure this diet is not
everyone but which one is?

Why would a pregnant woman think of dropping any weight? Is there a weight loss program
that is suitable for pregnant women?

As far as the presence of gluten in oat bran is concerned, Celiacs can substitute oat bran with
rice bran which is gluten-free.

No one says that dukan Diet is for everyone. It is not. There is not a single diet that would satisfy
everybodys needs. Not suitable for everyone is not a problem, its a factor that makes me
believe that the Dukan Diet is a working method. In my view dukan Diet is not an impractical
fad diet but it is a real, healthy diet plan for people who seriously think about losing weight.
English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1

Problem #6: Additional costs

I completely disagree with this:

Eating a diet high in protein but low in carbohydrates is more expensive. You can keep costs
down by concentrating on eating eggs, poultry and milk products as your forms of protein but if
you are going to be on the diet for any length of time you will need the variety that eating meat,
fish and seafood will provide. There is also the cost of nutritional supplements to take into

Starchy food like potatoes, bread, corn, pasta is cheap indeed. On the other hand, after some
time on the dukan diet the body adapts to more nourishing food and the fact is the overall
amount of food you eat per meal is decreasing. Every dieter should keep in mind that it was
most likely too much food that caused his or her overweight problems in the first place. Quality
over quantity is the key.

There are no supplements (in means of pills and such) recommended on the dukan diet. The
diets 100 safe foods list consists of natural, easily available foods + oat bran. Everything else
(i.e. vitamin tablets or diet coke) is voluntary and, most likely, wont improve your results

Problem #7: The impact on your social life

The restrictive nature of the Attack and Cruise phases are likely to mean that you will need to
make considerable changes to your social life.

Health and social problems are the two most common reasons to diet. I believe, that people who
decide to go on with the Dukan Diet are counting on it to have an impact on their social life!
They want to be slimmer, lighter, healthier and so on

English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1
Reading comprehension test

Answer the questions using full sentences:

o If losing weight usually implies your cholesterol levels get lower, why should this
diet have the problem of high cholesterol?
o If you suffer from constipation and you want to follow this diet, what advice is
given to you?
o What are some of the secondary effects of ketosis?
o Change one expression from this sentence from the text to get used to without
changing the meaning. On the other hand, after some time on the Dukan diet the
body adapts to more nourishing food and the fact is the overall amount of food
you eat per meal is decreasing.
o Write a short report of the pros and cons, the advantages and the dangers, of the
Dukan diet and dieting in general. Send your work to your tutor on-line.

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English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1
Have a look at the following words, expressions and phrasal verbs that
appear in the text and use the dictionary to look up the meanings:

Vocabulary Expressions Phrasal Verbs
Side effects To have an impact on To miss out
To lower
To switch from one thing
to another
To disagree with
Red meat To keep down
Gout To concentrate on
To be likely To go on
Constipation To count on
Likelihood To argue with
Oat bran


To fuel


To be overweight


To drop weight

Starchy food

To be afraid of
English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1

A. Used to + verb

We use 'used to' to talk about past habits and states which are now finished. Used to is
not used to say what, how long, or how many times an activity happened. Would is
often used for the exact same us:
I used to go for a walk every day, but I got out of the habit in winter.
I would go for a walk every day, but I got out of the habit in winter.

I used to si t for hours drawing when I was a little girl.
I would si t for hours drawing when I was a little girl.

I used to watch horror films with my Dad, and my sister used to hide behind the
I would watch horror films with my Dad, and my sister would hide behind the

Difference between used to and would

We tend to use would to talk about or narrate a story about typical behavior or routine
in the past. Would cannot refer to past states. Used to can refer to past states: being,
possession, mind, and major, unbreakable habits (usually bad), etc.
Mark used to have a red and yellow car.
Mark would have a red and yellow car.

It is also used to talk about something that was true in the past but it is no longer true.
There used to be a summer cinema in Triana. I used to love it. But they knocked
it down.
She used to wear really old clothes but now she is becoming more fashion
I used to get on with them but I dont anymore.

English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1
B. To be used to + -ing

We use be used to when we want to describe something that is familiar to the subject;
a person has experienced the action involved so much that it is no longer new or

Remember that to be used to is followed by a verb in ing form.

Shes used to li vi ng on her own. In fact she loves it.
Becky has lived in England for over a year now and she i s used to dr i vi ng on the
They've always travelled outside Spain so they arent used to recommendi ng
any tourist spots here.

C. To get used to + verb -ing

We use the structure to get used to doing when we want to describe something which is
becoming familiar for us. Sometimes we can find become or grow instead of get.
Remember that get used to is followed by a verb in ing form.

It was hard at the beginning but I quickly got used to wr i ti ng the course.
She has only just started working nights and it is difficult for her to get used to
sleepi ng during the day.
I have always lived in France but now I'm beginning to get used to li vi ng in
English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1

Complete the following sentences with the correct option:

o I've been getting up early every day since I started to work. However, I
________ to it.
a) 'm already used
b) used
c) use
d) 'm still not used

o Excuse me, do you mind if I ______ your mobile phone?
a) use
b) get used to
c) used
d) am using

o After the summer it always takes me several days __________ up that early
a) to be used to get
b) to get used to getting
c) to get used to get
d) to be used to getting

o The queue in this Liverpool bakery ___________ to be so bad but now it's
terrible. These new Wet Nelly cakes are fabulous.
a) didn't used
b) didn't use
c) use
d) was used

o I _______ to swim 3 kilometers a day before. Now I only swim twice a week.
a) use
b) B. got used to
c) used
d) was used to

English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1
o If you go to live in Spain, you __________ on the right.
a) 'll have to get used to drive
b) 'd have to get used to
c) 'll have to get used to driving
d) 'd have had to get used to

o Last year, it was difficult for her to speak in French but she _________ to it
a) uses
b) was used
c) gets used
d) 's used

o David doesn't have any hobby now, but he __________ .
a) likes it
b) used to
c) didn't use to
d) was using to

o Inma was in London for a year. She liked the city but she ______________ the
food and most of all, the weather.
a) could never get used to
b) could ever get used to
c) wasn't used to
d) couldn't ever get used to

o People ________ Wassup in Seville yet but in a few months time everybody will
be using it like crazy.
a) isn't used to using
b) are used to using
c) don't use
d) aren't used to using

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English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1
Fill in the gaps with used to, get used to, be used to:

o Julian (have) a bike but now he has got a motorbike.
o Shes new in this job so she (tell) other people what to do.
o When she was a student, she (work) in a fruit shop.
o When she lived in Triana, she often (go) to Las Golondrinas.
o She (play) the piano but now she plays the guitar.
o When she was younger, she (not eat) chicken because she (be) a
vegetarian. Now, she (eat) chicken every week.
o She (go) to a very traditional school where she wore a green and pink
o Is he (live) in his new house yet?
o Luis was just (wear) contact lenses but he decided recently to have the
operation on his eyes.

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Match the two halves of the sentences:

A. Shes British so

1. she is used to look after small
B. I used to enjoy being with that
2. she much prefers working days.
C. She will never get used to working
3. but now I find them all really
D. I used to eat a lot of peanut butter 4. when we were children.
E. When she worked in London, 5. she is used to driving on the left.
F. Being the eldest, 6. but now Im on a diet.
G. We used to go to Blackpool on the
train for days out
7. she used to have to get up really

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English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1


In English, it is possible to have different pronunciation for the same
graphemes. We have already seen how stress may change the lexical word from verb
to noun, as in record , which is noun or verb depending on the place we have the

In this unit, we are going to see how the same grapheme may have different
pronunciations in English:

EA /i:/ read, eat, tea, meat, speak, breathe /e/ bread, health, ready
EAR / / near, ear, dear, fear, beard, clear / e / pear, wear, bear

Important: there are more words which has a different spelling but have the previous

/i:/ me, feet, piece
/e/ friend, said, many
// engineer, here
/e/ where, square, chair

Theory adapted from Hancock, Mark , English Pronunciation in Use Intermediate,
Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1

Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the
graphemes ea o ear:

leave head year peak bean
wear teach bread dead mean
bed tea break bear death
sea hear sweat meat near
ear heat dear healthy pea

/i:/ /e/ / / /e/

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English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1
Extra information

Cultural focus

Watch the following video about full figured models. Full Figure
Models & Self-Esteem - Daily Buzz - Jada Collins

The video is available in:

Fill in the gaps with information from the video.

Thinner women felt a __1.____in self esteem when they looked at
___3._____women felt a drop in self esteem as they looked at __4._____ models.
Healthy weight women thought they werent as______ as they wanted to be. They
wanted to see models which were similar to themselves.

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English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1
Look at the following vocabulary which appeared in the video:

Vocabulary Expressions Phrasal Verbs
Enhancement On stage To sort out
Insane Free flowing To laugh at
Constrictive Plus-sized models To be off
Self esteem Fuller-figured ladies To look at
To lower To point the finger
Overweight First of all
To fix BMI (Body Mass Index)
This is the end of the world!


Watch this advertisement!

The video is available at:

Whats the dogs attitude in the street? Does he act as current

Describe the dog and pay attention to the voice in the images.

English Link for B2
UNIT 6 Lesson 1
Additional material


Used to and would:


BBC listening on fashion:

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