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A _____ is used for telling

A. knapsack B. calendar
C. compass D. timetable
2. My sister is using a ___ to blow
her hair.
A. iron B. hair drier
C. comb D. blender
. My brother is watching ____
A. book B. pictures
C. tele!ision D. computer
". My brother skates on a skating
A. board
B. slipper
C. rubber
D. wood
#. Bring a ______. $t%s dark
A. lighter B. bulb
C. camera D. torchlight
&. M' brother uses a can _____ to
open a can of sardines.
A. knife B. can opener
C. spanner D. screwdri!er
(. )he carpenter tightens the nuts
with his ________.
A. hammer B. wrench
C. nail D. screwdri!er
*. During the Mooncake +esti!al,
____ are carried.
A. kites B. banners
C. sticks D. lanterns
-. the baby is sleeping soundly in his
A. bed B. bench
C. desk D. cradle
1.. /ohn used a ____ to wipe his mouth.
A. handkerchief
B. blouse
C. scarf
D. tie
11. )he fish bites the ____ and gets
A. pin B. needle
C. tin D. bait
12. )he maid places our shoes on a
A. rack
B. bo0
C. drawer
D. wardrobe
1. Apply some ____ for the itch.
A. ointment
B. lotion
C. oil
D. spray
1". $ co!er the baby with a thin ____.
A. towel
B. shirt
C. blanket
D. blouse
1#. Clean the windows with a ____.
A. rag B. rug
C. curtain D. co!er
1&. My father uses a___ to scoop up the
A. larder
B. spade
C. fork
D. rake
1(. Marie used a ____ to tie her long
A. belt
B. string
C. shoelace
D. ribbon
1*. )he nurse co!ered his wound with a
A. cloth B. paper
C. bandage D. sheet
1-. My sister drank a bottle of cough
_____ last night.
A. water B. drink
C. syrup D. 1uice
2.. )he workers brought a bo0 of
_____ to do the repairs.
A. pictures
B. tools
C. food
21. )he man is putting the nails in the
wall with a ______.
A. knife B. hammer
C. saw D. pliers
22. 2ow many pictures can $ get from a
roll of __________3
A. films
B. paper
C. cotton
D. lea!es
2. Mother pours the
mi0ture into a cake ________.
A. plate
B. tray
C. saucer
D. bottle
2". )he ____ on your blouse are
A. thread
B. buttons
C. ribbons
D. bow
2#. Maimunah uses a _______ to blend
the chillies.
A. cutter
B. stone
C. blender
D. knife
2&. $ always use a _______ to do
A. pencilB. typewriter
C. clock D. calculator
2(. 4annan climbed up a _______ to
pluck the mangoes.
A. tree B. ladder
C. chair D. stairs
2*. /ames is eating a slice of ____
A. cake B. pasta
C. meat D. salad
2-. the dog likes to eat ____
A. grass B. cereals
C. bones D. curd
.. My mother bought sardines and
bread to make ______ for us.
A. buns B. cookies
C. pi55a D. sandwiches
1. Mrs )an peels the potatoes with a
A. pliers B. knife
C. tin opener D. cutter
2. My mother uses a ___ to fry fish.
A. frying pan B. pot
C. rice cooker D. steamer
. Add some _____ to this bowl of
A. sand
B. sugar
C. salt
D. 1am
". )he pupils used a ___ knife to
butter the bread.
A. bread
B. plastic
C. chopping
D. meat
#. $ apply ___ on my face.
A. butter
B. powder
C. shampoo
D. detergent
&. $ bought some ____ to make an
omelette for breakfast.
A. eggs B. bread
C. 1am D. peanuts
(. the newspaper !endor deli!ers ____
to our houses.
A. letters
B. parcels
C. newspapers
D. bread
*. )he woodcutter chopped the tree
trunk with ____.
A. an a0e
B. a knife
C. a chopper
D. a hoe
-. the ___ is spinning !ery fast.
A. tap B. kite
C. fan D. top
".. )hrow the paper into a rubbish ___.
A. bin B. pot
C. pail D. drain
"1. +ather is watering the pots of plants
with a _______ can.
A. mo!ing
B. pouring
C. watering
D. shaking
"2. 6se a _________ to carry all this
A. basket
B. bo0
C. trolley
D. wagon
". 'ou ha!e to check the date on the
A. book
B. card
C. calendar
D. board
"". $ always get hot water from the ___
A. flask B. bottle
C. glass D. 1ug
"#. 7ash the !egetables in the ___ of
A. pail B. cup
C. glass D. plate
"&. the tailor uses a _____ machine to
do all her sewing.
A. printing
B. sewing
C. copying
D. steam
"(. workers at all work sites must wear
safety ____.
A. 1ackets
B. helmets
C. coats
D. bands
"*. 8coop the rice into the ___
A. bowl B. glass
C. 1ug D. cup
"-. Mother hangs the new ____ at the
A. album
B. skirt
C. curtain
D. cloth
#.. my mother bought a ____ bread
A. pile B. loaf
C. slice D. toast
#1. )he _______ is a ship that can
tra!el underwater.
A. submarine
B. liner
C. tanker
D. canoe.
#2. 9!ery morning, $ need the alarm
____ to wake me up.
A. bell
B. clock
C. tin
D. book
#. Do not smoke ____ inside the house.
A. matches
B. cigarettes
C. firecrackers
D. lighters
#". My brother keeps his stamps in an
A. bo0
B. drawer
C. album
D. book
##. :ut these bags in the _____ of the
A. back B. boot
C. bonnet D. tyre
#&. )he ______ tell us about things
happening around the world.
A. maga5ines
B. ad!ertisements
B. newspaper
D. comics
#(. Mother measured out the
ingredients for the cake on the kitchen
A. table
B. scales
C. o!en
D. shelf
#*. My gardener uses a ____ to dig up
the sweet potatoes.
A. hoe
B. stick
C. pole
D. spade
#-. 7hen my mother does gardening,
she uses ___ to protect her hands.
A. bags
B. glo!es
C. mittens
D. cloth
&.. )he bird is kept inside a ___ so that
it cannot fly away.
A. bo0
B. cage
C. bottle
D. basket.
&1. /ames and Mark are using a ___ to
paint the wall.
A. roller B. tin
C. pliers D. marker
&2. $ like to eat ____ for dessert.
A. rice
B. ice cream
C. noodles
D. fish
&. )he teacher writes on the
blackboard with a white _____.
A. pen
B. marker
C. chalk
D. pencil
&". +ather is changing the ____ for the
table lamp.
A. bulb
B. radio
C. tube
D. sign
&#. )he maid added ____ to make the
dish spicy.
A. !egetables
B. ladyfingers
C. chillies
D. +rench beans.
&&. )he man is putting the nails in the
wall with a _____.
A. knife
B. hammer
C. saw
D. pliers
&(. 2e used a ____ to transport the
farm produce to the market.
A. lorry
B. car
C. motorbike
D. ferry
&*. 7e use a frying ____ to fry eggs
for breakfast.
A. pot
B. pan
C. kettle
D. cooker
&-. )he ______ is the national flower
of Malaysia.
A. bougain!illea
B. hibiscus
B. water lily
D. morning glory
(.. :ut the meat on a ___ and ser!e it
A. cup
B. 1ar
C. plate
D. glass
(1. 4a!ita is frying chicken in the
A. frying pan
B. rice cooker
C. kettle
D. plate
(2. My sister is cutting the cake with a
sharp ____.
A. blade
B. fork
C. knife
D. spoon
(. )rishaws ha!e three _____.
A. bells
B. wheels
C. tyres
D. pedals
(". ;n <ational Day, most buildings fly
the national _____.
A. flag
B. flower
C. costume
D. cloth
(#. 6ncle )om is watching the birds
through his ____.
A. glasses
B. binoculars
C. spectacles
D. microscope
(&. )o keep the food fresh we store
them in the _____.
A. cupboard
B. packet
C. plastic container
D. refrigerator
((. Bobby en1oys playing badminton with
his new ______.
A. club
B. ball
C. rac=uet
D. stick


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