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Fakta Highrate dan Lowrate

BU-501: Basics About Discharging

The purpose o a batter! is to store and re"ease energ! at the desired ti#e and in a
contro""ed #anner$ This section e%a#ines discharges under dierent &-rates and
e'a"uates the depth to which a batter! can sae"! be dep"eted$ &hapter 5 a"so obser'es
dierent discharge signatures and e%p"ores how certain patterns can aect batter! "ie$
But irst( "et)s "ook at charge and discharge rates( a"so known as &-rate$
Depth o Discharge
The end-o-discharge 'o"tage or "ead acid is 1$*5+,ce""- nicke"-based s!ste# is
1$00+,ce""- and #ost Li-ion is .$00+,ce""$ At this "e'e"( rough"! /5 percent o the energ!
is spent and the 'o"tage wou"d drop rapid"! i the discharge were to continue$ To protect
the batter! ro# o'er-discharging( #ost de'ises pre'ent operation be!ond the speciied
end-o-discharge 'o"tage$
0hen re#o'ing the "oad ater discharge( the 'o"tage o a hea"th! batter! gradua""!
reco'ers and rises towards the no#ina" 'o"tage$ Dierences in the #eta" concentration o
the e"ectrodes enab"e this 'o"tage potentia" when the batter! is e#pt!$ An aging batter!
with e"e'ated se"-discharge cannot reco'er the 'o"tage because o the parasitic "oad$
A high "oad current "owers the batter! 'o"tage( and the end-o-discharge 'o"tage thresho"d
shou"d be set "ower according"!$ 1nterna" ce"" resistance( wiring( protection circuits and
contacts a"" add up to o'era"" interna" resistance$ The cut-o 'o"tage shou"d a"so be
"owered when discharging at 'er! co"d te#peratures- this co#pensates or the higher-
than-nor#a" interna" resistance$ Tab"e 1 shows t!pica" end-o-discharge 'o"tages o
'arious batter! che#istries$

2nd-o-discharge Li-#anganese Li-phosphate Lead acid 3i&d,3i4H
3or#a" "oad
Hea'! "oad
Tab"e 1: 7eco##ended end-o-discharge 'o"tage under nor#a" and hea'! "oad
The "ower end-o-discharge 'o"tage on a high "oad co#pensates or the "osses induced b!
the interna" batter! resistance$
8o#e batter! ana"!9ers app"! a secondar! discharge :recondition; that drains the batter!
'o"tage o a nicke"-based batter! to 0$5+,ce"" and "ower( a cut-o point that is be"ow what
#anuacturers speci!$ These ana"!9ers :&ade%; keep the discharge "oad "ow to sta!
within an a""owab"e current whi"e in sub-discharge range$ A ce"" breakdown with a weak
ce"" is possib"e and reconditioning wou"d cause urther deterioration in peror#ance
rather than #aking the batter! better$ This pheno#enon can be co#pared to the
e%perience o a patient to who# strenuous e%ercise is har#u"$
0hat &onstitutes a Discharge &!c"e<
4ost understand a discharge,charge c!c"e as de"i'ering a"" stored energ!( but this is not
a"wa!s the case$ 7ather than a 100 percent depth o discharge :DoD;( #anuacturers
preer rating the batteries at =0 percent DoD( #eaning that on"! =0 percent o the
a'ai"ab"e energ! is being de"i'ered and 50 percent re#ains in reser'e$ A "ess-than-u""
discharge increases ser'ice "ie( and #anuacturers argue that this is c"oser to a ie"d
representation because batteries are se"do# u""! discharged beore recharge$
There are no standard deinitions o what constitutes a discharge c!c"e$ A s#art batter!
that keeps track o c!c"e count #a! re>uire a depth o discharge o *0 percent to deine a
discharge c!c"e- an!thing "ess does not count as a c!c"e$ There are #an! other
app"ications that discharge the batter! "ess$ 8tarting a car( or e%a#p"e( discharges the
batter! b! "ess than 5 percent( and the depth o discharge in sate""ites is ? to 10 percent
beore the onboard batteries are being recharged during the sate""ite da!$ Further#ore( a
h!brid car on"! uses a raction o the capacit! during acce"eration beore the batter! is
being recharged$
Discharge 8ignature
A c"assic discharge is a batter! that de"i'ers a stead! "oad at( sa!( 0$5&$ A "ash"ight is
such an e%a#p"e$ 4an! app"ications de#and #o#entar! "oads at doub"e and trip"e the
batter!)s &-rating( and @84 :@"oba" 8!ste# or 4obi"e &o##unications; o a ce""u"ar
phone is such an e%a#p"e :Figure 5;$ @84 "oads the batter! with up to 5A at a pu"se rate
o 5** #icro-seconds :As;$ This is a "arge de#and or a s#a"" 1(000#Ah batter!-
howe'er( with a high re>uenc! the batter! begins to beha'e "ike a capacitor and the
characteristics change$

Figure 5: @84 Bu"se o a ce""u"ar phone
The 5** #icrosecond pu"ses adCust to ie"d
strength and can reach 5 a#peres$
&ourtes! o &ade%
1n ter#s o c!c"e "ie( a #oderate current at a constant discharge is better than a pu"sed or
#o#entar! high "oad$ Figure . shows the decreasing capacit! o a 3i4H batter! at
dierent "oad conditions and inc"udes a gent"e 0$5& D& discharge( an ana"og discharge
and a pu"sed discharge$ The c!c"e "ie o other batter! che#istries is si#i"ar under such
"oad conditions$
Figure .:
&!c"e "ie o 3i4H
under dierent
operating conditions
3i4H peror#s
best with D& and
ana"og "oads- digita"
"oads "ower the
c!c"e "ie$ Li-ion
beha'es si#i"ar"!$
8ource: Dhang

Figure 6 e%a#ines the nu#ber o u"" c!c"es a Li-ion batter! with a coba"t cathode can
endure when discharged at dierent &-rates$ At a 5& discharge( the batter! e%hibits
higher stress than at 1&( "i#iting the c!c"e count to about 650 beore the capacit! drops to
ha" "e'e"$

Figure 6:
&!c"e "ie o
Li-ion with coba"t
cathode at 'ar!ing
discharge "e'e"s
The wear-and-tear
o a batter!
increases with
higher "oads$
8ource: &hoi et a"

For a "ong ti#e( Li-ion had been considered ragi"e and unsuitab"e or high "oads$ This
has changed( and toda! #an! "ithiu#-based s!ste#s are #ore robust than the o"der nicke"
and "ead che#istries$ 4anganese and phosphate-t!pe Li-ion per#it a continuous
discharge o .0&$ This #eans that a ce"" rated at 1(500#Ah can pro'ide a stead! "oad o
65A( and this is being achie'ed pri#ari"! b! "owering the interna" resistance through
opti#i9ing the surace area between the acti'e ce"" #ateria"s$ Low resistance keeps the
te#perature down( and running at the #a%i#u# per#issib"e discharge current( the ce""s
heat up to about 50E& :155EF;- the #a%i#u# te#perature is "i#ited to ?0F& :160FF;$
Gne o the uni>ue >ua"ities o Li-ion is the abi"it! to de"i'er continuous high power$ This
is possib"e with an e"ectroche#ica" reco'er! rate that is ar superior to "ead acid$ The
s"ow e"ectroche#ica" reaction o "ead acid can be co#pared to a dr!ing e"t pen than
works or short #arking but needs rest to rep"enish the ink$
8i#p"e @uide"ines or Discharging Batteries
The batter! peror#ance decreases with co"d te#perature and increases with heat$

Heat increases batter! peror#ance but shortens "ie b! a actor o two or e'er!
10F& increase abo'e 55H.0F& :1=FF abo'e **H=?FF;$

A"though better peror#ing when war#( batteries "i'e "onger when kept coo"$

Gperating a batter! at co"d te#peratures does not auto#atica""! per#it charging
under these conditions$ Gn"! charge at #oderate te#peratures$

8o#e batteries accept charge be"ow ree9ing but at a #uch-reduced charge
current$ &heck the #anuacturer)s speciications$

Use heating b"ankets i batteries need rapid charging at co"d te#peratures$

Bre'ent o'er-discharging$ &e"" re'ersa" can cause an e"ectrica" short$

Dep"o! a "arger batter! i repetiti'e deep discharge c!c"es cause stress$

A #oderate D& discharge is better or a batter! than pu"se and aggregated "oads$

A batter! e%hibits capacitor-"ike characteristics when discharging at high
re>uenc!$ This a""ows higher peak currents than is possib"e with a D& "oad$

Lead acid is s"uggish and re>uires a ew seconds o reco'er! between hea'!
Bre'ious Lesson 3e%t Lesson
Gn Iu"! 5( 5011 at =:50p#
8@ Hsieh wrote:
Does the "ong or short u"" charged storing period aects the batter!)s "ie< For e%a#p"e(
i the batter! is not used or . #onths( is it better to u""! charged or discharged or at what
status< 4an! ThanksJ
B7( 8@
Gn 8epte#ber ?( 5011 at /:56p#
""o!d "a#b wrote:
it sa!s discharge #ethods but nowhere in here does it te"" !ou how to discharge the
batter! i didnt care how "ow i can sae"! discharge or the scientiica" pros and cons Cust
s#ip"! how i can discharge the batter! prob"e# is the a"ternator was o'er charging at
around 56$*'o"ts and batter! charged to 1=$/.'o"ts and shou"d be at 15$5.-=.'o"ts KHG0
TG<<<JJJJL K0HAT TG DGL to achi'e discharge to get batter! back to 15$5. or can it
e'en be discharged that wou"d be better know""ege than whats up there then !ou can
si#p"! sa! dont o'er discharge under 1$*5'o"ts the e%act"! how to do this is what #ost
peop"e are "ooking or not a"" the other #o#bogu#bo specs$ on how "ow !ou can
discharge that has nothing to do whith the #ethod o doing so or i it can be done "ike
connect a "ight to it( a speaca" charge and discharge charger( "et it sit on concrete or e%
a#ount o ti#e scence it draws the charge or so#e reason
Gn Gctober 1*( 5011 at .:61a#
7a#eshwer ku#ar wrote:
1 15' 150 Ah "ead acid bt! connected in series( How #an! #a% current drain ro# the
bt! at a ti#e$
Gn 3o'e#ber 5*( 5011 at 6:6/a#
4arkus Unread wrote:
KDoes the "ong or short u"" charged storing period aects the batter!)s "ie<L - For
Lithiu# based batteries( high charge 'o"tage M high batter! te#perature N reduced "ie$
8toring the batter! at "ow te#perature( but abo'e ree9ing( is best$ 8ince !ou do not want
the batter! to se"-discharge to 9ero( it is best to store the batter! with a partia" charge$ 1
!ou don)t know how "ong it wi"" be stored( !our saest bet is to do a u"" charge beore
storing$ 1t is not as good as ha'ing a partia" charge( but an accidenta" K"at"iningL o the
batter! wi"" render it use"ess and dangerous to recharge$

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