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1. Have you ever flown on a plane?

Write a dialogue by using some of the

information given in the box below. The dialogue written must include questions
and answers based on the points given.
when and where you went
how long the flight took
the quality of the service from the flight attendants
how the flight was: smooth or turbulent! relaxing or nerve"wracking#
did you en$oy it
do you like to fly
The situation: %t a travel agency asking for information for a flight.
write a dialogue of the situation! using the information
The roles: % travel agent! a customer

Destination: &eoul Destination: Dubai
Airline: %'( %&'% ) Airline: *%+%,&'%- %'(+'-.&
Departure time: &aturday /:01 %* Departure time: &aturday 2:11 am
Flight length: 3 hours Flight length: /4 hours
Layover: Taipei Layover: 5irect flight
Price: .conomy 6lass" 7281
9usiness class" 7/381
:irst class" 7/211 ;
Price: .conomy" 7/181
9usiness class" 7/381
:irst class" 74111
Preferred seating
%isle Window
Preferred seating
%isle Window

Destination: +ost %ngeles Destination: 6hina
Airline: &ingapore %irlines Airline: 6hina %irlines
Departure time: &unday <:01 am Departure time: &unday /:=8 pm
Flight length: 43 hours Flight length: > hours
Layover: Taipei Layover: &ingapore
Price: .conomy " 74811
9usiness class" 70481
:irst class" 7=//1
Price: .conomy" 7/181
9usiness class" 7/481
:irst class" 7/>11
Preferred seating Preferred seating
%isle Window %isle Window
-otes : 'f ? have found some mistakes! please write in red
colour and if ? have any questions! want to ask me! by mail
or facebook! @A. Thank you for your help. ' will be very
appreaciate of it.
Barend : *alaysia %irline! nice to meet you.. *ay ' help you?
William : ,es! do you have any flight to 5ubai next &aturday morning?
Barend : @ne moment! please CC ,es. ThereDs a flight at 2:11 a.m.
William : ThatDs fine. HmmC *ay ' know how long the flight took ?
Barend : The flight will take around /4 hours to arrive there! without any transfer.
William : ' see! this means that itEs the direct flight right?
Barend : ,es! &ir.
William: ,es! this is what ' prefer. &o! how about the price?
Barend : +et me checkC. there are different prices rates for different classes! which are
.conomy class! 9usiness class! and first class. Which class u are looking for! sir?
William: ?mmC &o can u list down how much different between all the classes rates?
Barend : .conomy costs (*/181! business class is (*/381! first class would be
William: @k. 6an ' make a reservation right now? ' would like to get the economy class
Barend : ,es! you also can choose the seat assignment! which seat you like? Window or
William: &ure! 'Ed like a window seat.
Barend : +et me check the system first. ,es! there are a few window seats available for
William: Wow! goodF :or the economic class one! is there any comment from common
customers? ' mean the quality of the service given by the flight attendants.
Barend : 5onEt worry of thatF They are always friendly and cheerful to help! if you find
any difficulty! should you direct contact us without hesitation.
William: ?mmC let me consider and will contact you again.
Barend : -o problem! this trip would be a smooth and relaxing $ourney for you! because
this is first flight of that day ! and would be sure is on time.
William: (eally? ' would be very en$oy for this.
Barend : HmmC ' feel that you like to fly! are you?
William: ,es! ' like to fly.

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