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Quiz Modifiers and Shifting

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Directions: Improve the following sentences with the use of proper parallel constructions. Place your answer at the
space provided below each given item.

1. Espinoza's style was remarkable for its dexterity, grace, and she could play any position.
Espinoza's style was remarkable for its dexterity, grace, and play any position.

2. Raoul's motivation to succeed in this program seems to be greater than his sister.
Raoul's motivation to succeed in this program is greater than to his sister.

3. Three of the great Indian nations in the Central Plains are the Cherokee, the Choctaw, and Comanche.
Three of the great Indian nations in the Central Plains are the Cherokee, Choctaw, and Comanche.

4. Either you will begin to study now or risk failing the exam.
Either you will begin to studying now or to risk failing the exam.

5. The college has space for a new computer lab but not a faculty lounge.
The college has space for a new computer lab, not a faculty lounge.

6. Her conditions for signing the contract are, first, the commissioner has to approve the terms; second,
that the other players must sign as well.
Her conditions for signing the contract are, first, the commissioner has to approve the terms; second,
the other players must sign as well.

7. Carlos wasted his first year at college by not studying enough and spending too much time at parties.
Carlos wasted his first year at college by not studying enough and by not spending too much time at

8. We have no doubt about her care and interest in the proposal.
We have no doubt about her care and her interest in the proposal.

9. The students prepared for their exams at home, they spent extra hours with their tutors, and they did
the necessary research in the library, and asked questions in their classrooms.
The students prepared for their exams at home, they spent extra hours with their tutors, and they did
the necessary research in the library, and they asked questions in their classrooms.

10. There's nothing I like better than finding a good trout stream, setting up camp, and to spend a couple of
days fishing.
There's nothing I like better than finding a good trout stream, setting up camp, and spending a couple of
days fishing.

Directions: Identify whether each sentence contains misplaced or dangling modifier. If such error is present, rewrite
the sentence eliminating the error. Place your answer at the space provided below each given item.

1. Emma Sue was delighted when Mr. Nguyen returned her perfect calculus test with an ear-to-ear grin.
When Mr. Nguyen returned her perfect calculus test with an ear-to-ear grin, Emma Sue was delighted.

2. Scrubbing the tile grout with bleach and an old toothbrush, the mildew stains began to fade.
The mildew stains began to fade when I scrubbed the tile grout with bleach and an old toothbrush.

3. To finish by the 3 p.m. deadline, the computer keyboard sang with Sylvia's flying fingers.
The computer keyboard sang with Sylvia's flying fingers, to finish by the 3 p.m. deadline.

4. Sheila watched Desmond stuff his mouth with a cupcake frosted with vanilla icing.
Sheila watched Desmond stuff his mouth with a cupcake frosted vanilla icing.

5. Perched on the curtain rod, the parakeet watched Rocky the cat slink behind the living room sofa.
The parakeet watched Rocky the cat slink behind the living room sofa and he perched on the curtain

6. Groaning on rusty springs, the trampoline tossed the children like clothes in a dryer.
The trampoline tossed the children like clothes in a dryer while he groans on rusty springs.

7. Rapping the pencil on the edge of the desk, the fourth cause of the French Revolution would not come
to mind.
The fourth cause of the French Revolution would not come to mind while rapping the pencil on the edge
of the desk.

8. Slathering the popcorn with melted butter, the calorie count skyrocketed.
The calorie count skyrocketed and it was slathered the popcorn with melted butter.

9. Attached to the email, Charlotte sent her boyfriend Byron another photographic self-portrait with eerie
red eyes.
Charlotte sent her boyfriend Byron another photographic self-portrait with eerie red eyes and she
attached it to the email.

10. Hungry for dinner, the surface is where Gert the goldfish waited in anticipation of food flakes.
The surface is where Gert the goldfish waited in anticipation of food flakes and he was hungry for

Directions: Identify whether each of the following sentences contains a faulty shift. If there is, identify the type of
faulty shift then rewrite the sentence. Place your answer at the space provided under each given item.

1. She caught the ball and then throws it to the catcher for the out.
She caught the ball for the out and then throws it to the catcher.
2. Two men escaped from prison yesterday but were captured immediately.
Two men escaped from prison yesterday but they were immediately captured.

3. Playing a musical instrument is a valuable experience for a child. It teaches him or her many important
Playing a musical instrument is a valuable experience for a child. It teaches them many important things.
4. Juliet saw Romeo, then says, "Romeo, Romeo."
Juliet saw Romeo, then she says, "Romeo, Romeo."

5. If one stretches before exercising, you will decrease the chance of pulling muscles.
One stretches before exercising, you will decrease the chance of pulling muscles.

6. We rode our bikes to the beach, then our swimming suits were dried out in the bright sun.
We rode our bikes to the beach, then our swimming suits in the bright sun were dried out.

7. "Did Sue take the car?" and if she had gone to the store.
She says "did Sue take the car?" and if she had gone to the store.

8. If a student finds himself (herself) in a large class, they should sit up front.
If a student finds himself (herself) in a large class, they should sit front up.

9. "Bring the papers to my office and will you place them on my desk?"
He said "bring the papers to my office and will you place them on my desk?".

10. If I was president, I would introduce a new economic policy.
I would introduce a new economic policy, if I was the president.

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