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! Solutlons focused, Metlculous und result orlented Comuny Secretury und Luw Cruduute rofesslonul offerlng yeurs
of successful cureer dlstlngulshed by commended erformunce und roven results ln Legul und Cororute uffulrs.
! Advlslng munugement & functlon heuds on slgnlflcunt mutters uffectlng the buslness lncludlng legul consequences of
key declslons wlth sound knowledge on Eumun Resources und Recrultment.
! ldentlfylng emerglng regulutory und legul develoments und muklng urorlute recommendutlons to mlnlmlze legul
rlsks whlle ensurlng strong legul comllunce systems ln the orgunlzutlon to fucllltute good cororute governunce.
! Lxertlse ln druftlng, vettlng, negotlutlon und lmlementutlon of wlde sectrum of ugreements & legul documentutlon
wlth locul & lnternutlonul vendors j urtners.
! lmlementlng effectlve legul stundurds, rocesses, systems, ollcles & rocedures ucross the unlt und rotectlng
comuny's lnterests ln ull cororute lltlgutlons und buslness deullngs.
! A selfmotlvuted munuger wlth sound communlcutlon, declslonmuklng und roblem solvlng ubllltles, couled wlth un
lnnovutlve mlndset und resultorlented utltude conslstently romulgutlng teum slrlt.

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4=B7=;<=> HIJH 56K8>LM KD7N (5L *D@= 1>DO87= .D;D7=LP $6LD8 8M )5;BED869= 2 &=Q:E875>A (868Q=;=67 ,R=9:7DO=

4=B HIJJ S ':Q:M7 HIJH KD7N "=E5D77=P $6LD8 8M 'MMDM7867 (868Q=>

(8A HIJJ S ':Q HIJJ KD7N &8D6;8@=> T.=Q8E %8E=67 (868Q=;=67 1>DO87= .D;D7=LUP $6LD8 8M B8>7 5V 7N=D> =R7=>68E

3=< HIJI S (8A HIJJ KD7N W1%1 .D;D7=LP $6LD8 8M 4=6D5> ,R=9:7DO=P 4=9>=78>D8E

(8A HIIX 75 Y:EA HIIZ KD7N /;8R= .$($%,"P $6LD8 8M (868Q=;=67 %>8D6==

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Lnsure comllunce to ull ullcuble luws und regulutlons und usslst ln the rocess of lncororutlon of Comunles ln
vurlous Stutes of lndlu.
Conductlng 8ourd Meetlngs & reurlng bourd deck und reurlng mlnutes of the Meetlngs, Audlt Commlttee,
lnvestor Crlevunces Commlttee, Remunerutlon Commlttee, Annuul Cenerul Meetlng & Lxtru Crdlnury Cenerul
Meetlng und Stututory Reglsters.
6*#*."'8"( 9
Cverseelng new comunles, comuny nume chunge, lnternul uudlts suort, bunk loun documentutlon, securlty und
demuterlullzutlon of shures reluted mutters.
Lruftlng of resolutlons, Notlces, Mlnutes for 8CL meetlngjACMjLCM und other documents for unnuul flllng.
Reresented the Comuny for regulutory urovuls us und when requlred lncludlng comoundlng.
Undertuke reurutlon of Annuul Reort lncludlng flllng of vurlous Llorms such us z, , 8, c, ,, 8, zAC, zACA,
Schedule v & zc8, lorm z, z8, z.
Lnsurlng u to dute Comllunce under Comunles Act,6 & Comunles Act, zc, lncome 1ux Act 6, Sules tux
Act, Lubor & emloyment luws, lLMA etc.
Actlvely rely to Legul Notlces lssued ugulnst the Comuny und druftlng of Legul Notlces to be lssued on behulf of
the Comuny. Coordlnuted wlth the luwyersjlegul consultunts of the Comuny for vurlous legul mutters.
Asslsted ln rounds of equlty fundlng, vettlng of Shureholders Agreement, Shure Subscrltlon Agreement, Put otlon
Agreement, cull otlon Agreement, Memorundum of Understundlng regurdlng 'olnt venture entered wlth vurlous
lorelgn lnvestors. ( 'P Morgun Chuse, CPl ).
Lue Llllgence ldentlfylng concerns relutlng to Comuny Luw, Lubor Luw, lorelgn exchunge munugement Act
(lLMA), Reserve 8unk of lndlu (R8l) regulutlons und securltles luw und other regulutory lssues.
Lruft und vet ull comuny ugreements, documentutlon und communlcutlon wlth resect to: 8uslness Purtners,
vendors, Consumers, 8unks, Servlce lrunchlsors, Conslgnment Agents, Retulners, Lundlords, etc.
Lecldlng the legul course und uctlons to be lnltluted by the comuny ln cuses of dlsutes wlth the vendors j deulers
und decldlng on the munner und defence ln the cuses flled ugulnst the comuny.
Lnguge ln lltlgutlon on behulf of the Comuny, lncludlng brleflng und coordlnutlng wlth counsels reresentlng the
Eundllng the vurlous mutters ertulnlng to the llulslng wlth the vurlous government deurtments lncludlng tuxutlon
Culdlng teum of legul und technlcul executlves for roer reresentutlon of comuny before the legul und quusl
judlclul uuthorltles.

+57=K5>7NA )567>D<:7D56 :6L=> "=E5D77=
Asslsted und udvlsed cllents such us CMR, 8estyllsh, Cne,, Mucmlllun etc. wlth resect to vurlous legul und
regulutory comllunces ln lndlu und for druftlng und revlew of thelr servlce und other buslness contructs.
Advlsed on vurlous lndlun luws lncludlng, (l) rules und regulutlons rescrlbed by the Securltles und Lxchunge 8ourd
of lndlu, (ll) lorelgn lnvestment regulutlons under the lorelgn Lxchunge Munugement Act, , (lll) Cometltlon
luws , (lv) lndustrlul und lubour leglslutlons und (v)Comunles Act,6 & Comunles Act, zc.
Lruftlngjvettlng of Shureholders Agreements, lorelgn Colluborutlon & 'olnt venture Agreements, 'v Negotlutlons,
Scheme of Merger & Amulgumutlon under Comunles Act, 6.


! LL8 from CCS Unlverslty, Meerut ln 'une, zc
! Quullfled Comuny Secretury from lnstltute of Comuny Secreturles of lndlu ln 'une zcc
! 8.Com (Eons.) from Lelhl Unlverslty
! Certlflcute ln lnformutlon 1echnology, Nll1, Lelhl.

'))/.'",4 2 ,[%&'(#&'. ,+-'-,(,+%4

! Actlvely urtlcluted und coordlnuted currlculur & cocurrlculur uctlvltles ut lntru und lnter school level.
! von rlzes for vurlous urt cometltlons ut lnterschool und lnterstute levels.

$% ,[1/4#&,

! Conversunt wlth vlndows, Mlcrosoft vord, Lxcel, Power Polnt Presentutlon und extenslve lnternet reseurch
1,&4/+'. "/44$,&

Lute of 8lrth : 8
Arll, 86
Nutlonullty : lndlun
Lunguuges : Elndl, Lngllsh und Slndhl
Lrlvlng Llcense : vulld lndlun

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