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What is Electricity

Introduction of electricity:-
Electricity is a flow of negative and positive charges within any material. This definition
may seem a bit lame without answering all the questions, which arise in our brain when
we hear the word electricity. Lets now answer all these.
Where does it start?
We all know that matter is composed of molecules and atoms. An atom is further
composed of electrons, protons and neutrons. Electrons are subatomic particles having
negative charge on them. rotons have a positive charge on them while neutrons are
neutral by having no charge at all. !t"s interesting to know that an atom is always stable
because it always has equal number of electrons and protons in it. Which means that in its
stable state the negative charge of electrons in it, is countered by the positive charge of its
protons. #o an atom can keep living on all alone till any e$ternal force disturbs it. This
force can be the in%ection of an already positive atom or some free electrons.
How is it conducted?
#uppose an e$ternal force disturbs our stable atom and it loses an electron. &ow what
happens is that our atom becomes unstable and gets a positive charge. As the number of
protons increases, so does the positive charge on atom. !n its unstable state atom tries to
attract an electron form any possible source, and that source is obviously another atom.
When our atom attracts an electron from another atom, the other one becomes unstable
and itself falls in a need of an electron. This chain continues and many electrons are lost
and gained eventually passing the electricity. Thus electricity is the flow of electrons or
charges in a substance. All that electricity needs for its flow is something that can conduct
it i.e. it has enough free electrons and positive atoms in it. #uch a thing is called a
conductor. 'opper is a good conductor of electricity, so we make wires from copper and
connect some electronic gadget at one end and an electricity source at the other end.
Turning on the switch runs our gadget.
Why is it important?
&o one should have any ambiguity about the importance of electricity. Without any
e$aggeration, electricity is something we cannot live without. Tough it"s the mere flow of
electrons from one place to another but it has made us so dependant on it that we cannot
even think of living in its absence. (ur day starts with a cup of coffee, made by a
machine, powered by electricity. We get ready for our work by wearing clothes knitted,
printed, colored, washed, and ironed by electricity. Then we get connected to whole
world through our ', also powered by electricity. (n our lunchtime we eat food cooked
by electricity. Then we turn on T) for entertainment without even noticing that it"s also
powered by electricity. #till our day is not over so are the miracles of electricity. (ur day
is good because its there to help us in every chore and our night is lighted because its
there to kill the darkness. *ence we are addicted to its use.
Why conserve Electricity?
The need of the hour is to conserve this wonder as much as possible. !t is the secondary
source of power as the e$haustible and ine$haustible primary sources are coal, oil, gas,
water, and wind. +sing these primary sources generates electricity. &ow think if we keep
on using electricity e$travagantly, what will happen, #urely we will run out of the
primary sources for its production. Where will we get the electricity then, *ow will we

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