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Agency Fact Sheet

Ability Connection Texas (ACT) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was founded and
incorporated in Dallas County in 1953 as United Cerebral Palsy. The organization changed its name
in February 2011 to better reflect its clientele (it serves children and adults with all types of
disabilities, not just cerebral palsy) and to better reflect its emphasis on ability. The organization has
been providing high quality services to individuals with disabilities for the past 61 years.
The mission of ACT is to provide a full array of services to people with physical and intellectual
disabilities as they strive to achieve their highest level of independence.
Although the organization originally served individuals with cerebral palsy, the organization now
serves individuals with all types of physical, cognitive, acquired and developmental disabilities. One
in five people will experience disability in their lifetime; from children born with Down Syndrome,
Autism, Cerebral Palsy or Spina Bifida to adults with acquired disabilities that are the result of
accident or as survivors of any number of diseases. Ability Connection serves their needs both for
today and the future.
The organization provides services and support for all ages; ACT is dedicated to helping individuals
throughout their lifetime.

ACT provided comprehensive care and support for over 4,697 children and adults with disabilities.
Current programs and services include: early childhood development and education, adult day
habilitation, specialized therapies, assistive technology, transportation, housing/residential services,
case management, nursing and attendant care, information and referral services, as well as many
other in-home and community-based support services.
ACTs service area has expanded over the years. The organization initially served Dallas County.
Today, ACT provides services throughout the state of Texas. The organization has also expanded to
New Mexico, doing business there as Ability Connection New Mexico.
During 2013, ACT caregivers, therapists and nurses provided over 2 million hours of direct care
assisting our clients.
ACT is an efficient and financially responsible charity; 90% of income raised goes directly to the
programs and services we provide to our clients.
ACT and its team of professionals provide comprehensive housing and residential support services
to adults with disabilities. These individuals, because of their limitations, are unable to live on their
own. ACT helps by providing the care and support individuals with significant disabilities need,
along with the privacy and autonomy they deserve.

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