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pain - Ayurvedic way - 1

Suffering is weighed by an individual from the extent of pain being experienced.
Pain as a symptom could occur in joint disease, neuro disorder etc. spreading i
ts wings across all systems in the body. In some situations this symptom comes a
s an immediate expression of a disease. More than that, it is an indicator of a
disease that has progressed. Pain is graded as mild, moderate and severe. By dur
ation, it could be constant, intermittent and so on. Pain from a physical diseas
e can reflect in the mental status or disorder. Stress,worry, depression etc can
manifest as pain without demonstrable physical factor. From what we have seen,
does the conclusion ''no disease as the pain is gone'' sound right? Is the agen
da ''managing pain'' technically correct?
Treating pain - Ayurvedic way -2
Pain as a symptom is the most embarassing to the sufferer. If mild, apprehension
s about the cause of the pain would haunt the individual. If severe, it upsets t
he routine activities of the individual. If an individual is mentally tough, rar
ely the pain is noticed or even the priority to attend to pain literally ceases
to exist. The way pain is felt or medical texts characterize pain can include cu
tting pain, thumping pain, pricking pain, stabbing pain etc. This character has
a role in diagnosing the cause of pain in relation to time and position. The onl
y aspect of pain is severity, that can be misleading with respect to progress of
disease and its strength.
What an individual sees as pain matters second to a physician who is concerned a
bout the diagnosis. Scanning, X-ray and other labaratory procedures cannot find
pain and its grade. They give an idea about the probable link between pain and t
he site of its occurrence. It is interesting to note that an X-ray showing adva
nced degeneration in knee joint does not necessarily translate into an unbearabl
e pain in the individual and a radiologically insignicant report will have no cl
ue about severe pain in the individual who is tested.
This unpredictability, severity and lack of form or structure in pain leads us t
o one factor called Vata bioenergy, a force, which by nature is dynamic, subtle
and unpredictable. There can be no pain without the role of Vata bioenergy. This
article on pain is scripted in this manner to unveil he facets of pain and its
cause in Ayurvedic mode of thinking. Remedy searched with a much better knowledg
e about pain, gives better results.
To be Continued...

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