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Reading 3

Zico Alaia Akbar Junior
Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan
Course Introduction
Text book : Reading 3, Mardiani & Darminah, Universitas Terbuka 2011
Tutorial module consists of 9 parts but will be cover in 8 classes.
Class 1 : Scanning
Class 2 : Skimming, Main and Supporting Ideas (Module 2 &3)
Class 3 : Inference
Class 4 : Understanding Complicated Sentences 1
Class 5 : Understanding Complicated Sentences 1
Class 6 : Assessing The Text
Class 7 : Linguistic Response To The Text
Class 8 : Summarizing
Tutorial method: In class and online broadcast (USTREAM & SKYPE)
Grading Components
Task 1
Final Exam
Course material can be found at Google Plus and Facebook Group

Check Point
Apa yang sudah dipelajari sampai hari ini (1)
Strategi membaca untuk dapat menemukan informasi yang
dibutuhkan dengan cepat
Tidak perlu membaca seluruh teks
Gunakan kata kunci sebagai petunjuk (example: what you need
to attract customer)
Cari di paragraf mana informasi yang dibutuhkan berada
Membedakan ide utama (main ideas) dan ide pendukung
(supporting ideas)
Menemukan kata-kata kunci, dengan ciri-ciri:
Diulang-ulang, diletakkan paling depan atau belakang, dicetak miring atau

Check Point
Apa yang sudah dipelajari sampai hari ini (2)
Main and Supporting Ideas
Ide pendukung menambahkan atau menjelaskan ide utama
Memahami bacaan dengan memahami hubungan antar kalimat
Subjek dapat berupa kata benda atau gabungan dari kata benda
Building, research, Japanese
High rise building, administrative guidelines
Predikat dapat berupa kata kerja, gabungan modal dan kata
kerja atau gabungan to be dengan kata kerja
Can adapt, will hire, may influence
Is conducting, was interviewing

Understanding Complicated Sentences 1
Kalimat majemuk
Memuat banyak tambahan informasi di samping informasi utama
Sukar dimengerti karena menggunakan kata-kata yang tidak
umum (Swan, 1995)
Tiga topik yang akan dibahas dalam modul ini:
Kalimat kompleks
Kalimat kompleks yang berisi relative pronoun
Kalimat yang mengandung ing-participle

Contoh Kalimat Majemuk
With Chinese, French and English, Gargan, who had done his graduate work
in Chinese history, could talk at length with most of the people he met: an
interesting of discordant complex of exiled poets and loyal Communist Party
bosses, of frustrated students, poverty-stricken farmers and Americanised
business woman
Mencari inti kalimat
Gargan could talk at length with most of the people he met
Gargan knows Chinese, French and English
Gargan done his graduate work in Chinese history
Gargan met exiled poets, loyal Communist Party bosses,
frustrated students, poverty-stricken farmers, Americanised
business woman
Contoh Kalimat Majemuk (2)
As Gargan sees a general receptivity to American popular culture, wars and
bombing notwithstanding: a disorganized, continually evolving, linguistically
flexible, universally accommodating pastiche of music, literature, ideas,
business attitudes, relentless innovation and in recent years, commitments to
principles of human rights and democracy has insinuated itself through Asia,
not by design , but by what many people see as its plain appeal.
Apa inti dari kalimat ini?
Exercise 1 10
Mencari inti dari kalimat majemuk
Lets read together!
Tips mencari inti dari sebuah kalimat majemuk:
Inti kalimat : Subjek, Predikat, Obyek
Subyek : dapat berupa kata benda atau orang
Subyek dapat diidentifikasikan dengan mudah karena biasanya
disebutkan pertama kali tanpa didahului kata sambung seperti
but, and, as, after, for, or, so, before etc.

Tes Formatif Halaman 5.9 5.11
Answer each question maximum in 3 minutes
Unit 2
Relative Structure
Relative Pronoun
Relative Pronoun : who, which, that, whose etc.
1. Bateer, who was with Denver during training camp, has
been signed to a contract for the rest of this season.
Who went to training camp?
Who has signed a contract? Bateer or Denver?
2. Team owners agreed to retire five of the 22 umpires who
lost their jobs in a failed mass resignation three years
ago and to allow four more of the umps to retire with back
pay and benefits
Who lost jobs?
3. Paul Lo Duca, who emerged from obscurity to hit 320 with
25 homers last season, agreed to a $7.25 million, three
year contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers.
Who agreed to a $7.25 million contract?

Relative Pronoun
Relative Pronoun : who, which, that, whose etc.
1. The girl, whose dress is red, is my girlfriend
Whose dress is red?
2. Because of the material, all houses located alongside the
river, which made of bamboos, immediately destructed by
the massive flood.
What were destructed by massive flood?
3. The guy whom I talked with last night is the company
future Sales Director.
Who did you meet last night?

Exercise 1 2 :
Complicated Sentences Using Relative Pronoun
Who, Who, Whose : menerangkan manusia
Which : menerangkan benda
That : bisa keduanya
My mother which eyes are blue loves to wear sunglasses (X)
My mother whose eyes are blue loves to wear sunglasses (O)
The house who is painted by me is located nearby the sea (X)
The house which is painted by me is located nearby the sea (O)


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