Anda di halaman 1dari 139


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.GEOMAN('CIE of Maift:er Chrifl:o ..

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: ,ft .

pher Catt-in fjentleman.

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Witl~ the WhccJc ofPythagoras:

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d'Boo~no lej!e plea.font and recrestiee, ... then of a wittie know all things

l!t ~ pt\~Jprc:rcritland co come •.

llmiJ "rrtll,J, ."t1 tIIU't1ti, ,,1,11 ",A") ntetjforillfflJ

p"fit .. b" .. ilJ;,~. '. .




TraoOatcd out of Frmch into o'ur Englilh tongue;:

. ' By Fr.llil SpMtl., '

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LOND0z.t '

P,illltJ b, E. A,for Edward White. AJld Art IP ~t f~/Jt It'

. ~~. his Shop neere the little ~orth doore ofSQinlPauic'

,~. . Churw,ltthac ~g;c :f the Gun •

. . , .... ;,. ..~.

)'i' ,


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To the LordNicot , Lord o/"Bofilay, and of Che(j\ey,one of the Kinges Coun(aile,and .lfdijitr of'h~ R(~lItj1s oflltt Houjholdt.

'_"""""""" Y good Lord,after Ihecreation of Ihinges of this world,& the Rablilhmct ofthem In their courfes and places, God hauing made man likevnrobi.owne(emblancc:, andalfoma. king hilll the beholdu orchis grc:st work,br

i"~~~Wlllnd by he left vnro him (0 fcruenr a w ill and defire , continuall)' to fcardl out thingtl

'" that he could neuee be: put from thai dditc,

by anydifficulticorwc:arineffc:, how hard or (ccret f.lcuer the ttiin~es that hee fought for werer and then percciuing himfelfc eo be p,rouided of a fplril, ~hi~h ma~e him capab,le of the vnderltanding of the of hIS God, h~th indeuoured himfclfe ro (earch out thing. (uptrnaturall, & a boue him .and alfo the Intclligence of thole: thingetw hich bee vnder their,powers, Wherefore hailing (oulld by difcourfe that there be foure ElemelllUnd fOllcr.1igne Princes,each one ofthem hauinga feuerall tluallirie,and being priuJtel)' in the other thingi proper and domcflick : and that by the coni un ilion of them, all things do procccde,},ct euerie one in hi. owneafpdt and ql,ali.

, ,ir,whcreby they be g;oucrned vndcr one or other of Ihefe Prill.

\ ,:cs,He hath at !hebl'ginning entrcd fo fure, that he hath difcouered the e{feme,confiitution,and mixture of the moUe part of things madc,the propNriollS,eonutiftees & dificcCIlCC5 ofthcm, & the being & pfl)gldl~ ofthcfacullics thereof, to 'A harcf1ccb

' they do come, bringinl) [,II',h the caufes and rrafons fo mallifeH, thtll they canner be dJlprollrd.From this degree hee is mounted vI' to Ihe knowledge ofthe Combination and IllilIlbn' of the cc-

t lcHial! 01 bcs.the ruouements and re!olutions thereof, the pow~cs and ililluenccs of the Planets and Slarres, and the paruculcr Jomination which each ofrhem hath by it Ielfe ouer (orne of thefe thingsillfcriorll and finally, by the diuinHapacit1c ~nd

,'_ _ A z , (OIJJP~.



The Epj(Ue Dediettotie:: , .: \

('omprehepfion which is i~ him.pxer~Qti~~ hilll(cJ_f~i~.h,i!,r~rir r'

ellen all alike.and feeing tnataH wlllc~ IS I~clo[ed III tJi(~ IS [0 'tempered L)' .l corrc(pllndcncc of 1l00tutc , th at thofddung-d \\'hjcl.lbefmcdjClantofquality,~oc ~eaIt6gc'~ct to'make

: all 'I nllle,rfal! harmony ana beautie ohh .. g~at cngulc,bcchath

, comprehended Ith:dignhil:a cflablHhcd,a~~\Sa t~ngcs) aOll

the dominations alld fmllwdcs, which GOd by hi.meruailout wifdome hath ordained fro their very "eaUOft,& hltbbrou~t cogcth~r & placed in their (hcc,tlle u,,(e$.~ (O~bihatioll tlier ..

offo farre,tbat by wi(dollIc andn;lulallmag1tkchehatlt cernprehended (hem. Now being(o prOJMcnl' Indi:l(r.iou~of·"i4 W((al it is dail y Ieenejhe appfyctfi all bj, il\deu,oiIf', ,0 ''''~~fitmz modities and vfagc •. Sometime dircQurfingvpWn:~h6(\"'t_~n, limplc working of the Sc.m,fometimc a~pJying rhCfll'to the fci+ ence which Dl<Iy be vnder clch Qf ,hefe! foufc Element.,as, 'p;~ r 7D",,,,,,ir,Atm,,,,,,,it_ HHI,.",,.,,,ir.and Gtf",~fit. Sometime with rAjirq/'.clf it (clfe,commingfo,"Clarc'vPto I'umfcJfoa.may

Le by the: PhYlofophylng vpon the <:o~plllUion.linclltidproprr(lon of the handes,or of the body and virage,From \ovhcl1ce

r rocecdeth C hj"",..,,~;(, U""PDI "pit. &rp hlft'tllQ",ir.&;vftnl$

10 ,I thefe the rea(on'lIIofic~dcnt & prof~un~of""ture"pon

the "lie princes or principle. thathc.may poflible, and 41th aa

one may reafonabl y fay(ch:\t iftheeffctl: of the cauCes which b. wrought for, do take no placc:-)idlnOl,tile faultofthe worker.

Lut an ilfi of the plaine diui ncpuiU'ance,di(pcnling tho fe prof· Ilerouscaufu, to bring efrcth whichbce attributcdvntothcIU naturillland properuhe profcffionlof Ihe P"h,,,ijJr, Sorunr, •. ~ $ollhf";mJ¥;f],,,dl.1)iHi.trl by the b~wel.ofbcaIluJ l4~ilchtl r 7'rDpIJttI, (nllP.",j~nl,fa Ife: pnp/JtII,andotheriof thilt rabble, of whome ,he writers al well diuiAe .1$ prophane, doeofien times makcmencion inman y and fundri,waics, neither the profellion ofthat old Wommot':8,I"(lIIu in JI,,/it, cfwhome your honer hath many limes heard fpokcnot;which g.auc anfwer. of thing. pall.and(\fthin~es to come, bythefunfiriemoo"ingoffollrc: • paire cftonguer.For allthcfe be fo vaine andfalfe • tl!.lUheit ~ ~reataLufci. 9,,'tcconrrarievntoollrCJaillianRdigion I and to_r that cauCe not ondy banifhed , but slfo abhominabl" Wllhs"atcwfcuJldpalllCS • But asfonhc other afore '.


1'he£pif}1eIDedkatori~: '

~!l0f ,t~Y(bll.fill oithcr in Ihin~fo gel\tt~,tbit there;" Ilei! dlln_gcrearCd! ~t it 'hath fomtthmgafthcn-i,and'thc), do pra'Coo tlfe ~n fomethmg,thcy doe prefent as thefoure firfibe~cr clfein particulars or panes deuidcd,and go' nofurthcr then to tile parte which tlic:,.ufcrcguircth,u yc fcaby rhe, two lall;andthcrforc thcy,~oF.ncuct paUc farrcfrorothc' £OJltnr.plation .,fthenaillile of th.c; tlungC$, cfCAtcd,{uch 'I)S: it hat,hplcafcdGodthe maker to glyc vuto them: whicb th,ill!; hath berne f., well receiued and cAICmed by many oldand young excellent pcrfODllgc. th~tthey ha~thought ~ood.t~ impln): their time, lind 'take the E.1IDestQ IQa".'IJlIo.~s ill wt;ting,thot'eJrnIlZSl which-Jb.cyhaue Io,l!n,4fc:.t,er~~b~&:e_&,t~ero .. andtha~whil:.J1 t~cy,hauc~cndca bydlell ,fiudie,lI$ '~UtlJll\g qHlMtt"'''.hu:h la)':Jcng tin'le ob. fcur.und vnpcr~t.b-)' 'hci~nor.n(c & ra~indfeof Ihofc.which baUll)g nOQ:pe~""~e.G~M;."!og;', CIIu;rpnfcd by. theil'Aout· ~cIfe tomc~dJc~~~in",buci aJ119J1gCl aJlofhn6'hri/liphrr C",. fa" II qcnfJ~I)(~;m¥l~fa,me&in th4ChaJilpio'n Coimtric of the L<>ra T~,~ep~td)l1ciDg "jfc,alld pra~ifed iu the Sciencel ~hij;b bc~q~g In,CJcullto, hlithbro,l.Ight & put it into her per. f(llion J At IciCl wi(r.) fo nc:ire to the rouehflone thereoF.thatasyctallhis~s 'profper: which hathgiucn nJceoccaCioll to defire the ~mCbY I Booke thereofgiuen vnto :.~q_by II friend of mine ,to oeer-Iceke from the one end V II to the odin ,and to publifh tilcfame,aod to pudt into mens h3ndes,&' by t!lis mC3nc~rr.:~f~'h~tii" occafion of honef] p~llune"p~c~(ur r~~'f:. i~.ptl~~'d'do~c th!s long tl!"C

crcl~ow,.hJd It nor " ' ~h!!~r'l}~em this Artcwlllch.

.. wasrn ~lIInthatto ,>"C~py;~~r hltn~cs~ b,Y meanes of

whofe Ignoran I wcr.cathou(lrndfaults,Whlch to amend, and as mue,h as in ~~,;p.pmbletQplu(k~lIt, 1 had as much or more p;jme then IF I hadwucnlcdilnd dupefed the worke It

Ielfe. ~,' , :"

But neuerthelefle , I haue.qp,lc wIlat I can to thc'vtmo(l ofrny power ,10 takuway the faultes , and roreflore it to the former cllare.& haue aifo added therunto many figures as tOU<hing AC1rolo!;ie, Ieruing much to the matter, and haue

lbrought it jnto a limguage more cafie 10 bee vnderflocd

A S then





llic,EpiAJe Dedic~torie; th~atll~ArftGJo#ipy w~s ;w~el'Cin it W;,JS vcrib'lJbfCllre,lri m'n~ placeadi$mrlt lind naaymcuillnd more Iiallahtfaell French, I)y r~~rOlltbat th~Aurhor ~hcre,ofw:lSofchat nation, and (pake Ita~

lian.and but lude In our French. ' . ,

- Blltnowniy Lord,tHe~orkcQciDg{uoh,that'itdC'dicatetla it

. , ftlfe toy~u,to be the man which doc alwaics,and haae ~oillldly

& well taken thocnd,vf;lge,profit,&(()mmodufcofchefi:icnces

and know)~g~s,&o~ rhofe wh~rcof this worke recytcth : and

thn you bemglD Iulreand Spamc,hlue had a particuler affea-

lOon tothe h~anr;,Jnd company of Iundrie learned and excellent pcrfqAS whJchproN~t'd the fam,c,l tho,ughr it good to p ut itvn. Cleryour DintI' , and fodocth~hk~whJchtbe Author hilnfclfc would ~~ue done,ifhe ha~ bene ali uelaQ~kn()Wne ybul,hatis, (0 prefcurat (0 you, and Pllt ltYnderyourtutlon,bcing,affllred, that Itlhallbewcllrcceiucdofyou,i1ndthat you will accompt it a- r, 'mongfl thenumbcrofthofcwhicb hallcobraincd the reputati.

,onof good a~d cxt~lcnt Author. i~ chofe c~ingeStbey' . ~ , haue wratt.en of.' An~ thull cnd;praylog Gqd

to kcepe)'o u,and glue you hi,. grace, lind v nro

me yourSc'u3nc. ", , I ,AM'; " Ii

! . ,.#1. I: J' ' '. ~IJ


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, <Tl)e Epifile to,th,e ~ea4~r:

~ ,I. ( " - t. .". v .... " .. j I " .,) \)" ,-It,. ~)-,;,: ~ ; . :

•. - E",lt RI:Mn·,Ti '.MII i1eedefUlf 10 giue v~ to rpu IlnY'!l~re'lr~fllG".hev~cr~al\ding o~the.wJtfle'l" e,bl.oU'Il!'~r. uttle~cof .hisSclcncc I for' 'It fCllfnul all'ocJatcc!

with fuch::l$cntl~~cbf{pjrlt,'~ man can attalne .",16 It;,' \lntt1f1ll be ILCI'Of • good birth,andwhich i'rIOtof~eii~le ~eart. For,thiugcs ,cntlc:,prcrious and lightfome, cannot bee defired bllrof -cntl. courage.,which ~iueth me ottafion greatly to (om" ~c:rid F orturtc::"whlch Hath bene fo fa'uOlMbltlvnt~'me, t.~ Ulce me, t>refc~ted vo.o_ hetb~ a lTle~c1ldfniit1c~: a.'j wor~ thy (ubiellto halle thchicaric'howropHc,'irt ~uldence the inclinatlon whlth ldo(o ~ui:h btarevnlO things worthy. and ofv"ah,)ur to doC! t'lear!ir~ and{truic~ , to all pereons of gooa fpirin, . ar.ddclirou.'ofr~c cllingc? 'v~~thtll'!. ,orrcf~

pOlldcat. ',"" ',' :",!t " ' ) ~ ,( '. ' ,,-, ,;'

And althoug~ that~b~'one~fth;e tc~fl:oft~on,,\9ho~. a rnlght Slut repprtof, foduch a goollthmg auhi. worked9tb pre(entmefor,t ain'fure olhe~rrand will bl taCh man df ,oo~ :fpirit~Which lulle caufe tl) InCOu.o ,aj;Cole in otherworktt' which 'b~t;ih' ~baJl(" c whith tlunges be requifile formen of Illy profdlloli,. Foras fbr hly htlut,iris £0 good ~nd aifcfiionarwt,o all filCh pcrrOr»,t~lilr iris notpofflble to bemore s thc!whlch I hopcto nlak~~ 0'" fo p~rfi'l~ vndc"fiand by the labQur, and t~~ucll which 1 haudraKcnin this WOllet ~ bcfi~c~thc,nucnl)pn bfl~C: Au-

, thor,that none (as 1 thinke) Irm thevndcrUandlllg and ... reading thereof will b~en~ifCO'lltfint ~~ con fe ITe that I h~lIc S;iU(R himoccalion to b~bollnd F,erpcruall}' vntbm\,e for

tbiSiny labour, " , :~, .. '" '




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•. l·l\;{)?totlle:rtM(fer:'~~. '~, .\.

fed of in thditflbookeofth is workc:,isvc:ryeafir, know~

iJl~ d.:i:Jf _t(c!Dio~ Q~~~\ice C:~lminc\~ the tweluc hou- ;

fcioftli~Zodj.t~.c~:licdaratiQn whereof is dcdarcdilt largclndiccn~'ltlll1~~'bI(tic:: Chap~rof the firn BoOkc. c. ,~cr~onc ... hCr~f, ~IW~il;LCth cI_Ic2 ucttionJ ,allttd~n1aunds

oW, hIQhn\o1}~billPf4I1mjlf,tcql6lfc l,and may be pt0"poun.

dOd ,inalld1iogn w,ubtfllJl an4"AlCctliinc. IfthcrtfiJrc .f. terthat thcfigure' hathbeoemade accordingtothy~e .. mauud, thou wouldcfi knowe whether it 111411 come t~ goodftfc(torJlot,youmuflfidl ,(eeke ou~ thchoure ,and ~enumbcrill:Jb,,~r4ef,9f~~dC;JJ,l~~q ~~~Ftc.'hr,que, nl~Lhu;d.cdl~JIJ c:ootill~C!~ ,~ Th,:1l, "5CPlllgthetwo ,ulmbenill},()urmindc,theooeofthe hOlle, aud Ihe,other of.che I1CUllundCl, b.u~ ~ccpu,{e VIIlO the figure formed of twelue 6gu.rc:s.tw9 wi.rncO:csaM. ~ ludge. 104'. aking ~~ lirlt(a4;(Q.tding tP,tlt~Of!kr ~,,4,c;q\\~(I;~lJi~~Ah.aIJbe~~Ql~ ; you III thdirfi Bookr) you lhall examme Iccordill' as yo ihalLfifltftifl the firll bqufc the thinges making to your dc~ mau.,d, bcth4y,g~o4oriIJ: .a .. d f~lhal1 ye do of all theolhcr;.6L'll'eS ,q.chqnc a~cor4ing to his ho.u{e. order anel ' dcgr.~ .l\ncn~arA"r~p'wnOt~c tOJ~egcllcr.ItFJdCl ,.,fahj'Attc~nt~,iqCdJ9~"Uhirdpookc" by the wbleh~ witl.llhQknlWlcd~cand'p'~~{hfc, which you .m~yhaueof .A1,o/'l.i~. and thy, ow~:g~dwlfJ thou ,mayeR ludgc chI. folbal'l YO\1knowc dU,Sdcnce. .

. '.d~ ~1~dl'~;If' ,,'h~,h.rrjfir"'~~ ojlh, tw,{Iu "'lIftt )1,1,: '; ~/fh'Z,diM".

&~ forafUlu~1t ~s th~ di(cour(cofcheie houfts,cont~inc~r in the {(cond houfe is verie long,' For (lie calier keeping of them in memorie, f thought,irgood here to abridge them t.> ),ou,afrerrhc manner of AjJ"""".tr,.and the M.,h,fIMI;(MI Profefionofthc Iudiciall H"'/r,pllnd Ap"/rgil.

, Th, firft Mllfi·

The firfi houfe is co"?monly called the Horofcope or .Ansle of,hc OLient, andhi$ afc~ndwt lignlficth all tbe bcglunin&l ' .

• -',. ""I/bMti:

.... ,. onif'c,llId of all workes.

, ,7'h'(","11 h'"J;~ , .

~he (ec.Rd~urcl'fhe(uccederirof'hc Aagle clrhe Or,cnt~ndligm6et~ (ubnancc.traffickc. iitclic.,and e-

, rher thlDgelllCtdr.rlcfor the lifc. ~

Tb"h"d.fI/t. .

, Thcthi~whklailthc Cadmtfrom theA!"le oflhe Ori,:nt li~nlficthlbmthcrs,Siflcra,Coulin', Kunfolk.., ,and atTotJatts,ladgc. and Prclatu.

'FIJ, /illrth h,lIp.

, The fourth call,cd the Angle of the clrlh. or the feprc"'; , ttl~na.ll ,hatl> figr,J6c:arions ofFathcrundMotMrI puf~ fefll ons,Hcrctagcl,huuf" ,trc.fures hid,and rhing. {cerer.

Th, ,filt IJ,"r~.

. The fi£t,which ~lthc(uccedcnrofthc Angle of rhef • " "tltnonal,orhcrwlfc called rhe go~d, forrun,6gnificth ~. f.anb",daughfer.,Ncphcws,and fhelr JnchnatiOlltft'cffasc. IDl a{f~~CJ,and profit of Hcrita!es.


Th~ 6"" which ilt~e CadCJIt from the Augl cofdlc ~rcJlcrJonall,callcd rhe aI fo,tune,fi~nifie. banilhmcnu

ondagcI.ficlcndfcs,falfeaccufation.&' witnc8". '

Th, f'".nII" /i'll/',

The fcauenth,callcd the Angle of the Occidau,fi8J1jfi~

ctth~ mU.lagc$, wcddmgs, wOlben, q uarrelles, WarrCI and

Jngs all. '

. " 'Tb,.,;~ifth'Nfo. .

\ O:~delght,whlc~ IS tbcfuctrd. entfrom the AJ1~le ortho

t., CI, ent,echc:rwlfecaIlCdthcl!oufco(Clcath '6 I

hcaulllcac (olda a' , Igm er 1 And th 'I' C fdc.CDhenllcs,long tormCl1ts,illlprifonmct,

'" cquillheo car.

.' TJ,,,,;lIlh bON!~.,

T!lC mnth, "JI!ch is' the :Cadent from the: An Ie o(thc OClident,or.her~l(ecallcdl)lC hOIl(e of God fi~nir.C:lI' vo}'a~n,niUlgallonllfaifh·RrJigiol c~r~monl,1 ..... , .'

II d " ~ ~ r~, nUlllaU-

, • ., reames,wonden,and token. olGod. wrath •.

, B T/;,


'to/he Rt.talr.

T*t"",,, hourr~ .:

The tenth calledthe heanofHeaucn; or the Mcridio~ nall Anglc,fa~ni6etlt honourg,dj~nitics, & gOllemlllcnts ",fKing~.andof great Lord ••

Tb, tlrHfllll) hOl/fr.

The eleuemliswluch i, the Iuccedent of the AnIYtc,mc. riclioll3l,othcrwifccallcd the good Angel~,6gniifcth a· mitie,company ,good aduentures.fauour ,:udc and (uecouf.

T"~ l1u/frl:oMfo. '

The twelfe which is the Cadent of the fuccedent ofthe Meridional Anglc,otherwirc(3l~cd the clIill [pirit, figni. fie rh, fccret cl1emies,prifon.,ca puues, vag~aneel,trcafons, deceites ,borfcs to be foldc,and the: end 0,t a perfcn,





Thefe be the (jgnification~ and proptrticil which the I' tweluc honfes ofheauen haueJ which J thought goOd here

to Ihew vnro you bricflie,to thcend thal you may the more calily comprehend them, and kccp~thcl1~ in your minde, and that you may q uickl y k DOWc, In ':' hie h of the houfes the queflion that is propounded toyou IS cont,unedjto the end II) haue a prefent rl:folOOoo: north at I would thereby that you fhculd fay,and infcrrejor affirl1lc, to Oay vppon thls ill I thin .. certaine and vndoubled. F or,to beleeue (0, ~nd to giue tgo much confideeee thereinsor, ifthe thinges come to paficjas the figure doth {hel'f,(to~ It cannot be.but

in (0 man r demaundcs, fomeoftlll:~ Will come to elfe.a)

to rmke it as ItwereaconCcqllcnt,ltwcrc an error, and, dircaty againO the fira comaundetuent ~fGod,by wh~m t all fuperthtious and vndcfCtcctobferuauons . ~ce forbidden, & to him appertaineth all honour & glOr1C:.who can. when it pleafeth him,difporc,chan!!, alter the dfeas of thing I pro[perolill whcrellPon this SCience. and AUe, was founded, OIl the Authourof this worke hath protellcd inmsny placCI,lhatin making chis worke, his intcnt,wa, to nolle other purpofeJbut by things wirtie & wei [prited, to giuc plcafurc & recreation to the lludiuuI and louers ~f


, " I





, ,

Ttllhe Rtdir. ' Ihi.ArteandSdcnce, Andamongfiothrr(MoHllfttMI' at 71wd dcparted)hi~ Lord and MaiRer vcrie defirou! ,:mel expert in this Arce,wirh a lar~eargllmenttoorc:n& fharpen a good, fpirit~."nd exercile the Science of AOrologie & other Sciences therunto bclori&ing: & by there means to kll~W the Iccret forces,propcrti~s, effrlt~s. and venues oft~Jlngs o~ nature,to be fo variable and diuers ,as they be fublca to timers and varioblc Searres and ima<>cs eclefiiotIl. And how,by the diners natures and influeli'::es which thePlane~sancJ Sta,trcshaue v.:ith their lights (meaning the. cclelllallm,oolllOg)do caufe in thefe inferiour things, yo'hlch bee particulady yoder their dominion, patticlibr

"'Y~rtucll[O~C one m,ore then another, be they )~lIm,anc,terrCllle,aquat1ul1or ame, But fome of them do abound with fcc ret vcrtuesand properties, by the inRuence offimdry , Oarrcs,which bcofmore greaterelfea &, Orength,IVllCll thatthe elemental qualit:e. ofthefe things be 1l0trcpllg.

Dallt or contrary Olgainlhh(ln. .

Atld to the end that yernay the better vndcrfiand this An cyamr!q. rufon,1 will giucyou examplesof alhbe Planets in their

ord~r anddcgrce,sj ~ ouching the: properties and venues

w)lJchchcr do g,uelRtofundry thillg~ here in earth.more

then vntoolher5. '

Firll we fcc by common experience bc:fort our (ie.,lhat hfper Ilona.

the: 1~IP."flOllt hy force of the Planet S,T'"rnr, hath verrue 11

to.tnltllg;.rC Xt,'lItl, offll. Ilefh.and to Ranch blond, COXI.

nllng at r~cno(c)or atany other part of the body of man. '

, Dy the Influence ofthePlanel r "pittr, the lacinllllolle: bdnl},

,hath proPerlY 10 defend againfi thundrrinIY I wherefore If

Ihofe which haue hcttlotore f.ly1tiJati t ,is good

,hat a man do beare it nbour him.

J.ikc\\lfe the C~rrllll and the Cd/ud.ilJ be oflikedfefr, Corral], to them ~y the particular influcnreoflN' ClIC(,!uIlY,

p"nand f)rNIiI. IliplUr glUcrh alro'crtuc t"SIl"~' [0 with- 't

fiand the P alfcy. ' '" Sigt.

s..lInewlilc.lhallhcEa<rlcis (lI!Jie£( to tlre Sunne and E,1ble. , {orncfayto/uplllH ilnd{~oln/J>'p;f(t hehath,thh pr~per. 0

1, B :1 tic,

, '
I lI- II!
! :
i ~,
I o

1', 'he R"Jer.

'1,that he "nturr hurt by thundcr,but by the influence of 'the Sunne (he hath a merllailouapropcrtic, which i., to be Lady of.1I other birtle., and t'l be furcdof them, andto haue more clearer fight then any other birdt yca the feathers efrhe Elgie doe tal and !OnfUInC the fcathcrsofo. therbirdu, athey bcmiJ,cd(ogethcr.,The/~,"i.nby the inRuencc of the Sunnejvntowhom OICU pawcuJarlyfublett,and to /""rtP' likewife, hath this propertie , that if a man beare it about him,and that it do neuer fo little tou& ehe flelh,it preferueth ag~infi all venome, and againfi all cllill vapours and ccrruprions otth e Iy re, ~ dqoth al(o comfllr~ the h,cart and the fp~it,1 and ~rther~ .. a~'th per,' (Olll vene amiable and well walhng. The propcrtJcaof.Mi.~ r..",l." be infinile,they eoeferue and prclerue the life of all thofe whkh doeoftcntimeseatthe(l.lf,they prolong youth and Are.gthen thefpiritund (ences ofmaD~and giue gooeL rnemorie,c;omfort the fiomacke,aod ligbten the heart a all thefe vcrlue. and properties co~e by 'be inHumcc of.t II,;''', alld()J(''''N~. umanywlfe and learn~dmenhaue' written. The vatueof c,/iJH,aod M""it:~,br the nature whlchthey haueof 1111"" and MtIf't, purge thc hUlDOuc JDclaacholikc,or elfe by the Slarre called the Lyom heart, or Starn: ROylll. The TlpM and theT,,,p,, 6allcpower of Chlfiitie,and to fubduethc fle!h • and 10 make them lightfomewhich burethe 1& this verructhcy hlue by the nature of UJf.rJ &: V"IIU. or of ~be Starre called Alphtt~, or Crowne feptCDtriolUll. The A",.,jP, Iud the hearbc called Ajlrolog'. or S",tI,fi1lA. haue force to make faire, (olour,& quicken tbefpirirofthem which lDearethem,c% & they alto driue away wi(kcd fpirits I andthis ,heir verrue commeth of tile nature ofJllpil~,. & M.rJ,or ohhe flat called the Scorpjo"l hiMI. The S..jfroll hath power for to quicken the fpiritsandthe vertuemereof peirceth by and liy 10 the heart,prouoking laughter and mcrincs:and they lay, tharthefe properties come by rhe inllueuce ofthefun vnto whoruc it is fubicfl,from whom 11l(e is aydedby his fubtilnuure. brj ght and fweetc frrielling. The Mim,!.·



iltlet,BA1.t,JlI", UldSp;~",.J,be tuhicA Yl\tothe Sun,lt

i. further flid.that Golde, by the nature which he hath of the Sunne, hatha vertuc tocomfutte andlightrome the hearl, and is alrolhiningsalfo theSunnegiueth vertllcto the C ",bl/tlcl, to Ibinc by night, and to be a rcmcdicragainfl

veno me: Whofoc"" touch the hearbccallcd Piolt), that riony. which i. the male , helball be defcPded from the f~lIjng ficknc(fe,which cometh by the influencc Df the Sunne,

vnro whom this hcarb it Subi~,b,. the venue which the

SlInne ',Ith in Gingcr,ifitbc eICCn inmeare,itiJ good a- G' 0 gainA the wcakcncife of the Ronaack and vomiting. Thofe lngtb 6cafls which be Cubielho the Sunne J aftd take venue ordin:arilyfioolhim.bccommonly 'fiUanous and iUi~rie,de.

firing Lordlblp,andto Mue dominion ouer othen:amogR: whom the LyOil i. more thenrheethers.the Cockedril,&: theOun.And aloneRanehlthJborcinfluenccthen anothcrYpon any bcallerothcr~hing,fo hath that thing,rc,cei.

uin g that influence, morcexccllau:ie then theolhcr thing.

or Bcafli fubiea Ynto that Planet.

And markt,how commeth itthatthe Lyon fe.nelh,and HicthfromaCocke.andyet boch Cubiclhneo the Sunne! C'~ I' Thcreil:a.lfoakindeofalacinacalle~ the CJjColltc,~ i. rue lIe,

likevnto a grceni(h colour,and hlth hll vert ue ~parrhc of

the Sunne: whercfolc it is good againfi flCllfi~ and

themclancholichumor,8t asainlhll fanrafies and wIcked. '

lights. Thdlonc which iun the Eaglesncaft , amongfl fbclll\~rc In theolher vcrtllcs,it i.mar\lclous goed for the (ra~el of ~o- ~~:n~l\"

, men,ifthatinthciwallcl tliey be touch,dthetwlC~,whlch £<1

commcth by t hever!ue ofr'lI.' & LNnll. , Rlljilfalth, that

he prooued it ,and 'Plill;t.and all other wnters f~y,that the

{lone Agattc by the dominion which it hath of: Mercury helpeth the fi~tofthcm which beare it.and m,JkClh I,hem

{j eakewel & dcliheratdy ,& It IS alfo eood agamfl poifou,

p And Mercury for thcinl1l1~n(eW~IChhc~lIlctf! vnto

Iorue bealles which bCVQ(' er Ius Dog$.A:-~cs. Foxcs,auJ {ueh othcrbc~fislth<:y be meruailous Iubtil ,& 1> wilye. The Moone giuuh fnHl ;ertue to,the Iloae, wh'~I;














1'0 the Reder,

is found in Arabia called theSr/("itt, of the which , both 'l'/,n;t& S%"do (peak,thAl wirhinthebedy of this flone the Moone Iheweth hrr C(,\fe, & incrcafech & decreaferh I\CCOrOill!; to the courfe ~fcl~c heauen, The Cats al(o haue

.1 his property ,by. the fublei:ll?n that the Moone hath ouer thclIl,that rheir eie.brows do increafe or dccrellfe: each ~ay according 10 the courfe of the: Moone: & her alpeth.whlch rhinz is dayly (C(II to him that lillcth 10 fcc the experience I her~t, The Moone hath lil~ dominion ouer many things and erpcciaHy things ..... hitf'.and green,and of mctal!eJ,ouer filuer:and for thi,~ c~\lfc rhe tree! , in the: incrcafe and decreafe ofrhe (head our,and al (0 r('(hain their force or humorralfo all Bird. which hue in riuers and watrieplaccsbefllhicflvllloth~Moone. And likcwife the Camelicn, w hofc pro/lerr)' is. to change and alter her colour.according vnro t lelfling rhati,ncxrvntoit. There. be many other propc~t!es very great and mar"clou$,.ancl' many excellent q uahlle',wlllcl1 the P bnets & prinCIpal! Smm,being in the Circles ofHcallcn,do giue &: difpofe v nto theinfcriourthingl in order,by the wil of GOO the creator-which wen~ay Ipeake of,and recite (after the great AlJthor.: of the wluch J haue taken thefe, 1'lill"vf,,(fotlt, Albrrtthtl.mft,Soll"r, Mr/",Str~",",EliIlH, and others, as well aunticnt,a$for our rhne.whichhaue writtenaswell of the nature of thing! as of Rcgions,3nd ofthe: Icituations of places) but that I teare wee (hould flay too long ouer this marrer.Alfo the 8tmticnt Philofophcu and Aftrolo!;ianl c011fidmng the diuersand contrary cffells of thefe iulluCncCJ,which the Planets and Stanes doe caufe in thingsof nature by the: III00ucmcO! & courfe, ';3UC gillen vnra them dlllcrs q Ilalitich& likeNif~ enmity and Erienoil1ip amengel} them (c!lIes on f .. ch wlle,that c! and ~ be enemies (0 ·~Il/.& 9. be frieudsro and Cllikcwife. all the other PIa. 11(15 befriends vnto ~ : c! only t:lCccp~ed ,which is enemy vnro all.but ondy to !i': l,( and i' be friends with O:a11o his enemies area. 't .and (! : ?ilfricnd vntoal f~ujn'" to liuhis jHhcenlllil)' & flicndihipwhichisamonglhhcll!ancu ,

and "

Tothe Rt.tdt'; .

and rllat is the tallfcwhy dlcrcis difcord or accord in the figurtsof'jro"';1"~,.which cbtain & haue h largely Ihewed by al this Bcekrwhich thing being IhllS, wemuftcf ncceflity conclude & fay,that thole Ihing51hat . bevnder the order and gouernment ofrhefe {brres Or Pla~ ners.muf] by naturall inclination be friendu or toes vnto thofe that bcvndcr fubi(llil'n ofanorher Planet or Signe, or COfillcllation,according to the conforrnitie or enrnitie which is betwrnethe Srarres gouerning thofe: things.And this enmity is greater & more flrongcr w hen between the ltatul'csandqualiriesofthcPlancu towhcm they be (\1(,ir:lt,thcreis a great repllgnancie. And contrariwifejthe a· miticis tbe heuer.when the conformity i5great amongfi the: PlantlSl ~II which thin1ic~tendeth afwcll vnto ~an as beaU. True It is,that menbeing of a francke and liberall wil'llthou~h the:y feelc inehemfelues this repugnance and inclinatio~,thcy may by gracewithHJnd it. But De~Hc5 whichbedepriued & exempted out ofthis priuilcdge,thc:y yecld themfelues to be gonerocd bythenaturall iuclination,andput the Iame in eWell liS much as they can: and the like do herbes & plants. As touching the ami tic and good will whichisamongf] ~cnllhe Allrologians doc f~y,yea '1'1010"" their Prince,that ihofemenjwhich in the time of their natiuitie haue one very ligne for theirarce~del1t,alJl Willingly loue t,,"'cthcr.Andliltcl'iife thofc which haue 0 and D in one 6gne~~illouct(\gethcr.Thcyhlrt~lCr(.1~' that thofcwhich haue one very fignc for goncrnortn theIr natiuitic.that ingendreth between them ana!~ralliollr, .1n.d

, conformitie: of nature. Andahhough that tillS be one v erre l)lancq ids alfo fuffici e:nt if there were two. fo that they were fricd~ & aot foes.or cis be in "negood afpcfl:which thing VOII :nayknow,inmaking the figun:ohhenaciuitic oftheoncandoflhcothcr.Ancl thisallo maketh milch to their confort1)itic. that is, iflhat the parreof,F~rtulle bee in one Signe or Houfc, and that the Houle or SJgncwhere ({ lhalbe III the natiuitie ofthconesbe in good afpelt to rheothenfor accordinc ii' they hauemore or leflc of there COII; ., B 4 ditions,

i 1





.: / :,

------r---_~ ..... -------~----------

'1'ItN Ii_=

ditiolt,fo Iball thetbcnaturalliouc be...orCDf Iel& that fhal be between tbEtwbich isthc c~ufethat a. mea h.uin~

to do U1 one very wd beare great loue & af. fcttionco the ocher,& cotrariwife the other will hat.him

&: yet uo caufe why between thE. which thingmaycomc, forth.tin rheirnatiuities theirfign.s afcendanCt wcrec6- turie ID qnahcy. &: of centrarie triplicitie,andchll planets I.,'rds oflheir na~i "ities,cotrarits &: enemies al o & D in'

&: diuers figns,&: that they of the one natiuitic behold the other by an iJl afpefi:lor thefe IhillgS & others which we d deda~e,a~e the c~u(c I~t one m~fecinf; another in plea{~rc or hie dlfplrafurc(as It'ppcarl in feeing two me play. cJifputeor 6~httogcthcr) thatthena man beingno mor~ boiidento the,onethe to theomer,nclthcrknowillg who they beUanding by,willbe moreafTe!lionatcd to the one th~n to the other.Here bchold(gentlc Rcader)whall haue {aid ofthe:vcrtuc. & properties which che lnflllcnccof the Ilaudo giuc: to the inferionhinS'llo giue,yea tolvnderAid how much Aflrolo~ic i. to bel?ul(cd,& con(cqucntly her daughtcrwhich i. Gcomanc:y,lfit be well taken & ¥nderfi<..od, ar d practifed to the vene purpofc and c.d that it was inuented in olduime I & by tbi. mcanc. how beebofe to be rcicltal which cltec:me aOI thi. affinilie & inRuCDCC ",bich the Iuperior lighCt caUro the inferior things in them fclllc.~or confid cring Ihela w of nature w hie h Ibey feele, Be conrmu~lIy do pr~ue worthy by chi. Plune't to bee vetcr1r depriued ofalltght,forfomuth as al this deth but admonifh v, ofGod;& ofthcimmortalitiloffoulcs,Forit d· pOI be,but that the vnderUanding of man mull think, thai ' there IS Iome prouidEce which gourrn. all things when it hath re(peO to ihe erdained courles &: the lawes of thefe grut Orbrl & Slars • andwhich bcleeuerh noCthatthofc influence s, f JrCCI,and elfcUs and properties.cannot be, nor f1,;lDd cafually ,or by any ot~1r forcethcn "Y rhediuine pro. uidence, Tocondude,1 dchre you to hold me ,xcu(rd, if I h~uelhycdtoolong forthethin)?it felfe dorh to require, for the more alllpic declaration of thiaSciellCe.











The P reflce of the Author v~to the


'f)r,U't::..,,& ... i'fi;'''·~ , His prclent Booke of Gcomancic, is to XCxc; ~t Q_~~! know and ~ndc dlall~ (by way of dirctli~w..'.'}) ,Wm.} ~n and pafbmc)all (flings vncercaine.pre, V~,~ .. ~~l!l) (cm.l'a,[l & to come.Sc v~on them to giue ~1~:1;.( _~~ '" cOllnlat~e and ~akc couufaile 111 the exanii;:8'"" ,_lo.~ ).) nID,g 01 the figure well and diligently,

whl' h h:.(11 beeue ITI;).de vpon each dem~ul\u that 1I,\t1l bccne mill!c,loJ!owiflgchc rules which Wee ~1l1 put hereafter, '\Vc will theretore now deuide this worke JII(O three Bo01.:c5.

In (he tir~ w ~Icrcomlall be one Iy trcated,oflh~natllre and (luahtlc o,t tills Artc , and for what intem and profirie Will JIlu,enccd III the ~lde: time, ~nd vnto what parI ot'Philo •

. ~ fophic It mJY QC attributed, aud how it muil be formed and prachfed,

III the Iecond booke 1110111 be treated of the twelue hOIlCes ,,~J,caUelltiHld whar lignifkaciQns the figures haue in them

with other difcourlcsappenailllllg to the: lard houfes, '

III rh~ rhird fhall be Iuewcd the manner how to.iudgc rhc figures,lollowJOg thc deuuunds & q'.Ic1liom for tile: whu h they were made.And we will put {ollie IigUrcli fOI the exam, pIc and manner how to I'ra[llrc this Artl.',which haue bene:

made an ~ Judged by v) tor rhcnrne (hat wee '!Vere: 'dcfircd &: prayed to make them, by feme of our maiflcrs &. friend s, And (o.he thar wil in WiI)' ofpallimc & rccrcario gillc himfelt (0 the knowlcde e 01 dIU fcrcncc rnav therby more calicr c0l'rchcllti (he {.1111~)thcn if the), were !I'-cIted 01 ill a book,".

UtI( t! there be JII}' pcr(o~1 01 Io ptr~cl{c & CO,lTUpt iudgcmcnr which \I'" (01)' this Science IS ill.andfor thai caufe ollght to be prohibned.forbiddeu.Sc rerected from arnons n fI,lcn :1S a thing perniclolls uuddamnablc, and (reatlllg of ill· llJllal~On , Idcfire him not (0 iudgr [0 lightly of Sciences ( WlllC,h J call not fooluhly and rafhlye ) before that hec hauc Iirl] read ('UCr this worke , and then (J! 1 11111.1,c) h~c ihall know his (1II1t : for this Science is. 110 Arce

,of JndIJIl[ric, as fcu:c 1113), [up110(, .it to bee, or of

C dll:i.uollioll)





I" :!~


-----~ .. ----------~-:-~~~---~-.--,-

of diuinatien, which is nude by Diabolikc inuocatlon , bllt it is ~ put of nalur:Llll\hgicktcalleuof many won hie m!Q, thodaughtcrof A{lro!o~i~, andrhe abreuistion thereof And S. Tilo", Ilof Aqu;""hllllfclfe, II Dollollr of the church ofno fmall dlimation. faith inhisJboti6If,lhat ir may bee a.lmltted,bcca"fe it doth participate with Allrologic , and is called her dlu~htcr • And I at the prayer and re-quell: o't.ny L.~rd ThA;/,a great f .. ueurer ofrhis Science, bcill;~ hi. Iouldier IIlId Ceruant: to doc hira plraCure, compiled this worke fur hi. purpofe, or for him 10 bctlo' .• at hi. pleafure. Not fortha! I would tlut he or any otberfhould giuc credit vn:o it, anllto 'an vndoubted certaintie , but to ~iuCYllto good fpil its m ar .. gummt to pafhme and recreation 10 matters ofeamefl :anl1 it cannot bee pral\i fed but with dili~enccof Cpirir, and no Iinall inuention, for the Science of AOrdogic ,and others which are

treated of in the (ame,and ehofe which will meddle with this .'

Arte,mull hauefome fight in them. T f) conclude. I hope(h,.

the hclpeofGod)that GlOrtly aft'r challhi, worke i,endcd, I

will [ctOllt tw,) othcr,thconcofPhiliognomie. and rhe cther ef Chiromancie.alwaiu to gillefome occafion to the wittie Ipi~iU,tll be C1rm:ifed in Comthin~ courteous and ~cntl~.

Buusrouchin,q" .. ",j,., amJllgll all rhofe winch hauc written thereof,:n the l"di,."t.(h""'~,j""Htbu,~n, ArlC~;.t"'. Grnlc;l.l!,tfpliAM"and L"'in~hI finde Done", nich be of importance but three,which be amongll men at this d_ly : one mrde by the II:); 1m beginnin~ thus.EIJ"'f.lN~rN"t l" I,. the other by the fltb r ~",., h.ginningth:u, Hit 'IJ"~"~flr"alld the third made by a Larine AI1~hor named B IY/J}./Drn_ at P;IIf.ln fi lie (~.:ntle Rcader)ifyoll findrany faillc~ in rlus my Booke , I pray ),011 tilinke that we be all bllt men,lnci therd,), m:iy erre 1 ,11,,1 that in long workcuuhis is. The which (i£lln.lyfullckly fpea\{e it)isa little too high formy capacitle,b,ingbut little pratlifl!d in good Scirnccs,dueandrcqlli{j[ vnt ,hilll which would rreare

ot this Arte: but hold me e)Crured.if it (0 pleafe rou, and thu, farwell (Gentle Read .. r) aud God

hauc you in keeping.


Ge omnucie ofMaifl:er Chriilopher CattJII Gentleman.

The firll Bookc,

What Gcomancie i.,and '" hcrcfolc it is fa called .

Chap. I

• l!l"mancic isa ~cicllce 1l110iltt tD~icfJcllllaa· etb ofpoint8,p~idtu,ilnO Iincs,maOein ll'eaOe oft~c foule GI;lcmcnts, !tnO oftbe ll'ilttes ,mb Fllnners of l!leilllcn. callell tbdpcience oftb:: ¢artb, bccau(e tn tllll~8 paO; l~ UlllSlIIlIOe on it as lIIe "ill bmeaftea: Declare. .anti tbus euetie p~icke Ognifielb a ~tatte.anl) tuttle lini an ClI!lellt~nt,nl1b euene a!Jute tbe foute quattc" oft!)e \1Io;lo,tbat if tgo filP. tbe (J!a\l.~ert,~outb,anD jflo~tb,.bmfo_leit" eafieto know tbat (l)comilndeis none otbet tbing but.allrologie,anllil tblrD Itltnne,tl)at 16 tofllll.participlltinBor two, blbubis Alquemy, Gcomancy i. call8bGy it ~teel, hlo~D,~~i'bigniftet~ eartb : anD Mallcie.\u~icbi.t to faplutowleDge • ~~ Deftninilit mOlc p~O~eth'. it i. ocriUr:D of Gyos anD Magos I 1DbicfJ OlJlliftctf) kno\llleoge of ei\ttbl~ tbangs ,bl! t!Je powet of ~ fupetio~ boDin ~ of Ibe foute <i!!leme"t"t~c feaaentdand. ,anD oftbdluelue (lllne.ofbc4I1CI1. .anD tbi. attemal! be maDe bpon 'be ct,lttb, o~ in \ubite l~ilPet,o~ \Jppon anl! ot~r:E t\lU:I!,l • 1D1,Jmon itlllaR collUttoDioullic ~8eDlJneJ fo tbilt tbep~icUan'UIWJ",al! be knowne.


2 The fij',113 oo~ ,

Of the heing,dfcJ1cc"1I1u nature of this A rrc,;,nd end thcl'~or:

Tll)c natute or tblll ~rte III1D bill r1Tcltcc ,til IIonr. ot~rr f,jilT!J bntthc cogitotiolt of IlJebci'rt oft~c pcrfcl1,RnD the \lJlllt~ Itllolu tbetbmq unrcrtarne: 0: to trllmo:r truer.It 1.0 rl)c p,opet nntll1illur.11l11100lllilU J)f(lJe boOies CupcriJII ill1b cr(rIl1411. QIl

to IbcmMI10 tntenncn tI)crrDf , it fG la 11I11t: coun[cflant abulre,

as well of 1 1111: I)(S publltlc i1I1 Pliullte,al1D tbr No(a luhlcl)rom- 11lt(1) tbttCClf, Itl to Ill10lual111to bane bnncrll3t1ttnlJ offblng. tlo!tbt(u!1 <1111) !Jncel mne. $0, oflhinlJFS rcrtulllc U,m'netOtlb 110tilU!'Doubt,CjIKalon O~Orml1l1nO. JtUIl ~rtc 10 nlfo( as

we bRU' RlrCII~ietollrbcll) put AnDI'IUmblrO Rmongn tbf pmll oflllblloCopbie : (0: 1D1)lIoropl)ic Is none Dlhlt' tbilln but" Inlow, (cD'ge'Ltlltlloue of~mllcc,ilnb Ibmfolc It lis not to bee ~I(plfcb 0) reltac~ns ftftlle Ig '101nnl DlIl'btabttllUltlrallJ men lulU rd~,anD llll'i_tll.U. ".:J'foz as AI'l[loticf.tllb,OmllllJlls rCI~lItiJ ell de ge- ." ncre bO,nOrUnl, rbatllJ,aU kllo\lJlelllJt Is of Ibe IlUlnbtr of!: anD tbl. \UI1. inuenteb to (1I10W bpan.1 rUllbnlll, , nil tblnaee,pnft,pzc(tnt nnb tocoOlr, bCCilufHhat tip ~Hlrolcgl! tbhtlJfS carmot bet knownc nnD bll~eraOOil, but lull!) grellt . paille anD 1I1fticulttc, antllot1lJ fpilce oWmc, nO uieu fo: the ' (nllrumcntlJ wbte!) bt rtllllililr tl1crtlll1to, (HI tile OOl'olobe the l!nullllZlln o~ DVI\!I,anDn great number ofbool\rJ, \ul)l£1) bp the \»ant anI) IlIcke of tbe (unne mnn}, times Darlurrb, anD not ellil.

Ing bf.s beamelJ bppon Il]erflrtb.bpl'tl1rOIl ort:,tcrl)nl<lflolil1lll1l1 tJ~PO:8 tblt'eoflubltb blltllcr 1,10 Irgbr ,bcfioC8 (be tlfhulttc 11110 lalfour to rcckon the bonr,s,mfnutcD linD POlllt •• milt dll fOlllJio ~cltl1ce Itllee~oncl (0 murbpain,nopo(enrclJro "lc1nVI~Ul(l8

on Cucb lulrr,tbat at wbat rune o~ !Jotlrrllll1.,",lulll)c m.lpVI"r.

tiC~ tbls Mitte, wbmfolt ft iseaUell tbr !V<1tI(ll)tn' of !;tOrolo. lJic. ~bc bcgfnn:nglll1boHglnllll ()rt~fll grtc tiline frollllbc Iudians, wblch teunc II bdole tllc\I.'ollo \U.l'3 1I10Wlltll, na lice mal' pcrctlue bl' a boolle allca~llcD hrrc before. whIch bClllIIllClb tllus, Elhmauerunr Jlldlf.1IbllJ ~rlr mil!, lie (ll.lal[C[) \uhrnfo·

uer tbnt 11 man \ulll,nCCO!DItI!I to tbe llcan<llIllO I lint III malic ,be it 11113111 IJ oav. .ralre ~nt~rr o~ fol.lllC,rlllnt OJ rmn e: allO p'e mull nott,tb4t fo; tbe qurllloll o~ ~milunl) t~nt rou \1101 kc tbtlJ Urrc.





r I

of qeomallcie. j

'be ngure mull b:r I'!tn~C ~ut one time: btll tenrlng Ibe ftl1Ut't. nnllflmJCltll1!I the IIIDllflnCl1t wbicIJ millS lirll m"oc (I fill1!.' f"lItt btfOIl11D mille llrll.aUIIII, 01111 tbcfcutJfilJllu) tben llli'lke nno, thtrtll anoU)t!: [0;1 c 0110 m11m.e!: .anlllull~e tbt reconD time atco;tillg iUI pc fi,J,lIIHl1lle !,'Jur figure.

Of the il\(lrulIll'11t of this Al'tc,and of the manel'

how ro nukcit. <..:hap·3


Ti)e i"arumcnt of tilts ~rfr fs n pCllne, lnclle IInll\topcr,oJ.

o booJO \uclllpucn,t\nD a uttle bollllin 0) punC~III,O} elfe bp' POll [be grounD!n oun,oHmtll \Uti ~lIIrgtO RnD utJ~c c1canr, \Dltb II III tie Uicke. tublC!) III Ibe ~rrte lI1itlUlrr lulJ'tb Wtlsllrcllln tbB Dille nme , bero:~ tb'lt Jlllle anD 111aprr wcrc Inumtttl bp tbe Chaldeans, Perfiar s , Hehrcwes anll Egyptians, \Dbmor Ibat grte !Jlllo IbIs up "QI~tb tI)f nlm!e1 illlb til ,alltD(R. wee fllille ~CfO:8) Gcomancic, ~ut now tbe belt wlIl!fo} to p:aatCe Ibc CtllIIc,ts,wltb Wcnlte ;3;nlle,lIl1b 1l9aper. fOl til mo)he It t1lttb tlngers. liDeaJlcll o~ ol~er grallle" fo tbe mnnu r urtbe curlltal1' (toot Bolognra, wbrntllc!? 1tloullllnto\u newes of tbelr (rimll. Ilbrcnt, anll ag p£t It Isbreb 1~~D"gIJQut nllltalJc,\ubiCb matlnrt boll)ltOI plta!c me, m1tbcrls Ibtlt W11l? fo certaine as the ottJer. ~O)Courr,pe Ulufr not. ,tl)a( \uljcntbe 1ll01ktH1itlt, to (rllme IJIIl ftgure tlooll) tn.lhc p}l,I\(B" hee Iuull: fo)me (flure , tbe A(rt limo of "fcilrollllcbnlo !llr rCur~611lJml of the left bnlll),\ultlJ' OUI counting tlJ~ ",lclle!l,fQ Iblt attbt ICilll there be to!t)t mlm' li£r offourelrCItCpllcllcal11 currie Unger: tl)t fait Imp, tbmo( Rilla brfulftclccnt 1;:I'g~ , IIlle,bllla (~e ura fil1llcr,cnlleo Index, tt}t fcconDitnc Ijhl~C !tU'Rtt,ln illU;Jon of I~e feconD finlJer calltll Medius: t!Jttblrbltl1ll mQ~C a,olter, hllcbltto tbe fin"cr (aileD Mcdicws: ill10thc rOHrtbl~li IclT~Ubml1l3l.' oHbe other ,lil,c\l\t- 10 the Itttlr lil1~t.r Cl1lleD Auricularis: tll111 thlls frillt1t a!1 v.ont 0- Iber Imes Qf 1I1lcl!eo unto tbe l\ulI1~~r of flrrccl1c: RIID lJ~c mila not IIlV IJIB IJII111 \ljJ<l11 tbc li'llptt 0) 1iCRl!le,eart~ 0) fRl1tl,(\u!Jtch or tbde foedel'lt rlraft hlll1 10 Ulo~lIc by) uUtb,\t hee IJ Itb ltlabC tilt (I~t(entlUlCd,nllUUlrlJ }lCIlllrrill(l fnhlll licl'n, llIo0Ulllill)l!l bnnll,tbc qu eUioll WIJtrdolC lIC III ,lIlt II,) tbe flgurc,pr mull ftlr.

c :I t\)e,


, I , i


I .,
'I, 4 'The frfl.'Booke .

tbntnlietfblnb.fbnt tbe fitllllllc III atttlbuteO tmto t~e Fire, .~e.rec.on1) \mtD t[)e tbir~to ~bc Watcr~lInb tbe fl.lllrtlJ to the Eafl1l.21nO IIlfo,tbilt.a\l tl)efe: 1I;lChra Oglllfte one ortbc fimMlI1cnt,lIl1b Ililbefc Iincs one Clell1cm,nllD tI)e Ioute fitll lillts tbc Hell O!ICIUeIlt, \ubld) is tbe F ire, tlJe ((c01l0 fouro fbc l~conD Cl;lcl11£ut, \ubirb 11:: tbe Ape, tbe tbirO Ioure Iillcs tl)t t~ittl <elnl1rnt \tl~i(b is tbe Walcr,illltl the reurc Inn line" tbc (ollrtb C ICIlI£1lt,\llbub IS tbe e.lttb·illltl imtfJcl'll1o~c. tbl: fililll,lIClllJt .utuuuren tbt one to I~C .w ncnt, allotbcr to tbc ~~1I IIJ enother to t~e J,loltlJ,lIll11llllotbet to tbe ma!let 1I11i) iti;lIIc 'U'i followetb:

' ••• f •••••• f_. It r.line

.................... 2.I~nc~ I figure

• • •• • ••• •• ••• • • •• • 3·lIne

I"", t ••• II.. ....line

..... , ,.

1~linc~ 2 line

3.hne 1 flilure


I lin,


3.line 3 tlgnU


••••• f •••••• ., •••••

•••••••• If ••••••

. ' .

... .

•••••••• c If It ••• t • ................

•• f ••••••••••

•••••. ••••. ••••• I.tine

....... , , ~"2.line~

... ~ ".... .. 3·lint 4-lIguu

.! ~.~. It .... 4 line


Brchil cxamr,le you nlutllearnctoframcthemlikcvatG Sture, if ye will,bucitnccdcs not.

~fite ." ...••••••• '" I line

-ite aite .. .. . .. . • .. . .. .. .... 2 I~nc~ I ftautl

"" UIlafec. . . • .. • ... • • .. 3 IlIle

<I!:.ltt~ .. . • .. • .. . .. 4 line

•••••••• f ••••••••

. .

· ,.. t. '" t •

•••• ••• ••••• II

.... 11'_ I'

• 'I •••••••••• II t f,_

It. , ••••••••••••••

.. , .

............. , .

........ II' •• '".,

• ft •• ' • III .

• ••••• I ••••••••••

The: tnahnner how to ioine the pricker I and ofthclD CO forrnctlie nr,l1res of the twelue line. ,and

how ttJey be appropriared vlltoth~

toure partes oi the world •

Ca~. 4-

Ajftet tbat tbe I 6.1iI1C!I OrPJtdlB blue bin mm:, \'011 mult tnlle tl)C p)lclles fd; tlllO tUHa ttiJo,iol!nil1lJ them to~et~ec witb a llcolle ofv.out penne. anD hl~cl'\ l!C" come to t~ecn~of t~e line • if Ibe rare ~1,lICIt~ be ellen, (0 let t~el1t t~cce Cel11.1.1I1c. illlbiftbcrc IIcllnt O,IC • let It fo Illlltll ollc.llonc. lUit~Otlt ame Rrokcorl!outpmncbetW"ne tbe two !"It i114nic line, ii tbcR fo renmme eIre to tbe anc tbllt i, fa~tuflcD to 1141lD IV Iom:i\t t~UI1D ofanuline, alJ,,~pcllret~bp. t~jj cJillltplefoll

. lowing. .fit:.

Jflre ~out" (!tile ",Irl! flilure

S *"* iHt 1r*- *"* *"* *"* *"* *"**'* -)<

-)< l ruu ~in1t

-)< 8 5" *"* *"* *"* *"* *"* -It--* *"* *"* *""* ** *"* *"* +c

-)< a > mater

-)< 1< H ~-H *"* *"* *"* *"* *"* *"* . *"* *'* *'* 1c

(jj)artb \!lAtll

*"* *"* *"**"* *"* *"* *"* *'* *"* i<*

1 jf(re ~tJulb ahefourtb flllure

*"* *"**"* *"* *'* *"* *"* *"**"**"* *"* 1<

-)< . glrc 1lDzlcnt

7( ~'5" *"* *"* *"* *"* *"* *'* *'* *"* *-* *"* *"* *'* ~

-)< -)< at. Claatrr ,$olth

1< ~*"* *"* *'* *~ *'* *"* it--* *""* *"* *"* 1<-1<

€artb \:l:il tit

*"* *"* *"* *"* if--*- *"* *"**"* *'* -)< *'*

:1 :


~ I


I I,


, .

ofCjeomllncy. 7

~c IndiQJIs,Chaldcl ns,Hcbrcwc" Ar~biam,E ~y ptians lIitl} 1'1 partoftbe Greekes tlllt) Latines bo ered t~cit figures in man net I}een aboue ~eluelJ • becilurc tl}at tl}ore J;lntiol1~ aoereaauontraue unto U"nltl}0BI} t~aton tl}e contratic wife (bel! nUl\? mettanD altemble I_e ralDe p,Ucks, as re IIlal! ree bl! 'bee~ilmp" follotuing , Wl)icl} is lInew inuentee mllnncr to blo~ke fbis art,anlJ manp at fblll Dllp 'Gre it as fl}e brttcr 111111 carier lual!,ltut ret tbe ofl}.t is goolJ.\l)l}mfo~e cileb man map nlake tl}s OgHteaJ be liaotl},eifl}er on tbe ri~bt banll 0: on t~c left bI1l11l,fo~.II,ommet~ Until one purpofe, blitbout IIn~ .ift(uttie eit~ctof t~e one O~ oft~c otbetl \t)ete foUotutt~ an t):am' lit.

, .fIre •• Uttl ~.e ftBU~

~*"*~*,**"*-H*"**"**"* iHt- *"* +:

gin "~IDnt

*'"**"*'*"**'**"* *"****"* *"'* *"* *"* oJ< If *

!illS ••• ,$O)ttJ '" of<

llf 2*"* *"* *'"**'**"* *"* *"* *"* *"* +- * of( +:

{ellrtb 1IIftlt .. +: ofC

*"* *"*H-*",**"**"**"* it+:

. -

The manner to frame: this ..4rtc,and gitlc to each place:

I hi. naJJIC. Chap.'s

. A.:Jfter ttat110u bRUt rtt lout pJicltcs into lfntLl,lllllJ thereof o)lIwne ouU fo)melJ t~e figurt's all b.1C baue flJ£wcD \JH)0 !o,,: 11011 I1IJllttta~e anD fet tbefoutcfltU Iillr!oft~c ftrll fi· gure,anll ret fbe .. anile ,anD fbi. it! calleD tbe fita filJlltc: tI)t'11

, mutt \!Ol1 talle t~.fe(o"O oftbeotbec ((cOnb teure linrB.I1IID fet fbem bl! t~e Otlt,lInll fo bane l!e tben two filJurCIJ) COlllplllliomf anll naer •• anlJ t~tn OJ.llre b~\rl t~c t~it D figure oftbc olte. rOllr.lintllHonretltltlrtll!rollo\llill~.1J pllttbat il pnt , ann t~lit ill calleb t~c t~itll figure,l1"b flnallp.l!oll 0)1:11 tahc oftbe.ot~tt foute laa Iints,tl}e foutt, ftgure \Ubicl) filal br calleb tbc'outtb l1t1otl}cr.anll fet t'at bp t&e Gtber tb~cc. 6 fo tl)1l1I the t1;lri.lllr.n fotltt~ Ilccompanionllllnb ~ilterll,Cl111'C O:al ~crc,'ftct rrc: but ailoue a\l tl}ingeltake gOOD tcrpert to place tU& OrR \llel, to IItJI:e

t) t~e

" '

8 'The firfl71oD~

t~eotbtt to (oUom att.r,anD l!.11 Ojail putit ott tflnfgfJtb-'1l1,

atcoi'ing tot~ia e~ampldolloLlljnif ,

I Cl!att~'tallatet .alte jfire

4 3 1. I

* 'A ¥- *

!ii::~e I~ft I, * * * +. k "* :it~e rig~e

b4110 I * +. * k -J< * * I ~,lUO

'II -JI* ** *1* *

roen J)}OH~ iW)ien! ~O"tlJ

T~)cre (Clure Ifguns be caUell t~l~ ~of~ers,t»bmoft~e litre ts attrdmtell to t~e jfitc.tIJe feconD 10 I~e aire,p [~itll to t~c Wiltn,t~e rOllt!~ to t~e ~att~. t1Dft~ere foure 1t10t~er' lie Ingmo~eb fcure oaugbter.,t~e Ora D"ull~ter br tlllling t~t bppenltolt rOID ruut(fiu~lp ofp~ickt' (frorna to b ) of tbe (alII foure motber.,ano tft"'l! lIanD eucn(as t~" •.• ) 01 Obl)t (,l. t~us .) fo plilte tbern in tbe 11ft pllee OJ bOllre. :I!C~e feconD llaug~tet it tnJJenOeteD bl! tftlling in like OJDea: tbe Ites:t tow 1)( ,;ttllet(oftbe fai'e rOute mot~u')M !tom c. to d. ano 118 tb'~ OJalftllnoeuen 'JObI (at arg,efldD) to .. tOJphU8fbelnintbe Ii.rt boufe. !tb8 tb1tDllAugbtea:" "k~lIffetoJmeD bl? takin", tbe fbiro rotneo) PZidlet,1UI Itom e to f. anti IIJ tb'l? bee founD I","D~gDOlopl4Ce t~tm in t~e ruumtb boure. ![:t.efollrtb IIIDI41101111~r.a: il4lrofo~meo ~I! flkin&Jtberouttb OJ lilt rOlDeofpJickti as ftoM, to h OftbdailJefoltr.mot~er., anD ., (be, ~all be rounD tllen oa'De , fo plw tbem in tbecigbt I1l4r.eo~ bonCt:iU\D rODft~e foureBrlfillUet,coamnonlp caileD f~etouultll motllm,bu"lOtoau OlluBbtttl. "P"ilJlIll ("bpt~eranlp~: 01:1 tbe agbt ~AlIII wbeteof jjcc t~e four.

MlOt~,AII' * IItt ~ tauflJIDftug~te!:l ~ IUJ ~e~lIf'" r.~ !tWett·

i i!

, '





Oflhcfignification of the Mothers 3ftdof the Daughtm; and how Nephews be iogcndcred of them.

Chap. 6

T~e flgurt',alr bJ.lI fb' .ofberu, tb"D~ultt"" tin, rur~alJntllcation u 1;, ~aulrtlltl'e wilttcn: bat ret lubell tbel? beret hi t~, ~Ollre.,(a. it ~11I1 bee 'edarell in t~. feconOboolle) tbel! bllue otbet IIgnUlc4tt.mUbcn tne. b~a. ret fpllk.n of, bur beeteaftc~ ll)1I11 ble tteateD t~er.of,onf~'" luif. ,t~i1tt~e ftaUt. lDbicb ill fet fOJ tbe ".utb,oJ tbat, 1II~1C. jo fet ro~ tbeeil',llIAlIbl1l1e anotber illlpo~tI1l1CUCCO~lItng bn" to r~e tllie tnb!c" 1 tuillplll,CljclUl1ftet. anllnatu t~ertfoJ' tb~t J b,llleOjcweb rou bolD to fo~m~tbe~Dt'lIrll t 11411gb' ters,l1nb t~dr qllalitiel'l,nob) tclletblt to oeela" tbe Iltllkhl« orlbe JJl~pl)etue!lluttb fbtit 1l1l~lttif8.n::betrole to fo,m t~tm

, pO II t1Iult tlrlt tntle tbe Brit ~~Idle. of tbe (itll:anll feconD ft· (lutc',allo rigbt tlnDet tbenl.lft~c Plfckes be euen, makc twa PJi'kU,II"~ tritlJ~ oD.tnllll,.bnt onc,anll fo conrequ.ntll! from tbe fC[Onlllinc ort~c two ftgllu.,ani! ort~e fblt~ Rno fourtb to l!OIl ll)!lllbOe as lIIucb oft be tlJitb ann fOl1tfb ftguni,afo:me : the tell!l) ftllure.RSl'e 0111 ol'lbeftrft anSI fcconlJ, tot~,met~e nintl]f1I.1:IIl'e: aun tlJc Iilie n), Doe of tbe olber Imea lillO fil.1:lIrr1J to frmlle tbe elcucnth IIIID Uuelftb figllnlJ: III1D fo tbe qdot~crG;lDIlIJ!JIJtm,allll.ff!epbe\1Jtl'l will mllk$fur~a ft!ure !is 2(1111)4111 fcc ~m bl! C~ml1pIC~ :1 'be

-----------------.' .... ------------------------~

lOme frJl73oo~

, ...

, :.

How to frame the Witncfi,s and the Iudge.

Chap. 7

Tlt)tfet.etu~ilgUre. fozmcbanbmabe(ill tuee~a"e bltre RJeweb to rou) now ,ome. t~c quc(tion ~otu to maite t~e t\llo \1:litneitl!s.alltltbe )Ubge out oft~em, to ~aue a certaine nfolution,fent.RCe,anb nal) "PIlon tbe qutltton PJopOtinOrD, lilt" of t~c Difference t~mor • .I1I>f t~e tubicb uno ~ttnelIc.8, t~at on tbe rigbt ~anD engen.mD of tbe nintb' tentb figures anD tbntottbe left~l1n. (olumctb oftbe I I .nUb l1..flglltCS, , tbel) ""ult be mabe anD fo)mtl) in maner anI) fo)me a. (be I1CpbewclIwete: anti ift~cla' p)icke. bUlIen • l!Oll n1ultput, them euen,anb if t_el! be 01)011,)10U mult put tbe ... oOlle· ,aDf tbere two \uitn,",cs b~ tbe rllltlemAnnctill ma.eanotber 0, lJllre,tbetD~ic~ is calleb tbe illb~c,bnta tubomeappcttatnetb tbeitlogcment Rnb bifcufion of all tbe \lI1)01c figure, on rucb lllir~,t~iltif~~:Jt~gooD,tbe DemAlln!) will be rOUnb goob)Rnbif it be eutll 0: nougbt.t~e bemaunb lIJaU liketuire be (011110 iII,all ,ppllUet~ b~ t~lfI erample.

I t ~

! •



, .

. '

I ;

, ,






j •


lZ,-=R~ub;-e-\l-S --:'--A.,"",r.t,~'I'"a,:,,~-,lt'-'dD~r~~c~""";-"i'-'I~'C~lu-d"'a"'dr-a-con-~~ii,s-."!,

teD tobitc. b.IIJQOM haD ttl- D,,"usta

* * * * *

* * *w : r : j

* * * * *

* *

* f

* * * '*


Fortuna maior Fortuna minor. tP ,"at r~t'nft I,a, raJ.

If * * r

* * *

'* ¥ *

* * *

Aquifitio t»umu.,

* *.

"/( ,.

* *


loG'e ,


* ."


>(. • *





Jfo. * ¥ "


TriRitia. f.'neft. * * * * * ~

Lztitil. teE. 'k

* * * * * *

Pllcr. • 01·

* "



_- __ 1-----_1-- .....

Coniunllio Via Populus Career

alniunrtion. Ll_tbltNll 1ltOP[' ,Jjr.n

"I< * '* * *

*:, ** * ¥

* * * * *

* * .. * ¥..:

_- ............ ---.--.__

Of the naturURd pro_ptrtlc of[~ fonre: .Ie!Dcnu, Ind of' their figure:u aadfirfiofrbe Flre,and ••

• Chap. 9

FeJ armlC~ U., ~Ir. ClJteeftl ftuatet,ro.e b. Bfuen a", .. pJOpJiatdttt~Rire, !ltblt.tot(Jeay~e. otbeu to fbi ctatt~,anto*"to~.iaatm,)nrpca_in, .. b,icdpIlJJ can poI!tble •• ffbe nafars aND PJopIttiI If t1re raillefouree .... mtnt',1 \Da Deui". t~Ce 1I"lltes It put tbe In O~"t~. to f! ent, tDDlfuwanQ ling" to 1U~'c~ "rt~e r"u" ~lfme .. t. ort~em

. i •



, ofGeQmancy.lJ 'u afftibntlb.£~e tuo,ID is liailleb into twa pftrt',tbe ene te' leB'all,tbeot~ttelementlldel in tb8patt eltmel1tariebee all tbore tbing. comp}CbenD'1I \u~'cb b. ~n'ett~' patt cele 81all, as t~efoutulelnent',1Ul1I t~e Cimple lIolI'et JCmaildl1,(J conU. auall~ r(om ",nel'wol1"~ co~uption:tbaUs to (Al?, tbe lire, "it~, _atn ant CIlattb,~it~ lnllntte bOllies, as blell petfea ., 1mper fert,tublc1J bunlieD tbe bailie. udreb, ingrnbetel) of tbe material bertuu naturallcomirion of t~e (,sill t1cmcntlJ 'be l»bitb dement. be foute PI number ,l\Jaalng 8' mutb of ~ ftrlt 'lualiffes.bJbitb obtaine, anll baN' tJnller: tbor, elrment, t~e"ouctnment anb Domudon.tbat is fa fal?,bot, moilf,(olbC, anll lI)ie,al1l1blluelleftae. tbel', 'lU4UtielrIlC~ a combinatloll lQltb tbe ra'lIcelelnentg,t~nt ~ot. '~,tebte IPP",pJiateD vnto 'be lire: bot anb motll to t~e al?u;colOanll moll Co I~e ~Ater, (ollie Inb b~l. to tbe eartb. .alt_oalb abat t~e twe 00 ereeel) (al tb' CitE.ent oft~. ,ire. anD moitlneuftbc a~lef rolllne.! Uttbe .atet,anllll)~ne. In tbl embt IU~~~,. callell tbe qUlllicies p4ltj~.btCi1u(e t~eE II. (OIrtrarie~", to ~otbet,a"lJ l4"ntt confiRm Oil. \Jede Clelamnt._.,.t if t~, mtr. t~.t Ibe .Iice,tlaltater,4\?1' anbCleart~ btctcl&.ntt8""ontmtl! Co anotbel:. Stbeftte ••• amonJllalU.e 1q,et:'ftleattmttJ

"'I" tare anD liBbt ,1IOOct -fn'~ ,",,",fbe blab.1 lIIace caitemng tbntb" ;tt~" ... aU;art. i 1111," fbe ltlIIk~j',butlit.t"t"'n"'otbu itpW' (eD lllUllelliatel1? .nult •• linB tutt~. rounll eloll. conwdn; of t~e tvate~ aRa urt~ •• Itbin t~e IDbk~ a~~"" .. ater pt ~ ~UI place, fo)r.muc~.s t~e tuattt:l. mole.uuftt tben t~e

, ftreanllal?~e. batnotfo~uU:aI1.',ellrtb,~bJ'~t"J bil ~tau'nd(lttffdb in .ndamp tQ ,fbe millllett or all lbe ot~er'J anlliBcllmpaft'eDaboaton aU811,,, tDjtb •• m:,1Dbl~ma' fer DOO~ fpJUD 1Jppon it inman1?,IaR • .a.nolimtttetb orbi. teatme'llnb coal. Ilppoint~b b! t~e pl ... lfon or!~, .lIIIln\!8 patt. orfb$~att. bein;DU'aaumD toptntoJ lbe eaUbfui ~a" .itaUon of tl)ore w,~ Uae _pon tbe rlUtte,~e c. is an ~Iement\u~ft1) s(uetb Iig~o.'tllllt~1 1uo~lll,bee1nga tbing \InIlno\lJn trectet •• ~en brt8l1lone " feperatell ftotII t~e ot~el:

'j tulJ(Uu,on fuc~ ",ir.,tjJaUt i.e mutnblel • to"bDue UIlarut.,

. ~-

The foutt Rgur~ of the fite.

.... , ''''

i. '~."


I ThefourcfigtircsClfthc A}'re


* I * * * 11;
'* .* * * *
"*~ . If. '* * 'j:
* * ** * 7< * 7< l


. Ofilu Earth, andofher 6g~rch


AIL t~ore tDbicb blue tlHitten oftbe p;opetfp oft Earth, ' !loefar ~ it i.uoulltl Ilk' ',"foa b4U, an!) t~e lealt ere- .

. mmt


Of the Wat(l',and of.herligures.



I·' , ~ I

. ,"''flit fojl'1loo{e.


: lutcrll! of~.anD1Blatltl:ttetoOttfJ ~ b~~&: t~.W. .. i1t& tm mo2e pacta ort~e Earth: tbe 1~lItt. br t1Jdt mota. neffeanoJc oftf}e tIlatta: : tbc tJlolfDm. foJ tbei~ It~

, 1I10)e oftbe atu : ~ feeoe.e ,b\! tUron oft~eir loaeanb ctltf

1 fiDttAtionoft1)egmerattuefpmtein t\tnn, taltemolellftte . .Ii", SltfJa •• nUtb~l1U8tuefP*mortbe foare _m"j 'AnDOftbettquAIUieanllllllta.:..,;: . .

.eII', ~ ~ ~ I :.*; ',1 :*: j. H:I

. * *.¥' * "

Thc&gulC' aboueplaced be ofthc E.utJ1.


1"hcmanncr how toappio~riatc beaReS,ind thcirpr~~ tici to thcf\)urcElcmcnts. Chap.11 •.

" . ~ " . . , . rt9.'

"':"1,;: ,) It' ./1,. "

l .', HHWtbci&dfl •. ofmanbc"ttributcu.o.tho ,',JI"'::<!ii'! :;'i~ailemlUts4J')lj~'iIJfl;:'

t.. -;"(" " .. ,,:~, 's . i i i'(:: .. 0" : :':it~!:,.:: .(.

;, .Chap.I.f';~:'

~Tv. 'iJ·"t~Gf_ •• MiC"dUf •. ')ftto~. rou~ ,Jc etanmt.· if stbe1n ... aaalltng:aattcibtItR bl\tt t~. ·,.~* .... )) •• ~l!~c : .tm~.*"taMte~ • .. tel: :nnl ttl, fUtcnBlInto tl)c e;Utlj.l1n, *I~' iJ f\» <I lit" oftl)eftuu Dl8tlUlltD fmc" I tI),aBbU, atCt*ufeti unto ~lIft".~ttJel' ... aoliOh4n betIJtt~"tfitl: t~c i9QntU1B ;.JIU1:4tn4rtno*.a"ar,_ceaetllmtiDn orf~C afte a.tlJ"C41Ift**, CIJe .... ' ... bfadoAcf. ... ttUJllfellbnto tbe",,",U~ u mtt~ut wat" angiMtlhttll'e tbtt~_ can benDfmdlo) Cauoul: : "" tOatIJmlJ it atcQ"n'D unto lb' ¢""~ J ........ IiIII1aJirI .. IIpmdtoMoftntm\? bct attti, buteD bnto fbe foute elementJ. to: tbe moo. (oftl! dha Gowe is gium '0 tlJt, elUtb,tcllu ~IJ rO;tOW~bnto tbe m,a' ter t30\!,gwe_nWntaudUe"ntot~d"ctl qea:tf~uc, ann tlnquithttae1mtltl)e~. J"bMe ~ou baue b)ttfll! ~otu tbere t\Jings be atttiIUItlil to ~ foute ~lements .111bicb be tbe bODies ftom\DbOm all tl)eoti)er come an' be (ompoul1- teD, MD nltbinp oftbtJ 1110)11.1 bennOlJouonflll. '€~nbl(b tbingea Willi ronODeteD,bnl.lea:ltoob.' re.ltcbeb Dut,wtl glile 11

mnnifell inil.:ultion bnto tbe Geomancien.te ,uDge n figure • Jirwt ,llccolDing to tbe foute (!;lemerlts • .$otu tuill1l1e rpeak .,tt~ CcleltiIlUltegio". 111bub is tbc ofbnpatt oftbc lli OjlD baue toU(beD bere bero)('.

Of the other Region or part of the: world called the Ca:lcll.all.

Chap. 15

V V e f)l1ne fain berc befo,c, b~1.u t~ilt l1)c b'O~;b i!J ncu(~ llcllllltO ttuopattsJtbc Ollt £IClllclltlllie. tl~cwf\tJe

" . e 3 b.lIIe


~t ' ..






Ghap. 16.

T,.'dllI;leaaatt. calltD,f .\leaaen~tf)egrta .. tet.",oaeell~latptt~:e "tare. b:ig~.t ttlmal ~ l t~". ftJH)atitit t \)et!placetre01JmUof tafume(!l£encr.aftet t~e opinlultGf all tl)e JDOttODt8, III tutU \l~bltbJ. , @al?-

. nims,u ¢~:ittiill\J ,etabU",.., in·t~i~ bel]l1~fe \)ppon a place of~e!JOI\!.niptute ttu~e ;Ua«ctt . {el,ll 110ft" rllie:

, . C~m



How thcitlfcriorthings":c fubictl.lUld gquerocci by £h.

Cupcrioll. • Oup.- ill.

...... ;"I!l

~ '. "

.: ' .. '

.' ·N·

. . ~

. " 'f





..... ~ ..... .,...,. . .."......,..--..............._..---~ ..... _ ..... ~"""""IIfI"!IIII!IIIIIJIIIII-"'~~---......._....... ............ "'.... . .. 1

':ojfleomatitie.. . ~~.

'" . "'bl!ro/Cf~~t1~~e'in)(, ~t.1Id~td~innottinsbiit to tiC. mtll.anb colllmit mild",&:, an' OC~1DUltln'tll'., lint in t!Jt en1»e ~e IJJ4U um.mbet ~e1fe , an .. JJtCGlltl pttirall, memfall,RIlb to ~nu, compamon on· ""po_ anG "lIpo .tf ~"{"N"', _ '~.J ~iie,..altatiaa ICI.jti8·iD~ Q: ,ant tt. fall

anni&'ntt Y. I •

Ofthtpowcnofli-, incch ofthctwelucSigne.o{rbc "

, . MICke . Chap. ~ ... _ ,_, . .. :.,'


.n,,~aan"inJ~Ol'all_""'_Gltato ...... : ttJI' p_t ill11CQtaUlI1tIic 1Jnto ",.l'cGm,*-,._hdmt

.... ~ •• flri' tnaIIict"r •. ~.' ;jfO)fljJg'aptahet . '. of~t,ilattan'moU"1 , •• g1)ft\Jeaa.u~ml . tfleceltmentliQlll) of&be..,.. .. qncmdngt~ fearm ott~. ,we. _.rOtUee itbome "nbta:ttli.e planet,i.e mott to .... tnO.n'!ammif_ .... ncelUl'r~.lII1te,IGldl1lto"" llIeullaD~'1!d ••. .an'bI.'{.!lNUIe~r ... ) ., ..... blt,loPlU_ pattiftdl', an .... tlJat 1DtUlDiwal&l, __ •

matt""anDt~ofell1bk~be IIIld"O, , bIIt", louettltOtt!JmJ IDbk~contina.i"lDfmDneare,a manma.mbtt ..... , ofS • ., c.onrcielUe.IUI amttt •• of gOOD DirpeQtiotrI anD tOnfdtac., an. luillin,toJOplNrute •. bl~olflmtOfllo" 8ADllmblta loa.tof ia1D"ano4ul)lemmt'tanlanl1l~lOueq,IOIhDctr.£~n .. 1OOI men,an~1l1lUJttU"et~ ._tm ~t1~ 'tlBOOllna ,anUf~","p t~t , lit wldtel,,~e lIdni~t"'inndr'. It _ " nottml DOne b! t~eA1eaneotll-tubictJiJl1at:llQOD , anDcommetbbnto« GOO" MDe.b. is tf)emur, of:fl.Jc deamr"'e, anI) .. am.1l! ~r t~, IIYtlJaf fb.plMl'ftRfNcreQf1~' .inll,~,r~','" to ~ntl·_'_. "·ut:fWo .. bYW,"oon_ureanl)q""litie,~~,tiemrtaptetb:t~ ~teef tb,';uuunn, anD tbt~I •• in ttJ~\'iuintth~etdb'tfJ mAl! alii ftit~' aIluifeafes,be IJ (kRl'fin Y.,. 't1 I :O;j.n~ looretb bj,,'e,n"e.itl~, ~~t'lf, ;~.~sall Datlte inp.,~,l· ,,;Iff"~'11Il'l11lniR}et.,,,,,~.)( •.• bm).! ia,,":V.'hbe.·ts!tlfpolllqa •• , ~ III\Damitit ,ala Dcligbt,b to bl1Dtl~cl~UJD .. tD2at~ 'IlQI

e , D~lllbe

k .. j



~, '.

, 'o.fljeom}mcie. ~ 7

Dijn,Glft ofb~ etulI.out, anD ~e if ~utte1llt ""'0(8 1tIP. lutlmb! ~eel"~'0,2'''~r~iltO iUll)lIrt,iniJnnrl)iI mem' ber,,' ~~en ~e" an x , ~e DeUg~tttb in tlJIl.a rte of Oi,linntion anO anc~llunt~l?, anD louttb to pla~ blitb tuomm ,anD lS, 1tI11~ fubled tmto~ .. U1D~ p'~futes, ret" ~ct'i(foJtou. QUet aU bit enenues,an1 r~meame kdletb mm .llIt~llt rau(e OJua(olt, \ 'f,"I,IJ"eJ'llltatim l1.bilio!lI1lbiJI""mit$~

Ofthcqualilicwhieh2 hatbbythetwducSignc~of .

the Zodiacke Chap. '2(1. .

. "'I':'

VEnus iu t0lanetcolD f mata~, mlkinBt\1oftpe_ ~lIt be fabiea bntD bn,tIaJrpp,falumv:ttMm, int",'r appiltel, arlDell~o .. maybr. anDot ftnaUelrtt. lCfJie1lHanetit fiunD to 0 ,foJ tllt componlJllncC of q" Mentel fit*," botb, anD caal'ttO p .. arau ... , ...... _ .Mmla!' tt*en'rCl'laetrate anl)~ .. r d' • '"' bJ.di'atiIt..(Jm~ t. iD1?IWDtiJi~~ fbi tIlIltt1Ja*lll? -~ ot~_aJ ~!"'l)othlr.,.gr.ll1tt~ b ,becaar'OrlCftlD.itln*.rtaf~, '*euttationofh ~. ~ftktq,mln tlbeIlPlbpjlt.ldJrraH_'D.elI ~km,apt to .PCkUanD lClmlU ..... ;bllI&ta, anlto plqtDdtGn rna. ~ntl. .~ftJe"fO!neO_2~d)emAe~ pedon8 aptenno ttVeW to liDutelulll,pfttnUueU peI.maRt anD ";awanUnap , ~maktt~tl)ipeaceable,notbatnou.nei. tljerloaerJ of Debate. o~ tltifet,futbpeop!e take mud) bllutncs anD gaffe (0, linnll t1Jtnp ,ill ~n 1IOe'.~. I' Un1perate anQ moitl: anI) at (onceminl! t~e Cltlement., Qlt is ort~e lDlmlatcr, but "oUO~C_A'»:1U1b toud)tncq,' rtaflins ofd)ti'~UI:, O)e Is of~ ~lHtntet,bQt fomttubat ItlTe tbm tbt lI.t il mbJe fkug' maliketf;len fJ)e, «ketoa wOInan. al)tn rr is inY, tl)cis(nb, (oJl'O"full ,poo:e I mud) rulfttlRB, mtllUK~olle, anD penQue. Uliilbm QJe II in 'Cf ,ft)e it noble ,tig~ , 'nigfJt~ , an., of great anD reput ",ion, II lourtoftllings I1nl) of tbftl! dJiID,rn;

. ~DofalilNincullt\b.$obles I remnimngbatlp \Ditb t1)rm. i:URbm llJe is in II .OJe il pittifull anb mmifull ,bnui"! (ompaflionoau Cbe poo)e,anD giuetIJmucb nlmc •. ~ml)tn Ole isin ep,fl.Je ltuettl to be well flPP4tcUeO,to tllte 1\110 b)ind\e _II, tQ , ~Kb


~S·. 'The firft ~od1t! . '

....".Q .. caCJI~at ball tnitJ) men. to ~aaec~ ,ea .. dJN, IUIft10fIIS ,rubies 9 anD otl)ettairuno toftl\? 11100$t. mbm, ~e it 1ft Q I l1)t it Iltkt luttltlf¥~D £Imnott)tlpe ,be~ felfe untb ~t owne mtmbeu •• ~el1 t1)e IS 11\ .1 tf, l1)e IS tn per, ptfJitie,I'Q)toWfull.anpi. , enuiou. nnl) ill (OmellteD , bauintj .IIW. afbetlnembett cut a\s)lll! ano toft,Ii liralUtt oftMD,e tollW, 1Ubid,J ~ac alfa loft Jome IIUl)ei& mea1lbtrs. ,'~bm tl.Ie f. '" ~,t1Je" a~~eatlno1? IUJI) "'ltlteQ'e,nngtf~ ,(biDing , anD ftgt)t, illS; anDftdletb notl)ing b.-t ftd(e nnb q llattell,nl1t1 rauohling men ofbl.ttefo1 b~t Defence, anl) to be maintaineo in Ucr qUilttels .m~n IIJe it in"\ • ~c Deligbtetb in Urife Qno contention, 1mb ta __ atbea:;ail'to tall' tt)tit po'" aW<ll! bl? rO~ce ani \)ialmce. ~ 11)eit in l' ,,",e taketb pltclfuu to (btot In (ldc, lHJWe'-~be,1te*plket8nl)_'tD,anl)toluftintoutl1~. _en Gte UI in ))',0Je IdtgtJtet~ tQ I)em llnglng, an1» to ealt lUlIliliUdadl. ana'to .. ...un· (-~! tu.. • "t*fr. t'-'t.lIJewfIWI. pleat'Mit 1- ottai .. btun. "t,.". .. (.dr, ~inl' I anD t ..... nt * Ubaampaht!. '1Ilar,m~'hI Cat ~~.~ louetb to tUftt _ to __ , Me louet~ \)l""'or aft

llin",',Cil .. m."ef.lin><*"qaan,otaswattt"'*'i migfJt ..... 'rllJlltbd~.IiIJ-wu., ca ... ··.ua.

.udJinp~""_b!, .. tOtollOlC, anlDOtI)soU_ .

l'fahne,anD IIl1tb sl1atllttdne It UqImCt b~~ peat Ilhllbleli;t. aab louett.J ~~ ruiMMJ lDett,bctauf'. tbel? tatt. jJUatpUaruce to 1~l1rn. rde"",labJu,ub caUomtt. Stb. ~ilurr' 1f!J btl 't1' ~,

~,u~ltatiOa~.il1!t ... ~l'!l'. '

Olchc qualitirund powers of 2 huhcSigrifioftli, .:

Zodi~ck(. Chap. '2.7 •.

MFr(lJric"apl'netotftlPlD~,anllatgwatllnotDldG* . btl nature is tobe pti1lJifl) 1J'Ub.1U111 ballloift)b.", btiJ ~e anu~ie,on rud) .Ue~ ~e till 1i>lanttinat'cuUne IDitO '~e ma(culuw,anu fnnintne 1lJitb tbe 1manine. ,',Ib;" ~ !lImtnil'lJ anD \l1ealten in t~ ~DUreof!i ,l1\li be i. rNuO to lJ. jn rdt~ Ii.nlS lIad"m, In bl' ior anlS ro .. tne mDIJutllll~teDoe" pattuliJftte\ant~ d' .1tle1»~k!J~~. of~Qn II UIc$'~ _

_ '

, ....

Of the Sphert and Circles ofHcaucn.

Chap. 18

T tltt "~ete anD all ~e compaae Df~eauen f'lJruiuD inti ttn ~ll'dfl, w,,"toffQUte be ItO'ct, t~llt UI to fl1l?,tI)c Attiquc.att~e Anlarrtquc,tlJe trAlpitk afCanccr. anD t~C"O,ielU" Caprieorllc,t'eotl)tdlre tat IIRatet,tbat t. to rat',t~c Equator,ttte Zodiack.,ttte tWo PJ~ars.tbt Mcridionall. ano t4Jat of t1Je Orizon : of tlJttolJi4J ¢n:d"~ lJreatea if tb. ¢ • .wnocUaU,kuar, it DtuiDctbanD p.utetb '~e kI I): ID tntQtwc: • nftt peatatl" fbe ZodJack1btwtre ~e ,..rtet~ t~e equf, ftICIiallb2 t~ udll*. .anD bamure we balta no gl:ut K"Oe of *"e.uread)inBt~oa, art,bler1iJillhl)wccafc tlltkingofOl t'*t~inp,anDfpe4ke onel2 ot t~iuntJ oft~c filJl1e,. W,). Zodiacicc OJ ot~tlUit'eWltD tbe rircteof lifc, is tbat ~~tco", pDlettiJ1I ~e WAt' of Sol is fetouetl~btart nnD obliqueamanglt t\It otbet poIcJOrcbetuo}lb,ot*\lJbid)zonWM~c one mot· ruD«Unetbtmmt~e Equator totbepole Arrique:, al1D t~CI)I t~meitie"rcmuet~bnte(~e Anurriquc , ann tbatittj)t , ware t~t tt i. ananl! tames calleD lbedute oblique.becaufe ''''' ~e rata.tiDn mUbUque rttfinlJ otbim tn tbc rel'pcrt oUbe E· '1"aror,anD aftbl place ortbe IIdl mooutng were crpebi.eut anO 1IW..dJatie,bttaufe r b1! tbeootCe anD retourre,." ,,,,olutWnef ~ plaluf.,anD efpedall~ of Sol, e.1C~ patt an1J 'luarteuf ~ ¢ltt\l be .ltematel\!lnIDUeD fo; t~eb)tnBinG foJtb 4nlll1t01lJ~ Dftl)inp • .iuttbmnon,ttJeciu~ ilJ c41lta EcllptlCdIl, "cellure tbe -edipremuercommtfb tmtoSolantl unte Luna,but wbrn tI}ore ttuo planets be m one Zodnc kc,ahO rei t~, circle ~vdilCk "ia&Det~aut1Jt ~p\J8reoftb& lDOJlb,UU) tbe Eq uatorlntt Uro

, ,aw-.

,42. 'The ftrJl73oo~

d fgure of the L~r (ircltI.

The Pole AOEJaniquc.

The P"leArtiquc


-ofqeomancie 43

'(he figure ofrhcZod~~lce,ofth,Equator,and of

I then poles. .

Of the the propern2~c5oftlle Signesoflhe Zodiacke,and of their diuifiolls,dt!!,rces,and qualttiCie

Cll;lp. ~9·

NJil\n ntntll'DU tmo\tl tbat tbe t~elue figntIJ oftbt ZOe 0le1(k take t~cit bq'pllninlJ anI) o)tginaU fp,ill(t off\Jt nitliCian oft~c CIequinortinll ortbe ll\Jimt OJ ~pling time I t~llt U (0 flll',nt tbattUuer o brginnett) to oeclin toUlalllS OUl: ttl ntonalll) tbe bair. boe wtn ~pon t~e nig~t. ,ano bee ill tl)ctc O~lItC bf«ributtll to ~ (ontyatt.f~ firtlmouemmt,a((O~1):l1(1 to tl)e (uc(eltion oft be tidt mouement, aD well oftbe planet' ,u'ttle (tIUS flrtb,t»~i'~ ,. ftolntlJe occinent b! (be fout •• tolDatO ~ li1I)~liMlnb becaufe t~t 0,acco~lIjng tol}illbhwP 'nftutnre, tl;1.t is to Cal! I.~e tattJn r16~t o~ IlroilUt tbe'n 011· IIque o)(tdlrll c&lIing IIfbi8beanle~,a"b acc.o~1Nn~ to t~t Ill<' utr, plepatation IIrt~ fnbltance oftbe infuio) f1)iltges a1\1)

'Difference of tbet(me goinG Irt ead;I ~igne"oot1;I meeue a1\1J .lro'~AI1Bet~ tnlme manet t~ inferiout t~bn.~o tt)e ~llIe

\) 3 bll~ontlllO,

,.,.,:J ........ ...:....__

'bJljeoIllIllJCi,; 41

~ cammetb co:ruptta~ of H.Je .lI"c, anD '" tb4t ttttane, antlitmu. o~of,," Dangmu.)>>irtJf, •• , SItIJe nintbi. allieD ~ ~tC~el:,ann Lswleb Sa&itarius,ro~ tu~tn 0 COtIURCtb tIpon t\liiOJJ"c.lJls be.,te beiag banquitl)cb,tbe utDe .at~ lominion ~D tbgceor cOlUetb fog.,mill •• rnolUJ.fcoIlM ot~ac (web pernitiouJaltemtiOl'I, buttm, onallpartu tbt bed.,UI t~inlJ' bauin~ t\lebeaetill' un.a. if t~1\! lotte Dart! ant arrow" be. nomeD. ~e teni1J 1I,.l1tll t)e nllnle ort~e JBlldu~, i1nb '£J cal. len Capricoraus, bJbir~ i.t a bull ofealDe nature,bJic ann me, lambol\!: fo~ 0 beingtbm gone fatt~'11 illUal? at aU tbe l!r.lU. ~e goetb feom olle climate anla tClllon, anD bl? tbAt callfe t~. run~ bcconunetb Diflfmpmb, bl? t~e ocu80n ortbt great anb e~trMlllt (olOt tbat is ",tn I1Wlmpanlrb Iltitb IIJl?l1es. ~ be elfuentb iscallell Aquarius, t!Jat ista (ar. a cafter of mater, bee.lur e tbat b~ rnes farling, morancStommnb in again" ro~ tben 0 "tamett) tobu,rllll tb' Eq uator .a~ Ill? "a:cn of colli' nes.tII~i,~ t~ell i.l!.abr.t~etecon:m.eCb nlueb rnc1D Iml) rai"t • iinall!, fbe tweltlb an' laa liBne b"t~ not WI~out sreaf "" Cdflon t.1!t,n tbe name of Jfllbes. &rcilllrt t~Cl! bebeallts of~c mIllet, fOJ t~el1 tberolotne.oftbe time begin~ bp litle ailD littic to cnn : illiO bl! tbe conmling of 0 '"tes fbe toppt'. of OUl: regjclliJ,tbe u:orUIll'1.l fLOftnann congealto tctfJtnffolul! ,In, tbercilf (OlllltTetb a ttmpCrlltme. of f~e.a I'U. tIlurb wattI' IInll t:.linr • .uuO tbull appc(mt~ ttle fearon tubr fbe Ignes oft~e Zodiacke bcal'e tbc 1100tJlC.8 tbel? ballI!, Ilnb tl)treDf contmdr, alfo , tI)C fircD lIatrU(OIIlp)iftUboIlU!JeWIll? of o ,an!)

. 1m~cr tbefe tuietuc ~tgnc. be bJounbt intbe8gures or t~e fllibe bC.lft~B a~O)tnaU1ell,oz ofotbCt tblnges : to fbe enb,fo) to Imollle eac~ (OnttelllltlOl1 anfl.nmtl) \)IIto car~ qualttit oftbe filiI) ~i!lnclJ, anI) fbe pwprrtiCi oftbc ~igllu anRnm "ot tG t~c Uttl1(J(:9 IlI1I) l1atUtCl oftbe ~tam!J. "oa malt note, t~l'It tftbtfc nnclue CiijllC£I tbm be n~t Arrlque, 0,1 ~epttntrlo. nail, tbat in to fill' t~efe, y, 0', 11, 'Si,.It,, Anreruque, ~ttiliionall,oJ. ~&lut~erne, ttat" to fap , ~'''l 1, 1:», ~ ,)(. ![.bcu is nlfotblce hl~icb be oftbr naturcortbe j(iu~t!Jat lito fal!, n, &i 151,Dtbett~~(t '\'blc~ be oft~c nature ofq,e =-"tet,t. ~ ,\1cort~c .atrc,x,V',O',anD . t~J~

46 'The firft 'Boo~'-.J .

tb)rtotbett»~i(~beoftl)e¢attb I~ ,~,"I. S[~e_ISlnttmar. (ulil1e be tbore bl~iq,be uftbe .lite anti Qft~' .rute: tbe femf, .l(ne be tbore ~bicb lJearttr: .atet lUluf tl)e <ie,lttb: tbe ilD. tlcntal,b, tbore blbic~ be oftbe.a p~e: t~.Ii)cClotntall btl lbone oftbe eatt~ : tbe tf)~tillial1all be tlJOfeor tbe jJ-lte: t!)lOu, •. tcntrionallbe tl10reortbe~matt" _01l1~ be ftgu~£~ In fOZAl, r::·,",m, tDbicboe 1[, "',lit anD ,:-:1 roanem fO~lIIc Oi b~a., B, v: ,"t1' , », J auD j 1. I o!~et(l in fOJtne ofo~c~ lIulIIg tbmQlJIUi)

!Ii.'" ann X·

~",I) IJneoftl)ere OJlgnraia 'fulDeD into {tllclllee~ul\l pad.:

anD bl! l~ehl:c conrrqucl1t,all tbeZodJOll let into 160. Otgr~u.

anD ('{be DeniCe iflllllllO[1l iltlo 60 IninutcB, blbetof ut Iblll tuue

J u,m rpea!\[ no 1110)(: 1 ,,(,(,lUre: It I"(l!letb norM.Utl) bnto tbe "eienee \obieb lI'e trcct of, Ul~I[b 16 ~eomaIlCie. ~e one

patte oftl)tfe "inll ts be faib to afecilil Dlrertlp , al\~ tOlJetbu oblique 0) tadlW4tD. l[;bep W~icb to IlfcCl1b oimtll! begin"e . -, at tbe _&gIlt of~ ,linD enDat J : tbe~ bJ~ie~ tlereel1~ obliqQeo~. tblUlltt)brginne frOnt 1. ano enD at II I t~ore tu!llcb ooe g1le tbtDarte ,ober \mto them tnbkb !Jot birrct,ilJ bp war ore~am'

,Ie u OHV,t1) '!i, o to cll, y to '!(,.K to IC:, .0:':- to m, .lIno ""

to l • lltbefidUignc IS Y' , anD bee agtcrt~ III WIlP. wltb 7(: ~

_itb ~ : IJ witb \0)',0.0 blttb t , n, ltIllb Ill, ,,~' bllt~ ::::.m:~. ~It(leor tbe Zmhackc IIt1w:De:l illto two paltu I l1'br~tof

fbe I,lcratH i. calltll tbe moHr of 0, 4nll btLlItlIlr:tb at fbe "lVI.', anD rntletb in .,..ltbegtbttis kaeanDUlcalle& f~e mettieof<l , v anD ,nD.fb at :::. :ECbemottl' or

t!)e beginninG of Y ,fltDetb in tbe rnlJ ot'll', tis C<I II eb flJe niDI' tlel)ct , tbe oUJer b1blCb brgtnnct~ 4t c: • anD enlJetb at K ,hI

'llllfb tbe m.oitl' coloe. £:.e routtb patte oft~is ~it(1t &II~icO inttb; beginning of Y' \mto tbe tnD ofn, ilCaUell tbe 1ll#m8

\lnte bot an' mora, G!Plifting rong .,tnl)U~ II bot anD fan' «","e. )'t~, otbea: fouttb part tubicb IIrgilWffJ lit ~ ant en'

Drlb ttl ".f • is C4tlleD '_Untmtt, ~ot IU1I1I1Zi" annotb agnift, pout~ ttom tbJcntir,bnto tlueanb f~ittic 'ftAtt.ll, bI~ic1JCCIII1· mon!1' i. ~o!anl) d)olettme • It~tottet: w~icbiJrrom~ beginning of.c:, 1m to tbeenb 0(:1' • if cal!e~ 6.Jall\ea, collie anD

.~te, fl Qnift ina qt. \»~i~ is (omwmlr collie IUlD IMlaAc1Jol!.


I ~



o!(jeomaney.· 4-7 .

g;()f latl1.ubicb ~l1tb biG btQ:inninll from'\.;> 'Qntll tbe tUb of ~ ,i. callel) ~~{jntettCOllIe ;1nD moiJ}, fignlfiing tt111kel) nge, lllbic~ is nlwllies rieblc, ann flellnttltille. .amongtl t~cfc ~illnCII,fol11e bellloutable:,etbecs fireD,anD ot~erll (ammon. y,qo,·~', ei1lleo I1tOUCl\blc,ro~ lDben 0 enttct~ into Y, be: moolldb tllltl ebmlget~ tbe ~(inter time into tbe il'1iane,nntl (0 ofotbecinto ot~et: (,afon.. .Iltbc:fiftD,be:~ 1Sl.,1Jt.~,RnD fblUI CIlUel),fo, tuben 0 .nttetb into one oftbem, ~e malle(b lbe time ftnne,eonllant,llnll reaing.:Jtbe .,tgne. common b. J[,llt',l.X,callebcommon , foHu~~no cntrelb into Rnt? of tbe1l1) be mouetb ~tjm, fome time one lllal!,' fOl1le time 1U10, tl)cr,.{\t t~ill timc'3ttJiII fpealle no m'Juftbe fctinneB, 1mtill ~ berea(fer l1.Jalt bee ll)eweb bo" tefitte OJ make nlltttt~' . fllJllu bl1to tbe ftnure!1 • .a, to"cblng p lDbicb ble ~alle (p(Ikc in tbit! ¢:~ap.if l!t II Be l.uellbI1DetaiJnb,,~1) remnn- 11fJ: tbe fllm~, 'tl~iIlopen l!Ollt bllDftllanllin1.\ mat_'clloap to iallltll.lnutttucll . .anti tot~tenb ~8anal! t~ebettet bnlln· nanD t~e rame, l DfD tbinke !OOlJ "'" to ll;JettJe 1mtil ron fDc pourtr..ia' ort~at llIbtctl w. ~lIue~ertrpok.el1of.




________________ ~.~~~c __ ........ -------------------------------

48 '1 he frft Tjook.t!-I

A figure for to knowc the Signc. and ::all the difc6Ur(cs af their faid qualitIes ,acc' .rding to the fourc {aCaRi

of the reate·

Other fi&urct to know the figae, which moout,l. well dir~ch.obJi'lue •



~ r

~-------------------~-,--~ .... -------------------------------

" .


The moiry ofS:>1

The foJl 'Boo!\_e,

The c;rc.1 ~ lIlui!ic LUI11

~ J



i I




II ~l


~ 1




.,,'·o/(jf!Qt~I~t1CY .


Oflhe fine principal! Regions ofrhe worldjcon ••

monlycalled Zones, Chap. 30' ..

YDu mIla lI!ltCtnO.lCOller,t~llt tbe leITer ~irctcs 1l1~rcb Inc ~illlC here beroJI! oneil! tOIlC~Cb, tn palTil1!J Ill! t~ml,t~nt 1£1 toflll',tbe t\lIo:itropickes" two potes, fttmc to ncurue tfJc wl)ole b)eOlIlClt into flue p.:incipnll 0.: regions, (Olllllloh! (,lllell ZOJICS OJ l1IitoleJubl1to t~e bJbic~ nee as lI1illlP rtnnats illlll rcuntnes l\llf\ucrcp~Opoltiontotn tbill tcmLhinl globe. ~nll t~efc Zones o~ ®trllies lie f{mJ lliffcriltlJ one ftOItl.ll1~ otl)cr,ns well infiguu,gltiltntl,anlllargenco',nfl in lint me acciocntilll OJ temperature. jfo~ t~cfitll is fcitulltc benuccne tI)t two J;ropicllC6 laoublT!,ultJ]lleuillel1.tnto t1j)o PllttS, bp tbe G:il'clc Ci!IlUiltoMIIIl t1)erefo~c it i~ nil of one fOllllM t~c birr' ~ca of a\ltbc ot~erJ\u'Jicb map be urel callen 11 ZOJle, nllll u ralten TmrJda,o~ )jJlIrtlilllJ,foH~iltit (Itll1ctl) cont~H1nlll' f 0 bllrllc,biJ;nu(e oftbc continu.dl rcuolunou of (j Oll~ It, :;:;::~c two olltniDft,(OI"Jl~lfel) b!loce' t~e poles oft\Je 1110~ftJ,l)c mrtofClllultI) t~c bO~Qer. oftbe Artiqllc,t AJlt.1rtiquc, tlll)ICb 00 (6:111(' (.ltllt[ to bc'u'rc t~~MIII~ ofil¢irclctbclIJlfil ZOlldlno tbcl' be Ii til' eqlMU,illiO ofonc fO~lI1e ,Ctntllcl~I,.'t tI)CI1 ti)e o tI)C rlJ be 15cH\ rene tl,llfet1\lo \'HlJiol1s ,t tJJilt of tlW mitmlr there be other 01.10 pl.uCO,ill111 be like cllnatl one tJ .uiothct , l'ft Ii· uurcn hllti) 11 'rlt'r<ltrr',I,n~ct t IlllTplct IX trnut.rcuuns ubout thcCrllpid\Cf) then tbe otbcr of the polc~ bt, \ubcrrof,W~ nee ill"dite t~.1t \t1bic~ i);; (Ollt<llllcoiJctlufI:nc t~c~ropiclli:. of dii

] 3 .:lll\ll

1~ 7hefrfl73oo{t..J

anti tbe~ict1e Arriquc ::tl)tot~td., bttb:ltcnetbe!lCrophh of Caprlcornc ana t_e\u;lrcle Antmiqllc bott) ort~l1tn ",til, tcmperdtr 8fttl tn!)abiten:u toucbln{J tbat ltIbitb ill calirD tbl ~ orri da, it i; one oUbe math me.crate anti plMfant tJabit., fums aboue tbe Eq uator, but bdwttne t~c polu ,t il ro~ tin Irt.,t ucbcment !)tate bi1felnptt'eIl,anD bill I) tobe inbnblteb: tl)c nne btterlllolle tIIlJidJ be olredl\? euee t~pottD,bte lilltl kli fe betic ill to inbabitf,,~ ffJe ertreame colDe tbat iG tbrre. J tfJo!ll.'d)t {ll'l)b ~(,tfe to rpenhe tlIU' mu(ltoftf)ezontJo~t enn .t"at wI'en ve Conte to the r~f1Ptera oUbefiguu8 of ~e· "1~lmcie, rOllll1af the nU)lcpcrfcrt(p tnolDe tlJr nature ClnD p:optrtic ro~ tbe qURlitie hlblct romebel!!l ofr. Cleat"" otbets oftbe .ar3~,romrortbt ~atar 11110 romec( tbe .:Rita, U it fo:~ becll\t:t~ two ron.

It.. ugureoftJlC:ZqnCS ofthe Earth,

yo a.nt4rtir.

Of the Figurtt :lIlld Char.lllofthe Planet •. Chap.IJ

A.ltet t~att~~faculttt.,po\Uer.,anoqualititgof~ pfs, net'Dft~rl1Bne'Qit~eZgDi4cu,lJaue.uneOtdareD • .low

D/ qeomanciL ; ~3

~OllUdletb~ to Bgwte ont tbe ftblltfrts. e to flJe1l.l 'e1Il pee nmtt npfI)lJp~we fbtm to t~ Daates of (fIecmi1ncie,to tbe rn,o. tbat lttben pon flnbe tbem to bee Il(compaltttb wit~ ~ (aID planefl,pou map t" better knoiD tbti~O~nI8cat'on ""' tbilttbt tUllgenrent lnbidJ O)illl be glutn oft~ fil.1ure bPpon f~e qwlholl malle,Ulllp be mate ~)t certain Mil furt.hom .e~e,beuaftetfollowetbt!JfP~ta:aitture, anD tbtnamt' lUbitfJ all tbe rutrologianl anD ~eomandan. DOt bf t.

Isa~1f;I-IlIpjtdM~~. Sol Vr.nus Mercuric 1 Luna"

lj 'lI- 0 t;l. «

Of the hou((I of die Planets .CIa.P'3~'

Yli'lImldfbnocdt4nb, t!JatfeJar~ruI e~ ofttllpl4" nets bolut Uno bour". 0 ann a tJCeptfb,bJlJUb !Jant but earf) oftbtln cne. ~e ~ourCl of h be "I1anb ~. t'r ~llttfes or lt~c l.mb ). .tbel}oaftlofd'be Y atl'"totbe boufecfo is cnl h! Il.t,e bourroor'( btl U' anl)::!: t~ boare of 2 III nanD IW t1le ~OUr'Orll&! onel! $: be~8IOtJb"C&! t1IepollttrnitU"" I

',)'z::i/\lydn11 ~ I'~II ~IJfTl

How the Planctsmu{\ be attributed .,nco rh'c fir. .. rc~, and the figure. :0 the well dircll.u rerro.; ra,'c. Ch;ap. 33.


. i

A.QI' ro.! toknoWantlW\buUm. \'"totJJbic~ oUbe tul,1' nds lb. figures oflll5eomnnci, mull beattdbuh:.a, ntlQ felmlle'·O'dhtJ tIJ~irb be tbe o'rtrt.e wIJicb be tile t~ttograDc, 1 b"uet~onBbt gl4'l) bert ill t~i8 pta(t tn,reribe oat a figure, anb bp two ltHru to gill 8 t'OU tbe~clltiDll8 ti)tmof. Uil!I~mDltbe lettec 0 llJl1l1 agnifiebirtct,anbt\)e lett" R rc , ttegrlltJrl"IJ 1:'cc l1]nll~eere ree Itt! qlllttple.



\' =: 71 'i


-A ):


-:---~-- -- ------- --------~~--____. '-


,Y<., -_, ,>,1; 'iJ

* -',' "Ii (1'"

D ,It

A .,


I' ,


'I< -A I, }, ",
" " ,~ "
I<. 'i : I< }. :, '"
1< " -10.- A- , ,?


'A ,: ';:.~


't. A, j:


* -A

Ofthe IlJIlIC5 and Char~Ct3 of the [ignes of tile

ZoJillckc. Our· 3-f·

i\ jftcr t~lIt we .,aue figureb t~t ~lnl1Cts ilCto~ililllJ ~II(O ... t'"\ t~t ~ ~ararts \lJbic~ tf)e .aarologian. bpu e br.D to Ilttrll buteunto t~tnt,t n,.weD!;oW tbtl' oU{JIJt tobe apPlopJilltea to t~t IIglitesot<lOtotnancie: J~olD renct~ it tODoe" AllI(~ bF tbe ~igne~ of t~e ZoJ iJC ke,to tbe rnb, tb at tI)e ~eoll1RItJ nan balling r a llv alit) I'crt£rtll? t~c ImoUltletl(lc of~i~ arIe, becigllo~lI1t in l100Jing wblrb bcloltgctl) to iUbge 11ft· gnu ~ttfectlp,18c~oIDe,~ere is an c~runp[e.



~ ,



l~ ~ ru

D _ It



'k .*

'J.' ¥»

'D It

k,*. k

-1<. -k

- -A *



How the Signes be attributed to fi$lItes,~n" the: figures

to dIe Signes. Chap, 35.

NslD\u l11ull we ~c\vc b",b) t!Je ~inl1c£! be attribute!) to t!Je agu~£!,nntl t~e Dgure£! to {~e j:iligncsi bJ~irb Iltgu~ mcnt la (ns bJe ~nlle rattle bcfoil! )!Jo\o to know to iUllg~ 11 ft· gure pcrfcrtlr Ilfter t~e attc of aarologi~.r~(bctefo~e t~1l ftrll (ns rc map enfllp (e by. tbe erample follo\oetb)l.u~icb" aquilitlo iillttrilJlltctltoY : t!Jefecontllllbic~ is letitia is !lt~ tubuten unto b : t!)e tbirtl cnlleD pucr la ~tllrl1 to Y : tbe fourt!J lll~icl) ill.(oniunCtio is Rttributcb unto II~' : t!Je ftf't lDbicl) ia fortuna minor ill fubied tmto b' : tbe (i~t bI~icb j_(J rubcus ia ath:iblltCb nntc ll: tbe rCurn!!J 1ll!Jicb ia cauda drnconls is attributeD unto 1: t~e cigbt tul)ic!) is .unillio i. atttibutte!) tmto ~ : tl)t niHtl) w~icl) is populus 11'1 gillett to 1)01 t~ettnt~wbicl.lisVia i1'l put to ,I).: tbe etcuentb wbic~is albus is giutn to '!Ii: t!Je twe\ftl) w~((1) is puclla iflllttributen to C.'; I t!Je t!Jirtftn!!J 1u1)ic!) ia triOitia, i. gillcn to lit : tbo (ollfetocutl) w!)icl) is carcerts giuen to X : tbe ftftocntl) \ul)ir!) U caput draconis ill ntttihlltc!) uute 'tt': tbe flJ;trenti) 1lt!Jicl) is fortuna minor is attributcb bnto ~:z. :antl tl)u. bllllt l'OU nil Illucrtifemellt bllto tubic!) of t1»clnc j:illgl1tS ccl)C fil,illre is atttibuteD, t~e lnbi.cb tbnt pou mill? tmo\ue t~e ntOJe euinent-

,tt,] bilue ret tbm tbiG Dilute following.

t~ The


* Pl\Cr

k * coniunltio



k k letitia


~q~if1 tIO _

5 I () 7

TJlIfUi ®.clltlnl ~ilgittllldtllJ

n, /.

."". .y








"" )1urll,'_

J 2



j, A A
" * +. *
.". 'k k ."
'J.. "
trifbria career fA



c_~I~~lracon~s fort~i~ I


oCtile (Ion' inarion \\ hidl (he {ignes h;ll\c ouer the partes cf liIall~ bouy.Trcrs, rrcdes,and Rr.giollS.

Cll.Il".l c,

M O~tOller, t~c ~i!1I1l'.(j !)iW£ fUIlI);r Dominion !llltl gClIcP nrrnt oucr t~c IIlClllbrro ann Poli:tC!J of IIlCl1n botJ.I~lJ, !iCl·CCll. rcctc.s, plllllfll, 11110 ~\ ('Giollo 1I111l,11111Cr no IJeCrc,l! rcr (ollo\IJct~. ;.lno firlt '{ b'l!~ 00 111 i III 011 cucr tbe ~C(lD ann (lire ofman: anti llfl.tcGiOl1l1 ,~c gOllemCl~ ,Cng,laIHI, ~Crlllml}l, .ar(lilin, .'110 li),l! rlhl1 11. c l5ouernct~ I~JI~ nedl ann t~loat of 1111111,11110 <til :ili_ tns aliI! plants I1r1lrltl! neere tbt ~ollfe, anD ouer t~r Ucgiolls of 1'{ uma, ~rti~ , ]l.'c,Cin, 10010llia, alt~ JI'ClllIlO. JI ill II gcntlr UUllr, RUll of t~e numbers ef 1111111, ClBOllnllct~ tbe nlll:C.6 11110 ll,1oulOcrs: ann ofl'rgions,.arnte. "iil,Cnipt, jfkllJ)~nB UIIO IIJt <titie of Jl.,OIlIlOIJ. eD as tOIl~ 'billg tbe IIl('mbno or IIIUI1,([50IlClI1Ctl} t~c !Liller, li(JfJt8, aOr .unclt nnllb;ctl,tUlt1 nllittlc liJ:rcC!l, nllb t1Jci{f(~IOI1I! oq})bzt~ lliil.lBitl)tnia, .ffrtlllCC,~[ottmlo, nnb the I3:lttlC.8 ot PCJltc, t ~"il1t .anb~t\ll(l • .a ~ourl'llctl) the heart ar.13 bncllc, nnll'll! grcilt trers, nil 0 tbe 1\ ('giolls of ~1)nIDrn, 3 fillit, 1i8o~Cllllll, Rnllplltttofl[mlt)', m\nlt is 11f1l}lIcIJc.t<1l1l1I11Lllidc.utI.!W tulctlj the btUV, flU!" ilIlD llii1P~)(l(lIJ,"', mIll tbc grl1iliCS,' (WIC£! ofplnlltll:nllD of 1, eniall", Wr,lJilcll, i'llTitin. Ili."I ecii1., ct:nnbl£. :'C: bnll) tlClJlllliOIl cuer tl)C IJ.lI1rIJf.G, IlIIlto(llll i1110 hauall; .a no ofUcllions, .artl)iovill, Dtfrica. IlltO tilloni.l. 111 ~Ollclllct~tlJt PJiuitittl, tlollC£l, illlO bl«Olln, nil ~ilJb 1mB, anti tbc (Qulltricil of ([ilPl1DOfiil, lnOia illll! ~o)ltJnp. "1 go. uernetb the tbig~clI" tbci.tegion.(l of~ll'illJill, j{tll.r ,~pnil1e ftlllll)lIlljJtltill, 'r ia n cI)olmclit AIIO U1clnll(~olic fi({II(" An!!

, nU1HIICIb t~, kllers, llllD t~e ltcgions of3noi,1, !t1))(lCi'-j, t li3ulg,mo. ~:; ((CUHIICtl) tbe tcO(l1l (1110 ;1I1(IC8, 1lI111 the CuUIt. triu ofEi1I'tntiil, OO!lI"{IJ~h ant' PClIlIIlltliC. )-: ruleth tI)e Irctc, ann the lIill(JtlOllll?ll of]:lO)tUJ,llJ. _mO)tlHlIItlle (jll~ (!:,1"

.' .IICIIl, milJ tbe ~i(tic.6 ~itlill. ann ([Oll1ptJltcll,l.

U 2 'fIt<:

~ I,ll·

------,-~-,".;..- ... ------------

'ibe firfl Pool\!

The gOllcrnm, nt thall) and rlie other Planets ill eac h Sign haue ouer the members of man Clup, 37'

Tt)C pl,meta ~IIUt Iikcwife t')eit tlominioll nnll gOlltmlnft cuer tbe ll1£mbcrl.'l of man br all tbe ·filJncJ in fo)lt1e ann manner aG J will tlrcl.lrt • .Gntl !lrft of all h in Y ~atb tbe,~ tbe bellr,J tbe beall, 0 tbe bippcs,? tbe fette,2 tbe buttocil£D,<{ tI)cknecs. hill:' ~oucrnet~ tOe bell}', lJ. t~e (~tn bon~,d' t~e I1fCk, 0 t~e IIncro, 'i' tbe beall/.' tbe ket,]) t~£ but~ tockeJ3. "311 Il Iloutrnctb tbe bellp,lJ. tbe aones,d' fbe nomncke 0 tbe IC(l{JcS,llllcles,lltln brclrD,r tbe ,nre,!j' tbe bello, C1 tbe buttociln.l} tn de gouemetl) tbe ncnitu)irs, \.' t buttgdUS

d' tbe aOnlmllc, 0 tbe rectc, l' tbc arllles anu fllonlner., 2 f~e • ties Ilnn tInoatc,lJ t~c IJcall. 1) III n ~outmetb t~e !lotte" • If. tbe butterus ana limes, d' tOe bcllell,o tOe I)MD.2 tbt~tt,~ tbe llJgulOms anD t~Jontc, D tbe aere- 1] in "I' gouemetIJt~e retfe, If. tbe tmees anD It"8,0 fbe be lit? , 0 f!)C Ilcre, C(~ llppet pilttoftbebtl!\',t,ltbe bmt, «(tl)cll}ouillet:l.'l. 'T) in ;:c;gouec, nctb tly, kl1tel1l1no ItllS,l,L fbe c~es anll bif'l~e. d'ttle gendorieJ,0 tbe llJ$luIDCtlJ,¥ tbe ~rall,? tbe bell~. H tbe UOInI1(ke. T, in III goucl1lctb t~c andu anI) ~cclu, lJ. the fette nnD ~anD', .r fbe ~('all,l\mltll,llnO bllttochcll, 0 fbe beatt, l' t~c genitgtiell,9 fbe l1)olllDers ar.o cbin bone,<l tbe bellr. 1) JIt 1 gouer' netb fbe feete, ~ tbetel'lJ ,,"tI anclca, 0' fbe ftete anobanDI,° t~ebelll?,S; tbe buttoclls linD nnm8,Q fbe gcnttozie", beat:t,

.: fbe cbin boltt.b )n l)' gOllemctb tbe beao linD tcete, 11- tbe freB ano Imeu, d' tbe It!l~ ann (1)oulllerf, 0 tl}~ cf)il1e bo"~

£ fbe beatt 1l1l011llttochs,'.' fbe OoneS,<1 tbe buckle bonel1. bin ::.:z {louernttb tbe I)tctllll110 ncc1tt,1.' the n,1)1I1~trB.00I11I1(ke,1 fette, (1 tbe brelts anO beatt,o tbe IJrIlito)ics, ~ tbe Imus t lege.\, fbe I) cent 111\0 ~u(!debonc!l,lJ tbe UonrlJ. hin x nouernetl) tbe fcure I)UlIIO'S, ~ t~e annes anOlltcl\, (f f be.ut,attO ~eRn,0tbcbcllranlltbt'lIlclcll'l'tI)el)ipptlll, 2 tbe ntck.1I10 rhine bonc,a tbe aonc. ~ tbeIJip~.liBeboll)e btu tu~ilt poMt

II ~a t~ ill ~ilC~ fiBltc,tbc hllc ~ilUC rOll ofal t~e ot~rr lD1llnct', W~lcb J bete tcaue I1tt~11l time tofpeRt( of, UJ wclrotlmllit~


orgeomancie. 59'

rakc,M a\(o fo~ t~at mall! .aflrologian. ~nl1e trcilfrb of t~is milttn,l\l\1)illllongll ot~mJ Ptolomie ann J hon de Indah'ne ~a(UJJ in.allcolollie,t Ihon de M,mtroy in ~il1 Chjrollla~'fi. ~ Phyfio/!,Ilomia anti man}! ot~cr',as blclllItcicnt l.u1itttlJ as tare "Jitet"t.ob(c~ Fe mal' tut),if t\ pou ~nue to nee tbet; wit~, .GIro \u~nt figniftcation, t~e raib li'lnntts ~alle in t~e ~igncs,nl1l1 in tbc(tbourfl', toucbin!J t~e l\ealmes anOli.lw uinc£s Ulbic~ lit t~iB time 1 a1fo ol1lit,«no will now fp~a~, er t~e erection o~ toification oft~e~oureJ Df~e.ttlel1 , acco~~inll to t~e.afttologie iUDicilill.

Themanncrhow toercll: the tweluehoufes of1lea-

lien. Chap. 38

1.® mrtt place t~cre tiDelue bORres ofbclllltn, it is no 01

, I tbet tbin~but toftlloet;e tluclue pnrt.o~rigntl or tbe

zol)iadlt,fet out bp t~e greatea: 4:iults wit~out I)autng alll! terpecttot~ntt~ntt~e lIowu:¢trdtoft~efai8 Zodiacke ilJ inclofen \uit~ in eac~ fpace oft~e rRiDe ~oure~ : (01 t~e ,ulltolol gtan.IJi1ue lnuenteil t~efp4ce. oUbe faio ~gUrtl,to t~e enne, ft}nt bp \ittl~ nl10little,t~e QWU' being lifteD bp,o~ eire nneee t~e iU>#hon, tbe~ mal! bl! certaine CpactJ o~ Dill_ncto all aqual! anI) in like, Dir(ttne fcnnlJI~ t~e brlmting ,irrnoiatiolt er tbe fnlO Bgnts to be c~.n£1'D,l\n1) (0 anallp b~ t~e lIirection. of ti)efnillctqunll fpllcts iUlS(lt tbttilnel'l oUbc acciOfllt1l to (orne,as it i8 (Ontll~neb br tbe pmcpts ane tulcfI oftbi~ .artG iUlliciall,i1CCOl1)ittlJ to tbe \D~i(b .aIte fbe faiDe tmetuc bOllfc.G lie np~efentcb br t~iI'gute ~u plano.

K 3 South

rhc /irfl'Bookt



0/ qc()mancy. '57

f.. figUT(: ofGt'omanc)'madc after the Iafhion oft he figure of Aflrolo -ic,

The jirft 'Book.~

Ofrhe qualitie (lEthe filiures cfGeomancie,

Chap. 39.

Y1l:lI1I1lIl11 furt~ent1o;e note, tbat amon!Jft tbe Cgtftes or ~tomJncte, Iemebe !leoti, nt~ets be ,lit ,anootbea:fotnl be common. m;be gocn be t~ore w!J1dJ be enning, T r jfijtia erupttD. S!C\Iore tubtcb be goin;Gut be iIl,onelp Lati tia n· ccpteo. stl)e (oml118n be neitbet goob no~ lIao • buttbep be gtllD OJ lIaD ac(olDing bnto ~ '~l11! tb~p fal into.lo: tubcn t~c compnnp is gOOD t~ep be 150001, ano \Dben t1)e compAn\! i. III lb~ be fU,1UI ~allbe male plainl\! bedaUD bnto poa b\!tbt erpenenre of certaine IIgnus maDe ~tcb me tum piau Ittl» 1Jtdare in t1Je tbit1J ~oltc of tbil.atte.

£_eu iI IllOJeOU8t,a ~O(fOUt in fbi, ticieaucalleb Genrd de Cremon, lD~ofe minlle'" tbat 'be IIguu. ~oaiD b, attwmteD bnto t '" .1gm.,an1l t" .'gm. to tt)e agUtes, in an ~ft manttJt t~ lOe ""uc "'" tpoUn of. 18utro: t)at :3 flnbt mine one fll1.lionoJ pU(tire to be gOOD anD (tttatm bl! t~urpttitKu w~tc~ J ~IC It1lU1l! ttlne. maDe , 3 tuiAUfAl! U1!fetret~euon, Sltbi' iI tbtlgllreoftbefaiD Gerard de Cremon ,an' ~1D ttJat ~e bretb t~e manner. to gtut to tbe If' IPltt.ofh ~ilbour"IUIDetaltatIOlUl J anI) (Onffquenth? of tl)cot!ler1l'lanm,tbe .~ictJaftettbe Bttcot t~i. tidtn" re mal! p~ue bp ~e ftpnw anD queltiolUll&l~ ~1UlC II~

~DpOUI1l)CD to f.~_ nUe It IIIIU, >


A fi~lIrc ofGerardCrtlhon~ ._

Sl 111 l:::t~ fiX

* * * * *

* * * * *

* * * * * *

**** ** ** I

--K~ -r-~ Ill'

*'1- ¥ * **

¥ :>I- l{- oj.: *

¥¥:>I-:>I- ** *

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0- !!D )( A

* * ':II- *;>f. '*

** * ****

* * * * * * * * -k * -A,-

~ --~-- = ---n---

** ¥.y. * *'/0;

(:' : : : ~ ~

* - * - ... .: ... __ ,I

The declarationofthe twelue Iloufc:s of'Heauen pl.1-

ccd here. _ - Cap. 40.' .e:

Y ~u baueftine in tbeftglttC ~nc bcfoJe,ite mlll1nctnnOfo~UlC ( bDw t~e tblelue ~onr., of~!autn mull be lfUlIC, IlIID 1u~jc~ be tbefoUte .anglts t~eteof,blitb ~citfu((eDants ilnb calJantl"annfw becaufe tbat nfnnll CAnnot lDit~ollt a better Elecliuntion tbnrofW

, tallp cl)mp)'~flle t~, rliD' lIj!ure, 3 balle t~ouBbt it nGlb ~cre in tbls plftce to U1ilitC a mOJc ampln opening, anD Dedale it mOJc rcnClblr.

POll UlUa flra \lllUctaanD ,tbat tbr ¢;ir cle of t ~c Zodiac k e IJdlilC8 t~e tlilli{lons l»l)icbb1eball' fpok£l1 ot"tm bafl)~e,ill oiuiDcll nnb I'ilr~ teD into reure £quall enn itltlp.1ttIl,C8cb one Qft~("' lliuiDil1g tbe fniD <ril'clc Zodiacke oft~e b[lllirepbm,t~e \l)ljicb parts be cnl!cb toufcti: blbmof tbe fllQ:iscallrD t~t.al1~h: of t~e slD)icntmltl) t~ct1l1c!ue ~1111 eteurntb 'mto tbe Oi'.~tb)1ubllb m,1l1c the bnlli[p~m .®~iclltlll"

, ttl CRUel,) tbc qUintet ann patt o)ientillll1il[mlittr.,fillllifriug t~c fpJinn

11 time,



~-------------------------- .. ----.------------------~- -~

V'_. ' .,~ ," J"-;.v'Vtl'I'{V------IIII!II!I_ ... --------.....,.,""""I""..,.......~:-o-r'.,......,...---~- -- - "'"",,, ....

ti;l\~· \ t~~ 111:;111(1; UfltMI1,wl)tc9 ofb;9 natute is fl~l1{luiIlC,:rt~t otbcr ' /) J n

\l>'ltt Ill~i(~ ie tbe "~lJlc oftl)c ( Uilto i! O~ClOC:lt,Cf)IlIl'.l~- . ''I ':I eomanf/1. . '65

bcnoll1g I,be 10,9 , S.boufes tmto tbe 7. is calleb t~c hcmirp~m' mC1 nrhJbt)b.lUC fbtll: fCIIUll1I colollr~' follobJetb. jfitll, lUI fouc~i"g t~o

tioiollllll ~ f~l1Iin!lle .rillllifping the v,outb of man, lubi(b tben btgUi~ afccnDallt~.t~c I., 7·mnll be wblte,tbe .... , 10 greene. ~ollcbing tbe

ncl~ to be e~oleric" f ~eatin6.~~e tbirb part \1I~icl) ill t~e .angle oat· fuccellal1t!l tbe 1:, 5 l1!ull be on~e colom of~nffron,Sltbe 8., I r • of

bent,l:! ,rt,'~n(J 'onto tbe fcptcntrioIMlI.cont,lining tbe 7.6. , f .beu- ((llour ren, ate conmmn!l tbe ca8ant',\be 3·,6 n\lla be of tbe roloue

ree to t~c fourtl),ti (,lILeO t~e bcmifplJere oecilJellt tn<1fCtllit1e, f!(JniI\!9'" o(bonnp.llCbe .9., 12 ,blarne·J[.be 10lan'ts bane IikeltJife tbcir 101' in

in!! ~,ltuca: t IIg~ ofu"'ll, w~i(~ ~ t~e:t 11I0ltC cOIf1lnonll? llielanc~oll? tbe bOllfes tbilt J ~iIl bere D~date. 9 ~ita tahctb ~is lov. in t~c fila

ZI)t fourtl) IIIMttcr w~lcb is tlJe angle feptcl1ttiolwl, reacbiltll 'onto ~OUrC,D in tbe 3·~ mtbc j. cf1n tbe6 .01n ~ 9.'!J. int~e II h in tbe I z ,

t~coJICntall,comp!C~BnDinll t~c 4 3.' 1 boufcs unto t~e I. il1 calleD How to know to attribute the members of mans body vnrothe

tbe ~emirpbm: f~ptcnttiol1all feminine, filJnifring .intee, tbe houfes, Chap'4 r ,

011) ana aoohe. age ofmill1, wbidJ tben I)ot~ b~gill to be pb!egmatlck, F~ ).'Ifmucb Ilj naudai8 befo:e,tl}attbepWtets ,"uetar gouern

anI) filint.SItbofe t\'lo pattB Wbicb be from tl}e angle meriDionalt \In. t~e membtrufwlllI.UccoJoil\i to fbe Ojp1U lD~ereilt tbep wete

to tbe angle feptentctonall be calleD, t~e moitie, ilfcenotlnt.lICbe otbea: lip all tbe pattUf~ ZoMiUkt • foJ i~t taRfe 3 ba:re tbougbt gOOD

two pattllwbuI) be from tbde.ptenttion.' bnto tbe nltnnionAtl , bee ~eu to tep~erent bnto pon t~e I'alnemo:e lluell!et ~ nftgure. to tb~

callen t~e moine, D~rcenlJant. itl)e fOafre IU1glr. be t~e 1.4'7 .anlJ 10. mtent l!OU mA\! mOlD eafeliet \JnberCIanD t\le (amr, abD W~4t ilgnel

~oufel'l.:;r.~.-: 3.6.9.' I ~ .becalleo tbe ~ource lltaDdntg. S!t~e 2. f. 8.f ~er be 1ubic~ bauepe(uliat llgniftcation ant» IIOUm1anCe tippon M'~

I I. be ClllltlS t~e ~ollrrs rUr(e9ants.lRA)etfo)e,\D~en, ,as oftrn at in oftbem ~1! tbe bouf" oft«Je (aib ftgne.,an1Jtoattrlll.tetbe ftU11t un.

t~ere foure .angles ,0.1 in t~clt ~ollfcs fuccelMIt~S ron flnDe a 8gute or to tbe falD membeu efma!;. RccoJOinlJ to tbe filllJre of .alholeBicaIl

~comilllCie,l?ou OJlll fap,t~(lt it is gCO!) aOD P,!ofttllble fOol t~e quellian tll1ll1ementplaCtD bu~ befo:e. -bero(tt)e 1 btuf, Ggnif\!etb ~ beaD,

P10pounllcD.ilno (ontr"riluife l1Jbcl1 it cOlllllletb in the c(lOllnt", 1!,e tbn.t~e ~,tbe 3 .tbe anne.llttlJe .. fbe bze4,tI)e s- t", ftomack, t!le

nitre inlJge ie to be il fOl tbe lJelll,UmDlIl1t,IlS ] unl botb filP anllllec!art 6. t~e naullI,tbe 7 .t'!le 1000ne" tbe 8 .(be buttlQI,tbe ninq, tbe ~iPl

unto rOil ",Ole at latge,ill InterpJetlnlJ t~e IIgurrs lubicb pc Il}al nno tbe I 0 tl)e,'neu,tbe I I .t", kp,tf)e I ~.tbe rm. III l!'ll)nU fet br f~:

in tbe tbirD } is fo;t~:It,t~!lt in all mu,~ dtl tue ~nglt" flllUtetu~l(b bette (oll01llItb: ~outf)

boa altn.lies Ognifle fOJ(e,ceuragc ofboDl',\J<llmlltllcs,lloulncs,gmlJ ------7---- .- .

tmtp_!DfpcrOUi fOJtune,l.uili) fricnllsalfocintcb witl) a better bope, the! ~

as (omning tbe (mccoitts. $C~at lulJicb itl tlr.~t to t arcel~Dnnt J.nbl(b (> ~~ .. o

is tbe 2 .fignirtetl) l)alffoJtm1i bF the oceaCion \Dbub il .0;

nerr ilJe angle of~ eat!!) \lllJicb ls tI)C (.Clgnil\letf) I),llffo)tunc, (om' lIIing bp gifts ,0; bF tI)C gcttlltlJ Ol ci:i ccptl on off 011 OJ IIlUlgl)ter, t is tr; elF ,ofl,ono)e OJ iOF·IlCI)llt \lllJicl) followetl) tl)C nngle Dftbe O((iDent,~ i~ tbe 8. lignificlll)alffo:tulI becaufe ofDc'lt~,OJ oftl)ing,s bil)tli.m;l)lIt lul)icl) fucc£ebMl tbc angle mniDitm,ll.lubicl) io tbe I I .ftgntfretb balfe fOJtune , cOll1ll1inll Ilr tI)C mother, o~ oftl)e p)ince. 0: bl! tbe pearl', :£G1)e mDl1ntll nee figniflo Illc,ll{cnrs oflJMrt, fll:lJlcltcs , faintnclTe or boop. anD Oillllllll1!J£(tl)c tI)iro ercepren If tI)e lIilltl) llrbicb fiIJniriea rellitntloll Of,l conuncn IU tJlt~. 1t!{etDif~ bOllout ann reuercnre. m:;l)c G., I i , 83 fignifte f .'.~ c' "bnes WltI) aWlcitctlnes,lI!J weI ofperfol1U5 oftbinJl" jfllll1l1r ,rc .if,ull kllow t~at t~c~oufcll (to \)nbsrCtfill tbem.


4 the bren



A gCLlCI'~!1 Table.coruprehending the clfcfiofdLC fira booke of Geoll1anci~.

~ouetllgt:~ Ijf't~ '~4ftutm~1 ",iUn .s ~ Rill -'-" 1) 1H lLII~ J' 10 f

D,' t~etdpll' lI~m~U)l\aL, ("PI' F~rtlLna \' IC1uda,

cHtelJr' tit ultat.UlIDerJnJllwrAml(Tio Rubeus, draronis

. Itanninll,ftgl)t, *1< *'" ¥-

Will! ni11~t eVDlIet, tune p. * '1<:. * *' *

'1. D ron go!U,(ettJ., *' "k "Of- ¥-

* * * -Ie- '" ·k *

aet.IlW,.iiD1Ie'I~R..inllfo1\IU' TIfinb' ,DmY

Ill! nig~t ~drDf1.l)eatlnB'IConitJfl-~ . Aqltifi

IOI?lJUC', blor-lbo.Pncr. La:riria tio

11- rOIA',(Jotate., * * 'f. * * *

topptt"',o.oo. , ¥. ¥- I< *. *

* ** 1(* **

** .* ** \ *

... -.- - -, -aiel; rem. rep ~'D.iri ~iDffi'I) 9,0 in:;

)Dill! lli!J~t lnl4I1in1ti4n,

Irmeu, vumout, Puc:lIa. populus Via Albm

d'~iftatt'fonow, * * * * '* I<

utdl,llIuet, 'k * * " -A * *

eame * -;, * 'A *

1----' * * * 'k * *

~-a[~iitn, Dec. lJ- 'i mil)' QD in .c: I;u-;n; I~'

Wal? lIillbt oncs,fltllna, C1PUt F ortuna .

uc~tn(Jt aO\l)- dr iconis maier. Career Trlnk,a.

d' motlon,leal)c,k,'* * *' * ./< "I-

Ill1ellln~DIl" : */.; .;:' : :

'k * * *

---------~.---~- .. --------~. - --'-.-'--~


Hcere endcrh the firfi Boeke of




S E [0 :J{_ V . 'B 0 01(€


The Prologue.

AFttr that it jsfllfficicntly trealcd,wl1;'tthin~ CelOm .. eie i.,and themanner how topraHifethe f:lme,& \\ hac profit and commodiliecommet h Ihercof by the fubrilrie of the Science.and the recreation which is taken therein.roge • ther with the knowledge and experience which the Ceomancian oughtto haue inAflrologie: now rdltth il to ope and difcouer the q ualitieof this Artc: by the twelue houlcs ctheauenjand their 6gnifications,which beaftolloweth.

Ofall the fignifica:font being of the firO fJoufc,v'pon the quetlions and dClUaunJ~. which may b.: propounded and

madcin the fame, Chap. I

II tpe ftttl bOllrr \tabid) i, U)' \!'lOJOrCCp(I Of .afCCltlIantnnUlngle eft~e ilD~ill\tt rentaineth tbe tlgnifiCtltion or tbe lIfll1illlnllflJ \ubi(~ ilIA\: lice moouell tJpOIl the qUilline. cOlllplrriol1, nlll! t~c 'cI1Bt~ of t~c life of ntull,t1)lIt in to faJlI l)n11lbattlifpoQtion is t~e ptt(ol1,tbc intent of ~i9 t.l.lill, If . t~. "Inct of ~is abiDing o~ tlUII:lling.

z s['bc bcgtnnjnlJ oft~lIIgefJ lul)i") plcrrntll? bee will folIC i 11 ~anll nni) eretute ;nntJt~c 'ol1~mlTe o~ U)D)tnr!l orbi!llifc, 111\1) tbe qllniitic of biG bratt.

3. ~nl!


'6'8 'Tht fecon''Boo~

~ Jnvtttns"4tbebt3tet~ billDentlpon ~im,an. t~altel ,,",," or." ~t4rt. Ddir,.

4 stbt Imltina 19 btfrtotlll' anD pzopWion Dr l)iCl bODl', to liuotu It be be OJ (1}al be urel maue 0; lI,nna wbefbe~ ~e be faite

o~ ~lltbtO~ ill fauounfl. ,

J tt:1)c l1iltiuitic ot tbepe~fol1.wbetbttbe 1lJ411 be btilltblco~

ficllh!,llrol1{Jo; tvC,lltc.

6 ;ilDJe beginning of nil mttrpJires. ,

7 :m;~e IOl! IInO rllonclTe of~l)e pnfon.

a .as tOIlC~in{J tbemembers OflHlllhf otl)cr liuing tbinlle.., t~is bou fc (ontdin.tb fbe qu olllons tubicb m.ll'! be PJopOpnDe~ ,mD milo, oftl)e b#IID,lInl» of cuerfe tl)inlJtl t~crein contaIneD:

III t~e b~aine,nltmo,il, tmoet1tantJina, ttdrOn, intetUsmce, tl'!e·b)owCS,lJore,teetb ,montl).tIlres f birRge: IIbert. (ole lDben Fe finoe 11 IIgunin tbe IIrll bonfe, \olJatroeucr it !Iii,) ~ou l1)liU iuogcarter tbe uumner an. fournletbl1t btttutlflJetu I)mllftec , anD !pue alwale8 tf)f Itlll)onfe 1:'"to ttJat tbat tbe quell ion tvbicb IS maOt O~ PJopounDeD oot~ note to, tbat is to rap.tbe motiue of tbe querant.

-j A; Zbm}!efinDttbttllgurein t~cltl~OUrt(~lUeb Aquifi·

.y. f rio )F.IJJaUrlll! ~at it flgniftetl) lJGIllndl'f,bllppintll'"t quirt -I< * life,blUlJtbtlccomplUl)lM1t att~petrOl1J oilln btlltffDdite.

I< .JftbeonnaunD be OrO) fo, bOPIIGt, it ligniff!ttb guob (ucede tbmor ,but ~ t ~at talletb it in banD.~IlU not DepArt (0 ftlOn 111 be t!>inketb: IlIIt Eet ll1aU be returne lJomein ill glabnet,\oitb tbe accomplitl)ment of .,i. DBAu.,anl) if tbe queIl10n bee tnIlllt fOJ laue anD in toaE ofmacriale, it i'jJOOD. anI) fo) ani! tfJing t~ t _Ioun Dot11klltlUnll in 'bat &ebillfe J fO' A q II i fa rio Is a fllJuU ortbe.a~Je anoof JI. D: in t~e agne of Y' anD tbe trlllt.., tion of <;> It agure lIane.enfetiftgm lJoobfo~ all tbtng. but fOJ blmc: I but in ¢blmb cattr,. anD boPlIgtlJ Il)ee if mtruallou, GOOtl.

-I< ~!)tn v.e thUle in tbit nra boufetl)eftllUuCalltlJ AmifTio

Ir. * ronll)alI (ill "Jilt it Ilgnitretb,lolTe or Inbetitages t of palTer.

'* ftonJ,;m ill life,M ill beginHil1Q t lin ill ilTHe of allr enterpJife

-I< -A iU fOJ "clmet! ,bOVR1J0S, anD qui"'e IJil"patct}lu!J : to bee b}iere •

tbis figure ill ill in all DemllulltJes tbat c~n be, pJopollnDeD, er: (CPt

,0 to be inioptl. nlan or ;oOD wiM?oung I1nDl1louer: .r glttlt"': llJ&it ~,." cafeofloue,. in all tbillgs. but in bJane.t~i.I is

n figure of £ D in t~e fignc ~f;c:; • oft be ~lcl1lent or .A~~. .

-f; fillllillll 11 tl)illl)oufc tbw !'Jerent ftgure callc.D Puc:r',lt IB,"

~ rohcn ofioll,nnil tQllIahlZfeaacG nlltlbinkets 1ult~.II.aD"': ~t y. nlroL~tDltcntt"tbett, roblJtrie,Dt(flt~~l1t111clll1e In plA~ I I,ll

Y. III at tCt oflo u cit i, gOOD.a~1) lIkewlre an Wlltrc. jf Ol borage It b£tokelt£t~ amid II! (kliftnrS',foJ martiagt it is ~D.l!nou~ filJllltling nlwaie.great Decdpts ann fl'auDes. J t lS InDltretit ill 1111 tbtnlJlJ , but bettet fo; wlme tban fo~ nnl? otb,r: t~Uta. Cl)il is II ftgnte ofJ in t~c £iglte of;lll1lJ or~be,elcm.nt oft~ aire, Ull)erero~e it ill Dmptiue,rubtllll1nn 'l1llttar.

• ¥. Ie all tbofr(lIlmofl)ull)icf) in ollie tUne w)ote of <15eoma~it,

A iU tbe J rIDi,ll111, 4: alcialul ,anti tPeb:ewe., lI.loulD tbut tbUII, . y. ~ gure t.lllell RII~CUI, w~'n tblltlt is fOil nile in ~~entlt ",uft. },; '.~ (1)lIuIOOO iUlIgeD like nntc tbe ot~et,\s)ltbout,telet!mglt. anu (,ll? tOat it bot~ bdo!len,ttf1ft,f~l1l1b.rllfJtlltie ,tteafon, .ant. I)tbatc,bifro~tlt, batteU, fplUing anb R)ebbing ofblooll. anb to be IIJicrc,it eotb beloit," aU lOe \lJiek.Onti in ~e WOJlbt l6ut tbt ~giptians, ,ntln artat put of t~e Ji..atins. flllJ tbat in th. minBI181lnu,tbti figure fOltlln to bt U1 tbe ftrlt boure. i~at it O)oultJ not be"t'uDgrD. ~Llt tbatftnure multbe bzoken unb 1l111ke all other. bmufe tbat in t~i' place t~i' agure is not,btn~ tuoHb,\1Jbic~ tl)in!J tbe ~utbo: (If fbi, booke batb ofh::nttmes ft~ne alit knowne bl! erperience: anti tbat iD t~e clluf, tbat J am oft be opinion tuitb 'be eBiptial1S anDlJ..utans, til b)uke. tbe ril!ur£ \u~tn tbat It i. founD in t1}e ftttl bOUfe • .alltl (II at tIli.

tifNe J t»i11 fpea"e 110 IIIOJe tClmor. ,

3fi" tbc ritlt I)oufr 1'e InDe tbi.o figl1tt call.lI A 1 bus ,It aDtb

.¥ )(. figniflcto IJllIIc gaane bp trauell,in 1ubit~tbingtJlnllllttJ,lt II ' .'f .. y.. pnron ii foun",pleafllnt,ftne, Il1mie,ul1lJ bllppie ill al ttinlJl.

Y Jftoc bCmilUI\D be falCate ofla\u, It isa flgne tbllt ti)en1al1,

t Y. il}alillllnne., :Jflt be fill meO'njJe ~c 11J0l1l f),lUe goon I1rw~s, in (are q!)muriall it il betic gooD'l>ecllufe i( ~'lt~ ~i, ill~ ill t~e fltll ~ou(f,it i81llfo goOll fo~ Hlattiag,.but itis nougbt (OJ wat an~ BOOD fo" pellce,tbi9 is R fisurc of~ D in ~ anl)-. of t~t~le; mtnt!lf t~e WAter.

ofGeom4nty:' ,',i

.~.n!e ank t~ igurerall" Coniunftio,in tb~ ad! tIOMre foHI)at ~Liu ftgu(uf!2 .~ in 'll' lu~cb i. bW,e~~.~tlon,it t. b~.fie ~D in _U IllnlJ, of l!I9~"udail ~in1'!U, It ",$fo goOD In tuttitD~tt t~ing, (0 tf}at Q)e be accompaine. \oitb ~b ~~t£., anD ~e is ill iflJ,Je be (ounll witb ill ftgares!f1Je a.lwAlt. a'l1Ift~t~ aUiwc,(OnCOeb, linD coninrution blitb a ftitnD,O) woman greatc 1vjt~ ¢~illlc • ~n" t~j. egUte it af t~e element of t~

ar~e. . ' '.

,finDing to(, figua;fCalleb C~p\lt draconi.,tbat is. to fa!, tbe

guater beare , it a~niftetb:gooDndre ,in all, tbtngcs, fJcrp~ r~) wane, fo). it ftgmftttb combat anD battlUle,an~ fo; ~eilCC It IS ~tfErtll! gooll. 3 t iutra gooD foz man:iaue I butlt.tllll be long an llooing,it is gool) til nmttttof gaine: to be. bJeefe,lt i.e gooD fOJ all t~i"ges t~llt re can bCluauntl, anI) I1Ill1ftctb te'l~tb afbobie • anDpte,lrllllt Ilnll IItm'ir,anDtob~u,et~e rauoutof~lng14, }i',mv ctS,RntJ grcat)l,.oZDs blitb PJofpetltle • anb obfalmngortbe~a: bel att~~lJb rOHbllt it is aftguuor if anI) ~ acc~.l)jng to t~e opinion orfamtu"n: but b~mtneopUUlMtor)/.anD~," tbeapotlQ' An~ oft11eelement of t~c 8artb,lUl1) rOI tbat (aure is BOOb to buiill ~ou·

res anD to lab out: tbecartb. ,

JII;~i.o figuu calln Cauda draconis.e) lbll lelTet ware, founb iu tbe Ilrltbo"re1it is like 1mto tbel'1lJU1;e Rubcus. l»bmof wee ~lUte fpollcn befozc : anD tbetefo~e fbe 8gme ougbt not to bu luDgeD lI.lben itis rOunD in tbefltllboufe. but maltbebzoak.n anD Ilnotbct to be malle, neuertbelelTe, t,bere lit fomt tb~t botbe tbe opinicll'l t batt~e iUDgement O}oulb not benetn be Delaioe , ro~ 1Dbatcnufe foeuet t~e Demaunll \Da •• 6keD,llu~ t~ flg~u maDe, but it agnifittb ellilnclTc , lolTe nn~ GamAge COJ ~ll t~lIIgeL' r~nt

. mnl? bee n6"ctl Of : fo tb,tt it !s gootll'll~ notbln.ll but turlte", i1n~ burning8 oflZolll1ta:is. br 1u,mes I1ItO t[CarDnS, bp r~"roll ftiltit;is a tigltr(' of J anti ~ in 1 allD oUbe i!h~I~1('nt.ort~e .fnc.

, ~(Jf11 "Oil flnlle tbis Ogure CAlicO Career tn,tblS fhlt ~JOUre,

it fianifirtb ill oVinions llnilIIJoug~t.!llllCllln(~ol~que, braUlIIl'ae, fQ.ICO\.U('thCOuiftl,nngcrs,gttat vaine m~tl trllllallc, : t~~ p£,rf~11 to b(: ,1 Cll,ltumian.rncllllnt!)oUplllltl O~C.lmll1g ofllllll:re , It IS ~ll m nil tlMl(((;S ,but to m,ltc It\llll1pi~rs. jT o!trlJ. anD otlJCI:, fO,ltlftCIV flolW of rOUlnCJ, anD to DefenD t~clII wcl, tOJ It 1£111000 , f(t) to

* 0}( "*

"* * .J.;

"* * "* * *

* * *

* *

'it . q'h~fecond'BooZ~

t. tldtl!!l {OUmt~ ilt banlJ,o~ (OJ t3o!agcIJ it irl ill t fll~ it betokt. net~ ltarinth nnl t~e ~rfOl"J. ~is bOlf'lI1Illl bee burt b! t~(l \lkIp Dn·t~t'foote.~~ilJ" a IilJuttofr;. D in X q"l)oN~o~I'"

mcnr ort~e tittt~,tmt) t!Jm:foJl! IS I1n ill ftgure. .,'

. tt:~ie ftgu~e mUtt! Vl;l,fouttoin t~c fitl! ~ourt, a~njft~t~.

Itill!in« intbcll1ar, anD fmall ~talt~ tn tl)s ioumct! :it lJ lUin all t"tn~os' ercfpt at be to !Joe out or p~iron, foH~t \u~k~ US goon, ftnlJ ueraute it tJ a ft{lUl:C or « in I)e~ brcrc.lrC ini1. Iln~ot t{11! element oftbc mater, itn" fo~ t~nt l cae notfinllctt noo~' 1 will fal! no .noJeat t~w time.

:m;t)is.figu~ ""leD Populus founD iN t~ijJ ~ourtiuIWAU' goall,n aUl~ingtS iU ineU ill Wl1tU Illl in PClUt; ;awtitl!inlJ ntWille!. 11 companp of peopl~ gt1t~erela tll{Jetl)t~ fo, one tblnG 0' ot~et::ln care~t ln4ttl4iJt .e Is pttfrl'U, gOOD, itn!) hktwife to ta1te R ioumtv. in banD.OgnU\!ulg f\lliftmlt, anD mo~c bp 1DiltCt tbell bl! lanD,antJ btcaufe it tI alfoa ftlJUU ot <1 Ut bet full in YJ ano t)ft~c eltmtnt of tt,t tlmatftf it t1J"efo~e betolt~rIW,

, 4m0 t~IIU~~ pnfon \Dbic~ i.e on t1Jeluae IlJIU be mo}!leo.

0/ geotntlncy~' i , 7~

tit, bp, eitbcc man C:\llOIn.1I1 tbnt bee miltbCtb to take into !}is fetl!icc.

7 ii;-mtl)ctbn b~ f9.ti baue Btfat g,Ut1C in f P'Ace 1»tJccf be bl»tl .. let~,o~ oft~e tbinlJ HI~t be IOUftb ,anD tf}oltUe P.locutet~. tl·liCbepla(ctu~ct:e tbllt\)inss toll; UIIIP lhlne.

9 3ftbcbola»e tbat be 1Uoulll t.lllr:w~n ,l1J.1Ubap~ofttlll

blthlu\.~.1Vbe'~~1i It be Ille at banD oJfatrAt off. . '''' .

" J~:~tl1Q~UWllJ'lll~.mI1D&bI,an)ffh.l»' tll~

ef~(hU~,ooqii\l"'.II~· ': ; (, '", ,: i '!I'J~:: .... ' ..

,I I .3 ht be gootl in goQtllnttO Oltt bGUte til Plttt to Itnotber.

I! em bctbet t ~~ 'l'eicn_t: w,",b" en t~t .a!'l1}all b:in~

P99~~,gl~~~," ., ;',,j.:,., I'):' , '.i:, ,:,';. .. ':

:, ';3 ._~'I1j:}~:~m\lIf .. ".hantainet~:tIJe bIb ~",CII U,_l1Jtli Me "\Q'n~e',lIWlt'" ,,"lIet~t bcfo_tUilll

bllJnl)e;: > •. ".' : ,;;1 , . 'I i. 1! , r

.. ~ 1AJiJ.~r. iSJ P1oPctll? ; "'e •. r., or lJ'ilitUJ nJ1llpJIItii, anD t~tfo~ttu\Jen ~etll1))C ilnp of r~tfc areteene . filJUrea. (nttJilfc-:

firllJ$"flB tJI.1\ iUlI{Je, ~~J.DiuJ.Jtc~iIIt "f"~Qf .btmRu .. lNIlf~te~ : ~L"":lr', q,;fj'" ,I' ,'OJ , . iMben" Il\vc fbi. ~'Iqlje..t\q\li~. i04ntbe rec_bourt.1!Otl Ql4lliuDlle t~C~~)KaIUJ1UI iU\b,Il~~ionJ'bef1)U fPOkeHoftaWc uo.o~U!I_n.~_q_'W~ j'fq~ Iliac W P:llftt " fOU fta!1 ( .. tJne: itto}b, gC)lQ MDpqt;~;,_tNU_'''''''I1~tadldtcil1 quantUic of ~oltteUlinPJOf .. n~wmtmfftquelJ AIIJi tmIf~ile. MD !)Ilucgoll!) fumfe In aU t~uw' tn tbewo~l'ttf)at bet tl1ltet" 'n bllnD. $libt. fint'" in t1N boufe t, !nUel: tben aU t~ otIJe~, mtptfOflllll.1:MajOt, "kl""~tbi~_.I[(I"'~u.mofbtnlJma· ptriOhlU1D n!lniltil)l~ t~.~ ofbCJ, Oil. jl,plGlt i •. ~

, !lOUt \Uitb aingclJ.i'Jince. iJnb llaat fl,o,!t\fJ '~"-UI\l)fllJnif!et~ as nUlc~ ~n ,nat~etJlrnd'd~" • efillt$.11 Ofli)Je£i,cntunIHtoun"

'ftllo~!l.· ::'. .... .. ,I.'"

.! ,jHI\~Lnatble:.fillllrl1~ftl~ A.~,flio ~Ii *"(.C~ bOllf,,'t Is . a tollm oflolfc anI) (nllltlgililltO~ p)ofit in all tb~~lHIJ£t\!on , (an IlCl1launb, Ullt ~o Clbt,line r!1e (riel1~fI)ip ~fQ~Dif' .e.G tcu'~il1n t~e\ual',it tlootbfillldfl.'O t! t~e melr~I1I!~UJ.lll be tolJ~ beD anb fpol! 411umbet of tb~CU.~9 nl)~ b~l)ne wnU\Ilto, fo J~ilt In all t~lnM.tUip ft~,,~ is ~)~lltH0rt"4~"~J fo) M~.~' ~ i.e , 'i ~~ 1 nm~

~ ); f

, I

'* ); *

'k '/0: 'f: * f:./o:

* *

Ofrhefecond hOI1'c,:mdofher fi;;nific;ttion:.pon >111 the de~ maunul which may bee put 111 '1 uelhon vndcr her.

Chap. ~

1 T ll)t rtCOllb ~our. ""Illfn t~e fucccllent of t~e ~;'Igle of

t~8.IID Jient. ~nt!J pzopcrlp anD natu~llll'e t~e fiijniflcation of g~une to come,fo.+ tbe petron hlbicl) nel11aur;Dlltb nnD pJopoun· Iletb tbe qudtloll,to ilnow tftt (1)all be \uttb t~e tr4ullil0 II (Weate of~is ~ollie,ol Ill? rucccffion.lI~ Itp gum.

1. m;~i1! voure alfo containctb fbecefolutionllfbtmantJ.5 wb~ map be Inlllle fo} lIIooUCilblt gOODS. \n~c~ bo ill tbe po\ncroft~. ~tfan bctnm:nning.oJ fo; tullo",!.! tbe queUlonlB p~opOllnlJeD.

3 ta~i'b of tbc two gnmftcriJ ~Iltb WOllllt)O~ 11)":\ win fDI

fUllcr. ' •

4 :lC1)c tJ)ilCgCI3 t~nt i1 pcrfonl1)all malle.

S ttll)ctbtr tbe f~lenn put in truft,lJe remt OJ not.

6 3f~~~ fi) ,111 brt weI! fcrut)) lillO to ~is PloOt ntln COSllmlltfl. I tie,

76 rhefecond'Boofte_,

ft,gurclll commont\? goOD. " ' " '

; WJl~en11efinD£ tn tl)e feCtJlttl boufetl)iI,Q{Juutallcb Captlt

'k).; draconn tit f!gJllfUtI) grtdf fullR""ce 1Ul" "dJe!J>~tat lJOQDn~ ••

" goon (Olllpallt'Dfmcn ofbonctlr .t~e tbi"Il>loJll1)allbc (oUtlDt.

) plorpcritle nl1~ {lOOO lu(ke in lnllrd)nnoifa, witb 6l£.1t gaine : it

,}, fl~l1ifjrt~ nlfo , tlJilt t~c p~c.fifuubic~ il pnfpn llJilli bane, 11)1111 be \1ijt~~'lt~al1l) tr4mquilitie. UJit~'lUaneO.lbcbat'. ,.alfo

it i.e 11 goq~ figure. , "

jfinllingtl)is j(igurecftHell Cauda draconis in 't~e reeonl)

A boufr,it Cllll1iftet~ OlU wlctr.l)~Dt\a:G,f\1I0 poucrtie, IInO tbllt 1\ pu. f911 rl;a:.l bcpcU(orttl,wlllf~tl,"ntl bI1DOII(, tofeUlJOODS 000 ~CI: l'it,lllCIJ, torpenDgolD~I'!Dlilllel: tlJlt~ouJ P~QHt~f t,~inlles ,101.

I i fiJill nruet ()c rcrcucren , tbc {Olllpmll? l'llot~inn \l,Io)tb ,by r.t4f' . ron oft!Je U)lll!ede. AItD -ert()Jhons 1ub4~ tbet' \Jfe, anb t(lev bee (l:i1ftrm~n,\tio~king bl! l!~,hn' ~Otrc'Q)oon'J I.o£kc ,( .. tUbs, 1U1~! ruc~ lijlC, "j , _ ' '_", ' ' , ,: • .t'4L~1t 'eeflnQ~ ~~ .fiutU:etWpc~ ':~nc,erilJ JJJeJuon~

¥ boufe"t 1ilJl1tfietl) lJIline bp.t~ .miMtlU4ff\J~"Mb .. fto(

y '! IIctoufne{fc IUUItgingclJlI b~bl',~ tf)a"m.',.lJJaubllfP01~\Pilb, ,y ~, tttelmtcbolp ano faQ £O'"p4mr t a~o((""ll.pJrpore,,~u~rt.Ol'''f.'

A .lgc:mll) lnnllotbo'tbings ,llJe figniftet~ (lO\lJnelI'tl buU.bIU~, ' lJDuf~.G !lnll fO-~M «Jr.t.SOO&, ~ttb~ ~~I"JD~U,~ bOU1ltll!:

it to goon in blatkdf)ins'"fJu( it i,dlm alJ; ~t_U"'1 . ,:~ : j " >(.y 3 fl!t: fluDe tbis jflgu~e (alito Popul \llillt!)e'fecollbbonf.,it

Of "I, figlllfiet~1l qll<lntitp of menallen,bl"bfoHtllueli antlmACd,.M1tl'

'A :(. birc,ilnntoget £ubaancc ,it QIJt1i'ct~ alfo \ubit~,tl)i"p.~IlO

:y y to fpenb \lieU, gooD compallp ,gOObro~ \)OPllge , .. ,anO Gmiflet~

fuJiftnclI'c, nnll hkewj(, foJ wane, fo~ltis token oiOlgt'iit multitllbe or people nlI'cmbltb ttab'l! to Igbt ,it is gooO fo) 1l111~ riaue,but colbe in II1cltteroflouc,it tI alfogootl to lJ"ine anI) P)G<' fttebp tbe mater. . .

y jf(nllillll t~i~ 11~1It!~ rnUeo Via an t~e reconll 'lIlUr~,, (igntft,

V- db r",~lll'JtlIl1C antJ pcucttie, ttJe tl)injJ loa O)dll nsser ~e f~'ltl)

,y agtlllt, tbe comp,lnp is ~OOJc, anotbe p.wftte is l10t Great I an

:, cMc orJnill'rillgdttf not betp gootl,bnlelI'c tbc ninlb tMlCOUrtllt

t!Jel'eunto, at 10 lIut IIIcctelv. in al! t~il1!lS , but fOl ioufmrinB, foH~eb>bicb it iD Lootr , (,lllinn tbllttbercll)4lUt",:fomcOaclle· , IIclTe '


I '



Oflhe third houe. and of the demauudes which belong

thcrunto. Chap.3'-

I Tll)C olmiiumbU tnbicfJ IlIltumllv be attributetJ tmfo tbe

tbittl bOllrecallel) tbe <.tntJant from t~H: IIfcttltlnnt of tbc ~I1Ble oftbc oJicl1f,bceof b~ctb}en, 111hr .. ,ncpl)ewes ,11110 otl)ct: ltinsfolltcllllllD Il!l!~! , witb tbe II umbel: ortbcm , AIIIl tbe place Qft~i nnnuilie oftbeqU4'tilnt.

j rrbw boure contl1inetb 111(0 tbt qudl'oItSl1D~tcb mill? bee P:OPOlIlIOCtJ of a ~cbolttt IlIlDping in t1)e :a.uuerfitic. o~ ill 11·

nle .)tl)er p!nct. '

3 alfooftbe Ilmtti¢anD 1uelltateofanti4Jbbour.

4 .lJDf ~lIlbalIl1gcg, letters, anti nwll'agcs tubicb come tlot fiom an~ fanc counttre •

S lft~att~e ill fo~tllneQ)aU tume to m11! 110Gb itl'ue at alll' tUm.

6 mbetbCt t~ert be ant? ill tompa"! in tbe Will? tbat a man WOllin goe.

7 'Dom tbe man of ~e €burt~ oo~ ftom wbom l!e woull) ~ctru l1elu~'.

8 .as touc~in~ tbe n1embers of maMbOll~, t,be lICllkll1l1M hI~icl) "1"1) he lUaDe toucbing tlje IIrmes, ll)ouIDers, nnD It~o, be npplop~iateb\)ntBt~e tblED ~OurM211IJtrrO)e\\lbhouftl\ll~ nn!? oft~~ urteene figurelJ , tbm rou flJall JUbUe tlje finlltftcutlons,

foUolllil1!J t~e mice t!£ llJa\l fte Ilemnfttt. , .

~~lbcnilttbistbitQ bonfcrc ~nlle tljis JhnUtec,)l[cbA<lul' litio, it finnirtctb t~t tt)e \i'etfoll O,r 1u~om t~c ~II,CalOIt IS ,mallr;, i!J nman WcllbetoneD, ofgtcat ttcbcs anti Dlgl1ltle I br DC' ~,'fiOI1 of tI)io hinteD I fo~ fmall jllutl1e~ it fignifl~tI) Il1UC~ P,lCf! t, gooDcompillll!, gooo ntiB~boutS , anogooD k!"flolbclJ ' ~lllli tile lICIHflUl1llC!l wljicb bclongbnto tbill)o"fe tb:s jrtgllrc Iii gooD, lIlIO efl1eciall~ fo~ tbofe \l1bicbmap lie mnbe (0; n ((boller,' flglll1 f1?il1lJ tbilt be il),lllicarne Well, un!) be of Imo\t11clJgc : It 1!l1t~IClulre {Joo'O to lmoll'e tbe etll1te Rnb tlifpofltion of n man oftl)e

" cbu(cb ofh1boll1c rc \uoul" ~C<lrc newcs.

~ 4 Jrit1'O.

* * 'k


'k *

7S 7-h.e fecQnd1JoY)Z~

jfittbii~ tbit dilute callto A ftliflio in tbe t~itb ~are, itflgnifhtb quamll anD bebat' tDit~ ttinsfolhes tin t1)o:tiourJ nie, .t fignlfi8tb fpnDin.lTe witb (mall BAi~8, it it ttl fo) t~t _",o\l£t:,anD CllJniftet_ an ill ncigl)bom, a.lull cOIl1P4n~ :in all tt e [lcmilUIUIJ \u~(~ mal'! bt ~ in tbit l)oufe, t~iJ ftguu atwaies fl!lnifiet~ an III enD.

1 f l'e £tnllt! in t~e tl)it:D I}oufe tbiJ jfi~e ~aneb Fortun a M~. ior I it llgllifletl) II noble lilllt£nta~, lIugbUll a~D ~ertuoUJ: ~t flgniflctl) tbat t~e &!<Ufou fo) wl)omt (be quelllonullu"De, l. ongue witl) l)islAillBltolkclJ ,anb t:,at be 1l).l1l1)dUe l),atl11e rOJ tcue oftl)cl1I,foll1ctimtlt figntfiet~ d ~(ftt iiUlitie will) biLl killsrlllltS, fo tl)olt tI)C tmll) anDfouttb IIOed!}tu:tbereul1to. lBut Renu, tlJclclfe tl)IS flgme fo~ tl)at it it gooD anD lel'all.figl1iftd~ talb2t:

Boob tbell itl iUillI tl)mges,nno.fpcciallp to make a \lo)!nne, lln~ • fo} a ficbollet,anb Hllotl)ettl)ll1~eJ lu~trcof t'lClllilUnD 0: que(ll·

011 nu~ be mane in t~I' ~onfc .it IS CSO'lD. . .

jiinOing tbi •• gure "amOD Fortuna mmor, in tbit 'bin. b u U te, it ngniftdb a conttadion of «mltie, witb pctrDl1;' Dr_rlUlll)G~itie IUlDcHeU.nci',aI1o tl)at t~eamlt(t oft~. l'lU1lI'llI", IS fllitbfull witbout an~ bitrimulatiol1:Lut~d tbtPb"rome\1l~lt$ (~o~etl'ke,Mll tbat tl}tre i. a litt Ie an (Jet anI) \mllute~e luitb t!}tm,it ilJ alfo gooD fo~ tbe _'bolltt:.lU1tJ fo~ nciub~Q~4}oo1:le.~11 ro1feoftourne~tt"gnifldbDlIiumctam~tWiftlldn itt~~m all,but t~at it fbcwetb Illittled)Dlletitkndk.

tlllben \'8 ftnlle tlJi' figu~ ,aUtO Lztitia in tbil t~D ~OUrt. it OlJllirvtr~ peace anD concoiD amonga kinr(olhu Iln~ frienbS: tn carc of~oPllge, it Clgni~etb fpeenines luitbo14t !Jiline ol\ucftt, it is dHoi n ~d)ollet. fo~ ttQ)ewd~ tbat~te ~ntb no . lIIinDt OJ ,lfferttion to fhlLie : ar.D I>l' tbit meant. bo", time IUta monel'ill loa. tbat tllilllplav.eD bpOn~im: it~IJOODtolutQ\u ii'tl),lttI)C nci3bboLlrll be IJOO~ dnD I)Qne\l,t lIkewife to, fticl10,J , !lLb fOJ 11\1 otlJct llelt1llUnDel wblCl) Doe be[ong to t!)is boufe.

jfinDinn tbill jfigurt' calleb T rillilia in tl}c t~itD bourc, it all·

t) rtf! fhi:c ;.lUll :J(U.lte amongllhins.roll.cS, farre lUll) Dia'CIll~ Il:eo f~IClloll)ip;Jc , «nb to bee d)"fel) awnl' bl? tbent, t1)c fjc~ol. ler ll}aH 110t ploht in ~tu b~l. t~e wnp i(lDdn(trrOIlJJ,Il"" but fU1d1 PJO~'I't, ti)c lAins:oltltll be of fll4tU nobillttc) ill J.lciubbou[,t~c ,


8'0 ·The(eto~l<Book!.·

ttllhcn re 'nlle ttlis agure CI1t1~D Coniunl\jo Ut tbtt~e\ ~our~ ~ it riigmftcttt conianttion aUt) nnritie I1moMgft Itlnrntlllti,

If .If it is goo1JfoaU t~ina5 t~at mm' be btmuanlJcilfouc~in!J4' rcoot-

¥- Ittlit Dgniftct~ Illr" t~"t t~t Idn((o!ltefJ b tleamet, t~entlglJtlijl

gOOtl, t~t fbmg lollllpU be foult~ l1j1ainc, 'be letteu m~it. -( ', be bJlll1gt)t containc nene gt~ct {til'lg b ut fitbll'.!I anD tultl, iti. fOJ feumtr goo~, linD tb"t tb' ntt«engtl: i, "ompt anb DiU. Utnt:in ~tl ~in!J' t~i'.ffg\lte itl~etl! gcoll. . . . •. liming tf)tJ 8suretallca Caput Draconis t"fbe It" toUrt, it agl1il'!!rt~ to get I)onout b."t~t~c kinfroUst" t~, trfeM i.e (ome, 0; O}all come tl)o,Up, tbt neillbbour. "pot '"'

)/. ¥- fticemi: fo; t)o~lIjl it ls (un, lmt tbQtt~tre f'f1lill bee ... e Ita-e in

'f- ttJt \Dar I t1Jf.c!)cllttl)4tblJOOtllntnltefiltbtDit I tbeman or. ~

¥- <\JUm,1f1J)oncll, iltltlitbinllCt t.ubitb~emar DflMlln .....

>f. ~OIlrt tbts 'tllttU it goon, Mit CigmtlettJ ~ue , ftim'~ip _ .. noblepmnf ••

3fte ~me ~i" "sare mUd! Caudaduconi. int~e tbkW

¥- 1IOUfe ,It ~nl!t' contta\! bnto poOndle, •• .,-.

:v- CtJM amon,61t tritn ... anll ainR'olkes , 10itb (be repmstidh 6f

-I( om: tram an ot~tt it flam~nlfo fmfonor I1tRtTelkeJ an.

¥- ¥ rmm. t ant) t~t t~~Wili f'ptctb brifb t1)e ",out~ t~at to~ ~p ~in" not in ~~te, pnr~ aU "tic intent to rraallc 11M _ctftittt _d)ollet WIll not Rpplie ~t' lfaminlJ bat ret' nll ~ minae on tlmrt't.O) 1:ligtattftn«C/I o~ tud)c UftC:to lutolD Qt. O'ateotruigbbo'boolleiti. til, btcaufeit "token, it i.~1t notbing: in all t1)in~ lD~(b mal! be uemauno~" in t~i. bt!]i, 'Igurei. ill.

1m~ent'onbo.nte~itI fi!JUrtc4Utb Carcerm~' tbUt ,,!lUre t it filJltfOett) Ii ftrme toue nna remt, amtnBft ttitntit.

¥ antlllinlYol1stJ tuttcb ~1I1onfJ mlllne, let, ill foH!)t_,'"

:¥. ¥- agnUldb tbnttt1e borftBt fl)all fcared\! be tnoetl., k~_ )f. ¥ flgniftc impJtronmtntb!t~tmltl1ttS or kintTo\lIJ, II~ H)al*

,y_ _CbDlIer llJall btu gtIO" .tu~ent, bat \?et ~c " ora mrl~


-A J: :Jr~e frntle f1)it ,fitJUtcca\lt\) Poputu5'nt~e flJlttI ~.urt, it '" * flgniftrtb l1lttt'tie tnitt) kin~. , 1mb Ibat ff}tl! be maf1l! '" ¥ ¥- l1u",~et ; iM care of\)orag~ tt rignifretb fWIUneffi: \Dtff,) PJofIIct'l' ~ ~' m

. ~fqelmt1ncie. 8'1

tie nltl) bealtb:lt rlg"iQet~ ll4io tblil en:balaIlO)8 Gl ~rlftngH' t1}.tII'''n~about t~c{JfOliu, of t~ellteple.t~e .,~IU'dlullirt" lu.l~ Al1~ ",n a grelit (~~ or qtbn, , t~e t1tI2~l:ouvl)oOb iI 8~Mt I bee t(tat U1tflll)~tl)to take lsi .. ioufne! o,allllnDt llIUC" (ompanp In 'be wal! : tbw ffgure is illD&fennhnallll.ntIlUnQu, anO fl{llllftetb rilt~et nOOD t~tn ~ilb.

a~tn in tb. tbltll bou(e l'c Gnllt ttil .figure caUetl Viol, It ~rrttb rm~1l "_ ro~ tt~ lIli~'~., it PJt\IettJ alro ~t * ~,rOlt IlJa!& 1Ja1le ,fneare, ..,aintfeUlf., flJallpuf "m (u (1IIblb~ ttJe lqav, tb~ lttUt'lu~ mntetiom !t('act at ~~b~ gpQD n_.,ltil _rol~t1)opsge,rauing t1Iat 'bUc 10lU bc(omeDflaEing intbtl»av, _bettettotuuiou~ _Itl! ,.." tlJm ltV _cr J .... AsnUlet\l 'r.e .~ .. nnt ... JI{h_ .", It ~

~k~. ~~

Of the fourth hou(~,and oftbedcmQunds thcrcWlt_o ~clon&-

!' . . .nK.Chap.... . ..

'T"fOQlt~ boure,' ~)ic~ i. t~eanale r'~ntdonaU~:

tfj.,Mtb, contaia,.natarallptbtquelions anlll)f,

.auDn"')b~iqJ I1I1!blD1IoellfQnt~'.fat~(t~ eran~attJer,

~_"'ltUt~ra"Df4t~n. .

lib ,.a.robMn~r,., ~'J QW'I~~ItI, .'!JeWtl.J v'''',It."anll tbm appette"~n"·.. .

, ~lro 1Jppon a ¢ittie O} SUblnc, Ano of tbe P'~ t!}at . 'l»tlI t~, to IInol» \I)~ t~ b;,au oftulJllt oiCpoQtion,anQ ,I»~ti .. onc in tl)e €ittic D1 J!:olunt.

.. . at (OAt"'b alro t~eqaelli!m ~bi'~ ",a-ebu .AUlUcll

, 1Ippon I ¢aUle, 1IlllUacc, jO)t I)~ itCG1»et • 'atitl \lppol1 fbe .,~ w,m ,t is cbougbt tbt1t '~tllfu,e i. I)lllDtn t D~ "t~t CII'n .... kept.

., .aU'o t~, Ilu,alon ~~idJ ltUI! ~t mOllnell bpon tf)ua\Dof aU , IP Ii""', to ((now irtbe ~" l:JaU be aooo o~ bl1i1.

6 JLike\ll'f£ t~ l\&ltOiDnt \\l~icb mn~ be m4Qe tou~in~ t~e Gluttor t~t JaJ"tb",o~ fiatt ottb, qucl:ant.

., WI)ft\)et tbe Jr41!Jet beetJe<lOl)) tJ,Il\llllu quicltlu. 8 3r~e~bil"'bntg~t fclt~"el)ol"~d"~"

. ftl I . 9~e~


, ", :w.qeomtilitie. " 85

,on~~Cbei'Jo"'IQDar,:·inall".1iMcu'I1*1aI~idJ,.e (lID Demnltltb,tbi.efigUte if iU.b""afe'it is allclte or ~ R.

W~Cl1ill tbis ra~~OUrel?CfitllJtblll~cnametJ Puella,

it IIllnifl!U1J bot fnmllljmtage II'f .ttIemiCOtntelnO'U: of t~c kinr I * *k foltle,. aI~OU{JfJtb'f~'c be of UO •• l1atMU;, IU1D tt,c ~I:«nt'· M~crlllro,t~~ ~oafe ii pltaftlnt it ii!Oooto lr.bour, )(-

but t~er.ein \1Iill beflKtl,e ntgli~lUe ftl\I)Uadsneae: ft)t 4!;Itic tG :f-

faitc, Imt in t~e caoit ~ttaken if~4t it IIebdieBctJ ro~:tbat

iti8 not lI~ftriratiue anaulmainmpnet)""~ men of fa.uc I tbffC ilnot~arQCC biDllm: tnalU~ebmtillnOU oftlJif __ rclfnUlc

not tl)l.G&guttfobuUbtbetlbuUnfomeattitlM, tbe i3~otlJtl:

anti QI1,t:bauelJut httlemoner. not\lJit~1t.notngtbdt tbe bJUte

i8 t~nt t~ce bane mwb : t~e fat~ liQ8t~ anllI}lItt Uti!! hihw,if

t~c tjg~t ajfU tj)erClinto, "na tbeu OlIl",outl: Ii. tbc ~CII1ne,

'tl:s tnDi1f£~ttobl1l! b*i~," * .... * _1IJaIltoltlc lSJltb doll bnnDf,nnb amuet'.llOIIIpttt,*~h ftJlltlfil&ll!l 1oullenougb in t~e~oure""nlI ~ettJat",*~e 1D1tP .... batons ill

~iJ. ' .,,'i

. :jfinliftl¥t,itI trguhUt tfJe'fO&Kl~ _amnel Putt,it lIotb ¥-

8gnffl!e gust bU'" t~t ' ... .rtllMimegtb.lUcke anI) ¥-

Wor."itit15"blUnlft)lk~ (!bIb. t"ah"t.tOt1rtHtt~eteul" * * to) tl;t j(atbar It or gaOl) tutu_ lJtaItI)fuU,ania kfltlufbo. Ifb:e, tbe boure j,tnfuteaatb"qudfton,it il til to ~ ~nttlg8.!l.

,fOJ t~rrcllll ~lallllf Otife anD toottntien, t~8lflll\ble II.:mbIl

bee of II' (&ttat bilbIe ~etIQtlatioft ,:tfJe Eobw bd'elgtQ (lJiiIl lIefrnOdfeife baUnntip, IIno l~epeopCe_'u~ln bet' llttnCrISel

fence, tbe ~QUreo) fOJt. is not of"" fair~l1. tbeulIllotttcl'

Cate ~ib I t~e ~nb of all t\1e lJ)aU ~ue an m taue) \an I

lette It be fOJ watte. ~~Iau: tfJe ~~IJtt.~ ,.Uhrl)aucilllt IIttletlt~~tr .t" falb.1: "Diaio~ O)aU lie IWtt'P Hb' ~onltcio UQttCUlttmaU but II ~.D: roc "~DR tbe~,,. "alunille in

. tafitie, but not tultf,tout tonftid ~t~c mtanitif, rbe prr(an f1.JnU "lI\IIeU 1.""int~lJourc o~JiIAltvn. ': ~jfilJllt(:~dllfigllnor

oR. "I.:' ,:1 "

o ilf,lttlnDein tI)~fDArtlJ""_"QllerlinebRuheus,tI)e sA ~lmt us ~ot bctlcgootl Co;. tI)c jfa~cr.e fbctIfllton I f~c jfiltiJt~ f: 1"""BlIC !UlbAr nDB1'eat"SQ01I~qutit,to fotD ~J5tlltqlQt~i' jfp, I:/«

{lIne " ""

··86" ~ r,.,Wc \ 00 e

· i~reil"'~ b«4u£t~PJ:aIUI}e SiIltISJHtl)tJjfltt'llet.IJC)ObtJ (lJ\lJe t~,; IItOunb "C'»;ti)at (as 1ut ~ilue (aioe ill t~c rita bocmc) III

· ~cebrs beattribMteb to t~e .flte ~ ti)t iCoLulte betregaD ll}illllJe bunlCo anb ranfllht. ilnD tile ptoplt tbnetn be tbli:ueu wickeD, fbI ~allilce OJ IitobJe&:l.ItO~ l'Iliu , Ibn:ei.Jl" ttMfuu bio, t~t

· b.lAt~Ct anO Ofht9i1Ue no numcr ,but be pDO~e anD "reDie: tbe fatber is not Deal) , but lQall bW o,u)tl\!, I1l1bt9£ (owle llJaUI\u:." utue , tl)t faiDt (alUle as not.lcgitimate but a ballatD: tt i. not : noo!) to bup betitagts: tte,~lppt en (eali1ull bee-tallen an.

· Inunt JtlJclpeliDn ~U tllniellut &inaH timC'i11 t~eJ[.obJlle ~ ~uf£ : nil tbe h1ll8UnDJ \QbidJ P.C can IMlie in ttis bOure baue _iU ilI'Uf, bl! tbe flllniftcatian of t~~ ftgure .bnlelI'e it bee to I put jfir. to ~'I!neriu OJ :artiUetU ,in tu~i'b it Dot~ alu .. }!e.

· ng,"aeDeatboJblQOD~D... . .

• k. :1 .• bell"'tbte~tttour'\lUlnD:tbfJftgutena1)\eDAlbuf, ... ' ! It 'lJt\,aett "ofpetitjl:.fI" gooD luclte In nil t~intJJ tuU~ p~t" '~~.nD _nins : ,~ fa~is IJOOO, gentle ,amiable, mc:me,

• f. anl)l1mnn1u~i(blouetbgooD 'bcare:anbfoDiIJ~iJjfatbUana

~tf4ttu,t~bOWe U lW)Ut,t«i",.plc8f!lntCUlb liAtfln1t, it i'IJIIOU.bu~I"~ _:.,.ldJ(oJt':IOja Jto_ b~ fbftUflOtbe:'altm JanDt_ore llritJ)tnitbe aU appointeD ,1m' neD antler alUllICle: tbdwaf.e biD b.sll rualr, a"~"" ~o(ut aU; tbe fat4aet i. li"nB IDlllJlM DUtl: Hue tbefonnc ,ift~e.firt 1I0F; t~etcbnto ague :. tt- q,ilD.eil ltGitauu ,gob_to "uP !Jeri' '1I~4ItQ "bitet~Ua3t8, tb~dJiRfeort t!Jtl lIunll)aUcnmdo'l !090,..x~ .tDitb mu(~ Ik~,: tl,.: mannn t~8 mal? 1lJal1tan:2 Ie"" in fbe boufe Wltblo!, folace IUtD pleafuu: t~etnDt·otaU . &f)Ut!lcJtub'c~ t'~mar.asbin tbisblluf. ~ goOb, empt.fDJtwt,

fo~ tbtillilJttte ~n,al!ttl1Otil»ane.llut'penm: . '.1 . . : lid

.,J<: . jfin&inlJ in~ fQartl) ~.ara*filPltualffD Carc«.;n.

. twO. tumUetbef4ti7trfo,~ehr&dttb)l:kaD~ iQ$ tbat it~'lfe

". 8lotDealJ ~f will (jufe faulc tbjhg tob.lllJlttm, tte ~~.

+'" lJ')oD,butnot b~C\utirllll~ltt' 1~.tQ,htluWa:tbtlattf)d~1l tOWIIC IS fairt bu t oHlIlall fOJct, fo t~nt if it be befitgcl) Wijilll be quicl,Il>Mtm .. ; !f.llot1l"'(bfDpOfftUiIH auo-"~')leople IN;tf)in be "'f& UhQ (age: t1,Jn ~aUlre, ¢alllt, 0; ~Wft1 beltlot ~I(e, but it \lI11I·&ll.bsailDeto~,~~, t~tuaf'l" ~iQ'11ln Ulc

DlWlp ,

. 0) qC01tlnncy. 87

ftne!P founne ,tbe fatbeL Ii lIeaD 0; OJali forml Dfe , auD fO",8 (IInIlC OJ"U fumiut,antl legitimate , (0 f~at t~1 fift (~nrellt t~mullto : it is neOD tc bu\? bctitllgtl.l aPob to malic m~tttngcJ: t~c fijippc on tI)C fraOJallcometoa gaol) it}1ll1Cl1 tullb 11 goo.!) h1inllr:tbc b!ot~er ann fiaer bnue but little filutt " tbcpQtt!C bl~i1:b bwelldb in tbr boure fJ~ :m:oll1nc fl)aU not abule tbete~ all tbing" t~at~}1e map InaBt quellion CllI£DU1~nD, f~lJ fi{lure is goOD, faumg fa; btflltb IlllD (mn,bn:rr.t, raJ It alllllU~ flgnlfiet~ I)catb, blben.tbe bi~.l)otb :ctlnrtllt, Illll) ~bjs IIgure .. (Illlel) F crrc:'lrum tbllt". to fay , tbt beare an tllblcb bellb men

IIebomt. . .

Jfv.e ftnbc in tbcft:auttb ~ollre tbe ftgure Caput D * ); Ol!niftetb lolle Brite beritage8 anD (u"tllions of tbe patents, * anDtobeDjfpollelleD Mlltb~otunedcaneaut bl? a~lIet or la\1): *

it is goOD foH~e tatbet • (0; bee i.e gOODanD of gO')D tuill ,t~e *' \!Oure fJ faireanD pleafant , it it gOOtl tiltlt anD ftuttfUII to iaIIOllt

tbe eatfl,J : tte ¢ittie lJ faitUnb pleafant, anD if it be beRegtD

itfl)all not be tahen: anD tbafe tuit~itl itbe~eattie anD of gOO!) repatation : t~e (rearute biD fl)all not be founbc: • befduer oftbC

b,ettJer IUlD Meds muq, : tbe fntber lIJall furulue ttc (o~m:

t~e fonne is no ballarD I it i, gooD to bup bnitagtl: tbe tlJappe

l»Ijic~ ~ an tbdtta lIJall quid"\! Iltriue in p,ofpnitie: tbe man

l1)Illl (mourne long in tbe tohlne D~ ~oufe. ~~i. ftgute i. gOO!)

ro~ aU t~ll1gs butrol~llIate. ,

_ben ttas figure Cauda Draconis,is in fbe fol1tt,~oure,tt -}~

ngnifiet~ nOOD lueke ,nnD pJafpctitie tcurbing 11Ul~"" 'be per' y

ron !1)all euerrome ~ilJ frut.: Wit~ grcat IIngtr. tr"unile anI) en, Of.

uit: t~e l11e[enget \.ubic~ connnctb bv. t~e ~OUlltUl' will coane .'1. ¥

ll}o:tlp : the plltirnt tl)nll amcnn iftbe fld con'ellt. W)il.'lllgurc

is ill in all Dcm""110tI.'l1I.1bi'~ ulnp be maDe cftbe faf~ct : t~at I'

to fill:' , fO.l bccttag"" fu((e[ioll : fbe bOllfe is !JOOI) ,it iSJ gooD

to fowe flJe groullb : tbe fell1nebcflrgcl) llja\l betaken bl? fbe trcafen offeme tI)<ltb£e blitbin it,anl) it OJilll be put to fire,bloo:"

Ilnl) mr~D.but list tbo~e 1ubi'b "feape frolll tbt ",ot oftbe <lttOr,

~ob·c. n)1l1l ftO~t baliantlp, Bnb bolO tlp tl)fI[ braD' ~mto bt'llt!ll

t~m i, feDitionanl:l ll1t1tteril1lJ in it. fo tb,1t cue ulilll)rt~ to 111,11

ill otbm t\).e b~t~tt an~ "act bllt~c no flluH : ttc fl1t~Ct I'

J;!D lJ~ilQ

88 The fecond'Boote_,! Ol tl)an ilie quicltlV, ant! t~e renne i6a 11t1!llltl) • t~t f'lt~tt:

Up!! ole bcfo.!C rhe fcnnc . it ill illllitf~rcnt to bit!! {mllleG , becllllfe t~e t,1I1lles be !lDOll ann (mitfull, but t~crc luill be ml~ct: nun fute nbotltt~elll ,but in tl)e enll t~~ pUCcl)c!f:r a}.lIl ~<1l1e tbc \Jido, lie,ilIl11 t"ctcio.~c tUII! Mure itl calle!) inoitfmllt ill t~i[l cafe. tbe OJIp on tbc ~CJ 11)<111 rome wit" a great WlllDc , ann be in Mun. ~et:tobetnIlCl10JbumeD : ti)e man U,aH not aap tong Int~c "o~lrc o~ tolune fO.1 fCclre~z llJidbc a"tlle. 011).1l1t feme P1tfc~iere Done bnto bim : ilull tbe IlcmnUnlles ttl"i c!J \'C ntllP milk ~ in tbill !Joltfe, tbis ff((uc~ ttl ill ,but in tbe t!JiHI:!C!I befo,le miteD : it i, <lIfo gooo t!J put ftrc to €!Dl~llericG o.! to I1ttillerle , 0': t~wo)ke

ttCilrOIl:lbc treufure "iu i!llil~pt b~ tbe Wiucll. .

. ;RiMing t!Jis filJure calico Career ill t!Je fourt" boufe, it Oil'

-r. Miet!J to unnne lanl)cs w!Jcnn (reMme il1 ,,'Dom , 11110 fb"t

). .~ rolt1cof~ts lIinflfolkr is ~clce ann til"~11 p~irollcc : t~e M"~dlJ

.'( y. bet\! olD,lHlt ret of goob ccmplenen , linD tl}1l11 nue long: ~c

! ~oufc is olDe,llatke I1I1D fllloalt~e I it ill gooD to earc anu fOUlet~t ~l'OItIlD : fbe tmune is olnc anD ill callanD nIaDe, !lnD t~e «reetu betl? llimo{u, if it be bwege& it tlJnll not be fnucn, ro t~llttbe ~ople be not f.:unt ~,1ttcb witbin: tbe $!Cower o~ ~'nllil(e be te' tV 010 anc I),llfe b;okrn : fbe fllu£t oftbeb.lot~no)fiaeri"ro ~iDllm t~lIt it be (ouno aallll1t : tbe fonnc is legitimate,

the tl)IPPC IS not \,et rCilll!' to rome I theman ll)idl remain8 lonG 1 T~)Cftft !)oufe CRUeD tbe (uCCCDnnt oftbe ml~le oftl)t rep-

ilt the "OIlfe 0) touine \tlbm I)C bott) minoc to Itctp: inl all t"inB' tClIlJ:ionall,otl)ct\lltfe caUcD fbe go 01) fa~tane. Dotl) ron-

1u~icb Fe JIM!' tJl'IIlIlUI10C in tbill ~ollfc , tbis ftgurCil.llll. but [0 ti\inc p~opetll' tbe fl£lilificntiou.I of tbe l)emaUnDtB tubi,!) mill?

Ilcrentlc annsrcpe n to\tJnc • nllD fo~ thllt(lCl1 ~Iltlltnitm , in be II1I1Detoucbing n cblloc , to hlla1\'c\IJ~etbL'tlJe !qililbec (mall

ll>bi(~ it tl1 goob ,anD rilJllitl~t~ alfo to b,llle .1 (1rC<1t numbel: of O~ (Jrent oraatutc, Ilnll toucl)inubi. bitttl. w~etbnbte be lqga-

cbillmn tillletlc o.ll1nttntD of goolln,lture o.~ ill.

y y . tI)<1nillgill t!Jc(ollt~IJOllfcthi.afJlJllrCcallcDPop\lllls, ttrig' 2 :!!rJJe IJell1,llll\Dr~ Iikc\uire wbitb IItllrbeCIIIOtlCD Ol1tbt

Itlfietb amulntune ofpecple alTcllllJlcD , fOlllc to blip, reiliallocs lI!.1JlCl: ofbillli:ling, tbat t; to fIll', ifit be p~cftt<lblc to a pert on to

ann IJ~rit cl!J(,G : inllCm,lIlDC9 of tI)e fI1tl)c( itfllJllIftct" moun rate !lun tninclli!.

'I : ,. Ilill(( nnDlllIllent<1tioll ,tbcfcltijCr(!J,l11lliclJrfo!ctl)e Ieunc : the 3 tiU~ctl)rritbrlJoootot.llu: nchlt dotl)CliJ , unDwlJcllJec

! I)ollrr ,mllllln!le thllt iil maoe mention , jtl 1l.1IlbilllJ neere uute . i t~c perron be ulcll'lppnrcll£lS. .

I the uuttcr , t!le ffi:nlunc is filII ofpeoplch1l1o funutnen witl) f,1irc 4 Jf a JJ!olllife ",IlDt to 11 pct(OI1 0)1111 be pt:tfoJlI1ctl 0; nor,

hhltCI'B ann rplin(!f£) ,ifit be LJf:l1cgcl) it IlJilll be talien I brmufe .1I1t) \'ul)ctbcl' it be f,llfe o~ true.

I tI)of e unr huut be (if 110 {(rrlMom ,but ulOa of t~CIll be fj1J«ri- 5 ZJl.:lIlctl)C( tbt IIIclleltg~r (1}£l1I COlllcquki\el\l , /lUll 1ubnt

I lien:! : t~c uwcrOJ JfoJh'clTc ill Item to tbe waHer : tbe 1I~\ues,l ~cc t1)illll.l~lI11i, nntl alfo Wb,lt iil (ontllll\CO ill tlJc Ictter6.

[__ $ __ 2 6 __ ~_\~_~ ~




·o/qeomancy. 89

trc<1fllcc IJin (1)allllot be' (011111). unlnlc tlJc ci(lTlt 00 cOl1f£l1t : t~e filucr ofti)c l)_lotl)t!: illlll filler IS but fmull ~ It gooD to bUlle f)mtc1IJC6, tbe (lJippc Nl t~c ~cill1Jall rente qlli{lll~ wit!J goOtl bliuoc mill [llcnt ~'1ll1e: tbe 11:1111 tuitbtn the 3l!:OWIIC o~ "oure ff],lIlIlOt l)\llell tberc Ion!! I III aU tbc :nelllclUIIIl£G of t~i~ ~Ollre t~11J ftglltc is !JOOil.but toucljil1G leur.

itlJ1S figure mllcn Via ill the fourth ~ol1fe fi((niftetl) lerre of ~cdta!Je: ill all tI)IngIH!Jat re ran nC,lIamtD I1)cilS til • falling to fewdljc cc1rtb , r~t is tlJc better b! WeltfC tben b,l(llnbc faJ bOp,lgfG: tre.nure l,iODtt111Jallllot be rouP.tI : tvc~ittiei9 no~ t!;Jing at':JI1g, ifit ~ebc(jegcD it ll),lll be fatten ~ t~e €aftle 0; :m:o\1lcdtlllot faue , anD t~er Uout) bl' tbe watec finc:t!leb~otber ann Oaet haue not mucb Oilier: tl)c flltl)cl: ill of IImg Iifc,nntJ t~e rOIIl1~ legitimate ; it gooO to bu\? betitag~9 w~icb ue neere tbc walet: tbe ll)ippeDn tbe fca(b<1l1col1le to fAfepoJt J tbe man in the boufc lU to'llllle llJall notD\lJelilong tberc I fo~ nil tbillfiC3 . tnbicb l!C III"~ nemaunee in t~i91)0ure , tbiJ ftgu~e is gooo, but r~J louc,tbe1Ubic~ itl,IJ but ill.






Oflhe fife houfc:. and of the demanndes therein COIl-

rained, Chap.j ,



6 .alra tte l.lem.lunOes w~i(~ mar. be 1I1,1lJe bppolt a fti~n~, nun OJ tucman.

7 Jft~e Cllttl) flJanb~il1gfo;tl) pl£ntr oUrnitts • nnD \SIbe.

t~et tile}! 1l),11l1Je !!,OOI). ..

8 U,1l\clllifc t~c ligmftcntioll!l of all plcarurcs ,ns to !litre, 1., (01l,fil1lJ,b(11lI1CCJbl1l1qu~t'.U10 pial! 011 nil ilifttlllll~nts of mu- I: fiche. I 9 ~mbrtl)cr a tuomal1 be blit!) (!1ilbe OJ 11 ct , ann \U~ctbtt l1}e

f1)illl ~IIUC a bor. O,! luel\C~. I

I 0 Jft~,lt <11l1<1CC brft'egclI apll be tnll~n 01 l'ccilleb bl? com. ,~

pofltion.o: UJI)ct~cr it I)dt~ bene bcf.:£(t~il. 1

I I Uil~ctbcr t~c petfot1 IDIJidJ ill on tI)C \lUll! llJnllbcll in linn, get to be robb~D anofpolltll, ilnD l.u~ct~Ct tlJc W(1)1cs be not oiln, gerous bl! u,lfol1 oftbtuts ,tuifi.m. Ano ruc~ lihc.

1'1 1 rt~e tenue be Qdle,lIe.lo .o~ taaen PJifonct.

1 3 '5~et~t tte lBoollc w~u:b one \\loUID rcane rontaine tbinlJ.!l gooo o~ baD. l!Cbefc be tbep)incipall raufes containeD unbet tbis boufe J tbe tDbicb }lee o,aU iuoge nC(O]blng unto ftc (Ules ntllttlllnif!clltiuns oft~e J1iIJure. brteafttt w)iucn In tbe O~lIec nsbtfo,c.

m~tnin t~is ftft~ou(e }lou fln~e t~is jfigure calleD Aqui. lirl,),ttgiuet~ goon rtgniftcations grt~e'~llt") ,nl1O tbl1tbellJaII

~: 'f. be of goon wit ann conllition .ane \Dell "mile gf bOD~ , tbe mef,

.Io;A fenger fI1all come quickelp , lIIit~ goon nemes I in ca(e to liue, anD to Onue ne1Pe dot~c., it i. goon ,t~c Plolllilr ~all be l~ept In ilU, tnttbfulnetTe ,tbe lettt'r8 ('peake not but oflllmr tblll{Js ,AnD reo m~dtiue,n8 ortone , Gl ofmnttcr. bt'attftciall , tbe allntie of t~ frienDS ise:ooll , it lealfo gooD ro~ tbe fruits oftbe ellrtb • anD tberttl)aU bee grc~t abull1l4nec, it i£l (l00D allO furt bWtllingin tbe houfe, t~e woman wltb (~iIDe fl)illl ~~uc il (onnc J (0 t~ tbt tentb ~o rontent to t~is,it i. gOOb to hilfc,coll, Dalll! J baunet, nnb tOIlO~ nil tbinglT ofmirtb dnD plaafure , tbe ~ommot1l oftl)t teume be goOD, anb lillc ill nUpei\Cc anD qllictl1clTe, fbe ¢aaell

if! not be(ocgel),nnb ir&t Ile, it 11)1111 not bee tn!\eI1 , Ill' reMon or 'I' tbt{\oonllcco~ot"lllollgc(Hbtmwbicbbc \llltbin it : t~m is 'lclt~cro t~nc.G, nrilbeHolftC{S Ill? tbe luar, t~c renne is nei., I

t~er f




>( ,(.

!)t 'The {ccmld~oo~e_.,

n(loo(l:tberotnnIOt1s oftl)etot1lnClf !_{llOD,ano tl)crc illllltlcl) netHlttie tl)rrcin,ti)c Iototlle IS net befcBI'Cll, t~CLrilJ no \)"(lO"Onl)l in tl)e \lInl?,t~c cfJilDC is Icgitim.lto , it IS !Sllon to (JIll' nun put on

netu clontl)cs: t~e rC,l(e t1JaH be I!OCI) , ann great abountlnnceof <llltl)e lTuilc.(l on e,utll , t~e bootes \DJittclI ece fpeake or tlill(llJ <lno ).)~illCes,onl:l of t~eit billoms, 111 atltlJc t~inlJ!lll.J~it~ re IIhW nemauun in t~is ~oufe.(l)cftgllte is gaol).

J ft1ol1 Rl1bC in flJc £ift boure t~ is DilUte calle!) Fortuna Min'lr, it ri~l1ifictb tt)nt ttt ~1J11t1e 01 ill I beea mnn nfl)ol1cm: , \IirtOlioU8

I euee ~is rltfmtrlJ nnl) liber,lll, nlttl IJte 11lilll (JeHle lIIilll!'O II.' ,

I «'~'llJlcn, it IS inbifferent {"Iool) in elltinga!11l o~inhing.tbcpw

nnre n,all lalle ptace , tlJl: metrclIgoc 0)011 returnc qllicl\ll' • nlla

tl)e newt. ul~ic~ ~I! O)all bJingn)nll bee IIfltlRrr" Ol of anger : it f..

is 110t gooD rll~ t~ ftienll but otlclp in libau(D)ie.i!J: ollr~intl plCiI' f

{urtg;~~tttillrn1l1l1i,,·o)ttattllllc.&fe , ,Uaillto rrll1aincint~e bOIl(e, bnfttre it bee 1'01 annUm UcltetMII: t~e \Dom,m tuit~ ~~iloe Rlall~t1I1~ t1W"ug~tet,ilnb cfcilpe DC.l~~ betic ullnowlrc, tbe ~oinmons of the :EownetJllI:'it~e ~t1l.!lcbe befregclI ,it I1)lll lire tnfle"~t~tr(}is U1ftlll'tl)tllUts bl' t~e "JlW: 41110 t~mfOJC rtis not {lOCb.teiJoe l"totl)e~ntrluttJc ~onnd, ficltt,but be Il)nll crrnptt~el){rtR(e)tilltJ tslheof)till1£ qaiclllr, rc tl)nt t~Uentl} Doen, grtc t~ercto: tlJtt~i(&J(llltlf "li5naaltJ .it 18 ill to bill! annput on new c'Odt~l'IJ,fo~ tI)l't' f1;J1l1I tl\l)Ut8 bufit ltltilc: t~c \I~lfC fl}lllllJe

(lOOb I1ntl pl~l1tirllll, but ill fo) tceCll, tlJc boolte.8 treate of msrre 0: of UIl[!Cr, . oj of ntr<lt rude: (o~ all tbe thingts lD~icb POll map tJe~ mall 110 in fbi. boufe t~i" ftlJure !lgltilletb goot!, mIll alfu to billie ()lItfe\u \!bIID1CU,

" jlinbill[! in Ibisftft boufetbeftgutc mUrt! Lrriria, ittJoot~

.~ ~ fIlJllifll~ p)of(JClItie, !)Otlb 1","e,i1I1D t~c ilDlltlUllCfll1l'nt of~onom

.~ , totl)Z ~~i1oe 1.11' ~itq~OOb nature: t~c WOIll,llt \lliUJ ¢~iJoc O,all

y y ~ilIlC.11 lii'onllc tlhicl) n,ell1 ~'lue {Jlfat ~onOUt I1lltmpatation in

~ts 11:1.' : ro~ ilUII)e DCII1illlnIJc8 l1Ibic~ pee (,111 Deml111110 in tl)is ~ollre t~iZftnUlr til aIlO!), itS to bupc anD put 011 nclu cloilt~t'd, ann (OJ tI)cplcntirllil1Cll :lIlD rrnitcfulmllc of lI)e !'ene: ann COli ft· qllcntlr IbiD fi[(Ul"c is 11000 illllll tI)e OClluunD['1l cnen 118 It (dlieD Ll"titia,tubitlJ is c"lI~n tbe bOllrc ofJo)1, 1ubcrcfo,lc at tI)is time

] luil ril~ no othcc tl)illlJ,lmt)1 it fl!lIlHl~tb to ~t1l1C feme IXbiloH'n. I

1r . ~

t "
:1 9+ The ftcond'Boofte_,

fl':lltu IIfwllm·;t~,I)\J)tUing in t~e ~OUlc jSllot geeD: it ilb)olf~ not~n;tQl\itfe,coll,oHm~liktb4l1aa"c~,llllt intimctailruts . tt,t moman \tlit~ ~~tlbctlJaU~alle'll QOI1I1C. tbe place belle' geD ll)nllllOt bet4~e", but D~renaitfelre llalial1tlp: tbeubre lItdll~ tbeeues 11'in{J In \Daite bp tbe tul1~, tbe~onne is not DeaD, but burt, t~e lt~tlDe isa~aaat~ ill tDbupeanl) put on new ¢lol1t~rs 0) otbn: tbinge, llnld1'.it bet \lame. A nil annou~ fo~ tbe wbicb it i. gOOl) \ t~e r.eare ll.Jall be (nbitrerentuoob, faultt; tbattbHi llJall be fomtballe Ilbe ~ookCG fpeake of Watt', be' eaurc tbis is afigurc of d' w~tcb is ll..OJtJ of \Dllrtt. it Ogni~etb hkcwj{e fem €biIDJcn, anD tbe)? ll)allbe aumen Gt\IJam, anD. p.i1lttS ofpoo~tmmanl)tltbollrIONbe IdD.

]hftntlingtntbefiftbollfetbllfiguu (aUIII R.llbcIIS, it er«,

¥ .' nifietb petuetfe €bllDzen. ano Degenerat, {tom nertue : it i. iU I

toucl)tn(3 eRting ano oZinlsing,ano tptdalt! OrreD t~in(Jt" ~

• pJomlfr (()al "ot bekept, ~emtltUlge" l1)at lI~lngJ1.ttf"'1D~

AA ft)1l1l make mention ortUIUftS anI) ctmbat,. lWo to bet.If. \ t~i. ftuute baH) na Ogniftcatioo in f~iJ btare IUlt III ( eyc.~. to fowe ttJe g(oun~ ) fo~ tbe \ll~id) it i.l;OC)o: t~e tuoman wit\! €~ill!ell)aU bauta Wau~ttrJ beClluret~tt~ls figurtl inft' !PIte gf d' D. anD mO~eGuet,ift~t ~"e bun~¢~tlD~m » t~e,

lJ,jallnot tiue tlut lIie quietll}'.· .

Jf \'011 ftnbe t~is jfigUfs r~Uetl Albus iR tbeftt't baufe, it Uanifvet~ tbllt tbe €bdl!c llJell be org:JOII nature aliI) complerj· on, it ill gooD to rate anti D~nke, anl) ~ealtI) (}JRII rente tt)mor,

Ie • tbe PJolllirc ll}31l take goob eff('rt,t~e melTeHIJCt l1.Jall come quick-

-r f Iv witl) Iloo!) newes , tl)e lI.eltlnanaiu: mention oftt)inlJS met-

curialll1nD wt)ite. ~.8 ofttn as in malting a jTil.'lurc 1'011 flnne

If t~IS faio fI(lur~ 111 t~e fift~ouCC, bee re RlTurcD tbllt l'oU o,all receiue lLetters from onC01 ot"ct wit"in tlmc Dnrrs: itis gCllofo~ 11 filelltl, IlnD lillewife fo;! mittl) anD iov.: it i" goo" rOJ tbe D\1l~l!ing in a t)oufc, it ill goOD fOt to hiffe anI) co1\ in tt)e 1»nl Ilfl)oneUie, but til fo~ DillJol1£Oic, t~ctuoman 1l1jt~ cI)ilbe (}Jail ~ilUC a ~onl1e blitbollt anp tltlngct ofDcat~,8~ nnt! IJtberinCDn' lIeniflt(e: t~e ¢onmlollt oftbe¢lttiebeegooD,tbe¢aUelli8 not lJc~cf!ltb,ltut i(itbc,it 0)1111 ue [cnD)eD bl? (ompofition: tbcrt i. no \lattats OJ ill r.,lhes lll! tbe wap, tbe 'biloe is not Deat" t~c

'. ¢~ilO"




rfqc01nanric. 9S"

",il~f.l!t~ttlUate.ft iogeo'tl)h~iU1t1putMttdu,~es,.nt Il~OUC all otl)er,\1I~ltulontl)fS dt ll.JalllJ':eIl g"ol) anD t'tuitefull vtllrc. tbe i3o.oh('s fpeillse of (In'at, p~OrCIl.nb itnoh1lcogc t IjnObW1Ufe It 18 afigttrc ofMmurjclitrllrm~tb tObllilC 1lI1111l?

~·blllmn. .

Wb~n re ~nbelbi.jflgure rnlltb Coniur.llio , in tbll flft ¥- ¥-

~urc, It flUnifretl) Ibnt f~t ~~HDI) tlJaU bte of an ill nature, ¥-

ano to tell.['oll !Il th1Q blo)tJu~ there is 110 OCll1i1UnD tbilt mRl? ¥-

lite maDe In t~ls boUfe,but tMttbisfillute ilJ ml'RIl tbm~in I tbll 'f.¥ltl0ml\I1 wit~ ¢bllDe fi}411 baue II ~elll1c: illlD wben(ocUft te boe mallellftlJure foJIl mani8tJc, nnDfinDc 'bin fiGure in fbe

I~ bo.ufe, bee l'te fute tbat tt)c mtiupalJr O)nll tnlle tffrct. }.It

t~" tlll~e 1 tU11 fal.' 110 tIIoJc.l.lft~iof!gureJbut it ngniftel!Jtobaue

few '~IIDJ£nOJ Iwn., Ilutlf t~ere bee lUll', t~el? cannot hue


. Jlnlltitg",~ Jigure namell Caput Draconis III rbtfifl~oufe, * *

UQgntl\?et~,tbat tbt¢bilDJtl1 l1}atlbce of (luat 11lilDllwe, anD 'k

I)onDut J lllta gtnth~ to nil folil~. it is p)( titabldo a penon to -A

'ateanU'llIltebJrll, abe .,'tntife ~allbe pClfo)me.tI. t~e mef~ * (,ngt tllliU taUl? IOIl{l,blu rtt~c bling( tb geoD m\Dfs. t~e Itt-

. ttrsfpclll.cllflotleo)cfricbes: it 1.6 gttb fOHl hitllD, IlIlDlihe' blfefo, b~t1ttiallnDlllrlianbuliltb , anb to Owe II am in 11 ~lIf~: tbe we man tIIltl). (~i1oe ll)aU bane a Ienne 1»itbDut anre ~un~etofDcntb, tbUIlPlnlon. oft~e ctittie be lOoD,tl)e~l1ale ~. nllt b~fet3~D, there are nc Jtluffirtl1. ~II tbe 1»ar, tbe JtOntlC tJ not mraD,but unllrcmc ,.uichlr, tbf ~onne is le"itimate, it is goaD re but' 1lI1bpllt on nruie c1oatbrs. t~c te.m~ aJllllllre p(ttUi~ r"uorall tbrngs, t~~150tltu linD 1D~itU1Qs IID('f~(,llke POltt of ~Due linD part of c!bmcb lIlRttmJ,llnll ofinl~O)tal1cc. l[bfll figure .& brtie geotl in nil tbe tJcnlllunDcS,tllltl fl)t\],)rtg to bauc but f£w

'bllO,cn,but Ibn' tlJi11l be hufe IlnD gOoD. .

tu~en In the firt ~DUrC reu finec t~is .li{um~ rnllcD Cauda Draconis, it f,gmflct~ tbnt t~e ¢bllDe 0)«11 b£c hI idl£ D 111\0 in * Ibccnbt be f)nnnrD,C) Die feme (nil Deatt) , OJ br.niO)CD oH~i1elly.. tbc~Olll1hl')':itin ill to tafcalltlD)intlc, t~c 1I!('ITfl1((rr f1)all * rOUle quidllv,lmt ~is "ewc. f1) nil b« rlllll,anll lbe letters fprakc ¥- )(or wllm nl1~ Ilftrcafllll ~ tbtp~llll1ifc l1)aUbc 1l0tbinS3ltcp~,it jp ill

• . }I.\ roJ,

9 ~ . .. crh~ {econdl1 ook!

t:U:a ~ ~al1'J bke1D~n: ro~ nn£t~ OJ lor,l)nltl1'c it be'in tDam,', in wbtcb ftl~ goo~ , It IS III to blDelltn tbllt ballfe rOJ it fb,lll bce lllmtc!! O~ oue~tI.)!owel1: t~c InOIllIlIl t\llt~ (~ilDe 1ll.,1I bauc 11 ll,lUnl)tc~. 11nll U. In [!CC:lt iJ.tun~tt: of oc,ltb • tl)1! COitll1l1l1l.lltteot

t~c I.tlttlf b ~lHlll t~ ec litiS 11 nl) tuicllc;, .the m(tell U~ rcegel) 1l}0111 be L'

bumc!),fuhcn,ItIlIH.mfmkcb I there 111 Illucl) ill (omp<1n}?bptbe tJar,tbe renne l~ De,lO o~ pllrOItCr ) tbe rbiltle lIS a b<ltt<ltb : it is til tobup, ojput 011 i1np lIeU1~ IrprmrntcfJ ,ercept it bel),lrnctTe , tbe ttiltctl)alllJe plenteourll~COme , bllt Ilot in r-ctiitelJ. t!Je \u~itin!Jt altb )llookes nuue mentIOn oflU,mc., anl) of t~in~., obiou. Ii anti fO.1r~\l)r~lt: ,".nll tbe I)em,lIl11-:Jr, lDbi(~ U1;1~ be mabeln t~tJ ~oufe t~UJ jflgu~e IS Ill, anD Illll1lact~ to blluc fc\uz; c~iU':m,l1n. tIIC\! fl},lll be £ulll.«lltlBJo}lletlJ wit~ fire.

~bm In t~c tift boufr \,!e ftnllc tblrl ffllilU cdlltb C rrcer

.j( 1: 1<: (tfignlftct~ tl)lltt~cd)lllJclti or Itlcl~m~olr nature, Catutnian:·· ** htU ofgrotTt ~~mouu ,i1 n1<1l1 oftr,lUell allD plllnc, it i.e not ~8

* to e.lte 1Ul0 tI:mke, t~e l'.lomtfc fl)lllbe petfo~meD, hut it "'aU IN long fttll. t~t lI1~en~t[ ll}IlUCOItlC farc ~no founlJe, but ~e a,an 11ln! lonn , 1l~1J be an bimget to be ~e1D p)llimn , t~e lett'" ana'" mennenot unp~tfol1ment , o~ ofluolml1 wit~c~ilDe.oJoffon r.I)I\1I0 lru:l,mci)olte rautc . fo~ aU kin~ of .Illirt~ rt is III , itOBni· ftetl) t1)l1t the l)oure \l)~m tI)C ~ilblttltton 10, UJ D,nk fmollie .an' mcatt dt IS uttc naunre • ring,lulTe ,OHoll : the bJoman 1Dit~ cl)tloe t1)alll).1uca IMUg~tet. tl)ccomlttons oft~o teume be.ll1Oll I IIlcc follte.t~£ ca{l£Ilbcfcc!.'!CD t1Jiltl no t be taken fo) tbc gonlJ u~ fi<lnre\ll~ic~ t~cl' ttlltbin nee "lillie : t~e fOllncis not bCillJ OfUt ~~~(Qn, tb~ r~i(oc 18 Icgitllllllte: to bur anD put onnctne clotbeJ

it I~ gOO",f02 tbel? (llillllnlllong,efpcr"llir t~orc w~icl) be blacke: . t~c FCllte a),llllle in!lIlfcrent gOc.o. t be \t) J(tilt!'lrl .lUD boolus tuate Dfwomcu \l)lt~ cbilnc ,OfplIrOltltll1rnt. 0) to fo\De tbc c,u:tb, o~ o~tI)il1a.Bmcl"!1(I)olr, OiC1~cnrOtUct"oul11illlt Il jfigurefo~lV. n), nemaunn .ann finue t~i.B jfillure IIllhirl p:ilce , von tl)illl bet· fmc to rerciuc rcmctettern bero~c it bee tl)lC.' Mrell: in illl ot1)U thll1!ll'1l t~ill figure III HI , ann C1gniftet~ to ~IlIIC manie (~(l'

.j( :t b~en.

,< * ,ir,!)in~tbirl.ti\JllrCtflllttl Populus intf)eftft Ijoufe , itag' '/:<- niDetlH1Wll'c~"tl;cn 1"\0 wittee : itis U1Q;e w~O!((Oltl,rO~ t!)e

** ~


~ "


~ ~




I I '


I !

~fqeomlti1(je. 97

~ol)r ~o l)~inlIC tljcn to cute : t~c \l~omire tl)nUbee fCl:rccll' prtf"Jmen ,tI)e meuengcr O},11l rome quidllV. , t~e woman 1Ditb (~ill!e ft),lll ~,lUe a fonne: fDJ It rrimo ,unD fo) lutinclTdt i£l gaOl! , t~c JL£ttctG \Dbic~ tl"lll rome tlJall fpealie ofhll1tlJr 'IinDcs of people, as ofmatittwl,llllb all ott)ct tI)ill gll eoncnnin~ watw t~1 l'~i1te tl)all be gooo,ann t~m: tl)uU be fluounDaunu; of aU tblllge :tbt rcn is not DeclO, but l1.JaU come quid&ll) ;. It is cuill to but? nnl) put flit uewe !lot~es , ro; tbel! llJlllt not 111(1101\11, tbe booke.B (ln1) letters botfp~ilk of t~e fea oaffontuiuets. ~l10 tn~lnrlJnJe~ rOil 1)0 ,nah£ tl figUlt flij anr beanaunbe. anb finl)c t~ill jfigutc in tJ)iJJ ~oure,'tbot~{fgnifteto b4Ut (Dme tlrine 11}o~tel1! : it lIootb figttific to !)aue man\? cbtlll~e", but t!Je! lIJaU not Ilue bcctc long.

mb~nint~lllllftl)Gurtl)Ou ftnbtr~j!l figure Via , luoot~ Ognifte to baue fewe dJl(1)~tn • but ttcr 11}1111 bear gooD nl1fnte IInQ COlllpltJIOI1 ,anD not long of ilfe ; it is bette~ to 1)Jinke t~en to tate , t~c p)cmife ll)alll1ot bee kt9t , t~e womAn is not blit" djllDc,lJut bat~ rome lumpe in ~et. lit aU t~Ctlemallnl)t.!J tbat ~8 nm\! PJOpOUl\ll tbis i(Jute is til, bnletTc It be fo) bOfllgfJ. itnD' fllbenrollct ~e millie Il figure fo). nnl! btmllUI1l!c • an!) anlJe fbilll figure intbis plllee,it filJniflrt~tbat lll:ttml l1}aUCOlllt qllldll~ ftom(Dnt,plllu , tf)e w~ic~tl}aIHprilbeoft~ing(s or blater, II) otborng,: it Doot~ Il;t\1lt aUo that t~m: fl}a~l not bee manie r~i1D~el1, anbitrebu tb,ll t~cre bet allt? , *l! tl)rJl "otiille

" IoIlJl.

Of the (iXI hOIl[cJ and of the qudlion~ therein con-

tayned Chap, 6.

1 T ll)c fi~t ~IlUr~fl1\!£n t~c ~tlDcnt Item ttc .crn~lt rcptcl\P tucnall , OJ t~e ~II fo~tunll. cont,linctb PJop~tlr all t(JC IIcl11iluntl£)S \xl~i(b 1Il1ll? bee matl~ touc~ing fcmollts «nl) cthec rll~lt(hJ.

~ :.llfo tI)C DCllUltmOr.G w~i(~ml11' Ilc mntle upon flclie pet ~ fOI1~ nno ticrc!lfcll, \111)ctl)Ct it U)a\lbc 101i\5 0; Il)o~t, 11Il[)~f\1~I.lIcb oftl)e fOm81}1I1l101lCG It conumtl] , anD lftl)~ patient l1)ilH bee qllidllr w~ole, 0,) lofe g; Oellto\' allY of \liz lrml1ltll br nif·

p 2 cnrc,


j I II



98 The (econd13 oo{e

,,,,fr,« 1111lfbe ll).llillic II1lU~at ~ltatc fi)1l1l 1)$ llic,Ut gOOb 0) bAll,.

1Il wbilt Dill' ~110 in \u~dt bcure. . I'"

3 oo;)et~et t!)e lilb\!fttialll!c WOUlD noebl1to bee leiltlte~Ul

bis iltt,fmlllflt be gOOD to tllke pbifir.kc.

4 )fttb, gOOtlto \lItite!1 r,tllt perron.

r l!t~e: boufe containrtb alfo tb' queltlon. Lubicbml'lpbee Ii.

m,ltlc on tbe pIncc \u~ml t~e fiche petrOn i.tJ , as t~. ~ofpltall eJ cb.lmbfrtu~eu~cis.

6 ~&»eollf:J: t~c tlemllllnbJl wbitbmlll1 bu maoc bpsn fmall r· lJealba: III ~bee~ ,lI.,unbu, C!l)gatu. _witte , Rlltl flUb liM IlnaiU'Bealtc., anD wbet~et it be gooUo bU1? o~ fell t~em.

7 m~et~~~ tbe lIBealles loll a,nll not be founD, anI) wba it t~t~beef£.

8 J t cOlnp)e~en'Oeti) likebJire t~c l)emtannt1J tobicb m~ bu maDe bpponmenoflolDe conllitionanD eaate: u ll..abOUUtl, ~ilfon.,\tllrpentcra, 15utcbc,', lUll) ot~t ¢taftf-uwn an. ~oJtcrs.

9 alfo oun ilIl1 tbingG Il~Gl!eb anD b~Ool1crn~fillfr wit~, • »alUbCl •• OJCerea:SiUlD en cbaunttt •.

I Q rUfo ouee fe.ue unO fdal)t ,~M1tIPotiertl! Inl) ladhfmau anI) tlarkenu.

II .as toucbinlltbemCluberBOrnrlm • it (ontainetb fbe oe",.wntles \I.l~ltlJ mill! bee ", .. be bppon aU tbe noble patte,ortbe bOQie,tbe benlt e~cepteb: tbefe bee fb. pJincipall tlenmunlle.' hll} 0 r"! Ogni(ications be containeb in tbe Qtt ~ourc. 116 1?ee QJaU ' ftnlle br eac~ HlJuer w~icb ~cetetlfte~ bet plmlJ nWlll1in1J to t~ rOJl}rer01t1Cr.

~~enl!c DnDe tbitftlJucein tb~ O~t ~oure, it Ognif}!etb flb£' litie ImD tuiftlolllein rCtUllnts,tl}c ",ilnis noUicke, but it~ef. bU " bt~llllmenbqmcldp, t1)ecraftcsfmanO,!lUtbDUtn is an~()mIt . Hwn anti" paUleful.anll t~4t lD~tcb be 1I0tb is wei Done:tbc ll\bp· R!ic1niugooD nun: .tiSIlOGD totalle13lJiOckc, fa tbat tbe 11ft I}o!.tfe be gOOD: tbe man ~,ltl neuer '"Ulnto poucrtie. S!to bet bltcte, ill nil tbinlJCJ lD~icb 1?ee mal? beln.lunO in tbis boufe, " i t~il! figure ie !JOOD.

jfinDing tf)i8 jfigure caUeD Arniffio in tbis I}oufe,it agniftet_ ttl urUIl anD Dinoraltie fOJ all t~inllU \lI~lctI ~ee mal! DMKaUnD in '~iI ,

'. ~ ~llifqeolnA~CJe. 99

~fs r,oufe tont1lhtg (81'uant. anD fubrteds: foHtJt8dte pttfon it agllifletb fomettme Dtllt~ • ano romctime 4mmtlmtnt: \tIf)ta:afoWl?e (baU tUllgeiUicolDlulJ totije fttllallO ei~.t·bouftS : tbe ac~c pefgn is in 11 pooJe pliUe , t~e a,knelre ,. and! of. (bole",' anD CIs iJ(OPQgJf*t~~t~ not a~ooeto ~t.e fDttc:tte bJitner. r,.befllfe: lti4illto taU couAfaile oft()tlD~inti.lIo~to take plJifitll81l?GU nudl ia~ auo,Dine Co fl)e Itft MD fuuent~ I)ourlts. Jtltl not po.tObq6nalJlleatJD, flutf)qtuaUall,eti01. ~n' bbttl,JfJ)t·~ t~lIt.idJ ~ ,~ua! tOdC8lndt)KiJ\DO}t~ no, ~ing (OJ an, 'bing in t~i.~o,d' • but ro, lIaWbt. , fOJ ,.I}td) it i.e GOOD, agnillUtg tlJilt ~ pet(onI .,. O}ImtIdI'e. anD apt to tbat

OUlipation. ' ., .'

OJI~m in t1Ielrt (nmfc: Ie ft .. ~ftguu~ ttiliPriletb tbat ~rtJnantlll",r~NfI~ral1_""'nt s kl.g00'to * * Im1!beaa.:t~eper(lN1un"tDllO.tautit~b.ldI' , ~£ta,ltll * * qukkll? _noo t ""'* ........... c_GftDI .. u'~aboun. * Dancean,coltuptla1"blooI:t~1IitndUie. DOt ,We :-It i. l(. IJOOD to mau mnedRe, ana ~'1I_tCltUnt.l4 ...., to

. b~llJoJtJpecanlCmlU"'''''''' in ~"'flllD~ntt)i. !lQtei.iU,batfozlIil1Dta , ~ it,lIet8ufetbeil: fm Q)all be Dirtlofel t InO in _lIS" CO I)aue t~ bdinA" • ~ etr~ tttat b1O~ tI,t .... to~attlJ*..... .

. -ben in~. art ~afe ~ ante t~ .pte rail" Fortuna l(-

minor, it aguilttl) ~attbe femane. IUtl)fubiettJ betrne bnto *

t1IriuMiUer: butt~efmaants t1J11l beOdleintf)ritCeluice:it 'A ,/0:

"lUtobn1?bealltf"fOHl)euwlllbebutrmaUp~oftte b\! t~eml '1-. * 'be lDitnell'es be notfalfe ,but will bl! tl)eit tlepofitiol1 \)fc rome f'pitefulndl'e. jfo~ tt)e lllbiHtian, an~ to take tbat \Ubtcb be o;I)c£ ~

.' netb it tJ 3OOD,fo t~llt tbe 6ft anti feueutb boufe tiDe con(cnt: toe btalt lost llJali neuerbe rOMO I it is noOb rG~ \Dl)cD~e. anti baul1e •• battbel!llfdlbeiu D4ung~ tobe lIellto!t1l ~ tf)citruDDcnndfe anbfe.~, tbattbll! lI}lIll not I)aue tlJe monel! tobicl) WfLIJ to tbe""

, plondfcn.ln all D~ tl)ingtt tbill figure is meane,

Jrht tb8filt~oufel!ellllbet9iJftllurcLcticia • itfi(!l1ifl~tb * y .',

tbc rCtllill1tltobe goob at \uo;ke , fmc ilntl fditbful\: it ill gool;': +. ,',~,

tobul!beallu: tbf;paticnta,ll11 bllaenoltootfJetDefenf~~ ,but * 'k "

~qllitltll?ullwnQ': fomcttme tbeficimelI'c connnetb bl! OUWI< 'f .:~

P 3 1I111C~

, .

too 'The .. {ccol)C1/Booke , rfqeomancie. 10'1'
mu~nllo~pentiurntlTcfo~h)lne Ulntt :iult ot~tt t~U1g .. d)4\tnotla1l1on!J I fontctiull: t~isft;un'GIJl1{Cfnt'fJ tOD~, '.,.
tal)tcbbelong tmto,tI)lS ,Ijoufc. t~is fi~ute I' UOlD, C,lnpt r~; r rotmtime III. acco;DhtlJ a tI)t a~1J III fpt~lI: it t!l goat) botb '
bll\DlJes. tl)elDinlJ tbllt tt)et? 1I}a1l uc mire, aK)) t~lIt tbitt ~OQ\tfe fo) t1)C @giuttan , anl) alfo to ta," meDicine : tl)e DCre4fe com'
anabe llJal~flrtle no ptnce. ' '.' . ", 11iet~ofpl)lcllle: ilullotlJttt~inge5 \Ubit~l!c mar a.llcin t~iJ
jfinoillg tIJis figure T r i Hi ria ill tbe {i~t '~ODrt , DDtI} ftlPnfi~ ~ollrc,tblo Ci~ure is UDOb , erpc(iaU~ f~ COJ11p.1il! of recullMtelJ,
>I .y bifob,lIieltcc • naug!Jt il\dft: in fHUl\t .. anD fubitda,anD tI}at I tletuinlJ t~att\1t~ '-RUbe flitIJfull., '. .
'" A thal) Il}all be OotbruU anll idliV in tbcitferoiu: tlJeftd\.pctrCll1 3fin t~iI &J:t tour, ~t finDe tbf.IBhd Coniunflio • it Il~~ * *
-I: 'f ft)4U Die fo t1)llt tbe t)i1j. DOC coiUtnt , ttle bntne4e. ~atSC falCe'-e a.t~t~at t~c fuuanta.e:meeteh! g~: l_~Qcllepct:rQn ft}.lU *
, *
i y. lI~pofell:lt i. illt"b~lIea(Us I ra~.t~ lB~lfdian ',OJ to t~ , life : it IS III to takt plJiCidle.at1lJ Ituwife it fOJtbe lllbifictl1n:
• * *
, mtOtcine, c in nU t~i~ "bid) t!C Pta\? Dsmanbfn tbl' ~iJre,t~I' \ ttuc~ceUentpol)foJbJbooJ8.unObaliDf' : lin aU otbe.: I)C'
fl~rt.r.iU ,butro,bauDtI. ra,! tJ,eitl~ttetlll Ittllll'go~~el. mau It'll tJ ~."tgu'Ct;' ill .Im t to bUl! fll1l1ll catuU..~,uunto (t
'k Wbeni"t~is fnt goure'etftnlJctbl1! figure Pudla ,.I~ 1.1 llfi"1J. . i'1lOOlJ. .' .
~ gmt) f1I~ all tIJt: Danambr .. ll~ IM!~' ~ak : tOll~ rrt· jfin""1l tbis Igutt C "P"I Draconil in tbe art ~ourc,it fig' * *
,i ).; *
.1 ; *
~ , ¥. Aantt' it ia til. f1IJ ti)e I1du pta:fon ann ~1.I.i(eafuQme 'Gttel\? t.v ntfiet~ goob lache illb&aI1~~1 tbe «"'eneire ~alllalt lonlJ iftba
t, ." p~ltmeann ""ugl)ttaltcn t..l, women: foJ all ;Ot'Jtt ttlnlfll cil# um(tnt ~mmto:it l'pIIDfo) t~. ~tllJitlt~ alfo to *
'II~I~ ~8 Ina! aemaWdl in tIJ" blufe, tbit ft!Jure .. g04)I), rr"" f . t.1ke nuDirilW : "'_ Itbet tbingeal iDl)td) \!e mal! in t~itt *
, .tal\t' fi)~~ anll.,. ... ~~a«alt., llJallPlOfptt.; it !)oYfe , tb" figure .. BOOb,but rOI \I)~o)tl ano ball8el it iJ tu,fo)
I IUlfop,lOfttabletabu!,'rallt.. ,r,,',, " " . q,dt maltn: l1J.lllllOt iOC ~ell. '
, ,outn.tng an tI}f fiJt~_ tlJUl jignrt PU(\·~ it figl'litet,' ' m~m 'et 8m. t~.1gl1te Caucb D,acDni. in tf}e a~ ~ourt.
i ·k tl}"alltunb (ubied, be nnull~t, ~no ~U,ohbc t!Jtl, .« Qpittt1) tt)at tlJe fmwItI. bI net '.t!! loot .... bealu lI)cl *
[ >(. AlIUftmJ,ttl~iU fCl.lttJeadl~ptt(on, efp(cli\lll!.r tbefttllbouf. fJ£aoltno:a,ltcnb~1ItIolut. ,tbe:paa:tte "'IJaUt~ gllat l(.
I ';" k tonrellt It illlihe.iCt.ilt!~rJMI1lkIlat'.(O; t~~ IIJlltl be 1lol11t:. ~te fraun ano be in NU""&: of bUtbtf tbB eit~t lIO c!Jt1fent : it *
I t~e rrlfle pet ron Q)atllle.1PO,lfflnn.lIOJfr, anD,faU into ~~" II~' "'ell fo: tbe ll'biattan,1U .trato take 111el)£CIIU, linD fOJ
'k If J(..
Ickntfrt, inallotl}tt qudlionlJ m tblB~oufttbllJ fiGure Ii til, all ~t~ingtlll. raumg fo~ __ .n~ bam' , fVI t~e:wbic~
btl Ho) \I)~ o~cCJ nnt bilM"S. anD to ta~~ ~l1rn to {W,C to, Wllr" , .t" gOOD. ' " .,... ' " ' . ,
it ts gODi,it it hlu:wifc nooo to tlllte aneDumc, ant) e,penalll! bl ttlben in t~c £irt ~ouft 'ee finl)e tbil fi'Q~e C:lrcu , ita~i~ ...
1)1intlc. lIet~ DcUol'alt\? anti fltlllll (ecuntit in reruant, I anti (mall ~oll~e
I 'j., 'k jfinDinjJ in t~is n~t ~oure tbiB figure Rubcm J if,fi!lIifid9 to bur bcallts : tl}t Ic'erutre R)aU be lon6 RI\l) t~t patient 1I1 * *
i * no gooD IlIclle toucblug remnnts, fo; f~c\! llJldl bee III Dai1gn MUnger arbUtin it tfnot jJO(JOt.tilllemeltcine l C~IJ ll'l}ifi' * if
I 1<: to lIfcrobllcb o~ DcuouteD bl? tmolfui! tt}Cbire.(uonut\et~ ~f tian Is not oft~e bclt h:antcD, ~n ftll tl)1! DenlilunDes \U~'d) ma~ *
I, k
1 ';'_ '/0: too mu(~ abounonme IInb ((lJtuptl.Ol1 of blllOD; nlL"D bnt~ no" • 't maDe in fbi. ~inre t~tJ flgute I, t\l, "ut U it goOD rc;~ \\l~QO~e$
(~olln: t~('rl(kc prrfon llJaU Ditolbtc [Qngfirtlc, ift~at t~e fiLet ~n'bllutJeg.
anI) ti!!~t I)QUr~B nee agredn nil tbe lIemaun'" w~idJ re M1lll! tGbcnreftnbU"i.agt1te Populus int"eUrt ~oure, it not!)
'I -). make In fbis ~gure, tbiD figure is Ill, bnl,crc It bu to leh pet(OI1 , IllI\llle\llireoomcalt'tlftIieUtiein rewcintes • goobtoblll' fmalt
bloo'll. bc,\nt~ tlnD fell tbem : it is meetel\' gaol) fo~ t~e Beke p8~rOn It~e * *
'1. A t~l~n intf)e art f)onferou tillbe ~iI.figartAlblls,itagnitll bircafe commet~ of ~1mfe Uke 'onto a tUlnB ,but t~r. p<ltLent * .~
A: .t~ gootllncilc as \utll fo~ ~crn,lntu' roJ ¢luteUI t~c amnu , ~1tM1enQt,iftbe' giucconfcntt"crtulltO:ltis60D~ fo~ t~, * 'k
* ¥ 1VIIll . , ~ .,. ,lPb~' * * ,;



! :

lO2, rrhe (econd'Book;

lI!;ri6hmt.bhttnhnrtDidrte, . .anb~iJl~e1l)o,lt, In all tba~ maunbtllOft~iI~re,' t~i.lgJJuiipcDI bnt it i!nott)fnt floab ~OJ ~~OJes anU13aaDl., toJ ~ fIJ:dl bebeaten : fbisfI, gnu '_tooll to tclifc 'op foultlim anD to uudtot,iUlO OJeblet~ t~t1t

ttercd).tlillea great numb". '

trIbtn in tbis boure ree finbe t~iJ Ightt Via', itfipifpn) tt)at tbe fLlt1l3nts lDill ... lUiftgl~ put fog:'" thanCduu in t~eit ntllifttu bu(inrae,anll_ it \Dit~ great ~,it "ill to bUl!' ' anb fell Gtattell : tl)e fieke pttfon tlJnll be in lIangn OfDtatt) ifttJe t1)e ciSJ~t eOIlfent tl)e~unto: U: is lU foJ ~e ~bl'fitian I ~ to tak, meDitine: t~e \l1,itntrr,al]aU',bllfelt! .,,,oftll; t.e JI5aIdIe ~ but motlte nnb 10111 not DOt bctlnbeUOUr, \u~tre aJe is w01tVWto ~Ilue ren ~ouranb bol't.e wtt~ tbe filt ro: ~et ~l'Jc.

o f.the fcaucnth houfc ,.ad oftbc. dClDlundcs tbcrtia

contained, ' Chip 07 '

1 T \le feau€ntb tllufe , 1v~i(bi. t~ .0n~e 0'* S>criIent. rgntaialltt "JJlped}? rutbnatqralh1 tbe Ognifk~of:\le IlUdti.aftlm" lJunaunt ... 11. mat .111 DUlWCO" t"CGatrI' '" ofrbell£maUnll ofQp pedon.

,i ~Iro tlppouU 'ebatr., fuittt in 1111Ie, t~tfatl ant) r., gtttUtl.

3 ~e oem.a.b" ltco ~~ ma.~ bt malt' (OIUIt'nl!' , 'pon llftimo,anb bpponanl! AUo)OOfmanjagc, to know \I)~,' ~ (t O}llIltal\e rlftet 8; not •

.. Sltbe &u;1viUlille \Dire"~" bett»tmetbul~ftf'ons,_

b.1~i'~ wal?~' Boet~ t~t tWtI) ~ toclrtlep. " ,

,. UJl~b oU~UP \»b~ ~!eC.M lot" • .catQCI 0) ",.,..u J ~jnnt a: iIIrf.

6 ~ftllJobattelJlUb1?to Igbt, lobltb~l1Jaue ~ bUfo. '

tit ,anb on Wbi(b part it llJall tie. r

7 Jftbemaibetlea birgtneGJnot.anDtDbetber ilJeebilU ant ' loutt,AI'Ib 'ft~tt ~4ue , tbm bow llanbet~ t~. amltie bettueene t~em.

8 SlI:bisboufelllfocontainet_ttf_.unDel lD,icb mat,," ' Ilnbe tombln1l ma~ J wbeij)e~ tltete O)aU ~appcn 11'" " at&t.,

~~, """IiIIIiIII_ ...... ~


. : ~



o/qcolntlnCj, ' 107

1lritt,,-'UIIJMtell, t~en1l1i,e.,nllml(llin. t~e 1Dif. i ... II\?· aU to bet bq(b~np. tbc man i. tDi(l"' anQ ,p",nti~'J nnll efPtrl~ nih? about llHU:tCI'I. uiee ll)all ~auebJftttc. t~e IHIln tbat goet~ to _~ l1J411 ~~ua "" t1idqm: t~ aAritie bet \D(ene two pet(on~ (4nnot"lbe : tiJallliln fuf~ ~at1J llottle t!Jet~in!l anb " ,"I) : t\tC ~!Ii", "" ~ not bee ItaIJ qaine : t~m Ibi\U bea 11I1,,~.PH:t .... e * pUtiet ~ ""t mallKe 1l;Jal tqu..,re a»e 11M mel. __ tate **. 311,,".-aw oUbil ~Qafc

,bit fltU" is ttl blltfcu •• ue .

. lrint~is bQu(a~ titule~"ft"utel\ubeuh'bc memieie til:. tital14lrie, but~" but of An.u pamet , anuninte*~ to hill 1\'-£_1. O~ elfeto&1ume~iJ RI~"'" ~ .r.cif "" mA! ¥- .>f ~btit~{4lrmt1ch! , tt)e p~QaaU"'('~"'. rutt.~beu * >f * \III""ldItbeCuallIt_~, t!"'WlUn.U"U~

tllmel It;.iIUo~mmriage, ~~~uabM,.tIt JUlU\u1Da! >f Jf fiem 'be mire cml fwfake ~ea:,bV oua£ton \11~uof tbe WDmIIt

IIMIlDllla ~~ ..... *mlDiill1enmcboeNf.ll1nl)&lttre tn-..gaming, itwUlfW tDmI, ~flJea _"lbee loIeil ... no:

_t, anD vet * ~a .... an. tbun'U" U)e "at ..

U no tiIli~, anti ~t~ IlUt rmau fUblance, ~ IttcnQ loue'" ItDt\riJfmao,tt)ecompanioniJnotpoltbqt8lOtb eumintt~tc

'" luffe, tbe man _ toe to tuam, but it tl)a1l be to bis ~"ej' fb'Pluti8,npUlefpJite8, 1UI~1JItf) but rmaU\ln~etllanDinI Ol: er~ma3bUt in tt)InUa oftbe ftllel~ t'timbo,iwe is fnigneD,it b:nllin rumngaemmt. Jto all tt)ingc61 tbnt nlal! bet 1l8nUltlnbll)intb"toure,t~it ftJUU iJ iIl,but fOl t~innelQf Wll~


_bentbt'j_J\lbu.isinu,i.t~O"re, tl)nntluicill of, * * ..

no ill minoe, ntltt)el: fcctletl)tol)tlPleaf.ti)t otbet. 01 WI!)t,· * * '.~ beat~ I f1)OPl1tUc "aU ~11u.e agGOunb of!Ji., fude,tbe" . U.~ee\eintl)ebOurf,"'tfulPttuebJilh:etume,tbelJUlmajJe~'· *:(. ,1;' '.: !Me hlttb I,Jonouh anb bolb ,Rttie .. ·.teafe'b, tbetllJlUan Cl)all

bee goon anI) bDnell.anDtI)e mllll ~AlUueU ,,,tecate ~u); t~t:

fti(1l11 la or ~1J be .lct , t~e petf,"1 bftt~ noill affsttion,tbew" .

OJ fci~ul) loct tuill be foul\'O"gaint, tbemail) - ;"

U1ftn"}etc\1liUbtcno "'me t t~ema"ilofgOQU(piitt, ',; I allo tntlttllcir.t~e aB~n,nent llJlllbtn-.J" aUt~inllti\ ,:;\},'

lit 3 mar


, '

o/qeomaney. I, 109

rono~ tlillanpc: tl;equcc.lnt a)JlIloofc ~is (uttl (1Je t~tere bat~ Bolne muc~ ~e fnBitiut \utu.tu~ _ tome IlIJ4inc : tt i~ ill fhl_' mmil1~c, fo.! tbe fJ~fb.ItO \nil! fOJfau bl!l wife inllllcoiiltdp a' ~c i.G m,mi~ll. vee IlIdl! t!)fhl't t~l:klle Iir II fticn!): !llln to bec flJoJt,pecannotl"mlluItO tbct!Jil1lJ ill t~ill !Joure bllttbis ftgUtC ,i, ~ fOJ It,but ''oJ \Dmet.4I1' Co WOlke U:etJfon,ano put ftce into

,1lW\fI"(' 'J;:,' :. 1;'I::,rJ ')1 ", ",

,"~ jftn_.~iJf_ £.r~jn("(f4utntb~;)ure ,t, tbe tl\l >(. "euMtltJ!tD"gCltlD~fQq5-,i\QDitCtaet ,Ian~ biii .. nblet~ in >(. *biJOooing", fotl)lltre,al1l1nGlUtnot1)in6of~'nu t~cquetant * If.

tlJ.U.bAUII Bl)lQ fIUUllin~i.f rllte I ,t!le tbufll bcltb qolllelUIlcf) >(.

fmetl\!, tbc fu~tiue\l)Ull1eltet:cOnle'''lJllinc: it i. "trOJ~. agele) t~~bJillJlfr.lfIt~m tlJe womllfi, '~t ~~ma" Utpao;e, tlJemIlQlImIDtillt"lJIt~t~u''',mo : &l)e ~amlle,

(ijaU lDofe in tb~ beginnin!J.but wtnnt,ln t~c tn!): t~. ~nan (ij~l be tauen in "attlltte.anll"",,",,~,nr z t11e'£I1~'- ... ,ttlmp 101 uatb not bis \uife,t~emaiuele ~ Il!li~: ~I1IlUJe 1JCnIIlIWDC~

~jtal'_'''''''' ttriI bwf":~'lUte" i4l ".tttt it

.. to tftUp!oneCf ; . . ;

~benU1tbi'~OIIfe'eeftntlePopuJu •• ~rei.ugtcatn~~ ¥ ¥"l ... "Umn..)qual"ILQ , ~U1lJ D$ba~;:.fI,.ill~~IIHIle.t!) "' law. anDillfo f(j,lt~~ t~" y. ; ro~ bc~atb Ilolne, tbe funitiue will not cetume i it til il\llilfpt~nt >f.. inAliU~~,batiu'lt as 1!C (lJl1llltltr;ifatlJefttB, it 1.6 gO(ll) f01 'f -¥ttUn~l1Jip,anD cDItIPIUle tb~ malDd~no biqJme. 311 ~l~ otbn: t~ngtn \u~icb lIt Ina! Demannbc m tbin ttoufc , tblll, ~gu~e

, ilmeillte but lO~lIa'¥l! t"" "~~bifbtt it ,"ft:l,l-lilous, fiO~ I t .OOt\! ujJniflc tJl(tO~~i (0 ~!mt tVe t,entb nee .11S,ce tb~c£lIn'

to. :

Jftbi~ jfiBUu Via be intbis bOllre,t~~ ~n~m:[ ia fe~lc anb ~r -to

(U1Ill VOlUct? tpalllinhu$lIMI1loQre ,I),~-,{u~c,:! tl)~~!,)~~ ,10 .,

(raffic, t~~ fu~itille \Um come 110 IIfo!c. fo! ulllr~"1~lltt~ Ill,: roH~t m,llltniUput l)iB'al'1f11l11 be fll~ctA~~O t(OI~1 ~~l':, -y.

, _ t~c(!thlt1lh.: lbllil not winnc llIuc~. t~Cnt.tlllC UIIlO tfolU'~II'f. 111/111 t~t cemaunnen UJbl(~ t't cau put i~ t~i.G !)oliff t~i.G figlitc i~ill <CXCllpt it bl)(rull~NJ1C.)cr~ialh? b~1lJi\tc&:.



Ofth'C:«& houfc,aadefh.s-daaalund ••


Chap. I.

. ,,'j

16 ,arter'

, , .• ,. J

C eomenae: nr

.~ .arttt,tn~lltfo~tf.r.Jlit;rlJl'lo.I)~;~t:JIlClOUlCto t!out~at ron tl)nlll)llllc.

17 jfinillip. t~ls ~ou~e boot!} cont.line tbc qudlions lnbicb mar bee mane uppen U)C erperience of J,lillfODlill1cte, h1UOU1' (ions of fi'pirlts , Jltc~ilUl1tmcntJ • ana Gtter biueUllJ .arIes.

~ 18 .a.tom~InBt~epattcsofm.1IUIboDre, it contamctb * quelwlll. w"",, nlAp be m~Dc cOllcerniu" t!Jc Plitt it IU1D rectde IIItmbeu oflnananD lDoman,anl) l!Jerefo!e \lJben ~u ftn~ am?e "We ftgurt, foUoUJin), l!e 11)11\ tUOge auG.loUts rtJ l't I!)al~cte' aftetthlbt.

~~Ilnintbi' cigbtboufe pee finbetbi, tlBllte Aquifilio, it lIJeWet1.J tbe beatb of t~e patient befo,lt it belong, tbe moo (l)all b. tlnbrite oftbt DeaDe man I bee JbalI Dte a f4ire D,atb In tJtt biD , tbe I5lotbet ~aUoie befDJe tf)e f4t~ct : ~e 1tIoman it Writ ~ : tl)at man IJItb not kill,,, bim 1Df)orm tbe queftiotl iJ IIp''ht~c \uontan ~iltb goo" an. bOnt1t tampunl?: ~u tabi'" 'DUufailetbtJ)c agrau.e anD tDi(emln, fot(Jahftlee gille aI1ft1Cftilttotl)e \Difet~oUnceDe notfeatean~ ~nleo, inCOItuenien(tl tbett)taBe.~atlbu ncitlJet fcoJtt!;JeO ,»bu~'mD, U,wre (I) aU no bloob bee tf)at is ftom I)ome is in bealtb,ooD ~II retume witb tnu(b muet: at ~ ill fo,~ nil tt.Jingt8 or Jllinro~ mancie anD "'utli~ all tbange, tbiB j]'i~ute is gooo,but CO} t~cfitkc petfon,foJ ljsl1}all Dit,

:finoing t~s ftg:ute Ami tlio, it agsufectb t~elleat~ of tb~ Cldlllperfon , tftbcftdtnnn tentbagtC2 \'lntoti)i.ll: t~cll'lme. l1)llInot beebedelon[J. tbc manll)nll looretbc rutcclrtol1 anl) bilne no amenDes fo~ t1)e trefp<llle, tbc man II in ti)t bilunget tobie on tbc \u~telc lI~rQnteetbet cum bt4t~: tbe .fatQec~1I bie bet'o)e tI)e lI5,:oti)ct , if tbe fOUl:tf) anD ttnt~ contant: tl)e tuomanOJll.emanionrttJetic ticl), u,epatttttt)~t til fufpcttfl) ~.UIJ (lawn IUdnnbout nUIOIfUIM cilu~e, tbe ~.ltb ill 'OInp,\n~,i)c\iJ~i,~(otlnrllilctb t~l.l ct1CmiC,lI1D tbp. \Vift,w an HI man,uni) giucti) 110 !JOOb counrllitc :tlJC (care lJJ notbing, fo~ t~c erpeti~lcCl of Jjligcllll1llllClt it is ill ( erupt it bee fool loue • fin!) (oJ tbat it itnot ImlclJQoll,fo, tllclt loue.itt uotcOl\tUlIIt)tJ)C Ill! in t!le fttAll~e '~oulttlie t1}llllloort all. 001) t\laU b~il1l1 "Of

)t tlJinQ:

+- * * * * *

liZ, ., rrhr (eco,,((13oo~ f

tbitt~ ~omt, an foHo (!ll! tbe trl1et9, t~isjfigureiuuill iU1l1I i

t~ilt~~. 1

tUl)el1 rcfillbe f ortuna Maior in tiJitJ I)oure, tbe dckeperrol1 I .~ : llJ,lll not Oit 11t tl)ll'l time) fo t~ilt t~e rOlltt~ IIIlCCc \Uit~ t~i. ~Ottfc.but t!Je uckmf(c 11),111 be rometlJilt~ 101113 ift~e tent~ bOC

.y. giuc rOI1~cnt: t~c mall t1).l1l inherit, tJJ~ mm tlJilll Op~ 110 euHI

A beatl),toe jf!ltbec Il).llt furuutc tQe lli!ot~c::, t~c tXluman ~ cleo enolllll) .ano ro i. fbe n.emm : tVt ~!lUllr4illr of t~c encmie anti oftb~ mife i.G ,1 \lllOO 111,111 11n111l fectetil, fbe man I1ceDctl} not to be af',liDt: tbis ii«l1tc is m fo) tbc eqJetjr,ltce of Rigtoms1l1tte nnb ~lct;: oiuelitI,: in itll tbingc:J \ubic~ I?~ mill? b£lJtaunDint!JW ~ollfc)l:~is jftgute i15g0011.

m~m Ilttl)ia bou:c FCC finDe Fortuna minor, (ometimt ~t

-k agniftft~ t~1: oeclt~ offcme grMt fL.o~I), fino pet be (1)1111 nnttnD,

-): ilCCO~l)irlgaf) t!)c flrll,fi~t,o) tcnt!J bcufclllo.cconrcllt: t~cflck'

:¥_v_ nelfe flJallnot 10llll illbUU J tI)l man l1JaU I)aut IIl1::C~ Itaoe about f y ~illill~ctit!lnct t tl)epartil'fufptdell foH~ellcllt!J of tbcJlt4lt b.ltl) Ualnc I}im inl)eeoc : tl)e \DoJllan iJJ II1cctcll! tiel}. itisanill man wl)icb wunf,ulttl) tl)£ cnenue ann t~l! wifc. t~t man nieI lJetb ltotto fear IIIH! t~llt~ ut nil: it it! ill ro~ ~i1Jronl!lncle,t Iltall", limllllL'ttS I in all tI}inlJ{'S wl)icl) Fe mill! Dcnmunb In t~il.l ~O"r.

tl)i9' jfigm:f! is; ml'ctrlt',

:f/1II11ill{,{ tl)1I1 ft!llll''' Lxriria ill t~is ,lOUrC, tl)t pilticnt Il}I1I1

'f. .;.: 110t uic of t~Ill lliifrl1fc, tl)e man fI}:lll !tee fOllle Iltilllsl)ep:c, tl)c

:¥ 'f u~'folllt1U io II1c~tclV ri(~. .anD to lice b:iefe. t~is flgutc is gaol)

"f- ." in nil tbc OCIIl,1UntlC£l tul)id) t'c In.1\' HuM· \ f,mil1U 001 ~igrQ1

mannc <lno ilrtc iliabo!lcall) fOJ tl)c hlIJi(~ it in 110 t ~ogD )but fa] to (lce III tbe ell':c ,rO,! to ~oc Oil one floc 0; otl)cr.

i, 'f.; t~.'ll)en that T rifltria iG til tI)ill bonfe • flJc man itY am in Il

(!rantflllJ~t, t~c 111,111 1Q,1I1inl)cdtcpp tlJC orclt~ of ail otlJcr.ln * " "It otl)H tbllt\!C!f U1IJcrcof qocOil)U map bee lll,ltlC ill tlJis ~Ot1rC, 'xA tf)i!JfilJurciumll, but fa! .f)i!Srolllllllcic, fo~ t~c \U~i(b iti6 ~onl): t~e 1J1I1111lpllllot bee C1,llnc • IJUt llJall DrC rOlllc falre llclltf),

k n:tl;m l't HIIOe l>uellAr il( t~h; 'Jourc, tl)c Udlcpctfon is ill

~'k t"illlJcdonic, tI)C cnelllici.v illlJl'Colt fril11)t ,tYe caomlllt alll) lJ..e,

f.: milll ~e m~ fI1;Ju.;J~)t~e (lelmclfe 11.l,1H lIot be IOIl.!JJt~cmali flJill

f ~m~


. " rf(jeomtincie. , . 'H3

i,,~entc ,tf.npattic ~iltf) fintnc"omm, t~c fllt~ttlI)l1!! !lI!c!ot1lJ: in all t~inr!o \lIblcb l1clna~ D.ntatmllC m tbls ~oure, t~IG jflgure

is lloothc):rOlpt ill ~illromlll1cie. , ,

:EA,I~fi«ure Puerut t~io ~oure~ tbellliln fi)~IlllJc (!illite , It *

ts jIIfoj t~cflcke p('rfcll , fo~ it fillnificU) I)mtl) ift~c otbcr~,(Ollf y

(flit t~ctwnto I tbc fidl CII fife tl)allnot be long, tl)e c6unfi1l,er, of y- ,y,

It]e~n~lt1iean1) oftbe wife is IU, nlltl counflillct!> t~em to bee Ill, -\'

t~clUOll1ml is not \Jct}! ric~ : in nll tl)e nCmdUlttl('lJ \llblCb rc p~o~ pounDi" ttis; ~ourc t~is figure is; ill,fauing fo~ toue ,U!1U fOJ.0I~

gtom"IUitl\\l~e,teUl1to it ill goon" . ,

jflnbing tl)llJ ftgUtt Rubeustn tbllJ clgbtl)!Jllrc , tbc 1,II!lI1 'k *

iUJ lJ1.11t lllr Cnine \lIit~ II hllo}lie o~ n Uaft'e, tbe fiCHe pnfOlliGIU ,y_

Danger to lipe iftte atba bourc.G tlDtcoufent:tbuIlCUlP' tbe.lul,rt .y, ¥~ucillcounraite, t~efi'ltenel1'c1uiUbccl1)ol~ • tb~ malt l~utAv_ gt~Rt fcarc, tlJe tneman u! not ric~ .. tOtlC~lIIg j,}lgromanllclc

anD tbl! artelltllboUrall, it is ncitber goot) ncitbe, nue J bcc,lu:e

~ell1l1n i6 hID I)I1Uie in IJill booings. " tbiB flllme Albus is ii' tl)is bcu[c, tbe man IlJnll !lie in tbe \lInter 7 tbe rieke plltfonll)1l11 not benle O~ anlent) , fa

tbilt tl)c ot~crll confent tbcrclIllto : tbe btltclfe (oll1metb ,of 11 ~ ~,

rlJumc O~ \llatri(1Jnelfe, tbe1uomnn i, rieb , bc t1Jclt com~f'lllct~ ""

t~~ fltenll' ill10 t~e unte ia bOl1cll I anb cOtlnfmlell) noU)lng but * J. goon, tI)e nlflllltcetlet~ not to be in fCeue, t1)C pHfoll batb Uclinc

neman , tl)'~ fntbct flJ<l1l hudong: in ~Il tbc oCII!nUnDC!I ~f(bi~

~ourc t~ic llrsure i£l gOOD ,erccpt fOl J~ll1rOIlIllt1(lenIlO lDlnlloll:'

colt llrtc , III fbe \\l~i(b it ilJill1.mlcUeit be to lIlakc "'£11 filt~

ant> lh1UIl~C.

'~rill ti"S I)OllrC t,lC flnn~ Coniuu8:io the fiche petlon filflllt>ic

oftl)i.G oilc ,1f(', tbe man in p~ifon 1l}1I11 oie Ill! tI)e (,l\tle, tOe IIUIl ,'¥ >f.

Il}.lll not illllwte lmt loofe big fute , t~c man iJJ in artAt fctlt~, *

tl)e rOllilrmlrr of tlJe rlll'lIIt' mtll oit~c tnoman iil iU, t~c flltbft >(,

1~i1H qllftlteiv.oic • the man ftOIll bamc l1)allnot b~tI1llbomt lillie!, * ",,,

. fJlucr, In nil t~t bZJI1;lUI1t!C\J OW,IS ~atlre tl) j(igurc t£llll , C[1 ceptfOl p!{lrol1lllncie linn intlo(ation~of£lIi1l rptmc~ I fOJ H)c

ltl~i(~ it i!1 gOOil.,1.; A-

!:!:!Jir! jfiQ:urc C;lpttt Dt,lconi, lit t~i!.ll)ol!fr., t,lJc Ilcrr~l~ fit!;c 'k

flJilH ~c (OI1~ flcll~ , but be flpll bRIlC 110 ot~~r Dlfe,liC J t~e p;lrOI1('C '*

1., 2 Il,all -A

r+ . 'Thi{econd'Bo(){e .

"'''' bt quite lIe\iuere',but not mitl}fltltgUat trptnctf, C$lItt~ t~B man l1Iall ~<1UB bil tn~mtante anlJ cuecceme tbe pattie : 'lit 1U,111 io \Oit~out ftil~e,tbe counftllour to lU1 ~onell: ItIiUl • tbe tatbe foltbcr.llJ.lI~liue long,tb.,t 18 front beme l1Jal1 pJo8tin1)ltltJot!4 age : tOl nit tbe Dtnt<lUI1DtS tnbid) . mal! Ix PiopOUI1O(1) in tbit ~ollfe.tbia figmc III gOOD.

jflnDtnlJtn~iJ bOIl(e CaudaDrncon.» tbtpctfo"~aU_ IGng Qdtt anD in Dau"gerofbCJt~ , tbctt.ufoltCt18 in Daunget:

: Of~ls life ,tbetmlll u,ilUnot b,lIIr. tbe polttimon~ tbat buloolt~

k foi,tbe man is in" llIarueillous feare : be t~at i, (ufpedeD fol t!le

* .;. Ilmttf)et I)ctt~ cOl1unittetb tbe f.ut. tbe counfell gluen to~ wife is IIctfber gOOb nOl bo~~ll:,tbe man ll}IlU make '10 great {Jain~in tbe borage: in nil Demaunocs tbis figure bfingetb 110 !ttllt goo. lucile, buti~t~Il' to tbe co nt rane ,but (0) J,ligromdlt(ic it i. ggOIl.

:it{Ji' ftgure Career in tbi1l 1)oufe , tbe p~titnt IT)all bee mOlt

¥- tille to Die tben to uue, the pJifonet l'I)alllJle in P)lloll : it is ifW

l(. >(- rucctmOnCf~erita~esgoGO. butllot tuitbout grMt paine an~ ¥ ¥. tt,lulIlle,itlsalfontokenofrtilJl)t unO rCIltl'. ~ murt~~c

. ¥; WilS (ommitel) bll one \tl~ic~ lapc in "!.lite to nee it , anD Dill it In (ome out o.~ tl.1tkc place ,.'IIlD he Itl ,,(wreD Dill it , bee ttJat coun(clletl) tbe b.llfe ie nct OftlJC clc.mll ill the luo.Hb : ~tctbat ts in trllfflrllc 11)1111 uec ~i(l bufmclfe melt cnoll!lb , but bgeis in Dangctto bet robbtD br tile \1)[11' : ill all the ql1clliol1lJ ll1bicb mlW bee plopoUnbtD ill tbl!l bOll~c tlJil.! OlJurc ill emil ( c):ccpt it be fo; jjligromal1cie) fo~ tbc tu~iclJ It III IIII1WClllous £(000.

jfinoin\J tl)i.G hJIHC PIlI"! I,l '.111 tl)ill l)Ollrc,tbc licitnelI'o1llil

be IOl1g.mb t:JC patient m nuuugcr ofllC.llb,but l ct in long time .

• '( >( be l1)llllanltIlO(fotI).lttl)c IltUilllb tentl) DOCCOllfCl1t ) tbe INan

>f. k tl;Illllllie in bill uen itT' il rbumc • o~ eire be mournen in tu,ltet: . ~ * tben1iU1i"1I1Ucf}aft~ioco~'lIlcn atll1es , ~etboltilJi£lnccurcbOr 'f: " tbe murther ~~tI) bone tfJe fMt , ant) Ufctl to be much ill ~i8 rem-

piln" . t~ecJullrcllouroflhe \uifc flnnof,tl,1ceIlCmicill goon , t~e In,ln ftOUI bOIlll' tl)illinot b~ilt!l mud) (ubfil1l1ce ~ome 'l1lit~ bim ~ in:ll[ tI)IWJ!:! tlJia ft\1I1:C illll1cctclr {!oon(rl1l1inJ3fo~ J,l,(ltof fIIllUcic)fol the \uhlclj \i ill UCf}! ,II ,tll1:clk it be to mi1!\~!l nuer torcme into ,1 pl,lce.

" .


i .


. J}tjeomdncie. 111

Il)ieftj!UU Vi~ ilU~iai". , tfJ~ldsepeJ:r_'_aIlDieon tbi! llefeare, ift~e SrllanD ttnt~ tonrent tbeteunto:t1;le man tl)all not in~etite : tbe (oulll'etlouuftbe wire anD tbe ,manp ~ inlJif(orent I t~c mumn ttafAke llJaU b~ing ntltbing bome , tbc wife anb tbe leNt",,,n bebcr~poo~e, tbe man ~lltbQ.ll"e nobotlr~ nn!) If~ beiltpmon~e~U(Oral~fo~b~~"p:ai(e : &nnlltbeque· ftiOl1J -bid}. !t 1Hal! f~ in ~is1JDUrc,tJJilS" Gutt i. ,uill, but fo) J1}i~roman'ie • to e!lufe sne to lit e"ta:iel)awa~ '.fAtte Off.

Oflhc: ninth hO'le,. and ofthe demaundes contained

therein, Cap. g.

• T~e nint~ ~O&lfe,aUcD t" c:a".nt from t&d1n«te oftbt

ilDccioent • ot~et\l\ife(aIIeD tbe bou re of ~'D. ,ont~inet~ l1aturalll? t~e qut1ttou ano DfMaUI1b81 w1Jk~ 1M\! tie plOpOl1n· "tI bpol1'tbe 'ppartenance. orant! stemple "~~IlU\)) 4:~ap,.lI.

~on,Uterie o~ lpernlltage. ' .

1 .a1(D oft~e lOinB' ot\&)iea •• religiou. petrons ,anll \,cr; mitt. uppon Diuine feruice,ae m~Uns, p)imt', anO ott.Jet cnno~ "irall ftruice ,ann ortbc 1n.1Ire I\no p.ltl1?tt.

3 .alfo upon tbe gatm~nt. ;lltl) \lettucu ora 10Jiell, P:Ie.1' (ber,~(bol"t,anll!}is (fubie, t~e ~'bool~ , alltl tbt' comp.111101lS ano ~oolu:'!"

+ tGbctberbe \I.Ib"~ 60etb to be maDe lll~iclt llJall ~ilUC OJ 1 orrs O} not •

. r )ftbe man fl)ilU be ncb in beneRee., tbntis to rap,iftl)ilt ~e I1)IlI1 bdUC tf)ebifl}oPJicl\c, abbe!! I OJ tbe ot~er benellceo!bat ~ep:etclloctb to b,llIc •

o Wbat "lIeltc llJuli tbe ~cbDller beoftubtn ~c returnctl), \tll)etl)er be ll)all be ,iltlo(tOllt in nl1~ famUic , OJ ,ul)~e in al\\? ecclelinllicaU«:ourtc, o~ 1110lcfillent 0], il ¢ounfellour in IInp bi~b C:ollrte.

7 lrt~ctbinlJw~i(~ t~'mitn OJ \Domnn «rpitt unto l1JIlIl rente to effro.

!.l tAA~ctbc~np~ronbcufooteo~~¥ire, nll,in wbAt ~d~

1'\ 3 snre

tItS' '~Th~fedmJ?J3oo~e

ellrcbC i, ~ 0>' t»b«!Jft be lit .. ife OJ ttc(J·, o~ ~etcarl'erll)!l1l

bee. .

9 3f t~e rommen b~tltcbe true ": not.

I a tClb~t~('t t[J£ l)~cnIl1C bJC,ll11ebbe gOJlll oan'O • falfe o~ true.

11 3f t1;C borage w!Ji(b one 11loul!) take in ~allt! be lollg ~ t't.Jo~fI~ .11000 >llltJ pJQ(1tdble, atlO lD~et~et it be all goot! bp _tll ilS bi! lelllll.

12. til:tlJ~t~Ct '!It tl}lps ano n~ni!! bpon t~e ~eil Q)clll COlli. to n [Scot) po~tc.

1 ) 3f 'lllllln l.l.lill ill II to ret an nrm!! to t~lJ.t>ti11 hl~et~Ct btc

1tJcr(itl;ito~not. _

L} 1 ftI)& l1)ipps oz ([Saller. ll)aU be goou offatlcoJ,llot , 1U1~ 1ul)ctl)et it bee ~ootl to ret bp t!lema.ftc o~ ot~etwife • anll \Dh;rher t be tlJippc o~ galle~ ~ll .trine 1llit~ a goo, luillll~ D.t not to lin), pg;tc.

Ii 'fi'ibetfJtr tbc blin~ wiU cauCe a IJ#pbJJlUlIs OHI0f ,1Ul~ W~ttber t!Je ~lppe O}alllte loll "no t~e annp t~ewn , aUD 1lI!Jat is t~eCilure.

16 ~bitl ~ufc containdb alro tbe tlemtltln~CIII wbieb &alii!! bl meeuen nppen tbe foiouming 0; If.wing 'bat tf)e man l1}11U limite U\bir~ IS all t~c Will? ,to Imo\11£ boW 10niJ bee (}Jan tmtlt, relltelhlllonet~SJ 10: baru , Qno fOl tl~ilt DUd!ion bee foolie bill 10llnter·

I 7 t'at!)£t~H (be rcare fl}all be gooo,antl ftllitrul, IIntl lu~4t f~ill(I!l fi)llllbe plcntirull.

:G1)cfr be tl)e QUtlllonG <llll) tlCttlllUl1tlrs hJbi(b ltM\? bee PIOOUl\llCtJ in tt)is I)onre. fOJ wbicb }lce mR~ l"a~C jtigures, IIn~ iullgc tI)CIIl ilCCOJDinB bnto tbe iilllturtioll bmartc~ '011010- incr·

~I)fll ill tbis I\illt~ boufc rc fla.,e tbis figut'c Aqui(i!io, it figlliflttb tbat tv~ man fl}all ~tIU' t~8 benellcc w~i(~ bfc Dotb

A IOGlle fOJ,8nD l1Jnllllcc ri(b in tblP~bll((I} aocbfB,anbn ijoobmlm: be tlW goat!J to tauc O,:tJCtLl lI).,IlIJ,lIlC tbem , tI)e ~d)ollct t'l]nll lie IllIDo(loUI: ulll1llltolll1rclh~ut ,ti)e b)c.llllc W !.IOOll, ann 113 tru~ rcmero IIgoolI enn: tbe (0111111011 !J~lIite ifit be goob , it it. tlue, lritllcc ill, it t1'lfalrc I tbe b300hm r~('nlie Ijf'~II1!)Ll oft~t \t9I1rrb,



" . '. \t{Cje011idncie. If:7'

or satuntke attO ol,t:lfd)es, t~e petrilli is or~otr cCllut,lf(oi1, t~e man 1I.1bi(~ is gone fo~ epard}anbi,c tQ.lllll08l11l1e~ p'!ofttte , t~e l.I.ctttrS DOC fpt'tl!IC ortbtna~s LJtnCfici4111 O~ [OIU<l (ti\I'UncU'e: il~ CilrC to \lntl~rtel~eIU~~ Ilocation, tl}erc isucne [Jettec t~cn rebee ort9t If,l)urrb. toi)ilUC fublhmcc l)utcMrc, ann to liueaUclrt : it it gooo fo~ a bor,ngc, fDJ tbeu,an t(Jtrcll1tlJall be tome hlealtl)le,' tbCIllt111 b.ll)i(~ luut or~ts <.tounfdt 11J<11l returnr quidl- 111 wtt~ gtcilt fllbttmlC8. 'but be II.Illlt b~c in feme fC.lre of Danae!:

OJ imOl1llfnil'ltcc, t~e't1}ipOll' t~c ~ellllJnll rome to a ~ooll POJt tJit~ Ilgilllil trlinlle ill;l!! U,Ml1gl0 .bi(~ l!U mar DenlllUnb In tblfl ~cllre t~i!S fiflllre it! g~otl,

jfillillngt!}l1Ifigul'o Amiffio lhtl)t.boufe ','tt flanif'l!2tb, tbctttbcnldllll}allnotbautt~t benetkJ tublcb bccloDlictb foHo ~~ucJ tbe~OIlltrs fpt4aeofnot~i"gbatof,ollnllct, liMllctlJ, anb gflouc OJ II!fTclJ,ana 'be JL.ttUtfJ lJoetbe Idle: tbtCOllllllOl' bllitll.w)llgtt;t~ep .. opItiJstrU.B.if*'rUI'tcn becmao5: ltl~J be llJalllu! InUt~' gtuentmto lI.u~~~tel ,&ti. not gooa r~.H~e fiiC90IUlI: , fo:. bee will not ltubt.e~ut Ia .~n~1tutltnl1 , 'be fJlltcbllnoi,e l1)all not b88~r!8,poa, tn tt,itl lJO\!!lg~. tbe mlln ~aU !oofe all , t~e .~ip., a,atlcome lDitb . grcclte fpCCbe,but l1Jte ll)aU tel inunget:, to be talulf itt Itlle irur: anI) to feU \'111& in two ht~iJ.inall~t\1inl3ctllubicb re lIIil\? f1nlt Iu t!)is"oufdl)ts flgutti. ill.

W1bcll~tefintlc t~iJ figme I-'orcuna Maier, til this t1int~ ~oure, it fignifiet~ tbat tl)e InI1I1 Il)all bee 13illJop,!.'l~bot) o~ l)aueCucl,l!endlCC f;ec«apet~ I'D) r: t~e ~lelUJ1C ill of t.lil1!!tl1, }a~iIUCIl nnb of gre,lt ll.o~btl. anb flJaU (Dlllt to n nOOb cnn , tbe rouuncn !),JUite ill not ill ,'t ilgOO\l fo.H~c ~d)olcr. fa) I)c Il)tlt

, bCRII1I1l1of 1)00lO,U~, anllltcltnt:U:tbcJ5oohe. treatcof Llil111G. '. It'llin(cg, nntlgtc,lt lLo,lO,' of},nnllOJbillc',Ilces rOfcl!! :-tIJe ~ipQ)alamlteatl1lJOOn l\.'olt,allbCOlUc farc wttb nrM tit(~rjJ,t!Je UliII' hli}id) i# out or t(jt. ~cUltttieil ten? fa~ u\tJnr.but ~c fl}ill! retllrttctnitbgooll pntcl)nfe: to tl'llic a ioume~ inl)lIl'll,it'fignifict!, U)clt it tnil! bt atenunme in 1I0oinI'J, fOJ tGl Icamc 1111)' anc it ilJ nOOo,nllll fo~ ~d~cru(ct oftl)e pJin(c ,fe;. tlJrreb)ll)c !lJ,l!l(OIl1~ to ritc~cJanb mbit: '" All I:ImUltlltIJC1.1 tyil3 ftllnre ijl {lOOi) ,mlil crpcriilll~ in Iclltninll·

if * f..*

* j:


;. '



~::::----=-=:---!"-- .... - ...... ------~.....-'~--,.---:~'

liS"'''' ..., 9.he (tc()~'l1oo~

.Jbt~tf)iD fi~ Forcua~l1IiMlintf)~ boure;(t...,.«.

'.f. ftb tl)at tb.! man i. of lltC<lt tlifDomt.1JGltrine, It10 lueotuteOp :

¥- t~e man l1Jalb.lUet~c bcndi"bcpJetmws,butlt,sofnognat

* ,.. balue,tI.Jtll)!icflislm ~alleaUlil1, tI}e bOra6' i. long~ .ut, 'f; *- t~e m,m il)a11 ulutuc bome 1tIitJ) gulf pJOltte : tbe nteU'fflll" 1l)a1l qut(llh~ tdumctt:ld50okta &U1bll.dtus maumenUon of

t~c ilrtesofl&ingefl ,It':lncc.el,an~{ilrNt JLo~oe,,~"'~ appll?etl)~tslclltninn. anoGJaUram bnto~OIU:, t~t.teamt is of lI\ings an'll ¢lnpetaUII,linall tl)fap,bJ!J'dJrema", Dlman. ... tbt. bOuf'~S allure II 11*,but tt)at it omaret~ a leU" "gi' lctictmctfe. -'

-j{ ml,Jcn in ttt. nintUoufe vee Inbe tblt ftguu Lctida , fee

'J<,A tl)aU rlll1. t!Jatat lIJ intlltrrmtt poll fGJ ~inp, COftcumng 'AI< t~e ¢~utcbt ~ man QIallnot pac tqe baneftre t~t ~e p. " 'A ftnbetl), itis PI'ft) ate "d)olltt.anblikdD,ref~ .. JtMIIJ

Qpif\!ingtf)atit tset~.~pleaflllt iU$umatIut.u Q(rOlntpm.~ e~~ .tbO\D"~fo~ .6UtiOIUI"lJOIIIQul'~fl}autJtt'(mae~ob, it"_ fOJ a iOlt~,anD ti)t~'J"ftt Ant saine itil hltetell?, t~manfrom~ dJllh:emmeqllicls1!, allbfat1Jal1 tblll1)ip on tt)e rea Itt be in bocItilll of BAP ate ,a:la ta tt Ongmofuke,mtb topll1l!oaanftallnmtt 'til g~ ~ tniUt~1 1Dbl£h pe ran Demaunb in t~i.I)ol1ftt1}i. Bgutti. goatl~

* * jfinnmg t~is figure T rilliria in t!Jlt ~ou.fe ~ it ft_tfJ d ''f .,,_ f01 t~~ (!;.bUt'~ , tl,)t man t1JaU not attaw to tbetltr~8tc ~IE

'" ¥- bOpeD to!)aue, ~,~t t~ fl)U~ annttntbDoCC8nfeIU

1< in€aUeUtl1ete tlIttllle ,zalttt: ro~ borage figtuteUj De"'. ann flaring : to !tame a ~e it i. gootJ, nnb hkduife fo) II ~c~lkr, (o~ bp~i. labIut f)teflJ4ll attaine \lIlto gnllt DOlt· , rim: tlnDlmo\ulet!gt, aIm cl'peti.111l? in t!1inges fecut Dfnatute: t)ewatt tl)atl be weI :;JUIM) inti af gcaD~uta~iDn't~e mtlfro· , "" tllallbeenetaincO bp t!Jc 1»aF, tf)e ~btppe ram Qaunget ~ tIC tott 0: faken: in allntl}n: btmaUfl1JtJl»",c~ve nlilpmalse In .bit1lOUr.:,tbis agutejlnll,butC'oH1J~of~81lItke~mll'" '

. .,.: toitlt~"iegDOlJ. ,."

)(. f ,.b'" l!te flntlt tJ)i.t figurt l)udla 1n t\ll'l)oaIre,it bOt,b Ill!'

, "* .8. ~tt~e man ll)lIl1nat lJaut ~benefiubut bl! t~e PJOO'rtl'

• >f. :' "!tnt





.. --

,0/ qcomancy.' 119

IMnC of(ome WOmI\II, tbe ~"'olltt will not ftubp but abDute fo,lnielnnu to ruu a mCC,llltD to be nmo)Ous, tbe (bippe ",nl come to 11 gooDt)ilucn \Datb mu(~ ilboultllanct oflt1tm~OInbi,e: it is allb faJ Il ttlluelle~ i tbe man batb lJjCllmetl t~nt bee bllt~ liel1t\lit~ 11 \Uomnn,it in inbiffercnt in Ilaine , 11 liD ttl (01 (be 'IIQ1tJaUp,fuJ tf)el?bc offm'll1 trull:inall tbinp bJblc~ tn t~is flGllfc fcamCen1l1unl) t~i" figure i. mectdl?, ~J:Cl'pt it In f(1.t to IUtn8 to fing mullcketfo~ tbe 1l1blcb it Is \lrtt? !lOOD .

jfinOin~ (btl ft!JUte Puer ill t~i. "intlJ bonfc, ~ man llJnl not .y,

bolue tbebene1lce,butbp cc.1ft!! politie: inal t~il1g, toucJJing :y,

tbteaateoft~e¢bllr(~t{Ji6 ftga~$iteuilll to tailca b~l1ne ¥ :y in banDftnll fOI tbe metT.:nget \Dbi'~ bJinnetb letter.,it Ilgni- * ftet~ tbel? ll)all be in I)dUnller to be robbeD bp tbe Wat: t_e I1}tp

"in 'B"Atbangttto betallen , alltbllti,\"aille anl)b.JuiteD to~ing 'iu;1m ilil true ,tbt man bJCamebOfwRto) of(ome r'*ttlin(J.,tb' .'boileE allDie~ not~na butbl.8 "8apon,fo~

pine it ts il'1t~ boouf'ptake of matter. ofhtAm t In IU tbe

ft1Wp wbidJ ~e map beml1unlJ in tbi. ftoufe tbis flgurt I. t' mll,but fo~ tJ)ingB tou(bing bJatrMnlJ t~c erptttmceof f,ll-

Stomanrie,fo: tbe \J.1~i[~ it is gOOD. '

Wbtn ~efintle tbi. ftgnre'Rubeu s in t~i' ~oure,it i, 1)e- * *

t11iUin aUo'nlllunl1e.,butruc~ Il' (oncerne burning., rob- '*

Irin!J,titUn!J,(pojling,lnbruclJotbet: likc,to t!)e hl~jc~ at I. Bmb * * on fu(~ tDire,t~llt iit~ou malte a ftgute to IInowe w~at "'nil

belppen to bjlll\D~ic~ botb take a long ioutncp,it it OlJt1iftet~, If..y.. t~lIt \Uitbout all boubt~(C ll.Jlllibuit~ct: I:obben OJ (Mne bl? t~elllll\l,

lfthis figure Alblls be (ountle in t~i. ~I)!lre ,!it fi(Otifictl) ~rc,lt ~(!C!l(c'l:)it,mllll('i1tnil1g:il1llll t~ingtll \\11)/(1) ve mil\'

l!£llIlllll1b,tt fi{Jl1iflcth goot! fo: tbe <U:l)lIt(~ , illltJ t bllt tb~ man :y 'f

tl)1l11 bnuc tI)CbCl1fficl' it is gOOD fo~ 11 ~cI)ollct,tl)e tJ)CIII11C i!l A ,I,

nCOll, it i.G "~tV goon fo~ IJtlinr. , tl)ef1)ippc "'nil returnc fnfclr -J<,

hlitb{!wltrl1bfr&cc,tbc nmn Ilnbtne«tng,r \l.ll)icl) be 011 the '1 y.

luap aJal! rctume qnilh\~ wit!) jor anu bhlTc • it is (looi) to

lcnne tf}t .ane .lIDUltO,lic Ii n 1111 tbe tlclI1QllnDn ltlbicl) rc UHl~ ~lIhlUnl) in t~ia l)ourtt~w figure in gootl,t1)cre is (llro illlll:r,

. ffllgrr br tV(' luar UJ~icl) It,lil11'lCtllllcttcrn.

~ ~~i(l

~~ .---.-~------ ............. --- ..... -----~

no The fecond'Boo{LJ o/qcomtlncy. 121
., * lL[Jisft(JlIl:c C()lliunfliQin t~i.G ~ollre is gooD Il.G well ftlltJing !~illHlJl1rc Via in t~ls bOllre,it is ttl (0) r~ecturcb 'I-
); fo} t l)c ..t~utctj , all fo)tbeobt.ullinlJofabenrficc:itiobtlt t~mI1l1IlJn!lllot obt,llllC lbe bencfi(c,it is goel) fo) a ~(bOl; ~
¥- Illtttell! fin a ~cl)ollc( ,nnn III fOJ a b,c,ultC,tIJemat~iUlUIJ.1ll Ict,~IJ~ lItillll)tlt~ OJelutln of IUi.lile o~ WoltCt, ." of Icttml *
~- * be roilbtil b'l~ tI)!; IDnp:inilll otbet tbin~ l.iJ~ic9l!e elm ll~ 1Dbub fl}oulD ill' blOllobt unrc bim:itt.s ill fe, gainc,anb ill all -A-
UllUI\D t~is fi!:';u(c is lII€dclf gooD, olbel: tblll(UJlcmpt fo~ long iOUtntF.s,fO) in t~rm It agtliftet~
r ~" - jfillDin(! t~io ft!lure C;lPU: L)raclmj, in tbis boufe , it t. t~nt tbc Incll1llJall gOt raftl\! b1itbout !lnp l)anlJft 8) inconue,
-k !}OODfoJt~~It~uH~,tl)cman Q)all !w:e rOil btntftct, t~8 mtn~.IJllt be Q)1l1l "C tonnbL' 'be war· ~fiOts tbi" blbrnro,
}; O;C<lIllC iJJ r;COll,uItO tlJntl ccmetou gooo clI~it is btrp gOOD foJ euerp~ lt1n~el1figure ro: anI! ~maUl1b, anti t~e" finlle tbi.
.- tbc fcboUer ,unll fo~ neliC:;;, tbc llJlp IlJltll rome fl1fc \utt~ gteat 8gUte III t1JI.s ~oure,t~ete "aU a melI'eltS"ltll1e Iluicllir Wit,
ricbc.\l:t~c II1clfwlJcrO)~1I (o,ncqllictllr.,anb fOlllall~e tbtlti.l lettu,maIImgmention or. '»opage.
il1llf,ltrr;~ullllttep'il1!lU l~ill~1I \lJbicl) ,,CC4UtDCU101UnlJUf
tl)is bOllre t!Jis t'Illlltci" tlerl' BOOD , it flilnilict~ alfo t~ilt tile Of the tenth hcufe.and of the de .. .tundcs
.,.lIn a"ll1 winlU'blllfutc. ,onraulC:d therein •
~ ¥- jflllIJillg tbiG ftgllu Cauda Draco"j5ll1 tbil ~ottrt,iti5 ill
-I; fo~ tuetZ;!JUt(~,anb ro: tbebcncficclanll fo~ aU olllel: tbtngu Ch;lp. .O~
~ * w~i{b t!t map bnUilunb in tl) .. Ulmfe fbiB ftguu i.t il.efpecil111 I T ,is fet,tb f1ourewuu., f. t'l)e .angltortbe ~outb.oHfrt
,*, *- II? ro~ a Ihc[eltllU,aUl) IO~ one \JJbl(~ i. out Ollis ¢
i t~e~a,all be tobbell,o) nlldulteo, 0: putrUeb b~ lJaB~bonoe. tourcoft~e b,,dtt oftbe ~uen, coutainetb pZGpecll? all
il tbe a,IPPC 011 t~c (cilllJ.lIlbe tobbeb bp PPJl1t,s , oUlre CCl;tf~ tb~ qu~atottS anD btma,Wl~lJ tnl,Ji(b ma! be p~unDeb to ...
1vlt~ rm,lll gOllle. ~ cbtng t~c ~OItOUt D~ p:alre of a petron,
"* Wf)enin tbill ~ou(t \1e fll\t!t t~is figure Carcer.itie Hlfo.t '2 .11lro 1u~t".., nlll! Debelt'aunoco to~fng a ~biatian
-k *- the 1t~1I((1) ,tI)e man fiJillllJ"ue tI)cbel1(ftc(': • but it tl}.lllbe IUltl bis o~tlinal1(e,
k * IOl1~ fira,illllllb,lt 1.11' (!:rcatpllillt IInll tt:dueU:it is gooD 10J t1).e 3 :llro of anF tbingloll o~ ftolllll.
I fc~olcr,an!lllut "'teM}! fo: 1J'linc.t~c O:C,lIl1C is ill,ano isor -'I- mJpon tl)c motbetlgtl1l1Dmot~etlwiftoJlLtmmatt,
I 'f t~inllfJ of fi:lgl)tltbe mdrenge~ io IIllJtCJt t).mg£t: to be takm r .attb oftbe tlcttue anb ~c!Ut? of 1\ lntOUrne, ano or all
( o~ ".tine o~ rift IIcpt ptifollcr:tl)c Il}i!-l {lJalllc in D,U1gerofbut· ~iflg8 tOIl'l)ing tbe IlppotbkRtit.
i t1i1t(J. o~ tnkrlllJl' !.IV )llts,l'CW' c fi)ippc III lit tlJI' mibDIe Dftbe 6, ~pont~et3tng..llnl1itl1C,li.l)inc~s.lL.o)oe'.lBope,b pon
re.l: In all other t~lIll!(! (!Jio ftfiUlf is IH( btl t ro~ t~c .atre or ~il g)fflcm IlnD Vagdltatl,ano Dftl)cit Jimds, lall18.tlfCl~8
11 gtcllltlncie)t'o~ 1l,1)l(b It i, \)np !JuDO. anti o;ninanc~£I, be tbcF ecdcriRiliclilI O} ~Inpo'illl, anll tip..
> 1<' jflnbll1lJ (!Ita flr;ule l'opulll .. 1I1 t~is nintl} ~ourc, it ig i"1 pon tf). rmet t~lIlJ1)t. ort~c tnotl)t~,grtmoll1ot~ct, 0; WO~
lliff€t:£l1t as well foHbe ~llurc~.n9 foHIJe ilrmrtcc • but t~e IlUln 0) f[~tI b,
f, ,', bel1efice i15 P002c,llntl Offll41U uatuc I it is "Ifo mlltelr fo: tbo 7 ~1!1ct~er dLol~Mdoue ~ou , .fpc ll)1l1l beaN !;is fa-
¥ y. fcl)o!cr ,the perrolll).,t~ l)~eilmtb ofklHltCt , o~ of em atTembll! UOUr,nI1D ifi)e fl)ntl8or; :?Ougoob, as mud} mill' rOil i .. Ollcof
A ofproplc,tbc t1J1P~ tlltlll rome r,l~eto n (lCOi) poH I inall oll)cr * lIIotl)er,gtnnonwtbcc,o.! ortl)ll '\l"l~lnti.-u"
thil1~s UJiyicl) I'e mal' bCIlhllll10 ill tbi!lIJourc tbis ft!Jute is in- H ~n~ctOet a ~il1lJ I1}lltt auioc long time in ~ilJ «cahll~,
Dlf(cl.'cnt,cmpt fo) \)O}!!lllC br limO 01 bE \ulltc~)fo; t~c ~~l(~ , linDa lLoJOc IIli)il'l ~il1l1ioHc.
it is 1m!? gQn. 9 3f~e w~ic~ ~rirer~ to bc }I.'ope,tl)all lie (~oren t~trUlltO.
Jfinllltl~ ~l OJ. 11 z., rrhe/tcond'Boo~~

D.~ t~eCl:mlntolU; to tbe ¢ntplre, annirt~el?bee '"he ift!Jte al.lll ammo.

. 1 0 ~m~ctlJcr l)f thnt re tbinllc raJ tl):1[l ue Olin!'1t alit oftbc ll1inul'f cXautt ,oz \IJ1)et~er be {lJilll!J~ tuelrome ,mo loueb.

I I Jftt be IlOOD fOJ t~c JAll1l1 OJ otbc t:U,oJDC to mtcrinto . anotbet :m:;ollll1 c.

l:l rm')ct~H the J:lilln 01 otbcl: !Lo}tI llIill tlOdullire.

I 3 IWlbetbet:it bJ 1l00D t~e jillnu 01 Dt!m: lLoJD IlUlkc 1ft 1)Ol!ClIJC ,a',O iUbat t~fl! take it in ~cln~, if tbel! lbaU ff}D)tI~ returne.aun hilt \'lII(c of-nIU!JU1!1ll wbic~ pe UloulD'Demaunb ofL\inlj(J, ll)~in(c£l Olltl ll.o~OB , oftl)c lI10tbec i\ntl grantlmo, ther, I~ollll).lll nnnc tue ftanif1(,ltiOIl in t~is boufc. . .

I + .all tOllc~jllg lbe ClPle 11110 t~c tunc to Imow ifit bJirt ratne o~ o.llJe [.tire lDcatl)et,1ullloc OJ rnhnc, auo iUt bc 11 tlW nie fcafon tubeti)ct: it I1)4Il mille Illue!,.

15 .anD fillolllp ifit be gooD fO.l anI! petfon \nbic~ taket~ 011 bil11lll1\! otfiu tOllcbing llIatrt.1111 fa be It cllptllin,~ndtntJ btt1ter,~uioon 0: anp atbtt .llPlflce , t~c Cil}niftclttiGI1 of all . MJidJ'enlal4nOClS ~QlIllJl1l1 ftnbebl? all t~eftgttt" OeuarM ret IlccoJDil1(!to tbdroJDcte.

~rt.Jcn In t~etcntb ~ollfe \!t flnoetbi, ftgure Aquifitio,it iJ ,~ It (!OOD titl1C to go to a p:incc, IlIlD to obr.une glo:!? anD ~ono:

I.: bl! ~jUt;tl)c It);incc OJ great ILoJDc,\.uillgiuebun reme gulft:it

'f,: ill gooD fo: t~c 18~ifitilll1,!l1l1J alfo to talle mCbiclne:tbc tljing

1 mtlting hllllbe founDllg.linc,RuDtt iJ not aolttt:t~emot~tU ofgOOD oif'polition,lll1o fa is tbe irll1dcI¥IDtbc~unt:t~cman U,alb<1ue fbe ~ot1o.l I)c plcteI1Detb:t~e king,'Empnouqaope, ~uccl1e, 1l:\JincclJ anD Ji,o~IlS mollc flreat (beare :itis gooo tOlloe to tbe lS:ourt to otuell tuit~ tbem , (OJ bl?t~etllcome nlucb gooDnelTc ann nl)U4utll(,!C : it O£ll1ifi ctb a c1eatc IlnlJ mire tnnennn llI~olrOI1lJ!lIlD Ibm l1}lIlbc no mill:tbe liing,19)ince 0) ot~Ct ILO}b Il}nllllIHcllllC otl)is I)irenfc:t~c man l1}411 bepw fen teD \l)it~ ll~oJfe lip I)i" IIIllitler : it is lJoOOfoJ tbeoalce O~ lligl1itie wlJic~ ~e Il}nll~allr. In all tbe IIclltllUnllS tubic~rtt

0( tII!ll'llsllcil1tbisl)DlIfcJtbiGflgurciBIJOoD.ano efpedlllll? to

j /0; {lOC unto !l Ji,o)lle.

, ; .Rill~il1lJil1 t9U, ~. ~our(: t9ia 8gure Amiffio,U i. ill to ~tt

~ * ~O"QU~

o/qcomatlCYI 12.3

I}lInout~IOlie o~ nUf~o;ltielroJ t~e pattie !Joott) glue ~imrelfe to n0l16 ot~ct t~il1g but to leclC~ct\!:lt III not lJ(DiI to tllke nWllt.nnc : t~c t~ing IIlIG'jog is tlQlnc, anti tulll not bc f)ilD againe,

· \IIIIClf~ t!Jwt t~e reaurlltb conrcnt : tbl! Jnotlln iG (boletidlM -'ffi)e fclll ficks Q)e ~lI1lllte,lf tbe cig1)t t~mto llIJUC: Ql1ll tf)c ,&l\I.e""lP p.e iUDgcoftbu15tunllmot~cL:, lal1cleluno .aunt: it I is tit to goe to i1l1..o~l)*ufp,(ialll? to bilue nnE oi(t&litie bp l)il11: : tbere l\!lll be no r4ino,but fbe a}!lc ll}illi be faitc « b)igbt tuitl) 11 htUe Wlltme \ninDcl~e'Jl\iI1g9; tI,oJI) 110t bls fctuiit,

· noll,t lis en fOJ t~eit DOlllclUtallatfllitel'H~N nIl tl)eoclUllUnbit .llJ~ic1) l}c mav oenmunD in It)is "oufe,t~is l1gure is ill,mept

· to balle tbe (au om: cgt.ue 0(11 @)inceltc,fo~ t~c t\l~iclJ itw goOD.

~bel1 in t~i.tI boufe pe ftnlle FOIIIJna maior, it is gootl:ie} ~im \U~i(b blolO Iloe_o 11 Jl,UaueoJ, gCCdUi-OJO,fo; b1? I)im

· pe(IJIlUtlaUe 1)1I114U& rmb.Dtontcie:itin"eellil1~ glllil to t!lttC

· 1IItDb:'n'ltbe tl)ing mftfing{ts not 1l1li01 Qoli,but ",aU bc b!lb .allaUtelit Is gGJtI feu t":nwtt)eunDCOtMDntDtbet,mtncle, f . .0untJanlllfnnl'ofl~kQc~t~ lI)aUamenDaglliKc: it

· i"!IOD!) fOJ.tbe illmlU~ \I)~iIlcc fl)ftt tJnDntuetb a tlOl1agc: it ll)aUbeilfait~t~l1I,tlwu~)t'anDwbOleromta tft~e~ilTlJ,

· p~hue 0: guat JLo:DbtOck,~.el! l1lillbe wbole againe: it is ,goOD fa: tbefemt llffaites,Qfa1.IMn~e ~ ot~ttlLoJll. 111 all tlMnges b)~~~ee·c.m DemaUnll intbtl boufe tbis 8gute iit mucb bettet tbtn Iln~ oftbeot1)et, btcaufeittl'lll figureof 0 ·anOIl planet ofllltltgslll1l1.ll)~inte.,itiserpetial IJQIO to go to D\uellllitb great l.i)Jinccs nnl) Ji,oJDtS, fo} in t~e enn llJllll be lItucb goon gDttCI1.

m:bis flgurc fortuna minor, iltttlie boufc tbe pertnn tlJall ~nue areal amitie. ftitnn\l,)ipwitb l\)~il1ccBt gtClltlLo~lIG !l erptulllll' in cQfe orWilt: t~e gtMtn..ozn 0) t,illQ: io (idlc ,but .tJee ll}nllnmenl) llgniltcanb not bie : tbepl)rlltiolt is !lOOll, linD tf)e Ittellicinc llIbic~ be olllnillcti) iG flOOD ilnll Plofttllbld' lIIotl)C!: .~mnill11otbet iG gOOD ,fo iB tbe ll\ing 0.1 )LO)OC, but tbel' be fOlllctl}ing ill1grp: ti)C llillg O!l10}IlC louetl) iJim \llcll fg~ Wi)om l' QllcniOl1ig tltoltlc:tlJc HillIS (l)illlntuclliong il1lJi~ .ltc.thliM t~c ll.o~1l ill'~is(oul\tl:I;~,but ti)Cl: IlJ.lll ~ilue [01111.'. . . ~ 3 \!lnll(:


142. T.IJ(J{ecol1dl1oo{~ .

luartt: ~c t~at P)ct~,I)~t:) to lie an cJ!mpno) ,llJotll btalt~ltt .. pt:OIlt)illltl tye lLo)O tl),lltlle i1 'to)b acco)bing to ~is Odlu: , ~ t~llt v;£tttIDet!J to be pope U)1111 bell'ope. but t!lett blil be (oUle tmquittnclI ilcU:tbc 1Il1l11 l1).llnot beputfrolntbe court: it i~ gool) to telk~ \llc1tt:CS ,n ~.moJro~ ~e ll}nUoumome bis e. mmlc.5,it is goob to talle polfeltiOIl of grouno o~ ora Jl,O~I)O)ip tfJoc hillg o~ ~o~tI 11)1111 1)0£ d}ntpc lUUict • lUbe !linB 0) LOlli t,ll1e allp borage, t~er U,mlll1)o~tll! ~tt"me, but not lDitfJout rome tlirlllsAfulC :tbe tune d}cll be bttiefair'M t~elf!')ecltar, nlleel illlil wbol(ome,1l1l1S it lOiII not raine:lnaU t~tnSJ 1u!Jict) )lC lIlill' nenraune in tl}UJ I}oa(" tbis figure is gooD • but !'oJ PUiC e ,ulJllifpillQ' tbelt t~m d}allJe c~ttC4J11e IU1gtt (In tbe one fi~e 0) 011 tbe otber.

'~ jr intllng tbiIJ figure L~ti ria in ff)if, ~ou(eJtf)e lilng 0: l.o~

.~/.. is lIot 14ke: iti'glDb r., ~onoln:t~ PbFntian iulJOC)O UII"':

A , Mil it iJI goObtotllb anlS \)ftof~allui(e: it a'lJOQD rO)f(Je

*' k motbc~, intuit nnD aunt 1 tbe lIling 0) I..o.!o loaetIJ \Vel ~ reCI

U41U J \u~m~l ~ "I" ae p~otlt : * Jl..olll ~11 ~aue Demj. nionanogounnolncttantbe lan1lUt~t bee p~.tmllltbto ~ilU~: t~eJainlJ o~ II.oID iinat Utile ~:~ .. tfon~unotfJet Djiur" out o(t~c cloutt: t~ J1iPiJt9IU I1IIt gauo lNUt,but t~cre 0}1lI1&1'Pt.1CC: tb' 1\1"110) l.G.1btlJ4I1I1Ofl gool ialfice Illitb lo~altic: tbe Jaingd}aUmakctbe borage ingtfdte40pe b!ilTe: it Cigniftttb r.nrc time.tltatetlFu,fbJrrtcanDpZ,arant, 'lJltbollt r.lU1e 0: bopftuoufne«c.lnllll nJiHgu 1lt~~c eM Iltmaunt>in t~i~ boufetbis .gu~e hJ !JOG!), but agnltt~~ tilt~c~ \11Ill'tC tlien peace.

" .fril1llin(lin tbill ~ou(e tbidlJure TriOiti.a, it illl" ill time

... ¥- ~ tmhlclue to lIttaint bnro tbe bonout P.lct,"DtD:l~el\ing i. * 111 bllllilger to wore ~i' ltealmrnnbli>onunion~it is illfo.: tl?l

" Ji'~iatiiln,o ~ to tilkcpt!i'icke : 'be tbinglolt will ",un be ball ~IJI1IIlC : It 13111 ro~ tbe 9J9otber,ano Qgnifllltb t!Jat llJe i8 naif. contCtlttO : fbe i!ung 0) ILo~D leuenor tbe prrfon: if t~e f1in« be full ,~r 111111 Di~ :~r. t~ilt p)strnDttb lllall not be ~or"n ~III' pcrO.2 O~ Ui. bnlel.1 itbe bp trefirOIt O,l fubo:ntng gffoltle folksl t~e llIanfr}Jllnot be b2iuen from the 4ICOUtt,but tl)aU remame knJl in p~fplnitie iU1b Dtrqllietndro: t~e l!IilliJ tl)lll bll betmiD.


0/ gebmancy. . 125

~c bov.agdl)aU be long ,ao'tDe:tlJt a\!)ttlJlIIl be fttrcb10HIJ i1n~ oame. ano to be blleft,in allr Illleflro l\l~j,~ l!C ma-p, p,lo~ Jl'illllD in t~ill ~ollrc,t!n.ftgurt is ill,fllUirm to tiUlannrJ;)llu~ ~t1talllf,fo~tifieanlJ b::p hnl'ntll, w~ertullto It IS gcooano Illfo fo~ tte.lrure ~m all t~~ emt~ .

. Qjl~enl!"anDe t~is.gute Pucllaint~i'~Qtlrc, ~c ~trOl1 * ~Il ~lIl1e ~OUO!.lt bl! tl}e .ilt@; tNt~ grt~t pltafure, ,~cattu * * t4fCI it is gooD to entecintotbt IoUeAI1D filuou~ofa trJlmllm *

orlt noble relet: ilnD Ii!(c\uife foljauc Biline lip tncrc~nbt,e : '1(

foulctilnc it fllJnifiet~ ~ne \Dben t!Je tift (ollfcnttt~: it iB

SP-'IZI I'D: tb'l1\~iatiRn. ro~ meOkint, tlikellllfe rOI ~ motf)cr:

~ gmnrllftott)IIlt:: tl)e ttjing.e mil Will not be foanD agalne. t~e l\inglDiIIgiuefome oft~lItl)il1Ptbat~tDtmilunDeo at bill !J.m1l5: 'be otb is fl1U'e: tbe .ani t~ lLo~lIlIo leuc r man,MO ~~~Iuegooobpt~.m : tbe atnBt1JAlll(ln~remaindn

fjiJ .ealR1e,anll tfJG ILIJD tit ,it ~Q)tp ,an III peace lDitt.Jout 1lU1!11latU l t~tTt i. ndtfJ"onen~"""" atllt, but it tbtPbe,tbe!wtll be roone amenDeD :'.'IIIt(OR fl)al.l no~ bet D~um out oft~e ~outtt INat IlJaU umatltt bp t~e ISing an aU quittntlI'e:~Cl!:mpeIIl),lIlinlJtlJope 0) I!,.oJD,llJall obttltn tt;e bllJnlttr tl)tp p~tenD to ~4ue,fo «Jat t~e lfO: ann routtb Iloc (onfent. In (lll tbe lIemaunDl m~b lna~ bte p:opounllttlfoz. hlme.t~lS"gnilletbPtanll tt)e time t1JAllbef~ite but rOlne~ timerainic : it is gOOD ff» ioumll! • nnoe(pcullllp br \tinter. 3nllUtl)1I11J,S \J)~I(~ ret mal? fbi' bture lbis fi~ gUtl is gooD,but fo~ wllm, ro~ it Dot~ Illtnates fl\Jllifte peace;

jfinDing til liS fhlUn: Puer 1n t~ii ~oure,tbe pet(on tlJlll billie

. I)onout nnll gllinr "l' ll\tnlJS "nD 11' Jinces" erpeci~lI~ Ill' tbc ~:

Wilms: It ii gool) tOl tbt pbintieln" to telhe p~lntllc,tt IG ((CO!)/.. l.: fo) illnotlJtr: tbe ot~ if falre, t~e Uing a,nu net (far ICI1{S 111

~iJJ .rahne 1I1'OccarlBn ofmme : tbe nun !1Jdlnot be cl)ofcn ;,

. pope,Cmpfi'Ou\: o.~ l\il1!S,\U~i(b pzetfbetb \)I~to lIIW oftbcrc

. Dignities: tbr netic pttfon rt.J.llqnicltl)? amcnD.lftbc Hm'3 nee

to tna I rehe (1)aH~11ue t~c \)irto)ie cuer bIll CI1CII1lr9 : It III nOlI)

to t.llle 11 to\lJIIC bl! llna(f<lult: iftl)e king talle HI banD IlIWC 1l0)ldlItt)e ll}all (Ollie foon a!Jelin: l1n.llh' it I1}lll be .1 rllite time

, 1111) t~e 11l?lcclctl(e ~ UI~DlcfDme. jl1l1\! Qt~Ct l.lClIlflUI\DS per,: tcllnllllS

126 Tbe jccf)tld'Btiok.~

tll\l\\n~ to t~ifbOD,f"'~ II~"" ~o\~otb a ",~al1tJrmt fo.t Wilt'

nnD lcue It t,. pairing ~o. , ' '

i< ,%JiS ftgut~ Rube~1 '"t~ boufe,tt ''I not bJo~tb ant! t'Jin~"

.'( 1II111ll! que(ho"~ WblC~" mal! f~OPOllnb111 tbi.l)ou r~, fo~ bp

! ftIJllificflti011 it is 110 otber t~il1lJ butbI4lb,dJola~,l)ctttiJJiI)fklr,

" " CJIM~t:el!lJ£lJl\tc, trcafon,~ftlJneae1NlD,,"1I willI but;toutbialJ

lll&lHll,1t fl((luftet" \I«tO~le At ttJe ftta llUI) lQO'e at t~ Jaft.:it ut' ((OOtl ro~ DI(folutc lone,lln!) to bur atmout: anI) tNtrnell'e, ano: fire'\uOlktS ,ill ill( otbrr f!)innl it is 1Il.

jj'illb~nlJ tb~ ftgu~e Aibul ill tbis tcntb !.Inure, t~t man fl)ul enter IIItofaCll!)l'i}lp nnDfClUO&tt:ofJ.iti"lJttI,li\~inctU lJtMt y£J,fllltl baue gmD,b\! t!Jmt; ittc! \mic IYDGfo) tf)e ll'~ti. ilIl illltl fO take ll1eDIClne!alfo.foJ tbe fie ht1es wtll bee qUlcklrc

y {lollc:tbe o~tb is tt:ne:tbt~.O)al D\oeUong(n b"~tAIm in 1l",lCC f qlllctnu, tbe ttll!" II Bot (1(11,1)10 !tilt to be: t~e petra 1l),~llllotbc blJnit11tt~l)eltolllU t.(Je~rooVJtttnllinlJtabt; ll)opc '€lIlpertlu~ ~ fltl1CJ,a.t_.Cris Dtate! tbe-Is.llg 11JIH, 1)0 grent lUiltt atlll stOll ~bO!age~t ittl}4l1lc (omC\t1'_' latent ielJ","ro~t ~i"'to .. biatcA~Ob.lne ,: tl}t ap,eill 1u~e[cJoI", bllt It tlin ".nqtt '0 rtln altttltl It~(lOOf) fllHI;t , FlO! bee, i::lnde autlt,ano ~r~~tt:.~;CAn Iho1l$e DO ","until

hut !IllS ft~!lrt ill goo, in t!:lla bpufe. . '

131)19 rllJur~ Coiunltio illttJi8~t1re, fOl tlMOUt:.IlnDOigni. t(f;tt Ilotllcll) u lIl~cttH';iti, UQllltQllluol \D il(Jt't4t IUlllP" fo~ 1)(' 11, III be IJIf ~cClxt.t:jc linD goucmOllt, it is inbilfcl'ml

• to ltl'tt~lI1('bicillc I tbe IUIIB ff)all blellft~c bifcnftG tl)nt're i., notu iJlrcMctl ofl fbe Il}all :Ile illltlilQctl tlJe 1c!0Ul:t:, t,c O'lt~ III 1100tl: tbe pAttie ff)1I1l kJinlTc~iD flltc: it ill ill to gee fa 111.n,fl)~ ~c lQallbcin DlIlI{lCrto be Oainc: it is (Jt1IlI to l'lttermto 11 boctll(ltc.c,anll totllfte n "opanein bl'C IlJilll qlllntll' rrtnrne: (be ntrc IlJilll not ue 1uboltfotnebrt~' Ion oft~t min. 311 nl thinge tu~irl) l'e-DclI1clllnbintl)tJ I)OUlt, t(JIG ff~lIrc III ((OOIl.iJut fo~ lUllt,tu~mul1to it ift ill, allD lUtelU1rc fa) the fiche peLIon ro.! it flllllifltf!J tlelltMo) lone It i. tle~

• 'f tlClV OIl.Cont 1l0t!J nllullicll fi(Jnilic mitt!!.

!L !JIS fI((ut't Caput drnconis ill this t('nt~ !Jot1fclt~c pttfon 11)<111 to 11(' !JOIlO; ,('r,lltntion,lltgllifie anD pJCb£lllil1tnre ill tbe \J:Gurts



C fJ' . 'jNJ';"41Jcil!. I~ 7'

(tOl1dll JIlIJ inllingu Imlit('rt,lUlllllfotbct~lLlUb~,tb~ ti)t1l{(lotl tmll be fOlm!) : tlJ~pl)itihllni. allOotl mnu,it isgGlb to t,.ile inc Dttl11e: it 1!l11000 fa~ tbc mother. t,ro) tbc !Leman: tljc ot~l!J iutlilntl gIIlD. tilllborceuctmalidb II figure to tmetu If a pttfDl1ll)aU obtniuc tbe llcl1(fi".l)i~l1Ilic.1..1l_lDlQip,p~(bc1 PItn£IItC. tl}c f61uOlit o,l rtiel1t1~lp 1l1l)ilbbr p~NnDd~ to ob, tallht U;cnrU:be tbt1Jfigul't in t9isl)oufei\1'itfJout.anr,~01lIJt t)Il~U obtallle !Jla Det'm;trtt be"af.aUil1n,be1~U:klLtt.JDtlt bDabt 10uebiln: t~c Itcke.pufon f1)Allllll18nll, ~bc1t1an111nll ..tkp"t from t~C«lllltt: ati. not !JCJObtc!lot to\Uam:t~~ tlill~ will:~ 41DOD tutlict : tbe bOr.age ,t»iIlrlJeJDnlJJ,lllt:it 111111 begC!C)lJ~ a!Jt al',etuill'bs goOb IU1Q ,,"Dlefomt, allDf}tl.ue nD utnc.3naltl;lng.a \u~"b 1)e Illftll'l!emaunb intl)is .bOUfCft~l. figutciaWJOb,butfOJtui1t,fo~itbot~allDnifs 6_~peace.

.imlllnndJisftnutc Cauda dracOilil intl)is1)ouft, itngni· ftd~ Iollt CJfl~d{ealmc,mlOilriniall~incipairtl? : fOtt Ibis ~,"tJ)atIlUlUet;is'br~iU,l.1niUfJlp. "lO;Q';bnUlJiU:in aUqlllllliDns * oama_lIe8. &tfqJnifhJtI) ~itmlfontlnfl'eofgGlU :lIId)btkti tou'at:ttllo~, ~ftgunisbllttt ill butfoJ mntu , fOfU flgnlfict~treafon,

buttll RU\hdireD~tlte~ of.alkrulll?,itislOtll), ,

~~"Il: C arcerintlJil5t4uCe,tl)tl'£tCon 1I)aU obtain tD' nout QnlljlJlUfuftl)e ~),,""D~1Lo~;bl? R1BaUU of awomA wnctililt it ilgmfte tl) bet et1tiManll.iUlp.1iflll1 A1tlltofd~ ing, .l)isqcCilf mtrClmtcnt1l1tnt: C~cl]oufet~1lt ~~!llIditne"in is ollleantl b;okm I it f((ptiftet~ lolTe of glDtlS ;it io gGltl I'o~ t~e mn.tilUl,nnnto,tAlte.mCtlKint.~·t~t tJ)in~IDltl\lill nelUll: be. l'ourltmgainc :ttJI IlJOtt).otl •• AtelmItbDllr :t~c !titeR,jnDt

, tmtq: t~lullg\ll'ill~llCmttbin; I t~l!CJtt)is:falfe :tl.Je "eke pn(on ft)all bi£: tl)~ ttinu l1)al liutloltlJ but it IlJllll bem IltCl1t lJifqltict ~ t1]r Pllttl' tllal not Ale Mlc,~mpCl'ln 0: 6111lP5.f}te l')l!ttnDctl} !'f!Jf mBl1l1JIIlt not ba,putfrem UJ£ ~OUtt,llUtbee -Il)all,rontimlt t~m to ~ ~tcatlllifcontl)ntatiDn: itis not !loon (oJ tb~ lIlill!! to 110e to tullttc.roJ ~c IlJ,llUu: tl1kl:lhtbt til. 1llilllo Groll IllttlCc:it io not gmD to t.lIIC" \I0\'il(\C, fo~ tlJc \lIn\? iJ) ill: tI)C petron fane a\uill' willlDtcolltc llUlclllp: tI,e n\1lc is ~t ~ootl OJ \lJbolcfoltle,3 n aU t1)C otbct ncmauuna \IJblC~ Vic

$iS llIil~






y. :.(.

* .y. ,yo

>( tz. g: The (econ

jit,.p OClIUtlltl) ill tbill bgure,t~ig (iCt;ure h:lnlJt gmn, Cal1ingt'e) tre.~rure l)lODCl1 in t~c groUII!), linD fo~ ni!JtomculCl!, rOH~ \l.IiJtcb: It III gQJD.

k I< f[,1)iS\t1gllrc Populus in tlJis bourc·, t~cre il1 a great nult1bct "

'i y. of prop le al1£muleo b ~ tlJe (~molUnOt1l1ent (If tbe Ilil1g oJli.olDe

y.. y, abuut rome tocolJilt(J ,o~ fOlUe a~rfe1l1cnt ofpwc: it Ogniftc~

':' J.; Imuc tune "great mllliber ofmcl1of\D.tnc nlTc1l1bleo:ilis g~

fo~ bOlloUt,f bigltitlc ,I1UO fOf t~c pl))!CitianJ allD to take INI ' llicil1r,tbc 1II0t~et\ua:jlctl):tbc rticno Ig gOOD: tbcotbe "net gODlJ:t~e kill!J 0; i!..O,lD wiU IIttICt giuCilnp. tbing ",ept it bi t~lngs ofuJ.1tue oHiuers:tbe I1tllglol!ctb net t~cm,ln : tI)e killlJ ff}lll not tau!! lOl1g illt~c.uenlmc: be tbltt fl)allbecl)ol fcn lL'ape,liung OJ <li!lIIpt:I:oIII:, iG of a nollle baufe ,tbeman

~at" not bi. beclltb:tlJc &nan ff}~llbe pat fromtbe ~ourt, bllt ~e aJ,lll qlliclth! returne ng,lllle 1 ift9t king goc to watu ~ tlJall ~aue tlJc tJirto:ie~t~ king totu DOt: iunlCe: it is gOlD to mite 11 bopage ~l! wiltet. fo) ~e ff}allf.Jfelp utufm loit~ r"'1 fa~ t~c IIi!.lC it t.s me~ne, fo~ it lulU rainc often timts. lnd tf1inlJ' t~ilJ figu~ kltpet~ lS meane , but fo: tbtn(ts tOllcbinl fbe tuatcr,o~ to Inlliw R1<1m.1IJcs ,f01 tbe lu~icb it tIS \ler}! g.

jfinDing tb U1 figutr. Via in tbts tcntb ~oufc , ltis gooe t4 goUo 11 fiiJtg,fo~ ~etlJllll cee ~tm bOlloUl;, it i.6 ioon (otaki IlIctlidnc: t~e t~Ulg loll luill;l1otbe 10UIlO:lt is g~oO fa} tf)e mo.o tber:t~e otl)t ilJ truc:t~t king o~ t~c lLo)lllouc tbc pcrrcn 1lJi, tell! \Dell:tI)c kin~ fl),lll !lot "btoc lana ill tllcl'tclllmc, OJ t~

}L.o;o in IJiB ItllllH'l~ tbc kill~ iG not fltllC : tbc perfonll)ull lui' tflctbe \Dopc,Cl!mpc\:aut: o~ l'\ing',tbe 11M" UJ,lUuot lIe putout oftbe c!oUtt:lt ill ncr gOOD fo) tlJa (ling to gotta wntt,foJ!Je tl)alllJein o,luniSCt to be takfll,olloofc tbe birtolie : tbellint luil ooe III) areal illnl(ClfJc tbill gotH) en a tlo\,ltgc wil quitklE rome ilgl'lillt:ti)C airc it! goon,lmt it 11I~1l 1:<1ine lIunp timu, ~"i111 t~e lJetUtluntlCB \u~i(~ rc tIIar malIc ill t~i~ bOllfe t~1J ftnllre is m~ctell?gooO.but toJ.t~c Wa2 it is \mv ~OOOIIlI\Qef· ptdalr bP "mOt.

Of the eleuenth houfe , andofthedcmaullducontai-

ned therein. Chap. II,

1 T lllc eltllc"t~ ~ure tnlJlcl) 1lJ t~e flKtilJent oft~e and

nl~ oftl)c jaDutb, otl)ccblifecallrD tbe goob ~nglc, "atll~IlP ootb ,ontlline all tl)c Demnu"O. \1lbi(~ ~t!U ll~Ulalle upon 11 Menll ~c,o~ tl)e ,tl)atis to fit\! \lpon tbe tl)illll rcloue, ana wl)rteof rou ~op£ talJaue (onfAIa, p)llfi(£,IlB, iIICIl oUbe frienD !JatO bl! l!oa,as bU btm bJUidJ ItS fftne aWI111.

~ .alro tl)e queftioltJ lobi,. ~ II. mftllc \:JPOUIl f~trete

compm(on 1mto wl)oln ~e giueCEe~it, ,

. 3 ~lfo\:JopnbiU1b\!w~\!ebope to ",due plearute

, anbferutce. . ";i ,;' "

4 . ~nlJ "pon t~e jfO)tunsa man Cl)atUlat1t. , ' ; ': .' '.

f ~nll ouer IlJe llIolt)ec nnD bet ttrafure· , allD etalltf)8 CrtACUrcs, ttt'lts anti reUCltCIDtlI ortbe lhinlJ'

i (j mbtfbetlt be £oolJ to goe totbe~outt, un. untot~~ reruiec oft~cJl\i~,lt'Ope,empetow: OJ lltCat 11.o~~e , ano,'

p~Dftte1ui!l,omctbcreQf~ ,', t.

7 3ftbp rrienD be faitl)rull ~ II a_ptaJ to tbee.

a .~e~t: tl)e ll'ope fbaU be goo1). ,

9 :1ft~nt tblng\U~it!}t~8 tlmBo~ gt:tatll..OJntlJaUglue 1)nto tbee ll}RIl be to tbp Ploftte Ollli:lml11a!lC,

10 Jrt~cp;on'1ifebllttUt. . 1 1 lSI.~ IJd~£t: tl)e peate ll)all be goObanD ,\entiful\.O~ t~A~

t~crefl}a11 be DeattboftlUtual.. "

1 t. Jftbc l1eau Il)all be b!l! o~ rauuc-

13 ~i!!lfJdbtt 'bolt IlJaU p:ofpct nl tl)e peatll. ,

14 ~nl) in \lI~nt manti, oJfea(el\ ottbe \?tat:l l1}aU be tb.

.entt~ 0' glWlD t~£ilpe oftbingfl. ' ,

'5 ~111l tou(~ing ti)e 1l1elllbcrs efml\lt, it cantrunetb tl)e IIrm'lllnOClI wl)itb mllvbcm:tllc\Jpel\ tbebutt~dl~~ O~ I~Wl of tlliln llnO tiJl'CS ; SIberc be tbe t~illg!!(olltlltnel)\n tbilHI~' \ICnt~ bp\lfc, to h"~\utbe ttntl) tlll,lercof, \!on Ullilt rcatdJ IJ~ nil t~~ fil!lIt~B fubi(~ 31l11l1 bmnftet fet arm ca(i) of I~zlr ft-

, imfl(iltjol1~.

· I

~Ol {«on'

\( ¥- .ifilt:lin:c t)ill fi(Jme Aquili rio intl)ilJ elellcnt~ JJour.: I tue

y. rcirntl t.:i (!CJil .1Ilt! trulhe : It IJill (IDOl) ,1:fo fo.: bOIlCill11) P'o,

,(. ¥- l.niftJ,.nntJ ft;;i1l6otb gOutJ iWilO Ot"llltiCIID. ..ilD tbv. trul! put

•. 111 hun III 1I0t UO~DClbllt Il).lll tllhc Cffcd:t'~tnot~et,t~eJAilln, mill tbecDlIllfcllct be full of mOlle)J,anD t~cr llJ"lInot be cob, b~t~lItdoi'H2)~ fiitlilllI!btt)lcb ~~Ittf1. filmt)imt is luellilf, rtrtillllltC1l to'l,ou.:tbe fOo;tUITC Dr tbe'l'crf D.Ja{ III gIIQD;l~c I'JOI mi(~ C,all b841ept. J~'illlt~_ eau u~o In t~i.f~Daf,

*l}iIlgu te is ~oo",a"ur~tClWllr IUJ a fcti:no. .

¥ it".. 8glltc IlcnWio .A~t.1}oufr.,t"G(tit."0 tIM~

" !-. in tiW tri.nb but al1illtanulaticm;1l1tt) tmlntlt~bt- , .. ,bat

;. ~u bBllo"~l1,"nblGtul\On Di(JU.lrllt¥:~mI1U rnemp:

* k be t~ilt rc put III ttuft we,,,. f!le lilllr~tt}f 1bJtapurtljt ",. tan! ""II bell!, antJ(o ~l,I):. "'_IIe atfo:tI}I!:'tJg*a: 8nll:tl)c bing bdlle no lItonep:tbe rfnre llJall be fcatfe , a" .. t~'~. tunc oftbc l'tRcdf.,"~n. b6m4I1ritJ *'~(~ "tRaPle. mauntilin t~i' bOaff,nuftlF'C ilJiU , but ·lbJtDt".", loue ~f ~ourtc'ilI1I.

.f'mi~tI)I8ftguu:Ponunamaiorjntl}i1t~oaro,~fcien' ¥ ¥ •• ".1)., ra4alJlllU:t!Je ,. '" !.WOo: U)t mot"" 11111 t~t __ 'f", ¥ balle llIucb mone)! wbicb ll)Ill'lIot be IloInc frij t~.,u: U)0'_ Dcfircll ((}Il11 reme to 11 BOOD cntl:tbl.' !ttellD IDUat" tb.e tudlt

¥- {uill ecc tbce much pltolfutc anb reruiCCl tbc verc l11clU lie pkn. tinm.llo gOOD (1111) nbounDatt(c of au goob tbrnlJ.ll, nnD no Ilcartb:tbe fOltune of tbt rearcl!JlllIlJc goo~: t~c petron Il)aII ~dtte ftieno(1)ip Ulilb Ilun~B.llol" ,0) wit~ reme Buat ll..llbE: it .QftlriftetlJ alro Dignlti.: l1t1bP~I!~cminr.,ct. m:;~is fignre i. berl' goaD nllDpJot'ltllblc ro; !lilt? tbinl'S ill tbi.l)onre.

¥ CClI)cn rc HIIDC t~iJH1gUl:c Forrun a rui nor in tbjl bOR(t,

( t~(: [ticnt! jg tm(fiu wtlling tOtlOpIC,lfutt,but I)te tucln'ct~ I!

*1<: (tolm'tlfjeu,lttll1Ot ~Jue tb' tiIIita of~ill_opc:tbef''''nD "'~It~ ;

¥- 7< is henre is Iloob;tbc Illot~et iU10 bing be tn_tip fto»l

ortllone~·,llnllbe tn1lrlutluet: to be toobctJ: tbe enttill1Ce oft~' fling IlJI,lbt !Jo~;tbe l'o.m wi! ,llJouno lit gool) rbinlJll:t~e: I'oJ' tUrteot tl)f Perl) il~oo~. In all 'binG' wlJ~~ t_te mal? tlelllaUnII in t~ ~oure t~ts ftgute if (!OOD,.rpecWIl? tntbil1SlOr lone,

jJinbmi, :

.' ',:! ':o/(jcoYJancie'J31

Miltbinu tlJis firJllre Let Ill" tn tt.J16 ~OUrC, tbtte ,e tnmaf-e k

orfUM!)lI. t1n~ men of no fm'lll reputatioK:tbc fOltuneof

t~c querllnt 113 gOQl):t~eftiell1) ,e It goOD fril nD IlnD trullie:tbe : :: fi:1(lnllij;11 m:1Il tl).lt InllllJ~tlJ pl~arllteanb ~cl)Je : the p,ltUC

1lJnll netuctcCaiucbof!)is bopc.tbecOUllldl1iop id g08Q .I)Ollcll;¥ ¥-

mID rcm~to.tve motb.ti1l11l king billie not mucb INoner.. illtO mllllplMt~lctcorte Illllet: tbe plomife is tODD Imo true. tpecnb:IlIlCO oft!)!! kinBtlJa\lb0 bite tl)l':. fo~tlllle of toe pCim!

* Ptilrc will be plcl1tifull of all ftuttes anI) ~IlQtJ' toil1ge ,11119 ~ttl)er.t UlllI be not ~i'm\)tq! cbeapt. In ~UI,c btnlilunns lit tbj,~ollfe!buJ fiautelaaOlllh ¥ * , SItts ftlJure T I ilha ill tbi&ljoufe is ill fO.lttlltt to t~e qllC'Ak rJntlt~e ftitJlll ilJ mIll qlt.ur£Uer.,anb a man or an au lIIin~c tOI " _tn1)il fdenl).,t1Je ~wnlr~:CbaIl take no eire« , tbe bepe Il),lll . A ¥be in tlaine :t~e comp.mioll is no ~are man: t~e vut:e \uillber ~JI!ttD\Jidut1ls btllCe.tbtfoltall' oUbe 1!elUcill. m:,~is

ft{Jlllt is tum aU it)e DemaU",e. oftt;U bOUre,but fo~ inuo'n~

tMIII ofblidteO fpirit. anD tl)ingl or ;$itJoml1nc{e •

.ftnlltn« tl)iaftgull 1>1»01111 in tbis "oafe iUillntlet~ tbe en,

toPt-'Jlof a UDl!,4nl» IPIQD fo:tunt to tbfquea:ant:~e frienb is :y.

GfalttlOb tutu to IJdpt l)imin t~t!)e tequelletb to biD power: 'A k

tl}et~nlJ l!t ~Dpe to l1aue tutlltakt did, tlJe men!» \UI)IC~ i.a >(,

fatu ~elUc if goDb al\O frienbhhant! is in l)ealtbltbeentCIIl1ce .:y.

oftbt Ittng Q)a\lbe ~olhtl)C plomtfc f1Jllll)olbttfbe fO:tllllc of

tbe l!.eIlU ll)aU be ((oeD ;tbe \!t:lU ll)ilU bt ftuitflllllanD abounD

in all gooD tbin\iS,at an ln~itftrellt pzicc: ~11 all t~ingt1tu.bicfJ l!em,lP DClnlUl1lJ in t~t. boure tbLII fi~llre til gooo, cCp'ClIllh! roH~dollc oflLllIliee,antJ to bQ in ttJtir falloUt:.

_JlnTling ti)is figuu Pu C I in tl)i.IJDUr~, t~e fricnt il.l !Joo~, :A

an, tUllp til uoc plc,lfrll.'t.JI1Il cfpetilllit! bntotbt ~~IIIDI~I:lr- 'A

pJOrtllfel1JiU not be Itejlt:tt i.6 gooll to applt? to lUll? .att, o~ \)0' ¥- ¥-

cl1tiol1:t~c fOltunc oft~e quetant i.; mC!l1\c:t~c ~e.u llJallbclI .!-.

rm(& ,Iln~ erpecialll' of wino. ~ It nil tlJe bClllllunls \t)~iclJ "4"t:

, hI? PJopollnD in fbi. Oourc t~j6 figllca ill mesne, but t'Q1 tge

lone of illl..:l[)l',fo~ t~c \\ll)ic~ it is \)HP ~ooO. ): .{

n:;~"ftgurt Rubeu, in tt)itll}oufc. the qncrant 6l)illl "au~

ill fOJtul1e,t~e compnni.oll0l1lJ t!Je ftientl be 11,1\11" b\! rvembll\ ;., •

l!C 3 come .,., "

Q1, crh~ (econtl~oo~

come tlnfc,fo tbat blooD wIll be fpllt on tfic one ane OJ on tbr. DtI)C~ : t~c ~ovcfl;al takc 110 Elfcrt: t~c entrsnre oft~1! ltintS jll III: It o,nl,lllc a neare Ftare : t~c lIIot~cr nllllltilt~ be loble or mOltll\'.O.! l,ft~1? bnlle nnl?~it is itt I)JulIger to be ftolne.llHtl t~tngs Wl)lcl)}!t 1JI1ll? Dtmaunn in t~is boufe tbis ftgurc t, ill, buuo ~ct one blcr;lle t~at is fidtc,fO,l wbi(~ it is 600b.

jflIlOII1!J tbls jflllure,Albus tntbig 1)0llfc,itilf gGobfo~tu"C -)k fo~ tl)c qucranr. t~c rneno IS goob anI) trMlliM lull aibepou to I)ill pD\l)Ct,nno fo \DiU tl)e companion: tbe entrame ortl,le " .: Iling tlJ,11I be \Jcrie goon; t~el11Otl)et: f,lting ~Jnuc tlo)ufma. y ,,11('p,nn0I1J<ll1 bot be roubetl! Il)e p)omire f\lnll b~ckqJt: t~.u:

. n)llllbe no oc.=.rtly,tl)e fo~tune of tbe peart ll)all be betil' gooD.

J II nil tl)c qllcftiol1D \Dl)icb pou mar millie intbis I)oufr:, tbit ('!Jure is goOtl,anb nrpecillilp ro~ a ftieno J I to rmtlltbilbwn to r(boole,ano to b~~e femant •.

li biB ftgure C oniundio tn tbis dtutlltb ~OllrtJt is but • 'f 'f meane fo~tul1e to t~c qut.-ant: it is buit gOOb in t~it1gl met-

Of ~ milll: tbc fi:imD iJn..J Dilfembler,but fure t ttnai~:tbc~.

k'l< 'I t~ go~,t~e t~lIlgs loa ll)aUbee rlHlnll in tbe till): tbl: tempo.

"IOn 18 goOtl',filU bfull,ano fme,tl)c tntfllll£c ofttlc ~illlJ ll)aU be !J(l)1J,tbe kmg ~ motl)cr au mctCl~ ntonl'eb:jJnine1uil (Oint IJV labour: the touuuc oftl)c perc t1)alllle (lOOtl,IiO IIcatt~ t~it r~,m ,rouO)III1I).,ue letters t'tolH rOUt fcicl1o: gOIlD to fenll ~~lllJimtg Qutlic:lIlcetip to ~irc~erUi1ntlJ.JIt IIlt!Jttbil1lJ.1 1\1I)i(1) rc 1II,~r nsmaunn in tbis 1)0llft Ibis flUuee ill (Wob.

jfUltltng tUIS IIgure Caput dracona in t~il bOllfe, It i. !Jlllb

-A k fO!tlll1e f()Hl)e queraut, tbcfo~tlln~ oUbc tl)in~ lemRlIlllltll

.y. OJillIllc gro!),but it WIll be paine al10 tmu"ilcto obtnins it:tf.Je

A plgmilc uutt t"hc clfrrt,lmt not tuitlJollt labout f the frielll!'

), rOmp-1ltton b~e ~OD anb lopall: t~ entreucc or tbe l!Iil1!J I1)aIl lJegootl,tI\C ntotl)~t:' tl)r llling bauc nunfJ UiOt:el',1I110 O)alnot bee l:c.bucO t~mof: t~c fo)tultc oft~c ~rilte IlJItIi beQOflD,llnlJ 'tllrtllnl~~s Opllnot lie Dtate. 311 nil t~in(!lJ lul)i(~ renlrll? ecn1l111111) ill tI)lI'J ~ollfc tl)ill ft~U[C io ~()gbl[rp£CIall'e in t~ingCl1

I< oft~£ <[lmr(U •

. ~. !C~i811(lurc CauJ;1 de aconis in tbtl ~oure flgniftett) ill

¥ fOltuna fOi t~~ 'lllt[<mt,t~c fticlltlio I1nu~t)t~t ro~tun o(tl)1\

¥ ¥. tbinG

I, I I

rffj'eonutncie 133

t~lltG belt1l1unb~Q llJalbRue 1111 illitlul;:t~eplomirell)a\ not lie kept, tb~ romp,mion ts not (emt: t~c entttilut oft~e lz\ing 11),111 not ur. ((ooll,lbebin~G anb lIlotl)ers tnone~ tl)llbc !tattle, t~c fo~tune ortiJe t!~a~etl)al b. ill,UOCRtc ~cilte, $L~nci~ilotl)il1(S conttllncl) in t~is l)oufelJllt t~ill figure ial il fO_lit,flluing fo~ tbe n..OIlC oflLaDies RHO tlte>\UOjlUl JfQ} t~c w~ic~ it ill uetiegeob.

n:~i.(l ftgun~ Cum In t~is cleucntlJl)oufc, filJllifirtlJ t~c (o,~tune aftbc qlllt:lmt tobe meane. rmO alfo a UOUlltr.G in au t9ill£!fO I t~(l fricl1l1l1no companion l.i rilit~flllli1nQ fmct,tI)t frimo clnD lnotl)ct: IJilncmuc!) monel', but t~er ltc~pe it (lore I t~e t~lIIg I)~(j~o ia goob,but it 'Mll be 10n(J in taking ({fed:

it is not BOon fo) tl)caillq to Itldite bis e ntcnnre : tbc }!CcltC

1J,j,11l be gOlb,ill tbin!!" ~cltumial it is il.') n aU tlJe tlelllilunOS

Ut~i'~ Ee mow Ulake in ~i5 bOUle (bill fhslltc boot~ betoken

buia mtlcl) trouaile.

jfinoingt~ie ftguu Populus in tbis boufe,ftfigl1iftctb lIIill nl!"ie"llee:t~e fOJtllnurt~e qucmnt ll)1l11 be goOtl, !lIlO tlJc i!Tue of t~c t~lng t1rmauntltt: t~c ftienb' tbe companion bell loon ano fdit~rull; tbe entrance oftl,c lIlinllll)ltll be gootl,tl)e:' * p,!omife meanet tbe methce mIll tl.J~liiin!ll)llUe Il1UC~ lI1onel!.: t~efo:tune oftbe ~e"l:ds g001l, tl)c l?C'l~C plC11tif1l~' of <l,ll

tbinges linD gooo c~eapr. Jil nil tl)m)lCll t1Cillillllltlel.HIl tl)IG

~Dufc t(JiB daure ill gooo.

~)CI1 rl) tilloe tfJiG ft((lIrc Vi,l in tlJil3 ~OllrC, it titjl1WrtlJ to~ alltol1\J fticl111tlJ,ilnl) t~tlt tb e fo;tullc oftlJc quCtl111t IIp!l be !lOOll : tbe tbin!J lIeareb {btlll talte etfert,tbe (JJOllnfC fl),llllJe gOOl)anB kcpt,tbc frien!) mIll companionbe f<litlJfllll ,lilt! (troD: t~cre be Icttcm on t~c \.ul~ : ti,e rntraurc oftl)c Ilill~ !ll'llll:~ jOl!full. llCbill fl~urc it'! goo!) ln ,1\\ t!>ill!'SClJ l.u~i(lJ rcc r.m ucIIti\Ulltl in tl)il5 bourc.

Of the twelfe hour(,:md of the demaundcs contai-

ned therein. Clup. 12.

1 T!)i!l twclftb ponfe callctl t1)C € nllill1t (~OI11 tbe .a\1((:C IIft~e j1iout~) .tbet1.llirt cnllcQ tbe CUm ~piritc) (()!Ii' p:c1)m;


* *

* *

* J..: -Jo: *

'I ¥ :1

. ._. 'A


q4 rrh~(elXmd73oo~

welJrnuetb IIJturaU~ tbe flgaUfk41tlolt of tbe OuellloH'tmb . OetnllUntlC£l MJidJ nuwbep)opllUlllJeD "lIon 01 PJlfuu, nllb of l~e bln1tellc(fe tt)ttof,rulo nlfo oft!>t~iflm~r t~cdn btt"mell.

2 mro upon tbe tl£IOIaWm(jfllpu(O",nU\)orl}i~ lilmcnt •• tlOns lInb mourning s.

3 .mrO\)IlDl1 nninu~blear1ln~e,a.'~JI..qJ)oae , t~e 6otlltC, tbe pI1Ulne:,t~e,llDJOpIl.eJIl110 gmfc oft~eei!P', aM lur~ hlu;.

4 '!.1pon t~e quetlililnll anb tlemaul\bt tn~i(~ mn~ be millie upoun tl~litollr,il ferullnt.!at1O II t1)ctfof 8nllDuf',Ilnb lIpon flllll",nntJ 11 pl.1((' luIJCUl 4t woo (oltlinittctJ mit) tJone.

5 £ilfo \ljJOII a f')illlt enellllel'l1tbet f1)en \)ppOnfli1 op en

(, .anb nlfo upon gUilt l3eilaell, as j]l)nn,¢.1mmels,tlzo' 1l1oooltics Clcpt)ants lL.l!Ol1S I8rl1ta, ~lolucfJ, lfopam, t~)Cilttll·llD~agonB'_"Pfnt8 ,tVo~res,fjiu1c. ,Whs. '"lIlIti otOct:13e,lars bearc 111111 be ueuen .11.

7 tlSOetbtt t!Jt p;ifol1Ctitl11 QrpAStoutof""fon ~ anll 1IllJrn.

¥ ~t~cr ~ l1):aU"wutlcur ~fap truft).

- 9 1ft1)cpimleo,allbellliQ inp.lifon, \U1,.at~.efl)l1n tie Ollie t~en~.

I,,) EHit b" 110011 to bllr gt'el1t meatltg. M®rt 0: tpo~re, I1HO ttJC Ilhe.

I [ ~C;I~ctbH t~e \lo~rc l1}illllle {lOOUl\n qutrnCbP~O" t~

£ptl1 re.

11 mro ift~e perren be n~lc>to -pat? bit! Debt •• 13m ~e!lIcr ~c Il)alt be pocie tjCCrMft£l:,

J 4 J f f~erc be ill1P ;itraltoudn t~e ~O"Cc)or~atcoJtDi£t, en nnD ~1f,1tc tl)c~ be.

I i ~[het~c~ a petron Il)all be billllfl)c1l fLombi, ¢otmtt~ O~ ot~rr\J.lire.

1(1 UU)df)tt IlIlHllll1tnl'i;ololr goe befall! l)ilS enenue to 1l111)o!re ~illl tuitl)out nnl' Oaungea;jilnD \t1I)et~£t 1I Ufon tlJfllI be .lrraill of l)iB fl1cmir',lIllb "'ft~Dfc b.l~i(~ noc aiDe t~ClI1. tGI)w lie ftllDe t~l(l (Inure Atl uilitio in t~ilJ twelfe ~Ollre, it fi£(lIlfictl} tl)!lt fiJI! p~irollc( ll)ull not [OU1CilutotPJlr0I1, nJtl) be U,all be flcur;',1l1l0 IIcil1!ltmmmel) IlJall tQ&lfCA'e '~e t~.tb: tbe

. oj qeome1nry ~ . _ J 41

d.Jtrcr(OMI'f)III1 beput lIIPJifonlths not gOOll tobtftotoe nnl! t~ngtn «rrat lJeilllll:t~e !Jolrf! ilneitbet qutcke no: rltrift,llnD ~tb a De[ellre 111 bit bMD:tbe ~)fe 0: o~et ~il1g IofttDm not "fUll" Illliline:tbe man will not pll~ bill tltbtes , ~tt ",&llbn pooJc:t~ere are no traitol' in tbe ~ollre:tbc .. tron fl)all be banillJetl4ItO ",'uen out ore be 4tountt~ lif a man ~oe to tneon", tet bt.8mtnUt~e~ll~uttlJe.ozlt. Jnall tbe "mati""" tv~icb \!f! map ma!tc ortbe tbln61 toucbing ttJi. ~oufe, tfJi. ft· Jlltt' it ""feJ it O(Jt1ilktb paine anb mutl wi~nt P~otl t,antl ttJ.rt (ucb mudl""U retume to 1000e witb great binoetalue Ilia poatttie.

~ _«art Amimoint~i.~ure, ttep:(ronn: a, all not * IOftItDutofp)i(on","tt11nllbeOdle,l111bConMcatcut(JbeiftlJ -A * ~ne", tbe nllm ",at be maDe p,trcmtt:it i. not 1510D to but! * ~)r" ,but ifanl? be bou~ ~1! llJall be llDift • ~ ~re IoU * * e,aUltOtbefounbagame;ttteperfon~lIP4!~i"'dlt., netto.anbinglJedJallbepooJe:tl)trtbt ttattOJ' in fl)e ~our't ttelnlU1 tl]all be CCII1~.mne",\Db~JeD an1tto~te., ~e~ hHnif\JeDoutor~I'€IJU~:ltiJnotIJlDDtogotint~erlUC

Dt* elWlt11! to l)amttbUn , ~ ifbe bot, ~ l1JaU be. Ioofet~

foltbe mtlt'1! Cf)aU I)aue glUt aiDe. sqit fttptteiJtlUl1a11 tl)eDemlun,e. oft.". bOaf,.

.finbing tlJis ftgure Fortuna. miiorin ~bou(etIJel»i(a- * ¥- 1m "all be beliutEeD rrom piifon,lmo llIall not be fkke fi)ue- .y. -k in:tl)epttfona)aU~aue no reate : ~ eneml?O)allbeouet· cOlnt:bl'trauellt1Jml1}alllltmud) gaine; tl)ep.lIronno,all : notbet" quelhou,t~epetronllJllllnotbe put in p,iron: tti. gooDtobu1!~e'ttbe~Olrel1JaUbe!.JooDl1n'mnnt\rleU,t~e

I)ozfe loft WIll retume I1gnillt,tl)C petron pal? 1)(, Debt. , bee

t1)allbe tlcb,be I1Jnll not be punil1)el),te llJall not be d)11(tb eur ofl)is¢ounttl!:it is gooD to goo tofet bpOn tbe 'ltemp ,f01 I),

t1)aU gaine mll(~ tl)mbl!ltl)e tnem\? fllall billie no ruDe o~ rue'

reur. ' m::~i.ll figure IS IlOOD fo~ Oil\! llnueftton pzopounbeD in ~iBl)onrr.

liQ)is flnure Fortuna minor in tbis tbJelftb boufe,tbe p~iro~ ~

n£tO)all efmpe out ofpJifoubepttron flJnll billie muc~ lo[e .f.,

in mlitittll \I.JItl) biG cnel11P,tbeperfon o,llU not bcma08 Pltfo':f .y.

U net: ~~ '*

146 . The (ecotld'Book.~

mdt is (Soot> to bur bc,lllt,f~ t~m ll).lllbc p~Qfit£ IU rellilli ~, .• tl)cmaglline,tlJel)ojfclU,lllucgol)l)" (WlftlHllIlIlInble: ~ t ~o~fe nmong(l; ott)cr tt)ingG loll: ll)aU tctume Ill! ~tmfelf£1 t" umnll}aUbe riel) ant) not tcoublen , tbemanll)aUpa,,,,, bebtu,t~e ",<lnllJ,l11 not be banilUcl) out ofb's 4tuuntt! ~ t~t ellcnlp U,,\lll1ot ~IlUl,l Iuucur 01 aiDe of ~lJ1l? perflln, it~it t. ~~te is gooo ill illl tbe I)cmaunlles oft!>UJ ~OQre,bllt to ob_ 1IIAIIlerll}ip 0; to<1ttcnb \)POI1 an otl)ea: it i.E! not ~OOb.

-J,' jfinomg M~ figure Leutia intl)is boure.t~c p)tfol18t ~U

¥ (not be long ill p;ifon : it is n~t goob to nlfault tl)c enemy I f~

j: k t~mbP be [l}<lIlIJI1IIC more 10lIe tben p.1ofHe: tlJ~ perfon1lJaU ¥Y not be pHfpmr:itls bCl.:r {JQol) to lIu}!btllns\ rO.Hl)ereill1lJali

be I1mc!) gcline: to bP~e 11 rcrullnt. !llll) to till fbe Gcollnoitil betic ggoll:tbe bo~{el!e woulo bUI! is tlett! !'Ieoo offoole; tbe lIIanll)all pap ~iJ'! lIebts,tl)e perron l\lall be rIco : t~t £neltll! tlJAllb!lue no aio~. ~t~.lS notblnll fo~ \ubub PC IIII1l.'makc ec u ~unot in t~lt1 ~oufc but.·t~il figure ts gOO\) tbeuin.

:f >(- Sltl)is figure Trillitia in tbi1' ~oufe £lonifietb a greatnu,"" * i.' bet or enemks migl)tie anllllrong J tbm Il.)clll be great bruni* * nelTe foHbe 10lIeof " (etullltt ,anb ofbtllail ,ano fo~lonlJll""

A: pingan p~i(0I11U10 tennent t9mof·ltbit ftguu: is berr IlIfoJ 1111 t~e o ClllfltlllOCS oft~i1l90ufc rcluing fo) J;ligromllncj, AIlD finoing oftttafure.

-f: jfilIItlilllJ ti)w figure Poella in tbis thJclrtl) IJoufc, it fignilil

·f: y. tt~ p)o"te UI10 (olllll1ooitil:bl! trauell , 101T~ fOJelU'lI1iu 1 btJ

raufe t~tl! ~clUC offcllOeo CDolI:tbe I)o}(c w~i(b pe WOlltO bup f1Jali be f.1ire ; it IS "000 to bill! rattell. :l!Cbw fpglltt is goeDin Illl tbe uenuunne 1u~ic~ l?em,w 0"'11111110 in tlJis bOIl(e.

jfll1tJlII!Jt~llJ fl'glltc Puc rill tl)lol)oufc,it fi (I IIi f}1 ctb Angct " ann III tJi(ll1lltiOIl a~dina great Wiimes aliI) t.OHlCO , anb n~'lintt men of uuc witl)ollt !llll! oCCiI£loll. alfo I1I1\1C[ a(IllIl1tl IJia OUlII fuenil: t be PJironrt ")al be manadcn in PJlfoll,lHIt bte

1l),lllcOlllC fOJtl} Ilrtc~ t~<lt ,irtiJe 'Igl)t ano fIn bOllfcD tftlCOll1 rellt:lt in ~~ootJ to bup a 1)0 Ire:lt i(l ((001) to (!ocin tbe fnec oftbe Cllfllll'.Li)llJ fp\JlIlC in \)rtl! (!OOI) fo~ anp tb 11l(S \l)~(cb l!C 1II,W tlClIIllIIlI!JC ill tljltl ~ollrc.

lCblD fn:llIfC RII!JclIs in t(Ji£l ~ourc fignifict~ pcucrne mill llc[oln(1I .

~ ;.
, oj qCO#1ttncj. . : , 11-9 .v *

Defoilition in tlr,"ingr~oullttiel1, tuitb fc1u~encmicl1 I t~c

petroll fl)l1U I),me mU(b pclinc ano rmal PJofite in au biG oOincrs, -<~·'k $UJi. rpgllt~ PJgllollicat~b an ill tllucof alU~el)flnilll"~£n of *~.

tbi14baufe. . ...

Xtbio fpgute Albus in tbiJ botlr~ figniftetb llJo:t :lrlihe". * 'ftrne out ofpJlfon • it is not gOOD to mcbDIe wit~ tbeenemielA }.

'be petfoll ff)all not be p:ifoner , it is berpgool) to bUl? 'X

~ultB,foH!JtteotblUlari(emu(b grune: it is gooo to IlIbOUt * * 'blledrtbil1l\l) to bur. bmtil{Jes, anD to bN8 a rmumt : tbc ~zfewbi(~ re \Voulb buv.lIJalibegOOlJ IUlD ODift,tI)c bOJfe Ol

of bee tbing loa will not returne againe: tl)e man cnnnQt par ~jlOebt. : it is goobllo goe to banqllill) anti OIlCrCOIl1C tI)e 'ntlHp:t~tUllUl OJaUbHic~ Rnb fI)all not be to~mel1teD, 311

au t~e tbingl \ubicb· pee mill! OetllftUlibe in tbi. bour~ tbilJ

fl?gllre jf nootl.

jfinoingtbiG rpgl1f. Coniunllio in fbi' bOllrc. tbe COIUI * * IJIlRiee be ill:t1)1: tbing loftwtu be fountl againe: to bill! beans * itts mMne ,ano (0" it to bup l!lnbS ill1b ~etitagc't anD to la ~ * l10uttbe eartb. Sltbis fpgutt i, meane inalt tba b,maunlltS * * oftbis boufe J but (o~ melltncbolil\c~ I lIcCi\ufe of comp~-


jfintling tbi. fl'gllu Caput Draconis in fbis ~OllrC,(jg"t'k .~ flttb ocliucmn(c oft~e p:ifoner,i\1\l)1l00b tune to gOt,to 1Je~e * tbe cnCt1I1'I'lJc pe[fol1l'c tl)illile fOlll)all not goe to Pllfol1:lt 1M" uootJ to till the earth, but! bctitllgca anti cattcll,foJ tbmofllFll

gaillt: tnrllc:it if! gOOb to Wninca fcrnallt:tbc I)o~fc lubic~ pc :J:

llJouJb blH' io nooo Ano tunnctb well, the bo~fco~ ol~et:tbll1{J fir<1l'etJ,IlWnI! unllbe fOllno:tbell1t1n llJilll 1M)) hiG IJclJto , hee

fi}all be ricb \uitbout,lI1l! trouble : tbe CIlCIll)1,IlJRI~ l)illlC 110

live. Juall tl}€ tbinns \.\11}id) ~cm canncmauune 1:1 t~(lJ ~~tlrCl

tbill fll(liltc i. gooD, rrc~pt fo.~ f1';e 1»o)bu, fo.! tbe \t'~IC~ It

i~ 110tt}inlJ{lOob. .. . • .'

;Ril111inG IbiG fl'Q:utcCauda draconis III t!Jlll f)OUle " fl\JIlI'

fietb to IJoltle a I'lifoncl: : It is goon to {lOC to IIlctJtll~ \.llItlJ tile 'f..

CIlC:III':I)C .tIJat iuc noubt of OJ<l1l be ~nt ill p~ifol1a,t it;, \l O!t.1J j

1I0tUUII1 rltf)H to IJlIp rattel (,)\Jom: t' c,lttl) lO~ to Ht.111te fc~. )..

Ilfint1J:t~c ~oJfc t~<lt ~e WOll:OlJlI\! is not gGOO, but ~callT' m 01. .J..

i.l '1 U!(I

L_.....:_ ., .. " ... __ .... .....;._

148 ~hc{econdl1oo{0

.,is lumt1tS : t~e t~inlJ 1011 wtu not be rounDaIJ4tine, t~e min barb no nunne to Pitt? bio Debt" be IS in Daunger to be poole, "110 to bllue ll1ucb aDOt in bit filttUm. tbe tnemiea,allbe Iurrouren, ;JFO) III t~t DelllaunOcs w~icb ~e ntn~ U1akeillt~i. baufe tb's figure islll.

~. ;jfinbing tbis figure Career in t~iJ ~ure,it is butmtettl~

1< k fo~tune fOJ tf,Je p.lIrOner,o.l to bilt1wbtcb 1110ul1. ft1fault bit fI ~k nenue to nuerreme bill1 : tbe ptdon tlJal '" tAltm p:ifolttt,lI-M

-A be llJallnot biDe long tbmin : tlla~inB bUl!ing of ISMIttl •• tilling of eartb.anb ill aUot~' omuwn~e, in ~i. boar. ~ figure bntb a mesne,

y. ¥- lltbisftgllcc Populus in tbin boure,tbepJi(onet batb 1tw1!

,y. l(. enemies 1llbicb 1I1U ereke bis bcatb. o~ baue bim to be ~

'A * tuall p~l(onet ; lnetlbte Hot \lJitb tbe tnert1l!,ro~ ~e tutlle«11* * ),' all}! o;takc poupJifoner,it i, gOlD ant

bOJ(efMbll man canng~ PIlP bis i, in Daunget to tel aiue Dirpltarute or~is (UDito.z.e bp btl impJifolUucnt. :fC all otb.t quellionunD Dentaunlns ~itb Vet anal!mllll.1rI tbil boure tbis figure if iIl,llnD Ilgniil!etb aUDates affembliu ofpeople,to DOC fOllle barme OJ. \JCJ;atiolt.

* jfinllilllJ tbill ftgnre Vi~ ill t!Jio boufc,it nglliftet!J 1)eliu~

'A ranee out ofp;iron,tllitbout illCUttnig ill OJ DirpitMnre: it i,

* gOODto goe to alTault t!Jc snemie ut is {loao to bup ~Itell' • * !Jctitilgc •. ~ra, ano 1111111 otbertbingeJ llJ~i(b peen"'l! lie·

nuunn in tbis !Joure tbis !tlJtlte ill (ingular flooll.

An aducrti.entent of the: contents ofthe houfes of tile fecoud Hooke.

A.Jj) n t !J1I81'Ce billlC tbe jfi~lIrts toit" tbeu: ftgniftmfionl lJp tbe nnelne "oureo, tbe t.ubic!J ifi'ec noe well enD oiltlJentll~ iJcboloc ann erannnc.vcu I1I,W nlfo lUOgC teeu nltt~e qllcUiolUl anu DClI1ilUI1DC£I oftblll i1rtc of<JLIcOIII.1I1'r.OO~ctJ unto,that re lIIill? t~c cclflcr attafne illlD come uuto , J ",lue UrainCD III}~ (,lfeIlG IlIU'" .1111 C.llt.tlnb more nlllp[c~ tbtll .1' Ill! nortour ,iJe be ~}eIJ,lell1c, ~bi1lt1c.lII,~~ll'li ,al',lbiiln.J1ntill, o~ ~f.(IP(iall, to \tIJitc out tbe molt trne. (crtllillc,IUlD npPJDI


oj qcomancy. 149

lItO agniftcation,. J kIiU Dedau t~em bntot'OU l;Jeertaftet lit tte tlJitll boo1tc.tbe lD~kb ir~ Doe 1mDet4ano , ~ou l1)olll li~clllire bnbecatan"!Ie qtU anD t~c fe ~RI).J

The Prologue of the third Boeke,'

, ._ (t ~ • '. ' -v \

lAm alfraidc'to bte!ktJltdof grCllt pirdillnption and r.llhneifc,for, I hanc ioVncd Gcomancie with Aflrologic(a tbingYVhichfc~ lIIen before-me haue donc or cnt~rpri(cd.tQr thcdiffi,m~hy and high '.-ndcrllaodillg which isrn thefaide A"rofIoSic)~re it not [or ,be aflirra~lcc which I repofe oft,' pc gOAd ~ritcs vnto whome ,hIS my Booke may,omc,wbb (~~ f",ppofc) fhall not finde this cohiuntb6 &(,hcfc two ~e~cqccl,firangc VD· to him." ~i~~ "will gi#bi5:Ll~di~ '~~q-fuq'~ as wdl for ' chI! viC¥11(!~~qq "lI,~c,,.,bieb~hc)'J,.ue ~therJ (as I hauedeclared in my firi bookc)as Ii.UO tohln: pafiime and recreation whi~b is raken by rhis·Arre, to exercile themlelues in tbinge$ high andwittie. I haue th~rcfo~c according to my fmall vudcrlb:nding,fowell,bound &. conioyncd the faid lWO Sciences' in eac hof there three bookes.rhat he which dotb not well vnderfland [he firll {hall not cafily auaine vnro thcvndcrfiaudingoftbc feIecond &. ofthe third. neuherofthe tbird which vnderIlaudcd: not the feccnd.neirherotrhe fccad which vIi. dedlandcth nor the: third. Whcrt (ore I ddirc (he Rcadcrof [his worke to cake the paincs rovndcrfland. the two firll: Books for the caficr opcning of the third book which lhall rrcarc limply of the manner to iudge the Iigurcs wuh Hlany ofthe qucfhon: already iudgcd,


I '


T" 0


, The tb;'n;l6.ook~."


.' "-",1 i;'

A litiefe deduction of the accord and fignifi. cation which the £i~ctccnc figuu!s,h.iuC by the ,

, : ,'" ,.~lIaMfiJ· :;;,' !,I,' ~ "

, ," " ,'.'t:J.f:i\ '~:'f 'I • 1;"

, jf t~" dgure niU1tel) A q uifi !io,lIot{J in moun

a tlng-' ~l1t1ie trom t~dlrltbOure.it1to.,· t~ere~o,

J. 2.' :Hjltn~ f'a)!~~lrt~etltlft i~c ftttin~ bj beltk&

-Ak t)l'fD't~l!!lIra(mt)eri'-Aquifithytl ,if!alPti.

k rmtIJ to gaineIJeliJntJ , anticlOllt~i"g appal

} )<: reh, to Int ~onout ~ antlto malt. WlUteanD

A , . ' p~oit 41illl~ of bonouc 8nHertue, anI)

Wltb ,,~ople of Ii!!c cOlwttion. '"

I • 3 'l(tb4t rtOIll tbc flt(ll'fJe gOt into tlJc tbirll, it fi«tlifret~ to

~"n~ bottonr.iop <Inti p~Dflt aftbe klllrrolkts ano frientls.

I. ~ Jtt~at l1)c gocft'Otn tbc {itlt to t~c fourtb,lt fignifietb pl()ftt

IJ p~1Jt fatf}er;\lnlJ., gootl ilnll toplU 11 gnl! of bis nffiliru.

J. f , Jftbaf fiJtt !l02 from tf)etkl1 to tbrftft. itrlgnifrct~ iOrDr ¢bill)!cn,tb4t is to rav.,l!Jep. ll)all beegQID,l!nlJ Of~O"Our,im!l to balle iop, allD pleafu[c, to eate RI1D Il)inlte, ann to bee well (lo<lt~l'lJ.

1, a a)C (Joe from t!Jc flrlt to tl)c 6rt, it O'gniftctb p~Ollt

tUtb gooll hutt fo! fetUant.G,fllIlJ to bill' rm,lIlI1Mtell.

I. 7 lff1)c go into tf)e rctlucntb, it fi{Jniftetf) to lII.lftC a (ontmd

of lIIallC lII.mifl[5CS, ,to get bonollt linD (~c 10lle of pcrfons.aun f01 nlll)CIIlilllllDC6 itis {lOOD.

I. 8 lra)t ({oe from tI)e (WI,nto the cigbt,it OjJl1it)!ctl) Ilciltb fo! tbe tbil1J3l)cmmmoco,oJ fo; tbc OCllutUIIOcr,RIIO .!In',l! P)oftt in ruccclTioll


, "', (fq~~mani;f.· . , 131

(t1((ClTionantl ~clitagts, it IS lllfo gQOb fOH~1n~ulof ~il ,

1lI'1Le., .: .. ,/1:1"

Jft1)c goe frmn flJt firlt to tbc nintb. it,li~nifi£tl) to b~ue I . 9 Pioftt Qno nainc b~1.I0l!~d,anb III t~!JC' bt tl]t ~butrl)"l!l IIllDtIU:OCt4lOJ O~I: it jul(oJ(JOODiDJ tbeplotit etthe lX!Jiltl;en tbat\" wonlb Putlto {cboolt,fJu tbe\! I1Jnll bnuc proII\Otton,CCcdefWtuoll,al,Jll tttcl! ({J&.!Lll!.aum of IlIto\p1~tJ ge. 'l'lfrtwpdeftt)m*~tat~'t'tl'(tJJrI}ottfe, itrlgntfJetlJtl~ 1. 10 mitte,familiatlt:e,llcquumtance ant! p;ofit I,Vltb fJuI1(tS, P)III'

cc~ aMO grent lLo~D"~ IilletDire ttl rereiue ~111101lr anu bigmtic bl! tbc motbet: IUtlJalfo pzoflt in fl!Ceraioll anll ~ttitage!. aue

to be iBGQOD in Blltbings., ' I

"[lfllJt SJQe f~olft tbefit. tatbcelearntb,it ~Iliflctb to ~JRUC 1., I 1

~OnOllf anD p~oftt bl' bia f}:l(nIlO,an~ It gmtJ bope of fbe qtietionllrltlaUnlleO.

,)fllfi palI(ftom tbcflrli to t~c tbJelftb,ltfl~l1ifi£tb illlP2i: I. 12 fonmcl1t,loaeofb.U1elS.nnDto be'Qqmomt bop tbeCr,[UlICl

anD to be lu«fe,itifl ill in aU tbingtl.

') frau flnbe tbidgure Amill io in t~e SrI boure, antlfroltl 1. '2

tbettct be founll tn t~c rttontl \lOu(e,t»bldJ we roll tbe goolnG J

ftom DIlC bou{e toanotbct,it ClBni.db lotfe of(JoODJ, anti to y y.

fnlhnto llebtltes, quatteUea:lnl), (ontentiQns anD rute fo: A

IJODIlI'l. k"

J fO)e plllIe intot~HbUb bonte,tt Qgniftt~l) anger anb COil' I. 3

trlltion. brt1ucene binsfolltes anD iiI aue III M fmal

111111 O)O)t ioutncl'e.8.

lft1Jc ~ into tl)£ foartbl)tnre,it 6gnifletb nr~(l:ct bettneru I. 4 tbe 'btUmn ann tt)t f~tbet. nn~ bttwcmc tbe t,ltbct ant) tbe C:~i1I1~en)ilntl b~ t~nt InrllnesloiTe r f\t)etltdgell, anD tbc bc~ ginning ann fute ill law tbe one Ilgainrt tbe ctl)rr: anti fbI.(! (0) plllntlOl1' llat1l1bW ort~e fiGure is \lett! ill bllt fo! letcIJctl'·

Jf(1JcPlllTciltfottcftftbOllrc, thctuoman \utthcIJlltJcfi,,1U I. 5 bRue unreatonabtc I)cliuermm , it is: alfo ill to rate an 0

IlJinltc ,ilnb f1gniftctl)l1ltlJtl: about ~irtulIlI£l.

~t a,e pnrrc IIltotlJt art .u fl~nlfr~t1J an~ct a~nilill rcrunll((i I. 6

anD lolTc oftl)rIIl,allD offl11<1l1 rnttrlt.

lfO)c pillTE t~CI1C(: into r fCllumtb,tt fi,aniuctb lld:'c!! , quar , 1. 7


15l The thirJ1Joo,<:-.J

rcls ~ltb btb.lte. tu~tb ftUll1b.e:it ill a~ro ill fo; rnarriqM ,an. ~:~!I~et~ to ~nue Oifp~fure lul~~ ~rs ,blife, ann to loofe'",

6 3 f(be !Ioe into tbe Ol!niftd" mo}tnlitit br ~oat re, lIers,illtlJult""ttonott~e tmtJetl1anllinlS, Ioll'e of goo II. of t~e wOOlen,' oft~e raumie :llnD in all ttl! bemallnO,. it t. ill. 9 Jfll)e patte into tlJenintb • it ~t=Bt~loae orraba.lIU.

If to be tobbeb b p tf}e wq:it i. ill rll ~ of* qa~' ann fO,t men ItllmeD. .,

III 3ff4egoeilttot~Beent", itfignlJatbangeran1J mi(cl)ft.

~.:nt~mellt"fliltngJ,1t':inceu lI.o;n~,anD or t~e~ea. an. u 19111 In all, t~e brlnnunlltsort~ tcnt~ ~Q(e.

I 1 ,!J f,U)c paae into t~e eltaent~J it 0priIe~ anger againtl 1)19 flltl1b ~ anD to ~i1ue an iU iaue ofl'~e t~Wi~tenDeD ~ ~OpcDto~nuc.

Il, :J~a,tllOllintot~t U"'rln~,it~BJUtetbld. of ¢attell,. lInp~tfonnltnt • .anD to be dIt~ it It IU nudUbfnl,.

z 3ft~is filJure Fortuna maior be in t1te lttIt ~re , ItnD

• '. : t~encel:llptintot~erecoo"ttagni~agrgtgainetngcDb') moueables, lUI golt) aluer,anDtic~ btmn~5.

~ Jff1)c "aaeinto tl}e tt)tr1J boufe. 'UI~aet~ to bauemucb

fu~tl,lllcebltbemelWuft~ldnD~ , tUulfogoott rOJ fmoHanD 1l)0H \.Iovagts.

4 J (it plltre into He fou't~ • it agniftd~ tbt tllfber to be er gooD illlD nODI v. nifpofltion : it" alfo IJO@to bop ~etitase •• polTelrtollll al1bagooD tlfueinalltbin~s.

1 Jff1)t goeinto t~e tift, it fi~etf}'011 , pltilfure, tobe In

!JooD OHlcr ,ludlappointcllllno clotbel. torattanODJlnkl u>ell,antl to bauefewe d,Jilb;en,anl)tbertlJallbeotreb tOl.ur. 6 J f It palIe mtot~e firt it R!P1fftetb ftGelati, ,(n reru"nt5~ ann tbut lbe flCke perfon ll}illl amenDe:it is Rlfo gooD ro~ fl11.U bCdtlU,

7 J.r(1)C pllife ill to fbI! fClltl1t1],it IIJ goob fo) ",anlage , RnI

fl"!lll!ftCtl) tlJ,lt Iba ~11'l1\il wllhnalleptace I fo~ tf)e 11(' ' I)IMll1till1(C of" }L.nlll? ct "not !.'Soob , brcllUf. tbelt r~("fe, 11}illillc nifctofcll .

. 8 Jfit no~ Into tbeeig~t , it a~nifte~ neat!),1 itit! ill in all t!Jingll '








J •




oj lje(;mancie. 153

tbill(lCs,tJllt to bftuc lbtgOODIl ofa wontan.

Jrft)ep:11TL'illtot~el1iI1U),itfi!Jllifrtt~to tolttrlUt anam!' I 9 tic \Dit~ C~urc~'I'lenJilntl IIlCllleatlltD, tomnllu lIOYllllc it •

iii ((ooll.

lfit!Jocinto tbdcntb,itfl((I1ifrrtbto.tIIlgnitie 1uIt~ 1. 10

laings aliI) }..\Zil1(CII,IlIlD ulitb tb~ f'@otbcr.nt1\) to ~"UllIicro-

(it ouer bis enemies.

Jf llJe plllIe mts t~c cleuclll~,it fignirt'tt~ a gmlJ 'ITue. llpoll I. 11 II !!OOtl l)opc,goOtl fticl\1)cllantl fuC(o)nblc.

3tH !Joe into U)C nnelte it fignifpctb imp:ifonment aftbc I. 12 Plll1CC , !lntl t!J'lt bu!cnellliciJ l1JilUfJuct.patre~im inmio!>t

dllD power. I '2

)ftvis figutc Fortuna minor brill fbe fitO: bOllfc,U~encc •

goc into t!>e fHOni3.wbicb we call !J~ino from one baure to an- '(

otber,it flgnifietll a mcane in (!,lim~.:1f be blbicbllltlllctb \»itb -;.. =, ten t~ingtlll1Jllll q IItclll1) loofe ttiere b)!. 'Ak

,JfflJ~ P,ltTC III to tbe tbirll,it ugnifrctb ior of~ IUR.rotuS. I 3

itlfl alfo gOOtl fo,! il fIJoJt tlopugc,nnD i1lll1ifietb t~at it~l be • Quicllir cllbeD,it ill nlfo nool! fO,rClel1l1e,s •

3fit ""tTe into tlJcfclIrtb,it figl1ifletl) tb"t t~c jfat~ttis r. 4- 11II1ltie OJ O(ke,it ill fa figniflrt910ITe cftbc rute.

If ~e (Ollie ill to tl_Jc flft,it fillninctb to l)illlllltlnl1l' t1!iIIlJCt1, I . 5 lulJicb fiJil\! be llb of colour,aifo grent iol' ilnll VIc ilrt~tc to e~t

Ollll Dlintll; ,anll to b~ (oft Iv. anD b.lclI ap\Xucllcb.

$]1l11 iffiJc ~oc into t~e (itt. ttf:gn;ftdb l!oob to blip fmall 1. 6 ([nHcll, It IlllIIDlffmnt fo) ~CWi1ltt.G J Ilnlt fl.IJnifi'tt~t!Jat

t9Cl' t1!aU be blittie IlIII) \Difa. '

. 3fit pnlleillto t~e ~tI\lIrntb.itngt1iflct!> mntingc.ann t!}At I, 7 It l1jalllict \l.litb Ihifet cDntcntion,t~c eurnue ill (lton~ anD lIIilllJtir,tlyc Ulomml istuife,it is lit In care or lcuc ,fo; It '~all b£Pifcollmn.

]fll)c goo 111 to tI)l' cigl)t,it flglliftetb tlCillb, mill alro ill ill in I. S nil tl)II1£1t1 of,ilS fflani ck nntllllilO(,lt:ons.

3fit pulIc into the nintb,lt fillltifpctb lolt~\)o),.~tf! \Dtt~ aU I. , PJOrpmtlC Clnt) gooD tuck. Ubenmitlc of men oftl)c (t~ut(b.

, JI !lIe Q:oe mto ~I)e tellt",it is ~oot:lfmlll'lOfl'ttOll!l going to I. 10 tbe rCtlll(C Of.1 UmlJ,lDJmcc)oJ grcilt 1I.0}tJ,tl}c lijippe on tile

X ~~,l

1~4- The third 73oo~~

~t4 f1)illl COIIIC far.: illlO founn, lint! t~e atune!: t~mofa,RU l1)o:tlS! bllue ncwCJ.'l.

I I.' Jflt paaeintotbeeleuentl], itrtglli~ctlJ goon linn tru!lie t

I. frielloc£I,onl)n Iloon cnn oftbe t~il1g IlJbctc In ~ope io put.

1. 11 )f l1)e goemrott)c twelff~,'t is iIlil1llll tl]ingee buttobu2

~~. -

¥ f .]fPDU finl)e RII,bcIiS ill t~t ftrlll]oufe, J loin (.ill! noot~tt

,yo tl)lllg bllt tbilt tublcb bero:e J nnue totne rOil, {belt is to r~,p

¥ (. rollowing tbc opuucn or III t1)e1IDoaO,H! in tbig fcience,be tbep

* " ctnll)ean£l, Jlltlli1IlS,toeb~&wr.I,~lrilbl'cs,c;J!giptitl""G,l13et. fi,lIlS. t~~rll tbig figure is fount! in tbis plilceJitouglJtnotta be illDgCb, ti)e \lll}icb tl]in£! 3 1),lUe illwolics fount. truebp long erpeuenre, lnljerrfoJc at t~is tune ] will fap no otbft t~inll, but t"at IlJds III in .'In t1)C ~ourc.lJllt in ti)e Ort.

i. 1 lfl?ouftnl)ctbigftgm:c Alhlllil1tl)efirll~guf8, Ilnl)bre • fOUn8llg,linc ill tbe fecolll) I)ilufc,it ngmfretl) gainc anI) ~w

• • fit in bJ~itc ti)inges,\l)~itiIlB' oH1.dterg,oJ booke,. .

1. 3 3f~c pcUfe il1tot~e tl)l,l), it fignift?tt~ goon tilnt foHritn~.

nnn l\inlJfolktlJ,nnl) t~Rt letters llJal rome front nere at_ana.

I. 4 ]fit goe intnthe fOUtt~,it ugnifrctb to \Vinn~ ~il fute,ttil

nl[o goontn t!le ocmRunntlJ Wi)lel) 1I11l{' lie llIillle \)pon tbe fa· t~£t,fignlft?in!J as wellin tbrl" (as in III ot~,.rs) Il grn)o Alue o~enl).

I • 5 ] t llJe palTc into tbe ft ft ,it figllifl'ttf) fo b,lUc ltti1n~ (bilo:f,

IlltO to oclite 111 wl)itr (l~tbcs,to eatc ilnl) D)il1k, anD to (om' pan, often tilHl.g Ultt~ tearneemcn.

i , () JFit pillTe into tbr n~t the fHunnts bt ggon anti truaw.

I. 7 JfIlJc goe into the fcallrntl),tbt marriage lattlrc bc«un lljRU

tal\e effect to ti)cgrcilt routentment nno PJoftt oftbe partpu" ,

ann tbe rncnuc fl}ulllll:lllaUltD Pfi1C('.

I. s .anti E'it PillTc Into tbc d[ll)t ,It flgl\ifl'ctb DCl1tb bp il bot oir·

eafe ctrumcn nnD Ccltb,lI'fI,it In "Iro gOOI) rOf 1I1llgicke.

I. 9 J fUJIl [locin!o tbe nilltl),it Ilgntfl'db tbllt tbe 10llgiourne~

llJI'll! be gooll ,,"l) p~oOtilble,1l1l1) tr)nt fbe letters WI)icl)cnmc . (rolllll tnrre otfll)ltIlJgooD newes it is nlfo gooD fOJ ~ortOJ~ I mlO (~urcl}mCIM to IIInhcc1IlIitic ant! i1cqltaintl1nce hlit~ tbr. I

J. 10 3fit pi\ll'einto t~e tmt~Jlt is goon to gOt to lIiil1gs,pJil1CflJ I

,," ~

l~ __ c-

. oj qeomt1ncy. J~"!'

anI) lLo}IIIJ,1I1\1) to goe to:ti(itc bismotbe!:.

3fll}e goeinto t~eel,ucnt~,it b~'"lJ1tb goon lu(lIe,l1nl) alfo 1. I I !oJ lettctll \lJbicb t~clU tome on tl)eit part.

3 ril pl\ae into t~c ttllclfttJ, it is goib to bu~ frilmen ,nlfo in 1. I Z tbis plnrc it is It token tl bc~clb p)ironer.

, lflbis l'igure Caput dracenis brin tbcfltaboufc, ~ (I),Cllee I. 1 arCfnD into t~c [econb', itrignifretb gaine anI) p:oftt mall :- •• t~in(Jrs.

3fit PIIIl'C into t~e tbirb,it fignifl'et~ tbe binfolilts to be of I. 3 nODI) Illllitie,it ill alfo !luot! fo.1 t1)oJt borage. , but t~llt t!Jere

Ill"" be fCUlC 1l0uII1cIl'c t!Jerein. I'

3 f !l)e (loe into tbe flluttb ,it fignifrctl) g8Qb fo~ t!Jefatbcr,,· 4-

tofuccccl!C III ~i.G I)critilge~ , . . r ,

3f1t pall'c Into t~e ort It Ognlfretl) mlln~ (;btl~:tn, tu!Jlcb S

fi)nll be tllife anD \l)ittie,it t1)cwctb ,lifo Il bentlmelTe to eate

linD DJlIllle. I 6

]fl1Jc gocinto tl)e Ort it Ollnif\'etl) gaine nntl p,lOlit in bUl?- •

Ingof IIf ntfeUJllll1) tbat t!)e fCtuauto be goon IIltD lorall.. I.

lfit PI1II'c into tbcfcllllentb, it is 11 gOOD time ro~ matt:tage 7

nllD ro~ wOI1(IIl.ltion of tlltl)lics, t t~nt t~e per ro II IS of great


3tl1Je goe into tbe eigbt,it agnifret~ teat~ loitbout ttll1C- I. 8 I)le,lUID tomctimc in tbil place it Ognit£etb to winne in~cti'


J,t it pellTe into toc l1intl),it ngnifl'ct!J game anD pJofit br 11 I. 9

1011(J\)ol'a~c bp men of tbe ~~Hr(b. , ,

3f I1)c goe into t1)e tent!J it is gooD to goe to L\ll1gs,lD~lt1w.! I. 10

I'lIlO to t~e mether , ,

]f it pillIc into tbe cleuftl"it Cigl\i~etb to balle gmt! ~tlClttlS, 1, II

11111) that tl)c IJepc lllal net be ill bailie: nnollifo t~c tblllg t~at

is IlCI1Hll11111el1I1JdU (OIllC to gooD £ffert.

3ffl)c [loe into t~e t\.uelft~,it Clgnifyttl) to be II1ntlc pJifol1er. I. 12 aliI) t~mill to baue ItlU(~ 'ocrntillll anb tOJltlcnt,ano ill III tbe ~CIlHlIInt!~G flIt IS iII,but fo~ lobup bOlfrs. •

lrtbls figure Cwd;! draconis be fflUiS in tl)c fitll ~oure, tbe 'f.,

tbe figure 11)ouillnot be iul)getl,but itl1lull be bJokcn IlIlD lin *-

otbcr main one bOllrc «ftlft tbat: but iffrom t~e ft(onD bOllfe .y.

X '1 Il}e '" *

156 The third73oo{e

t1)e gOt info <lilt? oft~e ot~c~,l'e 1U:t~ there iUlJge it, fllumgtn tI)erOUtt~ ,w~etC t~ett is no(cttlline iUlJlJelnent to b~ gauen, ~ ro~ (be ltl"U(C of (be faiOe "!lute,i'mb t1)etefo1~ at t~iI tUm 1 \uil! nw nemcre.

J. 2 . ;R'inOinll t~ta figure Leticia in t~c IWIl ~ourc,anb t~encelJ8

• tntotbeftconb,itOgnifletb R ntelJiocritie of {J,linc Ill! tu~itt • •• tbinlJs,antl in t~inl'!l'I oft~e ~~ur(~,

I: 3 3fit pnlTctnto t~c t~ittl, it figniHttlJ t~e hinsfolile. to be

mmll anti in goot) t)ifpofttion ann in ~ealtb ofbol)ll,it is IIlfo gOIlt) fo~ fmilll anti l1)oJ( bopanls,

I. 4 ] f Il}C !Joe into the fOltrt~ , t~e ctm of 1111 t~ings l1}all be toFj

rull,but t~c p)omife falfe.

I. 5 21fit palTc into I~C 8ft, it UOOIl to~ c~illl)en , Anll to eate an~

1)~inlu Illntl to ang tnul1cl\e ,,,nl) ftgl1jfiet~ 11 great liUWOIU("f mire of ~e.ltt.

r. 6]ftl)e goeinto tbe fi~t~it ill nOOD fo; rertlilnfil , figniftina tblltt~er ll)aH be p~ofttablc to tbeit 1I11.iiler.ll : in aU tbe otbft ~oufc.ll t~i. ftnure is gooll,but in tbe ei0bt Rnb t\uelft~, to; in f~e eig~t(1)e Qnn{ftct~ bMt~,nltb in t~c tlllclftlj loire ot'caUel. .anti ro~ berautc t~~t I1cco)lling to the Ogniftclltionof feb ~oure Jljaucljerebcfo)c fufficiclltil' hJ~lttclt: l?01l ntHl? bl'tljcC4nM tltfclv illllntc(~ qllcillO t~llt iG nellMilllcll, "] !.uil not ljDIIll'OU long in tlje othcc figures tul)i{lj tollcurc ill tOllCljing tljeltmu. t.ltlonu COI1COJlJllnccs,bllt ollcll' PlIlTc oller tljCIlI gennllllV,

k -I< 1Ilji5ftUUte Triflilllf(jIlIlDillt~c ftrll,ilI1ll tljellee geein'

¥- .., to tI)e rerenn ,it figlliftctb Imal p.!oftt bu t ill t~inIJ!J ort~uRrt~

¥ y. IIstJinco,IlICoo\t.JeB,\lJoo;'CB,ill1lJlllIlllll CHtmblc, iniJllt~IO'

'i tber bOllfrG tbiB tlIJurc i(l ill , but in tI)e fOllttl) IlI1D eill~t w~m borb itl tI)e one attlJ tbr otl)ct , It is gooll to bup beri. , tllacs , fllIlllJccnufe 1ljllllelat~t1F llcclmcll ljtrc b£fo]t , ]

¥ tJJillllotu rIll' not~illgmo2cllt tvil) time.

)I { 3ftbill fiGure Puclla nOC (COlli t1Jc Ora boufr totbe fccol1bit

f fllJniftrtb gllinc br.roolllcl1,an') br. tll\>i te tbin{Js, in nl! t~e 01 t(Jet: bOil feB \ubm tbis figure palTctO,Il)C i1'l gooll, Cfptclflllpln,

;\ tl}e IJollfr \vbcre OJ e Ilgl1lftetb 101'fulnclTr:IJllt in t~e tig~t 1l,Je I' liUlliftC tb DeMb,Rlltl in tbe tinclftlJ itn~lHrOllll1tltt.

lft~is ftgtn& Pucr,piltrct~ fco:ntbe rnit to t~efecOntl~ta, 'I·

. n",O't~ ~

r{qeu1nrwcie. 157

gniftctb fmaUgail1, but in tbiltg.B oftunrre,ilt aU otbet ~ouftl1 t~is figu re in lIIulle,but in tl}e ciglJt ,mb tMlftlJ ,fi,e is ill.

;ilt~i! ft(lllre Coniunclio goinG frcm tI,e "tit to tI)t re(ol\b, ...- .1-;

it filllllftCtb \J(lil1c bp bllollg 111\1) IllJitti11 IlS 1 in nil otbc~ bouf(,G .~.

tbis figure io illtliftmnt,bllt in tbe feuentb l1.lIJstc it is goon I.

fOJ Plmtiflgc,allll in tbe nint~ to put f(boler, to (tubae, I1nlJ in ~I: t~eeillbt it iG ill,foJ it allD.aies rtllnittctb Dcatb , allD in tbe tWl'ltl~ it is IICit~cC gllGta Itl)) bab.

:m;~ig ftl.1Ul:e Career pairinG ftoln V. fidl illto tbe reconll it ill '*

(lllil1l'fAII to bup limbs eattatJle,tn 1111 tbe oUJCt.: boufcIlll1bm * +. l?eflnlla bcc,pc llJal\iuoge,eus 1!Cboe tbeotberl1 , tbilt io to * * flll?tIlcco)lJin{J to tbe fignificotion of tbe boufe , \ll~m n,ds,k !lnll tberefo~t: nt fbi. ume J .iIl fpeake no nune tbmof.

£C~is figur~ Populus patring ftli tljefirll boure to r fetOlltJ,k * it figl1ilietb {Jlline alll) p;olte in wbite tbing. , Rnb i It lallllClJ *" w~icb l-ee ~~ t~e \l1atn,anll ifll)e patte into t~e tbirll,it is grol) * * to make bO~<lUC bl' watet , it Q~niftliltb I)cat\> in tbe eigbt allll ./.; * In t~e nin(tJ,antJ in t~1: tmeltl~ to be taken pHfontt -. 1n all tbe

ot~tt: boufes tUlIge acco~bin~ to t~eit Cignitlcllttons,

%~is ftgute Via Iloing ftom tbe {ira to tlJC fecol\D,it I1glli' y .

ftetb fmtlll{Jaint)ifitpatTc mto tbe fljitD it is goot) fo~ nJo~t \)De *

\!l1gc.II:in alt tbe otbec boufes tljis figure is iII,bllt in t~c lIinti) '(.

Ilnll tcntMulJere Il}c,is betr {Joon, in t~e £I!l~t Il)c fignift~t~ };

Dcat~,III1t1 plifonll1cnt ill tbc tl1JclftlJ'

W~cllfocuct l'c ftllllct~c Uttl bOllrrs to pnlTll onemtc anolbet, rOIlIlJ.,1 iunge IIccoJbing totl)e Rgnlficntion ortbc bOllfe 111~cre tbel' p.1lTc,IlS J balll in the beginnill(l tolll rOil at lafl!C annno tv in tl)c Cn1l1l10)O biiercll!,t~c UJbicl) tbingB to tl)e CII~ vc mll\~ t~r ucttcr \)ItIlHIli'noe t~Cllh J \ullI (et rOll an el:~ple or a illJllrc \1I1JiclJ Ill}' lJ...o~b of Til Y S (OIlUlllllll111cl) me to III ilil e, to IlI1illll \ul)ctbcr the jfrcnclJ li\ing frrnncill tbcfita of tl),lt 't.ll11t,anll tI)e ClllperOUt ~~atle£l of ~lllltri(bc , r ftft oftl)clt nAlllc,ll}oullJ fpcalte togctbCt:tJJIJlcI) figure IJcin<J IIIRIlC, anu III' f01tllnc Aquilitio being in p ftta bOllfe, urent ltrlli{Jl.Jt illto ~ frtlutntb,\UIJic~ i. tbe ljoure of Ji\il1gs ~ CIllP£l'OUtll tJJl)icl) \u(lG tI.w cllufc ti)(lt lilraig~t tllar allbgell tljllt tbe €mpcroll~ fl)ollID rptl\l\c tllitb t~e ).I\ilISJ, 11110 fo likc\1,ifc tlpll ~e iItD~(, of

X 3 t~c

------------~ .. ,. .... --------------

1 ~ 8 T he third'Boo~c

the frconb ifif pnll'c il1to tbe tI)iro. to 'mohlC ( .illllr lu.l\' of cr. '1I11ple)ift~611£nU1UntlC uc mane fOl fubllollCc ltfjgnifl~tI) t~,lt t~e fullllill1ce fi)aU come into tOc bal1l1c.fJ of U)~ kll1!1ro!lIcll of bill! 1u~icb UHloe tl:c qllcllion tlCCO;Oll1g to the rcnrent of t~e bcnll1tlllll,anO ill tb~ f1{!It;ftClltlOIl oftbc bcutc l\lbne tbe [arb figure it! : if t~c fecolID palfe mto tbe tbiro fil't, o~ rm , o~ 1nto "np ortl)e otbcr follljwil1g, rOll: 19a1l nlfo iUDge aCCO.lbinlJta t~c fignifim'ioll oftbc boutc lobcrdt is : tbe IiIle ll)all pe Dg Il" tbc tblro if it PillTc into tbe fourtb·o) II1to anl? ot~et:, bntg t~c r ll}Llll H uce Ill' tbc fourtb if it pnlfe into t~cftft 01 into <lll,!? of tI)C otlWt boufttl follo\Oiug:llntl f01111 t~c otber~ i!lo~il1:J il6 in ,,:'o)cfdIIJC,!leco)Dil1lJ to t~c finniftrl1tions oft~~ hOllfea \})bcr~ tl)et' goc, anti acco~l)illgto tbe goOD o~ illoft~c tame ftl!Uttll ilno re mna 110te tbllt t!JeF neuer palfc but O:t8 tune to ll"l! !~c illogclllelltlnlt~ollg~ t~at afigllt fO]lll£lI ~aue m,llll' of one fOlt,nntll1l1 a Iike.tnbetcof J will fpeAke mere at liuge bercartet in occllltin1JttJce.rampltt!)at 1 will rer,

Orthe ~cod or iIJ houfe ,and which they bec,whccc the fit;ures be in their placet Chap. 1. '

T t)c ~Otl 1)0 II rell , to be b~icfe.aretbeftra fift, tent~ anne- . leucntb. tl)e meane I)ollfes ue tbe Ieronn ,t!lirD , fourtb .. Illlb nilltl) : tI)~ cutll bOUreD be tbe lin, fellcn!" , eigbt ilnD . t\JJclftb bOllftll.

The 11011[(5 wherein the figllres be found to be goud.


A qui fili(, ia (tOOl! (o~ PJol'itC,lllltl antongll nllotber £inurell I i ~ it IS !:loob ill tI)e fnll,fc(Ollb,alll) tenth !lourc.

P, mit lio io t(O()O fo~ lolTe IIffublli\IlCC,lll10 t!lcrtfo~e .. s goo I!

III tl)e eigbt houlc illlO \J('ll:' ill in t~c rcronn.

POrtUII;lIlI.1Wr 1£1 IJO':O fOlBaillc in tbings w~crca perrcn ~1l1!J !Jope to tninnc , nlltl tbrrero)e it Isllerr gOOD in tbt ftft, II

fl~t ,nlllt~ ill\t1 elclIClltb 1)0111'(£',. .

Fortuna miner ill !JoDDin anr Atfnirc9, \oberein apet(cn I

1\>0"1' 'I

oj (jeomlJ11Cie. '59

{OQUID goc QUlchchl, anll is lI)crefo)c be!:\! !loot) in t~c Icronn ~oUrc,mll) ill ill tbc cig~t ~ollr('.

Letitia is.·aootl f01 iOll, I1S \1'£11 p:efcnt .us to rome ,nno fa: fb,lt raufc is fonlll) gOOl! <lllllotl in illl tlJc I) 0 IIfc IJ ,i1Illl fpcri,lllr in tbe ftft,nnl) ill ill U)C fir t eigtlpltll twclft~ I)oufc(l. .

Trillitia is a llcrr ill fi(Jure in nil tI)e l)oUred, but III the rig~tanbtwe1ftb baufcs, \t1~ercll)e ilJ {Joc!):ano mcane ill t~ flra IIna fecon!) ~OUr~G.

Albus is 1.100tl f02Ilmlll1b:1l)ic~ bopetb to ~:1l1tg.,ille oz pioflte in 1'1lt' t~in!J"mll) alfo to b.lue entuc 111 clnp ptacc , ann ill tbis rcfp£rti£l [0 II nil gootlin tbe ftllt ilno fOl!ttl) I)DUfc£I ..

H ubc II S I~ ill il1l1l1 1'1001) tIJIIl~lI, \lltl) {JOOi) II1l1l1ll1 tJ)IIlG G. anon1.1lW t(mrs fignifletb I)catb,t1)e !lIllfllCt founl)£ .fttlt IJollfc to mane a iuogancllt iI' IS toltll'oU \Jero~e : t1)c la .11l111 t~e fecolltl,follt:tI) .f£uel1t~ anti tentb bOllren, ClIlD allllollll1 aU t~e otber,rauiJlg in ctrtaine lI~lnaUn!)eS •

Puclla is llttl!goOl' in all tbingll t~at l?C.l11ill? beI1U1UI1IlC. ano efpetiallr in tbh1g8l1fwoll1el1~allo ll}e IS bert'! [lOOllltl tbc

nintb RnD 6ft ~oufe,. .

PHd is llnt! ill in IIIl fl)e qucaionfl Rnb bClI1ilUnbcS bJl)rc1) Illtlr be mlll)e in all t~t bonrcs ,r.ming 111 t~c fc(ollO I allD fiHc w!Jere bcill11leanf.

Carccris Il ftgure liltcbJi(c ill hI \lll tbc ~oured , anll tfp~. citlllr in tI)C flJ:tJeig~t,rcucllt~ lllll) t\JJelft~ ~ourc.G, Rill) flglll~

ftct~ alwllit'B to be allietl. .... .

I COllilildlio ill (locD\1lit~ goon, anll tU\t11t~ III '. Ilnll r.~m. ft~tb altlJaic[l arcceuerment allD ultltutlon of t~IIl(lS fC,lttren O.! loll: ) allo fi)c ill fountl ~ootl hl t~c fcuclltlJ I milt!) ilnll tent" bOllrC~,mllllll in the eigbt.lllltl fiunil1et~ t1Cllt~ , ant! 111

tbctUJclft~ fignifictl) to IJt ltcpt in p~iron. . .. .

Caput Draconis ill nOOD \lIitl) gooll,allllill tJltijll" <lItD III noco in tI)e rCllcntl) anti rCCOlltl.~Ollrrs I1nllll)cUlctl) to ~iHle a !JOOO Ilfue ill tbe tbin!1l1lUb£re a man bop :tI) te h.rue g~IIl(, •.

Calida draconis il.1 bctl'!Joob loitt) the ill, nnu \)crl' III \i.lIt1J tbe goo~,in nutter oflolTc l1)e io goOtl , Imtl ~o pellfe out of <lI1 nff.lirc:l1)circ rounn ((OOll ill tvc rOIll t~ ,fit:t, 1II~t1) ,11\0 ~\l1c\ftI) I)OllrClJ,nlll) ill ill t!Jc feeolll): l?e 1\I\IIll1otc tI)l1t 10 tbe nllltl) filC


160 -. Tl» t!Jird'Book~

18 gOOD to learne ~mIlCl' ,nnt lit to iourncu, fI'''!I1if~i).lJ ~poi, hllg ilnO robbln!_l,Il)c l(.a1'0 Illll t1)i9 p!I1CL' rOllttt other tl) Ut\J I

P"l'nlll' I{l r~II1C.tlc gOllb ann roltlctilllc 1J.1!J, tuitl) 1l00l) Ulee 11.; (!OOD,;lIltl 1111tl) IlIll}e ilJ III, l1Jce iG !J001l ill t!Je tCl1t~ 111111 III in tiJe dgi)t boure.

V» is 11 filJllre \u~ic~ b)c'lftctl) ann fpoilctb all t~c lJoollllca of the ot~et." falling in IIl'II'Cllll1b1! ofioutnlirs t \lopagc •• , to {l08 froll1 plarc to plolCC to tnc b.lbicb fiJe is betic gilD', ~n is (lCOO in t~c tbit:!J,f,ft illlD (c.1urnt~ ~ourts,bccaure IllnQll' llirrct~ tbat le ttcra l)nll COllie b.l1)icb tlJallniUJ3 'lOOb I!~"JC~: in tbe tlllclftb bonfe Il)C i(i ronnucu,

A Table ofrhe Corporalurcs reprefentcd bv the fixeteene

ligllres 01 GcolllOlmic.ts folio weth, .

i:. I\. (2.!_lifirio a man ofmiDblc alltllru faire, lIarrotrJ !I}oul.

A 1\ b1('b ,full filet!» ,of ranlJuin~ coUtplerion,fllll ep8b .comtlp beilrOtll,Or goot! btbl1ulouJ: ,llJilIlletaft, lIJtU lllilling, gium to f¥.MrcbaIlDisc. 1[bc womAII oflthe Utltutt,liuing cballc anD 1110111411111 ,~r.uil1g twollJoaDe tcct~ h£ro~e, Ulell [pohen anD Urligiollll.

Fnl tuna maior.a mnn of miDDle nflturc,bis bODie fuel CNll' part ,of falte bcl)tlUlour .fu II flucJ:),fnll n tll.of a flll1guUlc camplerIOll,~Ol1fll,ll)iI'llc-t~lt'D,blll(lle ('reO, b~O'ltllmlltll, not tnolTe of {JOe if .£Ile \.l.1Clttfllllllfllbcnlr o~ (ballc, \l:cI1U1lling, cllDueD blltl.l illl \Jl'1tIlCIJ IIllD nOOb fo)tullts.

L, Ei(i~ nnmn of c(,lIIrll'(' bODl'e !litO rearcnabtc tllll nature, !. luitl) 11 fl11rc,rOIlICI\' .1110 rounn face,fullo) grcilt Cl'fD.!l full 0' '" rounb fOlC-I)t.IO ,.llillollTch' bJoillJ,\lJtllmnDc ill I 0 PlCPO:1 , tlollCb,loUlng Qoo , cuo {llurn to .£lUlolcglC .IItD I.Jl'f11,£:ht

hJoman or tb~ like (Olpolntllrc .'110 qllillitic!l. c~"nr., \1.JcllUtI. ~ng,nnll of gooD bcl)<1l1iour.

Albus II Ulan ofnnDD!c fr.1turc, tcr.oill[l fOIllCll.1l)iltto tnllf I1cfTe,blbitcll' ,olllplcl'iorco,(Ufllt h'nb,l'~lfo\l.l erell, a lang A (0)£ b~nb nnD 1,1\1111 uri] rl'~pcctillg.iIf)c WOIl1<l1l (l),\ltc,tttell :.. luilll!!(f,iOl'{uH.1I1 0 lig~t o~ \)1l11crIlIl110il1!l,iltgcniollf .rwift of 1II0oning altO t(:igbt~l~ 111 t)l.'<lrilllJ OJ feeing anl' t~il1(f tubic~ pcttaimt~


) .,

. qfqcomanci~. I6z

ptrtailttt~ to I('«ming. . .

Auullio,n mnn ofil1tliffcrcnt llatm:c.leilllt, 'l?cllowla,. ~il- * Iling rome marke in t~e I1cche,gtcat ~elllJ,tOUIIIJ)b)onb fl)olll~ y *

D)CD,httlc ercs Jam nIDut~,blonlJ fOJ~' ~ean. :a ~e 1l.JOIl1I1I1 '}o.

co)wptelJ giuen to ~cnusloflllle ntllllUlB anD (Q)~l1tute liB * -k

t~e nllln,but \lcriecboiltti(kcof lint Inc. ,

'Fortuna lIIillllf,illl1ilnoflliibi.llellilturc, rlilifaCtb, big -J,;

~anlltD.p)OUb !lUl) tllltrll', tbe c}!M ~£tW~~I~ black ano ~tl1'1?, -k.

kl~U~ Willin«\l? DQtb reruiee to fomc noIJlhtte,l1 gO~l) ~OI.I~ollk -j:

J)8~ ill tUnt, but not bappie rOJ tbc tmlc pJCrent , ,m tbmges 'k -k ltJ~i[b bt Deilrdb.o) bOPetb fOJ. .lJDt tbe WOllllll1 glue tbe like

IUllgtment II' oftbc man. ,

'f riOiria a man c,lrclctTe,b:nb,ltotl!, tlllt.bollf IdW£,.rec(ct y *

~JbibDcn,tallAlltJt)Jic,\oIlB\)irl1gcO.lm~ CUI" (ontpleJ;IOtlCb, * j.,' ~l1ganbellillfauouttb testbfinball1lu~Il' !!I:beblonttlttill' -,l; -k *,1.l1illil1{l to (onfent in Snncagn,udt I1ntu~r,a Iouct of ~eruantjjlllb ttrallgcrs,giutn te allllln~ of CUll! AUl) feu-et

mme, - ,'. r. k *

. Rllbcus nnliltlofunronnblr tall Dntllrt,blgl}coloureb.1I1lI .

uing ll)arpe anb fierce lookea,big beine,,, tl}e barzu~ ~tlJ -Ie

re~o; b:oll'lnC,fimc anb (~oltticlleofnatu.rc,i1 fcof'hr ~:mDC' * * ker,one cuill to be met tllitb all.nnb an euill tongue, gluen ta *1.: nil kinbCor\)ic.clJ.jjt~c hl0ltWl C01wptc&,blmbl!,anII \)n!J£lt~#

full. 1'1 no gf cuill bt~n"iout, . .

Populus:.llllfl110fftcrcdtaturc.ill1bC0ll1plct·ton,fuU f~~ ~ -A. ceb,lJi~gc bObl'ClJ,b:onlJ bJrllCi), baulIIll a ,"athe IU ~lIrt 111 A * tbe f«ce,1l grellt p~atler,a l\'er,rt~D etten penOne ~ \)llaCbf~ * f. or lIIoolling !lllb min~e ,\OUlI1lJ tbll1l1Co 'bilt pcrt.unete 1l.Jntc~- A 'k JCbc\,uollullt hllehlife(o;tnpt~b , but illJOOlJ bOllrc,kccpet,

mud) \ullucrillll of bob I' i1l1tlnllllb,. 1\

Puer Illl1iln of no tal ltntut4),l1)oJt ,\tdutl nun long ~cat1£D ...

little ~CJtb,f1l1l fnCell,(bllllert(ke ofni1tu~e, foltl~l.Ubllt t~l~kekA ofbollp ,llehgbtillG ill qUtlHclling. n~llrtlnl1 afflllru, bllllllllli:. rOllle marhe O~ illltftin tI)t face. ~I\II,"C: O)arpe 0, fler~ Imkcs

IUlll bilJb colourct:J.IJ:!Je u:oll1n~ ~i1te tmtotbllllttUl botb m COl' A -A

POl4tt:ltc.colllplcrion al1D ql1alltles. , . k

COlllullcholllllllllOf 1l.J~uil1, ot rello\» (QttlpICfIOn,lolt{l \n~ .k

p (age k I

L._ .'i_.

1 60 , 'The f rfl ceo0R!

[,lIJC,w:lh,lIOi1!Jc 0,) IScr,lt lIofc,l.J!oatl teet I) , t~inllc btc1tDO~ fe~c ~me1S OIl.tlJc fclCc,llrulJCr of~onl! , fmilll!tGgco, fu!Jtile, t pol!tlque t ([',l\'tr,a,nl) OIlC bl!Jic~} will t;mDertake mnll}! lI1at, ters ulltbollt tC.1C~II1IJ.')e IS 10 1l1l1 {J ann of fUlift fIlCa") , 11I1l) of 13000 (OlllP,llIp': :m;~c womanlike nntn t~c man botb in cOJ" pOJ,ltureJ ann qu,lllttcG.

Caput Dr.iconis a nl/m ofmioOlc Ibtutc, tllt~tctenbing to talllclI'c t~CI1 ot~et wi~c, full f,lCto,l)is note rOll1ebl~~t long D~,.l \UlDC l11oUt~.~IC tectl) cUlII OJ cuitt faucures tbiche ~l1IreB 011 tf)t f)t<l!), i»clllllanc of"o!)p goil1g,bl'Jig~t,~finllif' ferent lltofnclfc, of (lootl ccuntenauncc , goon bc~nujolltl ~~C,WOIII(lll oflthc ccmplcnon , nbotlnnillg in cbc,Uitl! allll tnrglllltic.

Via~ man ortall «.lture nntl Oenncrbotl!', long birllge,bi. ttelb falce II II!) ~Icilne ,bCIIl\! of l'cllowuqc romptenen , tbin bearDeD OJ ~ilUtng feUlc ~~ltSS 011 t~c f<lcC • berp' Unl!cDf4U ~nll. mouabtc, ann one llJ~l!~ 101l~t~ ioutlltcil : :£t~e \tIOIMm1 III hkg Ul.11111Cr lUI tbe Ulan, neuert~cltlfe (on(titnt 000 cba ofbollt'.

Puella a num ofa t~llllAfurc, IOllg nccheD t full fllCtD ,bls ~eaocD , II tittle rt1out~ , b~o'lI.lI1Joulncreo wellfiluoJto a,,' comtlt! ,full erel.l,ofa fangtlil1c complc(tidl1 , t~t ~ei;e OJ beat!) of 11 bJotunill} reulour , of gooD bC~Il"iotlt ,,_gt, ven to V cuus: ~~e WOllliln co~ruptell, OJ tltclOe neCitotls ta be coJtuptetJ ,glUen to alllunoc oflt1itC~.

Career It mil II Oflt1e,<1Ilcl!aturc , rntb£~ fOll1cUl~att~icU IIDD ~O)t tbm ot~ct1Dtfe, bill fllee of an inl)iffttcnt f!llnclte I of wl)ltlllJc cOIupledlon, l1)o~t tC(,~l1ntJ ctooltcO,{Itowil1g om DUCt: all ?t~m IQOzt armCD , atllllntl rlofe of nature ,11110 wiU Itccpc t~mgtl fmet: tcbc Wolllc1l1 !l \lirginc , o~ IIttbc l£al1 '~cl~ orbOD!" ofhhc cOJPo]llturc anll cOll1plcrtiol1 1111 t~c men,

Cauda Draconis auian ofmcanell.ltllre , fullf,m:!) ,btle ~eill) ,linD l't.lIl01u , ~iB~ (ollonuo, tnitb all euill fime laolte, arrogclnt ilno P!OIll)C, Iurunous ,bilcabol1o ,1111 cnuieus alltl qu~rmlOUJ pmtv, giuen to all kinDe ofcuih3 I Slt~c bl~llI.n .fhliC compltrtl~n, l'lllcllitlClll1ll0 (ontlittol1s I (o~ruptco IUIII Itc~trous ,,;un ntuen to 1\11 tlil\l)l! of tnil ••

01 ~.

Of the two witncfI'cs Chap. 3.

A:JHrt «JIlUne ~lute fUffidtntll1 frtafeDoff~e 12.~OUrCG t, oft~e figuru ana oft~cir tranOa!iol1llllb (8n(O~lle ',. anD lllbi [~be (lootl aun \tI~id) be ball. jJlollJ rtaet!Jit to fprlllte ofr' tluoUlItilQlfese aft1)e lunge: 1l0Ul mull: rou know t~att~c twa \uitnrtTclI be t\lJofiglt"Sb~I'''lIen ftb ~ ttutltlellgures ot tb~ Z\ldi~(kc, \D~rteoftl)e one mtttflleplllttbin t~e jflllur. fo]II1Ctl on tf)C ri~t fiDe , \ll~iCl) is the tl,)irttll1lb ;figure, t ilJ caUeo the ri(ll)t tuitne(l, tne other lIlull be placCIJ on ~ left nile oftl)c jti{lUlc., i(l t~c(otltt(£ntl) jflgm:e 11;1I11CI) tbe left witliClI:tlJt till!)t \titlll13IG pm fo~ tbc qllmnt,ilI1l) figniftct~ nil tbut lul)ici) bl' the flta jfigurc. antiull tbr olbers \tl'''bbl on tbe ri!ll)t noc( U)M IS to fill' the fceOllll,t!)itn,fourt~,llfntl),anll tent!)I' oif(elllcD.UII)iclJ i!l tbe uiotiue of ti)e queaior, l1cfol('; plopoUnllto. :m;,~lllta uutnce (ontc\lncti)1l1l t~llt bJ~i(~ ll)e ft~ glltC.ll toe figmftc l.u~iclJ be: on l)isl1oe .tl is fo ruP. .ti)c. 6ft,art, re~tnti),etg~t,eltu£nti) <lnO t\ulllftlholl fuel) \utre ti)nt f? rigi)t klltnes fi(lntftrtl) Ii)eqUcrilllt" t1Jf: Icrt witlle!! t~c. tbing tiel mnuIlOtll,p.lopouo£nl1tltl enquiren. lIBcrlt~(l t~IS, tbe rigl)t lllitl1tD fI(ltliflctl) lop f1l1nl)f1ppillCIl oftbc tl)ing latelr \Jalfeo to t~c perroll \ul)((~PJopollnoctl tbc qll~!lion ,'tbe left untncnc n~llifjct!) I)tc\uincr.·c,\lIlquietlltllc <lnll tIli(1)np of ti)c ti)ing to COI1l~ IUlb pitt in quell ion : poulllua futthrt 110te , t~,lt t1J~rC tblo tuitllclfcJlbc 110 ~ourcl ) ncltbcr IIl1tU[,\\I jf:!}lIlcn.lmt be


** "..*

* * * * * * * *

kk J,

16.. '7'he th;rd73oo~

Olll'l!! 4lCcioCl1t<lUC~ ,t,lkCI1 fccm tl)e at!.m: to !Jill!; ,1 iUlJllclI1mt mtiline OM t~e qucllion pJOpOUnDtD.

Of the Judge. Ch~p. 4.

TU)e lubge OJ tbe ft(tkntb figure is pJocreattb ort~c tiDo 1uituclres to wDge t~e tnDe of aU Ebe Ugniftcation of t~e knobJeiflt bc gmb OJ b<lb.m::~£ w~U:~ iUl)3C lIug~t altuaiu ofnectlfitie to be euen:foJ tfit be not , tbe rrgure 11)01111) ~c f,lIre:1lI111 ro tftbe iUDgc be gooD, tbe a(Jniftcatiall or tbe Delllatllll) I1)<1U come to a gooD ence , anD if it be Hl,it ~aU come to an illenl) .1ftbe JUDge lloeag~loitI.J t~efitll.llnlJ 1uit~ t~e otl)er fl'IJurtlJ u.IJic~ be on tbe rilll}t aDe,it fig"iffet~ gooD to t~e quer,lnt anD 1Il ~t~illllllCIl1<1ul1r.1el) if~c agtc witb tbefe oftbe left 9<1110 UJ~fcb bll (illlel) tfJt DAug~tet5. t& Clgnifl'ctlJ to tblt quer,ltlt IlI1 ill i!rue ortbings DcmlunDeD. anD fa "lUll Ee rll!! anD dlt'cme ortbe areolDe wbi(b be b"t~ hJit~ tbe rislJtO) left bJttnelli, U ~ llJall rtf: br tbe "ilmple follot»inB,IlC(O~bing to tbo Dtdour. in t~i" atte,1111 well ttl" b)ekles "S ~1110~11J , Mb ot~et 1ubic~ ~4UO tceateD t~ereQr.

Thi, Table following (hall Ierue you to knowe the Witndlcs and the fudge as well euen as YnCllen, and the fignificJlion which tiiey haue • and alfo for rheberter refolution of:theiudgcmcot of each figure and demaund propounded.



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-- 1"lUne gOOD gaol) i
~11 ,
m-- OtluglJtn
'tt}'~IID allertbc i'
afte&: tl)ll bcalttJ IIll1nc ~ealtlJ
- ,omeont come out'fmne ceme out
_. lJQIlbv\:)atu 00iUe ~_nne I

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cusn witt




IIOOIlIS \J)O)il)IP pelfetTtonIt lIlile lIlomnnw

. ficllenclle


iormp _ t~inlJ loll l>opulus--

menne j-n----




gooo renne

~raltb -


out fo~nothil1g

{(DIlO bV.'w;rtc1.: I not fOUII£)

l~~;~· I

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168 '

Thethird Booke


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* -f; -k
-f k -f y,
-A' A puc}t~, ,,1 I~ '; * I<: 1 j;~ '" I * I ~', * r;.Il

, ... * k * * k * :'/- -;. k *- 'I<: *-

, , i' * l~ * +:1< * *- f. ¥. ,

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", k ~': ' '1<:;" ·k ,k .¥-

* 'k 'k" k * ¥-

: lunge '*, * \ 'kk *' .* '

i * *- ... ' *k *

J ItfC.~~--:-~lJ1fllne-:--fnla.1w-rIiOOti--:---lgoo,----

! fubllAitU---~-]"tMU~tf-:--11J@ ,[goon: "

!iJo~t1)i ~~-~-lm _=~~==:~\lOOi)=~tierie ~_lgOO!)_---,----,

~~_lTtlIio_l1 I ill _j~tI -_.lnU'i'I~- __ I((oo~ -,-~

,~tu~ __ ,_~~':.c~J~~ll_lte--~_-1~~o9--u-_lgll_l?~-..:.'.' l(!o~1J_ _::

: ~omru"b.\it~dJitbe\O!1l1U1Jtcc_ja ~onne_la!!t_t~J_JRftertbe ",

Qclmetf. Inftcttl.Jt -[ Il)ealtl) 10illllllJt~IIS laftcr tilt 1--:-:-

, ,p~ir~t!--==--=-~~_ -lout In~ ill' Icomuut ~ii)lt~c~\!(-Igacb CI1~~~

I' lOUnu~ ~ jl~r~lo"_~ \qtlotJ: 1~~~~~~~trr~1 goo~_.--..;..

! I t~i~aYQ~ ,llHutteUno \IOanD __ I~lt~rOU.'~~, \foun~-------,-, I'"

III PtKlI,---- -* ;. *T'*-- '~ -A I ~- * ~I k *

i , *k * \ A +: .... kk 'A Ik ... '

, * * '1-, k .,.~ Y. ,'J -k *

li,' ~lUuell hlitnclIes *- I-.·k' A * I k k t 7; *, ~

It I< * .. j; ."

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I! lno{!c 'k -A I A'k \ A =: :

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f fubltance I " I~cnltl) Iht'a't~ __ _I18nlJ- __ -- .. lhtl\l!b-___ ~

, ttio~fIJip ~-- - -I cOllie out -Icolm Ollt .I'olt~ .. __Irotne out .. _ I

Iii! polIe[ton--- - . --ilirritous IUo\)) _ \(!.OOIl .. _ . 111lcnl1l\_____ :

~ ) ahlife-- - lnotfoUlIlJ I not l'1Iono I tcuun \pnttro~l~b _

:~ ',I.u_-~ttf(~tin~liH"---~--~ Imrnnc \goob _. __ \tll -=-"--~ I

.~ I trikntn'c--- ImcilllC [means _ _I_gtJo~ J!!!_____ ~

~ pilfon -------li'lfellD--_---'R!ooD __ ~~ ~i)(,u.--J'Il-~

t ~~~ - f~::t--:--*::::~:~I::- --l;:~~ ,

~ pucr



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~rtullamillor 1-'-----

:uen witmer,.

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An ofthi~ Table here going

, b(fur~

AJ.l b tbus blltb beneoefnweo 1)nto !Otl bl! tbit table beu be~o~e ,b'l? 11 Dlrc;utfe,tbe OBniftcation ofi~t Jn~lle, • of t bewltntar. euen ani \meuen J to tbe tnb 'eon ma,!? ~ eareh~t glue i4 cettlline iUOll£ment oUbe lI;Jute8 as tber tl)all fall ~a' uing rometimr.lilte Q~ift~t1on. impo)tante fo~ Cuntm! Dr.1 mlunDU, anD fomtml£'onttke,afto kno\llelf(l)ata petfon OJ,," beat long ti& 0) o,o~t, trbe ~"tI ~aue t~e gGJD. ani fue, reman Of~it fllt~et ~ Iftt be gmD tobul? lanDes anD 10JDt1Jips,tf it be gtD!) to I a", 11 \nill. anD \DbeCbR ~ "'aU be gm~ OJ ~aD, anD wl)et~et a woman wttl) (l)llU OJaU l}elUe a (anne o~ a bllug~tat.o~ if a Rmepetfon tlJa\ awnia of tl}.lt Dtfed(e;o~ t~at be w~u" 'II in PlffanllJallquidlel1! (omero~tl) ,o~ifitlJe gill" to talte a tlo,!? in ~o ,lDl)ftl)lt it t~lnlioll ft)otl be rounoe Igaine. alj' fo orallot~et quetlionlRnObem,lunoes UJbldJ DUll? be n"me,.,atco~oinl to tl!e ncU1lple ~eu betoJI ret out, tu~er.eb'l? ,ou In.l\? "l? 1!GUt omn rftfe Ultti)out Itn\? ruttl]er bel ,Iaratlon ltno\lJ tbe jijlUCU tDl)td) be ga:.D rot one ,en .. 'u"", anU~g(e \tl~i.ct) ~oloe no mOlt on tbeonenD&: tben on ~ otbet ~Cleoult, J ~auebtte placeDtI)eIIgUJe Populus fo~aJuQg ,011~al:ie to t~e opinion ot all t~e l!Do<tOJ. in t~i~ ~de",ctl t~e bJblcb fa\! all wit" one acco~bC tbat lUbrn tl)c t8 founD m tbl~ p!act t~at t~cn tbl ftgUl:e r,nmetl Ulllot to be lIlabe, "1 quetlt~ onplopounoelS ,it not tobe tllb!!~ 0 br ~iln ,but tbllt quell ion mullbre iUDgeD b\! tbe fouu AuglesilllD ottJet rules, wbicl) lUe loill ~erl!tlrtet (lJtb.H~. bl' tt)e \l)~i(b t~e\! milr be ilS welt al\tI mtdindl? tUDileD, as b'l? t~e .Jubile IJimfaife.

How mJ~r m.nner of waies a figure is faide to he well made and fotlunatc or vnforiu»

nate. Chap- 6

Y ® u mull hnomc t"at a figute (onfiaing (4B \\'IC ",lUC filiI) bero~e)offlftltndiguttS.t~t is tofnt' , fOUl:e t11otl)~\.'lJl feure Dt1u(J~t£ts,folt(C ne p~e~'s two \1)itltel~e8, sene iungc, is faiD to lJe glDO anD weU mll13e fol t~)~ teafo"8lt~' fita Is t w~en t~(. Jfi13ure l)Dt~ tGollt 'OpPon nww 61llb ftgUteS • :mlJe

• rt'Onli

.........------- .... _....,.._......,...,.......,...~~:-.-"'~ .~

1~4 The IhirJ1Joolc: _\' o/qeomtmcie .. · is_,,

rnonn j" , 'llItCI1 t~c JrilJureis maoeafftBurelJ ml}icb ~aue p1)etnes,toitne. nnb iUbgt,G,lb,~ie .• ~""itf.t

mo~c euen point. tben oDbe·ltbc t~ttOi'p \Dbrn it iI ofmoJe Illligentll! t. be ' (ee tft\leraIDdptt',bungen,

ibm nmetts:: O~ point.,o: offo::1ll1l! at ~ lull. D:CD of otbers eit~rt: ;mbO' IU lAUral, ~r gooD fat,", "of

. '014 nlua furtfJtt bnttdtanD~, tl)at a ftgtUr i. (aibe to bee IOOD motbrt. :foll?e mutt note tljat t~1 ngbt allure i. t_era.

!OOD OJ. bnfo~tunatt el~tmanntta(tNltl.jfita,bp tbe na, <<In.llnD tbe let'tt IBltt' if tbr1Ut))etlif' ftgnu engrnDJtll

turunll conDition oftt)t ftguu. ",conDI" bt~ tb. pzepertle be like \)nto t~J fatber,it ~ll b. Cillf1l~" ronne ,anD irUbe

tt)ertof. itbitDlp,bP tI;1eplace bJ~ettin it i.. lourtb(p, be' ItIle bnto tb'lnotl)tt it llJaU be calle. ~it: DiluafJte~. 9n, ~e

fllufe cUbe Mpert. jfirtl"b!! tbe compan~. _irtlp,reJtb,1)a- AlUa furt~et tml)rtianlJ, t~lIttbe,ptacc rome ti~maltetb

riation RnD 'baungillgoftbr agurell.~tiumtblp.bttaure or "eftguu ml1rculine.rom8tinl.remml~~. jfO) ttJefttll't!ouf.

tbeit mouing.CleiliJtt~. bl1 tbe la\Dfull nf.tion ottteflUnt ft- iu',»aU" mafcuiw, t.e (econll fenunme,", tbitD marro."

gure.~~e II (aln to be gmo O~ III bl! nature, nrtt to~cn tblo ft~ Unt,tI)e rou~ femintne,IIIlD (0 IftfJe otl)tt,l)OUre.. l1tl t~e

aures aoe 'lgr~ in natlue anD C'onDitilln,as lUbe t~e1? be bot" dllUU' Dft~e ftte anD Or~l:.aitt be ","r,ultne , ~ tbo,tear

of one element ,0) Irotb !lillIe: t~t ("conD is bp ~ pJopnfie of . tbe 53te.: IUlO ortl)e ¢~ be rmunim ~ aU1»bUtI fbi""

tbeftg"te,t~t it to (AY, tvbm tbe ftgureint~qudlionfoz, malbeconflbmD1Jppon,inatutnu poD luogemmtb~na,

IIItD is founoe PJoperl~ in t~e place oftbe t~i"S bmtaunllCD, .1 npapre,fo) tuitf)out tf)ere nalU III tI)e iu1tganrnt glum

anD w~cn it Dotb agrit Witb ~ (aiD tbinlJ DfmADeb , t~e t~itb .,.torrlMli fo.zct.~ bt~id) ad .. we .iUmo~tplaWl! l)ett

is,buAureoftbtplace,\t1bic~is·tl1btnitlt1(ounbina!OODD,l "dace b! t~e e~ i»b", ... ill IftaU bpon

ill pIIUC.lltt)e fourt~,brcaurroft~t 8rptcr,kJ~i~ LfBODD tvben euct! IBure to~ic\) lue tDU! \1Ittput ro~eJ4IIIPle.

A gmb ftgurt in t1)e quell ion fOJmtO is fOlln~t in A p~Ct orgcal A(pert,u bp e~"ple.irtl)e Ota ftgure be Aquj(iriojW~ic~j. a gOOb f;uurr,antJ fb'" in t~c elruent~ boure t~t fame figure be foulI~,oJ eire Fortuna maier OJ aIlDtbnliltetv1)ic~ i.goOb,,, nure,o) tbllt tbe Dgute klbi,~ bot~ brbolDt tbe otbet be oft~e (dme alelllent,tbcn t~e (diD queihnn O.l Ollure mRbe IS (aiD to be fo)runllt~,o,1 ifit be to tl.Je contrarit,it 1.3 (aib to be ill, 1lCue tift is,licCilUre oftbccompanl?tbat Is,mbcn tbe figure is lIao, (InteDofan otuct gootllilluubp tbc galb ~~., 0,1 ofal1otbtc lU IIp'lIn III ro~tllnt.lIbeal't,beCllure ofbatwton,tbat iQ.w~i one (illure is gOOD,llnb anotbtr iII.t~t ene Ditta, tIJt ot~"1' retrograDe.Its w~en fbe Ola is goob,tbc reconb UI,o) contraJie, 0,1 lubell t~c ftta IS gOOD, anD ~t.5 arpea ill, iUlb (0 conftqu,nt. Ip. ~bc reutnf~ tS fOJ t~t n1Duing,al1 kiben p ftrffftilure ano, uctb onc("twkr OJ tb)iuo,1nw,e tim". 1I~ tue ~ouru , OJ tbe (e(OnD tbitD 0,1 fourtb.~be ei!l~t i.I Ill' tre4tion. t~ati.6 to rill? I:Dbm'l Gne fI!Jun: is rnallebl bit neture t cullontr toile AlaOa kI~tcb is b~ lktim Iinel8J poi"ttJ,1.o~k~ ~r natute j, calleD kJitia1Att~ t~at is lI1aQe Irg jlt., II t~ l)auS5bftr. , fie.

.. ~ew',

-.-1-- .. "~ •

7< * * k




* 1";.



,1'8, crhethir~~o~ - :.

ilL",s p:Crelit ligUle ~e plaCCQ, flJeluc tbllt tu~~1t «re :

Odt boufc pa6"et~ into anl! Qf tbe otbec, Ftt fl}c plld'ttb not

. tbcnce altbougb tI)i1t in rome oftbe ot~et tberc be ftgllc8like unto t~'lt("S b£fg~c we baue falD)flgniflinB gmn lJ} tll to COUle tn tbe quetwt, R((o~eingto t~c tlltp~.mi1n(e If 4CCOloAnt (iBM nifiC-'ti.on oft~c ~oufe \D~euunto fbe IS gone. .anD fo ro.~ tbat ill tb~s ftgu(c,tbe ftgutll \Dl)u~ ts in t1)e ora , lJoetb fttaliWt ' into the nmtb, br tbilt il1 "gnillelJ toat }ilope ~au(c fbaU make el tOl1g borage ,11110 beraute t'Je feconD goetb Into tbe ftl'tlo . tt fI(Jniflct~ t~ttcbP jo!' anD enrreatc of rubtfilnCt to ~IS rDttl, ann 1111 tbe tJil(l'age tul)i(~ is from t~c R~t tmto tbe eleuentU ,it: flJC\lltt~ tOnt tbe rtruante of tlJe rntoc 1l.0JDe fl}all get mutt frico". ~ll1D lil{e wife IlJcll V e iUllge of ot~et ft~ures Ill! tbiG eri prriclICc:fo tl}.lt llG Of.1 if wbcn fccuet: one ftaU(e DDtb pall't from tbe ftrtl boufe into tl)e fe(onb,O~ froul tbc (crenn into tbe ttJill)o~ from tbe tl)ltU into tbe tomtl),o: tIJe tcu tt!J into t~. flft , o.! tbe 11ft Into tf)e li!:t, 110U {tIl II Ulbg£ cl(co)nin{J to t~ I)ollre wbercit tfatetf) Ilno Iloet~ no fut:t~e,. Jft~eftgl1rr. anD ballfe \tJbcl cit ftdictb be nmo, }lOU rlJRII iUDge ((ool),ano if it be illl1e ~~U luDge tIl:antl bfCllufc tbitt in tbis firft (~ainp'e bHe ia cOlnlt..t~e O~ure or~ope'P,1UI(',tt is notfrol~OUt pmporet. il!oge fome tbing mOle then luel)llue rdtbt l'etbcfo!c. j tberero~e ts tbii l!cllre tbe f.lib ll>ope }It,,ull, ClJalllllllfte a IOI1~ 1lol,lnge,anl) beinaco.ntc there I)e flJall be altgtp, anD in ~is tt. turne fl)1I11 fall (uk of It rata t"~ ttune,1l1~ictJ is a (OllllltOn tlil'· tare oft~itJ rt,lrc:it l1)aU be in tbe Uloltetb of llOrtobet tbat bee fl),\1[ III? fi(ll~,~On p;efcrueanD ktY.pc ~im froltt~cl1tb tbe td~ o:p fl'tlre llJilll be to l)im ill-ano DllUI1~rOUG: bis etU1ltties trlil be alat! of the enterpnfe of tbi. borage • ~ IRugl) bim to rcom~. ]11 elll tlJis vccre it \1.1111 be IAItbtt iUD~n tbat bc IlJllll Die, tbtll huc.:aBdJCllnc wb,lt t call iu,geof~is ftnure·mo\u will J put emnne an otl)n erample tu Il)ewe fbe ftglllftcatlOI1 of tbe n· gUI tG 1lIb.:n tb~l! Doe plI[' Into Uldnl? pLl,es.bJ~ic~ tI)ing lDbi it bflppelUt~ into one ffgure,(carc~ aiDe from tbe bou~e \l,bhe nnp ft\Jurt ie pall:,i\& 1Iv. \u.1~ of crample. ~ben tbe ftrtf lJotb loe into tbe tbirl).rtlmb eliDe orb~ot~ctD anD kinrfolheo: 'If it pde Illto fbc fouttb,fel1ttb IIltle oftbe fatbet : ifit paffe into


-_. -.-.--.---.---.---------~---,._

TPI'UTI'o.."rr'JI. I 7

f~ fift,fcQrcb nine fOI1I1': ifit palTe into tbt firt,fcau, aiDe of bls ruuants . .anlJ tbus ofal tte Qtb~r" aUo~Dtnll to t~e tanlftClltion oftbebonft,iubltb£t (be figure ill gon Itsrt mav C. b~ trample.

. A figure of my Lordof'Fertd,


lDell,nn!Jbec4ufe t~c bgnf~ortfJe querc1nt went into t~ecom • • <lt1~ oUbe ~oufc oft~e tbtnll bemc1unlJeD, J iuOlle' tbllt~. ... e O}OU,III a~lJtnent' IIlulp encrcilfe Uto:e tlno mo~. ROJa, Inucg a~ In tbls fillure tbe,rt is mutation, tranftat:on orsllguus Itt goao ~ourcs,,J IUOgtD t9ltt m\! r.itllollJe of Jfette b<lUlng n1llctieo tbe :faille J1.,uoic , Inig~t ~aue ~ea: out of ~ ~l1t.r. boufe tmto bn IlllcUl bo"feJg~ \lI1fo biB own .,.rr bp. tCilfon tbat tbc tbiro tuent into tbe (eutnt~. •

.ann tbu, bl! tbeft two cramplcs is ;manifell!p Ojc111ebtlu t'}!OU,t!;re tlimlOatloll ortbc 8guru,IcCfbp t~e Ita figure. t. knuwe tDbcn tbe fita goctb oneil? into one ~oufe ano ~eg ftapetb.Rl1o II~ tb<lt me.l1ctJ 16 ~ct: nllllllcation • ." conolp bp tbe (eCGnD cralllple ',~b~1t tf}e ft rlt f~IlUtt ebanlS' getb mlJnl' ~oufl\\J, Wbct~ bl' It IS fl3111fieD ~bat t~ep III. mucb (frongetbl' tl)ecol1(41le III1D.niD-e of otbcrs t rOJ lt~c lotnt notoutofbettirtl pliue tult~out rClllouing from om to ~~ot"Ctlt"dt o&lt9 fllJntfrc t9,lt It Dotb rCllllline ftrme ill~" DplnlOIl ann (cntel1~C,dnb nlti)ctI) not tbc'lliDe t ((luom Drt~ otbers, bet (0111p11110115,f efpeci,fl r UI~el1 flF gOtt~ no~ into goon boures,o) ~ll1gles'£hlb ro <l1i\JlItc iG nnie 'b:oget In tOe ~nglc rben III ill'\~ oftb~ otbcJ: 90u(cS t ane UJ~CI1 II ft!Jureil til It IJODDilllb till b.'pplc boufe, it Ci~nifi('t~ mlleb (fOOtl to t~ qUCL:ant If COl1t~tI WIfe wbcn tt)4 rs nn ill bou(e, It fj!'Jl1ift~ ,"tlcb III,' wbcrcof 1 bauc tbougbt !lOOO ilt tbiD V)cfcl1tto ~lInlte t91s (1I14I1uouerh(clIlcnt • to tbe CItO N milp tbc bcttrc .UDge a frgurero ~lIIcD accojOllt.ll to tbe mutations Dr tbe (~, guu~ bere Pllt.

Ofthccompanyof the houfe,

Chap 7.

VVtlJCIt·l?OU tinoe a lJIllD ftgltre in 11 gmt! bOQre ,it is 1I0U' , btc gmO,becnu(e tbe bou(c is !Jmo allD tbe "!Jure al(o, • ngl11rret~ tbllt wltbont IlI1I! Doubt tbe queranr lqill obtaine ~l. bfma~I~De.lBr ,tbe like rCllfon if Fe 8nlle an iUftgure in an til !Jo~fe,lt ~.51JCtp III rO) tf)e qutWlt,but ifl't rpnDl1I gmD fl. lUte In an au ~oufe)it a.llniflet~ goo~ to ! querAnt)but it Ilia


, oj Ljecmtincie. ,. 'IS9' ,ccr'-c;~.:~

not continue, but it takrtb nwal' feme part of ttt maliet of~

!)<,ure:illlille carcif ~t filtbe anil! fi"ut:e In a Q'colJ boufe.. it tIll

lletb a\lln~ t~ll maliEC oftbc figure I fo) fi)c \toulo OIlC bmmcs

but Il)c cannot lta:pin{J IlIWIlIIS tbat the (lOnD come not to tbc

quetant : , (o;allllluc~ as ht t~i., ¢~Ilpt,t: ]1)aue PJOmareb

to fpea" oftbe compilJ\l' offtnutcs,],wil! fOnt fOU toe \Jnbn-

tanD t~at tbis companta oftbHl manners, hl~moft1)e one

is ample.tbe otber bCm~fill1ple,al1n tbe tbittJ conlpclIllo. ,

Sltbe compant? ampl. is ofthlo like ftgUteB,I18 br crample, * '};lA 'k iftb4t l'C flnDe ACI uifitio illt!Je fttft bOIl(e , anb Iiflctllife in * ,k tberetonD, IlI11lrollke\Difcofallotbftlgure.\llbicl)mtwo * -A},; * ~ou(u ne~t togd~cr ~c founb botb of ~ne (O)t,ruI if.Coniun.. * \k

a;o be fcunb III tI)C.tbltO,tmtlllkc\lll(e lit tbe foutt~, j,'I' -/(

Ullbclt in two boufts I\ctt tog£fbtt:,l~crc be (011111) (itiO tI~ * k ;ures II ti~M tbat tbcr be firoo,l~~c fi}aU (Ct,r inront!llmt t~ilt ~ l :¥tI)e~ CiIln1fi<! jJreat gl)Obt1c.,nntl U t~Cl1lJc III ,tbtr DOC {ignlfic * I J< ttMI[ljillla.o bF ivn}! of mmlple, ifl'c anne in the ftft nnD Ort * kk R UbCIIS, }'C tl}1l1 fa, l' t~ntit tlgniftctl) tt1mb III to tI), Qucrant, ·k -AI *- 'k ro~ t~e "Iue(fioll brIllIlUI1!)eb,anb to I)tclllfC tmto yc;u mo)c ~R' * * (til! , rOU lIlutt knob> tbnt tte (econl) boure is nl1vntes); fA J. .. (Oltlpunion of tbe fi[(f,tl)c tbitt D~II)t fllurtb.tbe fift oftba: fiJt *' *1 A * anti foconfcquentlv of the oU)er s- 3i ftbcl'rrO~t (bel' be botb of , oneclemcnt,ofol1ell'ltal1ctt of liSle fi(Ult1 lbcl?OQllItlcmucb

1&000 D~ muc~ ill. ncco:DIII~ to tbtir f!ootil1('[r o~ lIIahle. Jf

tbel? be !JOOl) tbtl? f1gniflc t1)at tbe bllVPC ann gooLntD oftbe

quemnt f1Jall be lUI uirll goon p)er~nt ilt! m nure tu romc . 11'

U1ucb l1J.l11 l'L: iIHJ(lC or tur rentrane pm;t ift~er bccuill,alltl ~

~ccallrc tb,lt tbt flta tourc flgt1iflctb tbe lime p~£{Ctlt , miD

tbe r((OIlD tlJe tune to rcme.nun hhrwl(e of otber rompanic«,

SltlJe (olIIpnnr DOllie fUllp!c ia,h1brn two ftgurll be IIOt I.:otb.y "-A'

Dfone ro~t,l1i\tme OH0I111illon , IIltbougb rbcl' be IIOlb orollc * * ',<:

Cltll1cnt,i1I1t1 of ol1(qDlnnet, fo as I bt olle partr 110 ngr~janb * -A .I. -,*:

tlJe ctber 1l0t,nlJ br ermllpte.uit b,lppm tbllt ~ fttft bc A (] IIi. -).: '1< I '* fuio ;Ulll tlJc'rccOllti Le ric ia,altbou(ll) tbe}! bl'botb oftbe elc-

"Hut ,Ot: tlJe flire,', uf l~c 11.1Itlllct v,ret be tI)tt' oflliUtt:(t fig,

uiftcdtiQI1.!J, fo~ tI)!lt tI)e Dill' of t~t'llt i~ or 'lIl1irctt,nl1o t~e trnl,

tltfan of t:) :i1ll0 t9c ct~cr of 1! lrtro~l ,,0 11I1ll ttJl' crnltntioll tf

:-', t; ~ , l~';

----~----,-.-.-------~~,,~, ...... - ... ---------------

190 rd'Boo~ ,

» t~e one 01 t~c n ::(nCI of Y'"mD tvc ot~et oftl)c li!ll1c ot ':1'.

'I< A' k £I:;~C(Onlp.m~ (OIUpDnnlJ \D~icb is of tlmet'O ftgu~U

'A ( . maDe nne conttil~i~ to nl1ot~et:, IlG if A'quifitio be 111 t~eatlt

k A A -I<. bDUre,mUl AlI1ilhoilttl)l)rtcol1lJl)Ollrc.oft~c w~iCl)tWDcO.

'k ,I, lUetl) nntl is ClllJCl1llJcl) V. figuce Vb , \ubicl) is a ftlJm:eoft~

-.._;__ -A elttlltl1t Of\U,ltcl:,figltifting a rontullttion of 0 altD!l , \ub~

}; js a h:iplc alttl CO It1 ?o U 111) compi1nic. euru 'of gtcat tlif,o~I),b!

-I<. leilfon tl)at Aqui!ltio is aftguteoftbe 'lel~mellt oftl)e air",e

'k oftl)e }l)lanet 1+ in p agne of Y' Amillio 11 ft(lIiCC ortbeelsl

-}; ment oftl)c J1'ite anti or~ lOlanet 'i' in tbe agile of~, -bid) maketl) nllll engcno.lttl) tbe oilfcrcl1Cc oftl)ent,t tbe Dinccrtt! anb bifco~l)e \U~ict) tl)Cl~ I).me togetl)cr: out oftlJe \J.)l)i'~ tlDo, n.s J billie faio befoJr.ig cn!ll'nD,!CIl tl)is tI!JIICC V IJ, \u!Jic~ iu fil3ureortl)tclcmmt oftl)t \u,ltcr, !lIlD oUl)e planc,;_' in ~ lIgllc af ll.nntll5 tl)lIlJ rcntrane to ,botl) t~t otbers._$owe rfa bow the cempame IS 11I,{1Il1) tlJllt IS tbe raufc tlJllt \Db~n ie(6, Uletb it rannot be iUDgeD. anD tbUG of all ~ otberB IICCOJDint tc tlJ£ iml'o~t!lllCe oftbcit: a!Jlllfic,ltion,bc it grotl 02 be it eulU.

Eljcrc is ntO.le cuer an otbet compl1ll!e of 81lUre5 \ubiq,be -I<. J.Jk 7.' tcllten br tbc~ointu 011 bie oftl)c fail), 116 br erampia * * * iftl)llt AqlUdtio !JcintbeOrtlf)oufe,t Alblls intl)c fcco~, 'k I; * tbe wl)icl) bCCclu(e tl)e\.' be batb (JQ)D figuru, ann be eqllllliot 7.' I -A' pomtll ill tbc bpper p.ut, • tlJl1t out oft~cm is t,llum an ot{Jet --~_ \ubieb i.s Caput draconislikcmifc equlll in r bppe~pint,itu

* I'- tbcrebr fillnifieCl tI)llt bot" tbcr be of fO.2ce ill tbilll3' gll~

A uno ~o!lt,ilIlO tbtlt br tbe OCC.lftlm tbat tbe fire is tbe ft [tl Htrt

* \)I1to tbe ll)lancts,nntl pmtCipllll dement or nil tbe otber, bn·

i; to \11~0Il1 tbe ftt:1l points ortbe flglltes oonttt'ibuttcD. .an' (0) tbat esure 1 bnue fet in the fittlbooltl~ tbe Itl).tpteru. lll~1 Qftbe jfitc. as of the otbcl: ~:eIl1Cntll , to l I)e cnl) rou IIMl' knO\l) tI)eir berUlC.8 anti pJoportlC!.U!lIIIIICI) I1IU, fOl tot fame reafou, } 1)11 II e mane It ~i)aptcr , in t~c \u~icb J I)aue tl)£l11CI) tl)e fo,mtcano n1l111l1CI: to fet t~e figurcrs br lines. atl trilJutin!J tbe firtllotbe jf itt • I1S to tbe Or1l !Ultl ruperioue 1111&1 PJlncipall ®lcmcl1t of aU tbe otbc~,tbe recono to (I)e ,aiu tbe tbirD to t~c \uatcl',tbe fouttb\to t~e el1rt~,


, 191

.xamplc to Ihewe hewere iudge the figure·

of'rhe company hy points. . .

t:J* (:*~--:*: F:: \ ~*: \ *:* \:*: r I :::*- f: <~ - ~ t * * I * 'f *

1 ** - *?: * I * 1- * *!

1 : :: ,I

Sltf)elJ.O}b Garembert of Permeran bein; Denton. of at.a"ietobebidritnb ,bdmb muna ttmeto 1lI1lktbittfil Isnn to know \ub~tI)cr ~e l1)onlb bane bit purpofepJetioeb, \)nto~ 1llbicbto Doe t)implellful'c 1 COl1renteo,nnb mabe~im tbill agure.)11 tl)e lDbict.J, bCCIlufe fbat Aquifitio is itt ~ lira ~Ure,anlJ batb ttuopoiuts on tbe bcab ,an8tbat bis COmpil' nio bAtl) but O:IC ,'1311 tbat cawfc Doe not be~ 1»8' ngrk tone, tbtt rbut Fct Isec.lIfe tbc~ be botb grol) ftnurlS in cafe of IQue, 1 iutlaell tbat be tl)olllo obtaine bis pUll'ofc,~ut not ulitbollt grent pam anti trc1llailc,becaufe tbe compamc agrretb 1I0t berT! well ~Itl' bec<1Ilfe t~atth figure \U1)i~~ ciintct~ out offbt, l»bicb i~ c auda draconi s,rercmbletb t feeuo in tbe fuperiollt: point.,. \ubicb IJolnteD brcattributell bn~o tb~ ~ ire ,"V tbat i.8 fJgnitiell the partie qnerallt Q)all entor ~IS tleClte. anD bt1 caufcAq uili til> is in tbe 90Ure or~ llemaunoant,lJccaufe ~te

15b 3 Datb

19t c't

~t~ twcpoinfet in t~t. ~ppet patt, it iSIl fJlJurc~'MJfr" Dcotb ml1d)Pitttdprte Drtbeftre,tat~etlllont t~'n t~c two tagetl)et 118 tour~jl1g t~e (ompan~. ~ecilufe alfo t~at it IS il Haute of Jupiter in t~c nglle ot Aries,anD tbeerattatioll ofSol,'t Q)ew ctb tlJat tb810ue tl)1l1l be optnel),wbetbr tbcmotbtl; Rill) kil1J, folkeJ1l.lilllJe betie ill contenteD: ene becilU(c Rubcus is in ftl't boufc, 1 iUD{JCb t~at t~e fonnt of t~B tuontl'Ut bp inQignati, on,anD in an anacr WoulD goe about to kill t~e fa'De ~entlt. ~um: anD buanfe tbecompanp oftbc art taIleD Le[iria,wb~ IS tbe 8rt,l. go~D: J raib t~at tbe lidD ~tntlemlln ~UID aili pcnD mucb m8fWe in t~e fute off1jis woman ~ anti IIccllnre C1e tltuentb iu ~IlUr£orSoJ)nnD :1 companion of an ill fI{lutt,) ~utlgeDtbl1t bii t'tientles o,oula p)omife belpe RnD fuccouc 1111' till ~im,bllt t~cl' WOUlD not tiDe it \1nlill it b>trc too latc,fo tbat IInn)h? be tl}oUID,IOGfe nUbis bope ortlltrl!'nll ro~ tbc nttaininl arbts ~"arts Defire,lI8ut fo) tbllt.tbe realltl1tb is n aOOb flgute ilnD attributeD unto Iupiter n. t~e ora is,) fltiD tbatit !boula be a agile tbnt tbe llI"man fl}oulD Lout ~im We II , RIlD bp tbat tntlUl~.8 RJoulb in tbe rnD manic witb bim in fpltc of ~er c~U. tllen anD kintl)tl) • t'tlbicb t~inll afterwarD came eueu rill to p<lll'do tbnt 1 ribinllPoftwitb mp 11.0)D orTh:lys , lJoil11J to i'oulc,wa8 i1Du~ttireD tbereof AUI) fOUnD UI1' figure true, anD tbattbc <OtUtlwlAn ~Dm4rtrfbt~~ fail;! £.ntlp r lDbirb figutl ft)1l1I (l'ruc rou fo: nn t,;atnp1e to know bow toiuo,l3t tbe 4i:0UlI pmll' offtguru~


ofqtom~ncie •


, A fi:~lIre of marriage of the young Ladie ofGic) which is an example how toiudgethecompany dc~y_fI~~p'_e. __

+: 1; +: ~

+: +:' '/< *

* * * * * ** * * *'

;1::* _

·k *

* * * *


+: 'x ¥- * +: * * * ,
+: * * * '/0; * * */'
* * * * *
* ~ * * * * * * *,
:f.- * +:
* +: * *
'* * * *
* ** I *
* *
* * B~ ~~aurc tb"t ~ue befoJe J ~aur Qiuen pou an crample bom toiUD!Ictbc ftlJureofcompan! bl! (be .,mnts ina Cigure of laue ~ will uow giuc l?OU anotbn in a ftgure OfuHlrtllige of BSJt:at ll..il1)l! oftb~ kmgs «:ourt,\ubic~ IItfireD Il~e bpon 11 Da~ to'no\D if IJet Uliltdnge begun l1)oulO be acc~mpllOJC?, lBbl~~ tbin\1 J \lIoulD not ',crufe to Doe fo~ tlJt affertlon tb,ltlt P~cC(£. lleb frollt" ~llltltg Inane t~c l1gut, 1 tllDllel) 011 t~llI fOlt.jfldt buaufc tbcfn:t1 ftg\UC tublcbis Aquifit,io,t il or h.lpH. birert in ibe liglte ofY. t~,\t ~ct com~nlot\ tub\C~ til Lxriua, is alfo a figure of~, but tctrogrllD(, m tlJe GrIm: oro' : RIl" bl! ttllS meanes conttl'ltie to tl)totbcr,IlItD callen tbe lJCUll' con~p.~. Ill' : nnn mo}toucr,bccaufe the rccontl Goettl int~ t~e elgbt ,In\? comprutp ofa gootl flllurc,\J)~lfb is fortun~ maior 1lJb~d;J '" til tbrftauentb: ] far. fo) tbil c"ure, r a~l tbls botb figmfie tbnt :bcmartlagcbe gUll t1}oulD bea(comphl1JeD' anDbcclluft tbe anlltu lubic~ be tbe ftrlf.rourt~lcucntb an~ hRt~ bee nO fill ft.-

gute •

. . -,-----~--~-- ........ ~------~....__--___,_.,

Anda mungkin juga menyukai