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Wavelength-division multiplexing Wavelength-division multiplexing Wavelength-division multiplexing Wavelength-division multiplexing

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n fi!er-optic communications, "avelength-division multiplexing "avelength-division multiplexing "avelength-division multiplexing "avelength-division multiplexing (WDM WDM WDM WDM) is a technology "hich
multiplexes a num!er of optical carrier signals onto a single optical fi!er !y using different
"avelengths (i#e#, colors) of laser light# $his techni%ue ena!les !idirectional communications over
one strand of fi!er, as "ell as multiplication of capacity#
$he term "avelength-division multiplexing is commonly applied to an optical carrier ("hich is
typically descri!ed !y its "avelength), "hereas fre%uency-division multiplexing typically applies to
a radio carrier ("hich is more often descri!ed !y fre%uency)# &ince "avelength and fre%uency are
tied together through a simple directly inverse relationship, in "hich the product of fre%uency and
"avelength e%uals c (the propagation speed of light), the t"o terms actually descri!e the same
'ontents 'ontents 'ontents 'ontents
( WDM systems
) 'oarse WDM
* Dense WDM
*#( DWDM systems
*#) Wavelength-converting transponders
*#* Reconfigura!le optical add-drop multiplexer (R+,DM)
*#- +ptical cross connects (+.'s)
- /nhanced WDM
0 $ransceivers versus transponders
1 mplementations
2 &ee also
3 References
WDM systems WDM systems WDM systems WDM systems
, WDM system uses a multiplexer at the transmitter to 4oin the signals together, and a
demultiplexer at the receiver to split them apart# With the right type of fi!er it is possi!le to have
a device that does !oth simultaneously, and can function as an optical add-drop multiplexer# $he
optical filtering devices used have conventionally !een etalons (sta!le solid-state single-fre%uency
Fa!ry567rot interferometers in the form of thin-film-coated optical glass)#
$he concept "as first pu!lished in (823, and !y (839 WDM systems "ere !eing reali:ed in the
la!oratory# $he first WDM systems com!ined only t"o signals# Modern systems can handle up to
(19 signals and can thus expand a !asic (9 ;!it<s system over a single fi!er pair to over (#1
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WDM operating principle
>ortel?s WDM &ystem
WDM systems are popular "ith
telecommunications companies
!ecause they allo" them to expand
the capacity of the net"ork "ithout
laying more fi!er# @y using WDM and
optical amplifiers, they can
accommodate several generations of
technology development in their
optical infrastructure "ithout having
to overhaul the !ack!one net"ork#
'apacity of a given link can !e
expanded simply !y upgrading the multiplexers
and demultiplexers at each end#
$his is often done !y use of optical-
to-electrical-to-optical (+</<+) translation at
the very edge of the transport net"ork, thus
permitting interoperation "ith existing
e%uipment "ith optical interfaces#
Most WDM systems operate on single-mode
fi!er optical ca!les, "hich have a core diameter
of 8 Am# 'ertain forms of WDM can also !e
used in multi-mode fi!er ca!les (also kno"n as
premises ca!les) "hich have core diameters of
09 or 1)#0 Am#
/arly WDM systems "ere expensive and
complicated to run# Bo"ever, recent
standardi:ation and !etter understanding of the
dynamics of WDM systems have made WDM
less expensive to deploy#
+ptical receivers, in contrast to laser sources, tend to !e "ide!and devices# $herefore the
demultiplexer must provide the "avelength selectivity of the receiver in the WDM system#
WDM systems are divided into different "avelength patterns, conventional conventional conventional conventional<coarse coarse coarse coarse ('WDM) and
dense dense dense dense (DWDM)# 'onventional WDM systems provide up to 3 channels in the *rd transmission
"indo" ('-@and) of silica fi!ers around (,009 nm# Dense "avelength division multiplexing
(DWDM) uses the same transmission "indo" !ut "ith denser channel spacing# 'hannel plans
vary, !ut a typical system "ould use -9 channels at (99 ;B: spacing or 39 channels "ith 09 ;B:
spacing# &ome technologies are capa!le of ()#0 ;B: spacing (sometimes called ultra dense
WDM)# >e" amplification options (Raman amplification) ena!le the extension of the usa!le
"avelengths to the C-!and, more or less dou!ling these num!ers#
'oarse "avelength division multiplexing ('WDM) in contrast to conventional WDM and DWDM
uses increased channel spacing to allo" less sophisticated and thus cheaper transceiver designs#
$o provide 3 channels on a single fi!er 'WDM uses the entire fre%uency !and !et"een second
and third transmission "indo" ((*(9<(009 nm respectively) including !oth "indo"s (minimum
dispersion "indo" and minimum attenuation "indo") !ut also the critical area "here +B
scattering may occur, recommending the use of +B-free silica fi!ers in case the "avelengths
!et"een second and third transmission "indo" should also !e used# ,voiding this region, the
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channels -2, -8, 0(, 0*, 00, 02, 08, 1( remain and these are the most commonly used#
WDM, DWDM and 'WDM are !ased on the same concept of using multiple "avelengths of light
on a single fi!er, !ut differ in the spacing of the "avelengths, num!er of channels, and the a!ility
to amplify the multiplexed signals in the optical space# /DF, provide an efficient "ide!and
amplification for the '-!and, Raman amplification adds a mechanism for amplification in the
C-!and# For 'WDM "ide!and optical amplification is not availa!le, limiting the optical spans to
several tens of kilometres#
'oarse WDM 'oarse WDM 'oarse WDM 'oarse WDM
+riginally, the term Dcoarse "avelength division multiplexingD "as fairly generic, and meant a
num!er of different things# n general, these things shared the fact that the choice of channel
spacings and fre%uency sta!ility "as such that er!ium doped fi!er amplifiers (/DF,s) could not !e
utili:ed# 6rior to the relatively recent $E standardi:ation of the term, one common meaning for
coarse WDM meant t"o (or possi!ly more) signals multiplexed onto a single fi!er, "here one
signal "as in the (009 nm !and, and the other in the (*(9 nm !and#
n )99) the $E standardi:ed a channel spacing grid for use "ith 'WDM ($E-$ ;#18-#)), using
the "avelengths from ()29 nm through (1(9 nm "ith a channel spacing of )9 nm# (;#18-#) "as
revised in )99* to shift the actual channel centers !y ( nm, so that strictly speaking the center
"avelengths are ()2( to (1(( nm)#
Many 'WDM "avelengths !elo" (-29 nm are considered
Dunusa!leD on older ;#10) specification fi!ers, due to the increased attenuation in the
()295(-29 nm !ands# >e"er fi!ers "hich conform to the ;#10)#' and ;#10)#D
standards, such
as 'orning &MF-)3e and &amsung Widepass nearly eliminate the D"ater peakD attenuation peak
and allo" for full operation of all (3 $E 'WDM channels in metropolitan net"orks#
$he /thernet C.-- (9 ;!it<s physical layer standard is an example of a 'WDM system in "hich
four "avelengths near (*(9 nm, each carrying a *#()0 giga!it-per-second (;!it<s) data stream,
are used to carry (9 ;!it<s of aggregate data#
$he main characteristic of the recent $E 'WDM standard is that the signals are not spaced
appropriately for amplification !y /DF,s# $his therefore limits the total 'WDM optical span to
some"here near 19 km for a )#0 ;!it<s signal, "hich is suita!le for use in metropolitan
applications# $he relaxed optical fre%uency sta!ili:ation re%uirements allo" the associated costs of
'WDM to approach those of non-WDM optical components#
'WDM is also !eing used in ca!le television net"orks, "here different "avelengths are used for
the do"nstream and upstream signals# n these systems, the "avelengths used are often "idely
separated, for example the do"nstream signal might !e at (*(9 nm "hile the upstream signal is
at (009 nm#
,n interesting and relatively recent development relating coarse WDM is the creation of ;@' and
small form factor plugga!le (&F6) transceivers utili:ing standardi:ed 'WDM "avelengths# ;@'
and &F6 optics allo" for something very close to a seamless upgrade in even legacy systems that
support &F6 interfaces# $hus, a legacy s"itch system can !e easily DconvertedD to allo"
"avelength multiplexed transport over a fi!er simply !y 4udicious choice of transceiver
"avelengths, com!ined "ith an inexpensive passive optical multiplexing device#
6assive 'WDM is an implementation of 'WDM that uses no electrical po"er# t separates the
"avelengths using passive optical components such as !andpass filters and prisms# Many
manufacturers are promoting passive 'WDM to deploy fi!er to the home#
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Dense WDM Dense WDM Dense WDM Dense WDM
Dense "avelength division multiplexing (DWDM) refers originally to optical signals multiplexed
"ithin the (009 nm !and so as to leverage the capa!ilities (and cost) of er!ium doped fi!er
amplifiers (/DF,s), "hich are effective for "avelengths !et"een approximately (0)05(010 nm ('
!and), or (0295(1(9 nm (C !and)# /DF,s "ere originally developed to replace &+>/$<&DB
optical-electrical-optical (+/+) regenerators, "hich they have made practically o!solete# /DF,s
can amplify any optical signal in their operating range, regardless of the modulated !it rate# n
terms of multi-"avelength signals, so long as the /DF, has enough pump energy availa!le to it, it
can amplify as many optical signals as can !e multiplexed into its amplification !and (though
signal densities are limited !y choice of modulation format)# /DF,s therefore allo" a single-
channel optical link to !e upgraded in !it rate !y replacing only e%uipment at the ends of the link,
"hile retaining the existing /DF, or series of /DF,s through a long haul route# Furthermore,
single-"avelength links using /DF,s can similarly !e upgraded to WDM links at reasona!le cost#
$he /DF,?s cost is thus leveraged across as many channels as can !e multiplexed into the
(009 nm !and#
DWDM systems DWDM systems DWDM systems DWDM systems
,t this stage, a !asic DWDM system contains several main components=
, DWDM terminal multiplexer terminal multiplexer terminal multiplexer terminal multiplexer# $he terminal multiplexer contains a "avelength-converting
transponder for each data signal, an optical multiplexer and "here necessary an optical
amplifier (/DF,)# /ach "avelength-converting transponder receives an optical data signal
from the client-layer, such as &ynchronous optical net"orking F&+>/$ <&DBG or another type
of data signal, converts this signal into the electrical domain and re-transmits the signal at a
specific "avelength using a (,009 nm !and laser# $hese data signals are then com!ined
together into a multi-"avelength optical signal using an optical multiplexer, for transmission
over a single fi!er (e#g#, &MF-)3 fi!er)# $he terminal multiplexer may or may not also include
a local transmit /DF, for po"er amplification of the multi-"avelength optical signal# n the
mid-(889s DWDM systems contained - or 3 "avelength-converting transpondersH !y )999
or so, commercial systems capa!le of carrying ()3 signals "ere availa!le#
,n intermediate line repeater intermediate line repeater intermediate line repeater intermediate line repeater is placed approximately every 395(99 km to compensate for
the loss of optical po"er as the signal travels along the fi!er# $he ?multi-"avelength optical
signal? is amplified !y an /DF,, "hich usually consists of several amplifier stages#
,n intermediate optical terminal intermediate optical terminal intermediate optical terminal intermediate optical terminal, or optical add-drop multiplexer optical add-drop multiplexer optical add-drop multiplexer optical add-drop multiplexer# $his is a remote
amplification site that amplifies the multi-"avelength signal that may have traversed up to
(-9 km or more !efore reaching the remote site# +ptical diagnostics and telemetry are often
extracted or inserted at such a site, to allo" for locali:ation of any fi!er !reaks or signal
impairments# n more sophisticated systems ("hich are no longer point-to-point), several
signals out of the multi-"avelength optical signal may !e removed and dropped locally#
, DWDM terminal demultiplexer terminal demultiplexer terminal demultiplexer terminal demultiplexer# ,t the remote site, the terminal de-multiplexer consisting
of an optical de-multiplexer and one or more "avelength-converting transponders separates
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the multi-"avelength optical signal !ack into individual data signals and outputs them on
separate fi!ers for client-layer systems (such as &+>/$<&DB)# +riginally, this de-multiplexing
"as performed entirely passively, except for some telemetry, as most &+>/$ systems can
receive (,009 nm signals# Bo"ever, in order to allo" for transmission to remote client-layer
systems (and to allo" for digital domain signal integrity determination) such de-multiplexed
signals are usually sent to +</<+ output transponders prior to !eing relayed to their
client-layer systems# +ften, the functionality of output transponder has !een integrated into
that of input transponder, so that most commercial systems have transponders that support
!i-directional interfaces on !oth their (,009 nm (i#e#, internal) side, and external (i#e#, client-
facing) side# $ransponders in some systems supporting -9 ;B: nominal operation may also
perform for"ard error correction (F/') via digital "rapper technology, as descri!ed in the
$E-$ ;#298 standard#
+ptical &upervisory 'hannel (+&') +ptical &upervisory 'hannel (+&') +ptical &upervisory 'hannel (+&') +ptical &upervisory 'hannel (+&')# $his is data channel "hich uses an additional
"avelength usually outside the /DF, amplification !and (at (,0(9 nm, (,1)9 nm, (,*(9 nm
or another proprietary "avelength)# $he +&' carries information a!out the multi-"avelength
optical signal as "ell as remote conditions at the optical terminal or /DF, site# t is also
normally used for remote soft"are upgrades and user (i#e#, net"ork operator) >et"ork
Management information# t is the multi-"avelength analogue to &+>/$?s D'' (or
supervisory channel)# $E standards suggest that the +&' should utili:e an +'-* signal
structure, though some vendors have opted to use (99 mega!it /thernet or another signal
format# Enlike the (009 nm multi-"avelength signal containing client data, the +&' is
al"ays terminated at intermediate amplifier sites, "here it receives local information !efore
$he introduction of the $E-$ ;#18-#(
fre%uency grid in )99) has made it easier to integrate
WDM "ith older !ut more standard &+>/$<&DB systems# WDM "avelengths are positioned in a
grid having exactly (99 ;B: (a!out 9#3 nm) spacing in optical fre%uency, "ith a reference
fre%uency fixed at (8*#(9 $B: ((,00)#0) nm)#
$he main grid is placed inside the optical fi!er
amplifier !and"idth, !ut can !e extended to "ider !and"idths# $oday?s DWDM systems use
09 ;B: or even )0 ;B: channel spacing for up to (19 channel operation#
DWDM systems have to maintain more sta!le "avelength or fre%uency than those needed for
'WDM !ecause of the closer spacing of the "avelengths# 6recision temperature control of laser
transmitter is re%uired in DWDM systems to prevent DdriftD off a very narro" fre%uency "indo" of
the order of a fe" ;B:# n addition, since DWDM provides greater maximum capacity it tends to
!e used at a higher level in the communications hierarchy than 'WDM, for example on the
nternet !ack!one and is therefore associated "ith higher modulation rates, thus creating a
smaller market for DWDM devices "ith very high performance# $hese factors of smaller volume
and higher performance result in DWDM systems typically !eing more expensive than 'WDM#
Recent innovations in DWDM transport systems include plugga!le and soft"are-tuna!le
transceiver modules capa!le of operating on -9 or 39 channels# $his dramatically reduces the
need for discrete spare plugga!le modules, "hen a handful of plugga!le devices can handle the
full range of "avelengths#
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Wavelength-converting transponders Wavelength-converting transponders Wavelength-converting transponders Wavelength-converting transponders
,t this stage, some details concerning "avelength-converting transponders should !e discussed,
as this "ill clarify the role played !y current DWDM technology as an additional optical transport
layer# t "ill also serve to outline the evolution of such systems over the last (9 or so years#
,s stated a!ove, "avelength-converting transponders served originally to translate the transmit
"avelength of a client-layer signal into one of the DWDM system?s internal "avelengths in the
(,009 nm !and (note that even external "avelengths in the (,009 nm "ill most likely need to !e
translated, as they "ill almost certainly not have the re%uired fre%uency sta!ility tolerances nor
"ill it have the optical po"er necessary for the system?s /DF,)#
n the mid-(889s, ho"ever, "avelength converting transponders rapidly took on the additional
function of signal regeneration# &ignal regeneration in transponders %uickly evolved through (R to
)R to *R and into overhead-monitoring multi-!itrate *R regenerators# $hese differences are
outlined !elo"=
(R (R (R (R
Retransmission# @asically, early transponders "ere Dgar!age in gar!age outD in that their
output "as nearly an analogue DcopyD of the received optical signal, "ith little signal cleanup
occurring# $his limited the reach of early DWDM systems !ecause the signal had to !e
handed off to a client-layer receiver (likely from a different vendor) !efore the signal
deteriorated too far# &ignal monitoring "as !asically confined to optical domain parameters
such as received po"er#
)R )R )R )R
Re-time and re-transmit# $ransponders of this type "ere not very common and utili:ed a
%uasi-digital &chmitt-triggering method for signal clean-up# &ome rudimentary signal-%uality
monitoring "as done !y such transmitters that !asically looked at analogue parameters#
*R *R *R *R
Re-time, re-transmit, re-shape# *R $ransponders "ere fully digital and normally a!le to vie"
&+>/$<&DB section layer overhead !ytes such as ,( and ,) to determine signal %uality
health# Many systems "ill offer )#0 ;!it<s transponders, "hich "ill normally mean the
transponder is a!le to perform *R regeneration on +'-*<()<-3 signals, and possi!ly giga!it
/thernet, and reporting on signal health !y monitoring &+>/$<&DB section layer overhead
!ytes# Many transponders "ill !e a!le to perform full multi-rate *R in !oth directions# &ome
vendors offer (9 ;!it<s transponders, "hich "ill perform &ection layer overhead monitoring
to all rates up to and including +'-(8)#
Muxponder Muxponder Muxponder Muxponder
$he muxponder (from multiplexed transponder) has different names depending on vendor# t
essentially performs some relatively simple time-division multiplexing of lo"er-rate signals
into a higher-rate carrier "ithin the system (a common example is the a!ility to accept -
+'--3s and then output a single +'-(8) in the (,009 nm !and)# More recent muxponder
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designs have a!sor!ed more and more $DM functionality, in some cases o!viating the need
for traditional &+>/$<&DB transport e%uipment#
Reconfigura!le optical add-drop multiplexer (R+,DM) Reconfigura!le optical add-drop multiplexer (R+,DM) Reconfigura!le optical add-drop multiplexer (R+,DM) Reconfigura!le optical add-drop multiplexer (R+,DM)
,s mentioned a!ove, intermediate optical amplification sites in DWDM systems may allo" for the
dropping and adding of certain "avelength channels# n most systems deployed as of ,ugust )991
this is done infre%uently, !ecause adding or dropping "avelengths re%uires manually inserting or
replacing "avelength-selective cards# $his is costly, and in some systems re%uires that all active
traffic !e removed from the DWDM system, !ecause inserting or removing the "avelength-specific
cards interrupts the multi-"avelength optical signal#
With a R+,DM, net"ork operators can remotely reconfigure the multiplexer !y sending soft
commands# $he architecture of the R+,DM is such that dropping or adding "avelengths does not
interrupt the Dpass-throughD channels# >umerous technological approaches are utili:ed for various
commercial R+,DMs, the tradeoff !eing !et"een cost, optical po"er, and flexi!ility#
+ptical cross connects (+.'s) +ptical cross connects (+.'s) +ptical cross connects (+.'s) +ptical cross connects (+.'s)
When the net"ork topology is a mesh, "here nodes are interconnected !y fi!ers to form an
ar!itrary graph, an additional fi!er interconnection device is needed to route the signals from an
input port to the desired output port# $hese devices are called optical crossconnectors (+.'s)#
Iarious categories of +.'s include electronic (Dopa%ueD), optical (DtransparentD), and "avelength
selective devices#
/nhanced WDM /nhanced WDM /nhanced WDM /nhanced WDM
'isco?s /nhanced WDM system com!ines ( ;@ 'oarse Wave Division Multiplexing ('WDM)
connections using &F6s and ;@'s "ith (9 ;@ Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM)
connections using ./>6,J, .), or .F6 DWDM modules# $hese DWDM connections can either !e
passive or !oosted to allo" a longer range for the connection#
$ransceivers versus transponders $ransceivers versus transponders $ransceivers versus transponders $ransceivers versus transponders
$ransceivers 5 &ince communication over a single "avelength is one-"ay (simplex
communication), and most practical communication systems re%uire t"o-"ay (duplex
communication) communication, t"o "avelengths "ill !e re%uired ("hich might or might not
!e on the same fi!er, !ut typically they "ill !e each on a separate fi!er in a so-called fi!er
pair)# ,s a result, at each end !oth a transmitter (to send a signal over a first "avelength)
and a receiver (to receive a signal over a second "avelength) "ill !e re%uired# ,
com!ination of a transmitter and a receiver is called a transceiverH it converts an electrical
signal to and from an optical signal# $here are usually transreceiver types !ased on WDM
'oarse WDM ('WDM) $ransceivers= Wavelength ()29 nm, ()89 nm, (*(9 nm,
(**9 nm, (*09 nm, (*29 nm, (*89 nm, (-(9 nm, (-*9 nm, (-09 nm, (-29 nm,
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(-89 nm, (0(9 nm, (0*9 nm, (009 nm, (029 nm, (089 nm, (1(9 nm#
Dense WDM (DWDM) $ransceivers= 'hannel (2 to 'hannel 1( according to $E-$#
$ransponder 5 n practice, the signal inputs and outputs "ill not !e electrical !ut optical
instead (typically at (009 nm)# $his means that in effect "e need "avelength converters
instead, "hich is exactly "hat a transponder is# , transponder can !e made up of t"o
transceivers placed after each other= the first transceiver converting the (009 nm optical
signal to<from an electrical signal, and the second transceiver converting the electrical signal
to<from an optical signal at the re%uired "avelength# $ransponders that don?t use an
intermediate electrical signal (all-optical transponders) are in development#
&ee also transponders (optical communications) for different functional vie"s on the meaning of
optical transponders#
mplementations mplementations mplementations mplementations
$here are several simulation tools that can !e used to design WDM systems# 6opular commercial
tools have !een developed !y +pti"ave &ystems (http=<<opti"ave#com<applications<d"dm<) and
I6 &ystems#
&ee also &ee also &ee also &ee also
'ode division multiple access
Dark fi!er
Differential %uadrature phase shift keying
Multi"avelength optical net"orking
+ptical mesh net"ork
+ptical $ransport >et"ork
6olari:ation mode dispersion
&/CF+' Microlens
&F6 transceiver
$ime-division multiplexing
+r!ital angular momentum multiplexing
References References References References
K KK K $E-$ ;#18-#), DWDM applications= 'WDM "avelength gridD $E-$ "e!site (http=<<"""#itu#int<rec<$- (#
Wavelength-division multiplexing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http=<<en#"ikipedia#org<"iki<DWDM
3 of (9 )*<98<)9(- ))=*(
K KK K $E-$ ;#10), D$ransmission media and optical systems characteristics 5 +ptical fi!re ca!lesD $E-$
"e!site (http=<<"""#itu#int<rec<$-R/'-;#10)<en)
K KK K $E-$ ;#18-#(, D&pectral grids for WDM applications= DWDM fre%uency gridD $E-$ "e!site
K KK K DWDM $E $a!le, (99;h: spacingD telecomengineering#com (http=<<"""#telecomengineering#com
K KK K http=<<"""#infinera#com<products<ils)#html 0#
K KK K 'WDM &F6 $ransceiver (http=<<WWW#+6$'+R/#>/$<optcore<eMproducts<N!igMidO8), +ptcore
$echnology, retrieved March )1, )9(*
K KK K DWDM &F6 $ransceiver (http=<<WWW#+6$'+R/#>/$<optcore<eMproducts<N!igMidO(9), +ptcore
$echnology, retrieved March )1, )9(*
&iva Ram Murthy '#H ;urus"amy M#, DWDM +ptical >et"orks, 'oncepts, Design, and
,lgorithmsD, 6rentice Ball ndia, &@> 3(-)9*-)()8--#
$omlinson, W# P#H Cin, '#, D+ptical "avelength-division multiplexer for the (5(#--micron
spectral regionD, /lectronics Cetters, vol# (-, May )0, (823, p# *-05*-2# adsa!s#harvard#edu
shio, B# Mino"a, P# >osu, J#, DRevie" and status of "avelength-division-multiplexing
technology and its applicationD, Pournal of Cight"ave $echnology, Iolume= ), ssue= -, ,ug
(83-, p# --35-1*
'heung, >im J#H >osu JiyoshiH Win:er, ;erhard D;uest /ditorial < Dense Wavelength Division
Multiplexing $echni%ues for Bigh 'apacity and Multiple ,ccess 'ommunication &ystemsD,
/// Pournal on &elected ,reas in 'ommunications, Iol# 3 >o# 1, ,ugust (889 #
,rora, ,#H &u!ramaniam, &# DWavelength 'onversion 6lacement in WDM Mesh +ptical
>et"orksD# 6hotonic >et"ork 'ommunications, Iolume -, >um!er ), May )99)#
First discussion= +# /# Delange, DWide!and optical communication systems, 6art
((-Fre%uency division multiplexingD# hoc# ///, vol# 03, p# (13*, +cto!er (829#
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Wavelength-division multiplexing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http=<<en#"ikipedia#org<"iki<DWDM
8 of (9 )*<98<)9(- ))=*(
Wavelength-division multiplexing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http=<<en#"ikipedia#org<"iki<DWDM
(9 of (9 )*<98<)9(- ))=*(

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