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List o T!"les
List o Fig#$es
I' S#mm!$( o P$o)ect
A' *!me o t&e P$o)ect
+ B$iel( e,%l!in t&e $e!son o$ s#c& c&oice n!me
B' Loc!tion
+ Pin%oint t&e loc!tion o t&e &e!d oice !nd t&e %l!nt site -i
!%%lic!"le. !nd gi/e t&e m!in $e!sons o$ c&oosing t&em' -note0
t&e %$o)ect m#st c&oose ! loc!tion w&e$e m!,im#m eicienc(
c!n "e !tt!ined !t t&e lowest %ossi"le cost'
+ -*ote0 T&e !cto$s w&ic& !ect t&e c&oice o loc!tion !$e t&e
1' so#$ces o $!w m!te$i!ls2 l!"o$2 !nd #tilities
3' %$o,imit( to t&e m!$ket
4' n!t#$e o !/!il!"le t$!ns%o$t!tion2 !nd
5' cost o l!nd !nd "#ilding.
C' Desc$i%ti/e deinition o t&e %$o)ect
+ P$o)ect %otenti!l !nd %$o%onents
6i/e ! conce%t#!l desc$i%tion o t&e %$o)ect7s %otenti!l wo$t&
!nd im%o$t!nce !nd t&e men "e&ind it'

D' P$o)ect7s long $!nge o")ecti/es
+ 8&!t does t&e %$o)ect e,%ect to !c&ie/e in 19 (e!$s in te$ms o
si:e2 c!%!cit(2 /ol#me2 wo$t&2 $ole in its ind#st$( !nd in t&e
E' Fe!si"ilit( C$ite$i!
+ 8&!t we$e t&e most im%o$t!nt g#idelines #sed to )#dge t&e
e!si"ilit( o t&e %$o)ect;
1. Market feasibility
3' Tec&nic!l Fe!si"ilit(
4' Fin!nci!l Fe!si"ilit(
5' Socio+economic e!si"ilit(
<' O$g!ni:!tion !nd M!n!gement Fe!si"ilit(
F' =ig&lig&ts o t&e P$o)ect
+ =isto$( -&ow did t&e %$o)ect come !"o#t;.
+ *!t#$e o t&e ind#st$(
B$iel( desc$i"e t&e ind#st$(2 its %$od#ct lines2 t&e dem!nd+
s#%%l( sit#!tion2 &isto$(2 g$owt& %!tte$ns2 %$o"lems !nd
%otenti!ls2 !nd $ole in t&e econom(.
+ Mode o in!ncing
B$iel( disc#ss t&e so#$ces o #nds2 t&e in!ncing te$ms2
!nd t&e $e!son o$ c&oosing s#c& so#$ces !nd te$ms'

+ In/estment costs
=ow m#c& #nds !$e necess!$( to m!ke t&e %$o)ect
o%e$!tion!l; =ow !$e t&e #nds !lloc!ted;
6' M!)o$ !ss#m%tions !nd s#mm!$( o indings !nd concl#sion'
+ M!$ket e!si"ilit(
A' B$iel( disc#ss t&e n!t#$e o t&e #ns!tisied dem!nd w&ic&
t&e %$o)ect seeks to meet2 its g$owt& !nd t&e m!nne$ in w&ic&
it is to "e met'
B' B$iel( disc#ss t&e s#%%l(+dem!nd sit#!tion2 t!$get m!$ket
!n!l(:ed2 !nd t&e m!$keting %$og$!m o$m#l!ted'
+ Tec&nic!l e!si"ilit(
A' B$iel( disc#ss t&e ollowing0
+ %$od#ct line
+ tec&nolog( necess!$( o$ %$od#ction !nd its !/!il!"ilit(
+ t&e %$o%e$ mi, o %$od#ction $eso#$ces
+ o%tim#m %$od#ction /ol#me
+ Fin!nci!l e!si"ilit(
A' P$esent t&e o/e$!ll in!nci!l %ict#$e in te$ms o o%e$!ting
c!s& $e>#i$ements2 %$oit!"ilit( !nd c!s& low
+ Socio+economic e!si"ilit(
A' B$iel( disc#ss t&e eect o t&e %$o)ect on societ( !nd t&e
econom( !s ! w&ole' Is it gene$!ll( "eneici!l to t&e %eo%le;
Is it in line wit& t&e econom(7s de/elo%ment %$og$!m;
+ M!n!gement e!si"ilit(
A' B$iel( disc#ss t&e m!n!gement st$#ct#$e'
B' Is it !%%$o%$i!te o$ t&e m!n!ge$i!l needs o t&e %$o)ect;
II' M!$ket St#d(
A' P$od#ct desc$i%tion
+ *!me o t&e %$od#ct ? %o%#l!$ !nd scientiic -i !%%lic!"le. !nd
t&e $e!sons o$ c&oosing it'
+ P$o%e$ties o t&e %$od#ct ? %&(sic!l2 c&emic!l'
+ 6eog$!%&ic!l !$e!s o dis%e$sion
B' M!$ket Desc$i%tion
+ 8&o !$e t&e m!)o$ cons#me$s o t&e %$od#ct;
+ 6eog$!%&ic!l !$e!s o dis%e$sion
+ Me!ns o t$!ns%o$t!tion
+ -*ote0 segment t&e m!$ket !cco$ding to t(%e2 m!nne$ o #se2
income cl!ssiic!tion2 !nd loc!tion de%ending on t&e t(%e o
%$od#ct "eing conside$ed'.
+ 8&o !$e t&e %otenti!l "#(e$s o t&e %$od#ct
C' Dem!nd
+ Cons#m%tion o$ t&e %!st < (e!$s
+ P$o)ected cons#m%tion o$ t&e ne,t < (e!$s -indic!te t&e met&od
#sed !nd !cto$s conside$ed in %$e%!$ing t&e %$o)ection.

D' S#%%l(
+ M!)o$ %$od#ce$s o t&e %$od#ct; -Cl!ssi( t&em !cco$ding to
si:e2 %$od#ct >#!lit(2 loc!tion2 %e$o$m!nce2 !nd m!$ket segment
+ S#%%l( o$ t&e %!st < (e!$s
+ P$o)ected s#%%l( o$ t&e ne,t i/e (e!$s -indic!te t&e met&od
#sed !nd !cto$s conside$ed in %$e%!$ing t&e %$o)ection.
E' Dem!nd+S#%%l( An!l(sis
Com%!$e t&e dem!nd !nd s#%%l( t$ends
F' P$ice St#d(
+ Dete$mine t&e selling %$ice o !ll simil!$ !nd s#"stit#te %$od#cts
+ Look into t&e &isto$( o t&ese %$ices -incl#ding t&e $!nge o
l#ct#!tions. !nd est!"lis& t&e !cto$s t&!t mostl( inl#ence t&ei$
l#ct#!tion o/e$ time'
+ Dete$mine t&e $es%onsi/eness o dem!nd to %$ice c&!nges' 8ill
t&e$e "e ! t$emendo#s2 slig&t2 o$ negligi"le inc$e!se o$ dec$e!se
in dem!nd i %$ices !$e lowe$ed o$ $!ised;
+ Est!"lis& t&e %$od#ct7s selling %$ice2 t!king into conside$!tion !ll
o t&e !"o/e2 t&e segment t!$geted2 !nd t&e o%e$!ting costs !nd
e,%enses' Likewise2 estim!te t&e inc$e!ses o$eseen in
s#"se>#ent (e!$s'
6' M!$keting P$og$!m
+ Dete$mine t&e t(%es o m!$keting %$og$!ms %$e/!lent in ind#st$(
!nd g!#ge t&ei$ $es%ecti/e eecti/eness'
+ D$!w #% m!$keting %l!n t&!t identiies !nd deines t&e t!$get
m!$ket2 t&e selling %$ice2 t&e %!ck!ging o t&e %$od#ct2 t&e
dist$i"#tion o wo$k2 t&e s!les m!n!gement mec&!nism2 !nd
!d/e$tising !nd %$omotion %$og$!m'
+ M!$keting %l!ns !nd %olicies
III' Tec&nic!l Fe!si"ilit(
A' T&e P$od#ct -Tessie.
+ T&e desc$i%tion s%eciies t&e %$od#ct7s %&(sic!l2 mec&!nic!l2 !nd
c&emic!l %$o%e$ties !nd identiies t&ei$ /!$io#s #ses2 "ot& !s
inis&ed goods !nd ind#st$i!l in%#ts -i !%%lic!"le.
B' M!n#!ct#$ing o$ se$/ice %$ocess -Tessie.
+ Desc$i"e t&e selected m!n#!ct#$ing %$ocess2 %$ee$!"l( wit& t&e
!id o low c&!$ts !nd di!g$!ms'
C' Pl!nt si:e !nd %$od#ction sc&ed#le -Clinton.
+ Desc$i"e t&e c!%!cit( #tili:!tion2 t&e n#m"e$ o s&its %e$ d!(2
t&e n#m"e$ o o%e$!ting d!(s %e$ (e!$ m!( "e deined'

D' M!c&ine$( !nd e>#i%ment -Clinton.
+ M!c&ine$( !nd e>#i%ment $e>#i$ed m#st "e identiied !nd
indi/id#!ll( listed !cco$ding to t(%e !nd #se'
+ S%eciic!tions2 c!%!cities2 !nd cost m#st "e desc$i"ed in det!il'
+ T&e o$igin o t&e m!c&ine$(2 w&et&e$ loc!l o$ im%o$ted2 !s well
!s t&e m!nne$ o !nd cost o t$!ns%o$ting t&em m#st "e indic!ted'

E' Pl!nt Loc!tion -d(!n.
F' Pl!nt l!(o#t -d(!n.
6' B#ilding !nd !cilities -d(!n.
+ T&e site2 t(%e2 !nd costs o t&e "#ilding !nd l!nd2 !s en/isioned
in t&e %$o)ect2 s&o#ld !cc#$!tel( %$esented'
=' R!w m!te$i!ls !nd s#%%lies -Y/onne.
+ T&e $e>#i$ed $!w m!te$i!ls !nd s#%%lies s&o#ld "e listed down
!nd t&e "!sis o$ t&ei$ selection m#st "e %$esented'
+ Desc$i%tion !nd s%eciic!tions on t&ei$ %&(sic!l2 mec&!nic!l2 !nd
c&emic!l %$o%e$ties m#st !lso "e gi/en'
+ C#$$ent !nd %$os%ecti/e costs o $!w m!te$i!ls2 t&e !/!il!"ilit(
!nd contin#it( o s#%%l(2 !nd t&e c#$$ent %$os%ecti/e so#$ces
s&o#ld "e incl#ded'
+ T&e /ol#me $e>#i$ed !t /!$io#s %&!ses o o%e$!tions m#st "e
cle!$l( %$esented'

I' Utilities -:($!.
+ Desc$i"e t&e !mo#nt2 cost !nd so#$ces o elect$icit(2 #el2 w!te$2
!nd o$ ste!m $e>#i$ed' T&ese m#st "e dete$mined in $el!tion to
t&e %$od#ction sc&ed#le c!%!cit( #tili:!tion deined'
+ Alte$n!ti/e so#$ces o t&ese #tilities !nd t&e e!si"ilit( o t&ei$
#se m#st !lso "e desc$i"ed'
J' 8!ste dis%os!l -Clinton.
+ A desc$i%tion o t&e >#!ntit(2 m!nne$ o dis%os!l2 !nd t&e cost
in/ol/ed in doing !w!( wit& e,%ected w!ste $om %$od#ction is

@' P$od#ction cost -Y/onne.
+ =ow m#c& does it cost to %$od#ce one #nit o o#t%#t; -to !$$i/e
!t t&is2 t&e ollowing m#st "e dete$mined0 $!w m!te$i!l costs2
l!"o$ cost2 /!$i!"le !nd i,ed o/e$&e!d cost2 /!$i!"le !nd i,ed
o%e$!ting cost'

L' L!"o$ $e>#i$ements -:($!.
+ T&e /!$io#s )o"s !nd #nctions necess!$( o$ t&e o%e$!tion!l
st!ge m#st "e desc$i"ed'
+ Fo$ costing %#$%oses' Cl!ssi( l!"o$ into t&$ee t(%es2 di$ect2
indi$ect !nd !dminist$!ti/e'
+ T&e n#m"e$ o wo$ke$s to "e em%lo(ed o$ e!c& )o"
cl!ssiic!tion2 t&e %!( sc!les2 em%lo(ee de/elo%ment %$og$!ms2
!nd2 t&e o$g!ni:!tion!l set+#%
IA' Fin!nci!l Fe!si"ilit(
A' M!)o$ Ass#m%tions
B' Tot!l P$o)ect Cost
C' Initi!l wo$king c!%it!l $e>#i$ements
+ 8o$king c!%it!l %olic(
+ C!s& !nd m!$ket!"le sec#$ities
+ In/ento$( m!n!gement
+ C$edit %olic( !nd $ecei/!"le m!n!gement
D' Alte$n!ti/e so#$ces o in!ncing conside$ed2 i !n(
+ E,te$n!l in!ncing
+ Inte$n!l in!ncing
E' So#$ces o in!ncing t&e %$o)ect
+ C!%it!l st$#ct#$e %olic(
+ Cost o c!%it!l
+ Di/idend Polic(
F' P$o+o$m! in!nci!l st!tements
+ P$o)ected "!l!nce s&eet
+ P$o)ected income st!tement
+ P$o)ect c!s& low st!tement
+ *otes to in!nci!l st!tement
6' Fin!nci!l An!l(ses
+ Fin!nci!l $!tios
+ C!%it!l "#dgeting !n!l(sis
=' Acco#nting !nd Cont$ol Pl!n
A' Socio+economic St#d(
+ B$iel( e,%l!in &ow t&e %$o)ect will !ect t&e ollowing0
+ Em%lo(ment !nd income2 conside$ing t&e im%$o/ement in t&e
st!nd!$ds o li/ing o !milies !nd indi/id#!ls'
+ T!,es2 s&owing t&e inc$e!sed $e/en#es t&e m#nici%!l !nd
n!tion!l go/e$nments c!n #se o$ t&e de/elo%ment o t&e
+ S#%%l( o commodities2 o"se$/ing t&e die$ent %ossi"ilities o
inl#encing %$ices !nd o$eign e,c&!nge "!l!nces'
+ Dem!nd o$ m!te$i!ls2 s%eci(ing t&e #se o loc!l m!te$i!ls to !id
loc!l %$od#ce$s'
AI' O$g!ni:!tion !nd M!n!gement St#d(
+ B!sic conside$!tion in o$ming t&e o$g!ni:!tion
+ Fo$m o owne$s&i%
+ O$g!ni:!tion!l c&!$t
+ Oice$s !nd ke( %e$sonnel
+ P$o)ect sc&ed#le

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