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--- On Sat, 20/9/08, RAHUL MISTRY <nds_rahulmstr!" !

ah##$%#m& 'r#t()
*r#m) RAHUL MISTRY <nds_rahulmstr!" !ah##$%#m&
Su+,(%t) -ss.lst/ 0tru 1#sh
T#) ss.lst"!ah##2r#u. s$%#m
1at() Saturda!, 20 S(.t(m+(r, 2008, 2)34 0M
Dear All

Jai Gurudev

By grace of Param Pujya Gurudev for the beneft of everybody, I would like to
re!ent the following collection of information" I hoe everybody will be able
to u!e it and get benefted"

#et me clear at thi! !tage it!elf that I am not an a!trologer" I am !imly a
!adhak like other!" I have collected all the below given information from
Param Pujya Gurudev, $antra %antra &antra 'igyan $onthly $aga(ine,
variou! article!, friend!, and other !ource!" )hatever I have collected from
other!, i! given in the following article" I hoe everybody will be able to u!e it
and get benefted"


I !till remember the day and the moment!, when I took *Pitru Do!h +ivaran
Dik!ha* from Param Pujya Gurudev, on Guru Purnima ,hibir" It wa! really an
ama(ing moment"""- In the !hibir, Pujya Gurudev e.lained many a!ect! of
Pitru Do!h"

It al!o reminded me that Param Pujya Gurudev Dr" +arayan Dutt ,hrimaliji
al!o a!ked everybody to do *Pitru Do!h +ivaran* !adhna for many many
many time!" If Pujya Gurudev him!elf wa! highlighting Pitru Do!h for many
time!, then all of u! !hould under!tand the criticalne!! of thi! do!h"

#et u! under!tand what i! Pitru Do!h / )hy it i! !o critical / )hat are the
e0ect! of Pitru Do!h on one1! life / 2ow to remove ob!tacle! occurred from
Pitru Do!h /

How Pitru Dosh Occurs ?

%here are many way! by which Pitru Do!h can occur" According to general
information from variou! Puran, Pitru Do!h occur! when the !oul of our
ance!tor! and dearted forefather! doe! not get eace 3 !hanti 4 due to any
of the following main rea!on, and there may be other!"

354 Bad deed! 3 bad karma 4 of our ance!tor! in earlier life, knowingly or
unknowingly, are embarra!!ing their !oul!,
364 Bad deed! 3 bad karma 4 of children, knowingly or unknowingly, are
embarra!!ing the !oul of ance!tor!,
374 #ack of fulflment! of arental de!ire! of our ance!tor!,
384 A !udden and unnatural death of any relative ance!tor! in early age,
394 If !omeone fail! to remember and honour the ance!tor! roerly,
3:4 If certain wi!he! are remained attached with the !oul of the
ance!tor!, etc"

It i! !tated in the ancient te.t that Pitru Do!h occur! if any ance!tor! u to
the ;th generation on the father<! !ide and u to the 8th generation on the
mother<! !ide have e.ired at an early age or have had an unnatural death"

=ur ance!tor! are not only our family member! or relative!, but al!o our
teacher!, mentor!, role model! , friend!, and guardian!, who have
contributed to our welfare and growth in thi! or reviou! life" %hi! create! an
imlied obligation on u! to re!ect them and their arental de!ire! and call!
for following good deed!" If by any chance thi! i! not followed by anyone, it
may embarra!! the !oul! of the ance!tor!, which, in turn, become! Pitru

How to identify if someone is sufering from Pitru Dosh ?

%he e0ect of Pitru Do!h can al!o be found u!ing the 'edic A!trology"
According to 'edic A!trology, Pitru Do!h occur! when ,un and $oon i!
a>icted with ?ahu and @etu" It al!o ha! a direct connection with 2indu

According to 2indu $ythology, the A$?A% 3 Potion of Immortality 4 came out
of the ocean during ,A$A+D?A $A+%2A+" #ord 'i!hnu took $=2I+I ?==P
3 #ook of a BeautifulB$e!meri(i ng #ady 4 to di!tract the DA+A'! 3 Cvil! 4 and
!ub!eDuently !tarted di!tributing A$?A% among DC'! 3 Good 4 and DA+A'!,
!tarting with DC'!" =ne DA+A' feared that the DA+A'! will not get the
A$?A% and will get over by their turn" %herefore he changed hi! getu like
DC'! and !at between ,A?&A DC' 3 ,un 4 and E2A+D?A DC' 3 $oon 4" ,urya
Dev and Ehandra Dev recogni(ed the DA+A' and informed #ord 'i!hnu in
$ohini ?oo, who u!ed hi! weaon ,ADA?,2A+ E2A@?A to cutBo0 DA+A'<!
head" 2owever he already drank the A$?A%, he became immortal and then
from that time onward! the head i! known a! ?A2A and the tail i! known a!
@C%A" Cver !ince that time onward! ?ahu and @etu are bittere!t enemie! of
,un and $oon" ,ince than, ?ahu and @etu are trying to uni!h ,un and $oon,
and trie! to !wallow ,un and $oon"

?ahu and @etu are not lanet!" %hey are actually the inter!ection oint! of
the orbit of the $oon and the ellitic" %he inter!ection oint! in the north i!
called ?ahu or the north node or the dragon1! head and the inter!ection
oint! in the !outh i! called @etu or the !outh node or the dragon1! tail"
Indian ,aint! and ?i!he! have given them the !tatu! of lanet! !ince the!e
oint! have great inFuence on the live! of individual! and are called E22A&A
G?A2 3 ,hadow Planet! 4 or @armic lanet!" ?ahu and @etu are re!on!ible
for certain bad yoga! in the horo!coe of individual!"

%he ,aint! and ?i!he! have woven many fact! in the mythology to give a
meaning of ,olar 3 ,un 4 and #unar 3 $oon 4 Ccli!e" Another meaning i! that
?ahu give! the re!ult at a co!t of lo!ing the body" And @etu give! the re!ult at
a co!t of lo!ing the head" $ean!, the er!on under the e0ect of ?ahu or @etu
ha! to loo!e one thing to get another" Additionally, whenever there i! any
kind of connection between ?ahu G @etu and ,un G $oon, it mo!tly give!
inau!iciou! re!ult!"

At the core of A!trology, Pitru Do!h i! one tye of &oga, which i! formed by
variou! combination! and lacement! of lanet! and hou!e!" A! er
A!trology !y!tem, ,un i! the !ymbol of Hather" Hurthermore, the 5Ith hou!e
in the horo!coe al!o indicate! Hather and related a!ect!" 2ence, if any
negative combination of ,un or the 5Ith hou!e, indicate! re!ence of !ome
kind of Pitru Do!h"

Pitru Do!h &oga i! formed when ?ahu and @etu are with any of the lanet and
are laced in the :th, Jth and the 56th hou!e" $any a time!, thi! yoga i! al!o
formed in the 9th hou!e" In another combination, when Kth hou!e, Kth lord,
Kth hou!e from the moon or the lord of Kth hou!e from the moon i! under
inFuence of ?ahu and @etu thi! indicate! Pitru Do!h" Aart from thi! it i! al!o
!aid that if ?ahu i! !ituated in 6nd, :th Jth and 56th hou!e then it i!
con!idered a! Pitru Do!h"

At many lace!, ,aturn i! al!o hold eDually re!on!ible for di0erent form! of
Pitru Do!h" )hen ,un and ,aturn are in the !ame hou!e, or having Dri!hti
3 a0ecting each other 4, it i! al!o con!idered a! Pitru Do!h"

,aturn al!o rere!ent! our ance!tor!" If ,aturn i! a>icting $oon then redict
that Pitru Do!h i! from maternal !ide, while if ,aturn i! a>icting ,un, then
redict that the Pitru Do!h i! from aternal !ide" Hor thi! to haen, the 9th
lordLhou!e !hould al!o be a>icted"

According to Brihat Para!ara 2ora ,ha!tra, the variou! cur!e! from reviou!
birth! can be !een in a horo!coe" Brihat Para!ara 2ora ,ha!tra give! a li!t
of combination! which indicate! Pitru Do!h and other related Do!ha! with it!
remedie!" %he combination! given in Brihat Para!ara 2ora ,ha!tra areM

5" ,un in hi! debilitation ?a!hi and in the +avam!a of ,aturn i!
hemmed in between malefc! in the 9th 2ou!eN
6" ,un, a! #ord of the 9th, o!ited in a %rikona with a malefc, i!
hemmed in between malefc! and i! al!o a!ected by a malefcN
7" Juiter occuie! the ?a!hi of ,un, the #ord of the 9th i! with ,un
and #agna and the 9th are occuied by malefc!N
8" #ord of #agna, devoid of !trength, i! in the 9th and the #ord of the
9th i! combu!t and #agna and the 9th are occuied by malefc!N
9" there i! e.change of 2ou!e! between #ord! of the 9th and the 5Ith
and #agna and the 9th are occuied by malefc!N
:" $ar!, a! the #ord of the 5Ith, i! a!!ociated with the #ord of the 9th
and #agna, the 9th and the 5Ith are occuied by malefc!N
;" #ord of the 5Ith i! in the :th, Jth, or 56th, Juiter i! in a malefc
?a!hi and the #ord of #agna and the 9th are a!!ociated with malefc!N
J" ,un, $ar! and ,aturn are in #agna and the 9th and ?ahu and Juiter
are in the Jth and the 56thN
K" ,un i! in the Jth, ,aturn in the 9th, the #ord of the 9th i! a!!ociated
with ?ahu and #agna i! occuied by a malefcN
5I" #ord of 56th i! in #agna, #ord of Jth in 9th and #ord of 5Ith in JthN
55" #ord of :th i! in 9th, #ord of 5Ith in :th and Juiter i! a!!ociated
with ?ahu"

Simpe w!ys to identify Pitru Dosh

A!trological combination! and calculation! are u!ed to reci!ely fnd out the
e.act roblem and related !olution of Pitru Do!h" ,uch a!trological
calculation! are good, but they are far more comle. and hard to under!tand
for a common man"

%hen how a common man can identify if he i! under the bad inFuence! of
Pitru Do!h / )ell, there are !ome !ign! and method! given in the ancient
te.t!, which hel a er!on in identifying Pitru Do!h" Hollowing are the mo!t
imortant !ign! to identify the e.i!tence of Pitru Do!h"

5" Ehildren are falling !ick reeatedly"
6" %he coule ha! roblem in conceiving the child, i"e" roblem in
getting regnant"
7" ?eeated mi!carriage!"
8" =nly a girl child i! being conceived reeatedly"
9" Ouarrel! among family member! without any rea!onable rea!on"
:" %he er!on<! educational and career growth i! ob!tructed"
;" Di!rution in educational and career growth and !ucce!!"
J" %he family doe!n<t grow and face! many roblem! reeatedly"
K" %he family face! !irit like and black magic like e0ect! reeatedly"
5I" %ho!e who are hy!ically and mentally handicaed may have !uch

"h!t is Pitru P!#sh !nd Shr!ddh ?

'edic A!trology re!cribe! many remedie! for all the roblem! G from !imle
to comle. and cheae!t to co!tly" %here are many way! available to nullify
the e0ect! of Pitru Do!h" ,ome of the way! are de!cribed below"

It i! believed that !ati!fying our ance!tor! and forefather!, we can have their
ble!!ing! for eaceful and hay life" Hor the eace of the !oul! of our
ance!tor! it i! advice! to erform ,2?ADD2" ,hraddh i! the ritual and
ceremony erformed for the dearted !oul! of our ance!tor!" According to
ancient te.t!, the ,hraddh i! erformed during dark fortnight 3 @ri!hna Pak!h
4 in the month of A!hwin 3 ,etember G =ctober 4 which reache! to the
ance!tor! immediately and their !oul! will re!t in eace" =n the la!t day of
the fortnight, i"e" Amava!ya oblation! are o0ered to all tho!e dead ance!tor!
who!e %ithi 3 Date according to 2indu Ealendar4 of dead i! not known"

2indu Puran! are full of detail! about ,hraddh, e!ecially Bramha Puran,
Garud Puran, Agni Puran and $at!ya Puran" #ord &ama him!elf e.lained the
imortance of ,hraddh erformed during Pitru Pak!h" All the !inful deed!
committed by the ance!tor! are clean!ed by the ,hraddh, and all the
ance!tor! ble!! tho!e erforming the ,hraddh ritual!"

%he cu!tom! and the ritual! erformed during Pitru Pak!h vary regionally"
,ome eole fa!t on that day, and !ome do not !have for the fortnight" ,ome
erform! Puja and !ome o0er food to the crow!" According to 2indu
mythology, crow! rere!ent! forefather!, therefore crow! are o0ered food in
the!e day!" =n each day of the fortnight oblation! of water and PI+D! or
ball! of rice and meal are o0ered to the dead relative! by the !urviving
relative!" %hi! roce!! i! al!o called PI+D DAA+"

Pind Daan i! generally done in the Pitru @!hetra 3 Area 4" According to Puran
Pitru k!hetra have been divided into fve art! out of the!e Bodhigaya a!
,hira k!hetra, 'aitarni a! +abhi k!hetra, Pithaur a! adaar k!hetra,
,iddhur a! $atru k!hetra and Badrinath a! BrahmaBkaali k!hetra" %hu!, all
the!e fveBitru tirtha are variou! organ! of one body"

Bodhigaya @!hetra i! very famou!, ancient and holy ilgrim for dedicating
Pind Daan for ance!tor! and forefather!" %hat i! !ituated on the bank of Halgu
river in Bihar !tate"

+abhigaya @!hetra i! !ituated at Jajur village on the bank of 'aitarni river in
=ri!!a !tate" It i! al!o known a! +abhi @!hetra" 'aitarni river i! famou! in
Puran wherein it i! mentioned that after death one ha! to cro!! 'aitarni river
and the er!on who have erform good deed! during hi! life time can only
cro!! the river very ea!ily" But by erforming Pitru %aran Puja here, one can
make hi! forefather cro!! thi! river"

Padgaya @!hetra i! !ituated at Pithaur at %amil +adu !tate on the $adraB
valter railway line" It i! !ituated near ?aj $ahendri !tation"

,iddhur i! known a! $atru Gaya @!hetra i! !ituated in $ahe!ana di!trict of
Gujarat !tate" Bhagavan Par!huram erformed Pind Daan of hi! mother in
,iddhur" =n the bank of Bindu ,arovar, Pind Daan and ,hraddh ceremony
are erformed"

In $%%&' the Shr!ddh Pitru P!#sh (egins on Septem(er )* !nd ends
with S!r+! Pitru , A Ancestors - Am!+!sy! on Septem(er $./

Performing ,hraddh i! al!o con!idered a! the o0ering of our re!ect and
gratitude toward! our ance!tor!" $any time! erforming only ,hraddh i! not
!uPcient enough to remove the Pitru Do!h" ,ecial ritual! and uja ha! to be
erformed in order to remove the evil e0ect! of Pitru Do!h"

"h!t !re the recommended remedies for Pitru Dosh/

Remedy )

%he mo!t widely acceted !ecial ritual or uja for Pitru Do!h i! 0ARA1A0
2A3I PU4A" %hi! uja i! erformed only at few re!cribed lace! !uch a! 354
%ryambake!hwar in +a!ik , 364 Ehandod near Dabhoi near 'adodara in
Gujarat , 374 @ala 2a!ti in %amil +adu and 384 2aridwar" It i! very imortant
to note that the uja have to be erformed at the mentioned lace!"

Remedy $

Another remedy for Pitru Do!h i! given below" %hi! Puja can remove all kind!
of Pitru Do!h, and wa! al!o di!cu!!ed on the I,,P#I,% &ahoo Grou by the
u!er QDC'IRB2AGA%S in 6II8"

=n any ,omwati Amava!ya, when the Amava!ya i! falling on $onday, go to
Pial tree" =0er one &agyoavit to the tree and !econd &agyoavit to #ord
'i!hnu" %hen do 5IJ Parikrama 3 move in circle! around 4 of tree" )hile doing
Parikrama, chant the mantra Q=m +amo Bhaagvate 'aa!udevaayS and o0er
a !weet to the tree with each Parikrama" After fni!hing the Parikrama, again
ray to the Pial tree and #ord 'i!hnu and a!k forgivene!!"

Remedy 5

=ne more remedy wa! di!cu!!ed on I,,P#I,% &ahoo Grou i! li!ted below"
%hi! method i! already ubli!hed in December 6II7 i!!ue of $antra %antra
&antra 'igyan $aga(ine"

%o erform thi! uja, =ne $adhurooen ?udrak!h i! reDuired" %hi! uja i!
done only in Pitru Pak!h" Put the ?udrak!h in a late" ,tart chanting Q=m
+amah ,hivayS mantra for 5IJ time! while continuou!ly looking at the
?udrak!h" Perform thi! roce!! for all the 58 day! of Pitru Pak!h" =n the
,arva Pitru Amava!ya, wear the ?udrak!h around the neck u!ing black
thread" %hi! will get rid of Pitru Do!h"

Remedy 6

,imilar to the above mentioned remedy 7, take one normal Panchmukhi
?udrak!h" Do 5,69,III jaa of Q=$ +A$A2 ,2I'A&S mantra in 55 day!" %hen
wear the ?udrak!h around the neck u!ing black thread"

Remedy *

During the Pitru Pak!h, chant 6 L 7 L 9 or 55 mala of following mantra, u!ing
any mala"

Q =$ @?CC$ @#CC$ @?I,2+AA& PI%?A D=,2 +I'A?A+AA& @#CC$ HA%%S

Remedy *

%o get ble!!ing! of all Pitru!, thi! method i! e.tremely u!eful" %ake a brand
new ?udrak!h $ala to erform thi! uja" Do not u!e a mala which wa! u!ed
to chant other mantra!" Ehant the following mantra for 55 mala! daily during
the Pitru Pak!h"

Q=$ ,A?'A PI%?A P?A$ P?A,A++A B2A'A =$ S

Remedy 7

Another e.cellent method to get rid of Pitru Do!h i! to get ,ecial Pitru Do!h
+ivaran Dik!ha from Param Pujya Gurudev"

Remedy 8

Cvery ,aturday, make rice ball! by cooked rice and ghee" Heed the!e
rice ball! to crow! and f!h"

Remedy &

Anconditional !ervice! to arent!, oldBage needy er!on!, !weeer and oor
eole are recommended" %he er!on !hould try not to get angry in thi! life
and try not to engage in any kind of Duarrel! in hi! lifetime"

Remedy .

)or!hiing #ord 'i!hnu, !ecially the form of ,ri ?am, i! al!o advi!ed for
Pitru Do!h +ivaran" Per!on can al!o wor!hi #ord 'i!hnu with the main
mantra Q=$ +A$= +A?A&A+AA&S"

Remedy )%

%ry to feed 5I %hou!and, =ne %hou!and or 2undred Brahmin!, a! one can

Remedy ))

Perform @anya Daan 3 erform the marriage of a girl 4, if o!!ible for a
Brahmin @anya"

Remedy )$

2el other eole who are erforming ,hraddh @arma"

Remedy )5

Perform ?udrabhi!hek 3 ?udra Abhi!hek 4 in the name of the @A# or

Remedy )6

Donate Gold Eow to a Brahmin, with the ,ankal !tating that thi! i! for the

Remedy )*

Donate Q+eelamS gem !tone to !omeone in need"

I hoe above information will be u!eful for tho!e !u0ering from the Pitru
Do!h, and eDually u!eful for tho!e who wanted to know about Pitru Do!h"

$ay Param Pujya Gurudev<! ble!!ing! !hower on all of you, your family
member! and friend!"

Jai Gurudev"

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