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English For Beginners

A. Introductions
Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa Jermanik Barat, yang berasal dari Inggris. Bahasa ini merupakan
kombinasi antara beberapa bahasa lokal yang dipakai oleh orang-orang Norwegia, Denmark, Saon
dan Anglo dari abad ke-! sampai "#. $alu pada tahun "#!! dengan ditaklukkan Inggris oleh William
the Conqueror, sang penakluk dari Normandia, %erancis &tara, maka bahasa Inggris dengan sangat
intensi' mulai dipengaruhi bahasa $atin dan bahasa %erancis. Dari seluruh kosakata bahasa Inggris
modern, diperkirakan ()#* berasal dari bahasa %erancis dan $atin.
Sejarah bahasa Inggris
%erkembangan bahasa Inggris biasa dibagi men+adi tiga masa,
Bahasa Inggris -uno atau bahasa Anglo-Saon, .## / "#!!
Bahasa Inggris 0engahan, antara "#!! / ")##
Bahasa Inggris Baru, mulai dari abad ke "!
Bahasabahasa kerabat
Bahasa Inggris tergolong rumpun bahasa Jermanik, dan terutama dari cabang Jermanik Barat.
-erabat terdekatnya adalah bahasa 1riesland. Selain itu bahasa Belanda 2termasuk pula bahasa-
bahasa Jerman hilir lainnya3 +uga masih dekat. Bahasa Jerman 2Bahasa Jerman hulu3 agak lebih +auh
0etapi dari semua bahasa Jermanik, bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa yang paling lain secara
tatabahasa dan kosakata. -osakata bahasa Inggris banyak dipengaruhi oleh bahasa %erancis, yang
masuk melalui penaklukan bangsa Norman dan belakangan melalui penggunaan bahasa %erancis
sebagai bahasa resmi selama beberapa abad di lingkungan pemerintahan.
Status bahasa
Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa pertama di Amerika Serikat, Antigua dan Barbuda, Australia, Bahama,
Barbados, Bermuda, Britania 4aya, 5uyana, Jamaika, Saint -itts dan Ne6is, Selandia Baru dan
0rinidad dan 0obago.
Selain itu bahasa Inggris +uga salah satu bahasa resmi di berbagai negara, seperti di A'rika Selatan,
Beli7e, 1ilipina, 8ong -ong, Irlandia, -anada,Nigeria, Singapura dan lainnya.
Di dunia bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa kedua pertama yang dipela+ari. Bahasa Inggris bisa
menyebar karena pengaruh politik dan imperialisme Inggris dan selan+utnya Britania 4aya di dunia.
Salah satu pepatah Inggris 7aman dahulu mengenai kera+aan Inggris yang disebut Imperium Britania
2British Empire3 adalah tempat di mana 9:atahari tidak pernah terbenam; 29where the sun never
Tata bahasa
0ata bahasa Inggris memiliki 6ariasi dalam struktur dan penggunaannya, itu tergantung tradisi yang
digunakan oleh suatu negara yang dipengaruhi oleh bahasa asli dari negara tersebut. Secara umum,
tata bahasa yang dipedomani adalah tata bahasa Inggris Amerika dan Inggris Britania 4aya (British).
Mengapa Belajar Bahasa Inggris ?

Bela+ar untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan baik mungkin adalah salah satu hal terbaik yang
dapat Anda lakukan untuk memperbaiki kualitas hidup Anda. Benar < :enurut pendapat Anda,
apakah menyenangkan bila Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk memperoleh in'ormasi yang tidak
setiap orang bisa mendapatkannya = Berbicara dan menulis surat kepada orang-orang di belahan
dunia yang lain = :emberi kesan kepada perusahaan yang sedang mewawancara Anda = :elakukan
lompatan besar dalam karir dan berarti +uga lompatan besar dalam penghasilan. Anda bisa
mendapatkan semua ini +ika Anda berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan baik.

Berkomunikasi Dengan Banyak Orang.
-ami ingin menyebut Bahasa Inggris >the language o' communication>, mengapa = Nampaknya
kebanyakan orang di dunia ini memakai bahasa Inggris saat berkomunikasi satu dengan yang lain.
Sekitar ",) milyar orang berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris. Dan " milyar lainnya sedang bela+ar
Bahasa Inggris.
Sebanyak .)* surat dan kartu pos ditulis dalam Bahasa Inggris.
8ampir semua kon'erensi dan kompetisi internasional dilaksanakan dalam Bahasa Inggris,
seperti ?limpiade dan 0he :iss &ni6erse @ontest.
Diplomat dan politisi dari negara yang berbeda-beda menggunakan Bahasa Inggris untuk
berkomunikasi satu dengan lainnya. Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa utama organisasi %BB,
NA0?, dan Asosiasi %erdagangan Bebas Aropa.
@ontact people 'rom all o6er the world. :embicarakan ide dan pendapat Anda dalam grup
diskusi di Internet, mengirim e-mail dan mempela+ari budaya mereka.
0ra6el more easily. Berkomunikasi dengan banyak orang kemana sa+a Anda pergi - Bahasa
Inggris dipakai lebih dari "## negara. :enanyakan arah atau tempat, bercakap-cakap,
atau......meminta tolong. Siapa tahu, mungkin Bahasa Inggris akan menolong Anda suatu hari
Menorong !arir "na #ebih Maju.
-alau Anda menghendaki peker+aan yang baik di bidang bisnis, teknologi, atau sains, bangkitlah dari
kursimu dan mulailah bela+ar Bahasa Inggris sekarang +uga < 2Jika Anda sekarang sudah memiliki
peker+aan yang baik, mulailah bela+ar Bahasa Inggris sebelum Anda kehilangan peker+aan itu <3.

%ut >ecellent knowledge o' Anglish> on your @B. Dapatkan peker+aan yang Anda impikan dan
dapatkan penghasilan yang lebih banyak.
5ain technical knowledge. Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa teknologi, khususnya teknologi
tinggi seperti ilmu komputer, genetika dan kedokteran. Jika Anda akan membaca tentang
teknologi mungkin Anda harus melakukannya dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Be a world-class businessman or -woman. Sederhana sa+a. Bisnis internasional kebanyakan
dilaksanakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Dan semua bisnis saat ini internasional. Sehingga bila
Anda ingin turut bermain, Anda harus mengerti bahasa Inggris - to contact other business
people, go to con'erences, read international business newspapers and maga7ines, etc.
Become a better scientist. :enghubungi para pakar dari negara lain, menghadiri kon'erensi,
mengun+ungi pusat-pusat akademik di luar negeri, mempela+ari penemuan ilmiah terbaru
dengan membaca makalah, buku, dan ma+alah.
&se your computer more eCecti6ely. 8ampir semua aplikasi komputer ditulis dalam bahasa
$earn new skills 'or your +ob. Bahasa Inggris membantu Anda bela+ar.
Menapatkan "kses bagi Ilmu $engetahuan.
8ampir semua ilmu pengetahuan disa+ikan dalam bahasa Inggris.
D.* o' all pages on the Eeb. Jumlahnya lebih dari " milyar halaman in'ormasi. Sungguh
menak+ubkan bahwa dengan mempela+ari Bahasa Inggris sa+a, Anda bisa mempela+ari hampir
semua pengetahuan di Internet.
Books. Dengan +udul apa sa+a, dari seluruh dunia. :embaca buku yang ditulis para pengarang
Inggris atau Amerika dan buku yang diter+emahkan dari bahasa lain. Apapun yang men+adi
ketertarikan Anda, dapat dibaca dalam bahasa Inggris.
0he %ress. 8anya ma+alah dan surat kabar Bahasa Inggris yang dapat dibeli di setiap belahan
dunia. Anda tidak mengalami kesulitan bila mencari 0ime, Newsweek, atau International
8erald 0ribune.
Science. Bahasa Inggris adalah kunci ilmu pengetahuan dunia. Dalam tahun "FF., F)*
indeks artikel @itation ditulis dalam Bahasa Inggris. 8anya sekitar )#* yang berasal dari
negara berbahasa Inggris seperti &SA dan Britain.
News reports. Nontonlah +aringan tele6isi internasional, seperti @NN International dan NB@.
Siaran berita mereka +auh lebih cepat dan pro'esional, dan Anda dapat menontonnya di mana
sa+a di dunia ini.

Menikmati hasil seni an buaya.
0idak seperti bahasa lain, Bahasa Inggris memudahkan Anda memahami budaya dunia. Dengan
pengetahuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik, Anda dapat melakukan hal-hal yang baik ,
Eatch American and British Glms in the original. Sekali Anda mencoba dan memahaminya,
Anda tidak akan kembali lagi ke 6ersi dubbing.
4ead great books. Setiap buku terkenal ditulis atau diter+emahkan dalam Bahasa Inggris,
seperti drama klasik 8amlet, sampai modern thrillers Jurassic %ark.
Bahasa Inggris M%D"& DI$E#"'"(I.
Bahasa Inggris tidak hanya paling banyak digunakan di seluruh dunia, tetapi +uga salah satu bahasa
termudah untuk dipela+ari dan digunakan.
Simple alphabet. Bahasa Inggris tidak memakai simbol-simbol khusus seperti yang ada di
Bahasa Jerman atau 4usia.
0ata bahasa dan kata dalam Bahasa Inggris sederhana.
Anglish is e6erywhere. Anda dapat dengan mudah menemukan 0B, musik, websites, ma+alah
berbahasa Inggris. :empraktekkan Bahasa Inggris penting untuk meningkatkan keinginan
bela+ar Anda.
B. Main )ourse
". Alphabethal
H. 'ree test
I. Bocabularry building
J. 4eading @omprehension
). $istening K Speaking
$esson "
Baca dan dengarkan<
A , aei N , en
B , bi ? , o
@ , si % , pi
D , di L , kyu
A , i 4 , a,
1 , e' S , es
5 , +i 0 , ti
8 , ei+ & , yu
I , ai B , G
J , +e E, dabel
- , ke M , eks
$ , el N , wai
:, em O , 7ed
$esson H
1ree 0est
&raikan< Dan baca perhuru' <
T"B#E *ME'"+
)%$BO"(D *#EM"(I+
BE"%T- *)".TI!+
S%$E( *"DID"-"+
&".DSOME *T"M$".+
uraikan pula kataH si'at dibawah ini
)olors are aje/ti0es
@olors - eamples, black, blue, white, green, red
Si7es - eamples, big, small, large, thin, thick
Shapes- eamples, triangular, round, sPuare,
Lualities- eamples, good, bad, mediocre
$ersonality Traits
%ersonality - eamples, happy, sad, angry, depressed
Time relate
0ime - eamples, Nearly , monthly, annually
"ge relate
Ages - eamples, new, young, old, brand-new,
Soun relate
Sound related - eamples, loud, noisy, Puiet, silent
Tou/h relate
0ouch related - eamples, slippery, sticky
Taste relate
0aste related - eamples, +uicy, sweet
$esson I
Bocabullarry buildings
age 0he age o' my daughter is three.
air 0he air is Puite clear today.
anger 8is anger knows no limits.
animal IQm not sure o' the name o' that animal o6er there in that cage.
answer 8e pro6ided an ecellent answer to my Puestion.
apple I lo6e a good red apple a'ter dinner.
area 0his area is intended 'or recreation
arm 8e put his arm out 'or inspection.
art It would be diRcult to li6e without art.
atom ?ne o' the smallest elements is the atom.
baby She put her baby into its crib.
back I turned my back on that outrageous man.
ball 8e hit the ball out o' the park.
band 0he band played until three in the morning.
bank 0he bank closes at three in the a'ternoon.
bar $etQs go to the bar and get a beer.
base 8e works at the base on the otherside o' town.
bat I' you look up there you can see a bat Sying between the trees.
bear 0he bear is a dangerous but play'ul animal.
beauty 0he countryside is splendid in its beauty.
bell 8e rang the bell to signal the end o' class.
bird Do you know the name o' that bird on that branch=
bit @ould you hand me that bit 'or this drill=
block 8e picked up the block o' wood and began to work on it.
blood $ook at the blood on the Soor< EhatQs happened=
blow 8e recei6ed a mighty blow 'rom his opponent in the boing match.
board &se that board o6er there to co6er up the window.
boat 8e bought a new boat 'or his birthday.
body 8e le't the body at the side o' the road.
bone I 'ound a prehistoric bone in the desert.
book Nou should read this book<
bottom Nou will Gnd the coin at the bottom o' the lake.
bo I put the etra clothes into that bo.
boy Do you see that boy o6er there=
branch 0here is a bird on that branch.
bread @ould you get some bread when you go to the supermarket=
break IQll take a G6e minute break and then get back to work.
brother :y brother li6es in Seattle.
call 5i6e me a call when you arri6e.
camp I set up camp at the edge o' the wood.
capital 0he capital o' Eashington state is ?lympia.
captain 0he captain told his crew to raise the sail.
car 8e dro6e his car 6ery 'ast.
card $et me gi6e you my business card.
care She recei6ed ecellent care at the hospital.
case Nou will Gnd the bottle o' wine in that case o6er there.
cat :y cat is 'our years old.
cause IQm sure his lack o' understanding was the cause o' his 'ailure.
cell 0he cell is one o' natureQs wonders.
cent I' I had e6ery cent I ha6e wasted I would be a 6ery rich man indeed.
century $ast century was at times horriGc and at times mar6elous.
chair $et me get a chair and sit down.
chance I' you +ust gi6e him a chance you will see how capable he really is.
change I need a change in my li'e<
character 8er character can be 6ery 'rustrating at times.
chick 8e picked up the little chick that had +ust been born.
chie' Just a moment, I need to speak to the chie'.
child 8e ga6e the child a dime.
children Ee ha6e G6e children<
chord 0he pianist played the mar6elous chord.
circle Draw a circle on a piece o' paper and write your ideas in it.
city $i'e in a city can be both wonder'ul and 'rustrating.
class 8e came to class late.
climb 0he climb to the top o' the peak was challenging.
clock Ee need a new clock 'or the li6ingroom.
cloud 0he cloud appeared on the hori7on and I knew it would rain soon.
coast $etQs go to the coast 'or the weekend.
coat ItQs cold outside< :ake sure to put your coat on.
cold 0he cold in this room is unbearable.
colony 0he British established the colony in "D.!.
color 0hat is itQs true color<
column I read his latest column in the New Nork 0imes.
company 8eQs worked 'or that company 'or o6er G6e years.
condition 8as his condition impro6ed=
consonant 0hat is a consonant that you donQt ha6e in your language.
continent She li6es on a diCerent continent.
copy @an you gi6e me a copy o' that report=
corn 0his corn is so sweet< Ehere did you get it=
cost Nou can buy a used car at a low cost.
cotton @otton is used to make many diCerent types o' clothes.
country 8e li6es in a country where 'ree speech is not allowed.
course IQm taking a computer course at the local college.
co6er 0he co6er o' this weekQs issue is really shocking.
cow 8e has a cow that he milks e6ery day.
crop 0his yearQs crop was ecellent.
cross 8e hang a cross o6er his desk.
crowd 0hat crowd went wild at his last statement.
cry 8er cry could be heard abo6e the crowd.
current 0he current is really strong in that ri6er.
cut 8ow did you get that cut=
dad I 6isited my dad last week.
dance Eould you like to go to the dance with me this Saturday=
danger 0here is great danger in those woods.
day Ehat a great day<
dead :any people beli6e the dead come back to haunt.
deal I made a deal with SmithQs.
death 8is death disturbed her greatly.
decimal 0he decimal was )T!.
degree 8e will soon recei6e his degree.
design 8er design won the best pro+ect o' the year award.
dictionary $ook that up in the dictionary i' you donQt understand.
di6ision I work in the sales di6ision.
doctor NouQd better see a doctor about that cough.
dog :y daughter would lo6e to ha6e a dog.
dollar 8e paid top dollar 'or that car.
door $et me open the door 'or you.
double 8e was @lint AastwoodQs double.
draw I lost the draw and so I ha6e to go last.
dream She same him clearly in her dream last night.
dress She wore that pretty blue dress to the party.
drink Eould you like a drink= - :aybe a gin and tonic=
dri6e 0he dri6e up to the canyon was beauti'ul.
drop 0he drop was almost )## meters straight down<
duck Do you see that cute duck swimming o6er there=
ear $end me an ear and I will tell you an interesting story.
earth 8e mo6ed about two tons o' earth this weekend.
ease 0he ease with which he plays tennis shows how o'ten he plays.
east 0he east will always be diCerent 'rom the west.
edge Be care'ul< DonQt get too close to the edge<
eCect Ee still donQt know the long term eCect his actions will ha6e.
egg Eould you like your egg boiled or 'ried=
eight 0here are eight in the room.
element ?ne important element is hard study.
end Ee are nearing the end o' the +ourney.
enemy 8is enemy Jed attacked him.
energy She has so much energy< Just think o' all the diCerent things she does.
$esson J
4eading @omprehension
The lost bir.
0he little bird is lost.
>Nou are lost=>, said the owl to the little bird.
>Nou need a map.
8ere, take this map.
@an you read this map=>
0he little bird can read the map.
She is not lost any more.
Meg an the og.
The 3ar 3ar star.
The 0ery silly story.
The sa bug.
Nou lost little dog, she said.
:eg met a little dog.
Are you lost=, she said to the dog.
Nou are a lost little dog, she said.
@ome with me, she said.
I like you.
I will take you home, she said.
1ar, 'ar, 'ar
is that star, star, star.
So 'ar up in sky
is that little star.
It can see me, the little star.
0he little shiny star, so 'ar.
0he big pig met a little dog.
0he 'at cat meets a sad rat.
All meet a hen who sleeps.
All meet a sheep who weeps.
All o' them are
are 6ery silly.
0he bug 'ell in a net.
0he bug is sad.
0he bug is so sad.
@an he get out=
@an he get out o' the net=
0he bug can not get out o' the net.
8e is a sad bug.
My ay
The re so/k.
The bee.
My re bike.
Eake up.
Eash and brush.
5o out and play.
@ome in and play some more.
Now its dark.
5o to bed, read a book.
Now that is a good day<
0he cat.
0he cat is cold.
0he cat got a sock.
A red sock.
0he gray cat.
@at has on a red sock.
5ray cat has on a red sock.
0he bee.
8ere is a bee.
8ere is a little bee.
1ast bee.
Bu77 bu77 bee.
?h no<
Bee bit me<
Bad bee.
I got a bike.
I got a good bike.
It is a red bike.
I lo6e this bike.
It goes 'ast.
It is a 'ast bike.
It is the best bike and it is red.
I lo6e my red bike.
Broken ish.
I 4ant a og.
&op5 Skip an 'ump
0here were three brother rabbits.
8op, Skip and Jump.
0hey were looking 'or a home.
>Ee must ha6e grass,> said 8op.
>Ee must ha6e carrots,> said Skip.
>Ee must ha6e a kind little boy to pet us,> said Jump.
So oC they went looking 'or a home with grass, carrots and a kind little boy.
Eho did that=
Eho broke the dish=
Eas it the cat=
Eas it the dog=
0he dish is broken.
Eish the dish was not broken.
Eho broke it=
I want a pet.
It has to be a dog.
Not a cat, or a rat.
And not a bat.
I like dogs.
5et me a dog.
I want a dog.
I +ust want a dog.
Soon they came to a garden.
>I see grass in the garden.> said 8op.
>I see carrots in the garden.> said Skip.
>I see Sowers in the garden.> said Jump, >and I see a little boy.>
Just then, the boy said in a angry 6oice,
>I will dig up this grass and I donQt like carrots>
>?h no, we are a'raid o' angry boys. Ee wonQt he happy here> said Jump and he +umped oC.
?n down the road they went. 8op, Skip and Jump.
0hey came to another garden, 0his one had grass, carrots and a there was a little girl.
>0his is such a pretty garden<> said Skip.
>$et us li6e here with the little girl.> said 8op.
>?h, we will be so happy here.> said Jump.
Just then, they heard the little girl say in a angry 6oice.
>I will dig up the Sowers, I will dig up all the Sowers, and I will dig up the carrots too. 0hey are no
good.> She was angry.
>Ee are a'raid o' angry girls. Ee wonQt be happy here.
$et us keep looking.
So oC they hopped, skipped and +umped.
Soon, they came to another garden.0here were Sowers, carrots and grass. And there was a little boy.
Just then they heard the little boy say,
>Nes, momma, I lo6e the Sowers, and the carrots and the green grass. I will water them and I will take
care o' them.>
0he three rabbits were 6ery happy.
>Ee ha6e 'ound grass and carrots. And we ha6e 'ound a kind little boy who will pet us< 8e is a good
boy, we know it.>
>Now we ha6e 'ound a home<>
The Dinner $arty
A baby rabbit, a baby sPuirrel, and a baby robin were
?ne warm day, the 'riends sat under a tree and talked about all the good things to eat.
0he baby rabbit said, >?h, nothing is as good as a 'resh cabbage lea'. I' you would taste it once, you
would say
that too.>
>A cabbage lea' may be good, but I can think o' nothing better than nuts,> said the sPuirrel.
>?h, a cabbage and nuts are all right, but bugs and worms are what I like,> said baby robin.
So they argued. 0hen they decided to ha6e a dinner party so e6eryone could taste what the others
like. And what a dinner party it was<
0he rabbit ate nuts and bugs and worms.
0he sPuirrel ate cabbage lea' and bugs and worms. And robin ate a cabbage lea' and nuts 'or dinner.
Nobody liked the dinner. 0hey were glad it was o6er.
0hat night mother rabbit sat up with her baby all
night long.
:other sPuirrel sat up with her baby all night long.
:other robin was up all night with baby robin.
Net day, baby rabbit said, >?h, the cabbage lea' is good
enough 'or me.>
0he baby sPuirrel said, >Ne6er, ne6er, nothing but nuts 'or me.>
And baby robin cried out, >?h, bugs and worms 'or me< Nothing more thank you.>
$esson )
#istening 6 Speaking
%ngkapan $embuka )on0ersation
Ada beberapa ungkapan yang la7im digunakan sebagai )on0ersation Opener 2U pembuka
con6ersation3 pada frst meeting. @oba perhatikan beberapa contoh di bawah ini,
:y name is ....... 2biasanya complete name3
I am ....... 2+uga complete name3
Nou can call me ........ 2nickname U nama penggilan3 --V John Smith +adinya John
:y 'riends call me ........ 2nickname3
%lease call me ....... 2nickname3
EhatQs your name= 2complete name3
8ow do I call you= 2nickname3
@an I call you= 2nickname3
I li6e at ....2alamat lengkap3 --V I li6e at Jl. Ahmad Nani no.H
I li6e on .......2hanya nama +alan3 --V I li6e on Jl. Ahmad Nani
I li6e in ...... 2hanya area, daerah, kota3 --V
I li6e in 0angerangTJakarta
Ehere do you li6e= 2bertanya alamat lengkap3
EhatQs your address= 2s d a3
I work atTinT'or ....... 2nama perusahaanTinstansi3
I am aTan ....... 2+abatan3 --V I am a teacherTdoctorT
ci6il ser6ant 2%NS3Tan engineer
I am in ........ departmentTdi6isionTunitTsection 2bagianT
bidang di perusahaanTinstansi3
Ehere do you work= 2bertanya tentang peker+aan3
EhatQs your departmentTdi6isionTunitTsection= 2bertanya
tentang bidangTbagian3
I come 'rom T I am 'rom ........ 2saya berasal dari .......3
I am originally 'rom ......... 2saya aslinya dari ........ 3
I am aTan ........ -- mis. Ambonese 2orang Ambon3, Sundanese, :alay, Ja6anese, dll
Ehere do you come 'rom T Ehere are you 'rom= 2bertanya tentang asal-usul3
Ehere are you originally 'rom= 2 s d a 3
Are you aTan ....... = 2Ambonese, Sundanese, :alay, Ja6anese3
I likeTlo6eTen+oy ....... 2saya suka ..... 3 --V mis. reading, watching 0B, singing -- selalu BWing
:y hobby is ...... 2satu3 T :y hobbies are ....... 2lebih dari satu3 --V Gshing, reading
Ehat do you likeTlo6eTen+oy doing= 2bertanya3
Ehat isTEhat are your hobbyThobbies=

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