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Recipient: CRTC (The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission)

Letter: Greetings,
Conduct an Investigation into Journalist Ezra Levant for Vulgar, Libelous Smears
on the Air
Name Location Date Comment
Di D Kingston, Canada 2014-09-23 Ezra is like the American version of a Canadian journalist.
Keith Harrison Cambridge, Canada 2014-09-23 Ezra,crossed the line with this rant. He should have said this face to face to
Justin. No, he wouldn`t be man enough to do this.
Ryan Lapointe Brantford, Canada 2014-09-23 Ezra Levant's behavior and comments are completely unacceptable for live TV,
let alone trying to claim to be reporting news.
Robert Milmine Paris Ontario, Canada 2014-09-23 I'm tired or things like this passing for news. Unfounded personal attacks are
not news.
Odette Godin Waltham Quebec,
2014-09-23 I'm sick of Conservative bully tactics!!
Kudos to Ezra HighRiver Alberta,
2014-09-23 Hopefully Trudeau will grow up.. Not PM Material
Rod Croskery Portland, Ontario,
2014-09-23 Levant's penis envy is offensive to me.
Jeff Barkley Surrey, Canada 2014-09-23 Our governments are failing us. News is now lies and responsible journalism
missing in the "self regulated" media. The people of Canada deserve better
than being told lies on the evening news. Re-regulate!
june ross North York, ON, Canada 2014-09-23 Ezra Levant is a vicious, poisonous individual.
Dona Beauvais Penetanguishene,
2014-09-23 Canadians deserve better than the likes of Levant who is vile. He should be
Lori C. Lewis Edmonton, NY 2014-09-23 Is it not bad enough having Faux News bullcrap from the States? Now we have
Faux News North to deal with as well. This man needs to be fired, he is
incredibly disrespectful to the next leader of Canada. Enough with the Con
bullspit spewing from these peoples faces. This garbage may work in the
States but it won't wash up here. Get rid of him.
Lisa Whyte Leduc, Canada 2014-09-23 Can only take so much of the absolute garbage from these people at SNN.
They lie, they twist, the try to ruin others lives all under the guise of being
"opinon". Libel and slander are not opinion.
Roland Plante London, Canada 2014-09-23 Libelous rants on air, should be prosecuted.
Victoria Isbister Moose Jaw, Canada 2014-09-23 This is NOT journalism, it is vulgar and unacceptable.
Wayne Collins Surrey, Canada 2014-09-23 Because it is offensive in nature and only emboldens him and will perpetuate
bad respect for TV Broadcasting
Kathryn J. Paton Yellowknife NT, Canada 2014-09-23 Ezra crying "free speech" every time he tosses poo in his monkey cage makes
a mockery of Canada's rights and freedoms.
Donna MacCullouch Welland, Canada 2014-09-23 I am tired of the hatred displayed by the conservatives and their supporters.
Canadians are better than that.
Carol Crocker Crocker Brampton, Canada 2014-09-23 What Ezra Levant has said is gross, dishonourable, abusive, derogatory,
guttural, undignified and just totally ugly. undignified
twila singer standf, Canada 2014-09-23 Hes racist and Im tired of his bullying!
Todd Devlin London, Canada 2014-09-23 Ezra Levant tears the country apart as opposed to bringing us together.
DianeMarie Addicott Sydney, Canada 2014-09-23 Vulgar
MaryAnn MacGillivary Victoria, Canada 2014-09-23 His remarks are disgusting and he should be taken off the air for making them.
terry oksanen thunder bay, Canada 2014-09-23 ezra isn't a reporter.he's a scumbag
Name Location Date Comment
arnold mckenzie Regina, Canada 2014-09-23 This type of comment does not belong in Canadian Public Discourse.
Bernard Coderre Toronto, Canada 2014-09-23 Completely degrading and unacceptable comments on a national media
Roy Mulder north vancouver, Canada 2014-09-23 Sun News does not deserve to be considered credible media by Canadian
Ruth Blair Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra is NO journalist! Sun News is NO media! Shut both down, CRTC!!!
Holly johns carlsbad, CA 2014-09-24 The level of discourse as spewed by Mr. Levant as a "journalist" should not be
allowed, it sets a dangerous precedent. There ought to be a standard of ethics
that Canadian journalists need to follow. Mr. Levant does not belong on
television. Sun News Network should be taken off the air.
Aelan Lee Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 This is not journalism. It is Cons propaganda machine and it's disgusting.
David Dingwall Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 I am deeply offended by levants vulgar comments.
Edward Tanas Calgary, Canada 2014-09-24 Next on Ezra Levant show?
Slamming Trudeau's brother who was tragically killed in an Avalanche?
Cheryl Peacock Smith Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 Vulgar, Libelous Smears on the Air
Todd Boyer St John, Canada 2014-09-24 Because Levant is a bottom-feeding scumbag who shouldn't be allowed to
spew his crap on Canada.
Megan Haslehurst Courtenay, Canada 2014-09-24 This guy is peckerhead, get him off air
Anne Dixon-Mahatoo Stratford, Canada 2014-09-24 I want to see Ezra Levant fired. His behaviour is beyond 'decent'. Canadian
are, and should be, outraged that this man is on our airwaves. Get rid of this
clown, we deserve better.
Jim Joyce Yellowknife, Canada 2014-09-24 I would expect this level of depravity from Fox News, not a Canadian "news"
Trish MacPhearson Queens, Canada 2014-09-24 A candidate's family is ALWAYS off limits!
Anne Harrison Aylmer, Canada 2014-09-24 such smears have no place on our airwaves. Vulgar to say the least
Alex Bushell Fraserville, Canada 2014-09-24 Sun Media is a disgrace!
Joseph Wu Vancouver, Canada 2014-09-24 This is libel. It's not news.
Julie Biddle Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 This is offensive and I don't want it on television - particularly on a channel I
have to have in my cable package.
Kurt Martell Thunder Bay, Canada 2014-09-24 Not only is Sun News spouting blatant right-wing propaganda, their institution is
laying off people who have worked decades in print media in order to pay the
salaries of lying windbags like Ezra Levant.
Cody Turgeon Brantford, Canada 2014-09-24 We need to get back to JOURNALISM, not entertainment. Or there should be
regulations on using the word "News".
marke slipp Pt Williams, Canada 2014-09-24 Get rid of this maniac. I hope kids don't see his show; he is vulgar,
misrepresentative, and ugly.
David Hutton Thunder Bay, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra Levant isn't a journalist. Shouldn't be allowed to spew vulgarity
masquerading as news.
J. Harrison Calgary, Canada 2014-09-24 I strongly feel attacking a family is off limits. Mr Levant has moved beyond
journalism into the failed territory of the offensive pundit
Lorraine Muller Montreal, Canada 2014-09-24 Is this really the direction in which we want to see the country go? Freedom of
speech is one thing, but abusive and offensive insults should be strongly
Name Location Date Comment
Diane Rogers Thompson Mb, Canada 2014-09-24 "The comments consisted of suggesting the Liberal leader wanted to deflower
her. He also compared Trudeau unfavourable to Prime Minister Stephen
Harper, who shook a brides hand when he surprised a wedding party in 2012.
Mr. Levant also referred to Trudeaus father, former Liberal prime minister
Pierre Elliott Trudeau, as a slut and described how his mother didnt like to
wear panties.
To Trudeau, it is always about him, Levant told Sun News Networks
audience. When it comes to women too, they are for his use.
Peter Fedun Montreal, Canada 2014-09-24 This is not a news networks it's a propaganda machine for the current
American Tea Party style government in what was once Canada. Stop Harper.
Christine Kenning Fort McMurray, Canada 2014-09-24 The attack was disgusting and Ezra Levant should be fired for such outrageous
amanda parsonsgallant summerside, Canada 2014-09-24 because trudeau did nothing wrong
bobby hurley ottawa, Canada 2014-09-24 Sun News is a political arm of the CPC who are not disclosing the network
worth as part of their campaign spending. Just illegal as hell. Plus being vile
lying AH
Estelle Seguin Ladysmith, Canada 2014-09-24 this has to stop, some people think they are a valid news source.
Susan McInnes Salmo, Canada 2014-09-24 We do not want this Canadian Tea Party idiot broadcasting
Heather Morrison Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-24 What gives Levant the right to speak about things he has no idea about other
than is own perverted mind meanderings?
Ken Hardie Surrey, Canada 2014-09-24 The broadcast comments offend freedom of speech - with freedom comes
responsibility and accountability, and Sun must be held accountable
Neil MacLeod Victoria, Canada 2014-09-24 Compassion: Levant requires immediate mental health help.
Claude Martel Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-24 CRTC to cancel Sun News Broadcasting Licences
John Turner London, On, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra Levant should be sued for libel. He is a liar and motivated by pure hatred.
Canadians should not have his filthy, trashy garbage broadcast at them in any
media form. He's an appalling disgrace.
Eileen Wood North Saanich, Canada 2014-09-24 I am deeply offended by the grievous, vulgar attack on both a private senior
citizen over the highly personal matter of underwear, and the irrelevant and
disrespectful attack on an elected Member of Parliment.
Robert Hawkins Burlington ON, Canada 2014-09-24 There is no civility from Mr. Levant. He tends to alter the facts to mislead his
Lyle Goodin Bowmanville, Canada 2014-09-24 On air commentary in Canada is supposed to be balanced and fair. Mr.
Levant's comments have been anything but balanced and fair. An investigation
into his outrageous conduct is needed.
anthony modanese thunder bay, Canada 2014-09-24 He was Vulgar
Ali Weisenberg Kingston, Canada 2014-09-24 Spoiling what was a fun moment for a bride and groom on their special day
with rants about deflowering maidens is childish and petulant. Making vile and
disgusting attacks on a man's family is beyond the pale. When Frank Magazine
did the same about Brian Mulroney's daughter several years ago it was the
beginning of the end for that rag. Slum News deserves the same fate.
C Thibault Truro, Canada 2014-09-24 Sun "News" has continuously shown itself to be nothing more than a
propagandha arm for right wing political factions. This has nothing to do with
Maija Shelley Napanee, Canada 2014-09-24 I'm shocked and disgusted! He should be charged.
Name Location Date Comment
Ann Mongrain Thornhill, Canada 2014-09-24 This is not free speech, levant needs to be removed once and for all, he is
vulgar and out of line.
Jim Lauder Peterborough, ON,
2014-09-24 This is as un-Canadian as it gets. Send this jerk to Fox news in the US.
Wendy Butler Edmonton, Canada 2014-09-24 We are better than this!
Hugh Taylor Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-24 If you have to ask, I am not sure I can tell you.
Sandra Currie Vancouver, Canada 2014-09-24 Propaganda masquerading as fact has no place in a democracy.
Bill Stevenson Kingston, Canada 2014-09-24 This is not news!
don fleming Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 While it's clear that Sun News is a propaganda machine for the federal
Conservative party, this presenter has crossed an ethical line here.
Glenna Miles Vernon, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra Levant appears to have free reign to insult, malign and smear any person
in Canada with impunity. Why is that? His rants are beyond outrageous. He
needs to learn the boundaries of professionalism and courtesy when
besmirching and doing a character assassination on persons deceased or
living. He needs to lose his ability to 'hit and run' leaving road-kill behind him
that goes unaccounted for. He is reprehensible in every way and a black eye
on screen of intelligent life in Canada. He needs to get off the air instead of
getting off on trashing fellow citizens.
Mike Jan Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-24 Not only is Ezra Levant personally attacking the Trudeau family in order to
mock them and damage their reputation but he is doing so spreading very sex
negative messages that appear more suited to the 19th century then the 21st.
Scott Derkach Kelowna, Canada 2014-09-24 Innuendo and speculation are not worthy of any news organization
Paul Winkler Kingston, ON, Canada 2014-09-24 A "journalist" dissects the logical pros and cons of a politician's public beliefs.
This individual is no journalist. He's barely human.
ron kennell Stratford, Canada 2014-09-24 Its just about respect. Levant's rant was below the standards we should be able
to expect from a pundit.
Jeff Casey Exeter, Canada 2014-09-24 This was completely unacceptable and requires your immediate attention!!
Mara Copland Calgary, Canada 2014-09-24 Ugh. The Sun really is the FOX News of Canada, aren't they?
Jordan Longstaff Waterloo, ON, Canada 2014-09-24 I hope Justin Trudeau sues Levant into the ground.
Linda Holmes Gilles Bay, Canada 2014-09-24 I'm signing because Canada has got to get back on track and get rid of the Fox
News of the north right wing ideologists, evangelicals and mainly crazy people
like Ezra Lavant. Canada has never been subjected to this crazy evangelical
mindset until the arrival of the sociopath Harper. Along with Sun News Harper
has got to go.
Jeff McKenzie Spruce Grove, Canada 2014-09-24 Levant is a liar!
Ann Bibby Fort Saskatchewan, AB,
2014-09-24 It's important because Levant's "commentary" is stooping the American style
lies and simply making stuff up because he is allowed to. Criticism of ideas and
policy benefits our democracy but Levant is launching personal attacks based
on made up facts and substituting them for reasoned discussion and debate.
It's a disservice to Canadians and to our right to rational, adult debate about
the politics of our country. It's not up to Levant to subvert this with his need to
boost ratings. He is enriching himself at the expense of Trudeau's family and
the Canadian people's right to a political arena that is truthful, respectful and
Bobbie-Joe Herrington ottawa, Canada 2014-09-24 I'm signing because I would like to read unbiased journalism.
Name Location Date Comment
Brad Wilson Hamilton, Canada 2014-09-24 Journalists have been fired for much less than this. Besides Levant himself,
any responsible editor ought to have known enough to edit comments that are
so over the top and vitriolic as part of responsible editing. The Sun has
become propaganda rather than journalism.
Joel Teeling Ponoka, Canada 2014-09-24 Levant's comments were repulsive.
Katherine Maas Victoria, BC, Canada 2014-09-24 We don't need this sort of salacious, mendacious "journalism" in Canada. Sun
News is purely a propaganda arm of the Conservative Government. Canadians
deserve better.
Mary Kolz North Bay, Canada 2014-09-24 because no one in the media should be allowed to write such garbage about
anyone. Despicable and outrageous tripe
Ian McLeish Smiths Falls, Canada 2014-09-24 Pathetic, ignorant, smearing does not belong on Canadian airwaves.
Erin Hickman Drayton Valley, Canada 2014-09-24 I am sick to death of Ezra Levant using his position as a bully pulpit to spread
half truths and outright lies about all kinds of issues. His salacious attack on an
honourable man is unwarranted, if not libellous. He is a boil on the ass of the
fifth estate. Lance him, please.
Dan O'Donnell Saskatoon, Canada 2014-09-24 I am sick to death of cheap shot politics.
Jeannie Graham Black Creek BC Canada,
2014-09-24 Levant has gone wayyy too far this time! Talking about lack of panties and
sluts ...... Please, take this pig off the air!
James Toupin Edmonton, Canada 2014-09-24 His vile, abusive rants have no place in public discourse!
Dale Sakawsky Duncan, Canada 2014-09-24 Total unacceptable behavior on the part of SNN to keep Journalist on the
Payroll after the Vulgar and Libelous Smear Tactics .
Layton Bennett Lakeville, Canada 2014-09-24 To allow a vulgar smear of a politicians parents one of whom happens to be
deceased and cannot even defend himself is a new and very deep low in
Canadian broadcasting. I for one feel that a major fine for indecency is in order
for referring to our former Prime Minister, and the deceased father of this man,
as a slut and dragging of his parents through the mud in general. Whats more I
will now be boycotting Sun News and it's sponsors. This is the lowest of low in
broadcasting and cannot go unanswered.
Judy Monahan Meaford, Ontario,
2014-09-24 Ezrs nasty comments must be stopped!!
Elizabeth Smallwood Corner Brook, Canada 2014-09-24 This man needs to be fired for his lousy journalism
Dennis MacMillan Caledon, Ontario,
2014-09-24 There is no place in our Canadian media for this kind of unnecessary spew.
steve franklin guelph, Canada 2014-09-24 They are the worst.
Wendy McNaughton Stratford, Canada 2014-09-24 He ignores science and denies climate change. He is a danger to our
communities spreading pure ignorance!
Tom Haan Cardigan, PA 2014-09-24 this IS not NEWS...IT IS SENSATIONALIST GARBAGE
Marc Brunet-Watson Vancouver, Canada 2014-09-24 Come on, really? Stop spewing this kind of filth.
Lukas Pearse Halifax, Canada 2014-09-24 Personal attacks even against politicians are an abuse of broadcast privileges.
I would never vote for Trudeau but he deserves protection from this kind of
Stephanie Shorter Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 I cannot stand to see the degradation of the political process fuelled by nasty
smears like this one. Time to show them enough's enough.
Matthew Cohen Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 Levant should not be allowed to libel a political figure on a "national" television
network. Both the opinion-speaker and the network need to be held
accountable for the slur.
Claire Narbonne Sudbury, Canada 2014-09-24 there is no room for this vulgar and libelous ranting in Canada!
Name Location Date Comment
Brian Scott Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-24 Levant is continually vulgar and obscene. He contribute nothing to civil
discourse on politics
Aline Martel Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra Levant incites hatred with lies and libel attacks eithout facts hiding behind
free press.
Jost Mawhinney St John, Canada 2014-09-24 His rants are disgusting and hold no journalistic neutrality what so ever.
Richard Zimmerman New Bothwell, Canada 2014-09-24 I am tired of hearing people like Ezra make vulgar untrue comments about
someone. The comments don't have to be true just made public to have
narrow minded people think it could be true. CRTC should be investigating
Ezra Levant and his superiors for this and other unethical and libelous rants he
does and is allowed to do.
JF Lord saint-hubert, Canada 2014-09-24 All he does is smears on all subjects. that guy has issues.
Dan Tesar Wetaskiwin, Canada 2014-09-24 Truth and balance in reporting
Cheryl Charrette Sault Ste Marie, Canada 2014-09-24 Never speak ill of the dead.This lunatic should be pulled off all Canadian
Rose Steinmeier Surrey, Canada 2014-09-24 I believe that a certain believe of decency should be expected when the
television is turned on.
Funny how the CTRC will censor other shows, but not anything said on Sun
News Network.
Mike Macdonald Vancouver, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra is no more then a bottom feeder , and a racist douch , and an
embarrassment to NEWS broadcasting
Shawn Bartman Kitchener, Canada 2014-09-24 I can't believe SUN News still exists! Who pays for this sh%tty channel? Ezra
Levent should have been charged long ago.
Raymond Reid Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 journalistic standards
Patti Chisholm Saint John, Canada 2014-09-24 US style trash journalism that is not based on fact but just inflammatory for the
sake of being inflammatory does not belong in Canada. Shame on Sun News
for airing such garbage.
Eric Reid Burlington, Canada 2014-09-24 sun news is a disgrace
Michaeleen Steele Manotick, ON, Canada 2014-09-24 He has crossed the line too many times!
Donald Johnston Oakville, Canada 2014-09-24 It is simply crude, disgusting and revolting. There is no place for such trash on
Canadian television.
lucas steinman toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 I do not believe in lying and smear tactics to scare people into voting a certain
way, after the comment levant made about "gypsies", I've decided I've had
enough of his negative attacks and feel he should be investigated.
Colleen Rudyk Salmon Arm, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra (sun news) needs to be shut down. I am appalled such a show airs the
reports are scandalous. And he should be sued for libel
genevieve manson-hing Courtenay, Canada 2014-09-24 News is to inform, not a platform for expressing vulgar lies. Canadian TV- what
an embarrassment!
Karen Nicolay Vancouver, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra Levants comments are foul and slanderous. It's straight out of Fox News
in the US. Clearly biased
David Kinsman Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 Since when is lying and slanderous personal attacks acceptable in our media?
This is not a matter of free speech, it is a matter of honesty and decency.
Don Russell Montreal, Canada 2014-09-24 Totally disgraceful and un-Canadian behavior!
Janet McLeod Ch'town, Canada 2014-09-24 This tool has no ethics whatsoever and that doesn't matter except when it's
pretending to be a journalist. Investigate this and, if it is warranted, reprimand
Mr. Levant for its vulgar libelous remarks.
Name Location Date Comment
Christopher Rowles Guelph, Canada 2014-09-24 People like Levant have no place on television or in the media.
Marc Pilote Cornwall, Canada 2014-09-24 Some lines must drawn or no one will be interested in public office because it is
a slime pit brought on by bully-boy tactics. And while I support the idea of a
third news network (even one that is conservation in nature) it should be a
NEWS network, not a pedestal for those with an agenda.
Gary Gowler Selkirk, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra levant is a boor and needs his leash tightened.
kathleen Dunn Edmonton, Alberta,
2014-09-24 Respect and honesty must be the essential factors in our public
communications. Levant is vulgar to the extreme and offends our Canadian
norm of common decency.
Stephen Fedun Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-24 I'm sick of these reporters and the BS they spew thinking that everyone is
amused by the CaCa they put out.
Peter Skinner Edmonton, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra Levant isn't a journalist.
Scott Letkeman Yellowknife, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra clearly crossed the line into slander and propaganda on this one. He
normally toes the line but this is clearly unacceptable.
Heidi Mueller Cobble Hill, Canada 2014-09-24 Personal attacks on politicians' families are repugnant.
Rachel T. Scott Oak Bay, Canada 2014-09-24 Levant used this woman's photo and dragged her through the mud without ever
speaking to her, her husband or her family to get the truth about the photo. He
ruined their wedding day memories by saying vile filthy things that included this
poor innocent woman.
Stephen Kubica Chatham, Canada 2014-09-24 Levant is a slimeball and needs to be replaced by an ethical reporter.
Melanie Anderson Calgary, Canada 2014-09-24 Levant is disgusting
Matthew Lewis Almonte, Canada 2014-09-24 Levant is a disgrace to our country.
Connie Farr Rawdon, Canada 2014-09-24 This kind of journalism does not bel0ng in a civilized society. He should be
Rainer Schmoll Surrey, BC, Canada 2014-09-24 Levant is the biggest Douche in media and it is time to shut the Sun News
down so the rest of the good people of Canada do not have to be bombarded
by his disgusting CONservative garbage anymore. Lying, smearing fiction is all
that comes out of Sun and calling it News is absurd and insulting to Canadians.
This man should be criminally charged and slapped with a gag order to
NEVER allow him to utter a single word in Canada for the rest of his miserable
Jerry Omelon Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 Hypocrites like Levant must be
Ian Tait Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-24 He is a slime ball lier.
Ryan Rockwood Etobicoke, Canada 2014-09-24 Levant's rant is profoundly disgusting. He presents opinions and conjecture as
if they were fact, and thus oversteps the bounds of editorial commentary. This
is not acceptable in the Canada I live in.
robert taylor Sechelt, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra is a Harper Gov shill.
Just more of the same Con smears, but personal libel on Public TV is beyond a
political attack commercial.
Ross Mair Bay Bulls, Canada 2014-09-24 Because we deserve better. Ezra's Americanization of political discourse is
Marcel Levesque Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 Because we need a press reports facts, not spews hatred.
Yvonne McNamara liverpool, Canada 2014-09-24 Noone should be able to make up damaging information and spread it through
the Media. This country should have standards and Sun News and Ezra Levant
have no moral standards at all. They should be called Sun Trash.
Name Location Date Comment
Shawn Copeland Tillsonburg, Canada 2014-09-24 This type of "news" is what is driving people away from voting in the first place,
personal attacks that have nothing at all to do with the candidates. Absolutely
Derek Smith Tillsonburg, Canada 2014-09-24 Levant is a position of influence and trust. This breaches that trust by injecting
unsubstantiated claims into an offering of truth. The language and tone is not
appropriate for supposed unbiased professional.
Darryl Browne Regina, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra Levant is a vulgar and disgusting man that should be banned from media
regardless of his money.
Brad Brown Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-24 Sun News needs to be called out on its perpetual intolerance and biased
Stefan Walmsley Guelph, Canada 2014-09-24 Lying attack ads
Laurie Clark Dieppe, Canada 2014-09-24 It is time to remove scum from the Canadian airways and newspapers!
Marshall Smook Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 Journalism is not a platform to denigrate and deride. Sun News media must be
held to account for the actions of their employees on air.
Dianne Morris Niagara Falls, Canada 2014-09-24 Levant is a discredit to journalism. He's worse than a gossip, ignoring the truth.
Can't stand the man.
Jennifer Ross Kitchener, Canada 2014-09-24 It is time we stopped these disgusting emotional bullying smears when we find
Ryan Mailloux Gatineau, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra Levant's twisted the photo to suit the Harper Government's narrative. This
is a chronic problem associated with Sun "News" as it continuously and actively
invents news in an effort to make Harper's opponents appear unethical,
immoral in the eyes of Canadians. Sadly though their [Sun News] continual
slander of other parties and people who do not align with Conservative
ideology represents the ultimate immorality of Sun News.
Alfreda Prosper Mississauga, ontario,
2014-09-24 we need to get these self serving, ignorant, back stabbing CONS out of the
media ASAP!!!!! what a shame to Canada these morally depleted Hitler Harper
Reformers all are!!!!!!! no shame whatsoever in these filthy, lying creeps!!!!!
Denis St-Jules Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-24 enough is enough! Levant needs to be withdrawn from the airwaves.
Duncan Millar Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 Libel and slander, political smear, has no place in Canada.
Trish Austin Etobicoke, Canada 2014-09-24 Because this is even too much coming from Fox North. Truly astonishing
Nicolas McCarthy Ottawa Ontario, Canada 2014-09-24 As a father and a son I am applaud by the comments that Mr. Levant made in
regard to Mr. Trudeau's Parent. I think Levant represents a trend in "news"
broadcasting that is lower the quality of Canadian Programming.
Cathrine Lowther Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-24 We've gotten too used to the politics of lies, slander and libel. For democracy
to work, we need an informed electorate, not this kind of slimy, anything to
score points middle school gossip mongering.
Mike Peckitt Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-24 Unacceptable behaviour by a media person. We should not tolerate this on our
Gord Halbot Tottenham, Canada 2014-09-24 The public airways should not be used for a smear campaign.
Claudine Prosper Madoc, Canada 2014-09-24 This is vulgar and disrespect ful.
Timothy Rhude Little Harbour, Canada 2014-09-24 This is terrible behavior and should not be on TV.
kevin moore Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 Libel and slander must have serious consequences when published. Rules
mean nothing if they are not enforced.
Beth Peakall Melton Mowbray, United
2014-09-24 Even in puff pieces the truth matters
Name Location Date Comment
David Fuller Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 Levant is everything I hate about neo-cons, it is scandalous that gets away with
this crap under the guise of free speech.
Patricia Harrelson Ottawa, Canada 2014-09-24 News organizations should be that - sources for news - not for slander or
unsubstantiated statements and bully platforms for one political party - SUN
News should change its name to "Conservative Aggressor Creative
department", this would be an accurate descriptor of what it does. Disgusting.
I'll vote Liberal (no longer a swing voter).
Rich Velay Victoria, Canada 2014-09-24 Media needs to be held accountable for what they say.
Frank Campbell Ajax, Canada 2014-09-24 Common human decency.
ermin bib Calgary, Canada 2014-09-24 He called one of our greatest prime ministers a "slut." I am not a liberal by any
stretch of the imagination but honestly, he called him a slut. He insulted an
elderly lady and said she cheated on her husband, the prime minister. This is
NOT okay.
Daniel Roux Boischatel, Canada 2014-09-24 That kind of language is unacceptable from a TV personnality.
bryan englund regina, Canada 2014-09-24 Levant is a repulsive opportunistic personality always smearing those he
opposes with lies an assumptions. Not journalism and he needs to be exposed
so people do not take his smears seriously.
Norman Albert Saint John, Canada 2014-09-24 Repulsive and ignorant slanderous exhibition.
Michael Fisher Springhill, Canada 2014-09-24 Mr. Levant needs to be taken off the air completely and Sun news shut down.
He spreads hate and makes fantastic embellishments about irrelevant stories
from decades ago. What he is doing is an embarrassment to our country.
Stephane Nicaise Vancouver, Canada 2014-09-24 Low blows like this need to stop, the media needs to focus on facts and
whoever isn't doing that should not be on air.
anthony rota Etobicoke, Canada 2014-09-24 I find Ezra's comments rude and vulgar.
Libi Lancia Vaughan, Ontario,
2014-09-24 Offensive, repulsive and completely unacceptable.
Patricia Morfee St Thomas, Canada 2014-09-24 I don't believe this type of smear talk should be allows on a public forum or
bruce summers MISSISSAUGA, Canada 2014-09-24 partisan spin is one thing but nonsensical smears posing as journalism are
Shane Belknap Russell, Canada 2014-09-24 Where is all going to end? Slurs and innuendos like his parallel the
Conservative Party's tactics. Whatever happened to honour, integritiy and
respect. The Cdn values we once were proud to show. Sad
Suzanne Hetherington Calgary, Canada 2014-09-24 I don't want a Rush Limbaugh clone in Canada. Let's have standards of truth
and common decency
Andrea Bizzotto Toronto, Canada 2014-09-24 I want Sun News taken off the air. It is offensive and I want my tax dollar spent
to better use!
Louise Cunningham Brandon, MB, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra Lavant is an embarassment to this country.
Darryl Secret Nelson, Canada 2014-09-24 I am tired of this man and his libellous ways.
Penny Mills Newmarket, Canada 2014-09-24 Levant attacked a woman whose behaviour at the time is consistent with
Bipolar, which was later diagnosed. Re" P Trudeau, normal people date a
variety of people before marriage and after marriage breakdown. I remember
the times. This diatribe of Levant's is offensive on many levels, not the least of
which is that it was politically motivated. How is this man on the air after Libel &
Defamation lawsuits he lost?
Name Location Date Comment
Carolyn Reid St. John's, Canada 2014-09-24 Please keep American-style hate "media" out of Canada. Our media outletsl
have generally been more professional and less biased than their American
counterparts but Ezra Levant and Sun Media are following Fox "News"
shameful lead with this kind of "journalism".
Matt Kallio Halifax, Canada 2014-09-24 He's a dirt bag, surely this doesn't deserve to be on Canadian tv
Cathy MacLellan Waterloo, Canada 2014-09-24 Standards, enough of this kind of disrespectful low journalism.
Stephen Clarke Victoria, Canada 2014-09-24 It was disgusting!
Oriana Cronin Edmonton, Canada 2014-09-24 Public use of the airwaves to spread lies and smear individuals under the guise
of political discourse should not be allowed.
Rosemary Hunt Owen Sound, Canada 2014-09-24 This man reminds me too much of the Republicans in the US.
Tim Sayeau Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra Levant was rude, crude, lewd, disgusting, offensive and a total washout
as a human being! His conduct in this and other matters is that of a vicious
ignoramus. His continued existence on this Earth, let alone in a position where
his intolerance, his smarminess, his grotesque self is publicly presented is
obscene! GET that pathetic, all-grown-up schoolyard bully off the air! He is a
loathsome, pompous, overweening egotistical self-centred bullying callous
inconsiderate asshole!
Izaak MacMullin Antigonish, Canada 2014-09-24 my tax goes towards the suns budget
Karen Lund North Vancouver,
2014-09-24 #1. He's spreading untruths.
#2. Families of politicians should be off limit.
Randy Taylor Waterloo, Canada 2014-09-24 Tired of seeing Sun News trying to distort the truth yet again. They are a
disgrace to journalism.
Kevin Johnstone Bridgewater, Canada 2014-09-24 Ezra is a shrill for the wealthy and a bully: two things we do not need in this
Donna MacCullouch Welland, Canada 2014-09-24 I don't like the smearing innocent people by media.
janice cowley crofton, Canada 2014-09-24 He goes on everyday with what I consider slander of Mr Trudeau and his
innuendos are really very concerning...
Vickie West Falkland, Canada 2014-09-24 Hate speech from Ezra Levant must be challenged
Donald Fraser Waterloo, Canada 2014-09-24 This type of rant is typical of the "Idiot Right" ... similar to the rant of his fellow
"idiot" Sun News journalist, Brian Lilley about Justin Trudeau's visit to a
mosque. They make up stupid stuff while Harper wrecks the Planet.
Bill Melvin Timmins, Canada 2014-09-24 He needs to be reined in.
DARRELL GAUCHIER EDMONTON, Canada 2014-09-25 Free speech is a right, and Canadians have a right to speak out on this.
Unfortunately, what Mr. Levant demonstrated went beyond free speech, it's
complete hatred. Furthermore, SUN TV is licensed as a News service, but
really has nothing more than opinion shows, which shouldn't qualify as News.
For that reason, the CRTC should intervene and revoke their broadcasting
license, or at the very least, bump the service down to an Entertainment
Hans- Henrich Piersig Toronto, Canada 2014-09-25 I want to see us return to some honorable behavior in our society!
Gautreau Nola Grimsby, Canada 2014-09-25 Levant must stop. He is a curse to civil society and a complete stranger to
ethics in journalism.
Margaret McBride Peterborough, Canada 2014-09-25 Enough with such crude nastiness. I do hope that Sun Media goes under.
CRTC with it. There was a time when good work was done... not now.
John Larda whitby, Canada 2014-09-25 Sun news is hate speech with a corporate agenda and has no redeeming
qualities. It is offensive, vulgar, racist and flies in the face of the wishes of the
silent majority of Canadians. They should be removed from the air.
Name Location Date Comment
Terry Copeck Merrickville, Canada 2014-09-25 It fails to meet a minimum standard of public comment
Valerie Johnson Nobel, Canada 2014-09-25 because he is vulgar and a ver despicable person.
mari macdonald saint john, Canada 2014-09-25 I cant believe they even posted that! "Trudeau very well may be our next prime
PRIME MINISTER? Just saying, that sounds kinda dumb to me >.>
sharon sommerville Waterloo, Canada 2014-09-25 Because Levant crossed a line, and the line needs to be reinforced. In a civil
society, you don't make slurs against the individual and their family. Levant
needs to be reminded that Canada is still a civil society.
Fredrick G. Niklas CD Langley, Canada 2014-09-25 He casts ill repute upon the media in general.
Michael Collier Nelson, Canada 2014-09-25 "News" commentators like this will degrade the public discourse in Canada and
ultimately poison our political process.
Murray McCallum Kelowna, Canada 2014-09-25 Personal attacks such as those made by Mr. Levant have no place in Canadian
janice hayman Vernon, Canada 2014-09-25 He forgot to mention that harper stopped his, got out and whised the bride and
groom his congratulations. No one asked him too.
Ben Butler Toronto, Canada 2014-09-25 disgraceful journalism. unacceptable attack on a public figure
Jabeen Quadir Mississauga, Canada 2014-09-25 We don't need Levant's brand of "journalism" to taint our lives.
Rebecca Rossini Chatham, Ontario,
2014-09-25 He is a bully, a bore and a coward
Gail Cyr Yellowknife, Canada 2014-09-25 Mr. Levant should not be in control of any "journalistic" endeavour. Clearly he
is not qualified.
Elizabeth Graham Inglewood, Canada 2014-09-25 Because Ezra Levant is a creep.
tom rudd cobourg, Canada 2014-09-25 Due to people like Mr. Levant our society is becoming more uncaring and
uncivilized. We do not even want individuals like this in our country let alone
being employed as a journalist.
P.a. Morgan Zurich, Ontario, Canada 2014-09-25 This brand of attach journalism is unwelcome and unwanted here and must
stop. Yes, it was libelous, irresponsible, vulgar, unresearched, completely one-
sided, and just skanky in the extreme. Hate this garbage journalism.
Penelope Luke Owen Sound, Canada 2014-09-25 I thought news papers were supposed to be unbiased.Ezra repulses me
Terry Hovey Fredericton, Canada 2014-09-25 i support Mr Trudeaus stance Ezra Levant should be investigated and if found
guilty of Slander dismissed
Jack Thorgeirson Masset, Canada 2014-09-25 The only way these type of attacks are going to stop are if enough citizens of
Canada publicly object
Les Szamosvari Hamilton, Canada 2014-09-25 SUN Media spreads lies and propaganda instead of reporting news without
bias. So that the citizenry is not informed, but given misleading opinions.
geoff maxwell brampton, Canada 2014-09-25 Ezra is an idiot
Dan Flanagan Toronto, Canada 2014-09-25 Because slanderous outrageous and hurtfull statements cannot go unpunished
David Hanson Winnipeg, Canada 2014-09-25 I find the Sun News Network to be totally misrepresentative of Canadian's
viewpoints. I find his Right Wing Harper loving diatribe to be insulting,
demoralizing and only helps to continue the lie that is the illegally elected
Conservative Government.
Linda Fontaine Edmonton, Canada 2014-09-25 He, himself, admits he's an activist and not a journalist, yet he sits behind a
SunNEWS logo.
Name Location Date Comment
Peter Jaycock Campbellville, Canada 2014-09-25 Words such as "slut", suggesting that certain people don't wear underwear, and
alleging improper motivation for giving a bride a kiss on the cheek have got to
constitute false and lewd comments. Mr. Levant needs to be reprimanded and
an apology needs to be issued to the Trudeau family for Levant's rude and
vindictive comments. Anything less on the part of the CRTC will imply
complicity in my opinion. Please review Levant's comments and require this so-
called "broadcaster" to comply with regulations the commission sets out for all
to follow. Thank you.
Kelly Arnsdorf Richmond, Canada 2014-09-25 Unethical, hate speech, lies, and miss-characterizations. He seems to be
mentally unstable and need medical intervention
Eric Biberhofer Milton, Canada 2014-09-26 Please leave FOX news in the US. This kind of disgusting filth has no place in
our country.
Martin Utrosa Windsor, Canada 2014-09-26 This is important to me because I believe that we all lose when political
discourse in Canada drops to the level of Ezra Levant's comments.
Chris Prucnal Toronto, Canada 2014-09-26 Canadians don't need this kind of lowlife media tactics and slander. It's on
black eye on journalism and if not punished, speaks volumes about the state of
respectable debate in this country, which has been hijacked by the shameful
Ezra Levant.
Marton Szabo Vancouver, Canada 2014-09-27 People need to be held accountable for libelous statements.
kathy thomas Val Caron, Canada 2014-09-27 No one should slander another person. The wedding party are offended by this
and has put a pall on their special day.
louise bjorknas White Rock, Canada 2014-09-27 Ezra Levant is disgusting.

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