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Use cases and user guide

Copyright Sopinspace 2014. This guide can be used according to the terms of the Creative Commons By-SA-4.0
icense !http"$. Co-ment is a registered trademar% of &hiippe
Aigrain. The guide 'as drafted by (uie )ucroc* and revised and transated by &hiippe Aigrain.
+ersion 1.0 , -ebruary 2014
Table of contents
A. .n a nutshe ".................................................................................................................................../
B. 0se cases and appication domains of co-ment..............................................................................4
B... 0S1 CAS1S............................................................................................................................4
B...a. Coaborative annotation of an e2isting te2t.....................................................................4
B...b. Coaborative 'riting by a sma group of drafters and a arger group of commentators 3
B...c. -eedbac% of teacher4 reader or editor on a draft or manuscript........................................5
B...d. 6eading interfaces............................................................................................................7
B....A&&8.CAT.9:S )9;A.:S.................................................................................................<
B....a. 8iterary education and digita humanities.......................................................................<
B....b. 1ditoria processes..........................................................................................................=
B....c. 8egisative processes and poitica programs................................................................10
B....d. 8ega anaysis................................................................................................................11
B....e. 8icenses and contracts..................................................................................................12
B....f. Communication !press reeases4 open etters4 position statements4 opinion editorias$ 1/
C. 0ser guide.....................................................................................................................................13
C... >96?S&AC1.......................................................................................................................17
C...a. -irst steps in the 'or%space...........................................................................................17
C...b. 0ser management...........................................................................................................20
C...c. ;anaging user roes.......................................................................................................24
C...d. Te2t management...........................................................................................................25
C...e. -oo'ing up..................................................................................................................2<
C.... C61AT.:@ A C9-;1:T T1AT........................................................................................./0
C....a. )rafting a te2t.............................................................................................................../0
C....b. 0poading a te2t............................................................................................................/0
C....c. .mport of a co-mented te2t............................................................................................/1
C....d. Choice of te2t editing format ......................................................................................./2
C....e. Settings" moderation and categories............................................................................./2
C..... >96?.:@ 9: A C9-;1:T T1AT................................................................................./3
C.....a. 0ser management......................................................................................................../3
C.....b. The toobar.................................................................................................................../3
C.....c. Te2t annotation............................................................................................................/5
C.....d. )iscussion threads......................................................................................................./<
C.....e. )ispaying and navigating comments........................................................................../<
C.....f. Te2t editing.................................................................................................................../=
C.....g. +ersion management.................................................................................................../=
C.....h. -oo'ing up the activity on a te2t..............................................................................41
C.....i. Sharing ne's on socia net'or%s.................................................................................41
C..+.1A&96T#&6.:T.:@ 9- A C9-;1:T1) T1AT..............................................................42
C..+.a. 1mbedding a co-ment te2t...........................................................................................42
C..+.b. &rinting........................................................................................................................42
C..+.c. 12port...........................................................................................................................4/
). ;ain eements of the ;ar%do'n synta2......................................................................................43
A. In a nutshell :
What is co-ment

? Co-ment is a Web service that enables its users to submit texts to

annotation/comments by others. Co-ment can be used either as a collaborative writing
platform where a few drafters write and revise a text while a larger group of users
annotate/comment on the various drafts. Or it can be used as a dedicated platform for
annotating existing texts. n this document! we use comment or annotation! commenting
and annotating to refer to the same activity of associating a note or comment to some
segment of a text. "he preferred terms depends on the context.
Co-ment is based on the CO#" free software under the $ffero %&'v( license! with a
reservation clause on the co-ment registered trademar). When you install and run CO#"!
you obtain exactly the same service that when subscribing to a co-ment &*O Web service.
+or direct access to the user guide ,ump to page -..
B. Use cases and application domains of co-ment
B.I.a. Collaborative annotation of an existing text

Co-ment is the idea too to enabe the coaborative annotation of an e2isting te2t. A is needed is
to upoad the te2t from your computer to co-ment4 or to input it directy in your co-ment 'or%space.
Choose then the users that you 'ish to invite to annotate the te2t on co-ment.
/ow to use co-ment
&ut on-ine the te2t that you 'ish to submit to comments. To do so4 you can either draft the
te2t directy4 copy and paste from a te2t or >eb page4 or upoad a te2t from a document fie
on your computer !see C...$.
>hen creating or oading te2t4 choose its underying format !see C....d$.
>hen your te2t is on-ine4 possiby edit it to reformat it !see C.....f$.
.f needed4 create comment categories. Categories 'i be visuaiBed as coored ines in the
margin4 and you 'i be abe to fiter comments according to these categories !see C....e.i$.
.nvite users 'ho 'i be ao'ed to comment on the te2t !see C...b.iii$. Assign them a roe"
according to this roe4 they 'i have access to various actions " observer !read$4
commentator4 moderator !of other peope comments$4 editor !of te2t$ or manager !of users
and te2ts$ !see C...c.i and C...c.iii$
.f you 'ish to ao' reading or commenting by non-registered users4 you can ma%e the te2t
pubic by given non-registered users reading or commenting rights !see C...d.iii$.
Choose moderation type , a priori or a posteriori , for comments !see C....e.ii$.
-oo' the coective annotation process either in the dashboard or than%s to emai
notifications and private and pubic 6SS feeds !for the fu 'or%space or for a given te2t$
!see C.....h$.
-inay4 print or e2port your te2ts and its comments !C..+$
$n example
e:otated Cassics is a pubisher of critica editions of cassics in 1ngish as eBoo%s. The production
of annotations is trusted to speciaists of the 'or%4 'ho annotate the boo% te2t using co-ment. The
te2t and comments are then e2ported and reedited as an eBoo%.
Annotated eBooks from eNotated classics
B.I.b. Collaborative writing b a small group of drafters and a larger
group of commentators
>ith co-ment4 one can impement an iterative coaborative process to draft a te2t. .n comparison to
other 'riting toos4 co-ment is specificay adapted to the drafting and revision by a sma number of
authors 'ith a 'ider group of commentators providing feedbac% and suggestion on each version of
the te2t.
/ow to use co-ment ?
Create a first draft of the te2t4 either directy on co-ment !recommended$ or as a te2t
processing document.
.f the te2t has not been edited directy on co-ment4 upoad it or cut and paste it4 for instance
if the initia version is on a >eb page !see C...$.
.n both cases above4 you must choose the editing format for your te2t !see C....d$ and you
can re-edit#format it before submitting to initia comments.
.f needed4 create categories of comments. Categories 'i be visuaiBed as coored ines in
the margin4 and you 'i be abe to fiter comments according to these categories !see
.nvite users to comment your te2t !see C...b.iii$ and assign them a roe !see C...c.i$.
According to this roe4 they 'i have access to various actions " observer !read$4
commentator4 moderator !of other peope comments$4 editor !of te2t$ or manager !of users
and te2ts$ !see C...c.i and C...c.iii$. .n this use case they must have at east commentator
.f you 'ish to ao' reading or commenting by non-registered users4 you can ma%e the te2t
pubic by given non-registered users reading or commenting rights !see C...d.iii$.
Choose moderation type , a priori or a posteriori , for comments !see C....e.ii$.
-oo' the coective annotation process either in the dashboard or than%s to emai
notifications and private and pubic 6SS feeds !for the fu 'or%space or for a given te2t$
!see C.....h$.
9ne a round of annotation has proceeded4 revise the te2t by editing it as to obtain a ne'
version !see C.....f$.
.f needed4 initiate a ne' round of annotation on the ne' version. Annotation and redrafting
step can proceed unti a fina version of your te2t is obtained.
$n example
1 &artido de -uturo !a%a as &artido A$4 a citiBen net'or% created in 201/ in Spain used co-ment to
submit its poitica patform CDemocratia y punto to comments by a 'ide audience. The various
documents constituting the patform have first been drafted through a series of citiBen debates. They
'ere then submitted to comments of .nternet users via co-ment. The fina version ta%ing in account
these comments can be accessed on the site of &artido A4 '''
Comments by the public on the )emocratia y punto program (March !"#$
B.I.c. !eedbac" of teacher# reader or editor on a draft or manuscript
co-ment is fit for use in educationa and pubishing organiBations and processes" a teacher can
provide a detaied feedbac% in the form of annotations. >hen annotated4 the te2t can be printed or
e2ported 'ith its annotations.
/ow to use co-ment ?
0poad the te2t in your 'or%space4 or cut and paste in the edit form from a te2t document or
>eb page !see C...$.
.n both cases above4 you must choose the editing format for your te2t !see C....d$ and you
can re-edit#format it before submitting to initia comments.
.f needed4 create categories of comments. Categories 'i be visuaiBed as coored ines in
the margin4 and you 'i be abe to fiter comments according to these categories !see
.f you are not directy in charge of the annotation4 register or invite the reader and assign
him or her a roe !see C...c.i$. According to this roe4 s#he 'i have access to various
actions " observer !read$4 commentator4 moderator !of other peope comments$4 editor !of
te2t$ or manager !of users and te2ts$ !see C...c.i and C...c.iii$. .n this use case s#he must have
at east commentator roe.
>hen the annotation has been competed4 notify the author of the te2t4 or print or e2port the
te2t 'ith its annotations !see C..+$ and transmit it to the author.
>hen the annotated te2t must be modified4 this can be done directy in the 'or%space !see
C.....f$. The person revising the te2t must have editor or manager roe.
B.I.d. $eading interfaces
-inay co-ment can be used as a reading patform on the >eb. >hen co-ment is integrated 'ith a
Content ;anagement System !C;S$4 a site or patform can put te2ts on-ine that are immediatey
commentabe through margina annotations. co-ment is adapted to arge number of comments4 and
this 'ay of commenting is greaty superior to the cassica comment threads at the end of a te2t.
%eadin& interface with annotation functionality for the au&mented edition of a book

B.II.a. %iterar education and digital humanities
co-ment has been aready used 'ith remar%abe resuts in secondary and higher education4 and 'e
beieve that ony a sma share of its potentia in this domain has been e2pored. Though co-ment
has been used aso in history and phiosophy !for instance$ it is in iterary education and digita
humanities that it has been most adopted. >e supported severa pioneers of te2t-centered teaching.
.n mots cases4 the use is for pure annotation. Co-ment is for instance used by groups of teachers
'ho massivey annotate te2ts of the curricuum to constitute a %no'edge base for essons and ca
'or%. .t is aso used for cassroom 'or% on poetry4 theater pays and fiction. Co-ment is aso used in
universities for iterary anaysis and coaborative annotation of the cassics or of ess 'e-%no'n
Example of collective annotation of literary texts in the classroom
(oseph Scotese4 professor at the >hitney Doung ;agnet Eigh Schoo !.inois4 0SA$4 used co-ment
for coective annotation by students of iterary te2ts. -or such cassroom 'or%4 every student 'or%s
from its o'n computer !or today tabets$4 annotate passages of oneFs choice and reacts to comments
by others. Eere4 the coaborative annotation proceeded on one Act of ;acbeth. The intensity and
hue of highighted te2t represents the number of comments on a given spot in the te2t !from ight
yeo' to dar% red$.
B.II.b. &ditorial processes
co-ment is specificay adapted to editoria processes 'here drafters need to interact 'ith peope
'ho provide feedbac%4 suggestions or revision proposas. co-ment enabes coaborative 'riting
processes 'here a sma group of drafters estabishes an initia draft that 'i be iterativey revised
in a series of annotation#comment rounds.
co-ment is or has been used in a variety of editoria processes such as "
drafting of reference documents 'ithin the 1uropean Commission4 for instance in the
%no'edge sharing patform for cooperation and deveopment Capacity'de( and for
participatory processes 'ithin the Di&ital A&enda Assembly G
coaborative drafting of educationa resources by the Centra Service of )igita 1ducationa
6esources in -rance !ScHren-C:)&$.
edition of critica editions of iterary cassics by the eNotated classics pubisher G
coaborative drafting of technica guides in various domains G
critica revie' of transations of technica guides !see beo'$.
Use of co-ment for translations of technical guides by Diptik
)ipti% is an editoria agency for the drafting and updating of instructions guides for machines and
industria products and machines !instaation guides4 user guides4 maintenance guides$. )ipti% used
co-ment for the vaidation step for its instructions documents. The proposed transations are
upoaded on the co-ment 'or%space and a coaborative annotation and discussion proceeds
bet'een the drafter4 the transator4 the copy-editor and staff from the manufacturer and the oca
distributor for in the target anguage. This vaidation processes chec%s the fideity4 accuracy4
precision and accessibiity of the transation.
B.II.c. %egislative processes and political programs
co-ment has used for egisative drafting and reated participatory processes in -rance4 'ithin the
1uropean &ariament and in BraBi. &artido de futuro4 a Spanish citiBen net'or% for poitica action
founded in 201/ used co-ment as part of buiding its Democratia y punto poicy patform 'ith the
participation of citiBens at arge.
As often it is 'ithin the civi society groups that such coaborative drafting processes 'ere first
e2perimented. Today4 members of &ariaments themseves submit a' proposas !or other te2ts such
as resoutions$ to comments by the pubic. This can be done either during the drafting stage or as a
pubic mar%up to inform the deiberation by the &ariament.
Example : preparation of law proposal by Christian Paul !"P" #rance
.n 20104 Christian &au4 !;.&.#&S$ organiBed a participatory process using co-ment for the design of
a a' proposa !of pariamentary initiative$ on net'or% neutraity. ;ore than 200 comments 'ere
submitted by citiBens and e2perts4 and the a' proposa revised accordingy. The &S group of the
:ationa Assemby adopted the a' proposa on 24 :ovember 2010. .t 'as put on the agenda and
debated4 but not adopted. .t remains an important inspiration for te2ts being prepared on the subIect.
)he (ersion comparison functionality of co*ment is elaborate. +n the illustration abo(e, one can
compare the more or less initial (ersion with the pre*final one, as to display the chan&es that ha(e
been made in the te-t to take comments in account.
B.II.d. %egal analsis
co-ment is particuary adapted to the coective 'or% on ega te2ts !a's4 decrees4 reguations.
Beyond its use during deiberation processes4 it aso proved its reevance in the frame of the
anaysis of ega te2ts by schoars or sta%ehoders in a given fied. >e describe beo' a prominent
e2ampe"" the )1;9T.S proIect on persona heath information management.
+n the frame of the D.M/)+0 pro1ect, le&al scholars and computer scientists worked to&ether to
annotate the le&al and administrati(e te-ts applicable to personal health information systems.
DE!$%&': (nnotating the legal corpus applicable to personal health information systems in
)1;9T.S is a 6J) proIect that 'as financed by the -rench :ationa 6esearch Agency !A:6$.
)uring the proIect4 computer scientists speciaiBed in the design of arge distributed information
systems and ega schoars speciaiBed in heath information and privacy issues used co-ment to
annotate the ega and administrative corpus appicabe to the ongoing proIects in -rance. The
annotated corpus 'as then pubished. Based on its anaysis and the e2poration of the potentia of
decentraiBed systems for a better compromise bet'een efficiency and patient rights4
recommendations 'ere deveoped by the proIect consortium.
B.II.e. %icenses and contracts
Co-ment itsef is a by-product of one of the most interesting goba governance proIects" the
revision process of the @:0 @enera &ubic 8icense conducted gobay in 2003#2007. -or this
system4 a soft'are caed ST1T 'as put in pace by the Soft'are -reedom 8a' Center and the -ree
Soft'are -oundation. Sopinspace provided some input to its design. After e2perimenting a ot 'ith
the soft'are during the revision process4 'e decided to deveop from scratch co-ment4 dra'ing
inspiration from ST1TFs annotation interface. The aim 'as to ma%e a soid4 high-performance and
usabe soft'are and >eb service 'here anyone coud submit a te2t to comments as easiy as one
comments on a te2t4 and that 'oud be usabe for drafting and revision as 'e as for annotation. co-
ment did not reuse code from ST1T4 but 'e remain indebted to its pioneering approach.
Kuite naturay4 co-ment is used by other icense4 contract4 charters or code of conduct proIects. -ree
soft'are and free cuture icenses are true CconstitutionsL of the commons that they try to ma%e
possibe. Their drafting or revision generay give rise to innovative governance processes. co-ment
'as used by the 9pen ?no'edge -oundation for its 9pen )ata Commons icenses and by Creative
Commons for various proIects. The 9penSuse community aso used co-ment for its Strategy#+ision
.mbeddin& co*ment on the Mo2illa 3oundation pa&e and openin& comments to the public has made
possible for many +nternet users to participate in the elaboration of the new (ersion of the license.
Example: the new version of !o)illa Public *icense
co-ment 'as used by the ;oBia -oundation during the revision process for the ;oBia &ubic
8icense. The drafting of the ;&8 2.0 'as conducted other 21 months. .t 'as initiated by a first
phase of pubic comments on the previous version of the icense. +arious type of sta%ehoders
participated in the process" users of the icense4 a'yers4 members of the free soft'are # open source
communities such as the free Soft'are -oundation and the 9pen Source .nitiative.
B.II.f. Communication 'press releases# open letters# position
statements# opinion editorials(
co-ment become for many groups4 associations or grassroots initiatives preparing open etters4
position statements4 press reeases. Some groups choose to 'or% from the start in the open4 ma%ing
the te2ts under eaboration visibe and commentabe by a. Eo'ever4 in most cases a first phase of
drafting proceeds among a sma group4 and arge scae commenting occurs ony at a second stage.
.n some cases4 tens of versions have been produced for a document4 each receiving 'ith hundred of
4ith co*ment one can in(ite a &reat number of people to comment on a draft. )he annotation tool is
desi&ned to facilitate a syner&y between massi(e commentin& and collaborati(e draftin&
Example: (ction plan for copyright reform and culture in the +,
.n the frame of the -ree Cuture -orum 20124 four organiBations met to consoidate their individua
proposas into a frame'or% pan for copyright reform and cutura poicy. The consoidated version
of the proposas of these four organiBations 'ere submitted to comments of their members and
.nternet users at arge
C. User guide
+n order to use co*ment, you must first &et access to a co*ment workspace (5 an instance of the
co*ment 4eb ser(ice$. )his can happen in the followin& ways6
%rial of the -eb service ./0 hours1
At ''' you can open free-of charge a fuy functiona tria account for 4< hours
!cic% on the button Try and foo' instructions$. Dou 'i be abe to create or upoad te2ts4 invite
users4 generate comments4 e2port te2ts4 etc.. At the end of the tria period4 you 'i receive an emai
inviting you to s'itch to a professiona subscription. .f you do so4 the 'or% you have done during
the tria !te2ts4 users4 comments4 etc.$ 'i be transferred to your &69 account.
P2$ subscription to the -eb service
A &69 subscription gives you access to a co-ment 'or%space !for the duration of the subscription$
'here you can manage up to 300 te2ts and 300 registered users. Dou aso have access to a support
service by emai !see detais in terms of service$. .f you need mutipes instances !for instance for
and educationa estabishment$ contact us for an offer at
At any time4 you can decide to s'itch to a sef hosted service based on the C9;T free soft'are
!see beo'$. Dou 'i then be abe to transfer the database of your &69 service to this sef-hosted
instance and %eep user accounts and ongoing 'or%s. 1very 'or%space corresponds to an individua
'oftware installation of the server
co-ment is based on the C9;T free soft'are. .nstaing C9;T gives you the e2act e*uivaent of a
co-ment &69 >eb service !performance may differ depending on hard'are and connectivity$. Dou
can thus co-ment independenty of our services. The code can be found on '''
!;ercuria cone or do'noad$. There is ony one restriction regarding the use of the co-ment
trademar%" you canFt run a commercia service using this name 'ithout our 'ritten authoriBation.
See trademar% reguation. >e do provide services to hep you insta C9;T4 integrating it in your
information infrastructure or adapting it to your needs. Contact us at"
&ntegration to co-ment to a C!'
>hen you have a co-ment instance !either as a subscriber or through instaing the soft'are$4 you
can integrate to a C;S through our A&.. This is particuary easy in )rupa for 'hich a cient
modue has been deveoped by us. 0sers and managers of a )rupa site can use co-ment
functionaity directy inside )rupa4 incuding editing te2ts 'ith )rupa editors. -or detais on the
)rupa modue see https"
@1:16A8 61;A6?S
>hen some configuration parameters are set in the 'or%space4 it may occur that they are not
immediatey refected due to caching in either the >eb server or bro'ser. .f this happens4 'ait a
fe' minutes and reoad the corresponding page.
-inay4 if have a co-ment instance4 you can ma%e a co-ment te2t accessibe to a visors of any >eb
page by encapsuating it in the page. +isitors 'i be abe to read and annotate the encapsuated te2t.
!see section C..+.a of the user guide$.
7our co*ment instance is a(ailable in se(eral lan&ua&es, )he lan&ua&e can be chose at any time in
the footer. )he contact link in this footer (includin& on the lo&in form$ makes it possible to contact
the principal administrator of the instance.
4hen you lo& in your co*ment instance, you land in the workspace, that is the back office where you
can browse and mana&e te-ts and users when your role allows you to do so. 8 tabs are present on
the home pa&e of the workspace6 Dashboard, )e-ts, 9eople, 0ettin&s and 3ollowup. )hey enable
you to access all the co*ment functionality. At any time, you can come back to this home pa&e by
clickin& on the :;ome link in the header.
)he access to some functionality and thus the appearance of the workspace depends on the the
assi&ned to the user (see section C.+.c.i$. )he screenshots in this manual correspond to what a
:mana&er (a user with the most e-tended ri&hts$ would see.
C.I.a. !irst steps in the wor"space
7ou ha(e 1ust created your workspace. <o& in, edit your profile and disco(er the choices a(ailable
for customi2ation.
C..a.i. 'ogging in
To access our 'or%space4 use the address you have chosen !$ or
cic% on the in% in your confirmation emai. Dou access directy the ogin form !e2cept if you 'ere
aready ogged in4 in 'hich case you 'i and directy on the home page of the 'or%space.
9n the ogin form enter your user name !the chosen user name4 not your emai$ and pass'ord4 then
cic% on the 8ogin button.
.f you have forgotten your pass'ord or your username4 cic% on C-orgot pass'ord OL. Dou 'i be
as%ed for your emai address !the one you used to register or on 'hich your 'ere invited$. A mai
'i sent to this address4 'i a in% enabing you to choose a ne' pass'ord. The emai message aso
reminds you of your chose username.
After ogin in4 you are brought to the dashboard4 that provides you 'ith a synoptic vie' of its
contents and activity4 'ith detais depending on the rights attached to your roe.
C..a.ii. Wor)space configuration
.f your have manager rights4 you can customiBe your 'or%space and define various settings. ;any
parameters can aso be controed at the eve of an individua te2t. To customiBe the 'or%s pace
cic% on the CSettingsL tab4 or on the CConfigure 'or%spaceL in% in the actions part of the
%eneral settings
There are t'o types of settings" @enera and Appearance. -or the genera parameters you can"
Choose the name of your instance4 that 'i appear in top eft corner of the 'or%space pages.
Choose a sogan that 'i appear beo' the 'or%space name G
AuthoriBe !or not$ users to register directy !see section C...b.iv$ G .f you activate this option4
a CregisterL in% 'i appear on the ogin form4 and visitors 'i be abe to register by
providing their emai4 firstname and astname. After possibe moderation !see ne2t point$4
users 'i receive an activation emai. After competing the registration4 users 'i be
registered 'ith no roe unti the manager defines it.
Choose 'hether this registration 'i or not moderated !see section C...b.iv$.
Choose a roe mode" the CgenericL mode appies to most situations 'hie the Ccass
!education$L that shoud actuay be caed Cteacher-studentL is to be used ony 'hen private
commenting bet'een teacher or student is desired4
)efine categories for annotations#comments !see section C....e.i$.
)o not forget to cic% on the CSaveL button after changing settings.
$ppearance settings
Cic% on the CAppearance tabL. Dou can"
0poad a ogo for your 'or%space4 'hich 'i be dispayed on a pages incuding the
annotation interface !do no use too big a ogo$.
Add CSS styesheet rues in order to customiBe te2t presentation !use this functionaity ony
if you have a good %no'edge of CSS/#ET;83$. This can be usefu to tune co-ment for
specific types of contents such as technica guides4 gossaries4 poetry or theater.
CustomiBe the main te2t body font.
CustomiBe the main tite font.
:ota " the defauts fonts in co-ment have been seected and configured for optima egibiity4 modify
them ony 'hen truy needed.
)o not forget to cic% on the CSaveL button after changing settings.
C..a.iii. 0dit your user profile
Dou may access your profie at any time by cic%ing on the in% C&rofieL in the header or the in%
C1dit your profieL in the Actions section of the dashboard.
The foo'ing information can be competed or updated"
your emai address !compusory$G
your name and astnameG
your preferred anguage !t'o character code4 compusory$G
tags associated to you" these tags can be ater used to fiter users !see section C...b.ii$
)o not forget to cic% on the CSaveL button after changing your profie.
C..a.iv. Change password
To modify your pass'ord4 cic% on the in% C&ass'ordL on top of your profie page !see section
C...a.iii$. -i your od pass'ord4 the ne' one !t'ice for confirmation$4 then cic% on the CSaveL
button. The e2t time you og in4 you 'i have to give the ne' pass'ord.
C..a.v. 'og out
To og out4 cic% on the C8ogoutL in% on the right in the header of any page. Dou are brought bac%
automaticay to the ogin form !see section C...a.i$.
C.I.b. User management
Brin& to&ether users to work on te-ts. +n(ite collea&ues or contacts to annotate or draft, assi&n
them roles and mana&e their ri&hts &lobally or for a sin&le te-t.
C..b.i. 1ser list
The ist of a users registered in the 'or%space is accessibe by cic%ing on the C&eopeL tab in the
dashboard. Be carefu that you are in the dashboard4 'hich you can reach at any moment by
cic%ing on CEomeL in the header. The figure indicated bet'een parenthesis on the C&eopeL tab is
the number of users.
0sers are isted initiay in aphabetic order of their user name4 and can be sorted4 by mai4 roe or
registration date by cic%ing on the coumn tites. -or each user are isted "
the tags attributed at registration4
the userFs emai address4
the registration date4
the 'or%space roe assigned by the manager to the user4
a graphic of the userFs activity in the ast 'ee%.
Dou can aso fiter users by tags. This is convenient for instance 'hen you have to manage severa
casses or 'or%ing groups 'or%ing on different te2ts.
C..b.ii. $dd a new user to the wor)space
To invite a ne' user to the 'or%space4 cic% on the C.nvite userL in% in the Actions part of the
dashboard. Aternatey4 go to the C&eopeL tab and cic% on CAdd a ne' userL.
-i the form4 indicating"
the emai address of the user to invite !compusory$G
his or her name and astnameG
the preferred anguage !compusory$G
the roe to assign to the user for the fu 'or%space !see section C...c.i$G
the tags to associate to this user.
Dou can aso draft a message 'hich 'i be added to the invitation emai. )o not forget to add a
ne'ine at the end of your message.
C..b.iii. $dd users in bul)
0sers can aso be invited in bu%. Cic% on the C&eopeL tab4 the on the CAdd users in bu%L in%.
-i the form4 indicating"
emai addresses of users4 separated by a comma4 semi-comma or ne'ineG
preferred anguage !compusory$G
tags !or %ey'ords$ that 'i be associated to a the invited usersG
roe to assign to a of these ne' users !see section C...c.i$.
Dou can aso draft a message 'hich 'i be added to the invitation emai. )o not forget to add a
ne'ine at the end of your message.
C..b.iv. $uthori2e users to register in the wor)space
Dou can authoriBe !or not$ users to register directy !see above page 1= $. .f you activate this option4
a CregisterL in% 'i appear on the ogin form4 and visitors 'i be abe to register by providing their
emai4 firstname and astname. After possibe moderation4 users 'i receive an activation emai
'ith a in% eading them to a form 'here they 'i choose a username and pass'ord.. After
competing the registration4 users 'i be registered 'ith no roe unti the manager defines it.
The C'or%space registration moderationL option4 'hen activated4 eads to managers receiving an
emai each time a user registers.
C..b.v. *e-invite a user
At any time4 you can send a ne' invitation to Ioin the 'or%space to an aready invited user. To do
so cic% on the C&eopeL tab and then on F!6e$-send invitationL in%4 that appears 'hen the mouse
pointer is dragged upon the user name. 0dit a user profile
0ser profies can be edited by the user her- or himsef4 but aso by a manager. To edit a user profie4
go to the C&eopeL tab4 then cic% directy on the name of the user you 'hose profie you 'ish to
Dou can then add or modify information about the user4 as described in section C...a.iii. .f you tic%
the Csuspend accessL4 the user 'i no onger be abe to og into the 'or%space !see ne2t section$.
C..b.vii. 3uspend or re-activate the access of one user to the wor)space
To cut one userFs access to the 'or%space4 go to the C&eopeL tab4 drag the pointer on the user name
and cic% on the in% Csuspend accessL that appears in the ine bo'. 9ne can de-activate the access
of one user in the the userFs profie. 9bviousy4 ony managers can do so.
.n order to vie' 'hich users had their access de-activated4 cic% on the C+ie' suspended usersL on
top of the user ist.
At any time4 you can re-activate the access by one user by cic%ing on the Cre-enabe accessL ing
that appears 'hen pointer is over the userFs name.
The C;utipe actionsL drop-do'n menu enabes you to suspend or re-enabe the access for severa
usersF at once. Seect users by tic%ing the bo' in front of their name and choose the action to appy
in the drop-do'n menu. Cic% then on Appy to vaidate the action.
C.I.c. )anaging user roles
)his section applies to the :@eneric role model (see section C.+.c.( for details$. Assi&n users a
specific role in the workspace6 obser(er, commentator, moderator, editor or mana&er. Modify this
user=s role to e-tend it or restrict it for a specific te-t.
C..c.i. 3etting a user role
1ach registered user is assigned a roe in the 'or%space. >hen direct registration is possibe4 the
defaut roe for a user 'ho has Iust registered is none. A user roe defines her or his rights to see or
act in various 'ays in the patform. 1ach userFs roe is defined and can be modified at any time by a
Manager role
A manager has the most e2tended rights in the 'or%space and on te2ts. S#he can "
set a parametersG
foo' a activity in the 'or%space4 on te2ts and for usersG
manage a users in the 'or%space !add users4 suspend them4 edit their profie4 assign them
roes$ or for a specific te2tG
manage a te2ts !create4 upoad4 edit4 comment4 moderate comments4 deete them$.
Editor role
An editor has e2tended rights on te2ts for 'hich s#he has this roe and can"
access a te2ts in the 'or%space G
create te2ts and comment4 edit or deete te2ts !for 'hich s#he is editor$G
edit4 deete or moderate commentsG
Moderator role
A moderator can annotate te2ts and act on other usersF comments. S#he can"
access a te2ts in the 'or%spaceG
annotate#comment te2ts G
edit4 deete or moderate comments by a users.
Commentator role
A commentator can annotate#comment te2ts. S#he can"
access a te2ts in the 'or%space G
annotate#comment te2tsG
edit or deete oneFs o'n commentsG
vie' comments by other users.
Observer role
An observer can vie' on-going 'or%4 but can not participate into it. An observer can"
access a te2ts in the 'or%space
read a comments.
4o role--5
An user 'ith a roe can ony edit her#his profie and access pubic te2ts.
C..c.ii. $ssigning a role to an user
This can be done via the user profie or using the roe coumn in the user ist. .n both cases Iust
seect the roe in the drop-do'n menu. Cic% on CSaveL to vaidate your choice!s$. To assign the
same toe to severa users4 tic% the bo2es in front of these usersF names and choose in the Cmutipe
actionL drop-do'n menu the roe you 'ant to assign them. Then Cic% on CSaveL to save the
6oes can be modified by a manager at any time.
C..c.iii. $ssigning a role to an user for a specific text
The genera roe of an user in the 'or%space can be modified !restricted or e2tended$ for a given
te2t. -or a other te2ts4 the user 'i %eep her#his 'or%space roe.
To modify a userFs roe for one te2t4 first go to the te2t by cic%ing on its tite in the te2t ist. >hen
the te2t is oaded4 cic% on the C&eopeL tab. Shortcut" you can reach the C&eopeL tabe for a given
te2t by dragging the pointer on the te2t tite and cic%ing on the C&eopeL in% that appears in the
ine bo'. .n the CroeL coumn choose the desired roe in the drop-do'n menu. Then cic% on
CSaveL to record your modifications.
To assign the same roe to severa users4 tic% the bo2es in front of these usersF names and choose in
the Cmutipe actionL drop-do'n menu the roe you 'ant to assign them. Then Cic% on CSaveL to
save the modifications.
C..c.iv. $nonymous users6 roles
Anonymous !or unregistered$ users are users 'ho are not registered !or not ogged$ in the
'or%space. Dou may nonetheess given them access to te2ts by given them an obser(er or
commentator roe.
As soon as a roe is given to anonymous users !either for the fu 'or%space or for a given te2t$4 the
te2ts to 'hich this roe appy become CpubicL. The are isted on the 'or%space ogin form and cab
be vie'ed or commented !depending on the chosen toe$ 'ithout ogging in.
To assign a roe to anonymous users4 go the C&eopeL tab4 the seect the roe appicabe to
anonymous users in the corresponding drop-do'n menu. +aidate your choice by cic%ing on
.f no roe is attributed to anonymous users4 your te2ts 'i remain CprivateL" unregistered users 'i
not %no' that they e2ist4 nor be abe to vie' or annotate them.
.f you 'ish to ma%e ony some te2ts pubic4 )9 :9T give a roe to anonymous users at 'or%space
eve. +isit the C&eopeL tab for each te2t that you 'ish to ma%e pubic4 and choose the desired roe
that 'i appy ony to this te2t.
C..c.v. *ole models
.n the goba parameters that can be set in the CSettingsL tab for the 'or%space4 you can choose a
different roe mode. The defaut @eneric roe mode !described in section C...c.i.$ is recommended
for a coaborative 'riting and most annotation situations.
Another mode has been speciay designed to enabe private e2changes bet'een a teacher and a
student !or an author or a revie'er$. Three roes are avaiabe in this mode" teacher4 student4 and
individua student.
The teacher roe is simiar to the mana&er roe in the generic mode.
An user 'ith the student roe can comment a te2t and see comments by other students and
the teacher.
An user 'ith the indi(idual student roe can see ony her#his o'n comments and the
teacherFs. This enabes private e2changes 'ith the teacher.
C.I.d. Text management
C..d.i. "he list of texts
The ist of te2ts of a 'or%space can be vie'ed in the Cte2tsL tab. The number bet'een parentheses
in the tab tite is the tota number of te2ts. To vie' a particuar te2t4 a you have to do is to cic% on
its tite. Dou can aso dispay a te2ts 'ith a given tag by cic%ing on this tag 'hen it is dispayed.
-or each te2t4 the te2t tabe dispays"
author !user 'ho initiay created or upoaded the te2t$
ast modification date
number of comments !incuding repies$
a graph of the activity during the ast 'ee%
C..d.ii. $ctions on texts
>hen you drag the mouse over the tite of a te2t4 a ist of possibe actions appear in the form of
in%s4 enabing you to"
vie' the te2t in annotation interface modeG
edit the te2t !see section C.....f$G
deete the te2tG
access the ist of users 'ho have roes for the te2t !see section C...c.iii$ G
dispay and modify parameters !categories4 type of moderation !see section C....e$.
9ther actions such as foo'-up functionaity or getting the code for encapsuation are accessibe
ony from the te2t vie' mode.
C..d.iii. #a)ing a text public
By defaut te2ts are private" visitors 'ho have not ogged to a registered account canFt access nor
comment te2ts. Dou can ma%e te2ts pubic by giving a roe to such visitors !anonymous users$ !see
section C...c.iv$.
C.I.e. !ollowing up
7ou can (isuali2e the acti(ity within your workspaces at different le(els (&lobal, by te-t, by member$
and timescales (day, week, month$. 7ou can subscribe to public and pri(ate %00 feeds as well as to
email notifications.
C..e.i. "hrough the dashboard
;anagers can foo' the fu activity 'ithin the 'or%space on the )ashboard. .t dispays"
the ast commentsG
the recent te2ts 'ith indications of the number of comments and versions as 'e as the date
of ast modificationG
graphs of the access and commenting activity 'ithin the 'or%space by day4 'ee% and
The activity bo2 ist a events !te2ts4 users4 comments$4 most recent first. Dou may untic% some
types of activity to focus on the others.
C..e.ii. 3ubscribe to the public *33 feed
1very co-ment 'or%space has a pubic 6SS feed. Eo'ever4 ony event on pubic te2ts are refected
to this feed. By inserting the feed in your preferred aggregator you 'i be informed about a events
on pubic te2ts such as edits or ne' comments !to ma%e a te2t pubic4 see section C...c.iv$. This
feed can be used by a .nternet users4 even those 'ho are not registered.
C..e.iii. 3ubscribe to the private *33 feed
9ne can activate a CprivateL 6SS feed. This feed contains information about a activity in the
'or%space !incuding activity on non-pubic te2ts$. .t can be activated in the C-oo'upL tab. .ts
068 contains a %ey !'ea% security$. As a manager4 you have to be carefu to communicate this
068 ony to registered users of your choice4 instructing them to not ma%e it pubic. 9ne can then
subscribe to this feed and obtain a information on events of the 'or%space !te2ts4 users4
.f the address of the private feed is compromised4 you can re-initiate it in the page accessibe
through the C-oo'upL tab" cic% on the C6eset private feed 068L button.
C..e.iv. 3ubscribe to email notifications
.t is possibe to receive notifications by emai regarding a events or ony the discussion threads
'hich you initiated or to 'hich you participated. To this effect4 chec% the corresponding bo2es in
the C-oo'upL tab.
:otifications 'i be sent to the emai address 'ith 'hich you registered or 'ere invited. Dou may
modify this emai address in your profie !see section C...a.iii$.
C.II.a. *rafting a text
To draft a te2t4 cic% on the in% CCreate a te2tL ocated on on top of the page or aso in the
CActionsL bo2 in your dashboard.
Dou are brought to the te2t edition form. -i the tite and the chosen format for edition !see section
C....d$. Dou can %no' draft your te2t in the CcontentL frame. Dou can enarge this frame by
dragging the bottom-right corner.
>hen using the ET;8 format4 you can aso cut and paste content from a >eb page. .n any format4
you can cut and paste contents from a fie4 but re-editing # formatting may be re*uired.
.t is recommended to associate tags to your te2t4 in particuar if your 'or%space contains many
te2ts. Te2ts can be fitered according to tags in the CTe2tsL tag.
C.II.b. Uploading a text
To upoad a te2t in your 'or%space4 first cic% on the in% CCreate a te2tL ocated on on top of the
page or aso in the CActionsL bo2 in your dashboard.
-i out the tite for the te2t4 its editing format !see section C....d$ and tags !%ey'ords$ that appy to
the te2t. Cic% then on the CBro'seL button to open a fie e2porer and seect the fie to upoad.
+aidate and save by cic%ing on the CSaveL Button.
Te2t formats that can be imported on co-ment and the corresponding destination editing formats are"
Te2t !.t2t$ ;ar%do'n is recommended as destination editing format.
ET;8 !.htm$ ET;8 is the natura choice for the destination editing format. :ote
than dispaying the ET;8 fie in your bro'ser and cut and pasting it
in Ccreate a te2tL mode can ead to better resuts !see section C....a$.
;icrosoft 'ord !.doc$ ET;8 is the recommended destination format. ;ar%do'n can be
used 'here you pan a significant re-drafting and do not need to %eep
specific formatting !tabes4 images4 etc.$ from the origina document.
9pen document !.odt$ ET;8 is the recommended destination format. ;ar%do'n can be
used 'here you pan a significant re-drafting and do not need to %eep
specific formatting !tabes4 images4 etc.$ from the origina document.
;ar%do'n !.m%d$ ;ar%do'n is the obvious destination editing format.
8ate2 !.te2$ ;ar%do'n is the recommended choice. Be'are that ony part of ate2
is covered by the converter used in co-ment.
&ease note that one can not upoad a &)- fie in co-ment. .f needed4 use converters such as
pdftote2t and proceed 'ith the upoad of a .t2t document.
C.II.c. Import of a co-mented text
Dou can import in your 'or%space an annotated te2t that has been previousy e2ported from co-
ment or generated from another system that is abe to e2port to the same A;8 format !see section
C....d et C..+.c$. Annotations and reated discussion threads 'i be imported 'ith their proper
To proceed 'ith the import4 first cic% on the in% C.mport a co-mented te2tL ocated on on top of
the page or aso in the CActionsL bo2 in your dashboard. Cic% then on the CBro'seL button to open
a fie e2porer and seect the fie in co-mentFs A;8 format to upoad. +aidate and save by cic%ing
on the CSaveL Button.
C.II.d. Choice of text editing format
As all 4eb*based te-t annotation systems, co*ment=s annotation interface displays a >;)M< 4eb
pa&e. ;owe(er, co*ment te-ts can be stored and edited in a (ariety of underlyin& formats6 ;)M<
(>;)M<$ itself, but also two wiki editin& formats. )he two wiki editin& formats are Markdown and
%0), with an on*&oin& de(elopment to support also the 4ikimedia format. Markdown is our
recommended format for te-ts that are entirely drafted on co*ment.
C..d.i. /"#'
This format is used in the co-ment reading and annotation interface. Dou can aso use it as an
underying format for storage and editing.
The editing interface for a ET;8 te2t uses a 6ich-te2t 1ditor 'ith the option to s'itch to direct
editing of the ET;8 source !use the CsourceL button on the top-eft of the toobar$.
C..d.ii. #ar)down 7&andoc flavor5
;ar%do'n and 6ST are t'o 'i%i formats. .n co-ment4 'e use the &andoc favor of mar%do'n
'hich e2tends the cassica mar%do'n synta2 'ith usefu features for endnotes or nested ists. :ote
that in a cases4 mar%do'n is the format used 'hen you edit annotations#comments !see section
>hen you edit a mar%do'n te2t4 a toobar is avaiabe to hep you formatting your te2ts !ists4 in%s4
tittes4 etc.$. To e2pore a possibiities offered by &andoc ;ar%do'n4 'e recommend that you
chec% the synta2 description in section ).
C..d.iii. *3"
The synta2 of 6ST !6e-Structured Te2t$ is very cose to ;ar%do'nFs. 6ST 'i be a choice for uses
'ishing to upoad a te2t aready in 6ST format or particuary famiiar 'ith 6ST.
C..d.iv. Wi)imedia
)eveopments are on-going to support aso >i%imedia as an underying editing and storage format.
C.II.e. +ettings: moderation and categories
7ou ha(e 1ust drafted or uploaded a te-t. Before initiatin& its annotation, you can define (arious
cate&ories of comments. 7ou can also choose whether the moderation of comments will be a priori
or a posteriori.
C..e.i. 8efining categories
9ne can define up to 3 categories of comments. 1ach category is associated 'ith one predefined
coor and a abe. A category 'ith abe CnoneL is not active. >hen a user creates an annotation4 s#he
can choose a category for this annotation. A vertica ine 'ith the coor corresponding to the chosen
category 'i appear in the margin of the paragraph!s$ containing the te2t associated 'ith the
6eminder" categories can be defined for the 'hoe 'or%space or at the eve of an individua te2t. .n
the atter case4 the te2t-eve definition 'i override the 'or%space-eve one. .n the first case4 cic%
on the CSettingsL tab of the 'or%space. .n the second case4 cic% on the CSettingsL tab 'hen vie'ing
a te2t. Dou can aso access directy the settings in the CTe2tsL tab for the 'or%space by dragging the
mouse#pointer on the te2t tite and cic%ing on the CSettingsL in% that appears.
To define a category4 a you have to do is to fi its abe. 0p to 3 categories can be defined4 each
associated 'ith a pre-defined coor. Dou do not have to foo' their order4 you can pic% them
according to coors for instance. To cance a category Iust fi none in its abe. The active categories
'i appear as a drop-do'n menu in the create comment edit form.
C..e.ii. #oderate comments
-or each te2t4 one can opt for a priori or a posteriori !defaut choice$ moderation of comments. This
choice can be modified at any moment in the CSettingsL for the te2t. Dou can aso access directy the
settings in the CTe2tsL tab for the 'or%space by dragging the mouse#pointer on the te2t tite and
cic%ing on the CSettingsL in% that appears. (ust chec% or untic% the a posteriori moderation bo2.
$ posteriori moderation 7default5
.n this mode4 comments are visibe as soon as they are saved by the commentator. ;anagers4
editors and moderators can moderate !CunapprovedL$ them or put them in stand-by !CpendingL$. .n
both cases they are no onger visibe to other users. To moderate a comment4 Iust seect it and cic%
on CapprovedL in the comment form..
$ priori moderation
.n this mode4 ne' comments are automaticay made CpendingL. They 'i be pubished ony after
approva by a user having moderation rights !manager4 editor or moderator4 see section C...c.i$.
To modify the state of a comment4 vie' it and cic% on CpendingL. Dou can then choose to approve
it or moderate it.
0sers 'ith moderation rights are informed of pending comments by a dedicated bo2 in their
dashboard. They can aso subscribe to 6SS feeds to be informed of pending comments !see section
C.III.a. User management
To create a group of peope 'ho 'i 'or% on a co-ment te2t4 access this te2t in the CTe2tsL and
cic% on the C&eopeL tab or the C&eopeL in% that appears 'hen you drag the mouse pointer on the
te2t tite. Choose then 'hich users 'i have access to the te2t !or invite them$ and 'hich roe they
'i have on the te2t. -or detais4 see section C...c.i.
.f you 'ish to %eep the te2t and its comments private4 do not give any roe to anonymous users. .f
you give a roe to anonymous users4 the te2t 'i be visibe on the ogin form for the 'or%space !see
section C...c.iv$.
C.III.b. The toolbar
>hen you open a te2t in the 'or%space4 a toobar appears on the top !beo' the tabs$ 'ith the
foo'ing information and functionaity"
:umber of discussion threads !a discussion thread comprises an initia annotation and its
possibe repies$.
:avigation buttons " you can bro'se though discussion threads in various orders " by
ocation in the te2t or by modification time !from most recent to oder$. To move from one
discussion to another use the and buttons !see section C.....e.iii$.
" dispays a comments.
" dispays detached comments !comments are detached in versions 'here the segment of
the te2t to 'hich they appy has been modified or deeted4 'hen the user has made the
choice to %eep them as detached comments$.
" aign discussion threads on the eft rather than indenting them4 in order to ma%e it easier
to read the te2t.
" dispays the tabe of contents !this button is present ony if the te2t has tites$.
" prints the te2ts !'ith or 'ithout comments depending on the seected options$.
" e2ports the te2t to many possibe formats" pdf4 htm4 odt4 e&ub4 doc4 co-ment A;8P
" subscription to the pubic 6SS feed for the te2t.
.mportant" by acting on the cursor beo' the toobar4 you can adIust the 'idth of the comment
Cic% on the triange in the horiBonta ine beo' the toobar to dispay the advanced interface.
.ts functionaity is as foo's"
C-iter commentsL" you can fiter comments !actuay discussion threads$ by state4 author4
date4 tag or category !if any has been defined$. Dou can then use a navigation # dispay
toos to ma%e these comments appear.
CSearch for commentsL" fi the te2t to search for and cic% on CsearchL. 9ny the parts of the
te2t corresponding to comments that contained the searched for te2t 'i be highighted !see
section C.....e.ii$
C&referencesL " the speed at 'hich comments and discussion threads appear can be tuned.
CTe2t preferencesL" this is shortcut for seecting some CSS properties impacting ho' the
te2t 'i be dispayed. -or more detaied CSS setting see Appearance settings in section
C.III.c. Text annotation
7ou ha(e 1ust created your co*ment te-t. )he annotation work can now start. 0elect some te-t and
comment it. 7ou can modify the scope of a comment (the se&ment of the te-t to which it applies$.
Note that only mana&ers, editors and moderators can modify or delete someone else=s comments.
C..c.i. $dd a comment
0sing your mouse or other pointing mechanism4 seect in the te2t the segment you 'ish to
comment on. Cic% then on the yeo' CQ commentL button on the top eft part of the 'indo'. The
edit form for the comment opens in the margin.
The scope of the comment is summariBed on a bac% bac%ground. -i the tite of your comment4 its
content4 and the tags !%ey'ords$ that can ater be used to fiter comments !see section C.....e.ii$.
.f categories have been defined in the 'or%space or for the te2t4 a drop-do'n menu enabes you to
categoriBe your comment. A vertica ine of the coor associated to the category 'i appear in the
eft margin of the paragraph !or arger section$ containing the co-ment scope !see section C....e.i$.
Cic% on CSaveL to store and pubish your comment and its properties. The annotated passage and
the comment appear no' in ight bue.
C..c.ii. 0dit a comment
Dou can edit a comment if you have manager4 editor or moderator roe and4 'hen you have
moderator roe4 for your o'n comments. >hen the comment is dispayed4 cic% on the CeditL in%
under the comment tite and the edit form 'i open. 1dit the comment as you 'ish.
.f you 'ish to change the scope of the comment4 tic% the corresponding bo2. Dou can then seect a
ne' a ne' segment of te2t as the ne' scope. .n case of a discussion thread4 the ne' scope 'i
appy to the fu thread. Cin% on CSaveL to save your modifications.
:ote that the name and mai address of the origina commentator 'i remain the same in case the
comment is modified by another user 'ith the right to do so. 9f course the emai address is visibe
ony for the author of the comment and users 'ith at east moderator roe.
C..c.iii. 8elete a comment
To deete a comment cic% on the CdeeteL in% under its tite.
C..c.iv. 8raft a comment 7&andoc #ar)down format5
co-ment uses the &andoc favor of ;ar%do'n as the editing format for comments. To e2poit a the
possibiities of this format !ists4 in%s4 footnotes4 etc.$4 refer to the format description appendi2 at
the end of this guide.
C.III.d. *iscussion threads
7ou can interact with other users either by replyin& to their comments or by referrin& to them.
C..d.i. *eply to a comment
To repy to a comment4 cic% on the LrepyL in% at the bottom right of the comment. Another
comment form 'i open4 fi it and cic% on CSaveL. Dour ans'er 'i appear 'ith a sma indent.
A comment pus a its repies constitutes a discussion thread.
>hen the te2t is highighted4 the coor corresponds to the intensity of annotation for each given
character !from ight yeo' to bro'nish red$.
C..d.ii. 'in)ing to another comment
1ach comment is directy addressabe by a uni*ue 068. To obtain this 068 put the pointer at the
end of the comment tite. The R sign appears. 6ight-cic% on it and you can copy the 068. This
068 can be used to refer to the comment4 either in an e2terna soft'are or in another comment. The
user 'i be brought to the comment 'hen cic%ing on the in%.
The mar%do'n format for creating a in% in a comment is"
[text to which the link applies](URL title)
C.III.e. *isplaing and navigating comments
Co*ment offers se(eral means to access comments6 you can display them by clickin& on a part of
the te-t, display them all, filter them or or browse them in (arious orders.
C..e.i. 8isplaying comments
>hen you cic% on highighted part of the te2t4 a comments 'hose scope incudes the point at
'hich you cic% 'i be dispayed. Dou can aso dispay a comments for the fu te2t by cic%ing on
the icon in the toobar. >hen a comment is dispayed4 if you cic% on it4 you cic% on it and
both the comment and its cope in the te2t 'i appear in ight bue.
C..e.ii. +iltering comments
Dou can fiter comments by tags4 authors4 date4 state or categories if some have been defined !see
section C....e.i$. To access the fitering functionaity4 open the advanced interface by cic%ing on the
triange in the horiBonta bar beo' the toobar and seect the fiter to appy using one of the drop-
do'n menus. 9ny one fiter can be used at the same time.
9ne can aso search for comments that incude a 'ord or e2pression. -i the te2t you search for and
cic% on CSearchL. 9ny the annotated passages containing the search for te2t remain highighted.
To proceed 'ith a ne' fiter4 do not forget to cic% on the C6esetL button.
C..e.iii. 4avigating from comment to comment
Dou can bro'se comment by navigating from one to another than%s to the payer buttons in the
toobar. Choose in the drop-do'n menu to bro'se comments either by increasing position in the
te2t or by decreasing date of modification !actuay of creation$ of the comment. 0se then the bue
arro's to navigate.
C.III.f. Text editing
Mana&ers and editors can edit a te-t, to draft it or re(ise it accordin& to comments recei(ed. 4hen
a new (ersion is sa(ed, the comments may be kept, with a special adaptation when the te-t co(ered
by the comment has chan&ed or been deleted.
C..f.i. 0diting a text
To modify a te2t4 cic% on the C1ditL tab. The edit form is dispayed. Dou may modify the tite and
the contents !body$. Eo'ever4 the underying format remains the one chosen at creation time.
The S note T fied is for storing a revision note4 briefy summariBing the modifications made to the
te2t. This note 'i be dispayed for each version in the C+ersionsL tab.
C..f.ii. Creating a new version
By defaut4 co-ment creates a ne' version of your te2t each time you save it. This ma%es it possibe
for you to vie' or restore any version !see section C.....g$. 0ntic% the corresponding bo2 if you do
not 'ish to create a ne' version" in this case4 it 'i not be possibe to restore the od version.
C..f.iii. 9eep or detach comments
By defaut4 co-ment %eeps a pubished comments in a ne' version. The comments corresponding
to a part of the te2t that has been modified are CdetachedL" they are no onger attached to a specific
passage in the te2t4 but can sti be read.
Dou can ho'ever decide to"
%eep no comment at a" untic% both the C%eep commentsL and the Cdetach commentsL
%eep ony the comments 'hose scope has not been affected by changes" untic% ony the
Cdetach commentsL bo2.
%eep ony the comments corresponding to te2t that has been modified or deeted" tic% ony
the bo2 Cdetach commentsL
C.III.g. ,ersion management
co*ment (ersionin& system enables you to (iew and mana&e (ersions of your te-t. 7ou can compare
them two by two. At any time, you can restore an older (ersion.
C..g.i. "he version list
Cic% on the C+ersionsL tab to vie' the ist of versions. The number bet'een parentheses is the
number of versions for the te2t.
.n the tab4 you 'i find for each version
.ts tite
.ts number !version 1 is the odest$
the revision note saved by the author of each version !if any$
the author of the ne' version !user 'ho saved it$
the date of creation of the version
the number of comments in the version
By hovering the tite of each version you can"
vie' the version
compare it to the previous one
restore this version
C..g.ii. Compare two versions
Seect the 2 versions that you 'ish to compare by cic%ing on the round bo2es in front of their tite.
Cic% then on the green button CCompare seected versionsL.
The t'o versions appear side-to-side4 the oder on the eft. The modification bet'een versions are in
red font. .n the oder version4 red font indicates te2t that has been deeted. .n the ne'er one4 te2t
that has been added. 0sing the in%s on the top4 you can go bac% to the version ist44 or access one of
the compared versions.

C..g.iii. *estoring a former version
At any time4 you can go restore a previous of your te2t. Cic% on the in% C6evert to this versionL
that appears 'hen you drag your pointer on the tota of the version you 'hich to restore. Co-ment
creates then a ne' version identica to the one you have designated.
C.III.h. !ollowing up the activit on a text
)o follow contributions or te-t edits, you can use %00 feeds or email notifications.
C..h.i. &ublic feed for a text
Dou can subscribe to the pubic 6SS feed for a te2t4 by cic%ing on the C-oo'upL tab for this te2t.
Dou can then foo' the ne' edits or comments in your favorite aggregator.
A users 'ho have access rights for the te2t have access to the contents of the pubic feed. The
pubic feed has its o'n 0684 'hich you can transmit to any user 'ith access rights for the te2t to as
to ma%e it possibe for this person to foo' the activity on the te2t.
C..h.ii. &rivate feed for a text
;anagers can subscribe to the private 6SS feed4 provided it has first been activated in the -oo'up
tab for the te2t. .n contrast to the pubic feed4 the private feed contains aso information about the
deetion of comments.
9ny managers can access the 068 for the private feed. Dou can transmit it to other persons4 but
be'are that it 'i give them access to contents that they 'oud normay not have rights of access
to. .f necessary !in particuar 'hen the 068 of the private feed has been shared in an undesirabe
manner$4 you can modify its address. (ust cic% on the C6eset private feed 068L in the C-oo'upL
C..h.iii. 0mail notifications for a text
.t is possibe to receive notifications by emai. Tic% the corresponding bo2es avaiabe to this effect
in the C-oo'upL tab. The emai address to 'hich notifications are sent is the one provided in your
profie4 and can be modified at any time !see section C...a.iii$.

C.III.i. +haring news on social networ"s
This functionaity is being reshaped to add ne' sharing modes.
C.I,.a. &mbedding a co-ment text
/ne can embed a co*ment te-t in any web pa&e, pro(ided this te-t has been made public. )hus,
+nternet users will be able to annotate your te-t usin& co*ment without lea(in& your site. )he script
code to copy in your 4eb pa&e is pro(ided for all public te-ts.
.n your 'or%space4 dispay the te2t to be embedded. Cic% on the 1mbed tab. Dou can then copy the
script code.
As mentioned above ony pubic te2ts can be embedded in a site. To ma%e a te2t pubic give a roe
to anonymous users !see section C...c.iv$. .f you 'ish them to be in a position to comment4 give
them at east CcommentatorL roe.
C.I,.b. -rinting
4hen you (iew the te-t, click on the icon in the ri&ht part of the toolbar. 0e(eral options can be
selected re&ardin& comments, formats and the way in which the scope of comments will be
C.:.b.i. Comments
.n the drop-do'n menu for comments4 you can seect 'hich comments 'i appear in the printout.
The choices are"
a comments G
the previousy fitered comments !see section C.....e.ii$. :ote that if a fitered comment
beongs to a discussion thread4 the fu thread 'i be printed.
Comments 'i appear after the te2t. Dou can retrieve the passage to 'hich they are associated using
the associated number.
C.:.b.ii. +ormat
Choose in the CformatL drop-do'n menu the format from 'hich you 'i abe to print"
ET;8 from your bro'ser
C.:.b.iii. *endering of the comments6 scope
.n the third drop-do'n menu4 you can choose ho' the scope of each comment 'i be rendered"
'ith mar%ers 'ith the foo'ing synta2 Uco-ment numberVannotated passageWco-ment
numberX$ G
'ith mar%ers and highighting.
C.I,.c. &xport
To e2port your te2t cic% on the icon situated on the right of the toobar.
Severa options are possibe regarding comments4 format and rendering of commentsF scope. -or
comments and the rendering of their scope refer to the previous section.
The avaiabe formats for e2ports of co-ment te2ts are"
ET;8 !.htm$ 6ecommended for use in a 'ebsite or import in an editoria too
using ET;8 input.
mar%do'n !.m%d$ 6ecommended for use in a 'ebsite supporting ;ar%do'n
&)- !.pdf$ 6ecommended for *uaity printing
ate2 !.te2$ 6ecommended for scientific pubishing and other ate2 systems
9pen document !.odt$
;icrosoft 'ord !.doc$
;icrosoft 'ord 2007 !.doc2$
6ecommended for import in 'ord processing-based editoria
1boo% !.epub$ 6ecommended for import in e&ub readers
Co-ment A;8 !.2m$ 6ecommended for re-import in co-ment or for running AS8T or
simiar transators
*. )ain elements of the )ar"down sntax
9lease find below a reminder of the key synta- features for (9andoc$ markdown, used for comments
in all cases and for te-ts when chosen as the underlyin& stora&e and editin& format.
3or more information on 9andoc Markdown, consult the user &uide of 9andoc at6
- -or itaiciBing some te2t"
*italics* or _italics_
- -or bodface"
**boldface text** or __boldface text__
- -or inine code "
Some text `code` some text
- -or a fu paragraph of code !4 spaces in front$
First line of code
Second line
> This text will appear as <blockquote>.
- An empty ine 'i create a ne' paragraph
First pararaph
Second pararaph
- -or a simpe ne' ine4 insert to ban% spaces at the end of the ine
/ori0ontal rules
To create an horiBonta rue4 three dashes or stars are necessaryG
- - -
- .nsert a banc ine before the beginning of the ist
- buet point ist"
* !pples
* "ears
* #ested list with at least $ spaces
- numbered ist"
%. m& first item
'. m& second item
( First le)el title
(((( Fourth le)el title
*e)el % title
*e)el ' Title
-at least as man& + or . than the title/
0text of anchor1-url 2title -optional/2/
30alt text1-imae_url 2titre 2title -optional/2/
!ootnote 'will be automaticall numbered(
40text of footnote1

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