Anda di halaman 1dari 7

67 I ndian J . Fish., 54(1) : 67-73, J an.-Mar.

, 2007
Attractant and growth promoting properties of
some feed materials and chemicals incorporated
in the diets for Penaeus monodon (Fabricius)
Central I nstitute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, 75, Santhome High Road,
CHENNAI 600 028, I ndia
Three feed materi al s, fi sh meat (from oi l sardi nes) paste, squi d mantl e paste
and cl am meat (Meritrix sp.) paste, and three chemi cal compounds, tri methyl
ami ne, tri methyl ami ne oxi de, and di methyl sul phone were eval uated for thei r
attractant and growth promoti ng properti es for Penaeus monodon. The materi al s
were i ndi vi dual l y i ncorporated i n a semi -puri fi ed di et consi sti ng of casei n (40%)
and gel ati n (10%), fi sh oi l (6.0%) and bread fl our (33%) al ong wi th vi tami ns,
mi neral s, fi l l er and bi nder at speci fi c l evel s ; whi l e the natural materi al s were
i ncl uded each at 0.5% (on dr y matter basi s), the other compounds wer e
i ncor por ated at 0.01% l evel . The shr i mp appr oached the di et contai ni ng
di methyl sul phone (DMS) i n the qui ckest ti me of l ess than 5 mi nutes on an
average, fol l owed by the di et wi th tri methyl ami ne oxi de (TMO) i n 7.2 mi nutes.
These ar e fol l owed by tr i methyl ami ne (TMA) to whi ch di et the shr i mp
approached and pi cked up i n 14.2 mi nutes. Among the natural materi al s tested,
the di ets contai ni ng fi sh meat paste (FMP), cl am meat paste (CMP) showed
better attractant property. The resul ts showed that the materi al s tested el i ci ted
posi ti ve response as feed attractants wi th varyi ng degree. The resul ts al so showed
that DMS and TMO seem to possess the hi ghest attractant property to the
shri mp. Consumpti on of di et i ncreased wi th feed addi ti ves, compared to the
control di et wi th TMO and DMS di ets recordi ng the hi ghest consumpti on. The
feed addi ti ves tested al so resul ted i n growth enhancement of shri mp.
Crustaceans i n general and shri mp
i n parti cul ar get attracted to food through
chemo-attr actants (Smi th et al., 2005)
recogni zed by the chemoreceptors si tu-
ated al l over thei r body, thus l i mi ti ng the
vi sual functi on of the eye. Ther e ar e
many substances (chemi cal ) that l each
out from the food that serve as the at-
tractants tri ggeri ng the chemoreceptors
to recogni ze food. Ami no aci ds are the
i mportant chemi cal s that show attract-
ant pr oper ti es for shr i mp (Lee and
Meyers, 1997). There are al so di fferences
i n the fi ndi ngs on the effecti veness of
some of the attractants i n shri mp feeds
(Murai et al., 1983; Hartati and Bri ggs,
1993; Mendoza et al., 2001). However, the
attractants pl ay an i mportant rol e i n for-
mul ated feeds, whi ch hel p i n achi evi ng
faster and better feed consumpti on and
i mproved feed gai n rati o. For thi s pur-
pose not onl y certai n natural i ngredi ents
but al so some permi tted chemi cal com-
ponents are used i n feed formul ati ons to
make them very attracti ve to the target
ani mal s (Vai theeswar an and Ahamad
Al i , 1986). Wi th a vi ew to fi nd out the
attractant as wel l as growth promoti ng
pr oper ti es of sel ected mater i al s, the
pr esent study was conducted wi th si x
di fferent materi al s for the ti ger shri mp
Penaeus monodon.
Materials and methods
Si x di ffer ent mater i al s, fi sh meat
paste (FMP), squi d meat paste (SMP),
Cl am meat paste (CMP), tri methyl ami ne
(TMA), tr i methyl ami ne oxi de (TMO),
and di methyl sul phone (DMS) were se-
l ected for eval uati on of thei r attractant
and growth promoti ng properti es for ti -
ger shri mp. A semi -puri fi ed di et consi st-
i ng of casei n (40%) and gel ati n (10%), fi sh
oi l (6.0%) and bread fl our (33%) al ong
wi th vi tami ns, mi neral s, fi l l er and bi nder
was sel ected for the study tabl e 1.
The sel ected mater i al s wer e i ndi -
vi dual l y i ncorporated i n the di et at spe-
ci fi c l evel s; whi l e the natural materi al s
were i ncl uded each at 0.5% (on dry mat-
ter basi s), the other compounds were i n-
corporated at 0.01% each. The di ets were
prepared by gri ndi ng the sol i d i ngredi -
ents to pass through 0.5 mm si eve and
mi xi ng them. The di ets were then homog-
eni zed by mi xi ng the other i ngredi ents
i n an el ectri cal bl ender. The bi nder was
al so mi xed al ong wi th 30% water to the
di et mi x; i t was steamed for fi ve mi nutes
and cool ed. The attractants, fi sh paste
(fr om oi l sar di nes), squi d (Loligo sp.)
meat paste and cl am meat (Meritrix sp.)
were prepared from the muscl e/mantl e
ti ssues of the r especti ve mater i al s by
gri ndi ng i n an el ectri cal wet gri nder. The
moi sture content i n the paste was esti -
mated by dryi ng at 100 C for si x hours.
These attr actants wer e added to the
cool ed semi -moi st di et mi x i n wet condi -
ti on at 0.5% l evel on a dry wei ght basi s.
The other attractants, TMA, TMO and
DMS were di ssol ved i n smal l quanti ty of
water and mi xed wi th di et mi x. The di -
ets were thoroughl y kneaded once agai n,
pressed i nto 2.5 mm di ameter pel l ets and
dri ed at 60-70C ti l l the moi sture l evel
was bel ow 10%. The di ets were stored i n
desi ccators ti l l use.
For conducti ng feed attr actabi l i ty
test to shri mp, 60 l i ter oval shaped fi ber
rei nforced pl asti c tanks were desi gned.
The tanks had parti ti oni ng faci l i ty i n the
center wi th hel p of groove and net screen
as shown i n Fi g. 1. The tanks were fi l l ed
wi th 50 l i ters of fi l tered seawater. Fi ve
shri mp wei ghi ng 2-2.5g each were i ntro-
duced on one si de of the screen i n the
tank and di et pel l ets were kept on the
other si de of the screen i n a petri di sh.
Soon after i ntroduci ng the di et pel l ets i n
the petri di sh a stop watch was started.
The ti me taken for fi rst shri mp to ap-
proach the di et and pi ck up the pel l et was
recorded as ti me taken to get attracted
to the di et. Three separate groups were
arranged for each di et and the average
of the ti me of attracti on to di et was cal -
cul ated.
Feedi ng tr i al s for eval uati ng the
growth promoti ng effect of the addi ti ves
were conducted by stocki ng ten shri mp
i n 100 l i ter oval shaped FRP tanks. There
were three repl i cates for each treatment.
The shri mp were fed at the rate of 10%
of thei r body wei ght dai l y i n two di vi ded
doses i n the morni ng and eveni ng. The
exper i mental tank s had water fl ow-
through faci l i ty at a fl ow rate of approxi -
matel y 4 l i ters hour
. Left-over di et was
col l ected and dri ed i n oven, pool ed and
subtracted from the quanti ty of di et of-
fered for cal cul ati ng feed-gai n rati o. The
feedi ng tri al was conducted for a peri od
S. Ahamed Ali et al .
of 45 days. The seawater used i n the ex-
peri ments had sal i ni ty 302, tempera-
ture 270.2C and pH 8.00.1.
The data from feedi ng tri al was sub-
jected to anal ysi s of vari ance (ANOVA)
and the means wer e compar ed by the
l east si gni fi cant di fference.
Results and discussion
Th e s h r i mp s h owed v ar y i n g
behavi oral response to the di ets havi ng
substances as di et attr actants. The
shr i mp appr oached and pi cked up the
di et contai ni ng di methyl sul phone (DMS)
i n the qui ckest ti me of l ess than 5 mi n-
utes, fol l owed by the di et wi th tri meth-
yl ami ne oxi de (TMO) i n 7.2 mi nutes
(Fi g.2). From the resul ts these two sub-
stances seem to possess the hi ghest at-
tractant property to the shri mp. These
are fol l owed by tri methyl ami ne (TMA)
to whi ch di et the shri mp approached and
pi cked up i n 14.2 mi nutes. Among the
natural materi al s tested, the di ets con-
tai ni ng fi sh meat paste (FMP) and cl am
meat paste (CMP) showed better attract-
ant property. The shri mp approached the
di ets i n 11.3 and 12.5 mi nutes respec-
ti vel y. These are fol l owed by the squi d
meat paste (SMP) to whi ch di et the
shri mp approached i n 14.2 mi nutes. The
shri mp took l ongest ti me (24.3 mi nutes)
TABLE 1.Composition of test diet used for evaluation of selected materials.
I ngredi ent %
Casei n (fat free) 40.0
Gel ati n 10.0
Cod l i ver oi l 6.0
Bread fl our 33.0
Vi tami n mi x
Mi neral mi x
Cel l ul ose 3.0
Wheat gl uten (bi nder) 5.0
Proxi mate composi ti on (% on dry basi s):
Crude protei n 47.2
Ether extract 6.4
Crude fi ber 3.6
NFE 25.2
Ash 10.8
Moi sture 6.8
Attractant & growth promoter i ncl usi on l evel i n di et % on dry
basi s (i n pl ace of cel l ul ose)
Fi sh meat paste 0.5
Squi d meat paste 0.5
Cl am meat paste 0.5
Tri methyl ami ne 0.01
Tri methyl ami ne oxi de 0.01
Di methyl sul phone 0.01
1. Vi tami n mi xtur e: 100 g di et contai ned vi tami n A (acetate) 700 I .U, vi tami n D3 300
I .U.,Vi tami n E 12 mg, vi tami n K 5 mg, thi ami ne HCl 4 mg, ri bofl avi n 6 mg, cal ci um pantoth-
enate 20 mg, bi oti n 0.05 mg, fol i c aci d 2 mg, vi tami n B12 0.02 mg, ni aci n 30 mg, pyri doxi ne 4
mg, i nosi tol 50 mg, ascorbi c aci d 50 mg and chol i ne chl ori de 600 mg.
2 Mi neral mi xture: 100 g of di et contai ned di cal ci um phosphate 0.11 g, cal ci um carbonate
0.46 g, potassi um di hydrogen orthophosphate 0.93 g, ferrous sul phate 0.04 g, magnesi um
sul phate 1.4 g, copper sul phate 0.03 g and zi nc sul phate 0.03 g.
Attractant and growth promoting properties of some feed materials
to approach the control di et contai ni ng
none of the attr actants. The r esul ts
showed that the materi al s tested el i ci ted
posi ti ve response as feed attractants wi th
var yi ng degr ee. Shr i mp detect food
thr ough chemor eceptor s di str i buted
throughout thei r body. When feed i s of-
fered, the attractants l each out, whi ch
are detected by shri mp. There are many
compounds whi ch act as attractants for
shri mp. Promi nent among them are the
free ami no aci ds such as gl yci ne, al ani ne,
gl u tami c aci d, betai n an d tau r i n e
(Har paz et al ., 1987; Ak i y ama and
Domi ny, 1989; Lee and Meyers, 1997).
Fi sh meat, squi d meat and cl am meat are
ri ch i n free ami no aci ds and hence are
known as good attractants i n shri mp di -
ets (Aki yama and Domi ny, 1989). Free
ami no aci ds and smal l pepti des i n squi d
meat have been shown to i mprove growth
r ate and food conver si on i n shr i mp
Penaeus japoni cus (Cruz - Ri cque et al.,
1987 and 1989) and i n Penaeus indicus
(Ahamad Al i , 1998). I n the present study
al so the di et wi th FMP, SQP and CMP
showed good attr actant pr oper ty for
shri mp compared to the control di et. The
resul ts are i n compl ete agreement wi th
the fi ndi ngs reported earl i er.
The di ets wi th TMA, TMO and DMS
showed greater attractabi l i ty to shri mp
than FMP, SQP and CMP. The l ow re-
sponse by the l atter group may be due to
two reasons. One reason may be the l ow
percentage of i ncl usi on (0.5%) i n the di et
and the response mi ght be proporti onal
to the l evel of i ncorporati on. Thi s aspect
needs further i nvesti gati on. The second
reason may be that the attractant com-
ponents present i n the natural materi -
al s may be l ess potent as attractants com-
pared to the i ndi vi dual pure compounds
such as DMS, TMO and TMA. Among the
thr ee compounds tested, DMS showed
the hi ghest degree of attractant property
for shri mp, fol l owed by TMO and TMA.
Tri methyl ami ne i s a major component
of fi shy odour and TMO i s i ts deri vati ve.
TMA i mparts fi shy odour to di et and was
reported to i ncrease di et i ngesti on i n fi sh
and prawn (Costa-Pi erce and Laws, 1985;
New 1987). Si mi l ar i nfl uence of TMA and
TMO and al so that of DMS i n di et on
shri mp i s now demonstrated through the
pr esent study. Di methyl sul phi de i s
known to be the pri mary compound re-
sponsi bl e for the smel l associ ated wi th
sea. Thi s compound i s actual l y produced
by sea al gae (I i da et al., 1985; Kasahara
and Ni shi bori , 1987). Di methyl sul phone
i s a deri vati ve of di methyl sul phi de hav-
i ng i denti cal smel l characteri sti cs. Whi l e
studyi ng the feed attractant properti es
of some sul phur contai ni ng compounds
for fi sh, Nakaji ma et al. (1988 and 1989)
reported that di methyl sul phone as one
of the compounds whi ch promoted feed
stri ki ng behavi or i n gol d fi sh (Carassius
auratus) and carps (Cyprinus carpio and
Carassius auratus cuveri). Si mi l ar to the
observati ons made i n the case of fi nfi sh,
di methyl sul phone showed gr eater at-
tr actant pr oper ty for shr i mp i n the
present study. I t has shown the hi ghest
attr actant pr oper ty compar ed to TMO
and TMA. The average di et consumpti on
was hi gher i n al l the di ets wi th addi ti ves
(Fi g. 2) compar ed to contr ol , whi ch
showed l owest consumpti on (32.03g). The
di ets wi th TMO and DMS showed hi gh-
est consumpti on (64.79g and 60.72g re-
specti vel y). Whi l e the consumpti on of
Fi g 1. Setup used for testi ng the attractant
pr oper ty of di ffer ent mater i al s for
shri mp
S. Ahamed Ali et al .
TMA di et was 59.67g, i t was 48.84g,
41.53g and 55.7g respecti vel y for the di -
ets wi th FMA, SQM and CLM. Recent
studi es on the attr actant pr oper ty of
squi d meal for shri mp appear to be vary-
i ng. Posi ti ve r esponse of squi d i n feed
i ntake and gr owth i n shr i mp was r e-
ported by Fennuci et al. (1980), Aki yama
(1986) and Hol l and and Borski (1993).
Cordova- Murueta and Garci a-Carenno
(2002) reported posi ti ve response wi th
squi d at l ow i ncl usi on (50g/ kg). But the
r esponse decr eased as the squi d l evel
i ncreased (140g and 230g per kg). I n con-
trast, Smi th et al. (2005) observed that
there was l i ttl e benefi t i n i ncl udi ng squi d
meal i n ti ger shri mp (Penaeus monodon)
di et. However, squi d el i ci ted posi ti ve re-
sponse as feed attractant i n ti ger shri mp
i n the pr esent study, though i t i s l ess
than the response el i ci ted by FMP and
CMP. The r esul ts obtai ned wi th fi sh
meat paste as feed attr actant i n the
present study are on si mi l ar l i nes wi th
earl i er studi es where fi sh products were
ev al u ated. Cor dov a- Mu r u eta an d
Gar ci a-Car enno (2002) r epor ted i n-
creased i ntake of feed wi th fi sh hydro-
l ysate i n ti ger shri mp. They al so reported
i ncr eased wei ght gai n i n Litopenaeus
vannamei fed pel l et feed wi th fi sh hydro-
l ysate. The resul ts wi th cl am meat paste
i n the present study are al so i n agree-
ment wi th fi ndi ngs of Harti ti and Bri ggs
(1993) i n whi ch an ami no aci d mi x based
on the short necked cl am were tested.
The feed attractant property of the
materi al s tested i s al so refl ected i n en-
hanci ng the gr owth of shr i mp i n the
present study. FMP and CMP di ets re-
sul ted i n better wei ght gai n of 2.23
0.23g and 2.37 0.26g (Tabl e 2) i n shri mp
wi th i mpr oved FCR of 2.190.22 and
2.350.19 respecti vel y compared to the
control di et (wei ght gai n 1.120.11g; FCR
2.860.28). SMP di et resul ted i n wei ght
i ncrease (1.760.02g) next to the CMP
di et. No stati sti cal di fference (P >0.05)
Fi g 2. Attracti on ti me and di et consumpti on
of tes t di ets i n j u v en i l e Penaeus
TABLE 2 : Results of feeding trial with test diets having different attractants and growth pro-
moters fed to juvenile tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon for 45 days.
Treatment I ni ti al Fi nal I ncrease FCR Survi val
wei ght (g) wei ght (g) i n wei ght (g)
Control 2.320.15 3.530.24 1.120.11
2.86 0.28
Fi sh paste 2.770.17 5.070.49 2.230.23
Squi d paste 2.660.14 4.420.36 1.760.20cd 2.36 0.24
Cl am meat paste 2.800.19 5.170.85 2.370.26c 2.35 0.19
Tri methyl ami ne 2.040.15 5.550.43 3.510.21b 1.70 0.18
Tri methyl ami ne oxi de 2.350.16 5.910.34 3.560.15b 1.82 0.15
Di methyl sul phone 1.890.12 6.290.09 4.400.03a 1.38 0.09
Val ues wi th di fferent superscri pts di ffer si gni fi cantl y (P<0.05) among themsel ves
Attractant and growth promoting properties of some feed materials
was noti ced i n the wei ght i ncrease re-
sul ted by the FMP, CMP and SMP di ets.
However, the growth and FCR resul ted
by these thr ee di ets i s si gni fi cantl y
(P<0.05) hi gher than that of the control
di et. DMS resul ted i n si gni fi cantl y hi gher
i ncrease (P<0.05) i n wei ght of 4.400.03g
i n th e s h r i mp wi th l owes t FCR of
1.380.09 among the three compounds
tested. The wei ght i ncrease and FCR re-
cor ded by TMA di et (3.510.21g and
1.700.18) and TMO di et (3.560.15g and
1.820.15) are practi cal l y si mi l ar. Prob-
abl y, the hi gher attr actabi l i ty of di ets
wi th DMS, TMO and TMA mi ght have
resul ted i n better i ngesti on and assi mi -
l ati on of di et l eadi ng to i mproved growth
and feed effi ci ency. The better perform-
ance of di ets wi th FMP, CMP and SMP
compared to that of the control di et may
be due to si mi l ar reasons. Compari son
of the performance of the di ets wi th CMP,
FMP and SMP wi th performance of the
di ets wi th DMS, TAM and TMO reveal s
that DMS and TMO di ets are superi or
both as attractants as wel l as growth pro-
moters. Al though TMA exhi bi ted compa-
rabl e feed attractant property wi th that
of FMP, CMP and SMP i ts performance
as growth promoter i s superi or to that of
these materi al s.
I n concl usi on, di methyl sul phone
may be consi dered as a good feed attract-
an t an d gr owth pr omoter for ti ger
shri mp. Tri methyl ami ne and tri methyl -
ami ne oxi de are al so good attractants and
growth promoters next to DMS. I t i s al so
establ i shed that fi sh meat, cl am meat
and squi d meat possess posi ti ve feed at-
tractant and growth enhanci ng proper-
ti es for ti ger shri mp.
The authors are grateful to the De-
partment of Bi otechnol ogy, Govt. of I n-
di a, New Del hi for provi di ng the neces-
sary fi nanci al hel p for carryi ng out thi s
research work. The authors express thei r
si ncer e thanks to Dr . K. Al agar swami
for mer Di r ector , Centr al I nsti tute of
Bracki shwater Aquacul ture for encour-
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Date of Recei pt : 01-06-06
Date of Acceptance : 09-11-06
Attractant and growth promoting properties of some feed materials

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