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Life of St.

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Athanasius the bishop to the brethren in foreign parts.
You have entered upon a noble rvalr! wth the "on#$ o% E&!pt b! !our
deter"naton ether to e'ual or $urpa$$ the" n !our trann& n the wa! o% vrtue.
For b! th$ t"e there are "ona$tere$ a"on& !ou( and the na"e
o% "on# re)eve$ publ) re)o&nton. *th rea$on( there%ore( all "en wll approve
th$ deter"naton( and n an$wer to !our pra!er$ God wll &ve t$ %ul%l"ent. Now
$n)e !ou a$#ed "e to &ve !ou an a))ount o% the ble$$ed Anton!+$ wa! o% l%e( and
are w$h%ul to learn how he be&an the d$)plne( who and what "anner o% "an he
wa$ prevou$ to th$( how he )lo$ed h$ l%e( and whether the thn&$ told o% h"
are true( that !ou al$o "a! brn& !our$elve$ to "tate h"( , ver! readl!
a))epted !our behe$t( %or to "e al$o the bare re)olle)ton o% Anton! $ a
&reat a))e$$on o% help. And , #nowthat !ou( when !ou have heard( apart %ro"
!our ad"raton o% the "an( wll be w$h%ul to e"ulate h$ deter"naton- $een&
that %or "on#$the l%e o% Anton! $ a $u%%)ent pattern o% d$)plne. *here%ore do
not re%u$e )reden)e to what !ou have heard %ro" tho$e who brou&ht tdn&$ o%
h"- but thn# rather that the! have told !ou onl! a %ew thn&$( %or at all event$
the! $)ar)el! )an have &ven )r)u"$tan)e$ o% $o &reat "port n an! detal. And
be)au$e , at !our re'ue$t have )alled to "nd a %ew )r)u"$tan)e$ about h"( and
$hall $end a$ "u)h a$ , )an tell n a letter( do not ne&le)t to 'ue$ton tho$e who
$al %ro" here. %or po$$bl! when all have told ther tale( the a))ount wllhardl! be
n proporton to h$ "ert$. On a))ount o% th$ , wa$ de$rou$( when , re)eved
!our letter( to $end %or )ertan o% the "on#$( tho$e e$pe)all! who were wont to be
"ore %re'uentl! wth h"( that % , )ould learn an! %re$h detal$ , "&ht $end the"
to !ou. /ut $n)e the $ea$on %or $aln& wa$ )o"n& to an end and the letter0
)arrer ur&ent( , ha$tened to wrte to !our pet! what , "!$el% #now( havn& $een
h" "an! t"e$( and what , wa$ able to learn %ro" h"( %or , wa$ h$ attendant
%or a lon& t"e( and poured water on h$ hand$ - n all pont$ ben& "nd%ul o%
the truth( that no one $hould d$beleve throu&h hearn& too "u)h( nor on the
other hand b! hearn& too lttle $hould de$p$e the "an.
Birth and beginnings of Antony.
1. Anton! !ou "u$t #now wa$ b! de$)ent an E&!ptan. h$ parent$ were
o% &ood %a"l! and po$$e$$ed )on$derable wealth ( and a$ the! were Chr$tan$ he
al$o wa$ reared n the $a"e Fath. ,n n%an)! he wa$ brou&ht up wth
h$ parent$( #nown& nou&ht el$e but the" and h$ ho"e. /ut when he wa$ &rown
and arrved at bo!hood( and wa$ advan)n& n !ear$( he )ould not endure to
learn letter$( not )arn& to a$$o)ate wth other bo!$- but all h$ de$re wa$( a$ t $
wrtten o% 2a)ob( to lve a plan "an at ho"e. Gene$$ 34.35 *th h$ parent$ he u$ed
to attend the 6ord+$ Hou$e( and nether a$ a )hld wa$ he dle nor when older dd
he de$p$e the"- but wa$ both obedent to h$ %ather and "other and attentve to
what wa$ read( #eepn& n h$ heart what wa$ pro%table n what he heard. And
thou&h a$ a )hld brou&ht up n "oderate a%%luen)e( he dd not trouble
h$ parent$ %or vared or lu7urou$ %are( nor wa$ th$ a $our)e o% plea$ure to h"-
but wa$ )ontent $"pl! wth what he %ound nor $ou&ht an!thn& %urther.
3. A%ter the death o% h$ %ather and "other he wa$ le%t alone wth one lttle $$ter.
h$ a&e wa$ about e&hteen or twent!( and on h" the )are both o% ho"e and
$$ter re$ted. Now t wa$ not $7 "onth$ a%ter the death o% h$ parent$( and &on&
a))ordn& to )u$to" nto the6ord+$ Hou$e( he )o""uned wth h"$el% and
re%le)ted a$ he wal#ed how the Apo$tle$ Matthew 8.39 le%t all and %ollowed the Savour-
and how the! n the A)t$ A)t$ 8.:4 $old ther po$$e$$on$ and brou&ht and lad the"
at the Apo$tle$+ %eet %or d$trbuton to the need!( and what and how &reat
a hope wa$ lad up %or the" n heaven. ;ondern& over the$e thn&$ he entered
the )hur)h( and t happened theGo$pel wa$ ben& read( and he heard
the 6ord $a!n& to the r)h "an Matthew 1<.31( +,% !ou would be per%e)t( &o and $ell
that !ou have and &ve to the poor- and )o"e %ollow Me and !ou $hall have
trea$ure n heaven.+ Anton!( a$ thou&h God had put h" n "nd o% theSant$( and
the pa$$a&e had been read on h$ a))ount( went out ""edatel! %ro" the )hur)h(
and &ave the po$$e$$on$ o% h$ %ore%ather$ to the vlla&er$= the! were three
hundred a)re$ ( produ)tve and ver! %ar= that the! $hould be no "ore a )lo&
upon h"$el% and h$ $$ter. And all the re$t that wa$ "ovable he $old( and havn&
&ot to&ether "u)h "one! he &ave t to the poor( re$ervn& a lttle however %or h$
$$ter+$ $a#e.
&is early ascetic life.
:. And a&an a$ he went nto the )hur)h( hearn& the 6ord $a! n
the Go$pel Matthew >.:8( +be not an7ou$ %or the "orrow(+ he )ould $ta! no lon&er( but
went out and &ave tho$e thn&$ al$o to the poor. Havn& )o""tted h$ $$ter
to #nown and %ath%ul vr&n$( and put her nto a )onvent to be brou&ht up( he
hen)e%orth devoted h"$el% out$de h$ hou$e to d$)plne ( ta#n& heed to h"$el%
and trann& h"$el% wth paten)e. For there were not !et $o
"an! "ona$tere$ n E&!pt( and no "on# at all #new o% the d$tant de$ert- but all
who w$hed to &ve heed to the"$elve$ pra)t$ed the d$)plne n $oltude near
ther own vlla&e. Now there wa$ then n the ne7t vlla&e an old "an who had lved
the l%e o% a her"t %ro" h$ !outh up. Anton!( a%ter he had $een th$ "an(
"tated h" n pet!. And at %r$t he be&an to abde n pla)e$ out$de the vlla&e.
then % he heard o% a &ood "an an!where( l#e the prudent bee( he went %orth and
$ou&ht h"( nor turned ba)# to h$ own pala)e untl he had $een h"- and he
returned( havn& &ot %ro" the &ood "an a$ t were $upple$ %or h$ ?ourne! n the
wa! o% vrtue. So dwelln& there at %r$t( he )on%r"ed h$ purpo$e not to return to
the abode o% h$ %ather$ nor to the re"e"bran)e o% h$#n$%ol#- but to #eep all h$
de$re and ener&! %or per%e)tn& h$ d$)plne. He wor#ed( however( wth h$
hand$( havn& heard( +he who $ dle let h" not eat 3 The$$alonan$ :.19(+ and part he
$pent on bread and part he &ave to the need!. And he wa$ )on$tant
n pra!er(#nown& that a "an ou&ht to pra! n $e)ret un)ea$n&l!. For he had
&ven $u)h heed to what wa$ read that none o% the thn&$ that were wrtten %ell
%ro" h" to the &round( but he re"e"bered all( and a%terward$
h$ "e"or! $erved h" %or boo#$.
8. Thu$ )ondu)tn& h"$el%( Anton! wa$ beloved b! all. He $ub?e)ted h"$el% n
$n)ert! to the &ood "en who" he v$ted( and learned thorou&hl! where ea)h
$urpa$$ed h" n @eal and d$)plne. He ob$erved the &ra)ou$ne$$ o% one- the
un)ea$n& pra!er o% another- he too# #nowled&e o% another+$ %reedo"
%ro" an&er and another+$ lovn&0#ndne$$- he &ave heed to one a$ he wat)hed( to
another a$ he $tuded- one he ad"red %or h$ enduran)e( another %or
h$ %a$tn& and $leepn& on the &round- the "ee#ne$$ o% one and the lon&0
$u%%ern& o% another he wat)hed wth )are( whle he too# note o%
the pet! toward$ Chr$t and the "utual love wh)h an"ated all. Thu$ %lled( he
returned to h$ own pla)e o% d$)plne( and hen)e%orth would $trve to unte
the 'ualte$ o% ea)h( and wa$ ea&er to $how n h"$el% thevrtue$ o% all. *th
other$ o% the $a"e a&e he had no rvalr!- $ave th$ onl!( that he $hould not be
$e)ond to the" n h&her thn&$. And th$ he dd $o a$ to hurt the %eeln&$ o%
nobod!( but "ade the" re?o)e over h". So all the! o% that vlla&e and
the &ood "en n who$e nt"a)! he wa$( when the! $aw that he wa$ a "an o% th$
$ort( u$ed to )all h" God0beloved. And $o"e wel)o"ed h" a$ a $on( other$ a$ a
Early conflicts $ith the de'il.
4. /ut the devl( who hate$ and enve$ what $ &ood( )ould not endure to $ee $u)h
a re$oluton n a !outh( but endeavoured to )arr! out a&an$t h" what he had
been wont to e%%e)t a&an$t other$. Fr$t o% all he tred to lead h" awa! %ro"
the d$)plne( wh$pern& to h" the re"e"bran)e o% h$ wealth( )are %or h$
$$ter( )la"$ o% #ndred( love o% "one!( love o% &lor!( the varou$ plea$ure$ o% the
table and the other rela7aton$ o% l%e( and at la$t the d%%)ult! o% vrtue and the
labour o% t- he $u&&e$ted al$o the n%r"t! o% the bod! and the len&th o% the t"e.
,n a word he ra$ed n h$ "nd a &reat du$t o% debate( w$hn& to debar h" %ro"
h$ $ettled purpo$e. /ut when the ene"! $aw h"$el% to be too wea#
%or Anton!+$ deter"naton( and that he rather wa$ )on'uered b! the other+$
%r"ne$$( overthrown b! h$ &reat %ath and %alln& throu&h h$ )on$tant pra!er$(
then at len&th puttn& h$ tru$t n the weapon$ wh)h are +n the navel o%
h$ bell!+and boa$tn& n the"= %or the! are h$ %r$t $nare %or the !oun&= he
atta)#ed the !oun& "an( d$turbn& h" b! n&ht and hara$$n& h" b! da!( $o
that even the onloo#er$ $aw the $tru&&le wh)h wa$ &on& on between the". The
one would $u&&e$t %oul thou&ht$ and the other )ounter the" wth pra!er$. the one
%re h" wth lu$t( the other( a$ one who $ee"ed to blu$h( %ort%! h$ bod!
wth %ath( pra!er$( and %a$tn&. And the devl( unhapp! w&ht( one n&ht even too#
upon h" the $hape o% a wo"an and "tated all her a)t$ $"pl! to be&uleAnton!.
/ut he( h$ "nd %lled wth Chr$t and the noblt! n$pred b! H"( and )on$dern&
the $prtualt! o% the $oul( 'uen)hed the )oal o% the other+$ de)et. A&an the
ene"! $u&&e$ted the ea$e o% plea$ure. /ut he l#e a "an %lled wth ra&e and &re%
turned h$ thou&ht$ to the threatened %re and the &nawn& wor"( and $ettn&
the$e n arra! a&an$t h$ adver$ar!( pa$$ed throu&h the te"ptaton un$)athed. All
th$ wa$ a $our)e o% $ha"e to h$ %oe. For he( dee"n& h"$el% l#e God( wa$ now
"o)#ed b! a !oun& "an- and he who boa$ted h"$el% a&an$t %le$h and blood wa$
ben& put to %l&ht b! a "an n the %le$h. For the 6ord wa$ wor#n& wth Anton!=
the 6ord who %or our $a#e too# %le$h and &ave the bod! v)tor! over the devl( $o
that all who trul! %&ht )an $a! 1 Cornthan$ 14.19( +not , but the &ra)e o% Godwh)h wa$
wth "e.+
>. At la$t when the dra&on )ould not even thu$ overthrow Anton!( but $aw h"$el%
thru$t out o% h$ heart( &na$hn& h$ teeth a$ t $ wrtten( and a$ t were be$de
h"$el%( he appeared to Anton! l#e a bla)# bo!( ta#n& a v$ble $hape n
a))ordan)e wth the )olour o% h$"nd. And )rn&n& to h"( a$ t were( he pled
h" wth thou&ht$ no lon&er( %or &ule%ul a$ he wa$( he had been wor$ted( but at
la$t $po#e n hu"an vo)e and $ad( +Man! , de)eved( "an! , )a$t down- but now
atta)#n& !ou and !our labour$ a$ , had "an! other$( , provedwea#.+
*hen Anton! a$#ed( *ho are !ou who $pea#e$t thu$ wth "eA He an$wered wth
a la"entable vo)e( +, a" the %rend o% whoredo"( and have ta#en upon "e
n)te"ent$ wh)h lead to t a&an$t the !oun&. , a" )alled the $prt o% lu$t. How
"an! have , de)eved who w$hed to lve $oberl!( how "an! are the )ha$te who"
b! "! n)te"ent$ , have over0per$uadedB , a" he on a))ount o% who" al$o
the prophet reprove$ tho$e who have %allen( $a!n& Ho$ea 8.13( You have
been )au$ed to err b! the $prt o% whoredo". For b! "e the! have
been trpped up. , a" he who have $o o%ten troubled !ou and have $o o%ten been
overthrown b! !ou.+ /ut Anton!havn& &ven than#$ to the 6ord(
wth &ood )oura&e $ad to h"( +You are ver! de$p)able then( %or !ou are bla)#0
hearted and wea# a$ a )hld. Hen)e%orth , $hall have no trouble %ro" !ou ( %or
the 6ord $ "! helper( and , $hall loo# down on "ne ene"e$.+ Havn& heard th$(
the bla)# one $tra&htwa! %led( $huddern& at the word$ and dreadn& an! lon&er
even to )o"e near the "an.
(etails of his life at this time )*+",*-./0
5. Th$ wa$ Anton!+$ %r$t $tru&&le a&an$t the devl( or rather th$ v)tor! wa$
the Savour+$ wor# n Anton! ( +*ho )onde"ned $n n the %le$h that the ordnan)e
o% the law "&ht be %ul%lled n u$ who wal# not a%ter the %le$h but a%ter the $prt.+
/ut nether dd Anton!( althou&h the evl one had %allen( hen)e%orth rela7 h$ )are
and de$p$e h"- nor dd the ene"! a$ thou&h )on'uered )ea$e to la! $nare$ %or
h". For a&an he went round a$ a lon $ee#n& $o"e o))a$on a&an$t h".
/ut Anton! havn& learned %ro" the S)rpture$ that the dev)e$ Ephe$an$ >.11 o%
the devl are "an!( @ealou$l! )ontnued the d$)plne( re)#onn& that thou&h
the devl had not been able to de)eve h$ heart b! bodl! plea$ure( he would
endeavour to en$nare h" b! other "ean$. For the de"on love$ $n. *here%ore
"ore and "ore he repre$$ed the bod! and #ept t n $ub?e)ton ( le$t hapl! havn&
)on'uered on one $de( he $hould be dra&&ed down on the other. He there%ore
planned to a))u$to" h"$el% to a $everer "ode o% l%e. And "an! "arvelled( but
he h"$el% u$ed to bear the labour ea$l!- %or the ea&erne$$ o% $oul( throu&h the
len&th o% t"e t had abode n h"( had wrou&ht a &ood habt n h"( $o that
ta#n& but lttle ntaton %ro" other$ he $howed &reat @eal n th$ "atter. He
#ept v&l to $u)h an e7tent that he o%ten )ontnued the whole n&ht wthout $leep-
and th$ not on)e but o%ten( to the "arvel o% other$. He ate on)e a da!( a%ter
$un$et( $o"et"e$ on)e n two da!$( and o%ten even n %our. H$ %ood wa$ bread
and $alt( h$ drn#( water onl!. O% %le$h and wne t $ $uper%luou$ even to $pea#(
$n)e no $u)h thn& wa$ %ound wth the other earne$t "en. A ru$h "at $erved h"
to $leep upon( but %or the "o$t part he la! upon the bare &round. He would
not anonth"$el% wth ol( $a!n& t behooved !oun& "en to be earne$t n trann&
and not to $ee# what would enervate the bod!- but the! "u$t a))u$to" t to
labour( "nd%ul o% the Apo$tle+$ word$ 3 Cornthan$ 13.19( +when , a" wea#( then a" ,
$tron&.+ +For(+ $ad he( +the %bre o% the $oul $ then $ound when the plea$ure$ o% the
bod! are d"n$hed.+ And he had )o"e to th$ trul! wonder%ul )on)lu$on( +that
pro&re$$ n vrtue( and retre"ent %ro" the world %or the $a#e o% t( ou&ht not to
be "ea$ured b! t"e( but b! de$re and %7t! o% purpo$e.+ He at lea$t &ave no
thou&ht to the pa$t( but da! b! da!( a$ % he were at the be&nnn& o%
h$ d$)plne( appled &reater pan$ %or advan)e"ent( o%ten repeatn& to h"$el%
the $a!n& o% ;aul ;hlppan$ :.18. +For&ettn& the thn&$ wh)h are behnd and
$tret)hn& %orward to the thn&$ wh)h are be%ore.+ He wa$ al$o "nd%ul o% the
word$ $po#en b! the prophet Ela$ 1 Cn&$ 1D.14( +the 6ord lve$ be%ore who$e pre$en)e
, $tand toda!.+ For he ob$erved that n $a!n& +toda!+ the prophet dd not )o"pute
the t"e that had &one b!. but dal! a$ thou&h ever )o""en)n& he ea&erl!
endeavoured to "a#e h"$el% %t to appear be%ore God( ben& pure n heart and
ever read! to $ub"t to H$ )oun$el( and to H" alone. And he u$ed to $a! to
h"$el% that %ro" the l%e o% the &reat Ela$ the her"t ou&ht to $ee h$ own a$ n a
&is life in the tombs, and combats $ith demonsthere.
D. Thu$ t&htenn& h$ hold upon h"$el%( Anton! departed to the to"b$( wh)h
happened to be at a d$tan)e %ro" the vlla&e- and havn& bd one o% h$
a)'uantan)e$ to brn& h" bread at nterval$ o% "an! da!$( he entered one o% the
to"b$( and the other havn& $hut the door on h"( he re"aned wthn alone. And
when the ene"! )ould not endure t( but wa$ even %ear%ul that n a $hort
t"e Anton! would %ll the de$ert wth the d$)plne( )o"n& one n&ht wth a
"ulttude o% de"on$( he $o )ut h" wth $trpe$ that he la! on the &round
$pee)hle$$ %ro" the e7)e$$ve pan. For he a%%r"ed that the torture had been $o
e7)e$$ve that no blow$ n%l)ted b! "an )ould ever have )au$ed h" $u)h
tor"ent. /ut b! the ;rovden)e o% God= %or the 6ord never overloo#$ the"
that hope n H"= the ne7t da! h$ a)'uantan)e )a"e brn&n& h" the loave$.
And havn& opened the door and $een& h" l!n& on the &round a$ thou&h dead(
he l%ted h" up and )arred h" to the )hur)h n the vlla&e( and lad h" upon the
&round. And "an! o% h$ #n$%ol# and the vlla&er$ $at around Anton!a$ round a
)orp$e. /ut about "dn&ht he )a"e to h"$el% and aro$e( and when he $aw the"
all a$leep and h$ )o"rade alone wat)hn&( he "otoned wth h$ head %or h" to
approa)h( and a$#ed h" to )arr! h" a&an to the to"b$ wthout wa#n&
<. He wa$ )arred there%ore b! the "an( and a$ he wa$ wont( when the door wa$
$hut he wa$ wthn alone. And he )ould not $tand up on a))ount o% the blow$( but
he pra!ed a$ he la!. And a%ter he had pra!ed( he $ad wth a $hout( Here a"
,( Anton!- , %lee not %ro" !our $trpe$( %or even % !ou n%l)t "ore nothn& $hall
$eparate "e Ro"an$ D.:4 %ro" the love o% Chr$t. And then he $an&( +thou&h a )a"p
be $et a&an$t "e( "! heart $hall not be a%rad. + The$e were the thou&ht$ and
word$ o% th$ a$)et). /ut the ene"!( who hate$ &ood( "arvelln& that a%ter the
blow$ he dared to return( )alled to&ether h$ hound$ and bur$t %orth( +You $ee(+
$ad he( +that nether b! the$prt o% lu$t nor b! blow$ dd we $ta! the "an( but
that he brave$ u$( let u$ atta)# h" n another %a$hon.+ /ut )han&e$
o% %or" %or evlare ea$! %or the devl( $o n the n&ht the! "ade $u)h a dn that the
whole o% that pla)e $ee"ed to be $ha#en b! an earth'ua#e( and thede"on$ a$ %
brea#n& the %our wall$ o% the dwelln& $ee"ed to enter throu&h the"( )o"n& n
the l#ene$$ o% bea$t$ and )reepn& thn&$. And the pla)e wa$ on a $udden %lled
wth the %or"$ o% lon$( bear$( leopard$( bull$( $erpent$( a$p$( $)orpon$( and
wolve$( and ea)h o% the" wa$ "ovn& a))ordn& to h$ nature. The lon wa$
roarn&( w$hn& to atta)#( the bull $ee"n& to to$$ wth t$ horn$(
the $erpentwrthn& but unable to approa)h( and the wol% a$ t ru$hed on wa$
re$traned- alto&ether the no$e$ o% the apparton$( wth ther an&r!ra&n&$( were
dread%ul. /ut Anton!( $tr)#en and &oaded b! the"( %elt bodl! pan$ $everer $tll.
He la! wat)hn&( however( wth un$ha#en$oul( &roann& %ro" bodl! an&u$h- but
h$ "nd wa$ )lear( and a$ n "o)#er! he $ad( +,% there had been an! power n
!ou( t would have $u%%)ed had one o% !ou )o"e( but $n)e the 6ord ha$ "ade !ou
wea#( !ou atte"pt to terr%! "e b! nu"ber$. and a proo% o% !our wea#ne$$ $ that
!ou ta#e the $hape$ o% brute bea$t$.+ And a&an wth boldne$$ he $ad( +,% !ou are
able( and have re)eved powera&an$t "e( dela! not to atta)#- but % !ou are
unable( wh! trouble "e n vanA For %ath n our 6ord $ a $eal and a wall o% $a%et!
to u$.+ So a%ter "an! atte"pt$ the! &na$hed ther teeth upon h"( be)au$e the!
were "o)#n& the"$elve$ rather than h".
19. Nor wa$ the 6ord then %or&et%ul o% Anton!+$ wre$tln&( but wa$ at hand to help
h". So loo#n& up he $aw the roo% a$ t were opened( and a ra! o% l&ht
de$)endn& to h". The de"on$ $uddenl! van$hed( the pan o% h$ bod!
$tra&htwa! )ea$ed( and the buldn& wa$ a&an whole. /ut Anton! %eeln& the
help( and &ettn& h$ breath a&an( and ben& %reed %ro" pan( be$ou&ht
the v$on wh)h had appeared to h"( $a!n&( +*here were thouA *h! dd !ou not
appear at the be&nnn& to "a#e "! pan$ to )ea$eA+ And a vo)e )a"e to h"(
+Anton!( , wa$ here( but , wated to $ee !our %&ht- where%ore $n)e !ou have
endured( and ha$t not been wor$ted( , wll ever be a $u))our to !ou( and wll "a#e
!our na"e #nown ever!where.+ Havn& heard th$( Anton! aro$e and pra!ed( and
re)eved $u)h $tren&th that he per)eved that he had "ore power n h$ bod! than
%or"erl!. And he wa$ then about thrt!0%ve !ear$ old.
&e goes to the desert and o'ercomes temptationson the $ay.
11. And on the da! %ollown& he went %orth $tll "ore ea&erl! bent on the $erv)e
o% God and havn& %allen n wth the old "an he had "et prevou$l!( he a$#ed h"
to dwell wth h" n the de$ert. /ut when the other de)lned on a))ount o% h$
&reat a&e( and be)au$e a$ !et there wa$ no $u)h )u$to"( Anton! h"$el% $et o%%
""edatel! to the "ountan. And !et a&an the ene"! $een& h$ @eal and
w$hn& to hnder t( )a$t n h$ wa! what $ee"ed to be a &reat $lver d$h.
/ut Anton!( $een& the &ule o% the Evl One( $tood( and havn& loo#ed on the d$h(
he put the devl n t to $ha"e( $a!n&( +*hen)e )o"e$ a d$h n the de$ertA Th$
road $ not well0worn( nor $ there here a tra)e o% an! wa!%arer- t )ould not have
%allen wthout ben& "$$ed on a))ount o% t$ $@e- and he who had lo$t t havn&
turned ba)#( to $ee# t( would have %ound t( %or t $ a de$ert pla)e. Th$ $ $o"e
wle o% the devl. O thou Evl One( not wth th$ $hall !ou hnder "! purpo$e- let t
&o wth !ou to de$tru)ton. A)t$ D.39 + And when Anton! had $ad th$ t van$hed l#e
$"o#e %ro" the %a)e o% %re.
&o$ Antony too1 up his abode in a ruined fort across the
2ile, and ho$ he defeated the demons. &is t$enty years3
so4ourn there.
13. Then a&an a$ he went on he $aw what wa$ th$ t"e not v$onar!( but real
&old $)attered n the wa!. /ut whether the devl $howed t( or $o"e better power
to tr! the athlete and $how the Evl One that Anton! trul! )ared nou&ht %or "one!(
nether he told nor do we#now. /ut t $ )ertan that that wh)h appeared wa$ &old.
And Anton! "arvelled at the 'uantt!( but pa$$ed t b! a$ thou&h he were &on&
over %re- $o he dd not even turn( but hurred on at a run to lo$e $&ht o% the
pla)e. More and "ore )on%r"ed n h$ purpo$e( he hurred to the "ountan( and
havn& %ound a %ort( $o lon& de$erted that t wa$ %ull o% )reepn& thn&$( on the
other $de o% the rver- he )ro$$ed over to t and dwelt there. The reptle$( a$
thou&h $o"e one were )ha$n& the"( ""edatel! le%t the pla)e. /ut he bult up
the entran)e )o"pletel!( havn& $tored up loave$ %or $7 "onth$= th$ $
a )u$to" o% the Theban$( and the loave$ o%ten re"an %re$h a whole !ear= and a$
he %ound water wthn( he de$)ended a$ nto a $hrne( and abode wthn b! h"$el%(
never &on& %orth nor loo#n& at an! one who )a"e. Thu$ he e"plo!ed a
lon& t"e trann& h"$el%( and re)eved loave$( let down %ro" above( tw)e n the
1:. /ut tho$e o% h$ a)'uantan)e$ who )a"e( $n)e he dd not per"t the" to
enter( o%ten u$ed to $pend da!$ and n&ht$ out$de( and heard a$ t were )rowd$
wthn )la"ourn&( dnnn&( $endn& %orth pteou$ vo)e$ and )r!n&( +Go %ro" what
$ our$. *hat do !ou even n the de$ertA You )an not abde our atta)#.+ So at %r$t
tho$e out$de thou&ht there were $o"e "en %&htn& wth h"( and that the! had
entered b! ladder$- but when $toopn& down the! $aw throu&h a hole there wa$
nobod!( the! were a%rad( a))ountn& the" to bede"on$( and the! )alled
on Anton!. The" he 'u)#l! heard( thou&h he had not &ven a thou&ht to
the de"on$( and )o"n& to the door he be$ou&ht the" to depart and not to
be a%rad( +%or thu$(+ $ad he( +the de"on$ "a#e ther $ee"n& on$lau&ht$ a&an$t
tho$e who are )owardl!. S&n !our$elve$ there%ore wth the )ro$$ ( and depart
boldl!( and let the$e "a#e $port %or the"$elve$.+ So the! departed %ort%ed wth
the $&n o% the Cro$$. /ut he re"aned n no w$e har"ed b! the evl $prt$( nor
wa$ he weared wth the )onte$t( %or there )a"e to h$ ad v$on$ %ro" above( and
the wea#ne$$ o% the %oe releved h" o% "u)h trouble and ar"ed h" wth
&reater @eal. For h$ a)'uantan)e$ u$ed o%ten to )o"e e7pe)tn& to %nd h" dead(
and would hear h" $n&n& ( +6et God ar$e and let H$ ene"e$ be $)attered( let
the" al$o that hate H" %lee be%ore H$ %a)e. A$ $"o#e van$he$( let the" van$h-
a$ wa7 "elt$ be%ore the %a)e o% %re( $o let the $nner$ per$h %ro" the %a)e
o% God-+ and a&an( +All naton$ )o"pa$$ed "e about( and n the na"e o%
the 6ord , re'uted the". +
&o$ he left the fort, and ho$ monasticism began to flourish
in Egypt. Antony its leader.
18. And $o %or nearl! twent! !ear$ he )ontnued trann& h"$el% n $oltude( never
&on& %orth( and but $eldo" $een b! an!. A%ter th$( when "an! were ea&er and
w$h%ul to "tate h$ d$)plne( and h$ a)'uantan)e$ )a"e and be&an to )a$t
down and wren)h o%% the door b! %or)e( Anton!( a$ %ro" a $hrne( )a"e %orth
ntated n the "!$tere$ and %lled wth the Sprt o% God. Then %or the
%r$t t"e he wa$ $een out$de the %ort b! tho$e who )a"e to $ee h". And the!(
when the! $aw h"( wondered at the $&ht( %or he had the $a"e habt o% bod! a$
be%ore( and wa$ nether %at( l#e a "an wthout e7er)$e( nor lean %ro" %a$tn& and
$trvn& wth the de"on$( but he wa$ ?u$t the $a"e a$ the! had #nown h" be%ore
h$ retre"ent. And a&an h$ $oul wa$ %ree %ro" ble"$h( %or t wa$ nether
)ontra)ted a$ % b! &re%( nor rela7ed b! plea$ure( nor po$$e$$ed b! lau&hter or
de?e)ton( %or he wa$ not troubled when he beheld the )rowd( nor over?o!ed at
ben& $aluted b! $o "an!. /ut he wa$ alto&ether even a$ ben& &uded b! rea$on(
and abdn& n a natural $tate. Throu&h h" the 6ordhealed the bodl! al"ent$ o%
"an! pre$ent( and )lean$ed other$ %ro" evl $prt$. And He
&ave &ra)e to Anton! n $pea#n&( $o that he )on$oled "an! that were $orrow%ul(
and $et tho$e at varan)e at one( e7hortn& all to pre%er the love o% Chr$t be%ore
all that $ n the world. And whle he e7horted and adv$ed the" to re"e"ber
the &ood thn&$ to )o"e( and the lovn&0#ndne$$ o% God toward$ u$( +*ho $pared
not H$ own Son( but delvered H" up %or u$ all Ro"an$ D.:3(+ he per$uaded "an! to
e"bra)e the $oltar! l%e. And thu$ t happened n the end that )ell$ aro$e even n
the "ountan$( and the de$ert wa$ )olon$ed b! "on#$( who )a"e %orth %ro" ther
own people( and enrolled the"$elve$ %or the )t@en$hp n the heaven$.
14. /ut when he wa$ obl&ed to )ro$$ the Ar$enot) Canal = and the o))a$on o% t
wa$ the v$taton o% the brethren= the )anal wa$ %ull o% )ro)odle$. And b!
$"pl! pra!n&( he entered t( and all the! wth h"( and pa$$ed over n $a%et!.
And havn& returned to h$ )ell( he appled h"$el% to the $a"e noble
and valant e7er)$e$- and b! %re'uent )onver$aton he n)rea$ed the ea&erne$$ o%
tho$e alread!"on#$( $trred up n "o$t o% the re$t the love o% the d$)plne( and
$peedl! b! the attra)ton o% h$ word$ )ell$ "ultpled( and he dre)ted the" all a$
a %ather.
&is address to mon1s, rendered from Coptic, e5horting them
to perse'erance, and encouraging them against the $iles of
1>. One da! when he had &one %orth be)au$e all the "on#$ had a$$e"bled to h"
and a$#ed to hear word$ %ro" h"( he $po#e to the" n the E&!ptan ton&ue a$
%ollow$. +The S)rpture$ are enou&h %or n$tru)ton ( but t $ a &ood thn& to
en)oura&e one another n the %ath( and to $tr up wth word$. *here%ore !ou( a$
)hldren( )arr! that wh)h !ou #now to !our %ather- and , a$ the elder $hare
"! #nowled&eand what e7peren)e ha$ tau&ht "e wth !ou. 6et th$ e$pe)all! be
the )o""on a" o% all( nether to &ve wa! havn& on)e be&un( nor to %ant n
trouble( nor to $a!. *e have lved n the d$)plne a lon& t"e. but rather a$
thou&h "a#n& a be&nnn& dal! let u$ n)rea$e our earne$tne$$. For the whole
l%e o% "an $ ver! $hort( "ea$ured b! the a&e$ to )o"e( where%ore all our t"e $
nothn& )o"pared wtheternal l%e. And n the world ever!thn& $ $old at t$ pr)e(
and a "an e7)han&e$ one e'uvalent %or another- but the pro"$e o% eternall%e $
bou&ht %or a tr%le. For t $ wrtten( The da!$ o% our l%e n the" are three$)ore
!ear$ and ten( but % the! are n $tren&th( %our$)ore !ear$( and what $ "ore than
the$e $ labour and $orrow. *henever( there%ore( we lve %ull %our$)ore !ear$( or
even a hundred n the d$)plne( not %or a hundred !ear$ onl! $hall we re&n( but
n$tead o% a hundred we $hall re&n %or ever and ever. And thou&h we %ou&ht on
earth( we $hall not re)eve our nhertan)e on earth( but we have the pro"$e$
n heaven- and havn& put o%% the bod! wh)h $ )orrupt( we $hall re)eve t
15. +*here%ore( )hldren( let u$ not %ant nor dee" that the t"e $ lon&( or that we
are don& $o"ethn& &reat( %or the $u%%ern&$ o% th$ pre$ent t"e are not worth!
to be )o"pared wth the &lor! wh)h $hall be revealed to u$0ward Ro"an$ D.1D . Nor
let u$ thn#( a$ we loo# at the world( that we have renoun)ed an!thn& o% "u)h
)on$e'uen)e( %or the whole earth $ ver! $"all )o"pared wth all theheaven.
*here%ore % t even )han)ed that we were lord$ o% all the earth and &ave t all up(
t would be nou&ht worth! o% )o"par$on wth the #n&do" o% heaven. For a$ % a
"an $hould de$p$e a )opper dra)h"a to &an a hundred dra)h"a$ o% &old- $o % a
"an were lord o% all the earth and were to renoun)e t( that wh)h he &ve$ up $
lttle( and he re)eve$ a hundred%old. /ut % not even the whole earth $ e'ual n
value to the heaven$( then he who ha$ &ven up a %ew a)re$ leave$ a$ t were
nothn&- and even % he have &ven up a hou$e or "u)h &old he ou&ht not to boa$t
nor be low0$prted. Further( we $hould )on$der that even % we do not reln'u$h
the" %or vrtue+$ $a#e( $tll a%terward$ when we de we $hall leave the" behnd=
ver! o%ten( a$ the ;rea)her $a!$ ( to tho$e to who" we do not w$h. *h! then
$hould we not &ve the" up %or vrtue+$ $a#e( that we "a! nhert even
a #n&do"A There%ore let the de$re o% po$$e$$on ta#e hold o% no one( %or what
&an $ t to a)'ure the$e thn&$ wh)h we )annot ta#e wth u$A *h! not rather &et
tho$e thn&$ wh)h we )an ta#e awa! wth u$= to
wt( pruden)e( ?u$t)e( te"peran)e( )oura&e( under$tandn&( love( #ndne$$ to
the poor( %ath n Chr$t( %reedo" %ro" wrath( ho$ptalt!A ,% we po$$e$$ the$e( we
$hall %nd the" o% the"$elve$ preparn& %or u$ a wel)o"e there n the land o% the
1D. +And $o %ro" $u)h thn&$ let a "an per$uade h"$el% not to "a#e l&ht o% t(
e$pe)all! % he )on$der$ that he h"$el% $ the $ervant o% the 6ord( and ou&ht to
$erve h$ Ma$ter. *here%ore a$ a $ervant would not dare to $a!( be)au$e , wor#ed
!e$terda!( , wll not wor# toda!- and )on$dern& the pa$t wll do no wor# n the
%uture- but( a$ t $ wrtten n the Go$pel( dal! $how$ the $a"e readne$$ to
plea$e h$ "a$ter( and to avod r$#. $o let u$ dal! abde %r" n
our d$)plne( #nown& that % we are )arele$$ %or a $n&le da! the 6ord wll not
pardon u$( %or the $a#e o% the pa$t( but wll be wrath a&an$t u$ %or our ne&le)t. A$
al$o we have heard n E@e#el E@e#el 1D.3>- and a$2uda$ be)au$e o% one n&ht
de$tro!ed h$ prevou$ labour.
1<. +*here%ore( )hldren( let u$ hold %a$t our d$)plne( and let u$ not be )arele$$.
For n t the 6ord $ our %ellow0wor#er( a$ t $ wrtten(to all that )hoo$e
the &ood( God wor#$ wth the" %or &ood. /ut to avod ben& heedle$$( t
$ &ood to )on$der the word o% the Apo$tle(, de dal! 1 Cornthan$ 14.:1 . For % we too
lve a$ thou&h d!n& dal!( we $hall not $n. And the "eann& o% that $a!n& $( that
a$ wer$e da! b! da! we $hould thn# that we $hall not abde tll evenn&- and
a&an( when about to le down to $leep( we $hould thn# that we $hall not r$e up.
For our l%e $ naturall! un)ertan( and ;rovden)e allot$ t to u$ dal!. /ut thu$
ordern& our dal! l%e( we $hall nether %all nto $n( nor have a lu$t %or an!thn&(
nor )her$h wrath a&an$t an!( nor $hall we heap up trea$ure upon earth. /ut( a$
thou&h under the dal! e7pe)taton o% death( we $hall be wthout wealth( and $hall
%or&ve all thn&$ to all "en( nor $hall we retan at all the de$re o%wo"en or o% an!
other %oul plea$ure. /ut we $hall turn %ro" t a$ pa$t and &one( ever $trvn& and
loo#n& %orward to the da! o% 2ud&"ent. For the &reater dread and dan&er o%
tor"ent ever de$tro!$ the ea$e o% plea$ure( and $et$ up the $oul % t $ l#e to %all.
39. +*here%ore havn& alread! be&un and $et out n the wa! o% vrtue( let u$ $trve
the "ore that we "a! attan tho$e thn&$ that are be%ore. And let no one turn to
the thn&$ behnd( l#e 6ot+$ w%e( all the "ore $o that the 6ord ha$ $ad( No "an(
havn& put h$ hand to the plou&h( and turnn& ba)#( $ %t %or the #n&do" o%
heaven. And th$ turnn& ba)# $ nou&ht el$e but to %eel re&ret( and to be on)e
"ore worldl!0"nded. /ut %ear not to hear o% vrtue( nor be a$ton$hed at the
na"e. For t $ not %ar %ro" u$( nor $ t wthout our$elve$( but t $ wthn u$( and
$ ea$! % onl! we are wlln&. That the! "a! &et #nowled&e( the Gree#$ lve
abroad and )ro$$ the $ea( but we have no need to depart %ro" ho"e %or the $a#e
o% the #n&do" o% heaven( nor to )ro$$ the $ea %or the $a#e o% vrtue. For
the 6ord a%oret"e ha$ $ad( The #n&do" o% heaven $ wthn
!ou . *here%ore vrtue ha$ need at our hand$ o% wlln&ne$$ alone( $n)e t $ n u$
and $ %or"ed %ro" u$. For when the $oul ha$ t$ $prtual %a)ult! n
a natural $tate vrtue $ %or"ed. And t $ n a natural $tate when t re"an$ a$ t
)a"e nto e7$ten)e. And when t )a"e nto e7$ten)e t wa$ %ar and e7)eedn&
hone$t. For th$ )au$e 2o$hua( the $on o% Nun( n h$ e7hortaton $ad to the
people( Ma#e $tra&ht !our heart unto
the 6ord God o% ,$rael 2o$hua 38.3:( and 2ohn( Ma#e !our path$ $tra&htMatthew :.: . For
re)ttude o% $oul )on$$t$ n t$ havn& t$ $prtual part n t$ natural $tate
a$ )reated. /ut on the other hand( when t $werve$ and turn$ awa! %ro"
t$ natural $tate( that $ )alled v)e o% the $oul. Thu$ the "atter $ not d%%)ult. ,%
we abde a$ we have been "ade( we are n a $tate o% vrtue( but % we thn# o%
&noble thn&$ we $hall be a))ounted evl. ,%( there%ore( th$ thn& had to be
a)'ured %ro" wthout( t would be d%%)ult n realt!- but % t $ n u$( let u$ #eep
our$elve$ %ro" %oul thou&ht$. And a$ we have re)eved the $oul a$ a depo$t( let u$
pre$erve t %or the 6ord( that He "a! re)o&n$e H$ wor# a$ ben& the $a"e a$ He
"ade t.
31. +And let u$ $trve that wrath rule u$ not nor lu$t over)o"e u$( %or t $
wrtten( The wrath o% "an wor#$ not the r&hteou$ne$$ o%God. And lu$t( when t
ha$ )on)eved( bear$ $n( and the $n when t $ %ull &rown brn&$ %orth
death. Thu$ lvn&( let u$ #eep &uard )are%ull!( and a$ t $ wrtten( #eep our
heart$ wth all wat)h%ulne$$ ;roverb$ 8.3: . For we have terrble and )ra%t! %oe$=
the evl $prt$= and a&an$t the" we wre$tle( a$ the Apo$tle $ad( Not a&an$t
%le$h and blood( but a&an$t the prn)palte$ and a&an$t the power$( a&an$t the
world ruler$ o% th$ dar#ne$$( a&an$t the $prtual ho$t$ o% w)#edne$$ n
the heavenl! pla)e$ Ephe$an$ >.13 . Great $ thernu"ber n the ar around u$ ( and
the! are not %ar %ro" u$. Now there are &reat d$tn)ton$ a"on& the"- and
)on)ernn& ther nature and d$tn)ton$ "u)h )ould be $ad( but $u)h a de$)rpton
$ %or other$ o% &reater power$ than we po$$e$$. /ut at th$ t"e t $ pre$$n&
andne)e$$ar! %or u$ onl! to #now ther wle$ a&an$t our$elve$.
33. +Fr$t( there%ore( we "u$t #now th$. that the de"on$ have not
been )reated l#e what we "ean when we )all the" b! that na"e- %orGod "ade
nothn& evl( but even the! have been "ade &ood. Havn& %allen( however( %ro"
the heavenl! w$do"( $n)e then the! have been &rovelln& on earth. On the one
hand the! de)eved the Gree#$ wth ther d$pla!$( whle out o% env! o%
u$ Chr$tan$ the! "ove all thn&$ n ther de$re to hnder u$ %ro" entr! nto the
heaven$- n order that we $hould not a$)end up there %ro" when)e the! %ell. Thu$
there $ need o% "u)h pra!er and o% d$)plne( that when a "an ha$ re)eved
throu&h the Sprt the &%t o% d$)ernn& $prt$( he "a! have power to re)o&n$e
ther )hara)ter$t)$. wh)h o% the" are le$$ and wh)h "ore evl- o% what nature $
the $pe)al pur$ut o% ea)h( and how ea)h o% the" $ overthrown and )a$t out. For
ther vllane$ and the )han&e$ n ther plot$ are "an!. The ble$$ed Apo$tle and
h$ %ollower$ #new $u)h thn&$ when the! $ad( %or we are not &norant o% h$
dev)e$ 3 Cornthan$ 3.11- and we( %ro" the te"ptaton$ we have $u%%ered at ther
hand$( ou&ht to )orre)t one another under the". *here%ore ,( havn& had proo% o%
the"( $pea# a$ to )hldren.
3:. +The de"on$( there%ore( % the! $ee all Chr$tan$( and "on#$ e$pe)all!(
labourn& )heer%ull! and advan)n&( %r$t "a#e an atta)# b!te"ptaton and pla)e
hndran)e$ to ha"per our wa!( to wt( evl thou&ht$. /ut we need not %ear ther
$u&&e$ton$( %or b! pra!er( %a$tn&( and %ath n the 6ord ther atta)# ""edatel!
%al$. /ut even when t doe$ the! )ea$e not( but #nav$hl! b! $ubtlet! )o"e on
a&an. For when the! )annot de)eve the heart openl! wth %oul plea$ure$ the!
approa)h n d%%erent &u$e( and then)e%orth $hapn& d$pla!$ the! atte"pt to
$tr#e %ear( )han&n& ther $hape$( ta#n& the %or"$ o% wo"en( wld bea$t$(
)reepn& thn&$( &&ant) bode$( and troop$ o% $older$. /ut not even then need
!ou %ear ther de)et%ul d$pla!$. For the! are nothn& and 'u)#l! d$appear(
e$pe)all! % a "an %ort%! h"$el% be%orehand wth %ath and the $&n o% the
)ro$$. Yet are the! bold and ver! $ha"ele$$( %or % thu$ the! are wor$ted the!
"a#e an on$lau&ht n another "anner( and pretend to prophe$! and %oretell the
%uture( and to $how the"$elve$ o% a he&ht rea)hn& to the roo% and o% &reat
breadth- that the! "a! $tealthl! )at)h b! $u)h d$pla!$ tho$e who )ould not be
de)eved b! ther ar&u"ent$. ,% here al$o the! %nd the $oul $tren&thened
b! %ath and a hope%ul "nd( then the! brn& ther leader to ther ad.
38. +And he $ad the! o%ten appeared a$ the 6ord revealed the devl to 2ob(
$a!n&( H$ e!e$ are a$ the "ornn& $tar. Fro" h$ "outh pro)eed burnn& la"p$
and hearth$ o% %re are )a$t %orth. The $"o#e o% a %urna)e bla@n& wth the %re o%
)oal$ pro)eed$ %ro" h$ no$trl$. H$ breath $ )oal$ and %ro" h$ "outh
$$ue$ %la"e. *hen the prn)e o% the de"on$ appear$ n th$ w$e( the )ra%t! one(
a$ , $ad be%ore( $tr#e$ terror b! $pea#n& &reat thn&$( a$ a&an
the 6ord )onv)ted h" $a!n& to 2ob( %or he )ount$ ron a$ $traw( and bra$$ a$
rotten wood( !ea he )ount$ the $ea a$ a pot o% ont"ent( and the depth o%
the ab!$$ a$ a )aptve( and the ab!$$ a$ a )overed wal#. And b! the prophet( the
ene"! $ad( , wll pur$ue and overta#e E7odu$ 14.<( and a&an b! another( , wll &ra$p
the whole world n "! hand a$ a ne$t( and ta#e t up a$ e&&$ that have been
le%t. Su)h( n a word( are ther boa$t$ and pro%e$$on$ that the! "a! de)eve the
&odl!. /ut not even then ou&ht we( the %ath%ul( to %ear h$ appearan)e or &ve
heed to h$ word$. For he $ a lar and $pea#$ o% truth never a word. And thou&h
$pea#n& word$ $o "an! and $o &reat n h$ boldne$$( wthout doubt( l#e a dra&on
he wa$ drawn wth a hoo# b! the Savour 2ob 81.1( and a$ a bea$t o% burden he
re)eved the halter round h$ no$trl$( and a$ a runawa! h$ no$trl$ were bound
wth a rn&( and h$ lp$ bored wth an ar"let. And he wa$ bound b! the 6ord a$ a
$parrow( that we $hould "o)# h". And wth h" are pla)ed the de"on$ h$
%ellow$( l#e $erpent$ and $)orpon$ to be trodden under%oot b! u$ Chr$tan$. And
the proo% o% th$ $ that we now lve oppo$ed to h". For he who threatened to dr!
the $ea and $e@e upon the world( behold now )annot $ta! our d$)plne( nor even
"e $pea#n& a&an$t h". 6et u$ then heed not h$ word$( %or he $ a lar. and let
u$ not %ear h$ v$on$( $een& that the! the"$elve$ are de)eptve. For that wh)h
appear$ n the" $ no true l&ht( but the! are rather the prelude$ and l#ene$$e$ o%
the %re prepared %or thede"on$ who atte"pt to terr%! "en wth tho$e %la"e$ n
wh)h the! the"$elve$ wll be burned. Doubtle$$ the! appear- but n a "o"ent
d$appear a&an( hurtn& none o% the %ath%ul( but brn&n& wth the" the l#ene$$
o% that %re wh)h $ about to re)eve the"$elve$. *here%ore t $ un%ttn& that we
$hould %ear the" on a))ount o% the$e thn&$- %or throu&h the &ra)e o% Chr$t all
ther pra)t)e$ are n van.
34. +A&an the! are trea)herou$( and are read! to )han&e the"$elve$ nto
all %or"$ and a$$u"e all appearan)e$. Eer! o%ten al$o wthout appearn& the!
"tate the "u$) o% harp and vo)e( and re)all the word$ o% S)rpture. So"et"e$(
too( whle we are readn& the! ""edatel! repeat "an! t"e$( l#e an e)ho( what
$ read. The! arou$e u$ %ro" our $leep to pra!er$- and th$ )on$tantl!( hardl!
allown& u$ to $leep at all. At another t"e the! a$$u"e the appearan)e
o% "on#$ and %e&n the $pee)h o% hol! "en( that b! ther $"lart! the! "a!
de)eve and thu$ dra& ther v)t"$ where the! wll. /ut no heed "u$t be pad
the" even % the! arou$e to pra!er( even % the! )oun$el u$ not to eat at all( even
thou&h the! $ee" to a))u$e and )a$t $ha"e upon u$ %or tho$e thn&$ wh)h on)e
the! allowed. For the! do th$ not %or the $a#e o% pet! or truth( but that the! "a!
)arr! o%% the $"ple to de$par- and that the! "a! $a! the d$)plne $ u$ele$$(
and "a#e "en loathe the $oltar! l%e a$ a trouble and burden( and hnder tho$e
who n $pte o% the" wal# n t.
3>. +*here%ore the prophet $ent b! the 6ord de)lared the" to be wret)hed(
$a!n&. *oe $ he who &ve$ h$ ne&hbour$ to drn# "udd! de$tru)ton. For $u)h
pra)t)e$ and dev)e$ are $ubver$ve o% the wa! wh)h lead$ to vrtue. And
the 6ord H"$el%( even % the de"on$$po#e the truth=%or the! $ad trul! You are
the Son o% God 6u#e 8.81 = $tll brdled ther "outh$ and $u%%ered the" not to $pea#-
le$t hapl! the! $hould $ow ther evl alon& wth the truth( and that He "&ht
a))u$to" u$ never to &ve heed to the" even thou&h the! appear to $pea# what
$ true. For t $ un$ee"l! that we( havn& the hol! S)rpture$ and %reedo" %ro"
the Savour( $hould be tau&ht b! the devl who ha$ not #ept h$ own order but ha$
&one %ro" one "nd to another. *here%ore even when he u$e$ the lan&ua&e
o% S)rptureHe %orbd$ h"( $a!n&. /ut to the $nner $ad God( *here%ore do !ou
de)lare M! ordnan)e$ and ta#e$t M! )ovenant n !our "outh AFor the de"on$ do
all thn&$= the! prate( the! )on%u$e( the! d$$e"ble( the! )on%ound= to de)eve
the $"ple. The! dn( lau&h "adl!( and wh$tle- but % no heed $ pad to the"
""edatel! the! weep and la"ent a$ thou&h van'u$hed.+
35. +The 6ord there%ore( a$ God( $ta!ed the "outh$ o% the de"on$. and t $ %ttn&
that we( tau&ht b! the $ant$( $hould do l#e the" and "tate ther )oura&e. For
the! when the! $aw the$e thn&$ u$ed to $a!. *hen the $nner ro$e a&an$t "e( ,
wa$ du"b and hu"ble( and #ept $len)e %ro" &ood word$. And a&an. /ut , wa$
a$ a dea% "an and heard not( and a$ a du"b "an who open$ not h$ "outh( and ,
be)a"e a$ a "an who hear$ not. So let u$ nether hear the" a$ ben& $tran&er$
to u$( nor &ve heed to the" even thou&h the! arou$e u$ to pra!er and $pea#
)on)ernn& %a$tn&. /ut let u$ rather appl! our$elve$ to our re$olve o% d$)plne(
and let u$ not be de)eved b! the" who do all thn&$ n de)et( even thou&h the!
threaten death. For the! are wea# and )an do nou&ht but threaten.
3D. +Alread! n pa$$n& , have $po#en on the$e thn&$( and now , "u$t not $hrn#
%ro" $pea#n& on the" at &reater len&th( %or to put !ou n re"e"bran)e wll be a
$our)e o% $a%et!. Sn)e the 6ord v$ted earth ( the ene"! $ %allen and h$ power$
wea#ened. *here%ore althou&h he )ould do nothn&( $tll l#e a t!rant( he dd not
bear h$ %all 'uetl!( but threatened( thou&h h$ threat$ were word$ onl!. And let
ea)h one o% !ou )on$der th$( and he wll be able to de$p$e the de"on$. Now %
the! were ha"pered wth $u)h bode$ a$ we are( t would be po$$ble %or the" to
$a!( Men when the! are hdden we )annot %nd( but whenever we do %nd the" we
do the" hurt. And we al$o b! l!n& n )on)eal"ent )ould e$)ape the"( $huttn&
the door$ a&an$t the". /ut % the! are not o% $u)h a nature a$ th$( but are able
to enter n( thou&h the door$ be $hut( and haunt all the ar( both the! and ther
leader the devl( and are w$h%ul %or evl and read! to n?ure- and( a$
the Savour $ad( Fro" the be&nnn& the devl $ a "an$la!er and a %ather
o% v)e 2ohn D.88- whle we( thou&h th$ $ $o( are alve( and $pend our lve$ all the
"ore n oppo$n& h"- t $ plan the! are powerle$$. For pla)e $ no hndran)e to
ther plot$( nor do the! loo# on u$ a$ %rend$ that the! $hould $pare u$- nor are
the! lover$ o% &ood that the! $hould a"end. /ut on the )ontrar! the! areevl( and
nothn& $ $o "u)h $ou&ht a%ter b! the" a$ woundn& the"
that love vrtue and %ear God. /ut $n)e the! have no power to e%%e)t an!thn&(
the! do nou&ht but threaten. /ut % the! )ould( the! would not he$tate( but
""edatel! wor# evl F%or all ther de$re $ $et on th$G( and e$pe)all! a&an$t u$.
/ehold now we are &athered to&ether and $pea# a&an$t the"( and
the! #now when we advan)e the! &row wea#. ,% there%ore the! had power the!
would per"t none o% u$ Chr$tan$ to lve( %or &odlne$$ $ an abo"naton to
a $nner.Sra)h 1.34 /ut $n)e the! )an do nothn& the! n%l)t the &reater wound$ on
the"$elve$- %or the! )an %ul%l none o% ther threat$. Ne7t th$ ou&ht to be
)on$dered( that we "a! be n no %ear o% the". that % the! had the power the!
would not )o"e n )rowd$( nor %a$hon d$pla!$( nor wth )han&e o% %or" would
the! %ra"e de)et$. /ut t would $u%%)e that one onl! $hould )o"e and a))o"pl$h
that wh)h he wa$ both able and wlln& to do. e$pe)all! a$ ever! one who ha$ the
power nether $la!$ wth d$pla! nor $tr#e$ %ear wth tu"ult( but ""edatel!
"a#e$ %ull u$e o% h$ authort! a$ he w$he$. /ut the de"on$ a$ the! have no
power are l#e a)tor$ on the $ta&e )han&n& ther $hape and %r&htenn& )hldren
wth tu"ultuou$ apparton and varou$ %or"$. %ro" wh)h the! ou&ht rather to be
de$p$ed a$ $hown& ther wea#ne$$. At lea$t the true an&el o% the 6ord $ent
a&an$t the A$$!ran had no need %or tu"ult$ nor d$pla!$ %ro" wthout( nor no$e$
nor rattln&$( but n 'uet he u$ed h$ power and ""edatel! de$tro!ed a hundred
and e&ht!0%ve thou$and. /ut de"on$ l#e the$e( who have no power( tr! to terr%!
at lea$t b! ther d$pla!$ 3 Cn&$ 1<.:4 .
3<. +/ut % an! one havn& n "nd the h$tor! o% 2ob $hould $a!( *h! then ha$
the devl &one %orth and a))o"pl$hed all thn&$ a&an$t h"- and $trpped h" o%
all h$ po$$e$$on$( and $lew h$ )hldren( and $"ote h" wth evl ul)er$A 6et $u)h
a one( on the other hand( re)o&n$e that the devl wa$ not the $tron& "an(
but God who delvered 2ob to h" to be tred. Certanl! he had no power to do
an!thn&( but he a$#ed( and havn& re)eved t( he ha$ wrou&ht what he dd. So
al$o %ro" th$ the ene"! $ the "ore to be )onde"ned( %or althou&h wlln& he
)ould not preval a&an$t one ?u$t "an. For % he )ould have( he would not have
a$#ed per"$$on. /ut havn& a$#ed not on)e but al$o a $e)ond t"e( he $how$ h$
wea#ne$$ and want o% power. And t $ no wonder % he )ould do nothn&
a&an$t 2ob( when de$tru)ton would not have )o"e even on h$ )attle had
not God allowed t. And he ha$ not the power over $wne( %or a$ t $ wrtten n
the Go$pel( the! be$ou&ht the 6ord( $a!n&( 6et u$ enter the $wne Matthew D.:1 . /ut
% the! had power not even a&an$t $wne( "u)h le$$ have the! an!
over "en %or"ed n the "a&e o% God.
:9. +So then we ou&ht to %ear God onl!( and de$p$e the de"on$( and be n
no %ear o% the". /ut the "ore the! do the$e thn&$ the "ore let
u$ nten$%! our d$)plne a&an$t the"( %or a &ood l%e and %ath n God $ a &reat
weapon. At an! rate the! %ear the %a$tn&( the $leeple$$ne$$( the pra!er$( the
"ee#ne$$( the 'uetne$$( the )onte"pt o% "one! and van&lor!( the hu"lt!(
the love o% the poor( theal"$( the %reedo" %ro" an&er o% the a$)et)$( and( )he%
o% all( ther pet! toward$ Chr$t. *here%ore the! do all thn&$ that the! "a! not
have an! that tra"ple on the"( #nown& the &ra)e &ven to the %ath%ul a&an$t
the" b! the Savour( when He $a!$( /ehold , have &ven to !ou power to tread
upon $erpent$ and $)orpon$( and upon all the power o% the ene"! 6u#e 19.1< .
:1. +*here%ore % the! pretend to %oretell the %uture( let no one &ve heed( %or o%ten
the! announ)e be%orehand that the brethren are )o"n& da!$ a%ter. And
the! do )o"e. The de"on$( however( do th$ not %ro" an! )are %or the hearer$(
but to &an ther tru$t( and that then at len&th( havn& &ot the" n ther power(
the! "a! de$tro! the". *hen)e we "u$t &ve no heed to the"( but ou&ht rather
to )on%ute the" when $pea#n&( $n)e we do not need the". For what wonder $ t(
% wth "ore $ubtle bode$ than "en have ( when the! have $een the" $tart on
ther ?ourne!( the! $urpa$$ the" n $peed( and announ)e ther )o"n&A 2u$t a$ a
hor$e"an &ettn& a $tart o% a "an on %oot announ)e$ the arrval o% the latter
be%orehand( $o n th$ there $ no need %or u$ to wonder at the". For
the! #now none o% tho$e thn&$ wh)h are not !et n e7$ten)e- but God onl! $ He
who #now$ all thn&$ be%ore ther brth. /ut the$e( l#e theve$( runnn& o%% %r$t
wth what the! $ee( pro)la" t. to how "an! alread! have the! announ)ed
our bu$ne$$= that we are a$$e"bled to&ether( and d$)u$$ "ea$ure$ a&an$t
the"( be%ore an! one o% u$ )ould &o and tell the$e thn&$. Th$ n &ood truth a
%leet0%ooted bo! )ould do( &ettn& %ar ahead o% one le$$ $w%t. /ut what , "ean $
th$. ,% an! one be&n$ to wal# %ro" the Thebad( or %ro" an! other d$tr)t( be%ore
he be&n$ to wal#( the! do not #now whether he wll wal#. /ut when the! have
$een h" wal#n& the! run on( and be%ore he )o"e$ up report h$ approa)h. And
$o t %all$ out that a%ter a %ew da!$ the traveller$ arrve. /ut o%ten the wal#er$ turn
ba)#( and the de"on$ prove%al$e.+
:3. +So( too( wth re$pe)t to the water o% the rver( the! $o"et"e$ "a#e %ool$h
$tate"ent$. For havn& $een that there ha$ been "u)h ran n the re&on$
o% Ethopa( and #nown& that the! are the )au$e o% the %lood o% the rver be%ore
the water ha$ )o"e to E&!pt the! run on and announ)e t. And th$ "en )ould
have told( % the! had a$ &reat power o% runnn& a$ the de"on$. And
a$ Davd+$ $p!3 Sa"uel 1D.38 &on& up to a lo%t! pla)e $aw the "an approa)hn& better
than one who $ta!ed down below( and the %orerunner h"$el% announ)ed( be%ore
the other$ )a"e up( not tho$e thn&$ wh)h had not ta#en pla)e( but tho$e thn&$
wh)h were alread! on the wa! and were ben& a))o"pl$hed( $o the$e al$o pre%er
to labour( and de)lare what $ happenn& to other$ $"pl! %or the $a#e
o% de)evn& the". ,%( however( ;rovden)e "eant"e plan$ an!thn& d%%erent %or
the water$ or wa!%arer$= %or ;rovden)e )an do th$= the de"on$ are de)eved(
and tho$e who &ave heed to the" )heated.+
::. +Thu$ n da!$ &one b! aro$e the ora)le$ o% the Gree#$( and thu$ the! were led
a$tra! b! the de"on$. /ut thu$ al$o then)e%orth ther de)epton wa$ brou&ht to an
end b! the )o"n& o% the 6ord ( who brou&ht to nou&ht the de"on$ and ther
dev)e$. For the! #nownothn& o% the"$elve$( but( l#e theve$( what the! &et
to #now %ro" other$ the! pa$$ on( and &ue$$ at rather than %oretell thn&$.
There%ore % $o"et"e$ the! $pea# the truth( let no one "arvel at the" %or th$.
For e7peren)ed ph!$)an$ al$o( $n)e the! $ee the $a"e "alad! n d%%erent
people( o%ten %oretell what t $( "a#n& t out b! ther a)'uantan)e wth t. ;lot$(
too( and %ar"er$( %ro" ther %a"lart! wth the weather( tell at a &lan)e the $tate
o% the at"o$phere( and %ore)a$t whether t wll be $tor"! or %ne. And no one
would $a! that the! do th$ b! n$praton( but %ro" e7peren)e and pra)t)e. So %
the de"on$ $o"et"e$ do the $a"e b! &ue$$wor#( let no one wonder at t or
heed the". For what u$e to the hearer$ $ t to #now %ro" the" what $ &on& to
happen be%ore the t"eA Or what )on)ern have we to #now $u)h thn&$( even %
the #nowled&e be trueA For t $ not produ)tve o% vrtue( nor $ t an! to#en
o% &oodne$$. For none o% u$ $ ?ud&ed %or what he #now$ not( and no one $
)alled ble$$ed be)au$e he ha$ learnn& and #nowled&e. /ut ea)h one wll be )alled
to ?ud&"ent n the$e pont$= whether he have #ept the %ath and trul! ob$erved
the )o""and"ent$.+
:8. +*here%ore there $ no need to $et "u)h value on the$e thn&$( nor %or the
$a#e o% the" to pra)t$e a l%e o% d$)plne and labour- but that lvn& well we "a!
plea$e God. And we nether ou&ht to pra! to #now the %uture( nor to a$# %or t a$
the reward o% our d$)plne- but our pra!er $hould be that the 6ord "a! be
our %ellow0helper %or v)tor! over the devl. And % even on)e we have a de$re
to #now the %uture( let u$ be pure n "nd( %or , beleve that % a $oul $ per%e)tl!
pure and n t$ natural $tate( t $ able ( ben& )lear0$&hted( to $ee "ore and
%urther than the de"on$= %or t ha$ the 6ord who reveal$ to t= l#e
the $oul o% El$ha( wh)h $aw what wa$ done 3 Cn&$ 4.3>b! Geha@( and beheld
the ho$t$ 3 Cn&$ >.15 $tandn& on t$ $de.+
:4. +*hen( there%ore( the! )o"e b! n&ht to !ou and w$h to tell the %uture( or
$a!( we are the an&el$( &ve no heed( %or the! le. Yea even % the! pra$e
!our d$)plne and )all !ou ble$$ed( hear the" not( and have no dealn&$ wth
the"- but rather $&n !our$elve$ and !our hou$e$( and pra!( and !ou $hall $ee
the" van$h. For the! are )oward$( and &reatl! %ear the $&n o% the 6ord+$ Cro$$(
$n)e o% atruth n t the Savour $trpped the"( and "ade an e7a"ple o%
the". Colo$$an$ 3.14 /ut % the! $ha"ele$$l! $tand ther &round( )apern& and
)han&n& ther %or"$ o% appearan)e( %ear the" not( nor $hrn#( nor heed the" a$
thou&h the! were &ood $prt$. For the pre$en)e ether o% the &ood or evl b! the
help o% God )an ea$l! be d$tn&u$hed. The v$on o% the hol! one$ $ not %rau&ht
wth d$tra)ton. For the! wll not $trve( nor )r!( nor $hall an! one hear
ther vo)e. /ut t )o"e$ $o 'uetl! and &entl! that
""edatel! ?o!( &ladne$$ and)oura&e ar$e n the $oul. For the 6ord who $
our ?o! $ wth the"( and the power o% God the Father. And the thou&ht$ o%
the $oul re"anunru%%led and und$turbed( $o that t( enl&htened a$ t were wth
ra!$( behold$ b! t$el% tho$e who appear. For the love o% what $ dvne and o% the
thn&$ to )o"e po$$e$$e$ t( and wlln&l! t would be wholl! ?oned wth the" % t
)ould depart alon& wth the". /ut %( ben&"en( $o"e %ear the v$on o% the &ood(
tho$e who appear ""edatel! ta#e %ear awa!- a$ Gabrel 6u#e 1.1: dd n the )a$e
o% Ha)hara$( and a$ the an&el Matthew 3D.4 dd who appeared to the wo"en at
the hol! $epul)hre( and a$ He dd who $ad to the $hepherd$ n theGo$pel( Fear
not. For ther %ear aro$e not %ro" t"dt!( but %ro" the re)o&nton o% the pre$en)e
o% $uperor ben&$. Su)h then $ thenature o% the v$on$ o% the hol! one$.+
:>. +/ut the nroad and the d$pla! o% the evl $prt$ $ %rau&ht wth )on%u$on( wth
dn( wth $ound$ and )r!n&$ $u)h a$ the d$turban)e o% boor$h !outh$
or robber$ would o))a$on. Fro" wh)h ar$e %ear n the heart( tu"ult and
)on%u$on o% thou&ht( de?e)ton( hatredtoward$ the" who lve a l%e
o% d$)plne( nd%%eren)e( &re%( re"e"bran)e o% #n$%ol# and %ear o% death( and
%nall! de$re o% evl thn&$( d$re&ard o% vrtue and un$ettled habt$. *henever(
there%ore( !ou have $een ou&ht and are a%rad( % !our %ear $ ""edatel! ta#en
awa! and n pla)e o% t )o"e$ ?o! un$pea#able( )heer%ulne$$( )oura&e( renewed
$tren&th( )al"ne$$ o% thou&ht and all tho$e , na"ed be%ore( boldne$$
and love toward God=ta#e )oura&e and pra!. For ?o! and a $ettled $tate
o% $oul $how the holne$$ o% h" who $ pre$ent. Thu$Abraha" beholdn&
the 6ord re?o)ed 2ohn D.4>- $o al$o 2ohn 6u#e 1.81 at the vo)e o% Mar!( the God0
bearer ( leaped %or &ladne$$. /ut % at the appearan)e o% an! there $ )on%u$on(
#no)#n& wthout( worldl! d$pla!( threat$ o% death and the other thn&$ wh)h ,
have alread! "entoned( #now that t $ an on$lau&ht o% evl $prt$.+
:5. +And let th$ al$o be a to#en %or !ou. whenever the $oul re"an$ %ear%ul there
$ a pre$en)e o% the ene"e$. For the de"on$ do not ta#e awa! the %ear o% ther
pre$en)e a$ the &reat ar)han&el Gabrel dd %or Mar! and Ha)hara$( and a$ he dd
who appeared to thewo"en at the to"b- but rather whenever the!
$ee "en a%rad the! n)rea$e ther delu$on$ that "en "a! be terr%ed the "ore-
and at la$t atta)#n& the! "o)# the"( $a!n&( %all down and wor$hp. Thu$ the!
de)eved the Gree#$( and thu$ b! the" the! were )on$dered &od$( %al$el! $o
)alled. /ut the 6ord dd not $u%%er u$ to be de)eved b! the devl( %or He rebu#ed
h" whenever he %ra"ed $u)h delu$on$ a&an$t H"( $a!n&. Get behnd
"e( Satan. %or t $ wrtten( You $hall wor$hp the 6ord !our God( and H" onl!
$hall !ou $erveMatthew 8.19 . More and "ore( there%ore( let the de)ever be de$p$ed
b! u$- %or what the 6ord ha$ $ad( th$ %or our $a#e$ He ha$ done. that
the de"on$ hearn& l#e word$ %ro" u$ "a! be put to %l&ht throu&h the 6ord who
rebu#ed the" n tho$e word$.+
:D. +And t $ not %ttn& to boa$t at the )a$tn& %orth o% the de"on$( nor to be
upl%ted b! the healn& o% d$ea$e$. nor $ t %ttn& that he who )a$t$
out devl$ $hould alone be h&hl! e$tee"ed( whle he who )a$t$ the" not out
$hould be )on$dered nou&ht. /ut let a "an learn the d$)plne o% ea)h one and
ether "tate( rval( or )orre)t t. For the wor#n& o% $&n$ $ not our$ but
the Savour+$ wor#. and $o He $ad to H$ d$)ple$. Re?o)e not that
the de"on$ are $ub?e)t to !ou( but that !our na"e$ are wrtten n the
heaven$ 6u#e 19.39 . For the %a)t that our na"e$ are wrtten n heaven $ a proo% o%
our vrtuou$ l%e( but to )a$t out de"on$ $ a %avour o% the Savour who &ranted t.
*here%ore to tho$e who boa$ted n $&n$ but not n vrtue( and $ad. 6ord( n Your
na"e dd we not )a$t out de"on$( and n Your na"e dd "an! "&ht!
wor#$ Matthew 5.33A He an$wered( Eerl! , $a! unto !ou( , #now !ou not- %or
the 6ord #now$ not the wa!$ o% the w)#ed. /ut we ou&ht alwa!$ to pra!( a$ , $ad
above( that we "a! re)eve the &%t o% d$)ernn& $prt$- that( a$ t $
wrtten1 2ohn 8.1( we "a! not beleve ever! $prt.+
:<. +, $hould have l#ed to $pea# no %urther and to $a! nothn& %ro" "! own
pro"ptn&$( $at$%ed wth what , have $ad. but le$t !ou $hould thn# that , $pea#
at rando" and beleve that , detal the$e thn&$ wthout e7peren)e or truth- %or
th$ )au$e even thou&h , $hould be)o"e a$ a %ool( !et the 6ord who
hear$ #now$ the )learne$$ o% "! )on$)en)e( and that t $ not %or "! own $a#e(
but on a))ount o% !our a%%e)ton toward$ "e and at !our petton that , a&an tell
what , $aw o% the pra)t)e$ o% evl $prt$. How o%ten have the! )alled
"eble$$ed and , have )ur$ed the" n the na"e o% the 6ordB How o%ten have the!
pred)ted the r$n& o% the rver( and , an$wered the"(*hat have !ou to do wth
tA On)e the! )a"e threatenn& and $urrounded "e l#e $older$ n %ull ar"our. At
another t"e the! %lled the hou$e wth hor$e$( wld bea$t$ and )reepn& thn&$(
and , $an&. So"e n )harot$ and $o"e n hor$e$( but we wll boa$t n the na"e o%
the 6ord our God - and at the pra!er$ the! were turned to %l&ht b! the 6ord. On)e
the! )a"e n dar#ne$$( bearn& the appearan)e o% a l&ht( and $ad( *e have )o"e
to &ve !ou a l&ht( Anton!. /ut , )lo$ed "! e!e$ and pra!ed( and ""edatel! the
l&ht o% the w)#edone$ wa$ 'uen)hed. And a %ew "onth$ a%ter the! )a"e a$
thou&h $n&n& p$al"$ and babbln& the word$ o% S)rpture( /ut , l#e a dea% "an(
heard not. On)e the! $hoo# the )ell wth an earth'ua#e( but ,
)ontnued pra!n& wth un$ha#en heart. And a%ter th$ the! )a"e a&an "a#n&
no$e$( wh$tln& and dan)n&. /ut a$ , pra!ed and la! $n&n& p$al"$ to "!$el%
the! ""edatel! be&an to la"ent and weep( a$ % ther $tren&th had %aled the".
/ut , &ave &lor! to the 6ord who had brou&ht down and "ade an e7a"ple o% ther
darn& and"adne$$.+
89. +On)e a de"on e7)eedn& h&h appeared wth po"p( and dared to $a!( , a"
the power o% God and , a" ;rovden)e( what do !ou w$h that , $hall &ve
!ouA /ut , then $o "u)h the "ore breathed upon h" ( and $po#e the na"e
o% Chr$t( and $et about to $"te h". And , $ee"ed to have $"tten h"( and
""edatel! he( b& a$ he wa$( to&ether wth all h$ de"on$( d$appeared at the
na"e o% Chr$t. At another t"e( whle , wa$ %a$tn&( he )a"e %ull o% )ra%t( under
the $e"blan)e o% a "on#( wth what $ee"ed to be loave$( and &ave "e )oun$el(
$a!n&( Eat and )ea$e %ro" !our "an! labour$. Thou al$o art a "an and art l#e to
%all $)#. /ut ,( per)evn& h$ dev)e( ro$e up to pra!- and he endured t not( %or
he departed( and throu&h the door there $ee"ed to &o out a$ t were $"o#e. How
o%ten n thede$ert ha$ he d$pla!ed what re$e"bled &old( that , $hould onl! tou)h
t and loo# on t. /ut , $an& p$al"$ a&an$t h"( and he van$hed awa!. O%ten the!
would beat "e wth $trpe$( and , repeated a&an and a&an( Nothn& $hall
$eparate "e %ro" the love o% Chr$tRo"an$ D.:4( and at th$ the! rather %ell to beatn&
one another. Nor wa$ t , that $ta!ed the" and de$tro!ed ther power( but t wa$
the6ord( who $ad( , beheld Satan a$ l&htnn& %all %ro" Heaven- 6u#e 19.1D but ,(
)hldren( "nd%ul o% the Apo$tle+$ word$( tran$%erred1 Cornthan$ 8.> th$ to "!$el%( that
!ou "&ht learn not to %ant n d$)plne( nor to %ear the devl nor the delu$on$ o%
the de"on$.+
81. +And $n)e , have be)o"e a %ool n detaln& the$e thn&$( re)eve th$ al$o a$
an ad to !our $a%et! and %earle$$ne$$- and beleve "e %or , do not le. On)e $o"e
one #no)#ed at the door o% "! )ell( and &on& %orth , $aw one who $ee"ed o%
&reat $@e and tall. Then when , en'ured( *ho are !ouA he $ad( , a" Satan. Then
when , $ad( *h! are !ou hereA he an$wered( *h! do the "on#$ and all
otherChr$tan$ bla"e "e unde$ervedl!A *h! do the! )ur$e "e hourl!A Then ,
an$wered( *here%ore do !ou trouble the"A He $ad( , a" not he who trouble$
the"( but the! trouble the"$elve$( %or , have be)o"e wea#. Have the! not
read ( The $word$ o% the ene"! have )o"e to an end( and !ou have de$tro!ed the
)te$A , have no lon&er a pla)e( a weapon( a )t!. The Chr$tan$ are $pread
ever!where( and at len&th even the de$ert $ %lled wth "on#$. 6et the" ta#e
heed to the"$elve$( and let the" not )ur$e "e unde$ervedl!. Then , "arvelled at
the &ra)e o% the 6ord( and $ad to h". You who art ever a lar and never $pea#e$t
the truth( th$ at len&th( even a&an$t !our wll( !ou have trul! $po#en. For the
)o"n& o% Chr$t ha$ "ade !ou wea#( and He ha$ )a$t !ou down and $trpped
!ou. /ut he havn& heard the Savour+$ na"e( and not ben& able to bear the
burnn& %ro" t( van$hed.+
83. +,%( there%ore( the devl h"$el% )on%e$$e$ that h$ power $ &one( we ou&ht
utterl! to de$p$e both h" and h$ de"on$- and $n)e the ene"! wth h$ hound$
ha$ but dev)e$ o% th$ $ort( we( havn& &ot to #now ther wea#ne$$( are able
to de$p$e the". *here%ore let u$ not de$pond a%ter th$ %a$hon( nor let u$ have a
thou&ht o% )oward)e n our heart( nor %ra"e %ear$ %or our$elve$( $a!n&( ,
a" a%rad le$t a de"on $hould )o"e and overthrow "e- le$t he $hould l%t "e up
and )a$t "e down- or le$t r$n& a&an$t "e on a $udden he )on%ound "e. Su)h
thou&ht$ let u$ not have n "nd at all( nor let u$ be $orrow%ul a$ thou&h we were
per$hn&- but rather let u$ be )oura&eou$and re?o)e alwa!$( belevn& that we are
$a%e. 6et u$ )on$der n our $oul that the 6ord $ wth u$( who put the evl $prt$ to
%l&ht and bro#e ther power. 6et u$ )on$der and la! to heart that whle the 6ord $
wth u$( our %oe$ )an do u$ no hurt. For when the! )o"e the! approa)h u$ n
a %or" )orre$pondn& to the $tate n wh)h the! d$)over u$ ( and adapt ther
delu$on$ to the )ondton o% "nd n wh)h the! %nd u$. ,%( there%ore( the! %nd u$
t"d and )on%u$ed( the! ""edatel! be$et the pla)e( l#e robber$( havn& %ound
t un&uarded- and what we o% our$elve$ are thn#n&( the! do( and "ore al$o. For
% the! %nd u$ %ant0hearted and )owardl!( the! "&htl! n)rea$e our terror( b!
ther delu$on$ and threat$- and wth the$e the unhapp! $oul $ then)e%orth
tor"ented. /ut % the! $ee u$ re?o)n& n the 6ord()onte"platn& the bl$$ o% the
%uture( "nd%ul o% the 6ord( dee"n& all thn&$ n H$ hand( and that
no evl $prt ha$ an! $tren&th a&an$t the Chr$tan( nor an! power at all over an!
one= when the! behold the $oul %ort%ed wth the$e thou&ht$= the!
are d$)o"%ted and turned ba)#ward$. Thu$ the ene"!( $een& 2ob %en)ed round
wth the"( wthdrew %ro" h"- but %ndn& 2uda$ un&uarded( h" he too# )aptve.
Thu$ % we are w$h%ul to de$p$e the ene"!( let u$ ever ponder over the thn&$ o%
the 6ord( and let the $oul ever re?o)e n hope. And we $hall $ee the $nare$ o%
the de"on are l#e $"o#e( and the evl one$ the"$elve$ %lee rather than pur$ue.
For the! are( a$ , $ad be%ore( e7)eedn& %ear%ul( ever loo#n& %orward to the %re
prepared %or the".+
8:. +And %or !our %earle$$ne$$ a&an$t the" hold th$ $ure $&n= whenever there $
an! apparton( be not pro$trate wth %ear( but what$oever t be( %r$t boldl! a$#(
*ho are !ouA And %ro" when)e do !ou )o"eA And % t $hould be
a v$on o% hol! one$ the! wll a$$ure !ou( and )han&e !our %ear nto ?o!. /ut %
the v$on $hould be %ro" the devl( ""edatel! t be)o"e$ %eeble( beholdn& !our
%r" purpo$e o% "nd. For "erel! to a$#( *ho are !ou 2o$hua 4.1:A And when)e do
!ou )o"eA ,$ a proo% o% )oolne$$. /! thu$ a$#n&( the $on o% Nunlearned who h$
helper wa$- nor dd the ene"! e$)ape the 'ue$tonn& o% Danel. +
6he gro$th of the monastic life at this time )about A.(. 78.0.
88. *hle Anton! wa$ thu$ $pea#n& all re?o)ed- n $o"e
the love o% vrtue n)rea$ed( n other$ )arele$$ne$$ wa$ thrown a$de( the $el%0
)on)et o% other$ wa$ $topped- and all were per$uaded to de$p$e the a$$ault$ o%
the Evl One( and "arvelled at the &ra)e &ven toAnton! %ro" the 6ord %or the
d$)ernn& o% $prt$. So ther )ell$ were n the "ountan$( l#e %lled
wth hol! band$ o% "en who $an& p$al"$(loved readn&( %a$ted( pra!ed( re?o)ed n
the hope o% thn&$ to )o"e( laboured n al"$&vn&( and
pre$erved love and har"on! one wth another. And trul! t wa$ po$$ble( a$ t
were( to behold a land $et b! t$el%( %lled wth pet! and ?u$t)e. For then there wa$
nether the evl0doer( nor the n?ured( nor the reproa)he$ o% the ta70&atherer. but
n$tead a "ulttude o% a$)et)$- and the one purpo$e o% the" all wa$ to a"
at vrtue. So that an! one beholdn& the )ell$ a&an( and $een& $u)h &ood order
a"on& the "on#$( would l%t up h$ vo)e and $a!( +How &oodl! are !our dwelln&$(
O 2a)ob( and !our tent$( O ,$rael- a$ $had! &len$ and a$ a &arden b! a rver- a$
tent$ wh)h the6ord ha$ pt)hed( and l#e )edar$ near water$ Nu"ber$ 38.40>.+
&o$ Antony rene$ed his ascetic endea'ours at this time.
84. Anton!( however( a))ordn& to h$ )u$to"( returned alone to h$ own )ell(
n)rea$ed h$ d$)plne( and $&hed dal! a$ he thou&ht o% the "an$on$ n Heaven(
havn& h$ de$re %7ed on the"( and pondern& over the $hortne$$ o% "an+$ l%e.
And he u$ed to eat and $leep( and &o about all other bodl! ne)e$$te$ wth $ha"e
when he thou&ht o% the $prtual %a)ulte$ o% the $oul. So o%ten( when about to eat
wth an! other her"t$( re)olle)tn& the $prtual %ood( he be&&ed to be e7)u$ed(
and departed %ar o%% %ro" the"( dee"n& t a "atter %or $ha"e % he $hould be
$een eatn& b! other$. He u$ed( however( when b! h"$el%( to eat throu&h
bodl! ne)e$$t!( but o%ten al$o wth the brethren- )overed wth $ha"e on the$e
o))a$on$( !et $pea#n& boldl! word$ o% help. And he u$ed to $a! that t behooved
a "an to &ve all h$ t"e to h$ $oul rather than h$ bod!( !et to &rant a $hort
$pa)e to the bod! throu&h t$ ne)e$$te$- but all the "ore earne$tl! to &ve up the
whole re"ander to the $oul and $ee# t$ pro%t( that t "&ht not be dra&&ed down
b! the plea$ure$ o% the bod!( but( on the )ontrar!( the bod! "&ht be n $ub?e)ton
to the $oul. For th$ $ that wh)h wa$ $po#en b! the Savour. +/e not an7ou$ %or
!our l%e what !ou $hall eat( nor %or !our bod! what !ou $hall put on. And do !ou
$ee# not what !ou $hall eat( or what !ou $hall drn#( and be not o% a
doubt%ul "nd. For all the$e thn&$ the naton$ o% the world $ee# a%ter. /ut !our
Father #now$ that !ou have need o% all the$e thn&$.Howbet do !ou $ee# %r$t
H$ Cn&do"( and all the$e thn&$ $hall be added unto !ou Matthew >.:1- 6u#e 13.3<.+
&o$ he sought martyrdomat Ale5andria during the
%ersecution )7""0.
8>. A%ter th$ the Chur)h wa$ $e@ed b! the per$e)uton wh)h then too# pla)e
under Ma7"nu$( and when the hol! "art!r$ were led toAle7andra( Anton! al$o
%ollowed( leavn& h$ )ell( and $a!n&( 6et u$ &o too( that % )alled( we "a! )ontend
or behold the" that are )ontendn&. And he lon&ed to $u%%er "art!rdo"( but not
ben& wlln& to &ve h"$el% up( he "n$tered to the )on%e$$or$ n the "ne$ and
n the pr$on$. And he wa$ ver! @ealou$ n the ?ud&"ent hall to $tr up to
readne$$ tho$e who were $u""oned when n ther )onte$t( whle tho$e who were
ben& "art!red he re)eved and brou&ht on ther wa! untl the! were per%e)ted.
The ?ud&e( there%ore( beholdn& the %earle$$ne$$ o% Anton! and h$ )o"panon$(
and ther @eal n th$ "atter( )o""anded that no "on# $hould appear n
the ?ud&"ent hall( nor re"an at all n the )t!. So all the re$t thou&ht t &ood to
hde the"$elve$ that da!( but Anton! &ave $o lttle heed to the )o""and that he
wa$hed h$ &ar"ent( and $tood all ne7t da! on a ra$ed pla)e be%ore the"( and
appeared n h$ be$t be%ore the &overnor. There%ore when all the re$t wondered at
th$( and the &overnor $aw and pa$$ed b! wth h$ arra!( he $tood %earle$$l!(
$hown& the readne$$ o% u$ Chr$tan$. For( a$ , $ad be%ore( he pra!ed h"$el% to
be a "art!r( where%ore he $ee"ed a$ one &reved that he had not borne
h$ wtne$$. /ut the 6ord wa$ #eepn& h" %or our pro%t and that o% other$( that he
$hould be)o"e a tea)her to "an! o% thed$)plne wh)h he had learned %ro"
the S)rpture$. For "an! onl! beholdn& h$ "anner o% l%e were ea&er to be
"tator$ o% h$ wa!$. So he a&an "n$tered a$ u$ual to the )on%e$$or$( and a$
thou&h he were ther %ellow )aptve he laboured n h$ "n$tr!.
&o$ he li'ed at this time.
85. And when at la$t the per$e)uton )ea$ed( and the ble$$ed /$hop ;eter had
borne h$ te$t"on!( Anton! departed( and a&an wthdrew to h$ )ell( and wa$
there dal! a "art!r to h$ )on$)en)e( and )ontendn& n the )on%l)t$ o% %ath. And
h$ d$)plne wa$ "u)h $everer( %or he wa$ ever %a$tn&( and he had a &ar"ent o%
har on the n$de( whle the out$de wa$ $#n( wh)h he #ept untl h$ end. And he
nether bathed h$ bod! wth water to %ree h"$el% %ro" %lth( nor dd he ever wa$h
h$ %eet( nor even endure $o "u)h a$ to put the" nto water( unle$$ )o"pelled
b! ne)e$$t!. Nor dd an! one even $ee h" un)lothed( nor h$ bod! na#ed at all(
e7)ept a%ter h$ death( when he wa$ bured.
&o$ he deli'ered a $oman from an e'il spirit.
8D. *hen there%ore he had retred and deter"ned to %7 a t"e( a%ter wh)h
nether to &o %orth h"$el% nor ad"t an!bod!( Martnan( a "ltar! o%%)er( )a"e
and d$turbed Anton!. For he had a dau&hter a%%l)ted wth an evl $prt. /ut when
he )ontnued %or a lon& whle #no)#n& at the door( and a$#n& h" to )o"e out
and pra! to God %or h$ )hld( Anton!( not bearn& to open( loo#ed out %ro" above
and $ad( +Man( wh! do !ou )all on "eA , al$o a" a "an even a$ !ou. /ut %
!ou beleve n Chr$t who" , $erve( &o( and a))ordn& a$ !oubeleve( pra! to God(
and t $hall )o"e to pa$$.+ Stra&htwa!( there%ore( he departed( belevn& and
)alln& upon Chr$t( and he re)eved h$ dau&hter )lean$ed %ro" the devl. Man!
other thn&$ al$o throu&h Anton! the 6ord dd( who $a!$( +See# and t $hall be
&ven unto !ou6u#e 11.<.+ For "an! o% the $u%%erer$( when he would not open h$
door( $lept out$de h$ )ell( and b! ther %ath and $n)ere pra!er$ were healed.
&o$ at this time he betoo1 himself to his 3inner mountain.3
8<. /ut when he $aw h"$el% be$et b! "an!( and not $u%%ered to wthdraw h"$el%
a))ordn& to h$ ntent a$ he w$hed( %earn& be)au$e o% the $&n$ wh)h
the 6ord wrou&ht b! h"( that ether he $hould be pu%%ed up( or that $o"e other
$hould thn# o% h" above what he ou&ht to thn#( he )on$dered and $et o%% to &o
nto the upper Thebad( a"on& tho$e to who" he wa$ un#nown. And havn&
re)eved loave$ %ro" the brethren( he $at down b! the ban# o% the rver( loo#n&
whether a boat would &o b!( that( havn& e"bar#ed thereon( he "&ht &o up the
rver wth the". *hle he wa$ )on$dern& the$e thn&$( a vo)e )a"e to h" %ro"
above( +Anton!( where are !ou &on& and wh!A+ /ut he no wa! d$turbed( but a$ he
had been a))u$to"ed to be )alled o%ten thu$( &vn& ear to t( an$wered( $a!n&(
+Sn)e the "ulttude per"t "e not to be $tll( , w$h to &o nto the
upper Thebad on a))ount o% the "an! hndran)e$ that )o"e upon "e here( and
e$pe)all! be)au$e the! de"and o% "e thn&$ be!ond "! power.+ /ut the vo)e
$ad unto h"( +Even thou&h !ou $hould &o nto theThebad( or even thou&h( a$
!ou have n "nd( !ou $hould &o down to the /u)ola ( !ou wll have to endure
"ore( a!e( double the a"ount o% tol. /ut % !ou w$h reall! to be n 'uet( depart
now nto the nner de$ert.+ And when Anton! $ad( +*ho wll $how "e the wa! %or
,#now t notA+ ""edatel! the vo)e ponted out to h" Sara)en$ about to &o that
wa!. So Anton! approa)hed( and drew near the"( and a$#ed that he "&ht &o
wth the" nto the de$ert. And the!( a$ thou&h the! had been )o""anded
b! ;rovden)e( re)eved h" wlln&l!. And havn& ?ourne!ed wth the" three da!$
and three n&ht$( he )a"e to a ver! lo%t! "ountan( and at the %oot o% the
"ountan ran a )lear $prn&( who$e water$ were $weet and ver! )old- out$de
there wa$ a plan and a %ew un)ared0%or pal" tree$.
49. Anton! then( a$ t were( "oved b! God( loved the pla)e ( %or th$ wa$ the $pot
wh)h he who had $po#en wth h" b! the ban#$ o% the rver had ponted out. So
havn& %r$t re)eved loave$ %ro" h$ %ellow traveller$( he abode n the "ountan
alone( no one el$e ben& wth h". And re)o&n$n& t a$ h$ own ho"e( he
re"aned n that pla)e %or the %uture. /ut the Sara)en$( havn& $een the
earne$tne$$ o%Anton!( purpo$el! u$ed to ?ourne! that wa!( and ?o!%ull! brou&ht
h" loave$( whle now and then the pal" tree$ al$o a%%orded h" a poorand %ru&al
rel$h. /ut a%ter th$( the brethren learnn& o% the pla)e( l#e )hldren "nd%ul o%
ther %ather( too# )are to $end to h". /ut whenAnton! $aw that the bread wa$
the )au$e o% trouble and hard$hp$ to $o"e o% the"( to $pare the "on#$ th$( he
re$olved to a$# $o"e o% tho$e who )a"e to brn& h" a $pade( an a7e( and a lttle
&ran. And when the$e were brou&ht( he went over the land round the "ountan(
and havn& %ound a $"all plot o% $utable &round( tlled t- and havn& a plent%ul
$uppl! o% water %or watern&( he $owed. Th$ don& !ear b! !ear( he &ot h$ bread
%ro" then)e( re?o)n& that thu$ he would be trouble$o"e to no one( and be)au$e
he #ept h"$el% %ro" ben& a burden to an!bod!. /ut a%ter th$( $een& a&an that
people )a"e( he )ultvated a %ew pot0herb$( that he who )a"e to h" "&ht have
$o"e $l&ht $ola)e a%ter the labour o% that hard ?ourne!. At %r$t( however( the wld
bea$t$ n the de$ert( )o"n& be)au$e o% the water( o%ten n?ured h$ $eed$ and
hu$bandr!. /ut he( &entl! la!n& hold o% one o% the"( $ad to the" all( +*h! do
!ou hurt "e( when , hurt none o% !ouA Depart( and n the na"e o% the 6ord )o"e
not near th$ $pot.+ And %ro" that t"e %orward( a$ thou&h %ear%ul o% h$ )o""and(
the! no "ore )a"e near the pla)e.
&o$ he there combated the demons.
41. So he wa$ alone n the nner "ountan( $pendn&
h$ t"e n pra!er and d$)plne. And the brethren who $erved h" a$#ed that the!
"&ht )o"e ever! "onth and brn& h" olve$( pul$e and ol( %or b! now he wa$ an
old "an. There then he pa$$ed h$ l%e( and endured $u)h &reat wre$tln&$( +Not
a&an$t %le$h and blood Ephe$an$ >.13(+ a$ t $ wrtten( but a&an$t oppo$n& de"on$(
a$ we learned %ro" tho$e who v$ted h". For there the! heard tu"ult$( "an!
vo)e$( and( a$ t were( the )la$h o% ar"$. At n&ht the! $aw the "ountan be)o"e
%ull o% wld bea$t$( and h" al$o %&htn& a$ thou&h a&an$t v$ble ben&$(
and pra!n& a&an$t the". And tho$e who )a"e to h" he en)oura&ed(
whle #neeln& he )ontended and pra!ed to the 6ord. Surel! t wa$ a "arvellou$
thn& that a "an( alone n $u)h a de$ert(%eared nether the de"on$ who ro$e up
a&an$t h"( nor the %er)ene$$ o% the %our0%ooted bea$t$ and )reepn& thn&$( %or
all the! were $o "an!. /ut n truth( a$ t $ wrtten( +He tru$ted n the 6ord a$
Mount Son (+ wth a "nd un$ha#en and und$turbed- $o that the de"on$rather
%led %ro" h"( and the wld bea$t$( a$ t $ wrtten 2ob 4.3:( +#ept pea)e wth h".+
43. The devl( there%ore( a$ Davd $a!$ n the ;$al"$ ( ob$erved Anton! and
&na$hed h$ teeth a&an$t h". /ut Anton! wa$ )on$oled b! the Savour and
)ontnued unhurt b! h$ wle$ and vared dev)e$. A$ he wa$ wat)hn& n the n&ht
the devl $ent wld bea$t$ a&an$t h". And al"o$t all the h!ena$ n that de$ert
)a"e %orth %ro" ther den$ and $urrounded h"- and he wa$ n the "d$t( whle
ea)h one threatened to bte. Seen& that t wa$ a tr)# o% the ene"! he $ad to
the" all. +,% !ou have re)eved power a&an$t "e , a" read! to be devoured b!
!ou- but % !ou were $ent a&an$t "e b! de"on$( $ta! not( but depart( %or , a" a
$ervant o% Chr$t.+ *hen Anton! $ad th$ the! %led( drven b! that word a$ wth a
4:. A %ew da!$ a%ter( a$ he wa$ wor#n& F%or he wa$ )are%ul to wor# hardG( $o"e
one $tood at the door and pulled the plat wh)h he wa$ wor#n&( %or he u$ed to
weave ba$#et$( wh)h he &ave to tho$e who )a"e n return %or what the! brou&ht
h". And r$n& up he $aw a bea$t l#e a "an to the th&h$ but havn& le&$ and
%eet l#e tho$e o% an a$$. And Anton! onl! $&ned h"$el% and $ad( +, a" a $ervant
o%Chr$t. ,% !ou are $ent a&an$t "e( behold , a" here.+ /ut the bea$t to&ether
wth h$ evl $prt$ %led( $o that( throu&h h$ $peed( he %ell and ded. And the death
o% the bea$t wa$ the %all o% the de"on$. For the! $trove n all "anner o% wa!$ to
lead Anton! %ro" the de$ertand were not able.
f the miraculous spring, and ho$ he edified the mon1s of
the 3outer3 mountain, and of Antony3s sister.
48. And on)e ben& a$#ed b! the "on#$ to )o"e down and v$t the" and ther
abode$ a%ter a t"e( he ?ourne!ed wth tho$e who )a"e to h". And a )a"el
)arred the loave$ and the water %or the". For all that de$ert $ dr!( and there $
no water at all that $ %t to drn#($ave n that "ountan %ro" when)e the! drew
the water( and n wh)h Anton!+$ )ell wa$. So when the water %aled the" on ther
wa!( and the heat wa$ ver! &reat( the! all were n dan&er. For havn& &one round
the ne&hbourhood and %ndn& no water( the! )ould wal# no %urther( but la! on the
&round and de$parn& o% the"$elve$( let the )a"el &o. /ut the old "an $een&
that the! were all n ?eopard!( &roann& n deep &re%( departed a lttle wa! %ro"
the"( and #neeln& down he $tret)hed %orth h$ hand$ and pra!ed. And
""edatel! the6ord "ade water to well %orth where he had $tood pra!n&( and $o
all dran# and were revved. And havn& %lled ther bottle$ the! $ou&ht the )a"el
and %ound her( %or the rope happened to have )au&ht n a $tone and $o wa$
held %a$t. Havn& led t and watered t the! pla)ed the bottle$ on t$ ba)# and
%n$hed ther ?ourne! n $a%et!. And when he )a"e to the outer )ell$ all $aluted
h"( loo#n& on h" a$ a %ather. And he too( a$ thou&h brn&n& $upple$ %ro" the
"ountan( entertaned the" wth h$ word$ and &ave the" a $hare o% help. And
a&an there wa$ ?o! n the "ountan$( @eal %or "prove"ent and )on$olaton
throu&h ther "utual %ath. Anton! al$o re?o)ed when he beheld the earne$tne$$
o% the "on#$( and h$ $$ter &rown old n vr&nt!( and that $he her$el% al$o wa$
the leader o% other vr&n$.
&o$ humanely he counselled those $ho resorted to him.
44. So a%ter )ertan da!$ he went n a&an to the "ountan. And hen)e%orth "an!
re$orted to h"( and other$ who were $u%%ern& ventured to &o n. To all
the "on#$ there%ore who )a"e to h"( he )ontnuall! &ave th$ pre)ept. +/eleve
n the 6ord and love H"- #eep !our$elve$ %ro" %lth! thou&ht$ and %le$hl!
plea$ure$( and a$ t $ wrtten n the ;roverb$( be not de)eved b! the %ullne$$ o%
the bell!. ;ra! )ontnuall!- avod van&lor!- $n& p$al"$ be%ore $leep and on
awa#n&- hold n !our heart the )o""and"ent$ o% S)rpture- be "nd%ul o% the
wor#$ o% the $ant$ that !our $oul$ ben& put n re"e"bran)e o%
the )o""and"ent$ "a! be brou&ht nto har"on! wth the @eal o% the $ant$.+ And
e$pe)all! he )oun$elled the" to "edtate )ontnuall! on the apo$tle+$ word( +6et
not the $un &o down upon !our wrath Ephe$an$ 8.3>.+ And he )on$dered th$ wa$
$po#en o% all )o""and"ent$ n )o""on( and that not on wrath alone( but not on
an! other$n o% our$( ou&ht the $un to &o down. For t wa$ &ood and need%ul that
nether the $un $hould )onde"n u$ %or an evl b! da! nor the "oon %or a $n b!
n&ht( or even %or an evl thou&ht. That th$ $tate "a! be pre$erved n u$ t
$ &ood to hear the apo$tle and #eep h$ word$( %or he $a!$( +Tr! !our own $elve$
and prove !our own $elve$ 3 Cornthan$ 1:.4.+ Dal!( there%ore( let ea)h one ta#e %ro"
h"$el% the tale o% h$ a)ton$ both b! da! and n&ht- and % he have $nned( let
h" )ea$e %ro" t- whle % he have not( let h" not be boa$t%ul. /ut let h" abde
n that wh)h $ &ood( wthout ben& ne&l&ent( nor )onde"nn& h$ ne&hbour$(
nor ?u$t%!n& h"$el%( +untl the 6ord )o"e who $ear)he$ out hdden thn&$ (+ a$
$a!$ the ble$$ed apo$tle ;aul. For o%ten unaware$ we do thn&$ that we #now not
o%- but the 6ord$ee$ all thn&$. *here%ore )o""ttn& the ?ud&"ent to H"( let u$
have $!"path! one wth another. 6et u$ bear ea)h other+$ burden$Galatan$ >.>. but
let u$ e7a"ne our own $elve$ and ha$ten to %ll up that n wh)h we are la)#n&.
And a$ a $a%e&uard a&an$t $n let the %ollown& be ob$erved. 6et u$ ea)h one note
and wrte down our a)ton$ and the "pul$e$ o% our $oul a$ thou&h we were &on&
to relate the" to ea)h other. And be a$$ured that % we $hould be utterl! a$ha"ed
to have the" #nown( we $hall ab$tan %ro" $n and harbour no ba$e thou&ht$ n
our "nd. For who w$he$ to be $een whle $nnn&A Or who wll not rather le a%ter
the )o""$$on o% a $n( throu&h the w$h to e$)ape not)eA A$ then whle we are
loo#n& at one another( we would not )o""t )arnal $n( $o % we re)ord our
thou&ht$ a$ thou&h about to tell the" to one another( we $hall the "ore ea$l!
#eep our$elve$ %ree %ro" vle thou&ht$ throu&h $ha"e le$t the! $hould be #nown.
*here%ore let that wh)h $ wrtten be to u$ n pla)e o% the e!e$ o% our %ellow
her"t$( that blu$hn& a$ "u)h to wrte a$ % we had been )au&ht( we "a! never
thn# o% what $ un$ee"l!. Thu$ %a$honn& our$elve$ we $hall be able to #eep the
bod! n $ub?e)ton( to plea$e the 6ord( and to tra"ple on the dev)e$ o% the
4>. Th$ wa$ the adv)e he &ave to tho$e who )a"e to h". And wth tho$e who
$u%%ered he $!"path$ed and pra!ed. And o%t0t"e$ the6ord heard h" on behal% o%
"an!. !et he boa$ted not be)au$e he wa$ heard( nor dd he "ur"ur % he were
not. /ut alwa!$ he &ave the6ord than#$ and be$ou&ht the $u%%erer to be patent(
and to #now that healn& belon&ed nether to h" nor to "an at all( but onl! to
the6ord( who doe$ &ood when and to who" He wll. The $u%%erer$ there%ore u$ed
to re)eve the word$ o% the old "an a$ thou&h the! were a )ure( learnn& not to
be downhearted but rather to be lon&0$u%%ern&. And tho$e who were healed were
tau&ht not to &ve than#$ toAnton! but to God alone.
f the case of Fronto, healed by faithand prayer.
45. *here%ore a "an( Fronto b! na"e( who wa$ an o%%)er o% the Court and had a
terrble d$ea$e( %or he u$ed to bte h$ own ton&ue and wa$ n dan&er o% n?ur! to
h$ e!e$( havn& )o"e to the "ountan( a$#ed Anton! to pra! %or h".
/ut Anton! $ad to h"( +Depart and !ou $hall be healed.+ /ut when he wa$ volent
and re"aned wthn $o"e da!$( Anton! wated and $ad( +,% !ou $ta! here( !ou
)an not be healed. Go( and havn& )o"e nto E&!pt !ou $hall $ee the $&n wrou&ht
n !ou.+ And he beleved and went. And a$ $oon a$ he $et e!e$ onE&!pt h$
$u%%ern&$ )ea$ed( and the "an be)a"e whole a))ordn& to the word o% Anton!(
wh)h the Savour had revealed to h" npra!er.
f a certain 'irgin, and of %aphnutius the confessor.
4D. There wa$ al$o a "aden %ro" /u$r$ Trpoltana( who had a terrble and ver!
hdeou$ d$order. For the runnn&$ o% her e!e$( no$e( and ear$ %ell to the &round
and ""edatel! be)a"e wor"$. She wa$ paral!$ed al$o and $'unted.
Her parent$ havn& heard o% "on#$ &on& toAnton!( and belevn& on the 6ord who
healed Matthew <.39 the wo"an wth the $$ue o% blood( a$#ed to be allowed( to&ether
wth ther dau&hter( to ?ourne! wth the". And when the! $u%%ered the"(
the parent$ to&ether wth the &rl( re"aned out$de the "ountan wth;aphnutu$(
the )on%e$$or and "on#- but the "on#$ went n to Anton!. And when the! onl!
w$hed to tell about the da"$el( he ant)pated the"( and detaled both the
$u%%ern&$ o% the )hld and how $he ?ourne!ed wth the". Then when the! a$#ed
that $he $hould be ad"tted( Anton! dd not allow t( but $ad( +Go( and % $he be
not dead( !ou wll %nd her healed. %or the a))o"pl$h"ent o% th$ $ not "ne( that
$he $hould )o"e to "e( wret)hed "an that , a"( but her healn& $ the wor# o%
the Savour( who n ever! pla)e $how$ H$ pt! to the" that )all upon H".
*here%ore the 6ord ha$ n)lned to her a$ $he pra!ed( and H$ lovn&0#ndne$$ ha$
de)lared to "e that He wll heal the )hld where $he now $.+ So the wonder too#
pla)e- and &on& out the! %ound the parent$ re?o)n& and the &rl whole.
f the t$o brethren, and ho$ one perished of thirst.
4<. /ut when two brethren were )o"n& to h"( the water %aled on the wa!( and
one ded and the other wa$ at the pont o% death( %or he had no $tren&th to &o on(
but la! upon the &round e7pe)tn& to de. /ut Anton! $ttn& n the "ountan )alled
two "on#$( who )han)ed to be there( and ur&ed the" $a!n&( +Ta#e a pt)her o%
water and run on the road toward$ E&!pt. For o% two "en who were )o"n&( one
$ alread! dead and the other wll de unle$$ !ou ha$ten. For th$ ha$
been revealed to "e a$ , wa$ pra!n&.+ The "on#$there%ore went( and %ound
one l!n& dead( who" the! bured( and the other the! re$tored wth water and led
h" to the old "an. For t wa$ a da!+$ ?ourne!. /ut % an! one a$#$( wh! he dd not
$pea# be%ore the other ded( the 'ue$ton ou&ht not to be a$#ed. For the
pun$h"ent o% death wa$ not Anton!+$ but God+$( who al$o ?ud&ed the one
and revealed the )ondton o% the other. /ut the "arvel here wa$ onl! n the )a$e
o% Anton!. that he $ttn& n the "ountan had h$ heart wat)h%ul( and had
the 6ord to $how h" thn&$ a%ar o%%.
f the death of Amun, and Antony3s 'ision thereof.
>9. And th$ $ $o( %or on)e a&an he wa$ $ttn& on the "ountan( and loo#n& up
$aw n the ar $o"e one ben& borne upward$( and there wa$ "u)h ?o! a"on&
tho$e who "et h". Then wondern& and dee"n& a )o"pan! o% that #nd to
be ble$$ed( he pra!ed to learn what th$ "&ht be. And ""edatel! a vo)e )a"e
to h". +Th$ $ the $oul o% A"un( the "on# at Ntra.+ Now A"un had per$evered
n thed$)plne up to old a&e- and the d$tan)e %ro" Ntra to the "ountan
where Anton! wa$( wa$ thrteen da!$+ ?ourne!. The )o"panon$
o%Anton! there%ore( $een& the old "an a"a@ed( a$#ed to learn( and heard
that A"un wa$ ?u$t dead. And he wa$ well #nown( %or he had $ta!ed there ver!
o%ten( and "an! $&n$ had been wrou&ht b! h$ "ean$. And th$ $ one o% the".
On)e when he had need to )ro$$ the rver )alled 6!)u$ Fnow t wa$ the $ea$on o%
the %loodG( he a$#ed h$ )o"rade Theodoru$ to re"an at a d$tan)e( that the!
$hould not $ee one another na#ed a$ the! $wa" the water. Then
when Theodoru$ wa$ departed he a&an %elt a$ha"ed even to $ee h"$el% na#ed.
*hle( there%ore( he wa$ pondern& %lled wth $ha"e( on a $udden he wa$ borne
over to the other $de. Theodoru$( there%ore( h"$el% ben& a &ood "an(
approa)hed( and $een& A"un a)ro$$ %r$t wthout a drop o% water %alln& %ro"
h"( en'ured how he had &ot over. And when he $aw that A"un wa$ unwlln& to
tell h"( he held h" b! the %eet and de)lared that he would not let h" &o be%ore
he had learned t %ro" h". So A"un $een& the deter"naton
o% Theodoru$ e$pe)all! %ro" what he had $ad( and havn& a$#ed h" to tell no
"an be%ore h$ death( told h" that he had been )arred and pla)ed on the %urther
$de. And that he had not even $et %oot on the water( nor wa$ that po$$ble
%or "an( but %or the 6ord alone and tho$e who" He per"t$( a$ He dd %or the
&reat apo$tle ;eter. Matthew 18.3D Theodoru$there%ore told th$ a%ter the death
o% A"un. And the "on#$ to who" Anton! $po#e )on)ernn& A"un+$ death "ar#ed
the da!- and when the brethren )a"e up %ro" Ntra thrt! da!$ a%ter( the!
en'ured o% the" and learned that A"un had %allen a$leep at that da! and hour n
wh)h the old "an had $een h$ $oul borne upward$. And both the$e and the
other$ "arvelled at the purt! o% Anton!+$ $oul( how he had ""edatel! learned
that wh)h wa$ ta#n& pla)e at a d$tan)e o% thrteen da!$+ ?ourne!( and had $een
the $oul a$ t wa$ ta#en up.
f Count Archelaus and the 'irgin %olycration.
>1. And Ar)helau$ too( the Count( on a t"e havn& %ound h" n the outer
"ountan( a$#ed h" "erel! to pra! %or ;ol!)rata o% 6aod)ea( an e7)ellent
and Chr$tan "aden( %or $he $u%%ered terrbl! n the $to"a)h and $de throu&h
over "u)h d$)plne( and wa$ alto&ether wea#l! o% bod!. Anton! pra!ed there%ore(
and the Count noted the da! n wh)h the pra!er wa$ "ade( and havn& departed
to 6aod)eahe %ound the "aden whole. And havn& en'ured when and on what
da! $he wa$ releved o% her n%r"t!( he produ)ed the paper on wh)h he had
wrtten the t"e o% the pra!er( and havn& read t he ""edatel! $howed the
wrtn& on the paper. And all wondered when the!#new that the 6ord had releved
her o% pan at the t"e when Anton! wa$ pra!n& and nvo#n& the &oodne$$ o%
the Savour on her behal%.
>3. And )on)ernn& tho$e who )a"e to h"( he o%ten %oretold $o"e da!$ or
$o"et"e$ a "onth be%orehand what wa$ the )au$e o% ther )o"n&. For $o"e
)a"e onl! %or the $a#e o% $een& h"( other$ throu&h $)#ne$$( and other$
$u%%ern& %ro" evl $prt$. And all thou&ht the labour o% the ?ourne! nether trouble
nor lo$$. For ea)h one returned aware that he had re)eved bene%t. /ut thou&h
$a!n& $u)h thn&$ and beholdn& $u)h $&ht$( he u$ed to a$# that no one $hould
wonder at h" %or th$- but $hould rather "arvel at the 6ord %or havn& &ranted to
u$ "en to #now H" a$ %ar a$ our power$ e7tended.
Strange tales of the casting out of demons.
>:. A%terward$( on another o))a$on( havn& de$)ended to the outer )ell$( he wa$
a$#ed to enter a ve$$el and pra! wth the "on#$( and he alone per)eved an
e7)eedn&l! unplea$ant $"ell. /ut tho$e on board $ad that the $ten)h aro$e %ro"
the %$h and $alt "eat n the $hp. He repled however( the $"ell wa$ d%%erent %ro"
that- and whle he wa$ $pea#n&( a !outh wth an evl $prt( who had )o"e and
hdden h"$el% n the $hp( )red out. /ut the de"on ben& rebu#ed n the na"e o%
the 6ord 2e$u$ Chr$t departed %ro" h"( and the "an be)a"e whole. And
all #new that the evl $"ell aro$e %ro" the de"on.
>8. And another( a per$on o% ran#( )a"e to h"( po$$e$$ed b! a de"on- and
the de"on wa$ $o terrble that the "an po$$e$$ed dd not#now that he wa$
)o"n& to Anton!. /ut he even ate the e7)reta %ro" h$ bod!. So tho$e who
brou&ht h" be$ou&ht Anton! to pra! %or h". And Anton! pt!n& the !oun&
"an pra!ed and #ept wat)h wth h" all the n&ht. And about dawn the !oun&
"an $uddenl! atta)#edAnton! and &ave h" a pu$h. /ut when tho$e who )a"e
wth h" were an&r!( Anton! $ad( +/e not an&r! wth the !oun& "an( %or t $ not
he( but the de"on wh)h $ n h". And ben& rebu#ed and )o""anded to &o nto
dr! pla)e$( the de"on be)a"e ra&n& "ad( and he ha$ done th$. *here%ore &ve
than#$ to the 6ord( %or h$ atta)# on "e thu$ $ a $&n o% the departure o%
the evl $prt.+ *hen Anton! had $ad th$( $tra&htwa! the !oun& "an had
be)o"e whole( and havn& )o"e at la$t to h$ r&ht "nd( #new where he wa$( and
$aluted the old "an and &ave than#$ to God.
f Antony3s 'ision concerning the forgi'eness of his sins.
>4. And "an! "on#$ have related wth the &reate$t a&ree"ent and unan"t!
that "an! other $u)h l#e thn&$ were done b! h". /ut $tll the$e do not $ee" a$
"arvellou$ a$ )ertan other thn&$ appear to be. For on)e( when about to eat(
havn& r$en up to pra! about the nnth hour( he per)eved that he wa$ )au&ht up
n the $prt( and( wonder%ul to tell( he $tood and $aw h"$el%( a$ t were( %ro"
out$de h"$el%( and that he wa$ led n the ar b! )ertan one$. Ne7t )ertan btter
and terrble ben&$ $tood n the ar and w$hed to hnder h" %ro" pa$$n&
throu&h. /ut when h$ )ondu)tor$ oppo$ed the"( the! de"anded whether he wa$
not a))ountable to the". And when the! w$hed to $u" up the a))ount %ro" h$
brth( Anton!+$ )ondu)tor$ $topped the"( $a!n&( +The 6ord ha$ wped out
the $n$ %ro" h$ brth( but %ro" the t"e he be)a"e a "on#( and devoted h"$el%
to God( t $ per"tted !ou to "a#e a re)#onn&.+ Then when the! a))u$ed h" and
)ould not )onv)t h"( h$ wa! wa$ %ree and unhndered. And ""edatel! he $aw
h"$el%( a$ t were( )o"n& and $tandn& b! h"$el%( and a&an he wa$ Anton! a$
be%ore. Then %or&et%ul o% eatn&( he re"aned the re$t o% the da! and throu&h the
whole o% the n&ht &roann& and pra!n&. For he wa$ a$ton$hed when he $aw
a&an$t what "&ht! opponent$ our wre$tln& $( and b! what labour$ we have to
pa$$ throu&h the ar. And he re"e"bered that th$ $ what the Apo$tle $ad(
+a))ordn& to the prn)e o% the power o% the arEphe$an$ 3.3.+ For n t the ene"! ha$
power to %&ht and to atte"pt to hnder tho$e who pa$$ throu&h. *here%ore "o$t
earne$tl! he e7horted( +Ta#e up the whole ar"our o% God( that !ou "a! be able to
wth$tand n the evl da! Ephe$an$ >.1:(+ that the ene"!( +havn& noevl thn& to $a!
a&an$t u$( "a! be a$ha"ed Ttu$ 3.D.+ And we who have learned th$( let u$ be
"nd%ul o% the Apo$tle when he $a!$( +whether n the bod! , #now not( or whether
out o% the bod! , #now not- God #now$ 3 Cornthan$ 13.3.+ /ut ;aul wa$ )au&ht up unto
the thrd heaven( and havn& heard thn&$ un$pea#able he )a"e down-
whle Anton! $aw that he had )o"e to the ar( and )ontended untl he wa$ %ree.
f the passage of souls, and ho$ some $ere hindered of
>>. And he had al$o th$ %avour &ranted h". For a$ he wa$ $ttn& alone on the
"ountan( % ever he wa$ n perple7t! n h$ "edtaton$( th$ wa$ revealed to h"
b! ;rovden)e n pra!er. And the happ! "an( a$ t $ wrtten( wa$ tau&ht
o% God. A%ter th$( when he on)e had a d$)u$$on wth )ertan "en who had )o"e
to h" )on)ernn& the $tate o% the $oul and o% what nature t$ pla)e wll be a%ter
th$ l%e( the %ollown& n&ht one %ro" above )alled h"( $a!n&( +Anton!( r$e( &o
out and loo#.+ Havn& &one out there%ore F%or he #new who" he ou&ht to obe!G
loo#n& up( he beheld one $tandn& and rea)hn& to the )loud$( tall( hdeou$(
and %ear%ul( and other$ a$)endn& a$ thou&h the! were wn&ed. And the %&ure
$tret)hed %orth h$ hand$( and $o"e o% tho$e who were a$)endn& were $ta!ed b!
h"( whle other$ %lew above( and havn& e$)aped heaven0ward( were borne alo%t
%ree %ro" )are. At $u)h( there%ore( the &ant &na$hed h$ teeth( but re?o)ed over
tho$e who %ell ba)#. And ""edatel! a vo)e )a"e to Anton!( +Do !ou under$tand
what !ou $eeA+ And h$ under$tandn& wa$opened( and he under$tood that t wa$
the pa$$n& o% $oul$( and that the tall ben& who $tood wa$ the ene"!
who enve$ the %ath%ul. And tho$e who" he )au&ht and $topped %ro" pa$$n&
throu&h are a))ountable to h"( whle tho$e who" he wa$ unable to hold a$ the!
pa$$ed upward$ had not been $ub$ervent to h". So havn& $een th$( and a$ t
were ben& re"nded( he $tru&&led the "ore dal! to advan)e toward$ tho$e
thn&$ wh)h were be%ore. And the$e v$on$ he wa$ unwlln& to tell( but a$ he
$pent "u)h t"e n pra!er( and wa$ a"a@ed( when tho$e who were wth h"
pre$$ed h" wth 'ue$ton$ and %or)ed h"( he wa$ )o"pelled to $pea#( a$ a
%ather who )annot wthhold ou&ht %ro" h$ )hldren. And he thou&ht that a$
h$ )on$)en)e wa$ )lear( the a))ount would be bene%)al %or the"( that the! "&ht
learn that d$)plne bore &ood %rut( and that v$on$ were o%tent"e$ the $ola)e o%
ther labour$.
&o$ Antony re'erenced all ordained persons.
>5. Added to th$ he wa$ tolerant n d$po$ton and hu"ble n $prt. For thou&h he
wa$ $u)h a "an( he ob$erved the rule o% the Chur)h"o$t r&dl!( and wa$ wlln&
that all the )ler&! $hould be honoured above h"$el%. For he wa$ not a$ha"ed to
bow h$ head to b$hop$ andpre$b!ter$( and % ever a dea)on )a"e to h" %or help
he d$)our$ed wth h" on what wa$ pro%table( but &ave pla)e to h" n pra!er(
not ben& a$ha"ed to learn h"$el%. For o%ten he would a$# 'ue$ton$( and de$red
to l$ten to tho$e who were pre$ent( and % an! one $ad an!thn& that wa$ u$e%ul
he )on%e$$ed that he wa$ pro%ted. And be$de$( h$ )ountenan)e had a &reat and
wonder%ul &ra)e. Th$ &%tal$o he had %ro" the Savour. For % he were pre$ent n a
&reat )o"pan! o% "on#$( and an! one who dd not #now h" prevou$l!( w$hed to
$ee h"( ""edatel! )o"n& %orward he pa$$ed b! the re$t( and hurred
to Anton!( a$ thou&h attra)ted b! h$ appearan)e. Yet nether n he&ht nor
breadth wa$ he )on$p)uou$ above other$( but n the $erent! o% h$ "anner and
the purt! o% h$ $oul. For a$ h$ $oul wa$ %ree %ro" d$turban)e$( h$ outward
appearan)e wa$ )al"- $o %ro" the ?o! o% h$ $oul he po$$e$$ed a )heer%ul
)ountenan)e( and %ro" h$ bodl! "ove"ent$ )ould be per)eved the )ondton o%
h$ $oul( a$ t $ wrtten( +*hen the heart $ "err! the )ountenan)e $ )heer%ul( but
when t $ $orrow%ul t $ )a$t down ;roverb$ 14.1:.+ Thu$ 2a)ob re)o&n$ed the
)oun$el 6aban had n h$ heart( and $ad to h$ wve$( +The )ountenan)e o% !our
%ather $ not a$ t wa$ !e$terda! and the da! be%ore. +
Thu$ Sa"uel re)o&n$ed Davd( %or he had "rth%ul e!e$( and teeth whte a$ "l#.
Thu$ Anton! wa$ re)o&n$ed( %or he wa$ never d$turbed( %or h$ $oul wa$ at
pea)e- he wa$ never down)a$t( %or h$"nd wa$ ?o!ou$.
&o$ he re4ected the schism of 9eletius and the heresies of
9anes and Arius.
>D. And he wa$ alto&ether wonder%ul n %ath and rel&ou$( %or he never
held )o""unon wth
the Meletan $)h$"at)$( #nown& therw)#edne$$ and apo$ta)! %ro" the
be&nnn&- nor had he %rendl! dealn&$ wth the Man)hIan$ or an!
other heret)$- or( % he had( onl! a$ %ar a$ adv)e that the! $hould )han&e to pet!.
For he thou&ht and a$$erted that nter)our$e wth the$e wa$ har"%ul and
de$tru)tve to the $oul. ,n the $a"e "anner al$o he loathed the here$! o%
the Aran$( and e7horted all nether to approa)h the" nor to hold
thererroneou$ bele%. And on)e when )ertan Aran "ad"en )a"e to h"( when he
had 'ue$toned the" and learned ther "pet!( he drove the" %ro" the "ountan(
$a!n& that ther word$ were wor$e than the po$on o% $erpent$.
&o$ he confuted the Arians.
><. And on)e al$o the Aran$ havn& l!n&l! a$$erted that Anton!+$ opnon$ were
the $a"e a$ ther$( he wa$ d$plea$ed and an&r! a&an$t the". Then ben&
$u""oned b! the b$hop$ and all the brethren( he de$)ended %ro" the "ountan(
and havn& entered Ale7andra ( he denoun)ed the Aran$( $a!n& that
ther here$! wa$ the la$t o% all and a %orerunner o% Ant)hr$t. And he tau&ht the
people that the Son o% God wa$ not a )reated ben&( nether had He )o"e nto
ben& %ro" non0e7$ten)e( but that He wa$ the Eternal *ord and *$do" o%
the E$$en)e o% the Father. And there%ore t wa$ "pou$ to $a!( +there wa$
a t"e when He wa$ not(+ %or the *ord wa$ alwa!$ )o0e7$tent wth the Father.
*here%ore have no %ellow$hp wth the "o$t "pou$ Aran$. For there $
no )o""unon between l&ht and dar#ne$$. 3 Cornthan$ >.18 For !ou
are &ood Chr$tan$( but the!( when the! $a! that the Son o% the Father( the *ord
o% God( $ a)reated ben&( d%%er n nou&ht %ro" the heathen( $n)e
the! wor$hp that wh)h $ )reated( rather than God the )reator. /ut beleve that
the Creaton t$el% $ an&r! wth the" be)au$e the! nu"ber the Creator(
the 6ord o% all( b! who" all thn&$ )a"e nto ben&( wth tho$e thn&$ wh)h were
&o$ he 'isited Ale5andria, and healed and con'erted many,
and ho$ Athanasius escorted him from the city.
59. All the people( there%ore( re?o)ed when the! heard the ant0
Chr$tan here$! anathe"at$ed b! $u)h a "an. And all the people n the )t! ran
to&ether to $ee Anton!- and the Gree#$ and tho$e who are )alled
ther ;re$t$( )a"e nto the )hur)h( $a!n&( +*e a$# to $ee the "an o% God(+ %or $o
the! all )alled h". For n that pla)e al$o the 6ord )lean$ed "an! o% de"on$( and
healed tho$e who were "ad. And "an! Gree#$ a$#ed that the! "&ht even but
tou)h the old "an( belevn& that the! $hould be pro%ted. A$$uredl! a$ "an!
be)a"eChr$tan$ n tho$e %ew da!$ a$ one would have $een "ade n a !ear. Then
when $o"e thou&ht that he wa$ troubled b! the )rowd$( and on th$ a))ount
turned the" all awa! %ro" h"( he $ad( und$turbedl!( that there were not "ore
o% the" than o% the de"on$ wth who" he wre$tled n the "ountan.
51. /ut when he wa$ departn&( and we were $ettn& h" %orth on h$ wa!( a$
we arrved at the &ate a wo"an %ro" behnd )red out( +Sta!( thou "an o% God(
"! dau&hter $ &revou$l! ve7ed b! a devl. Sta!( , be$ee)h !ou( le$t , too har"
"!$el% wth runnn&.+ And the old "an when he heard her( and wa$ a$#ed b! u$(
wlln&l! $ta!ed. And when the wo"an drew near( the )hld wa$ )a$t on the
&round. /ut when Anton! had pra!ed and )alled upon the na"e o% Chr$t( the )hld
wa$ ra$ed whole( %or the un)lean $prt had &one %orth. And the
"other ble$$ed God( and all &ave than#$. And Anton! h"$el% al$o re?o)ed(
departn& to the "ountan a$ thou&h t were to h$ own ho"e.
&o$ he reasoned $ith di'ers :ree1s and philosophers at the
3outer3 mountain.
53. And Anton! al$o wa$ e7)eedn& prudent( and the wonder wa$ that althou&h he
had not learned letter$( he wa$ a read!0wtted and $a&a)ou$ "an. At all event$
two Gree# phlo$opher$ on)e )a"e( thn#n& the! )ould tr! ther $#ll on Anton!-
and he wa$ n the outer "ountan( and havn& re)o&n$ed who the! were %ro"
ther appearan)e( he )a"e to the" and $ad to the" b! "ean$ o% an nterpreter(
+*h!( phlo$opher$( dd !e trouble !our$elve$ $o "u)h to )o"e to a %ool$h "anA+
And when the! $ad that he wa$ not a %ool$h "an( but e7)eedn&l! prudent( he
$ad to the"( +,% !ou )a"e to a %ool$h "an( !our labour $ $uper%luou$- but % !ou
thn# "e prudent be)o"e a$ , a"( %or we ou&ht to "tate what $ &ood. And % ,
had )o"e to !ou , $hould have "tated !ou- but % !ou to "e( be)o"e a$ , a"(
%or , a" a Chr$tan.+ /ut the! departed wth wonder( %or the! $aw that
even de"on$ %eared Anton!.
5:. And a&an other$ $u)h a$ the$e "et h" n the outer "ountan and thou&ht
to "o)# h" be)au$e he had not learned letter$. AndAnton! $ad to the"( +*hat
do !ou $a!A *h)h $ %r$t( "nd or letter$A And wh)h $ the )au$e o% wh)h= "nd
o% letter$ or letter$ o%"nd.+ And when the! an$wered "nd $ %r$t and the nventor
o% letter$( Anton! $ad( +*hoever( there%ore( ha$ a $ound "nd ha$ not need o%
letter$.+ Th$ an$wer a"a@ed both the b!$tander$ and the phlo$opher$( and the!
departed "arvelln& that the! had $een $o "u)h under$tandn& n
an &norant "an. For h$ "anner$ were not rou&h a$ thou&h he had been reared
n the "ountan and there &rown old( but &ra)e%ul and polte( and h$ $pee)h wa$
$ea$oned wth the dvne $alt( $o that no one wa$ envou$( but rather all re?o)ed
over h" who v$ted h".
58. A%ter th$ a&an )ertan other$ )a"e- and the$e were "en who were dee"ed
w$e a"on& the Gree#$( and the! a$#ed h" a rea$on %or our %ath n Chr$t. /ut
when the! atte"pted to d$pute )on)ernn& the prea)hn& o% the dvne Cro$$ and
"eant to "o)#( Anton! $topped %or a lttle( and %r$t pt!n& ther &noran)e( $ad(
throu&h an nterpreter( who )ould $#l%ull! nterpret h$ word$( +*h)h $ "ore
beaut%ul( to )on%e$$ the Cro$$ or to attrbute to tho$e who" !ou )all
&od$ adulter! and the $edu)ton o% bo!$A For that wh)h $ )ho$en b! u$ $ a $&n
o% )oura&e and a $ure to#en o% the )onte"pt o% death( whle !our$ are
the pa$$on$ o% l)entou$ne$$. Ne7t( wh)h $ better( to $a! that the *ord o%
God wa$ not )han&ed( but( ben& the $a"e( He too# a hu"an bod! %or
the $alvaton and well0ben& o% "an( that havn& $hared n hu"an brth He "&ht
"a#e "an parta#e n the dvne and $prtual nature - or to l#en the dvne to
$en$ele$$ an"al$ and )on$e'uentl! to wor$hp %our0%ooted bea$t$( )reepn& thn&$
and the l#ene$$e$ o% "enA For the$e thn&$( are the ob?e)t$ o% reveren)e o% !ou
w$e "en. /ut how do !ou dare to "o)# u$( who $a! that Chr$t ha$ appeared a$
"an( $een& that !ou( brn&n& the $oul %ro"heaven( a$$ert that t ha$ $tra!ed and
%allen %ro" the vault o% the $#! nto bod! A And would that !ou had $ad that t had
%allen ntohu"an bod! alone( and not a$$erted that t pa$$e$ and )han&e$ nto
%our0%ooted bea$t$ and )reepn& thn&$. For our %ath de)lare$ that the )o"n&
o% Chr$t wa$ %or the $alvaton o% "en. /ut !ou err be)au$e !ou $pea# o% $oul a$
not &enerated. And we( )on$dern& the power and lovn&0#ndne$$ o% ;rovden)e(
thn# that the )o"n& o% Chr$t n the %le$h wa$ not "po$$ble wth God. /ut !ou(
althou&h )alln& the $oul the l#ene$$ o% Mnd ( )onne)t t wth %all$ and %e&n n
!our "!th$ that t $ )han&eable( and )on$e'uentl! ntrodu)e
thedea that Mnd t$el% $ )han&eable b! rea$on o% the $oul. For whatever $
the nature o% a l#ene$$( $u)h ne)e$$arl! $ the nature o% that o% wh)h t $ a
l#ene$$. /ut whenever !ou thn# $u)h a thou&ht )on)ernn& Mnd( re"e"ber that
!ou bla$phe"e even the Father o% MndH"$el%.
54. /ut )on)ernn& the Cro$$( wh)h would !ou $a! to be the better( to bear t(
when a plot $ brou&ht about b! w)#ed "en( nor to be n%ear o% death brou&ht
about under an! %or" whatever - or to prate about the wandern&$
o% O$r$ and ,$$( the plot$ o% T!phon( the %l&ht o% Crono$( h$ eatn& h$ )hldren
and the $lau&hter o% h$ %ather. For th$ $ !our w$do". /ut how( % !ou "o)#
the Cro$$( do !ou not "arvel at the re$urre)tonA For the $a"e "en who told u$ o%
the latter wrote the %or"er. Or wh! when !ou "a#e "enton o% the Cro$$ are !ou
$lent about the dead who were ra$ed( the blnd who re)eved ther $&ht( the
paral!t)$ who were healed( the leper$ who were )lean$ed( the wal#n& upon the
$ea( and the re$t o% the $&n$ and wonder$( wh)h $how that Chr$t $ no lon&er a
"an but GodA To "e !ou $ee" to do !our$elve$ "u)h n?u$t)e and not to have
)are%ull! read our S)rpture$. /ut read and $ee that the deed$ o% Chr$t proveH"
to be God )o"e upon earth %or the $alvaton o% "en.
5>. /ut do !ou tell u$ your rel&ou$ bele%$. *hat )an !ou $a! o% $en$ele$$
)reature$ e7)ept $en$ele$$ne$$ and %ero)t!A /ut %( a$ , hear( !ou w$h to $a! that
the$e thn&$ are $po#en o% b! !ou a$ le&end$( and !ou alle&or@e the rape o%
the "aden ;er$ephone o% the earth- the la"ene$$ o% HephI$tu$ o% %re-
and alle&or@e the ar a$ Hera( the $un a$ Apollo( the "oon a$ Arte"$( and the
$ea a$ ;o$edon- none the le$$( !ou do not wor$hp God H"$el%( but $erve the
)reature rather than God who )reated all thn&$. For % be)au$e )reaton $
beaut%ul !ou )o"po$ed $u)h le&end$( $tll t wa$ %ttn& that !ou $hould $top $hort
at ad"raton and not "a#e &od$ o% the thn&$)reated- $o that !ou $hould not &ve
the honour o% the Creator to that wh)h $ )reated. Sn)e( % !ou do( t $ t"e %or
!ou to dvert thehonour o% the "a$ter bulder to the hou$e bult b! h"- and o% the
&eneral to the $older. *hat then )an !ou repl! to the$e thn&$( that we
"a! #now whether the Cro$$ ha$ an!thn& worth! o% "o)#er!A+
55. /ut when the! were at a lo$$( turnn& hther and there( Anton! $"led and $ad
= a&an throu&h an nterpreter= +S&ht t$el% )arre$ the )onv)ton o% the$e
thn&$. /ut a$ !ou pre%er to lean upon de"on$tratve ar&u"ent$( and a$ !ou(
havn& th$ art( w$h u$ al$o not towor$hp God( untl a%ter $u)h proo%( do !ou tell
%r$t how thn&$ n &eneral and $pe)all! the re)o&nton o% God are
a))uratel! #nown. ,$ t throu&h de"on$tratve ar&u"ent or the wor#n& o% %athA
And wh)h $ better( %ath wh)h )o"e$ throu&h the nwor#n& Fo% GodG or
de"on$traton b! ar&u"ent$A+ And when the! an$wered that %ath wh)h )o"e$
throu&h the nwor#n& wa$ better and wa$ a))urate#nowled&e( Anton! $ad( +You
have an$wered well( %or %ath ar$e$ %ro" d$po$ton o% $oul( but dale)t) %ro" the
$#ll o% t$ nventor$. *here%ore to tho$e who have the nwor#n& throu&h %ath(
de"on$tratve ar&u"ent $ needle$$( or even $uper%luou$. For what
we #nowthrou&h %ath th$ !ou atte"pt to prove throu&h word$( and o%ten !ou are
not even able to e7pre$$ what we under$tand. So the nwor#n&throu&h %ath $
better and $tron&er than !our pro%e$$onal ar&u"ent$.+
5D. +*e Chr$tan$ there%ore hold the "!$ter! not n the w$do"
o% Gree# ar&u"ent$( but n the power o% %ath r)hl! $uppled to u$
b! Godthrou&h 2e$u$ Chr$t. And to $how that th$ $tate"ent $ true( behold now(
wthout havn& learned letter$( we beleve n God( #nown&throu&h H$ wor#$
H$ provden)e over all thn&$. And to $how that our %ath $ e%%e)tve( $o now we
are $upported b! %ath n Chr$t( but !ou b! pro%e$$onal lo&o"a)he$. The portent$
o% the dol$ a"on& !ou are ben& done awa!( but our %ath $ e7tendn&
ever!where. You b! !our ar&u"ent$ and 'ubble$ have )onverted none
%ro" Chr$tant! to ;a&an$". *e( tea)hn& the %ath on Chr$t( e7po$e
!our$uper$tton( $n)e all re)o&n$e that Chr$t $ God and the Son o% God. You b!
!our elo'uen)e do not hnder the tea)hn& o% Chr$t. /ut we b! the "enton
o% Chr$t )ru)%ed put all de"on$ to %l&ht( who" !ou %ear a$ % the! were &od$.
*here the $&n o% the Cro$$ $ ( "a&) $ wea# and wt)h)ra%t ha$ no $tren&th.
5<. +Tell u$ there%ore where !our ora)le$ are nowA *here are the )har"$ o%
the E&!ptan$A *here the delu$on$ o% the "a&)an$A *hen dd all the$e thn&$
)ea$e and &row wea# e7)ept when the Cro$$ o% Chr$t aro$eA ,$ ,t then a %t
$ub?e)t %or "o)#er!( and not rather the thn&$ brou&ht to nou&ht b! t( and
)onv)ted o% wea#ne$$A For th$ $ a "arvellou$ thn&( that !our rel&on wa$
never per$e)uted( but even wa$ honoured b! "en n ever! )t!( whle the %ollower$
o% Chr$t are per$e)uted( and $tll our $de %lour$he$ and "ultple$ over !our$.
*hat $ !our$( thou&h pra$ed and honoured( per$he$( whle the %ath and
tea)hn& o% Chr$t( thou&h "o)#ed b! !ou and o%tenper$e)uted b! #n&$( ha$ %lled
the world. For when ha$ the #nowled&e o% God $o $hone %orthA Or when ha$ $el%0
)ontrol and the e7)ellen)e o% vr&nt! appeared a$ nowA Or when ha$ death been
$o de$p$ed e7)ept when the Cro$$ o% Chr$t ha$ appearedA And th$ no
onedoubt$ when he $ee$ the "art!r de$p$n& death %or the $a#e o% Chr$t( when
he $ee$ %or Chr$t+$ $a#e the vr&n$ o% the Chur)h #eepn& the"$elve$ pure and
&o$ he confuted the philosophers by healing certain 'e5ed
$ith demons.
D9. +And the$e $&n$ are $u%%)ent to prove that the %ath o% Chr$t alone $
the true rel&on. /ut $eeB You $tll do not beleve and are $ee#n& %or ar&u"ent$.
*e however "a#e our proo% not n the per$ua$ve word$
o% Gree# w$do" 1 Cornthan$ 3.8 a$ our tea)her ha$ t( but we per$uade b!
the %ath wh)h "an%e$tl! pre)ede$ ar&u"entatve proo%. /ehold there are here
$o"e ve7ed wth de"on$-+= now there were )ertan who had )o"e to h" ver!
d$'ueted b! de"on$( and brn&n& the" nto the "d$t he $ad=+Do !ou )lean$e
the" ether b! ar&u"ent$ and b! whatever art or "a&) !ou )hoo$e( )alln& upon
!our dol$( or % !ou are unable( put awa! !our $tr%e wth u$ and !ou $hall $ee the
power o% the Cro$$ o% Chr$t.+ And havn& $ad th$ he )alled upon Chr$t( and
$&ned the $u%%erer$ two or three t"e$ wth the $&n o% the Cro$$. And
""edatel! the "en $tood up whole( and n ther r&ht "nd( and ""edatel!
&ave than#$ unto the 6ord. And the phlo$opher$( a$ the! are )alled( wondered(
and were a$ton$hed e7)eedn&l! at the under$tandn& o% the "an and at the $&n
wh)h had been wrou&ht. /ut Anton! $ad( +*h! "arvel !e at th$A *e are not the
doer$ o% the$e thn&$( but t $ Chr$t who wor#$ the" b! "ean$ o% tho$e
who beleve n H". /eleve( there%ore( al$o !our$elve$( and !ou $hall $ee that wth
u$ there $ no tr)# o% word$( but%ath throu&h love wh)h $ wrou&ht n u$
toward$ Chr$t- wh)h % !ou !our$elve$ $hould obtan !ou wll no lon&er $ee#
de"on$tratve ar&u"ent$( but wll )on$der %ath n Chr$t $u%%)ent.+ The$e are the
word$ o% Anton!. And the! "arvelln& at th$ al$o( $aluted h" and
departed( )on%e$$n& the bene%t the! had re)eved %ro" h".
&o$ the Emperors $rote to Antony, and of his ans$er.
D1. And the %a"e o% Anton! )a"e even unto #n&$. For Con$tantne Au&u$tu$( and
h$ $on$ Con$tantu$ and Con$tan$ the Au&u$t wrote letter$ to h"( a$ to a %ather(
and be&&ed an an$wer %ro" h". /ut he "ade nothn& ver! "u)h o% the letter$(
nor dd he re?o)e at the "e$$a&e$( but wa$ the $a"e a$ he had been be%ore the
E"peror$ wrote to h". /ut when the! brou&ht h" the letter$ he )alled
the"on#$ and $ad( +Do not be a$ton$hed % an e"peror wrte$ to u$( %or he $ a
"an- but rather wonder that God wrote the 6aw %or "en and ha$ $po#en to
u$ Hebrew$ 1.3 throu&h H$ own Son.+ And $o he wa$ unwlln& to re)eve the letter$(
$a!n& that he dd not #now how to wrte an an$wer to $u)h thn&$. /ut ben&
ur&ed b! the "on#$ be)au$e the e"peror$ were Chr$tan$( and le$t the! $hould
ta#e o%%en$e on the &round that the! had been $purned( he )on$ented that the!
$hould be read( and wrote an an$wer approvn& the" be)au$e
the!wor$hpped Chr$t( and &vn& the" )oun$el on thn&$ pertann& to $alvaton.
+not to thn# "u)h o% the pre$ent( but rather to re"e"ber the ?ud&"ent that $
)o"n&( and to #now that Chr$t alone wa$ the true and Eternal Cn&.+ He be&&ed
the" to be "er)%ul and to &ve heed to ?u$t)e and the poor. And the! havn&
re)eved the an$wer re?o)ed. Thu$ he wa$ dear to all( and all de$red to )on$der
h" a$ a %ather.
&o$ he sa$ in a 'ision the present doings of the Arians.
D3. /en& #nown to be $o &reat a "an( there%ore( and havn& thu$ &ven an$wer$
to tho$e who v$ted h"( he returned a&an to the nner "ountan( and "antaned
h$ wonted d$)plne. And o%ten when people )a"e to h"( a$ he wa$ $ttn& or
wal#n&( a$ t $ wrtten n Danel( he be)a"e du"b( and a%ter a $ea$on he
re$u"ed the thread o% what he had been $a!n& be%ore to the brethren who were
wth h". And h$ )o"panon$ per)eved that he wa$ $een& a v$on. For o%ten
when he wa$ on the "ountan$ he $aw what wa$ happenn& n E&!pt( and told t
to Serapon the b$hop ( who wa$ ndoor$ wth h"( and who $aw that Anton! wa$
wrapped n a v$on. On)e a$ he wa$ $ttn& and wor#n&( he %ell( a$ t were( nto a
tran)e( and &roaned "u)h at what he $aw. Then a%ter a t"e( havn& turned to the
b!$tander$ wth &roan$ and tre"bln&( he pra!ed( and %alln& on h$ #nee$
re"aned $o a lon& t"e. And havn& ar$en the old "an wept. H$ )o"panon$(
there%ore( tre"bln& and terr%ed( de$red to learn %ro" h" what t wa$. And the!
troubled h" "u)h( untl he wa$ %or)ed to $pea#. And wth "an! &roan$ he $po#e
a$ %ollow$. +O( "! )hldren( t were better to de be%ore what ha$ appeared n
the v$on )o"e topa$$.+ And when a&an the! a$#ed h"( havn& bur$t nto tear$(
he $ad( +*rath $ about to $e@e the Chur)h( and t $ on the pont o% ben& &ven
up to "en who are l#e $en$ele$$ bea$t$. For , $aw the table o% the 6ord+$ Hou$e(
and "ule$ $tandn& around t on all $de$ n a rn&( and #)#n& the thn&$
theren( ?u$t l#e a herd #)#$ when t leap$ n )on%u$on. And !ou $aw(+ $ad he(
+how , &roaned( %or , heard a vo)e $a!n&( M! altar $hall be de%led.+ The$e thn&$
the old "an $aw( and a%ter two !ear$ the pre$ent nroad o% the Aran$ and the
plunder o% the )hur)he$ too# pla)e( when the! volentl! )arred o%% the ve$$el$(
and "ade the heathen )arr! the"- and when the! %or)ed the heathen %ro"
the pr$on$ to ?on n ther $erv)e$( and n ther pre$en)e dd upon the Table a$
the! would. Then we all under$tood that the$e #)#$ o% the
"ule$ $&n%ed to Anton! what the Aran$( $en$ele$$l! l#e bea$t$( are now don&.
/ut when he $aw th$ v$on( he )o"%orted tho$e wth h"( $a!n&( +/e not
down)a$t( "! )hldren- %or a$ the 6ord ha$ been an&r!( $o a&an wll He heal u$(
and the Chur)h$hall $oon a&an re)eve her own order( and $hall $hne %orth a$ $he
$ wont. And !ou $hall behold the per$e)uted re$tored( andw)#edne$$ a&an
wthdrawn to t$ own hdn&0pla)e( and pou$ %ath $pea#n& boldl! n ever! pla)e
wth all %reedo". Onl! de%le not !our$elve$ wth the Aran$( %or ther tea)hn& $
not that o% the Apo$tle$( but that o% de"on$ and ther %ather the devl- !ea( rather(
t $ barren and $en$ele$$( and wthout l&ht under$tandn&( l#e the $en$ele$$ne$$
o% the$e "ule$.+
6hat his healings $ere done by Christ alone, through prayer.
D:. Su)h are the word$ o% Anton!( and we ou&ht not to doubt whether $u)h
"arvel$ were wrou&ht b! the hand o% a "an. For t $ the pro"$e o% the Savour(
when He $a!$( +,% !ou have %ath a$ a &ran o% "u$tard $eed( !ou $hall $a! to th$
"ountan( re"ove hen)e and t $hall re"ove- and nothn& $hall be "po$$ble unto
!ou Matthew 15.39.+ And a&an( +Eerl!( verl!( , $a! unto !ou( % !ou $hall a$# the %ather
n M! na"e He wll &ve t !ou. A$# and !ou $hall re)eve 2ohn 1>.3:.+ And He h"$el%
t $ who $a!$ to H$ d$)ple$ and to all who beleve n H"( +Heal the $)#( )a$t
out de"on$- %reel! !ou have re)eved( %reel! &ve Matthew 19.D.+
D8. Anton!( at an! rate( healed not b! )o""andn&( but b! pra!er and $pea#n&
the na"e o% Chr$t. So that t wa$ )lear to all that t wa$ not he h"$el% who
wor#ed( but the 6ord who $howed "er)! b! h$ "ean$ and healed the $u%%erer$.
/ut Anton!+$ part wa$ onl! pra!erand d$)plne( %or the $a#e o% wh)h he $ta!ed n
the "ountan( re?o)n& n the )onte"platon o% dvne thn&$( but &revn& when
troubled b! "u)h people( and dra&&ed to the outer "ountan. For all ?ud&e$ u$ed
to a$# h" to )o"e down( be)au$e t wa$ "po$$ble %or the" to enter on a))ount
o% ther %ollown& o% lt&ant$. /ut neverthele$$ the! a$#ed h" to )o"e that the!
"&ht but $ee h". *hen there%ore he avoded t and re%u$ed to &o to the"( the!
re"aned %r"( and $ent to h" all the "ore the pr$oner$ under )har&e o%
$older$( that on a))ount o% the$e he "&ht )o"e down. /en& %or)ed b! ne)e$$t!(
and $een& the" la"entn&( he )a"e nto the outer "ountan( and a&an h$
labour wa$ not unpro%table. For h$ )o"n& wa$ advanta&eou$ and $erv)eable to
"an!- and he wa$ o% pro%t to the ?ud&e$( )oun$elln& the" to pre%er ?u$t)e to all
thn&$- to %ear God( and to #now( +that wth what ?ud&"ent the! ?ud&ed( the!
$hould be ?ud&edMatthew 5.3.+ /ut he loved "ore than all thn&$ h$ $o?ourn n the
&o$ $isely he ans$ered a certain du1e.
D4. At another t"e( $u%%ern& the $a"e )o"pul$on at the hand$ o% the" who had
need( and a%ter "an! entreate$ %ro" the )o""ander o% the $older$( he )a"e
down( and when he had )o"e he $po#e to the" $hortl! o% the thn&$ wh)h "a#e
%or $alvaton( and )on)ernn& tho$e who wanted h"( and wa$ ha$tenn& awa!. /ut
when the du#e( a$ he $ )alled( entreated h" to $ta!( he repled that he )ould not
ln&er a"on& the"( and per$uaded h" b! a prett! $"le( $a!n&( +F$he$( % the!
re"an lon& on dr! land( de. And $o "on#$ lo$e ther $tren&th % the! loter a"on&
!ou and $pend ther t"e wth !ou. *here%ore a$ %$h "u$t hurr! to the $ea( $o
"u$t we ha$ten to the "ountan. 6e$t hapl! % we dela! we %or&et the thn&$
wthn u$.+ And the &eneral havn& heard th$ and "an! other thn&$ %ro" h"(
wa$ a"a@ed and $ad( +O% a truth th$ "an $ the $ervant o% God. For( unle$$ he
were beloved o% God( when)e )ould an &norant "an have $u)h &reat
f the (u1e Balacius, and ho$, $arned by Antony, he met
$ith a miserable end.
D>. And a )ertan &eneral( /ala)u$ b! na"e( per$e)uted u$ Chr$tan$ btterl! on
a))ount o% h$ re&ard %or the Aran$= that na"e o% ll0o"en. And a$
h$ ruthle$$ne$$ wa$ $o &reat that he beat vr&n$( and $trpped and
$)our&ed "on#$( Anton! at th$ t"e wrote a letter a$ %ollow$( and $ent t to h".
+, $ee wrath )o"n& upon !ou( where%ore )ea$e to per$e)ute the Chr$tan$( le$t
hapl! wrath )at)h hold o% !ou( %or even now t $ on the pont o% )o"n& upon
!ou. + /ut /ala)u$ lau&hed and threw the letter on the &round( and $pt on t( and
n$ulted the bearer$( bddn& the" tell th$ to Anton!. +Sn)e !ou ta#e thou&ht %or
the "on#$( $oon , wll )o"e a%ter !ou al$o.+ And %ve da!$ had not pa$$ed
be%ore wrath )a"e upon h". For /ala)u$ and Ne$toru$( the ;re%e)t o% E&!pt (
went %orth to the %r$t haltn&0pla)e%ro" Ale7andra( wh)h $ )alled ChIreu( and
both were on hor$eba)#( and the hor$e$ belon&ed to /ala)u$( and were
the 'uete$t o% all h$ $table. /ut the! had not &one %ar toward$ the pla)e when
the hor$e$ be&an to %r$# wth one another a$ the! are wont to do- and $uddenl!
the 'ueter( on wh)h Ne$toru$ $at ( wth a bte d$"ounted /ala)u$( and atta)#ed
h"( and tore h$ th&h $o badl! wth t$ teeth that he wa$ borne $tra&ht ba)# to
the )t!( and n three da!$ ded. And all wondered be)au$e what Anton! had
%oretold had been $o $peedl! %ul%lled.
&o$ he bore the infirmities of the $ea1, and of his great
benefits to all Egypt.
D5. Thu$( there%ore( he warned the )ruel. /ut the re$t who )a"e to h" he $o
n$tru)ted that the! $tra&htwa! %or&ot ther law$ut$( and%el)tated tho$e who
were n retre"ent %ro" the world. And he )ha"poned tho$e who were wron&ed
n $u)h a wa! that !ou would"a&ne that he( and not the other$( wa$ the $u%%erer.
Further( he wa$ able to be o% $u)h u$e to all( that "an! $older$ and "en who had
&reat po$$e$$on$ lad a$de the burden$ o% l%e( and be)a"e "on#$ %or the re$t o%
ther da!$. And t wa$ a$ % a ph!$)an had been &ven b! God to E&!pt. For who n
&re% "et Anton! and dd not return re?o)n&A *ho )a"e "ournn& %or h$ dead
and dd not ""edatel! put o%% h$ $orrowA *ho )a"e n an&er and wa$
not )onverted to %rend$hpA *hat poor and low0$prted "an "et h" who(
hearn& h" and loo#n& upon h"( dd not de$p$e wealth and )on$ole h"$el% n
h$ povert!A *hat "on#( havn& ben& ne&le)t%ul( )a"e to h" and be)a"e not all
the $tron&erA *hat !oun& "an havn& )o"e to the "ountan and $een Anton!( dd
not ""edatel! den! h"$el% plea$ure and love te"peran)eA *ho
when te"pted b! a de"on( )a"e to h" and dd not %nd re$tA And who )a"e
troubled wth doubt$ and dd not &et 'uetne$$ o% "ndA
f his discernment, and ho$ he $as a counsellor to all.
DD. For th$ wa$ the wonder%ul thn& n Anton!+$ d$)plne( that( a$ , $ad be%ore(
havn& the &%t o% d$)ernn& $prt$( he re)o&n$ed ther "ove"ent$( and wa$
not &norant whther an! one o% the" turned h$ ener&! and "ade h$ atta)#. And
not onl! wa$ he not de)eved b! the" h"$el%( but )heern& tho$e who were
troubled wth doubt$( he tau&ht the" how to de%eat ther plan$( telln& the" o% the
wea#ne$$ and )ra%t o% tho$e who po$$e$$ed the". Thu$ ea)h one( a$ thou&h
prepared b! h" %or battle( )a"e down %ro" the "ountan( bravn& the de$&n$ o%
the devl and h$ de"on$. How "an! "aden$ who had $utor$( havn& but
$een Anton! %ro" a%ar( re"aned "aden$ %or Chr$t+$$a#e. And people )a"e al$o
%ro" %ore&n part$ to h"( and l#e all other$( havn& &ot $o"e bene%t( returned(
a$ thou&h $et %orward b! a %ather. And )ertanl! when he ded( all a$ havn& been
bere%t o% a %ather( )on$oled the"$elve$ $olel! b! ther re"e"bran)e$ o% h"(
pre$ervn& at the $a"e t"e h$ )oun$el and adv)e.
&o$, $hen no$ "8. years old, he counselled the mon1s, and
ga'e ad'ice concerning burial.
D<. ,t $ worth whle that , $hould relate( and that !ou( a$ !ou w$h t( $hould hear
what h$ death wa$ l#e. For th$ end o% h$ $ worth! o% "taton. A))ordn& to
h$ )u$to" he v$ted the "on#$ n the outer "ountan( and havn& learned
%ro" ;rovden)e that h$ own end wa$ at hand( he $ad to the brethren( +Th$ $ "!
la$t v$t to !ou wh)h , $hall "a#e. And , $hall be $urpr$ed % we $ee ea)h other
a&an n th$ l%e. At len&th the t"e o% "! departure $ at hand( %or , a" near a
hundred and %ve !ear$ old.+ And when the! heard t the! wept( and e"bra)ed(
and #$$ed the old "an. /ut he( a$ thou&h $aln& %ro" a %ore&n )t! to h$ own(
$po#e ?o!ou$l!( and e7horted the" +Not to &row dle n ther labour$( nor to
be)o"e %ant n ther trann&( but to lve a$ thou&h d!n& dal!. And a$ he had $ad
be%ore( @ealou$l! to &uard the $oul %ro" %oul thou&ht$( ea&erl! to "tate
the Sant$( and to have nou&ht to do wth the Meletan $)h$"at)$( %or
!ou #nowther w)#ed and pro%ane )hara)ter. Nor have an! %ellow$hp wth
the Aran$( %or ther "pet! $ )lear to all. Nor be d$turbed % !ou $ee
the ?ud&e$ prote)t the"( %or t $hall )ea$e( and ther po"p $ "ortal and o% $hort
duraton. *here%ore #eep !our$elve$ all the "ore untanted b! the"( and ob$erve
the tradton$ o% the %ather$( and )he%l! the hol! %ath n our 6ord 2e$u$ Chr$t(
wh)h !ou have learned %ro" the S)rpture( and o% wh)h !ou have o%ten been put
n "nd b! "e.+
<9. /ut when the brethren were ur&n& h" to abde wth the" and there to de(
he $u%%ered t not %or "an! other rea$on$( a$ he $howed b! #eepn& $len)e( and
e$pe)all! %or th$.= The E&!ptan$ are wont to honour wth %uneral rte$( and to
wrap n lnen )loth$ at death the bode$ o% &ood "en( and e$pe)all! o%
the hol! "art!r$- and not to bur! the" under&round( but to pla)e the" on
)ou)he$( and to #eep the" n ther hou$e$( thn#n& n th$ to honour the
departed. And Anton! o%ten ur&ed the b$hop$ to &ve )o""and"ent to the
people on th$ "atter. ,n l#e "anner he tau&ht the lat! and reproved the wo"en(
$a!n&( +that th$ thn& wa$ nether law%ul nor hol! at all. For the bode$ o%
the patrar)h$ and prophet$ are untl now pre$erved n to"b$( and the ver! bod!
o% the 6ord wa$ lad n a to"b( and a $tone wa$ lad upon t( and hd t untl He
ro$e on the thrd da!. + And thu$ $a!n&( he $howed that he who dd not bur! the
bode$ o% the dead a%ter death tran$&re$$ed the law( even thou&h the!
were $a)red. For what $ &reater or "ore $a)red than the bod! o% the 6ordA Man!
there%ore havn& heard( hen)e%orth bured the dead under&round( and &ave than#$
to the 6ord that the! had been tau&ht r&htl!.
f his sic1ness and his last $ill.
<1. /ut he( #nown& the )u$to"( and %earn& that h$ bod! would be treated th$
wa!( ha$tened( and havn& bdden %arewell to the "on#$n the outer "ountan
entered the nner "ountan( where he wa$ a))u$to"ed to abde. And a%ter a %ew
"onth$ he %ell $)#. Havn& $u""oned tho$e who were there= the! were two n
nu"ber who had re"aned n the "ountan %%teen !ear$( pra)t$n&
the d$)plne and attendn& on Anton! on a))ount o% h$ a&e= he $ad to the"( +,(
a$ t $ wrtten 2o$hua 3:.18( &o the wa! o% the %ather$( %or , per)eve that , a" )alled
b! the 6ord. And do !ou be wat)h%ul and de$tro! not !our lon& d$)plne( but a$
thou&h now "a#n& a be&nnn&(@ealou$l! pre$erve !our deter"naton. For
!ou #now the trea)her! o% the de"on$( how %er)e the! are( but how lttle power
the! have. *here%ore %ear the" not( but rather ever breathe Chr$t( and tru$t
H". 6ve a$ thou&h d!n& dal!. Gve heed to !our$elve$( and re"e"ber
the ad"onton !ou have heard %ro" "e. Have no %ellow$hp wth the $)h$"at)$(
nor an! dealn&$ at all wth the heret)al Aran$. For !ou #now how , $hunned the"
on a))ount o% ther ho$tlt! to Chr$t( and the $tran&e do)trne$ o% ther here$!.
There%ore be the "ore earne$t alwa!$ to be %ollower$ %r$t o% God and then o%
the Sant$- that a%ter death the! al$o "a! re)eve !ou a$ well0#nown %rend$ nto
the eternal habtaton$. ;onder over the$e thn&$ and thn# o% the"( and % !ou
have an! )are %or "e and are "nd%ul o% "e a$ o% a %ather( $u%%er no one to ta#e
"! bod! nto E&!pt( le$t hapl! the! pla)e "e n the hou$e$ ( %or to avod th$ ,
entered nto the "ountan and )a"e here. Moreover !ou #now how , alwa!$ put to
rebu#e tho$e who had th$ )u$to"( and e7horted the" to )ea$e %ro" t. /ur! "!
bod!( there%ore( and hde t under&round !our$elve$( and let "! word$ be
ob$erved b! !ou that no one "a! #now the pla)ebut !ou alone. For at
the re$urre)ton o% the dead , $hall re)eve t n)orruptble %ro" the Savour. And
dvde "! &ar"ent$. To Athana$u$the b$hop &ve one $heep$#n and the &ar"ent
whereon , a" lad( wh)h he h"$el% &ave "e new( but wh)h wth "e ha$ &rown
old. ToSerapon the b$hop &ve the other $heep$#n( and #eep the har &ar"ent
!our$elve$. For the re$t %are !e well( "! )hldren( %or Anton! $ departn&( and $
wth !ou no "ore.+
f Antony3s death.
<3. Havn& $ad th$( when the! had #$$ed h"( he l%ted up h$ %eet( and a$
thou&h he $aw %rend$ )o"n& to h" and wa$ &lad be)au$e o% the"= %or a$
he la! h$ )ountenan)e appeared ?o!%ul= he ded and wa$ &athered to the %ather$.
And the! a%terward( a))ordn& to h$)o""and"ent( wrapped h" up
and bured h"( hdn& h$ bod! under&round. And no one #now$ to th$ da! where
t wa$ bured( $avetho$e two onl!. /ut ea)h o% tho$e who re)eved the $heep$#n o%
the ble$$ed Anton! and the &ar"ent worn b! h" &uard$ t a$ a pre)ou$ trea$ure.
For even to loo# on the" $ a$ t were to behold Anton!- and he who $ )lothed n
the" $ee"$ wth ?o! to bear h$ ad"onton$.
&o$ Antony remained hale until his death, and ho$ the fame
of him filled all the $orld.
<:. Th$ $ the end o% Anton!+$ l%e n the bod! and the above wa$ the be&nnn& o%
the d$)plne. Even % th$ a))ount $ $"all )o"pared wth h$ "ert( $tll %ro" th$
re%le)t how &reat Anton!( the "an o% God( wa$. *ho %ro" h$ !outh to $o &reat an
a&e pre$erved a un%or"@eal %or the d$)plne( and nether throu&h old a&e wa$
$ubdued b! the de$re o% )o$tl! %ood( nor throu&h the n%r"t! o% h$ bod!
)han&ed the %a$hon o% h$ )lothn&( nor wa$hed even h$ %eet wth water( and !et
re"aned entrel! %ree %ro" har". For h$ e!e$ wereund""ed and 'ute $ound
and he $aw )learl!- o% h$ teeth he had not lo$t one( but the! had be)o"e worn to
the &u"$ throu&h the &reat a&e o% the old "an. He re"aned $tron& both n hand$
and %eet- and whle all "en were u$n& varou$ %ood$( and wa$hn&$ and varou$
&ar"ent$( he appeared "ore )heer%ul and o% &reater $tren&th. And the %a)t that
h$ %a"e ha$ been bla@oned ever!where- that all re&ard h" wth wonder( and that
tho$e who have never $een h" lon& %or h"( $ )lear proo% o%
h$ vrtue and God+$ love o% h$ $oul. For not %ro" wrtn&$( nor %ro" worldl!
w$do"( nor throu&h an! art( wa$ Anton! renowned( but $olel! %ro"
h$ pet! toward$ God. That th$ wa$ the &%t o% God no one wll den!. For %ro"
when)e nto Span and nto Gaul( how nto Ro"e and A%r)a( wa$ the "an heard o%
who abode hdden n a "ountan( unle$$ t wa$ God who "a#e$ H$
own #nown ever!where( who al$o pro"$ed th$ to Anton! at the be&nnn&A For
even % the! wor# $e)retl!( even % the! w$h to re"an n ob$)urt!( !et
the 6ord $how$ the" a$ la"p$ to l&hten all( that tho$e who hear "a!
thu$ #now that the pre)ept$ o% God are able to "a#e "en pro$per and thu$
be @ealou$ n the path o% vrtue.
6he end.
<8. Read the$e word$( there%ore( to the re$t o% the brethren that the! "a! learn
what the l%e o% "on#$ ou&ht to be- and "a! belevethat our 6ord and Savour
2e$u$ Chr$t &lor%e$ tho$e who &lor%! H". and lead$ tho$e who $erve H" unto
the end( not onl! to the#n&do" o% heaven( but here al$o= even thou&h the! hde
the"$elve$ and are de$rou$ o% wthdrawn& %ro" the world= "a#e$ the"
llu$trou$ and well #nown ever!where on a))ount o% ther vrtue and the help the!
render other$. And % need be( read th$ a"on& theheathen( that even n th$ wa!
the! "a! learn that our 6ord 2e$u$ Chr$t $ not onl! God and the Son o% God( but
al$o that the Chr$tan$who trul! $erve H" and rel&ou$l! beleve n H"( prove(
not onl! that the de"on$( who" the Gree#$ the"$elve$ thn# to be &od$( are no
&od$( but al$o tread the" under %oot and put the" to %l&ht( a$ de)ever$ and
)orrupter$ o% "an#nd( throu&h 2e$u$ Chr$t our 6ord( to who" be &lor! %or ever
and ever. A"en.

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