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Frases teis: Telefone

Al. O Ricardo est, por favor?

Hello. Is Ricardo there, please?
Posso falar com John, por favor?
Can I speak to John, please?
ele / ela.
This is he / she. ou Speaking.
Quem est falando?
Whos speaking?
Quem deseja, por favor?
May I ask whos calling?
Como posso te ajudar?
How can I help you?
Estou ligando a respeito da conferncia.
Im calling about the conference.
Aqui Daniel (falando).
This is Daniel (speaking).
Aguarde na linha, por favor.
Hold the line, please.
Um momento, por favor.
One moment, please.
Vou te transferir para o departamento de vendas.
Ill put you through to the Sales Department.
Sinto muito. A linha est ocupada.
Im sorry. The lines busy.
Cf. Como se diz ocupado (telefone) em ingls?
O ramal est ocupado.
The extension is engaged.
O Sr. Santos no est disponvel no momento.
Mr Santos is not available at the moment.
Por favor, tente mais tarde.
Please try later.
Por favor, deixe um recado aps o sinal.
Please leave a message after the tone.
Cf. Pagando Mico: Sinal de Fax
Sinto muito. engano.
Sorry. Wrong number.
O telefone est mudo.
The lines dead.
No h sinal de celular.
Theres no cell signal.
A bateria est acabando.
The battery is low.
Tenho de recarregar a bateria.
I have to recharge the battery.
Cf. Falsos Cognatos: BATTERY
A ligao caiu.
Ive been cut off.
Cf. Phrasal verbs: CUT OFF
A conexo est ruim.
The connections bad.
Eu no consigo te ouvir muito bem.
I cant hear you very well.
Cf. Falsas Gmeas: HEAR x LISTEN
Ningum responde.
Theres no reply.
Por favor, no desligue.
Please dont hang up.
Cf. Como se diz desligar o telefone em ingls?
Cf. Pagando Mico: Desliga o telefone!
Posso deixar um recado?
Can I leave a message?
Posso anotar um recado?
Can I take a message?
Por favor, diga-lhe que o Marcelo ligou.
Please tell him / her that Marcelo called.
Vou ligar de novo mais tarde.
Ill call again later.
Pea para ele ligar para mim de volta, por favor.
Ask him to call me back, please.
Qual seu nmero?
Whats your number?
Meu nmero 5632-7914.
My number is 5632-7914.
Ligue para mim.
Call me.
Voc pode usar o telefone pblico.
You can use the public phone.
Voc tem de digitar o cdigo da operadora.
You have to dial the carrier code.
Qual o cdigo de DDI para a Inglaterra?
Whats the country code for England?
Qual o cdigo de DDD para Recife?
Whats the area code for Recife?
Obrigado/a por ligar.
Thanks for calling.
Cell phone etiquette 101
CNN Headline News
(CNN) -- To answer or not to answer? It's just one of many questions that boggle the minds of
cell phone users and raise the ire of those around them.
There's a fair chance that anyone reading this column has been annoyed by a cell phone at least once.
My personal pet peeves are ringing phones in movie theaters and people who insist on sharing their
lives with the entire public transportation system. I ignore my phone on the bus. It feels strange to
have a conversation with half the city listening in. Yes, I keep it on, but it's always on "vibrate" or in
"silent mode."
When phones ring in the movie theater, it's even more frustrating. A few years ago, it seemed the
owner of a ringing cell phone was often embarrassed about disrupting the film. The offending
communicator was quickly silenced, and after a few hisses, the theater was quiet again. These days, I
seem to choose the same theaters as people who not only answer their phones, but then proceed to
have a conversation!
Luckily, I've never been anywhere that a ringing phone has led to violence. Earlier this month, a
Massachusetts man was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon after he allegedly
stabbed a fellow movie-goer in the foot. The other audience member reportedly asked the 27-year-old
to turn off his ringing cell phone. The man has pleaded innocent to the charges.
Still, is this what we've been reduced to? It was bad enough when people talked in the theater, but at
least it didn't turn violent.
A recent survey from Cingular Wireless found that practices considered "proper and courteous" vary by
region. In the South, cell phone users are more likely to silence their phones In church. Westerners are
most likely to turn a phone off in libraries, theaters, restaurants and schools. Midwesterners hit the off
switch in retail stores.
At Yale University, some are taking the matter into their own hands. I found an article online from the
Yale Daily News extolling the virtues of efforts at the school to teach cell phone etiquette. The new
regulations of one of the school's residential colleges, Saybrook, prohibit the use of mobile phones in
its library, and asks that students keep their phones on silent -- not vibrate. In the dining hall, students
are asked to keep phones on silent or vibrate, and take any calls in a common room.
Perhaps it's time for Emily Post to tackle this one. The site offers tips for basic
"Netiquette" and video conferencing, why not cell phones? Dr. Phil tackled it on his show October 10,
which makes me think mainstream education may be only a ring or two away.
In the meantime, I'll do my best not to offend the masses, and I can only hope others will try to do the

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