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Chapter 1 Notes (pages 12-15)

Anthropology and Anthropologists

What is anthropology?
Anthropology is science that studies physical and cultural development.
What do anthropologists do?
Anthropologists examine world wide human ehaviour. !hey asically compare
culture to culture and species to species.
Types of anthropologists
1. Cultural anthropologist- the study and comparison o" cultures o" di""erent people.
2. Social anthropologist- a person who studies the social structure o" di""erent
#. Physical anthropologist- a scientist who studies "ossils and other remains to "ind
out aout the origins o" humanity.
Some Important Anthropologists
$argaret $ead
-American cultural anthropologist
-%tudied the %amoan culture comparing it to American culture
-concluded that an individuals personality was largely in"luenced y the society in
which he or she lived
-made anthropology well &nown all over the world
'uth (enedict
-studied cultural in"luences especially religion
-"ocused her study on )ative people
-pulished the oo& *+atterns o" ,ulture*
-elieved that there is a strong lin& etween a persons personality and the culture o"
society they lived in
-ran. (oas
-considered the "ounder o" American anthropology
-elieved that it was essential "or anthropologists to &eep a record o" their
-estalished the lin& etween anthropology and ethnology
'aymond /art
-most "amous discovery was a s&ull "ound in %outh A"rica0 which he elieved
represented a transitional stage etween human and apes
-in 1123 he "ound more "ossils that supported his claims
-named the s&ull Australopithecus
,laude 4evi-%tauss
-devoted to cultural arti"acts o" di""erent societies in order to understand
their thought patterns
-his structure o" &inship demonstrated how trial ehavior and law codes re"lected
universal patterns
-his wor& centered on the study o" myths in various cultures
5onrad 4oren.
-was Austrian "ounder o" ethology
-the study o" the the iology o" ehavior in animals
-est &nown "or wor& on imprinting in irds
-discovered that duc&lings would adapt a parent the "irst moving thing they saw a"ter
they had hatched
-while studying human aggression and violence0 researchers were divided aout
whether violent ehavior was instinctive or learned
-his studies led him to thin& that violence is partly instinctive
-)oel +ri.e winner "or +hysiology and $edicine
!he 4ea&eys
-recruited /ianne -ossey
-were (ritish physical anthropologists
-constructed a series o" ancient human civili.ations dating "rom 166666 to over 2
million years
-experimented with stone age tools
7ane 8oodall
-(ritish cultural anthropologist
-&nown "or wor& with 4ea&eys
-spent most o" her time oserving the ehavior o" chimpan.ees
-was excepted into chimp society
(irute 8aldi&as
-interested in 4ea&ey "amily as a iology student
-set up camp on +aci"ic 9sland
-added to the &nowledge o" early humans
-teaches at %imon -raser :niversity in ;ancouverr
/ianne -ossey
-American anthropologist
-studied wild gorillas in 'wanda and <aire
-"ound that gorillas were gentle and social animals
-her site ecame an international center "or gorilla research
-"ound murdered on her campsite in 11=5
Ethnology- the study o" the origins similarity and di""erences etween races and
Imprinting-the process y which a neworn animal adapts as its parent the "irst
moving thing it sees
Primates-the highest order mammals0 including apes and humans

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