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Issues related to the implementation of National Rural

Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam

Grama panchayath

Institute for Studies in Technology age !
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
Ever since India achieved independence, one of the major challenges
before successive governments has been provision of adequate
remunerative employment to the vast majority of rural workers who
have been unemployed or mostly underemployed in meager
subsistence livelihood activities. The Indian constitution addressed the
issue as part of the Directive rinciples of !tate olicy. "ccording to
"rticle #$, the state must ensure that %citi&ens, men and women
equally, have the right to an adequate means of livelihood' and "rticle
() enunciates that %the state, shall within the limits of its economic
capacity and development, make effective provision for securing
*ight to +ork.......' The right to work as such did not get the needed
priority, though the government of India from time to time did
undertake public works related wage employment programs since
)$,-s. These programs were mostly adhoc in nature, had limited
impact in generation of employment, lacked proper planning in
creation of assets and most of the assets created were of poor quality
and often suffered from poor maintenance. These programs did not
make any lasting impact either on rural unemployment or in
improving rural resources. *ight to work was relegated to a low
priority under the trickle.down strategies which enunciate that with
Institute for Studies in Technology age "
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
growth and industriali&ation there would be growing opportunities for
the unemployed and underemployed to be absorbed in productive
employment. arado/ically, the neoliberal reforms did bring about a
very high rate of growth of 0D in )$$-s 1,.2 per cent3 compared to
)$4-s 15.6 per cent3. 7ut the reforms failed to stimulate higher rate of
growth of employment in )$$-s which was as low as ).-2 per cent
compared to 6.2 per cent in )$4-s. There was increase in
unemployment and underemployment and much of what little growth
that was witnessed was in the informal sector with formal public
sector employment showing a declining trend. These developments
have evoked considerable public concern in India and 8right to work8
surfaced as an important political agenda. The 9ommon :inimum
rogramme of the ;<" 0overnment which came to power in 6--(
placed right to work as top priority. It stated, %....The ;" government
will immediately enact a =ational Employment 0uarantee "ct. This
will provide 8legal guarantee for at least )-- days of employment on
asset.creating public works programs every year at
minimum wage for every rural household.'. The result was the
enactment of the *ural Employment 0uarantee "ct in 6--5. The "ct
is e/pected to enable people to claim from the state a basic aspect of
Institute for Studies in Technology age #
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
their constitutional right to work. The =*E0 was introduced in
<ebruary 6--, to begin within 6-- districts> in "pril 6--2 it was
e/tended to another )#- districts and from "pril 6--4 to all rural areas
in the country.
The =ational *ural Employment 0uarantee !cheme of India was
designed to %provide for the enhancement of livelihood security of the
households in rural areas of the country, by providing at least one
hundred days of guaranteed wage employment in every financial year
to every household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled
manual work'. The =*E0" ensures on demand )-- days of
employment in a year to a household at the minimum wage. The
=*E0 is based on twin principles of universality and self.selection.
The "ct places enforceable obligation on the !tate and gives power to
rural laborers. "s a legal right to work, =*E0! contrasts with
previous employment generation schemes in several aspects. <irst and
foremost, it bestows entitlements to workers, in the form of providing
work for those who demand within a time frame 1)5 days of applying
for work3 at a guaranteed wages, which was not the case with earlier
public works programs. !econdly, the universal nature of the
programme eliminates targeting error. Thirdly, the process of
Institute for Studies in Technology age $
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
implementation and community involvement 1in the social audits3 is
e/pected to reduce corruption and malpractices which an important
weakness in earlier programs. "nd finally, the guarantees enshrined in
the "ct are e/pected to ensure its implementation as a binding
responsibility of the government 1:ehrotra 6--4> Dhavse 6--(3. ?ery
high e/pectations are placed on the outcomes of the "ct in terms of
protecting rural households from poverty and hunger, reduction of
rural.urban migration, increasing opportunities of employment for
rural women, creating useful assets in rural areas, in changing power
equations in rural areas and in activating and empowering anchayathi
*aj Institutions 1Dre&e 6--(3. To what e/tent all these are likely to be
reali&ed and what are the processes that would enable reali&ation
assumes importance in analy&ing the implementation e/perience of
the initial years.
0iven the focus on creating employment for unskilled workers by way
of manual work, improvement of land and water resources formed an
important part of the works undertaken. +ater conservation, creation
Institute for Studies in Technology age %
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
of water harvesting structures and drought proofing 1including
afforestation and tree plantation3 form top two activities in order of
priority in identification of public works. Improving land and micro
and minor irrigation facilities 1feeder channels etc3 of marginal groups
especially !9, !T and @79 communities and those below poverty line
are also identified as important public works that would enhance
productivity of land and provide long term asset base for the poor and
the marginali&ed. 9reation of flood protection mechanisms, renovation
and restoration of water bodies are also part of list of works which
would enhance agriculture productivity and also strengthen
community resource base. <inally, rural connectivity 1roads3 is also
part of permissible works as that would enhance communication and
linkages with markets. That the programme has a legal dimension
gives it supremacy over other wage employment programs in the past.
In particular, this puts a permanent, binding obligation on the state for
implementation, rather than making its tenure and impact conditional
upon the political strategi&ing of elected parties in power. Thus,
workers are entitled to work as a 8right8, failing which the
corresponding 8duty bearers8 can 1in theory at least3 be held
accountable. In its design, universality in scope has particularly been
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Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
incorporated to eliminate inclusion and e/clusion errors of targeting,
and further self selection is intended to ensure that only the most
needy come forth and claim employment. <urther, as per its envisaged
decentrali&ed implementation architecture, the =*E0! provides
impetus to governance and participatory decision making, by
entrusting the main responsibility of implementation of the program to
0rama anchayaths 1local village government bodies3, :oreover, it is
imagined that the entire village population 10ram !abhas3 will
participate in suggesting village level plans, thus responding to local,
development needs, rather than merely e/ecuting plans from above.
Institute for Studies in Technology age '
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
Institute for Studies in Technology age (
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
The major objectives behind the study are as followsA
To find the various issues related to the implementation of the
=ational rural employment guarantee scheme in the
Badinamkulam grama panchayath.
To understand the participation of people in the =*E0! in the
To understand the anchayath activities for the effective
implementation of the =*E0!.
To analy&e the socio.economic profile of beneficiaries.
The study helps to make detailed analysis of the effective
implementation strategy of the anchayath. In the recent past =*E0!
having much higher importance compared with the other strategies
and policies of the government.
Institute for Studies in Technology age )
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
:ethodology includes a collection of theories, concepts or ideas as
they relate to a particular discipline or field of inquiry. The researcher
is planning to do the study by the direct contact and observations
made in colleges and students. The researcher is also planning to
conduct the survey among the students, parents and professors.
The project titled Issues rel!e" !# !$e %&'le&e(!!%#( O)
NREGS*A s!u"+ ,se" #( K"%(&-ul& .r& '(/$+!$0
shall be the result #) "es/r%'!%1e reser/$2
The data used for the project is primary as well as secondary data, as
S#ur/es #) 'r%&r+ "!.
C ersonal Interview
C @bservation
S#ur/es #) se/#("r+ "!*
Institute for Studies in Technology age !*
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
C +eb sites
C anchayath records
C :aga&ines
C 7ooks.
!ample si&e for the research is 5- respondents from Badinamkulam
grama panchayath.
The area selected for the study is Badinamkulam. In Badinamkulam
different employees were taken into consider.
The duration of the study takes only )5 days
Institute for Studies in Technology age !!
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
The sampling method of the study chosen was 9onvenience sampling
i.e., convenience of the researcher.
"fter pre.testing of schedules, the orientation programme for field was
held at various wards in the Badinamkulam anchayath.
The study covers the period of 6 years from 6--$.6-))
C ie Diagrams
C 7ar Diagrams
C 7ooks
C Dournals
C :aga&ines
C Internet
C <irst and foremost limitation is the time factor which gives for
the completion of the work.
Institute for Studies in Technology age !"
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
C "vailability of data which are useful for the completion is
another limitation for the work.
C 9hances of bias.
C !ample si&e is only 5-
C ;ntested 1The model has yet to be tested in a complete
prototype implementation.3
The findings of the study are solely based on the information provided
by the respondents.
Institute for Studies in Technology age !#
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
Institute for Studies in Technology age !$
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
NREGS 3Kerl4
=*E0! is a historic employment scheme in India for providing )--
days guaranteed wage employment for all employment seekers above
)4 years of age and willing to do work. The scheme came into force
on 5th !eptember 6--5 in 6-- districts in India and e/tended to
another )#- districts later.
In Berala, the scheme was implemented in alakkad and +ayanad
districts initially on 5th <ebruary 6--, and it was e/tended to all the
)( districts in the !tate on )st "pril 6--4. Berala is a tiny state in
India with very high unemployment . most of them are educated . in
the country. "round five lakh people among them are estimated to
have willingness. to do physical labour. =*E0! is a substantial boost
in income and purchasing power. The scheme now provides *s )65
1=ational wage rate is *s ,-E. only3 per person for a stipulated
quantity of manual labour offered as registered worker in the local
governments in Berala.
I&'le&e(!!%#( 'r#/esses
Institute for Studies in Technology age !%
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
"wareness of =*E0! is an important pre requisite for effective
implementation of =*E0!, since in theory it envisages the 8demand8
for work by the workers. @nly in the case of information symmetry on
the part of the workers can they assert their right to entitlements under
the scheme. There has been wide variation across the !tates in
workers8 awareness about the provisions of basic entitlements under
=*E0". "lso, on some matters their awareness is high but the same
group may not be aware of the other provisions. "lmost all workers in
"ndhra radesh knew the basic provisions of the scheme such as )--
days of employment, minimum wages, and equal wages for men and
women, and about three fourths workers knew that they should receive
wages within )5 days. In *ajasthan, most workers knew of the )--
days work and equal wages provision, but lack of awareness of
minimum wages and wage payment within )5 days. In 7ihar, lack of
awareness on all the provisions is in the majority. Bnowledge on
unemployment allowance was seen to be dismal in all the !tates. ?ery
few workers were aware that failure to provide work within )5 days of
demand, would entitle them to an allowance. This is partly because of
the involved bureaucratic hassles it smacks of and to which workers
mind is closed. Imagine a wage earner in dire need of daily food
Institute for Studies in Technology age !&
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
applying for work, waiting for )5 days without getting it and then
applying for allowance to compensate for unemployment, which if
one succeeds would be paid by the !tate for a programme which is
essentially funded by the union government.
A//ess !# J#, Cr"s
"lmost all respondents had job cards in "ndhra radesh and
*ajasthan, while in 7ihar it was only 44 per cent of households.
<urther, almost half of the sample workers in 7ihar said that they had
to pay a bribe for making their job card along with photograph, though
this was the case for only a few workers in *ajasthan and negligible in
"ndhra radesh. In 7ihar, the average amount paid in such
transactions was about *s 5) for the job card and *s 62 for the
photograph. It was observed in some cases job cards were in the
custody of the mate in the case of "ndhra radesh and *ajasthan, and
the village 8ro&gar sewak8 1=*E0 functionary3 or the local elected
representatives such as the :ukhiya in 7ihar. It was seen that the
safekeeping of job cards with others leaves scope for manipulation of
entries in the job cards pertaining to the days of work and wages. @n
the whole, across states, the dominant mode for demanding work was
Institute for Studies in Technology age !'
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
through individual informal requests for work. There were instances in
"ndhra radesh where collective requests were made by a group of
workers, and some workers in 7ihar submit individual, written
applications, which in turn were mostly filled out seeking the , help of
local level =*E0! officials.
Tr(s're(/+ %( Mus!er r#lls
"s per the =*E0 "ct, muster rolls are to be kept at all active
worksites so as to record the attendance of the workers, the work done
and also wages due to all workers present. Though "ndhra radesh
and *ajasthan still showed an encouraging picture with respect to the
availability of these muster rolls at the worksites, in 7ihar, these
muster rolls were available only at a little over one third of the visited
worksites and it was claimed that the muster rolls were available
within the anchayath. Fack of transparency in muster roll was often
found to result in manipulation.
De/e(! 5#r- (" 5#r-s%!e )/%l%!%es
The provision or lack of worksite facilities varied with the type of
facility. Drinking water and first aid were available to a large e/tent in
Institute for Studies in Technology age !(
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
"ndhra radesh, and also in 7ihar and *ajasthan, though to a lesser
e/tent. These two facilities improved substantially in one year
between the two rounds of survey. rovision of shade at the worksite
was observed more in breach. +hile in "ndhra radesh the supplied
sheets were often found to be kept in the custody of the village
assistant under the plea that there were no proper support frames for
erecting them near worksites, while in *ajasthan the village assistant
in some places e/plained that too much wind caused the sheets to fly.
off or break. The poor record in providing crGche was partly because it
was conditional only to worksites where at least five women with
children below the age of five were present.
W#r-er6s Well Be%(. (" S)e!+
In all the three states, workers received a hour break for lunch in
between their working hours, and moreover in "ndhra radesh and
*ajasthan, there was a state sanctioned weekly day off. <or instance,
in *ajasthan, all =*E0! works were closed on Thursday. rovision of
tools and instruments for work are to be provided to workers by the
=*E0!. 7ut in many instances, especially in 7ihar, the workers had
to bring their own tools. "nd lack of tools had often prevented them
Institute for Studies in Technology age !)
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
from participation in work. In "ndhra radesh the workers were given
tools but not in adequate number. of tools was
compensated by adding an additional allowance of *s. 6 per person
day of work. There was also dissatisfaction e/pressed at certain
worksites that the tools given were not the right ones. *egardless of
the local conditions and the nature of work, tools were procured at the
district level and distributed across panchayaths
Sele/!%#( #) W#r-s (" Pr!%/%'!%#(
"pparently, the selection of =*E0! works mostly occurs in the gram
sabha where all ward members, *o&gar !evak, rogramme @fficer,
:ukhiya and other members were present. 7ut sometimes this
decision ultimately remains the preserve of higher authorities. This is
evidenced in the admission by about one fourth of the key respondents
in the villages surveyed, who claimed that the decision on selection of
works was taken by the anchayath :ukhiyaE influential people in the
C$#%/e (" Pr%#r%!%7%(. 6W#r-s6 (" S#/%l Pr#!e/!%#(
Institute for Studies in Technology age "*
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
The works to be undertaken under =*E0" as mentioned earlier,
include broadly nine types with a primary thrust on improvement of
rural land and water resources, and rural connectivity. "n important
aspect of the works to be undertaken that has direct link as a social
protection measure relates to the provision that resource development
could include not only public works but also land development and
irrigation facilities on the lands of poor !urveyed 9astes and !urveyed
Tribes, land of below poverty line 17F3 households, land assigned
under land reforms, lands of households benefiting from the housing
scheme . Indira "was Hojana 1I"H3 and also of small and marginal
farmers as provided for recently
P+&e(! 5%!$%( 89 D+s #) W#r-
"s mentioned above, payment of wages within )5 days of completion
of the work is one of the important provisions of the scheme. Even )5
days of waiting for wages for poor workers depending on daily wages
may drive them to debt and distress. This in large part has to do with
the fact that though 8mates8 or local worksite supervisors are
responsible for work measurement at the worksite, their estimates of
quantum of work completed by the workers and corresponding wages
Institute for Studies in Technology age "!
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
to be issued need the approval of the Dunior EngineerE Dunior
Technical "ssistant 1DE=EDT"3 before wages are released or
sanctioned to the post office. This process has frequently resulted in
inordinate delays in wage payment owing to the fact that the DE=EDT"
is not able to oversee the measurement and payment procedures of the
many worksites spanning different administrative divisions under his
purview. Due to this, even though the mate does conduct some rough
estimates as to work undertaken and wages to be issued to workers,
this payment is stalled unless the go ahead is given by the higher
technical official.
The =ational *ural Employment 0uarantee "ct 1=*E0"3, enacted by
the 0overnment of India in 6--5, is perhaps the most ambitious anti.
poverty scheme launched anywhere in the world. Iowever, the
scheme has shown several anomalies when it comes to its
Institute for Studies in Technology age ""
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
implementation in the right manner. !ome of the problems are as
P##r A"&%(%s!r!%1e (" Pl((%(. S-%lls
;nder =*E0", villages are the basic unit of planning. anchayaths
1the village local bodies3 are required to prepare project estimates that
involve e/tensive mapping of village resources and making an annual
plan every year to identify works that can be taken up for local
resource improvement. Iowever with limited skill in planning,
resource management, handling of monetary resources and poor
leadership skills, village anchayaths fail to implement the scheme in
the desired manner.
!ince it involves rigorous planning and resource management, many
anchayath members are hesitant to implement =*E0" as it greatly
increases their workload. In many places, *o&ger !evaks have been
appointed to advise gram panchayaths, to provide technical inputs,
preparing the budget or village level planning needs, but they
themselves are not trained adequately.
Institute for Studies in Technology age "#
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
Even the report by the 9omptroller and "uditor 0eneral 19"03 has
highlighted the lack of administrative capacity of the village
panchayath members to run this scheme in the desired decentrali&ed
manner. It also focused on the need to build this capacity quickly and
effectively. The 9"0 report highlights the deficiency of adequate
administrative and technical manpower at the 7lock and 0rama
anchayath 103 levels, especially at the rogramme @fficer,
Technical "ssistants, and Employment 0uarantee "ssistant level.
%The lack of manpower adversely affected the preparation of plans,
scrutiny, approval, monitoring and measurement of works, and
maintenance of the stipulated records at the block and 0 level.
7esides affecting the implementation of the scheme and the provision
of employment, this also impacted adversely on transparency', said
the report.
It is well known that employment schemes have high administrative
costs. Iowever administrative cost under =*E0" has been kept low.
This must be increased. There is an urgent need to ensure more
administrative assistance for the programme at all levels, which means
both resources and personnel devoted to the actual implementation,
monitoring and financial management of the programme. :uch needs
Institute for Studies in Technology age "$
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
to be done to strengthen village.level planning. anchayaths need to
be equipped with the necessary personnel and funds for effective
implementation of the programme.
I("e:u!e A5re(ess
=*E0" is a rights based programme, which guarantees )-- days of
employment to poor household in rural areas. Iowever due to poor
awareness among rural population, people are not aware about their
basic entitlements such as job cards, minimum wage amount,
minimum number of employment days, unemployment allowance, etc.
Even anchayaths, *o&gar !evaks and block development officers are
ignorant about all the details of the scheme. They are poorly informed
about various processes like registering household, forming vigilance
committees, making muster roll, etc.
;nder =*E0" there is a provision of unemployment allowance in
case the local authorities fail to provide employment, however there is
a widespread ignorance about how to avail the allowance. !ometimes
even the officials deliberately do not give out this information as they
fear punishment for not providing jobs.
Institute for Studies in Technology age "%
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
oor awareness not only leads to corruption but also to poor
management of the scheme and thus true potential of =*E0" is not
being reali&ed. "t the local level, officials have made inadequate
efforts to raise awareness about the scheme. The government must
carry out an intensive training and awareness.building programme to
make the officials and citi&ens fully aware of all the details of the
programme. eople at the grassroots level must be made aware of
*ight to Information 1*TI3 "ct and be encouraged to use it.
Pl.ue" 5%!$ D%s/r%&%(!%#(
=*E0" has provided a unique opportunity to people from rural India
to earn their own income without any discrimination of caste or
gender. :ost remarkable feature of =*E0" is that it pays women the
same as men, something that was virtually unimaginable in rural
India. Iowever cases of discrimination against women and people
from backward groups are reported from several regions of the
country. !ome states such as Berala and "ndhra radesh have
registered high percentage of women workers getting enrolled in the
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Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
scheme where as others have registered a very low percentage of
women availing benefit under =*E0".
It has been reported that in some regions few job cards are issued
when the applicants are women, or there are delays in the issue of
cards. +omen are sometimes told that manual labour under the
=*E0! is not meant for women. +omen are told that they could not
participate in ongoing works as it entailed digging and removing soil.
!ometimes workers are e/pected to bring their own tools, such as
spades and shovels and this becomes difficult for women carrying
infants. :oreover lack of facilities such as drinking water, a crGche at
the worksites, etc adds to the problems of the women workers.
=o specific tasks for women have been identified. :ore thought must
be given to ensuring that a larger number of women get work which
they can do easily. "lso facilities like drinking water and crGche must
be ensured at the worksites.
C#rru'!%#( (" Irre.ulr%!%es
There are several cases of fake muster roll entries, overwriting, false
names and irregularities in job cards. Even the names of dead people
Institute for Studies in Technology age "'
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
have been entered in the muster rolls. !imilarly, the names of people
who have not registered often feature in the muster rolls, or the same
name is repeated more than once. There are cases of payments being
made without taking the worker8s signature. In most of the !tates there
is a huge gap between job card distribution and actual provision of
employment. In :adhya radesh more job cards have been distributed
than the number of households and only #5 per cent of rural
households actually received some employment under the scheme.
There should be a strict enforcement of transparency safeguards.
:uster rolls must be kept at the worksite, job cards must be regularly
maintained, wages be paid in public, implementation agencies should
be separated from payment agencies, formation of vigilance
committees should be done, muster roll record must be verified
periodically etc. "lso, anchayaths must be directly involved in
making payments.
Fack of credible and participatory social auditing with active people8s
participation is a major problem. 0overnment must encourage
independent auditing through 9!@s and academic e/perts.
Del+ %( P+&e(! #)
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Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
"ccording to the =*E0" guidelines, payments for the work should be
made within )( days of the completion of the work. Iowever delay in
payment and incorrect payments are a common problem under
=*E0". This delay can be from several weeks to sometimes months.
@ften workers have to make several visits to the post office or the co.
operative bank only to find that their wages have not been credited
into their accounts. !ometimes delay is also caused because works are
carried out without proper approval and thus the payment is withheld.
0overnment must ensure easier availability of funds through a backup
fund at the district level. There must be a provision of compensation
for any delay in payment. In case of delay in payments workers must
be compensated as per the ayment of +ages "ct of )$#,. There is
only one instance where compensation was paid to the workers only
after the intervention of the social activists. There must also be an
independent grievance redressal system under =*E0".
C$lle(.es %( Cre!%(. Use)ul Asse!s
!o far, works related to rainwater harvesting and conservation,
desalting of canal distributaries, desalting and renovation of old
pondsEtanks and digging up of new Jfarm ponds are mainly being
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Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
carried out under =*E0!. There is a need of improvisation in
creatingEidentifying new employment opportunities and dovetailing
various programs run by the 9entral and the !tate 0overnments with
Importance should also be given to afforestation under =*E0" by
linking it to other forestry programs. *ural !anitation is another area
which can be dovetailed with this programme. This will also help in
the rural health policy and achieving the goals of =ational *ural
Iealth :ission 1=*I:3.
!everal works that were taken up under =*E0" remain incomplete
even after two years of their start. !ince there is no provision to factor
in the completion of work in the overall planning, state governments
have initiated a large number of new works and abandoned the old
incomplete works mid.way. In many states, buildings and other
structures built under the programme were washed away during
monsoons. This led to enormous wastage of financial and human
resources. 9ompletion and maintenance of works under =*E0"
should be made compulsory.
Institute for Studies in Technology age #*
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
!uccess of =*E0" should not only be assessed in terms of
employment provided but also the asset created. ?illage development
through productive asset creation should be made an important
objective of this scheme. remium wage must be provided for
development programs. This will ensure that work done is completed
and is useful.
+ith so much money involved in this scheme the government should
take serious measures to see that the money is utili&ed to create assets
villages, thus bringing about a real change in the rural economy.
*ecord of the assets created under =*E0" must be maintained at the
district headquarters. " nationalEstate level audit needs to be done to
see what all productive work has been done under =*E0".
Pr#,le& #) L,#ur A1%l,%l%!+ (" I()l!%#(
:any economists attribute increasing labour scarcity in agriculture,
rising food price and inflation to =*E0". =*E0" has no doubt
raised rural daily wage rates, reduced migration and led to several
other positive social effects in rural India. 7ut at the same time it has
also contributed to rising farm input costs, withdrawal of labour from
the farm sector and therefore impacted agricultural operations and
Institute for Studies in Technology age #!
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
food prices. <armers in unjab and Iaryana now find it increasingly
difficult to get labour and are left with no other choice but to increase
the wage rate to attract the labourers.
Iigh labour costs due non.availability of labour is resulting in high
cultivation cost and thus leading to higher food prices. :any critics
feel that by focusing on the employment and not on the production,
the scheme merely redistributes the proceeds of a limited production.
The scheme no doubt inflates demand but, without corresponding
increase in production of useful asset, leads to inflation.
:inimum wage under =*E0" should be cautiously increased
keeping in view its impact on other unorgani&ed sectors, especially
agriculture and that it must be ensured that it is targeted at only the
really poor and needy. ossibilities of =*E0" being dovetailed with
the farming activities, so as to minimi&e its adverse effect on
agriculture, should be e/plored.
The constructive impact of the ) employment guarantee must
be confined strictly to months when there is no harvesting or sowing
activity so that it does not affect agriculture adversely. +ith the rural
Institute for Studies in Technology age #"
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
workforce drawn into this scheme the mechanisation and
modernisation of agriculture needs to be focused upon.
0overnment must study the impact of =*E0" on various other
sectors and take corrective measures so as to ensure that this
programme doesn8t e/acerbate the problem of food price rise and
Institute for Studies in Technology age ##
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
Institute for Studies in Technology age #$
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
T,le 8 s$#5s !$e &le )e&le 'r#'#r!%#( %( !$e NREGS
C$#%/e Fre:ue(/+ Per/e(!.e
:ale )) 66
<emale #$ 24
Total 5- )--
!ourceA !urvey data
F%.ure8 :S$#5s !$e &le )e&le 'r#'#r!%#( %( !$e NREGS
Institute for Studies in Technology age #%
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
0ender analysis shows the ratio of men women participation in
=*E0! in the 0rama panchayath. :ost of the workers in the =*E0!
are from women i.e., 24K only 66K of male participation is there in
the work.
;2 AGE
T,le ; s$#5s !$e .e l%&%! #) !$e ,e(e)%/%r%es #) NREGS
Institute for Studies in Technology age #&
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
C$#%/e Fre:ue(/+ Per/e(!.e
)4.65 ( 4
65.#- ), #6
#-.#5 )4 #,
#5.(5 2 )(
"bove (5 5 )-
Total 5- )--
!ourceA survey data
Institute for Studies in Technology age #'
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
F%.ure ; s$#5s !$e .e l%&%! #) !$e ,e(e)%/%r%es #) NREG
This is to understand the age categoriesL of different employees .
:ost of the beneficiaries under =*E0! is in the age limit of 65.#5
i.e., about ,4K. )-Kof the beneficiaries are in the age limit of above
(5 ranges.
Institute for Studies in Technology age #(
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
T,le < s$#5s S#/%# )&%l+ )%((/%l s!!us
C$#%/e Fre:ue(/+ Per/e(!.e
"F )4 #,
7F #6 ,(
Total 5- )--
!ourceA !urvey data
Institute for Studies in Technology age #)
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
F%.ure < s$#5s S#/%# )&%l+ )%((/%l s!!us
This is to understand the socio family status of the beneficiaries under
=*E0!. @ut of the 5- respondents most beneficiaries are coming
under 7F family i.e., about ,(K. *est of them is in the "F family.
Institute for Studies in Technology age $*
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
T,le > s$#5 e"u/!%#( :ul%)%/!%#(
C$#%/e Fre:ue(/+ Per/e(!.e
7elow !!F9 )( 64
!!F9 6) (6 , )6
Degree and "bove - -
Institute for Studies in Technology age $!
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
=il $ )4
Total 5- )--
!ourceA survey data
F%.ure > s$#5 E"u/!%#( ?ul%)%/!%#(
Educational qualification of the beneficiaries under this scheme is
high compared with other workers in the society. :ost of the people
are at lest !!F9 and above !!F9 i.e., about 5(K. *est of them has
below !!F9 or not.
Institute for Studies in Technology age $"
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
T,le 9 s$#5s !$e D%l+ %(/#&e #) !$e ,e(e)%/%r%es
C$#%/e Fre:ue(/+ Per/e(!.e
-.)-- (5 $-
)--.6-- # ,
6--.#-- 6 (
#--.(-- - -
(--"nd "bove - -
Institute for Studies in Technology age $#
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
Total 5- )--
!ourceA survey data
F%.ure 9 s$#5s !$e D%l+ %(/#&e #) !$e ,e(e)%/%r%es
This is to analy&e the daily income of the beneficiaries8 family. :ost
of the beneficiaries under this =*E0! having an income rage of -.
)-- daily, i.e. about $-K. @thers having the rage of )--.#-- daily
Institute for Studies in Technology age $$
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
T,le @ s$#5s !$e re.%s!r!%#( #) ,e(e)%/%r%es %( !$e NREGS2
C$#%/e Fre:ue(/+ Per/e(!.e
Hes 5- )--
=o - -
Total 5- )--
!ourceA survey data
Institute for Studies in Technology age $%
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
F%.ure @ s$#5s !$e re.%s!r!%#( #) ,e(e)%/%r%es %( !$e NREGS
This is to understand weather the beneficiaries under this scheme is
registered or not. "ll the beneficiaries under this scheme are registered
Institute for Studies in Technology age $&
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
T,le A s$#5s !$e .ree" "+s #) B#,2
9hoice <requency ercentage
"lways 6$ 54
@ften )$ #4
!ometimes 6 (
*arely - -
=ever - -
Total 5- )--
!ourceA survey data
Institute for Studies in Technology age $'
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
F%.ure A s$#5s !$e .ree" "+s #) B#,
This is to find the agreed days of job the beneficiaries have or not. "ll
most all of them say they will get agreed days of jobs under this
=*E0! form this anchayath.
Institute for Studies in Technology age $(
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
T,le C s$#5s !$e 5re(ess 'r#.r&s #) !$e P(/$+!$2
9hoice <requency ercentage
?ery good 6) (6
oor 6 (
<air 5 )-
0ood )5 #-
E/cellent 2 )(
Total 5- )--
!ourceA survey data

F%.ure C s$#5s !$e 5re(ess 'r#.r&s #) !$e P(/$+!$2
Institute for Studies in Technology age $)
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
This is to analyse the awareness programme conducted by the
anchayath for the better implementation of =*E0!. :ost of them
say the awareness programs are good as well as e/cellent.
Institute for Studies in Technology age %*
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
T,le D s$#5s !$e %ssue #) B#, /r"
C$#%/e Fre:ue(/+ Per/e(!.e
Hes 64 5,
=o 66 ((
Total 5- )--
!ourceA survey data
F%.ure 8E s$#5s !$e %ssue #) B#, /r"
Institute for Studies in Technology age %!
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
This is to understand if there is any job card for the registered
beneficiaries of =*E0!. :ore than 5-K have job card.
Institute for Studies in Technology age %"
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
T,le 8E s$#5s !$e "el+ %( !$e '+&e(! #) 5.e
C$#%/e Fre:ue(/+ Per/e(!.e
"lways )( 64
@ften 6) (6
!ometimes 4 ),
*arely 6 (
=ever 5 )-
Total 5- )--
!ourceA survey data
F%.ure 8E s$#5s !$e "el+ %( !$e '+&e(! #) 5.e
Institute for Studies in Technology age %#
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
:ost of them say there is some delay in the payment of wage. (6K
says it will be often 64K say it always. @nly )-K says never delay in
the payment of wages.
T,le 88 s$#5s !$e 'er%#" #) 5.e '+&e(! %( !$e P(/$+!$
Institute for Studies in Technology age %$
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
C$#%/e Fre:ue(/+ Per/e(!.e
).6 Days , )6
#.( Days 2 )(
5., Days )5 #-
"bove 2 Day 66 ((
Total 5- )--
!ourceA survey data
F%.ure 88s$#5s !$e 'er%#" #) 5.e '+&e(! %( !$e P(/$+!$
This is to understand the period or delay in which the payment of
wage. :ost of them say it will take more than seven says usually,
i.e.((K. @thers say it will take )., days.
Institute for Studies in Technology age %%
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
T,le 8;: s$#5s !$e e:ul !# &e( (" 5#&e(
C$#%/e Fre:ue(/+ Per/e(!.e
!trongly believe (, $6
7elieve # ,
!trongly disbelieve ) 6
Institute for Studies in Technology age %&
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
Disbelieve - -
=eutral - -
Total 5- )--
!ourceA survey data
F%.ure 8; s$#5s !$e e:ul !# &e( (" 5#&e(
This is to understand the different opinion of the beneficiaries about
the equal wage system. "lmost all of them believe that there is a need
for equal wage system to both men and women, i.e. $4K.
Institute for Studies in Technology age %'
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
T,le 8< s$#5s !$e %(1#l1e&e(! #) /#(!r/!#rs
C$#%/e Fre:ue(/+ Per/e(!.e
Hes ) )
=o ($ $$
T#!l 9E 8EE
!ourceA survey data
Institute for Studies in Technology age %(
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
F%.ure 8< s$#5s !$e %(1#l1e&e(! #) /#(!r/!#rs
This understands the involvement of contractors in the different works
of the =*E0!. It8s very clear that there is no involvement of
contractors8 in the works of the anchayath.
Institute for Studies in Technology age %)
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
T,le 8> s$#5s !$e 'rese(! "%l+ 5.e
9hoice <requency ercentage
Iighly satisfied , )6
!atisfied # ,
Iighly dissatisfied 62 5(
Dissatisfied )6 6(
=eutral 6 (
Total 5- )--
!ourceA survey data
F%.ure 8> s$#5s !$e 'rese(! "%l+ 5.e2
Institute for Studies in Technology age &*
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
:ost of the beneficiaries under =*E0! is highly dissatisfied with the
present wage system i.e.24K. only I4K of them are satisfied with the
wage system of the government.
Institute for Studies in Technology age &!
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
T,le 89 s$#5s !$e #!$er ll#5(/es )#r !$%s B#,
C$#%/e Fre:ue(/+ Per/e(!.e
Hes - -
=o 5- )--
Total 5- )--
!ourceA survey data
F%.ure 89 s$#5s !$e #!$er ll#5(/es )#r !$%s B#,
Institute for Studies in Technology age &"
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath

This for understanding if there are any other allowances is provided by
the anchayath or the government of the beneficiaries. "ll of them
have the same opinion to this 8they don8t have any other allowances8
Institute for Studies in Technology age &#
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
T,le 8@ s$#5s !$e 'er)#r&(/e #) !$e P(/$+!$ re.r"%(. !$e
%&'le&e(!!%#( #) NREGS2
C$#%/e Fre:ue(/+ Per/e(!.e
?ery good $ )4
oor # ,
<air , )6
0ood )4 #,
E/cellent )( 64
Total 5- )--
!ourceA survey data
F%.ure l@ s$#5s !$e 'er)#r&(/e #) !$e P(/$+!$ re.r"%(. !$e
%&'le&e(!!%#( #) NREGS2
Institute for Studies in Technology age &$
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
This is to understand the performance of the anchayath regarding the
implementation of =*E0!. :ost of the beneficiaries says that the
performance of the Badinamkulam anchayath is E/cellent as well as
0ood. @nly ,K say itMs poor
Institute for Studies in Technology age &%
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
Institute for Studies in Technology age &&
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
C :ost of the beneficiaries in the =*E0! are from women i.e.,
24K. @nly 66K of male participation is there in the work.
C :ost of the beneficiaries under =*E0! is in the age limit of
65.#5 i.e., about ,4K. )-K of the beneficiaries are in the age
limit of above (5 ranges.
C @ut of the 5- respondents most beneficiaries are coming under
7F family i.e., about ,(K. *est of them is in the "F family.
C :ost of the people are at lest !!F9 and above !!F9 i.e., about
5(K. *est of them has below !!F9 or not.
C :ost of the beneficiaries under this =*E0! having an income
rage of -.)-- daily, i.e. about $-K. @thers having the rage of
)--.#-- daily income people.
C "ll the beneficiaries under this scheme are registered employees.
C "ll most all of them say they will get agreed days of jobs under
this =*E0! form this anchayath.
C :ost of them say the awareness programs are good as well as
C :ore than 5-K have job card. @thers not have the same
Institute for Studies in Technology age &'
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
C :ost of them say there is some delay in the payment of wage.
(6K says it will be often 64K say it always. @nly )-K says never
delay in the payment of wages.
C :ost of the beneficiaries say it will take more than seven says
usually, i.e. ((K. @thers say it will take )., days.
C "lmost all of them believe that there is a need for equal wage
system to both men and women, i.e. $4.
C It8s very clear that there is no involvement of contractors8 in the
works of the anchayath.
C :ost of the beneficiaries under =*E0! is highly dissatisfied
with the present wage system i.e.24K. only )4K of them are
satisfied with the wage system of the government.
C "ll of them have the same opinion to this 8they don8t have any
other allowances8.
C :ost of the beneficiaries says that the performance of the
Badinamkulam anchayath is E/cellent as well as 0ood. @nly
,K say it8s poor.
C Fack of co.ordination with line departmentsEagencies during the
plan formulation and implementation.
Institute for Studies in Technology age &(
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
C Fess transparency is noted during sanction of works.
C =o unemployment allowance was provided to the eligible non.
beneficiaries. :ajority of the non.beneficiaries are eligible for
either work or unemployment allowance
Institute for Studies in Technology age &)
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
The important suggestions are us followsA
C Initiation of a 8!easonal 9alendar8 at 0 level, giving priority to
the agricultural activities and availability of workforce at
specific periods.
C Introduction of 8+age !ubsidy8 to the farming community by
applying =*E0! workforce may be a better strategy. It has two
benefits.Dissatisfaction among the peasantry and identification
of more works can be addressed.
C @rganise capacity building sessions to elected members of
various levels, officials and Budumbasree volunteers through
training sessions, e/posure visits and sharing of good practices.
C Ensure a minimum tenure for key personnel at various levels.
C =eed for more integration between =*E0! staff and other
department staff.
C =eed for establishing a better communication channel among
anchayath, +orkers and 7ank.
Institute for Studies in Technology age '*
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
C =eed for more publicity to the scheme among the rural poor.
=eed for improving supervision of works by 7lockE District E
C Documentation needs to be improved at 0E7lockEDistrict
C !pecial attention is needed to conduct !ocial "udit at the 0
C *anking of DistrictsE7locksE0ram anchayaths can be done and
be made public.
C Independent studiesEevaluations should be encouraged at
different levels.
C District erspective lan should be completed and should be
made available to the anchayaths.
Institute for Studies in Technology age '!
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
Institute for Studies in Technology age '"
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
:ajor defects identified during previous +Es are almost absent in
the =*E0! governance in the !tate. rovision of equal wages to men
and women, noninvolvement of contractors, very limited use of
machinery, adherence to wage material ratio, absence of muster roll
manipulations, etc. were almost alien during the scheme e/ecution in
both the districts. :ore participation of women in terms of improved
number of women workers much beyond the ## percent provisions,
supervisory role e/clusively by women through Budumbasree
volunteers, active involvement of 0ram anchayaths as implementing
agencies, are other salient features of =*E0! governance in Berala.
Earlier +Es in the !tate have created durable assets mainly at the
cost of employment generation. "s per the empirical data, introduction
of =*E0! resulted in shifting of priority from rural connectivity to
long.term sustainability projects on land, water and bio.mass.
Institute for Studies in Technology age '#
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
Institute for Studies in Technology age '$
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
C *ajsekhar, 7. 16--$3 8Transparency and "ccountability Initiatives
C IID 16--$3 8Institutional and governance challenges in social
protectionA designing implementation models for the right to work
programme in India8, !" +orking
C India today 6--$ Dan.
C The week Dec 6--4
C :ehrotra, !antosh 16--43 . %=*E0 Two Hears @nA +here do we
go from hereN', Economic and olitical +eekly, ?ol. (#, =o. #),
C IID 16--$3 8Institutional and governance challenges in social
protectionA designing implementation models for the right to work
programme in India8. !" +orking
Institute for Studies in Technology age '%
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
C httpAEEwww.hindu.comE6--(EllE66EstoriesE6--())66O5O2)---.htm
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Grama panchayath
Institute for Studies in Technology age ''
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
Dear !irE:adam
I ?ichu Dayakumar pursuing 77" in Institute for !tudies in
Technology, alayam. "s the part of my studies I request you to spare
a few minutes for answering this form, which will help me in
completing my social project in the year 6-)).)6.
). 0ender
:ale <emale
6. "geA
)4.65 65.#- #-.#5
#5.(5 "bove (5
#. Do you belong to
"F 7F
(. Education OualificationA
Institute for Studies in Technology age '(
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
7elow !!F9 !!F9
Degree P above =il
5. +hat8s your daily incomeN
-.)-- )--.6-- 6--.#--
#--.(-- Q(--
,. "re you registered in the =*E0!N 1=ational *ural Employment
0uarantee !cheme3
Hes =o
2. Does the anchayath give you the agreed days of jobsN
"lways @ften !ometimes
*arely =ever
4. Iow do you analy&e the awareness programs of the anchayath
for effective implementation of =*E0!N
?ery oor oor <air
0ood E/cellent
$. Do you have the job cardN
Hes =o
Institute for Studies in Technology age ')
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
)-. Iave any delay in the payment of wagesN
"lways @ften !ometimes
*arely =ever
)). The period of wage payment in the anchayathN
).6 Days #.( Days 5., Days
"bove 2 Days
)6. Do you believe that equal wages to men and womenN
!trongly believe 7elieve !trongly disbelieve
Disbelieve =eutral
)#. "ny involvement of contractors in this workN
Hes =o
)(. "re you satisfied with the present daily wageN
Iighly satisfied !atisfied Dissatisfied
Iighly dissatisfied =eutral
)5. Iave you got any other allowances for this jobN
Hes =o
Institute for Studies in Technology age (*
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
),. Iow do you rate the performance of the anchayath regarding the
implementation of =*E0!N
?ery oor oor <air
0ood E/cellent
Institute for Studies in Technology age (!
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
Institute for Studies in Technology age ("
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
%"9T' means =ational *ural Employment 0uarantee "ct 6--5
A"ul!0 means a person who has completed his eighteenth years
of age>
A''l%/(!0 means the head of a household or any of its other
adult members who has applied for employment under the
Bl#/-0 means a community development area within a district
comprising a group of 0ram anchayaths>
S!!e C#u(/%l' means the !tate Employment 0uarantee 9ouncil
constituted under sub.section 1)3 of section )6>
D%s!r%/! Pr#.r&&e C##r"%(!#r0 means an officer of the !tat
0overnment, designated as such under sub.section 1)3 of section
)( for implementation of the !cheme in a district>
H#use$#l"0 means the members of a family related to each
other by blood, marriage or adoption and normally residing
together and sharing meals or holding a common ration card>
Institute for Studies in Technology age (#
Issues related to the implementation of National Rural
Employment guarantee scheme-A study based on Kadinamkulam
Grama panchayath
I&'le&e(!%(. .e(/+0 includes District anchayath, 7lock
M%(%&u& 5.e0F in relation to any area, means the minimum
wage fi/ed by the !tate 0overnment under section # of the
:inimum +ages "ct, )$(4 for agricultural labourers as applicable
in that area>
Pr#.r&&e O))%/er0 means an officer appointed under sub.
section 1)3 of section )5 for implementing the !cheme
N#!%)%/!%#(0 means a notification published in the @fficial
Rurl Are0 means any area in a !tate e/cept those areas
covered by any urban local body
U(s-%lle" &(ul 5#r-0 means any physical work which any
adult person is capable of doing without any skill or special
Institute for Studies in Technology age ($

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