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Valley Highschool 1

Langel Ks are bad.

Corea PIC
Corea PIC.........................................................................................................................................................1
CP Key NC-SC & Imperialism....................................................................................................................3
U.S. Key.......................................................................................................................................................4
A2: Coreans Hate Corea...............................................................................................................................5
Ct !y yors trly.
Valley Highschool 2
Langel Ks are bad.
CP Text: Insert !lan text" re!lace #Korea$ %ith #Corea$&
'!elling Corea %ith a K rein(orces traditions o( i)!erialis) and colonialis)
Lee" * "#n$ Ha% 2&&'% ()*y I Spell +Corea, )it* a +C,%- P*.. in politi/al s/ien/e 0rom t*e Ameri/an Uni1ersity% #P23
4t% the na)e Korea originates (ro) the +rench descri!tion o( this !enins,la #Coree$ %hen it %as 0irst
disco-ered by t*e .esterners% s/* as .t/* na1i$ators /entries earlier "per*aps% aron5 16&&s 7*en t*e (ne7 5is/o1ery- 7as
a/ti1e.3 Korean *istory !roa5ly spans 0rom t*e (8*ree Kin$5oms Perio5 "4C52-A.93'3%- (Koryo Kin$5om "93'-13923%- (C*osn
Kin$5om "1392-191&3- (#apanese Colonial ://pation "191&-19453- an5 (;ep!li/ o0 Korea "194'-present3.- 8*e name Korea or
(Coree- /omes 0rom t*e name (Koryo.- No7% it ,sed to be (Coree- "in <ren/*3 or (Corea "in ot*er 2atin /ontries s/* as Spain%
Italy% Port$al% et/3. So% !rior to /a!anese colonial r,le" all (oreigners called ,s Cor,ee or Corea% and the land
%as also 0no%n abroad as s,ch. As yo may =no7% <ren/* is t*e 5iplomati/ lan$a$e alon$ 7it* >n$lis*. Until t*e 1't*
/entry% <ren/* 7as 5ominant 5iplomati/ lan$a$e. Prior to an5 5rin$ t*e Con$ress o0 ?ienna "1'153% t*ere 7as @ite a /ontro1ersy
o1er t*e 5iplomati/ *ierar/*y as to 7*o s*ol5 enter t*e /on0eren/e room "!an@et *all% et/3 0irst amon$ =in$s% @eens% am!assa5ors%
et/% !e/ase t*ey 7ere all /o-e@als as *ea5 o0 a lan5 "lar$e or small3 A t*e so-/alle5 so1erei$nty 0a/tor. So% at t*e en5 o0 t*e Con$ress% it
7as a$ree5 t*at t*e 5iplomati/ "or international3 *ierar/*y "or pre/e5en/e A not ran=in$ !t t*e or5er o0 seatin$% so to spea=3 7ol5
0ollo7 t*e initial o0 ea/* /ontry in or5er o0 t*e <ren/* lan$a$e. 8*is pra/ti/e is still in se at UN an5 ot*er o//asions to eliminate
possi!le 5ispleasre amon$ t*e parti/ipants. .hen t*e /a!anese occ,!ied Korea in 191& "in 0a/t% 5e/a5es !e0ore% sin/e
/a!an %as acti-e internationally and Korea %as a #Her)it Kingdo)- /lin$in$ to isolationism a$ainst t*e )est3%
/a!an changed it into Korea" beca,se C %o,ld co)e be(ore /" b,t / %o,ld co)e be(ore K" and they did
not %ant e-er to (ollo% behind Koreans in any international sta$e. Not only at meetin$s% !t in any international or5er%
p!li/ations% in5eB% 0la$s 5isplays% et/. et/. S!se@ently% #apan o//pie5 Korea 0or 35 years% an5 o0 /orse% t*e name (Korea- st/=
7it* s e1er sin/e.
Ct !y yors trly.
Valley Highschool 1
Langel Ks are bad.
CP Key NC2'C 3 I)!erialis)
Political re4ection thro,gh the co,nter!lan is 0ey and !ro-ides s!ace (or coo!eration
bet%een North and 'o,th Corea and is a -ital chec0 against -iolent i)!erialis)5 e-en i(
yo, !re(er !olicy)a0ing o-er disco,rse" %e ha-e an i)!act
6e)ic0" 1 "4ar!ara% Septem!er% 2&&3% (Korea or CoreaC .e!ate is Histori/al% Politi/al%- 4eiDin$ !rea /*ie0 o0 t*e 2os An$eles 8imes%
Ees% say Korean s/*olars an5 politi/ians 7*o *a1e !e$n a 5ri1e to /*an$e t*e o00i/ial >n$lis*-lan$a$e name o0 t*eir /ontry to
(Corea.- 8*e seemin$ly ar/ane /ampai$n is !ase5 on an in/reasin$ly pre1alent !elie0 t*at the original #C$ %as s%itched to a
# K$ by the /a!anese at the start o( their 191&-45 occ,!ation o0 t*e peninsla so t*at their lo%ly colonials
%o,ld not !recede the) in the 7nglish al!habetical hierarchy. 8*e /ontro1ersy se5 to !e 0o55er only 0or lin$ists
an5 *istorians% !t lately the debate has see!ed o,t o( acade)ia and into the real) o( the !olitical. 87enty-t7o
'o,th Korean legislators last mont* introd,ced a resol,tion in t*eir parliament calling (or the go-ern)ent to
ado!t the Corea s!elling A t*e 0irst time s/* a proposal *as !een ma5e in o00i/ial @arters in Sot* Korea. North and
'o,th Korean scholars% 7*o rarely a$ree on m/*% also held an nsal 4oint con(erence last mont* in Pyon$yan$% t*e
Nort*,s /apital% an5 resol1e5 to %or0 together (or a s!elling change. 8*ey *ope it /an !e a//omplis*e5 in time 0or t*e 2&&4
:lympi/s in At*ens% Free/e% 7*en t*e estran$e5 /ontries inten5 to 0iel5 a Doint team. (S/*olars 7*o *a1e st5ie5 t*is more 5eeply
t*an I !elie1e it %as !art o( the legacy o( /a!anese i)!erialists to eradicate o,r c,lt,re%- sai5 Kim Sn$ Ho% a
Sot* Korean le$islator 7*o 7as one o0 t*e sponsors o0 t*e ne7 resoltion. Gost e1i5en/e spportin$ t*e /laim is /ir/mstantial.
>n$lis* boo0s and )a!s !,blished thro,gh the 18th cent,ry $enerally s!elled the co,ntrys na)e as Corea%
as 5i5 t*e 4ritis* $o1ernment in layin$ t*e /ornerstone o0 its em!assy in Seol in 1'9& 7it* t*e name (Corea.- 9,t sometime in the
early 2:th cent,ry " # Korea$ began to be seen )ore (re;,ently t*an (Corea- A a change that coincided %ith
/a!ans consolidation o( its gri! o-er the !enins,la. C*n$ Eon$ .oo0% a historian at 'eo,l National
<ni-ersity% !elie1es t*e #apanese A 7*o /ontrolle5 t*e peninsla 0or years !e0ore o00i/ially /oloniHin$ it in 191& A /*an$e5 t*e
name !y t*e time o0 t*e 19&' :lympi/s in 2on5on so t*at #apan 7ol5 /ome a*ea5 in t*e or5erin$ o0 at*letes. 4t t*e /losest t*in$ *e
*as (o,nd to a smo=in$ $n is a 1912 )e)oir by a /a!anese colonial o((icial that co)!lained o( the Koreans
tendency #to )aintain they are an inde!endent co,ntry by insisting on ,sing a = C to %rite their
co,ntrys na)e.- (I am sre% t*o$*% i0 t*e #apanese ar/*i1es 7ere opene5 yo 7ol5 0in5 m/* more e1i5en/e to spport t*e
/laim t*at the na)e %as changed%- C*n$ sai5. 8*e North Koreans ha-e e)braced the )o-e)ent to restore
the #C $ in Korea 7it* m/* more ent*siasm t*an t*eir Sot*ern /onterparts. <ollo7in$ t*e /on0eren/e A$. 21 at Pyon$yan$,s
Kim Il Sn$ Uni1ersity% the North Korean ne%s agency KCNA re(erred to the c,rrent s!elling as # a ne-er2to2
be2condoned" state2s!onsored cri)e.- (8*e /a!anese i)!erialists deliberately changed the >n$lis*
s!elling o( the co,ntrys na)e in a !i5 to h,rt the !ride and dignity o( the nation% %hile stretching their
tenta/les o0 aggression to it%- 5e/lare5 t*e o00i/ial ne7s a$en/y.
Ct !y yors trly.
Valley Highschool >
Langel Ks are bad.
<.'. Key
CP is 0ey5 ?)erican recognition o( the !roble) sol-es5 other co,ntries already s!ell it %ith
a #C$
@old'ea" * "4I1I'% (Korea or CoreaC%- Asian Ameri/an .aily ne7s sor/e% #P23
8*e /*an$eo1er 7ill pose a pro!lem only in >n$lis*-spea=in$ nations as other %estern nations ne-er acce!ted the AKA
s!elling. <or eBample% +rance" '!ain" Italy" 9raBil" ?rgentina and Cexico" a)ong )any others" ,se the
ACA rendering. >n$lis* /on1ention% too% is on t*e si5e o0 t*e Corea ren5erin$. Non->ropean names are romaniHe5 7it* a JCJ
"Cam!o5ia% Cana5a% /o/oa% Coman/*e% Con$o% an5 e1en ol5 Canton% 0or eBample3 eB/ept 7*ere t*e 0irst letter is 0ollo7e5 !y an JeJ or
an JiJ% "as in Kenya3. :t*er t*an t*at% t*e JKJ spellin$ is se5 only in /onnotin$ /*il5li=e i$noran/e o0 spellin$ /on1entions "JKitty KatJ
an5 JS=oolJ% 0or eBamples3. 8*ere0ore% t*e Ameri/an JKJ spellin$ is 1. o00ensi1e 0rom a *istori/al stan5point "remem!er JPe=in$J
an5 JCantonJC3K 2. 1iolates 7estern ren5erin$ /on1entionsK 3. s$$ests a la/= o0 sop*isti/ation to7ar5 CoreaK an5 4. !y /onnotin$
nai1etL% imptes a la/= o0 sop*isti/ation to Corea an5 its people. The Corea rendering %ill ltimately beco)e ,ni-ersal
%hen )ore ?)ericans are ed,cated as to the o((ensi-e an5 relati1ely re/ent origin o( the AKoreaA rendering.
The 7nglish2s!ea0ing %orld %as res!onsible (or agreeing to /a!anese e((orts to change the s!elling o0
CoreaMs name in >n$lis* sea$e. .ho better than /on/erne5 Asian ?)ericans to hel! change it bac0C
CP grants (,ll sol-ency5 e-erybody exce!t the <.'. recogniBes the nation as Corea.
'cott" * "4I3&I'% (Corea )it* a +C,%- *ttp:II777.me5easmemoirs./omI/orea-7it*-a-/I #P23
>Ba/tly 7*y this C2to2K s!elling /*an$e5 has been a !oint o( contro-ersy. )as it stan5ar5 0or t*e An$li/iHe5 spellin$ at
t*e timeC )as it a petty attempt to *a1e #apan ran= *i$*er t*an one o0 its /olonies on t*e international listin$s 7*i/* 7ere in >n$lis*C
8*e 0a/t remains t*at it %as s!elled %ith a #C$ !rior to t*is perio5 o0 ,n%elco)e occ,!ation% and still is !y m/*
o0 t*e 7orl5% other than the ?)ericas . "In t*e Corean lan$a$e% Corea is /alle5 Han$=. In #apanese% #apan is Nippon or Ni*on.3
Ct !y yors trly.
Valley Highschool D
Langel Ks are bad.
?2: Coreans Hate Corea
Vast )a4ority o( Coreans !re(er it s!elled %ith a C
6e)ic0" 1 "4ar!ara% Septem!er% 2&&3% (Korea or CoreaC .e!ate is Histori/al% Politi/al%- 4eiDin$ !rea /*ie0 o0 t*e 2os An$eles 8imes%
Co)ent,) (or the s!elling change in Sot* Korea has co)e mostly 0rom t*e yon$. .rin$ last year,s )orl5 Cp so//er
tornament% *el5 Dointly in #apan an5 Sot* Korea% t*e Sot* Korean 0an /l! =no7n as t*e ;e5 .e1ils 7a1e5 !anners rea5in$
(C:;>A- A as 7ell as (AlleH CoreeN- an5 (<orHa CoreaN- sin$ <ren/* an5 Italian% respe/ti1ely% sin/e t*ose lan$a$es se t*e pre0erre5
(C.- An5 li=e many a /ampai$n in t*is *ea1ily 7ire5 nation% t*is one is !ein$ 1i$orosly 7a$e5 o1er t*e Internet. ? n online !oll on
one poplar portal (o,nd t*at E8.> !ercent o( res!ondents (a-ored a s!elling change and 2F.> !ercent %ere
Ct !y yors trly.

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