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Narayana Dental PG Coaching - Week-03 Test (28-09-2014) Biochemistry (Enzymes,

Vitamins & Miscellaneous)


1. The following is a group specific enzymes
A. Pepsin
B. Aminopeptidase
C. Phospholipase D
D. All of the above

2. The action of an enzyme is to
A. Accelerate the rate of reaction
B. Retard the rate of reaction
C. Start the reaction
D. All of the above

3. The following is a substrate specific enzymes
A. Hexokinase
B. Thiokinase
C. Lactase
D. Aminopeptidase

4. The following is not a substrate specific
A. Glucokinase
B. Fructokinase
C. Hexokinase
D. Phosphofructokinase

5. Chymotrypsin hydrolyses peptide bonds in
which carboxyl group is contributed by
A. Phenylalanine
B. Tyrosine
C. Tryptophan
D. Any of the above

6. Coenyme responsible for single carbon
transfer is
A. Acteyl co enzyme A
B. Biotin

D. Pyridoxine

7. Coenzymes combine with
A. Proenzymes
B. Apoenzymes
C. Holoenzymes
D. Antienzymes

8. Enzyme + coenzyme constitutes
A. Apoenzyme
B. Proenzyme
C. Prosoenzyme
D. Holoenzyme

9. Coenzymes are required in the following
A. Oxidation reduction
B. Transamination
C. Phosphorylation
D. All of the above

10. Co enzyme Q is_________
A. Also called ubiquinone and benzoquinone
B. Lipid soluble quinine with polyisoprenoid side
C. Is a non-protein molecule
D. All of the above

11. Which of the following is untrue about
carbonic anhydrase?
A. It is associated with haemoglobin in RBC
B. It is never present in plasma
C. It is also present in parietal cells of stomach
D. It contains Mg

12. Iron is present in all of the following except
A. Myoglobin
B. Cytochrome
C. Catalase
D. Pyruvate kinase

13. Magnesium ions are cofactors for all the
following except
A. Hexokinase
B. Pyruvate kinase
C. PEP carboxykinase
D. Lactate dehydrogenase

14. All the following are iron-containing enzymes
A. Carbonic anhydrase
B. Catalase
C. Peroxidase
D. Cytochrome oxidase

15. Magnesium is needed for the activity of which
A. Phosphatase
B. Aldolase
C. Dismutase
D. ATPase

16. Which of the following is incorrect statement?
A. Coenzymes frequently contain B vitamins as
part of their structure
Narayana Dental PG Coaching - Week-03 Test (28-09-2014) Biochemistry (Enzymes,
Vitamins & Miscellaneous)


B. Protein part of an enzyme is called as
C. Holoenzyme is apoenzyme + coenzyme
D. Noncompetitive inhibitor binds to the active
site of the enzyme

17. Allosteric inhibition is also known as
A. Competitive inhibition
B. Non-competitive inhibition
C. Feedback inhibition
D. None of the above

18. An allosteric enzyme
A. Is generally present at the end of a pathway
B. Generally catalyses a reversible reaction
C. Generally catalyses the committed step unique
to a pathway
D. Possesses only substrate the

19. Binding of the allosteric inhibitor to the
allosteric enzyme is
A. Covalent
B. Reversible
C. Energy consuming
D. All of the above

20. Kinetics of allosteric inhibition may be
A. Competitive
B. Non competitive
C. Partially competitive
D. Any of the above

21. Following myocardial infarction, the earliest
serum enzyme to rise is
A. Creatinine kinase
D. All of the above

22. Which of the following enzyme persists longest
in blood after a heart attack?

23. The differential diagnosis of jaundice is
possible by measuring blood level of the
enzyme _________
A. Alkaline phosphatase
B. Acid phosphatase
C. Glutamate pyruvate transaminase
D. Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase

24. The cancer of prostate is best diagnosed by
elevated blood level of _________ enzyme
A. Alkaline phosphatase
B. Lactate dehydrogenase
C. Acid phosphatase
D. Phosphor hexose isomerase

25. Creatine kinase is found in
A. Myocardium
B. Brain
C. Muscles
D. All of the above

26. Wheat is an excellent source of which of the
following vitamins
A. Vit A
B. Thiamin
C. Riboflavin
D. Vit C

27. Specific disease caused by vitamin B

A. Pellagra
B. Angular cheilitis
C. Megaloblastic anaemia
D. Peripheral polyneuritis

28. Thiamine deficiency causes decreased energy
production because
A. It is required for the process of transamination
B. It is co factor in exudative reduction
C. It is co - enzyme for transketolase in pentose
phosphate pathway
D. It is co enzyme for pyruvate dehydrogenase

29. Which of the following is a primary structure of
A. Vit B

B. Vit B

C. Vit B

D. Vit A

30. They yellow green fluorescent urine is
passed after ingesting multi vitamin tablet.
This is because of vitamin
A. Thiamin
B. Riboflavin
C. Niacin
D. Pyridoxine

Narayana Dental PG Coaching - Week-03 Test (28-09-2014) Biochemistry (Enzymes,
Vitamins & Miscellaneous)


31. In hydrogen transfer reactions, riboflavin
coenzyme accepts two hydrogen atoms at the
positions ____
A. 1 and 10
B. 7 and 8
C. 5 and 6
D. 2 and 4

32. Niacin deficiency is characterised by which of
the following
A. Dementia, dermatitis, diarrhoea
B. Dermatitis, anaemia encephalopathy
C. Diarrhoea, glossitas, neuritis
D. Diarrhoea, encephalopathy anaemia

33. People consuming only maize as staple diet
develop niacin deficiency due to
A. Low niacin
B. Low tryptophan
C. High leucine
D. High isoleucine

34. The amino acid from which niacin synthesized
A. Tyrosine
B. Tryptophan
C. Threonine
D. Histidine

35. Vitamin used in the treatment of
homocystenuria is
A. B

B. B

C. B

D. B

36. Most of the body Vit B
is present in which of
the following enzymes?
A. Liver phosphorylase
B. Muscle phosphorylase
C. Creatinine phospho kinase
D. Glucose 6 phosphatase

37. In vitamin B
deficiency the abnormal
metabolite which appears in urine is _________
A. Methyl malonic acid
B. Formimino glutamic acid
C. Xanthurenic acid
D. None of the above

38. The following vitamin is important in non-
oxidative decarboxylation, transamination and
trans -sulfuration reaction
A. Riboflavin
B. Thiamine
C. Pyridoxine
D. Pantothenic acid

39. Peripheral neuropathy due to deficiency of
vitamin is seen with
A. Pyridoxine
B. Vit E
C. Vit A
D. Pantothenic acid

40. The antivitamin of pyrdoxine is
A. Dicoumarol
B. Avidin
D. Aminopterin

41. Biotin deficiency is characterised by all of the
following except
A. Muscular pain
B. Anaemia
C. Nausea
D. None of above

42. Consumption of raw egg white in the diet may
result in the deficiency of
A. Ribofla vin
B. Biotin
C. Thiamin
D. Pyridoxine

43. Conenzyme A contains which of the following
A. Biotin
B. Pyridoxine
C. Pantothenic acid
D. Niacin

44. Coenzyme A contains which of the following
A. Biotin
B. Pyridoxine
C. Pantothenic acid
D. Niacin

45. Vit B
is absorbed from
A. Stomach
B. Duodenum
C. Lower jejunum
D. Terminal ileum
Narayana Dental PG Coaching - Week-03 Test (28-09-2014) Biochemistry (Enzymes,
Vitamins & Miscellaneous)


46. Pernicious anaemia occurs in
A. Vit B
B. Vit B
C. Vit C deficiency
D. Vit D deficiency

47. The vitamin synthesized by intestinal bacteria
is ______
A. Vitamin B12
B. Vitamin A
C. Both
D. None

48. Which of the following deficiencies causes
A. Vit A
B. Vit B
C. Vit C
D. Vit D

49. Cereals are deficient in
A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin B Complex
C. Iron
D. Calcium

50. Vitamin C is present in largest amount in the
body in
A. Eye
B. Kidneys
C. Testes
D. Adrenal cortex

51. Which of the following dental tissues is most
likely to be effected by Vit - A deficiency?
A. Enamel
B. Dentin
C. Cementum
D. Pulp

52. Deficiency of vitamin A causes the following
A. Night blindness
B. Corneal dryness
C. Bitots spots
D. Myopia

53. Xerophthalmia is caused by
A. Vitamin A deficiency
B. Vitamin D deficiency
C. Vitamin C deficiency
D. Vitamin K deficiency

54. Which of the following is no true of Vitamin D?
A. Its active form is calcitriol
B. Increased calcium absolption from the
C. Its deficiency reults in rickets
D. Its decrease causes phophate reabsorption
from the kidneys

55. Patients with severe renal diseases may not be
able to tolerate the normal doses of which of
the following vitamins?
A. Vit A
B. Vit B
C. Vit C
D. Vit D

56. Active form of Vitamin D in kidney is
A. 1 dihydroxy chole calciferol
B. 25 hydroxy chole calciferol
C. 1, 25 dihydroxy chole calciferol
D. 7 dihydroxy chole calciferol

57. The dificiency of which is not know in
A. Vit C
B. Vit D
C. Vit E
D. Vit K

58. Biological activity of tocopherols has been
atributed in part to their action as
A. Antioxidant
B. Anticoagulants
C. Provitamin
D. Antidotes for selenium poisoning

59. Tocopherol is associated with
A. Vitamin K
B. Vitamin E
C. Vitamin A
D. Vitamin D

60. Vitamin k deficiency is indicated by
A. Low platelet count
B. Increased PTT
C. Decreased PTT
D. None of the above

Narayana Dental PG Coaching - Week-03 Test (28-09-2014) Biochemistry (Enzymes,
Vitamins & Miscellaneous)


Q. No Ans
1 D
2 A
3 C
4 C
5 D
6 C
7 B
8 D
9 D
10 D
11 D
12 D
13 D
14 A
15 D
16 D
17 C
18 C
19 B
20 D
21 A
22 C
23 A
24 C
25 D
26 B
27 D
28 D
29 B
30 B
31 A
32 A
33 A
34 B
35 C
36 B
37 C
38 C
39 A
40 C
41 D
42 B
43 C
44 C
45 D
46 B
47 A
48 C
49 A
50 D
51 A
52 D
53 A
54 D
55 D
56 C
57 C
58 A
59 B
60 B

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