Anda di halaman 1dari 7

1. Can two vectors at anequal magnitude, add up to give the zero vector?

three anequal vectors?
- Dua vektor dengan panjang yang sama
isal! "1 # "$ # 1 %# 1&'
(# '
- Dua vektor dengan panjang yang tidak sama
isal! "1# ) dan "$# $ %# 1&'
*iga vektor dengan panjang yang sama
isal! "1#"$#")#1 %# 1&'
1. +ntuk "1 dan "$
(1# '
$. (1 , ")
(tot #
(tot #
(tot #
(tot #
*iga vektor dengan panjang yang -er-eda
isal! "1#) "$#$ ")#1 %# 1&'
1. (1#
(1# 1
$. (1 , ")
(tot #
(tot #
(tot #
(tot #
(tot # '
.adi dari pemisalan di atas dapat disimpulkan!
1. Dari dua vektor yang memiliki -esar sama maka resultan dari kedua
vektor terse-ur -ernilai nol /'0, sedangkan jika kedua vektor terse-ut
memiliki nilai yang -er-eda maka resultan dari kedua vektor terse-ut
memiliki nilai yang tidak nol /'01
$. Dari tiga vektor yang memiliki -esar yang sama maka resultan dari ketiga
vektor terse-ut tidak -ernilai nol /'0, sedangkan jika ketiga vektor
terse-ut memiliki -esar yang -er-eda maka resultan ketiga vektor
terse-ut memiliki nilai nol /'0
). $ cars approach a street corner at right angles to each other. Car 1 travels at )2
km3h and car $ travels at 22 km3h. 4hat is the relative velocity o5 car 1 as seen
-y car $? 4hat is the velocity o5 car $ relative to car 1?
a. relative velocity o5 car 1 as seen -y car $
v1-$ # )2 7 22
= -$' km3h
# *he minus sign /-0 means that the 8rst car makes a reverse 3opposite
direction with a velocity o5 $' km3h to the second car
-. velocity o5 car $ relative to car 1
v$-1 # 22 7 )2
# $' km3h
9 *he positive sign /,0 means that second car makes a progress direction
with a velocity o5 $' km3h to 8rst car
:. 6 car traveling ;'
3h is 1'' m -ehind a truck traveling 2'
3h how long will it
take car to reach the truck?
s1 # s$ , 1''m
=1.t # v$.t ,1''m
;'.t - 2'.t # 1''m
:'.t # 1'
t # >our
t # . )?''
t # ; second
2. >ow much tension must a rope with stand i5 it@s used to accelerate a 12'' kg car
at ',?2' m3s
? Agnore 5rictionB
m # 12'' kg
a # ',?2' m3s
>ow much the tension o5 a rope /"0 ?
" # m C a
" # 12'' C ',?2'
F = 975 N
?. 6ccording to a simpli8ed model o5 a mammalian heart, at each pulse
approCimately $' g o5 -lood is accelerated 5rom ',$2 m3s to ',)2 m3s during a
period o5 ',1' s. 4hat is the magnitude o5 the 5orce eCerted -y the heart
m # $' g
=' # ',$2 m3s
=t # ',)2 m3s
t # ',1'
>ow much the 5orce o5 heart muscle /"0 ?
"irst we have to know how much the acceleration, so
a #
# 1 m3s
"rom the question we know that
m # $' g , we change it into ','$ kg
*hen we conclude that
" # m C a

# ','$ C 1
# ','$ D
Eo, the magnitude o5 the 5orce eCerted -y the heart muscle is 0,02 N
F. 6 car decelerates 5rom a speed o5 $2 m3s to test in a distance o5 1$' m. 4hat
was it is acceleration, assumed constantB
=' # $2 m3s
E # 1$' m
4hat was it is acceleration /a0 ?
# , $.a.s
' # , $.a.1$'
' # ?$2 , $:' a
$:' # -?$2
a = - 2,6 2
&. *wo cars approach a street
corner at tight angles to each
other. Car 1 travels at )2 km3h
and car $ at 22 km3h. what is the
relative velocity o5 car 1 as seen
-y car $?
;. Can you conclude that a car is not accelerating i5 its speedometer indicates a
steady ?' km3h?
(elative velocity car 1 seen -y car $ with
(elative velocity car 1 seen -y car $
Do, A can@t -ecause acceleration is a change in speed or direction. Hecause
acceleration is the second derivative o5 position with respect to time! d
C 3 dt
which makes it the 8rst derivative o5 velocity! dv3dt.
*here5ore i5 the speed o5 the car is constant -ut the direction o5 the car is not,
then the car is accelerating.
1'.Can a particle with constant speed -e accelerating? 4hat i5 it has constant
Ies, a particle with constant speed -e accelerating, -ecause speed has value
and direction, it called -y Jvector direction@.
6nd constant velocity can@t -e accelerating -ecause velocity just do removal
and it just has value dan has not direction, it called -y Jscalar direction@.
11.4hy does a child in a wagon 5all -ack ward when you give the wagon sharp pull?
<arena pada peristiwa terse-ut -erlaku hukum Dewton AAA yaitu aksi dan reaksi.
.adi mengapa anak kecil terjatuh ke -elakang dikarenakan adanya gaya reaksi
yang di-erikan oleh anak yang jatuh serta gaya aksi yang dilakukan penarik.
1$.6 car travelled 2' km3h strikes a tree the 5ront end o5 the car compresses and
the driver comes to rest a5ter travelling ',F m. 4hat was the average
deceleration o5 the driver during the collusion? KCpress the answer in terms o5
Jg@ where g # ;,& m3s
vo# 2' km3h # 1),&; m3s
E# ',F
a # ?
# =o
, $ . a . s
# /1),&;0
, $ . a . ',F
a # # - 1)F,& m3s
1). 6 space vehicle acelerates uni5ormsly 5rom 22m3s at t#' to 1?$ 3s at t#1's.
>ow 5ar did it move -etween t#$s and t#?s
vt # vo , at
1?$ # 22 , a . $
a #
s # =o , a . t
# 22 . $ , . . :
# 11' , 1'F # $1F m
vt # vo , at
1?$ # 22 , a . ?
a #
s # =o , a . t
# 22 . ? , . . )?
# ))' , )$1 # ?21 m
*hus it moves 5or t #$s and t#?s, distance #L ?21 7 $1F # :): m
Miancoli, Douglas C, 1;&:, General Physics, Nrentice >all, ADC., Dew .ersey.

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