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Y&pmvj, 1999

Dear Christian Frien^^

rhank jou for the cards and letters of encouragement as mfinalize our jflans to he In Zambia for 2-3
meh in June, we are heartened bhww that jour excitement concemitg this trij) matches our excitement.
This is as it should he!
Progress in jflanning has heen accomjrlished! we mow have our tickets "f hand", we have also re
established some contacts in Zambia, and wj/raj that these contacts will remit in 3ihles and songhooks {in
the vernacular) heifg available to us immedialelj ujfon our arrival.
There's still a lot to do in the area of jfknning our vi5if5 to congregations and!or grouj> gatkerings.
Contact hj correspondence in the verj rural areas is dipcult at best, just the cost of return postage {air
mail) to America is prohihitive for many zamhians. obviously it is abo not agood policy to include cash
in a letter, so it leaves ii5 in an awkwardposition.
We are praying that some ofyou might he able to assist us financially with the costs involvedfor travel and
Bible purchases. God has already blessed us tremendously in this area, hut we stiE need an additional
$2000. we know tkat flie Lord will provide what is needed. Pray abo for: asafe journey-, tke accfdsitm
of Bibles and songbooks) aplace to stay; the use of avehicle while there; good health before, during and
on the return trip; early contacts with our Zamhian brothers and sisters; and that hearts wtH be prepared
for and receptive to the message of Christ.
Thank you abo {once again) for your partnership with us as we attempt to share Christ with those in the
world wlio are in darkness. We do need to work hard whik it 15 yet day, as ctet says in John 9: 4.
Faithfully in Christ, Turkish world outreach
508 Fruityah Court
Grand Junction, CO
{970) 434-1942
Ron and Marti Baumann
imjully in Christ,
12 July 1999
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Our first return trip to Zambia for short-term field work provided many
wonderful blessings for us. We pray that the Zambian Christians were blessed
in the same way. It would be difficult to find many negatives concerning our
time there. In fact, the opposite is true! We reached or surpassed every goal that
we set out to accomplish! We are convinced diat your prayers for us while we
were there made the difference with respect to a successful trip. It was both an
honor and a pleasure to partner with you and be your representative there.
Thank you very much.
From the moment we "touched down" on Zambia soil in the capital city until die
day we flew out again, many marvelous things took place. We were met at
Customs and Immigration by one of our Chelstone church members (who is
currently a Lusaka International Airport employee!). He whisked us through
die V.I.P. Entry Section in a way that had never happened during our ms-and-
outs of fifteen years of service there. As we exited the airport terminal building,
we were greeted by singing and dancing from the Chelstone church choir.
Flowers were presented to us, and there were many smiles, hugs and
handshakes. Words are inadequate to describe how we felt at that time. It was a
very emotional experience as you can imagine.
During our jetlag recovery period, we were able to purchase Tonga and Nyanja
Bibles, and also collected the Tonga songbooks that a friend had secured for us
earlier. Frequently there are no Tonga songbooks available in the capital city.
These came from the Southern Province and were the last ones in stock for a
Both of the important meetings with the men's leadership groups of the Lusaka
and Miunbwa areas were quite successful. We listened to the problems and
difficulties that the}'' were facing, and we responded as best we could. The most
important aspect of our trip was the distribution of Bibles (and songbooks)
which we accomplished at these leadership meetings. Five himdred, sixty-eight
Tonga Bibles, one hundred Nyanja Bibles, four hundred Tonga songbooks and
four thousand communion cups were divided among seventeen congregations.
They were nearly speechless upon learning that there was no charge for these
items, and they were full of praise to leam that you (their brolhers and sisters in
Christ) had paid for them.
One mental picture that will stay with us for the rest of our Hves was the huge
gathering of Christians (more than three hundred) that came from all over the
Mumbwa District - walking and on bicycles (some traveling for hours) - to
attend the morning worship service at the Malinde church. The Malinde
building is one of the three new church buildings that they built themselves
(with building materials that we left for them in 1995). Chitantasokwe and
Sanse are the other two. We had a wonderful time of fellowship which included
singing, communion and proclaiming God's Word. Seven adults made their
confession of faith in Christ as their Savior.
In addition to the Bibles, songbooks and communion cups mentioned, funds
were provided for the purchase of building materials to be used in yet another
new building (for the Mulela congregation). The leadership committee informed
them that they must first "bum" their own bricks for the walls before receiving
the galvanized roofing sheets, poles and cement necessary to complete the
building (with the help of other church members in the Mumbwa area). Extra
funds to purchase cement for permanent floors for the three new buildings were
left with the committee. Funds were also provided to the leadership in the
Lusaka area to assist with the expenses of the youth conference to be held in July
and the women's conference to be held in August.
Once again, thank you sincerely for all of the prayers and support which made
our trip possible. We are tentatively planning another trip to Zambia in the year
2001. This will happen only according to the Lord's will and the assistance of
His people.
Faithfully in Christ,
Ron and Marti Baumann
386 Ridgeway Drive
Grand Junction, CO 81503
..ciilUng youths to ^hrist
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Our first short-term, return trip to Zambia for field work provided many
wonderful blessings for us as well as the Zambians (we pray). It would be
difficult to find many negatives concerning our time there. In fact, the
opposite is true! We reached or surpassed everv goal that we set out to do. We
know that your prayers for us made the difference. The important meetings
with the mens' leadership groups of the Lusaka and Mumbwa areas went well.
While meeting with them, five hundred, sixty-eight Tonga Bibles, one
hundred Nyanja Bibles, four hundred Tonga song-books and four thousand
communion cups were divided among seventeen congregations. We
responded to their problems and difficulties as best we could.
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One mental picture that will stay with us for the rest of our lives was the
crowd of Christians (more than three hundred [pictured above]) who came
from all over the Mumbwa District some walking for two days and others
for hours on bicycles - to attend the worship service at the Malinde building.
We had a wonderful time of fellowship which included singing, communion
and proclaiming Godfe Word. Seven adults made their confession of faith in
Christ as their Savior at this service. This building is one of the three new
church buildings that they built themselves (with materials we left for them in
1995). Funds were also provided to the leadership committee to oversee the
construction of another new building for the Mulela congregation.
Turkish World Outreach is growing! Our 30*^ anniversary year, 1999, has been
incredible. In 1999 alone, three families, two singles and two newlyweds
joined with us in reaching Turks in the world for Christ. From ten field
workers in 1997, we now have grown to 21 field workers; if family members
are included, the number goes to 50! Two additional families plan to be "on
the field" by mid-2000. Praise the LordWho brought about all of this growth.
We are convinced that the Lord is at work in all of this when we see that we
had only two field workers in 1981. As a result of all this growth, the
workload here at the home office has more than doubled. We rejoice in this
extra work, and pray that we will have the strength and wisdom to carry out
the tasks we've been given to perform.
The recent earthquakes in Trtrkey have been tragic for many. Large numbers
of people who live there cannot understand the "Why?" for all of the
destruction and death. There is no suitable answer to this question! However,
through all of this devastation, there has developed a unique avenue for
reaching Turks for Christ - one that has not previously been available. Tent
cities, medicines, clean drinking water, wheelchairs and the like (that
Christians have been responsible for giving to them) have all impressed the
non-Christian Turks. Even as the Turkish government has taken over much of
the aid distribution, the Turkish people know who made this aid possible!
Turkish World Outreach has been channeling funds, from congregations,
individuals and agencies, to Txnkey for earthquake relief projects that
Christians are in charge of. The total amount of these funds will likely surpass
the $200,000 mark! The Lord's people have given sacrificially to assist these
victims. Our fervent prayer is that the Kingdom will grow in Turkey as a
result of this Christian generosity. May His Will be done.
the light
ivas for all time,
and the love
vjas for all men.
Tliis newsletter is published by: Turkish World Outreach
508 Fruitvale Court, Grand Junction, CO 81504
(970) 434-1942 E-mail:

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