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5harp formvork &

ConsuIting Engineers Pvt. Ltd.
lormwork Syslems lor Conslruclion
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The Aluminium lormwork
Manulaclurer lor Complele
8uilding Syslem lormwork
5parkonix (India)
Pvt. Ltd.
Largesl A8S Plaslic lormwork
Peri (india) Pvt. Ltd.
lormwork Scalllolding Lngineering
The lighl weighl Panel lormwork
lor crane independenl lorming
Kumkang Kind India
The Tolal lormwork Solulions
Provider lor Cang-lormwork,
Aluminum lormwork, Syslem lormwork
GCI WaII forms Private Ltd.
Mass Cuslomizer ol Concrele
lorming Syslems
Hi-Lite 5ystems
India Private Limited
Lxperince lhe Advanlage
Only Manlra ol Conslruclion
"Speed-speed & Speed"
Doka India Pvt. Ltd.
The lormwork Lxperls
Nova PIasmoId P. Limited
lndia's lirsl Modular Plaslic
lormwork Syslem
MfE formvork TechnoIogy
(I) Pvt. Ltd.
Olhers lollow
PaschaI formvork
India Pvt. Ltd.
Paschal - The Cerman lormwork lor
Modular Panel Syslem lor Verlical
Slruclures, Paschal Deck Syslem and
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Pranav Construction
5ystems Pvt. Ltd.
lor lormwork, Slaging, Launching,
Tunneling & lormliner Syslems lor
Lvery Civil Projecl
Nav Nirman eam Technics
lormwork H-8eam lor Column
lormwork, Circular lormwork, Wall
lormwork, Slab lormwork
0u||o w|lm Comt|oemce
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UIma formvork 5ystems
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A 5peciaI CompiIation
o! formvork ArticIes
lromThe Maslerbuilder

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Whal you will lind in lhis edilion ol lormwork digesl
M8's 'lormwork Digesl' is a special compilalion ol arlicles, case sludies, communicalion
lealures on lormwork conlribuled by induslry experls. This special compilalion is meanl
lo disseminale crilical inlormalion on a broad range ol lopics wilh lhe objeclive ol
improving qualily, salely and economy in all lypes ol lormwork and a musl read lor any-
one working wilh concrele.
'lormwork Digesl' is also meanl lo be a one slop source lor lhose who would like lo
galher inlormalion on leading lormwork and scallolding producls lhal are available in
lhe counlry al a simple click ol a bullon.
I! you need in!ormation on any or aII o! the beIov !eatured companies, wrile lo.
digest digest
A 8pecioI CompiIotion of
Formwork ArticIes
fromIhe MosterbuiIder
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Estab||shed or over 17 years, The Masterbu||der lnd|as prem|er construct|on magaz|ne has been serv|ng the lnd|an c|v||
eng|neer|ng and |nrastructure commun|ty through |ts |n-depth ana|ys|s and report|ng o emerg|ng trends, methods and pract|ces |n
concrete ormwork s|nce 1996. Our h|gh ed|tor|a| standards together w|th |ts most comprehens|ve and top|ca| coverage by |ndustry
spec|a||sts has made the Masterbu||der as the most reerred and c|rcu|ated construct|on magaz|ne |n the country. No other
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and the most |n|uent|a| product |nthe commun|ty.
A 8pecioI CompiIotion of
Formwork ArticIes
fromIhe MosterbuiIder
1: Nc: 1
Node|u lo|mwo|| Syslems. A R|ugs|de V|ew ol lhe Va||ely ol
lo|mwo|| Syslems Ava||ab|e Today
lo|mwo||. lulu|e App|oach |u lud|a
lo|mwo||. Cuslom-Nade So|ul|ous Ta|es Ceule| Slage
Ce|la|u Salely Cous|de|al|ous lo| lo|mwo||
lo|mwo||, lusu|al|ou, wa|| lh|c|uess aud l|y Ash.
o They Allecl Couc|ele Nalu||ly?
Ellecl ol Couc|ele Tempe|alu|e aud lo|mwo|| w|dlh ou Va||al|ou P|essu|e
lo|mwo|| ol Se|l-compacl|ug Couc|ele
lo|mwo|| la||u|e. Cases & Causes |
lo|mwo|| lo| P|ecasl - Au 0ve|v|ew
lo|mwo|| Equ|pmeul. Po||cy lu|l|al|ves ho|d lhe Key lo|
Coul|uued |owlh ol lo|mwo|| ludusl|y
lab||c lo|mwo||. S|y's lhe L|m|l
5harp formvork & ConsuIting
Engineers Pvt. Ltd.
lormwork Syslems lor Conslruclion lnduslry,
Aluminium, Plywood, Polyurelhane
Tac 5ystem formvork
The Aluminium lormwork Manulaclurer lor
Complele 8uilding Syslem lormwork
5parkonix (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Largesl A8S Plaslic lormwork Manulaclurer
Peri (india) Pvt. Ltd.
lormwork Scalllolding Lngineering The lighl
weighl Panel lormwork lor crane independenl
Kumkang Kind India
The Tolal lormwork Solulions Provider lor Cang-
lormwork, Aluminum lormwork, Syslem lormwork
GCI WaII forms Private Ltd.
Mass Cuslomizer ol Concrele lorming Syslems
Hi-Lite 5ystems India Private Limited
Lxperince lhe Advanlage Only Manlra ol
Conslruclion "Speed-speed & Speed"
Doka India Pvt. Ltd.
The lormwork Lxperls
Nova PIasmoId P. Limited
lndia's lirsl Modular Plaslic lormwork Syslem
MfE formvork TechnoIogy (I) Pvt. Ltd.
JUST COT 8LTTLP We lead. Olhers lollow
PaschaI formvork India Pvt. Ltd.
Paschal - The Cerman lormwork lor Modular Panel
Syslem lor Verlical Slruclures, Paschal Deck Syslem
and e-deck Syslem lor Horizonlal Slruclures
Pranav Construction 5ystems Pvt. Ltd.
"LND TO LND SOLUTlON" lor lormwork, Slaging,
Launching, Tunneling & lormliner Syslems lor
Lvery Civil Projecl
Nav Nirman eam Technics
lormwork H-8eam lor Column lormwork, Circular
lormwork, Wall lormwork, Slab lormwork
0u||o w|lm Comt|oemce
UIma formvork 5ystems India Pvt. Ltd.
Sell Climbing and Crane Climbing Syslem
Indigo MuItitrade Pvt. Ltd.
Composile liberglass lormwork Syslem
Tis Spei~ Conpi~lio: is L:ouql lo you Ly.
If ycu wcuId Iike tc receive mcre infcrmaticn cn tbe
scIuticns and services cffered by any cr aII cf tbe
beIcwmenticned fcrmwcrk manufacturers write tc:
1 V 1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
lt g|ves us |mmense p|easure to present the |rst ed|t|on o MB's Formwork
D|gest 'A spec|a| comp||at|on o art|c|es on concrete ormwork' that a|ms to
d|ssem|nate cr|t|ca| |normat|on on a broad range o top|cs w|th the ob|ect|ve
o |mprov|ng qua||ty, saety and economy |n a|| types o ormwork. Dest|ned to
be a must read or anyone work|ng w|thconcrete.
We we|come your va|uab|e suggest|ons on |mprov|ng the scope o th|s
pub||cat|on. P|ease ee| ree to e-ma|| us w|th|nqu|r|es or to propose content.
Spec|a| Comp||al|ou ou lo|mwo||
Your feedbocks ore welcone ond should be senl lo.
The Fdilor, The Moslerbuilder Fornwork Digesl,
1O2/11 ewo /o/11l, T:ipli /p~:lne:ls, M~:s~s Ro~o, Eqno:e, Ce::~i, :oi~ Po:e. -'1 // 28EEE2/8 Tee~x. -'1 // 28E8oOo
/ssoi~le Eoilo:s
P P:~oeep
R~vi D~noo~:~:
iqe ~:~y~:
MJ :is:~, M P:~L~~:,
So:|~y DeL
e~o Co:le:l Deveopne:l CE,
::~sl:ulu:e &E:vi:o:ne:l
S~o~qop~: Ses~o:i
\ie P:esioe:l M~:eli:q
e~oewMeoi~ :ili~live
M~:~qe: Diqil~ P:ooulio:
M~:~qe: Diqil~ Meoi~
C:e~live e~o
D~v~:i D~~:is:~, P:iy~,
C~il~:y~ R~| 0oy~
Us~ Devi
P:~oeep ~i:
S:~v~:li i:~:
S iliy~:~:o~n
P:ooulio: M~:~qe:
Diqil~ P:ooulio: /ssisl~:l

Ci:u~lio: Te~n
Co:po:~le 0ie
1O2/11 ewo /o/11l,
T:ipli /p~:lne:ls, M~:s~s Ro~o,
Eqno:e, Ce::~i oOO OO8
P. O//28EEE2/8 Tee~x. 28E8oOo
C~:oi:e D`syv~
R /:~:o, Suoi: un~: Si:q
S~lees u:iyi, S S~si
MDPuLise:s Pvl Linileo
P P:~oeep

Po:e. O8O 2EO1O' / 2EOE888
0w:eo ~:o PuLiseo Ly
1O2/11 ewo /o/11l, T:ipli
/p~:lne:ls, M~:s~s Ro~o, Eqno:e,
Ce::~i oOO OO8
o/O, 2:o Foo:, l "C" C:oss,
/swi:i L~youl, o:~n~:q~~,
D~:q~o:e EoOO/
. O'o/o8oo1'1
/ :iqls :ese:veo Rep:ooulio:, slo:eo i: ~ :el:iev~ syslen, o: l:~:snilleo i: ~:y o:no: Ly ~:y ne~:s, eel:o:i, ne~:i~, poloopyi:q, :eo:oi:q o: ole:wise, i: woe o:
p~:l wiloul p:io: w:ille: pe:nissio: is p:oiLileo / views exp:esseo i: lis n~q~.i:e ~:e lose o le ~ulo:s ~:o oo :ol :eess~:iy :eel lose o le puLise:
2 V May 2013 1 N1 F0PHW0PK
Node|u lo|mwo|| Syslems. A R|ugs|de V|ew ol lhe
Va||ely ol lo|mwo|| Syslems Ava||ab|e Today
|.|. ||u|||, A::oci|e |i|o|
lo|mwo||. lulu|e App|oach |u lud|a
A.|.Se||, B.|u|ue:| | C.|.V.S. Ro, ||:e| & !ouu|o ||
lo|mwo||. Cuslom-Nade So|ul|ous Ta|es Ceule| Slage
|B Bu|eu Reo||
Ce|la|u Salely Cous|de|al|ous lo| lo|mwo||
|. ||i:|||u|||], Sle|] | S||uc|u|e: Co|:ul|||, Si|o|e
lo|mwo||, lusu|al|ou, wa|| lh|c|uess aud l|y Ash.
o They Allecl Couc|ele Nalu||ly?
1 2
Ri:|i u| | ||ie |ue|
|cul|] & ||o|| Coo|i||o|, e|||e|| ol ||i|ee|i|,
B|i|i:| Colu|ui ||:|i|u|e ol !ec||olo]
A::i:||| ||ole::o|, e|. ol | ||.i|o||e||l ||i|ee|i|, Se||le u|i.e|:i|]
Ellecl ol Couc|ele Tempe|alu|e aud lo|mwo|| w|dlh ou
Va||al|ou P|essu|e lo|mwo|| ol Se|l-compacl|ug Couc|ele
1 2
A|i| |o:ei| B|||i|i|, |o||e A:||i
!|e B:c. S|ue|| ol |:l|ic A u|i.e|:i|], |||
!|e |cul|] |e|ue| ol |:l|ic A u|i.e|:i|], |||
lo|mwo|| la||u|e. Cases & Causes
Secil Co||e:o|e||
lo|mwo|| lo| P|ecasl - Au 0ve|v|ew
||e:| |u|| ||:, i|ec|o|, ||eci:io| ||ec:| Solu|io|: |.|. ||.
lo|mwo|| Equ|pmeul. Po||cy lu|l|al|ves ho|d lhe Key lo|
Coul|uued |owlh ol lo|mwo|| ludusl|y
|.|. ||u|||, A::oci|e |i|o|
lab||c lo|mwo||. S|y's lhe L|m|l
Secil Co||e:o|e||
Modern Formwork An Overview
\.-. -|oomo-o|. ^ssoc|ole |o|lo|
Modern Formwork 8ystems:
^ |mgs|oe v|ew ot lme vo||ely ot |o|~wo|-
3ysle~s ^vo||oo|e !oooy
Picture Source: Doka nternational,
3 V1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
t wont be a m|snomer to say that
perhaps no other |ndustry has been
l|mpacted by advancements |n
techno|ogy as the construct|on
|ndustry |n the |ast three decades or so.
ln act, w|th the econom|c boom that
was w|tnessed |n severa| parts o As|a
(st||| cont|nu|ng |n many, desp|te
econom|c s|owdown) dur|ng the 1990s
and South Amer|ca, |t cou|d be stated
that the 1990s and the o||ow|ng 2000s
have been decades o construct|on.
Severa| countr|es were and are even
now vy|ng or the t|t|e o construct|on
s|te o the wor|d. Gone are the days
when mega pro|ects were the doma|n
o on|y the superpowers. Today, even
sma|| countr|es have g|ven vent to the|r
amb|t|ons and com|ng out w|th out-
stand|ng c|v|| eng|neer|ng ach|eve-
ments. No |onger are skyscrapers the
|edom o S. Even a t|ny country
||ke Ta|wan or South Korea boasts o
g|eam|ng towers. Better qua||ty
bu||d|ngs are be|ng at a aster speed
and |mportant|y |n a cost eect|ve and
env|ronment r|end|y manner, a||
thanks to advancements |n one area -
Formwork systems.
The rap|d advancements |n the |e|d
o ormwork, a|ong w|th the |nnovat|ons
per e|evator or us|ng cranes rom one
story to another. F|||ers are used to |||
gaps between the tab|es and wa||s.
The mob|||ty actor, a|ong w|th the
re|at|ve|y easy |nsta||at|on means that
these system are w|de|y used |n
construct|on pro|ects where repet|t|ve
structures, where |at s|ab and s|ab
|ayouts are |nvo|ved. Some o the
app||cat|on areas |nc|ude res|dent|a|
apartment un|ts and commerc|a|
Typ|ca||y |n cases where |arge |oor
|ayouts are the need, then th|s type o
ormwork system ho|ds the best bet.
S|nce the assemb|ed un|ts can be
moved eas||y, |t ensures speedy
construct|on, apart rom the h|gh
|n concrete as a mater|a| has |ed to a
revo|ut|onary change where saer,
qu|cker , susta|nab|e and more e|c|ent
construct|on |s poss|b|e these days.
Wh||e dur|ng the ear|y 1990s actors
such as cost, speed and e|c|ency
were the dr|v|ng orce beh|nd the
growth o the g|oba| ormwork |ndustry,
the |ast decade has seen |ncreas|ng
emphas|s on susta|nab|||ty add to the|r
The modern ormwork systems are
a ar cry rom the bespoke t|mber
ormwork that used to be the stap|e o
the construct|on |ndustry ear||er. lntense
compet|t|on has meant that supp||ers
are a|ways on the|r toes and com|ng
out w|th product |nnovat|ons to garner
the|r share o the market. Let us take a
|ook at var|ous types o ormwork
systems that are be|ng used, the|r key
app||cat|on areas, the|r advantages
and the|r susta|nab|||ty quot|ent.
Tableor FlyingFormSystems
Let us beg|n w|th the Tab|e or
F|y|ng orm systems. These systems
cons|st o s|ab ormwork "tab|es" that
are reused on mu|t|p|e stor|es o a
bu||d|ng w|thout be|ng d|smant|ed. The
assemb|ed sect|ons are e|ther ||ted
Tab|e ormwork systems are typ|ca||y used |n |arge
|oor |ayouts
An assemb|ed Tab|e sect|on ormwork be|ng ||ted by a crane
4 V 1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
Modern Formwork An Overview
qua||ty surace |n|sh. The system a|so
scores h|gh on the susta|nab|||ty ront
s|nce |t can be reused. Moreover, the
wastage generated |s neg||g|b|e as
compared to the trad|t|ona| ormwork
systems that were ear||er used.
Another key actor that shou|d be noted
|s that w|th the tab|e ormwork system
t|me |s a|so saved, wh|ch |n turn |eads
to cost sav|ngs , part|cu|ar|y |n the case
w|th structures w|th |at s|abs. Moreover,
the eng|neered nature o the ormwork
and the repet|t|ve process ensures that
there |s a|most neg||g|b|e wastage,
mak|ng |t a avor|te w|thcontractors.
Systemco|umnormwork has ga|ned
|n popu|ar|ty due to the acute shortage
o |abour |n recent t|mes. Modu|ar |n
nature and a||ow|ng or qu|ck |nsta||at|on
on s|te, co|umn ormwork systems are
now ava||ab|e |n a var|ety o mater|a|s.
Depend|ng on the concrete |n|sh that
|s requ|red, contractors cannowchoose
roma|um|numor stee| co|umn ormwork
systems these days. P & D has |ed to
severa| product |nnovat|ons. Today
d|erent ormwork systems or d|erent
co|umn s|zes can be eas||y assemb|ed
on s|te. The|r ent|re work|ng process |s
a|so s|mp|e. Once the concrete |s
poured and hardened, the ormwork |s
then str|pped and moved to the next
pos|t|on. ln certa|n cases the ormwork
systems may be |et or a |onger per|od
o t|me or added cur|ng.
One o the ma|or advantages w|th
co|umn ormwork systems |s the h|gh|y
eng|neered nature o the ormwork.
What th|s |n turn means |s that they
ensure greater contro| over the
construct|on operat|ons. Th|s automa-
t|ca||y means reduct|on |n wastage,
t|me and |abour costs. Moreover,
add|ng to the|r susta|nab|||ty actor |s
the act that qu|te oten d|sposab|e
orms canbe recyc|ed and used aga|n.
Horizontal Panel Systems
Advancements |n the |e|d o
ormwork have seen severa| new types
o mater|a|s be|ng exper|mented w|th
mak|ng an entry |nto the market.
Sma||er, ||ghtwe|ght modu|ar systems
have nowadays become the norm.
These systems are be|ng made rom a
var|ety o mater|a|s such as |ber g|ass,
a|um|num and stee|, apart rom other
custom|zed opt|ons. These easy-to-
hand|e systems enab|e qu|cker
erect|on, sav|ng prec|ous t|me and
money. Supp||ers have a|so been
concentrat|ng on reduc|ng the number
o d|erent components |n ormwork
systems, wh|ch |n turn a||ows or a
qu|cker |nsta||at|on process. Hor|zonta|
pane| systems usua||y cons|st o a
ser|es o |nterconnected a|sework
bays and pre-ormed deck|ng pane|s
and are typ|ca||y used or s|ab
The h|gh|y eng|neered nature o a system co|umn ormwork ensures greater construct|on e|c|ency
L|ghtwe|ght ormwork systems are |n demand
5 V 1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
Modern Formwork An Overview
The ||ghtwe|ght nature o the
components |s perhaps the b|ggest
advantage w|th hor|zonta| pane|
systems. They can be moved around
the s|te w|th re|at|ve ease, as compared
to trad|t|ona| ormwork. Add|ng to |t |s
the eng|neered nature o the ormwork
wh|ch ensures reduced wastage.
Another ma| or advantage w| th
||ghtwe|ght ormwork systems |s saety,
s|nce work|ng rom he|ght |s not
necessary, as erect|on work can be
carr|ed out rom be|ow.
Vertical Panel Systems
vert|ca| pane| systems, because o
the|r |ex|b|e nature can e|ther be
sma||er modu|ar components or |arger
crane-||ted systems that are used |n
the construct|on o standard co|umns,
concrete wa||s or per|meter basement
wa||s. They are used or orm|ng vert|ca|
e|ements and are usua||y modu|ar |n
nature. Cons|st|ng o a stee| rame,
they are eas|er to assemb|e, |n turn
|eads to reduced |abour costs, mak|ng
them a more cost eect|ve opt|on than
trad|t|ona| ormwork systems.
The|r adaptab|||ty to vary|ng wa||
he|ghts and structura| geometr|es,
|abour costs, wh||e |ncreas|ng con-
struct|on e|c|ency. The |ump orm
modu|es can be |o|ned together to su|t
d|erent construct|on geometr|es.
Latest advancement |n the |e|d has
been the advent o se|-c||mb|ng
ormwork systems, that do not requ|re
the he|p o a crane to be re|ocated to
thenext construct|on|eve| andc||mbson
ra||s bymeanso hydrau||cmechan|sm.
C||mb|ng ormwork |s usua||y used
|n the construct|on o bu||d|ngs over
|ve storeys. Se|-c||mb|ng, automated
systems are genera||y used |n the
construct|on o bu||d|ngs w|th more
than 20-25 |oors. Based on the s|te
cond|t|ons, there are a|so |nstances
when a comb|nat|on o se|-c||mb|ng
and crane-hand|ed |ump orm systems
|s used. The eng|neered nature o the
ormwork means that |ump orm
systems a||ows or better contro| o the
construct|on process. Pepet|t|ve use |s
poss|b|e add|ng to the cost-eect|ve-
ness o the construct|on process. Apart
rom oer|ng enhanced saety, the use
o |ump orm systems a|so ensures
m|n|ma| concrete wastage and he|ps
contractors to st|ck to t|ght pro|ect
a|ong w|th the act that the|r assemb|y
|s |ess |abour |ntens|ve and s|mp|e has
been beh|nd the popu|ar|ty o vert|ca|
pane| systems. The eas|er erect|on
process a|ds |n exped|t|ng the
construct|on process, apart rom the
act that the eng|neered nature a||ows
or prec|s|on and super|or contro| o
operat|ons or the on-s|te team. Add|ng
to the susta|nab|||ty actor |s the act
they can be used repeated|y, ater an
easy c|ean|ng process.
Jump ormsystems are |ncreas|ng|y
becom|ng popu|ar g|oba||y, thanks to
the spurt |n h|gh-r|se construct|on.
Jump orm, a|so reerred to as c||mb|ng
orm, compr|ses o ormwork systems
comp|ete w|th work|ng p|atorms that
supports |tse| on the concrete that has
been cast ear||er. lt thereore does not
re|y on support rom the bu||d|ng. They
are typ|ca||y used |n construct|on o
mu|t|-stored vert|ca| concrete e|ements.
Some o the concrete e|ements that are
constructed us|ng |ump orm systems
|nc|ude, core wa||s, shear wa||s, br|dge
py|ons and ||t shats. The use o |ump
orm systems he|ps |n cutt|ng down on
vert|ca| pane| systems are adaptab|e to var|ous structura| geometr|es
Spurt |n h|gh-r|se construct|on has dr|ven demand
or c||mb|ng ormwork systems
6 V 1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
Modern Formwork An Overview
S|m||ar to |ump orm systems, th|s
type o ormwork r|ses cont|nuous|y,
support|ng |tse| on the core. S||p orm
systems are typ|ca||y used or the
construct|on o core wa||s |n skyscraper
pro|ects. S|nce very ||tt|e crane t|me |s
requ|red, they are used or the con-
struct|on o sta|r shats and ||t shats |n
h|gh-r|se structures. S||p orm systems
re|y on the qu|ck sett|ng propert|es o
concrete and requ|re ba|ance between
qu|ck sett|ng capac|ty and workab|||ty
o the concrete. Wh||e the concrete
needs to be workab|e enough to be
p|aced |nto the orm and packed, |t
shou|d a|so be qu|ck sett|ng so that |t
emerges rom the orm w|th strength.
Moreover, the resh|y set concrete
shou|d, apart rom |ts strength, a|so
a||ow the orm to s||p to the next |eve|
above, apart rom support|ng the
resh|y poured concrete above |t.
Typ|ca||y s||porm systems r|se at a rate
o about 300 mm per hour and w|th
prudent p|ann|ng, h|gh rates o
product|onare poss|b|e.
F|ne tun|ng o operat|ons |n the s|te
|s ac|||tated by the repet|t|ve and
cont|nuous nature o work. Th|s a|so
|eads to reduced concrete wastage.
The |ntegrat|on o work p|atorms |n the
ormwork systems |s another advantage
that apart rom ensur|ng saety a|so
makes opt|mumut|||zat|on o work space
ava||ab|e |n a construct|on s|te. G|ven
the s|ewo advantages |t |s not surpr|s|ng
that s||p orm systems are a preerred
cho|ce o contractors nowadays.
Tunnel Form
Tunne| orm systems are among the
|atest |nnovat|ons to have h|t the
ormwork |ndustry. The use o repet|t|ve
ce||u|ar structures to construct both
hor|zonta| and vert|ca| e|ements
together |s someth|ng that has got the
potent|a| to revo|ut|on|ze the construct|on
|ndustry |n countr|es ||ke lnd|a. The act
that they enab|e construct|on o wa||s
and |oors together make the process
|dea||y su|ted or both h|gh and |ow
ra|se hous|ng. ln act, the techno|ogy
can p|ay a key ro|e |n the promot|on o
aordab|e hous|ng pro|ects |n a
country ||ke lnd|a. Longer tunne| |engths
can be ach|eved |o|n|ng |nd|v|dua|
tunne| un|ts together.
Easy to c|ean and reuse, the use o
tunne| orm systems a|so enab|es h|gh
qua||ty surace |n|shes. Eng|neers are
a|so assured o h|gh d|mens|ona|
accuracy o structures. The repet|t|ve
nature o the construct|on work |s
another p|us po|nt w|th th|s type o
ormwork system, add|ng to |ts other
advantage o requ|rement o a very
sma|| team ons|te.
www.k||, www.a||
www.t|, www.nb-|
S||p orm systems enab|e h|gh product|on rates
Construct|on cyc|es can be as |ow as 24 hours w|th tunne| orm systems
7 V 1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
Modern Formwork An Overview
8 V1 N1 May 2013
Formwork - Future Approach in India
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, or the
most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to
change that does it. - Charles Darwin.
Winds of change are blowing across every sphere of
construction in India. Same is the case with the formwork
and scaffolding systems in India. An approx. data on
formwork derived from the cement consumption in India
reveals that in India, formwork executed is around 750
million Sqm. out of which formwork executed using system
or engineered formwork hardly constitutes around 10%. It
is a known fact that formwork constitutes around 6%-8% of
the cost of concrete and 60% of the time of the structure. So
it is the right time an emphasis is laid on the right approach
on formwork for the future of the Indian construction.
With the increased growth in high-rise construction,
demanding infrastructure projects shaping up the metros
and tier 2 cities in India, the questions that arise now
are - Are the formwork systems available in India today
sufficient enough for executing such demanding projects?
Are the major formwork suppliers across the world that
have entered the Indian market able to give end to end
solutions to the Indian construction industry? Though the
utilisation of formwork has gone up by leaps and bounds
over the years our approach is still old fashioned. Have we
modernized our approach is still a question to be answered
by all the stake-holders.
This paper deals with focal points which will shape up the
Future Approach of Formwork for the Indian construction
industry. They can be broadly defined as Value Chain Linkage,
Safety Integration in Formwork, Comprehensiveness in
Quality, Standardisation, Green concept and sustainability
and finally the Costing of Formwork.
Value Chain Linkage
Formwork is one of the vital links in the total Value Chain,
the other two links being reinforcement and concrete. At
present, the Indian construction industrys major concern
is the stringent timelines (duration) in the projects. With the
clients demands increasing day by day, the construction
companies focus is mainly on the floor to floor cycle time
to meet the timelines of the projects. But to achieve this, a
good engineered formwork system is alone not a solution.
A good formwork system by itself might not give all the
desired results; it only enables to reduce the timelines in
one of the vital links of the value chain. There should be
a wholistic approach considering the other two links of
rebar and concrete. Also there should be emphasis on the
development of the skill levels of the supervisors, labour
and the approach of the engineers rather than just on the
A.L.Sekar, B.Murugesan and C.N.V.S. Rao
Larsen & Toubro Ltd
Focus Formwork Systems
9 V1 N1 May 2013
selection of the right system. To put it in a simpler way,
our future approach while selecting a formwork system
should be such that it should integrate the necessary
features to support the other two links of the value chain
i.e. rebar and concrete which will enable us to carry out
these two activities also in a fast track manner. Only such
a comprehensive approach would yield the desired results
and help us to meet the demands of the customers.
Safety in formwork is another major concern today
especially in high-rise construction and large infrastructure
projects like metros, flyovers, airports etc. It is a known
fact that in India, Safety levels are yet to catch up to the
International Standards. There is a lot of pressure on
the Indian construction companies today to improve the
same by the Govt. of India, Foreign Investors and also the
increased number of PMCs (which are basically reputed
MNCs). Safety cannot be treated as a separate entity,
rather it should be an integral part of the formwork system.
Formwork & scaffolding being the major contributors to the
safety in construction sites as they are also used for the
rebar and concreting works, it is time we pay proper heed
to how these have to be integrated with safety so as to
ensure the overall safety at sites. The various areas of safety
that we need to focus and integrate with formwork are:
- Access (both Vertical & Horizontal)
- Working platforms
- Lifelines and Safety Catch Nets
- Erection & Dismantling of Formwork
- Storage & Maintenance of Formwork
- Simple Tools & Tackles
- Design and Engineering
So our future approach when choosing a formwork system
should address the above aspects and how they are
integrated into the formwork system. Only then, in our way
forward, we will be able to live upto the expectations of
the customers and also reach to the level of International
Quality of the finished product is another aspect resulting
from a good and efficient formwork system. For achieving a
good concrete surface, the right kind of sheathing member
should be used in any formwork system, depending on the
type of finish demanded by the client. Invariably, plywood
has been the most commonly used sheathing member
world-wide and has yielded the best results till date with
regards to form finish. Nevertheless considering other
factors in choosing the right kind of formwork system
for the right job, today aluminium formwork has started
penetrating and off late captured the market rapidly with a
share of about 15% of the overall formwork value in India.
Due to its easier handling, good quality surface finish,
repeatability and durability, and best suited for high-rise
residential buildings which are the trend today, aluminium
in future might be a strong contender as far as sheathing
is concerned in formwork. Apart from this, to achieve a
good quality product, the formwork system should deal
with critical issues such as Grout tightness, Deformation,
Facilitating Concrete Compaction, Provision of Clean-out
doors and Box-outs etc. Only when all these issues are
addressed along with the selection of the right sheathing
member, a good quality product can be delivered. Looking
into the future, our approach in selection of the system
should keep all these aspects in view to deliver quality
Standardisation of the various formwork systems is also an
aspect to introspect because we cannot afford to have too
many systems at sites which leads to lot of complications
in terms of usage as well as accountability. The formwork
systems should be standardized such that a single system
is adaptable to various structural elements and also across
various projects. Though it has its own limitations, still
standardization can be done to an extent which reduces
the number of components involved in a system, increase
efficiency of the components involved and the flexibility
in usage of these (in terms of sizing and detailing).
This automatically reduces the pain for the engineers /
supervisors and also the labour who are the end-users
of the system and gives better results as they can easily
account for the materials and use them efficiently. In this
particular aspect, our future approach should be Using
less for more output through Innovative Solutions.
Green Formwork
Rapid industrialization, growth in population and urbanization
in the two previous millennia and in the current century
have not only taken a heavy toll on non-renewable natural
resources of the planet but also caused unprecedented
Focus Formwork Systems
10 V1 N1 May 2013
rise in global warming. Most leading business houses
and industries across the world have adopted Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) as the roadmap of their current
and future business ethics and principles. Whether this
principle is adhered to while manufacturing of formwork
systems? A confident YES may not be forthcoming.
Currently no importance is being given to this aspect of
Green Concept and Sustainability. Stepping into the future,
our approach should be Greener Formwork Systems to
do our part for the betterment of environment. The focus
here can be on some of the important parameters like
Energy Consumption, Wastage, Recycling and Depletion
of Natural Resources. If these aspects are dealt with in the
sourcing of raw materials, manufacturing of the products
involved in the formwork systems as well as utilisation
of the system as a whole, it helps in delivering Greener
Formwork Systems.
(Mobilisation delay, work front delay, delay due to shortage
of other resources & demobilization)
Also the associated costs like the upkeep and maintenance
can be dealt with a central approach by building it up in the
investment cost or with a localized approach to create a
sense of ownership for the sites using the formwork systems.
The above example clearly indicates that the life of
formwork plays a major role in the Costing of Formwork.
Formwork cannot be a scapegoat for inefficiency within
and across sites which revolve around these time-bound
methods of costing. However if the realistic costing is done
as per the cost incurred per use, it can help construction
companies in India to take a positive call on purchase
or hire of modern formwork systems and change their
approach in future.
Finally to conclude, Formwork Systems cannot be decided
just by suppliers alone as they might not think of all the
related elements in the value chain, instead it has to be
decided by the end-users and engineers who are the future
change-managers. And the guiding principle should be -
Formwork must be approached not in isolation, but in a
comprehensive manner to include the entire Value Chain,
Safety, Quality and Sustainability. Also the thrust should be
on realistic costing of formwork to enable viable usage of
Modern Formwork Systems.
Description Hire charges or WDV method
(5% per month)
Cost per
use method
Investment Cost
9960 4800
Fixing and Removing
3000 3000
Upkeep and
Maintenance Cost
1000 1000
Total Cost 13960 8000
Costing of formwork
With the rapid growth in the construction industry,
introduction of modern formwork systems is essential to
meet the delivery requirements of the customers and at the
same time be competitive. However the modern formwork
systems come with a high-price tag. Hence costing of
formwork for a particular project is very critical for the
engineers. However different costing methods are used
by different contractors. Considering the factors like the
efficiency of formwork being linked to the succeeding &
preceding activities, idling at sites and poor planning; the
time-bound costing method (Written Down Value or Hire-
charges) ends up with higher formwork costs especially
on materials for no fault of formwork. A small example
below gives a clear picture of how the time-bound costing
methods can be compared:
Sample Calculations of Formwork Costing for Aluminium
- Cost of formwork - Rs. 16000 / Sqm. (say)
- Duration of the project - 10 Months (Only for Structure)
- No. of possible re-uses - 100 (say)
- No. of re-uses expected / month - 3
- Actual duration considering all delays - 20 Months (say)
Focus Formwork Systems
Formwork Industry AnaIysis
there |s one market segment among construct|on equ|pment
that has ma|nta|ned a steady pace o growth, desp|te the
lcrests and troughs o the uneconom|c uncerta|nt|es that have
been aect|ng the market over the |ast ew years, |t has to
ormwork equ|pment. Wh||e |n the case o most other types o
construct|on equ|pment, the ma|or dr|ver or demand was the
|nrastructure deve|opment process, or manuacturers o
ormwork and scao|d|ng equ|pment, |t has not ||m|ted to the
|nrastructure deve|opment act|v|t|es. S|nce they a|so have the
rea| estate sector to cater to, they have had a ar smoother r|de
than some other types o equ|pment. The ormwork |ndustry
has been perhaps the b|ggest bene|c|ary o the |mpress|ve
growth o the lnd|an construct|on |ndustry over the |ast
two decades.
MB Bureau Report
Cuslo~-\ooe 3o|ul|oms
!o-es Cemle| 3loge
11 V1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
12 V 1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
Wh||e the recent econom|c s|owdown
has s||ght|y |mpacted the |ndustry,
there |s no deny|ng the act that the
|ndustry |s po|sed or a per|od o
Cont|nued |mpetus to |nrastructure deve|opment pro|ects bodes we|| or the ormwork |ndustry
Formwork Industry AnaIysis
Add|ng to the good news or manu-
acturers |s the act that even though
modern ormwork and scao|d|ng sys-
tems made the|r way |nto the lnd|an
market |n the m|d to |ate 1990s, the
extent o the market tapped t||| now |s
|ust a m|nute percentage o the tota|
potent|a|. ln act, accord|ng to |ndustry
est|mates, modern ormwork systems
orm on|y about 15 percent o the mar-
ket share present|y, a |gure that |s
expected to more than doub|e by the
end o the 12th F|ve Year P|an per|od
(2012-17), w|th the cont|nued |mpetus
be|ng prov|ded to |nrastructure deve|-
opment andthegrowtho therea| estate
The ormwork |ndustry |n the coun-
try |s gradua||y gett|ng organ|zed due to
the entry o b|g t|cket p|ayers |n the ray.
G|oba||y reputab|e names such as Doka,
Meva, |ma, Pascha|, Pranav, Per|, GCl
Compos|te, Des| etc have estab||shed
the|r presence |n the lnd|an market over
the recent past. There have been two
key actors that have been dr|v|ng or-
ward the markets momentum- short-
age o |abour and |ncreas|ng pressure
oncontractors to adhere to str|cter qua|-
|ty standards and pro|ect dead||nes.
growth. Speak|ng about the sectors
that are dr|v|ng demand or ormwork
systems |n the country, Mr.Bharat Pate|,
Head- Sa|es & Market|ng, Nav N|rman
Beam Techn|cs , po|nted out that pres-
ent|y, "The res|dent|a| sector andamong
the |nrastructure sector, metro pro-
|ects are among the key market seg-
ments that are prope|||ng demand or
ormwork systems." W|th the rea|ty ocus
sh|t|ng to t|er ll and lll c|t|es, ormwork
supp||ers are now cater|ng to an
|ncreas|ng|y d|vers||ed market w|th d|-
erent app||cat|on demands. Contrac-
tors around the country have rea||zed
that |n order to meet these two cr|ter|a
the use o ormwork and scao|d|ng
systems has become |mperat|ve. The
|ncrease |n the s|ze o pro|ects, espe-
c|a||y w|th respect to |nrastructure and
h|gh-r|se pro|ects has a|so been a ac-
tor that has been push|ng the demand
or ormwork equ|pment.
The cons|stent growth o the orm-
work |ndustry |n the country has been
enab|ed by the thrust g|ven to |nra-
structure deve|opment over the |ast
decade. lnrastructure pro|ect |nc|ud-
|ng or those o br|dges, metro stat|ons,
tunne|s, a|rport pro|ects, |yovers, etc
Doka lnd|as ormwork w||| be used |n the
Lokhandwa|a M|nerva skyscraper pro|ect
Quality assurance on the job
site is sometimes an issue in
ndia. As of now, there is no
specific certified body to give
quality assurance on site. To
avoid any quality issues we
have our in-house QA-QC
department which monitors
quality at every stage,
beginning from procurement of
raw materials to dispatch. We
encourage our clients to have
the quality inspection done
SushiI Sahani
Manag|ng D|rector,
Pranav Construct|on Systems Pvt. Ltd.
"A change is always a struggle.
Mindset of influential decision
makers , inadequate/
inappropriate quality codes,
cost factors everything plays a
role in the growth".
EIdo Varghese
Genera| Manager, Pascha| Formwork (lnd|a) Pvt. Ltd.
Meva lnd|as ormwork dur|ng the construct|on o Pa|a|s Poya|e bu||d|ng |n Mumba|
c||mb|ng ormworks |s ava||ab|e |n the
orm o Doka lnd|as SKE50 and SKE
100systems. Thecompanyw||| bereport-
ed|y us|ng these automat|c c||mb|ng
ormwork systems |n the construct|on
o Lokhandwa|a M|nerva a skyscraper
|n Mumba| that w||| topout at 300 m and
eature 82 storeys |n two separate tow-
ers. The |uxury res|dent|a| pro|ect |s
be|ng des|gned by Haeez Contractor
and |n use w||| be the SKE 50 and SKE
100 automat|c c||mb|ng ormwork sys-
tems that he|p |n prov|d|ng an e|c|ent
so|ut|on or ach|ev|ng weather-|nde-
pendent construct|on work|ow and
max|mum crew saety. The bu||d|ng |s
schedu|ed to be |n|shed |n 2014
accord|ng to the company.
Speak|ng about h|gh-r|se construc-
t|onandthe use o spec|a||zedormwork
systems, Meva lnd|a |s another com-
pany that has been assoc|ated w|th a
|andmark pro|ect- Pa|a|s Poya|e |n
Mumba|. The company had used |ts
MAC (MEvA Automat|c C||mb|ng) sys-
tem, wh|ch prov|des comp|ete protec-
t|on or workers w|th u|| c|add|ng sur-
round|ng the externa| hang|ng p|at-
orms |n the pro|ect. No externa| sec-
ondary p|atorms are requ|red on the
MAC. The hydrau||c system o the auto-
mat|c c||mb|ng system has a capac|ty
o 20 tons per ram and a non-return
rachet that |ocks on each cy||nder. The
|||ary systems ||ke p|ac|ng booms, apart
rom oer|ng adaptab|||ty to comp|ex
wa|| geometr|es. A|most every p|ayer |n
the |e|d such as, Doka, Meva, |ma,
Pascha|, Nav N|rman, Pranav, GCl Wa||
orms., Per|, Des|gn Des|re Construc-
t|on Systems to ment|on on|y a eware
oer|ng spec||c products cater|ng to
th|s grow|ng market segment.
A good examp|e or automated
have been beh|nd the r|s|ng demand
or ormwork systems. Add|ng to the
demand actor |s the vert|ca| growth o
the country. H|gh-r|se construct|on |s
an area where spec|a||zed ormwork
p|ays a key ro|e. Automatedse|-c||mb|ng
ormwork systems that can be ||ted up
hydrau||ca||y come w|th a host o ea-
tures |nc|ud|ng, w|de and protect|ve
p|atorms, apart rom prov|s|ons or aux-
Pascha| ormwork systems be|ng used |n d|erent types o construct|on pro|ects
Formwork Industry AnaIysis
13 V1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
des|gn o the c||mb|ng system |s such
that the |oad |s carr|ed by concrete that
|s a|ready set and th|s he|ps |n saer
and aster construct|on.
|ma lnd|a |s another |ead|ng name
that oers se|-c||mb|ng ormwork sys-
tems or ast, sae, and cost-eect|ve
construct|ono h|ghr|sebu||d|ngs. Accor-
d|ng to the company these systems
can be ||ted |n extreme weather cond|-
t|on up to max|mum w|nd speed o 72
kmph. They come w|th w|de and pro-
tect|ve work|ng p|atorms. The orm-
work system eatures prov|s|ons or
attachment o aux|||arysystems||kep|ac-
structures accord|ng to the company
and |s used |n oot|ngs, reta|n|ng wa||s,
co|umns, beams, |nterna| and externa|
wa||s, track hoppers, cana| dra|ns, box
cu|verts, water treatment p|ants, reser-
vo|rs, crude o|| re|nery storage p|ts,
coo||ng towers, etc. Pascha| |s a|so the
name beh|nd the popu|ar e-deck sys-
tem. The companys ormwork systems
have been used |n pro|ects |nc|ud|ng,
Sa|arpur|a Hote| pro|ect, Hyderabad,
Go|den Jub||ee pro|ect, Hyderabad,
Panduranga power pro|ect, Pa|amundry,
Brandd|x Appare| C|ty, v|shakhapatnam,
TCS Bu||d|ng pro|ect, Bhubaneswar,
Deence pro|ect , Be||ary and Prest|ge
Forum Ma|| |n Manga|ore, to ment|on
but a ew.
Pepet|t|on |n operat|ona| use up to 90-100 t|mes |s poss|b|e w|th systems rom Nav N|rman Beam Techn|cs
A w|de range o c||mb|ng ormwork
systems |s a|so oered by Per| lnd|a,
another trendsetter |n the |ndustry. The
companys range |nc|udes the FB 180
P|atorm System, CB C||mb|ng System,
ACS Se| C||mb|ng System, PCS Pa||
C||mb|ng System, KG 240- KG180
C||mb|ngSystems, andSKSS|ng|eS|ded
c||mb|ngsystem, toment|onon|ysome.
Product nnovations
Manuacturers are bank|ng on spe-
c||c product des|gn to cater to d|erent
types o app||cat|on. The Modu|ar Pane|
System rom Pascha|, a |ead|ng name
|n the |ndustry |s a good examp|e. The
modu|ar pane| system rom the com-
pany |s a one system or a|| vert|ca|
|ma lnd|as ormwork |n act|on
"The residential sector and
among the infrastructure sector,
metro projects are among the
key market segments that are
propelling demand for formwork
Bharat PateI
Head- Sa|es & Market|ng, Nav N|rman Beam Techn|cs
Formwork Industry AnaIysis
14 V 1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
Metro pro|ects have emerged as a key demand dr|ver or ormwork systems
Pranav Construct|on Systems Pvt
Ltd, |s one more p|ayer wh|ch oers a
range o |nnovat|ve ormwork systems.
The company has th|s year |ntroduced
a range o new generat|on systems ,
wh|ch are not on|y ||ght we|ght but have
opt|mum ||e o up to even 1000 repet|-
t|ons. The range |nc|udes, A|vert- a|u-
m|num ||ght we|ght pane| system or
wa||s, co|umns and ||t cores, Modvert/
Stee|vert- a||oy stee| ||ght we|ght pane|
system or reta|n|ng wa||s, rats, co|-
umns, abutments w|th p|y/stee| ac|ng
and A|udek- a|um|num ||ght we|ght
modu|ar system w|th drop head or
aster cyc|e t|me. The company has been
|nvo|ved w|th severa| key pro|ects |nc|ud-
|ng Pa|m Jebe| A||, Duba|, Doha lnter-
nat|ona| A|rport, Bandra-Wor|| Sea L|nk,
N|ved|ta Setu (second v|vekananda
Setu) br|dge |n Ko|kata, the Duba|,
De|h|, Mumba|, Banga|ore, Chenna|,
Ko|kata, Hyderabad and Nav| Mumba|
metro pro|ects, to ment|on on|y a ew.
ln act the company has the d|st|nct|on
o supp|y|ng ormwork mater|a|s to
every metro be|ng consructed |nlnd|a.
Another good examp|e or product
|nnovat|on |s ava||ab|e |n the o the
H-Beams rom Nav N|rman Beam
Techn|cs, wh|ch are easy to hand|e,
||ght |n we|ght, ready to use and g|ve
perect orm |n|sh, ree rom bu|g|ng
and d|stort|on. Pepet|t|on |n opera-
t|ona| use up to 90-100 t|mes |s poss|-
b|e w|th the H-Beams wh|ch are used |n
the construct|ono res|dent|a| and com-
merc|a| pro|ects, |ndustr|a| pro|ects, water
resources eng|neer|ng, roads and
br|dges, and stad|ums, among others.
Rental Push
The lnd|an ormwork |ndustry has
evo|ved the years and one o the s|gns
o matur|ty |s ava||ab|e |n the orm o a
deve|op|ng renta| market. Penta| so|u-
t|ons have come |n handy, espec|a||y
or sma||er contractors or whom out-
r|ght purchase o the equ|pment |s
oten a d||cu|t propos|t|on. ln act,
renta| so|ut|ons have a|so been |nstru-
menta| |n ormwork equ|pment now
enter|ng the h|therto unexp|ored areas
o the country. W|th the rea|ty market
pass|ng through a phase o d||cu|ty |n
metros, duetoavar|ety o actors |nc|ud-
|ng r|s|ng property pr|ces and |nterest
rates, the scene has now sh|ted to
sma||er t|er ll and lll c|t|es and towns.
tocontractors|nthesesma||er |ocat|ons.
Another key reason or the deve|op-
ment o the renta| market |s storage
space, oten a neg|ected actor |n our
country. lt |s |n act one o the reasons
why even b|gger deve|opers are opt|ng
or renta| so|ut|ons s|nce they need not
worry about stor|ng ormwork equ|p-
ment. Even|nthe case o the renta| mar-
ket, accord|ng to |ndustry ana|ysts, the
market potent|a| rea||zed |s |ust the t|p
o the |ceberg and there |s a huge mar-
ket that |s |y|ng untapped. lndustry ana-
|ysts ee| that the gradua| r|se |n the
number o renta| compan|es wou|d
automat|ca||y stream||ne severa| other
processes |nc|ud|ng |mprovement |n
|og|st|cs and sett|ng up o ormwork
systems at work s|tes |nthe near uture.
Challenges ahead
Wh||e there |s no deny|ng the growth
o the lnd|an ormwork and scao|d|ng
|ndustry, there are st||| a set o cha|-
|enges that the |ndustry needs to sur-
mount, as the country enters |nto a sec-
ond phase o |nrastructure deve|op-
ment. F|uctuat|ng cost o stee|, sa|es
tax and exc|se duty are some actors
that have been sa|d to be |nh|b|t|ng the
growth o the |ndustry. The movement
o the sector towards ||ght we|ght and
stronger mater|a|s such as a|um|n|um
has meant that h|gher |ev|es are
another |nh|b|t|ng actor these days.
Manuacturers are |ook|ng up to the
Formwork Industry AnaIysis
15 V1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
government to he|p them procure raw
mater|a|s at a reasonab|e pr|ce |n order
to g|ve the much needed ||||p to an
|ndustry. The government needs to
remember that lnd|a has the potent|a|
to emerge as a key exporter o ormwork
andscao|d|ngequ|pment. Theencour-
ag|ng news has come |n the orm o an
evo|v|ngcustomer. D|erent stakeho|ders
|n the construct|on |ndustry |nc|ud|ng,
contractors and eng|neers, are now
accept|ng ormwork systems as an|nte-
gra| part o the construct|on process.
Dwe|||ng on th|s key po|nt, Mr. E|do
varghese, Genera| Manager, Pascha|
Formwork(lnd|a) Pvt Ltd, sa|d, "Achange
|s a|ways a strugg|e. M|ndset o |n|uen-
t|a| dec|s|onmakers (eng|neer|ng / con-
struct|on ratern|ty), |nadequate / |nap-
propr|ate qua||ty codes, cost actors
everyth|ng p|ays a ro|e |n the growth.
Eng|neer|ng commun|ty |s not re|uctant
to change but updat|ng themse|ves
towards an overa|| change |n the pro-
cedure or system, so that the trans|t|on
|s eas|er. More and more eng|neers are
gett|ng |nvo|ved |n th|s drast|c change
though the|r exper|ence |n other coun-
tr|es and the pace w||| de|n|te|y |mprove
as the number goes up. Formwork |s
st||| |n the |ncept|on stage |n lnd|a and
change |s |nev|tab|e towards better
growth rate. lt |s d|rect|y connected to
t|me. Lack o adequate codes and the
cost actors are a|so the reasons or the
growth rate. Both are d|rect|y ||nked to
the vo|ume o ormwork |n usage. As
the vo|ume and usage o modern
ormwork goes up as both these ac-
tors w||| be tack|ed," a thought w|th
wh|ch a|most a|| |ead|ng manuacturers
w||| agree.
Another |mportant cha||enge that
supp||ers need to take care o |s qua||ty
assurance at the |ob s|te. G|v|ng an
|ns|ght |nto how they tack|e the |ssue,
Mr. Sush|| Sahan|, Manag|ng D|rector
o Pranav Construct|on Systems sa|d,"
Qua||ty assurance on the |ob s|te |s
somet|mes an |ssue |n lnd|a. As o now,
there |s no spec||c cert||ed body to
g|ve qua||ty assurance on s|te. To avo|d
any qua||ty |ssues we have our |n-
house QA-QC department wh|ch mon|-
tors qua||ty at every stage, beg|nn|ng
rom procurement o raw mater|a|s to
d|spatch. We encourage our c||ents to
have the qua||ty |nspect|on done," a
strategy wh|ch|s we|| worthemu|at|on.
Many |ndustry ana|ysts be||eve that
the ormwork |ndustry needs spec||c
cert||cat|on bod|es or |nspect|ng and
then cert|y|ng ormwork systems, as
otherw|se the |arge|y unorgan|zed
nature o the construct|on|ndustry cou|d
mean that qua||ty somet|mes cou|d
take a backseat. Th|s apart, anevo|v|ng
market a|so presents another cha|-
|enge |n the orm o a matur|ng cus-
tomer. The customer o today wants
equ|pment that |s eas|er to hand|e,
adds to the susta|nab|||ty quot|ent o
the bu||d|ng process, |s reusab|e and
|mportant|y, |s a|so compet|t|ve|y pr|ced.
W|th po||cy |n|t|at|ves expected to
|ncrease |n|ow o unds |nto |nrastruc-
ture deve|opment, the ormwork |ndus-
try |s enter|ng a cruc|a| growth and con-
PhotoCourtesy:, www.arch|, www.skyscraperc|
A|vert System, lndustr|a| Pro|ect ,Gu|arat rom Pranav System
GCl Wa|| Form Systems
Formwork Industry AnaIysis
16 V 1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
17 V1 N1 May 2013
Certain Safety Considerations
for Formwork
ormwork, the temporary mould and support for fresh
concrete until the concrete is strong enough to support
its own weight and other construction loads, itself requires
a support called falsework. In many codes, formwork and
falsework together are called formwork structure or just
formwork - which last will be the terminology used in this paper.
The problem with formwork is that it is temporary. In many
under-developed and even some developing countries, the word
temporary is automatically associated with lack of need for
planning, design and care, and with neglect of appearance,
strength, and safety. As the owner pays only for the finished
permanent structure and not the temporary structure, least cost
(including cheapest labour and materials, and in the worst
case scenario, low compensation for accident and fatality
claims) are often the easiest way to cut costs on this non-
essential item.
In advanced countries however, it is recognised that most
accidents and in fact most fatalities and property damage
occur during the brief construction stage and not during the
long usage phase of a structure. The business case for safety
in these countries also has amply demonstrated the wisdom
of preventing or mitigating the effects of accidents as against
paying for large compensation and work disruption costs due
to accidents. This is exactly why hazards present in formwork
must be identified, and the risks arising from them must be
assessed and controlled.
In this paper, not being sufficiently familiar with Indian practices
in regard to formwork safety - except as a lay observer during
his visits to India - author will focus on his experience with
Singapore practices, in the hope that Indian professionals may
make their own comparisons and draw their own lessons for
local application.
Basic Safety Requirements
The basic safety requirement is set in the Singapore Workplace
Safety and Health Act of 2006 as the responsibility of every
employer, as far as is reasonably practicable, to protect every
employee from injury and ill-health at the workplace.
This aim of providing a safe place to work is achieved by
adopting guidelines provided by the Ministry of Manpower
and Workplace Safety and Health Council, including the
- Risk assessment and control, before work starts [Ref.1].
- Safe Work Procedure for every activity at the workplace
which may involve risk.
- Permit to Work for all hazardous activities such as work at
- Construction Reg. 2007, Sec. 22(2) reads: In a worksite,
every open side or opening into or through which a person
is liable to fall more than 2m, shall be covered or guarded
by effective guard-rails, barriers or other equally effective
means to prevent fall.
- Construction Reg. 2007, Sec. 63(2) reads: Any formwork
structure that (a) exceeds 9m in height; (b) consists of any
formwork which is supported by shores constructed in 2
or more tiers; or (c) consists of any formwork where the
thickness of the slab or beam to be cast in the formwork
exceeds 300mm, shall be designed by a P.E.
Figure 1 depicts formwork for a condominium block in
Hazards in Formwork
Hazards are potential dangers. Hazardous activities in
formwork design, erection, use and dismantling are as follows:
- Incorrect or incomplete formwork design
- Erecting frames and bracing
- Erecting bearers and joists
- Placing deck and beam formwork
- Moving around on formwork during rebar placement,
concreting, and curing
- Dismantling formwork
N. Krishnamurthy
Safety and Structures Consultant,
Formwork Safety
18 V1 N1 May 2013
In erection, use and dismantling phases, most activities
involve following common hazards:
- Climbing up to or down from formwork, usually by ladders
- Working at height with unprotected edges on platforms
- Tripping and falling at level
- Falling through gaps and holes in formwork
- Falling from incomplete or badly designed formwork
- Hit by formwork components
- Carrying heavy loads
- Struggling with awkward shapes
- Fitting damaged connections and components
- Handling sharp objects and corrosive materials
- Working in harsh (sunny, cold, wet, windy, dusty, noisy
etc.) environments
- Uneven, sloping and cramped work surfaces
- Overloading of formwork
In addition to these, dangers may also arise from inadequate
supervision, material flaws etc. To cover all these in a paper
would be an onerous task. The author will therefore focus only
on the following factors in this paper:
1. Some design considerations,
2. Working safely at height, and,
3. Manual handling of heavy loads.
Some Design Considerations
Factor of safety
India has its own design norms, and they are likely to be world
class. Problems may arise during implementation, and in the
safety culture that may be prevalent in various enterprises.
Author has seen some excellent formwork in big projects in
cities. (Fig. 2.)
But more commonly, especially with formwork for residential
and office building floors, a common sight that greets one is a
forest of supposedly vertical and straight but actually twisted,
bent, de-barked tree branches leaning at all angles some as
much as 20 degrees to the vertical, supporting the beam and
slab formwork. (Fig. 3.)
Other Asian countries also use natural timber for falsework.
In the Far East, bamboo is common, with the advantage that
bamboo is straight and nearly uniform in size along its length,
In India we use all kinds of timber which are twisted, bent, and
non-uniform along their length.
Having just finished an assignment on the formwork code
committee in Singapore, author is very conversant with the
need for strict and conservative design for formwork and other
temporary structures, as already mentioned in the Introduction.
Fig. 1. Author with site engineers in front of extensive formwork for a
condominium construction in Singapore.
Fig. 2. A recent picture taken by author in India.
In the past, load factors of 1.5 were commonly used for
falsework design. Often wear and tear in use, and poor field
conditions of connections and erection encroached into this
factor, and in certain cases resulted in accidents involving
injuries including fatalities and property damage.
Formwork Safety
19 V1 N1 May 2013
Current Singapore Formwork Code [Ref. 2] stipulates a
minimum Load safety factor of 2.0 to be applied to all
designs by whatever method, and for all testing, so that the
designed or tested capacity is at least twice the maximum
requirement under the worst combination of loadings.
What is the corresponding design requirement for Indian
construction with such timbers?
Inclined shores
There is another aspect of such ad-hoc arrangement of shores
that raises the question: If formwork has to be approved to
satisfy design criteria, how are sloping shores handled?
An inclined member AB at an angle to the vertical subjected
to a vertical compressive force V will develop a horizontal
component H, which would be 18% and 36% of V for angles
of 10 and 20. This horizontal component will tend to increase
the angle . (Fig. 4.)
Then, how come we have not had all inclined members slide
and fall down? That is because the horizontal components
have been successfully resisted, as at top they may be nailed
to some boards, and at bottom the friction and random
projections will usually prevent sliding.
If in a particular case everything is fine when erected, but
when wet the friction coefficient vanishes, and/or when the
load increases the slide resistance is inadequate, disaster
may strike.
Smart people may think that they can cancel out the slope
effects by arranging adjacent members AB and AB sloping
in opposite directions. But there will still be the same horizontal
separating force H at the top and bottom, and if the resistance
to opening up at top and bottom is not enough, woe be unto
the formwork! (Fig. 5.) Of course, someone who knows what
is happening can easily take care of this problem by two
simple ties at or near AA and BB - but this is not much in
Sloping shores may be the fast and cost-effective way to use
available poles without cutting them down to required size. It
may also be true that they have worked well for decades, and
the permanent structures that emerge from these temporary
structures of whatever shape, have been finished beautifully.
The point author is making here is that any structural resistance
to failure is not by design, but by chance. Contractors have
just been lucky, and professionals have not even considered,
let alone provided for the horizontal component. That they
survive is because of modifications by trial and error. Potential
for failure continues to exist.
Author shows special concern about this sloping shore,
because in a court case in which he was involved, he
demonstrated that it was exactly such an undesigned inclined
strut - although it happened to be a straight steel rod - that
might have contributed to the formwork failure.
In this day and age, when India is contributing globally to the cyber
era and space effort, engineers should be a little more scientific,
Fig. 3. A common sight?
Fig. 4. Forces on an inclined prop. Fig.5. Props sloping opposite ways.
Formwork Safety
20 V1 N1 May 2013
contractors a little more professional, and the owners who
pay for all this a little more considerate of essential expenses
in what they do, at least in the interests of ultimate structural
safety, if not for the sake of appearance.
Working Safely at Height
Working at height has been the most hazardous activity all
over the world from time immemorial, and continues to attract the
maximum number of accidents and the maximum number of
fatalities. There are many ways in which safety may be ensured
while working at height [ Ref. 3], as follows:
A. Guardrail and toeboard (Fig.6A)
B. Work restraint, attachment to lifeline (Fig. 6B)
C. Retractable lifeline (Fig. 6C)
D. Auxiliary scaffolding (Fig. 6D)
E. Safety net below (Fig. 6E)
F. Safety harness (Fig. 6F)
In providing risk control against falling from height, collective
control for all workers (A, D, or E) is better than individual
control (B, C, or F); fall prevention (A, B, C, or D) is better
than fall arrest (meaning termination of a fall before hitting
the base) to reduce the effects of fall impact after one has
fallen (E or F).
In terms of hierarchy of safety then, A or D is the best, and F is
the worst. The full-body harness (E) also comes with a number
of other auxiliary requirements for effective deployment,
including proper fit, sufficient fall distance, strong anchorage,
and prompt rescue. [Ref. 4]
All these requirements are mandatory according to the
Singapore Code of Practice for Working Safely at Height. [Ref. 5]
Manual Handling of Heavy Loads
In formwork - in common with most construction and factory
activities - regularly carrying loads larger than about 25kg is
an insidious risk, not sudden and dramatic like falling from
height, but slowly causing musculoskeletal disorder (MSD)
and escalating to permanent damage of the spine over a period
of about an year.
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are among the most common
worker complaints in the West. In Asia and other under-
developed countries however, it is not reported as much or taken
as seriously, possibly because natives of these countries
are more pain tolerant than citizens of the more developed
countries, or because management will not do anything about
it, or both. It may also be that both management and workforce
do not realise that what starts as a little persistent discomfort
can escalate into a permanent painful problem. In any case,
Fig. 6. Safeguards for working at height.
Formwork Safety
21 V1 N1 May 2013
most do not recognise it as a problem, and even workers who
experience it resign themselves to it as their lot in life, enduring
lifelong discomfort if not suffering as a consequence.
So workers regularly carry heavy loads over long distances
or keep doing repetitive physical activity; supervisors and
bosses let them, expect it from them, and even order them to
do so. The reason is simple: Labourers (by very name) have
always been doing it. If they dont, who will? They are paid for
it, arent they? We are not forcing them against their will!
This topic comes under Ergonomics the science of work
posture. Authors recent paper [Ref.6] covers many aspects
of construction ergonomics.
Why is this important? What do we do about it? The answers
are not simple. It becomes a matter of safety culture in a society,
the concern of the more powerful groups of people for the
weaker and less fortunate sections of society. Author hopes
that once he explains his stand, professionals will rethink about
how we are using or abusing our fellow human beings.
Many do not know that each kilogram of weight we bend and
pick up and carry in front of our body develops a force of
about 12kg on our low back muscle and bone. (Fig. 7.)
So a 50kg cement bag will put a load of 600kg on the back
of a worker. An average Asians back is designed by nature
to carry a maximum force of about half that (after allowing for
the force imposed by our own torso weight), which means
that nobody should be carrying more than 25kg on a regular
Australia, where the average person would be larger in size
and stronger than Asians, legislated a few years ago that no
worker should carry more than 20kg routinely. UK had done
likewise a few years earlier when their workers complained
about 40kg hollow concrete blocks.
Singapore recommends a limit of 25kg for worker loads.
Author is not sure about any limitations mandated in India, but
purely on humanitarian grounds he appeals to employers not
to burden their workers with more than 25kg in their normal
If any activity requires lifting and movement of larger loads,
mechanical aids like trolleys may be provided for moving
the heavier weights around; two or more workers may be
deployed to lift them on to trolleys, or carry them for short
distances. Even the simple expedient of rotating the task
between different workers would reduce exposure to risk to
more tolerable levels. Proper procedure to lift heavy loads by
squatting and getting up with the load is also easily learnt.
Needless to say, this analysis and recommendations for
this particular hazard, apply to white collar non-construction
workers too, such as office and lab assistants.
Author has highlighted a few of the hazards in formwork
design, erection, use and dismantling with which he has
personal experience in Singapore. Not all the hazards may be
perceived as equally critical in India. But in a nation committed
to democracy and concern for all citizens, the risks described
and the solutions proffered by the author may serve to trigger
improvement of overall safety culture.
1. Krishnamurthy, N., Introduction to Risk Management,
(Self-Published), Singapore, May 2007, 86p, ISBN: 978
2. SS580:2012 (ICS 91.080.99), Code of Practice for Formwork
(Formerly CP23), SPRING, Singapore, Nov. 2012, 40p.
3. Figures 5A to 5E sourced from Falls from height during the
floor slab formwork of buildings: Current situation in Spain, by
Jose M. Adam, Francisco J. Pallars, and Pedro A. Caldern,
Copyright 2009 National Safety Council and Elsevier Ltd.
4. Krishnamurthy, N., Full Body Harness - Blessing or Bane?, The
Singapore Engineer, Magazine of the Institution of Engineers,
Health and Safety Engineering issue, August 2012, p. 18-22.
5. WSH Council, Code of Practice for Working Safely at Height,
Workplace Safety and health Council, Singapore, October 2009,
6. Krishnamurthy, N., Ergonomics at the Construction Sites, The
Singapore Engineer, Magazine of the Institution of Engineers,
Health and Safety Engineering issue, February 2013, p. 20-27. Fig. 7. Forces on vertebrae
Formwork Safety
22 V1 N1 May 2013
Formwork, Insulation, Wall thickness
and Fly Ash: Do They Affect
Concrete Maturity?
oncrete is the most widely used construction material
and its formability is one very important property.
Several different types of formwork are available in
the market. One way of classifying them is based on whether
they are stripped or not: (1) conventional formwork and (2)
stay-in-place (SIP) formwork made using different materials
such as steel, PVC (poly vinyl chloride), FRP (fiber-reinforced
polymers), EPS (expanded polystyrene), etc. Typically, wood
formwork is used to form concrete. However, the amount of
wood that can be harvested has been reduced, increasing
the cost and reducing the availability of wood. In addition, it
is environmentally advantageous to decrease the amount of
wood needed in construction.
New concrete forming technologies designed to reduce
wood consumption include reusable and SIP formwork.
After being used, reusable metal and wood forms must
be removed, cleaned, transported and then stored. These
systems limit design versatility since they generally come
in large, flat panels. Unlike traditional formwork that are
stripped after concrete has gained enough maturity, the SIP
forms remain an integral part of the structure; some even
provide structural strength and ductility (Kuder, Gupta et al.
2009), some provide higher R value and some just provide
a finished surface. Some forming systems such as Insulated
Concrete Forms (ICF) increase the insulative properties and
R value of the concrete walls and some SIP systems also
integrate insulation in the forming system. However, the effect
of such highly insulated walls on concrete hydration at early-
ages is not fully understood. One such category of SIP forms
are the plastic forming systems that are also more versatile
than wood and metal because various shapes can be easily
manufactured given its flexibility.
Since the SIP forms are not stripped, hence never exposing
the surface of concrete, it is very important to ascertain
that concrete in the forms has met or exceeded the project
specifications. One such type of forming system is a SIP
system that utilizes PVC panels and connectors as formwork
(Octaform Systems Inc, 2009). This forming system can be
used with and without insulation and its effect on the maturity
of concrete is not fully understood.
On the material side, fly ash is a commonly used Supplementary
Rishi Gupta
and Katie Kuder
Faculty & Program Coordinator, Department of Civil Engineering,
British Columbia Institute of Technology
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Seattle University
Use of different forming material, insulation, and stripping time can significantly affect the maturity and hence the strength gain of
concrete within such forming systems. This information can be vital in determining the stripping time of scaffolding and formwork.
In this project, maturity and compression tests were performed on specimens (simulating scaled-down walls) formed using a PVC
stay-in-place (SIP) forming system with and without insulation. These findings were then compared to data obtained from walls
formed by wood formwork, which is the material typically used in the field. The various parameters studied in this project were
wall thickness, type of forming material, insulation, and addition of fly ash. Results indicate that with an increase in wall thickness,
the peak temperature and the temperature development index (TDI) increase proportionally. TDI is defined as the area under the
temperature versus time curve measured from the dormant temperature to the peak temperature. The data show that the proposed
TDI is a good indicator of the extent of the hydration reaction, and with further research the relationship between temperature
development and strength gain of concrete could be clearly identified. Both wood forming when compared to the SIP system, and
insulated systems when compared to un-insulated systems, increase the peak temperature and TDI. Use of fly ash in concrete
results in a lower temperature peak and TDI and a delay in reaching peak temperature. However, use of concrete containing fly
ash in insulated SIP systems has a higher TDI than a conventional concrete mix formed in wood forms, indicating better concrete
maturity at the same age.
Formwork Research
23 V1 N1 May 2013
Cementing Material (SCM) which enhances the fresh
properties of concrete including increased workability
(Mindess, Young et al. 2003; Malhotra 2006; Mehta 2009).
High volume fly ash contents are now replacing cement
because (1) this results in lower consumption of cement,
hence reducing the energy required to produce cement and
also reducing the associated green house gas emissions,
(2) production of many self consolidating mixes require high
contents of fly ash, and (3) this results in cost-savings and is
a more sustainable process since an industrial by-product (fly
ash) is now being utilized which otherwise would end-up in a
landfill. However, addition of fly ash can decrease the rate of
the hydration reaction, negatively impacting the construction
process as the stripping of forms may be delayed. The effect
of using fly ash in concrete on the maturity of concrete was
studied in this project. During the hydration reaction, heat is
generated and released to the surroundings; the rate of the
reaction is proportional to the heat generated. The dissipation
of this heat of hydration to the environment will depend on
the type of forming material used, thickness of the concrete
mass, and use of insulation (Khan, Cook et al. 1998; Wang,
Zhi et al. 2006). The effect of using insulation, wood or a PVC
SIP system on the maturity of concrete was studied in this
project. The maturity of concrete was evaluated by calculating
a Temperature Development Index (TDI), which is described
The TDI is a close function of the hydration process and hence
it is important to note the different stages of the hydration
process. The first stage is the rapid heat evolution, which
occurs very quickly, the concrete then moves into the dormant
stage where the concrete is workable. The dormant stage
ends with the initial set and moves into the acceleration stage
as the reaction begins to accelerate. The concrete remains
workable until the final set where the greatest temperature is
achieved. During the deceleration stage, the reaction slows
down and temperature is reduced, bringing the concrete to
a steady state. A practical and effective way to evaluate this
hydration process is to monitor the temperature released by
the hydration reaction over time. The temperature data also
serves as an indicator of the rate of reaction, as temperature
increase is proportional to the heat generated.
Materials and Forming Systems
Concrete was prepared in a rotary drum mixer using Type I
cement (manufacturer- Lafarge), river sand, coarse aggregate
with maximum size 10 mm, Class F fly ash (Plant- Centralia),
and admixtures including superplasticizer (product- Glenium
3000 NS) and air entrainer (product- MB VR Standard). For
constructing the wood forms, lumber meeting the following
specifications was used: 23/32 inch DF-DF plywood, 48/24
span rated. The forms were oiled using a release agent (WD-
40) before pouring concrete.
A concrete mix design typical of what is used in field
construction with the PVC SIP system was used. The control
concrete mix had a water-cement ratio of 0.49 with 350 kg/
m3 of cement, 1160 kg/m3 coarse aggregate, 700 kg/m3 of
sand, dosage of 600 ml/m3 of superplasticizer and 200 ml/
m3 air entrainer. Another mix was prepared by replacing 40%
of the cement with fly ash by weight.
PVC SIP Forming System
The SIP forming system used in this study is briefly described
below. This forming system is composed of PVC panels,
connectors, and braces that form cells. The panels are
typically 150 mm wide and come in variable heights. The
connectors, which are available in various widths, are placed
perpendicular to the panels and have openings that are
provided for placement of rebar and to allow the concrete
to flow through the wall. Figure 1 (a) shows one such cell
of the forming system braced with standard connectors, T-
connectors, and the 45 braces to the panels. Insulation is
also available (Figure 1 (b)) for an increased thermal mass,
leading to higher energy efficiency.
The panels that make up the interior and exterior of the
formwork and can be curved to conform to the shape needed
for the specific application, such as an aquaculture tank
shown in Figure 2 (a). Once the vertical formwork has been
assembled and raised, wood bracing is used, as shown in
Figure 2 (b). This bracing is similar to the bracing required
when the wood formwork is used and is removed once
concrete within the forms has gained sufficient strength.
Figure 1. Components of SIP formwork cell (a) Top vies of cell containing all
components, (b) Schematic of cell with insulation (Octaform 2009)
Specimen Preparation
To compare the influence of PVC SIP formwork on the heat of
hydration (maturity/temperature release), the results from PVC
SIP system were compared to wood formwork. The SIP test
wall configuration, shown in Figures 3 and 4, was designed to
have three rectangular cells. This configuration was chosen
so that the two extra cells on either side of the middle cell
would eliminate the temperature effects of closeness to the
end of the wall (boundary effects). The sides of the end cells
were filled with wood pieces to prevent concrete from flowing
Formwork Research
24 V1 N1 May 2013
out of the wall. The final interior dimensions of the wall were:
460 mm (18) length, 300 mm height, and variable width
(ranging from 100 to 300 mm). For the wood formed walls,
plywood was assembled to match the interior dimensions of
SIP systems dimensions.
standards (C192) and poured into small wall-shaped formwork
300 mm in height supported by a bracing system (previously
described). A tamping rod was used to ensure the concrete
was well compacted within the formwork.
Thermocouples (Type K) were embedded into the central
cell at five locations, which are shown in Figure 5. One
thermocouple was placed in the center of the test specimen
to evaluate temperatures in the middle. Four thermocouples
were placed around the central thermocouple to provide a
more accurate depiction of temperatures throughout the test
specimen, particularly locations closer to the formwork. It was
hypothesized that, if thermocouple location was critical, the
thermocouples located closer to the faces of the wall would
be more affected by the ambient temperature than those in
the middle, and the centrally-located thermocouple would
reach the highest peak temperature as it was surrounded by
the largest thermal mass during curing. In addition, a sixth
thermocouple measured the ambient temperature in the
lab. The thermocouples were attached to a data acquisition
system and the temperature was recorded for the duration of
the test.
Figure 1. Components of SIP formwork cell (a) Top vies of cell containing all
components, (b) Schematic of cell with insulation (Octaform 2009)
(a) (b)
To evaluate the effect of the PVC formwork on the hydration
of concrete, concrete was cast inside the PVC formwork
and was compared with concrete cast inside traditional
wood formwork. It was initially hypothesized that the PVC
SIP formwork would contain heat and moisture during the
hydration process, therefore increasing the rate of the reaction
and the ultimate strength. Three variables were introduced
to simulate the varying field conditions to which concrete is
typically exposed: concrete composition, wall thickness and
insulation. The matrix of variables tested is shown in Table 1
Figure 3. Schematic (plan view) showing dimensions of the formed specimens
Test set-up
During casting, the concrete was mixed according to ASTM
Figure 4. Bracing of specimen constructed using PVC SIP
Concrete type Formwork type
Specimen width
100 200 300
Normal (NC)
Fly Ash (FA)
Normal (NC)
SIP with 50 mm insulation - -
Wood with 50 mm insulation - -
Fly Ash (FA)
SIP with 50 mm insulation - -
Wood with 50 mm insulation - -
Table 1: Test matrix for the variables investigated
Figure 5. Thermocouple locations in the middle SIP formwork cell
Formwork Research
25 V1 N1 May 2013
Temperature measurements
Before the concrete was mixed and poured into the formwork,
the data acquisition system was started to obtain the initial
ambient temperature. The thermocouple wires were then
placed in the concrete as described earlier. Temperature
readings were collected at a rate of 3 readings per minute,
each reading being an average of 100 scans. Once the test
had run for an amount of time determined by previously
conducted preliminary tests indicating complete hydration,
the data acquisition system was stopped and the data was
saved for analysis.
Compression testing
Cast cylinders
To determine the compressive strength, cylinders (100 x 200
mm) were cast according to ASTM C 31. Cylinders were de-
molded after 24 hours and moist cured for 56 days. Testing
was done using a Riehle hydraulic testing machine with a 300
kip load cell. Specimens were loaded by displacement-control
at a rate of 0.085 mm/min. The data acquisition system was
set up to measure the applied load at a rate of 25 readings
per second, each reading being an average of 1000 scans.
Four cylinders were tested for each mix type (NC and FA).
Neoprene caps were used in lieu of capping or grinding of
To study the effect of the PVC SIP system and insulation
on the concrete compressive strength, drilled cores were
extracted after monitoring the temperature for 36 hours.
This was also done to determine if there was any correlation
between temperature and strength development. Cores
were taken from various 200 mm walls and subjected to
compressive testing equipment as described above. The
various configurations from which were extracted are shown
in Table 2.
Results and discussion
Data averaging
The temperature data were recorded from all six
thermocouples over time. After analyzing the data, it was
noted that the temperature readings from the five embedded
thermocouples did not vary significantly with the location of the
thermocouples; therefore the average curves were deemed
suitable for analysis. This finding is illustrated in Figure 7. Note
that the bottom and the top thermocouples reach the second
lowest and the highest temperatures, respectively, even
though these were located approximately the same distance
from the center of the wall.
Formwork type Concrete type Insulation
Normal Present
Fly Ash Absent
Normal Present
Fly Ash Absent
Table 2: Various specimen types used for extracting core samples
Each wall was cored with a concrete coring machine as
shown in Figure 6, with a 100 mm diameter drill. Three cores
were taken from each wall: one from the middle cell, and
one from each of the two side cells. Each 100 mm diameter
core was then cut down to a height of 200 mm and tested for
compressive strength.
Figure 6. Coring 100 mm diameter sections for compression testing from SIP
formed specimens
Figure 7. Typical plot: temperature versus time as a function of thermocouple
location for a 200 mm thick wall formed with wood
Temperature Development Index (TDI)
From the averaged data, the peak temperature (Tp) was
determined along with the time at which the peak (tp) occurred.
Figure 8 presents a typical plot of average temperature versus
time, indicating the Tp and tp. Throughout the testing program,
Formwork Research
26 V1 N1 May 2013
the ambient temperature in the lab fluctuated, resulting in
varying initial temperatures from specimen to specimen. This
situation would also be typical of a construction site where the
ambient conditions will be different from day to day. Figure 8
presents the average temperature versus time for two tests
performed during primary testing. The ambient temperature
recorded during each test is not presented in the plot for clarity.
The variation in ambient temperature was less than 1C in
each test and hence the effect was considered negligible.
Although it was expected that the 100 mm FA specimen
would achieve a lower peak temperature than the 200 mm FA
specimen because it contained a smaller volume of concrete,
the results show just the opposite. As research has shown,
ambient temperatures affect the rate of the hydration process
(Wang, Zhi et al. 2006); warmer temperatures speed up the
hydration process and contribute to higher peak temperatures,
while colder temperatures slow down the hydration process
and contribute to lower peak temperatures. Because of the
effect of ambient temperatures on the hydration process,
and that ambient temperatures were not controlled during
testing, there was no linear relationship between hydration
and ambient temperature. Therefore this experimental project
cannot directly account for this effect.
the 100 mm specimen with fly ash (Table 3). Refer to Figure 8
for identification of critical points for the temperature analysis
and an illustration of the areas calculated. After analysis it
was seen that the 100 mm FA specimen (shown in Figure 8)
achieved a smaller A1 calculation in comparison to the larger,
200 mm FA specimen. The area calculation was conducted
for each test and the areas were compared. These values
were used as an indication of temperature development
during hydration. The A1 value representing temperature rise
and maturity immediately after the dormant stage was found
to be more relevant than that of A2 and is used extensively
throughout this report. The authors have called this value the
Temperature Development Index (TDI or simply A1). The
results from these comparisons are discussed later.
Figure 8. Average temperature versus time curve for 100 and 200 mm thick
To minimize the effect of the ambient temperature during the
analysis, it was proposed that the area under the hydration
curve be calculated and analyzed. This area was split into
two smaller areas: A1 being the region bound by the initial
minimum temperature (indicating the dormant period) and
the peak temperature and A2 being the region bound by
the peak temperature and the final temperature at 30 hours.
Preliminary tests (not reported here for maintaining brevity)
had indicated that the internal temperature in specimens
more or less dropped to ambient temperature after 30 hours
(Lowrie, Sommer et al. 2007). In certain specimens the peak
temperature was very similar to the ambient temperature and
sometimes lower than that recorded at 30 hours. In such
cases, the value of A2 would be negative as in the case of
Figure 9. Average temperature versus time for 100, 200 and 300 mm thick
walls formed with SIP formwork with normal concrete (NC) and 40% fly ash
replacement (FA)
Wall Type
Time at
A1 (TDI)
100 mm
200 mm
300 mm
Fly Ash
100 mm
200 mm
300 mm
Table 3: Temperature at peak and A1 (Temperature Development Index, TDI),
A2 for the SIP system
Wall Type
Time at
A1 (TDI)
100 mm
200 mm
300 mm
Fly Ash
100 mm
200 mm
300 mm
Table 4: Temperature at peak and A1(Temperature Development Index, TDI),
A2 for the Wood formwork
Formwork Research
27 V1 N1 May 2013
Forming Systems
A plot of temperature versus time for the SIP system for varying
composition and wall thickness is summarized in Figure 9 and
Table 3. Overall temperature test results for concrete formed
using the wood forms are summarized in Figure 10 and Table
Effect of fly ash
For the walls formed using the SIP system, with the addition
of fly ash, the peak temperature and TDI decreased for all wall
thicknesses, however, the time to peak when comparing the
same wall thickness increased indicating that the extent of the
reaction is reduced with the addition of fly ash. Similar trends
were observed for the specimens formed using wood.
Effect of wall thickness
Figure 11 presents the average TDI for the two mixes
tested when wall thickness is varied for the SIP system. In
comparing the wall thickness among the SIP specimens
(Figure 9), the data show an increase in temperature, time
to peak temperature, and TDI as the thickness is increased
for both mixes tested. The increase in wall thickness from
100 to 300 mm increased the TDI by more than 192% for NC
SIP specimens and 210% for FA SIP specimens. The data
shows that larger walls reach a higher peak temperature at
a later time and achieve a greater TDI than smaller walls. In
general, an increase in wall thickness is correlated with an
increase in peak temperature, time to peak temperature,
and total temperature development in the hydration reaction.
Similar results were observed for wood formed specimens
and the results are presented in Figure 11. For wood formed
specimens the increase in wall thickness from 100 mm to
300 mm increased the TDI by 120% for NC specimens and
280% for FA specimens. This result implies that the TDI and
hence the strength gain in thin walls is significantly lower
when compared to thicker walls. Hence, there is a need to be
closely monitor and consider the strength gain of such wall
before stripping the forms especially when high volumes of
fly ash are used.
Figure 10. Average thermocouple temperature versus time for 100, 200 and
300 mm thick walls formed with wood with normal concrete (NC) and 40% fly
ash replacement (FA)
Figure 11. TDI (A1) as a function of wall thickness for walls formed with PVC
SIP and wood formwork for NC and FA
Effect of insulation
Figure 12 presents temperature versus time for walls formed
with SIP formwork with and without insulation and with and
without fly ash. Incorporating a 50 mm thick insulation with
the SIP system resulted in greater TDIs and higher peak
temperatures (Figure 12). Use of insulation increased the
peak temperature and TDI by 10% and 52% respectively
for the normal concrete mix, and increased 13% and 83%,
respectively with the use of fly ash. Figure 13 presents
average temperature versus time for wood formed specimens
with and without insulation. Similar to the results of the SIP
specimens, the data indicate that when insulation is used, the
peak temperature is greater in comparison to walls without
insulation. The NC specimen with insulation also achieved a
greater temperature development in comparison to the NC
specimen without insulation; however, this trend was not
visible in the FA specimens. When insulation was used with
the normal concrete mix, peak temperature and TDI increased
by 15% and 19%, respectively. When insulation was used with
the fly ash mix, the peak temperature increased by 9%, while
the TDI decreased by 12%. The reasons for this decrease are
not clear and warrant further investigation.
Wood formed vs. SIP system: Comparison
Figure 11 presented earlier is a plot of the average temperature
development for the SIP system and wood formed walls
of various wall thicknesses. For both the wood and SIP
system formed walls, there was an increase in temperature
development with an increase in wall thickness due to the
increased thermal mass of the additional concrete from the
larger walls. The results show that the wood formed specimens
achieve greater temperature development in comparison to
the SIP system, particularly when the normal concrete mix is
Formwork Research
28 V1 N1 May 2013
used. In general, the
addition of fly ash appears to slow the hydration process,
lowering the total amount of temperature developed, and
cause the specimen to reach a lower peak temperature at a
later time for both the wood and SIP walls. In the case of the
200 mm SIP fly ash specimen, a slightly higher temperature
development was achieved in comparison to the wood
formed specimen. When varying the composition, there is a
greater difference in the TDI for the wood walls, an average
of a 49% difference, than for the SIP walls, with an average
of a 31% difference. This may indicate that the SIP system
may contain more moisture and develop more cumulative
temperature relative to wood formwork during the hydration
process when fly ash is used.
In general, the inclusion of insulation for both wood and SIP
systems increases the peak temperature during hydration, and
contributes to greater temperature development. In general
the peak temperatures for specimens containing insulation
occur later in comparison to specimens without insulation.
For the specimens tested, the inclusion of insulation with
the SIP system appears to have a more significant effect on
temperature development and peak temperatures achieved
in comparison to the wood system. This finding may be a
result of the wood system itself providing insulation and the
additional insulation having little effect. It is interesting to note
that the SIP system used with the fly ash mix and insulation
achieved a greater temperature development than the wood
forming system used with the normal concrete mix and
no insulation. These results are an indication that the SIP
system used in combination with fly ash and insulation more
positively contributes to the hydration process in comparison
to standard wood forms used with the normal concrete mix.
The compression test results for cored specimens along with
the analyzed temperature data is presented in Table 5. In
comparing the wood and SIP formed walls, the wood formed
walls generally achieved a higher temperature development
than the SIP formed walls for all size walls. To understand
this correlation, the R-Value of each formwork material was
determined. The R-Value for the PVC SIP is reported as 0.60
(Octaform Systems Inc., 2009) while that for 20 mm ()
plywood is reported as 0.90 (TECO, 2010). The lower R-Value
of the SIP indicates that it is less resistant to thermal change
than wood, and hence may explain why it achieved lower
temperature development overall in non-insulated systems.
Compression Testing
Cast cylinders: When 40% cement was replaced with fly ash,
Strength (fc) (MPa)
Deviation (MPa)
TDI / A1 (Chr)
Avg. Peak Temp
(Tp) (
Avg.Time at
Peak (tp) (hrs)
Normal Concrete
SIP 17.86 4.83 42.24 29.45 14.34
Wood 20.13 7.38 43.50 31.00 11.84
Fly Ash
SIP 12.07 2.69 24.31 25.42 17.87
Wood 12.41 1.72 34.53 26.57 17.99
NC Insulated
SIP 15.05 0.92 64.01 32.54 16.00
Wood 12.51 7.52 44.52 28.80 17.33
FA Insulated
SIP 20.40 0.35 51.68 35.50 12.80
Wood 5.85 0.24 30.25 28.89 14.87
Table 5: Compressive strength data from cored samples (36 hours after casting) and the corresponding temperature data
Figure 12. Average thermocouple temperature versus time for walls formed
with SIP formwork with NC and FA with and without insulation (Insul)
Figure 13. Average thermocouple temperature versus time for walls formed
with wood formwork with NC and FA with and without insulation (Insul)
Formwork Research
29 V1 N1 May 2013
the compressive strength decreased from an average of 32 +
3 MPa to 29 + 6 MPa at 56 days.
Cores: Cores were taken from four 200 mm walls and four
250 mm walls with 50 mm insulation (and 200 mm concrete):
two each from SIP NC, SIP FA, Wood NC, and Wood FA.
These cores were tested and averaged for each wall. The
compression testing data is summarized in Table 5. It should
be noted that the compressive strengths reported in Table 5
are at an age of 36 hours and hence significantly lower than
that measured for cast specimens tested after 56 days. One
of the other methods of comparison for these walls was the
TDI (A1 in Table 5), which has been explained already.
Treating the compressive strength for FA insulated wood
specimen as an anomaly, a reasonable correlation between
fc measured for cored samples and TDI was observed.
This correlation existed only when the same concrete type
and formwork configurations were considered. The general
trend shows that when the TDI increases there is an increase
in compressive strength. However, when comparing the
insulated walls to the non-insulated walls, similar compressive
strengths were measured for dissimilar TDIs. This may be
attributed to limited number of cores and the high standard
deviation observed in the compressive test results; as high
as 60% for the NC insulated wood specimen). Establishing
a straightforward correlation between fc and TDI was difficult
also because TDI corresponded to thermal activity up to
peak (time to peak ranged between 11 and 18 hrs), whereas
all coring occurred at 36 hours, hence making a direct
comparison more difficult. Further research is necessary to
clearly establish this correlation.
1. The proposed TDI was an effective method of analyzing
the temperature data. TDI could be effectively used to
minimize the effect of different ambient conditions and to
capture the hydration that occurs immediately after the
dormant hydration stage.
2. The wood forming system contributes to higher peak
temperatures, which occur later when compared to the
PVC SIP forming system. The extent of hydration process
does appear to be greater in the wood system for a normal
concrete mix. This corroborates well with the R value for
both forming systems.
3. The SIP system used in combination with a high volume
fly ash mix and insulation achieved greater temperature
development in comparison to the non-insulated wood
forming system used with normal concrete. These results
indicate that the insulated SIP system used with fly ash
more positively contributes to the hydration process in
comparison to the noninsulated wood formed system
used with the normal concrete mix.
4. Special attention is required to ensure strength gain before
stripping forms especially for thin wall cast using concrete
containing high volume fly ash.
Further Research
In addition to wood and one type of SIP formwork, further
research should be done to compare the effect of other
forming systems used in the industry on maturity of concrete.
In particular, larger wall sizes should be tested to better
simulate the conditions experienced in the field. Stripping
time variability should be incorporated into this testing. Validity
of TDI should be examined by conducting tests at extreme
ambient conditions to simulate colder winter climates and
warmer summer climates. Further research is suggested
to clearly establish the relationship between concrete
compressive strength and TDI by having a larger sample size
of cored specimens.
The authors would like to thank Octaform Systems Inc. for
sponsoring this project and for providing the materials and
technical expertise for this project. The authors would also
like to acknowledge the contributions of the Seattle University
senior design team that was comprised of Kristian Lowrie,
David Sommer, and Nikki Wheeler.
- Khan, A. A., W. D. Cook, et al. (1998). Thermal Properties and
Transient Thermal Analysis of Structural Members During Hydration.
ACI Materials Journal 95(3), 293-303.
- Kuder, K. G., R. Gupta, et al. (2009). Effect of PVC Stay-in-Place
Formwork on Mechanical Performance of Concrete. Journal of
Materials in Civil Engineering 21(7), 309-315.
- Lowrie, K., D. Sommer, et al. (2007). Effect of PVC Stay-In-Place
Formwork on the Hydration of Concrete, Seattle University: 40.
- Malhotra, M. (2006). Reducing CO2 Emissions: The Role of Fly
Ash and Other Supplementary Cementitious Materials. Concrete
International, 42-45.
- Mehta, P. K. (2009). Global Concrete Industry Sustainability: Tools for
Moving Forward to Cut Carbon Emissions. Concrete International,
- Mindess, S., F. J. Young, et al. (2003). Concrete. Upper Saddle River,
Prentice Hall.
- Octaform Systems Inc., Technical Guide (accessed October, 2009),
< page=technical-guides>
- TECO, Panel R Values (accessed June 2010), <http://www.>
- Wang, K., G. Zhi, et al. (2006). Developing a Simple and Rapid Test
for Monitoring the Heat Evolution of Concrete Mixtures for Both
Laboratory and Field Applications. N. C. P. T. Center.
Publishers Note: This paper was presented at the Proceedings of the One Day
Seminar on Modern Formwork Systems for Building Construction Held in IIT
Madras, Chennai. The Masterbuilder was the official Media Partner for the above
Formwork Research
30 V1 N1 May 2013
Effect of Concrete Temperature and
Formwork Width on Variation Pressure
Formwork of Self-compacting Concrete
Amir Hosein Bakhtiarain,
Morteza Askari
The Bsc. Student of Islamic Azad University, Iran
The Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Iran
The design of formwork systems for vertically cast elements
is controlled by the lateral pressure developed by the
flesh concrete. It is well established that concrete
consistency, method of placement, consolidation, type
of cement, temperature of concrete, maximum aggregate
size, head of concrete, pore water pressure, rate of
placement, and size and shape of the formwork have all
marked effect on the development of lateral pressure
Maxton (from Rodin [9]) studied the coupled effect of the
casting rate and concrete temperature on the lateral
pressure envelope for conventional concrete. Different
series of low-slump concrete mixtures placed at casting
rates varying between 0.6 and 2 m/h were investigated.
The concrete temperature varied from 4.5 to 27C.
Maximum lateral pressure was found to increase with the
increase in the casting rate and/or decrease in concrete
temperature. Irrespective of the tested parameters, the
pressure envelope was reported to be hydrostatic from
the free surface to a certain maximum value, and then
remained constant until the bottom of the formwork.
For formwork design purposes, ACI Committee 622 [2]
proposed the following design equations for column and
wall elements, both of which take into account the rate of
casting and concrete temperature: For columns:
In this article two complete programs about effect of concrete temperature, formwork width, on lateral pressure formwork of Self-
Compacting Concrete are discussed. For considering effect of concrete temperature concrete mixtures which are built under 10-
30c , are used and the result show that concrete temperature hasn't considerable effect on initial pressure (after casting finishing).
But in time passing, pressure reduction is significant for surveying in formwork width effect, two columns with 200 and 920mm
diameter, are applied
For walls:
Where P
: maximum lateral pressure, KPa
R: rate of casting, m/h
T: concrete temperature, C
H: head of concrete, m
Effect of concrete temperature on formwork pressure
For investigation of effect of concrete temperature on
lateral formwork pressure, experimental research of Assad
[7] and his colleagues was used and described those
The ternary cement contained 6% silica fume, 22% fly
ash, and 72% CSA Type 10 cement. The Type 30 cement,
Type 10 cement, and fly ash had blaine specific surface
values of 600, 325, and 410m2/kg, respectively. The silica
fume had a B.E.T specific surface of 20,250m2/kg.
Continuously graded crushed limestone aggregate with
nominal size of 10mm and well-graded siliceous sand
Formwork Pressure
31 V1 N1 May 2013
were employed. The coarse aggregate and sand had
fineness module of 6.4 and 2.5, bulk specific gravities of
2.71 and 2.69, and absorption values of 0.4% and 1.2%,
respectively. Polycarboxylate-based high-range water-
reducing admixture (HRWRA) of 1.1 specific gravity and
27% solid content was used. A high molecular weight
cellulosic-based material was employed for the VEA to
enhance stability of mixtures proportioned with 0.40 w/cm.
Mixture proportion
As summarized in Table 1, the investigated mixtures were
prepared with 450 kg/m
of binder content and w/cm of
0.40.The effect of concrete temperature on lateral pressure
variations was evaluated by testing mixtures prepared at
10, 20, and 30 2C for the TER-10, TER-20, and TER-30
mixtures, respectively. Ambient temperatures during the
sampling and testing were 14, 20, and 27C, respectively,
to minimize heat loss of the tested concrete. The effect of
using Type 30 cement and set accelerating admixture on
the variations in lateral pressure was investigated, as they
have marked effect on the rate of cement hydration. The
dosage of the set accelerator was set at 1000 mL/100 kg
of binder. The T30-20 and TER-20-ACC mixtures prepared
with Type30 cement and set accelerating admixture,
respectively, were proportioned at 20 2C and tested
at 20C ambient temperature. The VEA dosage was fixed
at 260 mL/100 kg of binder, and the sand-to-total
aggregate ratio remained constant at 0.46 for all tested
mixtures. The HRWRA and AEA concentrations were
adjusted to secure initial slump flow of 650 15mm and
air content of 6 2%.
Instrumented column systems
Two experimental columns were used to determine the
lateral pressure exerted by plastic concrete. The first
column measures 2800mm in height and 200mm in
diameter, and was used to evaluate pressure variations of
the plastic concrete. The lateral pressure was determined
using five pressure sensors mounted at 50, 250, 450, 850,
and 1550mm from the base. In order to enable the
evaluation of pressure variation up to the hardening of
the concrete, a shorter column measuring 1100mm in
height and 200mm in diameter was used. Three pressure
sensors similar to those employed in the former column
were mounted at 50, 250, and 450mm from the base.
Both experimental columns were made of PVC with a
smooth inner face to minimize friction with the concrete.
Fabrication and testing program
The slump flow, concrete temperature, unit weight, air
volume, L-box flow characteristics, surface settlement,
and setting time were determined, and the results are
summarized in Table 2.
Table 2. Properties of evaluated SCC mixtures
Fresh concrete properties
All SCC mixtures had L-box blocking ratios (h2/h1) greater
than 0.80 indicating adequate passing ability, and
rel ati vel y l ow surface settl ement (<0.5%). Surface
settlement values are shown to decrease with the increase
in the initial concrete temperature. The maximum surface
settlement decreased from 0.48% to 0.34% and 0.32%
for the TER-10, TER-20, and TER-30 mixtures cast at
approxi mate temperatures of 10, 22, and 30C,
respectively. The use of high early strength cement and
set-accelerator are also shown to enhance the static
stability of the plastic concrete. The mixtures prepared
with set-accelerating admixture and Type 30 cement
exhi bi ted settl ement val ues of 0.29% and 0.15%,
Lateral pressure envelope with respect to height
A typical diagram showing the distribution of lateral
Pressure along the 2800-mm high experimental column
Slump flow, mm
Air content, %
Initial concrete
temperature, .C
Unit weight, kg/m
h2/h1 of L-box test
Surface settlement, %
Initial set time, min
Final set time, min
ture, .C
Type 30
cm = 0.40)
Sand (0-
5 mm),
(5-10 mm),
VEA, mL/
100 kg of
mL/100 kg
of cement
AEA, mL/ 100
kg of cement
Table 1. Mixture proportions of evaluated SCC
Formwork Pressure
32 V1 N1 May 2013
for the TER-30 mixture is given in Fig.1. The slump flow
values noted at various times are also indicated. Right
after casting, the concrete is shown to develop lateral
pressure close to the theoretical hydrostatic pressure. The
hydrostatic pressure (P
) is calculated as: P
= g
H; where , g, and H refer to the concrete unit weight,
gravity constant, and head of concrete in the formwork,
respectively. The relative pressures compared to P
the base of the column determined at end of casting and
then after 1, 2, and 3 hours were 91%, 77%, 68%, and 61%
Fig. 1: Variations of lateral pressure envelope with time for the TER-30 mixture
Fig. 2: Effect of concrete temperature, cement Type 30, and use of set-
accelerating admixture on pressure variations determined at the bottom of the
2800-mm high column
Effect of concrete temperature on variations in lateral
Variations of the P(maximum)/P(hydrostatic) values
measured along the 2800-mm column of the five SCC
mixtures placed at 10 m/h are plotted in Fig.2. Slump
values determined at the end of pressure monitoring are
noted. Mixtures prepared with ternary cement at initial
temperatures of 10, 22, and 30C develop similar relative
pressures of 91% at the end of casting. This indicates
that concrete temperature has no significant effect on the
development of initial pressure. The maximum initial
pressure is rather affected by the degree of internal friction
that depends on the coarse aggregate volume and
mixture consistency. On the other hand, the rate of
pressure drop with time is significantly affected by
concrete temperature. For example, the time to reduce
the relative pressure by 25% decreased from 400 to 250
and 160 minutes for the TER-10, TER-20, and TER-30
mixtures, respectively.
Alexandridis and Gardner [1] reported that concrete cast
at higher initial temperature can exhibit higher cohesion
through the formation of a gel structure. This can enable
the plastic concrete to develop higher shear strength
capable of carrying a greater fraction of the vertical load,
thus resulting in increased rate of pressure drop with time.
It is important to note that higher initial temperature can
result in greater rate of loss in slump flow consistency,
thus reducing the degree of lateral pressure. For example,
slump values of 170 and 180mm were measured 5 and
3.5 hours after casting for the TER-10 and TER-30
mixtures, respectively.
The T30-20 and TER-20-ACC mixtures developed the
l owest i ni ti al rel ati ve pressures of 78% and 83%,
respectively, compared to 91% for those cast at 10 to
30C initial temperatures and placed at similar casting
rates of 10 m/h (Fig. 2). The incorporation of set-
accelerating admixture in the TER-20-ACC mixture
resulted in the highest rate of pressure drop with time;
the elapsed period required to reduce the relative
pressure by 25% was 88 minutes. The increased rate of
cement hydrati on due to the i ncorporati on of set-
accelerating admixture can lead to greater cohesiveness,
and hence sharper rate of drop in lateral pressure.[4]
Effect of section width on formwork pressure
For investigation of effect of concrete temperature on
lateral formwork pressure, experimental research of
Khayat[8] and his colleagues was used and described
those below:
A ternary cement made with approximately 6% silica
fume, 22% Class F fly ash, and 72% Type 10 cement was
used. A conti nuousl y graded crushed l i mestone
aggregate with nominal size of 10 mm and well-graded
siliceous sand were employed. The sand had a fineness
modulus of 2.5. The bulk specific gravities of the aggregate
and sand were 2.72 and 2.69, and their absorptions were
0.4% and 1.2%, respectively. A naphthalene-based high-
range water reducer (HRWR) with solid content of 41%
Formwork Pressure
33 V1 N1 May 2013
and specific gravity of 1.21 was used. A liquid-based
polysaccharide was used for the viscosity-modifying
admixture (VMA) to enhance stability of the plastic
concrete. A synthetic detergent-based air-entraining
admixture (AEA) and a carboxylic acid-based water-
reducing admixture were incorporated.
Mixture proportion
For the SCC mixture used in this study, a proven mixture
prepared using 490 kg/m
of binder, 0.38 w/cm, and 0.44
sand to-coarse aggregate ratio was used. The VMA was
incorporated at a dosage of 1325 mL/100 kg of water,
and the HRWR dosage was adjusted at 6 L/m3 to secure
initial slump flow of 650 mm. A dosage of 150 mL/100 kg
of cementitious materials of the AEA was used. The unit
weight and air content were 2280 kg/m 3 and 6.1%,
Instrumented formworks
As already mentioned, two experimental formworks were
used. The first measured 2100 mm in height and 200 mm
in diameter. The PVC tube had a wall thickness of 10 mm
and a smooth inner face to minimize friction during and
after concrete placement. The stress in the diaphragm
caused by concrete lateral pressure was determined
using five pressure sensors mounted at 850, 1250, 1650,
1850, and 2050 nun from the top. The monitoring of
pressure distribution was stopped once the concrete had
an approximate slump consistency of 100 mm. The
second column consisted of a sonotube of 3600 mm in
hei ght and 920 mm i n di ameter. The col umn was
adequately braced and reinforced. The lateral pressure
was determined using two pressure sensors located at
2050 and 2880 mm from the top.
The monitoring of pressure distribution was stopped once
the concrete had an approximate slump consistency of
100 mm. The second column consisted of a sonotube of
3600 mm in height and 920 mm in diameter. The column
was adequately braced and reinforced. The lateral
pressure was determined using two pressure sensors
located at 2050 and 2880 mm from the top. In this case,
the lateral pressure was monitored until the hardening of
the concrete.
Fabrication and testing program
Ready-mixed concrete was delivered to the experimental
site. The ambient and concrete temperatures were 16
and 19C respectively. The slump flow, air content, JRing
and Lbox flow characteristics, and surface settlement were
determined for the SCC. The measurement corresponds
to the mean diameter of the spread concrete at the end of
flow. The JRing spread values was 600 mm and for Lbox
test the measure was 0.81 and maxi mum surface
settlement was 0.34%.
The concrete was directly discharged from the mixing
truck into the formwork from the top at the desired pouring
rate without stoppage or vibration. In the case of the 3600-
ram high column, the concrete was placed at a rate of
rise of 10m/hr. For the 2100-ram high column, the formwork
pressure was evaluated twice; once using a rate of
placement of 10m/hr and then at 25 m/hr for a second
column. The slump flow values determined upon the
arrival on site of the concrete and after 1 and 2 hours were
650, 635, and 450 mm, respectively. After 3 and 3.5 hours,
slump consistencies of 180 and 65 mm were measured,
The initial and final setting times were determined in the
laboratory at 20C in compliance with ASTM C403 and
are given in Fig.3. The adiabatic temperature was also
evaluated in an adiabatic calorimeter on mortar obtained
by sieving fresh concrete through a 4.75-mm sieve. The
heat evolved was determined by deriving the temperature
rise as a function of time. The time between the initial
contact of cement with water and that corresponding to
the beginning of the acceleration of temperature rise was
6 hours, as also shown in Fig.3.
Fig 3: Variations of hydration and stiffening kinetics with time
Lateral pressure variations
The variations of the lateral pressure envelope determined
on the 2100-ram high column along with the consistency
are plotted in Fig.4. Immediately after filling the formwork,
the concrete is shown to act as a fluid exerting almost
hydrostatic head. However, a gradual decrease in lateral
pressure takes place with time. The relative pressures at
the base of the column determined initially and after 1, 2
and 3 hours were 98%, 89%, 83% and 76% of hydrostatic
pressure respectively.
Results of the section width Influence on formwork
The effect of column diameter (200 vs. 920 mm) on
changes in lateral pressure is illustrated in Fig.5 by plotting
the variations of the P(measured)/P(hydrostatic) values
calculated at 2050 mm from the top of the formworks as a
function of time. It is important to mention that both
columns were cast on the job site at the same casting
Formwork Pressure
34 V1 N1 May 2013
rate of 10 m/hr. Initially, the mixture placed in the larger
column exhibited slightly greater pressure of 99% of
hydrostatic pressure compared to 96% for the 200-mm
diameter column. However, the rate of drop in pressure
was significantly different. In the case of the former
concrete placed in the 920-mm diameter column, the
time required to reduce lateral pressure by 5% of the
hydrostatic value was 20 minutes, resulting in a slope of
5.3 kPa/hr. Conversely, for the 200-mm diameter column,
this period was 38 minutes resulting in a slope of 3.3kPa/
hr. In general, the rate of drop in lateral pressure of plastic
concrete depends on the degree of thixotropy or shear
recovery [9]. This phenomenon causes a build-up of the
structure and an increase in cohesiveness soon after the
Fig 4: Variations of hydration and stiffening kinetics with time
material is left standing at rest without any shearing action.
In the case of the 200-mm diameter column, the arching
effect can be relatively more pronounced than that
resulting from the 920-ram diameter column.
- Variations in fresh concrete temperature have limited
effect on the maximum lateral pressure developed by
SCC at the time of casting. However, the rate of
pressure drop with time increases with the concrete
temperature that promotes faster development of
- The use of Type 30 cement or set-accelerating
admixture can lead to 10% reduction in the initial
pressure and accelerate the rate of pressure drop by
two folds compared to similar concrete prepared with
a ternary cement.
- The scale effect had an influence on the rate of drop in
l ateral pressure of SCC wi th ti me; however, no
appreciable difference in the maximum initial pressure
was observed.
- Immediately after casting, the SCC placed in the 200-
ram diameter column was found to exert slightly less
pressure than that cast in the 920-ram column. This
can be due to an arching effect in the relatively
restricted section.
[1] ACI Committee 347 (2001) "Guide to formwork for concrete",
Farmington Hills, 32.
[2] ACI Committee 622 (1958)" Pressures on formwork", ACI Journal,
Proceedings, and 55(2):173-190.
[3] ACI Commi ttee 622, "Pressures on formwork", ACI
Journal,Proceedings, 55 (2) (1958) 173-190.
[4] Assaad J, Khayat KH, Mesbah H (2003) "Variation of formwork
pressure with thixotropy of self-consolidating concrete." ACI
Materials Journal, 100(1):29-37.
[5] Bartos, P.J.M., "An appraisal of the orimet test as a method for
on-site assessment of fresh SCC concrete", Int. Workshop on
Self-Compacting Concrete, Japan, (1998) 121-135.
[6] Gardner, N.J. and Ho, P.T.-J., "Lateral pressure of fresh concrete",
ACI Journal, Technical Paper, Title No. 76-35 (1979) 809-820.
[7] Joseph J. Assaad Kamal H. Khayat "Effect of casting rate and
concrete temperature on formwork pressure of self-consolidating
concrete",Rilem Materials and Structures (2006) 39:333-341
[8] K. Khayat, J. Assaad, H. Mesbah, and M. Lessard "Effect of
section width and casting rate on variations of formwork pressure
of self-consolidating concrete ", Rilem Materials and Structures
38 (January-February 2005) 73-78
[9] Rodin, S., "Pressure of concrete on formwork", Proceedings
Institution of Civil Engineers (London) 1 Part 1 (6) (1952) 709-
746. Fig. 5: Effect of the section width on lateral pressure
Formwork Pressure
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36 V1 N1 May 2013
Formwork Failure: Cases & Causes
Special Correspondent
ollapse of concrete structures during construction
has been happening since concrete has been
placed in formwork. Cases and causes of these
type of failures have been documented and recorded in
many texts, articles and journals. This article will try and
focus on a few of them from the available reports, starting
with The New York Coliseum on May 9, 1955, 2000
Commonwealth Ave. on January 5,1971, Skyline Plaza in
Bailey's Crossroads on March 2, 1973, The Harbour Cay
Condominium in Cocoa Beach, Florida in March 1981 and
ending with The Tropicana in Atlantic City on October 30,
2003.The focus will be on what has been learned over time
from these failures and what has been done to keep these
type of tradgedies from occurring in the future.
Although there were many cases of concrete failures during
construction prior to the New York Coliseum collapse as
illustrated in (McKaig 13-27, 1962), only a few will be
looked at after this point because of the changes and
progressions being made in the construction industry at
this time in history.
(A) New York Coliseum on May 9, 1955
Pic source:
Formwork Failure
37 V1 N1 May 2013
The construction method was a flat plate waffle slab with
solid slabs at the column caps. It was one of the first times
the use of motorized buggies had been used in the pouring
of this type of structure. The floor that collapsed was the
first floor above grade supported on two tiers of shores at
a total of 22' high. It can be seen from Figure 1 how collapse
happened. The buggies weighed about 3000 lb loaded,
ran at about 12 mph, and there were eight of them at the
time of the failure with about 500 cubic yards of concrete
already placed. The investigation that followed put the
blame solely on inadequate provisions in the formwork to
resist lateral forces, it even went on to say that "if there had
been sufficient diagonal, horizontal, and end bacing of
the temporary supporting structure, the collapse could
have been prevented entirely,...", (McKaig 15-16, 1962).
After the collapse the district attorney called attention to
the lack of inspections and made recommendations to
revising the building code with respect to formwork
because of the new advances.
(B) 2000 Commonwealth Avenue: January 5, 1971
This was a progressive collapse of a cast-in-place
reinforced concrete flat-slab structure. Punching shear was
determined to have been the triggering mechanism but
the real problem was in the numerous errors and omissions
by every party involved in the project (Delatte 133-143).
The investigating committee determined that if the
construction had had a proper building permit and had
followed codes, then the failure could have been avoided
(Delatte 142) (See Figure 2 and 3 how failure occurred).
Some of the problems leading to the collapse are
- Not following the structural engineers specifications
for shoring and formwork
- Lack of concrete design strength
- Lack of shoring or removed too soon
- Improper placement of reinforcement
- Little construction control on site
- Owner changed hands many times
- Almost all jobs were sub contracted
- No architectural opr engineering inspection done
- Inadequate inspection by the city of Boston
- The general contractors representative was not a
licensed builder
- Construction was based on arrangements done by the
- No direct supervision of subcontractors
Figure 2: Typical flatplate with uniform distributed loading
Figure 3: Punching shear failure diagram
Figure 4: Skyline Plaza at Bailey's Crossroads, National Archives
Figure 1: N.Y. Coliseum Collapse, National Archives
Formwork Failure
38 V1 N1 May 2013
(C) Skyline Plaza: March 2,1973
Skyline Plaza (See Figure 4) in Bailey's Crossroads is an
example of a catastrophic collapse of a 30 story cast-in-
place reinforced concrete structure. This was also a flat-
plate design structure that failed due to punching shear
on the 23rd floor and resulted in a progressive collapse.
Some of the reasons for this failure again were 1) premature
removal of shores and reshores, 2) insufficient concrete
stength, 3) no preconstruction plans of concrete casting,
formwork plans, removal of formwork schedules, or
reshoring program (Kaminetzky 66-67).
(D) Harbour Cay Condominium: March 1981
Built just 10 years after 2000 Commonwealth Ave. and 8
years after Skyline Plaza, was another cast-in-place
reinforced concrete structure that collapsed during
construction. It was determined that the most important
factor towards its failure was a design error coupled with a
construction error of the wrong size rebar and chair height.
The designer never performed any calculations to check
for punching shear, the most common form of failure in
these type of structures (Feld & Carper 18).
Figure 5: Tropicana Casino; Parking Garage Picture taken from
(E) The Tropicana Casino parking garage in Atlantic
City, N.J.: October 30,2003
The structure collapsed during construction killing another
four construction workers and and leaving more than 30
others injured. Larry Bendesky, Mongeluzzi's partner of the
Philadelphia law firm Saltz, Moongeluzzi, Barrett &
Bendesky, P.C, the lead counsel for the litigation with Paul
D'Amato of the D'Amato Law Office and a member of the
trial team, said that "the simple explanation of the cause of
the collapse is that the floors were not connected to the
walls with the required reinforcing steel. Built without the
necessary steel, it is no wonder it collapsed like a house of
cards." (pr newswire) The vertical columns left standing
and the fact that the floors were not connected implies
that this was another punching. Refer Figure 5 for the
collapse picture.
Codes & Regulations
Codes in Place
ACI, The American Concrete Institute's origins started in
1905 with its first building code published in 1910 and
changing its name to the current designation in 1913. ACI's
first design handbook came out in1939 and the first
building code titled ACI 318 came out in 1941. The
beginning volumes of ACI were less tha fifty pages with
the current code specification being nearly 470 pages of
design specifications and commentaries (ACI 318). This
clearly shows the history of ACI is closely tied to the ever
changi ng demands of concrete constructi on and
technology. The ACI sees itelf as an expanding, alert,and
informed organization prepared to stimulate imaginative
applications of concrete and better knowledge of its
properties and uses, and will take an increasingly active
part in solving problems affecting the public welfare
(History of ACI).
Lessons Learned
(A) New York Coliseum on May 9, 1955
From this failure the construction industry learned that
shoring systems should be well braced to resist lateral
loads and to consider the effect of power or motorized
buggies/carts on the formwork (Auburn University).
(B) 2000 Commonwealth Avenue: January 5, 1971
From 2000 Commonwealth Ave. the industry learned that
this type of failure is a critical failure mechanism for flat-
pl ate-sl ab concrete constructi on. Structural safety
depends on adequate slab thickness, proper placement
of reinforcement, and adequate concrete strength (Delatte
(C) Skyline Plaza: March 2,1973
Six lessons learned from the colloapse of Skyline Plaza at
Bailey's Crossroads are listed in (Kaminetzky 67)
- the contractor should prepare formwork drawings
showing details of the formwork, shores, and reshores.
- The contractor should prepare a detailed concrete
testing program, to include cylinder testing, before
stripping forms.
Formwork Failure
39 V1 N1 May 2013
- The engineer of record should ascertain that the
contractor has all the pertinent design data (such as
live loads, superimposed dead loads, and any other
information which is unique to the project).
- Inspectors and other quality control agencies should
verify that items 1 and 2 above are being adhered to.
- Uncontrolled acceleration of formwork removal may
lead to serious consquences. 6) Top and bottom rebars
running continuously within the column periphery must
be incorporated in the design.
(D) Harbour Cay Condominium: March 1981
The Harbour Cay Condominiums presented the industry
with six more lessons learned in this type of construction
also listed in (Kaminetzky 77-78). This tradgedy happened
only eight years after the Skyline Plaza tradgedy and yet
some of the same lessons are listed again, they are
- A punching shear strength check s critical to the
success of a flat-slab, since punching shear is the most
common failure mode of concrete slabs.
- Minimum depth of a flat-slab must be checked to
assure proper strength and acceptable deflections.
- Reinforcing bars, both at the top and at the bottom of
the slab, should be placed directly within the column
periphery to avoid progressive collapse. This can easily
be accomplished routinely in all flat-slab jobs at no
additional cost at all.
- Proper construction control must be provided in the
field, including design of formwork by professionals.
This must include shoring and reshoring plans,
procedures, and schedules, with data on minimum
allowable stripping strength of the concrete.
- When there are failure warning signs of any type on a
construction site, work must stop. All aspects of the
project must be carefully evaluated by experienced
professional help. Immediate evacuation of the
structure must be considered.
- Special care must be taken during cold weather to
evaluate the actual in place strength of the concrete. It
is also a fact that the level of construction carelessness
increases in the winter months.
(E) The Tropicana Casino parking garage in Atlantic City,
N.J.: October 30,2003
The Tropi cana l essons l earned have not yet been
published in any documented form, but from articles such
as the one from ASQ Newsletter published in the summer
of 2004, one can reasonably determine that all of the above
lessons learned will be revisited. The article states that all
of the errors were remarkably simple engineering error.
Contractor failed to tie rebar in the frames floor beams to
the columns and shear walls in several places was only
one reason as listed in (ASQ Newswire 11-12).
Statistics released in 1984 by the National Safety council
reported over 2200 deaths were reported for the
construction industry for that year, and 220,000 disabling
injuries, the largest total for the eight major industries
surveyed (Carper 312).
Over $1.6 billion is lost annually in the U.S. due to
construction accidents (Carper 312). Forty-nine percent
of falsework collapse happens during concrete placing
(Hadipriono & Wang 115).Untimely removal of falsework is
the second most significant event related toconcrete failure
(Hadipriono & Wang 116). Investigations prove that many
accidents causing thousands of dollars worth of damage
could have been prevented if only a few hundred dollars
had been spent on diagonal bracing for the formwork
structure (University of Washington).
OSHA, ASCE, and ACI have all responded to these as well
as many other accidents and issues with activities,
publications and codes aimed at improving construction
safety and the welfare of our construction workforce;
however, these organizations alone cannot be responsible
for all construction related activities and failures.
The safety record in the construction industry can be and
must be improved in all phases. As C. Roy Vince has stated,
many construction accidents are the result of ignorance,
carelessness, and greed (Carper 133). The lessons learned
from above being repeated over and over again can only
point to the fact that this statement is precisely true. "As
long as structures are constructed by humans, using
imperfect materials and procedures, failures are likely to
continue. Many of these failures will occur during the
process of constructi on, endangeri ng the l i ves of
construction workers." (Carper 143) There is no way to break
everyone of their bad habits but awareness has to be raised
and the consequences have to be sharply increased.
More focus has to be placed on required education of all
constructi on personel beyond certai n l evel s of
responsibility, this is to include the workers themselves
who are actually assembling these structures. Better
licensure requirements, more stringent inspections, and
increased factors of safety during construction (because
it is at this time when the structure will be likely to see its
most significant loading), should also be considered to
help prevent these tragedies from reoccurring. From the
initial design phase to maintenance of the structure after
Formwork Failure
40 V1 N1 May 2013
completion everyone involved needs to pay strict attention
to all details and warning signs of impending failures. There
can be NO SHORTCUTS if we are to protect the safety and
lives of the individuals who provide us with all of the
essential structures in our lives.
Most often it is not their mistake that cost them their life
and the misery of the families who lost them too soon.
- American Concrete Institute. "History of ACI" <http://> (October
10, 2009)
- ACI Committee 318, (2008). ACI 318-08 "Building Code
Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary"
pp. 81-82
- ACI Committee 318, (1963). ACI 318-63 "Building Code
Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary" pp. .
- Arthur H. Nilson, David Darwin and Charles W. Dolan, (2004).
"Design of Concrete Structures" pp. 12-17
- The ASQ Newsletter. "Extracts from Engineering News Record"
OSHA Report Claims that Atlantic City Garage Contractors Failed
to Tie Rebar and Properly Shore <
DesignDiv/Design-News-Summer2004.pdf> (summer 2004),
(October 10, 2009)
- Auburn University. "Lateral Stability of Structures" New York
Coliseum <
newyork%20coliseum.htm> (2009), (Sept. 18, 2009)
- Charles D. Reese and James Vernon Eidson, (2006). "Handbook
of OSHA Construction Safety and Health" pp. 181-183
- Fabian C. Hadipriono,1 M. ASCE and Hana-Kwang Wang2,
(March/April 1986). "Analysis of Falsework Failures in Concrete
Structures" J. Constr. Engrg. Mgmt. 112(1), pp. 112-121.
- Jacob Feld and Kenneth L. Carper, ((1997) "Construction Failure"
pp. 242-274 Kaminetzky D. (1991). "Design and Construction
Failures" Lessons In Forensic Investigations pp. 67-78
- M. ASCE, (August 1987). "Structural Failures During Construction"
J. Perf. Constr. Fac., ASCE, 1(3), pp. 132-144.
- McKaig T. (1962). "Building Failures" Case Studies in Construction
and Design Norbert J. Delatte Jr., Ph.D., P.E. (2009). "Beyond
Failure" Forensic Case Studies For Civil Engineers pp. 129-155
- PR Newswire. "$101 Million Settlement in Deadly 2003 Tropicana
Parking Garage Collapse That Killed Five Workers" < http://
workers-58264282.html> (October 10, 2009)
- University of Washington. "CM 420 Course Lecture 1" Temporary
Structures <
lec1.ppt> (Spring Quarter 2002), (Sept. 18, 2009)
- Zallen Engineering. "Collapse of Flying Formwork During Concrete
Placement" <
OL-8.pdf> (July 2002), (Sept. 18, 2009)
Formwork Failure
41 V1 N1 May 2013
Formwork for Precast - An Overview
recast concrete buildings are structures made up of
numerous small individual elements of concrete cast
at an off-site location. These precast elements such as
beams, columns, slabs and walls are transported to the site
for assemblage and erection. Wind and earthquake loads
are resisted by coupling of beams to columns for moment
frame resistance, and coupling of wall elements together for
composite shear wall resistance. Thus generally in precast
concrete buildings the individual element on its own plays
no role in gravity and lateral resistance. It is the assembly of
all these elements by proper connections which gives the
building its stability against vertical and lateral resistance.
Precast concrete usually is either ordinary reinforced concrete
or prestressed reinforced concrete. Prestressing gives
advantages of reduced cross-sections and steel requirements
(reduced weights). However prestressing needs additional
equipments, abutments etc.
Precast Concrete is either a factory-cast (off-site) precast
or site-cast (on-site) depending on the volume of work and
logistics. Factory cast is typically more popular. Factory cast
precast gives more control to the producer and the designer
with better options for prestressing, architectural finishes and
grade of concrete. A better quality can be obtained as workers
and supervisors are well trained and experienced. Work does
not hamper due to bad weather.
Site-cast precast is adopted when the project volume is so
large that setting up a plant at site is economical. It is also
adopted when the transport of precast products becomes
very expensive or difficult due to large distances and adverse
road conditions. Setting up of long line prestressed beds is
difficult on site and may not be economical, hence most of the
site-cast precast is non-prestressed.
Wet concrete is poured in forms (moulds) and stripped out
when it attains certain minimum strength. It is stored in a
storage area and later transported to the site for erection.
Forms are basically either stationary steel plate forms or
Tilting tables or battery moulds or moving Carrousel systems
with production pallets. Selection of a system depends upon
the volume of production of a particular element and flexibility
desired in production. There are various patented systems for
forms systems available in India.
Prestressed systems are usually long line systems wherein
large number of elements are produced in a single bed.
Typical elements produced in such a system are Hollowcore
Mangesh Kumar Hardas
Director, Precision Precast Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The principles for formwork for precast concrete remain mostly the same as that for conventional in situ construction. However there
are a few nuances arising due to the fact that concrete is cast away from the location where the element is supposed to be for its
service life. The forms used for precast are of better quality in dimensions and straightness as no one expects to do any plastering
(and thus hide the inconsistencies in formwork) at site. Beautiful shapes and architectural finishes can be achieved which otherwise
are very difficult or even impossible to achieve in a conventional in situ construction. Formwork for precast can be used multiple
times and at the same time the quality of concrete achieved is much better. This paper touches at the requirements of formwork for
precast and overviews the systems generally used as in building construction.
Precast Concrete Formwork
42 V1 N1 May 2013
planks, Double Tee floor elements, Spandrels and Inverted
Tee girders. A prestressed bed needs stressing abutments at
the ends and a long form is in between. Generally the forms
for prestressing elements are either self stressing forms which
take the hydrostatic forces of concrete and compressive forces
from prestressing, or non-self-stressing or free forms which
take only hydrostatic forces leaving the compressive forces
coming from prestressing to the abutments. End abutments
for stressing is a good solution but sometimes one needs
setup for small quantity of elements where self stressing beds
can be used. Sometimes post tensioning is also done within
the factory for small number of elements.
The forms must be designed properly so that they do not
deform during any of the operations of production - pouring
concrete, vibrating, stressing, distressing and stripping the
element out of form. The end product must comply with the
specified tolerances as specified in the BIS codes.
Material for Precast forms
The forms for precast concrete are also called as Moulds
(US: Molds). These moulds can be made up of Wood, Steel,
Aluminium, Fiberglass, Plastic, Concrete or even EPS (Expanded
Polystyrene) as long as it retains it shape against the hydrostatic
pressure of concrete, provides product tolerances, and is
able to withstand the vibrations, the impacts of placing the
rebars and the forces of stripping. Generally good quality
fiberglass and wood forms can be reused about 50 times.
Steel forms have a very large reuse capacity. For complex
shapes of elements as used in architectural precast, forms
made with wood fiberglass or concrete are used. EPS forms
have limited reuse and mostly used in Architectural precast
where the shapes are complex. EPS is also used as sacrificial
Comparison with Conventional Formwork
Unlike cast in situ formwork, precast formwork can be vibrated
in place using vibrating tables thereby giving excellent quality.
Cast in situ formwork needs extensive shoring/ propping
which precast formwork does not.
In case of precast formwork it is very important to maintain
shapes and dimensional accuracies (tolerances) or else the
product may not fit at its place at the time of erection.
Precast formwork presents unlimited possibilities of architectural
finishes such as brick, stone, ribbed finish sand blasted or acid
itched exposed aggregates.
Steam curing and heating of the bed is possible in precast
formwork which increases the rate of strength gain of concrete.
Design Considerations
Maximum reuse of formwork is the key to economy. The
Architect must keep the number of different shapes to a
minimum and design shapes which can be stripped easily,
preferably cast in single pour. Even so, it should achieve the
desired edges, surfaces and textures.
Typically forms should be made for standard cross sections
of columns, beams etc. The Architect should try to use these
standard sizes as much as possible so that new forms are not
required to be made.
The form side(s) of the precast are usually on exterior of the
building. When a panel is cast horizontal, the bottom side may
be exposed aggregate, rubber form lined (to give desired
texture) or just plain surface. The upper surface of the concrete
in the mould which is not as smooth is on the interior of the
In case of forms with fixed sides, the vertical faces should have
draft (slope) of about 1:5 to 1:12 depending upon the width of
the section - this would make it easy to remove.
The interior edges of the form should be radiused or chamfered
at least 10mm to avoid edge damage during stripping. This
can be done using chamfer strips made up of wood or steel.
Figure 1 - A long moving Prestressed bed showing blockouts
Precast Concrete Formwork
43 V1 N1 May 2013
In long line - prestressed method of casting during detensioning
of strands concrete shortens, and so the inside forms need to
be removed before detensioning. The design should be such
that these inside forms can be removed without disturbing the
The form surface against which concrete is cast should be
smooth. These are cleaned by wirebrush, scrapping, scrubbing
and even chipping. The form sheet should be thick and strong
enough to maintain its smooth surface. The plywood used is
raisin coated.
If steel bed is chosen, which normally is the case, magnetic
systems can be used to fix side forms. Side forms are needed
for not only defining the boundaries of the panel but also for
door and window openings.
Formwork construction techniques vary, but generally heavier
construction gives more dimensional stability and helps reduce
transmission of vibration and results in longer life. Fabrication
tolerances are typically half the product tolerances. The surface
roughness of the steel used is about 0.15 micron. The steel
forms have thickness of plates of about 5mm to 8mm and
have gussets at every 200mm to 500mm depending upon
the forces. Sometimes the Steel plates are made of Chrome
Molybdenum Steel.
Sometimes accelerated curing is achieved by heating. To do
so, elobrate piping is done under the form bed and hot water
or steam is passed through it. To reduce heat loss, insulation
should be installed under the beds. The pipe for heating is
above the insulation.
Long forms usually have slopes and drainage should be
Formwork for precast wall panels
Wall panels are cast individually or on a long bed when
prestresssed. Generally the bottom platform is a steel plate
of at least 5mm thick mounted on a concrete. The side forms
are usually are fixed rail/channel or wooden. The blockouts
are also wooden.
In a long line method, there is a long form of about 50 to 100m
with side fixed rail on one side which makes the common side
for all the panels. The second rail is usually movable and is
kept such that it is on the largest width in the pack. Others
in between are wooden. Sometimes the bed is capable of
Figure 2 - Tilting Table
Figure 3 - Battery Mould
Tilting tables are used to cast wall panels. These tables are
equipped with heating and vibrating bed as well. Tilting tables
are hydraulically operated and are horizontal at the time
of casting. At the time of striping, tilting tables tilt to almost
vertical thus need lifting inserts only on the edges. They also
reduce the steel required or can be stripped quickly.
Battery moulds are designed for the vertical fabrication wall
panels. Each layer can have a variable area and reinforcement.
They consist of bulkheads between which 5 to 10 panels can
be simultaneously formed. Vibrators facilitate the effective
compacting of concrete. Battery moulds offer to produce
architectural wall panels with both inside and outside surfaces
as smooth.
Another system is based on production pallets (a steel
table) which pass through various workstations manually
over a set off protruding wheels before concrete products
are complete. Various transport systems (such as central
shifter, side shifters, and rollers) transport the pallets from
workstation to workstation. Each workstation has a role
preparing, concreting, curing and stripping. This system
offers the flexibility of horizontal casting and economizes on
tilting table.
Precast Concrete Formwork
44 V1 N1 May 2013
Strong magnetic systems are available which help in fixing the
side forms. The force is more that 500kgs and th
A fully automated system called carrousel system is also
available. It is computer controlled and gives a very rate of
production. Lattice Girder Slabs can be made with such a
Double wall formwork is essentially the same but it additionally
needs a system to rotate one half of the already cast and
set slab all around and keep it on the one which is recently
Formwork for Columns and beams
Usually precasters keep standard width and height forms.
Column forms are usually non prestressed and can be made
up of steel or wood. These can also be made in specially
Figure 4 - Formwork for IT beams
Figure 5 - Steel Formwork for Round Column
fabricated battery moulds. Rectangular beams can be cast
in similar way but special forms are needed for Inverted Tee
beams. The sides of these forms can be detached. Long
line prestressed forms have arrangements for prestressing
steel. They need permanent abutments and hence are fixed
in place.
Formwork for Hollowcore slabs
Formwork for Hollowcore beds need steel plates firmly
mounted on a foundation and abutments at both ends to take
prestressing force. Manufacture of hollowcore is a propriety
system and a hollowcore machine manufacturer normally
provides the beds as well. No side forms are required as
hollowcore production needs a very dry mix concrete and
remains their on its own. Some machine manufacturers
recommend concrete beds to cast the hollowcores on.
Formwork or precast is needed more in the plant and less
at the construction site. The principles of structural design
of formwork remain the same. Tolerances required for the
finished product and the forces coming on it govern the
design of formwork. Precast concrete products do not need
any finishing (such as plastering) on site. By using coloured
aggregates and formliners beautiful patters can be achieved.
Companies can fabricate their own formwork or choose from
the various systems available in the market based on the
production needs.
Figure 6 Steel Formwork for Rectangular Column
Publishers Note: This paper was presented at the Proceedings of the One Day
Seminar on Modern Formwork Systems for Building Construction Held in IIT
Madras, Chennai. The Masterbuilder was the official Media Partner for the above
Precast Concrete Formwork
Formwork Industry AnaIysis
and stee| based ormwork and
scao|d|ng systems began mak|ng an
|ncreas|ng appearance on the hor|zon.
Wh||e there was growth, |t was
dom|nated by the unorgan|zed sector.
However, the |ast decade has seen,
a|ded by the entry o severa| |ead|ng
g|oba| p|ayers, the organ|zed sector,
wh|ch st||| on|y const|tutes about 10
percent o the |ndustry, gradua||y |ead|ng
to|mprovement |nqua||ty standards and
enab||ng customers a w|der cho|ce o
ormwork and scao|d|ng equ|pment.
The lnd|an ormwork |ndustry |s
enter|ng perhaps |ts most cruc|a| phase
th|s year. The governments po||cy
there|s onesegment amongvar|ous
types o construct|on equ|pment,
lwh|ch has been ma|nta|n|ng a steady
pace o growth, w|thout h|tt|ng requent
crests and troughs, |t has to be that o
ormwork and scao|d|ng equ|pment.
Steady, rather than spectacu|ar growth
has been the story o the ormwork
|ndustry |n lnd|a so ar. W|th the
construct|on |ndustry grow|ng at a
CAGPo about 14 percent |n the recent
past, beore the econom|c s|owdown
|mpacted |t, the growth story o the
ormwork |ndustry |n the country makes
or asc|nat|ng read|ng. lt |s a story that
began |n the 1990s when a|um|num
|n|t|at|ves, v|s--v|s the env|saged S$
1 tr||||on |nvestment |n |nrastructure
deve|opment dur|ng the 12th F|ve Year
P|an per|od (2012-17), ho|ds the key to
the growth o the ormwork |ndustry.
The n|on F|nance M|n|ster |s a|so
expected to push or urther reorms |n
the rea|ty sector dur|ng the n|on
Budget 2012-13, wh|ch aga|n ho|ds the
key to how ast the ormwork |ndustry
grows. The |ndustry though, |s current|y
est|mated to be grow|ng at a rate o 10-
15 percent. Wh||e the growth may have
been steady rather than spectacu|ar,
experts however agree that |t |s
neverthe|ess evo|v|ng a|| the t|me. Today
\.-. -|oomo-o|. ^ssoc|ole |o|lo|
|o|~wo|- |qu|p~eml
-o||cy |m|l|ol|ves o|o lme -ey to|
Coml|mueo O|owlm ot |o|~wo|- |mousl|y
|o|~wo|- |qu|p~eml
-o||cy |m|l|ol|ves o|o lme -ey to|
Coml|mueo O|owlm ot |o|~wo|- |mousl|y
45 V 1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
Formwork Industry AnaIysis
"nterestingly, somehow this
slowdown has increased the
proportion of the usage of
system formwork compared
to traditional formwork in
order to reduce the interest
during construction time and
several other factors"
Anupam Sharma
CEO, Doka lnd|a Pvt. Ltd.
a typ|ca| customer |n lnd|a, apart rom
|ook|ng at the techn|ca| attr|butes o
products, a|so expects va|ue added
serv|ces, someth|ng that g|oba| p|ayers
|nthe ray have rea||zed.
Two key actors have been dr|v|ng
orward the growth momentum o the
ormworkandscao|d|ngmarket. These
|nc|ude acute shortage o |abour and
r|s|ng construct|on costs, qu|te oten
due to pro|ect de|ays. Contractors are
now |ook|ng towards automated
ormwork systems to address these
two |ssues. The |ncrease |n the s|ze o
the pro|ects, espec|a||y w|th respect to
|nrastructure and h|gh-r|se pro|ects
has a|so been |nstrumenta| |n push|ng
the demand or ormwork. W|th a
ma|or|ty o |nrastructure pro|ects be|ng
|mp|emented on a PPP mode, |t has
become |mperat|ve or pro|ect owners
and |nvestors to comp|ete pro|ects on
t|me |n order to generate revenues. By
opt|ng or system/eng|neered ormwork
contractors have rea||zed that sub-
stant|a| sav|ngs are ensured, resu|t|ng
|nturn|naster returnon|nvestments.
mpact of Slowdown
The countrys economy grew |ast
quarter at |ts s|owest pace |n more
than two years, ater ma|nta|n|ng an
aggress|ve growth tra|ectory. Factors
such as |ncreased |end|ng rates by the
Peserve Bank o lnd|a (PBl) and the
Euro Zone cr|s|s have contr|buted to the
econom|c s|owdown. Accord|ng to
Mr.Anupam Sharma, CEO, Doka lnd|a,
consequent|y the construct|on |ndustry
aced a s|ump and many sectors such
as hous|ng, power, h|gh-r|se, and
|nrastructure are w|tness|ng a s|ugg|sh
growth rate. However, Mr. Sharma
observes that, "lnterest|ng|y, somehow
th|s s|owdown has |ncreased the
proport|on o the usage o system
ormwork compared to trad|t|ona|
ormwork |n order to reduce the |nterest
dur|ng construct|on t|me and severa|
other actors. " Cont|nu|ng urther he
sa|d that Doka lnd|a had |ast year
|aunched "Fram|X||e", wh|ch |s a pane|
ormwork system, easy to hand|e and
w|th a h|gher number o repet|t|ons, to
wh|ch the company has rece|ved
tremendous response due to a var|ety
o actors, |nc|ud|ng, scarc|ty o sk|||ed
manpower, reduced cyc|e t|me, saety
and a|so because |t |s an econom|c
Picture Courtesy:
G|v|ng h|s take on the s|owdown,
Mr.Bharat Pate| , Head-Sa| es &
Market|ng, Nav N|rman Beam Techn|cs,
remarked, "Forecast|ng o demand
has now become d||cu|t. Genera||y
speak|ng, ormworksupp||ersarecom|ng
out w|th d|erent product so|ut|ons to
beat the s|owdown." Some |n the
|ndustry however ee| that the econom|c
s|owdown has had neg||g|b|e |mpact.
|nfrastructure development push holds
key to formwork lndustry's growth
46 V 1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
"Forecasting of demand has
now become difficult.
Generally speaking, formwork
suppliers are coming out with
different product solutions to
beat the slowdown
8harat Patel
Head- Sa|es & Market|ng,
Nav N|rman Beam Techn|cs
G|v|ng h|s v|ews on the sub|ect, Mr.A|ay
Ma|n|, D|rector, Ma|n| Construct|on
Equ|pments (P) Ltd, another |ead|ng
name |n the |e|d, when qu|zzed about
the |mpact o the s|owdown sa|d, " Not
rea||y, because o our versat||e range o
products |n stee| as we|| as a|um|num
ormwork. MCEs a|um|num ormwork
was |aunched when the ent|re |ndustry
was go|ng through a rough phase,
however, we were ab|e to susta|n and
managed a steady growth."
Shar|ng s|m||ar v|ews, Mr.E|do
varghese, Genera| Manager, Pascha|
Formwork (lnd|a) Pvt Ltd, when asked
about the |mpact o the s|owdown on
the companys order book, sa|d," Wh||e
the econom|c s|owdown has s||ght|y
eected growth, but not to an extent
that |t cou|d h|t our order book. We
cou|d grow orward |n the construct|on
|ndustry by rap|d techno|og|ca|
advancements and we are expect|ng
good progress, year on year." lndustry
experts however be||eve that |n order to
u||y ach|eve the potent|a| o system
ormwork, lnd|a needs to prov|de a
boost to the |nrastructure sector. There
|s unan|mous op|n|on that a pos|t|ve
env|ronment needs to be created or
theconstruct|on|ndustry and|mmed|ate
steps such as curb|ng |end|ng rates,
wh|ch wou|d |n turn |ead to a boost to
power pro|ects and the rea|ty sector
shou|d be taken.
The story o the ormwork and
scao|d|ng |ndustry |n lnd|a |s a|so
|nterest|ng because o another reason.
Wh||e the construct|on |ndustry has
been ma|nta|n|ng a robust pace o
growth romthe turn o 2000, the growth
rate o the ormwork |ndustry has not
kept pace. Accord|ng to Mr.Anupam
Sharma, due to |ack o government
regu|at|ons , most deve|opers are not
pressur|zed or saety, qua||ty and t|me
bound construct|on, wh|ch |n turn
a||ows them to use cheaper so|ut|ons.
Adds Mr. Sharma, "Moreover, the
know|edge o system ormwork |s not
w|despread, and hence c||ents are not
aware o the advantages. Wh||e the
|n|t|a| |nvestment |n these systems may
be h|gher, but | you cons|der the
number o reuses, |t actua||y works out
to be a cost eect|ve b|end w|th the
advantages o be|ng, saer, e|c|ent
and qua||ty system." These v|ews are
seconded by most o the |ndustry
ana|ysts who ee| that actors such as
ast and t|me|y construct|ono pro|ects,
|esser dependency on manpower, and
the concern or |ncreased qua||ty and
saety have dr|ven a|| construct|on
agenc|es to use modern System
Formwork or cr|t|ca| pro|ects.
Accord|ng to Mr.E|do varghese the
government |s mak|ng severa| eorts
such as br|ng down the |end|ng rates
and g|v|ng boost to power pro|ects |n
order to g|ve ||||p to growth o
|nrastructure pro|ects. Some o the
actors po|nted by Mr.varghese wh|ch
wou|d be dr|v|ng orward the market |n
the near uture |nc|ude, need or speedy
and qua||ty construct|on, |abour scarc|ty
and saety requ|rement at s|tes. One
key sector wh|ch cou|d g|ve urther
boost to the ormwork market |s power.
W|th the s|tuat|on on coa| ||nkages and
und|ng expected to |mprove |n the
second and th|rd quarters o th|s |sca|,
th|s sector cou|d be |ust the tr|gger that
the ormwork |ndustry has been wa|t|ng
or |n recent t|mes. Therma|, hydro and
nuc|ear power pro|ects const|tute more
than 85 percent o the power sector.
These apart there are other structure
that the sector needs such as dams,
power houses, water carry|ng tunne|s ,
channe|s, conta|nment tanks, TG deck,
and coo||ng towers, etc, a|| o wh|ch
need the use o system ormwork or
aster and saer construct|on.
Cont|nued spurt |n h|gh-r|se pro|ects bodes we|| or the ormwork |ndustry The rap|d|y evo|v|ng lnd|an customer has rea||zed that ormwork systems are
|mportant or saer, aster and susta|nab|e construct|on
Formwork Industry AnaIysis
47 V 1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
"Not really (impacted sales),
because of our versatile range
of products in steel as well as
aluminum formwork. MCE's
aluminum formwork was
launched when the entire
industry was going through a
rough phase, however, we
were able to sustain and
managed a steady growth
A[ay Malnl
D|rector, Ma|n| Construct|on Equ|pments (P) Ltd
"n terms of market value,
formwork market in ndia is
approximately 14 billion, out
of which modern formwork
has a 15 percent share
Sura[lt Pay
Manag|ng D|rector & Country Head,
LMA Formwork Systems lnd|a Pvt. Ltd.
Vertical Growth
Another key area wh|ch has been
|nstrumenta| |n a|d|ng the growth o the
ormwork |ndustry has that been o
h|gh-r|se pro|ects. Wh||e gett|ng
c|earance or such pro|ects rema|ns an
area o concern, there |s no doubt|ng
the act that vert|ca| growth |s here to
stay |n lnd|a and thereore makes or
good news or the ormwork |ndustry.
Automated se|-c||mb|ng ormwork
systems that can be ||ted up and
com|ngw|tha host o eatures |nc|ud|ng,
w|de and protect|ve p|atorms, apart
|ndustry though. As r|ght|y po|nted out
by Mr.Sura||t Pay ,Manag|ng D|rector &
Country Head, |ma lnd|a, who |n an
|nteract|on w|th The Masterbu||der stated
that, "lnterms o market va|ue, ormwork
market |n lnd|a |s approx|mate|y 14
b||||on, out o wh|ch modern ormwork
has a 15 percent share," |gures wh|ch
show the sheer magn|tude o the
untapped market.
The predom|nant|y unorgan|zed
nature o the market |s another cha||enge
that needs ment|on here. There have
been ca||s rom |ndustry experts or
sett|ngupo spec||c cert||cat|on bod|es
or construct|on |ndustry product
segments such as ormwork systems,
s|nce otherw|se qua||ty cou|d take a
severe beat|ng. A rap|d|y evo|v|ng
customer |s perhaps the most |mportant
cha||enge that supp||ers are ac|ng
today. Customers are demand|ng
equ|pment that |s eas|er to hand|e,
reusab|e, he|ps them |n add|ng to the
e|c|ency and susta|nab|||ty o the
construct|on process and a|| th|s at a
a|r pr|ce. W|th market cond|t|ons
expected to show s|gns o recovery as
the economy enters a cruc|a| phase as
part o the 12th F|ve Year P|an per|od, |t
rema|ns to be seen as to what d|rect|on
the ormwork |ndustry takes |n the next
|ve years.
P|cture Source
rom prov|s|ons or aux|||ary systems
||ke p|ac|ng booms, wh||e a|so oer|ng
adaptab|||ty to comp|ex wa|| geometr|es
are one o the reasons beh|nd the spurt
|n h|gh-r|se pro|ects throughout the
country, a trend that |s expected to
cont|nue |n the near uture. lt |s not
surpr|s|ng that every ma|or p|ayer |n the
|e|d such as Per|, Doka, Meva, |ma,
Pascaha|, Navn|rman, Technocrat,
Ma|n|, EPlC lnd|go, to ment|on on|y
some, oer spec||c products a|med at
th|s ast grow|ng market segment.
Onus onGovernment
Wh||e certa|n actors are not w|th|n
the contro| o those |n the ormwork
|ndustry, such as |nvestment |n
|nrastructure or rea|ty pro|ects, there
are certa|n aspects that supp||ers ee|
need to be done |n order to g|ve ||||p to
the |ndustry. lncreas|ng cost o stee|,
sa|es tax and exc|se duty are or
|nstance, key actors that are |nh|b|t|ng
the growtho the |ndustry.
W|th ormwork systems be|ng
today made most|y out o ||ght we|ght
and strong mater|a|s such as a|um|n|um,
h|gher |ev|es have become a stumb||ng
b|ock, s|nce they add to the end cost o
the product. Accord|ng to |ndustry
ana|ysts the |east that the government
can do |s to he|p supp||ers procure raw
mater|a|s at reasonab|e rates that
wou|d go a |ong way |n he|p|ng
supp||ers keepthe|r pr|ces compet|t|ve.
There |s no doubt|ng the potent|a| o the
P|s|ng cost o raw mater|a|s |s an an area o concern or ormwork supp||ers
48 V 1 N1 May 2013 F0PHW0PK
Formwork Industry AnaIysis
49 V1 N1 May 2013
Fabric Formwork: Skys the Limit
Special Correspondent
Picture Source:
abric formworks for reinforced concrete construction
and architecture is an emerging technology with
the capacity to transform concrete architecture and
reinforced concrete structures. The natural tension
geometries given by flexible fabric membranes provide
extraordinarily light and inexpensive formworks, some
using hundreds of times less material than conventional
formworks, and some providing zero-waste formwork
systems. The flexibility of a fabric formwork makes it
possible to produce a multitude of architectural and
structural designs from a single, reusable mold. The use of
a permeable formwork fabric produces improved surface
finishes and higher strength concrete as a result of a filtering
action that allows air bubbles and excess mix water to
bleed through the formwork membrane.
A brief history
According to the International Society of Fabric Forming,
the first practical applications for fabric formwork were
introduced in the mid-1960s for erosion control and to line
ponds, although there are several patents for 19th- and
early 20th-century fabric forms. In the 1970s, the Spanish
architect Miguel Fisac used thin plastic sheets as formwork
for textured wall panels. In the late 1980s and early 1990s,
three men, each on his own, invented a variety of
techniques for fabric-forming aboveground structures.
Kenzo Unno, a Japanese architect in Tokyo, invented a
fabric formwork system for in situ cast concrete walls. Rick
Fearn, a builder and businessman in Canada, invented a
number of fabric formwork techniques. This led him to
develop a series of foundation footing and column
products now manufactured and sold by Fab-Form
Industries in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. He is
presi dent of the company. Mark West - an arti st,
architectural educator and builder who is now the director
of the Centre for Architectural Structures and Technology
Focus Fabric Formwork
50 V1 N1 May 2013
(CAST) at the University of anitoba's Faculty of Architecture
i n Wi nni peg - i nvented a seri es of techni ques for
constructing fabric-formed walls, beams, columns, slabs
and panels. CAST is the first research center dedicated to
fabric formwork technology and education.
Visualizing the end result
"Fabric is so much more efficient than plywood (for forms),
but the industry is slow to change," says Rick Fearn. "It's
staggering how long it takes to get new ideas into the
marketplace." He thinks the biggest stumbling block to
fabric formwork's acceptance is that many contractors
cannot picture the end result before they start. "(Unlike
rigid formwork), it's just a loose piece of fabric. What you
get is not what you see." To help contractors visualize an
end product, Fearn has a computer program that predicts
the shapes fabric forms will produce. He's hoping that as
more contractors accept computer-generated virtual-
reality scenarios, fabric formwork will grow in use. "Fabric
is a tension membrane," Fearn says. "If you use a different
fabric, it will give you a different texture, but the shape will
be the same." Also, some fabrics aren't coated, so they let
excess water bleed out, he notes. This can make fabric-
formed concrete products stronger than those made with
traditional lumber forms. In a world where resources are
dwindling, he notes, fabric forms, like the ones he sells for
columns, just make good sense. Fast-Tubes, made from
high-strength polyethylene, come in 120-foot rolls that
easily fit behind the seat of a truck and can be cut to any
length with minimal waste. Fabric formworks are such a
green product and so efficient. They take up 1% of the
space cardboard does and they are 1/10 the weight. Also
unlike cardboard, there is no waste to be hauled to the
landfill after the column forms are trimmed to size or when
the forms are stripped. "Fast-Tubes can be put under a
slab after they are stripped. They act as a moisture
protector." Besides allowing contractors to form sturdy
columns of varying lengths - Lawton used Fast-Tubes to
make 29-foot columns for a treehouse he built in Vermont
- Fearn's fabric-formed columns can be easily decorated
by simply tying ropes or putting bands around the forms
while the concrete is still wet.
Flexible fabric vs. hardened forms
The primary differences between both the formwork is ease
of errection.While rigid formwork needs more time to errect.
Also lot of staging and design work is needed for rigid
formwork which Is not required for flexible formwork. One
more striking advantage with flexible formwork is that any
shape can be designed and made using fabric formwork.
The same fact is supported by the all the Figures in the
entire storey. Use of fabric formwork saves lot of manpower
cost and saves lot of energy for preparation of the rigid
formwork. Morover where space is a concern, stocking and
keeping of rigid formwork will be a major concern. Since
most of the fabric formworks are made for one time use
only, they can be kept after concreting which will facilitate
in curing of the concrete. If any kind of aesthetic treatment
is required to be given in the structure fabric formwork is
the only option as it is very tough with rigid formwok and in
some cases it is impossible also.
End product using fabric formwork
A flexible fabric mold awakens concrete to its original wet,
plastic nature by naturally producing concrete members
with complex sensual curvatures. The sculptural and
archi tectural freedom offered by thi s method of
construction is matched by new possibilities for efficiently
curved structures. Research at CAST has produced simple
methods for forming beautiful and efficient beams, trusses,
panels, vaults, slabs, and columns.
The Centre for Architectural Structures and Technology
(C.A.S.T.) is fundamentally interested in finding simple ways
to reduce the amount of materi al consumed i n
construction, while at the same time, making these
constructions more beautiful. C.A.S.T. is also committed
to making these methods accessible to as many people
as possible.
The end product is divided here into two parts viz. (A)
Architectural application, (B) Strutural Application.
(A)Architectural application
Fabric formwork can be used to give tough architectural
shapes to the structural member very easily. Figure 1 shows
typical surface of a fabric cast panel and Figure 2 shows a
branched column made with fabric formwork.
Fabric forms can be used to produce complex concrete
Figure 1:Surface detail of a fabric-cast
Figure 2:Branching column formed in
a geotextile form-liner
Focus Fabric Formwork
51 V1 N1 May 2013
shapes that would be extremely costly or nearly impossible
to create with traditional rigid formwork. Anne-Mette
Manel i us, an archi tect and doctoral student i n
Copenhagen, Denmark, made this chair as part of her thesis
work on fabric formwork for concrete. She wanted the soft-
looking chair to fool sitters (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Chair produced with fabric formwork
Green, clean, relatively inexpensive and incredibly
practical, fabric formwork can be used with concrete to
produce structural l y effi ci ent and archi tectural l y
compelling components in all shapes and sizes, ranging
from footings, columns and beams to walls, sinks, furniture
and an array of accessories
"It's allowed us to create masonry architecture using very
simple skills," says Sandy Lawton, owner of ArroDesign, a
design/build construction company in Waitsfield. With a
background in carpentry, Lawton says, he found rigid
formwork complicated and labor intensive. "Fabric
formwork has given us the freedom to do complicated
structural work in a very different way that's not complicated
at all. That's the bigger advantage. There's a lot more
flexibility with this system." Fabric formwork also has
benefits from a sustainable viewpoint, Lawton says. "Fabric
formwork basically reduces the amount of everything
required to construct something - placement, storage and
even building the forms. There are huge savings every
step of the way."
Also, he points out, depending on the type of fabric you
use for the formwork, you can get a really nice finish. "You
don't have to go behind and refinish." Instead of using rigid
forms made from lumber, plywood, cardboard, steel or
aluminum, fabric forms use a flexible textile membrane to
form concrete in place. Wet concrete is poured into a
tensile membrane, which produces efficient structural
curves and extraordinary surface finishes. The shape is
determined by how the material is restricted. This can
happen in a number of ways, from creatively using form
ties to make "buttonholes" to placing a brick under a fabric
form to make a relief.
Kenzo Unno, a Japanese architect in Tokyo, devised
methods to cast beautifully shaped walls with thin, flexible
textile sheets. These methods are collectively called "Unno
Reinforced Concrete (Shown in Figure 4)."
Figure 4: Walls casted with Fabric formwork
Figure 5 shows a thin GFRC stingray sink created by
students of Brandon Gore of Gore Design Co.
Figure 5: The 1-inch-thick GFRC Stingray Sink
(B) Strutural Application
Here the use of fabric formworks in various structural
members is shown. Figure 6 and Figure 7 shows casting of
a isolated footing and slab footing using fabric formwork.
The fabric comes in rolls of certain widths and it is simply
cut on site to suit the size needed. Apart from normal tools
for cutting and fixing the braces and perimeter frame, the
only extra items are a Stanley knife and a staple gun. The
fabric is cut neatly with the knife and staple to the timber.
There is a very simple method of cutting the fabric at the
Focus Fabric Formwork
52 V1 N1 May 2013
corners, and when it is simply stapled in position that it, in
effect, holds the corners together just as strongly as normal
methods. Before the pour, a sheet of standard plastic
vapour barrier is laid on top of the fabric to stop the footing
absorbing moisture if it is required.
It can be noticed from Figure 6 and Figure 7, that no
movement at the top and a slight bulging at the bottom is
there in the freshly concreted isolated footing.
Figure 6: Fabric formwork used for casting isolated footing in a construction site
Figure 7: Fabric formwork used for casting isolated slab footing in a construction
A system for forming round concrete columns using
fabric formwork
Figure 8 and Figure 9 shows round various stages of casting
of round concrete column. It can be very easily seen the
end product finish in Figure 9 and also the ease of casting
from the other Figures ( from Figure 8 (a) to (c) ).
Figure 8: (a) Column ready to be poured, (b) Column pouring in progess, (c)
column pouring completed
This method of casting column is beneficial because of
following reasons
- The fabric come ready made up in tube sections to
form the desired diameter of the column.
- The fabri c tube i s
simply cut to length
with a Stanley knife.
- In the manufacture,
tabs are made
verti cal l y al ong a
center line.
- The loose sleeve of
fabric is fitted over
the rebar.
- The tabs are then
nailed to a straight
l ength of 4" x 2"
- The 4" x 2" timber is
then positioned, and
braced to hol d i t
- For the first foot or so a guy hold the base of the tube in
the correction position with a boot on either side.
- During the pour, it is possible for a guy to feel and guide
the rebar cage, to make sure that it is in the correct
- Unlike conventional formwork, because this is a throw
away, one off system there is never any reason for undue
haste to strip the formwork.
- Therefore the fabric can be left in position to act as a
perfect curing membrane
However if there is a doubt that whether this system can
work for higher columns, then Figure 10 shows the 20ft tall
column ready to be poured in one hit. The project for a
church in Nicaragua in Central America.
The concrete was mixed by hand on the site and lifted up
by hand. In itself, this was probably a good thing as the
slowness of the pour would mean that the concrete at the
bottom would be stiffening up nicely as the height
increased, reducing the theoretical hydrostatic pressure.
It is very essential to use fabric forms and rebar in an area
where wood is scantily available. Fabric is a very forgiving
material.However one should remember that fabric
formwork is not as uniform as standard formwork. Engineers
had to create some structure to give the appearance of
what they wanted, but in the same breath it gives us a lot
of design freedom. It is really an exciting medium. As for
fabric formwork's limitations, "It's wide open. No one have
tested its limits yet.
Figure 9: Fabric Formwork - Stripped
Focus Fabric Formwork
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