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cr{APTER 6
-|HEREFORE leaving the
r principles of the doctrine of
Christ, let us go on unto per-
fection; not laying again the
foundation of repentance frorn
deadworks, and of faith toward
D Of the doctrine of baptisms,
and of laying on of hands, and
of resurrection of the rlead, and
of eternal judgmenL
TESUS is t he aut hor ( b e g i n n e r)o f a pinpointor the periodat the endof Every Christian,when first con-
I o u r et er nals alv at io n(H e b . 5 :9 ). this sentence. verted,is likenedto one that uses
v H e i s t he aut hor an d fi n i s h e ro f And it is, figuratively,
the samein milk, beingunskillfulin the word of
our fa i th ( Heb. l2: 2) . the spiritual sphere.There was a righteousness because he is a babein
Je su sChr is t is t he A l p h a a n d th e time in the life of eachtrue follower Christ(Heb.5:13).
Ome g a , t he beginninga n d th e e n d - of Christ whenhe or shebeganto be But what arethefirst principlesof
ing . th e fir s t and t he las t .H e w i l l g i v e a Christian.All startout as spiritual the doctrineoi Christ?What is this
t o h i m who is t hir s t y t he fo u n ta i no f in[ants. "milk" of the word? What specific
t h e w a te r of lif e- et er n a l s a l v a - And if youarenot yet a Christian, doctrines shouldyou beginto under-
t ion -fre ell ( Rev . l: 8; 2 l :6 ; 2 2 :1 3 ). but do wantto become one,youmust stand even in "boot camp," that
Je su sb eginsand endse v e ryC h ri s - beginas a babein Christ-rot as a preliminaryperiodjust beforeyou
t ian 'scte r nals alv at ion.B u t i t i s a x i o - full grown,matureChristian. become a Christian(andduringyour
: n.ri i c that ev er rt hing G o d b e g i n s The First Principles. In the first earlyconversion period)?Whereare
: : i :i :u rl l r. t hr ough hu m a n i n s tru - gradea smallchilddoesnotbeginhis they f,oundin the Bible?
: in '.:. m us t s lar t t he s m a l l e s t. study of mathematicsby solving The followingare listed in He-
\-r]u \r€re not separatedfrom your higher equations.He starts with brews6:l -2.
::':"riher'swomb as a full-grown ma- t+l--2. I ) Repentance from deadworks
:r-:'ehuman took anywhere ln like mannerone must com- 2) Faith towardGod
irtrm thirteen to t\r'entvrears for you mencehis Christianlife by learning 3) The doctrineof baptisms
I t 'r n 1 1 3 1 nm ar im um gr o w th i n th e thefirst principlesof the oraclesof 4) Layingon of hands
phl si ca l s pher e. God-the first principles of the doc- 5) The resurrection of the dead
But the point is. 1'ou had to start trineof Christ(Heb.5:12:6:l ). 6) Eternaljudgment
so me \rh er e. . \ nd t hat s t a rt w a s w h e n The newly begottenChristian A summaryexplanationof each
)our mother conceived.At that pre- musty'rslbe thoroughlygroundedin oneof thesefundamental doctrines is
cise momenl \ou \\ere no bigger than the basics. containedin the followingpages.

r.1'rHr \\ {GEScf sin is death," pro- "Wherein in time past )'e u'alked frui t had ye then i n those th ings
I ci .r im edt he A pos t l e Pa u l . A n d accordingto the courseof this rrorld. [sins] whereof ye are now ashamed?
r e rer r hum an beineh a sc o n tri b - accordingto the prince of the porver for the end of those things is deoth"
l:eJ lris or her share io the sins of o f th e a i r [S a tan],the spi ri t that now (R om. 6:21). H e al so w rote that we
: i:> i ro l [d . " F or all hav es i n n e d ,a n d worketh in the children of disobe- were "dead in trespassesand sins"
-'.-=e short of the glory of God," dience:among whom also x'e all had (E ph.2:l ).
r-.::C Paul to the Romans (Rom. our conversation[conduct] in times We were, so to speak,on a sort of
- past in the lustsof our flesh.fulfilling spiritual "death row"-awaiting the
1\'e hateall walkedcontrarytoGod's the desires of the flesh and of the execution of a justly deservedulti-
sa) tri life in the past. We have per- m i n d ; a n d w ere by nature the chi l - mate capital punishment.We earned
formed the sorks of the flesh-we have dren of wrath, evenas others" (Eph. this penalty by simply doing what
fulfilled the desires and 'lusts of our 2:2-3). comesnatural l y-si nni ng.
minds and our bodies.We havewalked Pre tty p l ai n! W e have al l per- The death penalty for sins has to
accordingto the courseset for mankind formed works which have led onlr- to be paid. But God in His vast mercy
b1'Satanthedevil. e te rn a ld e a th .A s P aul put i t: " W hat has provided a way by which you
may avoid that extreme penalty. But what do we repentof? works can effect forgivenessof sin.
"For God so lovedthe world, that Sin. There is no way we can "make up"
he gave his only begottenSon, that The motions, actions or works for sin. Beads,indulgences, penance,
whosoeverbelievethin him should which lead to death are simply fastings,or africting one's flesh in
nol perish,but haveeverlastinglife" definedas sin. Sin is the violationor some other way will not erasethe
(John3:16).God is not willing that transgression of any of God's great guilt of sin.You cannotpunishyour-
any humanbeingshouldhaveto pay spirituallaws(I John3:4). self for sin. and thus avoid God's
that final penaltyfor sin (seeI Timo- To repent simply means to punishment!
thy 2:4 and II Peter3:9).He wishes "change direction." We turn from Only a repentantspirit will bring
that all would claim the sacrificeof the way of self-indulgence to the way about God's mercy. God looks to
His Son,JesusChrist, for the remis- of give.We stopservingthe lustsand thosewho are of a meekand contrite
sionof their personalsins. desiresof our own fleshand beginto spirit-those who tremblebeforethe
This is the only meansby which a serveothers.We turn from selfish- two-edgedsword of His Word.
personmay avoidhavingto pay that nessto selflessness, God recognizesa broken spirit, a
terriblepenalty.JesusChrist became Whenwe demonstrate our willing- humble seekingfor forgivenessand
humanflesh,lived a sinlesslife, and nessto change,God appliesthe sacri- mercy.
paid the death penalty on your fice of Christ on our behalves.We God will honorthe attitude of all
behalf.He provideda way for you to are then free from the crushingguilt who are willing to turn from works
enter into eternity! of sin. We are forgivenand our con- anddeedswhichare sinfuland which
But there is something/oa must sciences are cleared. resultonly in death.We are admon-
do.You mustacceptthat sacrificeon Paulexplainedit this way: ishedthrough the writing of Mat-
your behalf by demonstratingthat "How much moreshall the blood thew: "Bring forth thereforefruits
youno longerwishto continuein that of Christ, who throughthe eternal meet [fit to show] for repentance"
sinful way of tife which qualifiedyou Spirit offeredhimselfwithoutspotto (Matt. 3:8).
for deathin the first place.You dem- God, purge your conscience from True godly repentanceis a gift
onstrateyour acceptance of Christ's dead works to servethe living God?" from God. It is not somethingthat
sacrifice by changing your way of (Heb.9:14.) can be "workedup" from within the
living. This change of direction is How beautifullysimple! human psyche.God instructsHis
called"repentance"in Bible termi- No amountof humanworkscan ministersto be "in meekness in-
nology. bring about the forgiveness of sin. structing those that opposethem-
Eventhe greatsacrificiallawsof the selves;if God peradventureu,ill give
Old Testament couldnot bringabout them repentance to the acknowledg-
forgiveness and a clear conscience. ing of the truth . . ." (II Tim. 2:25).
A SPIRITUAL Thoselawswereonly a type of what Paul said ". . . the goodness of God
wasto come.Paulexplained that the leadeththee to repentance"(Rom.
Old Testament sacrificial
systemwas 2:4).
". . . a figure for the time then pres- And in the book of Acts, we find
NO RETURN''? ent, in which wereofferedboth gifts that God has ". . . also to the Gen-
Can a personever reach a "point and sacrifices, that could not make tiles granted repentance unto
of no r et ur n" i n h i s re l a ti o n s h i p him that did the serviceperfect,as life" (Acts I l:18). Thosedesiringa
wit h G od? ls th e re a n u n p a r- pertainingto the conscience" (Heb. godly repentancemust seekit from
donable sinT The booklet, What 9:9). God.
ls The Unpardonable Srn? ex- Theseworksalsowere"dead" in True repentancerepresents a per-
plains t he B i b l i c a l a n s w e rs to that they could not produceeternal manentchangeof direction,It is a
these questions. For your free life.Theycouldnot forgivesin.They commitmentto a coursefrom which
copy, write lo The Plain Truth, couldnot erasethe record.Theywere thereis no turningback.It is not a
P as adena, CA 9 1 1 2 3 . O r, i l
y ou liv e out s i d e th e U n i te d
unableto purgethe conscience of the temporarysawdust-trail, tear-jerking
guilt of sin. emotionalresponse. It is something
States, see back page for the
address nearest vou. But they did pictureor typify the much deeperand vastly more pro-
greatsacrifice of the Lambof God- found.
Jesus. As longasthoseundertheOld Repentancerepresentsa total
Testamentadministrationkept the commitment-apointof no return.It
sacrificial law, they were depict- placesyou on a coursedirectly into
ing the sacrifice of the Son of eternallife. It represents a complete
God. forsakingof the dead worksof your
Finally, when that great event former way of life. It is the first
actuallyoccurred,it was no longer majorstepinto eternity!
necessary to portrayit in type.With Is it any wonderthenthat God in-
the destruction of the secondTemple cludes "repentance f rom dead
in l.n. 70, the sacrificialsystemof works"as oneof the basicand most
ancientIsraelalsoperished. fundamentalof all Christian doc-
No amount of physicalhuman trines?
"Faith TowardGod"
I-tAIrH is a foundationaland fun- what a man seeth,why doth he yet One very negativeexampleserves
I damentalbiblicaldoctrine.It is hope for? But if we hope for that to illustrate this crux point: "Faith
r- absolutely required for salva- [which] we seenot, then do we with toward God" involvessimply believ-
tion. None may obtain eternal life patiencewait for it," wrotethe Apos- ing what God says.
withoutit. tle Paul. Our first parentsknew God exist-
But what rs faith anyway? Is it The Apostle to the Gentileswas ed; they knew He wastheir Creator.
just blind confidence? Or is it based himselfan exampleof livingfaith. They saw with their own eyesand
on somethingmuch more substan- As a prisoner,Paul boardeda sail- heard with their own ears things
tial? ing ship boundfor ltaly. He warned we, in this twentiethcentury,are
Perhapsan examplewouldprovide the captain that the cargo and the simply not privileged to hear
the bestexplanation. passengerswould be in jeopardy or see.
How was the faith of Abraham should they undertakethe voyage. God had told our first parentsthat
expressed?He has been called the But, his warningwentunheeded; and they wouldsurelydie if they partook
"father of the faithful." His example not long afterwards,threedaysof se- of the forbidden fruit. But, Adam
should tell us what constitutesreal verelystormyweathertook away all and Evedid not believeGod.Instead,
faith. hopethat any aboardwould survive. they believedSatan.Adam and Eve
God promisedAbraham that he Although all the physicalevi- hadvery little faith towardGod,but
would becomea "father of many na- dence-what they could see (the they ironically seemedto possess a
tions" (Rom.4:17).And yet (except swirling temptest surrounding kind of perverted"faith" in the as-
for the illegitimateIshmael)he wasa them)-indicated the contrary,Paul surances of Satanthe devil.
childless99 and his wife Sarahwas stoodup and said: ". . . There shall Now that we understand, by both
well pastthe child-bearing age. be no lossof any man's life among positiveand negativeexamples. just
But Abraham did not look to the you. . . . For there stoodby me this what faith is. we needto defineits
stark fact of Sarah'spreviousmeno- night the angel of God . . . saying, relationship to salvation.
pause,nor to his own apparentimpo- Fearnot Paul;thou mustbe brought Again,faith is absolutellrequired
tence.He lookedonly to God'sprom- beforeCaesar:and,lo, God hath giv- for eternalsalvation.Not a single
ise to make him a father. en theeall them that sail with thee. personwill enterGod'sfamill voidof
"And being not weak in faith, he Wherefore,sirs,be of goodcheer'. for faith.
considerednot his own body now I believeGod.that it shall beevenas In summarizinghis ministrr for
dead,whenhe wasaboutan hundred it was told me" (Acts 21:22-25). the Ephesianelders,Paul explained
yearsold, neitheryet the deadness of Paul had "faith towardGod" be- how he had testifiedto the Jewish
Sarah's womb: he staggerednot at causehe believedGod. He had an peopleand the Grecians". . . rep€n-
the promiseof God throughunbelief; unquestioning convictionthat God tancetoward God,andfaith toward
but was strongin faith, givingglory wouldindeeddo what He had prom- our Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts
to God; and beingfully persuaded ised. 20:21\.
that, what ie [God] had promised, The Patriarch Noah preceded In orderto evenstartthe salvation
ne [God] was able also to perform" Paul as an enduringexampleof process,you must have faith in
(Rom.4:19-21). "faith toward God." The writer of Christ'sblood-His atoningsacrifice
Thereyou haveit: a biblicaldefini- HebrewssummarizedNoah's faith for your sins.
tion of faith. It was expressedin in HebrewsI l:7. "By faith Noah,be- Of course,you must also believe
slightly different words to Jewish ing warnedof God of things not seen and know that God exists.". . . He
Christians:"Now faith is the sub- asyet, movedwith fear, preparedan that comethto God must believethat
stance [assurance]of things hoped ark to the savingof his house:by the heis . .," (Heb.I l:6). And youmust
for, the evidenceof thingsnot seen" which he condemned the world,and believethat onereasonGod sentHis
(Heb. l1:l). The fact that God had becameheir of the righteousness SonJesusChristto this earthwasto
promisedwasall the evidenceAbra- whichis by faith." shed His blood in order to blot out
ham needed! HebrewsI I is knownin theologi- yourpastsins(seeJohn3:16).
You do not need faith for some- cal circlesas "the faith chapter." Paulput it this way:"Whom God
thing you alreadypossess. Faith re- And well it shouldbe becauseit is hath set forth to be a propitiation
volves around something "not filledwith "faith towardGod" amply throughfaith in his blood,to declare
sssn"-sslnething you do not yet demonstratedin the lives of God's his righteousnessprthe remissionof
have. Romans 8:24-25 provesthe patriarchs,prophets,kings,judges, sinsthat are past, through the for-
point."For we are savedby hope:but commoners, and evenone repentant bearance of God" (Rom. 3:25).
hope that is seen is not hope: for prostitute. And sowe mustbelievein Christ's
sacrificeas an historical event that He said:". . . Repentye,and believe the law, but by the faith of Jesus
God appliesto the repentantsinner, the gospel"(Mark l:15). Christ.. . ."
now,at this presenttime. (If you have not yet receivedour Graspthe fact that Paul doesno
RememberThomas,the doubting booklets lAhat Is the True Gospel? say, "by a man's faith in Jesu
disciple?"Jesus saith unto him, and Just What Do You Mean-the Christ" (althoughthat is the startinl
Thomas,becausethou hast seenme, Kingdom of God?, pleasewrite for point);he says,"by the faith of Jesu
thou hast believed:blessedare they your free copiesimmediately.) Christ"-which means Christ'r
that havenot seen,and yet havebe- Once a personhas heardthe true faith.
Iieved" (John 20:29). gospelof the Kingdom of God and In summary,how may you possesr
You haveneverseenJesusChrist hasacteduponit by repenting,being "faith toward God"-this savinl
and neitherhaveI. And yet our very baptized,and receivingGod's Holy faith of JesusChrist?First of all, yor
salvationdependsupon our frm be- Spirit as a gift (seeActs 2:38),God must repentof dead works (seethr
lief that He was a historical person; imparts to that individual the very precedingarticle).Then you must br
that He was a memberof the God- faith of JesusChrist. baptizedas a symbolof your faith ir
head;that He suffered,bledand died "For by grace are ye saved Christ's blot ou
because of our sins;and that He rose throughfaith; and that not of your- your past sins,burying your old sel
againto live forevermore. selves:ir [the faith] is the gift of in a waterygrave(seethe next arti,
Belief in Christ's blood-faith in God," wrote the ApostlePaul (Eph. cle).
His sacrificefor past sins-involves 2:8). Then you will receivea portiono
believingwhat Christ said. You can- You cannot work up this saving the very faith of Jesus Christ
not really believein Jesus'sacrifice faith towardGod.It is His gift to you which-if properly nourished-wil
without believingHis message-the upon real conversion. eventuallyresult in your ultimatt
gospelof the Kingdomof God. Notice Galatians2:16, ". . . A salvation-eternal life in God'r
On Jesus'first evangelistictour, man is not justified by the worksof Kingdom.

"The Doctrineof Baptisms"

tT-tHE sIMpLE, unpretentious rite of plain.He showshow Old Testament [gsgslsss"-to prateand brag aboul
I baptismis meantto mark a mi- ritual finds full spiritual expression their acceptance by this recognized,
r raculouschangein you. lt is to in Christ. TheseJewishpeopleknew rustic,prophetof God (Matt. 3:l-7:
testify that you haveembarkedon a aboutthe washings(baptisms)of the Mark l:4-7).
new,clean,right way of life that will ritual (Heb.9:10).They knewabout But JohnwasdoingGod'sWork,
end in completesatisfaction,unre- the prescribedcleansingof clothes, He wascallinghis countrymen to re-
stricted reward, total successand people,priests(Ex. 19:10-14;Lev. pentance-change.He wantedprool
happiness unending.God wantsyou 8:6). that they.weredoing somethingtc
to realize this and take full advan- But most peopletoday have not changetheir miserable and evil lives.
tageof His generousoffer. understoodthe facts concerningthe He culled out thosewho were not
Most of Christendom understands pre-Christian baptism of John. turningto God in heartrending con-
in partthat baptismis a fundamental Recall that John the Baptizerwas trition and obedience.
doctrine of God's religion. But too acceptedby his community.This was He wouldhaveno part in baptiz-
few capture the overwhelmingcon- not some new and unusualaction. ing thosewho clungto their old evil
ceptwhich its symbolismis meantto Pharisees and Sadducees wouldhave ways-sins-dead works. His bap-
instill.Let's look back into the past, had no dealingswith anyonecontra- tism wasfor the purposeof symboliz-
and come to understandmore per- dicting the traditionsof the elders ing spirituallyclean people-those
fectly what God is revealing. (Matt. l5:l-2). Why, they evenre- who had changedso muchthat they
From the beginning God has jected Jesusbecausethey could not could take advantageof the Mes-
wantedmen to be clean-physically, fathom the spiritual application siah'supcomingsacrificefor the re-
mentally and spiritually. He de- whichHe madeof Old Testament in- mission-forgiveness----of their sins.
signedan elaborateritualisticsystem struction. John was busily preachingand
for His Old TestamentChurchto im- But they did acceptJohn'steach- baptizingwhen Jesuscame on the
pressthis grandlesson.He meantfor ing about baptism. Sadduceesand scene.Jesusset His sealof approval
you and me to find in the New Testa- Pharisees-perhapsnot yet having on John'sbaptismby undergoingthe
ment the brimmingspiritualfulfill- heard of Jesus-flocked to John, verysamerite asthe peoplewhowere
ment which comesthroughJesusthe wantingto be baptized.Evidentlythe sick of their sinsand longedenough
Christ (Gal. 3:24). unrepentantoneswantedonly to re- for forgivenessthat they "brought
Paulwrotethe bookof Hebrewsto ceivea mark of religiousdistinction. forth fruit" provedby changed,righ-
JewishChristiansto help makethis They wantedto advertisetheir "righ- teous,obedient-to-God lives. Jesus
said His baptism". . . fulfill[ed] all the sacrificeof Christ and blithely spiritualimmersionwhichaccompa-
righteousness" (Matt. 3:l 5). pursue our own wa1-.A complete nies water baptism cleansesthe
Later, after His death and resur- change is demandedwhen such a man's mind. Materialistic,egotisti-
rection, He expresslycommanded great price has beenpaid so that we cal, vain, worldly, carnal, sensual
His disciplesto follow this very same can live-for we would have died stimuli no longerprevail.All ways
procedurewhen they found people withoutthis payment. that arecontraryto the spirit are now
who would really accept,believeand Since Christ has beenwilling to abhorrent.
do what He taught."Go ye therefore, die for us, thenwe mustbe willing to That spiritual immersion-bap-
andteachall nations,baptizingthem die for Him. When we are baptized tism-is promisedto all repentant
in the nameof the Father,andof the we pictureour willingness to partici- people.On the day the New Testa-
Son, and the Holy Spirit" (Matt. patein death,just as He did,in order mentChristianChurchwasfounded,
28:19-20; Mark l6:16). that goodness,godliness(god-like- conscience-stricken convertsim-
Baptismis the symbolicdoor to ness),will prevailin our lives(Rom. ploredthe apostlesto tell them what
righteousness. You must go through 6:3). We will imitate the way He they neededto do to get right with
that door if you are going to enter lived.He didn'tbreakthe law of God God. Petergavethem the authorita-
into eternallife. There is no other in one little point (Matt. 5:18-20). tive,simpleanswer:"Repent,and be
way. Neithershouldwe! baptized.. . and you shall receive
Ritualisticwashingcancleanpots, He died horribly,ignominiouslyin the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts
pans,clothesandskin.But watercan orderthat peoplewho recognizetheir 2:38).
do nothing to cleansethe mind of shortcomings could be washedclean Those people,and all truly bap-
man-it cannot r each him and givena new life-a changed,re- tized Christianssince,werebaptized
spiritually. pentant,spiritualway of living. (immersed)into one body and have
But John's baptismadded more Baptismpicturesthe burialof our all beeninfusedwith the Holy Spir-
colorto the pictureof God'splan of old ways.A willingness to let our old it-the holy mind of Christ.
salvation.It pointedto the Jewish ways go down into the grave to To havethat spiritualmind means
need to improve in keeping God's moulderaway to nothing-the pu- is washed
that thefilth of naturalness
eternal law. It insistedthat they trescenceof our own ways covered out. The man now thinks,acts and
shouldacceptthe government of that andeatenup by death.ReadRomans doeswhatGod wantshim to. He is a
law. John recognizedtheir mental 6:4-6with thesethoughtsin mind: begottenspiritual son of God. One
approachto life must be in accord "Thereforeweareburiedwith him dayhewill be borninto theveryfam-
with God'sdirection. by baptisminto death:that like as
Peoplemustdevelopthe discipline Christ was raisedup from the dead
and volitionto live by everyword of by thegloryof the Father,evensowe
God (Matt. 4:4; Deut. 8:3). John alsoshouldwalk in newness of life.
knewthat evenmorethanthiswould For if we havebeenplantedtogether
be requiredif peoplewere going to
finally enter into the Kingdom of
in the likeness of his death,we shall
be also in the likenessof his resur- Suddenexperlence...
God. He said:"I indeedbaptizeyou
with water unto repentance:but he
rection:Knowingthis, that our old
man is crucifiedwith him. that the
[Jesus] that cometh after me . . . bodyof sin might be destroyed. that
How do you deline the word
shallbaptizeyou with the Holy Spir- henceforth we shouldnot sene sin."
conversion?An adootionof re-
it, and with fire" (Matt. 3:l l). We, because we are sinners. die in ligiousbelief?A "born-again"
Baptismwith the Holy Spiritis the baptism from a spiritual point of experience?Contraryto popu-
ultimate baptismtoward which we view.We no longerallowthe inordi- lar belief,the Bibleteachesthat
press.Thisis the highestformof bap- nate desiresof our fleshl1-. sensual there is more to conversion
tism. existenceto dictate.Christ became than a singularevent,a one-
The only way that sin-which is sin so we could live righteousl;*- time change. In the booklet
the result of distortedmental ac- without sin-without breakingthe Just What Do You Mean-Con-
tion-can be remitted,scrubbed out, law (II Cor. 5:21). version? Herbert Armstrong
paid for, is through death (Rom. You and I areto bespiritualllcru- suppliesvaluableinsightson
6:23).If we wereleft to pay for our the subject.Requestyour free
cifiedwith Christ.Then His mind-
copy by writ-
own sins,deathwoulddescendupon spirit-enters us. We live as Christ ing to one of
us and therecouldbe no hopefor the wouldlive.He gaveHimselffor usto the addresses
future.Only blackoblivion!But God thatpurpose (Gal.2:20;Rom.6:6-7). at the end of
is mercilul. The Christianis deadto the old wavs this publica-
Evenwhilewe wereyet in our sins of the naturalman (Rom.6:l l-12). tton.
Christdiedfor us.He paidthe entire He no longerconformsto the waf in
debt which encumbersus. We are which peoplenaturally respondto
free whenwe acceptHis paymentin life. His mind is renewed.He proves
our stead and so can live (Rom. what God wantsand doesit (Rom.
5:8-9). l2:2).
But that is not to say we just use This way is entirely-different. The
ily of God to be with the Fatherand The baptizedChristian comesup We havea free bookletentitledAll
the Son forever. out of his watery gravewith an alto- About WaterBaptism.Thevery next
Baptism brings together,in sym- gether different mind-a different thing you shoulddo-to pleaseGod
bolic grandeur,threewonderfulgifts way of thinking about life and the and help yourself-is to sendfor it.
from God: l) the preciousredeeming way to solveits problems.It is as if The bookletanswerssuch questions
blood of Christ, 2) the water of re- Christ.had beenresurrected. asl-ls water baptismessentialto sal-
generation, and 3) the Holy Spirit. The restrictionsofthe fleshno longer vation?What aboutthe "thief on the
Baptismpicturesthecompletecover- predominateand encumber. cross"?Was he savedwithout it?
ingof a deadbody,placingit in a watery New valuesexist.A newlife is be- What is the properform, or mode-
grave.But aswehaveseen,muchmore gun. The old life-the old way-the sprinkling,pouring or immersion?
ispicturedin thisillustration. old man-is left dead in the grave. Shouldbabiesand childrenbe bap-
Evenas the old, deadbody of the Spiritual values take precedence. tized?Supposeyou werebaptizedby
convertis entombedin baptism,it is Every effort is madeto satisfyGod. a ministeryou havesincelost confi-
literally washedand cleansed. This Not many peopleunderstandhow dence in. Should you be baptized
completeimmersionand washingof God has intended,from the begin- overagain?
the exterior symbolizesthe inter- ning, that all men shouldbe bap- Evenif you are alreadybaptized,
nal-mental-moral-washing and tized. You now know about this there is probably much more that
regeneration of the mind. A man is gloriousfundamentaltruth of the you needto knowand do if you truly
what his mind thinks. Christianreligion. desireto serveGod as He savs.

"Laying on of Hands"
T-rHrs doctrineis of criticalimpor- bring the youngbull to the Taberna- of Israel.The Leviteswill represent
I tanceto Christianitybecause it cle, and Aaron and his sonsshall /ay all the peoplein servingthe Lord.. . .
shows that God works and their hands upon its head;and you In this way you will dedicatethe
dealswith mankindthroughfallible, shallkill it beforethe Lord, at the en- Levitesfrom amongthe rest of the
imperfecthuman beingsHe chooses tranceof theTabernacle"(TheLiving peopleof Israel,and the Levitesshall
and setsapart for His purpose. Bible).Versesl5-20 statethat they be mine. After you have sanctified
From the booksof Mosesto the wereto do likewisewith thetworams. themand presented themin this way,
book of Revelation,we find the lay- Why did they do this?Aaron and theyshallgo in and out of the Taber-
ing-on-of-hands ceremonyusedin a his sonswerecommanded to lay their nacle to do their work" (Numbers
widevarietyof circumstances. handson the animals'headsto sym- 8:9-ll, 14-15;The LivingBible).
It wasperformedasan officialcer- bolize their sins, their guilt being Ofcourse,theleaders'hands hadno
emony, generally by an individual transferredto the animals which magicalor mysticalqualities.They
ordainedor commissioned by God. then sufferedthe penalty of sin merely symbolizedand formally em-
The ceremonycenteredaround Aaron and his sons should have phasizedthat God,not man,gavethem
God's servant praying aloud as he received-death. authorityandsetthemapartfor a par-
placedhis handson the recipientof Of course,this all had symbolic ticular job. God commissioned them
his petitions.It wasa formal request meaningsince only Christ's blood andissuedthemauthorityandjurisdic-
to God, usually for a specificbless- really atonedfor sin. tiontodoHiswork.
ing,gift or authorityasin ordination. Thelayingon of handsin thisexam- This againdemonstrates oneof the
Usually a simple,short ceremony, plesymbolized thecleansingandpurify- greatlessons ofthelayingonofhands-
but filledwith meaning. ingof theprieststhroughthetransferal that God worksthroughman----even in
Let's noticesomeof the interesting of theirsinsto theanimals. ordainingHisownservants.
andvariedwaysin whichmenof God We will soonseethat the layingon The WorldwideChurch of God
haveusedthe laying on of hands. of handsoften symbolizes a transfer, practicesthis doctrine today in or-
Ordination. One of the earliestre- transmittal or granting of special dainingqualifiedmen to be deacons
cordedbiblical examplesof this doc- gifts, blessingsor authority-ele- and ministers(and qualifiedwomen
trine is foundin Exodus29 duringan ments that are literally priceless. to be deaconesses).
ordinationceremony.And strangely Thingsthat are only God'sto give. Notice the New Testamentexam-
enough,the handswerelaid on ani- "Then bring the Levites to the ple of ordainingdeaconsin Acts 6.
mals by the personsbeingordained. door of the Tabernacleas all the The twelveapostleshad chosenseven
Here is how it happened. peoplewatch. There the leadersof men to be deacons,"Whom they set
In Exodus28:l God commanded the tribes shall lay their hands upon before the apostles:and when they
Moses to set apart Aaron and his them, and Aaron, with a gestureof had prayed,theylaid their handson
four sonsto be priests. offering, shall presentthem to the them" (verse 6').
In Exodus29:10we read:"Then Lord as a gift from the entirenation Acts l3:2-3 records the ordi-
nations of Barnabas and Paul. them money,safing. Give me also His Holy Spirit; but He has pre-
"As they.ministered to the Lord, this power,that on whomsoever I lay scribeda physicalact to show our
and fasted,the Holy Ghost [Spirit] hands, he may receive the Holy faith and trust in Him and to show
said,Separateme BarnabasandSaul Ghost[Spirit]" (versesl8-19). our acceptance of the authority He
I for the work whereuntoI havecalled The point is, Simon recognized has placedwith His servants.
them.And whenthey had fastedand that the apostles
reallydid haveGod- The bookof Genesis containsa very
prayed,andlaidtheirhandson them, givenauthority-authority which he moving exampleof the laying on of
theysentthem away." sawdemonstrated throughthe laying hands when Jacob blessedhis two
Again,God'swill wascarriedout by on of hands. grandsons. Jacobwasan old man and
His ministersprayingandlayinghands Healing. Christ set the examplein knewhis time wasshort.He askedhis
on the onesHe had chosen.This was healing. Luke 4:40 states, "Now sonJosephto bringthetwoboysto him.
anotherexampleof God'sissuingau- when the sun was setting,all they "Israel [Jacob]washalf blind with
thority throughHis alreadyordained that had any sickwith diversdiseases age,sothat hecouldhardlysee.SoJo-
andchosen humanservants. broughtthem unto him; and he laid sephbroughtthe boyscloseto him and
Receiving the Holy Spirit. Christ his handson everyone of them, and he kissedand embracedthem.And Is-
eavethe ministersof His Churchthe healedthem." rael said to Joseph,'I neverthought I
3uthorit!'to baptizethosewho have Mark 6:4-5relatesanotherexam- wouldseeyou again,but nowGod has
:rulr repentedof their sins. Along ple. When Christ cameto His own letmeseeyourchildren too.'
rith the ph1'sical act of baptismis community. He found such little "Josephtookthe boysby the hand,
rromi:ed the Holy Spirit-through faith that He remarked:". . . A bowed deeply to him, and led the
:ke laringon of hands. prophetis not without honour,but in boys to their grandfather'sknees-
\fiilions have supposedlybeen his own country,and amonghis own Ephraim at Israel's left hand and
:,::::zed. but very' few have had Manassehat his right. But Israel
iaid on them for the receiving crossed his armsashe stretchedthem
f :he Holl'Spirit after baptism. out to lay his handsupon the boys'
\tltice the example in Acts 8. heads,so that his right hand was
P:riip nent to the city of Samariato G o d i s ...d e a lin g with upon the head of Ephraim, the
preach the gospel. Many believed youngerboy, and his left hand was
and were baptized.When the apos- mankind today through a uponthe headof Manasseh, the old-
tles in Jerusalemheardthat the gos- physical group of human er. He did this purposely.
pel had been preachedat Samaria, "Then he blessed Josephwith this
they sent Peter and John, "Who, beings,a Church doing blessing: 'May God, the God of my
when they were comedown, prayed His Work. fathersAbrahamand Isaac,the God
for them,that theymight receivethe who has shepherded me life,
Holy Spirit:(For asyet he wasfallen wonderfullyblesstheseboys. He is
upon noneof them: only they were the Angel who has kept me from all
baptized in the name of the Lord harm.May theseboysbe an honorto
Jesus.)Thenlaid theytheir handson kin, and in his own house.And he my nameandto the namesof my fa-
them, and they receivedthe Holy could theredo no mighty work, save thersAbrahamand Isaac;and may
Spirit" (verses l5-17). that he laid his hands upon a few they becomea mightynation"(Gen.
Notice,theyhad beenbaptizeddays sickfolk. and healedthem." 48:10-16, TheLivingBible).
or evenweeksbeforeand had not re- In Acts 28:8we find that Paulalso Jacobwenton to blessthe boysin-
ceivedthe Holy Spirit.God had with- laid his handson Publius'father to dividually,handingdown the bless-
held it until Peterand John had laid healhim. ingspromisedto Abraham.The lay-
handson them.Godrespected theorder ConcerningHis true ministers ing on of handswassymbolicof this
and authorityHe vestedin His minis- Christ stated:". . . They shall lay transferralby God'sauthority.
ters.He grantedHis Spirit whenthey handson the sick,and they'shallre- The layingon of handsceremony
laidhandson them.(Write for our free cover" (Mark 16:18).While many is very relevantto this society-to
reprints"How You Can Be Imbued professingChristiansknow nothing youandme!Godis aliveandactively
With the Powerof God" and "You of God's promise to heal, others dealingwith mankindtodaythrough
NeedGod'sHolySpirit.") make a public mockeryand display a physicalgroupof humanbeings,a
An interestingsidelightto Acts 8 of what they think is the healing ChurchdoingHis Work.And He has
is the story of Simonthe sorcerer. powerof God. providedin this day, as the Bible
He too was baptized in Samaria James5:14 is a commandfrom recordsHe always has, spiritual
when the others were. After he saw God to thosewho are sick:"ls there guides,ministers,to representHim,
that the othersreceivedthe Holy Spirit any sick amongyou?Let him call for to oversee His Church.And He has
when Peter and John laid handson theeldersof thechurch:andlet them giventhem a certainamountof juris-
them and prayed, he desperately prayoverhim,anointinghim with oil dictionto carry out theirjobs.
wantedthe powerto do the same. in the nameof the Lord." No minis- The layingon of handsis the out-
"And when Simon saw that ter's handsare specialor holy. No ward ceremonyused in the delega-
throughlayingon the apostles' hands oliveoil hasany mysteriouspower.It tion and useof that authority.God
the Holy Spirit wasgiven,he offered is God Himself who healsthrough respectsit and we shouldtoo!
"Resurrectionof the Dead"
1 1 That is therealhopeof thetrue How deceivedhas the world be- shall hear his voice,and shall come
\A/ Christian? Will he spend comeon this vital subjectof the res- forth; they that havedonegood,unto
v v eternityloungingin idleness urrections? theresurrectionof life [eternal];and
and ease?Or will the resurrected, A commonbelief is expressedin they that have done evil, unto the
newbornChristianspendeternity in the 1972edition of The lUorld Book resurrection of damnation [judg-
happy, but productive,activity- Encyclopedid:"Most Christiansbe- mentl" (John5:28,29).
faithfullyservinghisCreator? lievethat on the last day of the world The Apostle Paul, when he was
Most professingChristianshavea all the dead will cometo life. They speakingbefore Felix, the governor
rather foggy ideaof what future life call the day, JudgmentDay, because of Judea, said that he had "hope
in the Kingdomof God will be like. God will judge everyone"("Resur- toward God" of a resurrection,in
They know very little about biblical rection,"XVI, p. 245). which, affirmedPaul, the Jewsalso
teaching concerningthe "resur- Some believethat at death their believed.He plainly told Felix "that
rectionof the dead"-yet this is one "souls" go immediatelyto heaven, there shall be a resurrectionof the
of the basic doctrinesof the Bible purgatory,limbo or hell. dead, both of the just and unjust"
(Heb.6:2). "The WestminsterShorter Cate- (Acts24:15).
But do you realizeyou can know chism (questionxxxvii.) states the In noneof the previous passagesis
what it will be like in the next life? doctrinethat the bodiesof the dead the time factor specified.However,
The ProphetIsaiah wrote: "Since rest in their graves till the resr.rr- otherNew TestamentScripturesdo
the beginningof the world men have rection.but that their soalsdo imme- clarify it.
not heard,nor perceivedby the ear, diatelypassintoglory Iheaven]. This Paulwroteat lengthregardingthe
neitherhath the eyeseen,O God,be- was the view of the Reformers" resurrection(s) in I Corinthians15.
sidethee,what he hath preparedfor ("Death," The New Schaf-Herzog "For asin Adamall die.evensoin
him that waiteth for him" (Isa. Encyclopedia of Religious Knowl- Christ shall a// be madealive. But
64:4\. edge,l9ll, p. 382). every man in his own order: Christ
But the Apostle Paul explained According to this teaching the the firstfruits; afterward the1,that
that a Christian can comprehend "body" must restin the gravetill the are Christ's at his [second]coming.
what God haspreparedfor thosethat "soul" can be reunitedwith it at the Then cometh the end. . ." (verses
love Him. "But God hath revealed resurrection. 22-24).
them unto us [true believers]by his If the righteousare already in Now if one turns to the twentieth
Spirit: for the Spirit searchethall heavenlybliss, is it logical to think chapter of Revelation,he can see
things,yea,the deepthingsof God" that they wouldbe madeto returnto whatis meantby "the end."Paulwas
(I Cor. 2:9,l0). Many scriptures this earth to be reunitedwith their referringto the end of the one-thou-
speakof this"mystery"(Rom.l6:25; "bodies"? sand-yearreign of Christ and the
Eph.3:3,5,9;Rev.l0:7). IEditor's note: For an in-depth saintson thisearth.It will not be un-
Satan has deceivedthe whole look into the falseconceptsof heav- til sometimeafter the thousandyears
worldon thisall-important subjectof en,hell and the immortalsoul,write are overthat the secondresurrection
the resurrectionof the dead (Rev. for thesefree publications:"What Is occurs(seeRev. 20:7-12).
l2:9). Many scripturesrevealthat Man?" What Is the Reward of the JesusChrist is depictedin Revela-
the wholeworld is in darkness,igno- Saved? and Is There a Real Hell tion l9:l l-21 ascomingon "a white
ranceand superstition. Fire? horse"and then"he shall [in the fu-
The plain Bible teachingon the Thereare severalreferences in the turel rule them [the nations]with a
subject of the resurrection(s)has Old Testamentto the resurrection. rod of iron" (verse| 5).
been submergedin darkness for but only the ProphetDanielbeginsto The resurrectedsaints(ioined by
many centuries.There are no Bible hint that there might be more than the livingsaints)will be caughtup to
commentariesor dictionaries to one resurrection. meetChrist in the air at His second
which you can go to get the truth on Danielwrote:"And manyof them coming,and theyas kingsand priests
this subject. that sleepin the dust of the earth will "reign on the earth" (Rev.
Invariably,you aregivena noxious shall awake,someto everlastinglife, 5:I 0).
mixture of truth and error-light and some to shame and everlasting To these saints Christ promises:
and darkness. contempt [or abhorrence]"(Dan. "He that overcometh. . . to him will
But it is high time for professing l2:2). I givepoweroverthe nations:and he
Christiansto go directlyto the Word And in the New Testament,Jesus shallrule them [underChrist] with a
of God to learn the real. unadulter- Christsaid:". . . The houris coming, rod of iron . . ." (Rev.2:26,21).
ated truth. in the whichall that are in thegraves But whenand how will theseglori-
fied, then-made-immortalsaintsrule
w i th C hr is t ' l A nd lor h o w l o n g ?
The Apostle John was inspired to
g i ve th e ans wer :" A nd I s a w th ro n e s ,
and they sat upon them, and Trzdg-
me n t w asgiv enunt o t h e m: a n d I s a w
th e souls of t hem t h a t w e re b e -
h ca d e d . and t he y l i v e d a n d
re i g n ed I r ulc d] wit h C h ri s t a th o u -
sa n d .t' ear s '(^Rc v . 20:4 ).
Jo h n . in v is ion.s aw th o s ew h o h a d
bcen bchcaded now resurrected (at
C h ri st' s t r ium phal s e c o n d c o m i n g )
:,n d si vc n gov c r ning p o s i ti o n s o r
" 1 u d -er lc nt ".
Pa u l s ir es inr r r cdc t i ri l so i th i s g l o -
ri L ru src{ ur r c c lir t nt ' r l' t h cs a i n ts ." F o r
:i * c b c- lier ct h. it . les u sd i c d a n d ro s e
.rg .:t:.C \ L' n\ ( ) : hent al s O$ h i C h .r/e e p
,: /. , ' . i . Cit , dbr ing rri th h i m . . . .
F - : -.: I : c hint s el l s h a l l d e s c e n d

-:. : : : r r c hange l .a n d l v i th th e
'- ^ : : G.rd:and the dead in Christ
':.;.. r-it ' lr r . r / : t hen w e w h i c h a re
,. , c -'- ndr em ain s hall b e c a u g h t u p
'.-!c'rh c -nit r h t hc m in th e c l o u d s to
n e e t the Lor d il t he ai r: a n d s o s h a l l
\rc e ver be wit h t he L o rd " (l T h e s .
-l :1 .1 -17) .
No te t hat it doesnot s a y th e s a i n ts
w i l l g o t o " heav en" t o m c e t C h ri s t,
b u t th a t Hc will c om eJ ' re tm "heaven"
to th c a t m os pher cof t h i s c a rth , a n d
th e sa i nt s will r is c t o m e e t l l i m " l n
the ttir."
N o w not ic c a pr op h e c y b a c k i n
Zcchariah which showswhere ChrisI
a n d th e s aint swill go a f' tc rth i s re n -
d e zvo u sin t he air :
"An d his f eet I t he L o rd ' s -v e rs e
I I sh a l l s t and in t hat d a y u p o n th e
mo u n t ol O liv es. . . " (Z e c h . l 4 :4 ).
At th is t inr e *, ill Ch ri s t b e a i o n e ?
". . . And t he Lor d m y G o d [w ro te
Zcch a r iah] s hall c onte . a n d a l l th e
s a i n ts rv it h t hee" ( v e rs e 5 ). Bu t
wh crew ill Chr is r go' l B a c k to h e a v e n
wi th th c s aint s ' l" A nd t h c L o rd s h a l l
be ki n g ov c r all r he earth : i n th a t d a y
s h a l lth er ebe one Lor d. a n d h i s n a me
o n e " (ve r s e9) .
It sh ouldnot am az eu s to fi n d th a t
Ch ri st will r et ur n t o s ta n d o n th e
M o u n t o f O liv es . Nea rl y tw o th o u -
sa n d year s ago, His an g e l sto l d th e
di sci p l e st hat Chr is t wo u l d re tu rn to
th i s e a rt h jus t as He le ft i t-a n d H e
h a d b e en s t andingt alk i n g w i th H i s
d i sci p l e sat op M ount Ol i v e t j u s t b e -
fo re th i s pr om is e was g i v e n (A c ts
t .4 -t2 ).
The Apostle Paul also spoke of led by the Spirit of God who will be tions that he gave up everythingin
Christ's coming at the "last in the first resurrection."For as order to serve Christ and became
trump"-the time when He will manyas areled by the Spirit of God, willing to suffer "the loss of all
gather His saints unto Himself. they are the [begotten]sonsof God' things"(Phil.3:7,8). Why?
"Now this I say,brethren,thatflesh (versel4). "That I may know him, and the
and blood cannot inherit the king- God's Spirit in us is like a seed power of his resurrcction.. . If by
dom of God; neither doescorruption that is developinginto godly charac- any meansI might attain unto the
inherit incorruption.Behold,I shew ter. resunectionof the dead" (verses10,
you a mystery;We shallnot all sleep, Paul continues:"But if the Spirit I I ).
but we shall all be changed,in a mo- of him that raisedup Jesusfrom the He then went on to explain that
ment, in the twinkling of an eye,at deaddwell in you, he that raisedup "our conversation[citizenship]is in
the last trump: for the trumpet shall Christ from the dead shall also heaven. . ." (verse20).
sound.and the dead shall be raised quicken [make alive] your mortal And it is from there-from heav-
incorruptible, and we shall be bodiesby [the power ofl his Spirit en-that we "look for the Saviour."
changed.For this corruptible must that dwellethin you" (verseI l). "Who [meaningChrist] shallchange
put on incorruption,and this mortal Thereit is! If we havethe indwell- our vile body'. that it may be fash-
must put on immortality" (I Cor. ing presence of the Holy Spirit in us ionedlike unto hisgloriousbody,ac-
I 5:50-53). when we die. then we will be resur- cordingto the workingwherebyhe is
These and other scripturesshow rected through the power of that able even to subdueall things unto
that it is only the righteouswho are sameSpirit-at the secondcomingof himself' (verses20. 2l).
resurrectedat Christ's secondcom- JesusChrist. This redemptionof the body-this
ing. Paul then explainsthat we are changefrom mortal fleshto a spiri-
John shows that those who had tual body-is the only hopeheld out
beenmartyred will be raisedto life to the Christian.
and to a positionof rulershipduring The resurrected. glorified,immor-
the thousand-year rule of Christ. But talizedsains will live in eternalhap-
the unjust will not be resurrected pinessfor ever and ever:"And God
until the end of this period:"But the The plain Bible teaching shall wipe away all tearsfrom their
rest of the deadlived not againuntil on the subjectof the eyes; and there shall be no more
the thousand years were finished. death, neither sorrow, nor crying,
This [referring to thosemartyred- resurrection(s)has been neither shall there be any more
verse 4l is the first resurrection. submergedin darkness pain. . ." (Rev.2l:4).
Blessedand holy is he that hath part Each of thesesonsof God, then
in thelrst resurrection:on suchthe for many centuries. born into the very God family, will
seconddeathhath no power,but they "inherit all things;and I will be his
shall be priestsof God and of Christ, God, and he shall be my son" (verse
and shall reign with him a thousand 7).
years"(Rev.20:5,6). Will they ever have to suffer any
Then,after the thousandyearsare earnestlywaiting for that time when moreevil trials? "And thereshall be
expired, Satan goes out to stir up we shall be born as spiritual beings no more curse.. . and his servants
more troubleon this earth.And it is into the family of God. Remember, shallservehim" (Rev. 22:3).
still sometime later beforethe Great Christsaid:"Ye mustbe bornagain" What will theydo throughouteter-
White Throne Judgment takes (John3:7). nity? Just sit back and bask in idle-
place-at which time the otherswho Paul explainedthis smn-coming ness,ease and luxury, lapping up
are still dead(yearsafter the millen- new birth: "For the earnestexpecta- never-ending riversof pleasures?
nium hasended)are madeto "stond tion of the creature [man] waiteth No, they will be busy."... And
before God" in the second resur- for the manifestationof the sonsof they shall reign frule or govern]for
rection-when they have their y'rsl God" (Rom. 8:19).That is what the ever and ever" (verse 5). And re-
chance. true Christian waits for----earnestly' member. "his servants shall serve
What is your guaranteethat you longingfor the time whenhe will be him"-throughout all eternity(verse
will be resurrectedwhen Christ re- born into the family of God-as a 3). Then will cometo passthe in-
turns to this earth? How can you divine,glorifiedsonof God. spiredwordsof Hebrews2:8: "Thou
makesureyou will be in the first res- He continues:". . . Even we our- hastput a// thingsunderhis [man's]
urrectionto immortality? selvesgroanwithin ourselves, waiting feet.For in that he put all in subjec-
It is "they that are C&rist'sat his for the adoption[sonship],to wit [in tion underhim, he left nothingthat is
coming" who will be in the first res- other wordsl, the redemptionof our not put underhim."
urrection(I Cor. l5:23). body" (verse23). We shouldstriveto be in the "first
But who are "Christ's"? Paul said: What did he mean by "the re- resurrection"(Rev.20:6).It is spok-
"Now if any man havenot the Spirit demptionof our body"? Paul begins enof as"a betterresurrection"(Heb.
of Christ, he is noneof his" (Rom. to explain in the book of Philip I l:35). Thosewho risein that resur-
8:9). pians. rectionwill be wonderfullyblessedof
It is only thosewho are filled and By way of backgroundhe men- God!
TERNA Ljudgm ent ! It s c a re s ter how long, no matter how large. far lessthan one smallgrain of sand
some. What God offers is eternal,beyond comparedto the multiple billionsof
Eternal judgment? It makes the physical-incredibly beyond,in- tons of sandon all the beachessur-
otherslaugh. comprehensibly beyond!Physical roundingall the oceansin the entire
To the religious,the foreboding eventsand time spheresno longer world.
threat of "eternal judgment" por- havemeaning.When eternityis con- Eternity as a conceptdefinesthe
tends a fearful apprehensionof a sidered,a million yearsspenton each boundary reachesof the human
majestic throne upon which sits a planetin the entiretyof the universe mind; almost,in a mannerof speak-
sternjudge condescendingly looking becomesbut a moment. ing, the interfacebetweenthe physi-
down upon a quaking skeletonof a Nothing in the physicalcreation cal and the spiritual. Becausenoth-
personwho is barelyableto keephis evenapproximates eternity.Nothing ing physicalis eternal.The physical
kneesfrom knockingagainstone an- physicalis eternal;nothing physical by very definition is subject to
other. will ever be eternal.Eternity by its change and decay (see II Cor.
To those "modern sophisticates" very nature, by the enormousvast- 4:I 8).
not given to religious"superstition," ness inherent in the word itself, To thoseof us who are extremely
the archaicthreat of "eternal judg- transcends the physical.Tirs is what busyeveryday of our lives(whether
ment" is scornfullylookeduponasan God offersus! Eternity. Beyondthe commutingto work,puttingin a hard
ancientremnantout of man'sdistant physical. day at the office,getting our exer-
past, a uselessappendage,a shriv- The humanmind canalmost com- cise,coming home at night, having
eled-uprelic of a bygoneage. prehendthe meaning of eternity. dinner, playing with the children,
Yet in clearly listing "the princi- This is remarkableby itself. We can perhapsgoing out to a party or a
plesof the doctrineof Christ" in He- begin to conceptualize eternity. We movie and coming home to bed-a
brews6:1-2,the ApostlePaul con- can think of that line with no begin- realpackedday in a verybusyweek),
cludestheseabsolutelyfoundational ning and no end;we canthink of the a year,365days,is an awfully long
principlesof God's Word with the unending vastnessof time that time.
phrase"eternaljudgment." occurredbeforeour birth and will go And yet the reality of eternity is
"Eternaljudgment"in the Space on after our death. alwaysthere.It neverleavesus; it is
Age? Sneersof ridicule----or perhaps We can considereternity,but we just overshadowed by what may seem
chills of fright! "Eternaljudgment" cannotcomprehendit. Wheneverwe to be the more pressingneedsof the
seemsto do evervthingto the modern try, we become frustrated. Our moment: How much do eggs cost
mind exceptportra)"what it really brains balk, our gray matter turns now? Will I have enoughgasoline
means, into soup.We can understand just next Sunday?Will I be promotedon
Disregardingfor a moment the enoughto understandthat we can my job? What movie (or cinema)
fine distinctionsbetweenthe Hebrew neverunderstand. shallwe seethis weekend?Whenare
words translated"eternal" (olam, That's the uniquenessof the hu- the in-lawscomingto visit?How are
ad) and the Greek word (aionios), manmind-almost but notquiteable the childrendoingin school?
let's for a momentconsiderwhat the to comprehend.It's there---+ternity Yet, all the while, the absolutere-
Englishword "eternal" means.How is there-but just out of our reach, ality of the eternityof time that will
can we express it? A line that hasno just beyondour grasp. followyour deathis ever-present and
ends, the progression of time Is this coincidental? Isn't it ever-real.If you don't feel its pres-
forever? strangethat what our Creatorholds sure,you are deludingyourself.
How can the human mind ever out to us as the ultimate goal of hu- But we are not left without hope.
conceiveof an1'thingwithout begin- man life-eternity-is somethingwe The Creator God-the God who
ningandwithoutend?Let yourmind are almostable to comprehend,but createdus, who designedour human
wanderin spaceor in time-then in yet with awesomeness of mysterystill minds able to almost comprehend
both. Considerthe earth. the solar surrounding it? eternity, has given us the knowl-
system,the sun.our Milky Way gal- Evenassumingthe entiretyof the edge-knowledgethat has had to be
axy (in which the earth is but tucked universeis as old as cosmologists tell revealed----ofwhat eternitycan mean
away in one small corner),the gal- us-some l0 to l5 billion yearsold- to humanbeings.
axieswithin our local galacticstruc- the totality of this time (asincompre- As Pauldescribed in thisculminating
ture, and then the universeof galax- hensibly endlessas it seemscom- doctrine of God's Church-eternal
ies on beyond-all engrossed in end- pared to our short 70-oddyear life judgment--4od in His Word takesus
lesseonsof time. spans)is but a few fleetingseconds in beyond,takesus to reality, takesus to
But, the physicalis finite, no mat- the endlessvastness of eternitv.It is sanity,takesusto eternity.
To those steepedin the "heaven- wavesof elationandjoy, greatexcite- ty in the future that are neededto be
hell Churchianity"so longofferedas ment, enthusiasmand expectation filled by individual human beings.
the biblical model, "judgment" concerningthe fantastic events This is why Christsaidin John 14:2,
meansa decisionleachedafter care- awaitingus in the future. "In my father'shousearemanyman-
fully consideringevery sin that you To givewhat must be a very weak sions.. . ." The universeis a big
have ever committed from the first analogy:Think of the graduationday place, and eternity is a long time.
time you ever hit your baby brother after four yearsof high schoolor col- God hasa lot to do (eventhoughwe
or talked back to your parentsuntil lege.That'sthe day when,after thou- may not know much about it
your last, wheezinggasp as an old sands of hours of hard work and see Hebrews2:8-9) and He has
man or womanabout to expire. classes,homework,periodsof ner- createdus to becomesons to help
How many sins do you think you vous exhaustion,tension and con- Him administerall reality forever.
have committed in your life? How cern-finally, after all that, a person How doesGod decidewhat indi-
long wouldit take someone to reada has made it! He has completedthe vidual responsibilityor position (or
detailed account of every one of course;he hasachievedthe goal.Fol- whateverGod chooses to call it) each
them? lowing each graduation,every indi- of us will have in the future? He
Let's assumethe averageperson vidual has won somenew place.For knowsand lovesus personally,and
sinsaboutoncea day, and sinceGod example,many high schoolstudents will choosethe bestpossiblesituation
saysa sin is a sin,we'll includeall the havebeenacceptedat the collegesof for everyone of us. We will surely
"little" sinsaswell asthe horrendous their choice;manycollegestudentsin each haveour own specificareasof
ones.Consequently,in the averuge the medical,dental, law, or profes- responsibility, our own personallikes
lifetime, the averagepersonmight sional or graduateschoolsof their and dislikes-we will not be like sta-
sin roughly 25,000times. (Granted, choice. tuesin a garden,or candles in a mon-
someof thesesinswouldtake longer There are generallyfew failures; astery, set up merely to adorn or
explanations,coveringthree to four althoughsomeeachyeardo fail. But makeGod feelbetter.We will be real
pagesof written materialto describe graduationfor the vast majority is a personalities doingrealjobs, individ-
the exactsituation:otherof thesesins very happy time-a time of confi- ually and personally.
might just take one to two lines,ex- dence,achievement,successand Our Father,your Father,knows
plainingwhy you "had" to utter that jov. you personally.He knowsthe type of
unfortunateword in that unforeseen So it will be with God'sjudgment. work, recreationand situationsthat
circumstance.) Only God's"graduationday" will be you enjoythe most.He hasdesigned
Now,facetiozslyassumingthat in from far more than a few years of reality to give you everythingthat
the future God wouldhaveto consid- study;it will be from a lifetime-and you havealwayswanted.
er the livesof, let us say, ten billion the rewardswill be far greaterthan But you havea responsibilityalso.
human beings,and giving God the any diploma or promotion.because You haveto qualify.You haveto at-
benefitof the doubt that He couldgo from God's graduationthe rewards tain the requirementsfor "gradua-
through all the intricate details of will be eternal. 1isn"-nnd, asyoudo attainthesere-
everysinglesin in the fleetinginstant The 'Judgment" is really a deci- quirements, God will determinehow
of wouldstill take God sion-a decisionthat your Creator. well you havedoneand giveyou your
roughly (and this is, of course,ex- your personalFather in heaven.the reward in direct proportionto how
tremely rough) 100 million yearsto very God who givesyou breath and successful you havebeen.As Christ
fully analyzethe totality of every- life, the Being that hears 1'our said in Matthew l6:27, referringto
body's sins. And, of course,God prayersand lovesyou morethan any the time of His spectucularreturn to
couldn't make a 'Judgment" until father lovedany son,makesfor 1'our earth: ". . . And then he [Christ]
He did such----or so we might be led benefit. shall rewardeveryman accordingto
to believe. Thejudgmentis whenGoddecides his works."
Isn't it strangethat when we hear or informs you of His decisionof How long does it take God to
the word 'Judgment" we automati- what, where, and how you will be "judge" an individual?Does He
cally feel bad? We havea negative, spendingeternity. And for rhe vast quickly cometo a decisionin a few
depressing moodoverwhelmus. Why majority, this will surel;- be the minutes, upon being given the
does the word 'Judgment" evoke greatest moment in their entire "pluses"and "minuses"of your en-
sucha reaction?Is this what God in- lives-incomprehensibly greater tire life? Or is judgmenta process?
tended His Word to portray? Is than everythingthey have done be- I Peter4:l7 statesthat "the timeis
this what Paul meant in Hebrews fore! come that judgment must begin at
6:2, when he spokeof eternaljudg- The marriagesupperin Revelation the houseof God. . . ." In fact,judg-
ment? l9:9 and the breathtakingnew heav- ment and development of the people
No it isn't! en and new earth of Revelation2l of God toda;-must take placein or-
But, thank God, our God is the can only beginto hint at the magnif- der that God may, during this age,
real God! And the "judgment" icentrealitythat Godhasplannedfor developsucha groupto assistHim in
taught by this world's religion is as all humanbeings. 'Judging,"in developing, in
fallaciousas it is foolish. As God the Fatherhasstructured encouragingthe vast multitudesof
When we read of "judgment" in all spiritual and physical reality, peopleto be taughtin the millennium
the Bible, we should experience thereare many areasof responsibili- followingthe return of Christ.
And what of the multitudesof un- your brain waveswon't help,nor will in the United States,England,Cana-
told billionswho havelong sincedied an electrocardiogram. da and other English speakingna-
and who have forever been forgot- There are ways of knowing,how- tions)whosesolefunctionis to work
ten-from those who died in the ever. Are you moved deeply when with, encourage,help and to serve
NoachianFloodor perishedfrom the you read your Bible? Do you really thosepeoplewhom God is calling.
Black Deathto thosewho werevapo- beginto seethe plan of God as out- If you haveany questionsthat you
rized in the atomic-bombblast over lined from Genesisto Revelation? would like answeredregardingthe
Hiroshima?Are these peoplelost Are you fascinatedand excited by Bible,God'splan of salvation,God's
and forgotten?Is therea 'Judgment" spiritualconceptsyou seeexpounded true Church, or your personallife,
reservedfor them? and explained? pleasedo not hesitateto makeuseof
Remarkablyand incredibly,the And what aboutyourown personal theseministerswhom God has pro-
biblical "plan of salvation"-which life? Do you seeyourselfas God sees vided for you. If you want to meet
is a religious-sounding term indicat- you? Do you feel, on one hand, ex- people who have similar views to
ing the processby which the Eternal cited and enthralledat the prospects yours---otherswhom God has placed
Creator works with the human be- for the future,at the reasonwhy God in His Church-y' God is calling
ings He createdto bring them into createdyou; and, at the sametime, yott, or if you simplywant somespir-
the God family-will eventuallybe do you see yourself as a worthless itual helpand advice,pleasewrite to
madeavailableto everyone. worm, a disobedientfleshly being as and we will immediatelyinform
That meanseveryonewho hasever who desperately needsto be forgiven you of thosein God'sministry.Or if
lived, from a fifth-century,newborn of his sinsby his Saviour? you would prefer faster service,
baby that died after two weeksof a Finally, do you yearn for the op- pleasedial this toll-free number in
laboredlife in somebackwardprov- portunityto associate and fellowship thecontinentalUnitedStates:l-800-
ince in China. to old men who have with peoplewho havesimilarfeelings 423-4444.(Readers in California,
lived beyond100 yearsof age in the to your own who are themselves thor- Alaska,and Hawaii may call 213-
Caucasus of CentralRussia. oughlycaptivatedby the opportunity 577-5225collect.)
All who have not been called of to participatein this worldwideWork You may beverysurprisedto learn
God in this life will eventuallyhave of God? that God's ministers are available
that opportunityas fully and com- God in this end time, as the return within or near your hometown.
pletely as anyonehas ever had the of JesusChrist soonapproaches, as Again,if you want to meeta minister
chance-all will have their chance, the needto extendand establishHis of God, write to us. (Worldwide
their first chance, in the future. Work over the entirety of the world mailing addressesare on the back
(Write for our free article "ls This increases, hasraisedup His Church. pageof thisreprint.)If God is calling
the Only Day of Salvation?") There are now hundredsof conse- you, it is your responsibility.For
But whatof us whoare participat- crated and ordained ministers "the time is come that judgment
ing in thisworldwideWork of Godin throughoutthe world (and especially must beginat the houseof God."
oneway or another?Many of us will
not be in future groupsthat will be
called of God. God only gives one
chanceto evervindividual;but that
chancemust be a real chance.
lf t/ou'dLiketoKnowMore
When a personknowsand knows Manyhundredshavewrittenasking U.S,: 1-800-423-4444. In Calilornia,
that he knowsthat thereis a God in if we haverepresentatives in theirlocal Alaskaand Hawaiicall 213-577-5225
areasto counselwith them personally collect).
heaven.that that God inspiredthe
and to answertheirquestions . UnitedKingdom, Eire,EuropeandMid-
Bible and has openedthat person's The answeris yes, we do dl e E ast:P .O. B ox 111.S t A l bans.
way to be baptizedand receiveGod's The WorldwideChurchof God sta- Herts.,EnglandAL2 2EG(or dialthis
Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38) and be put tions personalrepresentatives (most number i n U .K .: R adl ett I092 761
into God's Church-then, in all are ordainedministers)in the United 26701.
probabilitl-.he hashad his chance. Statesand BritishCommonwealth and . New Zealandand Pacificlsles:P.O.
But u'e have both an opportunity manyotherareasof the world.These Box 2709, Auckland1, New Zealand
and a responsibility: an opportunity local ministerswill visityou, if invited, (or dial Auckland686-114-reverse
to becalledof God nowin this age,to directlyin your own home. the charges).
helpdo His work of witnessingto and So if you have spiritualmattersto .
discussor questions io ask aboutbibli- A ustral i a:P .O. B ox 202, B url ei g h
warningthe world,and an awesome Heads,Queensland 4220 (or dialthis
cal topics such as repenlance,bap-
responsibilityto commit ourselves tism,etc., pleasefeel free to writeus
and our livesto God in toto now. and request a private appointment. charges).
When Peterstatedthat judgment W o rl d w i d e m ai l i ng addresses and . Canada:P.O.Box 44, StationA, Van-
must begin at the houseof God, he phonenumbersare as follows: couver,B.C.V6C2M2
was directinghis commentsto those . U n i te dS ta te s:P .O. B ox 111, P asa- . SouthAlrica:P.O.Box 1060,Johan-
whomGod wascalling. dena,Calitornia 91123(or simplydial nesburg2000 (or dial this number:
How do you know if God is calling thistoll-freenumberin the continental 011-216406).
you? You cannot know from any
analysisof your blood. Examining

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