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Ekstrak kulit buah manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.), ekstrak herba pegagan
(Centella asiatica) dan ekstrak daun gaharu (Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg) Domke)
telah diteliti memiliki aktivitas anti luka bakar. Merancang suatu formulasi cold
cream dengan kandungan kombinasi ketiga ekstrak tersebut diharapkan dapat
mempermudah pengaplikasian. Dalam pembuatan cold cream suhu merupakan
salah satu variabel penting dalam menentukan keberhasilan sediaan cold cream.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan suhu
pencampuran terhadap sifat fisik sediaan cold cream dengan kombinasi ketiga
Pencampuran cold cream divariasikan pada suhu 60
C, 70
C dan 80
kemudian dilakukan pengujian sifat fisik sediaan pada hari ke-0 sampai hari ke-28
setelah sediaan jadi. Pengujian sediaan meliputi uji homogenitas, distribusi ukuran
droplet, tipe krim, rheologi, dan derajat pemisahan fase di analisis secara
deskriptif. Pengujian pH, viskositas, pergeseran viskositas, daya lekat dan daya
sebar dianalisis dengan metode ANOVA one-way dilanjutkan dengan LSD pada
taraf kepercayaan 95%.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ke tiga variasi suhu pencampuran
menghasilkan sifat fisik yang baik, krim homogen, dengan ukuran droplet <10m,
tipe krim a/m, dengan rheologi tiksotropik dan derajat pemisahan 1. Peningkatan
suhu pencampuran menyebabkan penurunan nilai pH, viskositas dan daya lekat
dari sediaan, tetapi meningkatkan luas daya sebar dari sediaan. Berdasarkan hasil
evaluasi fisik sediaan cold cream dimana suhu pencampuran 70
C memberikan
sifat fisik yang paling baik pada sediaan cold cream kombinasi ekstrak kulit buah
manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.), herba pegagan (Centella asiatica) dan daun
gaharu (Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg) Domke).

Kata kunci : Cold Cream, Sifat Fisik, Suhu, Ekstrak Kulit Buah Manggis, Ekstrak
Herba Pegagan, Ekstrak Daun Gaharu



Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) rind extract, centella (Centella
asiatica) herb extract and agarwood (Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg) Domke) leaves
extract had been investigated to have anti-burn activity. Combination of the 3
extracts in cold cream formulation is expected to facilitate its application.
Temperature is one of the important variables in determining the cream production
success. The purpose of this research was to know the influence of mixture
temperature towards the cold cream physical properties with the three extract
Mixture of cold cream base was varied at 60
C, 70
C and 80
C, and then cold
cream physical properties were tested in day 0 and 28
day after the cold cream
was done. Tests involved homogeneity test, droplet size distribution, cream type,
rheology, phase separataion degree which were analyzed descriptively. pH test,
viscosity, viscosity shift, adhesion and dispersive power were analyzed by
ANOVA one-way continued with LSD with 95% confidence interval.
The result showed that the three temperature variation produce good physical
properties, homogenity cream with droplet size <10m, w/o cream type with
thixotropic rheology and separation degree 1. Different mixing temperature
produce pH, viscosity, viscosity shift, adhesion and dispersive power which were
significantly different (p>0,05). Increasing the mixing temperature can decrease
the pH, viscosity and adhesion, but increasing the dispersive power of the formula.
Mixing temperature at 70
C gave the best physical properties in cold cream from
combination of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) rind extract, centella
(Centella asiatica) herb extract and agarwood (Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg) Domke)
leaves extract.

Kata kunci : Cold Cream, Physical properties, Temperature, Mangosteen Rind
Extract, Centella Herb Extract, Agarwood Leaves Extract

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